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♡ Heroine Otome Game ♡
❥ Asanaga Miku [ Spiral Memoria ~Watashi to Deau Natsu~ ]
#Spiral Memoria#Heroine Otome Game#perfect heroine#otome heroine#otome#otome game#Official art#cg art#my post#green eyes#brown hair#朝永 未来#Asanaga Miku#Spiral Memoria ~Watashi to Deau Natsu~#Spiral Memoria~私と出逢う夏~#OperaHouse#opera house#Futaba Hazuki#双葉 はづき#Spiral Memoria The Summer I Meet Myself#Spiral Memoria -The Summer I Meet Myself-
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Paris 16, novembre 2023
#photography#photographie#france#paris#16#cityscape#buildings#walls#stairs#spiralling#up#construction work#palais de tokyo#memoria#memoribilia
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HP FESTS: Dramione Month (Part 6)
Dramione Month 2024:
Eclipse by galaxy_skies - M, one-shot - Three days later, when he feels a little less cursed and a lot less hungover, Draco scours the Malfoy library for books on memory charms and owls her a list of titles via Potter’s address at Grimmauld Place as repentance. Two days after that, Hermione sends him a book on curses and a London address that he assumes is hers as forgiveness.
The Mentor by arborlibrary - M, one-shot - Several months after the Battle of Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy is assigned to be a mentor to Hermione Granger as she prepares for a fight to the death against her friends. He goes to visit her in the dungeons to get a headstart, but learns that none of the contestants have any idea what he's talking about.
Pale, Rich, Jealous, Extremely Attractive by arborlibrary - G, one-shot - “Granger, this book is objectively bad.” He glanced up at her from where his copy was propped on his desk before him; it was the first time she hadn’t scolded him for being off-task at work. “I know! That’s what makes it so good!” “Bella’s sartorial sense alone is enough to have her Avada’d. Seriously, what’s with all the beige?” // Or, Draco is intrigued by the book Hermione has started reading at work, and he can't help but share his opinions as he goes along.
Broom Bunny by arborlibrary - T, one-shot - Hermione Granger has a type: Quidditch players. Her latest crush is the least likely yet.
Amends by galaxy_skies - T, one-shot - “You look nice when you smile,” she says, because her parents raised her to be bold and an ugly old hat put her in a house meant for the brave and because she was never afraid to speak her mind when the truth was right in front of her, shining like the light reflecting in Draco’s eyes.
His Home by Lexxus - M, one-shot - Draco and Hermione fell in love one ordinary Thursday ten years after the end of the war. Their story had a rainy beginning, a sunny middle, and a snowy end. [WARNING: CHARACTER DEATH]
in every universe (but one) by thisisdd (thisisnotdd) - E - Collection of drabbles and one shots that served as entries for Dramione Month 2024 -- originally posted on my twitter @thisisntdd.
The Various Employment of Questionable Tactics by augustaoctavia - E, 5 chapters - What started off as a simple missive between a professor and a student's mother soon spiraled into something so much more--something so unexpected. Loner Potions Master and Professor at Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy, discovers his precocious student has pilfered ingredients from his private stores. After a failed attempt to communicate about her misdeed without descending into childish bickering, Draco and Hermione Granger agree to discuss the matter that evening at the Hog's Head. Whiskey will be required to get through this conversation, he can already tell.
jamais vu by euphrasie_pont - E, one-shot - jamais vu (noun) – the opposite of déjà vu; the experience of being unfamiliar with someone or something you know should be familiar; the illusion that the familiar is being encountered for the first time. - When Hermione reconnects with Draco Malfoy and starts spending time with him again, he’s so different he might as well be an entirely new person. Of course, that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea for her to go and fall in love with him. But during the crisp metamorphosis of autumn, when the leaves are changing and maybe he is too, Hermione can’t help but do it anyway.
Hermione Memoria by MarinaJune - M, 10 chapters - Hermione leads a happy life, one full of friends, books, and all the unique coffee mugs she can find. There are moments, however, where she's struck by a sharp sensation of remembering...something. Or, perhaps, someone.
Dare you do it? by Hyemi_28 - E, one-shot - Hermione plays a Truth or dare game with the girls, and she has to sneak into the Slytherin locker room and has to bring a proof, that she was there... but suddenly the Slytherin team arrives back...
Busy Nights and Moving Flights by terryboot - E, one-shot - The vanishing steps at Hogwarts usually bring misfortune to those who encounter them, but today is Professor Malfoy's lucky day. – or a ‘stuck in something' kink PWP
Perfect Day by CarolineSedgefield - T, one-shot - A drabble written for Dramione Month's careers week, in which Draco and Hermione's vocations may not be what they initially seem.
Falmouth Falcons - Player No. 4 by Sessediz - T, one-shot - Hermione loses a bet to Ginny, meaning she has to both attend her Holyhead Harpies match that weekend, but also pay full attention without the distraction of a book. Her apt attention to the game sparks an interest, and not just her own.
Careers Free Day by Peaches_on_Waffles - G, one-shot - Hermione seeks out medical attention to help with a rash.
Disarmed by You by anna_hawk - G, one-shot - In the aftermath of a heated duel, Auror partners Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger, are forced to confront the unspoken feelings they've been hiding.
Brewing for Attention by anna_hawk - G, 11 chapters - After years of playful rivalry and tension, Draco Malfoy finally devises a ridiculous yet charming plan to get Hermione Granger’s attention—by staging a series of potion mishaps that land him in St. Mungo’s repeatedly. Hermione, now a busy and brilliant healer, finds herself reluctantly amused by Draco’s antics. What begins as exasperation turns into something deeper as she realizes Draco's efforts were all to spend more time with her.
Heal me now by Hyemi_28 - M, one-shot - After years of working as a successful healer at St. Mungo, Draco Malfoy saved Auror Granger's life one night... After he was been appointed to her personal healer, his life turned upside down, when they started their secret relationship at the examination room...
Paper Dolls by Sessediz - M, one-shot - Boy meets girl, girl meets boy . . . it's a tale as old as time, but time isn't what's being studied by these Unspeakables.
adventures in cursebreaking by greenappletheory - M, one-shot - Hermione Granger seeks out the assistance of Cursebreaker and ex-husband, Draco Malfoy, after entangling herself with an unknown and most definitely cursed object. This takes place eight months after Hermione’s 45th Birthday, so consider this a part two and my formal apology.
All It Takes (Is One Kiss) by Lexxus - E, one-shot - On New Year's Eve, Pansy's "one-kiss-theory" leads Draco and Hermione to a dark corner of a Muggle club, where one quickly becomes much, much more.
All That Glitters by AsIfYouCouldOutReadMe - E, one-shot - Hermione Granger is days away from passing the most important legislation of her storied career with the Ministry, but today is her Anniversary and Draco has just the thing to distract her. OR Draco dresses up as Edward Cullen to cheer up his busy bride
Cursed and Charmed by anna_hawk - G, 7 chapters - When a dangerous cursed artifact surfaces at a high-stakes auction, Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy find themselves reluctantly working together to destroy it. What begins as a mission of duty quickly evolves into something unexpected as they navigate old rivalries, buried secrets, and a tension that neither can ignore.
Healers/Doctors by Peaches_on_Waffles - G, one-shot - A Healer from St. Mungo's is summoned to Azkaban. [WARNING: Character Death]
Full moon by Hyemi_28 - M, one-shot - Draco thought Hermione died so he wanted to follow her to the death, but suddenly a small body slammed into his embrace.
