#sous-vide machine
vacuummachine · 5 months
Sous-Vide Machine
Orved's Cuisson 61 stands out as a premier sous-vide machine, embodying precision and versatility for culinary professionals. Engineered for perfection, it enables chefs to achieve consistent, flavorful results, making it an indispensable tool in modern kitchens. Orved's dedication to quality makes the Cuisson 61 a leading choice in sous-vide cooking.
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sousvideitaly · 1 year
Il Sous Vide: la tecnica rivoluzionaria per la preparazione di piatti perfetti
Il Sous Vide è una tecnica culinaria che sta guadagnando sempre più popolarità tra gli appassionati di cucina. Orved, un leader nel settore delle soluzioni di confezionamento sottovuoto, offre una vasta gamma di attrezzature e prodotti per il Sous Vide che consentono di ottenere risultati eccezionali nella preparazione dei cibi.
Ma cos'è esattamente il Sous Vide? È una tecnica di cottura a bassa temperatura che coinvolge l'immergere gli alimenti in sacchetti sottovuoto e cuocerli a temperature precise e costanti in un bagno d'acqua controllato. Questo metodo di cottura lenta consente di mantenere la succosità, la tenerezza e i sapori naturali degli alimenti, ottenendo risultati sorprendenti in termini di gusto e texture.
Le attrezzature per il Sous Vide di Orved offrono una soluzione completa per sfruttare al meglio questa tecnica culinaria. Dai termocircolatori che controllano con precisione la temperatura dell'acqua al sistema di confezionamento sottovuoto per preparare i sacchetti, Orved ha tutto il necessario per una preparazione professionale e di alta qualità.
Una delle principali caratteristiche del Sous Vide è la sua versatilità. È possibile cucinare una vasta gamma di alimenti, come carne, pesce, verdure e persino dessert, con risultati sorprendenti. La precisione della temperatura e il lungo tempo di cottura consentono di ottenere carni tenere e succulente, pesci delicati e verdure croccanti e nutrienti.
Inoltre, il Sous Vide è una tecnica che si adatta perfettamente alle esigenze di chef professionisti e appassionati di cucina domestica. Con le attrezzature Orved, è possibile sperimentare nuove ricette, creare piatti raffinati e mantenere costante la qualità dei cibi.
Il Sous Vide è anche una soluzione ideale per la preparazione di pasti in anticipo. Grazie alla cottura a bassa temperatura e al confezionamento sottovuoto, è possibile preparare i pasti in anticipo e conservarli in frigorifero o freezer per un consumo successivo, mantenendo intatti i sapori e i nutrienti degli alimenti.
In conclusione, il Sous Vide è una tecnica culinaria innovativa e affascinante che offre risultati sorprendenti in termini di gusto, texture e qualità degli alimenti. Con le attrezzature per il Sous Vide di Orved, è possibile sfruttare appieno questa tecnica e creare piatti straordinari nella comodità della propria cucina. Scopri di più su Orved.it e immergiti nel meraviglioso mondo del Sous Vide.
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six-demon-bag · 4 months
one time i was at a party and the host had a sous vide and me and my friend had never seen one before and didn't know you were supposed to put things in bags and he put a loose hotdog in the water so it was just recirculating hotdog water until someone noticed
for this ask game
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dbmr-blog-news · 7 months
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hkreviews · 8 months
Discover How Long to Sous Vide Steak for Perfect Juiciness and Flavor! Unlock Culinary Mastery:
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Embark on a Flavor Journey! Learn the Ultimate Sous Vide Secrets – Ideal Times, Precise Temperatures, and Expert Techniques for Steak Perfection. Elevate Your Cooking Game Now!
