#sonic is fucking clumsy
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000marie198 · 10 months ago
Every single fanfic I read which isn't centered on Sonic or isn't made by someone whose fav is Sonic charactersizes him to be either stupid or lazy or idiotic or 'sucks at [insert thing]
I fucking hate this fandom sometimes
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angelicdudles · 3 months ago
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year ago
When I visit folks in the palliative care home (to see if their cars are running up a big parking ticket that I can "take care of,") they have a lot of regrets. You have but one life to live, unless you're Sonic the Hedgehog, but then you'll fall down holes or get impaled on spikes a lot. I digress: near the end, everyone knows that they are missing a big part of their life.
You might think that this is a loss of a relationship, or an opportunity, or even not seeing that awesome movie in theatres. And you'd be totally wrong. Most people miss their favourite coffee mug from times long past.
Coffee mugs are fragile, and so are our lives. Just like human beings, they're made of dirt and some kind of external force we don't understand. Each one is unique, and when you find your ideal mug, it is gutting to be torn away from it. Clumsy maids. Cabinet door malfunctions. Earthquakes. Swarms of ceramic-devouring wasps. There are so many threats, and we will all part with our favourite coffee mugs before their times.
If only there were something we could do. There is something we could do. To be more correct, there is something I could do. I was extremely fortunate that the palliative care home also contained many dying mad scientists (who did not practice appropriate workplace safety, just saying.) After reading their journals very, very closely, I was able to devise a new machine. This machine, which we are now calling the Mugmembrer, reaches into the farthest depths of the human mind and 3D-prints up an exact replica of that mug you smashed so long ago. Life is brought full circle, with a truly fulfilling sense of closure at long last.
Just don't hook this fucking thing up to a dog. They don't know what mugs even are, but that doesn't stop the machine, oh no. Real bad shit happens really fast, trust me.
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porcelain-skullsforeyes · 2 months ago
puts a mic close to your mouth
what are ur michie headcanons
We all know Richie’s got asthma. However, Max did not. The first time Rich had an asthma attack in front of Max, the guy FROKE OUT and thought bro was dying. So he performed chest compressions on the guy, accidentally making the attack worse. Richie has told him many times he’s forgiven him and it was an accident. Max has never let it go and the guilt eats him up every time he sees Rich pull out his inhaler 
Again with the asthma. Richie likes to tell people his inhaler is a vape, just for silliness and swag (questionable). He did so at a party Max invited him to once, and Kyle genuinely believed him and hid the inhaler from him, just genuinely trying to be helpful. Max screamed vulgar obscenities at Kyle while Richie was having an asthma attack in his arms. Jason finds the inhaler and chucks it at Richie, trying to be helpful. He clocks Max in the head with it instead, knocking him out while Brenda bursts into tears. Richie never tells anyone his inhaler is a vape again. 
Richie is very clumsy. Max carries bandaids in his pockets 24/7 for this very reason
Max has an off-button: it’s his hair. Something something his mother used to run her fingers through his hair as a kid to help him fall asleep, so his brain has been conditioned into going “it’s sleep time!” whenever someone touches his hair. Richie does this just to see Max collapse against him, which Richie pretends to have it be his initial plan, but he always gets very shy whenever it happens. He just likes to see Max relaxed and peaceful
Richie also has an off-button. Hands holding his face. Richie blubbering about something that scared him and Max, confused and not knowing what to do, cups his face and tells him to calm down, what’s going on? and Richie just goes boneless, scaring the shit out of poor Max
They play Smash Bros. all the time. Max mains Bowser and Richie mains Kirby. Richie almost always wins, much to the jock’s dismay
Max has no problem cussing out anyone who tries to even tease Richie but is terrified to place his order at a restaurant. He has to have Richie order for him and he’s heavily embarrassed about it
When Max was in elementary school, he participated in a lot of school plays. If he’s in a really good mood, he sometimes recites monologues he’s memorized from Shakespeare productions to Richie, pleased at the praise he receives for it
Bass player Richie. Max can’t keep his eyes off his fingers when he plays. They’re just so delicate, so versatile and flexible. Quick and experienced, picking the strings with precision and varying degrees of strength; Max is transfixed. Every time Richie plays for him, Max has to excuse himself immediately after to take care of his problem.
