#sorry i fucking LOVE analyzing shit
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cygnusposts · 4 days ago
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i am really having fun with my rhato analysis doc. it's color-coded now. if anybody cares
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joeku-xiv · 2 months ago
thinking a lot about jean in so many ways, he’s sooo endearing and everytime i like him more and more
and i can’t not think about ships too, and it’s. difficult.
i love jeanharry too much, two co-dependant depressed assholes that yes, have a few wonderful moments together, but can’t stop making each other worse? woo boy i crave for it. thinking about their past together makes me always emotional, it’s so. really.
but in the present/future? i can’t see harry without kim, there’s too much between them and i can’t look away, and i also really love them. i think that jean and harry would drive them insane again, their baggage is too heavy, and i can’t see a way for them to really work for once. the love? is totally here, it’ll always be, but alone? they can’t work, they’ll be the death of them
jeankimharry? it works, i like it, i think that kim can make them work and finally resolve some of their problems, and them with kim too. will they all heal? of course not, there’ll always be problems (and thanks fuck, i don’t want to woobify no one please i love them all as problematic as they are because there isn’t a good man in disco elysium) but all together they can work. but it’s really easy for people to put jean in the background and no. big nope. i fucking hate it, if they’re a throuple there shouldn’t be someone who’s in the center, they’re all equal. sooo uhm, i like it, but it’s really difficult too
everything i’ve seen about jeantrant is really good, i like it, they’re cute, but my problem is that we (me? could be my problem, it’s still been not a lot of time since i’ve finished de) know too little about trant, and we don’t really see his personality, his problems, everything. to me he seems too good and sane, and i think that also jean craves in some way someone fucked up as him. it doesn’t feel that satisfying for me too, not like this. wish to know more about him, the game has leave some good doubts to me about trant
with judy there could be really good ideas but i’m too afraid of the misogyny around her and nope. i’ve already seen to many shit takes about jean, if i have to deal with misogyny too i’ll go insane
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spock-adoodledoo · 4 months ago
permanent starter call for apothecary side character enjoyers specifically tianyu likers
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bearenjoyers · 7 months ago
sorry im just thinking about bcs but like. why not add a few smaller scenes of gus interacting with his own men? why does it seem like, in comparison, mike is almost immediately elevated to a higher status than those two in bcs purely because we actually get to see him having normal conversations with gus? like i understand they might not keep the plot moving as well because of the fact obviously if victor is currently doing something it’s because gus told him to etc. but for the most part all of the smaller interactions gus does have with those two ends up being in a somewhat high stress situation where it feels very tense between everyone. and it’s just like damn! is it always like that?? why do those two even care that much about their jobs if their boss is a bit of a dick? etc. i think even an additional scene or two with those guys (either alone or the both of them) talking with gus in a more normal situation could’ve both added a bit more depth into how gus treats his employees (we got a lot with how he treats lyle and co., but not a whole lot with the illegal side of things), how comfortable vic and tyrus feel around him in a calmer setting, and exactly why they both feel the need to be as loyal as they are to the guy.
and also on the other side of this i don't think it'd hurt to maybe elaborate on their pay just a bit..? i'm not saying to randomly put a number out into the atmosphere but i just mean some smaller things like. do they buy nicer things for themselves? what's their housing situation? what's their car situation? are the escalade / yukon their own vehicles or does gus just use those two for business situations? do they use them when they're doing their own stuff off the clock or do they have their own cars? etc. that can also help with understanding their motivations a bit. don't get me wrong i don't think they should be visibly rich or something because that's not what gus would want but just smaller things! cause it's easy to write their loyalty off as Well they probably get paid super well, which i'm sure is true, but if they don't show a single hint of that then what's the point. even something as simple as giving tyrus a nice watch, or maybe victor having a nicer looking gun, etc. something small like that. because as it stands right now the average 41 year old viewer who watched the show once only knows and will only ever know victor and tyrus as those two guys in the background who do random stuff for gus with no clear motivation. just the personification of "On it boss (salute emoji)". and to be honest this is true for a whole lot of fans who do watch the show multiple times and enjoy thinking about it more in depth, because on screen we barely have anything about the two.
and to be clear i'm not trying to say we should have an episode just for them or something like no i understand they're side characters. i understand we don't need all that. and i understand this is also primarily Jimmy's show. but it's not like these two are on the same level as like, arlo or paige and kevin etc. these guys have been around since brba. victor was literally introduced in the same episode gus was. and they are a huge part of gus's story, especially in brba. s4 wouldn't have been what it was without victor and tyrus. and in bcs, ignacio's situation wouldn't have been the same if it weren't for victor and tyrus as well. and i just personally believe that if their goal with gus in bcs was to go back and elaborate on how everything came to be and show what he was like a few years younger, they could've dragged victor and tyrus into that. and i think his character would've benefited from taking that extra step with those two.
