You Useless Reptile
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auddy-95 · 30 days ago
*writes two paragraphs after months of literally nothing and it took three hours*
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auddy-95 · 2 months ago
Fili x Sigrid
Sigrid's life has too many rules and restrictions. She's in need of a night of fun with someone who knows what they're doing.
It's a good thing she ran into Fili.
Figrid oneshot
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Music was blasting from a nearby speaker, but even at its insane volume it was hard to tell what song was playing over the loud noises in the bar. There were bursts of drunken laughter and shouts for friends. There was the occasional sound of clinking glasses and a pool stick striking a cue ball, but Sigrid didn’t mind. In fact, she welcomed the noise and the chaos. It was so unlike the usual places she frequented with her friends, with its neon beer signs illuminating the room in odd colors and the peeling paint on the walls, that she found herself finally starting to loosen up from the day’s events.
“Are you feeling any better?” Tauriel asked her, with a look of pity that she would have hated if the girl hadn’t been her best friend.
“Yes,” she sighed. “No. I don’t know.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not really.” Sigrid swirled her straw in her vodka cranberry. When she’d first called Tauriel just an hour before, she’d been so overwhelmingly furious that she’d been close to tears. Now that the anger had ebbed away and she was thinking with a little more clarity, she just felt…helpless. “This was a good idea. Coming to this place.” She motioned to the crowded bar. “Dad wouldn’t think to check here.”
“I figured you’d want an escape for the night.” Tauriel’s mouth curved into a smile as she too glanced around the packed room.  “Somewhere no one would recognize you. We can drink a little too much and be nicely hungover for that thing in the morning with our dads.”
Sigrid groaned. Right. They had some brunch event tomorrow which meant false smiles and pointless conversations. Dread filled her. Her life had recently started to become a cage. She was tired of the media scrutiny. Tired of the events and commitments. Tired of the boring people with fake smiles. Tired of the men who complimented her and pressed too close to her, only because they wanted to know her father. The cage she lived in was shrinking by the day and with her father’s words from earlier looming over her…well, if she didn’t do something to bend the bars of her enclosure it would suffocate her completely.
“Thank you.” Sigrid took a slow sip from her drink. The alcohol brought with it a welcoming warmth to her chest. “How did you find it?”
Tauriel’s grin grew wicked. Out of the two of them, she’d always been the most rebellious. Adoptive daughter of one of her father’s most trusted career partners, Tauriel had been raised in a life of luxury that she never took for granted or let go to waste. Unlike Sigrid, who’s life had been thrusted into the spotlight much later in life was much for cautious and reserve, Tauriel had learned long ago the best ways to sneak around.
“Do you remember that man I met?”
Sigrid paused. “Which one?”
Tauriel gave her sharp shove, slightly sloshing both their drinks. Sigrid laughed.
“Not funny. You know which one. The one I met last week.”
“Ah, yes.” Sigrid remembered the half-screaming voice message she’d gotten last Sunday morning. “The mystery man who-what was that you said in your message-gave you a total of four orgasms before he even took it out of his pants? That one?”
“Yes! Good memory. Well, we’ve been texting all week-.”
“Hang on.” Sigrid swallowed down part of her drink too quickly and let out a slight cough. “I thought that was a onetime thing?”
“It was supposed to be, but we had exchanged numbers and we’ve had some really great conversations. Who am I to ignore what could be fate? You know, he’s a Leo.  We’re practically destined to be together.”
Sigrid rolled her eyes. Tauriel was almost as obsessed with star signs and cosmic energy as she was with attracting with male attention. Not that Sigrid judged her for any of it. In fact, she had always been slightly envious of the confidence Tauriel emitted anytime she stepped into a room. Tauriel was gorgeous. With a tall, lean frame and flaming red hair that flowed down her back in waves, she commanded any space she occupied. It was a talent Sigrid had yet to pick up on. Not that she thought herself to be unattractive, but she wasn’t nearly as exciting to look at when her fawn-colored hair and brown eyes were next to her best friend.
“So, what then? You want to date him? Officially?”
Tauriel shrugged lightly, before finishing her drink. “Maybe.”
“Oh, Tar.” Sigrid swirled her drink again. “You can’t be serious? I know for a fact your only criteria for the men you pick up are ones that would piss your father off if he ever found out. Do you really think he’d let you get away with actually dating one of them?”
It was Tauriel’s turn to roll her eyes. “My dating life isn’t near as restrictive as yours. My father runs a business. Your father is the governor. Two completely different scenarios.”
“Your father owns most of the businesses in the state,” Sigrid corrected.
“Same thing.” Tauriel leaned across the table to grip Sigrid’s tanned wrist with a pale hand. “Listen, I’m not asking for your approval. My father has made himself pretty clear. As long as I stay away from anyone with the last name Durin, I can do what I want. He has my brother to be the pretty face of the company, after all.”
Sigrid gave a short laugh. She’d never given the idea any thought, but she wondered what her father would do if she walked through the front doors of their house with someone from the Durin family on her arms. Likely disown her.
“If you’re really against meeting him, I can ask him not to come,” Tauriel continued, still holding Sigrid wrist with a soft grip. “We already had plans to meet here tonight and I thought you could use the distraction-.”
“No. No, don’t cancel.” Sigrid held her hand back in a tight grasp, smiling sweetly. “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to be a bitch. You’re right. Meeting your very generous, not-one night stand is exactly the kind of distraction that I need.”
Tauriel beamed. “You’re going to love him. He’s so funny and witty and oh my god his eyes and he’s got this accent-.”
“Maybe he has brother,” Sigrid mumbled, as she finished her drink.
“Well, I don’t know about a brother, but I do think you’ve got the right idea.” Tauriel’s mischievous grin was back and she peered around the bar, before leaning in to speak quietly. “You should get laid. Theres a ton of people in here tonight. Surely one of them-.”
