#soup bowl 2023
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soupbowl2023 · 2 years ago
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Round Two
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rebecca2525 · 1 year ago
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Botober day 28: A haunted bowl of soup
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demoniomano · 1 year ago
random starter - @forgivengear
Soups Up as she wanted a portion of their yearly soup but the eclipse quite ended up in Fibonacci so it was fate the they had met once again in a blue moon. Can't count how many but alas.
She does remember them. Testament that is.
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"Oh, it's been a while!" Surprised as she was, she holds a bowl and has a spare too. "I know you just got here so, how about some soup? You might be hungry anyhow."
Offers the spare bowl to them.
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alicewritingstories · 2 years ago
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Voronwe finally gets a break after arriving in Gondolin.
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xaviergalatis · 1 year ago
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New England clam chowder
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amethystsoda · 1 year ago
Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon Recipe masterlist - part 1
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(project started in July 2023 and ongoing! I'll continue updating as the recipes are posted — all recipes so far were created before they appeared in the anime) part 2
Recipe 1 - Huge Scorpion and Walking Mushroom Hotpot
comparison pics / process video / video and recipe commentary
- full list continued after the jump -
Recipe 2 - Man Eating Plant Tart
gelatin hell process 1 + process 2 / failed tart process video / comparison pics of redo / redo video with quiche
Recipe 3 - Roast Basilisk
brining / kfc super shy meme / oven setup and finished bird / planning for recipe 4 / process video
Recipe 4 - Mandrake and Basilisk Omelet (Omelette)
comparison pics / process video
Recipe 5 - Mandrake Kakiage and Giant Bat Tempura
Planning for recipe 5 and 6 / comparison pics / process video
Recipe 6 - Living Armor Soup
comparison pics and commentary on process / process video
Recipe 7 - Golem Field Fresh Veggie Lunch
planning for 7 and 8 / cooking research / process video / comparison pics
Recipe 8 - Freshly Stolen Vegetables and Chicken Stewed with Cabbage Accompanied by Plundered Bread
comparison pics / process video
Recipe 9 - Naturally Delicious Treasure Insect Snacks
planning 1 + planning 2 / coinbug carving process 1 + process 2 / gem making test / comparison pics / process video
Recipe 10 - Special Interfaith Holy Water and Exorcism Sorbet
planning / process / process video / comparison pics / second comparison with anime
Recipe 11 - Court Cuisine: Full Course Meal
planning 1 + planning 2 / comparison pics / process video
Recipe 12 - Boiled Mimic and Kelpie Oil Soap
planning / comparison pics / process video
Recipe 13 - Porridge made from Grain that was just Lying Around
comparison pics and thoughts / process video
Recipe 14 - Giant Parasite from a Giant Kraken Grilled Plain and Kabayaki-Style
eel defrosting / comparison pics and process / process video
Recipe 15 - Farcille Raspberry Tart
planning for tart / ganache process / final pictures / process video
Recipe 16 - Grilled Kelpie
planning / comparison pics / process video
Recipe 17 - Tentacles with Vinegar + Tentacle and Kelpie stew, prepared with Undine
planning / comparison pics / process video / (fullmetal alchemist stew meme)
BONUS - All the DunMeshi meals so far edit
Recipe 18 - Tentacle Gnocchi
planning / comparison pics / process video
Recipe 19 - “Let’s Cutlet the Red Dragon”
original katsudon attempt from 2023 / katsu excitement / comparison pics / process video / anime comparison
Recipe 20 - Red Dragon Meal
planning 1 / planning 2 / oxtail broth update / pickled daikon recipe / comparison pics / process video: part 1 and part 2 / recipe post
Recipe 21 - Lost Red Dragon "Ham" + Orc Medicine Toast
comparison pics / process video
Recipe 22 - Travel Rations Set for Adventurers
planning / comparison pics / process video
Recipe 23 - Jack-o'-Lantern Potage and Sauteed Dryad Buds with Cheese
planning / pumpkin bowl face / comparison pics / process video / blooper reel
BONUS - (dunmeshi zine chef contributor announcement!!!)
Recipe 24 - Eisbein-Style Cockatrice and Dryad Bud Sauerkraut
planning / sauerkraut poll / comparison pics / process video
BONUS - DunMeshi tiktok milestones!
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sunnydaze081 · 10 months ago
I’m putting songs that i specifically recommend here and bands in the tags
does anyone have emo band recs? i’ve recently (last few months) gotten into the scene and i listen to mostly emo/pop punk bands but i’d like to discover some more!! most of the bands i listen to are in the tags :D
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astarioffsimpmain · 1 year ago
Cushioned Affections
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Gale x Astarion x F!Tav
Warnings: Poly relationship discussion; insecurity; mention of past relationship abuse
Synopsis: Tav is tired of waiting for Astarion to make his move, so she allows Gale to make his first. But will that put an end to her and her favorite vampire spawn?
Author's Note: I'm a day late, I know, but this fic is for the BG3 Holiday Fluffle 2023, hosted by @justporo with the prompt "Getting Cozy"!
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The chill that had settled over many of your nights in the last few months was slowly creeping its way into your days, infiltrating you and your motley crew through brisk winds that could cut through any armor and lay clothes, chilling you all to your very bones. The campfire became the favorite place of every one of your traveling companions - even Astarion, who usually preferred to observe the group’s frivolities from the entrance of his tent. But this evening, the aloof vampire had firmly wedged himself between you and your resident wizard, Gale, on one of the logs in front of the roaring flames. 
“There’s a perfectly clear spot next to Lae’zel, you know.” Gale mumbled, clearly unhappy with the current seating arrangements. 
“That seat could get me decapitated and I personally prefer to keep such beauty soundly attached, thank you very much.” Astarion replied haughtily, turning his nose up at the wizard’s suggestion before scooting closer to you, affronted. 
“Rightly assumed, spawn.” Lae’zel spat, not so much as glancing up from her soup bowl.
“Hah!” Astarion exclaimed triumphantly, sending a taunting expression Gale’s way as he wrapped his shawl tighter around his already cold body. 
“Well, I’m very glad you’ve joined us tonight, Stari.” you said, opening your arm to him and allowing him to snuggle close, a relieved sigh escaping his lips as your warmth enveloped him. “And Gale, thank you so much for the wonderful meal. I always forget I'm sleeping on the ground when you fix your soup.” 
The compliment settled in Gale’s cheeks as they tinged pink and a smile graced his lips for the first time since Astarion had forced the two of you apart. “Why thank you, Tav.” he sent a charming smile your way over the mess of white curls between you. “You flatter me too much.” 
“Yes, she does.” Lae’zel replied curtly, although she made no effort to hide her empty bowl. 
“Nah, this shit’s awesome, Gale.” Karlach piped up, already filling up her bowl for the third time. “Anybody need a warm-up?” 
“Me, if you would, Karlach.” Shadowheart passed her bowl across the fire to the tiefling, who grabbed it enthusiastically and held it between her palms as the flames beneath her skin crackled and popped to life for a few seconds before simmering down again. The contents of the bowl were now steaming as Karlach passed it back over to Shadowheart, who let out a pleased groan when the warmth hit her fingertips. 
“Thank you all.” Gale said, a pleased smile on his lips. “I’m glad I could deliver a measure of culinary satisfaction to our treacherously meager living accommodations.” 
“Darling, just say “thank you for the dick-stroking” and be done with it.” Astarion drawled, his eyes having lazily fallen closed once your fingers had wound their way into his hair. 
“I’ll have you know,” Gale’s voice rose as he spoke over Karlach and Shadowheart who had burst out laughing., “My honed verbosity is one of the most prevalent things that earned me a place as one of the most well-respected voices of wisdom in Waterdeep, and beyond.” 
“Oh yes, it was your tongue; of that I’m certain.” Astarion murmured, half asleep, and you bit down on the inside of your lip to keep the giggle from escaping as Karlach and Shadowheart descended into fits of cackling once again, while Lae’zel allowed the ghost of a smile to cross her lips. You even noticed Wyll choking back a chuckle over his soup. 
Gale shook his head disapprovingly, and you thought things may have gone too far until an amused smile crept across the wizard’s face and he shot you a quick glance with mirth dancing in his eyes. You smiled back at him, the chill of the evening all but melted away in the presence of your unlikely group of friends. 
After the fire had long since died, and many of your companions had retired to their own bedrolls in the shelter of their tents, you helped Gale clean up around the campfire, stacking bowls in on each other - deciding to wait for the warmth of the sun before taking them to the river to wash them out - and gathering the extra blankets to hoard for personal use. 
Astarion sat idly by, book in hand, while you both worked, only looking up from the pages and stretching languidly when you paused in front of him. “Well, darling, are you ready to hide away and curl up in our own little cocoon for the evening?” he cooed, batting his long eyelashes at you demurely. 
“Come on, Astarion, just say you’re desperate for a cuddle and be done with it.” Gale appeared over your shoulder smiling, pleased to have been given the chance to throw the words back in the vampire’s face. 
“Actually,” you stepped in front of Gale and swatted at him playfully. “Gale’s got a new volume of that Dark Elf tales I’ve been reading as of late, and he wanted to read a few chapters with me before we went our separate ways. Would you like to join us? I know how much you enjoy those stories.”
Astarion chortled dismissively, rolling his eyes. “I think I’d prefer freezing to death than getting anywhere near the “wizard of Waterdeep”’s personal stash.” 
You sighed, shrugging your shoulders and turning away. “Your choice. I’ll see you back in my tent afterwards either way. Although,” you pause, flipping your hair over your shoulder to match his dramatics. “It will be much warmer in Gale’s tent because we currently have all of the extra blankets. I do hope you’ll reconsider.” you teased, mimicking the vampire’s tonal lilt as you hoisted a few of the remaining blankets over your shoulder and walked off. In a few long strides, you caught up with Gale, who was struggling with his own bundle of blankets. 
“Do you think he’ll drop by?” his voice came out muffled, his face fully blocked from your vision by a mountain of fluff.
A giggle bubbled out of you, and you patted some of the blankets away from his eyes. A muffled “thank you” reached your ears. “I don’t know, but I hope so. I do wish he didn’t keep to himself so often; he shouldn’t be alone. But he has to choose to let in the warmth himself - and not just mine.” Gale nodded quietly - a rare occurrence - and led the way to his tent. 
You were ceaselessly amazed by the sheer number of books Gale Dekarios was able to keep with him; shelves upon shelves lined with volumes - everything from A Comprehensive History of Waterdeep to The Practicality of Learning the Weave and more - just waiting to dazzle you with the wonders inside. However, the books that caught your eye were front and center, at a perfect height for you - done intentionally, you had no doubt - was the Dark Elf trilogy, finally completed with a stunning hardback edition of Sojourn with a beautifully crafted image of the drow himself gracing the book jacket. 
