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vickyvicarious · 1 month ago
I'm never gonna be over the Maggie sharing Nate's taste thing. Or really just the intricate web of Nate relationships.
Nate/Maggie still together while Nate had a crush on Sophie and Maggie had a crush on Sterling. Sophie and Maggie immediately hitting it off and the strong vibe of them hooking up offscreen. Sterling's homoerotic friendship/enemyship with Nate but in a way where I cannot personally see them ever doing anything about it except in a threesome situation involving either Maggie or Sophie as well. Sterling and Sophie who spent a decent percent of an episode working together culminating in Sterling admitting he gets what Nate sees in her. Sterling who brought the team in to help Maggie (along with advance his own career at the same time of course but let's be honest that's always the case and doesn't mean he didn't also want to help her).
Hell, there was even a bit of a vibe between Nate and Tara. Tara who was very much Sophie's friend (with benefits) first.
It's not even just Maggie. Why does everyone Nate likes have the same taste in people as Nate himself and all get together in various capacities/times but distinctly not ever in any kind of straightforward stable poly situation like Parker/Hardison/Eliot. It's so so funny to me.
All the more because Nate is stunned and afraid of the phenomenon. Think of his reaction to Maggie's crush on Sterling/friendship with Sophie and amplify it.
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snowberriesromanoff · 2 months ago
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Leverage (US TV 2008), Catwoman (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer, Maggie Collins/Sophie Devereaux, Sophie Devereaux & Nathan Ford, Sophie Devereaux & Nathan Ford & Alec Hardison & Parker & Eliot Spencer, Maggie Kyle & Selina Kyle, Selina Kyle & Team Leverage Characters: Parker (Leverage), Alec Hardison, Eliot Spencer (Leverage), Sophie Devereaux (Leverage), Nathan Ford, Maggie Collins, Maggie Kyle, Selina Kyle Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Relationship Negotiation, Polyamory Negotiations, OT3, Bisexual Alec Hardison, Bisexual Eliot Spencer (Leverage), Bisexual Parker (Leverage), Minor Sophie Devereaux/Nathan Ford, Established Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer, Demisexual Parker (Leverage), Awesome Parker (Leverage), Nerd Alec Hardison, Nathan Ford Being a Jerk, Alcoholic Nathan Ford, POV Parker (Leverage), POV Sophie Devereaux (Leverage), Bisexual Sophie Devereaux, Maggie Collins and Maggie Kyle are the same person, Past Sophie Devereaux/Tara Cole, Mentioned Astrid Pickford, Mentioned Tara Cole, Parker Being Parker (Leverage), Transfem Parker (Leverage), mass effect references, Parker's taser, Friends to Lovers, Developing Relationship, Not Nathan Ford Friendly, ficwip Discord's Hey Sweetheart Challenge Summary:
Sophie goes to a museum gala with Maggie and it escalates. So do Sophie's feelings. For the ficwip Hey Sweetheart challenge. This chapter fills the Fluffruary prompt 'True Friendship.'
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aardvaark · 8 months ago
i think maggie would be the only person in the leverage universe who DOES notice the leverage team members occasionally becoming famous. like she’d tune into the world news and then have to call the team to check if sophie really died in a small european country during a turbulent election. "no but wasn’t my funeral so poignant? they put my face on the $20 note!" okay great glad to know you’re not dead. she watches a game of baseball on TV and just sighs deeply when the camera pans to eliot. next time she sees the team, she compliments his baseball skills. for some reason he mutters something about a sandwich while looking wistfully into the distance.
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leveragecentral · 7 months ago
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But worst of all, he completely forgot that I gave him that same button camera for Christmas three years ago.
Leverage - 1x13 The Second David Job
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booksbabybooks · 1 month ago
One of the things I love about Leverage is it would have been so easy to fumble Maggie: make her the tragic woman whose entire character is "lost her son" or make her the uptight straight woman to the team's hijinks, the life that Nate could have had, and escaped.