“I do not want to have sex with anyone in here,” Sigrid interrupted, following Tauriel’s gaze around the room. “I just want to have a few drinks and forget how absolutely infuriating my dad is for one evening.”
“Oh please. That is exactly what you need. Your father has been controlling every move you’ve made for years and after what he said today-well, empower yourself with that! Remind yourself you’re your own woman. Be bold tonight. You can do whatever you want. You can do whoever you want.”
“You’re insane,” Sigrid laughed, shaking her head. “Sex might solve your life’s problems, but it won’t solve mine.”
“That’s because you’ve never had good sex. Believe me, good sex can fix anything.”
Sigrid grimaced. She hated that it was true. In her experience, sex was fine. Fine. How pathetic was it that the only word she could think of to describe what was supposed to be a euphoric experience was fine? But since her father’s election, the only men that she had access to were so incredibly boring, it wasn’t too surprising her few times being intimate were rather lackluster.  But Tauriel had a point. She had been angry-was angry-at her life. Her cage. Maybe giving herself one night where she was her own person making her own decisions was what she needed to survive her reality.
“I’m not going to say you might be right, because I’d hate to inflate your ego, but I will consider what you said.” Sigrid raised herself slightly in her stool, looking through the crowd. “So, where is mystery man?”
Tauriel glanced at her watch. “He should be here anytime.”
“Well, I’m in need of another drink.” Sigrid hopped down from her stool. “If he gets here before I get back, don’t let him take my seat.”
Sigrid turned, elbowing through the crowd to the bar. Even in her beige heels, she wasn’t very tall; unlike Tauriel who was easily several inches taller than her. A part of her wished she had changed before Tauriel had picked her up. She was still wearing the high waisted skirt and white blouse she’d worn to the ribbon cutting ceremony that afternoon. It didn’t look right in the crowd of denim and leather, but she had been too upset at the time to care much about what she was wearing and no one around her seemed to care anyway.
Squeezing past a couple of women wearing bright red lipstick and smelling heavily of hairspray, Sigrid had just reached the long wooden bar when the person next to her turned suddenly, knocking her sideways. She let out a small squeak as she started to topple over, but an arm lashed out, snagging around her middle.
“Ah, shit. Sorry!” The words were deep, spoken in a slight accent she had trouble placing.
Her hands flew to the shoulders of the person who had grabbed her, digging in tightly as her torso bent backwards. The man who had run into her had nearly fallen over as well. He was wavering slightly, outstretching the beer in his free hand to keep it from spilling over them both.
“It’s okay,” she gasped. She slid her hands from his shoulders to his biceps to steady herself. They were flexed underneath her touch.
“You’re alright?”
The arm around her didn’t move and for the first time, Sigrid looked into his face and involuntarily sucked in a sharp breath.
He wasn’t taller than her. In fact, they were pretty evenly matched in height. If she were to kick off her shoes he might have had a couple inches on her, but his shoulders were broad. Strong looking. His hair was a shade of golden blonde, longer on top and matching his short beard perfectly. It was his eyes though that held most of her attention. They were so piercingly blue, she didn’t think she’d ever seen anything like it.
She nodded quickly, feeling loose curls fall around her face. She was still leaning away from him, but his arm was securing her in place. The man holding her was wearing a plain white shirt with a simple black jacket. Dark jeans and boots. Simply dressed, but maybe it was the broadness in his shoulders or the beard or the apparent age difference or just the alcohol cursing through her system, but Sigrid couldn’t seem to focus on anything but how good he looked “I’m fine.”
“You sure? I ran into you pretty hard.”
She nodded again and the arm around her middle disappeared. Dropping her hands from his biceps, she smoothed them down her skirt and tried to hide the fact they were shaking. “All good. Promise.”
“Let me at least buy you a drink to say sorry.”
She glanced behind her to see if Tauriel was watching, but the crowd was too thick for their table to be in view. Besides, her friend’s mystery man was likely already entertaining her. Sigrid doubted she’d be missed for at least a few minutes. “Sure.”
He motioned for her to lead, walking closely behind her. The smell of his cologne and what she thought to be leather wafted from him and Sigrid suddenly found she had to concentrate very hard on walking. There was a small space available in the corner and they took it quickly. With one shoulder resting against the wall and the other brushing the man’s arm, Sigrid felt goosebumps appear on her exposed skin as she sat on the only available stool. She ordered her drink, and he drained his beer, before ordering a second.
“You really don’t have to buy me a drink,” she told him as her second vodka cranberry was placed in front of her. “It was just an accident.”
“Maybe I ran into you on purpose, so I could guilt you into have a drink with him.” He leaned against the bar and winked at her. She felt her cheeks redden.
“Did you?”
“Nah.” He took a long sip from his beer. “I’m actually that clumsy.”
Sigrid snorted and the corner of his mustache quirked.
“First time here, right?”
She supposed it must have been obvious that she didn’t frequent biker bars, but she still found the question slightly insulting, nonetheless. Catching her straw in between her teeth, she felt her brows pull together. “How would you know this isn’t my regular spot?”
He smirked at the same time a long piece of blonde hair fell over his forehead. The appearance it gave him almost wasn’t fair. “Because this is myregular spot and trust me, I would have remembered you. Let me guess, you usually go to some of the spots downtown?”
“So, what if I do?”
He shrugged, bringing his beer back to his mouth. “Nothing. Just curious what brings a girl like you to the outskirts of the city.”
Sigrid didn’t answer right away. A part of her wanted to thank him for the drink and find Tauriel, while the other part was enjoying the way his arms looked holding himself him up on the bar far too much. It only took her a few seconds to find out which side of her was winning.
“My friend brought me,” she explained. “It’s kind of been a rough day and I didn’t want to go to any of my regular spots. I didn’t want anyone to find me there.”