Richie’s a yapper. He yaps about anime, Sonic the Hedgehog, the new manga he’s interested in, he just likes letting it all spill out. He is the only one Max is patient enough to listen to. The thing is, Max adores listening to Richie yap. It helps him know that Richie is comfortable enough to be that vulnerable about the things he holds dear around Max to do so, and Max feels so fucking special when he does
Not only is Richie a yapper, he’s also very vocal. He squeaks when he’s surprised. He does that pathetic wolf howl thing when he’s distressed. He squeals with delight when happy, quiet little giggles when something pleases him. Because of this, he’s very vocally responsive. Anything Max does to him makes him utter even a small noise. He gets loud when they get freaky. Again, it’s music to Max’s ears. Richie’s whines are Max’s favorite drink
Max is dyslexic. But he loves handwritten letters (he’s got a secret soft spot for sentimentality). Richie knows both of these things, and the frustration Max has when he fails to read something correctly. So he writes constant letters to Max, sitting beside him and reading them aloud to him so Max can try his best to read along while listening to the lovely words directed towards him 
The both of them got praise kinks. Freaky time gets freaky dawg, it’s crazy 😭 
The biggest thing Max is terrified of is turning out to be like his dad. Once he gets closer to Richie, his biggest fear changes to Richie turning out like his mom. So he’s very protective, very gentle with Richie, absolutely terrified at the thought of Richie abandoning him. Little squeezes of the hip, flicks on the nose, grips of the chin, pinkie fingers looped around each other. As long as Max is touching Richie, he knows he hasn’t left him
The first time Max said “I love you”, Richie started sobbing. The first time Richie said “I love you,” Max started sobbing. Despite their contrasting external presentations, they both are very emotional and sensitive
Max is much more forward than Richie is when it comes to freaky stuff. The thing is, Richie just gets so flustered and embarrassed, all shaky fingers and stammering, and Max gets a kick out of it. He can’t help loving how red Richie gets at even the slightest of innuendos: 
“Are you always this much of a pain in the ass?” “I can if you want me to be.” “Oh my god.”
When Max gets jealous, he always grabs Richie harshly, talks to him privately, demanding what the hell is going on between Rich and another person. When Richie gets jealous, he goes very quiet. Death stares, curls of the nose, incoherent grumbling, snapping of pencils in his hand. He gets very passive-aggressive and snarky, as if prepping for the moment Max would ditch him for the next hot piece of ass. It’s inherently angry, but internally despairing, for the both of them. 
Max cat person. Richie dog person. Max dogboy. Richie catboy. Need I continue?
Richie introduced Max to C148 Minecraft music. When Max is alone and his brain is frazzled and he’s got too much energy in him, he sits down and turns on the alpha album and just listens. He will never admit how lovely and calming it makes him feel. Is it the music that calms him? Or is it the music that Richie recommended to him that calms him? We’ll never know
Max tugs Richie closer by the belt loops on his jeans. If he’s wearing shorts, he tugs him by his pockets
Richie sleeps in the fetal position. Max is splayed out everywhere when he sleeps. 
Richie scribbles little doodles of Max whenever he sees a piece of paper with blank space
Richie loves soda. Something about the carbonation, the bubbles, he just adores it. Max always keeps a six-pack of Dr. Pepper in his fridge for whenever Richie comes over
Max is an incredible cook. Richie can make ramen
Richie took AP psychology and gave Max the flashcards he made for the class instead of throwing them out, not even thinking Max would keep them. Even if he struggles, Max studies those flashcards every damn day:
“Yeah, that’s cognitive dissonance if I’ve ever seen it.” “…how do you know what that is?”
Richie craves pressure as a stim. That’s why he hugs himself/stuffs his hands in his armpits when he’s distressed or anxious. Max is a very good weighted blanket. It satisfies Richie’s stims, and helps Max keep Rich with him in one place. Win-win!
*heavy exhale* I think about them a lot
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sonic-takeover · 10 days ago
Ummm whats with the fucking ROBOT ATTACK ? Fam?
*In the little manipulative haven of Gogoba Village, a giant robot is stomping around trying to step on people. Everyone heard the stomping and came as quickly as they could, though they're now reluctant because.. well it's Gogoba Village*
Oh jeez... Couldn't Eggface have attacked literally anywhere else?
Maybe we just don't talk to them?
I wish it were that easy. Come on, gang. Let's save them yet again. Even if they don't deserve it.
*Amy whacks a badnik with her hammer and starts running at the giant robot* Sonic, be nice. They're our neighbors, we don't get to choose them.
You said that right.
Sonic! *Shadow zips over on his air shoes* I'm here.
Oh, finally! Help me take this thing down, will ya?
