#sticky rice
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morethansalad · 10 months ago
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Mango Sticky Rice with Crispy Mung Beans (Vegan)
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isitasandwich · 9 days ago
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Sticky Rice Chicken Dumpling Wrap.
No, it is not a sandwich.
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fullcravings · 2 years ago
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Mango Sticky Rice Ice Cream
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pandysmiggles · 5 months ago
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Mango and sticky rice
Thai dessert. It was so delicious 🤤
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imonthemoonitsmadeofcheese · 2 months ago
Sticky Rice
In which Eris seeks advice from the Drifter regarding a line she did not think she would ever cross. (Set after week 4 of Season of the Witch.)
Link to Ao3 if you prefer to read it there
The Drifter stood in the galley of the Derelict, humming tunelessly to himself, while he plucked another rehydrated mushroom from a bowl of brown liquid he'd been soaking them in for the past hour. He shook the liquid off it and began to slice it like the others.
There was a single elongated tone from the doorway.
He sighed.
“I told you not to bother me when I'm cooking for her,” he said, not looking up from his mushroom slicing.
The tone sounded again.
The Drifter looked up and pointed the knife at his ghost where it was hovering.
“I'm in a good mood right now. Don't ruin it.”
The ghost made the same sound, turned to look down the corridor with its single red eye toward the comms, and then looked back at him.
“Whatever it is, it can wait. I am making her food. I told you that’s special. You know that. Fuck off.”
It emitted the tone once more and floated away.
Drifter chopped the rest of his mushrooms, some fresh ginger, green onions and a long dried sausage before turning the heat on under a wok.
Just as the ginger began to sizzle he tossed everything in except the onions. A few moments later he added several sauces and some broth. Taking a deep breath of the steam over the wok, the Drifter nodded appreciatively at his own work. It smelled fantastic. He took a steamer out of another pot that had been boiling on a back burner and opened it. It was filled with semi-translucent rice.
He flipped the steamer basket upside down in the wok and then tossed the basket, now empty, into the sink as he began to stir. Once everything in the wok was fully combined, he turned down the heat, grabbed a mis-matched pot lid from a cupboard, and covered his concoction.
As he turned around, a hive portal opened up in the middle of the room.
Eyes wide, he reached for the knife off of the cutting board with one hand and picked up a cast iron frying pan in the other.
A familiar hand with a glowing green ball appeared out of the portal. The Drifter relaxed. The rest of Eris Morn stepped out.
“Hey, Moondust! I didn't expect you to visit. Happy to see you, though. What's up?”
“I tried to call but you did not answer.” The portal behind her disappeared.
A tone sounded from the doorway behind her. The Drifter glared at his ghost, pointed his knife at it and motioned the knife to the side. The ghost left.
He put his improvised weaponry down on the counter.
“I've come to seek your counsel.”
“Well, you’re in luck. Dinner’s almost ready. How about you sit there and tell me all about it while I finish making us food.”
Eris nodded and sat, removing her gloves, while the Drifter pulled two bowls out of a cupboard.
“When I first transformed, I invoked the resonance of the worms to power my ritual.” Eris began, “Ahsa answered.”
He put a glass of water down on the table for each of them. Eris took a sip of hers.
“She is bound in this with me. My power… feeds… off of her suffering.”
The Drifter paused at the counter, his wooden spatula in the air. He looked back at her and nodded slowly.
“It is not a line I ever thought I would cross.”
“She doing this willingly?” he asked, gently.
“Did she know what she was getting into when she answered?”
“I am not certain. I think she, as I did, understood the possibility.”
“Sounds like she trusts you.” He scooped the sticky rice out of the pot into the two bowls.
“I am actively harming her. I am causing great pain. It is… torture. That is what it is. Have you ever done something like this? Is this a line you have crossed before?”
He looked back at her from the kitchen counter. “Yeah.” He looked away. “I'm glad to know Ahsa's choosing to do this willingly. Mine… uh… wasn’t...”
“I'm sorry. Was it… worth it?”
“Not a matter of worth. It just had to be done. But that sort of thing… it don't come free. It stays with you… that knowledge, of what it felt like, of what you did… of what you are capable of… “ He looked back at her. “The ends justify the means… ‘til they don't. And that will change you.”
Eris nodded. “There was no question when it was simply myself, but now, the risk and the burden is no longer mine alone.”
“It was never yours alone, Moondust. You don't exist in a vacuum.” He took two handfuls of chopped green onions and tossed them onto the two bowls of food. “Everything you do impacts the people around you, especially the ones that love you.”
“It is for the sake of everyone around me that I am doing this, especially the ones I love. “
“I know. Let me ask you this: what if it was me?”
“I’m serious.” He put a bowl of sticky rice in front of her and handed her chopsticks. “What if it was me, not Ahsa, you had to put through this. Me that you had to torture. What would be different for you? Eat that while you’re thinking. It’s part of that counsel you asked for.”
They ate in silence for a few minutes.
“In this extrapolation, if it was you I was harming, who was suffering, and in immense pain, we would have discussed it and chosen it together.”