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“ A volte penso di appartenere a un’altra specie; questo pensiero che avanza in me assurdo come una mostruosità, contraddetto dall’apparenza ordinaria dei miei tratti e dalla mappa fantastica dei cromosomi, ha il potere di rasserenarmi. Nelle rare lezioni che ascoltai quando vagabondavo per le università, le uniche che ebbero il potere di incatenare la mia attenzione, richiamandomi alla coscienza strane e diverse emozioni, mostravano il mirabile codice della specie. Di esso rimanevo stupita come se la spirale della vita fosse un’altra possibile versione della chiave musicale del violino; una sorta di vibrazione sfuggita alla deflagrazione originaria da cui ogni cosa prese forma. Non volli imparare la catena di formule che, intrecciandosi in una magica danza, non ripeteva mai se stessa e con certezza assoluta custodiva l’identità unica di ogni nuova vita. Mi sembrò sempre che la riduzione di un simile prodigio all’apprendimento sterile del nome scientifico, la sua evocazione dotta e assurda nelle luce morta dei laboratori, avrebbero aperto, attirandola su noi, la catena infinita e ottusa del dolore. Bisogna essere molto ciechi per aggiungere nuove sofferenze all’eredità di dolore lasciata da chi è passato prima di noi!
Così, quando in un paese qualunque, forse nell’emisfero australe o nel silenzio dimenticato degli Incas, qualcuno ha trovato serbata la chiave della vita nel cuore indifferente di una pietra, come se questa fosse la cellula di un corpo o la memoria atomizzata dell’unica esplosione, io ho avuto la conferma di ciò che sempre pensai. Nello spartito della vita, risuoniamo tutti con un’unica nota le cui vibrazioni mutano impercettibilmente per la materia che ci accade di essere. Allo stesso modo, ho orrore dell’onnipotenza feroce, della dogmatica sordità, che traccia il confine fra ciò che è sano e il suo contrario. Tremo di fronte all’arroganza impietosa dei corpi sani, all’oscena prepotenza della loro forza; alla sicumera gloriosa con cui avanzano nell’universo pretendendo di esserne i padroni invulnerabili. Niente è più vano e folle di questa illusione: bisogna essere un po’ di pietra e d’albero; un po’ di mare e di tuono per ricordarsi la nota originaria; bisogna essere un po’ mostri per sentire risuonare la meraviglia e l’orrore di altri mondi lontani. In me vive il dubbio che l’errore genetico, da cui prendono vita creature mostruose e tenerissime; piccoli tartari con gli occhi all’insù, dalla memoria prodigiosa di Pico della Mirandola che suonano a volte come angeli, o vecchi-bambini destinati a vivere un quarto di secolo, nascosti come ragni nelle case per non offendere la proterva salute dei normali, incarni un’altra razza. O forse creature di altri spazi; abitanti di pianeti lontani, i cui frammenti vitali caddero errando, nel luogo sbagliato. Questo spiegherebbe la malinconia commovente di certi occhi fissati nel vuoto, che guardano mondi perduti e sorridono solo a essi, resistendo a tutte le seduzioni della nostra inutile umanità. La follia infine; non so se i suoi segni siano iscritti nell’abbraccio elicoidale della vita e neanche se appartenga al codice segreto di un’altra specie precipitata sulla terra. Credo piuttosto che essa sia un tramite; un sesto senso rimasto aperto per vocazione o per destino, dove le mostruosità svelano la propria origine autentica. In altri luoghi, lontani dagli orridi tavoli vivisettori che in nome della scienza profanano oscenamente i misteri della vita e della morte; in altri tempi da quelli in cui l’angoscia ci stringe a vivere, i folli furono celebrati come creature divine, nelle quali circolava libera la sapienza onnisciente. Erano tempi e luoghi dove la sadica struttura normativa che ci conculca non aveva ancora vinto, né aveva ancora sedotto l’intera umanità al peccato originario dell’invidia e alla pestilenza della sua vanità coattiva. Così essa non tollera che una creatura fugga al giogo delle rivalità fra uguali e, attraverso i mondi della follia, scelga l’identità eversiva a cui lo destinava l’unicità della sua nascita. Con un ukàse che non ammette eccezioni, l’alieno viene piegato all’annientamento dei suoi mondi e il veleno sottile dell’invidia raggiunge il suo centro creativo distruggendone le centraline. Ridotto a un’oscurità senza mostri e a un silenzio senza presagi, finalmente appartiene alla specie. “
Mariateresa Di Lascia, Passaggio in ombra, Feltrinelli (collana I Narratori), 1995¹; pp. 116-117.
#letture#leggere#citazioni letterarie#romanzi#saghe familiari#Mariateresa Di Lascia#narrativa#Italia meridionale#Feltrinelli#Passaggio in ombra#femminilità#Partito Radicale#passato#racconto di formazione#donne#Puglia#Daunia#meditazioni#scrittrici italiane del '900#XX secolo#familismo#Meridione#famiglie non convenzionali#ricordi d'infanzia#pregiudizi#libri#intellettuali italiani del XX secolo#famiglia#crescere#Sud
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fic authors self rec!
Rules: When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love.
thank you @hartigays for tagging me!!
merlin, fields of gold: In which Merlin grieves, remembers, and lives.
steddie, you looking at me, looking at you: Steve and Eddie sleep together. Then it keeps happening. Things begin to spiral from there.
steddie, memoria (come as you are): A story about finding the people you’ve lost, healing rifts (the personal kind, not the supernatural kind) and maybe for once, finally, falling in love.
merlin (mergwen) tell me yet, dost thou not know my voice?: In the aftermath of it all, the only thing the two of them were left with was the other person. They were both so intimately familiar with the nauseating ache that was the human experience of love and loss that it came easily to them; the falling into one another.
payneland, you will never be unloved by me (you are too well tangled in my soul): A night in Port Townsend, after Hell, Charles and Edwin talk.
tagging: @queerofthedagger @insane-ohwhyfandoms @wolfiery @postmodernau @carbonbased000
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“Touka, Nemu, and the White Walls”
*deep breath* Hear Me Out. I’m sure you are by now familiar with my screaming of aaaaa the word soulmate was made for them (whether platonic or romantic is up to you), when it comes to Touka and Nemu. However! I must now try to articulate, based on the limited information available to us, exactly what happened during the early stages of Touka and Nemu’s relationship and how their bond developed. I will not touch on Ui too much though (there is another essay for that). So, informal essay under the cut!
Touka and Nemu have been bound together since the hospital, because they found in each other what they’d been craving for so long: an equal. They are each other’s equals in ways Ui just can’t manage, even back then. After a baptism by fire in every way, their bond only strengthened until it got to where it is today. But, I want to take a look at the roots of this connection. Before the Wings of the Magius. Before Kyubey.
First things first: these girls do not trust adults. They don’t fear them, mind you. But they also don’t trust them. This is a trait Alina shares with them, and a trait many child prodigies come to share. They’re cynical because of their trauma, but also wary of how they are exploited and condescended. They have learned not to trust adults specifically because of their alien treatment, and that extends to children slowly during their time at the hospital. They’re misunderstood, sometimes ridiculed, isolated without choice. They decide to own that isolation, because it can’t hurt them if they own it, but it gets to them.