Hm. *He nods and they start to move toward it, but a voice rings out among the din*
"Did somebody lose a phone? Oh jeez.. I sure hope it's no trouble I found it. I have such a bad habit of breaking things." *It's a Gogoba*
Oh. Oh shit. Uh NO, THATS-
Oh, me me me! Give it here! *The gogoba tosses it carelessly toward Silver*
"Oops. Sorry I'm so clumsy. I have pretty bad arthritis, but I don't mind exacerbating it just this once, since you asked so nicely."
*Silver manages to catch it with his telekinesis, but Sticks jumps over him and grabs it*
Thanks! Now I can practice my throws.
*she's about to throw it when Amy is tossed backward and knocks her over. The phone flies from her hand into Rouge's*
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nymph-ette111 · 8 months ago
hiii I saw requests were open so I wanted to know if you could write a ben with a clumsy (breaks everything and bumps against everything) and orange cat type of gf please ? <33 also a really touch starved and cuddly reader that likes to do embroidery please ??
Of course take your time with it and feel free to ignore it <33
Take care love 💕
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(♡) Authors note; my first request in awhile!! I was genuinely so happy to see this :') sorry it took a little while but I LOVED WRITING THIS :3
-BEN is a pretty chill guy. and by chill I mean high as fuck 24/7.
-on the rare occurrence of being sober, he'd match your energetic and chaotic personality!
-he tends to stay in his room all day traumatizing people on the internet and drinking ungodly amounts of energy drinks (his room is actually disgusting please help him clean it) because half of the mansion hates him for being an annoying little brat. except for Jeff tho, he somewhat tolerates BEN's antics.
-your energy and overall demeanor always helps him let loose and have fun instead of hiding away all the time.
-spending time together whether it's in or outside of his room always ends up being a disaster (in a good way)
-creeps just KNOW you two are up to no good whenever you're seen together.
-you always gotta end up in trouble. even if you attempted to do the simplest tasks such as...making a fucking sandwich. all of the sudden the toaster is somehow burnt, cheese is on the ceiling and about 25 cups are broken.
-which brings us to your clumsiness :) uh yeah he fucking loves it.
-laughs his fucking ass off instead of helping you. well, he does eventually, just let him finish being a little bitch and he'll half-assedly bandage any wounds or injuries you got.
-only if they're minor injuries!! if it's something major he'll be rushing you to EJ. also yeah anything that can't be fixed with a sonic bandaid is major to him.
-the good thing is he covers up for you if you end up breaking something so you wouldn't get in trouble. so there's that.
-he actually starts carrying around bandaids more often in case you get hurt which is sweet (Jeff teases him for it)(he's jealous he doesn't have a cool relationship like you two have)
-now as for the clingy part, he'll try to act nonchalant and unbothered like yeah sit on his lap or whatever (hes never been happier, on the verge of fucking tears)
-he quickly breaks from that act and immediately reciprocates your affection even if he's a little awkward about it.
-you're his first girlfriend, please be patient he'll get used to it eventually.
-he's down bad and it's painfully obvious.
-the first time you told him about your little embroidery hobby he legit took his pants off for you to embroider a cool design on it.
-mans stood in his boxers watching you like a hawk.
-even if you weren't carrying your tools with you, you WILL bring them whether you want to or not.
-he'd be so happy, jumping up and down, kicking his feet, gawking at the desgin you made for him.
-from that day and on he'd bring you whatever clothing item he has so you could do a little something to it :')
-might even consider letting you teach him a thing or two. only simple stuff or else he'll get frustrated.
-in conclusion: he finds you very cool and he's happy you two are together, you genuinely impacted his life positively <3
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escapismblue · 1 year ago
literally blame @neometalsilver for this but here’s how fucking unwell I am about Sonic being Tails’ parental unit.
context: this is using my own timeline of the games/headcanons so yeah. if shit doesn’t register as canon refer to that.
Sonic just found a kid when he was 11 while living in the woods and took him in because what was he supposed to do? he’s not a social person, he doesn’t know how to keep friends, but that’s a kid. a scared kid that needs someone to look after him. he doesn’t think he’ll do a great job, but he has to at least provide the kid food and safety. at least until he can figure out what’s best for the kid.
he’s lucky Tails is a genius and can already read and write because he can’t talk. he doesn’t want to. the sound reverberates in his head and makes him sick he can’t talk. Tails is okay with that though. he reads whatever Sonic hastily writes on paper and he learns sign language faster than Sonic had.
food’s already tight. it’s hard to scavenge and Sonic can only steal so much food without locking himself out of every town or village on the islands. he’s already malnourished as hell himself and now he has to find more food.