#gray.txt#and you know. obviously i personally have my own clear ideas of everything. and i'm content with what i got. this isn't coming from a place#of Well victor is my favorite guy so everything should be about him LOL. i know what he is.#but thats only because i spent like what? 2 years now watching random interviews and analyzing the smallest details within the show that#genuinely meant nothing while they were writing the scripts. and then throwing some random ideas at the wall to see if they stick.#and i just dont think everybody should have to do that LOL. and i think gus's character gets a lot more interesting#when do you do have this clear idea of victor and tyrus in your head and how he interacts with them. but 99% of people dont have that!#nobody fucking knows everything giancarlo and vince ever said about box cutter. nobody knows about the interview where giancarlo referred t#his entire business (meth and restaurant) as his 'family'. and they'd never think of that in those terms#because with the exception of his restaurant workers and mike#it feels like he HATES them LMAO.#tldr all i'm saying is i think we could've benefited from at least one 1 minute long scene of victor and gus exchanging words#where it doesn't end in gus snapping the phone in half out of anger. and also let tyrus speak his mind and have gus agree with him once#also yeah sorry this is all over the place but it is somehow the most coherent i have felt in months so this is as good as its getting sorr#sorry .#also to be clear about my earlier statement that’s a lie my idea of those two is not clear in my head whatsoever i just meant in comparison#to literally the average viewer. and my own personal thoughts about them aren’t even true it’s just opinions and guesses.#and i love a character that i can just say shit about but at the same time i think it’s fun to have idk something in the source material#that you can actually use while thinking and not have to dig around 11 year old reddit AMAs#and that money paragraph sort of came out of order what i meant by saying all that is like#i feel those two could benefit from a clear motivation for why they do all the things they do#and if we have neither personal reasons nor monetary reasons then it just makes them feel like one dimensional henchmen or something#came out of no where* not order you dumb fuck (< me)#also it doesn’t have to be clear in our faces or anything whatever you know what i’m saying . this is too long i can’t keep elaborating
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autisticjoshrusso · 9 months ago
all im saying is that buck is too used to assuming he's the problem and is the one that needs to change to work well in a relationship with someone with an avoidant attachment style. like he will absolutely internalize criticism that is coming from a place of his partner being triggered and trying to reassert their independence or make buck's behavior align with what they believe is "correct"/"safe". it's a toxic dynamic in the making and they BOTH need someone that's a better fit for them.
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sapphic-storm69 · 2 years ago
POV: you’re staring at the person who made the saddest, most depressing movie you’ve ever seen, into a meme
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#this is about joker (2019) btw#like sorry you didn’t have the mental capacity to understand it but like….. you don’t have to understand the underlying themes and metaphors#to understand that this was a sad movie#ain’t no way bitches looked at this movie and said ‘yeah this shit hilarious haha’ how ignorant you gotta be to think that#joker 2019#‘the world does not shrink to your size just because you lack the depth to understand it’ said wonderfully by jaboukie on twitter#like I fucking hate everyone who participated in the meme bc like…… idk I think it’s disrespectful to all the wonderful people who worked on#it#also bc it’s fucking annoying and I loved the movie and it’s reduced to what? a fucking meme?#you look at a man who struggles all throughout the movie. who obviously needs mental help yet is denied by everyone who has the power#TO HELP HIM!!!!! don’t tell me this doesn’t remind you of something?#and NO!! you’re NOT just like him!#and yes you can relate to him but it’s the fucking incels on Reddit who sit on their ass all day and argue with random people#on the internet who say it.#it’s the bitches who victimize theirselves when they have no right to do so that say ‘he just like me’#he’s been made into this fucking caricature by people who lack the ability to analyze and understand media#I know for a fucking FACT that those people said ‘why do wr even need English class lol we SPEAK english 😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣’ ain’t no way….#people who have been pushed and prodded and abused by the system#who have suffered and not given a chance to fight back#THEY’RE the ones who at allowed to say ‘he just like me’#NOT the people who have no idea what that’s like!!!!!!!#sorry I’m passionate#lol#rant post#rant
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shindeyukichan · 2 months ago
so the other day i friended someone on smit bc we talked after a match was done and i was being encouraging about their gameplay on a god they were learning and they were like you're so nice :) do you wanna play more and so we friended each other and hopped in a party yk regular stuff
TODAY, i hop on smite and get an invite again alright cool we play our game
they start complaining about the jungler who is "selling their lane" and being bad and fucking them over or whatever, alright sure
and then they start doing like. TEXTBOOX TOXICITY right. like doing the keyboard commands "You Rock! Cancel That!", spam pinging her on the map, just some real obnoxious shit, and then to another teammate too like "zzz" and shit, getting in arguments with them. and clearly looking to me for sympathy or whatever