Touka takes it as a challenge, wants to prove she isn’t weak, and thus acts superior. Nemu tries to brush past it, and falls into spirals of patterns and thought processes when she tries to figure out if there’s something wrong with her (beyond her being different), considering the way the others act. And they both cope via the amazingly healthy method we call repression. We see glimpses of this throughout, for instance in TouNemu’s Christmas MGS. Even when they’re mad at each other and Ui isn’t involved, Touka still ultimately sits next to Nemu, talks to her, and goes as far as to request an answer (which Nemu who is not in the greatest mood and it’s her fault has not given, she has been quiet the entire time). It’s interesting to note about that MGS that from that point on, every “sorry” and “thank you” has come easy to them, when they’ve had to use the words. You will notice that Touka in particular easily apologizes to and thanks Nemu, but doesn’t really say it to anyone else most of the time (examples are in her own MGS when she’s ranting at Nemu on their way I assume home from Fendt Hope while they’re alone together and she apologizes for being angry, that whole scene is going to be analyzed at a later date. Another specific example is in Arc 2, when Touka asks Nemu to fetch something for her while they’re trying to unlock Ryo’s phone, then apologizes when Nemu gets back because she didn’t need it after all.)
They’re drawn to each other initially because they’re finally understood. They’re not turned away, but argued with as equals, listened to, not placated but confronted instead. They're giving each other what they’ve so desperately craved from the beginning. And there’s a beatific solace to knowing there is nothing wrong with you, and even if there is, fuck it all because you’re not the only one that’s wrong. Because you’re not alone anymore.
This specifically ties into Nemu even more because Nemu is painfully starved for affection. For meaningful connection. For home. For, as Shizuku may put it, a place to belong. Touka has her father, and while he can’t exactly understand Touka the way Nemu can, I’m sure Nemu has been jealous/bitter at some point due to Touka having a loving, affectionate parental figure. Her personal memoria is very on the nose about what she wants most, as is her MGS, but especially the personal memoria. To quote it directly: “What was I hoping for? What did I want? A newly released novel? An out-of-print book that sounded interesting? New clothes for a change of image? No, no, no. Those are all wrong. I just want to be told I’m loved. It’s so close and yet so far. That is all I want.”
The tie to Touka here is a little different. She did not have very many options. I’m sure that deep down, Touka is aware of what would have happened to her if she hadn’t found Nemu in time. Lost to madness when her masks begin to crack, her life falling apart, becoming one with her masks to the point she loses sight of who she started out as… Rotting inside the mask. Though in her case, she’s well-off enough that she could plausibly just be a hermit. For a time. Until the loneliness began to eat away at her. Touka’s main connection before Nemu (and before Ui) was her father, and her father is a good man, he tries to be there for her and actually be a parent despite his busy schedule (looking at you, Hiiragi family. If the Tamaki parents can spare a few minutes to video call their hospitalized child, you can too), but she doesn’t guard him like she guards her astronomy knowledge, she doesn’t guard him like she guards Nemu.
Look, it’s subtler in the hospital era than it is later down the line, but. These two are so ridiculously devoted to each other that it makes me completely unhinged. They act as one, without doubt, without fear (you don’t just agree to die with someone you don’t feel strongly about and bind your own life to, but I will scream about that in the post-Arc 1 essay). This started all the way back in the hospital. Though, there’s multiple things I have yet to address… The resentment has its own essay, but let’s talk about anger for a moment.
Touka is the one more known for her anger. For both of them, there’s different kinds of anger they hold. Touka is just easier to talk about. Most of her anger is toward society and the people around her (no one in particular, just People™, the people that get to be “normal” and have things), and anger at Nemu’s family. The reason that last thing is an entire category is because it shapes her relationship with Nemu. Touka cares more about Nemu than Nemu does about herself, and the anger towards her family is a key point in their relationship and how she treats Nemu—it’s one of the things that make her protective of Nemu. That anger in turn fuels her anger towards society as well. She expressed in the third episode of her MGS how she feels like the world has done nothing but take things away from her for her entire life, therefore she shouldn’t have to share, shouldn’t have to give the world anything (she has grown from this and I will talk about it in my Arc 2 essays). And yet, most of Touka’s anger, especially towards society, is subconscious. I don’t think she learns to recognize and articulate it until a lot later in life, at least. And where her anger is a fiery pit… Nemu’s is resigned and flickering embers.
Nemu has taken so much hurt that the part of her that defends her is barely holding on. She is starkly aware and somewhat articulate about why she has resentment and anger towards society, but she doesn’t seem to hold much of it towards her family. I’d say she much more wishes she knew them enough to be angry at them. She’s just tired. She’s used to it, it’s “fine” and not their fault. Nemu also feels like she has a muted anger bubbling underneath her skin, toward herself. Maybe cursing her illness that prevented her from being part of her family. Maybe because she takes on blame and guilt to relieve others, it becomes second nature, and she hates part of herself for it. Her anger still tries to defend her, but enough repression and it kind of shuts up. It’s emotionally draining. Nemu has this tendency to overthink stuff a lot more than Touka, she’s more introspective and philosophical about everything. That is both good and bad, because while reflecting on events is a good thing, the conclusions a child like her may take from it may not be. Her one respite that makes her feel understood and alive? Touka.
Now, I know I have tunnel vision, and I know that my otp blinds makes me fixate on specifically these two, but I do have to talk about Ui and Iroha a little more. Mainly Ui. Their connections are different. Iroha and Ui represent secure attachments. People that, although they know they can’t match or understand them, will be there for them. Constant exposure to Ui in particular was important in mitigating that anger towards others, and it was good for the other two’s self-worth and sense of self. As we have seen many times, especially at first, this manifested in them essentially resource guarding like dogs who have been starving in the streets their entire lives and finally get to have food. That was, until they realized two things. One was that they could share. Another was that there was meaningful connection to be found in each other too, and that Ui was not their only definitive source of kindness and comfort. Touka specifically has a thing about being kind. As per her flower field memoria: “The end of the universe brings the dark and vast eternal world of time to my tiny little cramped world. The end of the universe also creates the flow of time. I don't care if my brain cells overheat, I want to know everything. I will cherish what I learn, and it will make me a kinder person.”
Touka wants to be kind. Ui, and by extension Iroha, preach by practice. They don’t scold her and tell her to just be nicer (well, usually). They are genuinely kind people, and Touka looks up to that. She and Nemu both do, though with Touka it’s a lot more blatant because it’s often harder for her to be kind—I interpret Touka as naturally having low empathy, which is not a bad thing or a thing to be pitied, but instead something that can become a strength. Unfortunately, it can also result in severe struggles, socially speaking, and Touka isn’t in the best position to have those, because people’s reactions to her just make her feel more alienated (which, again, she tries to take pride in as a defense mechanism) and more justified in her anger and resentment. Still, Touka is trying. The erasure of Iroha and Ui from her memories, and the fact that she had Nemu, made her close off into this mentality of “it’ll be okay as long as we have each other, everyone else can rot.” In a way, at least. Deep down, though, Touka still wants to be good. Wants to save magical girls. Because she sees herself in magical girls and their struggles. Magical girls are isolated, alienated from society by their very nature. Just like her. And it’s unfair that their struggles are not seen or heard, never recognized. They are never given a helping hand. On top of that, they live on a timer. Just like her back in the hospital.
Nemu wants to rest. To let down her guard and not be hurt, for once. She wants a home, somewhere or someone who will make her a priority. She has never been a priority. To anyone. That’s why it’s upsetting to her at first, who should be the calmer one, when Ui “chooses Touka over her” or otherwise elects to do something else that has nothing to do with her. She takes it personally. Nonetheless, she sees the way Iroha and Ui act, and she wishes she could be like them. Nemu thinks her feelings are ugly, something to be hidden away, and has gotten used to bottling them up, coping through writing and hopefully through nothing else. Touka becomes a sort of shelter. Someone so very similar to her, despite their differences. Someone who also hides their feelings. Both of them say at the end of Christmas String that they admire Ui because they can’t copy her, can’t copy the way she’s always happy to help others, but that is a direct contradiction of their own actions in that very event. I won’t expand on it here, but Nemu might be more aware than Touka about some of these issues. Nemu actively expresses her feelings about magical girls as a group in her MGS, and it’s not all that dissimilar from Touka’s own reasoning for wanting to save them. She wants magical girls to be recognized, she wants people to know them. Sounds awfully similar to herself wanting to be known, doesn’t it?
