#steve better not die tho
stevesbipanic · 2 years
If Steve dies next season, how long do you think it will take his parents to find out?
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deoidesign · 2 months
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"what do hands mean about a character?"
Their hands mean they love eachother
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softestepilogue · 1 year
anyway i think they should kill off half the main cast.
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pumpkinsy0 · 1 month
I know we see alot of post book Ponyboy HC’s and how he acts after and how he takes Dallas and Johnny’s death. HOWEVER do you think you could give us some Two-Bit after they’re deaths?
(I like to think he was the second closest to the both of them after pony.)
two bit,,,the fella that u r,,,,
•now w johnny, i think two bit was so hopeful about johnny, he wanted to believe that johnny would get better and he just tricked himself into believing that genuinely, bc the world is cruel to johnny, but surely not THAT cruel
•when pony announced johnny died, nobody noticed, but that was the first time two bit just truly didnt say anything at all, not a singular peep
•two couldnt even bring himself to walk by johnnys house bc he refuses to see the people who made johnnys life a living hell, in a weird way, he would always hope that johnny would one day come out the house running so he could save him like he always did before
•once tho, he did get drunk and was throwing rocks at johnnys house cause he was so angry, steve found him and had to drag him away
•two bit constantly thinks about how he was so ready to go all the way to texas for em and even now, he wants to know where johnny is now so he can follow
•the nurse gave two bit johnnys SOME part of johnnys clothing that wasnt too damaged, and two bit carries it in his pocket
•and then when it comes to dallas, its like two bit KNEW, dally was gonna die young, but that doesnt make how or when it happened any easier for him, he thought he’d have a few years left w the guy
•just like w johnny, two bit had hope that maybe the world wasnt THAT cruel and he lived in a bit of denial that the world would show dally at least a BIT of mercy in his life time
•he did hang out w dally quite a bit, going to bars, very rarely going to class together and joking around in the back of class, he feels like theres this part of him missing and it hurts him to see that empty seat next to him knowing dally used to sit there
•considering the rep dally had, it wouldnt surprise me if two had heard whispers of ppl being like “finally he got what he deserved” or “it was about time it happened”, and no matter how truthful they were to an extent, it always set two off, and he’d come off as erratic bc his mood would change DRAMATICALLY and depending in if there was someone w him or not, he’d want to fight them
•two feels bad for sylvia, he knows that her and dally werent the best of couples, but he knows they were still close to some degree, ppl assume sylvia didnt care, but he’s seen her cry over it and he knows just like tim, sylvia took things from dallys temporary bedroom at bucks bar
•speaking of bucks bar, after dallys death, he knows tim and sylvia took the small bit of things dally had, so unfortunately, he couldnt take something and go “an eye for an eye” w dally after dally got his switchblade and he never got it back, but sometimes he does sleep in that room, and as time goes on, the scent of dally is fading away and that upsets two
•two bit still has that newspaper clipping of when they saved the kids from that fire and just stares at it
•for a small amount of time, two bit would stay at him and and when it comes to his own family, especially his younger sister, two bit tries to hold onto them and not forget their faces or smells
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careful-wish · 7 months
I know that Eddie had to die bc plot reasons yada yada
But they could have done that in season 5. We had so many deaths deaths in 4 (tho Max did end up living). The stakes are higher in season 5 and having a beloved character die halfway through would have had such an emotional impact
But also Eddie and Argyle not being included in season 5 with the other older kids feel like a joke, especially Argyle.
Nancy is the only one of the older teens (now young adults) to have a real close friendship with someone (Barb). Could probably argue Eddie too bc of Gareth, Jeff, and that other guy in Hellfire but they're younger than him so Idk how long they've been friends or how close they actually are.
In s4, though it's through super unlikely circumstances, Eddie does develop friendships with Steve, Nancy, and Robin. Probably, he already has had some interaction with Robin and Jonathan in the past due to the fact all three were considered weirdos or freaks (Jonathan was The School Freak(tm)) but he had no interaction with Jonathan this season.
Jonathan after being apart from Nancy for a few months then meets Argyle and they become pretty close mates, weed aside. Jonathan finally has someone he can talk to and open up to, and you can tell Argyle genuinely does care for Jonathan and is a LITERAL ride-or-die for him.
Why, WHY did they take Eddie and Argyle away? Yeah, we get the monster-hunting trio back in s5 along with Robin and Vickie in the group, but why'd they take Argyle away? He is also wanted by the government and knows everything. We're just going back to Jonathan having no friends, Nancy really having to confront what happened to Barb, and only Steve having a best mate? Why does Steve get to keep his best friend and Jonathan doesn't?
Also, the group would have been a little bigger than the Party but the dynamics and just absolute chaos would have been amazing.
Steve realising he is absolutely outnumbered by nerds and that he is not the leader, that role goes to Nancy and her babygurl Jonathan.
Vickie being introduced in a group that has several very loud ppl (Steve, Argyle, Robin), joins them immediately and Jonathan goes insane bc the four chatter like kookaburras at three am.
Nancy insisting they need to be discreet and Argyle explaining that while yeah, having an all black van would be cool but bad guys have those too and they would blend in better with a pizza van bc "Who would question the pizza man, Wheeler?"
Eddie secretly having tons of respect for Jonathan and nearly falls over himself trying to make up for the fact he tried to push another guy at Jonathan's girlfriend. Also develops similar respect for Nancy and feels guilty after seeing how happy Nancy is with Jonathan, and also realising it was never his, Robin, Steve, or anyone else's decision what Nancy does or who she wants to be with, it's all her.
Vickie learning about everything but still not knowing the kids very well and fellow newcomer Argyle is like "Idk about the others but Little Byers and Wheelie-boy are good, and of course our amazing super-powered little friend"
Steve discreetly being a terrible wingman for Robin without accidentally outing her. She comes out to Nancy first, then Argyle on accident after they have a weed sesh ("You're good, Batman's sidekick, boobies are great"), and of course ends up with Vickie.
Mike being the one of the Party Vickie ends up bonding with the most, mainly so they can make fun of Steve together but also other reasons
Anyway, we were robbed of these seven chaos nerds being a group together.
And if Eddie were to die halfway through, the turmoil. Dies similar to s4, Dustin is there, but it not only affects Dustin and Hellfire, but the other six he'd started becoming close with.
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timetobeaghost · 7 months
Stranger Things Endgame ships
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Jopper 110%
No happy ending without Jopper, not even a bittersweet one. Mom and dad.. Solid as a rock. Forevvva!!
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Byler 100%
Might be under Jopper, but still a solid 100%. Iconic, legendary, best thing about the show. Will improve the rewatchability of the show by also 100%! Literally people will gasp when watching S1 after finishing S5. GASP!
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Duzie 95%
They gave Dustin the perfect girlfriend. There is no reason to take her away.
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Rockie 90%
Obviously happening, as promised in S4. I guess one of them could die, but not likely. Or they could kiss but somehow separate in the end? Very unlikely.
