void-draws · 9 months
Wait. What about a prompt where waspinator finds the reader in the middle of a snowstorm? I'll let the rest go to your imagination.
Your car had broken down in the middle of the woods, while you were on your way to your family for christmas. You always hated to drive through the woods, especially during winter, but it was the only street that was somehow still largely untouched by the storm yesterday.
You had stepped out of your car, into the cold, as it slowly started to snow. You were about to call someone for help, when you saw a silhoutte in the distance. You turned to face it, you felt a mix of curiously and dread as you looked at it. As you were studying it further, it came closer, the sulhouette stepped out of the shadows, revealing a towering beast. It looked like a amalgamation of a giant robot and a wasp. Your eyes had widened in horror at the sight of the beast. Running into the car and quickly driving away wasn't an option, so you did what seemed to be the only logical thing at the time. You ran into the forest, away from it. You were hoping that thing would lose you during the chase and just give up.
It feels like an eternity passed, since you started running, but you could still hear that thing in the distance, as it comes after you. The fact, that the snowing has intensified so badly, you could call it a snowstorm. It is a miracle you haven't run face first into a tree, considering, that you couldn't even see your own hand if you held it infront of you face, because of all the snow.
You are completly lost now. Your body is freezing, the only thing keeping you running is the adrenaline from being chased by this terrifying amalgamation of robot and wasp. It becomes more and more difficult for you to move, your legs slowly get heavier, as you try to continue running. You end up tripping over your own feet and land face first in the snow. The snow is so thick, that you luckily don't get hurt, but when you try to get up, you are too weak to do so. You can only lay there helplessly in the cold snow and wait for your inevitable fate. Either you will freeze out here or this creature will get you, either way, you won't make it. You think about your family who is waiting for you to celebrate with them, your friends who are waiting for you to meet them tomorrow.. you are never going to see them again. You close your eyes, accepting your fate. You only hear the buzzing from the beast approaching your freezing body, before you black out.
You don't know how much time has passed, when you wake up. You aren't dead! Why aren't you dead? You look around, a glowing purple liquid sorrounds your, now warm body. Your body is leaned against something warm and cushy. As you slowly sit up, you hear the buzzing you heard before you passed out. You are still so tired, you lean back and close your eyes again. Atleast you are safe now.
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abba-enthusiast · 6 months
Went to the grocery store for 6 things and spent almost 50 francs 😭😭
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Knusprig gebratener Hefeteig, gefüllt mit Spinat und geschmolzenem Käse: Gefülltes Pfannenbrot ist ein köstlicher Foodtrend, den man unbedingt ausprobieren sollte. Der Hefeteig hat eine kurze Ruhezeit und die Füllung lässt sich ganz nach Geschmack variieren.
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krawalle-n-hiebe · 2 years
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Can I just say I love the Garter+Socks combi from @saruin
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cricrithings · 1 year
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Dieses Jahr ist bei uns der Spinat was geworden. So viel, dass wir mehrere Gerichte draus kochen konnten, im Bild: selbstgemachter Spinataufstrich mit Pinienkernen.
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pane-bistecca · 1 year
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eminenz · 2 years
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Spinat #food #foodporn #foodphotography #essen #foodstagram #spinat #ei #egg #spiegelei #kartoffel #erdäpfel #cooking #kochen #währing #wien #vienna #igersvienna #fastenzeit #wienliebe #wienstagram #essen #frühling #spring (hier: Währing) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpYCQV1MzPa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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radiossc · 2 years
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𝗢𝗰𝗵𝘀𝗲𝗻𝗯ä𝗰𝗸𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗮𝘂𝗳 𝗡𝘂𝗱𝗲𝗹𝗻 𝗚𝘂𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗱𝗶 𝗯𝘂𝗲 𝘀𝘂 𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗹 Guance di bue su tagliatelle,Tortellini Ricotta, e Spinaci & Pappardelle Pasta all' uvo, uova da allevamento a terra, Trafilatura al bronzo. Ochsenbäckchen auf Nudeln,Tortellini-Ricotta und Spinat-Pappardelle-Nudeln mit Trauben, Freilandeiern, Bronzezeichnung. ᴘᴀᴘᴘᴀʀᴅᴇʟʟᴇ Pappardelle sind üblicherweise mindestens einen Zentimeter breite italienische Bandnudeln, oft als Nudelnester angeboten. #OliviasDelights #ochsenbäckchen #ochsenbaeckchen #rindfleisch #nudeln #spinat #guancedibue #tagliatelle #tortellini #ricotta #spinaci #pappardelle #pasta #uvo #uova #allevamento #lecker #yummy #yummyyummy #food #mittagessen #warm #warmeküche #italy #germany #ricotta #käse #frischkäse #gesund https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn_7xvxtjn2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thbiedermann · 6 days
Spiegeleier mit Bratkartoffeln und Spinat
Kross und knusprig Sind Sie interessiert an Rezepten zu Klassikern der deutschen Küche? Oder zumindest zu regional traditionellen Rezepten? Dieses Rezept zählt dazu. Ich weiß nicht, wo genau regional in Deutschland dieses Rezept zu verorten ist. Aber Spiegeleier mit Bratkartoffeln und Spinat sind einfach ein traditionelles deutsches Gericht. Ich kenne es von früher her. Und auch jetzt noch ist…
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zweigabeln · 10 days
Cremige Spinat-Ricotta-Cannelloni: Traditionelles italienisches Rezept
🍝🌿 Verwöhnen Sie sich mit cremigen Spinat-Ricotta-Cannelloni in einer reichhaltigen Tomatensauce! Perfekt für ein gemütliches italienisches Abendessen. Einfach, lecker und voller Geschmack! #Cannelloni #Vegetarisch #Italienisch #Lecker #Komfortessen
Geschichte und Herkunft des Rezepts Spinat-Ricotta-Cannelloni sind ein klassisches italienisches Gericht, das für seine cremige Füllung und die reichhaltige Tomatensauce bekannt ist. Dieses Gericht ist perfekt für ein gemütliches Abendessen und eignet sich auch hervorragend zum Vorbereiten und Aufwärmen. Zutaten Für die Füllung: 250 g Ricotta 200 g frischer Spinat (oder TK-Spinat,…
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coffeenewstom · 28 days
Toms Breakfast Club: griechisches Feta-Spinat-Omelette
Es gibt Gewürzmischungen, die man sich im Urlaub kauft und sich zuhause dann fragt, was man sich eigentlich dabei gedacht hat. Das trifft zum Beispiel auf das Tzatziki-Gewürz zu, denn das braucht man eigentlich nicht. Ganz anders mit der Mischung für Omelette, die ich mir aus Kreta mitgebracht habe. Pro Ei ein Teelöffel davon, gut verquirlen und ab in die Pfanne damit. In diesem Fall ergänzt…
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void-draws · 9 months
Can we get a prompt about the reader who is unfortunate to camp near TFA waspinator's territory?