Lastly, I want to look at something that should’ve been The First Sign and ties into certain points I made about Touka in another essay (“The Many Masks of Touka Satomi”). Nemu’s writing. Touka starts out downright loathing it, though I assume this must’ve been mostly the product of jealousy (over Ui) at the time. By the time we get to the hospital episode of Nemu’s MGS, however, Touka has made and manages a website for Nemu, including contact information. Let me break that down for you. Nemu would never ask Touka to do something like this, and judging by her reaction to the part we see, she really did not. Which means Touka, of her own will, brought it up and offered to do it. Why? Why, especially in the hospital era? This is one of many instances where the game simply drops a piece of information like an anvil on my foot and refuses to elaborate, thus leaving me to froth at the mouth until I manage to articulate my thoughts. Allow me to go on a giant website tangent and give you an overview of the sheer work Touka just, did for Nemu of her own volition and then continued to do from that point on (warning, this is going to end in me gushing about how much these two care about each other):
First, the planning and conceptualization stage, which is arguably the easiest and I assume was just a bunch of lengthy conversations between Touka and Nemu. They’re excellent at planning things together, as we have seen multiple times in the story, so planning the content structure and layout would have also been simple. Then there’s domain name and hosting. Touka would’ve had to choose and register a domain name, then either select a reliable web hosting service to store the website files or somehow do it herself (it’s Touka, she will find a way). Next up, website design and development, which is arguably also “simple” in the sense that “all you have to do” is design the website’s layout, color scheme, and overall aesthetics. Who knows how these two did that.
The development part was on Touka entirely, since that’s where you have to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and potentially a content management system but I’m not sure how exactly Touka would go about it (if she makes something she will make something she can brag about and be proud of). Of course this is also the phase where you integrate necessary features like a contact form or whatever Touka did to put Nemu’s email there (that she is apparently also in charge of, since she was able to check the emails and I doubt Nemu wants to deal with that, though she was upset that Touka added this without consulting her for a moment, which is an interesting decision). Content creation would then fall to Nemu, though she writes by hand so Touka would have to digitize every single page. And! Search engine optimization! This includes keyword research, on-page SEO, and setting up meta tags. This is a job that in real life that can be extremely lucrative.
It’s not over because we also happen to know that Nemu makes “more than enough” from ad revenue alone on that website. So that means Touka set up ad revenue streams for this and took care of the monetization aspect which may have included a couple of illegalities (because they’re minors). After that would be thoroughly testing the website’s functionality, including navigation, forms, and any interactive elements, then the launch itself, which is uploading the website files to the hosting server and configuring domain settings to point to the hosting server. This doesn’t take into account whatever marketing/promotion Touka did to get the word out so quickly and successfully that the numbers would climb the way they did in the scene we saw.
BUT IT DOESN’T END THERE. A website requires regular maintenance, and Touka would’ve also had to implement security measures to protect against threats like hacking or malware and regularly back up the website to prevent data loss. I think she probably mostly ignored legal considerations because this is Touka we’re talking about, but she also set up analytics tools to track visitor behavior and website performance, that’s what I assume we were seeing in that one scene. Touka “we’re not friends” Satomi, everybody.
WHICH BRINGS. ME. TO. Touka apparently just, manually transcribes the handwritten manuscripts herself. And not only does she not get annoyed, angry, or tired over any of this, she gets worried that Nemu might find it a pain to double check that Touka read her handwriting correctly. Once the initial transcription is done (which you can imagine takes quite a bit of time and dedication), it’s time to proofread and compare it to the original manuscript, make corrections and adjustments as needed, then apply structural markup to the digital text (this means adding tags to indicate elements like headings, paragraphs, annotations, and more), and create a detailed record of metadata for each manuscript. This is kinda tied to the website but also, accessibility considerations. Touka with all of her medical knowledge and living in a hospital her whole life would be familiar with this, but it’s still more work. I also figure she took care of the copyright part for Nemu.
Okay, okay, I’m done now, I promise. But. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Touka knows how much writing means to Nemu and look at what she does for her! I was going to explode if I didn’t draw attention to this piece of info that is so easy to brush off. In total, the initial work for this could range from approximately 220 to 355+ hours. I will have to just go before I get even more unhinged about them. Next essay will take a while longer to come out, since I do have other stuff to write. Nishi out!
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Fante di Coppe
"La strada della Realizzazione"
Dicembre è il mese delle "attivazioni vertebrali".
Tra le pieghe della struttura "schiena" si annidano le memorie più recondite, quelle dell'antica struttura di potere e di "reggenza" dei sistemi familiari e societari.
Vertebra per vertebra, disco per disco, "l'assetto cristallino" sta esprimendo il suo innovativo movimento di pulizia profonda. E contestualmente provvede all'innesto di nuove informazioni sistemiche.
Questo potrebbe creare alcuni problemi di "connessione energetica", sia nel campo intorno a noi, sia nella "presa a terra".
Interferenze, sistemi elettrici che saltano, pressioni alte e mal di testa importanti, oltre che mobilità a tratti limitata e irrigidita.
Tutto questo mentre non si fermano le ondate di risoluzione emotiva, che non accennano ancora a concludere il loro viaggio di riassetto generale.
Dicembre ci regala davvero un "vento impetuoso", gelido, sferzante, necessario per smuovere dentro anche le più annidate e secrete vie del "ricordo di Sistema".
La Struttura fisica e psichica in trasformazione può manifestare problemi anche nella linearità di pensiero, con vuoti di memoria, perdite temporanee di funzioni cognitive e sogni affollati.
La Mente potrebbe iniziare a recepire informazioni "dimenticate", incontri non esattamente collocabili nello spazio-tempo.
Potremmo anche "ricordare" sequenze di futuro. Vissute dal nostro Inconscio come fossero in realtà già accadute altrove o addirittura su questo piano di Coscienza, in questa Vita.
Tutto si scuote, tutto sta prendendo Vita. Dentro e fuori.
E' straordinaria questa confusione, questa potente spinta alla riconciliazione! E' impressionante questo turbine, questo movimento rotatorio a spirale concentrica!
Il tempo concentra la sua espressione materica nella brevità e intensità degli attimi, scandendo la sua manifestazione in "riti abbreviati" di evoluzione, in battute veloci ed efficaci.
Una giornata dura un'ora.
E una notte qualche manciata di secondi.
L'accelerazione temporale è reale.
La Coscienza inizia a viaggiare nello spazio-tempo senza eccessivi "blocchi di sistema".
Ed intanto, accanto a noi, si scatena la Rivoluzione del Popolo oppresso.
Si apre prepotentemente il movimento che porterà l'Umanità alla Liberazione dalle fissità di potere e sottomissione dal Vecchio Sistema.
Dentro il Collettivo si agitano gli ancestrali virgulti di insofferenza sistemica e si predispongono le condizioni per le innovative e pacifiche "prese della Bastiglia".
Nulla accadrà secondo gli antichi parametri.
Poiché nulla deve ripetere e reiterare il Passato.
La vera Rivoluzione si compirà attraverso l'Evoluzione stessa. Allineata al Sentito, coerente, autenticamente legata alla Verità interiore.
Nulla si muoverà nel caos.
Tutto procederà secondo un ordine stabilito.
