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astrxlfinale · 10 months ago
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The information before him sounds questionable. For along this day of many events, he's also captured an interesting moment.
For this was captured in the court of Jing Yuan's domain.
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"What's the truth???"
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grislyintentions · 1 year ago
[X] @chasersglow : Himeko is staying far away from Yaoshi actually-
A pamphlet drifts with the wind. Visions of hands reaching out in supplication. Sermons delivered in hymns and songs. [A nightmare]
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[Embrace the Teachings of Yaoshi with Love.
Benevolent and Untainted, the Thousand-Handed Merciful Medicus bestowed upon the living worlds their truth. Of which could rid the planet of all suffering and disease. It is only by sincerely reciting the teachings of this benevolent Aeon, entrusting them with our time and spirits, that lowly mortals can eradicate disasters and receive true enlightenment.]
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araneitela · 11 months ago
[ META ] + killing
Prompt: [ Meta ] plus a word, equals a HC. // @chasersglow
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Sometimes I wish I could say anything other than 'it's not that simple', but I really can't seem to say that... ever. As much as Kafka seems to take to killing and chaos relatively easily when the need for it arises, I don't particularly get the impression that she bears any sort of craving for it. She's rather exemplary at it from what we can see in her trailer, her combat calling back to a sort of... 'John Wick'-like style (but since you ask specifically about 'killing', I'll leave combat for another meta request I got), we can see there's an emotional distance between her and when she's actively engaging in taking lives, as if it is quite literally a means to an end, a necessity that she doesn't quite feel anything specific in regards to. There's no excitement in her, there's no proper smile, no laughter, nothing that seems to inherently indicate that anything is really 'tickling her'. And outside of her trailer, there is also her voiceline about Sam that goes as follows:
"Oh, Sam isn't nearly as picky about his prey as I am... you might consider it a lucky break running into me."
There's an element of her being a little particular as to her engagement with this, which makes quite a bit of sense to me if you see how its really kind of drawn across the board for her character that while she can do things out of necessity, Kafka is one to pursue things when something piques her interest in one way or another. She doesn't do much without some sort of engagement and/or motivation to it, which I don't attach to an overall lack of emotion, as I don't draw a direct correlation between the two. No no, to me, it's simply the concept of 'quality over quantity'; the reality of having specific preferences and standards that guide the choices that she makes. Remember her words to the Trailblazer? She doesn't say it without reason, it's also a glimpse into her own motivation(s) in life when it comes to what she wants to do, rather than what she does when she needs to do them:
"When you have the chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret."
Any way, I got a little distracted here (though only a little). All of this plays into the motivator that Kafka isn't a fully ruthless killer in the sense that this is some pastime that she seeks to engage in simply because 'it's fun', or anything. Does that mean that she's opposed to killing? Absolutely not (obviously). Does this mean that she is good at it, and even finds likely enjoyment in the realization of the latter? Certainly. But there's still a discrepancy between that and enjoying it enough to actively seek it out for that purpose. Besides, let me add to it, that Kafka's list of offenses across numerous wanted posters that have her bounty up so high that she's wanted 'Dead or Alive' (cue Bon Jovi), don't technically list deaths/murders, outside of the 'lethal crimes' noted noted by the Devils on Pteruges-V (where to be 'fair', she was a Devil Hunter of said 'Devils', but her motivation behind it actually has you questioning morality quite heavily).
So in essence, I think the answer isn't as simple as a clear-cut 'yes, she loves it' or 'no, she hates it'; I think there's a level of indifference, but not quite what one might tie to someone who veers close to the path of a sociopath, for example. This is definitely a topic that I want to revisit, but for now, this'll have to do!
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acr3ss-the-cosmos · 6 months ago
☂ for our muses to stargaze  for yukong!
softer prompts. not accepting. @chasersglow
Fyxestroll Garden, with its somber atmosphere and the eerie glow of heliobi lazily flitting around the dark foliage and murky waters, would not be considered the most ideal location to gaze upon a starry sky, but Yukong always found a peculiar sense of comfort walking among the garden's lush foliage and stone passageways. The cliffs above Swallowsong Pavilion provided the best unfettered views of both the sky and the gardens down below, and so there is where she and Himeko, navigator of the Astral Express, now stood.
