#star trek scripts
bevcrushes · 5 days
Trek Office: "Space Nookie"
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I had to do a *script writing exercise,* so I was like "what if I wrote a Star Trek TNG scene in the style of The Office/Parks and Rec" and it's BAD please help lol it's a lot of fuckery so I put it under the cut...and of course, it's nsfw because the plot is basically:
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aurora-nova-fic · 2 years
I treated myself to another DS9 script, for “Civil Defense.” This one has some of the revisions, so I could see some (but not all - some revisions are missing) of the progression of the episode. I love this. Here are some highlights, please forgive the mediocre pictures.
I think my favorite bit is that the episode originally had Dukat asking Sisko to tip him off when it might be a good time to murder Garak.
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Speaking of Garak, I like this description after Dukat’s threat.
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Garak originally had a line asking Jadzia to breakfast with him.
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since i'm once again on a TOS binge, here are some of my favorite Bill Thiess creations. truly the best to ever do it. the pink number from "Who Mourns for Adonias" that is only held up by the weight of the train??? sensational
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after his death, Thiess's estate auctioned off a lot of these pieces and donated the money to charity. if you ever want to feel insane read the prices some of it sold for. that metallic halter top + cape fit??? $173. are. you. kidding. me.
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lt-kaollumn · 11 months
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i feel like im breaking some secret tumblr rule showing my face but i can trust you guys? right? right?
Look i made a vulcan robe it took months of hand-sewing cause i dont have a sewing machine
hand embroidered! and then i met jonathan frakes at a convention! i got a picture with him but it’s Just For Me
based on spock’s kolinahr robes from the movies
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ygamiraito · 3 months
of course i like harlan ellison he literally wrote spirk yaoi (colloquially known as city on the edge of forever)
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bluesngolds · 1 year
this is different from my usual content on tumblr, but i thought y’all might appreciate this amok time edit
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aoifeandisolde · 9 months
🔥commando mode🔥
Kate Mulgrew's script notes from *that* scene in Macrocosm.
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gremlin-pattie · 1 month
inconsistent characterization of my special guys 😡😡😡
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waltwhitmansbeard · 3 months
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not to engage in Discourse™️, but i would like to once again remind people that your local dnd actual play show is not a scripted television show that can or should follow the normal rules of narrative flow. this is a collaborative storytelling effort that requires the careful scheduling and coordination of a lot of people. the crown keepers deviation was scheduled before fcg's death. matt couldn't just fuck with all those guests' schedules bc something inconvenient happened just before they were slated to come on. i cannot say for certain, but i'm willing to bet real american dollars that the live show was scheduled and the venue was booked before fcg died too (tho maybe not, i'm not an expert in venue scheduling), but what better place to have the new sam character drop than in a theatre full of your most adoring fans? the most logical time and place to do it? maybe not, idk. but it sure was exciting for everyone watching. not sure when this downfall three-shot was initially scheduled, but there's no way in hell matt and brennan haven't been working on it together for MONTHS, if not even a year. sometimes, things happen when they happen bc that's when you get people in a room together. that's kinda the whole thing about dnd, why so many campaigns fizzle out—scheduling is fucking hard. it wasn't convenient when tal had to miss the session after the huge briarwood dinner fiasco in c1, which was leading directly into the arc that dealt pretty exclusively with his backstory, but that is life! ppl are busy! things happen when they can happen! if you don't like that events and story beats aren't hitting precisely when it would be most narratively satisfying for them to do so, perhaps dnd/ttrpg actual plays aren't for you! sometimes the dice tell the story, and sometimes the google calendar does! that's life!
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favvn · 25 days
Another scene dissection!
Turbolifts are for privacy and a great place to visually show how Spock is descending out of control.
Kirk stares at Spock before beginning. He understands something is terribly wrong with him, something far beyond stress and an overdue need for rest if he is ordering the ship to Vulcan and going against orders in doing so.
It looks as if it physically pains Spock to get the words out, and all he can do is parrot back the last three words Kirk says.
Spock does not deny that he changed the course to Vulcan, despite not remembering that he had done so. He accepts that he must have done it, that Kirk is not charging him with a falsehood. He accepts that his perception of reality is cracking and that the event that Kirk is asking him about actually happened, despite having no knowledge or memory of it. Call it the acceptance of the captain's authority or Spock returning the same trust that Kirk has placed in him earlier.
Think about it: Spock cannot recall his actions or the thoughts he must have had before taking those actions. A lesser person could take complete advantage of Spock at this time, could lie and manipulate him into believing whatever reality they wished. Yes, Spock has the strength of a Vulcan, has the ability to kill someone with a specific touch, but matters of perception are world-ending, regardless of physical strength. If Spock were to believe he killed someone at this time, with as unstable as he is, he would believe it wholeheartedly, without question.
