#story prompts with different characteds
trikruismybitch · 1 year
Story prompts for characters
Part 2
you can use them (tag me) even if you change the characters!
again please don't judge wrote this like when i was like 16/17 😭 not proofread
Wanda and Y/n are married. Natasha and Bucky are married. Natasha and Y/n are Bestfriend’s. Bucky and Wanda are Bestfriend’s. One day Bucky comes to Y/n with a folder telling her he found out that Natasha & Wanda had been having an affair and he knew Y/n wouldn’t believe him without evidence so he hired a PI (Fury my man) Basically they end up going on a double date (which they have done multiple times before) they drop the evidence and they both ask for a divorce. Saying that they could try to fight it but then they’ll make their affair public basically ruining their reputations. Bucky & Y/n never had the best relationship Y/n lowks always believing Nat could’ve done better but ends up telling him he’s a good man and he actually always deserved better then her ((Y/n always saw it from Nats POV not looking at the relationship from Buckys bc once she did she realized Nat took advantage of him and was selfish)) Bucky and Y/n end up deciding to travel the world together Y/n is a journalist and Bucky is a photographer. They end up becoming best friends with a strong bond. Can either end up dating or just becoming like family.
AU for And We Meet Again where Lexa is reincarnated. Y/n is one of Clarke’s old flings but is actually a really good friend of hers. Lexa is jealous until she learns she’s dating the one and only Raven Reyes
Y/n is close to everyone on the team. She’s pretty lively, has a dry sense of humor, will do anything she wants to do. The team love her and she’s an amazing addition to the team. Follows orders to a fault unless she disagrees with them bc she has no problem going toe-to-toe with Steve or Tony. Hell one time she disagreed with Natasha and they talked and Y/n changed her mind. (Which is a hard feat) Y/n seemingly seems perfect and the team can all collectively agree to it especially Wanda Maximoff, Y/n’s Bestfriend besides Peter and somehow Wade Wilson. Wanda is completely enamored with Y/n, her compassionate heart, strong will, and her ability to make the atmosphere lighter given any situation. The problem is Y/n is completely oblivious to it. Y/n’s is completely irrevocably in love with Wanda but she keeps is under wraps because Y/n genuinely believes she would never be good enough for Wanda, no matter how many people she saves or good deeds she does she just never believes she’d be good enough. Wanda overheard a conversation at “boys night plus Y/n” with Peter and Wade. Wade asks why Y/n hasn’t made a move on Wanda and Y/n scoffs “yeah I’d never do that” Wades confused bc he knows how much you care for her and it’s obvious to everyone that Wanda has feelings for you. “Your wrong Wade, Wanda doesn’t have feelings for me. And let’s pretend she did, I’m not good enough for her. She’d be better off with someone like Vision, I know he’s in love with her.
Reader has been classified as “emotional” by the team. Natasha has to do something with an ex on the team and the entire team didn’t tell Y/n about it. When she does find out Vision letting it slip infront of the team and she confronts them and Nat says “you couldn’t handle the truth so I withheld it from you” but Y/n fires back “It was for a mission, yes it would make me uncomfortable but I understand we have a job to do. The real reason you didn’t tell me is because you didn’t expect me to react in the way you wanted me to. This always happens you all lie and I have to find out from someone else. You all say we’re a team, a family? But all you do is lie.” She ends up leaving the avengers for Xaviers School.
Carol Danvers is a new member of the avengers, well sure the avengers were created bc of her but no biggie. Y/n L/n catches her eye. She works hard and plays harder. She’s either always with Sam and Bucky, Natasha and Steve, or alone reading a book in the many bay windows Carol ends up finding out Tony had specially made for her even going far enough to make one in his lab. Carols enamored problem is even though your very kind and friendly your extremely closed off. Carol tried her best and ends up finding out one of the reasons your the way you are is because of past relationships especially bc of one Wanda Maximoff. Apparently Y/n thought Wanda was the one until Wanda was caught in a love triangle with Vision and Y/n. Wanda didn’t know who to choose and In the end she choose Vision. Y/n was oblivious to the love triangle but ended up finding out when she walked in on Vision and Wanda kissing. Carol ends up being upfront with her intention with Y/n and woo’s her. Carol gets the shovel talk from everyone on the team, cue slightly jealous Wanda telling Carol to treat Y/n better then she could.
Carol Danvers x Reader. After the events of Captain marvel Carol meets Y/n an aspiring singer who’s friends with Maria. Carol ends comes back and forth between earth for a year before she gets called to a far away planet that needs help and she doesn’t know when or if she’ll be back. They breakup Carol comes back Avengers Endgame and finds out Y/n became a huge artist and her most famous song was about Carol ‘Space Girl’. Y/n was a figure head in LGTQ+ rights and a huge activist. Carol comes and finds out Maria passed away and Y/n old but alive. Monica considers Y/n her other mom. Shortly after the snap that brings everyone back Y/n passes away saying she only held on for so long because Maria wanted her too.