and im just like silent for most of it like. you approached me saying i was nice and now its like what. you only want me to be nice to you? yeah no. if youre being a dick im not gonna condone it idc
so at some point after i like, basically turn a fight from a loss to a tie by myself and die im like OH MY GOD SHUT UP YOU GUYS STOP ARGUING AND PLAY THE GAME ITS NOT GONNA DO ANYTHING in all caps
which, actually does work. they stop arguing (though my friend still like throws out some jabs a bit until suspiciously due to my character being a late game one and coming online we start winning the game...) and then we fight together and we win and its good and yeah
and after the game its like. my party member comes to me like obvs still lookin for sympathy and kinda peeved that i scolded them (seemingly forgetting i was scolding the other people who were arguing too) meanwhile ive just typed out like i know you were mad and stuff but it's kind of toxic of you to spam sm1 like that for being bad
and THEN we get into a whole thing about that because theyre like so offended by this like "but she was selling my lane" and "its easy to get on your high horse and say dont be toxic when youre not the one having your lane sold" and "i think you need perspective" and "if anything you were being kind of toxic because you used all caps and told us to shut up, using all caps is kind of toxic" and "youre gaslighting me" (i said smth like, youre joking with me. youre yanking my chain and apparently thinking im being trolled and asking to confirm that is gaslighting now. i mean thats a trolly thing to say right i was like genuinely in disbelief that these were real reactions and i still kind of have doubts tbh)
so anyway im not willing to put anymore time into talking to someone who cannot own up to doing something obnoxious and slightly shitty in any regard so im like good luck with your meeting, bye and then i block them on both the accs they friended me on
its not over yet bc i forget they got my discord too so itd be easier to talk n stuff and theyve sent:
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synthetic-sonata · 7 months ago
one day i'll be the one rping the canon character in an incidental oc/canon relationship that started due to shitpost rps or jokes But by god that day is not near canon characters are fucking scary to rp
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mediocre-writing · 1 month ago
That it? | LN4
Summary: Y/n decides to trick her boyfriend with a fake hickey.
Pairing: Lando Norris X Fem!Reader
English is not my first language, requests are open!
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Y/n controls herself from laughing out loud when looking at herself in the mirror, that hickey was very convincing.
She looks at the hidden camera next to the sink counter, which also takes up part of the room, and gives a small wave.
"Where are you kitty?"
She takes a deep breath as she hears Lando's voice calling her from downstairs.
"Here in the bedroom bathroom, love."
Y/n picks up a face brush and pretends to be finishing her makeup.
"Hi princess" Lando says entering the bedroom's bathroom and hugging his girlfriend from behind.
"Are you ready?" He says, looking at her admiringly through the mirror.
"I'm just going to finish putting on my lipstick."
"Okay." Lando says, stepping back a little and analyzing his girlfriend from head to toe. "I'm so excited, it's been a while since we-" He stops talking as soon as his eyes reach her neck.
"What?" She says looking at his terrified expression through the mirror.
Lando doesn't really know what to think, had he done that?
They haven't been out together for a few days, and they've both been so tired the past few days that they haven't had many intimate moments.
"What's that on your neck?" He says seriously, his eyes still fixed on his girlfriend's neck.
"That's it? You did that, love." This makes Lando look at her in disbelief.
"Me? No, it wasn't me."
"Yeah, you did that last night." Lando feels like he's two seconds away from losing his mind.
"No I didn't, I'm sure I didn't do that to you." He says getting angry.
"Okay Lando." Y/n says, dropping the brush and leaving the bathroom.
"'Okay Lando'? What the fuck does that mean?" He says following her, already a little upset.
"What do you want, Lando?" She stops in a part of the room where she knows the camera will catch it.
"I don't know, my girlfriend has a fucking hickey on her neck that I clearly didn't do, if it were me, how would you feel?" Y/n sees her boyfriend's eyes get brighter and she's one step away from abandoning this prank.
"You don't have to make such a big deal out of it."
Lando looks at her in disbelief.
"What did you do to my Y/n?" okay, that hurt a little.
"No, fuck no! My Y/n would never lie to me like that, and she would never throw my feelings out the window like you just did, you know what, just tell me who it is!" Lando says, speaking louder now.
"Fenty Beauty" Lando looks at her confused. "Is that a fucking rapper?"
"What the hell is that-"
" Fenty Beauty , the makeup brand I made this for." She says smiling at him and Lando just wants to throw himself out the window.
"Are you kidding?"
She runs her hand over her neck with the sleeve of her sweatshirt and shows it to him.
"It saw?"
"Holy shit." Lando says sighing and closing his eyes.
"Sorry love, I couldn't resist." Y/n says, getting closer to him and wrapping her arms around his neck.
"You almost killed me, babe." Lando says, leaning his head against hers with his eyes closed.
"Sorry, but you know I would never trade my favorite driver for anyone in this world, right?
"And you know I wouldn't accept that so easily, right?" He whispers in her ear.
"Oh my boyfriend is possessive?" She says kissing his cheek.
"Completely." Lando says kissing her neck. "How about we do a real one now?"
