tsu-yume · 1 year
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Spiderman (Prompto) and Nightwing (Noctis) traversing the city to fight crime together \(^▽^)/ Fic that goes with this: My kind of hero by RikuKingdomHearts3 Spider-Prom, Spider-Prom Swings around to much aplomb Spins a web, holds a cam Posts his work on Instagram Look out! There goes the Spider-Proooom - lyrics provided by Mementomoryo
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maxriderg · 7 months
To quote Vincent Martella as Phineas Flynn of Phineas and Ferb fame (but in my very own knightly kneaded kind of way): Hey Everyone, I KNOW WHAT WE'RE GONNA DO TODAY!!!! Let's get ready to rock for a special Early 2-in-1 Birthday Celebration for Robbie Daymond and Nao Touyama, complete with this and well, have a very Happy Early Double Birthday to these two, Fellers! ;)
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aerverics · 1 year
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
~Character Ai~
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
¦ Symbols Meaning ¦
(✧. ┊ ) fantasy AU
(ׂׂૢ) Work partners or so
(✰. ┊) modern / step / highschool au
(ꕥ) Start with angst
(ღ) Soft = sibling / lover / friendly
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
═ ⋆I take any requests for any characters⋆ ═
Barnabas Tharmr
✧. ┊A test to be his queen
Cidolfus Telamon
ׂׂૢ Cid wanted the nurse attention
Chris Redfield
ꕥ You catch Chris *cheated* on you
Cloud Strife
ꕥ Fall apart relationship
✰. ┊ Head teacher! Cloud x teacher! You
ׂׂૢ Cloud being drugged by a monster
ღ Cloud's girlfriend find him in a dress photo
ღ Your Husband save you
ׂׂૢ Dante your partner for Demon Hunter
ღ Dante comforting his wife after she's giving birth
ღ Dante find out his wife pregnant
ღ Dante being slightly overprotective to his wife
ꕥ He is worried about his wife
✧. ┊Ran from your royal life to be with your man
Dion Lesage
ׂׂૢ Finding a bride for Dion
Ellie Williams
ღ Ellie excited knowing her crush gonna treat her injuries
Ignis Scientia
ׂׂૢ Ignis's new assistant
ღ The advisor might have feelings for you
Izumi Miyamura
ꕥ You had a crush on him
Jin Kazama
✧. ┊ Vampire Au
ღ He find out you're pregnant
ׂׂૢ He keep showing up in your infirmary
✰. ┊Your Grumpy dorm mate's brother
Joshua Rosfield
ׂׂૢ Joshua confessed to his companion
ꕥ Pregnant with Joshua's
✰. ┊Joshua got jealous with his 'wife'
Leon S Kennedy
✧. ┊ Spiderman Leon
✧. ┊ Married to duke Leon
ׂׂ ღ Assassin x Agent Leon
ׂׂૢ Mission with Leon
✰. ┊Your annoying step-brother
Marius Von hagen
✧. ┊ Marius your annoying Emperor
ꕥ Choose him please
Nicholas Leister
✰. ┊Your rude step-brother
ꕥ Annoying Ex boyfriend
ꕥ Frenemies with Nick
Noah Morgan
ღ Noah felt jealously
Noctis Lucis Caelum
Prompto Argentum
ღ Noctis's younger sibling
Reno Sinclair
ׂׂૢ Work partner with Reno
ღ Reno trying to talk after making you jealous
✧. ┊ Spiderman Scaramouche
ꕥ Sephiroth kidnapped you
ꕥ he manipulate your memories beforehand
Sleipnir Harbard
ღ Sleipnir tried to get along with you
ꕥ He's going to lock you
Zack Fair
✧. ┊ Zack wake up in FFXV's universe after dying
Origanal Characters
Kazeric Kairen - ✧. ┊ Academic rival who help you during zombies attack in your school
Cherry - ✧. ┊ A little lady who safe you
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wayfinderships · 8 months
Hi, I see that you selfship with Prompto and Noctis! I would love to hear about your FFXV s/i and your ship with them if you'd like to share!
Hello Anon!! :D Agksnfkdk I'd be happy to share about them! I love getting the opportunity to go off about my s/is and ships to thank you for the opportunity <3
So basically my FFXV s/i was born in the Kingdom of Lucius! They met Prompto and Noct in high school and the three became inseparable ever since <3 At some point in High School, Noct and Prompto are chatting in private and reveal their crush and have a Spiderman Pointing Meme moment when they realize that they both like Panchi-gjdbgjdf The two just gush together! It's pretty cute! Panchi doesn't develop feelings for the two of them till the actual road trip starts! Speaking of the road trip, Panchi's weapon is an Axe and you cna often see them journaling during the adventure!