Anche le "cosiddette" Forze Resistenti, si muoveranno all'interno del Nuovo Ordine, secondo il principio della "conciliazione degli Opposti".
Tutto guidato dal nuovo Linguaggio Energetico.
Non più "Io CONTRO di te", ma "Io CON te".
Maschile e Femminile di nuovo insieme. Materia e Spirito nella piena collaborazione. Economia e Politica di nuovo allineate al Bene Comune. Corpo e Anima all'interno dello stesso armonico movimento.
Per il "singolo individuo" sarà già possibile direzionarsi verso questa nuova realtà. Febbraio ci aiuterà in questa "pioniera impresa".
Potremmo divenire "esempio manifesto del Nuovo".
Non "impositori o impostori" della Verità.
Ma tangibile espressione, silenziosa ed espansa, dell'innovativo movimento dell'Essenza.
Saremo i primi detentori del Sacro Potere di "Toccare i Cuori". Sarà l'incantesimo prodigioso del nuovo linguaggio del Cristallino.
Magia ed essenza. Essenza e magia.
Non più soli. Ma "insieme".
A Febbraio il Collettivo conformerà la sua primitiva forma vibrazionale al Nuovo assetto. E seguirà la sua strada verso l'Amore condiviso. Un passo alla volta. Con i suoi tempi. Con le sue possibilità.
Nuove spinte, nuove opportunità, nuove entusiasmati avventure e incontri si materializzeranno per coloro che avranno abbracciato con consapevolezza e risoluzione profonda il loro Destino Umano e Spirituale.
Insomma... tanto, tanto e tanto ancora.
Preparatevi. Si vola! Già oggi.
Mirtilla Esmeralda
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Memoria Infinita
My dreams come wrapped in saran wrap so they can be kept fresh as they repeat themselves an endless loop, infinity in memory You can run, but you'll never outrun yourself When bad dreams have bad dreams and the spiral pulls me deeper into it's twisted grip Gnarled fingers dig deep into the soft flesh of my arm I am made of wax
My dreams crawl ontop of each other turning the wettest of dreams into the most terrifying nightmares The dream world changes from color and monotone So often you can't figure out the changes Stomp your feet off beat with the band A soundtrack of snarling rebellion in spiked hair and spiked clothes It hurts even more when your saviour lets you down
Fall asleep again. An endless loop, infinity in memory
I don't want to see myself die every time I fall asleep
#writers and poets#poems on tumblr#original poem#poem#poems#poetry#poetblr#spilled thoughts#spilled feelings#spilled writing#writing#my writing#spilled poetry#spilled emotions#spilled words#writers on tumblr#poets and writers#creative writing#writerscommunity#writerscorner#writer#poetry community#punk rock soap operas#punkrocksoapoperas
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Pro Memoria (COD x GN! Reader)
TW for This is going to hurt.
...actual TW for major character death, likely militarily inaccuracies. No named characters/specific details, so this can be applied to anyone in the COD universe
| Blog HQ | Modern Warfare 2 Masterlist | Ghosts Masterlist |
The timer in the corner glaringly obvious, ticking down time faster than your feet would have ever been able to carry you. Ticking down your time until you opened a new chapter.
One more...permanent.
"Enough staring, get over here" he whispered, knowing your brain was spiraling. Focusing on the fear, the loss, the could've been. All the people you wouldn't get to say goodbye to, all the experiences you wouldn't have.
Sucking in a deep breath, you stepped into his awaiting arms. Wrapping yourselves in one another, your head resting on his chest, hearing his erratic heartbeat.
He was terrified too.
"This is so clichè" you mumbled, heart filling with love momentarily as his chest rumbled with laughter. The feeling soon passing when the main power cut off, the room now being illuminated by flashing lights. A screeching sound from the alarm going off causing you to jump.
It's happening any time now...
"Focus on me" you glanced up, throat tight as he spoke:
"I love you"
"As I love you"
The break in your voices, the tears falling down your cheeks. Both of you silently thanking whoever was listening that at least you had each other in these final moments.
Feeling his hands on either side of your face, covering your ears he pulled you in for a kiss. Both of you memorizing the other, and pouring as much love into the moment as possible until the end.
Op 0117 - Mission Successful. 2 KIA
The remote detonation system went down. To complete the mission, keep the public safe and neutralize our threat; manual detonation was required. What our intel failed to inform us prior to this mission was the manual detonation system has a maximum timer of 3 minutes. Which was not nearly enough time to set it and escape. We thank them for their service and sacrifice.
Taglist: @bloodonmyhands-1221 @v1naco @ai-luni
#call of duty ghosts#call of duty modern warfare 2#logan walker#keegan p russ#logan walker x reader#david hesh walker#simon ghost riley#cod mw2#john soap mactavish#keegan p russ x reader#david hesh walker x reader#simon ghost riley x reader#john soap mctavish x reader#captain john price x reader#captain john price#kyle gaz garrick x reader#kyle gaz garrick
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idk how many of you are into the band ghost but I seriously feel like I need to create some crossover content because it's just too perfect. most of these are just based off lyrics don't hate me
TMA entities as Ghost songs.
the eye: watcher in the sky
the buried: ghuleh/ zombie queen
the spiral: secular haze
the slaughter: twenties
the vast: life eternal
the web: faith
the hunt: hunter's moon
the dark: deus in absentia
the corruption: rats
the lonely: call me little sunshine
the stranger: I'm a marionette
the end: pro memoria
the desolation: from the pinnacle to the pit
the extinction: year zero
#the magnus archives#jonathan sims#martin blackwood#tma#elias bouchard#cardinal copia#ghost band#papa iv#copia#the band ghost#ghost bc#tma ghost crossover#incorrect ceaseless watcher#incorrect tma
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My Projects
I have a variety of fanfic and original content projects out in the wild, so here's a masterlist of all of them:
Original Works
Slowly Unspooling - A queer horror audiodrama about follows Kai as they try to figure out the reason behind some cassette tapes that showed up one day.
@solitudeseventhorizon - An upcoming queer horror sci fi following Eli after their ship encountered an anomaly, leaving them the only survivor
Long list of Fanworks under the break
The Magnus Archives
I Know the Kindest Thing is to Leave you Alone - Elias Bouchard/Peter Lukas - (Teen) - James Wright is getting old and wants to retire. Elias Bouchard is in a new relationship. Jonah Magnus is upset Elias isn't taking care of his Lukas, so he rushes to take over.
Sunshine - Eric Delano/Michael Shelley - (General) - Written for In Memoria by Behold_me - After Eric disappears one day, Michael has to raise Gerry, but doesn't know how to.
A Past Worth Fighting For - Jonathan Sims/Gerry Delano - (Teen) - The first part of my Rise and Fall series, All about Jon and Gerry growing up together
Delirious Desires - Gerard Keay/Michael - (Explicit) - A spiral!gerry ending, where Michael sends Gerry to the hospital on accident, and thinks the worst. That leads it to the archives to deal with a bigger problem.
The Desolation - Gerard Keay & Jude Perry - (explicit for graphic violence) - Part of my entity swap Gerry series. When Jude Perry shows up and takes a liking to Gerry, one can only guess at the shenanigans the two will get into. Soon she keeps showing up and offers a way out for him, if he only asks.
Ghost of Our Fears - Martin Blackwood/Jonathan Sims - (General) - Somewhere else, Jon broke the promise of together. Martin clung as long as he could. But a ghost can only hang on so long.
Come Back to Me - Elias Bouchard/Peter Lukas and Mordechai Lukas/Jonah Magnus - (Explicit) - Elias Bouchard has a yearly meeting with a Lukas to maintain a contract he had with Mordechai Lukas over a century ago. But he wasn't expecting Mordechai to be the one to walk in saying his name was Peter Lukas.