Check Now Top 10 Sous Vide Machines/Cookers
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🌟 Our Sous Vide Machine is Here
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totesmag · 2 years
Kitchen Appliances for Foodies: Upgrade Your Cooking Game
Cooking and preparing food is an art, and having the right tools can make all the difference. For foodies, having the right kitchen appliances is not just a matter of convenience, but it’s also essential for creating delicious and healthy meals. we’ll explore the importance of having the right kitchen appliances for food lovers and provide a brief overview of the topic. Explanation of the…
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smallidarityfan · 3 months
Theyre scheduling dates with joel guys this is a soap drama AHHSHGSSBS
Jimmy: I am also imagining Joel is gonna log on soon enough and die instantly—
Lizzie: Wait Joel is coming??? You want him to play Minecraft with you???
Jimmy: He's got access to come on, I just— I wish I could spend some quality time with him y'know?
Lizzie: Yeah me too! Me too man.
Jimmy: Yeah I think—
Lizzie: Watch out there's someone behind you tryna push you off a cliff
Jimmy: stop— right now
Sausage: I'M BACK I got kicked out!
Jimmy: That's alright— yeah lemme um lemme give him a message
Lizzie: Wait— Can I— How about you get him Thursdays, I'll do Tuesdays, Hermitcraft can have him... every other day of the week
Jimmy: Wait what— What day's their meeting?
Sausage: Are we talking about Joel?!
Lizzie: Yeah oh maybe Sausage could use a day too
Sausage: Oh can I have Joel too?! Can I have him on like a weird day like a Tuesday, on 4:30 in the afternoon or something...
Lizzie: Okay how about one of you gets him half of Tuesday; someone takes him on the Tuesday morning— But someone's gonna need to feed him as well...—
Jimmy: Uhh...
Sausage: Oh I'll feed him!
Lizzie: —He likes steak...
Jimmy: *laughs* he likes steak...
Sausage: You know what, I cooked a lovely Filet Mignon last night. He can have a piece
Jimmy: I don't know what that is... What is that?
Lizzie: You could probably have him 3 days he'd probably go willingly—
Lizzie: *laughs* You'll learn?!
Sausage: You'll learn to cook a Filet Mignon?! You know what I do work a Sous Vide machine too!
Lizzie: OH MY GOD Stop talking Sausage you'll summon him!
Sausage: UHUH! All I have to say is Sous Vide... Medium Rare... Filet Mignon...
Lizzie: Oh you know just what to say! to steal my man!
Sausage: Hell yeah! Well I do butter basting as well, yup!
Jimmy: —I don't know what any of these words mean but annoyingly I know Joel would know? So that makes me angry...
Sausage: He would definitely know, I'm going to win all of Tuesday— Tuesday's mine, man
Jimmy: Oh gosh *laughs* "I'm gonna win all of Tuesday..."
Lizzie: Well as long as I still get to do his laundry then that's fine.
Sausage: Oh you do— I don't do laundry, you go ahead.
Lizzie: *laughs* "I don't do laundry"
(thank u for the correction i have never cooked a steak before if you couldn't tell LMAO 😭😭)
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kaeyx · 7 months
waiting patiently at y!chuuyas door to greet him with home made dinner and his favorite cake cause you think you’ve been a little too difficult lately (you finally developed Stockholm Syndrom)
reader who fully turns into a needy puppy waiting for y!Chuuya to come home and sob in his arms if he’s late
Nah bc this would be me I wouldn't even put up a fight
Cooking for him or cleaning up around the house even though Chuuya is a tidy man, even though he didn't ask you to do it. It's partly out of boredom and partly because you want to make yourself useful, feeling a little guilty for sitting around all day and not contributing. You decide to make him dinner, since you've noticed he frequently comes home late with takeout or microwave meals, or goes to bed with nothing but a glass of wine in his stomach. You decide to bake him something too since you're already there, just managing to pull the cookies out of the oven as his keys turn in the door.
Chuuya would be so surprised, expecting to find you in bed since it's so late, maybe asleep or sulking. But no, you've got a pair of oven mitts on and are greeting him nervously at the door, and something smells delicious. He feels so happy, so surprised and flattered that you went out of your way to make something for him, hugging you and giving you a kiss to reassure you that whatever it is you made, he'll like it. He eats with you by his side, feeding you a few bites, nearly glowing with love and pride. You made this, for him, of your own accord. It's the best food he's had in a long time, made better by how you're clinging to him like an anxious puppy and looking away whenever he praises you.