R is a off duty marine but gets called in for a year long undercover mission. When R comes home R acts perfectly fine but she isn’t. Wanda suspects R’s cheating and enlists Natasha’s help. They track and see R at a restaurant with a man. The next day they follow her again and she goes into a building and only leaves an hour later running her hands through her hair. Wanda confronts R infront of the entire team while Natasha glares at her. Steve tells Wanda there wasn’t the place. R dragging Wanda to their shared bedroom. (based off of law n order scene)
Hope Mikaelson x Reader. Been Bestfriend’s since they were kids. R is in love with hope and hope basically strings R along. Based off of “That way” Tate McRae.
Character thinks R is cheating so as revenge they cheat in return but turns Reader was buying a engagement ring
Flipped Au Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Natasha and Y/n have broken up. Nats sad and when yelena finds out she heads over there but on her way she meets a cute girl in the bar and the have sex. So basically Yelena hooked up with y/n w/o knowing thats nats ex and y/n hooked up with Yelena not knowing that was nat's lil sister. Basically when they figure it out its a bunch of shit and they dont know if they should tell nat or not.
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welcometomylittlelife · 5 months
Hey Parker! I decided to draw you, check it out!
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Hope you like it<3 -Zel
Dude! This looks so cool! Haha I like that you added in the smudges that were always on my face. Mom always told me about all of the smudges that I got - and she never knew where they came from. I was always into something growing up.
And thanks for taking my... well... condition... into account. It's nice to see since that's definitely a part of me.
You seriously have so much talent! Keep it up! And let me know if you have any other fun sketches. I'd love to see them.
That's all from me!
So long! Parker
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avirael · 7 days
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Sparing you the direct side by side comparison here but I really think Nhagi’ra has a bit of Flynn Rider energy, as in he’s a charming but kind idiot. Maybe a little more silly/clumsy than Flynn 🤭
Imagine him just walking by and seeing a woman attacked by some monster. Of course he heroically rushes to her help just that he slips/trips, falls down down a ravine or something and breaks his leg.
Meanwhile said woman (who can absolutely save herself) chases away the monster on her own and finds him stuck and whining.
Still he immediately puts on his most self-assured, charming face to impress her, which pathetically fails of course.
I Imagine it goes like this:
“Can you walk?”
“Of course I ca- Aaaah! - No! No, I can’t…”
“Alright, let me help you…”
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redlyriumidol · 1 month
tbh I do think Sera being a lesbian is an integral part of her character just as it is for Dorian. Yeah it's not her defining trait (nor should it be) and it's not directly tied into her character arc (nor should it have to be) but I think it's still a relevant aspect of her character as much as any other. I understand why people see it as more relevant for Dorian since it's an integral part of his arc, but I also believe that writing a lesbian (or gay, or bi, etc) character shouldn't necessarily entail her sexuality being a central issue in her story. It certainly can be, and it can be powerful when it is, like with Dorian-- but ultimately sexuality is a neutral trait like any other, it is important but isn't the only important thing about a person. gay characters are still worth including in media even when their sexuality isn't a central aspect to their stories.
Sera is neurotic, insightful, opinionated, brash, funny, honest, compassionate, messy, and also a lesbian. it's just who she is. I definitely get the issues with Sera's writing, trust me, though i'd point out she's hardly the only character with some issues around her writing. but also.... I kind of feel that she's a pretty earnest portrayal of a lesbian just because she's so open and natural and unapologetic about it which I personally love to see! it's just normal for her, she doesn't even think about it because it's just an obvious part of who she is. imo that also makes her an important character in terms of representation.
anyway. my point is that i love my troublesome lesbian daughter heehee. and i'm glad she exists 💛🐝
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narrans · 5 months
Hiii, long time reader of yours here, first I wanted to say how much I love all ur works, specially a tall and small, that fic is one of my favourites of all time.
I also wanted to ask if u would ever consider continuing your fic One Shot | September Writing Prompts? Its such a good fic and would love to read more of it one day.
Greetings and salutations my friend!
Wow ^.^ Seriously thank you so much! You don't know how much your words mean to me. Absolutely over the moon 😊 thank you.
If you have suggestions for the third book for A Tall and Small Collection, definitely let me know. I'm currently brainstorming some ideas, mostly surrounding Mayzie, but nothing is solidified at the moment.
Also! I have considered it, but I would want to either explore the universe from a different set of perspectives OR go after another month long prompt challenge (which I'm open for suggestions always).