You let out a sigh of relief, it had taken you hours to build up your camp. You had thought this would be way easier than it actually was, since it's your first time. Despite your struggle with setting up your tent and making a proper fire without accidentally burning the forest down, you did it. Now, you could sit down and relax for the rest of the evening and maybe make yourself some marshmallows.
A few minutes later, you could hear a faint buzzing sound as you roasted a marshmallow above the open fire, but you thought nothing of it at first. There is probably just a bee hive near your camp. However, you can't help but continue to think about the noise. You eat your freshly roasted treat, it suddenly dawns on you. It's winter, no bees are going to be flying during this time of year, due to the cold..
Your body freezes on place. If this sound isn't caused by any hive, what is causing the noise? You instinctivly look around you, trying to spy where the buzzing sound comes from and what causes it. As you look around, you can only vaguely see the trees outside of your camp. The rest of the forest is covered in darkness. Your mind fills in the blanks of the spaces shrouded in darkness, making it seem like something is moving out there. You get increasingly more anxious, your thoughts go to places where you don't want to be. The atmosphere doesn't seem nearly as peaceful anymore as you thought, when you had set up the camp. You had almost completly forgotten the buzzing noise from earlier, as your mind continues to spiral anbout what could possibly be hidding in the dark, when you suddenly hear the sound again, but it's way louder than before and clearly somewhere behind you. When you realise where the noise is coming from, you immeadiatly spin around.
You spot a terrifying amalgamation of a giant robot and a wasp towering over your tent. Its eyes narrowed, while it glares at your, in comparison, small form. You let out a terrified scream at the sight of the beast, instinctivly shuffling backwards, trying to put as much distance between you and that thing. You stop infront of the fire, not wanting to burn yourself by backing into it. Your eyes remain fixed on the creature's face, not breaking eye contact for a second. This thing growled, you can slightly understand a word or two, realising whatever that creature was, it was capable of speach and it seemed to expect you to understand what it's saying.
Both of you remain in a standstill for a while, you don't dare to move not wanting to awaken any hunting instincts in the creature by acting like prey. After a few minutes, the creature suddenly dashes over to you out of nowhere. You barerly have time to react until you're pinned against a tree. The creature seems even more agitated than before, growling something again, sounding extremly similiar to the first time it tried to communicate. It's probably repeating what it said to you earlier, but unlike the time before, this time you are able to understand what the beast is saying "This is Wasps territory, not territory human territory." What you assume is called wasp, opens its insectoid jaws wide. The creature shoves you inside, not wasting any time. Your terrified struggles and cries aren't doing you any good. Your body just gets forced deeper and deeper inside its throat, inside its quite cramped as you get slpwly pulled deeper and deeper into Wasps insides. It's so tight that you are unable to to move your limbs enough to struggle.
After what feels like hours, your now exhausted body slips into a spacious place, glowing liquid sorrounds your feet. You are too exhausted by the whole ordeal to move, now that the adrenaline has worm off. You close your eyes and weep, giving up on all hope as wasp carries you off into the dark depths of the forest..
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narkonianews · 4 months
Pohovani luk sa sirom i spanaćem VIDEO RECEPT kako napraviti
Pohovani luk sa sirom i spanaćem VIDEO RECEPT kako napraviti Danas ćemo vam pokazati jedan zanimljiv i nesvakidašnji recept. U pitanju je pohovani luk napunjen sirom i spanaćem. Osim što je fantastičnog ukusa, veoma dekorativno i zanimljivo izgleda. Možete ga napraviti kao predjelo, ili kao sastavni deo glavnog obroka. U svakom slučaju, ako volite luk, obožavaćete ovaj recept. Pratite nas na…
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Rezept für einfache Spinatknödel mit Salbeibutter. Das Semmelknödel Rezept mit Spinat kommt mit einer Handvoll Zutaten aus und steht in etwa 30 Minuten auf dem Tisch. Die aromatische Salbeibutter mit den knusprigen Salbeiblättern ist das i-Tüpfelchen aus den Spinatknödeln. Ein ideales Rezept zur Resteverwertung von altem Brot oder Brötchen.
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krawalle-n-hiebe · 11 months
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My sweet boys exchanging kisses in the snow~🌨❄⛄
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ich verspüre den Drang Spinatnudeln zumachen
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