“Relationship trouble?”
Sigrid grinned. “Is that your subtle way of asking if I’m single?”
“I wasn’t trying to be subtle about it.”
“No, not relationship trouble. I am verysingle.”
He looked at her for several moments, his eyes light looking over her face, before darting down to where her legs were crossed in front of him. Her skirt had ridden up her legs, exposing a good portion of her thighs. Sigrid felt the betraying goosebumps again and took in a deep breath, trying to will them away.
“What’s your name?” he finally asked after a few beats of silence.
“Sigrid. Yours?”
“Fili. And before you think of some smartass comment, I know. It’s a stupid name.”
 “I wasn’t going to say anything like that!” she replied, indignantly. Fili laughed, a low sound deep in in his chest and Sigrid felt herself smile from it. “I really wasn’t.”
“Well, you’re a nicer person than me. I think it’s stupid.” His eyes scanned over her again. A crease appeared on his forehead. “Sigrid? Do I know you from somewhere?”
He’d probably seen her face on the news, standing next to her father at some speech or charity event, but Sigrid had no plans to mention that. The whole point of the evening was to be somewhere she wasn’t known and she didn’t want to ruin it. So, she settled for giving him a coy smile and replying, “I thought you said you would have remembered me.”
“I definitely would have.” More people approached the bar on the other side of Fili, forcing him to take a half-step closer to her. At that point, Sigrid had turned fully in her stool, sitting upright against the wall at her back. Her bare knee brushed against him. “So, no relationship trouble. Fight with your mom?”
“My mom died.”
“Ouch. Do I lose points for that one?”
“I didn’t realize we were keeping points.” She swirled her drink playfully. “And no. No lost points. It was a long time ago.”
“Hm, we should form a dead parent club.” He raised his glass. “Dad. When I was six.”
Sigrid clinked her glass against his. “To dead parents.”
Fili took a long drink before looking over her again. “Alright, city girl winds up at biker bar on the outskirts of town because of a bad day.  Not a problem with a nonexistent boyfriend. Not a fight with your dead mom, which by the way you get a point for not being offended by that.” He glanced down at her figure again and Sigrid swore his blue eyes stayed on her bare legs a second longer than necessary. “At the risk of actually offending you, I’m going to assume you still have one parent around. Fight with your dad?”
“Two points for you,” she drawled over the rim of her glass. “I didn’t realize what a cliché I was.”
“Everyone’s a cliché at some point. I wouldn’t out too much stock into it,” he replied easily. “How bad of a fight was it? Repairable?”
“Yes,” she answered, trying to sound lighthearted. “My life is very…structured. I’ve known for a long time what’s expected of me, but I got a very heavy reminder of it today. I didn’t like it. So, I said some really unkind things in a really unkind way and ran out the door. It wasn’t my proudest moment, but everything will be fine. I’ll go home tomorrow and everything will go back to normal.”
Fili seemed to be listening carefully. When she finished speaking, he nodded slowly. “I know what you mean. Maybe not as intensely, but I’ve had things laid out for me for a long time. My uncle has this family business that I’m expected to take over. When I was younger, it used to scare me. Made me feel like I didn’t have any control over my life.”
“You don’t feel like that now?”
“Nah, not for a while. I realized I could still be me, you know? Just because this one piece of my life was laid out for me, didn’t really mean anything. I had just been a pretentious shit about it.”
Sigrid laughed. “Well, I do want to be a pretentious shit about my problems a little longer and avoid reality until tomorrow.” It was Fili’s turn to laugh. “So, do I get any points for that?”
“One. For your honesty.”
Her mouth fell open. “What? I gave you two!”
“Not my problem,” he shrugged. “You’ll just have to try a bit harder to earn some more.”
Sigrid glowered, but the gleaming in his eyes had her biting back a smile quickly. “Fine. How do you suggest I earn more?”
Fili leaned closer. He was now so close, that her crossed legs were completely resting against his side. Warmth flooded her, from her cheeks all the way down to her toes. The smell of his cologne grew stronger and something foreign twisted low in her stomach.
“Impress me.”
Sigrid swallowed thickly. “Um, I volunteer at the children’s home a few times a month. Do I get a point for that?”
Fili’s face twisted into disbelief. “You’re fucking with me.”
“I am not!” Sigrid laughed at the expression on his face. “I’m being serious. I really do. It started as a charity event but I just couldn’t stop myself from going back. That was a couple years ago and I’ve been going ever since.”
“Un-fucking believable.” Fili shook his head, laughing as he drank his beer. “I’m sorry, but I can’t figure out what the catch is. You’re gorgeous, funny and you volunteer with orphaned kids?” He raised his brow dramatically. “How in the hell are you single? What’s wrong with you? Are you crazy? Only have six months to live? What is it?”
Sigrid was pretty sure her entire face had gone red from his comment. Gorgeous. She wracked her brain trying to remember the last time a man had complimented her without knowing who her father was and she was coming up blank.
“My dating pool is pretty small, if you must know,” she confessed, giving him a hard look. “And the occupants are not very…stimulating.”
“Dating pool,” he repeated. He gave her a skeptical look. “Care to elaborate?”
“No,” she smirked. “So, do I get a point for being a selfless volunteer or not?”
“Yeah, yeah. Take your point you little do-gooder.” He sighed dramatically, dropping a hand to rest on her bare knee. Sparks shot at the touch and she struggled to keep her face passive as heat from his hand seeped through her. “I think that puts you in the lead. I’ll have to even it up.”
She smiled sweetly, although a voice inside her head was screaming because his callused thumb had started to move on the inside of her knee. “Oh, really? How do you plan to do that?”
“Impress you.” Pressure appeared under his fingertips as he gently gripped her knee. Sigrid kept her sweet smile in place but could feel her face blushing. Fili must have seen it too, because he smirked before finishing off his beer. “Let me take you out for dinner.”
