#stella learns a language
stellacendia · 1 year
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Um. Duo. What??
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lucent-nargacuga · 1 month
I honestly must thank you, since you're the one responsible for me practicing drawing bigger bodies (fat) ever since you said concerns about it once, so I saw an opportunity!
Now I feel very happy with my Dedede and Fylass' designs!
!!! gee I didn't know I was so influential vhfhvh
I'm glad! it always makes me happy to see more diversity in characters
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supernovaa-remnant · 10 months
Hei I just got a brilliant [read: stupid] idea :)
Polishbur leading a journal/diary. He's having a bad time with making sure no one gets their hands on his notes or seeing what he's writing down-
At some point wil remembers that he can switch to polish, so he stops hiding as if he was writing fanfics at school and freely waxes poetry about his enemy, sure that no other person on the smp will be able to read it.
(Techno has tons of dictionaries. He's been trying to subtly use some words to let Wil know that he can read his notes but he butchers the pronunciation that nothing gets across. Techno is stuck with the knowledge. He's afraid.)
asakjdhsjdhs Techno picking up the journal that Wilbur dropped like "hey Wil, I think you drop—" only to look down and read what's written unwillingly
he half considers just leaving the server right then and there because he does not get paid enough for whatever this is
(also, plot twist: dream's been learning polish to impress spite polishbur, and at some point he gets his hands on the journal and can just fully read the poetry wilbur's written abt him ahskdjhkjdhsjdhss)
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ripplestitchskein · 3 months
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This is one of my favorite moments from the episode. Like from an art point of view the expression and body language is so on point. If you watch this sequence without sound it tells the story just as effectively as the dialogue, so kudos to them. A+ animation.
However, I’ve seen a few people say it doesn’t make sense for Stolas to react like this because he overheard Stella plotting to kill him. Which, I think that scene was more to highlight Stolas’s obliviousness in general more than him knowing she was trying to kill him? But that’s a separate post. This moment though has very little to do with Stolas’s worry over his personal safety or even the assassination attempt itself. He is not reacting to the reveal that Blitz didn’t warn him about an assassin from a place of “I could have prepared myself better with a warning and known what Stella was plotting earlier”.
He’s reacting to it from a place of “Someone tried to kill me and you didn’t care enough about me to even mention it”. The episode is about how Stolas is interpreting and “learning” that Blitz was showing him all along he didn’t care about him, that Blitz just does this to people, that Stolas is NOT special he’s just another in a crowd of people Blitz fucked and fucked off.
That they conveyed so well how crushing this must have been, to learn the person you love and care for not only knew months ahead of that someone was trying to kill you but you factored so little into their thoughts they just FORGOT to tell you? How he realized that he meant so little in the scheme of Blitz’s life that Blitz couldn’t even be bothered to mention it?
So yeah this isn’t a mistake, this isn’t the writers forgetting Stolas already knew, the issue here is not about the assassination at all, it’s about how Stolas is now interpreting this as “Someone tried to end my life and I meant so little to you I didn’t even warrant a heads up about it”. Like, not to be dramatic but Blitz just basically confessed that he didn’t care about Stolas’s existence at all.
We know it’s because of how Blitz sees Stolas as this untouchable immortal figure on high, but Stolas doesn’t see himself that way. He’s very clear he doesn’t recognize his own power and position.
It goes even deeper than that devastating line of thought though. It casts the whole “Am I in danger?” aspect of Western Energy into a whole different light. We interpret it as him not really believing he is in trouble, just mildly inconvenienced and wanting Blitz to play hero for his romantic fantasies. He is kidnapped by someone he recognizes as being a friend of Blitz’s, he calls him to clarify it, Blitz is then “I can’t save you today, my daughter has a thing”. During this point in the conversation Stolas has no idea Striker is sent to assassinate him persay, he thinks he’s just been kidnapped by a friend of Blitz’s. But Blitz DOES know Striker tried to kill Stolas in the past and is a credible threat. In this scene in Apology Tour Stolas finds out that Blitz knew that from the beginning, that he knew that and still couldn’t be bothered to come and was dismissive of it. That’s what Stolas saw anyway. He didn’t see Blitz driving crazy and turning around. He didn’t see his face of worry or regret. So the only information Stolas has now is “I called you telling you I was kidnapped by a man you knew tried to kill me and you said you were too busy. You knew how dangerous he was and you didn’t even care about me enough to help me.”
I’m sure it was a lot easier to deal with and excuse Blitz not being there and being busy when he assumed Blitzø didn’t know he was in real danger, now Stolas knows the truth. Blitz knew the person he identified as having kidnapped him had tried to murder him in the past and it still wasn’t enough to stir Blitz to save him.
Like that’s so fucking crushing? And important. Like critical really.
Like do the Stolas math of “Let me add up the evidence to interpret his feelings” and in addition to all the times he sneered or turned away add in “He knew a person who kidnapped me had already attempted murder and still didn’t give a shit”.
We know that’s not the whole story, that Blitz was worried and did turn around but Stolas doesn’t. This is the whole pattern of their entire relationship. He never sees when Blitz turns around in any context. He looks at Blitz and SEES him, is rebuffed by Blitz turning away and so Stolas looks away and just as he does Blitz turns back to him. It makes me want to claw my face off. This isn’t about the assassination at all, this is about them missing each other yet again.
In my head I think of it like a trapeze act. They each take the swing, they are flying through the air but they aren’t paying attention, they look away and miss the grab and both are plummeting to the ground.
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yumeka-sxf · 9 months
So much happened in today's new chapter! Anya got both a stella AND a tonitrus, we find out just how exceptional she is at classical language to the point of ranking second and Twilight actually questions her about it, more Desmond backstory along with...
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...his first apperanace!