Gerry's Gener Grief - (General) - Part of Rise and Fall - Growing up, Gerry was only ever allowed to be what Mary wanted him to be. Now with Michael and Eric taking care of him, he's realizing that's not what all he's limited to. Starting with his gender.
Arrows in a Quiver - Martin Blackwood/Gerard Keay - (General) - Also part of Rise and Fall - Martin is questioning his romantic orientation and Gerry has some strong opinions on gatekeeping
The Archivist's Statements - Martin Blackwood/Jonathan Sims - (General) - Jon always has a tape recorder on hand, what if he took advantage of that and used it as an audio diary since he can just talk without thinking?
The Benefits of Fingers in Your Hair - Michael Shelley/Gerard Keay - Gerry and Michael embark on a journey of love, trust, and overcoming the shadows of their pasts. Together, they find solace in each other's arms, cherishing the simple moments of dyeing hair and sharing tender kisses. In a world filled with uncertainty, Gerry and Michael have discovered a love that can withstand any darkness.
Whispers of the Woods - Martin Blackwood/Jonathan Sims, Gerard Keay/Michael - (Mature) - Jon, the reclusive forest witch, used to offer answers to visitors seeking knowledge before he cut off all ties. When Martin is sent by his mother years later to receive one of Jon's famous answers he gets lost. However, guided by a mysterious stranger, he arrives at Jon's tower, and their encounter sets in motion a series of curious events, including a deepening friendship, an unexpected disappearance, and a tangled web of secrets.
Not Yet/Love Run - Gerard Keay/Michael Shelley, Gerard Keay/Michael - (Explicit) - Gerry's relationship with Michael hasn't been all sunshine and roses. No matter how hard he tries to make it. So he's not surprised when Michael comes home one day and kicks him out. That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.
Whispered Affection - Gerard Keay/Jonathan Sims - (Explicit) - Part of Rise and Fall - On the first day Jon and Gerry's new relationship as a married couple, Jon can't help but feel anxious over what is being missed. Gerry is very willing to give Jon anything he wants.
How to Live Again - Gerry Delano/Jon Sims, Martin Blackwood/Jonathan Sims, Jonathan Sims/Tim Stoker, Martin Blackwood & Gerry Delano - (Mature) - The main fic of my Rise and Fall series - Jon wakes up in the year 2022 in a bed that is not his own. And more surprisingly, it's not Martin curled up next to him. Jon has a fight with what was done, and the fact that he lived through it and Martin is no where to be found. Gerry has to come to terms with the fact that their husband is gone and the man in his place has no recollection of them. Martin is nowhere to be found and doesn't want to be found.
In Progress:
Still You Call Yourself my Friend - Martin/Jon/Tim&Sasha (Polychives) - (Mature) - After Jane Prentiss's attack on the archives and everything goes back mostly to normal, its the polychive's date night but sasha isn't showing up. Jon admits he's having some concerns over Sasha's attitude since the attack and soon they realize something is wrong. The three boyfriends have to work together with growing suspicions and hostility to try to save their relationship and their girlfriend's life
Sunday Dinner - Gerard Keay/Michael, Gerard Keay & Everyone - (Mature) - After Mary dies Gerry is left alone and the Avatars can't have this boy who learned to read on Leitners be free roaming. So now they're his family.
The End - Gerard Keay/Jonathan Sims/Martin Blackwood - (Mature) - Part of my Gerry entity swap Series - Gerry gets a Leitner at age 6 to keep him busy while Mary works on a business deal. Little did she know that it would set him on a path that would change his life for good
Twisted Up in You - Eric Delano/Michael - (Explicit) - 25 years ago, Eric tried to leave the institute and failed. Mary decided she had no need for him anymore and tried to kill him for it, but he managed to get away, leaving Gerry behind. Eventually he fell in love with his coworker, Michael Shelley. Then he heard the news of Mary's death, and got his child, now an adult, back. It seemed his life was finally perfect. So when Gertrude Robinson brought Michael along on a trip to Russia and came back alone, he knew better than to be surprised. And if a yellow door is stalking him, whats one more thing to add to the list?
Something Just Like This - Eric Delano/Michael Shelley, Eric Delano & Elias Bouchard - (Explicit) - Eric is Gerry's perfect dad, he tends to his every need and never even considers asking Mary to do anything. So when she volunteers one night Gerry wakes up from a night terror Eric is relieved, it allows him to stay in bed just a little longer before seeing if his boy needs him. What he doesn't expect is for the Eye to feed him what Mary is truly planning on doing. So after taking Gerry and running, he ends up in the Archives, trying to find where is safe from Mary finding and finishing her plan.
The Mistholme Museum of Mystery Morbidity and Mortality
Corrupted Programming - (Teen) - Cw Suicidal Ideation - Guide goes on another Retrieval Mission through the glassways. It isn't really interested after Raptor Team. Head of Retrieval notices.
Guide's Holiday - Audio Tour Guide & The Clockwork Mother - (General) - The worst is past; everything is back to how it should be in the museum. So why does Guide still feel like this? The Curator notices and calls it to their office.
In Progress
Road Trips to the Finish Line - Amina & The Audio Tour Guide - (Teen) - Amina "kidnaps" Guide, and they go on a road trip. Where ever Guide wants she takes it. They find a few interesting things along the way and meet up with a few old friends.
Echoes of Forgotten Tales - (Teen) - The doors of Mistholme Museum have remained sealed until three friends stumble upon a forgotten entrance. Inside, they encounter fragmented guides with unique personalities, each holding secrets of the museum's past. As they navigate through its exhibits, facing challenges and uncovering truths, they must decide whether to save the museum from chaos and confront the enigmatic figures who now control it.
A Ghost in the Machine - Gerard Keay/The Audio Tour Guide - (Mature) - A TMA and Mistholme crossover - While the staff here at Mistholme Museum of Mystery Morbidity and Mortality do their absolute best to ensure the safety of all visitors, accidents can happen. The museum is not liable for any injury, death, or unfortunate feelings for podcast characters that hold so much gender in them that may occur during your visit. AKA Elias Bouchard has a new exhibit for the Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity, and Mortality. A gift for an old friend. Wherein Guide meets another "not quite person" person, and learns another emotion it had not considered an option for itself. But that person does not want to be an option after the Archivist promised to destroy them.
Your Tour Through the Mistholme Museum of Mystery Morbidity and Mortality - (Teen) - A collection of Exhibit Fics, all with the same patron
Blackrock Chronicles
The Magic Within - Rythian & Zoey - (Teen) - In the bustling corridors of high school, Rythian navigates a world that despises his magic. When newcomer Zoey arrives, possessing her own unique abilities, they form an unlikely bond amid bullying and prejudice. Together, they confront their hidden powers in a thrilling tale of magic, courage, and acceptance.
Destroyer of Worlds - Rythian/Zoey - (Teen) - The end is coming, and Rythian can feel it in every shadow that looms over his world. With the relentless endermen attacks escalating, he struggles to protect his beloved Zoey and keep his deepest fears at bay. But when a dire mission forces him to leave her side, Rythian's resolve is tested like never before.
Sanctuary Reforged - Rythian/Zoey - A year after a nuclear blast shattered their world, Zoey and her mechanical arm have found refuge in the desert town of Crooked Caber. As whispers of survival and rebuilding fill the air, a voice from the past brings scientist Duncan to Rythian’s doorstep, dragging secrets and old allies along. Reunions are fraught with tension and betrayal as Zoey’s miraculous survival is unveiled to her grieving friends.