Sonic eats even less. he has to. Tails is 4, Sonic is 11. he can deal with less food. Tails is growing and even though Sonic can’t run as much because he’s so tired. his metabolism eats through whatever food he manages to eat for himself. his body hides it though. he looks fine and Tails is looking better and the kid is okay and that’s. enough.
Mighty and Ray meet up with Sonic again and Mighty sees Tails and He Knows. because that’s what he did. Sonic doesn’t know what to do when Mighty gives him a look that’s knowing because he doesn’t know what he’s doing and he sure as hell didn’t know he and Mighty were still friends because he doesn’t know what friendships even are.
Sonic doesn’t understand people. he never has. he doesn’t trust people all that much. he can work with people when necessary but that’s… that’s all. people are scary and cruel but god there’s this kid that’s looking up to Sonic and maybe. maybe he should try and believe the world is good because he wants things to be good for his kid.
his kid?
the kid. he’s taking care of Tails but he’s not…
he “borrows” books from the library to read them. to teach himself about the world he’s bared himself from. he reads all the lessons kids are taught. he learns how the world works and then teaches Tails and sure he could just give the kid the books because god the kid is smart but he needs Tails to believe that he is capable.
Sonic needs to prove to Tails that he is reliable. that he’s gonna be there and get them out of whatever they get into. or whatever Robotnik forces them into.
he will do what he has to.
but he’s so scared. he’s not used to people relying on him or being attached to him. he’s so scared of that attachment he wants to run he has to be alone, alone is safe but Tails is there and he’s sleeping and he’s cuddled up to Sonic and Sonic cannot and will not be like the cruel adults that exist just to make his life worse.
when Sonic 2 happens he’s so proud of how capable Tails is. he’s not that nervous, Tails is doing great. sure, he doesn’t love Tails being dragged into stuff like this but it’s okay. it’s okay because Sonic will always be there to take the hit if Tails doesn’t dodge in time. and that’s fine. he’s a kid and learning. he can be clumsy. Sonic’s sturdy anyway.
when they meet Knuckles, Sonic is glad that the echidna seems to take a liking to Tails as a sort of older brother figure and it reassures Sonic that Tails would still have someone. Knuckles is not like Sonic, he is not going to take care of Tails like he does, but he's a protective figure, Sonic doesn't have to worry as much if he needs to be alone. which god he does. his skin is itching.
he loves Tails but he is itching to run.
when they move away from the islands, Sonic is quick to make sure Tails has shelter. he forges whatever he has to so that everything can be in Tails' name. both house and workshop. all of it. they're Tails', not Sonic's. Sonic can't have a house. he's been living in the woods so long that living in a house is so scary to him. he can't.
not yet.
when Shadow dies, Sonic mourns. death is not a foreign concept to him, but Shadow's sacrifice strings. Tails falls ill not long after and Sonic takes care of him. Tails has a high fever and in his delirium calls Sonic dad.
Sonic is aware of his own mortality, he almost died when he was 8/9. Shadow's death doesn't make him realize he will die someday, but it along with that keyword makes Sonic realize that when he dies he will be orphaning a child. his death will affect other people. he's not just some kid in the woods anymore. Tails will mourn like he does when he does.
Tails will be alone again when Sonic dies.
it doesn't matter how many of Sonic's friends take on a role in Tails' life, Sonic will be abandoning the kid in death. the thing he promised himself he wouldn't do. but what can he do? he's going to die young. it's only a matter of time.
he weeps amongst the trees. he is helpless to do anything besides prepare the kid.
things go on as normal. more adventures, more fights, more injuries, more fussing. it’s as normal as it can be. and sure maybe in the back of Sonic’s head he’s constantly trying to prepare Tails for when his only parent is going to leave him, but it’s minor. it’s fine.
when Sonic finds Emerl on that beach he knows the feeling that fills his heart. he knows that he’s gone from one kid to two.
everything about raising Emerl is rushed and a little different, but Sonic’s never had a normal experience raising a kid. weird is his home base.
there are a couple moments that get Sonic’s anxiety pumping. when Eggman says he has both Emerl and Cream hostage Sonic can feel the fear fill his veins, but of course Emerl gets both himself and Cream out of the situation. that’s his kid.
and it warms Sonic’s heart when he sees Emerl and Tails interact. something about Emerl brings out the childlike qualities of Tails and it’s endearing and so so heartwarming.
but nothing stays good forever.