After being shrouded in mystery all this time, we finally get to see Demetrius. Of course, like the other Desmonds, he brings up more questions than answers. What exactly is his relationship with his dad, if it's not how Damian imagined it was? And why were his thoughts so...odd? I was especially weirded out when Anya couldn't read his mind at first.
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It could have been that she was too far away, but I feel it has something to do with the way he thinks...like, maybe he trained his mind to the point where he's not continuously thinking things like most people and his thoughts come in quick spurts only. Could it be something that Donovan instilled in him from a young age?
I loved how Anya's reaction to getting a stella and getting a tonitrus were only slightly different 😅 More darker lines and sweat for the tonitrus.
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Anya had some great faces in this chapter, (as did Twilight), but I think my favorite was this one!
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I was also happy to see some soft Twilight moments. Not only did he congratulate Anya on her stella while not harping on her tonitrus, he even gave her a head pat, something we haven't seen in a long time.
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Something else we haven't seen in a long time: drunk Yor! (at least at home). Did she spend all night on the couch or did she eventually make it back to her room with Loid's help?
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When Twilight questions Anya about why she might be so good at classical languages, she says she doesn't know, which makes sense. Most kids don't remember much before Anya's age. So even after all this, and even though it's clear just how good Anya is at classical languages, we're still not closer to knowing why!
Meanwhile, still nothing suspicious about the Authens.
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But now that Demetrius is officially in the mix too, they're not the only new and mysterious characters we have to keep tabs on now!
Also Anya trying to channel Desmond energy at the end, lol. Trust me girl, you don't want to have minds like theirs!
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It seems like this mini arc is over, at least the part about the exam results. I wonder if we'll keep learning more about Demetrius and the classical language thing, or if that's all we're getting for a while. Either way, I'm excited!
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I think Octavia knows more than she’s letting on.
Let me preface this by saying I will not allow any Octavia slander or victim-blaming for Stolas. Octavia is a child and Stolas is surviving domestic violence. It’s an on-site block if I see that nonsense.
Having said that
Going off my own experiences watching my parents, I always knew something was…off. I couldn’t place it. I couldn’t name it. I was too young to understand the concept of abuse. My parents were married. They loved each other…right?
Unlike Stella and Stolas, my parents actually had loved each other at some point. But that didn’t change the fact that my earliest memories are of extreme stress, living in tension I didn’t cause but felt it was my job to fix. If I couldn’t fix it, I needed to avoid it.
Octavia seems to go the avoiding route. She plays music whenever she can, she tries to stay out of her parents’ way, and she doesn’t react at all to her mom throwing her dad’s plants around or screaming while tossing their butler at him.
Stella, by abusing Stolas, is also abusing Octavia. How do you think that affects her? Even if Stolas and Stella keep the worst of it away from her, she’s still hearing her mother use racist, degrading language towards her father and seeing Stella be violent with his things. She’s still learning that that’s an acceptable response to stress. Having a parent lose their shit at you for the simplest of things also dysregulates your nervous system. Chronic yelling is abusive because it puts you into fight/flight/freeze mode 24/7. That’s going to wreak havoc on your mind and body. Octavia has learned to keep her head down and stay invisible so she doesn’t have to deal with it (as is not her job. The abuser is always 100% at fault for the abuse. It’s also not a child’s job to protect a parent).
We also know she had nightmares as a kid of Stolas vanishing. I’ve seen speculation that this is her powers manifesting and I don’t disagree- this is a fantasy show- but I also think her subconscious knows there’s danger in her home. Her little five-year-old mind knows something is very wrong and the consequence of things not being made right is her father disappearing (and she was right. Stolas is only alive because Andrealphus convinced Stella to call off the hit).
We also never see her actually interact with Stella. Every time she talks about her parents, she’s either talking about Stolas as an individual or both of them as a unit. There’s no portraits of her playing with Stella. She never mentions good memories of Stella. She knows subconsciously that Stella is an unsafe, uninvolved parent and Stolas is her safe place.
Except, Stolas is fighting back.
There’s this thing that’s not talked about often called ‘reactive abuse.’ It’s when the victim is pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed until they yell back or hit back. And then the abuser gets to turn around and say “oh my god you’re so abusive how could you do this to me??”
When Octavia is complaining about Stolas and Stella “screaming at each other” I think what she’s actually seeing is Stolas pushed to his limit and biting back after 17 years of keeping himself as small and quiet as possible. But because she doesn’t have this language or knowledge, to her, it looks like he’s fighting with Stella, the known aggressor, for no reason.
Where am I going with this? Idk. Set this girl up with a case worker and a workbook on domestic abuse.
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chaifootsteps · 2 months
What if Stella and Blitz met Martha and Mayberry? The ex wives and the mistresses.
Ms Mayberry would know all about hiring hitmen on cheaters and Martha would understand what causes people to cheat in a loveless marriage with kids, they’d both help Stella to move on from it and for her (and the extremely stolas obsessed biassed audience) to learn she’s not crazy (at least by hells standards) Maybe they look at Blitz being mad at Stella for hiring a hitman and laugh because he’s one himself who Mayberry hired. Learning that could change Stella’s view of him. Martha like blitz seems to ping pong between men, before finding the right person (woman) for her. Imagine a scene of “how did you know they were the one?” I love those. Or in Blitzs case “how did you know he is not the one?” Hint: him being on the phone to that creep while being shot at by Martha then stolas shaming blitz to fail to cater to his safety. Stolas is the reason Martha caught him remember. Please blitz remember.
Both sinner women tell them that a man willing to humiliate them and bring them into a cheating scandal does not truly care for or respect them, much less “love” He cares about himself only, and not either of them. In fact he wants them to fight each other. To take blame off him.
Another slightly random thing I was thinking, what if Martha was a huge horse girl too. And dreamed of the wrath ring and meeting hell horses and Satan himself. Blitzø is super stoked about this. He says he descended from Satan as his hellborn and flirtily asks Martha “maybe you should be worshipping me? We’re practically the same” Before Mayberry smacks him and Stella fact checks that assessment. Stick to horses Blitzø.
