#srry for this rant
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izoexa · 4 months ago
I will never ever get people who say the teams in the life series are getting repetitive like what do you mean??? The most common people i hear this about is Grian and Scott so lets look at who they teamed with.
3rd life - Scar
Last life - Mumbo Jimmy Martyn Impulse
Double life - Scar and kinda BigB
Limited life - Joel Jimmy
Secret life - Cleo Etho
Wild life - Skizz Mumbo
3rd life - Jimmy
Last life - Pearl and later Cleo
Double life - Cleo
Limited life - Martyn
Secret life - Impulse Gem
Wild life - Cleo Impulse Pearl
Is there some repetition and more likely pairings? Yea of course. People naturally gravitate to those they're more familiar with and with a small number of members repetition is bound to happen. But by no means are they recycling old teams. And for gods sake we're getting a new mechanic every season that spices things up, and its not like people are locked to the teams they start out with. Betrayal and later team ups are common. Alliences and enemies are formed.
And at the end of the day, if you dont like a certain team you can just. Not watch their pov. Thats whats great about the lofe series. Dont wanna follow a certain cc? No problem you still get a full fleshed out story from the other povs.
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stashiokat · 2 years ago
I dont think vampire is just an ex song.
"Went for me and not her
Cause girls your age knew better" like
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Does this not imply something????
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mutterboard · 6 months ago
You won't remember this because you aren't a former TikTok addict like me but mid 2021 there was a trend of people editing characters who they headcanoned as trans (Mostly characters from cartoons, like Luz Noceda as genderfluid or whatever) to GIRLS by Marina.
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Specially to this part that looks almost like extracted from a 12-year-old girl's diary. Yes. Unironically.
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A song that is literally a SATIRE about how society calls women men for behaving a certain way. Name a least self aware demographic.
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running-with-kn1ves · 1 year ago
Hii ! I wanted to ask if you could do more yandere gangster.
A/N: here's a ramble that is similar to so many other fics/imagines but its ALL I CAN THINK OF RN...
CW: kidnapping, yandere themes, murder, illicit substances mentioned, weaponry, some suggestive thots, general dark content shtuff.
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Gangster! Yan who’s the right hand man to one of your city’s oldest gangs, the bosses family operating it since the prohibition era. Their main source of income back then was smuggling alcohol to different speakeasies and clubs, now mostly dabbling in the occasional shipment of opioids or small arms that they can get their hands on. Your gangster! Yan doesn’t handle that side of business, though. He’s been tasked to oversee deals, and the protection of the boss and whatever sweet treat he has on his arm for the evening.
When a ‘project’ goes haywire, he’s there to settle things. When someone needs to be taken care of, he oversees it while his boys do what they need to. And when there’s a witness to a particularly unsavory part of business, he personally sees to shutting them up. 
That’s why he didn’t have a choice but to watch you, to learn your morning routine and stare intensely when you perused the grocery isles indecisively. The boss put him up to it, to dispose of every flaw in their seamless operations; countless times he entered your backdoor, breaking the lock you had just replaced due to his previous endeavor, watching you curl up in warm white sheets and smush your face against your pillow. Standing outside wasn’t an option anymore, his shadow from the window disturbed you, and it blocked the trickle of moonlight on your dewey skin. 
Even with the small pistol in his hidden coat pocket, the crowbar he ued to pry the door open, the compulsion to rid you of what you had seen to appease his leader could not overtake the complete desire to rub his face into your chest, to have your thighs wrapped around his head like a sea of warmth, needing that earthy scent of your skin that somehow calmed his screaming heart to completely surround him. 
What drew him to you was how alone you had been-- at home, at the scene of the crime, when you were out and about. Who would miss you? Who was there to take care of you? What would be the purpose to killing you? You hadn’t even gone to the police yet, despite the millions of questionable asks you submitted to reddit and looked up online for what to do after seeing a man’s murder. 
The roughly edged gangster found it endearingly cute, so foreign to the life he had led. You had no way of stopping him if he completed what he was supposed to, no one to turn to if you suddenly found yourselves at the hands of a shady group of men who used you as a drug mule. 
Gangster! Yan knew the kind of underlings his boss employed, easy men on probation or past druggies who wouldn’t think for a minute to stop from gobbling you up on the side of the street if you just so happened to walk down the wrong alley. Seeing as you had stupidly yet to make a distinct change your route after witnessing his gangs work, it could happen any day now. 
He couldn’t let you fall prey to the men he didn’t have a leash on, nor let you continue to live in such suffocating solitude with that neutral look on your face forever. Even if it was only filled with fear from now on, from him-- he’d give you a better life than what you lived.
It was too easy to take you, too easy to drag you to his car, too easy to put you in the decent condo he had been paying for the past decade and barely came home to. Now, he had just realized, he’d have a real reason to come back home. He couldn’t just sleep the night away in shitty bars just to wake up to the next day of work. He had to take care of you, feed you, make sure you bathed. 