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astrxealis · 2 years ago
i like scrutinising random details in ffxiv so fucking much anyway anabaseios is crazy design-wise. to me
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bernardsbendystraws · 5 months ago
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𝒅𝒐𝒍𝒍 .ᐟ 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
⚠︎  pure fluff, cuddling, anxiety, boyfriend matt
⤷ Get to reading, sluts. No copying. Ask if you’d like to use this as ‘inspiration.’ Fuck off and fuck me, lets get horny!!!
matt’s favorite toy, Rose
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“Ah—shit,” Matt spits. He stares at his PC, viciously moving his fingers on the controller while whispering out curses under his breath. You were tired—exhausted, even. The day had dragged out longer than it should’ve. Hanging out with friends was supposed to be fun—and it was. Up until you laid down and in bed and overanalyzed every word you had said. You just wanted him, but your lips wouldn’t open to spill out that confession—not when you knew he might’ve had a long day too and this was his release. 
Minutes feel like hours. Your body won’t relax, not when you feel so…bad. Anxiety feeds into your insecurities. The joy you had felt being with your friends has faded into regret. Nothing was worth this feeling. Why did you even bother trying? 
“Fuck—,” Matt yells, punching his fist down on the desk. The dumb mess up had cost him a lot of progress in his game. He flinches realizing his mistake—remembering you’re in his bed, probably asleep. 
Taking a quick peep over his shoulder, Matt furrows his eyebrows while analyzing your face. “Am I keepin’ you up? I’m sorry, doll. I’ll…I’m gonna keep it down—” He lets the words fall into the air. A slight shrug from your end tells him enough—something isn’t okay. Your eyes showed no trace of sleep, only frustration. 
“Hey,” he calls out. You let your eyes daze into Matt’s. His soft expression falls into worry as he quickly shuts off his game. Wandering over towards the bed, he sits on the edge of the mattress, pulling your head into his lap as his fingers trace through your hair. “What’s going on, sweetheart?” 
What is going on? You don’t even know—not enough to actually explain it anyhow. “I…it….I don’t know, really. I, um—I had fun with my friends. We caught up and everything, but…” 
“But?” Matt encourages. 
The question seems to affect you more than you’d like. Saying it outloud feels relieving—but it also feels like too much. “It’s…I just can’t stop thinking, I guess.” 
It’s only a couple simple words, but Matt can read every subtle movement in your face. He just knows—a little too well. 
“I get that. I…I’m sorry, doll. I’m here for you, okay? Why don’t we just cuddle and talk, yeah?” he offers, moving around to lay on the bed and pull you into his chest. 
You sigh at the warmth, your head starts to pulse a little less with racing thoughts and pulling you back to reality. He’s grounding you. An anchor that makes you feel like you’re a part of reality, not just watching from a lens. It’s real. You’re here. 
“You’re so warm,” you mention. 
Matt lets out a soft laugh at your remark, pulling you in just a little closer. “Yeah? Good. I…I love holding you like this, ya know?” 
The frown on your lips slowly curls upward, a soft grin tugging at the corners of your mouth. “I…I love it too,” you breathe out. 
It’s all so warm—so comforting. The bed seems to let the weight of your bodies sink in further, tangled limbs and soft touches creating a shield from the cold air prickling tainted thoughts into your mind. You’re here. You’re here in his arms. You’re safe. 
You wanna say it. Those three words settle on the brink of slipping as you let yourself drown in the feeling of it—love. It’s almost as if he can sense it, or maybe it’s just because he feels it. 
“I love you. So much.” His voice is melodic as he breathes out the words. It’s enough encouragement to put your mind at ease. It’s enough to make you sink completely into the feeling instead of letting your mind overpower your heart. 
“I love you.”
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Thank you for reading!!! Any interaction is deeply appreciated <333
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ackerprettyy · 7 months ago
pro tennis player armin
minors do not interact 18+
wrote because i have serious fomo from not being an olympian rn sooo the next best thing is fucking one and uhhh go team usa
i did not proofread sorry in advance
“Armin please m’gonna cum again i can’t.” You loved helping and supporting Armin in any way during Olympics season, even if it meant nearly passing out from pleasure just so he could release a little stress. “actually you’re not doing shit until i tell you” He shoves the side of your face back into the pillow and continues to pound you from behind without any intentions of stopping. You knew to just follow the man’s orders because he’s been so fed up with the constant training that he has no time for your bullshit. His only goals right now were to win some gold and fuck the shit out of you. “baby, you better quiet down or all of Paris will hear how much of a whore you are” His words went right past your ears as you felt your 4th, 5th or 8th orgasm bubbling inside your abdomen. You tried to stuff your face into his pillow, feeling embarrassed about the indeed whorish sounds that were about to escape from your lips. Armin grabbed both of your Arms and pulled you up so that your chest slightly lifted off the bed. “let them hear i want them to hear how pretty you sound” He looked animalistic as you analyzed him in the mirror in front of you. Sweaty blonde strands stuck to his forehead, thigh muscles flexing, teeth clenched, cheeks turning a night red. It was the same disheveled look he had after a match that turned you on so much. “you’ve been so good n obedient, i think you should cum hm?” you couldn’t properly respond, slowly succumbing to the pressure on your lower body. Your response was your eyes rolling back with your mouth hanging open while your body twitched and convulsed. “Good job baby, now take my cum” You felt the warm liquid fill inside, letting your body go completely limp. Armin sat there for a minute, admiring the work he did in you“I should get a honorary gold medal just for tearing that ass up”
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mattsfavoritestar · 7 months ago
STAY WITH ME, matt sturniolo
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synopsis… you knew you shouldn’t have fallen for matt. you couldn’t help but let your emotions get away from you. you thought matt was playing with you. turns out your his favorite.
