#sorry but i’m just pissed off.
ccherrycolouredfunk · 3 months
at this point, i’m incredibly tempted to make anyone who wants to collaborate with me sign a contract. lol
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graycious-tea · 5 months
All yall saying Tommy calling Buck Evan is disrespectful and like malicious clearly don’t remember my man, fellow bi icon Magnus Bane calling his pookie Alec Lightwood, Alexander at any given moment despite no one calling him Alexander except his parents who also suck like my man was gone on that shadowhunter and so is Tommy!!!
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magic-glasses · 26 days
Me desperately wanting andy x readers after watching alien: romulus but knowing he’s autistic + black, tumblr will favor the neurotypical white main character and treat andy like a 5 year old
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samwinchestermydude · 2 months
I think we as Sam fans should be more annoying and loud about the fact that his crossroad demons were men twice.
(This is me being pissed off about how people will say dean is of course bi due to some dumb shit like the siren, which was his brother, and “bi lighting” or something, and then turn around and say Sam is the straightest character. Like what.)
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wonderfull-star · 1 month
I like that face Dev makes.
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He just a smol baby 🥺
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katkit-drops-alt · 8 months
Recently reread The Song Of Achilles, and got the motivation to make Agamemnon slander memes:
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Plus one for Odysseus when he falls asleep in ‘Keep Your Friends Close’
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dykevanny · 2 months
Sorry the mimic just fucking sucks
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inkspottie · 1 month
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Art of Confluence I’ve done so far, figured I’d post it here
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a-great-tragedy · 3 months
Random Headcanon: Regulus sleeps with a nightlight on (Barty and Evan hate it with a passion)
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gwandas · 3 months
Hostile reminder that the shackled comment comes after Nesta’s confession on Solstice of how she doesn’t think she deserves Cassian.
Which means he knew those words would affirm those feelings of unworthiness and chose to say them anyway 😇
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superstar49 · 3 months
my hot take (it’s really more lukewarm tbh) is that drivers of color are judged significantly harsher than any of the white drivers on the grid, by both the media and the fan base
yes, 100% true. there’s always been a bias toward british drivers and european drivers in general, but i’m not sure everyone is aware of the bias toward white drivers. and people really only seem to think it happens to lewis, but that’s because he’s the only one who talks about it. the rest of the non-white drivers on the grid kind of get overlooked because they haven’t spoken up about it, largely because they probably feel like they can’t.
nobody talks about how it’s funny when max or kevin or whoever else is swearing a lot on the radio, but when yuki does it it’s excessive and immature. and it‘s ridiculous how people seem to forget that the country on alex albon’s super license is thailand as soon as he starts doing well. historically, when alex has started performing well, articles and publications stop describing him as a thai driver and start saying thai-british or just british, like it must be the brit in him that makes him do well. people always say that guanyu only has his seat because he’s a pay driver, but literally everyone is a pay driver. you don’t get an f1 seat if you’re not bringing the team sponsors and money. i saw loads of fans saying that the only people who cared about checo’s contract renewal were mexicans, which is absolutely ridiculous.
even with lewis, who has spoken up repeatedly, i still barely see anyone talk about some of the really disgusting things that fans and others in the sport have said about lewis. the xenophobia and racism in this sport is sickening and it‘s actually ridiculous that people just ignore it because this is f1 and that’s how it’s always been. the best driver in history, the face of the sport for the better part of a decade, is facing mass discrimination along with so many other people of colour in the sport, and people in the industry have absolutely nothing to say about it.