Gangster! Yan was almost as surprised when he gave you the cold shoulder, heartlessly teasing you for your stupidity in walking down a known drug-trade neighborhood, for not having realized that he had stalked  you every. single. Day. as you were blind to his heavy, broad shadow of scars and grimaces.
You were so quietly willing to appease him, to scoot to his lap when he demanded it with a threatening hand over his pocket, pretending as if the empty space was a weapon. “Please don’t kill me” you asked neverendingly, every meek breath expecting a slap or a shove off. But the criminal held onto you tighter, hating the reminder that you weren’t a willing pet. 
Even when your eyes faded back with ecstasy, your arms thrown around his shoulders with a grip that only a lover could offer, he saw the flinch you gave when he bent down to kiss you. 
Even with his harsh spats that he throws at you for your mistakes, his belittlement, you are his comfort doll when he’s deal with hardships for the day. When the horrible things he’s done starts to get to him and the alcohol doesn’t drown it out,  or when one of his drop-offs go to shit, you’re the one he bee-lines for for to rant to, to make you stroke him and nod at how hard he’s worked. But his possessiveness is soul-crushing. His grip is painful when he holds you at night, his kisses rough against your mouth with his chain-smoker breath and chapped lips that haven’t been touched in ages.
But with you, he’s learned to take better care of himself. He already has you, wants you in every way, but he needs you to want him, to need him. So, coming home to shower, geling his hair back like he did as a young rookie, shaving his 5 o’clock shadow, he’s made himself into the perfect, respectable man-- or wannabe bad boy. But no amount of grooming could change your perception of the blood stained gangster that kept you in a cage before you were trustworthy enough to be chained to the bed. 
“I’ve killed for you, who else could say that?” 
“Been thinkin’ bout you all day, waiting here for me. Came home as fast as I could so you wouldn’t be lonely. A nobody like you can’t be left to your own devices for too long.”
“Won’t let no other fucker get a hold of you, you’re mine-- through and through. I’ll kill us both before something seperates us.
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negiwave2000 · 3 months ago
racist ppl is the reason y i hate anime as a whole now .like wtf y the hell do u care if a black person wants to edit a picture of an anime character they like and make them black .what does that have.ANYTHING .to do wjth u. I will never undesrqtnd just say u hate black ppl and kill urself right after
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honeyandsmokes · 5 months ago
I understand that it’s a great BEAUTIFUL day for obiyuki, like I was so happy from seeing the panels and everything. But, it’s also so sad. Obi loves her so much and is holding it all in. He truly LOVES her. It makes my heart ache.
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Look at his face 😭😭‼️
And I feel like Obi is just digging his feelings deeper for her, how do you get out of that? And just move on? And I mean she has to know he feels something more than just friendship right? Just a little?
If this story doesn’t end with obiyuki, I don’t understand why Sorata would put so much focus on them. It feels like torture.
I’m gonna go cry now bye 🫠😭
Update: I am aware of the context and what was said between them, and it’s a happy moment. I know that he’s glad to be accepted/seen by her and happy to know that she wants him by her side, just as much as he wants to be. But what I’m saying is, what happens after this? He’s still holding in his feelings for her. He’s completely in love with her and can’t act on it. It must be so painful. And he’s probably not thinking about all of that at the time. But overall, it must be painful.
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vonbabbitt · 20 days ago
k in further regard to that You Are Ableist Because Kamimura Is Ugly anon i wanna rant a bit because i didn't have time last night but i do now
i think the bigger issue is equating ugliness as an inherently bad thing. like its somehow Bad Representation to be disabled and conventionally ugly. unfortunately sometimes disability is conventionally ugly!!! thats fine!!! i hate this narrative surrounding disability thats supposed to be encouraging where the take is just "even if youre disabled youre just like the rest of us youre beautiful and gorgeous in your own beautiful gorgeous body teehee!!"
actually no! at the peak of my chronic pain a few years back i could not regularly shower or brush my teeth or brush my hair or make myself look presentable. and thats fking fine because i was dealing with other shit!! but dont be purposefully obtuse and be like "youre still beautiful in your own skin teehee" because thats not what we're talking about!!!
when you inherently assign a moral value to whether or not someone is conventionally unattractive, YOURE the one creating the problem. its the same narrative i hate of people being like "if you really believe in yourself you can do anything!!! it doesnt matter if youre disabled" like no it does in fact matter and i cant in fact do absolutely anything!! i cant walk properly! i cant see properly! i never will! and that isnt some sort of Bad Representation its LIFE
there was someone i will not name in the tetro server ages ago who said some really insightful stuff about Ugly Disability and i felt like it was received quite well at the time. but now im disappointed that people seem to have missed it lmao. it just annoys the hell out of me because the issue isnt disabled people being ugly, the issue is that you view ugliness as an unacceptable taboo and thus its somehow less acceptable for a disabled person to be ugly than an able-bodied person to be ugly
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fellshish · 10 months ago
A bad writing teacher can really mess you up even if you know they’re wrong
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doodle-doodie-doo · 6 months ago
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If they’re not in the Minecraft movie I’m not going
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hootiee · 3 months ago
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viz just straight up forgot to add text here. took them an entire year to release the eng volume btw. 😐
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sstargazzer · 9 months ago
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Like damn bro, it's not necessary to like kids
Excuse me, but wdym there are 7 PEOPLE who are into minors.