“Gods, Gale, wherever did you find it?” you murmured softly, stroking the spine tenderly. 
"Ah, a wizard never reveals his secrets. But let’s just say, I do still have some influence in some of the cities we’ve passed through thus far, and was able to get my hands on a nice copy, just for you."
You clutched the book to your chest, beaming up at him from where you stood. "Thank you, Gale. Shall we read?" His heart skipped a beat, he thought, as he nodded and sat down amidst his pile of pillows and blankets and you settled in between his legs, your back pressing warmly against his chest as his arms wrapped around your front before his mind could even catch up with him. 
“Are- are you sure you and Astarion are just friends?” the words slipped from his lips and he cringed at himself, a large part of him fearing the question would bring you to your senses and he’d lose this intimate connection he’d found with you.
“No, I’m not.” you admitted softly and his heart dropped into his stomach, his arms wrapping tighter around you in anticipation of the loss. “But I’ve told him that I have feelings for you too, and I’ve told him that while I’m patient enough to wait for him, he needs to tell me to wait for him before I will. I’ve…” you paused, sniffling a little as the emotions welled up inside of you. “I’ve had my heart broken a lot by being led on, or by waiting for people who, in the end, chose someone else; someone more-” 
“Hey, shhh don’t do that.” Gale whispered in your ear, planting a chaste kiss there and squeezing you tight. “You’re plenty enough as you are, alright?” You nodded, breathing deep before continuing.
“I told him how much I care for him, and how much I’d like to have more with him. But I was also honest and told him how much I care for you, so I’ll tell you what I told him. If you need time, tell me to wait for you. Hopefully you’ll listen.” you mumbled the last part so softly that Gale could have missed it if he hadn’t been paying attention. But your words, your touch, your presence was his whole world right now, and he couldn’t possibly miss the sadness and longing left hanging in the air once you fell quiet. 
“Well… I hope he’ll come around soon. But in the meantime, I don’t need to wait. I know my answer right now.” he murmured against your ear, reveling in the shudder that traveled the length of your spine in his hold. You turned your head just enough to lock your penetrating gaze with his, waiting for him to say the words. You wouldn’t settle for interpretations; not any longer. “I care for you, greatly, Tav. And if you find it in that beautiful heart of yours to save a place for me, I’d gladly reside there for the rest of my days.” 
“Gale,” you whispered, your eyes clouding over with unshed tears of relief that flooded you like a sudden storm. He caught the emotions with his lips on yours, alleviating some of the weight of the emotional burdens that you had carried with you for all too long, and a sob escaped into his mouth. He swallowed the pain and lapped it up with his eager tongue, desperate to comfort your aching soul as his hands explored your body. You moaned softly into the kiss before pulling away, a little giggle leaving your lips as you nuzzled into his neck. You bit your bottom lip, your smile threatening to overtake the rest of your face as Gale's hands ran the lengths of your arms and back. "We're supposed to be reading." You chuckled, and Gale’s own laughter rumbled through your body in response. 
"Then let us read, my sweet." He pressed a kiss to your temple and plucked the book from your hands, opening it to the first page before conjuring a few mage hands to do the rest while he wound his arms tightly back around you and began to read aloud. 
You had enjoyed several chapters of the book together when a shadow moving outside caught your attention. You silenced Gale with a hand held in the air, your body tensing as you reached for your sword. 
"Uhm… hello?"
The soft, tentative voice coming through the flap had your muscles relaxing immediately. "Astarion," you exhaled in relief and pulled the tent flap open. He stood there in little more than his ruffled undershirt and pants, shivering ever so slightly from the cold; his eyes a catastrophic blend of hope, fear, and vulnerability as they locked onto you. "Oh gods, Stari, come in here, you're freezing!" You fussed worriedly, opening your arms to him like you so often did, and you didn't miss the sudden ease of his sharp facial features as he gave in to your embrace, pulled to it like a moth to a flame, and settled into your arms like he belonged there. He did belong there. 
You walked backwards, enough to seal the tent flap behind the elf, before your fingers found his curls as they always did, and he sighed happily as you scratched his scalp. He nuzzled closer to you, his icy cold nose finding a home in the nape of your neck as you calmed him. "I'm so glad you came." You mumbled into his hair and he merely hummed in response, pulling you flush against him and trailing his hands up and down your spine. After several quiet moments of quiet repose in each other's arms, you pulled back enough to look Astarion in the eyes. 
"I-" He spluttered, his gaze flicking to Gale then back to you. "I really wanted to get a look at this book of yours, Gale. As Tav said, I enjoy the dark drow stories myself." He brushed some wrinkles out of his white shirt awkwardly and you took the opportunity to shoot Gale a deadly glare. Play along, it said. Or else.
"Of course." Gale chirped, trying to sound as casual as possible. "Well, it truly is a beauty, isn't it Tav?"
"Definitely." You smiled in silent thanks and reached for Astarion's hand, pressing the pad of a finger into one of his and allowing him to do the rest. "Come on. We're on chapter 5, but I'll give you a summary of what's happened so far." You sat down beside Gale, and Astarion beside you, and you launched into the details of what Astarion had missed in the first five chapters, forgetting the world around you and all of its present dangers: the tadpoles, the mindflayers, the Absolute, all of it, and diving into the adventure yet again. Gale glanced over at the new visitor in his tent, initially with dubiosity; he'd had no intention of sharing you if that's what it came down to. However, his resolve wavered ever so slightly once he took in the vampire’s face as he looked at you. Gale didn't know Astarion could even look like that: his features softened, the harsh lines and wrinkles missing from his pale face, and his eyes wide with wonder and- Gale paused, realization slamming into him at full force as the vermillion glint of the vampire's eyes in the candlelight revealed his secrets. Gale recognized that look. It was the same look he had in his eyes when he looked at you. 
And as he watched, Gale saw the same look in your eyes, no matter which man they were trained upon. "Godsdamn it." He thought. "What in the hells am I going to do?" 
"That's all that's happened so far." You clapped your hands together as you finished catching Astarion up. "Shall we continue?" You turned your head to Gale who said nothing, only nodded and prepared to cast another set of Mage Hands. 
"W-wait, for a moment." Astarion stopped him hesitantly. "I'd- well, I'd like to say something first, Tav." 
"Oh, of course." You looked back at him, your eyes wide and curious. 
"I've been thinking about this for awhile, but I never really knew how to put it into words. However, I- ugh this is so ridiculously awkward with the wizard here too." He buried his face in his hands. 
"I can leave for a moment if you-"
"Gods. No, it involves you, sit down." Astarion huffed, waving his hand in Gale's direction. 
"Very well." Gale remained as he was, perched precariously on a pillow, his full attention on the vampire spawn. 
"I've realized lately that, that I've never had someone who cares for me before - not that I can remember, anyway. And no one that could possibly measure up to you." He said the words to your fingers, which he had wrapped up in his own and was fiddling with tenderly in his lap. "I don't want to lose you, but I didn’t know how to tell you so, even when you told me how. It didn't feel quite right, it didn't fit. But I can say it now." He tilted his head up and met your eyes steadily. "I care for you, Tav. I- I need time to process whatever this is between us. But I don't want you to think I don't want you, because I do. And, if that package comes with a certain pompous wizard," he leveled Gale with a humored smirk. "Then I believe I could be alright with that arrangement. As long as he plays by the same rules we do, that is." 
Gale shot you a quizzical look. "You have to be patient and respect all of his boundaries." You explained, and Gale’s face fell into a sorrowful understanding. 
"Of course I would respect your wishes, Astarion. I may be the victim of some over-active hubris, a wildly inconvenient condition, and an intellect much larger than my single head can contain, but I am not a man without respect and understanding." 
"So… by all of that you mean yes." Astarion quipped and Gale chuckled. 
"Yes, Astarion, I mean yes." 
"Wait, hold on a moment." You sat up on your knees between them, looking back and forth at the two men you'd come to love so much, settling on the wizard. "Gale, are you saying you'd be alright with a 3 person relationship? I didn’t know that was something you'd ultimately agree to." 
"No definite answers yet. I'm working on it. Much like Astarion, the thought of being without you is slowly proving too much to bear. And perhaps having you around won't be too bad in the end, Astarion." 
"Oh thank you kindly for those inspiring compliments, Gale." Astarion rolled his eyes, but the growing smile on his lips told the truth of his thoughts on the matter, and you squeezed his hand with a sudden giddiness. 
"Anytime." Gale made a mock bow before sitting back down in the mess of pillows. "Now, are we going to read or shall I kick you both back out into the cold?" His mage hands appeared and he handed them the book. 
"You wouldn't!" You gasped playfully, scooting closer to him.
"Yes, yes, you're right, I wouldn't. Come here, both of you. If you're going to see the drawings you'd better get close." You resumed your place between Gale's legs and opened your arms to Astarion, who crawled in between yours and curled up against your chest like a cat, his head resting on your shoulder, glancing up at the book every now and again to admire the artwork, then planting tender kisses along your jawline before settling back into you. 
After several chapters more and an hour had gone by, Astarion purred softly against your chest while Gale rubbed your arm with one hand and Astarion's back with the other. Your hands were where they often found purchase - amidst soft white curls that were as light as air to your touch - , massaging small circles on the elf's head as he dozed, and you didn’t know how you could possibly be happier. You sighed blissfully, allowing your eyes to finally fall closed. 
"Goodnight Gale, goodnight Astarion." You mumbled, already halfway gone. 
"Goodnight, Tav." Gale whispered in your ear as you faded into a euphoric sleep, curled up between the men you loved; the men who loved you; the men who could possibly one day learn to love each other.
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woso-fan13 · 1 year ago
Comfortember 2023: 27 (Barca)
27. Soup
Alexia curses herself for not noticing that something was wrong with you sooner. She had noticed your slower reaction time during the pay day or two of practice, along with your slower speed and lack of stamina. But she had just brushed it off, thinking it was nothing. 
It wasn’t nothing. 
She found this out when she pulled up to pick you up for practice and you weren’t waiting out front for her. Sighing, she dials your number and waits as the phone rings. Hanging up when your voicemail begins playing, she redials. The same result. Alexia grumbles, turning her car off and walking to the main entrance. 
She presses your buzzer down and holds it, waiting for you to shout through the intercom that you were coming so could she please lay off on the button. There’s no response, even after she presses the buzzer rapidly in a short pattern. 
