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littlestoneinspace · 9 months ago
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Some quick and veeeery quick sketches
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blanc-ci · 5 months ago
(Inspired* by @wwillywonka ‘s fic excerpt , really good! Go read! Made me want to wax poetic about my own hc for Spock’s relationship with Pike -> Kirk)
A young ensign Spock, not having much experience with interpersonal relationships (Vulcan schooling & Starfleet academy was a pretty straightforward equation, why form relationships beyond the professional contacts necessary to further one’s own career?) and yet, when he meets Captain Pike on his first day assigned to a starship, he becomes absolutely and guiltily infatuated with him.
This is the first person in Spock’s life to seek him out, treat him like a person beyond rank, to try and be his friend- to try and know him. It’s the kind of crush born of awe, glorification, and admiration, where his heart flutters and he can’t help but think, illogically, that he’s witnessing what exactly makes humanity so great wrapped up in a single package.
But that is his Captain and he is at least self aware enough to know infatuation when he’s experiencing it. Spock will never act on his emotions, he’ll stare at Pike’s back and follow closely on his heels. As if he was studying a brilliant, steadfast comet, following the dust left in its trail until, inevitably, it burns itself up. Nothing will come of these emotions. And he doubts he’ll ever meet another person that holds his respect in the same way. Who could possibly open his eyes and change his entire perspective like Pike had? He owed Pike everything.
And then he meets James T Kirk.
This man was new, different- it wasn’t his Captain. Spock falls clumsily into his orbit, they clash occasionally, their steps just out of rhythm with each other. But he finds, eventually, that where he was left staring at his superior’s back, chasing after him, James instead turns to face him, to keep in pace with him.
Knowing Pike felt like a discovery, a breakthrough, knowing Kirk felt like an understanding.
If Pike was a comet then James is a star, his brilliance was blinding, and his pull so great that Spock can’t help but dedicate his whole world to him, constantly drawn towards that warmth. Spock doesn’t realize how deeply he’s fallen in love until he’s completely unable to pull away, and he finds, somehow not that surprisingly, that he has no desire to.
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outerspacedunce · 1 month ago
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tender is the night lying by your side tender is the touch of someone that you love too much
(do not repost)
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wwillywonka · 5 months ago
excerpt from my wip mcspirk sequel to trails and trials! have some spock reflecting on his friendship with pike 🤪
Jim was married to the Enterprise. That was the way it had always been and always would be.
Silver woman goddess. She. The decision was premade when the universe itself was created.
Spock understood. Spock was devoted to Starfleet, to being an officer, so therefore he was devoted to the Enterprise and devoted to Jim. Jim was the entire crew’s leader, their hero, their savior, their light. Spock looked up to him.
It had been the same with Christopher. Captain Pike was the first person in Spock’s young but already insurmountably tumultuous life to show him kindness, to accept him without judgment or reservation.
Ensign Spock, at the age of twenty, had accepted his assignment aboard the new NCC-1701 with a distinctly Vulcan lack of pride. Having graduated from the Academy early, this was simply the next step in a career, the logical place for a student of science to be, one of the first to discover all the Universe had, until this point, hidden away from the Vulcan-Terran eye. To boldly go…
He had no expectations or desires when it came to pursuing personal relationships beyond those which were necessary for him to perform his duties to the best possible efficiency. So when Captain Pike had stopped his rousing opening speech to stand before the lone Vulcan in the row of crewman standing at attention, raking a curious, warm gaze over him, then smiled-
Christopher was his first friend. At first, the Captain treated him the same as any other Ensign, greeting him warmly in the corridors, asking for his opinion and valuing it as much as the other science officers in Spock’s lab, promoting him to lieutenant within the mission’s first year and insisting Spock deserved it and Spock actually believing him….
It was nothing more than Pike being a very good, very attentive captain. But for a half-breed outcast loner with a tendency towards habitual self torment, it was more than enough.
Then, the five years were over, and they were back on Earth, and Pike invited him and a few other select officers (including Lieutenant Uhura and Nurse Chapel) for dinner at his family’s home in California and Spock felt for, the very first time, at ease.
Looking for temporary refuge from the crowded room, Spock had wandered onto a balcony and found himself overlooking a desert that reminded him, oddly, of Vulcan- of home.