Chronicles of Remembrance - Zoey/Rythian - Zoey works to defuse the nukes, but makes a mistake. Her last thoughts are of Rythian, though her next are not.
The Magic of Harmony - Zoey/Rythian - After the rebellion's tumult, Rythian crafts magical rings for Zoey, seeking to bring her joy amidst chaos.
#slowlyunspooling#the magnus archives#blackrock chronicles#the mistholme museum#original works#fanworks#teaholding#doorkeay#eric delano#Michael Shelley#jonah magnus#jonathan sims#Gerard Keay#elias bouchard#zoeya proasheck#rythian enderborn#aspen writes
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"I would have thought you returned home with the rest, Caelus."
It is neither accusation nor condemning, the Navigator need not turn around to know who it is that treads upon her shadow. To be apart of the Astral Express is to be seen and known by its Navigator. That should she wished every step taken is seen in advance, the decisions that lead up to them privy.
But there is no need for her to know such, ones autonomy warrents Himeko to look away the mundane. Wherre that gentle guiding hand is not needed she will not offer it and allow them weather uncharted seas with their own map and compass.
This too is one such example of freedom.
Ember eyes continue to stare starward, looking towards where the depths of the Dream reef meets the shore of the Penacony born of a cancer. It is by the Watchmaker's side that the woman once stood previously, pressing something cherished into the hands of a dream that has long turned to seafoam.
'Well met, Mikhail. The Trailblaze continues on to continue upon the ground work you have left behind.'
Its odd to be upon this end, to see what and who is left behind. It leaves her with a strange listlessness in need of quiet contemplation. Yet that time has come to an end it seemed.
"Rather rude to sneak upon a lady, no?"
He hadn't expected to catch the rhythm of flames by the dreamy ocean side. It was a land where the borders were bound, only outside influences of powerful wills and Memoria coalescing into the valued in between. Being met with Himeko's words had given him pause, and once again, there's this measure of distance that presents itself before him.
Out of reach. Yet at the same time, finding a way to keep close.
"Welcome the unexpected. These shoes of mine aren't feeling tired just yet." Caelus draws as a measured response, daring to take those steps forward. Within moments he'd be situated by the side of the Astral Navigator. A fair share of distance apart, yet, shoulder to shoulder they would stand as a somber and warm weight permeates the atmosphere. Within his own soul, it simply isn't the measure of loss that could be felt rippling in Dreamflux Reef.
What surges in the mind of the Trailblazer is how a treasured Nameless remolded the torch. How to this day, so many of them are carrying it through various mediums, physical, spiritual, in measures and means unique only to their particular universe. Never before could he imagine that loss could leave such a sublime measure of warmth.
Even if he's never been able to share a single, proper word with the one known Mikhail Char Legwork, Penacony's very own Watchmaker.
Someone who wove together every fragment of time Asdana needed.
"I certainly don't mind compensating if I've been too daring. ..But, I'd like to consider us Trailblazers, just traversing through old paths left behind."
"A little inspiration for something new."
A gentle flow of Imaginary energy would bring forth a familiar article into his grip. Even this very fabric, an old Navigator's hat held the intent to guide, and to be a force that traverses alongside them with each step. All he holds in his hand is merely a beacon.
For the true flame that's known as The Watchermaker's Legacy is a force that's spiraled all throughout Asdana. A lie and a legend, the perfect ingredients to weave together great darkness and the greatest hope within.
Even now, Caelus can't help but draw a smile at the sheer moxie of it all.
"I've found myself roaming the streets here now days.. More and more. All just to take in a feeling that the glamor Penacony really made me come to miss. In my eyes, the roots of it all is a hell lot more interesting."
The Journey. Never was it about the destination from the beginning.
Acheron's words about Endings still hold as a thoughtful chime in his mind.
Never does he take that moment to turn towards Himeko. For the time, he'd join where those ember eyes of her's focus, the golden magnanimity of his own being no different as he holds a simple thought.
"Himeko? What do you see out there right now?"
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Chi ha vissuto
il desiderio bruciante
di una passione travolgente
conosce quel brivido
rimasto lì
sulla punta della lingua...
Il pungente ricordo
di un piacere intenso,
quell'emozione pazzesca
mai provata prima.
Ci si ricorda tutto...
i respiri, la penombra,
la musica, gli odori,
il sudore, le sue mani...
e quella spirale di fuoco
che ci ha sconvolti
come fosse tempesta...
Quella scintilla
che ancora danza
nei saloni della memoria
e riduce i giorni
a bramosa attesa,
del prossimo incontro...
Non c'è spazio
per altri pensieri,
la nostra Anima insegue
soltanto quel frammento,
quel desiderio perenne
che diventa tormento,
quel gioioso furore
da rivivere presto..😘🌹
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Una casa piena di bugie di D.S. Butler. Un thriller avvincente che svela i segreti più oscuri di una casa apparentemente tranquilla. Recensione di Alessandria today
Dove il passato si mescola al presente
Dove il passato si mescola al presente Una casa piena di bugie di D.S. Butler è un thriller psicologico che cattura il lettore in una spirale di misteri e segreti nascosti tra le mura di una casa che non è ciò che sembra. Tradotto con grande abilità da Marco Zonetti, il romanzo porta il lettore a confrontarsi con la fragilità della memoria e l’inevitabile scontro con le verità celate. La…
#Alessandria today#autori britannici#autori thriller#case misteriose#Colpi di scena#D.S. Butler#forza dell’animo umano#Google News#Indomitus#introspezione narrativa#introspezione psicologica#Investigazioni#investigazioni oscure#italianewsmedia.com#letteratura di mistero#libri avvincenti#libri consigliati 2024#mistero#narrativa contemporanea#narrativa densa di tensione#narrativa inglese#narrativa inglese moderna.#narrativa intensa#narrativa noir#narrativa psicologica#Pier Carlo Lava#protagoniste complesse#Romanzi emozionanti#romanzi gialli#romanzi sul passato
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the draft of ratio's identity crisis that i started between when i finished 2.1 and finished before the end of 2.2. unedited because i really do not know where this is going. archiving it here so that this blog's contents at least somewhat match my profile picture.
due to how long ago this was written it doesn't really fit well into anything i have going now so i guess it'll find one last resting place on this blog, where everything i run out of inspiration for goes to die
Ratio spends a lot of time looking up at the sky. It’s different in each of the twelve hours, but it’s particularly beautiful in the Moment of Sol, where the architecture frames the mottled blue sky such that it appears picturesque in a way that only paintings could be, like meadowflowers splashing against the sea. It’s by far the most tolerable Moment in all of Penacony, containing information that abounds through memoria and spills into any willing, open mind, and the dreamchasers there too are often those who want to learn and discover. The Grand Museum, the Primal Waking Library, the Paperfold Academy are all great places to wander and lose time, and they remind him of his own college days, wrapped up in the frantic chase to reach a goal forgotten for years and only rediscovered for him. Guided by the single light in his mind, blind to everything else that was washed out by its brilliance. Though the unintentional trip down the nihility’s rabbit hole is one that he’d rather not repeat.
Like most who end up ensnared within IX’s web, it was not intentional. It’s particularly easy for scholars, too, in their rabid pursuit of some deeper knowledge, the truth of the universe, to be hit suddenly by the overwhelming emptiness as they are confronted with the complete lack of meaning inherent to the patterns they conjure in their own minds. It’s very easy for them to get sidetracked in their studies by the soft dark tendrils that wind their way through everything, as once you start noticing one, you start seeing where it connects to other strands, and soon you begin to see where they meet and converge and form the most beautiful haunting web that just makes you want to stare at it forever, because it looks like there’s a spiral sort of pattern that draws your gaze towards the center, but really it’s just random. It’s the mind that makes the web up, tries to see something connected in the face of abstract madness.
