#sometimes I forget that treasure is actually very tall
skydrynn · 1 year
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Treasure is actually taller than Sad Vampire OC (tm) but Treasure spends most of their first encounter on the ground so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝐄𝐯𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Warm Eyes
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Every year, he joins the old tradition of traveling, where his ancestors have once ruled the skies. Every year, he meets familiar faces and new ones he's never seen before. Every year, he watches how his brothers find their mates, build their families, and introduce new generations to stories as old as time. But this year, something might be different. This year, there's you - a treasure worth more than he could ever offer.
Tags/Warnings: Dragon!Jungkook, strangers to lovers/mates, mentions of folklore and traditions, modern fantasy, romance, human?Reader, Fluff, Courting, MC kinda wary of kook at first, but he's cute give him a chance pls
Additional Chapter Warnings: fluff
Length: Short (because tumblr eats long drafts these days)
A/N: no one's asking for drabbles so I'll make my own and force feed you until you'll like this AU
-> Masterlist
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Every year, you look forward to this festival time.
Not because you're very social, but more so, because it's a time where you can finally act the way your inner dragonblood wants you to, without being judged for it. Just like right now, as you're lying on your back in the woods, wind occasionally blowing through the tall tree crowns above, birds filling the silence while the small stream of water nearby adds to the scenery around you. It's what you crave the entire year around- this moment of absolute comfort, simply existing without the pressure to make the most out of your time.
You can hear footsteps at some point, and as the wind turns, you immediately catch the scent of the one dragonkin currently trying to win you over in the span of time you're both spending here for the festival. "Is this your attempt at hunting me down?" You giggle to yourself, though you do snap up into a halfway sitting position when he's suddenly speaking right into your ear.
"I wasn't even remotely trying." He chuckles, especially at your clear look of shock for a second.
"…whatever." You mumble, sitting up next to him now, legs pulled close as you watch him sit down properly next to you as well. "Do they need me at camp?" You ask, but he shakes his head.
"No, I was just wondering where you were when I couldn't find you at breakfast this morning." He shrugs. "So I went out to find you."
"Stalking me now then?" You glare at him, and he laughs.
"I'd call it 'making sure my potential future mate is okay' but, you can call it whatever you want." The dragonkin smiles, catching you off guard yet again as you hide a little so he won't see you flush in shyness, before simply laying back down onto your blanket. And by peeking through your eyes after a short while of silence, you can see him still sitting right next to you- hands resting in the grass, arms holding up his body as he calmly watches his surroundings ahead, wind sometimes blowing his curls around. You watch how he has to move them out of his face every now and then, and can't help but snicker a bit to yourself at the sight.
And he just smiles as well, as he watches you sit up.
"Turn around." You tell him softly, and much to your surprise, he easily does just as told without even so much as asking to why you'd request that from hjm. It shows how much he already puts his trust in you, even if it's just small things like this.
You've never actually touched Jungkook up until this point. Not really, at least. His hair is thick but surprisingly soft as you collect parts of it hands careful at not tying it too tightly to hurt- only to somewhat help with it falling into his eyes all the time. "Thanks." He smiles as he turns back around. "It's never been so long before.. so I still forget a hairtie from time to time." He chats, and you shrug, as you lie back down, though now on your side to better look at him.
"That's fine." You shrug. "I always have one on me." You tell him- and the implication of it makes him unable to hide his grin, considering he's been noticing those small steps towards him from time to time now. You're slowly starting to show your interest in him, step by step involving yourself more and more into the whole process of getting to know him better it seems like.
And its fueling his determination.
"Did you plan on taking a nap out here?" He asks, and you nod, before you scoot a bit on your blanket, making room for him. It's a silent invitation to something much more than just for him to lay down next to you.
There's a saying amongst dragons, that those who fall asleep together will meet in dreams as well. And dreams of dragons all hold meaning- though most of those things have been somewhat lost to time at this point.
Jungkook seems to have trouble though, the small ponytail you'd tied of his hair pressing into the back of his head uncomfortably. "Just take it out if it bothers you." You giggle, watching him struggle.
"But.. you did it." He almost whines. "I don't want to take it out."
"I can tie it up again later." You roll your eyes, pulling the hairtie out of his hair. "Just remind me, and I'll do it again."
"Whenever I like?" He asks, cheekily hopeful as he looks at you next to him.
"Hm, sure." You shrug, before you close your eyes, and boldly turn to your side, hand on his chest as if to be connected to him in your sleep.
And so he holds your hand over his chest in his own during his sleep as well, as you both meet in dreams where you fly above the clouds.
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machveil · 1 month
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hi, welcome to my headcanon about their little immediate family situation (ignore that I forgot to add Jean, she’s roughly a smidge taller than Kaeya we love a tall queen)
These are just my headcanons, but:
-we obviously have older brother figure Albedo. He’s our certified older brother that looks tired but can pull two consecutive all nighters. A couple grey hairs, tired eyes, dark circles? Absolutely. Also? Short king, iconic. He would fight Celestia hands down for Klee. Is the type of person to let Klee figure out stuff on her own, then help when she asks.
(Evil!Albedo and Flower!Albedo have tired eyes, but lack the grey hairs and dark circles)
-Klee!! Clueless younger sister figure, she’s just here to have fun and cause chaos, we know this. She doesn’t mean to cause so much trouble, it just happens. Kaeya’s handmade notes on how to evade trouble are well read and the paper has definitely seen better days.
-Sucrose is giving middle child/babysitter. We forget she’s here sometimes, but she’s reliable and likes showing Klee what she’s working on. She just keeps to her bio projects and zones in while Klee is watching. “Wait, Klee, don’t touch that. That flower is the control subject. See, these ones have been modified by—“.
-Older sister Mona. After the quest with her and Klee, Mona hangs around Albedo to keep an eye on her subtly while discussing astrology and alchemy. Other than Kaeya, she’s the most qualified to watch this kid (please give her money before she takes Klee out for lunch). Lowkey tries to impress Klee with her astrology skills, she wants to be her the favorite sibling figure.
-Kaeya is actually Klee’s favorite uncle, thank you very much. She loves all the knights, but Kaeya? He has her back at the drop of a hat. Jeans coming? Hide behind me. You want treasure? You can’t tell anyone… but I have this treasure map. Hangs around Albedo constantly, Klee is always wanting his attention so he can make Albedo take a break and play.
-Jean is a wonderful aunt figure. I’d say mother figure, but Alice actually isn’t replaceable in Klee’s eyes, that’s her mom, no one else holds a candle to her. That said, Jean is more than happy to be her favorite auntie. Yeah, she’s the enforcer and ‘bad cop’ to Kaeya’s ‘good cop’, but Klee doesn’t mind and Jean knows it. Let’s Klee play and design new Jumpy Dumpties draw in her office when she’s working. Absolutely thanks everyone else for watching Klee when she can’t. One big found family <3
-Let’s be real, all of Mondstadt is looking after Klee, but this is her immediate family after Alice and her dad. Also, the traveler is definitely that family friend/relative that comes in for holidays (events), randomly and drops gifts and mora on Klee, then dips again after a couple days.
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hellcifrogs · 2 years
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Okay. alright, I needed a separate post to go in detail, because now I'm pumped! BTW I only quickly looked up the bijuus’ references to have some guidance, so they might not be all exact, I also went a bit by their appearaces alone.
Unfortunately I can’t fit the number of tails, but this is a great excuse for me to ramble about these lovely myths to anyone interested.
Ichibi Shukaku, the shapeshifting tanuki - I might be probably forgeting some, but I decided to go with an animal I like. It kinda matches how bloodthirsty Shukaku was in the begining, but it’s a bird instead. Matinta Pereira is a little owl (sometimes mistaken or also described as a potoo) that brings the news of death. Sometimes it takes the shape of a witch, other times is an old man seeking petty regenge. Another nice detail: since both tanukis and kitsunes are somewhat tricksters, the Matinta is actually sometimes related to the creature I chose for Kyuubi too.
Nibi Matatabi, the cat ghost - The obvious here would be to go with the Alma-de-gato (Cat soul) which is literally a shadow or spectral cat that appears to haunt children who misbehave, silently staring into their souls with (literal) burning eyes. Totally fits and I’d be happy with it. BUT if we take what looks the most like the beast in the series and just overall vibe, I’d have to go with Boitatá. Nothing to do with cats, just a giant fire snake with its body covered in eyes. This myth is actually closely related to the will-o'-wisp so many times the fire is made blue
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Anon says “Boitatá would make a fucking awesome bijuu let’s be honest” and that is true! Boitatá IS one of my favorite myths for a reason! Not only it looks badass the legend says the snake protects fields and forests from anyone trying to set illegal fires by blinding them, or driving them into madness or just straight up killing them.
Sanbi Isobu, the sea demon - Here I picked the Ipupiará who’s basically another sea demon, though more humanoid, kind of resembling a mermaid, but more of a walrus shaped one. There are multiple stories and creatures similar to this one, but I like the older and more murderous version for this. Option TWO is another one of my favorites (another giant snake, of course it’s another snake): Boiúna, the black snake. A huge, river long, pitch black snake with flame red eyes, that just scares anyone living by the rivers by sinking ships or straight up swallowing them. Neither of these has any moral or motivation, they’re just beasts.
Yonbi Son Goku, the monkey king - For this one I went with the idea of an “Imposing monkey-like creature” and got: Mapinguari, this huge, smelly, man devouring monster. These monsters, mostly known in the amazon region, easily stand at over 2 meters tall, sometimes depicted with a single eye in the forehead and with a huge mouth full of razor sharp teeth stretching all the way to the bellybutton. They attract the prey by screaming like desperate humans and deceiving people to go help. To have this one as a source of power is nice, but wouldn’t be nearly as respectable as the original.