Sonic had a choice. the world or his child. it wasn’t fair. but he couldn’t let Emerl destroy the planet. if only because he couldn’t force Emerl to deal with that amount of guilt. that wouldn’t be something the robot could live with. he prayed that he would be lucky and that Emerl would survive but…
“This was Gerald's final program... Should a weapon go out of control, the weapon will terminate itself...”
stupid fucking Gerald programming a self-destruct into a being with thoughts and feelings. stupid fucking Eggman gloating as if he won. as if this was something this was something to celebrate. stupid fucking Robotniks. stupid fucking world.
he didn’t regret the burning hot rage that took his over. he didn’t regret regret breaking Eggman’s jaw. he didn’t regret letting the dark energy blind him. he was blinded by tears anyway.
and god, Tails sounded like such a kid when he asked if Emerl would come back if the world was peaceful and Sonic couldn’t crush a kid’s hopes. especially not his own. his only. Sonic could barely keep it together as he agreed with Tails.
he made Tails stay the night at Vanilla’s house, too heartbroken to comfort the kid. tomorrow. he would do it tomorrow. when he had time to grieve on his own first.
turns out grieving was fighting with Shadow until they were both crying. Shadow lost his last connection to the Ark and Sonic? Sonic lost just about the worst thing he could’ve.
it wasn’t fair.
Sonic didn’t mean to be so much more protective of Tails going forward, hell of any kid he interacted with, going forward he just… he could deal with a lot of things. he had been through hell and back. pain was something he had learned to accept as part of his life. hell, maybe part of him would be lost without it. but he couldn’t lose Tails. for god’s sake if he was doomed to an early grave why was it so damn hard to have his kids outlive him?
he noticed Tails starting to doubt himself and that’s the last thing he wanted, Tails was so much better than him in so many ways, but he couldn’t… he couldn’t get over his fears.
was having Tails alive more important than him having a good self-esteem? Sonic was so lost. he had no frame of reference. Sonic had never had parents. no one to look after him. to show him what to do or what not to do in raising his own. he wanted Tails alive but he didn’t want Tails to have a miserable life. how was Sonic supposed to show Tails that he was more than capable without risking the kid’s life?
he didn’t know.
he tried but everything kept getting worse and Sonic didn’t know what to do and-
6 months of torture gave him plenty of time to think. too much time, really.
Sonic thought about plenty of things. but his mind always went back to golden fur and blue eyes. was Tails okay? sure, Sonic ran away a lot to do his own things, but never this long. had anyone taken up on taking care of Tails? did Tails blame himself? he shouldn’t. he’s just a kid.
safe to say he was not happy when he heard that Tails was missing when he got back. he was already upset with his boyfriend, and now his kid was just alone in an active war zone. Sonic knew Shadow had probably watched the kid from a distance but that wasn’t enough. Tails was 12 for fuck’s sake!
Sonic kept up the smiles, of course he did, but it only reinforced that Tails would be alone when Sonic actually passed and that… maybe Sonic was more mad at himself than anyone else.
or maybe the cruel workings of Fate. but no… that couldn’t be it. Sonic had defied fate before. but…
he didn’t know what he was mad at anymore. it didn’t matter.
Tails was in his arms again and maybe, just maybe, Sonic would teach Shadow about parenting.
just in case.
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glitchedcosmos · 6 months ago
Sonic: * trips on air*
Shadow: jeez, you’re so clumsy
( later when Sonic’s not around)
Shadow aggressively punching the air: who the fuck do you think you are, WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK-
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randomthefox · 4 months ago
Sonic Team's official character bio of Trip:"Trip is clumsy because of her big clunky armor"
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Ian Flynn: writes Trip as being clumsy even when she isn't wearing the armor
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Fucking shithead moron.
