#spock x uhura x jim
amartianonmars · 1 year
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Horse Girl Fantasies
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wulfhalls · 1 year
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hoemygodddddddd it's happeningsjekjejr look at paul wesley our man on the inside are u joking is this a joke the face journey??????????? the look in the second to last one?????? hello???? hello?!?!??!!? can anyone even hear me rn
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throwthisawayplease · 2 years
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more star trek doodles cause i love these goobers
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your-name-is-jim · 2 years
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Into Darkness is by no means a perfect movie, but Spock's speech about caring is one of the hardest hitting moments in all of Star Trek in my opinion.
There is such a deep longing to the music as Spock brings up the destruction of Vulcan (by the way, the track is called Spock and Uhura and yes it’s a reprise of An Endangered Species from the first movie), and such a raw vulnerability to the characters. Nyota and Jim are at a loss for words as they see Spock’s distance for what it is: deep, deep seated trauma, combined with extraordinary resilience.
There’s something so spot-on about Vulcans in general too. Everyone here already knew that Vulcans do experience emotions, but Spock admitting to it leading with a simple “You misunderstand” still feels like the unearthing of a closely kept secret. You can see the realization in Nyota and Jim’s eyes, as Spock explains that he’s not rejecting emotions because he holds them in contempt but rather because they’re just too vast and too painful – that who he is is a choice he’s holding onto, and not a character flaw he’s in denial about. The intimate confession flips the script on the humans who wanted the Vulcan to feel the full weight of their anger, annoyance and concern, and end up grappling with the full weight of his grief instead.
And the fact that they’re not facing each other! Like it’s something too monumental to discuss face-to-face! How Spock’s soft words are so powerful they convey everything. Combined with the music and the duality of the soft, warm light and blue shadows, it’s like the echoes of Vulcan are right there, like desert sands and ocean-deep sorrow.
And of course there is the absolutely heart-wrenching ode to romance that is the last line: “Nyota, you mistake my choice not to feel as a reflection of my not caring. Well, I assure you, the truth is precisely the opposite.” This is the single most achingly tender thing ever said.
(video transcript:)
[Spock, Nyota Uhura and Jim Kirk are flying in a shuttlecraft. They're all facing their consoles/the viewports and all have their backs to each other, with their seats in a triangle.] Spock: "Your suggestion that I do not care about dying is incorrect. A sentient being's optimal chance at maximizing their utility is a long and prosperous life." [Nyota rolls her eyes] Nyota: "Great." Jim: "Not exactly a love song, Spock." Spock: "You misunderstand. It is true I chose not to feel anything upon realizing that my own life was ending. As admiral Pike was dying, I joined with his consciousness and experienced what he felt at the moment of his passing. Anger. Confusion. Loneliness. Fear. [Nyota's expression shifts. Spock and Uhura/An Endangered Species starts playing] I had experienced those feelings before, multiplied exponentially on the day my planet was destroyed. [Jim is listening intently, with a somewhat pained expression.] Such a feeling is something I choose never to experience again. [Spock speaks over his shoulder in Uhura's direction while she listens, looking touched.] Nyota, you mistake my choice not to feel as a reflection of my not caring. Well, I assure you, the truth is precisely the opposite." [Nyota leans back against her headrest with a soft smile.]
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yona049 · 4 months
𝚂𝚙𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝚡 𝚐𝚗! 𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚗 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
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Part 1? (maybe)
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Warning :
> lil blood
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His pace was strong and exact as he walked through the ships shining white hallway. Hair cut to a precise straight line with pointed ears, a shining example of his Valcan linage.
His uniform was nothing short of excellent, no wrinkle or crease would dare disturb it's perfection. The tablet in his hand had many names of crew members across the screen.
Behind him, hundreds of cadets, Ensign's and officers ran through the hallway. Some carrying baggage or equipment for the long journey that lay ahead.
The blue, red, and yellow uniforms looked like smudged lines to Spock. No one daring to crash into him or hinder his way, as his intense focus on the tablet demanded his presence to be known.
Behind him came a red uniform, short skirted Lieutenant Commander Uhura runs closer. Her pace quickened to a jog to catch up to him. She dodged one of the Cadets carrying heavy boxes until she finally caught up to Spock.
"Spock!" she called to him but his attention never faltered from the tablet screen.
One name of the many pops up and he selects it. The profile of Ensign Y/n L/n appeared.
"What is it, Uhura?"
"I just needed to enquire on the specific time of launch."
Spock scrolls down to the information on the profile.
"There's no question, we leave O' eight hundred hours, current planet time. We've given everyone sufficient time to prepare for a life long expedition of exploration."