Another sweet idea, Mayberry has full shared custody of Martha’s evil cannibal children and loves being around kids again. And teaching. As a teacher she finally helps Blitzø learn to spell and read properly, and doesn’t make fun of him for it. But does put him in the dunce hat for cussing. She notices his dyslexia right away and is actually helping him, and maybe notices he grew up speaking multiple languages adding to his spelling difficulty (but Ofc Viv wouldnt do that, everyone in HB speaks exclusively English) I’m tired of the audience calling him stupid. Stella too, she received no education as a woman without official status besides baby maker, and imagine how hard that is to admit?
Basically the message is bad actions have consequences, but good actions have consequences too. Apologies aren’t just meaningless. Every year the three send gift baskets. Blitzø doesn’t say it aloud. But being around three motherly women who understand him, helps him in his grieving journey quite a bit. And to be less of a misogynist. All he had to do was give a sorry basket and he just made three close friends.
You guys are going to kill me with all these beautiful, sincere versions of HB that we'll never see so much as a shade of in canon.
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sushirrrry · 4 months
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for those of you who know me, you know that I am a wattpad writer & got my start writing on that platform. I was a story writer first and foremost, only the past few months have I started to write one-shots, mostly for time management purposes.
however, I've been looking through my works, rereading, reminiscing on everything. that leads us here: I'm reworking and reposting celestial, one of my original stories! this time, a tumblr story.
I've wanted to move off of wattpad for a while, start to dip my feet into a different water, so I figured I would start by finishing celestial but being able to give you guys– some of you who haven't read it– an opportunity with these characters too.
celestial is heartbreaking; it's a plot full of unlikable characters. it's immature, its characters learning about one another and who they are. its a cheating plot. but underneath it all, there's a lot of humanity in it. there's love and there's passion and there's characters that I think need to be hated to be loved. it's a story I love writing and I love to reread.
so, if you'll accept me here, on the two year anniversary of Harry's House, chapter one will be shared tonight! I have really appreciated all the love thus far on everything this community has shared. thank you thank you thank you 🤍 read the summary below!
cw: graphic sexual content, course language, adult themes, affair plots, mentions of death and suicide, bullying, outing, conversations of sex and gender identity.
Stella met Harry by accident. Well, some may say the stars aligned that day.
After a troublesome semester of classes, Stella Martin, a psychology student, needs help. She's outgoing, but her anxiety is starting to get the better of her; she's in a relationship that is taking too much of her energy, the parties are becoming more like a lifestyle, and she's really starting to wonder if university is even the right place for her.
When she's placed in a required statistics course, she sits next to a student who is passing with flying colors: Harry Styles, a physics student. Harry is very shy, hoping someone doesn't call on him in class, but he's smart beyond compare and Stella can't help but notice.
As they start to sit next to each other in class, Harry is terrified that Stella will see him for who he really is: a huge nerd with an obsession with constellations, the Triangulum Galaxy, and Star Wars. But, Stella is terrified that Harry will see that she is not good enough... in anything, really.
Stella and Harry aren't looking for anything specific, but in a world where we try so hard to fit in, isn't it nice to know that someone is always right there waiting to pull you in?
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kifkay · 5 months
Headcanons about Winx and Specialists <3
When Sky is stressed/worried, he absent-mindedly traces the scars on Brandon’s hand. 
Stella wants to try theater/drama club. C’mon, look at her – she is a drama kid, born and bred. 
Bloom definitely had a punk faze. (Semi-canon? Look at her ex-bf Andy and Selina, and tell me she wasn’t at least a little edgy in middle school.) 
Bloom never lost her interest in mythology, but during the ‘punk’ phase, she shifted her focus towards origins of monsters & creepypasta, and – well, that particular interest continued into adulthood. Except her scale for normalcy has been tampered with and what she considers fun facts disturb the shit out of the Winx and the Specialists. 
Musa, while enrolled in Alfea, has had regular music gigs at a Magix cafe. For a very long time, she wouldn’t allow the Winx girls to come and see her during the gigs, afraid that they would glean something too personal from her songs. 
Riven and later, Timmy, are one of the only people allowed to come with no invitation required.
Tecna, who had been subjected to epic highs and lows of musical education on Zenith, sometimes helps Musa compose and edit her songs. It’s both a way to bond with her very artistic roomie and a way to have fun with a discipline that was forced upon her. The two even start performing together at some point! 
(Tecna refuses to sing; it’s a good decision, she’s horrible at it. But she plays keys and is learning drums!) 
Out of the whole friend group, Timmy, Riven, Aisha and Bloom are the most competitive. They are also all sore losers.
Bloom is a coffee girl, Stella is a vitamins-only “I don’t ruin my body with those filthy drinks” wellness kind of girl, Tecna and Musa are energy drinks girlies, Aisha is a power nap girlie. Flora snorts drugs. 
Brandon and Sky switching identities was prompted by an assassination attempt made on Sky. Assassins sneaked into his quarters while he was sleeping and tried to slit his throat. While they did manage to cut the skin on his neck, Brandon, who was sleeping over, woke up and together they stalled the assailant until the guards finally showed up. That’s when Brandon was made Sky’s squire. 
Sky has a thin scar on his neck because of that. 
Tecna doesn’t notice it when she cries. She never makes a sound either: tears just start leaking out of the corners of her eyes, with the rest of Tecna’s face remaining completely unchanged. 
Flora's love language is gift giving and she loooves spoiling her friends with presents.
Aisha loves imitating people and Musa finds it hilarious. Stella stakes her life on being better than her at impressions (she really isn’t)
Brandon and Sky definitely kissed a few times. 
Everybody knows about that. 