Growing slightly worried, Alexia presses the buzzer to your neighbors’ apartments until a voice finally responds, explaining the situation quickly before hearing the click of the door unlocking. 
That was the hardest part, as she knew that she had your spare key in her bag. Digging through in search of the key, she walks to your door. 
She knocks, not bothering to wait for a response before sticking the key in and pushing the door open. The lights are off inside, the apartment seemingly empty. It couldn’t be, though, you hadn’t just disappeared. 
Alexia searches through the apartment, eventually finding you asleep in the front bathroom. You’re passed out on the floor, still dressed in the clothes you wore home from practice yesterday. It seemed that you had only made it that far upon your return and hadn’t moved since. 
You don’t look super uncomfortable and Alexia doesn’t want to disturb your peaceful sleep, so she simply grabs a throw blanket from the living room and tosses it over you. It’s probably not the smartest idea, seeing as she can see the flush from the fever on your face, but she needs to do something. 
Sitting in a chair that has visual access to the bathroom (and, therefore, your form slumped on the floor) Alexia pulls out her phone.
You wake up in a haze, vaguely remembering that you’re sick. You peel your head off of the floor, appreciating the fact that nausea doesn’t instantly overwhelm you. 
“Buenas días, Nena,” a voice greets you, causing you to jump. 
“Lex?” you ask confused, trying to place the voice. 
“Sí, I’m in the kitchen. Think you can come over here?”
You take a few deep breaths and focus for a moment before pushing yourself to your feet. Your vision blurs and you wobble slightly, but you regain your balance and make it to the kitchen to plunk into a chair at the kitchen table. 
Alexia slides a bowl over at you, and you immediately recognize the contents. It seems that a warm bowl of soup while you’re sick is the thing that unites the world. 
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risustravelogue · 2 years ago
thinking about sick Alhaitham having to eat soup because he can barely eat solid food.
"when was the last time you got this sick?" you ask, feeding him another spoonful of your homemade soup.
"maybe twenty years ago, when my grandmother was still healthy," he answers. his nose crinkles, and he sneezes.
"I hate being sick," he mumbles. you can't help but smile, though. he looks so cute when he's vulnerable. you wipe a droplet from his lips with your index finger, making him blush at your soft touch.
"this is the universe telling you it's my turn to take care of you," you say. "don't worry, we can cuddle to sleep after you finish this bowl."
he pouts, but his lips curve into a loving smile when you turn away to refill his glass with hot water. a silent whisper falls from his lips.
"I'm so lucky to have you."
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© @risustravelogue 2023 • no to reposting, yes to reblogging. feel free to send an ask to suggest, chat, etc. :)
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soupbowl2023 · 2 years ago
Soup Bowl Round One
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itsamenickname · 15 days ago
AU, where everything that happen in the movie remain the same but with Beauty and the Beast’s element:
Bowser wants to make a good romantic impression on Peach, so he decides to enlist Luigi's help. Luigi is literally held captive in an iron cage, suspended above hot lava. Bowser offers him a deal: if Luigi teaches him how to be romantic, he will provide him with a comfortable bedroom and the best food, as long as Luigi agrees to help.
With no other choice, Luigi accepts the offer but insists on one of his condition: Bowser must release everyone from their cages. Bowser agrees and orders his minions to free all the prisoners.
Once free, Bowser keeps his promise by giving Luigi a room where he can feel comfortable and relaxed, though Luigi is still his prisoner nonetheless. In return, Luigi helps Bowser learn how to be sweet and romantic.
The first lesson is about Bowser's behavior; he needs to stop being so angry all the time. Luigi encourages him to act kindly toward his minions with a kind smile as he watch Bowser interact from a far. Next comes table manners. Luigi is shocked to see Bowser munching his food like a wild animal. When Bowser struggles to use his silverware because they're too small (since they were made for Peach to use), Luigi lifts his bowl of soup to Bowser, who copies the gesture. They mockingly cheer and drink their soup from their bowls.
Throughout Luigi’s time with Bowser and helping him, there’s something sweet and almost kind. But sure, Bowser was mean and coarse and unrefined. But now he is dear, but yet that makes him unsure of himself. Luigi wonders why he never noticed this before.
With a glance, Luigi captures Bowser’s attention, at least that is what Bowser thought he saw. When Luigi touch his hand, he does doesn’t shudder at Bowser’s paw. It’s a moment of connection that Bowser struggles to comprehend. He tries to convince himself it’s just a fleeting thought, yet something in Luigi’s gaze suggests otherwise.
But then Luigi’s never looked at Bowser that way before than Peach does.
This feeling is new and a bit alarming to Luigi, and who’d have ever thought that this could be. True, Bowser is no Prince Charming, but there’s something in him that Luigi simply didn’t see.
There is one additional lesson that Bowser wants Luigi to teach him: waltzing.
However, Luigi has never waltzed before and isn’t sure how to teach it. Luckily, Kamerk offers to instruct them both, as he knows a lot about waltzing. But first, they need proper attire.
Later, Bowser lets out an annoyed huff as his suit feels constricting after getting dressed. Just then, Luigi appears at the top of the grand staircase, and Bowser gasps in awe.
Luigi looks beautiful in his sparkling emerald green ballgown, complete with gloves. As they face each other, both sporting slight blushes, Bowser cannot believe how pretty Luigi looks and how well the gown suits him.
They are then led to the ballroom, which Kamerk has decorated with purple drapery and three bouquets of piranha plants to create a romantic atmosphere.
As they stand in the center, Bowser bravely inches closer to Luigi, wrapping his left arm around Luigi’s waist. Luigi gasps silently before placing his hand on Bowser’s right hand.
Kamerk summons instruments to play and begins instructing them on how to waltz properly. The music starts, and Bowser takes the lead, guiding Luigi around the ballroom. As they dance, they make eye contact as instructed by Kamerk, but Luigi's nerves jolt when he notices Bowser staring at him.
In Bowser’s gaze, Luigi sees a softness and gentleness that surprises him.
There may be something there that wasn’t there before.
Pretty bold of Bowser to ask Luigi for romantic advice when there was no evidence in the movie to suggest that Luigi would know anything about romance. 😆
In all seriousness though, this is actually a really cute idea, anon! :) When the movie came out in 2023, I remember there being a good amount of movie Bowuigi fan fictions on Ao3, but I don't think I've seen a Bowuigi fan fiction that has both the movie elements and Beauty and the Beast elements (keep in mind that my hiatus pertained to both Tumblr and Ao3).
I'm also curious as to who would be Gaston in this AU idea. My first guess would be Mario, but honestly...I don't know. I know movie Mario hates bullies and would stand up to Bowser, but I don't think he's the type of person to be so willing to kill Bowser. I would honestly lean more towards Peach as being Gaston in this idea because throughout the movie, she was the one so determined to stop Bowser and his plan.
Also, I love the possible AU idea that Luigi is having a good time with Bowser while poor Mario is having a panic attack about finding his brother and the terrifying thought that Luigi could very well already be dead. 😆
Luigi: *is enjoying himself for the first time since becoming Bowser's prisoner*
Mario: *every time he sees a Toad* HAVE YOU SEEN MY BROTHER?!
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s0m3b0dy2u · 30 days ago
╰┈➤ 2nd Musician DR Discography ♰
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!! My music is, in most cases, abstract metaphorical representations of my feelings, and does typically not reflect myself as a person. I do not condone eating your loved ones or deifying yourself !! //CW: Possible Mentions of Cannibalism, Sadism, Blood, Religious Trauma & Autotheism, etc.//
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┆ ⤿ ♰ ⌗ CANNIBAL SOUP .ᐟ
Concept: CANNIBAL SOUP centers around the act of consuming someone in a physical or emotional (but, of course, metaphorical) sense. Themes of hunger, desire, and control mainly dominate the songs, with me taking the role of the devourer—someone who takes without remorse. It represents, in a lot of ways, the way I see myself—particularly when it comes to relationships—but is greatly exaggerated.
Cover Art: A dark image of me seated at the head of a lavish, gothic dinner table, a bowl of soup steaming ominously before me, with indistinct shapes in the liquid.
Release Date: July 10th, 2022
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CANNIBAL SOUP Theme: The idea of taking everything from someone—portraying consumption as an act of intimacy and power. Lyrics Excerpt: I don’t need permission, I don’t ask “May I?” / Your body’s the altar, your heart’s the prize / The salt of your secrets, the spice of your sins— / I’ll take every piece; this hunger always wins
BITE ME Theme: An insatiable appetite, consumption as seduction—this track is about pursuing someone purely to devour them. Lyrics Excerpt: Bite me, break me / I’ll still take you completely / Surrender every piece, don’t fight me— / Your screams just excite me
BLOOD & WINE Theme: A slower, more atmospheric track about savoring the act of consumption. It likens devouring someone to drinking the finest wine—luxurious and intoxicating. Lyrics Excerpt: You’re not alive; you’re a feast divine / Your essence spills, like blood and wine / Drink deep, my love, you’re all that’s mine— / A sinner’s banquet, my blood and wine
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┆ ⤿ ♰ ⌗ Love's Leftovers .ᐟ
Concept: An obsessive, consuming love that eventually leads to betrayal and emotional ruin. My emotions are mirrored in the act of consuming an ex, only to find that the taste, once savored, leaves me cold. The cannibalism here is less about power and hunger and more about consumption as a result of emotional desperation. Regularly, I would divulge more details, but I recently found myself bitter over the relationship that inspired this album again.
Cover Art: A dimly lit fridge slightly ajar, revealing food containers with unsettling contents. The faint silhouette of my figure is reflected in the fridge door.