Uhura growls and dodges another Cadet carrying some equipment and engineering tools.
"Yes I understand! But some Cadets have questioned the captains choice to bring inexperienced Ensign's on board for this mission."
Spock finally stops once they've reached the back of the hallway with a large door at the end. His hands are placed behind his back delicately and without hesitation he answers.
"Uhura, I can see the unease that this may have caused. However our Captain has never put us in harms way before and he certainly won't now. I trust Kirk's decisions whole heartedly."
Uhura sighs and nods slowly. Her arms fold into a somewhat comforting hug.
"I guess I should too. It's just a really big decision for everyone to make. There's a chance we may never come home."
She slowly glances through the large window beside them at the spinning blue and green planet below.
Spock looks at earth and then back at her.
"The U.S.S Enterprise is our home now. And like earth. We must protect it."
She laughs a little through her nose at Spock.
"Yeah, you're right."
With a small hand, she pats on his shoulder and then makes her way back down the hallway.
"Oh! And Good luck with the new Ensign!" she calls back to him before disappearing into the corridor.
Finally, the hallway seemed a little quieter. Spock looks back down at his tablet and scrolls through the profile. The first thing he noticed is no picture of the Ensign. Odd.
The second thing he notices is the lack of specified species. The Enterprise was a decorated vessel with many mixed species staff. A proud ship of the The United Federation of Planets.
The doors at the end of the hallway finally slide open.
"Ensign L/n! You're-"
He looks up at the new Ensign but stops when he sees a short bodied, light blue skinned species. Not a harsh blue, but a pale skin tone similar to the planet Andoria.
The blue uniform perfectly hugging their figure and snow-white hair covering their ears.
He finishes looking at their profile then back at them.
"Sir, I'm sorry. They had some trouble confirming my authentication due to my incomplete file."
They look down shyly. Holding a suitcase and a box of glass tubes and bottles.
"Then let's make an effort to complete it."
Spock walks a circle around them them with a raised eyebrow as he studied their species.
"Tell me, Ensign, what's your species? Your skin and hair would suggest Andorian. However, I see no antennae."
Y/n slowly scratches the bottom of their ear and clears their throat.
"I am Andorian, sir. I lost my antennas in a chemical accident."
Again, Spock looks down at his tablet. His face showing no visible confusion, but he was, in fact, a little confused. Yet also mesmerized.
"It says here you're a Medical Ensign."
They quickly nod watching Spock.
"Yes! Chemistry is my main practice. I can't have the Medical Officer mixing the wrong, atorvastatin with fluticasone and causing someone to come down with some disease!"
They finish their explication but quickly step back after.
"Apologies! I didn't mean to sound so accusatory."
Spock nods before turning on his heel and starting his walk.
"Not at all, I am Vulcan. We try to keep our emotions-"
"-Controlled." Y/n says, catching up to him.
"Yes, I'm aware." they confess, looking down.
Spock squints for a second before looking back at the tablet for some information.
"Now, your room is on deck 37. This deck is reserved for medical and research personnel. Med Bay is also on deck 37."
He explains as they walk to the turbolift, taking them both up to Deck 37. The lift is filled with a few seconds of awkward silence. Spock takes this time to study his blue skinned Ensign.
Their existence is shrouded in mystery. The story of their antennas being chemically detached is questionable, Andorian's antenna grow back after time. Their short stature compared to many of the tall built andorians. An incomplete file made Spock's curiosity spark.
Finally arriving at their room. Spock hands them a key card. He turns his back to them without a goodbye.
"Spock!" Y/n calls.
Spock turns back to them. A darkened blue color covered their cheeks like blush would a human's face.
"Yes, Ensign?"
Y/n takes a breath of confidence and looks at Spock.
"Thank you for accompanying me. You have other duties to see to. But I appreciate your time."
Spock only bows his head.
"It's my duty, Ensign. Now hurry to your medical checkups. We launch in 5 hours."
Y/n gives a happy nod, then entering their room with a little excited skip.
Spock couldn't tell why, but his heart gave a pleased thump when he saw the excitement from Y/n. A young new Ensign is unaware of the vastness of space that lays ahead.
The crew started settling into their bunks and rooms with quick paced ease. A fast five hour jump to the launch and Spock was confident in his preparation.
He was sat at his launch pad watching all systems make necessary calculations. As Head Commanding Science Officer and First Officer. He had to be sure the Enterprise was ready for Captain Kirk's arrival.