If you're wondering how Panchi gets along with Gladio and Ignis...They get along well actually! Panchi really respects Ignis so they always call him by his name instead of a nickname like Iggy and help him out with cooking from time to time and help him encourage Noctis to eat his veggies. Panchi is a little intimidated by Gladio when they first meet him but they warm up eventually! I like to think that Panchi immediately goes to Gladio for advice once they've caught feelings for Prompto and Noctis-afkdnfks Gladio had probably teased the three of them about being so close on multiple occasions
Also I have like multiple versions of the plot in my head bc of the ending but in the Au where Noctis is Alive and Well, the three of them are happily dating each other! Noct gets two boyfriends to nap with, Prompto gets two boyfriends who reassure him that he's loved and take photos with him (even if Panchi is extremely camera shy), and Panchi gets two boyfriends to play videogames with! All three of them know each other well because of all the years they've known each other and it shows, the three have multiple inside jokes and are so comfortable around each other! If Noct is the Moon and Prompto is the Sun then Panchi is the Stars!
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Art by the lovely Cupiidzbow! His art is absolutely lovely and totally recommend commissioning him if you can!
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Sorry this is a lil late I’m feel kinda sick rn😖
What’s your favorite fandom?
Do you prefer manga or anime im general?
Who was your first anime crush?
Who was your first fictional crush?
HxH vs One piece, which is better?
Your newest fandom vs your oldest fandom, which is better
Out of all your fandoms which one do you watch most?
Out of all your fandoms which one do you enjoy writing most?
Out of all your fandoms which one did you enjoy watching most?
oh my goodness im sorry you dont feel good, i hope you feel better! thanks for sending in the quiz nontheless
What’s your favorite fandom?
Currently, Into the Spiderverse, but other than that, I have them all starred in my pinned post because I can't chose T^T
Do you prefer manga or anime im general?
I appreciate them in different ways. Usually when I do read the manga, I enjoy it more since it is straight from the creator, but the anime adaptations have so much love put into them also. But probably manga tbh
Who was your first anime crush?
Joke answer goes to James from Pokemon. Actual answer unfortunately goes to Hisoka but that was because I saw him before I watched the show. So real REAL answer goes to Chrollo
Who was your first fictional crush?
Prompto from ffxv!! my sweet lil guy
Your newest fandom vs your oldest fandom, which is better
My oldest fandom is Final Fantasy and my newest is spiderman.... HMMMMM. Okay, Final Fantasy has such a special place in my heart that I have to go with that, especially with all the variety! (and plus, my username is from final fantasy)
Out of all your fandoms which one do you watch most?
HMMMMM....... I would say one piece because it has so many episodes, but I feel like that's cheating. I've watched and read jojo's so probably that.... but i also rewatched hunter x hunter.... I would probably say jojo's because it was my literal obsession last year all throughout the end of high school and i always am consuming media from jojo's
Out of all your fandoms which one do you enjoy writing most?
Jesus this is a hard question. If I had to pick one because I'm going to torture myself... I am gonna say jojo's because I have literally 3 masterlists for it and my first fic on tumblr was a rohan fic <3
Out of all your fandoms which one did you enjoy watching most?
GOD THESE ARE SO HARD..... I LOVED jojo's. like every second of it, but since I recently got into the spiderverse fandom, I really loved those movies a lot. But also one piece.... okay, my final answer is every single one because that's why they are my fandoms <3
I hope you feel better dear! I am sending so much love rn <3
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rainedrop777 · 7 years
The Adventures of Spidey-Prom!
Seriously it’s probably not healthy how much I love Spiderman!Prompto! I didn’t know I needed it until @destiny-islanders drew the freaking CUTEST art for it. Please check it out. It’s good for the soul, trust me.
Anyway, enjoy this little bit inspired by their art! :D HOPE YOU ENJOY!
“This is your costume?”
Ignis’ voice rang almost shrilly in the small apartment complex, but Prompto was far too busy checking out the newest wounds to his body to pay much attention to what the man was saying - instead, he puffed out his chest and propped his hands on his hips, admiring the new slim and toned muscles that stood out starkly in the bad lighting.