Instead she feels fully rounded. Yes, she's ostensibly "normal", doesn't understand the world the way the team does, doesn't really understand them and reacts to situations with a faith in authority they don't have. She's arguably far too trusting.
BUT she also happily leaps in to help a con. She's smart and incisive. She has a big heart. But a wicked sense of humour (the whole button cam thing!)
She's not threatened by Sophie and Nate, recognising the romantic part of her and Nate's relationship is over, but happy to build a new relationship with them both. Reminds Sophie that even when Nate calls her his wife, she calls him her ex.
She's deeply, deeply scarred by her loss but it hasn't made her closed off or bitter.
I totally think we should find out she ended up with Sterling, mind.
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notbecauseofvictories · 4 months ago
I'm rewatching leverage out of nostalgia and some other emotion I haven't figured out yet, and I do think there's a story in "Maggie Ford Collins deals with having the most unhinged ex in her suburban book group, learns to hotwire a car, and gets her groove back, not in that particular order."
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lindseymcdonaldseyelashes · 5 months ago
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Leverage + Mirrors
1x13 - “The Second David Job”
4x2 - “The 10 Li’l Grifters Job”
4x6 - “The Carnival Job”
4x18 “The Last Dam Job”
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maspers · 4 months ago
I understand why they couldn't bring him back, but let's be honest a version of Leverage Redemption with Nate still around would have been an absolute joy to watch.
He'd take one look at Breanna and be like "who's this sassy lost child?" And he'd roll with it but he'd also just completely and possibly deliberately fail to explain ANYTHING to her. Breanna would call Hardison like every other day to complain about how Nate is a complete disaster of a man and Hardison would be like "Yes, I know, we all know, welcome to the club".
Meanwhile Harry Wilson would manage to spend the bulk of the season being even more confused than he already was in canon. Like. That's Nathan Ford??? I know about Nathan Ford, he was a legendary insurance agent! He went rogue and became one of the most successful criminals in the business! How is he A COMPLETE MESS??? Nate for his part is at first very untrusting of Harry and spends the first few episodes subtly manipulating the poor man into unnecessarily weird situations just to see what he'll do. Sophie chides Nate for being mean.
The schemes get changed, naturally, since Sophie is perfectly fine with letting Nate continue to be all Mastermindy, and the end result is very bizarre season that follows the same plot beats as the Canon one but in an inexplicably different way.
To make matters worse, when you have Nate around inevitably Maggie and Sterling show up (Sterling is oozing villainous enthusiasm at the chance to match wits with Nate and a slightly new Leverage Team, Maggie on the other hand does not want to be here but has accepted this is just a recurring part of her life now) and both of them arrive at the worst possible moment for everyone (except possibly Nate, who planned for this). Breanna immediately starts complaining about the sexual tension between Nate and Sterling, causing Hardison and Maggie to bust out laughing. There's a nonzero chance Harry ends up low key flirting with Maggie since Sophie's with Nate here, but it never goes anywhere.
Naturally the Mastermind Job gets significantly more bizarre than it already was. Everyone gives Nate a hard time over it. EVERYONE. The man never catches a break for the entire thing. They don't even let him run the con, partially because they're a bit mad but mostly just to troll him. Eliot grabs Nate and shakes him sternly at least once. Actually probably many times, throughout the season, as things get weirder.
Harry leaves at the end of Redemption Season 1 and Nate just nods knowingly and instructs Hardison to open a betting pool for how long it will be before Harry comes back. Parker wins, successful guessing it down to the exact day. Eliot accuses her of cheating.
Then in Redemption Season 2 Tara Cole shows up and everything gets worse.
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where-our-stories-start · 12 days ago
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Downton Abbey Season 2 Christmas Special
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danburys · 4 months ago
there's something about maggie/sophie that will always have me in its thrall... it's not even about the mutual nate of it all, necessarily, although that's delicious.
it's also about, they both love art in a visceral way. and about the fact that maggie recognized sophie in the museum. that the "of course she bloody speaks spanish" is reminiscent of the cat and mouse game sophie had fun with with nate.
and it's the easy way in which sophie manages to instruct maggie. and how "she's turning into quite the grifter" actually does highlight how sophie's area of crime is probably the one maggie's most suited to, too.
and then, of course, there's the whole thing about maggie being "the most honest person" the team knows and sophie being The Liar of all time.
something so simultaneously jagged, mismatched and soft, understanding about them that makes me want to eat gravel.