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wearethewinx · 1 year
I SAID I wanted to talk about Aisha:
It's been theorized that Aisha doesn't want to be a princess. I strongly disagree. She takes her role as the princess of Andros extremely seriously, and imo she clearly WANTS to be a good ruler. Yes, she snuck out to dance sometimes and refused her arranged marriage, but that NEVER stopped her from doing her Princess Duties, and she doesn't have baggage around the decorum of her station. She deploys it effortlessly when beneficial and takes it off just as easily. She drops everything at a moment's notice to return to Andros at the slightest sign of trouble to Be Their Princess
She is DEVOTED and LOYAL. Like, maybe the most of all the winx? She knew Flora for like, a week, and that was enough friendship currency for her to BREAK INTO HELIA'S ROOM AND PAW THROUGH HIS SHIT. Yeah Stella committed identity fraud for Bloom on day 1, but that's Stella. Aisha is responsible! Considers her actions carefully! EXCEPT when a friend needs a favor
That devotion includes her parents. Aisha's respect for her mother is paramount, even after the betrothal fiasco, and that's not just a passive thing. She proudly says "source: my mother told me and she's NEVER wrong" in class. I really wish we got to see more of Aisha's relationship with her parents
She knows a lot about poetry and speaks many languages. Again, I just wish we saw more of this
Basically homeschooled
Her royal education doesn't seem to include magic? Which is SUPER interesting to me. Every other princess we meet except Diaspro is canonically some kind of magic student, but Aisha seems self-taught. While every other princess in the magic dimension is learning to be a fairy or sorceress, the princess of Andros is learning diplomacy, fencing, languages, poetry, dancing, etiquette. That says a lot about Androssi royalty!
She's gentle
I feel like Aisha is often flattened as 'the strong one' (and I do have personal beef w/ how people incorporate that into her design- she's sporty, not a bodybuilder. Dancing, motorcycling, and surfing are not activities that lend themselves to big bulky biceps!!) and I really think that's a boring disservice to her. IMO she's the sort of person who would really appreciate and treasure little friendship tokens, and spend a lot of time just. Trying to do nice things for the winx, and solve their problems. She treasures quiet time spent together.
Helia loving her (despite Aisha thinking he's a loser) because she knows a lot of philosophy and has a good command over her Vibes. Her and Brandon Doing Sports together bc the other Winx aren't interested and the other specialists annoy her too much, and them becoming catty frenemies. Aisha knowing about the history of Domino and the legend of the Dragon Fire, and bonding with Bloom over it. Bloom drawing a picture of the Winx together and Aisha keeping it forever. Aisha still being scared of the dark and Stella giving her a magical light. Musa helping Aisha plan something special to celebrate the Day of the Rose. Tecna Musa and Aisha bonding over the difficulty they have being openly emotional. Flora and Aisha fretting over eachother's well-being and bonding over their shared sense of responsibility to their families
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stellacendia · 1 year
I've been enjoying my Spanish lessons on Duolingo for so many reasons but one of them is definitely that my confidence in speaking it has gone way, way up from where it was back when I was taking classes in high school. And one of the reasons for this, I'm finding, is that in a lot of places Spanish is literally physically easier for me to speak than my native English. Like, the way my mouth needs to move to form the proper sounds is easier than my strongly American-accented English.
I have a really hard time pronouning words that have multiple r's or an r and a w. Rural, for example, is a word I absolutely hate because it's super hard for me to say. There are others I can never quite say right but I can't think of them right now.
But tonight's Spanish lesson? It included the word librería, which I looked at and thought 'oh man I'll never get that one right' because if that was an English word I was saying in my normal accent those two r's so close together would trip me up so badly. (Just for fun I tried saying it in the most American way and I actually couldn't.) But pronouncing it with the right accent and rolled r's? Super easy! Rolls right off the tongue, is even fun to say.
There are several reasons why I chose to learn Spanish but I think my choice to return to it after so many years out of high school is this, that it's so easy for me to speak.
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 9 months
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 92... You have been warned...! 👌
Today's chapter has brought back some previous plot points that I and many others have been thinking about for quite some time now...!! 😌 So let's talk about it on this wonderful Christmas Eve, shall we...? 😉
Today's chapter begins with something that we knew was coming...:
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...THE FINALS...!! 😤
Mentioned all the way back in Mission 42, we learned that if Anya does bad on the finals, she will be separated from Becky (and Damian), so it is extremely important for her to do well them...!! 😲 But she isn't the only one worried about the upcoming finals...