A sudden hand placed on Spock's shoulder pulls him from his thought process. Jim Kirk stood behind him. His close friend and captain. Even though he was human, Kirk knew what to say to let Spock know everything was ok.
"Well, Spock! How's she lookin?"
Kirk questions.
Spock straightens himself out and with a proud, non emotional face, then says.
"She is, in human terms, Spick and span!"
Kirk smiles giving Spock a good smack on the shoulder.
"Good! Because I'm about ready to head on a life long adventure. To explore strange new worlds!"
Kirk monologs while he strides over to the Captains chair. His palm slides over the arm rest and guides him to his seat.
"Yes, Captain. We're about ready for launch!"
Kirk smirks and turns to a button on his seat. Once he presses it the button starts broadcasting his voice though the entire ship.
"This is your Captain speaking."
Y/n was in a room with a scanner in their hand when they quickly look up at the speaker.
"We are preparing for Launch now. So to start off our journey. Here's a little quote from the very first Starship Captain. Captain Johnathan Archer."
Y/n smiled hearing the name of a big Historical hero. looking back at the Cadet they were doing a Medical check on. Y/n delicately pushes the Cadets head to the side and presses the scanner against their neck.
"He started the voyage by saying and I quote: 'We're going to stumble, make mistakes - I'm sure more than a few, before we find our footing. But we're going to learn From those mistakes. That's what being explorers is all about.'"
Captain Kirk smiles to himself hearing a few Crew members cheer down the hallway.
"This Voyage will be long. But it's purpose is to bring species together united. To Explore and to forge alliances. With that being said! Everyone hold tight!"
Cadets suddenly run off and hold steady to a rail or to anything nailed down. A brand new ship, Y/n stumbles past everyone while packing up the equipment. They look down at the list of Cadets to check but sees one name still open.
Spock had yet to be checked. With seconds before lift off, Y/n decides that the Bridge Control room isn't too far, and they might be able to make it there on time for launch.
With a little stumble, they make their way past the cadets and run for the lift to the Bridge.
Captain Kirk on the bridge looked at his pilot and smirked.
"Hit it!"
The ship yanks a little at the sudden force blasting them into hyperspace at warpspeed.
Y/n still in the turbo lift gets yanked forward suddenly and their hand slips from the rail with a heavy thud.
Spock holds carefully and waits till they get to an even pace. He watches everyone applaud as the ship steadied and they comfortably sat at hyperspeed.
The Captain pats the pilots on the back and Uhura gives Spock a smiling nod.
The lively energy circled though the bridge, even when Y/n fell through the door holding their head people surrounded them with cheers.
They smiled, clapping along and laughing a little before silence once again fell and everyone returned to their posts.
Uhura walks up to Y/n and shakes their hand. Brief conversation that Spock couldn't hear but he could tell Y/n was anxious.
Their hands clutching onto the medical case and their shoulders tightened into a straight, tense, posture.
"Y/n!" he called.
Y/n runs over to him with a thankful smile.
"Ensign, may I enquire as to your purpose on the bridge?"
Y/n sets their equipment down and stands straight at ease.
"Sir, I was on my way to take your vitals and complete medical check up's. But I was interrupted by launch! And I took the lift-"
During Y/n's anxious ramble, Spock studied her movements and noticed a light trickle of dark blue blood coming from beneath the white hair.
"Yes sir! I know it was foolish! But I wanted to finish soon to get to other duties-"
"Y/n!" Spock's sudden voice brings Y/n's attention back to look up at him.
The chatter of crewmen in the background started fading out as Y/n's heartbeat took its place.
Spock delicately moves his fingertips to the side of their head and wipes the blood away bringing Y/n's attention to it.
"I.. Fell in the lift." they confess with their hand looking for the point of injury.
Spock looks down at the medical box and lifts it back off the ground.
"Ensign. I will report to Med bay for my medical check up in two hours. For the moment, see to your own medical care. Please."
A soft plea from Spock brought Y/n's heart back to a calm beating. They inhale and exhale slowly, focusing back on the problem at hand.
"Yes sir! I will be ready once you arrive!" Y/n says with a determined smile.
They take the bag with new found bravery but once again shyly smile at Spock before walking to the lift.
Uhura watches Y/n walk off and the doors slide shut as Uhura arrives at Spock's side.
"You saw it too?" Uhura questions still watching the lift doors.
"Yes. No Antenna scaring or any signs of growth. Andorian's antenna usually grow back in a matter of weeks."
Spock turns to Uhura and they start their deduction.
Spock continues :
"I considered the fact that it was a Chemical accident into my theory. However even a chemical wound wouldn't stop antennae from growth."