“And you’d trust me to know what decision I was making, wouldn’t you? Because it’s me.”
“And you’d know I trust you to know what you’re doing, to see it through with both our lives intact. That’s how it’d go, right? It’d be awful, but we’d do it, and we’d get it done and over with as quickly as possible.”
“Yes. That is… how it would go.”
He stood and picked up both their empty bowls and chopsticks, taking them to the sink.
“You don’t need counsel, Moondust,” he said as he returned.
“You need a hot meal and a hug.” He held out his hand.
Eris sighed, stood, slipped her arms around his waist, and let him pull her close.
After a few seconds she felt him relax but she instead pulled him close for a little longer, resting her head against his for a few moments more before letting go.
She felt lighter, less tense.
He cradled her face in his hands and ran his thumb across her lips. “I want you to let me do something.”
“Very well”
Slowly, his fingertips slipped under the wrapping she kept over her eyes. She tensed. He continued, gentle, giving her ample time to stop him. She did not.
He lifted it up, exposing a part of her she always kept hidden when not in hive form. Then he leaned forward and kissed her in the exact middle between all three of her eyes.
His lips pressed softly and gently against her scars and he held her there for a moment, his lips upon this most secret of places, chaste, reverent, before pulling back and slipping the wrapping back down in its usual place.
She let loose the breath she had not realized she was holding.
“We’ve both had to do things, terrible things, to survive. No matter what you end up having to do, no matter how bad it gets, I’ll still be here. I know you. I know you got this. Ain’t nobody else can do it but you. Whatever you need to do, you do it, because that’s who you are. You’re the one that gets shit done when no one else can. When there’s no hope, everything lost, no possible way anyone can win, you’re still there, saying fuck you to the universe and surviving. That’s why I love you. You’re a fucking badass.”
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“Now go on and get back there. I know you probably aren’t supposed to be here and don’t have time to listen to me babble on about how much I love you. Call me later when you like, though, and I’ll keep going.”
She nodded and began to make her portal.
“And I, myself, have an apology to make to someone who attempted to do me a solid earlier and I snapped at them for it.” he muttered to himself.
He grabbed her hand and quickly pressed her gloves into it with a kiss to her fingertips just before she stepped through the shimmering green oval.
When the portal disappeared, his ghost was once more hovering in the doorway.
“Don’t gloat, asshole. I’m sorry. Thanks for trying to tell me it was her.”
The ghost emitted its single tone.
“Don’t let it go to your head, you jerk. And if you ever interrupt like that again it damn well better be her!” he called after it as it floated away.
This is one of a series of stories written during Season of the Witch that I called Kept Conficence, after the hand cannon with the lore that helped to inspire them.
Here is a link to all of them in order if you wish.
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omnivorescookbook · 2 years ago
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Mango Sticky Rice
Mango sticky rice is a healthy and satisfying dessert featuring sweet, gooey sticky rice served with a luscious coconut sauce and sliced mango.
Recipe => https://omnivorescookbook.com/mango-sticky-rice/
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sinoculinary · 12 days ago
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Fantuan 饭团 from Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces, Eastern China.
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ghost-y-toast-y · 5 months ago
Just tuned into the Hermitbaths Podcast™ episode with Mumbo in it and he said he’s not a big fan of sticky rice. If you didn’t tune in, here’s what Mumbo said: “There’s like this Filipino dessert, it’s like sticky, slimy rice and I was not a big fan. I can’t remember what it is. It’s in, like, a banana leaf.”
I am in shambles.
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loveformybelly · 3 months ago
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Sticky rice balls in ginger sugar syrup topped with roasted sesame seeds. Very comforting dessert in winter!
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buffetlicious · 1 year ago
If the economy rice stalls are still in the midst of preparation, mum will usually go to Choo Chiang Roasted Meat Noodle House (珠江烧腊面家) to buy their Pork & Shrimp Dumpling Noodles (水饺面). It is thin yellow noodles or mee kia for me and mum will ask for extra two dumplings to be added. Not sure if you noticed but the dumplings are getting less plump with more of the flappy wanton skin now, a sign of cost-cutting… :(
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Also from Chong Pang is this savoury Sticky Rice or Glutinous Rice (糯米饭) topped with crunchy peanuts, fried shallots and a sprinkling of spring onions. Mix some of the chilli sauce to give it a spicy kick to start off the day.
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sikfankitchen · 10 months ago
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Getting ready for Dragon Boat Festival! Made a batch of Zongzi/Joong 粽子 (Chinese sticky rice dumplings) Recipe
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morethansalad · 2 months ago
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Assamese Til Pitha / Glutinous Rice Wrappers with a Sweet Sesame Filling (Vegan)
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isitasandwich · 5 months ago
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Grilled Banana in Sticky Rice.
No, it is not a sandwich.
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fullcravings · 2 years ago
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Seri Muka (Malaysian Coconut Sticky Rice Pandan Custard)
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vegan-nom-noms · 1 year ago
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Vegan Taiwanese Sticky Rice (台式素油飯)
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necroticboop · 7 months ago
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SWEETS, TREATS & EATS : ↳ Miffy Mango Sticky Rice
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