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Of course Twilight would be stressing out about whether or not Anya will do well on the finals, but because on of certain goofy spy (last seen being already defeated in a tennis match in Mission 32), Twilight can't even cheat on the test for Anya anymore...:
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(*Sniff* I'm so glad to see Daybreak again, even it's just flashback...!! 🥹)
But since Anya did quite well in Classical Language (also mentioned in Mission 42), Twilight wants her to work on that subject and believes that she could even get a Stella for it... Then this happened:
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After Twilight lost all hope for his daughter to well on the finals, Authens show up and invite the Forgers to have some cookies!! 🍪
While at the Authens' place, we get a lot of interesting information about Authens, but the things that peaked my interest the most are that Mr. Authen taught neurology at the University that he used to work at and that him and Mrs. Authen moved back to Berlint to be close to their son and his family...!! 🤔
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I don't know if either these things about the Authens will lead to anything, but I'll still be on my guard about them... (Especially about who might be their son...! 🤔)
Moving on, Sigmund starts to help Anya with Classical Language by *GASP* using something that she loves to help her with her studies...!! 😲 (Yes, I know Twilight to tried to teach Anya using Spy Wars before, but... He didn't do it properly [as seen in Short Mission 9, which was also mentioned in today's chapter as well...! 😄]) AND IT ACTUALLY SEEMS TO BE WORKING!!! 😆
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And after some more studying, Sigmund congratulates Anya for all of her hard today:
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The Forgers prepare to leave the Authens' place and Anya says that she'll keep coming to the Authens place to study (as long as they have cookies...! 😋) But then, Sigmund asks Anya what's her main goal after becoming an Imperial Scholar, and she says...:
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(I take back being suspicious of him, at least for now...! 😌)
Anya continues her training (I mean studying) with Sigmund until she ends up looking like Solid Snake...!! 👏🤣👏🤣👏🤣
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Anya, you so crazy...!! 😂😂😂
After that, Anya heads off to school (with that permanent marker 5 o'clock shadow on her face 🤭) ready to take the finals...!! 😎 And then...:
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And that was Mission 92, a nice little on Christmas Eve that finally brought back things that haven't been brought up in while (like Daybreak...!! 😆) I loved that Anya was actually enjoying studying for once, thanks to Sigmund!! 😊 And to Twilight, I love you, but... THIS👏IS👏HOW👏YOU👏SHOULD👏HAVE👏APPROACHED👏ANYA👏WITH👏HER👏STUDIES!!!👏😤 My guy Twilight really doesn't understand children AT ALL (especially his own...!! 😌)
I truly don't think that the Authens are bad people after this chapter, but I still believe that they (particularly Sigmund) might have a dark past...!! 🤔 As for the mention of the Authens' having a son has got my theory brain a rolling...! 😵 But, my best guess of who their son could be is either he's Anya's biological father or one of the scientists that experimented on her... 👀
Anyway, I think that's all wanna say about this chapter...!! 😊 And if know me tomorrow is my favorite holiday, CHRISTMAS!! 😆 I probably won't be on Tumblr at all tomorrow, so until December 26th or the next Mission... Take care, be safe out there, be kind to one another, & HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!! 💗😆💗 SEE Y'ALL LATER!! 👋😊
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supernovaa-remnant · 10 months
okay so a lot of tagalog conversationally is actually taglish, but it also has some spanish influences. so we learned to count in tagalog but today we learned the days of the month and actually it's just the spanish words but spelled in a tagalog way, and actually english and spanish numbers are used more often than the tagalog ones????
at least my three years of spanish in high school will aid me
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waklman · 2 years
Delicate (Pt. 3)
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summary: jake quickly learns that he can’t manage without you, at all.
pairing: jake seresin x female reader
warnings: mentions of childhood neglect, negative self-talk, and one brief instance of suggestive language. 18+ blog.
word count: 3.1k
previous part
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“There you are.” Natasha shouts a little too loudly, the adrenaline from the last round of dogfight football is still rampant in her system–practically oozing from her pores. 
Catching her breath, the brunette steadies herself, anchoring both hands onto the flesh of her hips, fingers firm over her figure. Upon not receiving any signal of acknowledgement from Hangman, Natasha leans forward, searching to see if he has his bluetooth headphones snuck into his ears again. But, those navy blue pods are nowhere in sight–for the very first time this week Hangman isn’t drowning everyone out with music.
Natasha feels herself grow nervous as she observes him now. It’s almost like she’s looking at a stranger. 
In front of her, Hangman is laid on his back, forgoing a beach towel entirely—his backside directly on the burning sand, while the sun nips at his front. Not an inch of his body is protected by sunscreen either, refusing it from Coyote earlier in the day. 
And Jake lays there, fully aware that the heat from the sun is punishing him, but it’s exactly what he needs–no–what he deserves. 
There has been radio silence between you two since last week, and with every passing day, guilt gnaws at him until he’s left debilitated. But he allows that guilty feeling to sink its teeth into him and spread like poison—because Jake knows that deep down, this is entirely his fault, and that he deserves this. He had promised you–no more Stella, and yet she showed up at his door anyway. 
A small part of Jake had known that he could’ve done more to prevent this too–he could have told her to never talk to him again, he could have blocked her number, and he could have made the front desk remove her name from his guest list, but he didn’t–leaving a small crack of opportunity for her to slip in and she did–right in front of you. 
“What are you still doing here?” Natasha attempts to joke, but there’s no reaction from him. 
“How about we head inside with everyone else..” she begins to offer.
No answer.
Still, no answer.
Natasha’s jaw tightens as the frustration starts to slowly build. She watches him in disbelief as he doesn’t even spare her a single glance, refusing to open his eyes.
“I said, let’s go.” Her voice is strung with impatience. 
She lets the statement hang in the air, believing her clear agitation would earn her a response, but it doesn’t even stir him. 
Finally having enough, Natasha snaps. “Jake.” 
And just like that, she fizzles out every loud thought that’s been consuming his head.
“Oh.” Jake whispers to himself, sitting up to look around as if he wasn’t aware of his own surroundings.
Natasha’s scoffs, watching as he slowly gathers himself, dusting the sand off his shorts. 
“That’s it? Oh?” she shouts, arms shooting up in the air. 
Her arms fall flat against her sides again, “I’ve called for you over five times, Jake.” 
He looks up at her startled, as if he’s now noticing she’s there. 
With furrowed brows, she stares back harshly as Jake swipes a disappointed hand over his jaw, trying to pull himself together. 
“I’m sorry.” he quietly apologizes, arms dropping like dead weight on his sides. His eyes are only on her for a second before they drop to look at the sand below her.
Not sure what to make of his sudden apology, Natasha’s anger simmers almost immediately. “You know what. It’s fine. Let’s just–let’s head inside for drinks.” 
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“Hey Hangman?” Bob worriedly looks back, hoping for a response from the pilot. 
After wrapping up things at the beach, the dagger squad headed inside for drinks. But sadly enough, Jake ended up quietly nursing a beer all night, just to knock out from heat exhaustion at the bar before he even could finish his drink. 
And with Coyote too drunk to even properly utter his best friend’s address, Phoenix and Bob find themselves playing the role of detectives and babysitters.