Uhura taps her finger on her folded arms while nodding in agreement.
"Y/n's accent has no clear signs of being raised in an andorian environment. No matter how faint the accent is. As the Communications officer I can hear it."
Spock takes a tablet off his desk and opens Y/n's profile once more.
"Y/n is not Andorian."
I had fun writing but I'm not sure If it'll become an ongoing series. 👀🖖If you enjoyed this and want a part two please let me know in the comments!
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discoonthegrass · 2 months
I can’t include Spirk for obvious reasons (it’ll win, because it wins every poll it’s put in.) I’m also not including McSpirk since it has Spirk in it.
Besides those two, I tried to include as many major ships as I could (and no, I don’t mean ships as in the USS Enterprise!) If you pick the “other” option, say in the tags who you like better!
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This scene at the end of Lost in Translation of Uhura introducing Jim to Spock for the first time? *Chef's kiss*
The trio unite over their mutual disdain for Sam Kirk.
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Jim has also been watching Spock playing chess across the room, as he reveals to Uhura:
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Which reminded me of what his alternate version said in Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow:
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"I used to play all the time with my first officer, till she got sick of losing. Been looking for a proper opponent ever since . . .
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That old-fashioned, two-dimensional version, though, it's basically idiot's chess."
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Jim was also well known for obliterating Spock at chess in TOS.
Get used to losing from now on, Spock.😂💚
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trek-tracks · 2 years
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How the TOS crew is spending the holidays
(Original Post)
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My friend just told me that some of y'all motherfuckers are bashing Christina on Twitter because of yesterday's episode and my question for you is - Are you fucking mental? Like do you require some sort of professional help? Your mom didn't love you, kiss you? What? What is it?
Apparently there's been a pig on Twitter who said that Christina should start searching for a new job because as soon as Kirk takes over the show, her career as La'an is over.
I am here to remind you all that Christina is an actress and that she was doing her job! A job that the writers and directors told her to do. It's not as if she woke up randomly and decided "hmmm, La'an is gonna shag Kirk". And if the idiots such as yourself can't take the fact that the writers are not bending themselves backwards to write the show the way you wanna see it, then don't watch the fucking show. What does Christina as an actress have to do with anything that writers scribble down in a script?
And need I remind you all that this show is most certanly NOT about Kirk because there is good 7 years before he even takes over the Enterpise.
And if your fragile egos can't take it, then kindly fuck off. Don't go harassing the actors that are simply trying to do their jobs and don't spoil the experience for the people who are trying to enjoy it, both the normal folks and the actors themselves.
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lyejelly · 1 year
Research Paper on Star Trek
Dear Fans of ST,
I am currently in college and I want to write about the history or Star Trek (focus on TOS) and how it impacted today's world (specifically fanfiction and gay rights but lets be real those flip phones and automatic doors deserve a place in writing.
Any help toward resources would be greatly appreciated. Currently I have internet archive with a few original pieces dating back to the 80s and 70s and the oldest fanfiction of k/s "A Fragment Out of Time".
K/S deserves to be archived, everything I have learned about the history of modern fanfiction can be linked back to ST:TOS and K/S, but only through fragments on this website and word of mouth. Without a proper recording of everything I am worried this will be overlooked and one day forgotten.
Thank you
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arsoneywrites · 2 years
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so you remember that spirk royalty au i’ve been working on forever? chapter two now up AND i have a writing sideblog now! look at me!
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bearsinpotatosacks · 6 months
I've got to share a star trek idea, call it an idea for AOS 4.
We open on the crew nearing the end of the five year mission. Jaylah’s on the crew, having finished the Academy in record time (Chekov’s still here because this is a fanfic idea not an actual movie).
Uhura goes to Bones after getting dizzy after falling off her chair during a bit of turbulence during a mission. She goes over her symptoms, talking about her feeling sick and exhausted, getting dizzy and weird cravings. He asks her when she last had her period, she says she can’t remember but thinks it's due to stress. It only clicks what he’s on about Spock going through Pon Farr, and how the precautions they used weren't made with a Vulcan (who can't return to Vulcan no less) going through his first Pon Farr in mind. They do some tests and oops, she’s pregnant.
They keep it a secret, she’s going to keep it but she’s not sure how Spock'll take it with his strange relationship with his species now they're endangered and all. To hide the check ups, they start a ballroom/latin dancing club, they're both pretty proficient. Bones even gets to jokingly flirt with Uhura to annoy Spock.
Spock starts to suspect something, he's about to make a logical investigation when they beam down to a planet for a Prime Directive mission and forget everything.