A silent, yet poignant sense of nostalgia gently washed over Yukong, her indigo eyes glistening ever so slightly. Decades upon decades ago, she and Caiyi had made their way up onto this very spot on the night before their first mission, bringing along a bottle of rice wine that was far too expensive for either of their wallets and chatting the night away sprawled out on the stones. On that night, there was hardly a cloud obstructing the celestial bodies above -- much like the sky at the present moment, and glancing to her side, Yukong saw Himeko. Her smile was soft and radiant, golden eyes glimmering with starlight as she gazed up into the very heavens she blazed a trail through.
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The Helm Master wordlessly looked at her for a moment before returning her own eyes to the dark expanse high above them. Though she could never return to the stars herself, many others were forging a path through the universe in her stead, and Himeko Murata was no exception.
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shrineofprophecy · 7 months ago
"Dear sparkle, when ever will you simply reveal yourself?"
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"It's more fun to make people think for a moment. Besides, you already know it's me... Where's the surprise in that?"
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dasniichts-a · 8 months ago
"How much does the term, Herrscher matter to you?"
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“Where did you—” 
Sleep talking? Overheard from his room? Honestly, he probably shouldn’t be thinking about it when it didn’t matter. Maybe...  
Welt frowned, though it wasn’t out of annoyance or anything related. Uncertainty of how to proceed, more than likely. “It doesn’t.” Nothing more than something so many people have tried to hold over his head in the past. So many betrayals, incidents of being used for position and power, the innate danger of being watched his whole life for the first moment control was lost. 
“I’m just Welt. That’s all that matters, don’t you think?” 
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zorkaya-moved · 1 year ago
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Wouldn't it be funny if she just stole Himeko...
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wise-innocence · 10 months ago
♡ uwu
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Send ♡ to see what Yanfei thinks of you // Accepting!
LOW | ●●●●● | HIGH
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"I'm not very familiar with the Astral Express outside of the trailblazer but I'm not blind. She's objectively pretty and I've heard she's got a handful of talents." Huh. Perhaps she should ask for a tour one of these days...
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astrxlfinale · 11 months ago
@chasersglow replied to your post “You love one little bit of a good time, and all of...”:
jace do not make me remind you of goofy's goofy tornado and aerith
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Koi, y'know I can't help it when the writing itself just SPEAKS to my soul.
A heroic knight, true to his values who happened to meet a kind flower seller via the thread of fate.
To let them witness the world, side by side, through the high hyucks to the terrible times of turbulence. I for one, will always hold a vigil corner of my heart for AeriGoof.
I will always know CINEMA when I witness it. This fanfic being my gateway to greater understanding.
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lunaetis · 7 months ago
@chasersglow replied to your post :
"..." She doesn't want to know nor is going to ask.
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​─「エデン」─  but why not ? she was a skilled and proud space raccoon. wasn't himeko proud of her ? at all ?
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grislyintentions · 2 years ago
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Let her in. Himeko does.
The memories wash over her and Himeko is sinking further below the waves. The Stellaron hunter doesn't stand before anymore, the body that stands tall is, isn't her own. The black fabric of her dress isn't, is her's just as much as the flames that comes to her whims. The frost that props her upon a speak, freezing her to the very bone is not her own,
It's Kevin-
A gasps brings her back into the present.
All that had slipped away click back into place. The Navigator SHIVERS as she sinks to her knees, the simple card slipping from her fingers as the pain still ripples through her, through her very soul. For a moment there is only breathing, gasping for air as if a corpse body deprived of it. When the card comes into view once more Himeko's mind snaps into the present.
And she starts.
To call it fear wouldn't fit right for what the woman felt was not fear, not once had she ever felt fear in the end. Regret's clung to her like a second skin, phantom pain makes her feel frozen to the very core.
Yet despite it, it is not fear.
It is anger. It is FURY.