Gobi Kokuou, Hanging horse head and ghost whale - Okay so a horse. that’s easy: Mula sem cabeça, literally a Headless horse, with fire coming out of its neck. This one is widely known in the country so it has many MANY variations, but the shape is what matters here, so ‘only head horse’ for ‘no head horse’. Not sure how to fit the whale ghost part :(
Rokubi Saiken, the shellfish ogre - Alamoa! I’ve been told not many people know about this one?? But searching for this shellfish ogre, the wiki description fits quite perfectly with the Alamoa. She is a storm (thunder? lightning?) ghost, who appears on stormy nights dancing naked in the beaches of Fernando de Noronha. She is very pale and with near white blonde hair and attracts fishermen with her beauty and treasures, only to trap them and turn into an skeleton before killing them.
Nanabi Choumei, a rhinoceros beetle - This one was surprisingly hard, but let’s go with a simple one: Minhocão (literally big worm). Huge worm like creature living in rivers or underground that also goes around sinking ships. I would also take the ‘lucky seven’ joke and turn it around by using Caapora (out of the numerous names, this is the one I’m most familiar with), who is said to bring bad luck! Caapora can be an angry little girl, a creature with red skin and hair or even a cyclops, they ride a boar (queixada) and cause depression and bad luck to whoever meets them.
Hachibi Gyuki, the cow demon - Immediate choice: Boi Bumbá (with many name variations). It’s an annual performance/celebration telling the story of death and ressucitation of an ox. There’s a lot of dance and colorful outfits involved so it makes for a nice visual for a magical beast. BUT I also remembered a more regional one called Boi Vaquim: a winged bull with golden horns and diamonds for eyes that spits fire. How badass is that?
Fun fact: ‘boi’ is the actual portuguese word for bull/ox, but in native tupí language ‘boi’ stands for snake so we have the snakes boitatá and boiúna.
Kyuubi Kurama, the kitsune - Absolutely NOTHING to do with foxes, but I’m going to pick Saci! Simply for the trickster nature. Sacis are probably the most famous supernatural creature in brazilian mythology. They vary in shape (can be human or have goat horns and beard or bird foot), size (from tiny little fairies living in flowers to 2m tall with scales and claws), power (can create small tornadoes, grant wishes, spoil food), nature (they go from harmless and inconvenient pranks to kidnapping children and beating up animals to death), but the base look is of a pitch black humanoid creature - most times a black boy - with a single leg and red pointy hat. Option two for visuals: Maned wolf.
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goddevouringserpent · 4 months
tagged by @miseryscrowned to take the "Which D&D class suits your personality?" (or, in this case, your OC's personality) quiz. took me ages because I have been so busy & stressed out I am starting to lose track of time, but wat ever we stay silly and take things as best as we can take them~
putting it under a cut because I chose not one, but two OCs for this, and as is often the case with me I started rambling and this got long as hell, lol.
in light of the DLC release date announcement, I'm back in WOTR mode and rotating my beloved wrathful girlie at washing machine speed, so!
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picrew credit
Kaija (she/they), my most developed Knight Commander. who, yes, has a canon class, or... sort of canon? IDK, she's a Sword Saint/Vivisectionist, but I've been contemplating a different build for the run I'll do once the DLC comes out—probably will still be martial heavy, but we'll see... anyway, I just wanted to see what class she got assigned based on her personality LOL
and the result was:
You’re a practical and unusually resourceful person with big dreams that may or may not involve copious amounts of money or treasure. You’re ambitious, you know what you want, and you’ll do whatever you can to get it. Some people might think you’re selfish, but you know it’s important to take care of yourself first. You thrive under pressure and you might have a bit of a mischievous or chaotic side.
Arcane Trickster subclass
Some rogues enhance their fine-honed skills of stealth and agility with magic, learning tricks of enchantment and illusion. You’re an adaptable person who likes to cultivate a range of skills and interests. Once you decide to pick up a new skill or hobby, you’re more than willing to put in a little time and effort to learn how to do it well. You like to feel competent and powerful. You’re not always the most direct person and you may sometimes hide your true thoughts and feelings behind lies or misdirection. Some people might not know what to expect of you, or you might be a bit misunderstood, but you’re capable of a lot more than some people give you credit for.
and I'll admit the result really surprised me at first because I've never seen them as the roguish type—she is quite literally built like a wrestler, roughly 190cm tall, contains multitudes of rage & does not have a single subtle bone in her—but upon reflection I can definitely see it, especially considering how the test openly states that it assigns a class based on personality, not mechanics. the descriptions given match really well, too; INSANELY resourceful, ambitious, materialistic, selfish, chaotic, adaptable, hates feeling powerless/needs to feel like the strongest and most powerful person in the room at any given time, rarely if ever shows her true feelings, often underestimated or not taken seriously despite being more than competent enough to deserve a different treatment... so yeah, fair, she would make a really good rogue! might keep that in mind for the aforementioned new build plans hehe
also: fun result considering one of the characters I ship Kai with—and who is essentially her "endgame" pairing in terms of being a healthy, loving, long-term relationship—is Woljif... who is an Eldritch Scoundrel 🤭 meant for each other~
then, because I am equally as excited about Shadow of the Erdtree releasing soon (June release dates for both DLCs, in fact... I'm gonna eat GOOD this winter break 😌), my Tarnished Yunia! aka the other she/they I have been spinning in the vortex of my thoughts 24/7, and who hilariously enough could not be more different from Kaija if they tried lol
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art credit (and also sick as hell modern fit design credit)
Yunia got:
You’re dedicated, caring, and probably a sucker for happy endings. You spend so much time helping other people that you might forget to take care of yourself. You’re very idealistic and have a strong sense of faith in your beliefs, which may be actual religious beliefs or just your personal moral code. You like to be prepared for a variety of situations and you may have a bit of a protective side.
Nature domain
Gods of nature are as varied as the natural world itself; from inscrutable gods of the deep to friendly deities associated with particular springs and groves. You feel comforted by nature and you’re drawn to the outdoors. You want to do as much as you can to take care of our world and you wish other people would take environmental concerns more seriously. You might come across as a calm and easygoing person most of the time, but you can have a surprisingly vicious side when someone violates your principles. You’re not afraid to confront harsh truths and you generally have a practical and realistic outlook on life.
Cleric tracks, it's a ridiculously good fit for her thematically—their entire Character Thing is passionate devotion towards the House of Caria (and later, to Ranni & her ideal for the Age of Stars) which overrides even their most basic self-preservation instinct at times and is pretty much, like, the core of their identity. so in a D&D AU, Yunia being a cleric of the Moon goddess Ranni would work out extremely well: following her dogma to a letter, doing everything in Ranni's name and to serve her earthly purposes, drawing from that very faith and dedication to find their own power and way in life, hopelessly in love with Ranni but shh don't tell anyone
Nature domain, on the other hand, I did not see coming, but the description works... ish? like, I'm not sure Yunia is particularly concerned about environmental issues in their source material LOL (even if there is quite a lot of shit to be concerned about, but that's probably on account of the Lands Between being an absolute shithole at the best of times <3), but in a modern AU I could definitely see her going for something like Environmental Sciences, yeah. being a protector-type with very firm beliefs is, again, a core part of their personality, & it's more likely they'd find themself working with flora or fauna because she is just Not good with people at all lol
(the part about having a "surprisingly vicious side" is 100% true though and I hope one day I can write any of the fics involving her I have planned, because that would be SO much fun to delve into :3)
tagging @hate-not-wanting-a-name (Zimka and/or Fixer? Zimka and/or Fixer maybe? my beloved little guys perhaps? 👀), @takers-flames, and UUHHH whoever else wants to do this, feel free to say I tagged you / mention me in your post so I can see! I'd tag more but I'm pretty sure that most of my mutuals' OCs already have assigned classes lmao 😭
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✏️ 🎭 💐 :3
oc emoji asks!
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
There’s actually a lot! Though here’s a lyric that influenced her softheartedness (which I used for a picrew tag game like last last week but shhh):
"The dropped knife I can no longer grasp it. Rather than such an ending, I'd rather become bubbles and disappear!" — Little Cry of the Abyss by sasakure.UK feat. Asako Toki
Very obvious inspirations just from these lines!! For more context the song is basically about the original version of the Little Mermaid, where the mermaid was given a choice: kill the prince with a silver knife, or turn into sea foam and cease to exist. So, basically, Kayo would be the little mermaid refusing to kill her prince despite very obvious repercussions if she doesn’t. Hmm…
There's also this excerpt that won't be relevant until way down the line:
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One day...
🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
Kayo was once a really bubbly girl, and once tried to get close to Seiji and the other staff at the church. The only problem was her reputation, their odd belief that she was a demon. They would always maintain a certain distance from her at all times, afraid of angering her in case she snaps, but also not wishing to treat her kindly. 
Because of this, towards both those living in the church and her schoolmates back in the day, she would always keep her voice down and close in on herself so no one would have any reason to be scared of her. Ironically, that’s the reason why her classmates started isolating her. She was physically imposing—tall, long and dark hair, and piercing eyes—who wouldn’t be afraid of the girl who never speaks, but stares into your soul like she knows what's in there?
In the end, she was alienated.