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vitiligoduncan · 10 months ago
Duncan headcanons bc i ran out of post ideas
- Duncan was a clumsy kid. He always tripped over anything, his own toys, the sidewalk, his shoelaces, the stairs in his own house. Mostly the stairs. In almost every picture of him as a kid, he had at least one bandaid
- he LOVES spicy food. everytime he gets spicy food, he fucking DEVOURS THAT SHIT. he even drinks the bottle of hot sauce like its beer or something
- he was a SUPER hyper kid, so hyper to the point that when he was 4 his dad had to buy a leash because he kept running around and getting lost. But he hated the leash, he would do everything to get it off and when he couldn't, he would just cry until his dad took it off
- his favorite animal as a kid were sharks and it's still sharks. he drew sharks, had shark plushies, wore clothes with sharks on them and even asked his mom for a pet shark when he was 5 (he got very upset when she said it wasn't possible for them to get a pet shark)
- Duncan has naturally fluffy hair, but he uses so much hair spray for his mohawk to the point it feels like a brick
- He was obsessed with ninja turtles growing up
- His birthday is in January but he hates winter, he definitely sleeps with like 5 blankets during winter
- in middle school he was forced to read The Outsiders like every other 7th/8th grade and it was like the only book he was obsessed with and Dally probably inspired his personality
- He's not a cat person but cats love him, they always like run to him and purr when he pets them
- huge sonic fan growing up
- his converse are falling apart and held together with tape and super glue
- actually a good chef but he doesn't even know that because he almost never puts effort in his cooking
- secretly has a soft spot for kids, probably had to babysit a younger cousin or nephew/niece and surprisingly loved it
- Finnish and Korean
- He is demiromantic but didn't know until he fell in love with Gwen
- Arcane is one of his favorite shows
- He knows sign language, he had a friend in juvie that was deaf so he learned sign language so he could communicate with them
- OBSESSED with music and bands, especially punk bands (obviously), he yaps about them whenever he has the chance
- internalized transphobia, he definitely isn't cis but he's in denial because people told him it's not normal or something
- he probably doesn't use social media that much, he usually uses it when he's REALLY bored or wants to rant about something real quick
- his choker was a gift from one of his friends after he came back from juvie which is why he never takes it off
- his typing is HORRIBLE, reading it is like decoding ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics
- he paints his nails but he kinda sucks at it so it's always super messy
- He was online friends with Izzy on Myspace but he doesn't even know that it was Izzy
- He was one of those kids who were obsessed with cars
- His older brother showed him a horror movie to scare him but Duncam actually became obsessed with horror movies after
- Omnisexual with a HUGE preference for women
- He has autism, ADHD and dyslexia, but he probably didn't even know until he was in his early/mid twenties
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themetalvirus · 2 years ago
surge HATES starline, but he's dead. and he still fucking haunts her. <- just a summary of the comic but still. it's super effective in my onion🧅. even when the person who traumatized her is dead, she still has to carry all that with her, and because it's so MUCH she just... carries out what she was told to do anyway. her goal is to lay waste to the world and... then what? she's self destructing. she's carrying out the mission instilled in her by the man she hates more than anything, she's burning down any evidence of her past that's left and embracing her current self in the most unhealthy way possible, and then she is going to self destruct. she's desperate to know who she was and doesn't WANT to know for the sake of her sanity. not knowing who she was is so fucking painful, having thoughts that aren't hers so ingrained in her brain that she has no idea who she REALLY is is so painful, so she's just riding the wave of rage and letting it destroy her completely
seriously with this amnesia stuff she needs to talk with shadow. i've mentioned this before but i honestly think if done well this would genuinely be a great way to open her up to moving on, or at least giving her the chance to. sonic is hamfisted and clumsy with handling trauma - he knows how to deal with someone upset in the moment and comfort them/deescalate, but despite dealing with so many deeply hurt people in his life, he has not investigated what that truly means for those people (especially in idw) and does not actually understand what needs to be done so one can heal and move on. he tries extending a hand, and that's all he can do because his plate is full of The Literal World. uh what was i talking about. shadow
surge hates sonic. despite her identity being so wrapped up in him, he does not have that same investment in her. the only interest he really has in her is making sure the villain of the week doesn't blow up the earth. that's painful and honestly VERY unhelpful. she doesn't have that baggage with shadow, and he doesn't have any baggage with her trying to electrocute him to death in a puddle of water, so. they both have experiences with amnesia, ideas being planted in their heads, identify problems, grief and anger so deep that they wanted to end the world. the difference is that shadow learned how to accept what happened to him and move on.
a key difference is maria, though. shadow in sa2 was still dangling all of his sanity thread off of the maria hook. surge has kit, who basically just says yes to whatever she says and is just as unstable, full of rage, and willing to end the world as she is. having no morality pet to really bring her to jesus kind of changes the approach. i havent taken my adhd meds today so if this is super disorganized that's why
anyway i think shadow would be good for her. no investment in sonic, not really allied with the resistance OR eggman OR starline, just doing his own thing with a few friends. again, has experience navigating identity stuff and amnesia in a way similar to her. if they just had an honest conversation about how to move ON from that pain and loss and rage and forge forward as yourself, that has the potential to really really help her.
hi. i like surge
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cloudycera · 1 year ago
I’m doing whatever the fuck I want with my Emo billy Au.
You know what fuck it.
The Kent’s are now recently moved in aliens who just realised they’re basically gods on earth. I know it’s been done but in my version they actually wear glasses and still aspire for justice and peace but they’re so clumsy, so incredibly clumsy.
They aren’t popular.
Clark is deathly in love with writing and his wife. Jon is basically a cryptic with a goofy smile and unmatchable strength.