That story is also based on the universe created by Canadiantardis on Archive of Our Own here: https://archive.transformativeworks.org/works/25658740/chapters/62291326
It helped me break out of my shell and started as a Borrower pet (no pun intended) project that inspired me to keep writing in the g/t community.
Like I said, I'm open to suggestions and if you would like to see a full story with this kind of universe or with these characters, I'm open to brainstorm some ideas.
Thank you again for your support and for your comments. They really make my day ^.^
Cheers and, as always, stay awesome! ~Narrans
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mystic-warriors · 1 year
hear me out
You are trapped somewhere or something and needs saving
Your favorite characters from whatever media you so please are all put together (all from different media) and are told they have to save you, even though they don't know who you are, all they are told is that they are important to you
Now this crazy cast of your favs have to go save you, either because they genuinely want to help, or it's the only way they can go back to their own universe.
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poorlemons · 2 years
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Day 12 - Tiny Just a doodle and a WIP of my day 11, its gonna take a bit so yes, i am posting out of order. The context behind the WIP is that i looked at the word painted and just thought about “draw me like one of your french girls”. so i delved further and decided to draw my oc Tourmaline again but in a like.. like he and achilles are being goofy and think its funny as hell because tourmaline cannot paint. wholesome vibes, they’re just havin fun
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applesandbannas747 · 1 year
I know fanfic is widely accepted these days and most creators aren't going to sue you for writing it, but I am begging people to remember that by sharing your fic and OCs unsolicited with creators, you're putting them in a really uncomfortable position. For one thing, they have their own ideas for their story and it can be really awkward to respond to fans trying to insert their ideas into it. You're trapping them into interacting with your fanwork in a way that can be hard to disengage from, especially without hurting feelings. And it can also lead to trouble regarding intellectual property and plagiarism.
Say you're an author and a fan sends you a fic, which you read, and find that it's predicted some key elements to the next book of the series. Now that fan has proof that they sent you these ideas before the book came out, and when you publish your new book, they notice how similar it is to their fic. They might try taking legal action against you or they might just brag online that your idea was so great that they took it, or inversely call you a thief and an asshole for stealing their ideas. So maybe instead of even risking it, you're now trying to redo that next novel away from those elements. Are these scenarios likely to happen? No, probably not. But a lot of authors are advised by their teams to avoid fanworks for this reason anyway.
Interacting with the creators of the canon you love is awesome! But please remember they aren't fellow fans and you need to interact with them appropriately for everyone's sake
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mokeonn · 11 months
I love accidentally making a character very similar to another one without any knowledge. Like, not in design but in story.
It's so funny to make a character and then read a book and go "hey wait a minute"
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novelconcepts · 10 months
Hey, so: polite reminder that, while I consider myself pretty sex positive, this blog isn’t really a place where I’m gonna answer “sexually explicit for the sake of sex” questions. If it’s got a place and purpose within a story, absolutely, but I’ve been getting an awful lot of anon messages that are purely for sexual purposes in the last week, and. It’s just not my vibe. I don’t mind sexual prompts, but if the prompt is solely “orgy” or “how would they feel about anal”, I’m probably just going to be deleting those.
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welcometomylittlelife · 5 months
Hey Parker! I did some more drawings of you! Also I was wondering what your favorite hobby is?
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Best wishes, Zel
Hey @gtzel!
Woah haha nice! I wish I were that tall, but you definitely got my hair right. It's always been an unruly mess ever since I was a kid apparently. You should've seen some of the first haircuts my mom gave me 🤣
Anyway! Thanks a lot. You're seriously so talented. How long does it take you to draw stuff like this? It would take me a year and it still wouldn't look that good. Buildings I can do. People? Not so much lol
As for my favorite hobby, I do like writing a lot. Gaming doesn't really count as a hobby (at least according to my mom). I also like exploring and climbing. It's a bit tricky and dangerous, but I had this dream once when I was a kid about being a world famous explorer and finding all sorts of new worlds since no one else could really get to them.
Fun, yeah?
Anyway! Thanks again. You seriously rock!
So long! Parker
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ink-asunder · 7 months
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srapsodia · 1 year
Wouldn’t it be so funny if you could do an extension to that drawing of Skull taking the bullet of a fatal attack for Joker? 👁👄👁 Like have Skull just going unconscious from it and just Joker holds him for a second before he just goes absolutely apeshit and tears apart the shadow that did the attack to begin with. (Maybe show them at the end recovering and Akira just suddenly hugs Ryuji and cries a bit because he was very worried that he might’ve lost him) (maybe there would be some blood which would’ve most likely caused Ryuji to pass out idk)
augh anon i DO love this!! but sorry, i dont really take requests like this 😅 the only "request" type stuff i do is when i open prompts, and those are usually tied to a prompt list! i feel like that gives me more creative control over what i do :>
(and i do have prompts open at the moment btw if anyone wants to send in one! though there's a bunch in my ask box that i haven't gotten to yet ahah, sorry about that)
y'all are MORE than welcome to talk scenarios with me though! that's great fun and i'd love to chat more about persona 5!