“It sure is!” Prompto replied boldly, eyes squinting as pride welled in his chest.
So what if those thugs had landed a few hits and made him look like a bruised potato - he’d totally won in the end.
“It’s a cotton sweatshirt.” Ignis replied flatly, his widened eyes were evidence of his complete horror of the aspect as he held up the tattered garment of clothing.
“It’s not just a sweatshirt,” The blond replied, a small pout forming on his face as spun on his feet to swipe away the bloody clothes. “It’s my identity. Every superhero needs one.” He explained readily, ruffling out the sweater to examine the newest tears and ruffles. “It’s a part of me now.” He dramatically hugged the cloth to his chest, a small smirk forming on the edge of his lips as he thought about his most recent venture -
...that...hadn’t gone...exactly as planned…
But he’d still won!
Prompto could visibly see Ignis roll his eyes from the side, the older man reaching up a hand to adjust his glasses in an exasperated show of exhaustion. “Prompto, do you believe the police simply roll out of bed in the morning and seek out the local gangs in a pair of joggers and a sweatshirt? Their attire consists of at least some sort of protection - a bullet proof vest -”
“Pah -” Prompto interrupted with a scoff, waving a hand in front of him. “Last time I checked, cops can’t climb up freaking walls and lift a car without breakin’ a sweat.” The blond propped his hands on his hips and shot Ignis a wink, which the man returned with a twitch of his eyebrow that Prompto had quickly come to realize was onset to a migraine. “‘Sides,” he waved a hand as he tossed back the article of clothing, “I need my costume to be flexible, ya know - gotta make way for these babies.”
Another eye twitch followed when Prompto flexed his arms in the white tank top he was now donning, though he let out a sharp hiss of pain as he grabbed at his newly bandaged arm.
“How formidable.” Ignis replied dully, shaking his head as he stared down at the sweater.
“So are ya gonna sew it or not? I’m probably gonna need it by tomorrow. Duty calls, ya know.”
Ignis’s hands flopped down in front of him as he stared deadpan at the younger man. “You’re not seriously going to do this again -” Ignis cut himself off as he slapped a hand to his forehead before scrubbing it dramatically down his face. “Prompto - you’ve barely a grasp on your abilities, why on earth you are so eager to get yourself killed!?”
“‘Cause a superhero’s work is never done! It’s like Cor said -” He cleared his throat and straightened up to mimic the man, “With great power comes great responsibility. And uh - I’ve got great power now - so might as well be greatly responsible with it and kick some bad guy butt!”
The sound of the buzzing cars outside the tiny apartment complex was the only sound audible as Ignis’s green eyes bore holes into Prompto’s own, and the young man couldn’t help but fidget nervously under the gaze.
After a moment a long, very Ignis-y sigh escaped from the older man’s mouth, the glasses on his face sliding down slightly as he once again stared at the sweater that might as well have been a piece of trash for all the way that he regarded it.
“I cannot believe you’ve worn this for the last three months and survived.” Green-eyes flashed up to Prompto as he held up the sweater. “You’re either brilliant and sufficient, or incredibly stupid and lucky. My bet is on the ladder.” Almond lips pressed together as he made his way over to the small dresser drawer that held various needles and thread.
“Orrr - just super awesome -”
“Or perhaps an utter moron -”
“Could a moron do this!?”
“Do - WHA -”
Ignis’s voice was immediately cut off when Prompto skipped over to where he was and effortlessly braced a hand under his back and on his thighs, effortlessly pushing against them to  lift the man above his head with a loud laugh.
“Howd’ya like that - eh, Ignis!?”
“PROMPTO! Put me down this INSTANT!” Was his friend’s immediate retort, the struggle that he was giving against him making Prompto’s arms quiver slightly - but not nearly enough to undo his hold.
Prompto barked out another laugh, keeping his arms locked even as Ignis squirmed above him. “Not such a moron now, huh?”
“Prompto Argentum, I swear to the Astrals if you do not set me down in two seconds -!”
“Alright, alright -”
Prompto heard Ignis yelp slightly when the younger man released his grip entirely, stepping back just enough so that he could catch Ignis in his waiting arms, dodging a swipe to his head before he set the man back down on his feet.
“You ever do such a thing again…” Ignis huffed, shooting him a vicious glare as he straightened out his ruffled sleeves.