Release Date: February 14th, 2023
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Leftovers Theme: Reflecting on how I gave my all, only to end up with scraps. My ex is reduced simply to "leftovers." Lyrics Excerpt: I held you close, I kept you fresh / But love decayed; I’m just a mess / Every bite was laced with pain / I fear I’ll never crave you again
Flesh & Bone Theme: My hunger for love became so overwhelming that I started to see my ex as something to consume, but the reality of it turned my stomach, and I couldn't finish. Lyrics Excerpt: Your body was my feast / But the taste turned bitter in my mouth / I couldn’t swallow what I craved / The hunger died before it was out
Rotting Heart Theme: The metaphor of a rotting heart expresses the decay of love, which once felt alive but is now little more than a festering wound. Lyrics Excerpt: This rotting heart still cries for the love it once knew / But I can’t take the taste anymore, it’s true / Every pulse is a wound that keeps bleeding— / I’ll bury it deep, though it’s still beating
Fridge Door Theme: The ex now sits as a "leftover," trapped in the fridge of my mind. The fridge symbolizes emotional preservation, but it’s cold, sterile, and empty. Lyrics Excerpt: I can’t throw you out; I can’t let you stay / Love’s leftovers don’t rot, they just decay / A piece of you haunts every bite / Cold as ice in the dead of night
Spoiled Theme: Time has spoiled the love that we once shared. I see the remnants of what was good in the relationship, but it's decayed. I long for the love that was, but now it’s an emotional carcass—unfit for consumption. Lyrics Excerpt: I let you sit, I held on tight / But love doesn’t last in the coldest light / You’ve curdled, cracked, you’ve come undone / And I’m left starving, alone with none
Burned Bridges Theme: The relationship is irreparable, and all that’s left is anger and resentment. There’s no going back. Lyrics Excerpt: I watched the flames dance in your eyes / A burning truth, a lover’s disguise / But now the bridges are all gone / And I’m left here to carry on
Waste Not Theme: An almost bittersweet final track where I accept that the relationship was a waste. I’ll never truly “consume�� my ex, but I’ll forever be left with the lingering taste. Lyrics Excerpt: You’re the taste I can’t forget / Waste not, want not—nothing left to regret / I’ll carry your shadow, but never your flame / Waste not, want not—it’s all the same
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┆ ⤿ ♰ ⌗ 666 .ᐟ
Concept: The journey from being trapped within the confines of religious dogma to shattering those chains and proclaiming one’s own divinity. For most of my life I've grown up in a strictly and almost overbearing Christian household. One where I was told I couldn't do what I wanted to do or be who I wanted to be, and I tried my hardest to obey when I was young, but as I've grown it became harder and harder. This is basically saying screw you to my religious upbringing. !! Let me be clear: I respect every religion, but I don't respect being told who I "need to be." I am not trying to shit on any religion, nor genuinely deify myself !!
Cover Art: In the background, a dimly lit cathedral with cracked walls and broken stained-glass windows. In the center of the image, me, shirtless and adorned with intricate, dark tattoos that mimic angelic and demonic symbols. My head is tilted back slightly, a crown of thorns resting on my head, and blood dripping from it. My shadow casts a monstrous shape with a burning halo, horns, wings, and multiple arms. The number “666” is subtly incorporated into the cracks of the cathedral walls.
Release Date: October 31, 2023
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Blasphemy Hymn Theme: Rejection of religious indoctrination. This track expresses anger and rebellion against a religious upbringing. Lyrics Excerpt: I spat the wine, I broke the bread / A heretic’s prayer for the living dead / They said kneel; I said no / Now I burn in the fire below
Saint of Nothing Theme: This track reflects on the damage inflicted by blind devotion. It’s a lament but also a critique. Lyrics Excerpt: Take your halos, take your prayers / Your faith is a burden I refuse to bear / Saint of nothing, that’s all I’ll be / A hollow title that means nothing to me
Halo on Fire Theme: This track symbolizes the destruction of innocence and the betrayal of trust, and marks the start of freedom outside of any said religion. Lyrics Excerpt: They promised salvation, a golden light / But the truth was hidden in endless night / Their prayers were poison, their words a noose / I broke their chains and called it truce
Crown of Thorns (King of Me) Theme: A powerful anthem of self-deification, where I declare myself my own god and savior. Lyrics Excerpt: If no god will save me, I’ll become one instead / A crown of thorns on my mortal head / They prayed for my soul; I claimed it as mine / The king of me, divine by design
666 (The Fall) Theme: The track is chaotic and defiant, marking the “fall” of religious authority and the rise of my self-created dominion. Lyrics Excerpt: No heaven, no hell, just a throne of my own / A kingdom of ashes, a god made alone / I am the reckoning, the end of their creed / Their scripture burns; I plant the seed
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┆ ⤿ ♰ ⌗ The Fall of Rome .ᐟ
Concept: This album is a vent project wrapped in the historical narrative of the downfall of the Roman Empire, where I reflect on my own life through allegories of political corruption, war, religious shifts, and societal collapse.
Cover Art: The cover art for The Fall of Rome portrays me standing in the ruins of what’s supposed to be an ancient Roman city. The sky is ominous, a blend of deep reds and smoky blacks. The most striking detail is a golden laurel slipping from my fingers, halfway to the ground.
Release Date: April 20, 2024
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Pax Deceptiva Theme: A façade of stability—pretending everything is fine when it’s all falling apart. A warning of what’s to come. Lyrics Excerpt: We were told that peace would reign / But lies are the chains that hold us in place / The streets may shine, but inside it’s all decay / Pax Deceptiva, this false peace we’re made to obey
Heirs to Calligula Theme: I compare my parents to cruel, decadent emperors like Caligula and Nero—ruling through manipulation, indulgence, and destruction. Lyrics Excerpt: They took the throne with silver lies / Like Caligula, they ruled through fear in disguise / The lavish feasts were never enough / Their hunger for power kept me bound and rough
Stolen Pantheon Theme: My parents switched belief systems almost as easily as an empire changes rulers. I explores how their sudden religious shifts felt like having other religion’s gods stolen and repainted. Lyrics Excerpt: Like Rome, they claimed what they couldn’t own / They made new gods from what they had outgrown / From Zeus to Christ, they made the leap / But I never knew which god I was supposed to keep
Lead in the Water Theme: Comparing my struggles with anxiety, depression, and other mental health complications to the slow poisoning of Rome’s citizens through lead-tainted water. The things that were meant to sustain me were ultimately what killed me inside. Lyrics Excerpt: Lead in the water, it’s all that I know / A poisoned existence, but I never show / The pressure mounts, I can barely breathe / Yet I walk in circles, and still, I believe
Bread and Circuses Theme: Fake happiness, empty entertainment. I reflect on how people ignore their suffering by numbing themselves with shallow distractions—something I, too, have been guilty of. Lyrics Excerpt: Bread and circuses, to keep us in line / They feed us hope, but it’s just a lie we buy / We watch the flames, but never ask why / Bread and circuses, until we die
Enemy at the Gates Theme: I feel like both the empire trying to defend itself and the barbarian tearing it down. Lyrics Excerpt: Every step I take, I’m running from the truth / A self-imposed exile, afraid of the proof / The gates stand tall, but I can’t stand still / Every moment I hesitate, they break me at will
Et Tu? Theme: Betrayal is worse when it’s from those you trust most. I see my past betrayals (by family, friends, lovers, etc.) as my own Julius Caesar moment. Lyrics Excerpt: You promised loyalty, you swore to stay / But in the end, you turned away / Your words were sweet, your smile so kind / But you were the dagger that twisted behind
Ruins of an Empire Theme: Even after leaving my past behind, I still carry the weight of it. Lyrics Excerpt: I watched it burn from the highest halls / The empire shattered, the kingdom falls / The walls that held me came apart / Now I’m lost, a piece of broken art
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┆ ⤿ ♰ ⌗ 3:33 AM .ᐟ
Concept: Late-night existentialism—fleeting thoughts at the edge of sleep, surreal memories, and eerie self-reflections. The EP plays with themes of regret, dissociation, paranoia, nostalgia, and fleeting hope.
Cover Art: A digital clock reading "3:33 AM." The numbers are slightly blurred and distorted.
Release Date: August 23, 2024
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Static // Silence // Repeat Theme: Intrusive thoughts, feeling stuck in a mental loop. Lyrics Excerpt: I swear I left this moment behind / but here it is again—same breath, same time / The clock is a liar, it’s stuck in rewind / Every thought I erase just multiplies
untitled Theme: Dissociation, losing time, and questioning reality. Lyrics Excerpt: Every mirror holds a stranger’s face / But they all blink when I blink too / I leave the room, but the echoes stay / The shadows talk when I walk through
Mouthful of Glass, Pocketful of Teeth Theme: Self-inflicted pain, speaking but not being heard, a metaphor for feeling voiceless. Lyrics Excerpt: You said "speak," but never heard / So I let my teeth collect the words / They gathered dust between my ribs / Brittle, broken, counterfeit
I swear I saw you in my dreams last night, but when I woke up, your face was gone. Theme: Lost love, fleeting nostalgia, the fear of forgetting someone important. Lyrics Excerpt: How many dreams will I have to lose / Before I stop searching for you / The air still smells like yesterday / The echoes refuse to fade away
No One Knows I'm Awake Theme: Insomnia, paranoia, isolation, feeling like the world is moving without you. Lyrics Excerpt: Locked inside the hour’s grip / Ticking hands, electric hiss / I trace the cracks in the ceiling’s skin / Still waiting for the dark to let me in
... Theme: Acceptance, fading away, surrendering to the night. Lyrics Excerpt: Turn off the light, close my eyes / but the dark still hums behind my mind / Counting breaths, counting sheep / Counting all the things I shouldn’t keep
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Images: Pinterest | Dividers: Myself
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your-girl-mj · 2 years ago
morning after [1610!miles × f!reader]
summary: morning after with hangovers and your sweet boyfriend miles
warning: mama rio in early mornings /jk
note: she/her for reader, he/him for miles. aged up!miles and reader <3
created: august 10, 2023
published: august 15, 2023
first part | second part.
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[name] woke up feeling wasted the night before, which is true. she blinks the lights out until she gets used to it. looking around, she just figured out she's in miles's room.
she was scooted to the far corner of the bed, blanket neatly tucked her in, with an empty side of the mattress.
the girl slowly sat up, and she was hit with a major headache. hammering into her brain. a groan left her lips before she lay down again to make it stop.
[name] was rubbing the side of her head when miles came into his room. "hey. morning, baby." he was holding a bowl of freshly made soup, with a towel hanging on his arm. he spoke so softly to her, scared that any loud sounds would make her hangover worse.
"hi," matching his tone, she looked confused at the bowl in his hands as miles gave her a peck on her crown. "what's this?"
"breakfast, i made it." he grinned proudly. with a twip sound, he shot a web to glass of water at the table across the bed. when he retrieved it, the water spilt and wet the floor, "oh shoot—!" he was quick to send a sheepish beam
a giggle erupted from her throat, "you're such a dork." miles laid the towel on her lap and put the bowl in her hands.
"don't eat it yet," then taking off to get towels on his drawers, muttering; "didn't think that one through."
"¿mijo, estás bien por ahí?" mrs morales' voice is heard from outside the room, [name] peak at the agape door she saw her cleaning the kitchen. she's cleaning the mess miles made. [son, are you okay over there?]
"buenos dias, señora." the girl greeted, slowly sitting up again, as mrs. came in the room. not noticing miles hanging the now wet towel by his window sill next to his newly washed jacket. [good morning, mrs.]