And the surprise never wears off! Every time he comes home to warm food waiting for him his love for you grows, and he always makes sure to tell you how much he loves it. Any ingredients you need he'll buy for you immediately, as well as any kitchen items you might want. Heart shaped crockpots? A cast iron skillet? A sous vide machine? You just have to say the word and Chuuya will have it in your hands by the next day. In return he only asks for a kiss, and to be able to taste what you make when you decide to use it.
Of course, Chuuya's appreciation often shows in... different ways. Sometimes he'll walk in and see you cooking, and be so overwhelmed with affection he'll take you right then and there. Only letting you pause to turn off the stove before his hands are all over you, tongue buried in your cunt as he spreads you out on the counter. A few times he's caught you slightly bent over, decorating cookies or a cake, and you've both ended up a mess of flour and icing afterwards. He's always sweet, kissing the mess off you and carrying you to the shower, but his apologies are insincere. He always jokes about you being his little house pet, his spouse, but the way he wraps an arm around your waist and rubs your knuckles makes you very aware that he's not joking.
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vacuummachine · 7 months
Sous-Vide Machine
Orved's Cuisson 61, in our view, stands as a benchmark in sous-vide machines, offering unmatched precision and versatility. Designed for culinary perfection, it enables chefs to effortlessly achieve consistent, flavorful results. Its innovative features and robust construction make it an essential tool for any professional kitchen dedicated to sous-vide cooking.
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sousvideitaly · 2 years
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copperbadge · 1 year
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I own a sous-vide machine and have a reasonable level of experience with deep-frying, so lately I've been trying to reproduce Shake Shack's fried chicken nuggets. Shake Shack cooks the chicken sous-vide first and then breads and fries it after, so the chicken is exceptionally moist while the breading is still crispy (the downside being the breading doesn't stick as well, but I've never been able to make breading stick very well anyway).
Attempt #2 this morning came out pretty well, as you can see, although I believe I have managed to accidentally clone Chik-homophobi-A instead of Shake Shack.
I sous-vide cooked chicken thighs, cut into nuggets, at 140F for two hours (breast at 155 comes out too dry) then cooled them, dredged them in beaten egg white, and tossed them in bread crumbs seasoned with Trader Joe's pickle seasoning and salt before frying for 2-3 minutes. I like TJ's pickle seasoning and putting it in the breading was great but between using breadcrumbs instead of batter and the faint pickle-juice flavor, it did give very Chik vibes.
Next time I'll try brining the thighs first and doing a batter instead, although it's pretty cool to know that the egg-and-breadcrumbs works well for it.
[ID: A rather bad photograph of one of my plates, with several chicken nuggets sitting on it; they are irregularly shaped, golden brown, and flecked here and there with seasoning.]
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trashland-llamas · 10 months
How some of the QSMP likes their eggs cooked
Clarification, the literal food item, not their kiddos
Tubbo; raw, eggshells and all
Cellbit; powdered eggs when he's in the thick of investigating something, over easy when he's actually takes the time to make eggs
Aypierre; poached, in one of those egg holders where you crack it w/ a spoon
Badboyhalo; quiche, but specifically made in one of those cheap cupcake pans where you can bend it a certain way and they pop right out
Wilbur; eggs benedict. eats it w/o any utensils despite how messy it can get
Jaiden; pickled in koolaid, has 7 different jars of them, each a different flavor
Roier; over-medium egg, those ones that look like wispy clouds thrown together in a sandwich w/ green tomato
Bagi; sous vide. apparently, it's cooking vacuum sealed eggs in a water bath but there's a machine that does it for you. eats it on avocado toast.
Roier; y'know how for some baking recipes, you have to whip the egg whites w/ a mixer? yea, he's eating the results of that aka whipped egg whites.