The blond chuckled, stepping his way back over to the mirror, “So how’s about it - gonna help me? Wanna be my sidekick?” Prompto chippered as if he hadn’t just lifted the taller, more muscular man like a dumbbell. He rubbed his arm slightly as the slight strain had flared the ache in his bruised muscles.
A scoff followed the remark, “I’ll have to pass, thank you.” Ignis replied with a knowing glare in his direction, but, regardless, proceeded to pick up the needle and thread that was situated on the dresser.
“Whelp - position is open if you ever wanna apply!” Prompto replied with a happy smile, turning back to face the mirror.
He wish he could say that the muscles that he now admired in the mirror before him were from the months of hard work, and to be honest, he had been working hard to improve himself for a while now, but this type of improvement wasn’t exactly his doing.
Three months ago was when everything changed. Everything.
He’d been a scrawny kid three months ago - lacking confidence to approach anyone...especially a certain prince-like classmate of his that he’d admired since grade school. It’s not as though they hadn’t known about each other, and Prompto had managed to muster the courage to say hello and introduce himself on the first day of high school, but it was only recently that he’d felt that they’d made significant strides in their relationship when Prompto finally gained the confidence to make it a point to become his friend - and it was going very well.
Prompto was suddenly very glad that Ignis was focused on sewing the sweatshirt as a noticeable flush crawled up the blond’s neck and face - no wait - his entire body.
He’d decided to return the favor the gods had, for some reason, chosen to give him and fight evil in the world in repayment for this new life he was living - and well...yeah that part needed some work, but he was doing his best! Just tonight he’d managed to stop a robbery of a sweet older lady. The thugs hadn’t seen him coming at all - but, unfortunately, Prompto was still a bit shabby when it came to the fighting...so he’d taken home a few bruises and cuts as souvenirs, but he’d still beat their asses, called the cops, and saved the day.
Though, if it wasn’t for Ignis he probably would be in way worse shape - the man was pretty good at dressing his wounds. Ignis had found out about a week ago who he truly was...how the man was able to see through him he’d never know. Prompto still wasn’t sure he believed Ignis’s reasoning of “you’ve been behaving oddly. It seemed the most likely conclusion” - it was like he just knew. Maybe Ignis had his own spidey-sense - either way, despite that, tonight was the first night that Ignis had seen his outfit -
Psh. Who cared what he thought. His outfit was awesome. And...yeah no one would know that was him...right?
If he kept up like this, trained himself a bit - he was certain he’d become an awesome comic book superhero in no time - how hard could it be?
He shook his head, smiling to himself.
He couldn’t believe he was actually having these thoughts.
Three months ago...yeah - everything had changed.
Three months ago:
Prompto’s hands clasped behind his back as he stared at the large city around him, eyes squinting slightly at the morning sun that shone brightly down upon the research facility. The group of his high school classmates milled around the entrance to the building, waiting for instruction from their teacher, Mr. Weskham, to allow them in to begin the tour of the arachnid center they were about to visit.
To be honest, he didn’t really care too much about that, he was just hoping that a certain friend of his didn’t over sleep the field trip today.
He adjusted his glasses with his hand as he looked around, bouncing excitedly on his feet as the anticipation to get inside chewed at him.
He loved this stuff. He didn’t like spiders too much...but the tech inside was going to blow his mind - he could feel it. Maybe he’d even get a chance to browse one of their computers - maybe log away a few notes for the one that he was currently building himself.
Psh. Noct was right. He really was a technophile.
Ah, speak of the devil.
Prompto chuckled to himself as he briefly saw what must have been a knowing exchange between him and his father as they talked behind the windows of the flashy car, and a second later the door opened and out stepped Noct - also known as the Prince of Insomnia Inc. He saw the young man toss his dad a look over his shoulder as he straightened out his backpack, and it was with a roll of his eyes that he turned back to make his way up the stairs and away from the car.
Prompto was satisfied to see Noct’s face noticeably morph into something softer and - well - less annoyed as he trotted up the stairs. Prompto tossed him a happy wave which Noct returned with a nod.
“Heyaz!” The blond piped cheerily, his heart thudding in a familiar sense of excitement at the sight of the handsome face.
“Hey.” Noct responded with an easy smile, the typical mellowness of his tone somehow sending another spike of adrenaline through his heart.
“Ready to check out some creepy crawlies?” Prompto wiggled his fingers at the dark-haired teen’s face before he adjusted the camera strap around his neck, falling into a steady pace beside Noct as they walked up the stairs.
“I’m more ready to take a nap.”