"You....." A leather bound hand snap towards her throat, the glove the only reason that her nails don't dig into the flesh. Her remaining hand claws against her own scalp, dishevelling her hair and her eyes.
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"You utter filth." The woman coldly snarls, her hand tightening around the column of her throat.
"Get. out. of. my. HEAD."
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Even with the vice grip Himeko has on her throat, the stellaron hunter did not seem particularly fazed by her fury. Kafka doesn't speak. At this point, she doesn't need to.
You can fight it all you want. When the Astral Express finally stops at your next destination, you're going to wish you had my whispers to discern reality with.
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stardustaces · 1 year ago
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acr3ss-the-cosmos · 11 months ago
[ META ] + love, to give it, to receive it for Ms Yukong
Meta prompts. Accepting! @chasersglow
The concept of love manifests in different forms and shows itself in varying degrees of intensity. For some, it is like a raging wildfire, razing everything in its path for the sake of a loved one. But for others, love is something akin to a gentle rain or the quietly burning flame of a candle; steady and constant. This is how Yukong's love presents itself, whether it be platonic or romantic. It is loyal, reliable, and steadfast, but it is not given away so freely, with the notable exception of her daughter (and Caiyi once upon a time).
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To receive someone's love in a romantic sense, however, is something that Yukong is somewhat reluctant of. She is nearing the lower end of her Foxian lifespan, and although she could get lucky and live for another half century or so, she does not wish to cause heartbreak for a potential partner who may only have a couple of short decades with her. This is why if a person expresses an interest in her, Yukong will ask them outright if they will be prepared for her death, and if they are willing to continue exploring the relationship even with that knowledge.
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shrineofprophecy · 1 year ago
✏️ for serval and sparkle! or either one if thats okay!! 🥺
Incorrect quotes / accepting
Serval: When I was young, I left a trail of broken hearts like a rockstar. I'm not proud of it. Himeko: You're kind of proud of it. You work it into a lot of conversations.
Himeko: Ugh, crushes are so dumb. Serval: I know. Whenever I’m near the person I like I just start acting stupid. Himeko: But you’re always acting stupid? Serval: ... Serval: Yeah, don’t think about that too hard.
Himeko: You look mentally ill. Sparkle: I am. Let’s go.
Sparkle, holding in their laughter: Hey, how do you ask a glass of water what it’s doing? Himeko: A glass of water is an inanimate object. Therefore, it's incapable of having a thought process or understanding basic human language. Sparkle: Sparkle: Water you doing?
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kiaslana · 10 months ago
What is there to say? Should anything be said at all?
Murata Himeko wouldn't hesitate in the light of this opportunity. In this blessing of a reunion; to see the chance through, to see what she has become in abscene, to see give her a smile and express how even now her pride is an ever glowing flame
Yet, Himeko Murata should walk away. It is her very feet that betray, clicking heels and graceful strides that bring her to stand beside her and not meet her face. That young girl that is no longer so young is not hers to claim with any degree of pride, just as the autonomy of the woman that had paved the first steps for her in blood and flames.
'Those threestars have concluded their journey.' It is not for her to change that notion because of the woman that had gently banyered otherwise.
The emanator turns one heel, ember eyes turn from one singular shared moment to behind her where their paths undoubtly stray. Her intentions to leave all but clear yet she is not so cruel to not give that one gentle push as she does with all things.
It'll be enough, it has to be. Himeko does not need to ask her name, this will be their first and perhaps last meeting.
"You've travelled a long way. You should be proud of yourself for that.... Kiana."
There is little that makes sense within the universe she has found herself in ; Welt had tried his best to explain their situation , to catch up the Herrscher ( could she still be called that here ? ) on his time spent with the Astral Express .
Of course , such briefing would not be complete without preparing her for Miss Himeko : the scientist . The navigator . Kiana had listened intently to every detail Welt had shared , mentally noting the differences to remind herself this is not her Aunt Himeko .
No matter how she talked herself through it , prepared herself anxiously for their meeting ... the knots in her stomach failed to settle . It is difficult to remain composed when remembering Himeko — even now , while resting to recover from ... whatever happened , memories of Murata Himeko's final moments left eyes stinging with tears when she woke .