"¡buenos dias, mija!" her voice made a slight knock on the brain, but [name] smiled warmly at her mother-in-law. "¿ya te lo comiste? miles lo hizo solo para ti." [good morning, daughter!] [did you already eat it? miles made it just for you.]
"not yet, but i'm sure it's good—" the girl was about to sip, but mrs. morales stopped her before she could get a taste. the spoon full was frozen in mid-air as she waited for the woman's words, thinking she did something wrong.
"ah!" a single sound makes it feel like you did something you should've. "mijo, feed her. i'm getting her some aspirin." with that, she left the room, leaving the door open for reasons.
"i was gonna before you came in," miles muttered a comment, rolling his chair closer to the bed, smiling at his girl who mirror it back.
"what did you just say?" mrs morales swiftly turned to face where his room is. her tone is blaring enough to be heard loud and clear. hands rested on her hips with a deep frown.
"i said, i was already planning to, mama!" miles cupped a hand over his mouth, not wanting to make [name]'s hangover worst. "sorry 'bout the noise, [nickname]." he sends a sheepish grin, stirring the soup, then scooping a spoon full and feeding her.
the two can hear mrs. morales muttering along the lines of, "if i heard one bad mouth, i'll ground him for three months. mummbling and muttering, i will woop his—" and the rest is mystery.
"its okay," she replied once swallowed, "i like lively mornings with you," [name] rested her hand over his, a beam never seems to left her features, "any morning with you, to be honest. it's been a while since i stayed over." with that, she continued to eat as he fed her. mrs. morales order's.
miles feel the same warmth in his heart at his girl. thinking about it, it's been a while since they spent the night together, and it's because he's busy being spiderman, a son, and a student all together. he only has a little time to be her boyfriend.
he soon feels guilt in his chest once again, the same one he felt last night. he now knows what she meant when she said he cancelled another date. sober [name] said it was fine while drunk [name] is saying she feels unloved.
they do say drunk words are sober thoughts.
before miles can bring up the topic, his dad already there to join the chaos. "what's the fuss all about?" he gave his wife a bear hug from behind. he's already in uniform, ready for work.
"my daughter has a hangover," mrs. morales stated, she finally found the medicine, and strolled her way back. those words never fail to make [name] melt on the spot.
"kidnapping is illegal." mr. morales reminded her, making himself a cup of coffee. his wife ignored his words and set water on the table as well as the aspirin the girl needed.
"drink this once you're done eating. miles, you're in charge of her." she gave him a firm look before pulling the door to only a few inches open.
"i'm starting to think she loves you more than me," miles shrugged, taking a few sips on the soup as well before feeding his girl. his eyes are literally heart-shaped as he looks at her lovingly.
"sorry, you have to find it this way, babe," [name] matches his tone, drawing a chuckle from her s/o. after a short moment, she leaned to his headboard with a sigh. "sorry, i got drunk. you probably had a hard time getting me home," she refused to meet his eyes, playing with the helm of the blanket on top of her.
"nah, it's cool. you're adorable when you're drunk." he kissed her on the nose, which she crunched up in process. "do you remember anything yesterday?" thinking she might be able to recall what she said to him.
as miles fetch her water and medicine, she couldn't help but get curious. "no. did we swing to your room?"
"if we did, the streets in brooklyn will be close for major clean up." his hand was fast to catch the thrown book at him, just seconds after his spider sense activated. he spun to face her, dorky beam is present to his face.
his girl only narrowed her eyes at him, "i don't know if i should be pissed or attracted to you right now." miles only shook his head with a laugh.
he thought back what her words were about last night. he wanted to make things clear and apologise for cancelling his dates with her more often than he intended.
she did say she doesn't drink, but why change that last night? he thought about it. clogs working on his brain before he was hit with reality. but he wanted to confirm it before assuming.
"is there any reason why you..drink last night?" miles asked gently and worried at the same time, not wanting to make her taken back with the sudden question.
"uh.. i kinda wanna know what it tastes like and... i guess i lost track.." it was the hesitancy in her voice that made his assumption higher. "this thing tastes amazing, by the way. i didn't know you had a chef dna in your blood." [name] smiled lightly, holding the bowl up then setting it to his bedside table.
changing the topic, he thought. "what can i say? i'm a genius," he hid his flustered expression with a smirk. miles hand her the aspirin, sitting beside her on his bed. miles watched her chugged up the water. once she was done, he started, "y'know, you can tell me anything, right?" taking her hand in his. miles' other hand put the cup away, right next to the bowl.
as the heat of his palms envelopes hers, it made her lean her body to him, swallowing the heat of his body, head on his shoulder. miles gladly accepts the gesture, wrapping his arms around her. "i know you basically know all my secrets." chuckling, she played it cool.
miles rest his head on top of hers, breathing out a sigh, "not all of them.." pulling her to his lap, just letting her rest. he peaked the crown of her head. "¿Por qué bebiste hermosa?" [why did you drink, beautiful?]
[name] can tell he was worried, she also feels a little guilty. miles let her play with the helm of his shirt, folding and unfolding, tugging it, wrinkling it. whatever made her to process her words to say. "i don't know.."
"you don't know?" his hands tapping on her thighs, before drawing — doodling on her back with the tip of his finger. they're completely relaxed to each other, to the point they didn't see mrs. morales sneaking a picture of them, then letting them be.
"i was... feeling kinda lonely, i guess.." she crumbled the bottom of his shirt, "i don't really know.." she whispered, dancing around the truth. she's too embarrassed to admit that she misses him dearly,
they've been like this for almost a year. few months after miles became spiderman, he's always there for her.
they still have time together, but after a few times of miles missing a date or hangout... those few times became often. and she feels like she's his best friend again, just.. hanging around for a short while before he leaves.
"y'know, you told me you feel unloved because i always cancelled our dates..." miles feel her hands stopped fidgeting, her state completely frozen. "is it true?"
when [name] only stayed quiet, he suck his teeth. "hey, it's okay if you do. i won't cancel on you again, i promise you."
"...i—" she took a breath, "i don't want to feel like a priority to you..." miles frowned at that, "you're already busy being spiderman, and with your studies not to mention with your parents, i don't want to squeeze myself in there—"
[name] was unable to finish as his lips pressed into hers, miles pulled away from a second, looking at her briefly before locking their lips in a kiss again.
once pulled away, the girl is in awe for a short amount of time before hiding into his neck. miles gave her ear a kiss, whispering. "you don't have to squeeze yourself in. you're already in it." sighing, disappointed to himself, "it was my fault.."
"miles..." she shook her head, ready to deny his words.
"no, don't deny it." he pulled away, looking at her beautiful face, cupping it in his hands. "I've been a bad boyfriend to you for so many months now... and i'm really sorry, sunflower.." [name] feel her heart skip a beat at the old nickname he always call her when they started their relationship, where everything was perfect.
the nickname brought both nostalgia.
"i wanna make it up to you, and not just flowers, chocolates, and some drawings." holding her hands in his, he kisses each and every finger and knuckles, "i want to make it up to you in a real date, without any interpretations. just me and you." his eyes held hope and determination. he doesn't want to mess this up.
[name] feel a smile crept to her lips before it was wiped out and worry was replaced. "but miles, what if—"
"dad can handle it." miles immediately answered, but her expression didn't change, she feels like she would be the reason why someone would get hurt because spiderman didn't show up. "they'll be okay. it will only be once in a while. there are no super villain on the loose for them to need me. dad can handle a few criminals."
the smiled he adored came back, making him mirror it. "okay," she nodded, pulling him into her once again, "i missed you."
"i missed you too, sunflower."
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sorry for not posting sooner, writer's block beat me like miguel beating miles (child abuse /jk) 😔
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simdertalia · 1 year ago
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🥞 ACNH Big Food Set 3 🥨
Sims 4, Base game compatible | 29 items
All items have had extra plate/bowl/basket swatches added. I put a note in the WIP post, but I don't think anyone saw it, I was asking if everyone would want second versions of the soup items with the steam animation (requires Cats & Dogs). If that's something you'd like me to add, please let me know 💗
**Steam animation versions of the soup items have been added! ☺️
Always suggested: bb.objects ON, it makes placing items much easier. For further placement tweaking, check out the TOOL mod.
You can use the scale up & down feature on your keyboard to make any items larger or smaller to your liking. If you have a non-US keyboard, it may be different keys depending on which alphabet it uses.
Set contains: -Carpaccio: Beakfish | 4 swatches | 803 poly -Carpaccio: Marlin | 4 swatches | 803 poly -Carpaccio: Salmon | 4 swatches | 835 poly -Carpaccio: Scallop | 4 swatches | 889 poly -Fish Meal: Bass | 4 swatches | 1196 poly -Fish Meal: Bream | 4 swatches | 1142 poly -Fish Meal: Mackarel | 4 swatches | 1049 poly -Fish Meal: Plaice | 5 swatches | 874 poly -Fish meal: Turbot | 6 swatches | 910 poly -Fryers 1-7 (7 items, has different food inside) | 3 swatches each for how cooked the food is | 975, 1035, & 1047 poly -Pancakes: Coconut | 5 swatches | 1019 poly -Pancakes: Fruit | 5 swatches | 1200 poly -Pancakes: Plain | 5 swatches | 845 poly -Pancakes: Potato | 5 swatches | 512 poly -Pretzels: Salty | 2 swatches | 1190 poly -Pretzels: Sweet | 2 swatches | 1190 poly -Soup: Bamboo Shoot | 7 swatches | 892 poly -Soup: Carrot | 7 swatches | 892 poly -Soup: Minestrone | 7 swatches | 1199 poly -Soup: Mushroom | 7 swatches | 1198 poly -Soup: Potato | 7 swatches | 892 poly -Soup: Seaweed | 7 swatches | 892 poly -Tangyuan | 1 swatch | 1038 poly
Download all or pick & choose:
📁 Download all or pick & choose (SFS, No Ads): HERE
📁 Alt Mega Download (still no ads): HERE
📁 Download on Patreon
Will be public on December 23rd, 2023
Happy Simming! ✨ Some of my sets will be early access from now on. If you like my work, please consider supporting me:
★ Patreon  🎉 ❤️ |★ Ko-Fi  ☕️  ❤️ ★ Instagram📷
Thank you for reblogging ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
@sssvitlanz  @maxismatchccworld @mmoutfitters  @coffee-cc-finds  @itsjessicaccfinds  @gamommypeach  @stargazer-sims-finds  @khelga68  @suricringe  @vaporwavesims  @mystictrance15 @public-ccfinds
The rest of my CC
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cirqosmos · 1 year ago
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𝐍𝐢𝐢-𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧'𝐬 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
SUMMARY: a decade without a mother to tend to your maternal needs had instilled a broken trust inside of you, but atleast you got the warmth of your wonderful father who persisted by your side. thus came the day, where a woman with eyes of the stars came around—bestowing rays on his days and you were more than delighted to accept her into your arms, but to your surprise, you were not only letting one person inside your home but two.