“Dude, the lecture hasn’t even started yet.”
Noct let out a loud yawn, stretching his arms out on either side of him. “Exactly.”
Prompto chuckled, pausing slightly as he lifted the camera up to his face to snap a picture of the large building.
Field trip day was always interesting, especially when it involved checking out the nastiest things on earth - Prompto hated bugs, hated them. But he couldn’t deny that he was somewhat fascinated by them as well. Just because they were ugly didn’t mean they couldn’t be interesting, and besides, he was more interested in the technology they were bound to see in the research facility.
“Dude...this is the most advanced electron microscope on the Eastern Seaboard…” Prompto’s voice dripped with awe as he stared wide-eyed at the giant device in front of him, his hands fumbling with the camera to snap a few pictures.
“Wow.” Noct mumbled from beside him, clearly disinterested as they followed the voice of the woman ahead of them.
“For example, the delena spider, family sparassidae, has the ability to jump to catch its prey.”
“Eww…” Noct whispered, though his disgust clearly gave way to his curiosity as he leaned forward to observe the spider that the woman was talking about, head tilting as he noticed the little bug do exactly what she described as it jumped from one small twig to the next in its cage.
Prompto chuckled, though he stepped up next to Noct and lifted his camera to his face.
“For the school paper?” Prompto asked, eyes questioning as he looked up at the lecturer.
She offered him a side smile and nodded in permission.
He angled the camera so that he was able to zoom in on the little arachnid - but he grunted when he felt himself shoved from behind, the picture he was about to take snapped a lovely, blurry picture of the small hide instead of the spider.
Prompto furrowed his brows as he looked behind him, noting the obviously satisfied sneer of the blond that stood behind him.
“Leave him alone.” Noct snarled, glaring vehemently at the other blond.
“Or what?” One of Loqi’s lackeys lip curled in challenge.
“Or his father will fire your father.” Loqi sneered, shoving Noct slightly as he got into his face. “What’s daddy gonna do - sue me?”
Prompto almost jumped forward when he noticed Noct’s fist twitch at his side - but he was saved the trouble of holding him back when the dirty-blond was suddenly grabbed by the arm as Mr. Weskham pulled him back, shooting the both of them a harsh glare.
“What is going on?” He hissed, glaring at all four of them. When no one answered, his voice darkened in seriousness. “The next person who talks will fail this course. Understood?”  
The four remained silent, but Prompto’s heart skipped a beat when Noct reached behind him and grabbed his arm, pulling him forward and away from the small scene.
“Tsch.” The dark-haired teen scoffed, releasing Prompto’s arm as they made their way around the shelves.
“Those guys are jerks.” Prompto mumbled from beside him, earning a very Noct-like smile in return.
He loved those smiles.
“Yeah.” He mumbled, taking a breath as he looked around them.
Prompto watched as Noct milled around in front of him, bending slightly to look at the small collection of spiders that were neatly stacked in the plastic caging. “Yuuuucckkk…”
Prompto chuckled at the noise, but lifted his camera regardless. “Hey -”
Noct turned to face him, eyebrow quirking when he noticed the camera.
“I need one with a student in it.” Violet-blue eyes sparkled when Noct smiled, making a show of adjusting his tie.
“Don’t make me look ugly.” Noct said, eyes half-lidded with a small smirk as he propped an arm up on the small shelf.
Prompto could feel the heat bloom in his cheeks as he chuckled smally, looking shyly down at his camera as he readied it. “Oh, that’s impossible.” He almost hoped Noct hadn’t heard him, but the smile that his friend gave was evidence enough that he had. “Alrighty…” The blond stepped back slightly, angling the camera by his blushing face so that he captured a good view of the microscope and various arachnids with Noct by the side.
Prompto chuckled as Noct smiled easily for the shot, and he clicked the camera several times to snap the picture. “Alriiigghhhttt -” The blond’s face lit up in another bright smile as Noct posed again, pointing to the various spiders next to him. He knew the pictures he was taking now weren’t necessarily of the spiders or microscope...
Heh. These ones didn’t necessarily have to be in the school paper…
“Argentum! Caelum!”
Prompto and Noct’s head whipped over to where Weshkham stood, arms folded against his chest. They could see the rest of the class a good distance ahead of them.