Sigrid lifted a brow. “It’s a little late for dinner.”
“Hm, you’re right.” Fili frowned in mock disappointment. “I guess it’ll have to be breakfast in the morning.”
“It’s an awful long time until morning.”
“True.” He jerked his head in the direction of the exit. “We could pass the time at my place.”
Sigrid felt her breath catch in her throat. Isn’t this what she had been hoping for? An evening to prove she was still her own person? Could make her own choices? A night where she wasn’t herself? Tauriel had said good sex could solve everything and Sigrid had never had it to be able to say otherwise. Besides, she it wasn’t as if she didn’t want to. The hand on her knee was still practically burning through her skin and Fili was looking at her with those piercing blue eyes. Looking at her like he wanted her. The thought that someone wanted her, just her, made a wanting heat burn low in her stomach and she wanted nothing more than for the man in front of her to satisfy it.
Bold. Tauriel had said to be bold.
Shit. Tauriel.
“Oh my god.” She leapt from her stool and Fili immediately dropped his hand from her knee. Raising on the tips of her heels, she tried to peer through the crowd. “I can’t believe I forgot-.”
“It’s completely fine. You can just say no.” Fili had lost his cocky grin and was looking at her with almost a panicked expression. He started to take a step back. “I think I misunderstood-.”
“No! No, no.” Sigrid grabbed his hand in both of hers. “That’s not what I meant. You didn’t misunderstand anything. I am such an idiot. I left my friend at our table and I meant to go back sooner. Give me two minutes, okay? She’s with some guy and I just want to check in with her real quick.”
The panic on his face melted. The half-grin was back. He pulled his hand out of her grasp, snatching it around her waist as he had when they first met and yanked her tightly against him. “Just in case you run out on me.”
Sigrid hadn’t even fully registered what he said before he pressed his mouth to hers. It didn’t last long. A couple seconds, at most, of her mouth moving against his but time itself seemed to slow down. There was nothing-absolutely nothing-but his beard and mustache scratching against her skin and his fingers digging into her hip. No crowded bar. No music.
He pulled away all too soon and Sigrid let out a shaky breath. “You can have a point for that.”
He laughed deeply, unwinding his arm from around her. “Find your friend. My brother is running around here somewhere. I’m going to let him know I’m leaving. Meet you out front?”
She nodded and they both went separately into the crowd. The bar had gotten busier since she’d left Tauriel at their table. It took her several minutes to remember which direction to go and then to find the table itself. Shoving past a group of men in leather jackets, she finally found her best friend exactly where she had left her.
“I’m so so so sorry.” Sigrid tried to force as much desperation in her voice as possible as she elbowed next to the table. “I didn’t mean to be gone so long.”
“Oh, please.” Tauriel’s face twisted into that same mischievous smile, her eyes glinting. “I saw that guy bump into you and follow you to the bar. You’re lucky my date found me pretty quickly after, otherwise I would have come and interrupted.”
“Off course you would have, “Sigrid deadpanned. “Listen, I’m going to be quick-wait. Where’s mystery man?”
Tauriel glanced around at the crowded bodies. “You just missed him. He got a text from someone he came with-his friend or cousin or something-and went to find him real fast.”
“Well,” Sigrid started. “I will not be able to able to meet him tonight. Don’t freak out, but-.”
Tauriel let out a gasping shriek that made several heads turn their way. “Shut up! Are you going home with that guy?”
Sigrid nodded, biting her lip excitedly. Her best friend let out another shriek, before thumping both of her hands on the table. “I knew this is what you needed! Where is he?”
“He’s meeting me out front. He’s probably already out there. It took me awhile to find you.”
“Oh my God. Okay. Ground rules. If the vibes are off when you get there, call me right away.”
“I will.”
“Remember, you can say no at anytime.”
“And be safe! Make sure he wraps it up.”
“Thank you,” Sigrid grimaced. “Have fun with mystery man.”
Tauriel winked and Sigrid began elbowing her way to the front. It was so crowded, she lost sight of Tauriel only after a few steps. She had just started to shove through a group, when familiar hands appeared on either side of her waist. Fili emerged behind her, keeping a tight hold on her as he helped guide her through the crowd. Sigrid was hyperaware of everything; the fingertips burning through her blouse, his chest occasionally brushing against her back, and the smell of his. God. Damn. Cologne.
He kept both hands on her until they finally reached the exit and he freed one to shove open the door ahead of her. She was immediately greeted with a cool, night breeze. It might have been summer, but it was late and they were close enough to the harbor that the air had a chill to it. The sky above them was pitch black, but the parking lot was filled with glowing, neon lights, small groups chatting loudly and cigarette smoke.
“Did you find your friend?” Fili had dropped her waist, but she could feel the whisper of a hand hovering low on her back as they crossed the parking lot.
She nodded. “Did you find your brother?”
“He was pretty annoyed I interrupted him.” He looked sideways at her and grinned. “He was talking to some girl. I think he’s met her before, though.”
They approached a row of motorcycles and Sigrid froze. Any ounce of confidence she thought she had mustered up went flying from her in an instant. Fili kept moving, walking up to one she couldn’t even begin to think the name of, before stopping and jerking his head for her to come forward.
Sigrid remained where she was standing.
“Don’t tell me I’m losing a point for riding a bike.” He grabbed the helmet. “Aren’t girls supposed to be into this kind of thing?”
“I don’t want to die.”
His expression dulled and he approached again. Ignoring her crossed arms and hard look, he unceremoniously shoved the helmet over her head.
“You’re not going to die. If anything, I’ll be the one dying because you’ve stolen my helmet. Happy?”