Etoiles; frittata but it's cut into a bunch of little stars that are then put into an egg drop soup, almost as if it were chicken noodle soup
Foolish; is Emmett Cullens w/ a bag of like 12 boiled eggs. goes even further w/ it by slicing them in half and making little peanut butter and jelly sandwiches out of them.
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deancasbigbang · 1 year
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Title: You will greet yourself arriving
Author: an_ardent_rain
Artist: Corvu
Rating: Mature
Pairings: undefined
Length: 25000
Warnings: discussion and depiction of alcoholism
Tags: Case fic, domesticity, fake relationship, getting together, healing, post-canon, fix-it, alcohol use disorder
Posting Date: October 27, 2023
Summary: When a ghost is causing trouble in a wealthy suburban neighborhood, the Winchester’s are asked to investigate. Their cover: Dean and Cas are a couple just moving in. Dean’s fine with this, despite things being awkward between him and Cas since that big speech as he was dying, confessing his love. And despite all the troubles Cas has had since coming back human. And the struggle to deal with his preferred coping mechanism of heavy drinking now that his liver is no longer divinely inspired. And, oh yeah, there’s the tiny fact that Dean loves him too. Sam is convinced that the case will give the two a chance to talk and fix things, but with their track record of poor communication, Dean’s worried it’ll only make things worse. Some things are worth it, though, and when the case turns out to be nothing but a milk run, there’s no excuse left for them to keep ignoring the tension between them. (Based on the X-Files ep “Arcadia”)
Excerpt: “You can still play your character,” Jack assures him.  “I know you were practicing.” “Practicing.”  Sam’s eyebrows shoot up.  “What the hell does that mean, Dean?” “Watching several episodes of the early 2000s era show Desperate Housewives,” Jack says.  “And a telenovela.  And the Dr. Sexy episode where—” “I’m a professional,” Dean says.  He walks from the foyer into the kitchen off to the right.  He looks over his shoulder at the others and gives them a shit-eating grin.  “I’m always prepared.” Jack and Sam are talking, but Dean ignores them.  He’s not about to stand there and be insulted for his television choices.  He starts opening the cabinets and looking around at what’s been left.  Jody’s friend Marlene isn’t living there, but she left enough for it to be habitable, and apparently her son was living there for awhile.  There’s a few dishes, a toaster, something Dean recognizes from YouTube rabbit holes as a sous vide machine, and an entire corner dedicated to coffee-making.  He whistles.  “Looks like Marlene was a coffee snob,” he says, fiddling with the switch on the electric kettle.   “Well you’re welcome to use anything here, she said,” Sam tells him, coming into the kitchen trailed by Cas and Jack.  “Electricity’s on, so is wi-fi, some streaming services I think, and the HOA dues are paid.” “What’s a fucking HOA?” Dean asks, bending down to look through the cabinets.  This Marlene definitely seems like the kind of well-off to have some Le Creuset.  “Don’t they measure the blades of grass in your lawn and have stupid rules about how you can decorate?” “It’s the homeowners’ association, Dean,” Cas says, sounding snooty as hell about it and staring up at the top of the cabinets like he’s trying to smite them.  There’s a dried piece of vine, probably from a plant that used to be there that no one bothered to clean up, which apparently offends Cas somehow judging by his squinty eyed frown about it. Dean opens his mouth to snark back when Sam interrupts.  He prefaces this interruption with a loud, put-upon sigh, which in Dean’s opinion is just fucking overkill.  “All the rules and regulations are in the stuff Jody forwarded to us, okay?  Solve the case quickly and I doubt you’ll be here long enough for it to matter.” “I’m willing to lick some boots, Sam—” “Dean—” “But those assholes better not say a damn thing about Baby.”  He stands up from his search of the cabinets, his bad knee twinging.  He points at his brother.  “That’s non-negotiable.” “I”m pretty sure the only parking regulation is no street parking,” Sam says. “Street parking?  She’s a damn lady, Sam, I’m not—” “Cas.”  Sam sighs again and folds his arms over his chest.  “Just make sure you know the rules, okay?  And try to keep Dean from doing anything that will cause obvious problems
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