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kelin-is-writing · 3 months
Fuck you Endeavor. Fuck you All For One. Fuck you to all the Pro-Heroes. Fuck the Hero Society and FUCK YOU HORIKOSHI too 🥰
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daisysmalia · 5 months
The urge to gatekeep Lou from 9-1-1 twitter is so strong. They won’t stop misinterpreting his words to push their own theories. They only started being nice to him when he said stuff about their ship, and it’s pretty clear he’s only saying that stuff because otherwise they’ll go back to hating/he’s responding to paid cameos. In literally the same stuff they think he’s saying Tommy is the stepping stone, he’s also literally trying to get them to put their ship aside and enjoy BuckTommy. Like how is this being missed lmao? His answer about buddie was the same as Oliver’s. That they don’t know. No one knows at this point.
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hiddensneker · 6 months
If you can’t tell me your thoughts on miskao without being misogynistic then you don’t deserve to talk about Nya, Pixal, skylor, and Harumi and I’m being dead fucking serious rn
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bxriles · 29 days
nesta stans are so annoying. you all complain that she was “abused” by going to the HoW but she would be dead in a ditch somewhere without feyre intervening. get over it feyre was right you just won’t admit it
I am about to be the biggest dick right now because BRUH. I need you to be so for fucking real.
“ShE wOuLd Be DeAd In A dItcH”
My brother in Christ, with all disrespect intended, please shut the fuck up. My GOD. Nesta, a character who has been HORRIFICALLY traumatized, decides to cope by drinking, gambling, and having one night stands, and that means she was going to end up dead in a ditch?? You would be SHOCKED to hear how most people deal with their trauma. You would be SHOCKED to know how uncommon it is to lock a person up because someone else doesn’t like the way that person is coping.
(Disclaimer since you people have the reading comprehension of a fucking goldfish: I know some people do get locked up when they’ve been coping poorly for too long. That is not the majority of people though and you fucking know it. If you got locked up against your will for drinking a bit too much and were happy about it, GREAT. But I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that is the minority of people. And yeah, I am downplaying Nesta’s drinking because it’s not like she was guzzling liquor every second of every day and passing out on streets out in Velaris for everyone to think she’s a homeless drug addict and it’s not like she was having physical withdrawal from lack of alcohol. It’s also not like she was drunk every single time she saw one of her sisters or at family events like Winter Solstice. She was just partying hard. Not saying it’s great behavior. It’s not, but I also don’t care because I AM NOT THE PURITY POLICE.)
Why is it so hard for you people to admit that if you hate Tamlin for locking Feyre up then that means you need to AT LEAST be critical of Feyre for locking Nesta up? And before you say Feyre had her reasons, SO DID TAMLIN. I’m not saying Tamlin was right to lock Feyre up, but he had his reasons just like Feyre did. They both fucked up. I don’t know why that is so fucking hard for you people to grasp.
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lawbreaker13 · 1 year
Flaming hot take, but not every movie or TV show needs to hit every individual diversity mark to be a good movie or show?
Like, please understand, I very much get the concept of intersectionality, and I know the actual statistics of minorities’ presence in the world and there is a whole lot of overlap that would be nice to see realistically portrayed in the media but it’s just like. Sometimes a story is just…A story. It’s one person’s story. And it doesn’t need to hit some specific diversity quota to be a good story.
Accept the movies about Latin people as a movie about Latin people. Accept the queer representation as queer representation. Take the story about the disabled person for what it is. But if it’s a story about a queer couple facing adversity, maybe don’t get up in arms about them not being the “right type” of queer for you. Wild idea? TELL THAT STORY YOURSELF.
Because sometimes that straight couple is dealing with other issues in their universe, and that’s why it’s not gay. Sometimes if you cast a black woman, that makes it a black story. And that Asian storyteller isn’t telling the story of a black woman. They’re telling their story.
So instead of getting mad that this isn’t the story YOU wanted to hear? Tell the story you wanted to hear. Because that one is theirs. And someone deserves to tell yours.
The diversity quota does as much of a disservice to storytelling as a lack of representation does. If you don’t resonate enough, make something we can resonate with more. Let us claim our stories as our own, and leave others to say what they want to say.
If we all tell our stories, I promise. Eventually you’ll find one just for you.
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