Sigrid made a discontented noise, but didn’t say anything as Fili shrugged out of his jacket and slipped it over her shoulders. He was much broader than she was and it hung awkwardly from her , but it protected her from the chilly night better than her blouse had done. After making sure her helmet was secure, Fili got onto his back and gave her expecting look.
“But I’m wearing skirt.” It almost came out as whine.
“I’ve noticed.” Fili seemed to be fighting against a smile. “We can walk if you want, but that would take half the night and I have other things I’d rather be doing.”
Bold. Be bold.
Sigrid obeyed, wrapping her arms so firmly around his middle she had a quick thought that she might have been hurting him. If she was, he didn’t say anything.
“If neither of us die on the way there, you can have your point back.”
He laughed deeply. Enough so, that Sigrid could feel it vibrate in his chest. Closing her eyes and breathing deeply, she focused on nothing but his smell and the feel of holding him tightly as the bike roared to life beneath them.
It didn’t take them long to reach his apartment. Sigrid held onto him with a death drip the entire time, but he didn’t seem to mind. There had been a couple times at red lights that his hand had appeared on her thigh that was squeezed on his side. Her skirt had ridden up impossibly short, but she had an inkling that he didn’t care about that either.
The building they pulled up to didn’t seem to be an apartment building. A large garage door opened and when he pulled inside, they were surrounded by long benches lined with tools. Sigrid gazed at it as she unwound her arms and slid off the back of the bike. It wasn’t until Fili had taken the helmet from her head that she put together the wide, garage doors and business-like glass door.
“Is this a mechanic shop?”
“Yeah. My place is above it.”
She looked back over the building again. “You own it? I thought you were taking over some family business?”
“I will.” He shifted the helmet under his arm. “My uncle’s business involves owning a lot of other places. This one is just mine and my brother’s. Something for us to practice with.”
“Wow.” She turned to face him, hugging his jacket close. “So, is this your weekend play? Run into girls, buy them a drink, then show them your cool bike and shop? Not that I’m judging. I’m just curious how often this works for you.”
“If I told you how long it’s been since I brought a girl back here, you’d probably take a point away.” He gave her a lopsided grin and there was another flash of warmth in her middle. “Good to know I give off the air of someone who does this often though.”
“Oh, you don’t do this often?” Sigrid eyed him, returning his grin. “That’s too bad. I was hoping for a good time tonight.”
“Woah, woah. Hang on.” Fili’s face hardened as he turned to face her fully. “Whoever said you weren’t going to have a good time?”
She shrugged nonchalantly. “You just said you don’t do this often-.”
“Yeah, that doesn’t mean I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“Hm.” She looked him up and down. His jaw noticeably stiffened. “I’ve never had a one-night stand before, you know. So, I kind of had high hopes for you.”
He moved closer, close enough Sigrid could have closed the difference between their mouths without moving her feet.
“Did you?”
“Mhm. My roommate told me a story of a guy she met last weekend. Apparently, she was pretty impressed. Something about four orgasms?”
“Only four?” The helmet clattered to the ground. Sigrid didn’t even have time to move before he’d sunk low, his rough palms grasping the back of her thighs. A noise escaped the back of her throat, but she instinctively wrapped her legs around his middle and grasped his shoulders. When he spoke, it was low. The sound scraped against every nerve ending in body. The small amount of heat that had been flickering inside of her burst into roaring flames. “Amateur.”
Sigrid laughed, before it was cut off by Fili’s mouth capturing hers.
She woke slowly. Exhaustion still weighed down her body, but there was a heavy arm slung around her middle and a warm breath in her hair and Sigrid knew she’d have a hard time falling back asleep. Nestling down into Fili’s pillow, she pulled the blankets tighter around her herself and the arm cradling her tightened slightly.
Sigrid’s back slammed into the door of the apartment. It’d taken them several minutes just to get up the damn metal steps. Somewhere close to her hip, Fili’s free hand was desperately trying to unlock the door, but was having difficulty as he couldn’t seem to tear his mouth away from hers. Not that Sigrid minded. Her entire world had filed down to the scratch of his beard on her skin and his tongue sweeping onto her mouth. Sparks were firing from everywhere his skin met hers; the hand holding the side of her face, his lips, the press of his hip against hers. It all was leading to a burning pressure between her legs.
The door swung open. She gripped her hands on the base of his skull as he picked her up again and kicked the door shut behind them.
There was a groan in her hair and Sigrid smiled slightly, still refusing to open her eyes.
“’Morning.” Fili’s voice was gravelly. It should have been embarrassing how just the sound of it made her stomach twist, but she didn’t care. Unashamedly, Sigrid slightly moved against him and he made the same groaning noise again. “Don’t be starting anything you don’t want to finish.”
A stack of papers scattered onto the kitchen floor. Sigrid was vaguely aware of knocking over a bowl, but her top had somehow disappeared and Fili’s hand holding her breast had every ounce of her attention. Ripping her mouth from his and gasping in a much needed breath, she leaned her head back against the kitchen cabinets, but Fili didn’t stop his attack. A hand held the side of her head as he groped her chest in the same rhythm that his mouth was sucking along her pulse point. He’d stepped in between her legs as soon as he’d shoved her onto the kitchen counter, but she widened them further as his hand forced her to expose more of her neck.
The hand overtop her bra vanished and she nearly whined from the loss of contact, but it appeared again under her skirt. Sigrid gasped again as his fingers swiped upwards, dangerously close to the apex of her thighs.
“You sure?” The words were demanded against her smooth skin. Sigrid nodded pitifully, but it must not have been enough for him, because he forced her to look at him. The bright blue eyes were gone, replaced with something dark and burning that had Sigrid unraveling beneath their gaze. “Sigrid?”
The words were barely out of her mouth and he was kissing her again with a sharp fierceness. In fact, the kiss was so dizzying, Sigrid didn’t notice his hand moving upwards again until it pushed aside her underwear. Her nails dug into his skin.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he growled into her mouth, his accent far more pronounced than before. “You’re so fucking wet.”