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Lumax 85%
I wish they were higher, but I'm not fully convinced she is going to be okay? I really hope they are endgame and I believe so.
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Jancy 48%
Could be endgame. I just don't know. It doesn't feel like the resolution of their arc? Jonathan wants to go to that one specific college and be free of his responsibilities, just live for himself for a while and thrive. Nancy feels like another responsibility to him to go to some other college and whatnot... Nancy wants to go to her specific college and pursue a career. What does Jonathan add to her dreams? Both were relieved not to see the other at Spring break even though they love each other, you know? Yeah, sry, I hope they are not endgame. (Better than Jonathan dying tho!!!)
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Stancy 10%
I don't think so, as you can tell from the percentage, but I guess they could go crazy to be surprising or something. Please not! Steve deserves real love too and not "I guess you are not as dumb as back in the day and your chest is not bad at all"
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Steddie 5%
I'm surprising myself, but I guess the possibility is above 0. No real reason why not. Sure Steve is straight and Eddie is dead, but would you bet a limb on either of those facts? It would be kinda unserious, so I strongly doubt.
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Mileven 0%
But I secretly love them and they are canon, so they get a pic. Hope there will be lots of sad Mileven edits for my viewing pleasure post S5! They so cute! Lookatmypookies! Cuuute. And doomed.
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gracegrove · 10 months
Elf au Harringrove (mostly Billy tho)
Where the plot is mostly the same as Elf except,
Billy grows up in the North Pole not believing that he's a cotton-headed-ninny-muggins but rather an exceptionally genetically gifted elf who is by far taller than all the other elves. He excels at winter sports and is a menace at ice hockey and polar bear polo. He is not talented with toy making but why would someone such as himself want to waste time on Litebrites and Mr. Potato Heads? No, Billy wanted more than an elf's life. He is often in trouble for racing the reindeer, swapping spit (and other things) with other elves, and passing out in the stables hiccuping with an empty bottle of maple bourbon from Santa's personal stores.
One day while sobering up in a pile of hay, Billy overhears the stable elves complain that Billy's behavior is human and no elf would act this way. Why did they ever take in a human? Billy then has an identity crisis.
Billy finds out from his adopted elf parent, that as an infant he was in a car accident in which his mother was driving. She died in the crash and Billy was taken to an orphanage. No one at the time came to claim him. Billy's name was known because he was found with a blanket that had his name embroidered on it. However, Santa knows who Billy's father is.
Santa tells Billy that his father is Neil Hargrove, a New York City police sergeant with a wife and daughter who live in Queens. Santa says that Neil is a good man who has been on his Nice List since 1973. Billy cannot believe it.
Blaming Neil for abandoning his mother to die and not claiming him at the orphanage, Billy sets out for New York City with the goal of putting Neil Hargrove back on the Naughty List.
Billy puts his plan in motion by going to Neil's precinct on his first day in NYC (still dressed as an elf) and introduces himself to Neil with the most vulgar Christmasgram complete with ass shaking. Neil arrests Billy and has his lieutenant, Hopper run fingerprints and DNA on this guy because he's gotta have priors for prostitution or distribution or something. No way that kid was telling the truth, even if he somehow knew his late girlfriend's name. The DNA comes back a familial match. Father and son.
What is he going to do? Hopper suggests taking Billy home and Billy musters his most innocent smile in agreement. As Billy worms his way into Neil's life he learns that his parents had a fight the night his mother died and that Neil and his new wife fight sometimes too. This fuels Billy's mission, as he decides to tail Neil during his day to catch Neil messing up.
After meeting Steve and growing closer with Neil's daughter, Maxine, Billy begins to realize that his efforts to put Neil on the Naughty List aren't worth it. He will never forget what happened to his mother and how it affected his life, but seeking out revenge will not fulfill him. Billy realizes that Neil does not need any help getting back in the Naughty List and that he should put his efforts into protecting the new relationships that he has found.
Elf au extras
The pennies from heaven montage but Billy style:
Billy sneaks into a peep show, kicks his feet up, and enjoys himself with a Christmas themed striptease. “Santa was sooooo elfing wrong… this is better (than peeking at presents early)”.
Goes into the WORLD'S BEST CUP OF COFFEE cafe to try it. He silently takes a sip. Says with a straight face, “This is gumdroppings.” [Insert elf equivalent of cussword to mean shit] Then he walks out of the cafe without paying.
A teenager on the street offers Billy a CD copy of their ‘demo’. Billy takes it because it looks like a shiny Christmas bauble, but doesn't pay for it.
Billy gets asked by a family from Des Moines if they can get their picture taken with him. He says no but gives in when their little girl starts crying.
Billy acts like he's cool but goes round and round in the carousel door until he can't walk straight and falls back out onto the sidewalk.
Billy farehops the subway.
Billy has done at least five different things without paying that the cops are now chasing him like a cartoon character and the only way he loses them is by blending in with the Christmas decor at the department store…. Where he meets Steve.
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maiyasuniverse · 2 years
I Love You
Bucky X Reader
Summary: You're worried about Bucky.
Bucky and steve had been on a mission for a month, with no contact, sleep, or peace. It felt like you were in hell, not knowing what to expect, no one would talk to you about where and how he was because who really knew, and if they did they wouldn't be able to disclose anything to you.
You found yourself sitting on the couch snuggled up in Bucky's leather jacket, the scent was comforting but didn't calm your nerves or tears. It took about five minutes for you to be full-on sobbing, you had let yourself get attached, you wouldn't admit it but you love him.
The sound of keys fiddling at the door pulled you from your thoughts and out of your seat. Bucky took you to get a gun from Alex's last popup at your place. You sat the gun on your lap after perching yourself on the couch. You were no longer afraid of anything, better yet anyone because you could protect yourself, especially inside your home.
The door opened to reveal an injured Bucky and concerned Steve.
"See, I told you she'd be fine, she was ready to blow our heads off." Steve joked with Buck trying to elicit some kind of reaction.
"Oh, my. Oh, my god, Steve what happened?" You got up from the couch not thinking much about what clothes you were wearing not that you cared at the moment. You helped Steve walk Bucky the rest of the way to the couch, and looked at both of the men. Buck was beaten up pretty bad, you also noted that he hadn't said anything.
"We were cornered, the doctor says he'll be fine. He hasn't said anything to anyone since we've been back. I don't know if he's shocked or if his voice is still gone. All I know was that he wanted me to bring him here. Please, call me if you need help with anything the compound isn't far, any time of the day." You could steves words were sincere, he looked a Bucky with sorrow in his eyes, why, had it been his fault the situation happened? You shook the idea from your head.
Steve had seen himself out of the apartment, and you stood there quietly staring at Bucky. He didn't look back, his face was twisted in pain and you weren't sure what to do.