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langernameohnebedeutung · 1 year ago
just thinking about how in early season 5, when Wilson is gone and House tries to hit up this other doctor at the cafeteria to become his new best friend - and that guy is like "you know I'm not gay, right?"
-now, unless that dude started working there yesterday, he definitely knows about the events of the s4 season finale, Wilson leaving etc. And we can fairly assume he's not new, considering that House actually learnt and remembered his name at some point. He also very likely knows Wilson's reputation as the only person in the hospital who is really genuinely close to House, and in vague terms probably also stuff like the fact that they always have lunch together etc (we know other characters know those things about them) and likely also the other stuff, like the great big prescription drama from season 3 etc etc etc.
So with the cues House gives him and questions he asks (Monstertrucks, drugs, watching soaps with him - stuff that he famously does a lot with Wilson, even around the hospital) as well as the timing (now that Wilson has left, the resident diagnostics cryptid starts talking to you???) etc, it is actually really obvious that House is trying to find a "substitute" for Wilson.
So where I'm going with this is - when he tells House that he's not gay, odds are, that's not coming from a place of "oh, this random guy sat down at lunch with me and started asking me a bunch of personal questions so he might be into me" - odds are, he's saying it specifically from a place of "This is House trying to find a "new" Wilson (so I better tell him I'm not into men) which means his underlying assumption about House and Wilson is that-"
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deckond · 9 months ago
welcome back linus tech tips
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lancerthatisntfree · 4 months ago
gavin being called “vindemiator” is the equivalent of him getting called a deadname i’m SORRY i CANT STAND it when people call him that
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envy-of-the-apple · 1 year ago
Hey ! Thinking about that maybe you could write a transmigrator reader ? Like reader knows everything of the plot and is the hope of their happy ending or can save "everyone", or maybe reader knows/understand them (it could be anyone) the most and they don't need to act or hide something around them so (Random) can be trully themselves... Technically reader is weak but too precious... and reader wants to go home but can't... ending up a tragic story for reader...
By the way I noticed something, Satoru represented very well the Sun :
"The Sun is alone but it still shines."
"If the Sun disappears, everyone will die."
"The more you are close to the Sun and the more you will be in danger, the more you are far away and the more you were discovered by other. Be like the Earth, not too far away nor too close tho."
"Everyone rely on the Sun but nobody is here for the Sun."
"The Sun is the most important in the Solar System."
"The Sun doesn't need allies but is still surrounded."
"If you want to approach the Sun, you could never because you will die before even touch the Sun."
ngl I hate the isekai trope so much because it has SO MUCH POTENTIAL. But ppl only write 'y/n gets Isekaid into (anime), but their only personality is quoting decade-old vines and misusing AAVE.' I want isekai but with spice.
I had this idea of making an isekai fanfic where the reader gets this McGuffin (given by dead grandma or whatever) that transports the reader to a different dimension- where cursed energy exists. Satoru is the only one who can see the reader (cuz six eyes) and reader becomes his guardian angel. The MC will appear anytime Satoru is in danger (either from another poisoning attempt or assassination attempt) and then will return to her own dimension. Slowly, Satoru develops this obsession with his guardian angel and tries to figure out a way to make his guardian angel stay with him forever. I've debated on writing it a couple of times but I doubt I will lol.
idk i just want interesting isekai. Oh! there was actually this amazing isekai with the AOT universe. Basically, the mc was transported into the aot universe but actually went through the trauma a soldier fighting titans would face. Eventually, she dies and is transported back to her own universe and she assumes everything was a horrible dream (even though she has ptsd from her time in that universe). Just when she starts getting herself back together, characters from the AOT universe start appearing in her own universe and its clear not all of them have forgiven her for something she did (that hasn’t been revealed yet) ughhh it was so good but the AUTHOR DELETED IT.
i think it was called cracks....if anyone has a copy pls pls pls lemme knowww it was so so good akslakskandsks
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madohomurat · 2 years ago
u ever see like. a small LGBTQ community and theres no lesbians but they still act as if they are 100% diverse and that they understand all LGBTQ experience because theyre so diverse? its funny because the implication is either that they think that a bi/queer womans experience is enough to count as having a lesbian perspective, or that lesbian perspectives/experiences arent important enough to have representation of in the first place. and its mad uncomfortable. like. honestly if thats your group. call yourselves GBTQ. theres no lesbians so dont put the L there at all.
also, if your big "queer" group lacks any lesbians, theres probably as reason for it. and if you think its because 'most lesbians are terfs' (this is a myth) or 'most lesbians are biphobes' (also a myth) then that right there shows that the true reason is that you and all your friends reek of lesbiphobic mindsets and lesbians can fucking tell so they stay away from yall
its so often that lesbians will just have their own little lesbian specific friend groups. like gee ever wonder why that is lmfao
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