“Where-,” she breathed. His hand had started to move between her legs and a whine interrupted her thought. “Where is your accent from?”
“Born in Auckland.” His mouth was on her jaw, moving slowly to a soft spot below her ear. The noise that came from her was horrific. She could feel Fili’s smirk on her skin. “Moved to Dublin when I was six. Moved here a few years later.”
A finger slipped inside her and Sigrid forgot she had even asked a question.
Sigrid turned under the covers, while Fili rolled onto his back. Tucked under his arm, she cuddled comfortably into his side. His chest was rising and falling slowly, and Sigrid took the opportunity to slowly open her eyes. The room was illuminated by one single beam of sunlight slipping past the curtains. Clothes scattered the floor; his jeans, her skirt, his boots. She wasn’t sure what had happened to her shoes and blouse. Probably somewhere in the front room still.
“Well, that’s two.” Fili spoke the words against the corner of her mouth. Sigrid was still gasping for breath as the ripples of pleasure resided, but she was pretty sure his mouth was turned upwards. He pulled his hand from between her legs and she whimpered. “How should we take care of the next one?”
Next one. In her past sexual encounters, she was lucky if she even finished, but Fili had just brought her to climax twice on his kitchen counter with nothing more than his hand. A part of her felt slightly guilty that he hadn’t gotten anything out of it and he must have seen it on her face. “I need to give you some bragging material. Can’t have your roommate outdoing us.”
Sigrid’s mouth curved upwards and she wrapped her arms around his neck as he hoisted her from the counter. She had no sense of direction. No idea of their surroundings. All she was aware of was his mouth on hers and his hands on her waist, guiding her backwards down a dark hallway. Her back hit a wall. Still only wearing her bra and skirt, the contact on the cold surface made her jump and something that had been hanging shattered to the ground.
She broke their kiss, but Fili’s mouth didn’t leave her skin. “I’m so-.”
“Leave it.” He said the words next to her ear and Sigrid giggled against the sensation.
“Hang on,” she ordered, lightly shoving him away, laughing softly as she squatted down to pick it up. It was a framed diploma, half of the glass shattered on the wood floor. “Oh, your degree. I’m so sorry. I’ll buy you a new frame.”
“It really doesn’t matter.” He went to take it out of her hands, leaning in for another kiss, but Sigrid had read the writing on the paper and yanked the broken frame back in front of her. He froze, the heat disappearing from his features as he looked at her with wide eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“This is yours?”
“Yes,” he answered, slowly. “Why?”
“Like this is your actual, legal name?”
His face deadpanned. “Okay, I already said I have a stupid name-.”
“This is really your last name?”
Fili nodded, obviously still confused and worried, but Sigrid couldn’t help herself. She just started laughing. Looking down at the diploma and the large font that plainly said ‘Fili Durin, MS in Business Analytics’ in the middle, she couldn’t stop herself. Tears were forming in her eyes and even though she was standing in a glass covered hallway, in nothing but a bra and skirt, with the most attractive man she ever met, Sigrid couldn’t stop.
“What is going on?” he asked. He yanked the degree out of her hands and glanced down at it like he was trying to understand what was happening. “Are you okay?”
“My last name is Bowman,” she explained in between laughter. She wiped her eyes. “As in Bard Bowman. I’m-.”
“Oh, fuck.” Fili’s eyes went wide as the realization. “You’re the governor’s daughter.”
Sigrid let another choke of laughter and doubled over. “Our families hate each other!”
“What were you doing on our side of town?” he demanded, but his own face was glowing in amusement. He tossed the broken frame somewhere down the hallway. “Jesus Christ, Sigrid.”
“My friend I came with is Thranduil’s daughter.” Sigrid had to wipe her eyes a second time. “We didn’t want to be recognized.”
“My uncle hates him more than your dad.” Fili was laughing now too. He used the sleeve of his shirt to wipe her cheeks.
“You want to know what the best part is,” she heaved, struggling to breathe through the snorts of laughter. “That fight we got into? It was because I don’t want to date anyone in his political circle. They’re so unbelievably boring, but he wants me with someone that’ll give the family a good image and-and-.” She couldn’t continue through the laughing.
Fili laughed openly with her, scooping her up again and kissing her fiercely even through her giggles. “And now you’re about to be fucked by his worst enemy’s nephew.”
His boots crunched over the broken glass as he carried her into his bedroom, laughing and kissing her all the way.
“Did you sleep alright?”
Sigrid glanced up at him. His eyes were still closed and his blond hair was sticking up at funny angles.
“Mhm.” She raised herself up slightly, resting her chin on her hands close to his face. “Did you?”
“I did,” he answered in a low voice, slowly peaking open his eyes to look at her. They were still heavy with sleep. “Until my brother got home with his date. Be thankful you slept through that.”
She breathed a laugh, laying her head back down on his warm a chest. A rough hand slipped under the shirt was wearing-a shirt of his-and moved slowly up and down her spine.
Her skirt had been thrown somewhere across the room. Bouncing slightly as Fili tossed her down on the bed, she had the perfect view as he stood before her and shrugged out of his shirt. Greeted with the sight of him shirtless, chest heaving, and giving her that look of wanting she desired so much, Sigrid was practically salivating as she waited for him to climb on top of her.
Instead, he grabbed her behind her knees and yanked her body towards the edge of his bed. She threw her head back onto his comforter as he leaned over her, pressing open mouth kisses from her neck, then to the top of her breasts. At the same time, his hands were on her hips, fingertips hooking into the top of her underwear. Pushing away the momentary flush of insecurity, Sigrid raised her hips as he slid them down her legs. She shivered as the most heated part of her came into contact with the cool air, but his mouth had appeared on her skin again. His beard scratched in between her breasts and then above her belly button. Sigrid squirmed as he dragged it lower, his tongue swirling low on her stomach as he sunk to his knees in front of her-.