"Buck, I don't know how to help, I'll do whatever you tell me. I'll even drive all the way to that Mexcian place you like even tho it's across town. I'm so stupid." You began scrambling looking for a pen, for him to write with. You could feel the panic building up throughout your body, your hands shaking, and your breath being heavy.
Bucky's vibranium arm was cold against your skin, it made you slow down.
"Calm down Doll, I'll be fine. Just spend some time with me." You listened to his voice and sat beside him. Holding onto the same hand that pulled you from your attack.
"Wait," you turned to fully look at Bucky. "You're talking?" you couldn't help but laugh and he followed suit.
Your laugh turned into sobs, he held you for a while.
"I thought you died, that's why I was sitting in the dark, crying, in your jacket. Pathetic right."
"You're the first person to ever wait for me, I've never had that. I'm sorry, then steve, I don't know what's been going on with him but he wasn't at his job. We were almost killed, and I could only think about you, I couldn't do that to you. I won't. You're not pathetic, I made a promise to you. I'm never going to die on you. I promise."
"I love you." Your eyes went wide and your hand flew over your mouth.
He just chuckled, "I Love you more Doll."
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that-birdy-chick · 1 month
Hawaii five 0 s8 commentary:
Part 1.
ep 1 x s8
- five 0 really do love introducing female characters in bikinis, or were they trying to make it even more obvious that tani is the new kono replacement?
- aww Danny asking Steve to be his partner in the whole restaurant thing is very sweet
- the torch is back again? Kinda thought his story was complete after the prison break with Adam, didn't he have this whole speech about being better of in prison?
- okay Steve worrying about tani being reckless and her not taking any of his shit and Danny being all "see, now you know how I feel all the time" is very funny
- oh so now you realize going into the middle of a raging wild fire was a bad idea, who would have thought?
- damn Danny is so used to Steve's bullshit he doesn't even fight it anymore
- they- he's taking the entire house? He's taking the entire house
- wow they're making it very very obvious that tani is supposed to be the new kono, okay
- omg so call me nuts but why does the whole restaurant thing feel like a weird metaphor for Steve and danny setteling down together? They talk like their gonna marry- I feel like I'm hallucinating
ep 2
- I may be a cat person but that is one cute dog- and he has such a nice owner and - oh no I know how this is gonna go
- nononono don't hurt the doggo! IS HE GONNA BE OKAY?!
- don't show me this fucking junior guy I need to know if the dog is okay!
- Steve what do you mean, you've never been married? You and danny have been basically married for at least 5 years now. And since when are you uncomfortable talking about Steve's feelings Danny?? what are you two talking about??
- yes finally someone goes looking for the poor puppy! Oh no the poor baby's hurt 🥺Tho I'm a little confused I thought Danny was the dog person? Why is Steve suddenly so invested and not danny? Did the powers that be forget the whole Mr. Pickles thing?
- people how am I supposed to care about the plot if I don't know if the dog is gonna make it!
- poor eddie is such a good boy, I would literally die for him 🥺 he's gonna be okay! oh thank goodness
- "I thought you were a cat person " (thank you Danny!)
"I guess he grew on me"
Steve why you looking at Danny while saying that? Don't tell me the dog is supposed to be a parallel to him
-god damn it, pets mourning their lost owners always gets me :'(
ep 3
- I swear the whole restaurant thing feels like Steve and danny planning their wedding-
Kamekona did not just pull out a mcdanno shirt -
I can't with this show anymore
- eyyyy bootleg James bond is back! And steve is talking about "our" retirement plan? Just make them an official married couple already!
- come on Harry, you don't gotta roast their restaurant idea like that especially after they agreed to let you tagalong
- I love how mcdanno exchange judging looks whenever Harry trys to sweet talk someone, true couple goals right there
- man the whole police-violence-played-for-laughs-thing especially against poc really didn't age well
- okay so 10 bucks harry's the secret bad guy
- eww no don't flirt with tani harry, that's just weird! I swear what is it with Hollywood and old men hitting on girls that aren't even half their age
- Damn Harry really just went and called Steve and danny out for for being in love and unable to live without each other and they didn't deny anything
- okay nvm Harry isn't the bad guy it's just some random dude who lost a kid, and apparently Harry lost someone important to him?
- naww they boys are cooking for them- aaand fighting - oh man, this could have been such a nice little gesture, why you gotta ruin it for a joke? I mean I know their probably just setting up the restaurant idea failing which- I'm kinda sad about because it could have been an actual nice retirement thing to end the show on somewhere down the line, but I guess not
ep 4
- I love how Lou talks to steve like he's making an investment without asking his husband (which let's be real he definitely is)
- the use of the term "partner" is becoming more and more ambiguous by the second
- rip toast he was a nice dude, at least before he became loaded
- naww not Steve being all smug about Danny calling Hawaii home
- no kamekona! don't hurt him🥺
- better call your son dude you don't fuck with Steve's family
- kamekona really did a fuck tone of good ever since he made it out of prison, it's really nice that he finally gets some recognition for that
- so junior is homeless? Really explains a lot of stuff about why he's so desperate to be five 0
-aww and steve adopts him right away and tani too, the man really does collect strays like Pokémon
ep 5
- aw grace brought Steve a pumpkin for Halloween? guess she's growing up to be a Halloween lover just like her dad
- so 10 min in and already Alicia triggered Steve's mommy-issues
-Alicia honey, Steve has like five adopted children already and is a pretty intense dude maybe it be good to have someone else take care of your deeply traumatized daughter if this doesn't go well?
- tani:"so there's this hot demi-god"
"top or bottom?" Danny asking the important question
- love me some good folklore inspired murders
- so the clay maxwell thing still isn't over? poor Lou hasn't the guy has put him through enough?
- I love that their bringing eddie along everywhere now, he's the best new addition to the team <3
- so love that Danny is also along for them search of the killer but isn't that kind of a bad idea with his busted arm?
-huh tani and junior are clicking fast guess there's a romance about to happen
- hey and Lou is finally getting closure for the dian thing, that's great!