“Hiya, Spock!" came Christopher's cheerful voice. "Doing okay out here?"
He looked a little tipsy, his seafoam green irises twinkling pleasantly in the light emanating from inside the house.
"Yes, Captain." He turned to look at the house and saw Uhura's silhouette flitting about the dining room. Faintly, he could hear her singing some unfamiliar Earth tune.
“You're brooding," Christopher said, without preamble. Despite the meaning behind his words, there was a smile in his voice, even though Spock wasn't looking at him.
“Not at all, Captain. I simply wanted to see for myself the place you speak so fondly of. Surely, it is worth some observation for you to reference it so often."
Christopher laughed, eyes crinkling at the edges. “Well, of course I talk about it, Spock. I grew up here. It’s my home.”
“Yes, Captain.” Something inside of him prevented Spock from pursuing what was surely to be a very personal inquiry into his own upbringing, something he had managed to, so far, avoid relaying to the Captain in any detail.
He turned, facing away from Captain Pike once more to look out at the sands, blue with night.
“You belong here, you know,” Christopher said then. “I mean, on the Enterprise. With them, with us.”
It was then that Spock finally looked at him.
“With me.”
And then, the two men stood staring at each other for exactly 7.92 seconds. Spock definitely, absolutely, completely, pointedly did not feel like unfolding his arms from behind his back and wrapping himself around Christopher’s torso nor did he desire to bury his face into Christopher’s neck and find shelter from the chill now spiraling down his spine.
Then, the ice melted, and Captain Pike was granting him one of his usual genuine, but ultimately professional, smiles. “Thanks for coming, Spock. I know it's probably not very… standard procedure to spend leave at your Captain’s house. But I figured we all deserved some fun and celebration after those five years.”
“Indeed, Captain.” And after a pause, “Thank you for inviting me.”
The first thing Captain Pike did when they were awarded their second five-year mission was recommend Spock for the position of Chief Science Officer. And they were back, once again, in the black undiscovered frontier of space.
Spock, now stationed on the bridge, found himself seeking out Captain Pike’s smiles more than was right for a Vulcan.
It was not entirely surprising, then, that Spock, around the time of their fateful encounter with Talos IV and its inhabitants, felt something within him burst and blossom with the unfamiliar sensations of -
Of what, he did not know. Or rather, he would never dare allow himself to name it. Spock knew only that he wanted something from his first Captain that could not be satiated by the shame-laced, sweat-tinged fantasies that filled his head and his hands in the dark loneliness that was 4 A.M. in his quarters.
It was illogical. It was childish. Captain Pike was twelve years older than he, not to mention his superior officer.
So he said nothing, and he suffered and grew angry at such an un-Vulcan reaction and grew angrier still as he internally punished himself for experiencing any feeling in the first place.
And then, any chance Spock had at telling Christopher anything at all swiftly came to an end.
And he’d gotten himself put on trial out of loyalty to the first person who’d ever shown him he deserved to be loved.
So Spock brought him back to Talos IV, back to the illusions, back to her. He could give Christopher Pike that, at least.
There was something quite different about refusing to do something and no longer having the choice to change one’s mind.
He did not dwell on it often, but his first crew on the Enterprise had, too, been his first assignment aboard a starship, and it held a place within his memory that he did not wish to see damaged by the Pulosians.
To think Christopher was no longer himself, that he was very likely dead by now…
Spock had not and doubted he would ever allow himself to go down that mental path. It was illogical to wallow in that which was already etched into the arteries of time.
Christopher was gone.
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pityroadart · 2 years ago
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// you didn't know I saw three futures //
just bringing these back in the wake of the SNW S2 trailer - from the scene in episode 2 in which Pike and Spock are discussing Pike's glimpses of his future
watercolour on cotton paper, each approx 7 x 18cm
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odekiisu · 1 year ago
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the wonderful @come-chaos has seduced me to the Dark Side the side of Spock/Pike. Spike? Spoke? Pock?
Inspired by The Path That Brings Us Home.
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fortheloveoflatinum · 2 years ago
Why is Spock So Shippable?
Okay, so hear me out.
I've been shipping Kirk/Spock since I had just turned 12. I never really wrote any Kirk/Spock, but believe me, I ship them and would die on the hill of "hmm, why yes these characters are in a relationship with more emotional depth, commitment, trust, and vulnerability than they've ever had with any woman or will ever have with any other living being."