Sigrid jerked and Fili had the sense to grab her knee in a fast, bruising grip before it smashed into the side of his face. She sat upright, face and chest flushing the deepest shade of red as she looked down at him.
“What are you doing,” she demanded, but it came out too breathily to have the affect she wanted.
Fili still had the iron grip on her knee, but when he spoke, it was with slow, calculated words. “Do you not want me to?”
She swallowed thickly. She could feel the embarrassment leaking out of her as she just continued to look at him kneeled in front of her.
“In your small dating pool you mentioned,” he started, slowly. The hand on her knee slowly loosened. His thumb moved in careful, comforting circles. “Did any of those ‘not very stimulating’ occupants every do this?”
She shook her head.
“Would you let me try? I promise if you don’t like I’ll stop. You just say the word.”
She contemplated a moment. Bold. She was supposed to be bold tonight and he did look awfully good in front of her like that. So, taking a deep breath, she laid back down on the comforter and forced her legs to relax.
His mouth moved on the knee she’d almost blackened his eye with, moving upwards at a slow pace.
“You know,” he started, again. His mouth was on her thigh, his voice vibrating on the sensitive skin. Sigrid whimpered and she felt that stupid, cocky grin again. “I hear the beard helps with this sort of thing.”
She was about to ask what he meant, but then his tongue licked up her center and her world went white.
Sigrid didn’t know how long she laid on him like that, but gradually the sounds of traffic grew louder and more frequent and the single beam of sunlight became brighter. Raising herself on her elbow, she found Fili already watching her. Smiling, she swung a leg over waist and sat on top of him and giggled as he let out a groan.
“This is bringing back fond memories.” He hitched up the shirt hanging off of her, splaying his hands on her side. “Ready for round two?”
Still smiling, she leaned forward until her mouth was brushing his. “I have to go.”
Damp, loose hairs stuck to her forehead as she grabbed his face with both hands, molding her mouth to his. His beard and mustache were damp, and she could taste herself as his breath filled her. He’d climbed on top of her moments before, ripping her bra off her and kicking off his jeans and boxers beforehand. As he kissed her back, one of his hands was digging frantically in the drawer of his nightstand.
“What are we up to?” He ripped a foil packet with his teeth, before his hand disappeared between them. “Five?”
“I have no idea,” she breathed.
She felt the blunt head of him at her entrance. Just as she prepared herself, Fili rolled until she was straddling his waist. Sigrid’s hand splayed on his hair-covered chest, more red and heat flushing her face.
“I plan on getting a couple more out of you,” he explained, his eyes travelling up every inch of her exposed body. “This will make it a bit eas-holy shit, Sigrid.”
The words had come out of clenched teeth. She’d gripped him at his base, before rising up and sinking down onto him in one fluid motion. She’d let out an ungodly moan as she stretched to accommodate him. The hands on her sides were digging in so hard she knew there would be marks in the morning, but no movement came from underneath her. Through the haze of building pleasure, she looked down and saw every muscle in Fili’s arms were flexed as he held her. His jaw was clenched tightly and understanding dawned on her.
He was waiting for her to move first.
Using the hands on his chest for balance, Sigrid knew she’d never forget the noise that left his throat as she ground hips into him.
“Go?” A crease appeared on his forehead. “What happened to letting me take you out for breakfast?”
“I have a brunch thing later and I think we slept in-,” her eyes trailed to the clock on his nightstand and her stomach dropped. “Oh my god, we really slept in. Is that seriously the time?”
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Fili swung his head around to look at the clock too, but she was already scrambling off the bed. Tauriel was going to kill her. She should have called her ages ago to come pick her up. They were both going to show up late and their fathers would be asking questions.
Wicked satisfaction swirled in her chest at the remembrance of who exactly she spent the night with.
“I need my phone.” She’d found her skirt on top of his dresser. Fili had jumped off the bed as well and had just yanked on a pair of sweats. He started looking around the floor, before tossing her cell to her. “Do you see my underwear?”
“At least give me your number before you leave,” he said as he started ripping the blankets off the bed. “Fuck, where did I throw them?”
Sigrid was already zipping her skirt. Fili, who’d been looking under his bed, appeared holding her lacy blue underwear. Sigrid made a grab for them, but he held them out of her reach.
“Number first.”
“Seriously,” she hissed. “Fili, we-you know we can’t.”
“Why not?” he shrugged indifferently. “It could be fun.”
Sigrid nearly argued further, but the simple truth was she didn’t want to.
“Fine.” She grabbed a pen from the open drawer of his nightstand, before grabbing his arm and writing the number to cellphone across his forearm. The underwear dropped in front of her and she quickly put them on. She shoved her phone underneath her ear as it started to ring. “You realize we’re going to be in so much trouble for this.”
He grinned, grabbing her chin gently. “That’s what’ll be so fun about it.”
The ringing on her phone stopped and a voice appeared. “Hello?”
“I am so late. I know,” Sigrid said defensively into the phone. “I’m ready for you to come get me-.”
She swung open the door to Fili’s bedroom, intent on retrieving her shirt and her shoes from wherever they had vanished, but the door across from her opened at the same time. Tauriel stood in front of her, wearing the same pair of leggings she had on at the bar last night, but was sporting a t-shirt with ‘Dale Archery Team’ splayed across it in large letters. Her flaming hair was frizzy and she too had her phone raised to her ear.
Sigrid thought she might have tears in her eyes as pleasure erupted from every nerve in her body. She had her arms wrapped so dangerously tight around Fili’s shoulders, she would have wondered how he was managing to breathe if she had been capable of thinking about anything.