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kenztheweirdmf · 2 months
If youre looking for a challenge, try writing something that will make me actually like Steve (you know who I am)
Good luck ♡
Hey yall i know i said i was free and oooh send me asks but god had other plans cus why the fuck was my laptop start freezing when i was about to write the asks i got and got writers block 🧍‍♂️ anyways ima stop yappin now enjoy i hope you enjoy anon even tho i know you lmao
oooh Im just imagining Steve like outside of Tonys lab remembering the times where the team hasnt separated yet and him remembering the moments where they bicker and argue like a married couple like what Nat says all the time and that brings a pained smile to Steves faces but that doesnt last long cus of yknow him lying to Tony about his Parents death, him and Bucky fighting Tony without choice cus Tony wanted Bucky dead and the worst of all him Smashing his shield into Tony arc reactor which at the same was his literal heart and i know Steve is feeling so many emotions like guilt, regret, and anger. But he always tells himself that he had to smash his shield into Tonys arc reactor cause he will not stop until Bucky was dead so he had to do it right? Steve getting a headache from that so he decided to leave but was stoppped cus he heard a sniffing noise inside Tony labs so he investigated and found Peter AKA Spider-man on the floor hugging one of Tony iron man helmets and when Steve says Peters name he lets out a surprise yelp before looking up to see Steve and when Steve asked if hes alright and when Peter tried to form a lie Steve just gives him a frown and that made Peter stop and just looks down not even trying to lie infront of Steve
and when Steve asked if he can sit next to him Peter says he can Steve asked Peter if he wants to talk about it and Peter replies saying he doesnt want to be a bother and Steve of course assures him he is not being a bother so Peter tells Steve how much he missed Tony and how he cant sleep without having nightmares where Tony died when he used the gauntlet and is now even thinking he will die from the coma and Peter starts crying again and before Peter can react Steve just brings him into a big warm hug and Steve whisper assurance to Peter saying Tony will not die and Peter asks how does he know and Steve says he doesnt but he does know Tony is too stubborn to die and that made Peter let out a wet chuckle minutes passed when they finally stopped hugging and theyre were just in a comfortable silence when Peter breaks it by asking Steve why he was visiting Tonys lab and when Steve lied saying he heard Peters sniffs and wanted to investigated it. Peter replying he can tell Steve is lying and Steve lets out a defeated sigh and tells Peter everything from Bucky, The Accords, Tonys Parents and Siberia and the guilt the comes with it. and the only thing Steve wants is just to apologize to Tony for everything. Peter says hes not the only one who feels guilty and Steve looks at him with confusion as Peter continues that even though Tony cant admit he knows he was wrong on some things but his stubbornness makes it difficult, he also felt guilty on trying to kill Bucky back in siberia and it took some time to realize that both of them were victims of hydra and Tony was so blinded by rage to realize it, he also mentioned the times he caught Tony watching old Captain America films and Peter even knew Tony missed Steve Peter thought for a seconds and said that theyre both idiots for not talking like adults and Steve chuckled at that and agrees with him on that but Peter says even though they cant change the past they can learn from it so they dont make the same mistakes and Steve smiled and so did Peter cus they know things will get better
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Eat Your Veggies
[Thought up while I was trying a spinach banana muffin recipe. Based off when I thought I messed up, but thankfully I didn't. Steve will tho.] [steddie. fluff. henderson appreciation. mostly steve-centric.]
Steve noticed a lot about Eddie Munson after they saved the world together and started hanging out. Picked up on his mannerisms; how he covered his face with those dark curls when he was overwhelmed by any emotions, how he couldn't stop moving if his life depended on it - either fiddling with his clunky rings or dancing over furniture like some otherworldly creature. He'd bemoan when Steve put ABBA's Super Trouper cassette in the stereo, but Steve always caught the way he'd drum the car door to "Lay All Your Love On Me" while Steve sung along. And whenever Steve made him a meal he'd eat around the veggies silently and wouldn't look at a salad.
It didn't matter what it was. Stew, burgers, omelettes. No matter how small Steve cut them up, Eddie wouldn't eat them.
It was driving Steve up a wall because his boyfriend needed a balanced diet.
He was possibly at his wits end one day after failing to sneak a spoonful of diced peppers into a beef patty and watched as the other boy had somehow squirreled every one to his cheeks and spit them into a napkin after he finished the burger. Steve knew his eyes were wide when Eddie just blinked and took a drink like nothing was wrong.
It was later that same week, when Steve went to pick Dustin up for a D&D session, that he was given an idea.
While waiting for the kid to find his lucky dice, Steve chatted with Claudia. At first just normal stuff about how they were both doing (Claudia was doing much better now that all the interdimensional stuff was done and her son was no longer getting into grave danger every year) and eventually he asked her how she'd get Dustin to eat something he didn't like...like say vegetables or greens.
"Oh, Dusty hated spinach. I even tried to get him into Popeye in hopes of him wanting to emulate him but alas," she started, hand on her chest as she was clearly remembering the younger days of her baby.
Steve smiled softly as his shoulders slumped. He was hoping motherly knowledge would save the day. He nearly jumped when Claudia spoke up again.
"I did finally trick him into it. Just took knowing my audience better." There was tone of pride in her voice that made Steve chuckle. She looked at him and smiled back warmly as she stood. "If Eddie's the same I've got just the recipe for you."
She waved for Steve to follow her to the kitchen, where she kept a catalog of recipes that her and her son relished. The tome was handwritten and tabbed neatly. The matron dug a notepad and pen out from a junk drawer then thumbed through the recipes. She quickly copied one with a concentration that matched Dustin's when he made his characters' backstories.
And it was just as Claudia had put down her pen and carefully torn off the memo page that Dustin walked in, "Alright com'on we're gonna be late."
The adults exchanged a look before Steve rolled his eyes and Claudia snickered. "Dude you were the one who spent 20 minutes trying to find his seven sided dice," Steve started.
Dustin pointed with a jab to the air. "Hey, it's a d8 Steve. As in eight sides. And a single dice is just a die."
With a scoff Steve turned to Claudia, gently took the recipe and gave the top of her head a small kiss. "Thanks for this Clauds, I'll let you know how it goes."
"Hey you already have my dm, can you not hit on my mom too?" Dustin yelled, already on his way over to get between two of his three favorite people. Claudia and Steve laughed again as the kid hugged his mom before the boys left.
With all the kids rounded up and dropped off at the house, Steve made a quick stop at the store. The moment he stepped back through the door he could hear the animated speech Eddie was giving about some fungal demon queen who Steve hoped wouldn't manifest into the real world next. Everyone was hanging on Eddie's every word as Steve walked past them.
Knowing that he should have the kitchen to himself for long enough, Steve got to work. Spinach, some chopped up banana and more went into his blender as Billy Joel played lowly on his stereo - not too loud so he could still hear his boyfriend's voice. Not that that mattered once the blender was on. Man was that thing loud. So loud that Steve wouldn't notice a lull from the living room or when someone walked behind him to snag some drinks from the fridge. By the time he thought the mixture looked smooth enough, the game was back on at full blast.
He read that the flour went in next, so it did. He turned on the blender before realizing he didn't know how long he was supposed to mix this time. Turns out, not as long as it took to read through the recipe. By the time Steve had turned the blender off again and read the words "pour the batter" he knew he'd fucked up. This was definitely more like a dough.
"Shit," Steve muttered as he scooped his creation into a muffin tin. He was careful with the placement of the chocolate chips, making monster faces like Claudia's writing instructed.
And just like that, the muffins were in the oven, the timer was set and the kitchen was cleaned up. He took a seat in the living room in the meantime, basking in the atmosphere Eddie provided. The kids began to whoop and holler as Will got a critical hit on something. Not the main baddie, Steve was pretty sure since they were only two hours into the session. But everyone was still excited and he even gave a cheer for the boy wizard.