warnings… angst, no use of y/n, fwb!matt, player!matt, mentions of kissing, matt’s lowkey in love with you, reader ends up crying in his arms, bit of miscommunication at the beginning
@bernardsbendystraws for the dividers <3
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matt fucked up. he tremendously fucked up. here he was standing outside your door, head looking to the night sky waiting for some kind of miracle to happen. everything was perfectly fine this morning so how can things just crumble so fast?
the day started off with giggles and kisses, you stayed the night after a long day of going out and exploring the world for content. in his bed. laying with matt. being held by matt. you were well aware how matt was. uncommitted. you just couldn’t help yourself when his beautiful blue eyes would watch you with that daydream look as if you were the moon and he was the ocean.
maybe it was the delusions that led you to slip up. after such an eventful morning, matt drove you and his brothers to ihop for breakfast. everything was so perfect. so happy. chris practically dragged nick outside for a mini photoshoot leaving you with matt alone. 
the waitress that served your table was sending flirty comments towards matt. it pissed you off. no you weren’t dating he’s ‘just a friend’. when the waitress brought the check she left a note with her number. matt didn’t even notice at first till you pointed it out.
“are you gonna call her later?” you ask in a jealous tone.
matt smirked, “don’t know yet. think i’ll try to later” he shurgged. you felt your eyes starting to burn. matt took notice, he gave you a confused look. you shook your head then looked down to your phone. you texted your friend to come pick you up. you were embarrassed.
you got up abruptly. “do you need me to send you my half?”, you asked talking about the check. “what? when have i ever let you pay for your own shit?” matt questions. you saw the waitress coming back. you didn’t notice matt staring at you. analyzing you. “i’m gonna go. your new friend is coming back” you say.
“wait-“ matt was cut off as you left in a hurry. he quickly paid for everything, scrambling to get to the door. matt saw chris and nick by the van with a concerned look on their faces. “matt what happened in there? she came out looking sad” nick asked. matt sighed, his hands rubbing his face down. 
which brings him here. a lego set of your favorite flowers in hand. and whatever sense of dignity he has left. he hesitated before knocking on the door. 
after what felt like a lifetime you opened it. “matt?” you question. you were wearing a sweater and random shorts. his sweater. matt’s words got caught in this throat. “did you need something or..?” you ask.
“shit- sorry i um bought you this- these it’s a bouquet- flowers i-“ matt felt him ears go warm as words flooded out of his mouth. you placed a hand on his shoulders. immediate relaxation. “okay breathe”, matt took a deep breath. 
“i’m really sorry” he stated. you didn’t feel like he knew what for, you looked down and shook your head. “s’fine i don’t care anymore” you dismissed. you heard the lego box drop felt matt’s hands hold your face to lift it.
 “no don’t do that. don’t dismiss whatever your feeling” 
you didn’t want to cry in front of him. it was stupid. you weren’t even dating. why do you care so much that he acknowledges other girls who aren’t you? no. you refused to be one of those girls who allowed a boy to unknowingly crush a heart.
“i like it when you’re just with me” you softly spoke. 
“just you?” he asked. 
“and no one else”, you look him in the eyes, “but  matt i can’t just wait for you to finally want to settle down. i need this now. i need you now” you cried. you felt his thumb wiping away the tears. matt pulled you into his chest. you felt his hand move to rub your back.
“i know baby, im sorry” his whispers into your head. you shake your head repeatedly, trying to pry him off you. trying to push him away. you caught a glimpse of the hurt look on his face. you knew that if you looked into his eyes you’d just let it happen.
you were stuck. matt was at your door practically on his knees begging for you not to leave.  “stop it. leave me alone and go bother those other girls in your phone” you begged. matt looked at you. he looked like a kicked puppy. you step back getting ready to close the door in his face but was stopped when he grabbed both your arms.
“please stay with me” his eyes. his beautiful blue eyes. they finally trapped you in a trance. “i don’t want you to leave” he says.
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tojipie · 2 years ago
prison bf series linked here !
hii ! not rly phone sex, but sex nonetheless. i’m rly loving this series <33 prison toji unboxing fic coming someday in the distant future.
content: nsfw + phone sex
the sudden vibrations of your phone’s ringer rips you from the boundary between sleep and awareness. you groggily reach for the device from it’s place under your pillow, clicking the off button twice to end the call.
the number rings again, then a third time before you finally pick up, ready to tear into the poor soul on the other line. it’s a facetime call from an area code you don’t recognize, probably just a misdial if you’re lucky.
you hesitantly accept and tilt the camera towards the ceiling, shielding your face from the stranger.