Jim wakes up remembering who he is, in a house he doesn't own, late for a job he doesn't have. Technology is ancient, like something from a noir film. And he can't find his friends anywhere.
He goes about his life and finds out he's an English professor, Chekov is one of his students but he doesn't know him as Captain Kirk, just his pushy but nice professor. When he goes to remind him, he doesn’t know what he’s on about and walks away.
Jim’s car breaks down, he calls a number and Scotty arrives, a mechanic in debt to a local gang who helps him out. It's only in talking to him that he mistakenly wakes Scotty up from his dream and realises who he is. They realise that they've got to wake everyone up to help them get out.
We cut to Bones, who's an ER doc helping another person after they've been beaten up. Whenever someone asks questions, one Hikaru Sulu comes in, slips money in their pocket, and the questions go away. But not Bones. He’s the only person in this damn hospital you can't buy off, but knows this is known, as he's never allowed on these cases, where people come in battered and bruised and they're too scared to say who did it. The closest he's come is with some scottish mechanic, but even he hadn’t said much apart from a debt being owed.
He sighs, signing out, and goes home, another day of not helping as much as he would want, another day of fighting off the growing corruption in this city. Little does he know, that Scottish Mechanic is sitting nearby, watching him leave and following him home with James T Kirk by his side. They’ve found Dr McCoy and now need to wake him up.
They follow him home, see him go inside and get changed into a freshly pressed suit and walk into town, entering a dark club. They follow him and see how he’s treated like the owner, they take his coat, give him a cigar and light it, his drink is already poured by, wait is that Chekov at the bar?
And who is the singer in this bar? Uhura. She crunes a smooth song (i imagine smooth operator by sade) as he sits, smoking in the darkness and watching her every move. When the song's over, she invites him to dance before she sneaks him backstage. Jim thinks of Spock’s suspicions before shaking them off and sending Scotty to try and work on Chekov, succeeding.
Backstage, Bones helps Uhura, who'd pregnant with the owner of the club's baby. One Mister Spock, who owns most of the town, and has everyone in his pocket. Well, almost everyone, she thinks, looking at Dr McCoy as he gives her more iron tablets and tells her to rest.
They talk about how she’s going to get out. There's only so long she can hide this, there's only so much she can throw Spock off the scent with how much Bones questions the people sent into his ER after Spock orders his men to beat them up.
She talks about trying to run but there being nowhere she can go that he won't follow. She wants her career to go further but knows if she stays in the country, she'll be found.
He tells her that he'll keep trying and leaves, just in time too, as Spock walks in, confidence and cold, cool logic oozing off him.
The plot is a little thinner from here. I know we cut to Jaylah, in someone's office, she’s their every woman, their gun for hire, she's the person Spock sends when things get too dark or difficult for his usual men. In this case, he needs her to get Dr McCoy on his side, be that through violence or sex or blackmail, he doesn’t care, he's become a nuisance and needs stifling.
Jim tries to wake Sulu up but gets beaten up, ending up in Bones' care, who he also fails to wake up. Bones sees to Uhura again, but gets distracted when Jaylah talks to him, they get along, he buys into it and ends up going home with him. They start something, she gets him in bed before threatening him, blackmailing him and bringing up his dead wife and daughter, before getting him to swear that he'll leave Uhura alone and get his nose out of Spock’s business.
Jim meets Jaylah outside and, with Scotty’s help, manages to wake her up. They get her on side and get her to play her role and get to Uhura.
When Bones doesn’t show up for the next few days, Uhura knows Spock’s got to him too. Jaylah walks in, Uhura threatens her but Jaylah, under pressure, lies and, after trying to wake her up and failing, offers to help her get out for a price, saying she's gotten tired of it all.
They make a plan, Uhura will meet Jaylah at the docks, Bones will meet them and they'll go together, all three.
Jim realises they’re running out of time, Spock finds out about the plan. Jaylah fights Sulu and manages to wake him up, Jim gsts through to Bones by mentioning how Joanna and Jocelyn are live. But Spock gets to Uhura first, it's only when she tells him she's pregnant that they both wake up and it all stops.
I think there's also some other element to it, maybe if they don't get off the planet in a week or something then they all get trapped there with their fictional memories?
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throwthisawayplease · 2 years
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some closeups from my previous post (the babies)
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rizz-penguin · 8 months
when you're listing off weird ships names, don't forget to add kock (kirk x spock) and uhotty (uhura x scotty)
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spockprimebigbang · 6 months
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Hello everyone! The sign-ups for Spock Prime Big Bang 2024 are open!!
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