GENRE/WARNING yandere content, high school au, stepcest lol. (not a English native so prob plenty of grammar errors btw)
WC 7k / short series with three episodes with smut in the finale.
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《 𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟏 : 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 》
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Playing house.
You've always adore playing house; as a child, you would sprint all the way back home just to play house with your little sewed toys and dolls. You couldn't care any less about peers your age or what they do, or what the recent updates going on about gaming or whatnot. 
For the very reason was because of a present you solely grew to adore with all your little heart could contain; which was your little playhouse your Papa had given you as present, leaving it on the table in your room on the very night of your birthday just before the midnight strikes.
Your eyes fluttered open and that alone, the sight alone was what melted your heart. And you'd never grew bored to repeat this no matter how much days, months, and years had passed.
The pure joy of placing your dolls in their respective seats, tiny teacups and porcelain plates in the purest white laid out neatly on the round small table, as you sat on the comfiness of the cushion on your knees while you talked about your day and everything little thing that occurs with the widest grin spread on your face. A tea party, or more specifically, 'an exclusive tea party'; where only the most trusted and important members could attend and dine in, they could even stay as long as they want even when the host had excused themselves which was very explanatory who it was.
You'd served them imaginary tea, or sometimes an exquisite wine when you feel like it. And depending on the time of the day, you'd serve them a plate of sandwich or bowl of soup. Sometimes the topic of the conversation with your little dolls would go as far as saying that you'd totally love to have your own little family someday, a perfect man like your father, be the perfect mother of your babies just like your mother.
Perfect, perfect; you lose count of how many times you repeated this word but how could you when you've been blessed with such perfect parents with flaws nowhere to be seen?
You happily enunciate each word to your little dolls, deeply sure that their animated yet still face are nodding along with your words.
Just like they always do.
They were much very trusted that you could talk about your imagination and your tiny aspirations of becoming a mother, just like your mother—where she could be seen from the kitchen, preparing tasty meals that left your mouth watering and heart palpating in doses of excitement. She was your inspiration, you wanted to be like her, to have your own babies and care after them with the utmost affection you could ever give; bath them, cook meals for them, give them a glass of milk, play with them, and then tuck them to bed as you read fairytale story books to them or sang a good night lullaby, ending the routine with a tender kiss on their cheek and forehead.
You would care for them, love them, embrace them, and tell them how much you love them every single day of their life. How wonderful would it be? How perfect it would be if it could come true?
Perfection. The frame of perfection binding the forms of your parents together with the little you in the center as you hold their hands with the widest smile and pride. Like the hard cover of the fairytale book you stumble upon a bookstore, displayed on the very front of the big glass window just enough for your little orbs to see. 
Lavender ink spilled through the hard letter carvings, and onto the exquisite art of their main characters, their shadows just enough to display their very personalities. That's how you imagine your little perfect family, and that's how you would like it to be in the future as well.
Innocent, untouched and untainted, sheltered with affection and love, just and justice, and a happily ever after carved on the end of the page.
Yet unfortunately, your happily ever after was nowhere to be found on the last page. Heck, you didn't even got into the last page before the one character you envisioned to be the definition of perfection was the cause of chaos and the embodiment of a rotten apple. 
It slam you the page of reality, ripping through the edges like silk turning into mold; contorting your face into expressions you've never knew existed, and stirred your hearts in emotions you've knew would be so ugly and terrible—leading you to believe that a perfect family of three would never existed at all. The rosy lenses obscuring your eyes finally ripping away to see the reality in front of you, that your dream isn't always going to come true.
That a family won't be as perfect as it is like it does in fairytales.
Until one day—
"You found someone?"
"Was she nice?"
"How does she look like?"
—was the question you bombarded your dad once you found his face smeared with a suspicious grin, one that you knew ain't anything related to his playful tendencies to you.
Strolling around the kitchen counter he did, as he dodged each and one of your question with;
"I'll tell you soon."
The sun peered through the glass pane, reflecting your childish pout you threw at your dad. Sighing relentlessly as you huffed through your room, throwing yourself on the bed. Pulling your phone out of your pockets, punching the password keys as you scrolled through your socials—ultimately stumbling on a picture of a family, a perfect picture of the widest smiles adorning their lips.
A wave of sadness washes over your soul, yet you breathe a sigh out—scrolling down to get that picture of your sight.
Refreshing and refreshing in a constant loop, with a lingering hope floating in your heart.
Days had gone like usually, yet not a day had gone by without you asking your dad though. Another pout emerged from your lips as your munch on your noodles, slurping in a spoonful of soup, relishing yourself in the delight of freshly cooked ramen.
The warm broth had you wondering when was the last time someone, or more specifically, a woman had cook for you and your dad? All this time, it was your dad that tried his best to serve good food for you, opting with simple menus from online and copying them as best as he could, just so he can replicate the warm meal your mom used to make.
Little did he know, his presence itself was the warmth enveloping you.
Going about your usual days with your usual errands, you grabbed a basket of laundries—throwing them inside the washing machine, punching each buttons with your fleeting thought. You've did this a thousand times enough to know, more than your peers might say or do. A life you've been working so well with ever since your mom left you and your dad. A tragic event that perhaps had instilled your beating heart a spiraling hatred towards her. 
You barely even remembered her face, nor you would call her mom. And you couldn't care any less. But you remembered one thing, and it stuck in your head like a superglue—stubbornly refusing to peel away.
Or more like a bloodsucking leech that devours your thoughts whenever it resurfaces. 
She said it herself with her pair of eyes that you used to cherish ever so lovingly, looking down at you with utter contempt as if you weren't her own flesh and blood, "This family has done nothing but bring me down," and her eyes fell on your little form. "And that child, do whatever you please. Get rid of her, place her into any adoption center, or just dump her any where you'd like. Just never call me again."
You despised her, you'd wish she had stayed and persisted to be with you and your dad. But reality seem to be wholly different than what your favourite fairytale literatures showcases. Yet as ugly it had became, your love for fairytales remained---the proof of it being your shelves filled with dozens of thick books of them.
Hoping that your dreams of simple, comforting, even if not perfect---but atleast complete and not with these hollow, hollow void.
That's why you didn't mind, and was more than elated to find that your dad has found someone. Someone that would make him happy, someone that would show him that it's okay for him to enjoy his life now. He did his everyday best for you, for ten years with no complaint. And you'd wish someone would do the same thing for him. You truly wish.
The one that would truly stay unlike that woman did.
Thus came the day, your dad finally broke the news with this lovely woman who was apparently a Japanese. He met her on a rainy day, after his work, under the pavilion in the park. It was short of nothing but two adult stranger having a brief talk, but that was all it takes for your dad to know that she was the one. Atleast that's how he feels, your dad clarified. 
Yet they clicked instantly, your dad grins—looking down at his sweaty palms. He baffles at how he might sound like a teenage boy in love, but that's how it spills into his heart like butterflies shooting up in confettis. 
She was lovely, sweet, and caring; a poet at her young age, and a well-loved and respected school teacher in kindergarten. From then on she built herself a solid foundation throughout her life, just like everyone but just like your dad, she was a widow but in a different circumstance.
Every description of the lady had your lips tugging up in a small, satisfied smile. Hoping that this was really it. The desire grew stronger and bigger the more your dad talks about her with his lips almost reaching his ears.
"And ah, by the way she had a son. One that is so like her, kind and gentle. He's a few years older than you."
The growing inches of the your lip's corner was interrupted with the mention of an older step-brother. Eyes widening in few centimetres, trying to take in the new information you barely expected.
"A son?" You repeated, and your dad nodded twice in response. That's what all it takes for you to utter a 'what the fuck' in the back of your mind.
You've lived your entire life as an only child, opting to play with a few neighbour kids down the street once in awhile yet it never came to you to desire for a sibling, you were far more contented in your own. But to have an older step brother at this age? You didn't know what to expect of it. 
It had you thinking that you have to try and have a good relationship with him if this truly did work. What are you even supposed to do with him? Act like friends or straight up treat him like a brother? A boy you barely knew? A few years older even?
"How.." you tilted your head in mild hesitation, "Exactly old is he?"
Great, a wonderful twenty year old step elder brother, truly wonderful!
You sighed exasperatedly, mind running in circles and wondering why are you even troubling yourself so much with it when it wasn't crystal clear yet that this blossoming relationship would even continue to bloom till winter.
A ting of curiousity surfaces over your mind, "What's his name then?"
"Kei, but that's his nickname. I'll leave it to you to ask him yourself when the day comes." Your dad gave you a playful wink at the end, obviously he's truly indeed waiting for that day where he could introduce you to the sweet lady that caught his heart, and of course for you to meet your supposedly new step brother.
So much for a guessing game.
"Don't stress yourself about it, he's a good boy."
"Hmm.." you hummed in return as you lie on the couch with your arms on your head, pondering of what to do. But judging by how your dad also swoons over the boy, then he doesn't seem to be that bad, isn't he?
Then what could go wrong?
"Whatever it is, i'm happy for you, dad. That's all."
The widest grin adorned your dad's lips, and this was a memory you will strive to keep in forever in your heart.
Quite a few months had passed since then, and you'd hear nothing from your dad but news about how the relationship grew more serious and inevitably sweeter; your dad would meet up with Ms. Koga—which he revealed as her surname a few days ago—twice or thrice a week due to their respective careers with tight schedule but that never deter them from having dates eventually.
He'd talk about how their little dates went on, or what kind of conversations they had and how she was the one and that they'd clicked instantly in almost anything and he said all that as he did a little dance across the kitchen with you as his audience, chin on your palms as you let out an amused chuckle.
Those little stories coming out from your dad had your belief in true love surfacing back again, just like those romances in fairytale books; first meeting and a doses of love floating in the air, which will soon follow with the promise of loyalty and true love, and at last—a ring that glistens under the spherical summer sun; one that represents eternal vows as it slips on the groom and bride's ring finger.
And so it finally did, the proof of it appearing on one fateful day with your dad sitting on the couch. A pretty red little box on his palms, opening the cover once in awhile to showcase the shiny diamond ring fitted nicely in the center. He gave you a brief peck on your forehead, asking you to wish him good luck before he went out for a dinner date with Ms. Koga. Coming back later he did as he entered the door with the widest grin stuck on his cheeks, to be greeted with that same wide grin every day would be your one and only wish.