Then the timer gave a ding and Steve slipped away. Out came the muffins with the help of cat-printed oven mitts. Not wanting to ruin the carefully crafted faces, Steve maneuvered the muffins out with a toothpick and a fork. Each was placed on a serving platter. A few broke and he cussed each time. When everything was done he picked up a broken one and tested it with a grimace. The flavor was fine, but it was so dense. Not the child, or Eddie, friendly snack it was supposed to be.
Grumbling about overmixing the flour, Steve turned around with the platter with the intent to dump the contents in the trash.
And he ran right into Eddie. The muffins barely stayed on the plate.
"Oh holy sh-! How'd you sneak up like that?" Steve screeched. The glint in Eddie's eye did little to calm his beating heart. Nor did the smug smirk.
"I'm like a cat, babe," he cooed, reaching over to snag a muffin.
Steve couldn't even reach out a hand to stop him, not without making a mess. So he just watched as the rocker eyed his ill-gotten gains, the wrinkles near his eyes getting pronounced as his smile widened.
"Made little monsters for your little monsters, Stevie boy?" he said before putting the entire thing in his mouth. The grin never faltered as he chewed and chewed then swallowed. Or when he took the platter from Steve's frozen hands and landed a crumb-covered kiss on his cheek.
"Saw the spinach on the counter earlier, but s'still good. The effort's cute." He wiped the transferred crumbs off Steve's frozen face. And Steve continued to not recover as Eddie screamed about the monster muffins and almost started a riot by saying they all belonged to him.
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scoonsalicious · 6 months
The thing abt this is, I’d like to hope that he couldn’t do it to pocket JUST so. But with him doing it twice, and keeping it a secret then fucking pocket after? (Disgusting, BTW) With talks of marriage and all? Sounds to me like he’s very scared of losing her because he DEFF knows he fucked up. I don’t care how much he says he loves pocket. Words are empty, especially from him. WHO BTW PROMISED NOT TO EVEN TALK TO THAT BITCH let alone fuck her. Unless he was under mind control or was drugged, no amount of insecurities and pain justifies him doing that to pocket. I cant believe him anymore when he says he loves pocket so much. Bc, do you do that to the person you very much love??? I’m sorry but NOTHING justifies what he did. What, has he have no sense of self control that he fucks anything with a hole when he’s feeling all sorts of emotion? Or has he have no self control that he finally gives in and fucks Jade? My point here is, if he consciously CHOSE, deliberately DECIDED TO FUCK HER? That’s the end of the story. No need for the whys and all else. You have free will, and you freely chose to put your dick in her cunt. I don’t care if you were so hurt. Pocket got hurt by him too, but he didn’t see pocket fuck anything with girth and length. He didn’t see pocket RESORT to Steve? Unless you were coerced or is in a life or death situation, you are a piece of shit for doing this. He doesn’t deserve pocket, he doesn’t deserve her love. He doesn’t deserve another chance anymore. Pocket deserves better than this bullshit of a boy. What he deserves is to suffer more than pocket. He deserves the pain double if not triple. I don’t care if his “conscience” is eating him, assuming he still has an ounce of it. He doesn’t deserve to die tho, he needs to live with his piece of shit of a decision. He can go be with Jade and live happily ever after with her since apparently, she gives him security and comfort, the fuck. They deserve each other. Truly vile and disgusting.
I hope jade did this with an intention of getting pregnant. And I hope she did! It would be a daily reminder for Bucky. (Tho I think it would be bad as it would also be a stab kn the heart for pocket)
And if ever Pocket is pregnant with Bucky’s? I’m not sure which one is better, for her to keep it and not let Bucky see or even be within the family he so talked abt. And to witness Pocket have her own family that’s not with him, or for pocket to terminate the child and tell Bucky that it’s disgusting and painful to think that a piece of him is inside her and would live in this world. I really don’t care if it’s harsh. He deserves every ounce of pain from this day on.
Also, I know you’ve been getting all sorts of anon asks and most of them are angry. Please remind yourself that all these are not for you. These are for Bucky and/or Jade. Try to not let them get into your head pls, we treasure u just as much as pocket.
It's so rough, because everyone is so rightfully mad at Bucky, and I totally get and support that, but at the same time, I'm like "But I love him, your honor!" Like, I know what's going through his head (cause I put those thoughts there, duh), and I want to scream "THIS IS WHAT HE IS THINKING WHEN HE DOES XYZ!" but I cannot, because that will spoil everything, lol. I just hope I've brought it to a satisfying enough conclusion for everyone.
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cowboylikeyouu · 6 hours
avengers interstellar AU
since i've seen it in theaters last night i can't stop thinking about writing an avengers/winterhawk interstellar AU and i feel like it's eating me from the inside, so i'm just gonna throw all my ideas at you. spoiler warnings for interstellar and a fanfiction i'll probably never write (having some interstellar knowledge is recommend lol i'm not explaining any of the movie aspects)
it's not gonna be as angsty as actual interstellar bc i can't do main character death for the life of me, i'm gonna ignore a lot of science bc i'm stupid and it's gonna be heavily winterhawk focused bc i'm insufferable, but here we go:
the world is ending and has been for years due to the blight and everything, yap yap yap you know the deal. the avengers basically just were a team of super talented scientists and engineers and test pilots, doing a lot of research for years and also dealing with some international shit or smth idk and it doesn't really matter. the team doesn't exist anymore bc they're not needed anymore, with food becoming the most dominant problem and everything, again, yk the deal. so most of them decide to retire from shield/nasa work and become farmers/etc.
nasa is doing the lazarus missions tho, and who volunteers? 10 people who don't really matter to the story (just like in the movie), steve (bc he's steve goddamn, ofc he's gonna volunteer to go on a suicide mission to possibly save humanity) and nat (bc she's rational, + she knows clint's probably gonna settle down with bucky somewhere (they've been in that "we fuck and spend almost every minute together, and we're so obviously in love but too scared to talk about it" stage for years), so she knows she won't be needed anymore bla bla)
clint's devastated about nat leaving, but she's like "enjoy your time as a farmer and when fury asks you to travel through spacetime to rescue us in a decade, you better be married to bucky's ass, idiot".
bucky's angry with steve for leaving but not surprised, and he's like "don't you dare die out there or i will walk through that goddamn wormhole just to kill you again"
tony's super pissy with steve for leaving, but doesn't show up to say goodbye or anything bc they're not really on speaking terms (they had an affair that was obviously much more than that during the period when tony and pepper had broken up, but then something civil war-like happened, and they're still angry at each other bc of that, and now tony's with pepper again, but there's obviously still a lot of unresolved stuff going on between them ykyk.
regarding steve & bucky: pretty sure i'll make them both the same age as everyone else, so no "frozen/held captive by hydra for 70 year" business, but i still need them to be supersoldiers. so maybe steve still volunteered for the experiment, and maybe he even became some kind of captain america (but an astronaut-version of him???), and bucky still got the not-so-good super-serum thingy and was held captive by hydra, but "only" for a couple of years, before he was rescued and joined the avengers.