“You won’t get a reply out of him, he’s out cold.” Natasha sighs, pulling into the lot of your apartment complex. 
Bob’s face twists in confusion, instantly recognizing their location from the window behind Hangman’s head. 
“Shouldn’t we take him to the hospital instead?” he asks, turning to face his girlfriend. 
“Trust me, this is better than the hospital for him.” She assures him. “Now grab his phone for me, please.”
Natasha pulls her keys out of ignition, then reaches to hit the car light above her as half of Bob’s body twists over to reach where Hangman’s seated. 
Bob finally pulls himself back into his own seat, after struggling to not accidentally touch Hangman anywhere important in search for his phone. 
He swiftly hands the blond’s phone over to her, “Here.”
Natasha puts out a hand to grab the phone being passed to her, looking down towards the screen. 
Her head snaps back to the man on her right, ”Bobby…how'd you unlock his phone?” 
Bob smiles sheepishly at her. “Face ID?” 
Natasha shoots him a stern look, “That doesn’t work if you’re dead asleep.” 
“He unlocks his phone around me a lot.” 
Natasha smiles, nodding her head at his confession–satisfied that he cracked so easily under her pressure. 
“That sounds more like it,”
Both pilots share a small laugh, appreciating their small moment together–before turning around to the noise in their backseat, alerted by Hangman mumbling your name in his sleep.
Remembering who’s seated in the back of their car, Natasha turns back around–skimming through Hangman’s phone in search of your contact.
“God, look at this sap.” Natasha tilts the phone in her boyfriend’s direction.
Bob’s eyes skim over your contact name, slightly taken aback by Jake’s clear affection for you,  “Are they dating? There’s so many heart emojis..” 
Natasha smiles to herself, “I’ll be damned if they’re not. This is the first time I haven’t seen them glued to each other's side since they met.” 
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You’re not sure how long you’ve been standing there, outside your own bedroom door. With tired hands, you weakly trace over the little sketches of pizza you and Jake drew onto the patch underneath the door knob. It was from one of the first times you two hung out by yourselves, Jake had begged for your permission to erase his drawing that day–feeling self conscious because your pizza looked better than his. But, once you told him you loved his pizza even more than yours, he immediately began to love his own little pizza as well–appreciating its uneven shape and disproportionate sauce to cheese ratio.  
You swallow looking at Jake’s pizza doodle, knowing you’ll be spending another night wide awake–shot numb by heartache. 
Just as you’re about to twist at the doorknob, you’re quickly interrupted by the buzzing in your sweater pocket. Your hand slowly withdrawals from the door in reaction, reaching inside your sweater, fingers brushing against the cotton lining for your phone–bringing it up to view once the buzzing device is your grasps.
There’s no way. You blink unbelievingly at the device in your hands. Jake’s smiling face takes over every pixel of your screen, and before you could think–you’re reaching to answer the call. 
“..Jake?” you feel breathless. 
“You brat.” Natasha’s voice snaps at you from the other line.
“So you can pick up his call, but not a single one of mine all week?” Her words are slightly muffled by her clenched teeth, but you make out what she says. 
“Oh. Hi Nat.” 
“You sure sound like you missed me.”
“Nat, I–I did miss you, I’m sorry.” you scramble, feeling guilty. 
“What’s wrong with you two lately?” 
“Nothing. It’s–we’re fine.” you attempt to assure her. 
“Okay?...well I have a special delivery for you outside. So please accept this gift, before he flatlines in my car.”
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You’re almost unsure what to do with what’s in front of you. The sight of Jake’s exhausted state on your couch makes your heart churn in pity–but his face also sends a flood of pain rushing into your system. 
Natasha and Bob left not long ago. They had made a team effort to lug him up to your door, helping you look after him as he was completely unaware of where he was–knocking in and out of consciousness. Bob had even gracefully offered to wash the other man–scrubbing Jake’s body in your bathtub to the best of his ability–nervous eyes scrambling to look anywhere but down. 
For the first time tonight, you reach to touch him, knees bent in front of the couch to observe him more closely. You barely graze his skin, fingers softly brushing to move the strand of hair that covers his eyes. And it’s almost like his body learned to recognize your touch–alerting Jake to wake up. You are completely still for what feels like hours, nervously watching as his eyes slowly pull open, and those eyes instantly widen from seeing you.
You feel almost incapable of speaking from seeing his reaction. Jake is at a loss for words as well–mind reeling to comprehend how you’re sitting in front of him, blobs of fuzzy memories not patching together well enough for a clear timeline. Feeling like he got punched in the chest, Jake’s ribs constrict tightly from the way you’re looking at him–reminding him of what he’s done to you. The hurt he’s caused is confronting him now. 
Not willing to worsen your heartbreak, you use up the little energy you have left to speak–quietly trying to dismiss him. “Go back to sleep, Jake.”
You’re already moving to distance yourself from him, again–and Jake panics, grabbing your wrist, loosening his grip immediately after catching you, making sure not to hurt you.
“Don’t, please.” he begs softly.
You don’t turn back around, worried that his face might be the final trigger you needed to cry. Instead, you twist your hand to hold his. 
“Let’s go to bed, I’m tired Jake.”
Like a lost puppy, Jake gets up and lets you lead him to your bedroom. As you two pass through the door, his footsteps suddenly become heavier knowing what’s etched onto the tall slab of birch. Memories of the day you taught him how to appreciate his little imperfections through your silly analogies with pizza flood back into his throbbing skull, and the guilt coats his mouth again. 
Once you're both standing in front of your bed, you let go of his hand–still choosing not to face him. You quickly tuck yourself onto the left side of the bed, knowing he preferred the right. 
Jake’s heart sinks watching you fall onto the mattress weakly, burying yourself under the thick comforter. You’re upset with him, but you still give him the consideration that he doesn’t deserve–remembering the small comment he made to Phoenix and Bob once, about how the right side is always more comfortable. 