“hello..?” you mumble sleepily, trying to get a good look at your phone without revealing too much of yourself. the person’s screen is grainy from the lack of light, probably calling you on an older model.
the stranger’s camera pans down, revealing familiar tufts of straight raven hair. toji stares up at you from his bunk, shirtless with the sheets bunched up to his chest.
“you too good to pick up the phone now?” he asks, clearly teasing. the inmate’s voice is quiet, coming out in choppy rivets as his dated microphone picks up what it can.
“toji!?” you whisper scream, sitting up to turn your beside lamp on. the additional light helps illuminate your figure better, you notice his eyes perk up at the clearer sight of you.
“mmmh, happy to see you babydoll.” he grins, leaning closer to get a good look at you. your eyes are puffy with the promise of rest, giving you that extra bought of softness he loves so much.
“oh shit, were you sleeping? m’ sorry.”
he doesn’t sound sorry at all.
“nono i’m awake.” you reassure the older man, taking in the sight of him laid out on the narrow cot. your boyfriend had aged since the beginning of his sentence, though you figure that’s not out of the ordinary for someone serving time. “how’d you even get a phone?”
“s’ a secret.” he muses, clearly finding the situation amusing. “i get to talk to my baby though, isn’t that nice?” he states plainly, shifting to prop his head up with his hand.
“it is, actually.” you mumble apologetically, feeling bad at your initial lack of a greeting. “m’ happy you called me.”
you pause, choosing your next words carefully “don’t you have bunkmates?” you wonder, searching the background for any signs of other men in the dark cell. the promise of being ratted out by a cell mate was one that wouldn’t end well for either of you.
“nah, lawyers said i’m too dangerous to be staying in D-block with everyone.” he states boredly, shifting again to lie on his back with a grunt.
“wh— are you serious?” you whine, already mulling over the countless conversations you’ve had with him regarding his nasty fighting habit.
“pfttt, no?” the inmate chuckles, throwing his head back with a hearty laugh. “last guy in the cell got out on wednesday, ‘s just me in here till’ my sentence is up.”
he stills, looking you up and down quickly.
"fuck." he grumbles, you look real pretty right now."
you sigh in relief, ignoring the compliment to continue grilling him. “so you’ve been getting along with people?” you ask, skill skeptical.
“you know—hah- how i am.” he tells you, clearing his throat before continuing. the screen begins to wobble a little, blurring his figure for a moment. “when have i —fuck- ever been out of line, huh? ”
“i think you were pretty out of line when you went to fucking jail.” you tease, pausing to analyze his hurried breaths on the other line.
“toji? do you feel ok?” you ask, wishing you were there to check up on him.
“yeah—mmgh- why? his camera starts to pan up shakily, phone slipping from his hand. the last of his facade shatters as a pleased groan rings out in the tiny cell.
“fuck.” he whines, “fuck— oh my god. you’re gonna make me fucking cum.”
“show me.” you command, finally piecing everything together.
the older man flips the camera and brings it right up to his hard cock, stroking it from the base up with vigor.
his tip is an angry pink, weeping milky precum down his shaft to glaze his knuckles. the sounds coming from your phone are absolutely filthy, a hot mix of pants, groans and expletives .
“oh my god.” you giggle, propping your phone up to watch better. “is that all for me?” the dips and hills of his abs jolt as he laughs.
“all for you.” he pants, bucking his hips up every time his fist meets his tip.
“is this why you called me?” you tease, watching his cock bob back and forth in his hand. the older man stops to thumb his slit, massaging milky pre into the tip before starting up again. “you just wanted to get off? didn’t wanna talk to me or nothing?”
“no—hah. i mean—.” he groans, clearly too out of it to answer. “fuck. fuck i’m close.”
you squeeze your legs together to quell the ache between your thighs, content to just watch him enjoy himself.
sharing a room with 4 other people means little to no time alone, that much you knew from your visits. it wasn’t rare for him to pitch a tent during your supervised phone calls, squeezing his cock behind a glass barrier while you gushed about your day.
a hearty groan knocks your train of thought loose as ropes of cum stream down his knuckles and onto the sheets. you watch in awe as he milks his dick, slapping it onto his stomach for the added simulation.
you wait until his breaths even out to speak, watching him grab a towel from off camera to clean himself up.
“feel better?” you ask, so badly wishing you were there to kiss him in the midst of his afterglow.
“so much better.” he sighs, shifting to lay on his side again.
“they definitely heard you. i mean those rooms don’t have doors right?”
“of course they fucking have doors.” he grumbles, clearly embarrassed at the thought of getting caught dick-in-hand.
“did you..” he trails off, rubbing his eyes with a soft yawn.
“too tired.” you state plainly, shifting the focus from your pleasure to his.
“i don’t deserve you.” he mumbles, dark eyes barely open.
“course you do baby.” you whisper. “you wanna head to bed? i’m coming up on thursday to visit.”
“you are?” the excitement in his voice is adorable.