again, all of that's not that important, the only relevant thing is that bucky got the serum and that it slows his aging process significantly.
whoo, lots of exposition sorry. that was basically just the prologue.
fast forward, 6-10 years, idk. pepper and tony had morgan, but pepper died of cancer (and i HATE nothing more than killing of a woman for an mlm ship, but seeing as cooper's wife in interstellar died as well, forcing him to leave behind his kids without a mom, i think it's a valid plot point for once). clint took bucky with him to his parent's old farm, they had peaceful couple of years, both recovering from trauma yap yap yap, they're happy alright (and officially together bc this is NOT a winterhawk slowburn).
then they all get a call form fury tho, being like "hey guys, sooo steve's, nat's and [random third character's] worlds look promising, wanna travel through the wormhole and check those planets out lolol???", and they obviously don't want to, but they all knew that day would come, so clint, bucky, tony and someone else (haven't decided who, bc that person's gonna be the one who dies on the water-planet thingy close to gargantua, so that's a hard decision to make) become the endurance team and set off into space.
and here's the thing: tony's on the mission bc he wants to save the life of morgan and especially her potential future kids and OFC bc he has a tiny hope of seeing steve again. clint's on the mission bc with bucky on the ship as well, there's nothing keeping him on earth, + the tiny chance of seeing nat again. bucky's on the mission for all of those reasons, but there's another factor for him, and that's time dilation.
he's a couple of years older than clint, but due to his slow aging, their body's are pretty much at the same stage already if u know what i mean, and while clint's relatively chill about it bc "hey man, you still gonna look sexy as fuck when i'm a bald old man, i'm so lucky", bucky's freaking out over it.
he's well aware of the time dilation caused by gargantua, so his plan is to be the one to stay behind on the ship while the others fly down to the planet on its horizon, and to NOT put himself into hypersleep for all these years, so that when clint and the others come back, he's gonna have a few physical years on clint again. his thought process is kinda like "i'd rather spent 20 years alone on a spaceship with the knowledge that clint is probably alive and i will see him again, than to watch him die of old age and keep living on my own for another 50 years". it's kinda stupid, but that's love for you guys.
so yeah, they travel through the wormhole, clint, tony, and [random fourth character] go down to the planet on gargantua's horizon, clint's convinced bucky's just gonna sleep for 7 years bc that's what sane people do, [random fourth character] dies, tony and clint have to stay down there an hour longer due to the water damage on the ranger, yap yap you know the deal, they go up again and BOOM: they've been gone for 23 years and bucky spent all those years alone and awake and looks 10 years older than before they left. many emotions for both of them "fuck yes clint, you're alive, i fucking missed human contact", and "jesus christ bucky you put yourself through this for me and" and "JESUS CHRIST bucky you put yourself through this FOR ME?????"
anyways, next stop is steve's planet. good news: steve's alive, bad news: the planet isn't a suitable candidate for a new world. the obvious new plan is to go check out nat's world bc it's quite literally their last chance. tony - now that they already "wasted" 25 years on this mission and found steve alive - really just wants to go back to earth tho and see morgan again. he knows that clint and bucky won't agree to that tho, so he kinda manipulates steve into getting on a ranger and flying up to the endurance again, leaving clint and bucky behind on steve's planet. don't be too angry with him, he just wants to see his daughter again, alright :,)
neither steve nor tony are exceptional pilots tho, (that's clint's fucking job), so they don't manage the docking process. bc this isn't a main character death angst fic, they don't die in an explosion like dr. mann did in interstellar, they just cause the endurance to spin rapidly, and then kinda float next to it in their ranger being like "well shit". clint and bucky come in with steve's old lander to save the day, and clint manages to dock onto the spinning spaceship (like cooper does in the movie) and stops it, and then talks tony and steve through the docking process on another point of the ship (the endurance, the rangers, and the landers all work the way i want and need them too btw, idc about accuracy when it comes to this kinda shit lol i just want them all to survive)
when they're all safe on the ship again, they talk it through. the endurance + 1 lander HAVE to go to nat's planet, it's the point of the entire mission, but clint's a self-sacrificing idiot, so obviously he wants tony and steve to have a chance of going back to earth. they load up on lander with enough fuel to take steve and tony back through the wormhole (they're not sure if the lander can withstand it, but it's the only way), from where it should be possibly to contact earth again, so that someone could get them.
clint tells bucky that they have enough resources and enough fuel to get them both to nat's planet safely, which is a lie, but bucky trusts him bc they're in love, man.
clint does the iconic slingshot-around-gargantua-or-whatever manoeuvre to give the endurance the boost it needs to reach nat's planet, and he also does the iconic "yeah, i'm just gonna load up one of the rangers with one of the robots (the robots are FRIDAY and JARVIS btw) and let it fall into black hole to hopefully gather some data, but then i also let myself fall into it without telling you beforehand" move, bc they need to lose the weight and there aren't enough resources for both of them.
he's like "this is paypack for your aging dick move, say hello to nat for me" and then he's gone. ouch.
then there's the whole black hole shit, with the 4th dimension tesseract and the data from the black hole that i don't really give a shit about rn tbh lol. the "solving the gravitation equation" problem won't be a huge part of the plot anyways, bc yes, it's an important factor to this story's universe in general, but i really just wanna focus on bucky and clint in the fic, so idc. it's all kinda happening in the background.
clint sends the data to earth in morse code like cooper does in the movie - tho idk yet if he sends it to a now much older morgan, or peter parker (who's kinda tony's mentally adopted son btw) or directly to tony, who made it back to earth safely. idk. like i said, doesn't really matter. the tesseract collapses, clint's gets picked up by stark station that they were able to build bc of the data he send them, all is well.
his slingshot manoeuvre around gargantua did cause another time dilation ofc (idk if i'd make it 60+ years like in the movie tho), so maybe tony's already dead when clint gets picked up by the station. due to slowed down super soldier aging steve's still alive and well tho, and they have a little chit chat where steve's like "go find bucky, clint, there's nothing keeping you here" and when clint tells him he should join him, steve's like "i'll follow, we all will at some point, but i promised tony to look after morgan" (who's older than steve at this point).
so clint steals a ranger (they're advanced by now, but not 100% cleared to do interstellar travel yet, but this is clint we're talking about and cooper literally did the exact same thing in the movie) and sets off to nat's planet.
it takes him a few years, but he gets there, and bc i'm a soft soft softie, OF COURSE both nat and bucky are still alive, already raising the first generation of the new colony (bc they obviously didn't know if they solved the equation after all). i'm not entirely sure how plan b in interstellar war supposed to work, like who would carry & birth the first generation?? but bc of the fact that they only put one woman on the mission, i'll just go with "they have artificial wombs" :D
and now they'll just chill there until the rest of old humanity joins them.
and idk, the thought of bucky and clint being adam and adam of a new humanity for a few years (bc nat puts herself into hypersleep on a regular basis being like "i cant deal with you two idiots for too long, i'm gonna sleep 'til these babies are grown-ups so that i can actually have some good conversations") just really does it for me lmao.
and they all lived happily ever after.
okay this was a long one, sorry, nobody's gonna read this post anyway lmao. i just needed to get it all out of my head bc i'm still not sure if i actually wanna write it or not. i feel a lot better now tho, maybe my head won't explode bc of this idea tonight.