Ratio’s similar. He blinds himself with the fervent chase to some goal or other that doesn’t seem relevant now, but which resulted in diplomas that feel blank to the touch under the dark. He knows that he could find the answers he’s looking for if he only focused and thought, but everything seems so far out of reach, a dense fog of sorts clouding his brain and limiting his normal rationale. It’s not intentional, nothing is. That doesn’t matter when the meaning behind his actions no longer exist, lost in the open sea. This is a space between, not a place to be lived in, and because of that everything fades easily here. What does it mean to learn when the knowledge you gain is so limited to only yourself? For one who often finds himself enraptured by debates he visualizes entirely alone, it’s no surprise that the web of nihility sticks to him so securely.
What breaks him eventually is the rogue wave that slams into his tiny ship in the cosmos, a stupid decision in retrospect, and forces him to confront his own mortality in a far more direct way that he’d never had to deal with before. It sends him higher than he’s ever been, to the peak of the universe where he watches the seas unfurl and the stars unfold themselves before his eyes. And then it crashes him back down, to the trough of the wave, where the waters briefly roll over his ship and it mutes the world outside and wraps everything in the warm embrace that bulwarks the truth. It tells him, in a silent whisper, that the sea will always be there for him.
the one big problem i have with writing is that i can never write anything longer than a oneshot because apparently i just hate plots
the other problem is that almost all of my inspiration comes between the hours of 1am and 3am but i try to sleep by 10pm most nights because of 8am labs. which effectively means that whenever i try to sit down and write there is literally nothing in my brain it is just empty
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Main Story (Legacy) - Modelista Arc: Prologue: The Unknown Seal
Have you heard of the story of a fight between light and conflict? A fight that caused the death of conflict in Memoria, and a resurrection to make things right?
Have you heard of the story of a God who hated the world and swore to destroy it, only to miserably fail in the end and can only try to better himself?
Have you heard of the story of a citizen who shouldn't belong here in Rhymix, breaking into the world itself and quickly taking away an unsuspecting prince, before declaring to be the world's new God?
Have you heard of the story of a girl who searched high and low all over Gyros, only for this one girl who was her friend, who went missing many years ago, only to find out that she betrayed her all along?
Have you heard of the story of the weird hijacking of the Cyber Cyrus System? Or the story of a group of people trying to restore color to NotaLano? Or the story of a duo exploring through a world of ruins? Or the story of a prince who tried his hardest to fight off the manifestation of the darkness of his family's magical gem?
Or maybe the story of a former Goddess who tried to make the world accept her back into it? Or the story of a man who could only dream of such a world without imperfections and would respect the people who have come long before him and many others?
Have you heard of all of those stories?
They are all certainly unique in a way, and all have different plots and endings too.
Though, they all have actually happened here in Rhymix, yet I've only truly got to learn about it through citizens who never even knew of my existence and assumed that I was just a visitor.
They are all so...odd.
Yet they are perfect.
Perfect stories that should be written in books and read by generations to come.
What if...I could craft such a brilliant story like that one day?
...I've realized something.
Nothing too out of the ordinary has happened in Modelista yet.
I guess that will change sometime soon.
It was a normal day in Modelista. The busy streets of the main city are (and always will be) busy, per usual. The weather is overall wonderful today.
So Chronomia took that chance to take a trip to the local battery store.
One of her wall clocks stopped working, and she assumed it's because the battery ran out. She doesn't have any spare ones at the moment, so she might as well get some more.
Walking through the busy streets of Modelista City, Chronomia took note of the usual chatter amongst the citizens roaming around. It's either gossip or actual, real stories to tell each other. She couldn't care less at the moment.
After a little bit of walking, Chronomia finally made it to the battery store. Walking in, she tipped her hat and bowed her head slightly at the store owner in a polite manner—her usual greeting to others. "Good morning, sir." She greeted, a small smile on her face.
"Why, if it isn't Ms. Chronomia! Good to see you again, kiddo!" The store owner greeted back, a wide smile on his face, indicating that he's well acquainted with Chronomia at this rate. "What brings you here today, hm?" He then asked.
"Thank you, sir!"
"Of course, anytime! Feel free to come back again sometime!"
After waving goodbye to the battery store owner, Chronomia walks out of the store, a pack of clock batteries in her hand. The clock enthusiast smiled at the batteries, relieved enough to have already acquired them. She then decided to walk back home.
"Huh? What's that in the sky?"
"That's a weird symbol..."
"What's happening?!"
Chronomia stopped in her tracks after hearing some people around her say a few things that managed to catch her attention. Quickly, she raised her head up to look at the sky...
Before her eyes widened after seeing a weird symbol.
And then, things spiraled from there.
A screeching noise came from the sky, and afterwards, the symbol extends out into a shadowy seal, slowly covering all of Modelista within it.
Somewhere, a man who constantly exhausts himself with his own passion looked up, along with a young boy who loves living in the moment—but only this time, he doesn't like living in this odd moment. Rather, he thinks this moment is...a rather unpleasant one.
"Mr. Nhelv! What's happening?!" He asked the man standing beside him urgently, looking up to him with a panicked look on his face. "I don't know, Random. But it's not looking good for all of us here." The man, Nhelv, replied, his brows furrowed as he doesn't even spare a single second to look at Random.
Somewhere else, a black haired man sips on his coffee, seated on a chair, looking out to the window. A girl full of only perfections and no flaws looks out to the window too, a look of worry on her face. "Hey. Don't you think this is concerning?" She asked, her eyes then moving to take a quick glance at the man.
The man merely smirks, before glancing back to the girl. "Oh, Perfect...this definitely is concerning, but it's entertaining too." He said, and that made the girl, Perfect, frown. "You're insane." She simply said, before glancing back to the view outside of the window.
In another place in Modelista, a teacher worriedly canceled class because of such a strange phenomenon. "Students, it doesn't seem too good for all of us right now, so I'll put class on halt until then." He announced, and the students could only silently panic.
The teacher looked over to one of his students, before calling her to come talk to him for a bit. "Pamolia, I want you to call your brother right now. Make sure he's safe too." He ordered her, and Pamolia nodded, getting her phone out to call her brother.
Back with Chronomia, things have settled down somehow. The symbol has disappeared, and overall things are back to normal...sort of. Now that all of Modelista is trapped inside of this...unknown seal, the skies have darken, and there isn't much light for the people living within the nation to see.
Chronomia could hear the sounds of people around her panicking. She knows better than to panic, however. Nonetheless, her eyes fixated on the ceiling of the seal, and questions slowly but surely started to flood into her mind as she processed what just happened.
What is this seal?
What is the purpose of sealing all of Modelista inside of it?
How did this seal even came to be?
Who made this seal?
Who are the people behind it?
Who are the people responsible for it?
That's when Chronomia knew, that she needed to get to the bottom of this.
And she's not the only one here in Modelista who thought the same thing.
#(writing)hesia#arthesias ocs#rhymix: writing#<- OHHHHH MY GODDDDDD *SHOCKED EMOJI*#the clock keeps on ticking (there's no looking back): chronomia (oc)#what do you remember? what do you love?: nhelv (oc)#play like you've never did before!: random (oc)#it was simply perfect: perfect (oc)#funding for this program was made possible by viewers like you: credits (oc)#temptation?: aleph 0 (oc)#is it so wrong for a girl to like bugs?: pamolia (oc)#rhymix: main story (legacy ver)
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