“mhm, might even bring you a charger for that piece of shit burner you swiped.”
the jab earns you a booming laugh, lulling you back to the precipice of sleep.
tag list ! <3 🏷️
@honeybee54321 @m150-50up @kuryoomi @t4naiis @serendippindots @sillyalo @levixbby @powerrwa
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megismyname · 3 months ago
I’m sorry but I have to say it…
You’re truly not doing what you think you’re doing by continuing the conversation. If you don’t like Luke, just say it and move the fuck on.
By continuing to paint him as some false villain, you are only building more hate against a man who is a very important person to Nicola herself. And you are all doing it “in defense of Nicola.”
No one truly knows what happened that day except the cast. And whatever it was, they are adults and have moved on. Nicola has been interviewed multiple times recently where she has still mentioned her love for Luke - Time 100 Next ring a bell?
So again, no one is forcing you to like Luke. But cut the shit on painting him as some evil villain who broke her heart. I may not know her personally but I PROMISE you that this is not the win you think it is.
And as always, if you’re that hung up on some questionable events from a television red carpet premiere that occurred 6 months ago then I have a Better Help referral code waiting for you because it’s definitely time for therapy.
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morgluvsconnie · 2 months ago
VOW, a.arlert
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↜ CHAP.3 / no warnings ! / CHAP.4
A/N / hiiii , i returned. i know it’s been a while so u might not remember what happend last chapter, sorry for that. but i’m back!!💕 (proofreading later)
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“he invited you? girl, he want you.”
you ignored sasha’s nonstop comments about how “armin never does this” or “he would never do that”
“see, when he was with annie-”
“sasha,” you grabbed her hand and walked through the stands with her, excusing yourself in front of people. “i love you. but ion really care.” you sat down, fixing your skirt and putting your snacks between you both.
sasha pout her lips and looked at you. “but how would you know what to look out for?”
“i don’t like armin, how many times..?” you trailed off, rolling your eyes and looking at the ceiling.
“but he likes you. tryna tell you.” she raised her brows and grabbed her nachos, leaning back. “look, there he is.” she leaned her head towards where the basketball team entered the gym.
and yes, there he was, number three. smiling as most of the students and others screamed his name.
you clapped along for him, a small smile creeping onto your lips.
basketball wasn’t your thing, really. sports weren’t. but for armin, you guessed you’d to go the game anyway.
“you know the look on his face when he heard you were coming?”
“God, sasha.”
sasha’s eyes widened and she sat up, turning towards you. “no, really! he was all blushy and nervous and shit. he didn’t think you’d come.”
“i told him i was coming.” you shrugged, tucking your hands between your thighs at the temperature of the gym.
“you know how you talk— the tone you use. you always sound sarcastic.” sasha grabbed her soda, taking big sips.
when the game started, the only thing you watched was the scoreboard, armin, and sasha when she ate too quickly.
“number fourteen, that’s my ex, such a slut.” she shook her head, making you laugh. “on the other team, right?” you asked. pursing her lips together, sasha slowly shook her head. “no, no, our team.”
your expression dropped and you squinted. “he is.. ugly. as hell.”
with a shrug, sasha looked forward at the court and watched the game carefully, tilting her head a little against her shoulder.
you leaned forward, resting your elbows on your knees and your chin in your palm.
the scores were awfully close as time passed, but you couldn’t help but notice the change in the team and coaches demeanor. the frowns on the players faces, pushes and shoves towards armin, told you everything.
you assumed he didn’t like someone on the opposite team, because he kept fouling. foul after foul, push after push. and being benched for it seemed to piss him off even more.
“why he actin like that?” you frowned a little, adjusting to your position. sasha shook her head. “he always does that shit. when we play against this team, he always gets in some shit with reiner.”
“reiner…” you tried to think about the name, but nothing clicked. you then shook your head. “don’t know who that is.”
“he used to go here like… i dunno. but since highschool. he was fucking with armin over stupid shit, i really don’t know.” sasha sighed.
she sat up. “but i’m sick of them taking that shit to the court, that’s exactly why the game gets canceled, every single time.”
you analyzed armin carefully, biting your cheek and staying silent for a second. “i never seen em get mad before. armin, i mean.”
sasha scoffed. “you’ve only known him for awhile, he gets real pissy when he gets mad.” she rolled her eyes. “i’d hate to have to lecture him on his attitude again.”
you couldn’t do anything but stay silent, taking consideration for the fact that you really didn’t know armin.
as time reached the end of the game, there were two minutes left. sasha decided to leave earlier because of a home emergency. as much as you wanted to leave with her, you couldn’t help but stay.
walking out of the gym, standing against the wall on your phone, a couple more minutes passed.
you looked up to see most players walking out after changing their clothes, with their family, friends, or lovers.
‘where is he…?’ was the only thing you could think about.
“you think coach gon allow that shit on the court? you’ll be off the damn team before you finish our game.” you heard erens familiar, and annoying voice near the gym door.
looking up, you saw an irritated looking armin, who just stared back at you.
eren sniffed and nudged armins arm. “catch up witchu later.” he muttered before walking around you.