Later as the hunter, she stopped caring about masks, and adopted a general friendly, yet dry demeanor towards most humans. She’s even flirty at times, though her sweet words are always empty. She treats demons with obvious disdain, less of a personal grudge, and more of because she has no incentive to be kind to them. They’re prey, and they might as well be dead, so who cares if they come to hate her?
As a bride, she finally met people that weren’t scared of her—the vampires, the school staff, and even her new classmates. 
She tried sucking up to the vampires to not get killed immediately for Yui’s sake—if she dies too early there’s a chance someone would find out that she isn’t actually the bride—but eventually her original, kinder personality shows through and she ends up being either a big sister and a spoiled brat, depending on who she’s with.
With school staff and classmates, she’s generally friendly, though a little awkward. She’s willing to befriend anyone who approaches her first, and even tries to reach out herself sometimes. Be kind to her, she’s new to this.
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouquet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
((i’m not that well-educated on bouquet making, since i think the entire bouquet has to have a coherent meaning in the end… welp >&lt;;))
Queen of the Night ; The centerpiece. Treasure the small moments. You’ve forgotten them, but it lives on in someone else’s mind. This flower only blooms under certain conditions. Is there a side of you that hasn’t appeared yet?
White Lilies ; Rebirth. You were reborn so many times, did you forget?
Forget-me-nots ; Keep me in your thoughts. Naturally it's part of the bouquet—it’s your favorite flower, after all, even if you can’t remember why. How silly that you’ve done the very thing this flower begged you not to do.
Blue Hydrangeas ; Apology. Are you apologizing, or is this someone apologizing to you?
Skeleton Flowers ; Affection. Like how rain turns its petals transparent, one day you’ll have to lay yourself bare against the world.
Baby’s Breath and Bluebells ; Everlasting love. Someone loves you dearly, even if you don’t realize it.
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eucalyprhodes · 2 years
I am THANKFUL for Spotify
I don’t think we realized how much of a treasure Spotify is. Maybe because opening Spotify is just second nature to us. When we drive, when we’re cleaning the house, when we study, you name it! That little app on your phone with millions (or probably billions?) of music from ANY time in the history. And for only $12.99 per month, you have access to literally every song ever made (I don’t know if this is 100% true, but to me, it feels that way!)
Sometime last year, my husband and I talked about how they don’t make music like they used to anymore. Sure, we don’t hate the music of today, but there’s just something about them that don’t make us feel things like music back then. I must’ve listened to Harry Styles “Grapejuice” and Niki’s “High School in Jakarta” probably close to a hundred times by now, but neither one of those make me feel anything, except for they’re catchy. My husband and I are 90′s babies and that conversation prompted me to look back at one of my old playlists. One that I haven’t listened to for a long time because for the 95% of the time, my playlist (just like most of us now) is filled with what’s popular right now on TikTok (not even radio ...), and social media. I mean, that’s how I figured out “First Class” by Jack Harlow (heard it on tiktok and wondered why on earth does Fergie sounds DIFFERENT). This particular playlist was filled with indie/rock/alternative from mid 2000 like Incubus, MGMT, The Strokes, and oh who can ever forget, Death Cab for Cutie, and I remember listening to this playlist very often during my junior and senior year of college. I began to listen to this playlist much more often since that conversation, being reminded of my life during junior/senior year and even though those years was quite hell-ish if I’m being completely honest, those songs still manage to get me in my feelings much more than when I listen to my current playlist from 2020-present day. I decided since then that I’m not gonna bother listening to any new music anymore. A friend of mine said something that really resonates with me. She doesn’t listen to new music because she already knows what she loves, why bother with the new one? 
So, earlier this year, I started re-organizing my spotify playlist. I created a 2000 indie/alternative, a 2000 pop and any new music is now in my 2015 and up playlist (haven’t listened to that playlist since the year started TBH). 
In making the first two playlists, I searched for top hits from each year. I started from the year that I actually remember listening to songs, which I believe was 1999 and as of today, I just finished adding top songs from 2005. Let me just say how genuinely amazing this process has been for my heart and my soul. I always heard people talk about something that can bring them back to a core memory. It can be food, music, a place, etc. I was never a sentimental person so quite honestly, i never understood that, until these past few days when I revisited some of my favorite songs from 1999-2005. I listened to How Soon is Now by t.A.T.u. and I am reminded of my first day of junior high orientation where I instantly had a crush on this guy who was in charge of my group. I remember him because all the other girls ALSO had a crush on him! He was in student government, super tall, handsome and so nice to us the underclassmen. I was confident that was the best day of my life and when I came home, I turned on the TV and behold! the music video for How Soon is Now was playing on MTV. I remember jamming to that song even though I have no idea what they’re singing and just feeling gleeful because orientation lasts the whole week and I’ll get to see him again for the whole week :) I listened to “Come on Over” by Christina Aguilera and almost BURST UP LAUGHING because that was the song that I had to choreograph a dance with 3 other girls in my 7th grade dance class. Nope, I don’t remember the dance but man, that was a particular memory because for the first time ever, my parents actually allowed me to come over to a classmate’s house. Probably because it was for school purposes but I also remember feeling so cool about it because the other 3 girls were the IT girls. I listened to “If You’re not the One” by Daniel Bedingfield and my memory shot up to a time of heartbreak in freakin 7th grade (teenage years man, it’s heartbreak after heartbreak, it’s brutal). I had liked this boy and I actually knew him even before he transferred to my school because we used to go to the same elementary school. I’d like to think “We go way back” (not really but oh well). I remember one day, after lunch, I saw him walk into our classroom holding hands with a girl and I just realized that I blew my chance of ever telling him I like him.  I came home and watch MTV and sure enough,  If You’re not the One was playing. I just remembered thinking this song sounds so sad and I AM SAD so this must be MY song. Then I listened to Avril Lavigne’s “Complicated” and my mind went to the time my aunt, Mama As, called me. I was still living in Indonesia at that time and she would often call us to catch up. I remember watching MTV (I really watched a lot of MTV back then )and my mom handed the phone. “Here, Mama As want to talk to you” “Hi Kezia, what are you doing?” “Hi Mama As, Kezia lagi nonton tv. Mtv nih, ada Avril Lavigne” “Who’s that” “Oh ini penyanyi favorit Kezia sekarang. Dia pop punk gitu deh Ma. Keren deh” “Oh wow. Ya mungkin nanti kalo kamu udah di sini, kamu bisa nonton konser nya dia ya” and I remember feeling so edgy because I listen to Avril Lavigne and my Aunt knows how cool my music taste is. 
And so on and so forth. With each song that I added to the playlist, it just kept bringing me back to many memories. The good ones, the bad ones, the cringy ones (I think at some point, I dedicated “Flying without Wings” in the school radio to the boy I liked, like HOW CRINGY IS THAT). It also made me realize, I’ve always had a thing for Menado and or Toraja boys because literally every boy I liked back in Indo were either Menado or Toraja (and I ended up married to a Menado man!) God already knew my heart even back then! LOL 
Needless to say, it just makes me appreciate spotify even more. Think about it, if spotify didn’t exist, how difficult it would be to get those songs from each year and organizing it into a playlist. Worse, would we have to take each song and burn it into CDs? I don’t know about you but I am so thankful to not have to burn anymore CDs these days :) Honestly, this wasn’t even going to be like a project for me. I intended to just save an existing playlist to my spotify but after seeing the list of songs, I realized I should just create a brand new one, and curate it in a specific order to my liking, which is why I decided to go year by year. 
I should also say, it’s cool that this project starts with music from 1999 and end at 2005 this week because  I believe those are my formative years in terms of music. i started watching MTV and get a lot of exposures to different types of music (Eminem’s “Without Me” and ALL of Linkin Park’s music video live rent free in my head), sneaking into my brother’s room to listen to his cassettes and later CDs, borrowing cassettes from friends and talking about music. There was a heated discussion about Avril Lavigne vs Michelle Branch one day in 6th grade during our lunch break (I was team Avril). In 5th grade, this girl lended her linkin park cassette to another girl and before you know it, that tape was passed around to the entire class, myself included. I don’t understand why we did what we did, but all I remember was that we collectively as a class felt very cultured after experiencing Linkin Park’s Hybrid Theory album. 
I can’t wait to complete my playlist, though I’m conflicted if I should end it at 2010 OR just end it at 2005. At what point do all music start to sound like trap music? I couldn’t pinpoint that. But either way, I’m glad I started this mini project. 
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glowinggator · 3 years
Square Up
Request: If I may 👉👈 A Raph request (either a short fic or headcannons whatever you feel like doing) with an s/o who likes to fight alongside him/train with him, and isn’t necessarily trying to lose weight so much as gain strength when doing so. Possibly also with a scene where s/o has to throw/pick up something heavy (or maybe him idk👀) to his surprise and actually does it. Big “THATS MY WIFE” energy.
Raphael/Reader (Established Relationship)
Content Warnings: Reader gets into a fight (with mutants), brief description of injury. No angst! Reader is playfully referred to as Wife, but no pronouns or gender is actually assigned.
Word Count: 991
Working out with your partner can genuinely be such a fun experience, and he really treasures this time with you!
He really loves that you’re doing this fully for yourself. It’s one thing to do it for health reasons, but it’s another to do it because you’re passionate about getting stronger, getting faster, and having fun with it! That’s his view on it, and he’s happy that you share the same outlook.
He may or may not try to show off a little bit. What, can you blame him?
But what he didn’t expect was for you to do the same! And not gonna lie, watching you bench THAT much got his heart pounding a bit.
Strong believer in always having enough water, and eating the best foods at the proper time to really help build up that muscle. He may not have the numbers to break the whole process down, but he knows exactly when, what, and how to eat because of his own experiences with training.