Kiana rises from the bed Welt had prepared for her , taking a long drink of water in hopes of calming her fluttering nerves once more . Her attention falls on Pom - Pom , sweeping away at a spot they had seemingly never left .
Her figure grows stiff the moment she feels Himeko's presence . She does not need to look — even if they are not the same , the scent of coffee does not manage to mask the familiar scent of rose petals .
Inhale . Exhale . Another breath to steady herself , calming Kiana just enough to allow her to face the woman when she begins to speak .
' Thank you , M - Miss Himeko ... ' She rises suddenly , tossing aside her blanket to offer a polite bow in greeting . ' And then she hears her name . A name that , once , was not her own , given meaning only by the connections she had made back home . Her eyes begin to burn , but she manages a smile .
' ... Did Mister Welt tell you about me ? ' She suddenly continues quickly , as if hoping to hide her sorrows . ' Eheh , thank you for helping to take care of me while I was out ... ! And ... thank you again for what you said before . It means a lot to me . '
While she may not be her Aunt Himeko , nothing would sway Kiana's interest in spending time together . To her surprise , she quickly finds herself comfortable , no longer worried emotions may threaten to ruin this moment . In a way , Miss Himeko lives on in this Trailblazer . That brings her joy . No matter what , Himeko's flame still burns brightly ... if a little distant from their home .
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zorkaya-moved · 11 months ago
“we’re in public you know”
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smut prompts. ( accepting. )
It makes her smile, the way Himeko looks over at her a couple of times as her hand rests on the red haired's thigh. At first, it was just a usual approach, a usual touch that she doesn't move much as they speak to each other over dinner, enjoying a wonderful meal while discussing what'll happen ahead. But it's obvious with time how less innocent the touch is, the way Zarina's fingers squeeze the fat of Himeko's thigh just a bit to garner a reaction from her beloved navigator. It's even more mischievous when it happens during a particular moment the other talks, taking a breath and then the squeeze happens. The warning looks she's been given only fuel the playfulness of the Apostle as she then changes her strategy, smiling a bit too innocently while softly apologizing for surprising her.
No, if anything, she doesn't hesitate to show just how wonderful their date today has been. Himeko's dress is, as always, a beautifully chosen garment that makes Sokolova's eyes wander in appreciation as if she's witnessing art (and she does, an art of Himeko). Though, there are subtle ways of how she's been showing the attraction felt and the desire that is building up like droplets filling the glass before it spills over. But does the red haired beauty not see the way golden gaze looks over the exposed skin of her thigh through that slit on her dress skirt? That's exactly what causes Zarina to let her palm trace over the warm skin, pushing the fabric up just a bit each time her caress reaches higher before Himeko speaks up and causes Zarina to chuckle.
"Not into having me please you at a restaurant?" Sokolova whispers, low enough for only her beloved to hear, winking to her beloved. Of course, she won't push any boundaries and won't actually do anything and right now this is more indulgence in small touches and hints at what she'd want after this dinner. "I can pay off our dinner, there is a wonderful hotel not too far." Her words are melodic, a siren singing her song to encourage her beloved to take on this wonderful evening for themselves. When else can they have more fun like this?
"I'd love to hear you be louder than when we're on the express," she pouts, dramatizing her behavior a bit to speak of the possibilities she offers to her beloved for today's evening and night up to the moment the Sun gets up at dawn. "Wouldn't you want to fully let go? You can even sit on my face night." Naturally, Zarina loves to fill the mind of Himeko with images of all possibilities instead of being quiet. Why wouldn't she encourage the navigator of the Astral Express to get out now and enjoy the rewards brought by her wonderful purchase and decision to wear this dress?
"What do you say, love? I thought you missed my fingers, too." And just as she says it, her fingertips trace across her inner thigh, much higher than usual, squeezing gently before fully retracting. "But if you haven't, then I'll behave. For you, of course." Oh, she knows what she's doing when she gives her such a sultry and half-lidded gaze, letting her voice become lower and deeper like a pleased purr.
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