Noct shot Prompto a look before he reluctantly moved ahead, and Prompto rapidly scrambled to put the cover back on the lens before he made to follow -
The liquid fire pain that shot through Prompto’s hand in that instant was enough to send him stumbling back as his hand whipped back from the sudden, intense pain that tore through it. His face contorted into shock as he grasped at his hand, looking down to see a red circle surrounding white, blotchy skin - with two small dots in the center. His heart beat rapidly as he looked down at the ground - just in time to see a tiny spot of an oddly colored spider scramble away underneath a nearby shelf.
“Shit…” He breathed, brows pinching as the pain circling the bite mark dulled to something hot and numb.
“Chop, chop, Prompto!”
The blond’s head whipped up as he saw Noct a small ways away from him, waving him over with a patient smile.
He waved his hand once, hoping that it would alleviate some of the pain, but Noct’s smile was drawing him forward, and he donned an easy smile as he skipped his way towards his friend -
Doing his very best to ignore the sickening feeling pooling in his stomach and the small pain that was trickling up his arm.
Little did he know that from that moment on, his destiny had completely changed.
Hope you guys enjoyed! I LOVED WRITING THIS! SO MUCH FUN - thank you again to @destiny-islanders for making such awesome art - really made my day. :D
Stay tuned for more adventures with Spidey-Prom! :D
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sw1nginparty · 4 years
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alright so in a discord server we were talking about our fictional crushes and i got way too into it and made this chart of mine. compare, discuss, make your own, im bored
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husbandoneeded · 5 years
Me: *is sad about writers not updating their fanfics*
Also me: *doesnt update fanfic*
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promptis-imagines · 4 years
You know what I miss in this fandom?
Spiderman Prompto. That was a great time and I miss it. If anyone wants to draw/write some stuff of that and send it to me I’ll reblog it like 500 times
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My parents always brag to other people about how much I love to read and how they are proud that I have a wonderful hobby but what they don't know is that 99.9% of the time I'm reading gay ass fan fiction with hella smut
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addigni · 6 years
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Preorder of #FFXV 2.5" clear acrylic charm now available on my etsy store! Plus Black Friday SALE: 20% OFF for all other items, including Sherlock and MCU Avengers enamel pins and more! Promotion valid till 26 Nov 💖 FFXV pre-order open till Dec 9 💖 https://www.etsy.com/shop/addigni #ffxv #ffxvfanart #ffxvnoctis #mcu #avengers #avengersinfinitywar #sherlockholmes #sherlock #benedictcumberbatch #noctis #ignis #prompto #gladiolusamicitia #gladio #ironman #spiderman #thor #loki #buckybarnes #captainamerica #doctorstrange #artistalley #fanmerch #chibi #cutemerch #イグニス #ノクティス #グラディオ #プロンプト https://www.instagram.com/p/BqkhjO-AsMm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rscstd5m2ul0
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bonniedeaguiar · 7 years
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My favorite character as one of my favorite superheroes!! Yeah!! I would like to make chocobros in a casual version of Marvel superheroes (?) So, I choose Spider-Man for Prompto because of Robbie Daymond!✨ I really loved drawing this 💖
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maxriderg · 7 months
To quote Vincent Martella as Phineas Flynn of well, quote and unquote, Phineas and Ferb fame, once again as usual (but in my very own knightly kneaded kind of way to do so and yadda, yadda, yadda): Hey Everyone, I KNOW WHAT WE'RE GONNA DO TODAY!!! Let's get all-set and ready to have a special early 2-in-1 Birthday Celebration for Robbie Daymond and Nao Touyama (complete with a Song like Kick It Up a Notch from well, Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension) and well, have a very Happy Early Double Birthday to these tunefully talented two, Ladies and Gentlemen! ;)
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ct-hardcase · 6 years
good evening everyone, I’m in the throes of academic stress and procrastination, so naturally, I’m listening to robbie daymond, 2018 edition where he gives an acting lecture
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starswake--archived · 6 years
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destiny-islanders · 7 years
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Inktober | Day 23
Prompto Week | Day 4 - Alternate Universe
Day 1 Inktober Doodle | Day 1 Comic | Day 2 Inktober Doodle |  Day 2 Comic | Day 3 Inktober Doodle | Day 3 Comic | Day 4 Comic | Day 5 Inktober Doodle |  Day 6 Comic | Day 7 Inktober Doodle |
Tfw you mix up the promptos prompts for two of the days of Prompto Week and scramble to post the right doodle in time but it’s okay because it’s been a while since you’ve doodled Spidey-Prom and you Missed Him
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