He’s happy that you can handle yourself in a fight, whether it’s with a random shitty person or a mutant wreaking havoc in New York. As we all know, he worries a lot about those he cares for, but knowing that you’re strong enough to hold your own puts his mind at ease.
He’s really good at teaching you fighting and self-defense techniques, but the ones he tends to focus on are ones that help you use your body weight as leverage, along with ones from awkward angles. When Raph really started getting into training with Splinter, he always had the strongest interest in Krav Maga, although Splinter ended up disciplining him in the art of Aikido, and he’s very thankful for that decision. He’s very self-aware of how much damage he could actually do if he wasn’t super aware of himself, so that softness that’s emphasized in Aikido is really important to him. So when he’s teaching you, that certainly bleeds over.
The first time you managed to flip him in a full-speed practice was so fucking awesome, you feel like you could have fought a damn army. He was so proud too!
But sometimes, he really forgets how strong you actually are. But oh boy, when you demonstrate that, he pretty much falls in love all over again.
       You could write about the eloquence of a brawl for hours, but in truth, nothing can compare to the real deal. The raw emotion as fists fly is incomparable to any word in the dictionary, nevermind the adrenaline coursing through your veins or the blood dripping from your throbbing cheek. Your mouth aches, and your teeth doubly so. But you’re alive, and you intend to keep it that way. You haven’t got the time to wipe away the blood from your face, but even if you did, you don’t think you would.
You wouldn’t say this was a mission gone wrong, but you certainly didn’t expect to be fighting this hard. Not that you mind, of course.
The ground shakes beneath your feet as you circle the hulking brute in front of you. The man is tall — a foot or two taller than Raph, if you had to guess — and nothing but intimidating. Its hardened red skin is stained with blood, although you can’t tell whether it's yours or its own at this point. It flicks its tail, flexing its claws and beating its gargantuan wings behind it as it tilts its head, sizing you up and deciding its next move.
It growls, closing the distance with thundering footsteps and grabbing onto your arm. You slam your hand into the tender meat of its wrist and twist your body, breaking free from its hold before throwing a punch back into its solar plexus. You might not have the height to hit it where you want it, but damn if you’re not gonna find a way to do some damage anyways. It stumbles, huffing with a shake of its head before launching back towards you. Its hulking hands fist your shirt, pulling you closer to its frame with another outstretched claw no doubt aching to crush your skull between its hands.
But it doesn’t lift you off the ground, and that’s when you strike.
You grab its wrist with one hand and roll your head under before grabbing its shoulder with your other, jabbing your elbow into its wrist so that it bends around your smaller body. It stumbles, wings flying out behind it in an effort to steady itself, but you waste no time in rolling the beast and throwing it over your shoulder. It hits the ground hard, but when you move to cage it and subdue it, it doesn’t move.
Maybe it hit the ground a bit harder than you thought.
You dust your hands off, kicking the beast one last time to make sure it’s properly out.
“No way! Guys, did you see that? That’s my wife right there!”
Raph’s voice damn near makes you jump out of your skin, but damn if it doesn’t make you smile. He’s just managed to subdue his own opponent — a beast not unlike the one you fought.
He beams, eyes shining with nothing but pride and pure adoration. You probably look like a mess right now, but with the way he’s gazing at you, you feel like the most beautiful person in the world.
“Uh, sorry to ruin your little moment,” Donnie interjects, “But we could use some help over here!”
You wipe the blood off your cheek with the side of your hand with a laugh before running over with Raph to join the rest of the fight. You two glance at each other, grinning before squaring up against the next opponent. Nothing will stand in your guys’ way, not if you have anything to say about it.
 “So,” you laugh, “You want a Spring wedding or an Autumn wedding?”
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w-ndrr · 4 years
distraction | diana prince x batgirl!reader (m)
a/n: this is nsfw! viewer discretion advised :) i also don’t write a lot of smut so i will try my very best. thanks for reading! <3 xoxo isabelle
summary: (possessive wonder woman x batgirl!reader smut) after diana and bruce’s little sister!reader have a falling out, they meet again at bruce’s little soirée and they do the thing >.<
word count: hold up idk yet (update ok now i know it’s 4.27k+)
warnings: AHEMMM the tiniest bit of angst, overprotectiveness, jealousy, possessiveness, make up sex? idk, smut; top!diana, fingering, oral, dirty talk?, hair pulling, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, marking, body worship, and her f*cking lasso
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Gotham City was the pride of criminals and wrongdoers. At every corner of any street, there is always a victim at the receiving end of these crimes. It was dark place to be—to live in. The endless corruption in this city felt suffocating to be even a part of. You couldn’t imagine why a person would want to live here. Especially, with a clown always on the loose. But, the Batman has always come to save the day... Usually.
Batman was the shoulder the people of this crime infested city would lean on. Time and time again, he’s saved his city, delivering justice to the criminal element. But, he was a busy man. Under his vigilante persona, he was Bruce Wayne; he’s got a company to run, a public to satisfy and little sister to protect.
Unfortunately, having a brother like him, you followed a lot of his footsteps and decided to go save the city sometimes, too, which he passionately protested for you not to do so. You were Batgirl. And you told him that he’s got other bigger responsibilities like being a highly treasured member of the his little superhero club, the Justice League.
You’ve met the members of the Justice League. They were interesting people and they were friendly sometimes. One of them stood out, though.
Her name was Diana. Diana Prince. And you had fallen in love with her as did she. Her intelligence and determination to protect everyone was endearing. Not to mention, she was a beauty amongst beauties and you had willingly wrapped yourself around her finger.
Her love for you was undeniable. She wanted to protect you at all costs and if any harm had come to you, she would never forgive herself for not being there. She wanted you safe all the time.
But, as Batgirl, that was something you couldn’t promise.
Sometimes you would come home to her with fatal injuries and she would have to tend to your wounds. And every second, she loathed it. She hated it when you bled. She hated it when you came home with bruises and cuts. She hated it when you would cry when it was too painful.
And after almost two years of being together, the both of you fought and argued and screamed at each other. Out of anger, Diana had admitted to you being weak with no powers. She has faced many strong dangers and she believed it would be hard for you to stand against a villain who possesses powers from beyond. The words that spilled her mouth had shocked even her and she tried to take it all back but, it was too late.
You were livid. She thought you were weak, and you were angry. You stormed off and cried into the arms of your big brother. Bruce understood what Diana was thinking. At some point, he thought of you like that, too. In a way, he still kind of does. And that was okay. He’s your big brother and he should be protective the same way Diana should be.
It had been months since you spoke to Diana; the last conversation you had together didn’t go so well. You were still angry at her, but you also missed her. You loved being with her. Sometimes, because of it, you wanted to just forget about the whole fight and go back.
But, you’re not weak. And you knew that.
Lately, Bruce has been trying really hard to make your days better. He knew it would be hard to do so without the Amazonian. He also knew she was the key to making you happy.
So, he threw a gala in an attempt to get the two of you back together.
You hated parties, whether it contained solo cups, cheap beer, and blaring music or inconsequent polite conversation, canapes, and wine. You didn’t like them. You would usually put on an act as you entered the room; Bruce Wayne’s beautiful little sister. She was charismatic, a little cocky, liked to mingle, liked to drink. All which you are not.
Even though Bruce knew you wouldn’t want to go to a stupid party at the top floor of one of his hotels, it was the only way to get you and Diana into a room together without worrying about world problems. Bruce told her about the plan. You would be angry, she already predicted that, but she missed you. By the gods, she misses you so much. She would do anything to see you.
And when she did, her body ached for you. She saw you through a sea of business men and women and other important people she could care less about. You glowed in that beautiful silk gown and her eyes stuck to you like glue. Your stride, your confidence and your back, on full display, caught the eye of innumerable people in the room and she wanted to hide you—to keep you away from their lingering eyes. You belonged to her.
As she was just about to walk towards you, she heard your laugh. When she looked to the side, there was a man dressed in a fancy, three piece suit standing in front of you with a glass of champagne in between his fingers, just like you.
Bruce walks past Diana and before he could walk away successfully, she grabbed the collar of his suit jacket and pulled him close enough to talk.
“Who is that?” Diana pointed in your direction.
Bruce’s eyes darted to you then to your partner, “Oh, that’s Jamie Harris, one of the head scientists at my Biotech department... Also, (Y/N)’s—”
“Ex. Got it.”
Diana shook her head and sighed. You had only mentioned him once when you and Diana had talked about past significant others.
“What’s your plan, princess?” Bruce raises an eyebrow at the tall woman.
“What do you think I should do?”
“I would recommend just going up to her,” Bruce suggests. “Interrupt them before they doing anything big. You never know, he could be asking her out right now.”
The Amazonian nodded as she turned her head back towards your direction. Clenching her jaw at the sight of you and this short man, she walked over confidently with her eyebrows furrowed. When she got close enough, Diana had to clear her throat to grab both of your attention.
“Ahem,” Diana pursed her lips slightly before putting on a synthetic smile. “Do you mind if I interrupt?”
Diana watched as you met her gaze before immediately taking a large sip of your champagne with your soft, pretty lips. She sees your jaw clench and your eyes glance everywhere but her.
“Not at all,” the man exclaims happily, straightening his posture as he watches the woman that joined them. “Mind I interest you in a glass, Miss...”
“Prince,” Diana nods at him although she could care less about whatever comes out of this puny man’s mouth. “(Y/N). It’s nice to see you again.”
After preparing, you give her a fake smile and say, “I wish I could say the same to you, Diana.”