There’s very few space invasions cause they believe humans can handle earth problems so they spend they’re time monitoring space and flinging hostile aliens back into the void.
When Clark joined the league he insisted on staying on monitor duty and he looks like a massive nerd so everyone just assumed he’s not that into conflict but he doesn’t report 70% of the things he does, he’s literally a one man space guard and barely anyone knows.
Jon like any young boy his age likes to explore. Caves, the woods, beaches, the depths of the ocean, the bottom of volcanoes, scary villain lairs. You name it he’s been there.
Imagine you’re trying to scheme and plot but you had the misfortune of being in Jon’s way and this tiny 12 year old boy steam rolls you while quoting Ben 10 and Sonic. Telling you he has to be home for dinner at 6 after throwing a guy through a wall.
God I miss Kid Jon.
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wisconsin2002 · 2 years ago
Mmmm.. Idk what to tag this as. I mean I'm not fuming at the mouth in this one with my opinions but there could be some pretty strong ones and god knows how the fandom takes those so I guess I'll just tag it in the salt just to be safe and if all goes well I'll tag it in the awakening tag.
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Miraculous Awakening...
I liked it. I thought it was decent. I'm not crazy in love with it tho and I can see why people don't like it and are mixed on it for sure. It does feel pretty bland and the pacing is GOTTA GO FAST up in this bitch so you don't really get a lot of moments to breathe and take in what's happening, other than when they're singing.
But anyways. I want to talk about Marinette/ladybug because wow. Man I loved her character in this movie.
I loved that we got to see her weaknesses and strengths. The movie did fast forward a lot of her growth with its Sonic pacing which was a bummer but what we did get to see of her in my opinion did not dissapoint. I also loved that her character is not just solely based on Adrien or Chat Noir. She has dreams again like she did in the beginning of the canon show. She wants to be confident, brave, open to herself and to the world, but she's so shy and scared and clumsy so she doesn't see herself capable of reaching that part of herself in her life and I think that part of her especially with me is what made me connect with her so much more. Seeing where she started and where she ends at the end of the movie is what made me love her as a character and connect to her on a personal level. Seeing Marinette hurt and bruised and losing a fight but still getting back up to finish the fight without Powers is something I have wanted to see FOR THE LONGEST TIME DUDE.
And I've heard people say that this movie feels like fanfic and yeah I can't even lie. There's points where it actually does😂
Like Hawk moth suddenly turning into Darth vader and FUCKING FORCE CHOKING ADRIEN💀
And Plag shitting himself everytime he's on screen for whatever reason.
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Genuinely.... Why Zag? I need answers.
But this doesn't. Not this. This feels like what was supposed to be from the beginning. This feels like ladybug again. The ladybug that I don't get frustrated with her character decisions and direction. A ladybug that feels grounded in her objective and doesn't feel over the top lost in romance and boyfriends. A ladybug that truly appreciated her partner. A ladybug who took the responsibility of a hero seriously.
This movie is not perfect, not by any means. It's corny as shit and it's barely even good at times.
However, it brought back a lost hero in my eyes and I gotta applaud ZAG for that.
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I've said this before but ladybug/Marinette was once my favorite character in miraculous and I really missed talking about her without being an asshole.
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imjustalilboi · 7 months ago
I'm bored again so have more tickle HCs
Secret Histories Mario/Dictator Mario
"The game was a lot-a popular than people thought, Sonic. You think I don't know about the merchandise? You tried. To FUCK ME."
* As a lee..
* On the scale of 1 to 10 on the tickle meter, he's a 7.7
* Usually not that phased by the mention of it and finds it childish
* Not many try to tickle him due to how likely he is to blow them up (He carries that fucking remote everywhere)
* If you manage to sneak up on him, it's best to restrain him because he's a slippery little MF
* Ticklish spots are his ribs, underarms, sides, and his neck
* Death spot is a little area near his waist, a good little pinch will have him squeal laughing
* As a ler..
* As I said earlier, he finds it childish yet he's not one to completely refuse it, especially if he thinks someone deserves to get wrecked
* He'll act innocent with his lee before going for it, usually pinning you down before you could get away and using tools instead of the manual tickling
* The pillory he has is not only used on killing victims, and it's perfect for restraining lees
Luther Artwright
"Sarah, I am not going to do a rap battle with you-"
"Would you mind repeating that?"
* As a lee..
