#stitching snow
bibliophilecats · 2 years
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7 Covers in 7 Days
Rules: Each day, I will post the cover of a book that I love and nominate someone new to start the challenge.
I tag @freckles-and-books
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Stitching Snow - R. C. Lewis
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Sci-fi Snow White
Essie survives on a remote mining planet by fixing robots and winning bar fights. It's not much of a life, but it's better than the alternative. At least, that's what she firmly believes until the day a strange ship crashes near the settlement.
With the help of her seven customized mining drones, Essie repairs the ship and befriends its lone occupant, Dane, only for him to turn around and kidnap her! Now she is faced with a decision: to escape and find a way back to her quiet existence on Thanda, or to return with Dane to her home planet of Windsong where await her murderous stepmother and her father the king — who is far more corrupt than she ever imagined.
A fun little sci-fi romp!
More fairy tales
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razreads · 2 years
Your brain decides what’s real. That makes it real enough.
R.C. Lewis, Stitching Snow
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toaverse · 5 months
Upcoming Disney movies to expect:
Inside Out 2
Toy Story 5
Zootopia 2
Frozen 3
Frozen 4
Cars 4
Moana 2
Live action Lilo and Stitch
Live action Moana
Live action Snow White
Live action Mufasa prequel
Live action Bambi
Live action Hercules
What the fuck is this??!!
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artist-issues · 11 months
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If you actually hate how Rachel Zegler disrespects the original Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, do not go see or stream the remake.
If you actually hate how Disney has turned the Lilo & Stitch live-action into a bad statement about race, do not go see or stream it.
If you actually believe that the original The Little Mermaid was perfect and needed no adjustments, and Eric was not a bland prince, do not go see or stream the remake.
If you actually thought that Emma Watson misread and mishandled the role of Belle, who, in the original, was expertly characterized, do not go see or stream the remake.
If you actually believe that the Genie wanted to be free, and Aladdin learned to trust, and Jasmine taught them both how, while the Live Action version ruined that, do not go see or stream the remake.
If you actually believe that the original Lion King movie was perfect and needed no bland NatGeoWild embellishment, do not go see or stream the remake.
If you actually believe that the Cinderella (2015) movie was a good remake, go out and buy the DVD—and then don’t go see and stream the other remakes.
Don’t do it. They don’t read our tumblr rants or watch our rage reels, but they count how many of us go see the new stuff. And they count our money as it goes into their bank account to fund the next one. And they count the time we spend on their streaming services. Teach them that we have standards, and the standards aren’t spectacle, and you can’t just buy us with soulless puppets of our favorite movies.
When you’re tempted to go hear the soundtrack play and listen to the dialogue you miss, just go watch the original. That’s what you really love.
#NotMyDisney alienated me with these last few movies, so I’m not playing the games anymore. Make movies for me, as if I’m the smart child you raised on good movies, or else I won’t go see them. If you guys want me, I’ll be waiting for the day that the Live Action Remake comes out, and then immediately streaming the original on Disney+.
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Let ‘em measure how many seats are filled in their theaters, versus how many streams of the originals are playing on the same day.
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monbons · 1 month
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Stitch Sunday
Happy Sunday y'all! I am done with school (just a few meetings and cleaning out my classroom left...) and cannot wait to catch up on missed sleep and missed fics.
If you are all caught up on The Eternal Life of Baz Pitch, you know what is coming next chapter. I've given this a lot of thought since I finished this fic back in April, and I just don't think there is any way to preview Simon's story and do it justice. It is also the only chapter that truly requires a content warning. So, no snips this week. Sorry!
Instead, because you are going to need it come Friday, have some adorable comfort. I was inspired by @iamamythologicalcreature's recent Mer-May art and decided to make a hand-stitched MerSnowbaz this past week. I know Mer-May is over, but merSimon and merBaz are sequin-y and gay, so they must count for pride, yeah?
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If I make any progress at all on my current WIP, I might post a snip on Wednesday. This new concept is good but a bit of a headache, so we'll see if it ever sees the light of day...
If not, I may abandon writing and pursue becoming a textile artist instead because it is currently bringing me far more joy.