The Amazonian swears her she felt a sharp pain in her chest. She licks her lips and stares at the floor. She notices your foot tapping against it as if you were getting impatient and her eyes traveled from your feet, to the hand the rested lowly at the curve your hip, up to your collarbones, then to your neck that she missed to kiss so much. Diana felt her mouth go dry. You looked so good. All she wanted now was to take you away from this man and everyone else in this room just to have you all to herself. Her body ached to touch you—to feel your skin against hers.
But, this man was in the way.
“Ahem. Nice to meet you, Miss Prince,” Jamie gives her a smug smile and puts her hand out to shake hers. “I’m Jamie Harris! You can call me Jamie. A scientist working under Bru—”
“That’s great, Mr. Harris,” Diana says without even giving him a glance given that her eyes were practically glued onto you. “You look stunning, Miss Wayne.”
“She does, doesn’t she?” Jamie butts in with a laugh. “You should see her in the morning! Her does this curl thing and it looks ridicu—”
“I beg to differ, Mr. Harris,” Diana clenched her jaw even harder and glares at him. “In fact, I hope you are not criticizing her hair when you have the same do as Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.”
“I—Uh. W-Who—”
“ A dictator. I’m sorry. I forget you’re a scientist, not a politician—”
Your voice held so much authority over her; it stopped her in her tracks and she stutters only for a moment before turning her head back to you. She swallows the lump in her throat as she studies the look on your face. Your eyes were bold, glaring at her with her brows furrowed.
“A word, please,” you tell her with a sigh. “Alone.”
Diana takes a deep breath in attempt to let out some steam. She feels your hand grab her arm to take her away from the crowds and out into a secluded hall. The moment you touched her, she felt like she was on fire. She followed behind you and watched the way you walk and by the gods, she wanted nothing more than to put her hands on your hips if you’d let her.
After you decided that it was far enough from the party, you turned around with your brows furrowed as you looked at her, her brows furrowed as well. You inhaled slowly as she crossed her arms over her chest. God, she was distracting. You shook your head and closed your eyes.
“What are you doing?”
“What are you doing talking to your—”
“Ex, Diana? What’s wrong with it?” you yell at her. “I’m doing the same thing right now, aren’t I?”
Diana is taken back for a moment. Sometimes, she denies that the two of you actually broke up. You watch her as she brings her long fingers up to scratch her neck slowly. God, it was distracting.
“(Y/N). I don’t like it when you talk to other people who are obviously interested in you,” the Amazon tells you firmly. “It angers me.”
“I can do whatever I want, Diana. The last time I checked, we’re not together anymore,” you step closer to her. “And I’m not weak! I don’t need you or Bruce to tell me what I can and can’t do. I know I don’t have powers like you or Clark or Barry. I know that very well. I know I have to be more careful than all of you because I don’t get a second chance. But, Bruce does the same thing everyday! Why can’t I? I’ve trained the same as he has. I’ve fought the same as you all have! I make my own choices. Diana, I’m tired of everyone treating me like I’m glass!”
After you were finished, you heaved for air and your eyes had brimmed with tears. You had barely taken a breath since you started talking. Diana had watched your chest rise up and down and to be honest, it was really attractive when you did. Diana mentally cursed at herself for thinking about you like that after you had poured your heart out. But, by the gods, you were so distracting.
Diana had only stared at you after your speech and it only made you furious. Rubbing your fingers over your temples, you closed your eyes and let out a sigh.
“I’m done with this,” you throw your hands into the air and attempted to walk past her.
Before you could get away, Diana places her hand on your upper arm and pulls you back. She wasn’t really thinking as much as she was doing. And you weren’t exactly prepared for this next move she had in mind; in fact, it’ll leave you speechless.
Her lips pressed against yours, hardly wasting no time to slide them together with a tilt of her head. Her nose brushes against yours and you sigh into the kiss. God, you’ve missed her. Even if she made you angry, you’ve missed her so much these past few months.
Diana kisses you like you were the finest thing she’ll ever taste. She kisses you with so much force that it’s all you could think about. And when she slipped her tongue past your lips to meet yours, you almost fell weak at your knees, but she released the grip on your arm and pressed her hand flat on your back, pressing you against her front firmly. You held onto her shoulders as you moaned into her mouth. Gods, when you did, Diana aggressively fought the urge to take you right there in this hall.
Diana pulls her head back to look at you. Your lipstick was slightly smudged and your eyes were half lidded as you breathed heavily.
“I’m getting us a room.”
The Amazonian thanked Bruce in her head for throwing this damn party on the rooftop of one of his hotels. So, she dragged you far, far away from the soirée and into a bed.
Before the door even opened into the room, Diana had your legs wrapped around her waist as she carried you in. She almost wanted to kick the door down after struggling to get the keycard through the slot, but it didn’t even matter. She had pressed your back against the door, lips sliding over each other, as she slipped the keycard in.
The door opened with an electronic beep and you were met with a wide room with a large white bed in front of a large window looking down at the city lights almost seventy stories up from the ground. The view illuminated the room dimly and there was no need to even turn the lights on.
Diana closed the door with her foot and slammed you against the wall (as lightly as she could without hurting you). Your hands tangled up in her hair as she moves her lips from your mouth, to your jaw, and then down to your neck. She bit on you lightly before sucking passionately until a bruise formed. And she didn’t stop. She marked you all over your neck. After she would give you a hickey, she would run her tongue over it softly. She would kiss you behind your ear, underneath your jaw, and back to you lips. She missed you so much and she couldn’t wait to mark you all over your body like you belonged to her; and you did.
Diana easily ripped your gown off and slid it down from your shoulders (it’s fine, she’ll buy you a new one). You were pressed up against her and the wall behind you as you held her waist tighter with you legs. The Amazonian rested her head in the crook of your neck as her hand slid down from your waist to your panties. She felt the warmth and wetness through the fabric and it made her groan. By the gods, you were so wet. It turned her on so much.
“Diana,” you heaved.
She waited. It was all up to you if you wanted to continue because, fuck, once she starts taking you, she won’t stop. But, if you wanted to stop, she would stop.
“Diana, Diana,” you whined as you ran a hand through her hair. “Please. Please. Fuck, Diana... I need you.”
Diana immediately slips her hand into your underwear and pushes a fingers into you. She listens to you moan as she presses against your walls. Quickly finding your g-spot, Diana pulls her head away from your neck to watch your mouth open, to watch you gasp, to watch you furrow your eyebrows, and to watch you lean your head back against the wall.
You had said her name ten times already tonight and each time it turned her on. She couldn’t wait to get you to moan and scream her name as many times as she could get you to. She couldn’t wait.
“You sound so beautiful,” she coos. “I’m going to make you come and come until you can’t take it anymore.”
Diana slips another finger into you and you held onto her shoulders as you moan at the sound of her voice and the feeling of her long fingers pistons in and out of you quickly.
“You’re going to scream for me, my love,” Diana whispers in your ear. “You’re going to let everyone know who you belong to. Okay?”
“D-Diana,” you moan.
“Is that clear?”
“Yes!” you yell. “Fuck yes, Diana!”
Her fingers move faster and faster and it keeps you moaning for her. You get tighter and tighter and soon, Diana has to speed up and apply more pressure to bring you closer and closer to the edge. Searing sensations spread from your core and through out your body and the moment she pressed her thumb onto your clit, you come undone.
You can feel wetness gushing out of you with each flick of her thumb as your legs shake around her. Diana breathes into your neck as she listens to you pant for air with a shaky breath. She lets you ride out your orgasm only for a moment because she wants to move on to the next step.
You moan as you feel her fingers slip out of you with a squelch. Without breaking eye contact, Diana brings her slick fingers to mouth and licks your juices off, sucking on her fingers like a lollipop. By the gods, you tasted divine. She can’t wait to have more. You gasp as she leans in to kiss you again with the taste of you still on her tongue. Her kisses were far from controlled as she sucked on your bottom lip, biting it softly until you groaned into her mouth.
“Shit, Diana.”
Diana smiles and easily carries you over to the bed and lays on you on top it, near the edge. She stood in between your legs and before she does anything else, you watch her slide out of her dress smoothly down her skin. Her eyes never left your gaze. She was so turned on seeing you laid out on the bed, waiting for her to take you. The Amazonian climbs on top of you and kisses you passionately with a moan as your hands meet her bare back. In a swift movement, Diana slips a hand underneath you and unclasps your bra before sliding the straps down your pretty shoulders.
Her eyes hungrily roam over your breasts and your curves and Diana wastes no time to mark you. She leaves hickeys on your shoulders, down the valley of your breasts, and on your stomach. She was in love with the way you looked right now.
“You look so beautiful, (Y/N), my love,” she says, putting a nipple into her mouth. “Your body was made for me.”
She sucks on it for a seemingly long period of time before switching to your other breast. Listening to you moan as she ducked on your nipples gave her butterflies. She starts kissing your lower stomach at the moment and hooks her thumbs through your underwear, pulling them down at a painfully slow pace. When she finally pulls your underwear off, your entrance is met with the cold air.
“Nobody can have you but me,” she tells you firmly, running her hands down your sides. “You’re mine.”
Diana excitedly pushes your knees apart for each other, spreading your legs for her. She stared desperately, eyes swallowing the beautiful sight of your slick entrance. Your thighs were still wet from earlier and she wasted no time kissing up your inner thigh. They starts off as soft, light kisses before leaving hickeys on the inside of your thighs. You were so close to her entrance but she still hasn’t put her tongue on you yet.
“Diana, please.”