Feeling Jake finally slip into bed next to you, his weight causing you to slowly slip over to his side–you scoot your body closer to the edge. With a heavy heart, you remind yourself to keep a distance there, in some respect for Stella. 
And all Jake can do is watch with sad eyes, as you physically pull away from him. But there’s nothing he can do–you’re both too fatigued by the long days spent without each other to have a coherent conversation right now. 
After moments of silence, Jake hears you softly snore beside him, making his heart feel a little lighter—knowing you were comfortable enough to actually sleep next to him. And not even a minute passes before Jake’s begins to drift off as well, eyes growing heavy and limbs falling slack–finally matching your steady breathing. 
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There’s a tickling sensation that wakes you up, but it quickly disappears. 
You slowly blink away the sleepiness, trying to make sense of what time it is–lazily attempting to focus your vision onto the dim sky that peaks through the blinds, not brave enough to turn over to check the clock on the other side. But suddenly, the tickling sensation is there again, on the skin of your lower back.
Behind you, Jake is absentmindedly dragging his finger across the small sliver of exposed skin between your ribbed shorts and plain shirt. In the middle of the night, Jake stirred awake just to see that your back is still facing him. After an internal struggle where Jake fought the urge to reach out to embrace you, he settles on writing his apologies on your back for the next hour. 
You stiffen, but this goes unnoticed by Jake–who’s completely unaware that he’s woken you up.
Laying there, you feel your throat start to itch realizing what he’s been repeatedly writing on your back. Jake’s writing, I’m so sorry. You let him trace out the statement one more time, not wanting to interrupt him–before flipping around to finally face him, causing him to quickly retract his hand. 
The room remains unlit, besides the deep purple light emitting from the sky–glistening against his teary eyes. Your eyes nervously scan his face, bringing an instinctive hand up to swipe away the fresh tear that slips from his eyes. 
Straight away, Jake snaps his eyes shut–eyebrows pinching at the center, completely overwhelmed. He almost forgot how it felt to be handled by you.
Then, the painful reminder he’s been hearing in his head for the past few days makes its presence known again. He doesn’t deserve this. He doesn’t deserve you. He doesn’t deser-.
“I’m so sorry too, Jakey.” you sweetly whisper, hoping he would open his eyes. 
Jake’s face twists in pain, as if someone physically harmed him. How could you be sorry? He deserved the silent treatment–he always deserved the silent treatment. The one that you gave him? He deserved that. The ones his older brothers always gave him growing up? He deserved those too. And the one his father is currently giving him? He especially deserves that one.
“I didn’t talk to her. I don’t–I never want to talk to her again. Please I–I’m so horrible to yo-I don’t deserve-” Jake feels like a little boy again, stuttering out his poorly constructed apologies to his father, who couldn’t care any less to hear them. 
“Jake.” you cut him off.
Jake unravels further under your touch, more tears streaming down his face upon feeling your hand slip down to the side of his neck–thumb stretching over to stroke at the birthmark he hated at the center of his throat. 
“It was wrong for me to ignore you. You never deserve to be treated like that.” you gently whisper.
And in an instant, Jake Seresin completely shatters. All the burdens that casted over his heart since childhood, disappear. All the negative thoughts that swarmed his consciousness since he became a teenager falls silent. And finally, the slow acceptance that Jake didn’t deserve to have a good constant in his life comes to a complete halt. All relieved by you. 
Jake finally wills himself to open his eyes, meeting your stare. 
“I missed you.” he announces, looking in your eyes intently.
“I missed you, too.” you reply, blinking up at him.
You feel your heart beginning to sputter, noticing Jake’s eyes slowly trail down to look at your lips, with all his attention placed there. 
Slowly, you bring your hands up to cradle his face, fingers twitching against the sharp line of his jaw–but Jake’s eyes are still tracing over the shape of your lips.
And before Jake could do it, you lunge forward first–capturing his lips in an intentional kiss. You languidly move your mouth against his in the darkness, making Jake’s skin run hot against yours as he kisses you back–pressing his chest closer to your front. 
Without breaking the kiss, Jake moves to hoover above you–body slotted between the space between your thighs, hands reaching under your lifted shirt to sweetly swipe at the skin of your waist. 
“You’re so good, Jake.” Jake shudders, feeling you whisper the praise against his mouth–lips softly brushing against his own wet ones. Accepting the praise, Jake slips his lips between yours once again–heart swelling from the way you sweetly kiss him back. 
You kiss him unlike anyone has before. There’s no clashing of teeth–no desperate teasing–no rough pulling. Instead you kiss him–with a gentle intent lingering behind it. And that intention is there, through the way you softly maneuver your lips against his. And Jake’s heart twitches in realization–you’re kissing him with love. You love him.
Unable to contain himself, Jake pulls away to look at you. You stare back shyly, lips parted and swollen underneath him, your chest rising and lowering to catch your breath. 
“I love you.” he confesses back, pressing a gentle kiss to the tip of your nose. 
You rapidly blink as Jake lowers himself to kiss your collarbone, “I love you.” he whispers there.
“I love you.” he kisses your clothed tummy, causing your stomach to swirl in effect.
He moves down further, kissing the skin of your hip. “I love you.”
“Jake?” He immediately pauses.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“I love you too,” you pause, Jake curiously looks up at you–taking in the way the orange glow of the rising sun began to softly kiss your face.
“..but are you in the mood for pizza?” 
Jake falls flat against your stomach, smiling ear to ear. “I can never win against pizza, can I?”
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“I knew they were open!” you squeal, thrashing around to free yourself from the seatbelt. 
Jake shakes his head–a smile tugging at his lips, amused that you knew a pizza shop that was open this early in the morning. 