Hellos and high-fives: @thewholelemon, @raenestee, @cutestkilla, @bookish-bogwitch, @roomwithanopenfire
@thehoneyedhufflepuff, @emeryhall, @artsyunderstudy, @larkral, @rimeswithpurple
@drowninginships, @valeffelees, @beastmonstertitan, @aristocratic-otter, @theearlgreymage
@you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @youarenevertooold, @skeedelvee, @run-for-chamo-miles, @blackberrysummerblog
@rbkzz, @shrekgogurt, @ic3-que3n, @supercutedinosaurs, @fiend-for-culture
@facewithoutheart, @arthurkko, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @brilla-brilla-estrellita, @talentpiper11
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fandom-official · 9 months
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The Walt Disney Company turns 100 today ✨
What's been your favorite decade so far?
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piplupcola · 1 year
Not enough slots for all the princes so I had to put them into one. They're all almost the same anyways so it's fine hahaha
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ladyazurith · 29 days
Lorcana/Twisted Wonderland Part 3
Part One
Part Two
I've enjoyed this some I thought I'd share some more cards from Lorcana as related to Twist.
First off is the reminder of the fact that Rook should have a beard lol. But otherwise I'm glad to see he has some representation in Lorcana.
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And while on Pomefiore, Dark Mirror anyone?
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I figured I'd include this because of the up coming EN event. Stitch just out there living his best life. I'm really looking forward to it, especially cuz the SSRs are Lilia and Floyd.
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Another Jafar, that I think I'd s very good reflection on Jamil.
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And this is almost like an Overblot version for the Tweels. That's part of why it's easy for me to draw the parallels between Twist and Lorcana because some of the themes are close enough. Especially when it comes to Ink/Blot which is pretty much the same thing. Some of the characters become twisted in Lorcana, corrupted far beyond their Canon self.
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While she doesn't have a Twist counterpart here would be Anna, as she is corrupted by the ink. (OC fuel maybe?)
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And last I'm just adding this card because I find it hilarious.
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Anyway there are a lot of fun parallels, like I said in my original post, it's easy to see Twisted as a world within Lorcana. Whether I ever write about it in a fanfic one day I don't know. But I still find it a fun HC
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arendclles · 6 months
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happy 100 years of disney!!
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madame-helen · 1 year
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happymiffy · 2 years
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stclements · 2 days
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elfangel94 · 7 months
Live action remakes are getting so old Disney should start making animated remakes of their live action films instead
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daystilchristmas · 1 year
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There's 163 Days Til Christmas!
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monbons · 21 days
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Stitchy Sunday
We’re hitting the road soon for the beach, so figured I’d get my post out there before I go off the grid for a bit. No previews of Eternal Life this week. Sorry about the mean cliff hanger last chapter, but we are in the home stretch and this final chapter is really a work of art (if I may toot my own horn). I don’t want to ruin the absolutely perfect pacing and emotional tension with snippets (even if I could somehow find non-spoiler-y bits…). Instead, here is more squishy and adorable SnowBaz. This week, I finished up dolls for one of my favorite fics. @thewholelemon is a genius and created the most beautiful Bible AU—Where he was, there was Eden. If you haven’t read it, you absolutely should. The prose is delicious and the story is profound and moving. I love it so much.
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I also started but have not fully finished dolls for Basil Pitch’s Diary by @bookish-bogwitch. Obviously I made Bunbaz (see below)—but this is a transformation fic soooo human Baz is still in progress. If he’s done by Wednesday, I’ll post them all!
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Anywho, my sewing project pace will likely slow down over the next two weeks as I take time to relax, recharge, and meet fandom friends. I will likely use that time to re-read fic favorites and plan future projects.
Thanks for the tag @youarenevertooold (I could listen to you read anything!!!) and @brilla-brilla-estrellita (your wings are gorgeous and I cannot wait to see them in person!!).
Hellos and high-fives: @roomwithanopenfire, @cutestkilla, @raenestee, @hushed-chorus, @emeryhall
@drowninginships, @valeffelees, @larkral, @talentpiper11, @rimeswithpurple
@blackberrysummerblog, @run-for-chamo-miles, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @best--dress
@beastmonstertitan, @artsyunderstudy, @aristocratic-otter, @iamamythologicalcreature, @ic3-que3n
@skeedelvee, @facewithoutheart, @thehoneyedhufflepuff, @shrekgogurt, @messofthejess
@theearlgreymage, @supercutedinosaurs, @rbkzz, @fiend-for-culture, @katatsumuli
@noblecorgi, @comesitintheclover, @stitchyqueer, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @alexalexinii
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