sw1nginparty · 1 year
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Welcome to manifestmoons
Magical water properties. A part of Grimoire Basics Volume 3
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sw1nginparty · 1 year
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sw1nginparty · 1 year
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I'm selling $5 spell jars on etsy! I have lust, money, anti-anxiety, protection and love, and I'll make whatever intention you want if you have a request. Every order will have a personalized list of ingredients and their properties. I have other things including ritual bath salts also for $5! Please help support a queer pagan's small business 🥲
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sw1nginparty · 1 year
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✞ 666 ✞
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sw1nginparty · 1 year
So I have bpd. And I got very attached to an ex but he dumped me bc he "didn't have time for a relationship". I think it's bc he couldn't handle me. We broke up in July and the thing that has me stuck is all the promises he made. He promised to never leave me, never hurt me, he wanted a life together he wanted to get married he said all these nice things and I still don't know if it was real or lovebombing. I blocked him without getting closure bc I thought it would be easier to expect nothing than to keep waiting for a response. I finally tried to text him the other day and it wasn't him, he changed his number. I have no way to contact him. It's probably for the best but idk how to feel or how to get over him. I want to get over him but I also miss him so fucking much
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sw1nginparty · 2 years
simple negative energy capture spell jar
hello! this is a spell from my bos that i typed out today, and thought i'd share with all of you.
it's a basic energy capture jar. what it does is it takes negative energy that hits it and absorbs it into the jar, keeping a space safe. it can be considered to be a type of ward.
feel free to modify this to your needs! if you try it, let me know how it goes in the notes.
a jar or bottle of your choosing
a small mirror to go on top of the jar (i prefer aluminum foil, but either works)
a binding sigil, either handmade or sources from someone else
obsidian for protection
basil for attracting negativity to the jar (and not you)
cinnamon for protection and defense
mugwort for a magical boost
hyssop for purifying the captured negative energy
st. john's wort to handle the negativity
dandelion for added protection
a black candle
optional: mullein, acrimony
create, print, or copy down your sigil. assemble other ingredients and perform any pre-spell rituals you have.
place ingredients into the jar. you can select the order, or you can do it like this: cinnamon, basil, st. john's, dandelion, hyssop, mugwort.
as you place each ingredient into the jar, visualize your intent for it. you can also speak an affirmation such as "this jar will protect me" if you wish.
fold your sigil thrice away from you, tucking it in the jar, and following it with your crystal.
pop the cork, lid, or seal on the jar.
seal JUST the edges with the candle, and place the mirror in the center of the closing contraption.
et voila, you're done! place it wherever you need that protection.
i'm autistic and selectively mute, so i usually don't speak during my spells, focusing more on intention. this is something you can modify.
i would rate this an 8/10. it's a good basic protection jar, and you don't need anything too extensive for protections unless someone is after you or something anyway.
anyway, i hope that's helpful to someone! if you have comments, suggestions, etc., do let me know. part of what i miss about old witchblr is the open dialogue that used to be spread on posts; people don't talk enough now. so feel free to come talk to me, and if you have improvements, i'm all ears!
thank you for your time.
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sw1nginparty · 2 years
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Sunny day at the witches cottage
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sw1nginparty · 2 years
💀Osteomancy Masterpost💀
Author's Note: Most of these may not come from Tumblr.
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What is Throwing The Bones? (ladyalthaea)
Introduction to Osteomancy (spellsofmagic)
Bone Reading Intro & Starting Guide (archaichoney)
How to Make and Read Your Own Osteomancy Set (otherworldlyoracle)
How To Make And Use A Powerful Bone Throwing Divination Set (thetravelingwitch)
How to Divine by Throwing Bones (deathwitchenvy)
Bone Divination (learnreligions)
Throwing The Bones: Finding Your Future (spiritualityhealth)
Learn to Read Bones (coursecraft)
Bone Throwing (aminoapps)
Witches who practice bone throwing, what is in your set and what meanings do they have for you? (reddit)
Bone Correspondences
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sw1nginparty · 2 years
Also I'm selling spell jars, ritual bath salts, necklaces and paintings on my etsy for cheap if you want to check it out!!!
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sw1nginparty · 2 years
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2 year difference thank you T 🙏
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sw1nginparty · 2 years
Hi I'm alive and gonna be back posting magick shit now
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sw1nginparty · 4 years
I see alot of stuff like "omg just heard boys dont shower everyday? How disgusting! All boys are absolutley horrible dirt peices of shot like shower omg!" So i just wanna say something
To all my mentally ill followers who dont have the motivation to shower. Or forget to shower. Or who cant shower because of dysphoria. Or peopl who sleep through the day and arent allowed to shower at night cause everyones asleep. Or people who have legit givin up and are functioning on dry shampoo and a wet washrag...
Its alright. You guys will be okay. Sometimes you genuonly cant help it. Same with things like brushing your teeth or brushing your hair. Mental illness is really hard alright? Youre okay. But also if you can? Take this post as a sign to get up and go shower. If you cant, no biggie. Just brethe, youll be alright
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sw1nginparty · 4 years
i cant believe i fell for that “look angry and upset and hope someone saves you” shit in high school! how boring! what an awful way to live! i want to be so warm that ppl are gently warmed when theyre around me
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sw1nginparty · 4 years
one of my coworkers has this sticker on his water bottle and it sends me into hysterics every time i see it
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sw1nginparty · 4 years
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sw1nginparty · 4 years
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sw1nginparty · 4 years
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