Except! Kirk isn't in the picture just yet.
Sure, I like the idea of him with Chapel. I mean, they do have chemistry. Chapel has chemistry with Spock, and Spock would have chemistry with a humanoid-shaped rock.
But what I really like more than anything else is Spock/A Figure of Authority. Why? Because he is probably the bossiest power!bottom this universe has ever seen.
That, along with the way Pike looks at Spock - have led me to an entirely new pairing. It's a rare-pair, with 149 fics on AO3 (ahem, and counting, I hope?) but it makes so much sense to me.
Spock understands Pike, in a way no one else can at this moment in time. He knows what Pike sacrificed to get Discovery into the future, knows the weight of that burden because he carries a similar one. They both have a shared grief, even more profound in Captain Pike, about the uncertain future of Discovery, and it followed them onto the Enterprise.
Pike is haunted by the future he saw, and Spock understands this in a way other officers that weren't there wouldn't.
This isn't a promise but I am seriously considering writing a fic about it despite the (checks list; checks it twice) hundred thousand other things I have to do... Anyway. This has been your friendly neighborhood 'Hey Look at That Shiny Thing I Saw; It's Only Shiny From This One Angle; Come A Little Bit Closer and You'll See It For Sure' Pike/Spock rant. Over and out.
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vultwink · 1 year ago
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dearemma · 2 years ago
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The Original Series / Strange New Worlds Star Trek
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thelvadams · 2 years ago
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Given a longer time frame, I might be able to brute force a solution. But as of now, there is no way to track the Orions.
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littlestoneinspace · 10 months ago
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Chris and Spock after pon farr
Full image here: AO3
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dykespirk · 1 month ago
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outerspacedunce · 1 month ago
someone convince me to post my pike/spock art because i keep chickening out
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talk-nerdy-to-me-thyla · 3 months ago
ok so im obsessed now, and ive learned a little bit more about the Roddenberry Archive, the project responsible for Star Trek Unification.
This goes a LOT further than just the one short film. Rod Roddenbery is heading "a multi-decade collaboration to preserve Gene Roddenberry’s lifetime of work for future generations to experience in next generation media formats."
Basically they're digging deep into concept work for star trek phase II, Star Trek: Planet of the Titans, the motion picture novelization, and the Cage. Mostly with a goal an preservation and recreation? its a lot of meticulous 3d models and renders. They want to make physical sets for everything. They're really heavily into the cage pilot, which is why THIS girl with the pony tail keeps showing up. her name is J.M. Colt
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they are apparently developing a Roddenberry Archive Interactive Exhibit (WHICH I GOTTA ATTEND SO BAD) based off the Cage. theyre implementing "new holographic mediums for future generations to experience Gene Roddenberry’s legacy with the highest levels of immersion and historical fidelity." which sounds BANANAS. It's a fully immersive, interactive 360-degree experience where you can just WALK around the cage enterprise. You can use the turbolift to go to different levels, flip through Spock’s presentation of Talos IV in the briefing room, go through all of pikes stuff in his room. AND YOU LEAVE. BY BEAMING OUT.
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Also bonus:
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They got a little Animated series Arex!! Look at him!!! My boy!!
feel free to correct me if im wrong or add stuff! All of what i know is from like 2022 lol
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pancakespace · 1 month ago
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fortheloveoflatinum · 2 years ago
Fandom: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Christopher Pike/Spock, Christopher Pike & Spock
Characters: Christopher Pike, Spock (Star Trek), Joseph M'Benga
Additional Tags: Rare Pairings, Rare Relationships, Sleepiness, POV Christopher Pike, Christopher Pike Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Romance, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Short & Sweet, One Shot, Insomnia, Poetry, Literary References & Allusions, Minor Spock/T'Pring (Star Trek), Pre-Slash, Gen or Pre-Slash, Pining
Captain Pike is carrying a great burden; Spock reminds him that he does not need to carry it alone.
Author’s Notes:
Can be read as Gen or Pre-Slash, although I must admit I wrote it with the pairing in mind. I totally ship them. And other rare!pairs! Gotta love those rare!pairs. 🩵
Please enjoy your daily dose of Spock comforting his Captain. 🖖
Title from "Unspoken" by Hurts. 🎹
Heheh I wrote it!
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