She hummed against you before dragging her tongue up your thighs, tasting your juices from earlier. She used her fingers to spread your pussy lips apart. Her tongue ran up and down your lips, lapping at whatever she could to simply gather your taste. And once she did, gods, she drove her head deeper into you.
All you could do was pant and moan as the woman, with her head between legs, devours you like it was her last meal. You run your hands through her hair before pulling on it when her tongue reaches a sensitive spot. And when you moaned louder because of it, she doesn’t stop stimulating that spot over and over again until you’re a moaning mess for her.
She lapped all the juices that were spilling from your entrance like she was starving as she her fingers kept you spread open for her. Diana’s lips wrapped around your lips and sucked as hard as she could before they moved to another much more sensitive area. She pursed right around the nub of your clit, sucking it into her mouth. She flicked her tongue against it causing you to moan her name over and over again until you came a second time on her tongue.
Your juices spill out of you and your legs tremble uncontrollably as your heavy pants were heard throughout the room, however, Diana doesn’t stop just yet. She continues fuck you through your orgasm, sucking on your sensitive clit before slipping two fingers inside of you, moving at a quick pace.
“Oh, my god, D-Diana! I’m—Fuck! Please—”
You’re screaming at this point as she continues to overstimulate you. Your hands desperately pushing at her head as your legs keep trembling. Pulling her fingers out of you, she pulls her golden lasso from out of nowhere and quickly ties your wrists up to the headboard. Diana spreads your thighs as wide as they could go once while holding your hips down as she goes back to lewdly sucking your clit. Slurping at whatever she tastes, she groaning in happiness as she covers your whole pussy with her mouth. Her hands reach down to grope at your the flesh of your ass and push your hips further into her face.
“God, Diana! You’re gonna make me come,” you shake your head as moan, “I’m coming, I’m fucking comin—— Diana!”
She pushes you into a third orgasm as you arch you back against the mattress and scream her name once again. Diana happily laps and swallows all of the juices spilling out of you before pulling her head up from between her legs. You came twice on her tongue already and you felt drained of energy.
“You taste so good, (Y/N),” Diana licks her lips; there’s a visible shine on chin where your cum was dripping from her mouth.
You don’t have the energy to respond just yet, so you lay there catching your breath. Feeling lips kiss you softly up from your stomach to your neck and jaw, Diana presses her lips softly against yours with the taste of you still on her tongue, but you pull away to speak first.
“What about you?”
“I only intended to making you feel good. Besides, your pleasure gives me pleasure,” Diana shakes her head and smiles, leaning down to kiss you again.
“I’ve missed you so much,” you murmured against her lips. “I barely lasted these few months without you. I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to go back to you so badly, but I’m going to stand my ground because—”
She stops you from going any further, knowing it was the lasso making you talk. With a sigh, Diana looks away from your face and unties the golden ropes at your wrists and throws it onto the floor.
You gently place the palm of your hands on her neck just below her jaw, using your thumbs to turn her head and face you.
“I do miss you,” you quickly give her a peck, only for her to chase your lips with hers. “But, Diana, I need you to trust in me a little more. We all get hurt in our battles and we all come back stronger afterwards.”
You can feel her jaw clenching with your thumbs. Her eyes were closed shut and her breathing staggers a little bit.
Diana opens her glossy eyes after a moment as a single tear drops from her eyes to your face, “I am truly sorry for what I said. I don’t think you’re weak at all. You’re strong, (Y/N). And brave. And you’re willing to give your life to save people. I guess I’m just scared of that because—”
“I know, Diana. I understand,” you nod your head as you look up at her, propped up by her elbows so that she could hover over you. “I’m sorry.”
Diana shakes head rapidly and apologizes more. She puts a hand over one of yours which was caressing her face. She kisses the palm of your hand before finally giving in and puts her whole weight on you, placing her face in the crook of your neck where she kisses you softly.
“Are we okay?”
“Let’s just have this moment and deal with everything else later,” Diana smiles into your neck, seeing all of the hickeys she left on you.
You nod your head as your eyes start to get heavy. Closing your eyes shut, you let your self fall into a calm slumber as Diana’s voice was the last thing you hear.
“I love you. We’ll be okay.”
a/n: i’m sorry if this was kind of long and if there’s some errors bc i didn’t proofread this at all bc i’m fking lazy haha but thank you so much for reading!!
xoxo isabelle
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runawaymun · 2 years
1, 4, 13, 17 for the writing asks! 💙
writing ask meme
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
I used to write exclusively in Calibri but now I prefer either Arial or Georgia. I find them easier to read. If I’m struggling with my work or editing I will change the font. Usually to comic sans.
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
ok so this isn’t one word but I am genuinely obsessed with combined words (i’m forgetting the literary term right now) from old (read: old english, icelandic, or ancient greek) poetry. Wine-dark. Whale-path. God-cursed. Mindgrief & bloodgrief. Treasure-child. Death-shadow. Sea-swirl. Hngggg g they make me go feral. 
Around their mask-helmets  golden boar-heads    beamed to the sun flashed a war-gleam       on fire-hardened steel signaled their weapons.       They walked strong-stepping crested the sea-wall       till they saw the glinting of that timber-strong hall     trimmed bright with gold tall horn-gables      towering in the sun high to the heavens     Hrothgar’s gift-house its light shone forth       over land and sea
Does this make you lose your mind or are you normal? 
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
Emotionally, there isn’t a lot that bothers me tbh. I like the exploration. But in terms of things that I just sort of muddle my way through and feels like trudging through sludge: action sequences, politics/intrigue, and time jumps. I have such a hard time with these and they always take me forever to dissect and get through. 
I also struggle a lot with writing any kind of genderfluid, enby, or trans characters purely because while I’m bi-leaning-pan I’m very cis and I a) do not understand the experience from a personal level and b) am terrified of getting it wrong. This means I don’t have good representation in my work and that really bothers me. 
Slow-burn romance, trauma recovery, gothic horror, eldritch horror, and sci fi/fantasy worldbuilding descriptions come out of me like water though. Also character’s interior thoughts. I have to edit out a lot of naval-gazing.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
There’s a lot here that I could talk about but one thing i’M SO MAD that I didn’t remember to work in anywhere is Thalionel and Elrían’s relationship with animals. 
In their background experience, dogs are scary & will rip your face off and constantly were used as a weapon against them. Horses are off-limits unless specifically you’re sat on a horse. They do not actually know how to ride and wouldn’t think to ask, and also wouldn’t really feel comfortable with riding-- it would take some getting used to. There are a lot of ingrained mental blocks there because that’s not for them. That’s for real people. 
Dogs especially I wish I could explore more. Imladris fam are big on having dogs (Elrond’s hounds are descendants of Huan). So I know at some point the kids were introduced and had to become accustomed to having a dog around and having it be Fine. This is not Fine at first. There’s a lot of initial panic and fear there. The Eotheod hounds chase, hunt, and are socialized to be aggressive (especially with thralls).
So anyway I might have to go back and write a couple of oneshots because a) Elrond with animals makes me melt and b) i’m very mad that I didn’t find the time to explore this. It happened sometime during the first fic because I know that by the end of it the kids are pretty used to Elrond’s dogs being everywhere around the house. 
11 notes · View notes
ratmonky · 3 years
Love Loser
Word Count: 7.7K
Warnings: Obsession, Manipulation, Gaslighting, Chikan, Breeding, dub-con
AO3 Link
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“Be careful and don’t forget that a professional sorcerer is going to pick you up from the station,” Gojo hugged both Megumi and you. “Don’t talk to strangers and don’t waste your allowance on junk food.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Megumi pushed him away. “We’re going to ride on the train for only two hours, what’s the worst that can happen?”
“It feels like just yesterday when I met you two…” Gojo smiled, ignoring Megumi, and gave a dreamy sigh, still hugging you. “Now, you’re leaving me~”
“We’re gonna come back,” Megumi mumbled. “You know that.”
“He likes to be dramatic.” You finally broke the hug. “Do you want me to say anything to Yuuji?”
“Tell him to come back!” Gojo pouted his lips, wrapping his arms around himself. “It’s because of him that all of my students are leaving.”
“Wasn’t it you who sent him away to train with that sorcerer?” Megumi didn’t need an answer.
Gojo paused and his arms went limp, falling to his sides. “Yeah…”
“Did they leave?”
A familiar voice made you turn around. There she was, you had thought she wasn’t going to make it. With the biggest smile on your lips, you threw yourself in Nobara’s arms.
“Ahh, listen, listen, (name)! You have to bring souvenirs!” She was practically yelling in your ear and embracing you tightly. “I’m gonna miss you so bad.”
“We’re going away only for a week...” Megumi rolled his eyes.
Gojo leaned to whisper to Megumi’s ear. “They like to be dramatic.”
A loud whistle tore the chatter of the crowd in the train station.
It was time.
While Megumi took your bag from the ground and threw it over his shoulder to give you a little longer time to embrace Nobara, the two of you were giggling over something he couldn’t hear.
Another whistle came, only then you managed to let go of your friend to follow Megumi to get on the train. You stood in front of the closing doors to wave at your teacher and friend.
They waved back, Nobara blew you a kiss and it made you giggle.
Megumi lazily waved at the two through the door’s glass window as the loud whistle once again was heard. The train started rolling forward.
You couldn’t tear your eyes away from the two until Megumi pulled you toward a seat.
“This is exciting,” you smiled. “I wonder what kind of place Yuuji is staying at.”
“Yes to what?” you chuckled. “Is it exciting or-”
“It’s exciting,” Megumi said firmly. “I’m also curious about what the place is like.”