Sweat was covering her skin and was glistening on Fili as well. He was propping himself up with one arm, while the other was snagged tightly around her waist as he thrusted upwards. But the movements were losing their rhythm and Sigrid was still coming down from her high as he suddenly flipped them, driving into her with an unrelenting force.
Her nails bit into his shoulder as he buried his face into her neck, cursing loudly as his hips gave a few final, deep thrusts. Then, there was stillness.
There was no sound in the room other than their breathing. Sigrid brushed her fingers over the sweaty strands of his hair, trailing them down his neck as they both caught their breath. Fili, who’d been holding himself up on his elbows, pulled himself from her and a tiny noise escaped her.
“You’re alright?” The low voice was oddly calm compared to the things he’d groaned into her ear the past several minutes. Sigrid smiled tiredly and nodded. He disappeared from the bed, but she’d rolled over and couldn’t see him. She heard him dispose of the condom and then rummage in his dresser. A moment later, his weight appeared next to her on the bed. He’d thrown on a pair of boxers and had laid a shirt next to her. “Stay the night?”
She only seemed to be capable of nodding. Slipping on the shirt, Sigrid was falling asleep before her head even hit the pillow. Weight appeared on her side, and it took her a moment to realize he’d slung an arm around her. Scooting back to press her back to him, Sigrid had the thought that she could have get used to going to sleep like that.
“You can have infinity points for that,” she mumbled into the pillow.
The last memory she had before exhaustion over took her was Fili’s quiet laughter behind her.
A man appeared next to Tauriel. Black hair and stubble speckling his jaw, he looked slightly younger than Fili, who appeared over her shoulder. They might have had different hair colors, but Sigrid noticed the similarity in their bone structure immediately.
“This is the mystery guy?” Sigrid demanded as she shoved her cell phone in her pocket. She shot Fili a look. “My best friend has been hooking up with your brother!”
“I didn’t know!” Fili glared across the hallway at the man next to Tauriel. “What the hell are you doing messing around with Thranduil’s daughter?”
“Hey, I didn’t find out until last night.” His brother raised his hands defensively, before sending Sigrid a wide grin. He stretched hand out across the hallway. “Kili. Nice to meet you. Congratulations on ending this one’s dry spell.” His eyes landed back on Fili. “And what are you going on about? From what I hear, I could say the same thing about Bard’s daughter.”
Fili’s face glowered towards his brother and Sigrid bit back a grin.
“You slept with Kili’s brother?” Tauriel’s mouth was still gaping openly, but it was slowing beginning to curve upwards. “Why didn’t you say last night-?”
“I didn’t know either.” Sigrid looked at the man next to her and then the couple across the hall. “Well, this is great. We’re all being disowned.”
“Sounds like a good time. It’s been a while since we’ve made that vein in Thorin’s temple pop out, eh brother?” His accent was thicker than Fili’s, more Irish sounding. Sigrid imagined Tauriel hearing it in the bar for the first time and knew instantly what had gotten her friend so interested in him. “Weren’t you girls late for something?”
They both darted down the hall.
“Glass!” Fili yelled after them and Sigrid sidestepped the mess she’d made the night before.
She found her heels by the front door and her top was laying on the kitchen counter. She didn’t take off the one Fili had loaned her though. She was just slipping into her shoes, when Fili came from down the hallway, holding out her bra. On the other side of the room, Tauriel and Kili were making plans to see each other again.
“Should I hold this hostage too?” He swung the bra around his finger.
Sigrid snatched it out of his hands, right before he grasped either side of her face. He kissed her softly, his mouth moving with hers slowly for only a few seconds before he pulled away. Sigrid raised her free hand, overlapping one of his on her cheeks.
“I had a really nice time.” Sigrid leaned into his touch as spoke. She was already wondering if he would really call her later. “Thanks for being a good one night stand.”
“You still haven’t had a one-night stand,” Fili told her in a quiet voice. “This isn’t over.”
Sigrid flushed as he kissed her again.
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auddy-95 · 2 months ago
Me: *writes an amazing chapter*
Me: Ah yes. That is amazing. Can't wait to begin the next one. So many possibilities!
Me: *turns off my laptop and goes into a month-long depression*
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auddy-95 · 2 months ago
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Writers when it's time to write the story no one forced them to come up with in the first place 🙄
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auddy-95 · 2 months ago
The part of DOS where Thorin gets thrown in the dungeons and he smugly tells Balin he cursed out Thranduil………… It’s so good. Balin was SICK of his ass lmao
363 notes · View notes
auddy-95 · 3 months ago
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me as a writer
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auddy-95 · 3 months ago
i swear i’m a writer!!! just… a writer with zero motivation, no focus, and a plot that makes no sense but like… still a writer!!!!
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auddy-95 · 3 months ago
“why do you still use tumblr?”
listen— i have to keep track of my hyper fixations somehow
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auddy-95 · 7 months ago
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twisters (2024) deleted scene part one. part two.
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auddy-95 · 7 months ago
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If there's anything I like more then the "don't touch her" trope, it's the role reversal "don't touch him". Yes Sathia you protect your merman!
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auddy-95 · 8 months ago
Sathia x Tharion Fanfic
Sathia and Tharion are strangers figuring out how to make their marriage work, while the world around them is struggling to begin anew.
Sathia and Tharion after the events of CC3.
Title: Flowers and Fins
Rating: M
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auddy-95 · 8 months ago
Writing a Sathia x Tharion fic and thinking about their height difference.
“Considering she’s barely up to my chest,” Tharion said dryly, “I don’t think she’d make much of a shield.”
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auddy-95 · 8 months ago
welp..... time to board the tharion and sathia ship
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auddy-95 · 11 months ago
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auddy-95 · 3 years ago
When I write three sentences on my WIP:
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auddy-95 · 3 years ago
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+ optional:
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auddy-95 · 3 years ago
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Druig and Makkari in ETERNALS
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