Before Jake could pull his keys out of ignition, you’re shooting out the side of his car–your excited cheering echoing through the empty parking lot. 
“How are you so damn fast?” Jake laughs, finally catching up to you at the entrance–slipping his hand into the back pocket of your denim jeans. 
“Don’t you pilots have the need for speed?” you tease, grinning up at him over your shoulder.
While lowering his head to kiss your shoulder, Jake’s hand slips out from your back pocket–moving to stuff half his fingers inside your smaller front pocket instead, with the addition of hooking his lonely thumb into the band of your jeans. 
“Trust me sweetheart, the need is there.” he whispers into your ear. 
You snap your head at him, “Are we talking about the same thing right now?” 
Jake scrunches his lips, “How about you try pineapple pizza today.” he offers, totally ignoring your question.
“What will you give me if I do?” you tease, leaning back on him. 
“Come on, get your head out of the gutter.” Jake pretends to be shocked by your statement. 
Your face falls flat, very unamused by him. “I hate you.” 
“That’s not how I remember it. Now—let’s get you some pineapple pizza, my hungry girl.” Jake grins, moving you both forward into the familiar pizza shop.
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note: thank you so much for reading delicate, this part was a personal favorite of mine. as always, reblogs are very greatly appreciated!
taglist: @pono-pura-vida @teaminator @alana4610 @angellwingsss @nataddz @deliriousfangirl61 @lonelysoul50 @bookchik26 @melllinaa
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not my gif! if anyone knows the creator please let me know!!
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charmixpower · 1 year
You guys ever notice that Bloom, Stella, and Aisha don't exclusively have hobbies related to their source of magic, but Flora, Musa, and Tecna hobbies are almost exclusively related to their powers?
What do you guys think are some hobbies for Musa, Flora, and Tecna that aren't exclusively related to their magic????
Here's some ideas from me:
I always imagined that Musa has a love for all types of performances from her mother, this includes acting! She's embarrassed of it tho. Musa can sew and often recycles old clothes to look better. I think Musa also really likes telling stories though her art?? I think that would go outside of music too, she likes stories
I think Tecna would be an alternate history person after seeing earth, in a normal way, please don't bring up the WW2 bros I cannot handle that. Tecna also seems like she'd hella be into anime, power of friendship like a drug. Tecna would also love most puzzles. Tecna would eventually get into karate I think XD, that or one of the boys would see her trying to do her little fighting moves and drag her into class with them
Flora obviously loves chemistry and potiology and good for her honestly. I think actually learning more than one language is kinda uncommon in magix bc you can buy a translation charm but I think Flora would be into learning different languages the normal way. Helia absolutely gets her into paper artwork and stuff. I think Flora is also a bit of a collector, she owns so many things that she sorta picks up
Plz tell me your own thoughts too!!!
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theinkphantom · 20 days
Guide to Phantom Blot stories (Part 2)
On this part, it's gonna be more of my personal take on picking these stories, and harder to find the book and translations (unless you've learned a european language, it would be more easy.) , but here's some of my recommendations :
(If there's an asterisk (*) it does mean the story was translated in english.)
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Old italian stories
Generally in these stories, phantom blot is described as a criminal boss. It's generally a bit gritty. (since they from a old age of course.)
Topolino e la villa disabitata
Topolino e i piselli sabotatori
Topolino e la banda del campionario
Topolino e la caccia a chissà cosa
Topolino e il fantomatico ritorno di Macchia Nera
Topolino e l'innocenza di Gambadilegno
Topolino e il trittico del tritone
Topolino e il suo "amico" Macchia Nera
Topolino maestro investigatore
Topolino e l'operazione caos
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Modern italian stories
Even they less dark and bring more mystery instead, some has comedy stories, and even phantom blot become more of a mad scientist, and despite this, they are always interesting to watch.
La lunga notte del commissario Manetta *
Topolino e il prototipo avveniristico
Topolino e l'astroplastica proteofantastica
Topolino e la città dell'ingiustizia
Manetta in: Sosta pericolosa
Macchia Nera e il buon vicinato
Black out a Topolinia
Topolino e l'occhio di Macchia
Topolino e la minaccia acquatica
Topolino e il dilemma parabolico *
Macchia Nera e la vacanza... a scacchi
Topolino e gli esploratori del domani *
Macchia Nera e il botto di capodanno
Macchia Nera & Gambadilegno la coppia d’assi di Gold Creek
Gambadilegno e la stella dei desideri
Topolino e i Goof Viewer
Macchia Nera in: Semplice, pulito, diretto
Macchia Nera e l'inarrestabile ombra
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Italian series
Ser Topolino e la cavalcata dei cavalieri inesistenti
Goofy Reporter (Dieci piccoli caimani, Il fiuto di Pluto, and especially Estate a Green Pond who this one is my special favorite for me. ) Also some of the german issues was available online via Amazon/Kindle. (issue 9 to 11)
Topolino e la rapina del millennio
Gli evaporati
Wizard of mickey II : The Dark Age *
Cronache dal Pianeta T
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Disney Parodies
Topolino corriere dello Zar
I promessi topi
La vera storia di Novecento
Dracula *
Topo maltese
Topolinix e lo scambio di Galli
19,999 leghe sotto i mari
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Danemark stories
There's actually enough okay good stories by Egmont, and even it's not as the height as the italians ones, there's some gems.
På jagt efter Sorte Slyngel (what if Paul Murry Blot was powerful.)
Den anden verden (Blotman) *
Gudernes Kraft *
Slyngel på spil
Afbrudte signaler *
Gys på godset *
Afsporet *
Venskab på prøve *
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I highlight also the Mickey mystery series, they made very good tense mystery stories about phantom blot. Feel free to check these ones, one day.
The University Enigma
Culture Shock
Horror in the Wax Museum
The Lost City Of Duckburg
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The Big Fall and A Phantom Blot Bedtime Story. *
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