The door to the turbolift opens--privacy is broken, light from the corridor shines on Spock--and Spock turns to Kirk, telling him, "Captain, lock me away. I do not wish to be seen." What a thing to do to set the scene for the line! And what a thing for Spock to say! He does not ask for help. He does not ask for time or patience or understanding or care. All Spock wants is to be hidden and locked away, as if he will turn into a gruesome monster that will destroy all he holds dear, either directly by his actions or indirectly by becoming something that is alien to even himself. This is a showing of vulnerability from Spock.
SPOCK: "I cannot--no Vulcan could--explain further." KIRK: "I'm trying to help you, Spock." SPOCK: "Ask me no further questions, I will not answer!"
Kirk says the word "help" and Spock moves closer to anger in his response. He is immediately shutting Kirk out over that one word. Again, it is a denial of need and a denial of the care and love that would see him safely through this time. To allow the care and love of another is to admit he needs, is to risk the unraveling of the pon farr and Spock cannot let go of his control and discipline for that. He must--to his own mind--be stronger than the need for love.
And now Kirk has exhausted all options. He has tried to meet Spock as a human who is mindful of Vulcan sensibilities. He has tried to meet Spock as a friend who cares. Now he will be the captain who will order his first officer to take a complete medical examination--to be seen by another and in the harshest light of science. (One could say the other layer of insult to injury in this is that Spock will be seen by McCoy, the very human he gets into arguments with all the time owing to their differences, but if anything, McCoy is finally getting his wish, which is to know what is going wrong with Spock because despite their verbal spats, he cares deeply for Spock.)
Spock looks as if he moves in a trance from the turbolift. He turns around and stares at Kirk, stares at the doors closing, before walking further. It is obvious that he cannot believe what Kirk has done--another subtle push towards what Spock desperately does not want, like a pawn moved to immediately be taken in a chess game. But the fact that the pon farr exists as something between life and death (sex can create life, death is self-explanatory), something that can end in life or death, something that feels like a death to Spock with how he is changing out of his control, suggests a weary Orpheus looking back upon love and a past life in the form of Eurydice. (I admit, this is a stretch. I don't believe it fits perfectly, nor do I believe Sturgeon had it in mind, but I want to connect them anyways / who would I be if I didn't indulge in a little madness for sanity's sake?)
Spock moves like a man lost in the rest of the scene. He is surrounded by other crewmembers going about their duties, but no one sees him wandering and looking so unmoored. The last time he looked like this, it was after Nurse Chapel unknowingly infected him with the virus in The Naked Time and Spock found himself apologizing for and struggling with love.
One last observation: the musical theme that is associated with Spock in this episode, that bassline that sounds so heavy and final at the end of this scene has the ringing of bells mixed in with it, the same bells that start the ceremony on Vulcan. The bassline has been heard prior to this scene, when Kirk enters Spock's quarters after he threw the soup, but the bells are notably missing in that scene. It is subtle, but like the thudding heartbeat of Poe's Tell-Tale Heart, Spock is haunted by a sound of a fate he cannot escape. (The musical themes surrounding Spock in this episode mirror his unraveling in general, especially in the track Contrary Order. The musical score sounds as if it might as well be asking, "Maybe? Maybe not?" or "To be? Or not to be?" with how discordant it is and how that matches Spock's inner turmoil.)
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ebonysolcum · 2 years
Why does Worf look like he was put in time out??
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Especially when you add this bit:
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firstroseofspring · 1 year
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b’elanna, miral, and ‘otherness’: a study using ds9/tng/voy scripts, and writing by: richard siken, erika l. sanchez, maggie nelson and shauna niequist!
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spirk-trek · 4 days
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Some excerpts from the rejected Star Trek episode "Tomorrow the Universe" by Paul Schneider, who also wrote "Balance of Terror" and "The Squire of Gothos." These pieces of the script may be lighthearted, however the episode itself was the precursor to "Patterns of Force." Both plots are centered around WWII, and ultimately "Patterns of Force" was chosen for production.
[more info here- seriously, check Peter's site out!]
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star-trek-dumb-comics · 11 months
I started to have the weirdest nostalgia about Star Trek 2009 movie like.... Shit that I know is bad and don't even like but have developed a weird almost fondness for. The same way I feel about like, deviantart yaoi bases. 2013 tumblr reaction gif humour. Old super tropey fanfiction.net fics with useless disclamers every chapters and shit like describing eyes as "stormy blue orbs"... This is the exact energy. anyone catch what i'm trying to say here or what
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gonchillunchis · 8 months
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enterprise doodles yes i love eating from the supermarket's trash containers no i won't stop
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cipher-fresh · 2 months
if there's any jewish trekkies online i'd love some people's feedback regarding a video essay script i'm writing which describes the problem with when Spock eats bacon during snw s2 e5 and snw's overwhelming bioessentialism problem regarding vulcans. if you're interested in reading it/wouldn't mind helping me phrase it in a respectful way to get the point across i'd love to chat!
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