“you came.” was the first thing he said, slowly starting to walk towards the exit.
you hummed. “you asked.”
armin just stayed silent. by this time, the darkness set outdoors and the sun was barely able to be seen.
you cleared your throat as you both started to walk. “i hope youn got a ride… i planned on walking. and lord knows i can’t walk by myself.” you paused. “in the dark, that is.”
armin tossed his jersey over one shoulder and held his bag on the other. the silence set in. you figured he probably didn’t wanna talk because of what happened on the court.
he took a sip out of his water bottle and stared at the purple-ish, dark blue sky.
taking a deep breath, he exhaled and dropped his things, throwing his water bottle down, throwing his jersey down, everything.
you stopped in your tracks and looked back at him with a confused expression. “you good?”
armin stayed silent, sitting down on the sidewalk and resting his arms on his knees, letting his head hang.
you stood there, dumbfounded. truly.
because really, what was happening? and what could you possibly do? “armin.” you finally spoke, watching as he breathed calmly, softly scratching his head.
you sat beside him on the cold concrete, putting his things in his bag and zipping it up.
“i love that fuckin sport, man.” is all he muttered under his breath. but the quietness of the night helped you to be able to hear it. you’d be lying if you said you understood why he was acting like this.
you didn’t even know him long enough to know how to comfort him. but the bare minimum would be you at least trying.
you just stretched your legs and placed your hands on the concrete, staring at him before fixing your eyes to the ground.
“i mean, that shit get me away from everything.” he continued. “but i’m always fuckin up.” he drug his hands down his face with a long sigh.
“and then…” he trailed off. “i’m talkin to you outta all people about it. ‘just fuckin met you like two, three days ago.” he laughed at himself a little. you looked at him, not knowing if you should be offended or honored.
you truly wish you could comfort him, but you don’t know armin. not like sasha or any of his other friends know him.
“shits weak.” he finally looked up, clamping his hands together and resting his chin on them to look at the sky.
“ion think you messed up.” you looked at the sky along with him. “i think you just lost yo temper… and stuff. i don’t know.”
“you saw that.” armin side eyed you, shaking his head.
“i was there. who’s reiner?”
“a bitch.” armins head dropped again before he sighed and laid back on the concrete, using his bag to secure his head on. “a bitch, that’s mad about a bitch.” he paused. “i mean, a female.”
he realized you were a whole girl sitting beside him.
“geez, what happened?”
“i was with annie and reiner was with annie and what damn ever, it don’t matter.” he shook his head.
you remembered sasha telling you about annie — the type of person she was and whatnot — and truly, you didn’t know if you even wanted to meet the girl.
“so… you still like her?” you asked, pulling your knees to your chest and looking at armin with genuine curiosity.
armin frowned in confused. “who? annie?” he scoffed.
you stared, waiting for a reply.
armin, noticing, glanced at you and cleared his throat. “no.”
“why not?”
“manipulative, jealous, all the stupid shit. i think she cheated too. ‘m not gettin back wit her.” he sighed. “don’t you gotta go home? times passing.”
you checked your phone. 9:34.
biting your cheek, you slowly shook your head, contemplating on whether you wanted to leave armin by his self or stay with him.
“my parents won’t mind.” yes they would. “i’ll just go home later, whenever you do.” who knows how long that’ll take?
“i normally sit out here by myself but, shit, whatever.”
he curses way more than you last heard.
the silence washed over the both of you as you looked ahead. the only thing illuminating the night now was a streetlight you were under and the full moon.
“my bad, about yesterday.” he blurted out.
you stayed quiet, swallowing. “ion care about it.”
“no, i’m sorry, for real.” armin sat up and looked at you. “that was fucked up. ion know why ian say nothing sooner. to them.”
you heard some truth in his voice, but just nodded.
“it’s really whatever, armin.”
“no it’s not.”
you looked at him with a slight, frustrated frown. “you think i wanna talk about that right now? i just won’t be around them.” you said. “plus, arent we talkin bout you right now?”
armin pursed his lips and stood up.
he grabbed his bag and put it across his shoulder. you stayed on the concrete.
“you gon sit there?”
“you’re already going home?” you look up at him.
armin stares down at you and blinks, tilting his head and shifting his weight to one hip. “i’m only just meeting you and you already actin stubborn.” he rests his eyes at you.
you groaned and stood up. “home aint exactly for me.”
you both started to walk again. “which means?”
checking the time on your phone again, 9:50. time was flying.
“it means i’d rather be anywhere but there.” you licked your lips, thinking about the things your mother would say when you walked in the house.
armin slowly nodded. “i feel ya.” his eyes rested on the concrete again. “i’m like that too. some shits just better… away from home.”
you bit your top lip. “you don’t understand, armin.” you shook your head. “but thanks for walking me.”
you stopped in your tracks as you stood in front of your house.
armin looked at your house, then you. “right. my bad. see you tomorrow.”
you started up your driveway, giving him a thumbs up.
“you too.”
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