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freckledjoes · 2 months
how do u think st5 will end? i think eleven will sacrifice herself for will, before he dies, probably mike dies?? her powers would be strong enough to sacrifice and save hawkins. nancy stays single and travels away for a job/collage or something, steve gets himself a girlfriend, finally. please. he wants to be the stay at home mom with his kids. nancy clearly didn’t look like she wants that life cause she doesn’t, i really don’t understand why he’s still stuck on her even after so many years after their breakup, it’s silly. max wakes up. jopper will get married!! pls i need that to come true.. dustin survives vecna’s curse, idk will nancy get possessed too? and who’s the new lady that’s been introduced as a new character?? steve’s mom maybe?? or the mayoress of hawkins?? i want all the town to help the main group but still i don’t want it to be the second avengers endgame pls… omg could vecna possibly use his victims against our main characters? alsoo, i don’t want the ending scene where nancy and steve are in the car saying we’ve seen stranger things, it’s too corny for my liking pls no… and i like the time travel thing idea.. (going back in time so vecna would turned on his dark side.. this would be really easy way out, tho i hope it won’t happen lol?).. i’d really want eddie returning as a vampire, not really like coming from the dead, that would ruin everything probably (even tho i’d wanted it in heartbeat) buuut yk what i mean right? something like billy came back in max’s visions so eddie would come like this to dustin’s visions. the worst possible ending, is blood bath, there’s been a lot demand for a body count. i feel like modern audiences are more into stuff like game of thrones, walking dead.. stuff like that… killing characters casually. i’m not saying i don’t want a character or three dying tho! i’d be happy if they’d killed off two or three of the main characters finally, they always kill a new character that the audience like and then the audience is always mad. why is that?? we’ve already lost bob and eddie. should it be that way?? i’m really scared steve is going to die bc he was supposed to die in s1, if he does die i’m gonna riot against their stupid writing (that brings me getting stancy back together again). pls get him a girlfriend, a happy life he dreams about and don’t let him hang up on nancy anymore, he deserves better.. he’s changed.. also it needs to stay to the 80s show vibes and has the happy ending as well.. what do you think?? what are your thoughts? :D
I had to write down all your thoughts as bullet points so I could acknowledge them in my reply lmao. Loving this elaborate thought blurb! Alright, so I do think there will be some sacrificing going on, I'd see either Will or El doing it for Mike. Part of me thinks one of those two might die, but on the other hand I don't see them doing it. Why? 'Cause it would fuck up Jopper. And they spent a lot of time on Jopper. Hopper can't lose another kid and we've seen how Joyce handled Will's missing. Not saying this is logical, but it's what I think anyway. Maybe an almost death. Like one of them going in knowing they will probably die and saying goodbye- maybe, and then surviving. I feel like Max might get a more important role than we anticipate. Something about her showing up for El at the moment she needs her the most. Like in the mind thing. I'm worried for Lucas, that poor boy is suffering. :( Assuming Jopper survives - which I do think they will - I wouldn't be surprised if we get a Jopper wedding as a way of a corny happy ending. I don't expect anything mindblowing if I'm very honest, the fan theories have been so good that I fear disappointment for most of us lol. And well, considering many things - I also don't really care if it flops. I'll just enjoy seeing some of my sweet characters one last time before their actors go off into bigger and better projects. <3 Anyway, back to it. If they bring back Eddie, it's definitely gonna give us more pain than gain. He'll hurt Dustin, bet. As wonderful as the Kas ideas are, I don't see it happening considering what I mentioned in the previous paragraph. It's too good. I either see him show up in a Vecna vision or some kind of undead army thing. Both will suck. Imagine Dustin, who is literally embodying Eddie right now, is face to face with his dead friend. Yikers. Idk about the new lady, I'm honestly bored out of my ass that they added a new character for the last season. "Here's a new character to care about - or not - but they're gonna die once you get attached!" - so yeah, not many thoughts there. It'll be too brief. I don't see the town doing anything other than vandalize Eddie's grave and somehow find a way to blame the goddamn earthquake on him honestly. Steve and Nancy... fingers crossed it doesn't happen. For me anyway! For those that ship them, good luck getting it your way~ But yeah, I don't see the appeal, but I do feel how they're pushing it onto us hard. It wouldn't surprise me if Steve dies trying to protect Nancy and that we'll get a stupid nugget speech similar to Eddie's sheep speech. I really need that all to not happen. But don't wanna get too deep into ships, I just don't think that outcome would be sensible for either character. That said, Steve getting a partner (an unknown character) would be nice, but if I'm really honest I'd much rather they all leave it open to our interpretation. If we're getting a cliche ending of some future thing, just throw me the Jopper wedding or Steve and Robin (platonically) moving out of Hawkins together, away from that hellhole. This has become a mix of what I think might happen vs what I want to happen I guess, but these are my thoughts! And anyway, no matter what happens, we will always have a 1000+ fixit fics :)
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steviesbicrisis · 2 years
Steddie Star Wars AU
part 1
For a long time, there was only cold and darkness.
Eddie couldn't feel anything but deadly cold all around him, it was impossible to tell how much time it had passed, if time had passed at all.
And then, suddenly, the freezing cold was gone, he was moving guided by someone who was talking to him, a robot guessing by their voice.
Eddie can't see anything, his vision full of grey and black spots.
«Who are you?» he asks, still trembling.
He hears a movement, shuffle of fabric, then a familiar voice, music for Eddie's ears «someone who loves you.»
«Steve» Eddie cries in relief, their lips meet halfway. One of the last things he remembers are those lips, but it still feels like it has passed too much time from that memory.
Once again his time with Steve is cut short, by Jabba the Hutt this time, and they get separated again.
What happens next is confusing in Eddie's mind, probably because of his time as a human icicle and his -hopefully temporary- blindness.
He's been tied up and moved around, at some point, when the grey and black point in his vision become more white-ish, Robin is next to him.
Even tho he can't see her, she feels different from his memories: more confident, serious, and powerful somehow. Whatever training she went to do, it worked really well.
A fight ensures, Eddie tries to keep up with it as well as he can, he didn't escape from the deadly cold to die at the hands of Jabba. In the end, Robin saves the day like the good hero she always had been.
When it's time to leave the planet, Eddie's vision is almost back, everything is blurry but he can tell colors, light, and silhouettes. He hears Steve pleading Robin to stay, sees their figures get close, and admittedly it stings, Steve had always treated Robin with more affection than him. Robin still decides to go, and Eddie can't help but feel a little relieved.