* On the scale of 1 to 10 on the tickle meter, he's a 8.9
* He doesn't admit to being ticklish and his stubborn, stoic attitude usually hides that
* He's the type to try and look unfazed, yet internally screaming at himself to run
* He'll try to threaten you with his axe yet a few pokes to those little fluffy tails of his will get him to drop the act
* Tease talk works on him the most, getting him flustered easily
* Ticklish spots are his stomach, tails, inner thighs, and behind his ears
* Death spot is his stomach, tracing along that marking will get him squirming and kicking
* As a ler..
* He's usually the type to hold back on his tickling (unless it's Sarah, then he's going apeshit on her)
* Always starts off slowly and agonizingly just to make his lee start pleading for it to happen already
* He'll do this thing where he'll trail one of his tails up his target's side slowly to see if they'll laugh or not
* He uses his energy to create little shocks to intensify the feeling
TMJ Garfield
""Jon! Take me with you!"
* As a lee..
* On the scale of 1 to 10 on the tickle meter, he's a 10
* God this lil kitty is touch starved
* He's the type to ask for them (embarrassingly as he'll be a blushing mess as he does so)
* He won't try to flee or resist, openly taking it
* He'll start hiccuping if it gets too much
* Ticklish spots are his stomach, sides, the base of his tail, his pads (both hands and feet), and his cheeks
* Death spots are his stomach and between his toes, both will have him squealing and snorting
* As a ler..
* He's a bit shy about it, usually not being asked much things considering that he mostly stays with his version of Jon
* He's a bit clumsy, usually jerking away if he fears that he accidentally hurt you
* He likes to listen to the little giggles and squeaks coming from his lee, purring every time he hears one
* He usually gets tickled by his version of Jon, Garfield (Crazy Jon), Cryfield, and Lyman (Gorefield and Captive)
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beevean · 2 years ago
Honest to god saw the argument being made multiple times that obviously Lanolin is right not trusting Silver because he's just some rando to her who's inexperienced as a soldier. And, the fact I can think of THREE events in the games (not even counting '06) wherein he changed a ruined future, it puts a lot of stock in the idea that people only see some out-of-context panels and base their whole perception on that. Because Duo asks in issue 63 about Silver's feats and mentions multiple world-saving ones. Not from the games, obviously, but still a clear indication that civilians can reasonably know about Silver's exploits that literally stopped the world from ending, and thus that he's not some inexperienced little kid with powers he uses irresponsibly for fun. But of course that would mean Silver actually gets complimented (😱) and gets his rightful respect as a powerful hero (😱😱😱😱) and we can't have that! Oh, goodness no, right back to thinking Silver is just some fuck-up wannabe dumbass who's never done a single day of heroing in his life we go. The Archie parallels are off the charts.
Fuck this comic and how it mangles the game cast, seriously. And I hate how everyone just gobbles it up and proclaims that this is totally who Silver is.
Even if we do like the comic and pretend the games didn't happen, Forces included (which should be but whatever), Duo proves that Silver is known for at the very least contributing to saving Angel Island.
This is more than Lanolin ever did. Her first and only operation went sideways very quickly and she had a breakdown over it :) and Sonic's friends had to intervene :)
Again, I'm not asking that Lanolin drops to her knees and begs for an autograph. But she shows zero respect for someone with Silver's qualifications and experience: she speaks to him as if he were nothing more than a clumsy, annoying rookie (and that's not even considering that she's also no one to him, but she talks as if she were his actual superior). Most importantly, she doesn't respect him or Whisper (who also at this point is a veteran with way more qualifications than Lanolin could ever hope) enough to even listen to their concerns, immediately digging her heels, dismissing Silver as a dumbass who can't even control his powers and Whisper as some sort of harassing delusional bitch.
And I still stand by my point that Silver is not the kind of guy who immediately folds over when a rando scolds him. This is the same dude who chased Sonic down to kill him off, he is plenty stubborn.
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shin-zaibatsu · 9 months ago
>be me
>at my apartment
>as fellas with apartments are
>leave my apartment, as apartment dwellers do
>go to tje stairs
>tumble like that family guy cutaway
>roll like sonic
>land face first into the bosom of the hot girl who lives a floor down as she leaves her apartment
>as apartment dwellers do
>apologize profusely for being so rude and clumsy
>she's okay with it and helps me up
>said the fall i had was funny
>i broke 15 fuckin bones you harlot, you whore, you utter fucking prostitute
>pull out cartoonish baseball bat with nail in it
>wham her
>tom and Jerry scream
>bitch dies lol
>pig guy from Looney toons appears from a slipgate portal
>"abida-be abida-be abida-be uh that's all folks!"
>the pig guy pulls me into the slipgate
>we're in the stroggification facility
>3rd time this month
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