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hannahleah · 6 months ago
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Maggie Rizer in Vogue Italia (May 2002) by Sophie Delaporte
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thought-42 · 5 days ago
Nate, Maggie and Sterling: actively engaging in psychological warfare as foreplay, cheerfully using each other as chew toys at every available opportunity
Sophie, a professional grifter and lifelong student of human behavior, already pulling out her notebook and microscope: 'yes I'll take them, no I don't need a receipt'
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taylitruther · 3 months ago
Maggie reflects on it all, after the dust settles from the whole ordeal with Blackpoole and the Davids. Should she have recognized them, her husband’s team of career criminals? She had never seen their faces, true. For her, they had always been names on pages and reports. She wasn’t the one chasing them down, that was her husband.
He was the one that got to gallivant across the world, tracking down stolen IYS insured art based on info she provided him. Tracking art cases Maggie had handpicked because she thought Nate would enjoy the chase.
Some common themes came up, because Nate always seems to enjoy those chases. A lone wolf thief who has a penchant for tricky grabs. A retrieval specialist who never seems to keep the items himself for long so you’ve gotta get him in the act. Even a hacker a few times who seems to try to take just to see if he can. And of course, a grifter who seems to be popping up anywhere and everywhere, especially where IYS art is.
And then Sam got sick, and Maggie took a leave of absence and took care of him while Nate threw himself into the job. He was gone longer, going on riskier missions. And that grifter had kept popping up.
And then her son died, and everything went to shit. She went back to work but her husband lost it, quit his job, became a raging alcoholic. She has to serve him with divorce papers. She wondered if he was going to go chase that grifter, Sophie, with all his newfound free time.
Even now, even after running into him and learning about his team, she doesn’t really know what to think about him and Sophie.
Then she starts to wonder how different their lives would be, if her birth control hadn’t failed. If Sam had never been born in the first place, rather than dying too young. They had always wanted kids, but getting pregnant when she had had put her behind on the organizational ladder, left her husband to be promoted to a position to be a field investigator before her.
Would they have gone across Europe together? Chased these people, who have become her former husband’s new family?
Without Sam’s death Nate probably wouldn’t have changed sides. But now that she’s seen the injustice, she sees why he did. She did, for a while. She even entertained the idea for a moment, just one moment, of joining them. Would she and Nate have seen those injustices, changed sides themselves? Joined a crew?
Would she have that family too?
Maggie Collins takes a long sip of her wine in her empty apartment with her laptop open in front of her. No use wondering about the past. She closes out of Facebook, saddened by looking at the old, happy memories. She drains her wine, and opens up a job application she has bookmarked for a traveling art appraisal job.
There’s really nothing left for her in LA.
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aardvaark · 9 months ago
considering nate & maggie are said to have worked together sometimes, collaborating to discover art fraud pre-leverage… i’d like to imagine that maggie has at least heard of the leverage team members in passing. she wouldn’t recognise them in a crowd, but she’s familiar with big names in the art theft & forgery world. she’d have SOME expectations of what they were like. and then in the second david job, she’s meeting them and they’re. them. like-
what she knows about parker: worlds greatest thief, seems more interested in banks but certainly an art thief, too. nate says she has a reputation for being "insane".
what she assumes about parker: probably does some great grifting to get into those museums and vaults, been a world class thief for ages so she’d be in her late 30s at least by season 1. dangerous, formidable, scary, do not approach.
what she very quickly learns about parker: is a duckling who has imprinted on her
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leveragecentral · 4 months ago
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Leverage (2008-2012) The Zanzibar Marketplace Job (S02E12)
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squipedmew · 1 month ago
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hey does anyone remember ava's demon or is it just me going insane here
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