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windfighter · 2 years
Prompt: "I won't leave you"
Kouj fell. He really should known better than to go climbing cliffs with Takuya after a rainfall, but it sounded exciting. He felt weightless for two seconds, a vacuum in his stomach that twisted and twirled. Air rushed past him. Rushed out of him. The scream that came out of him didn’t sound human. Didn’t feel human.
He could see Takuya turn around where he was trying to reach the next foothold. His eyes widened. Kouji tried to grab the cliff again, tried to grab onto something to stop the fall.
His leg hit something. Kouji heard something snap, pain shot up from it, he felt light-headed. How high had he climbed? He hadn’t noticed how far up he had gotten.
His body tilted backwards, kept falling. His back collided with a branch and he pulled in a sharp breath. He kept falling and then…
The ground. Kouji’s legs folded underneath him with another snap. He collapsed on the ground. All he could feel was pain. Red-hot, flaring from his legs and back. At least he could still feel his legs. He tried to move, pull himself into a sitting position, get eyes on Takuya.
His back twinged, it felt like something moved in a way it shouldn’t. He choked on a scream and sank back to the ground. Takuya called. Kouji wanted to answer, but his head was spinning. He tried to take calm breaths, closed his eyes, tried to will the pain away.
”Kouji! Are you…”
”Alive”, Kouji wheezed out.
He heard Takuya’s steps and opened one eye. Takuya’s shoulders sank.
”Shit”, he said.
Kouji agreed. He closed his eye again.
”How bad is it?” he asked.
Takuya laughed. Kouji could hear the panic in it. His own panic was about to boil over as well.
”You tell me”, Takuya said.
He sat down next to Kouji, put a hand on Kouji’s shoulder. Kouji groaned.
”May have…” he swallowed. ”May have broken my back.”
Takuya winced, then cursed. Kouji shared the sentiment.
”Legs hurt”, he said. ”Can’t…”
The pain in his legs were overwhelming. He clenched his hands and Takuya grabbed one of them. Kouji squeezed Takuya’s hand.
”It hurts”, Kouji said.
”Can I… can I do something?”
Kouji shook his head.
”Is there blood?” he asked.
If there was blood, it meant open fracture and an open fracture meant they’d have to take care of it. Takuya squeezed his hand and looked him over.
”A bit. You scraped yourself pretty good on the cliff I think.”
He glanced at Takuya.
”Get help.”
”I won’t leave you like this.”
”You’re not carrying me like this”, Kouji said.
Getting the words past the pain was hard. His head spun and he would probably pass out the moment he let himself relax. Takuya was still looking at him.
”Get. Help.” Kouji repeated.
Takuya hesitated, then stood up. Kouji closed his eyes and allowed himself to relax as Takuya left. The pain flared up, no longer held back, and darkness took over.
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bigbroemen · 1 year
you know im starting to think that all this mulling over the disparity and intersectionality inheret to yin and yang and the four elements is less of a hobby funtime hyperfixation and more like a. im discovering the source of my ideology and spirituality
#talk#recently ive been realizing that playing with the different combinations of#active yin and yang (the self. action. by the means of. water and fire)#and passive yin and yang (the world. perception. for the purpose of. earth and air)#and the different paths that a person can take on their journey to reach understanding of all four elements#is a fantastic way to imagine up three dimensional characters. locations. histories. cultures. arcs. stories.#even after achieving all four elements; how do the elements that a character began with that most identify that character?#which elements does a person have? which elements are they missing? how does this create conflict?#line up the elements of a locale (a vast night city. practically unknowable via all its small pieces but easily perceptible as a whole.#THE WORLD. the earth is the foundation of the city. buildings. networks. infrastructure. the air is the freedom of the city.#people doing as they please. gusts of wind blowing on rooftops. lights beaming and flickering separately but as a whole)#with an arc that your character(s) need to experience to learn an element (for characters who have yet to understand the pure#vastness of the world [no earth or air]. for characters who love the freedom but cant stand the form that its built on [only air].#for characters who are familiar with the infrastructure but dont know how to set themselves loose into what it offers [only earth].#and then characters who are equipped to embrace the city in full and offer guidance to the other characters when prompted [earth and air])#ive been setting my mind LOOSE in it and the ONLY thing that i get is interesting and dynamic and real ideas.#it is an absolute story building gold mine and it is by design that its a gold mine
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jack-daww · 2 years
Ask your friends to create characters for your writing. It helps to not feel quite as stumped with making every character unique.
Different people have different ideas. If your friends are willing to help you, let them make the base for the character. You can expand on it yourself afterwards.
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