Your dad's eyes was brimming with bliss, constantly spinning in circles and asking you which tie would fit his dark blue suit the best. And you couldn't help but shake your head at him, helping with the barrage of folded ties inside his closet.
"This one." helping your dad with the troublesome tie, you imagined how this would be the last time you'd help him, and how sooner and later---someone would come and will no longer let him stay alone like he did for the past few years. You finished with straightening the tie down, telling your dad to fix his hair up a bit with your lips curving up in a soft smile before you went to the mirror, checking your last fit one more time; a plain white dress but with a small bow your back, adding a delicate touch.
At least you wanted to look presentable to the lady who's about to be your dad's wife, and of course, your future stepmother. First impression always sticks.
The place where you're going to meet by the way was in the famous coffee shop in the city, a place being the favourite of Ms. Koga and her son—your dad clarified.
However the moment you heard the word 'coffee' though—was enough to send blaring alarms in your head, as it meant apparent death, unfortunately.
The aroma of freshly brewed coffee beans wafted from the kitchen, spilling in an almost visible and hazy smoky trails that enveloped the entire inner cafe—might be soothing to some, but for you—as soon asit hits your nostrils, it had your nose immediately scrunching in return, almost gagging.
Coffee was nowhere your favourite, and you'd prefer not to stumble on any coffee shop as it only had your soul draining in utter nausea. Might even kill you that is, if you could've leave then you would've, but a little sacrifice here and then for your dad ain't that hard to do, right?
You took your seat beside the glass window, earning a pretty view of the street outside where a bunch of other stores and shops are lined in a row, crowds passing through like hordes of ants to their respective destinations, and the luminous blue sky bestowing it's rays on the greenery plants adorning the entrance of the coffee shop.
For awhile, you thought it would probably take long before they would come as you turn on your phone to check the time, but you were proven wrong.
At last, you met her; the very lady your dad compliments to the moon and back, with her eyes sparkling like stars, he often mentioned to be her most prominent feature.
"You're (Name)?"
"Hi, Ms. Koga." You bowed down slightly when your dad mentions her arrival, too disturbed by the spiraling smell of coffee in the cafe that you failed to notice her beside you at first.
"You're so lovely, beautiful even." She takes in your hands in hers, brushing her fingers tenderly on yours. "I'm jealous that you had such a gorgeous daughter."
The sweetened lullaby emitting from the lady had you curling inside in shyness. Yet it didn't deter you from observing the way her hair were let down in wavy curls, framing her face in such a loveable portrait which exudes in dripping motherly vibes. Her aura had you instinctively leaning in to give her a hug, a tighter embrace than you'd imagine. The lady was obviously surprised by your approach, yet as quick as she got surprised, it was also the same for it to dissipate like a breeze passing over your frame. Her motherly hands brushed across your shoulders and down your hips, her fingers returning the same warmth. 
Your chin buried on her shoulder, leading you to sniffed in her comforting scent—which had you wondering just what type of perfume she was using as every other person you stumble on had a bold and thick scent it had you in nausea just like coffees do.
You pulled away, quite regretfully with a lingering desire to embrace her more. 
"Your daughter is very sweet, I have to say." 
Your dad agreed, patting you on the back. "Glad to see you two going along well."
The lady nodded in returned, a tender smile adorning her lovely features, one thing you particularly notice about her was the prominent feature of her pair of boba orbs. The sun rays reflected off her eyes like marbles, even. With her fluttering eyelashes adding to the animated portrait as she converse with your dad. She truly was gorgeous, in fact. You couldn't help but agree how your dad could fall for her, and just like that you can't help but imagine the events your dad had told you about their first meeting like a romantic retro footage in your head.
"So where is Kei?" Your dad asked.
"Oh, I'm sorry, he's running late. He had club activities to attend to, so.." She glanced down at the watch on her left wrist, "It might be around—oh, there he is."
So the son of the devil has arrived, isn't he? 
You cleared your throat, preparing to introduce yourself to the boy who might be very well your elder brother from now on, might as well make the first impression as perfect as it can be so it won't be as that difficult to meet him every now and then on once you two started to live together. Heck, you'd certainly die if it were to become very awkward. But you weren't just sure how to address him depending on how this first meeting played out, calling a boy a few years older than you and one you barely knew "older brother" had your body engulfed in utter cringe. You'd go as far as to suggest to just call him by his name, if he agrees that is. But why were you so invested and concerned about this? You haven't even talked to him yet, seriously.
"Kei, come here."
And so that was the first time you lay your eyes upon on the boy, one that you were curious of along with his mom. Your jaw parted slightly in surprise as you took in his towering height—it's almost intimidating but his innocent features spreading all over his face like a fresh breeze in the summer rain were a stark contrast from his height, and his sense of fashion utterly being different from what you've initially imagine or him.
You've imagine him to be an embodiment of a delinquent or a bad boy, that is, despite your dad's description of him being kind and gentle. Not this neatly ironed white buttoned up shirt with a black tie adorning the collar and black pants. The black frames of his glasses perfectly fitted on top of his nose, and his hair neatly combed down his forehead making him perfectly presentable to any formal meeting, or just simply introducing him as a perfect candidate for marriage.
Like a doll that was very well taken care of, and treated with the utmost care and attention.
Huh, what was that last words for even?
Your eyes met his behind those glasses, and the first thought you had was—he surely is the son of his mother. They had the same pair of eyes resembling the breath of animated verdure, his nose—not really, but his full lips certainly resemble hers. They had the same hair colour, although his was more in a darker shade. You held your breath as you saw tiny stars shimmering on his boba like eyes, was that even an imagination? Or perhaps a trickery orchestrated by the sun rays drenching on the brown tiled floor and the sudden appearance of light rain pit pattering on the concrete road outside?
"Hi, I'm Kei. Pleasure to meet you, little sis." His faint pink lips pulled up in a small polite smile, as if he was so delighted to see you. His introduction was nothing but simple yet it was his addressment towards you that had you visibly taken aback, the heck him with adjusting so quick? Surely, his voice was dripping in honey tones and almost as melodic as the bird's chirps but it was almost as if he enunciate those words in mischievous tone. Were you just simply imagining it because of your over-the-top concerns? 
"Uh, hi." You forced an awkward smile as you raised your palms waving a brief hi, which you hope weren't that too visible.
He greeted your dad shortly after, bowing down 360⁰ degress like the ideal model student which the vibe he obviously emitted since he stepped inside the cafe.
The chair emitted a slight creak across the tiled floor when he pulled it and seated himself in front of you, his bangs swaying back and forth like silk—you almost wanted to touch it. A hiccup escaped your throat, pulling you back to a logical state as to what the heck is wrong with you today? These mother and son, it was almost like they had casted an invisible magic spell on you and your dad. Or was it simply because you've never stop indulging yourself in thousand fairytale literatures to compensate for your so-called mother issues? 
Four cup of coffee were later served and placed neatly on the table, their colours completely contrasted each other; yours and your dad were pure white, and Ms. Koga along with her son; being pitch black. The only main resemblance they had was the golden rim, adding an exquisite look on them.
Yet as pretty as it look, it didn't do nothing but to have your insides churning in disgust and nausea at the wafting smell of the coffee in front of you.
Your dad and Ms. Koga went on with the conversation, talking about you and Kei's childhood and per se. Some of it leaving you with your jaw dropping immensely as your dad exposed an embarrassing childhood photo of you, pulling it out from his wallet. Of course that didn't leave you being the only audience being heavily embarrassed here as the latter had been pulled into it as well.
Yet he remain unfazed much to your surprise, only pulling up a gentle chuckle as he nodded along. Like really? Does these childhood photos of him doesn't stir a bit of shame in his old folly days as a mini human trying to figure out life for the first time?
The way he acted is a tad bit similar to those princely characters in the books you read, as if he was fabricating a whole new character that are based on perfection. It gave you the ick, unable to ignore these growing weird sensation crawling on your skin but what if you were just too deep into your childhood traumas again?
Shortly after, your dad and Ms. Koga excused themself for a moment, saying that they're going for a short walk down the street which left you screaming inside cause you for sure don't want to be left alone behind with this boy. Well yeah of course, not really alone in almost packed cafe but still. You silently protested by raising your hand, hinting that you want to follow along but all of it was shut down in a matter of second when your dad added that you should try to get along with Kei.
And it didn't help that Ms. Koga told her son, with her lips curved up delicately, even. "Treat her well, and try not hit her up so much with nerdy stuffs."
A pout forms on Kei's lips, his glasses lifting up slightly. "I'll try, but can you really blame me?" He turned his eyes from his mom to you for a second, and then back at your dad and his mom again. "Have fun, mom. I'm sure we'll get along very well."
Your eyebrows knitted slightly in a frown, shrugging at the way he was so confident in his words. But oh well, maybe the feelings are mutual and he is just saying that to keep them in a good state of mind.
With the summer rain still pit pattering outside, your dad pulled out an umbrella in the round container, pushing it open and hanging it above their heads. You almost sighed with the sight of your dad and Ms. Koga exiting the cafe, their perfect picture as a couple walking past the huge glass window, not missing the tiny gestures of your dad interlacing his fingers with hers and the rosy hues dusting off Ms. Koga's cheeks despite her hair almost covering it.
The sight alone melted your heart and washes away the ten year submerged in nightmares into the ocean, making it still and serene. Like spring, frame of cherry pink petals blossoms and floats down their figure, and your heart prayed nothing but for their happy end to be not only at the last page but at every single page from now on.
A warning, a sense of dread engulfed every thumping vein beneath the depths of your skin, fingernails crawling across your bare skin even though you were fully clothed. As if..
Someone, someone, was undressing you with their pair of eyes.
You gaze at the window for a moment longer before turning away only to realize the boy; still seated, with his eyes fixated on you for god knows how long it had been. This uncomfortable sensation of his eyes on you had you burying yourself deeper into the seat despite it being totally impossible.
The dozens pair of feet scattering beneath your peripheral vision seems to slow down, beyond what a human could take. As if a footage playing in a slow motion, the audible sound of the pointed arrows on the clock as it moves down resonated through the entire space, and the space seems to grow larger but then it returns to its focal point; suffocating your figure in claustrophobic state, numerous pale arms with visible crimson veins emerged from the floor—clutching your legs in carnal desires to pull you down into the spiraling hole that resembles one of the prominent stories you've once read as a child.
Your neck remain stiff as you raised your head to met those pair of marbles looking down at you up and down. He had the smile of an angel, but the overwhelming dread consuming your body with his presence says otherwise. 