He completely forgets about it one hour later, when his vision is back.
He's sitting on one of the ship's couches, Steve is a few steps ahead of him, giving orders and discussing the route to take with the crew, when his eyes do focus.
His heart drops.
Steve's outfit -can you even call two pieces of fabric an outfit?? Eddie thinks, panicked- consists of two pieces of red fabric covering just his ass and crotch, connected by a thin chain that wraps around his waist, leaving his sides completely bare. And everything else is also bare. And he has a collar with a chain dangling on his chest.
Steve. Almost naked. With a collar and a chain.
Eddie feels extremely bad about his impure thoughts, Steve had just been kidnapped and forced into that outfit just to save him and- shit, Steve also has sexy chest hair.
Eddie wants to go back being a human icicle.
And then he realizes, he isn't the only one able to see half naked chained up sexy Steve. They're right next to the plank, there are a lot of people going around the ship and, despite being serious workers, some of them can't help but stare at the Prince, blush, or giggle.
Eddie hates it, but can he really blame them? He isn't in a better state than any of them.
When three passing recruits greet him with a "good evening, Prince" and giggle at Steve's very flirtatious "good evening to you", Eddie decides he's had enough.
He gets up from the couch, takes off his brown vest (wishing for once to have something more covering like a snow coat), and throws it at Steve.
«For your modesty, Prince» he huffs, sounding extremely annoyed. Which he is.
Steve catches the vest and gives him a knowingly smirk «thank you, general.»
He knows what he's doing to him, Eddie realizes, and he wishes to hate him but it actually makes him love Steve a little more.
He can do nothing but turn back on the couch, wait and rest. Despite Steve putting on a show, he's also doing his duty and Eddie doesn't want to interrupt.
He stays there for hours to watch over him, using the recovery as an excuse, and he gets the chance of a private conversation only at supper.
Steve hushes everyone around to go get their food and take a break, then walks to Eddie.
«So, are you hungry?» he asks, no emotion in his tone. Eddie, however, has recently learned how to read him, so the cold attitude doesn’t faze him.
«Yes,» he replies before grabbing the chain and yanking him down, Steve yelps in surprise but doesn't get to say more because Eddie's lips are over his.
Like their previous kisses, this one is rushed even if for very different reasons. Steve has placed his hands on the side of Eddie's head to avoid crushing him, Eddie still has the chain in his hand, exploring every inch of Steve's bare skin with the other, and there's a lot.
Steve leans back «are you sure you're not tired? maybe you need more rest.»
«I'm only tired of waiting for you to finish your little show» he grunts, still annoyed.
«You seemed to enjoy it.»
«Yeah, and I wasn't the only one. You walking around practically naked,» Eddie puts his wondering hand on his lower back and pushes him down, Steve falls entirely on him. They feel each other's hard-on and Steve groans at the contact.
«Fuck, let's go to my room» the prince says, hushed voice.
«Why? I thought you enjoyed putting on a show. I bet you love that anyone could walk in now and see you like this» he whispers in his ear.
Eddie is used to strong and fierce Steve, the stoic prince, the one who never asks, always orders and demands.
«Eddie, please» he moans, rocking his hips against him. He's getting desperate, Eddie growls at the idea of being the only one who gets to see him like this.
He frees Steve from his embrace after pulling the chain a little just to annoy him.
Eddie's clothes are a mess, but nothing compared to Steve, his perfect hair all ruined and his clothes doing a poor job at hiding his hardness.
Eddie takes Steve by his hand and leads the way, ready to shield him in case they meet someone from the crew.
Thankfully it's still supper time and they're able to reach Steve's cabin without encountering one single soul.
As soon as Steve closes the door behind him, Eddie grips the chain once again and pulls Steve toward the bed, walking backward.
He lies down on the bed, bringing Steve on top of him.
«You love this, don't you?» Steve gestures at the chain in Eddie's hand.
«You have no idea» Eddie smile mischievously, pulling him down for a kiss.
Without breaking the kiss, Eddie takes his vest off of Steve, making him chuckle «what about my modesty, general?»
It shouldn't surprise Eddie, but having sex with Steve is just like this: with laughter, which somehow never makes it awkward or unsexy; with a lot of teasing, because that's how they communicate; rushed, because they both waited too long; and tender, because they've never loved anyone like they love the other.
Later, when they're laying in bed and Eddie's figuring out how to free him from the collar, Steve is staring at him, intensely.
«I love you» he whispers.
Eddie can't help but say «I know.»
Steve scoffs and pushes him off of him, but he's smiling. Eddie's heart skips a bit.
One day, they both have no doubt, he will drop the teasing and say it back.
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sharpth1ng · 1 year
Ideas for Scream Reverse AU because I love reversal AUs
- Characters would still have a similar personality to their OGs, but like, changed to fit their new role in the story better if you know what I’m saying. But I don’t wanna completely change the character’s personalities just cuz the roles are swapped
- Tatum and Sidney are the killers (Finally, 2 sapphic ghostfaces. I love evil women)
- Dumbass cops didn’t check if Tatum new how to hunt lmaooo
- Billy is the final boy (good for him)
- RIP to Stu but he’d die a little differently than OG Tatum cuz that boy ain’t fitting in the doggie door
- Also means Nancy + Maureen swap and Hank + Neil swap
- Maureen is a killer in Scream 2 (maybe that means Derek is the other killer with him being swapped with Mickey? Also implies final boy!Billy dates Mickey?????? goes hard tbh)
- Reporter Dewey and cop Gale???
- Dewey when he finds out tate and sid did it would be would be conflicted and heartbroken though
- Casey and Steve swap roles too cuz boys need to have a call from ghostface too okay
- Literally no idea how randy fits into all this tbh who do I reverse him with??? Is he just the same guy? (Could possibly swap with Hallie or something but I ain’t no scientist or whatever at this shit)
Anyways that’s all for now
Yo I’m loving this tbh
I need sapphic Ghostface more than I need air to breathe
Tatum is getting away with this just because Dewey vouches for her (HUNTING TATUM??STEP ON ME)
I love final boy Billy, was literally just talking to @pinhead-cenobite abt how there aren’t enough final boys and I specifically love the concept of a final boy who also would have killed everyone and just didn’t happen to be doing that in this case
Lmao Stu’s head hanging out the doggy door while his feet still touch the ground like ??? Still needs to be a gimmick death tho (because tropes)
For a second I thought you meant Neil and Hank were hooking up and I was like ok yeah go off old man yaoi
FINAL BOY BILLY X MICKEY HELL YES. Oh my god what an unhinged relationship 🤣
I love himbo Steve trivia death game 👌🏻boys DO need a call from Ghostface
Lmao I think Randy is just Randy but does that imply he’s into Billy ? Because that feels deranged
Great work as usual 10/10
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