“Sometimes I wonder if that guy has a brain,” Megumi huffed and put his hand on his hip in annoyance. “I’ve never seen this professional sorcerer before so how did he think we were going to recognize him somehow?”
You agreed with a small chuckle but it turned into a gasp. Your eyes landed on a familiar spiky pink hair. A smile tugged at your lips as you dropped your bags to run forward.
“(name)-?” Megumi stood there in shock as you ran towards the man who was waiting with open arms.
“Yuuji!” You jumped into his arms and as soon as Yuuji caught you, he spun around laughing.
“I missed you!”
Yuuji let you down and held your hand instead as you walked over to Megumi.
He was frowning while Yuuji grabbed all of your bags to carry them himself.
“The sorcerer training me is out of town today. He’ll be back in two days. He told me to come and get you two to his house,” Yuuji simply explained. “How ya been doing?”
“Fine,” you said.
“Terrible,” Megumi groaned.
“Good,” Yuuji snickered.
A professional sorcerer’s house was more cramped than you thought it would be. Megumi and Yuuji had to share a futon together and sleep in the same room as you.
“You lived like this for a month already?” Megumi grimaced at the messy room.
Yuuji proudly smiled. “What? You can’t handle not sleeping in your own giant private room?”
“Don’t fight on our first day together!” You yelled from the kitchen.
Yuuji entered the room and leaned on the counter, watching you quietly.
You didn’t look up at him since you were cooking but he was oddly quiet. Finally, you asked what he wanted.
“I missed you.”
The village Yuuji was staying at was located very close to the mountains.
You were checking the map, “Our trail is starting here.” You pointed at the map on the ground, circling the small green spot with a red marker. “That’s our exact position,” you muttered. “We’ll go up to the mountain until this part.” You marked another spot on the map which was very far away from the current position, then slowly tapped the marker on the destination.
You gave a contented sigh, the cool air of the summer breeze was creeping on all of you as you folded the map and looked up, “Any questions?”
“No.” Yuuji jumped on his spot, “Let’s get going.”
You were the only one without a large backpack but you were carrying the necessity bag and the firewood was given into your care. It was all pretty heavy but it wasn’t anything you couldn’t handle.
Yuuji was leading the way, while Megumi was at the end making sure that nobody fell behind, which only meant you, since only you weren’t able to keep up with the others’ pace. You were right on one thing, hiking was very difficult and tiring. You were already drenched in sweat and it had been only half an hour. You took a deep breath while trying to walk up the trail, avoiding all the rocks and weird-looking plants.
Yuuji found a nice opening to take a break and eat lunch. The moment he put his backpack down he could see the two of you cheer with exhaustion, he laughed. “We’re going to eat lunch, we’re not there yet.”
Huffing, you sat on a big rock while Yuuji was taking out the lunch from the basket. Megumi handed water bottles to each of you. You took one and drank the whole bottle in one go, wiping your sweat to the ends of your shirt while lifting it, omitting the way Megumi was blushing.
“We made it!” you cheered.
The large clearing you arrived at was covered by tall trees and there were large rocks laid in a circle in the middle of the clearing. Yuuji claimed that it was from when he came here with his friends from the village before. It was simply a really popular camping spot but Megumi wasn't sure if he only eaned to bring you all here because there was a fire pit ready or for another reason. The plan was to have a nice hike and a picnic before returning back, you weren't going to camp here. 
“You should check the view from that cliff.” Yuuji pointed towards the north with a smile. “It’s gorgeous, I’ve never seen anything like its view, it’s enough to make anyone tear up!”
“Where?” you asked, handing him a bottle of water.
“It’s like ten minutes that way.” He pointed north again. “I’m pointing at it, can’t you see?”
“Well, I thought you were going to give us the exact directions if it was located somewhere tricky and-” Megumi was walking inside the forest slowly without saying anything, “Wait, Fushiguro!” you yelled at him for not waiting and dropped your bags next to Yuuji.
He stopped walking, you caught up to him and you walked deeper into the forest together.
It was dead quiet. If it wasn’t for the shaking of the trees and the sounds of the cicadas, you would feel uncomfortable. Megumi liked the silence, it was peaceful.
Only a couple of minutes of walking later, you realized, the view from the cliff was breathtaking.
“I’ve never seen anything like this before.” You couldn’t hide the excitement in your voice. The sunlight made everything look like a painting, the colors of the trees and grass were an impossible bright orange.
Megumi nodded in agreement. “It was worth the walk.”
“Right? I thought he was overexaggerating but it’s actually prettier!” you gave a light chuckle. “I’m glad we got to see it together.”
“Yeah.” His gaze hesitantly dropped to your hand. A million thoughts went through his mind and he wanted to reach for you, taking your hand in his and holding it tightly. He wondered what you would do, you would just laugh and let him hold your hand as if it was no big deal.
To you it didn’t mean anything to be with him at this moment, enjoying the view and standing beside him. But to Megumi, it was heavenly yet not enough. He wanted to enjoy more time together or even spend years together. He knew once both of you graduated, you would go different ways but he desperately needed to stay with you.
He knew his life wouldn’t be the same without you in it.
“Fushiguro,” you said, voice quiet and soft. “I think I have someone I like.”
His body jolted, gaze lifting up to your face. You were blushing faintly.
“Who?” His voice was faint, not very like him. Clearing his throat, he asked again. “Who?”
You put your hands on your cheeks and closed your eyes with a grin. “Ahh, it’s so embarrassing.”
From the way you were blushing, he knew who it was.
I like you too.
He wanted to say it out loud. Megumi started blushing as well when he opened his mouth. “I-”
“It’s Yuuji!”
Megumi’s eyes widened, the view he had thought to be gorgeous was turning into a glimpse of hell and your lovely expression on your face nearly made him retch.
“That’s why Nobara wanted me to come here with you, she keeps telling me to say something but I’m just soooo embarrassed! I mean, I wanna be with him before that happens.”
Why him?
Your words didn’t reach him anymore, even if they did, he couldn’t register what they meant. Each word was something he couldn’t comprehend when put together, it felt like he was going insane.
Why him but not me?
As long as he treasured this time you had together, to him it would be enough. He didn’t have to be with you forever. He was fine just being friends.
“I’m gonna confess to him, Nobara thinks he likes me and-”
“Don’t.” Megumi turned to face you completely, his head was dizzy.
“Why not?” You were smiling, oh how cute. Knowing why you were smiling like this made his throat clench. “Don’t you think he likes me?”
“No,” he firmly responded. Your smile faltered, lips pressing together in worry. He had to do it. He had to do something. He was desperate to do something. “He likes Kugisaki.”
I love you more than he ever could.
“Oh,” you said, gaze dropping to the ground. “I… I never noticed.”
“I know it because he told me. You shouldn’t get in between him and her.” His tone was colder than ice. He realized how badly his hands were shaking and quickly put them in his pockets to hide them from your view.
“I see,” you whispered. Perhaps, your best friend liked him too. It would be cruel to prevent them from getting together. Yes. Although it hurt, you were fine. Fine.
Your vision blurred with tears.
Hastily, you wiped your tears and turned to look at the view one more time. Although your tears didn’t stop, Megumi didn’t want to say anything since he was fighting with his own demons but he couldn’t stand watching you cry.
“(name)?” You didn’t respond, so he took a step closer to you. “Hey,” he tried calling for you again and this time you flinched. You wiped your tears away with your forearms before turning to face him.
“I’m fine.” You beamed up at him despite how red your eyes were.
His eyes fixated on the ground in front of him. He was troubled, unable to look you in the face. “It’s not the end of the world.” His voice was calm.
“It still hurts.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault, Fushiguro.”
Yuuji was placing big smooth rocks around the fireplace that was already lit when the two of you returned. He smiled at you, “Took you two long enough.”
“Yeah, it was prettier than I thought.” You took a blanket out from one of the bags and spread it on the ground.
“You’re okay?” Yuuji asked, raising a brow. “Your eyes are red.”
Nodding, you brushed it off with a lie, “The view made me tear up.”
He laughed and patted on your back. “Told you!”
“Todo was very interested in (name) today, huh?” Yuuji said as they were walking to their dorm.
Megumi hummed. 
“I mean, she’s kinda cute, I’m not sure.” He laughed and then stopped in front of his friend, blocking the way. “Actually, scratch that, she’s very cute.”
A disgusted expression settled on Megumi’s face but he shook it off instantly. 
“What do you think of her?”
“She’s my friend.” Megumi sounded… conflicted.
“What’s with the pause?” Yuuji chuckled.
Megumi was trying to walk around him to get to his room so he could avoid this pointless conversation altogether but Yuuji was barely giving him any space to move around the hallway.
“I think I like her,” Yuuji stepped in front of him once again as he had just managed to walk past him, “(name) is pretty and I like her.”
“Do you like her only because she’s pretty?” Megumi’s anger was starting to turn towards his friend even though he wasn’t the reason for his anger. “What do you like about her exactly?”
For a while, Yuuji couldn’t speak. His brows furrowed in anger because he didn’t know what to say. 
“I think we both know the truth now.” Megumi looked down at Yuuji, sending him a warning glare.
The color drained from Yuuji’s face but he tried not to show his shock on his face. 
They glared at each other for a moment before Megumi let out a sigh. “But, you know what Itadori?” He didn’t wait for an answer. “I believe she deserves someone better than you.” He walked past his friend and into his room, leaving Yuuji behind, alone with his thoughts.
As soon as he closed the door, he collapsed on the floor with his hands covering his ears. 