"I don't look like I eat people, do I?" The pearly white of his teeth emerges as his lips slightly parted with a mild amusement.
As if a magic casted on you has been broken, his voice pulled you out from the frozen and hypnotic trance you've been falling in.
"Don't be scared, I don't think I'm even capable of that."
"I am not scared." You replied, trying your best to smile a bit.
"Sure," Kei tilted his head, eyes fixated on the rim of your cup when he notice how you deliberately avoided to look into his eyes, anywhere but him. A brief silence follows after that, a very awkward one apparently. But it didn't deter him from keeping the conversation going even for a bit, "I have to compliment you for going this far though, you're such a good daughter to your dad. Kind of rare to see that nowadays."
You raised your eyebrow in confusion, finally looking at him but rather with a wary expression etched all over your face and eyes. "What makes you think of that?"
"Your cup," He gestured at your white cup with his eyes, "You haven't taken a sip yet." 
You look down at your cup of coffee, the content completely filled up to the rim, not once touched at the slightest. "Well that doesn't mean anything."
"Sure." He stirs the coffee in his black cup with a tiny spoon, slowly but with tender care. "But it sure takes an effort to only breathe through your mouth, I must say. If you'd like, we can go outside to take fresh air."
Taken aback by his observant eyes, you simply answered. "It doesn't matter, it's fine.."
"Then if you'd like, we could order something else."
"It's a coffee shop."
"Coffee isn't what it only offers."
A heavy silence forms between you two, thickening into an imaginary border which had you squirming uncomfortably on your seat, desiring to get this to end once and for all.
Getting caught once but not thrice, it sure does bring a hell lot of awkwardness for first time impressions. But are you even to be blame about not having any knowledge of it when you don't even have the slightest experience in being one for the last ten years in your life? Even so more so, you realize you didn't contribute anything to the conversation at all due to your huge distrust at strangers, especially the gut instinct crawling on your skin with this boy's presence being the main reason of it most of all.
Maybe this won't go well after all. Apparently it should have been, if not because of his initial addressment towards you. It doesn't sound right at all. Or maybe you were simply just not used to it?
"If coffee aren't anywhere in your list of favourites," Kei suddenly spoke much to your surprise once again, although rather slowly as if he was heavily choosing the right words to say but curiosity follows along despite it, and you waited in patience with a ting of uneasy, that is. "What do you love then?"
A harmless question.
"Books." You simply answered, yet added with an afterthought that you might be being too cold and wary around him. "Fairytales, and if it seems too childish for you, oh well—I couldn't care any less."
Or maybe not.
"Who says it's childish? That's like me saying that I love math, most people don't like it—much less find it entertaining enough to last with three minute video of it, but does it make any less worthless, or childish as you say or those people who said it?"
A mild pause in silence.
"It's short of nothing but a petty remarks made by less smart people, you see." A genuine smile you feel, made its way on his lips for the first time. "Take joy in what you love with less care of others."
Surprised by his unexpected words, "Well, I guess." Your shoulders drooped down after an extended time of being wary, your back leaning comfortably against the chair as you took a nice breathe in after awhile. "What do you do then? Math, you said."
"I majored for computer science, specifically programming. All those coding and stuffs."
"Looks like it." You replied nonchalantly, yet added with another afterthought. "That sounds cool, you really seem like it."
"You think so?" Kei slightly chuckled as he lapped his tongue at his lower lip, spinning his thumb around the golden rim of his cup. "I'm flattered, then. It took me quite awhile."
Your heart made a slight jump at the sight, which doesn't make sense. Surprised at your not-so-good reactions, you cleared your throat and tried to put in more effort into the conversation that it's now starting to ease up a bit.
"You'd make hell a good of mon—" You bit your tongue, maybe that's not quite a nice way to put it, you silently cursed at yourself. "How do you, I mean, what got you into numbers? Like, those complex stuff."
"Simply because they're complex."
"Yeah, I like it when things get complex." Kei looks into your eyes, stars shimmering on his chocolate brown eyes like it did awhile ago again, but this time the sun rays illuminated the edges of his hair—down to the edge of his cheeks perfectly; like an illustrated portrait breathing the soul of verdure into it. "It makes it fun and worth the prize. Easy is not my thing."
Fascinated by the trickeries of the damn sun rays again, you cleared your throat as you nodded—altering your position in the process.
"Isn't it that way in fairytales? Happy ending; efforts are needed before you can get to the last page with it's fruits laid out rightfully for you?"
"They are, happy endings are everyone's favourite anyways. Who wanted the latter? But I'm more a middle type of person." You corrected him, which made him raised his eyebrow in curiosity. "The journey."
"You mean?"
"Those little stuffs that happened in the characters' daily abouts of life. Like playing house, each person in the family plays their respective roles." With the topic of your interest, it naturally gravitates your attention to the window—catching the animated scene of tiny beads of droplets racing down the glass window, you added. "The little things, that's what make it worth it."
Kei lets out a breathless chuckle before raising his cup, looking at you through the lens of his glasses; taking a few seconds to observed the motion of your pupils following the trails of the droplets before a tiny smirk tugged at the corners of his lips, taking a sip in. "We're quite the same then, but in different ways."
"What makes you think of that? Doesn't sound like it though." Your focused attention breaks apart upon hearing those words, snorting disbelief as you turned your attention back to him.
"You mentioned no one wanted the latter, the bad ending." Placing the cup back on it's saucer, his fingers returned to brushed across the black frame of his glasses, pulling it off, folding it neatly as he placed it on the side of his table. "I like it though, I prefer when it tells the dark side of reality."
Your eyes lit up with his words, it piques your interest quite a bit for you to asked. "Oh really? Why?"
With his eyes no longer obscured by the lenses, you were able to get a much clearer view of his eyes. They are perfectly round, yet quite big in size which make them very much adorable. You swore you've never seen those eyes like his.
"They're way more fascinating, everyone desires for a perfect happy ending where everyone forgives each other, or perhaps for lovers to reunite together again, or perhaps.. because no one is truly ready to hear for the unnerving and sinful desires or actions of humans, or how far would they take something if it didn't go their own way."
"That's interesting." You breathe out a chuckle, realizing that you haven't taken a blink, you tried to blink a few times to get rid of the dryness consuming your eyes. His words truly pulled you into a deeper understanding of the topic, although like he mentioned, it's certainly unnerving. "Good for you I guess, but that doesn't make us anywhere the same, at all.
"Maybe," He tilted his head down on his right side playfully, the loose strands on his forehead following along like silk. He pushed his cup against your one; the pitch black and pure white contrasted one another, yet the golden rim perfectly blended as if it belong together. "—Or maybe you were reading the wrong book of fairytales all along this entire time."
"Please, of course I'm well aware of the real dark fairytales, those gory type of stories with endings like that. Sure, but not my kind of taste." You shrugged, remembering a recollection of your memories of those days when you tried to read those so called real and dark fairy tales you stumbled deep into the library. "They are not the very least comforting at all. Reality's already so dark like you said, so why intentionally put yourself into it more?""
"Of course, no?" Kei gave you a reassuring smile, "Why would it be anything wrong to only want for good stuffs?"
The soft rain had finally subsided, letting his voice turned clearer alike the grey lump of clouds breaking apart for the luminous sky to make its appearance.
"Just saying," Kei stares into your soul with a glimmer on his eyes yet obscured with faint obsidian hues. Like stirring an ink block on an inkstone, hypnotizing. "You already know that real fairytales aren't as pretty as we might think. But have you ever try to think that the correct term would be intriguing? The protagonist wouldn't let off the evil ones just like they do in those friendly latter, yes. Gory, of course."
He pauses, letting it sink into your mind.
"But that's what makes it exceptionally intriguing, don't you think?"
Amused but interested at his words, "Maybe? I'd never thought of it that way."
"C'mon, reality aren't so friendly, but that doesn't make it any less intriguing. I might say, it grew more tempting."
"Tempting? That's a new way to put it."
Kei leans in closer, resting his chin on his palms as his lips curved up in a delicate smile resembling his mother, pair of eyes that resemble objects you could describe. "Yes, temptation, aren't we all but a greedy, insatiable beings? Those characters, aren't they very much an almost perfect replica of us in real life?"
You briefly scrunched your nose playfully at him, gradually easing up to him despite the dark tones of the conversation since after all—fairy tales are the very thing that tugs your heartstrings and it's not once in awhile for you to find someone delving deep into the subject even if not exactly the same. "Bold of you to include me, I am not greedy at all."
"You sure?" Kei looks at you with mild disbelief, yet with a faint mischievous smirk etched on the corners of his lips. "Where there's a want or need, there exists the spectrum of greed."
"Like I said, I only want simple things, the little things."
"What do you want then?"
"A family." You answered the question with no hesitation at all, pride visible on your eyes and the smile on your face not only remains but grew wider, "Of my own."
A few beat of silence surfaces through the air, yet the ambient noise of the coffee shop replaces it instead. Soothing enough with the clink clanks of the plates, the lapping voices of the customers almost forming an orchestrated instrumental, adding the heavy scent of brewed coffee spiraling into the air in visible trails of smoke.
A slight chuckle soon squeezes its way out of the boy's lips, a small grin threatening to form on its corners. His palms made its way across his hair, ruffling the top of his head with his fingers---turning his once neatly combed hair to a disheveled one. "That's wonderful, I'm sure you'll be a great mother."
His now disheveled hair stirs quite a feeling in you that you couldn't fathom, but you smiled in return, thanking him. "Still, that doesn't prove your point that we're the same."
"Maybe?" Kei spoke in such a feathery tone that it brushes against your skin despite the obvious distance, you notice that he had his eyes on your cup before he spoke again. "How about you just give me yours, since you don't like it anyways?"
Your eyebrows raised in mild surprise, looking down at your white cup, the brown coffee still untouched "Oh, this? You can order another one though."
"Well, if you aren't going to drink it, it's all gonna be a waste."
He was right, what's the point in keeping it with you till it grew cold? You breathe out a sigh, "Alright, here."
You pushed your white cup to his side, his fingers subtly brushing against yours as he pulled it closer—having you pressed your lip in a tight line as you pulled away. You observed as he stirred its contents with the little spoon from his own cup—in a delicate motion. Raising it to his lower lip, he took a glimpse at you, "I like coffee anyways."
You watched as he drank the cup, finishing the coffee in one gulp down his throat. A scene that doesn't quite feel right, yet you brushed it off as another mere uneasiness of yours, "Can you suggest me some dark fairytales books you like then?"
"Of course. Why not? It would be my pleasure."
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