This wasn’t supposed to happen. 
Why? Why? WHY?
Neither of you confessed to each other in the passing years.
Megumi made sure of it.
“Ahh, I’m jealous! You two already kissed?” Yuuji kept whining, hitting his head on the table. “What was it like? Did she squirm a lot? What did she taste like?”
Inumaki flushed red and shook his head, refusing to give him an answer.
“I never thought Inumaki would be the first one between all of us to get a girlfriend,” Panda commented, taking a bite from one of the small rice cakes before he mumbled under his breath. "Especially her."
“You talk as if you were gonna get one,” Yuuji responded.
“That hurt!” Panda held his chest, pretending to be in pain.
“To be honest, I always thought Fushiguro would be first.”
It became silent when Yuuji said that. Everyone was staring at him now.
“You’re single, right?” Panda asked.
Megumi rolled his eyes. “Why are you asking?”
“You guys are next to graduate, Fushiguro! Find yourself a girl before sorcerer work starts building up!” Panda let out a noise closer to a groan and turned to Yuuji. “What about you?”
“Unfortunately, I’m single!”
“No, not that! Do you have anyone you like?” For some reason, they were yelling at each other now.
But that wasn’t the yelling that made Megumi almost drop his glass, it was the question.
Don’t answer.
They will encourage you.
Unaware of all the things running through Megumi’s head, Yuuji’s cheeks blushed. “I... do.”
Panda grinned, “Who is it?”
Shut up.
Don’t say it.
Megumi watched Yuuji’s lips move in terror as he said a name he was familiar with. “Jennifer Lawrence.”
Letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, the tension on Megumi’s shoulders eased while everyone else was laughing.
He had to make a move before it was too late.
When they started running out of necessities in the dorms, it was usually two of the seniors who went to restock them. Since you were all seniors now, it had become your duty which none of you looked forward to.
“We’ll just play rock paper scissors,” Nobara said. “It’ll be fair.”
Yuuji frowned, “I haven’t won a single time playing this.”
“Well, that means Fushiguro will have his Saturday free, unlike you, Yuuji.” You cracked your fingers. “I won’t lose, I need to catch up with my show today.”
“Let’s get this over with,” Megumi sighed.
“I always go with rock,” Nobara said with a grin. You were smarter than to fall for her trick, you knew she was going for a scissor, you were going to pick rock!
All four of you stood together and shouted rock paper scissors in unison. Except for Megumi.
The result was as expected.
While Nobara and Yuuji had gone with paper, both you and Megumi had gone for rock.
Nobara yelled in excitement and turned to Yuuji, the two high-fived and cheered as you stared at your hand.
“I can’t believe it worked!” Yuuji laughed.
“Fushiguro is a lot dumber than I thought! He actually fell for it!”
“I didn’t fall for anything. I always pick rock first.” Megumi noticed how distraught you looked over losing and slapped your fist that was still hovering in the air, “Come on, let’s go before it’s too late. We can come back early if we hurry.”
You nodded reluctantly and then pointed at Nobara threateningly. “Don’t watch the show without me.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she brushed it off with a wave of her hand.
Megumi realized the two of you were going to keep on bickering, decidedly, he put a hand on your shoulder to lead you out of the common room of the dorm.
After getting ready, you met up outside the campus. While you wanted to take the bus because it would be less crowded, Megumi insisted on taking the subway train which would be a lot faster despite being extremely crowded on the weekends.
In the end, you relented without knowing his true intentions.
The train was packed, even more than normal. Only then you remembered about Takada-chan’s concert downtown. Ugh, this was truly the worst. There wasn’t any place to hold onto and you were squished against Megumi’s body to the point of his phone in his pants poking your thigh.
The sudden turn of the train made you lose your balance and you held onto your friend. “Sorry,” you mumbled.
“It’s fine,” he said, not looking at you. “Hold onto me and stay close, otherwise you might disturb someone.”
Since he was tall enough to hold onto one of the bars above your head, he was able to hold his balance but somehow his body still managed to move against yours.
“Okay,” you murmured, gripping to his jacket and moving closer to him. “How long left?” You didn’t have the courage to complain about his phone poking you against your thigh but if you moved a little to your left, you could avoid it.
“Five minutes or less.” His voice broke into a sigh when you moved against what you thought was his phone. He was glad you moved away, now, you wouldn’t be able to notice the damp spot.
Getting off the train, Megumi quickly excused himself to go to the restroom. Taking the opportunity, you took out your phone to check out the list you had to buy one more time.
You were buying the necessities for yourself and Nobara while Megumi was going to buy the things the boys needed. It was a rule that helped both parties, boys didn’t know the difference between adult diapers and menstrual pads at the same time girls didn’t understand why boys couldn’t use fragranced hand lotions.
In the bathroom stall, Megumi wiped the inside of his pants and underwear as much as he could but the stickiness was there to stay. He put a paper towel perfectly lined up between his skin and the sticky fabric to spare himself from the discomfort. He had made a good choice to wear black pants today.
“Come on,” you whined as soon as he left the restroom and grabbed his arm. “We have to hurry to the mall.”
“Mall? I thought we were going to the store around the corner.”
“Nobara wants us to buy her skincare.” You showed him the text you had gotten from her and started pulling him towards the exit. “It’ll be fun anyway.”
Megumi let you drag him wherever you wanted, only focusing on how warm your touch was.
The loud chatter of the crowd, bright colors, children laughing, warm weather, and the smell of the delicious food.
“This sure takes me back.” You smiled brightly. “Malls are exciting. It’s like being a kid again.”
Although it was still a little early there were already quite a number of people in the mall.
“It’s too crowded,” Megumi pointed out.
“It’s because of Takada-chan’s concert downtown,” you said, with a quirky tone as you exited the drugstore. “I bet Todo’s there.” There was a pause before you beamed up at him. “Let’s go watch it together, they’re probably still selling tickets!”
He averted his gaze to hide his blushing face from you. “Didn’t you wanna go back to watch your show?”
You hummed. “Well, if we split up and bought everything we needed and met up back here… If we still had time, we could watch the end of her show!”
Megumi wasn’t a fan of that said idol but he was a fan of the two of you being pressed against in a small room as you jumped excitedly, perhaps you would even dance, moving your hips, and then he could get better friction than on the train and maybe-
“Hey!” You were snapping a finger in front of his face repeatedly, “What do you say?”
“Perfect!” You checked the time on your phone and looked around. “I already bought Nobara’s skincare so I don’t have much left to buy. I’ll meet you here.”
He didn’t even get to say something before you walked away. Thankfully, his list wasn’t as complicated as yours, it took him less than twenty minutes to buy everything and even had time to try out some of the samples being given out.
While he was looking down from the third floor, he could see you run from store to store, gathering all of the not-so-necessary stuff. His lips curled up to a smile and his phone buzzed.
It was a text from Yuuji, telling him to buy a new charger for his phone that he was going to pay for later.
Megumi lied and told him that there weren’t any phone chargers in the store.
Yuuji’s reply made his brows furrow.
[New Message]
Itadori: (name) called me n said u were in the mall dont lieeeeee to meeee  ):<  btw the concert is canceled cuz of heavy rain so i cant come sorry ); anywayy u should hurry home and buy an umbrella!!
So, you didn’t actually want to go and see the concert together with Megumi. Other than that… you called Yuuji… Why? You never called Megumi, you didn’t even text him.
His hands started shaking as the thought of you still being in love with Yuuji dawned on him.
He had been doing everything and anything to keep you guys away from each other. Purposely losing to be with you, making sure Yuuji was busy on the weekends so you could only spend time with Nobara.
What if you started going out with him?
What if you were already going out with him?
Megumi returned to the meeting point, you were already waiting for him. He tried to listen to your complaints about how Nobara was constantly adding new stuff to the list and how it took longer for you to buy everything or how heavy your backpack was but his mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. It was hard for him to hold a conversation when he was unable to comprehend why you were acting the way you were.
In front of the place Takada-chan was supposed to do her show, it was crowded but something was off.
“Why are people leaving already?”
With your remark, he noticed the majority of people walking back the path that was leading to the exit.
After a sigh, he spoke. “It’s canceled. Apparently, there’s a risk of heavy rain.”
“The weather reports never mentioned that,” you pouted and paused momentarily. “Wait… you knew about it?”
“There,” Megumi let out a deep breath, pointing at a sign saying that the place was closed due to the weather.
“Oh.” You looked away from him, mumbling an apology.
“We should hurry up to the station, it looks like it’s going to rain soon.” Megumi turned to you. “Come on.”
The two of you started walking back to the station but as crowded as the station was there was no way you could hop on any of the trains leaving right now. So, you took the bus with the disadvantage of having to walk to the campus once you got off.
“It’s gonna rain,” you whined, stopping to walk.
“Don’t fall back,” Megumi said, offering you a hand. “We’ll walk through the park, it’s a shortcut.”
You took his hand and continued walking in stifling silence until a peal of thunder was heard, loud and long.
Your grip on his hand tightened.
The downpour came after the loud noise almost instantly, it was heavy and rapid.
Megumi cursed and you both started running towards a tree. You still had a long way to go but the large tree would be a perfect shelter from the heavy rain thanks to its size.
By the time you arrived under the tree, both of your clothes were soaked by the rain.
“It’s cold,” you whined and wrapped your arms around yourself. “A sudden downpour is just too much!”
“They say the weather during spring changes rapidly.” Megumi took his jacket off. “This is a problem. I hadn’t brought any rain gear.”
“Nobody did!” you laughed, “The weather report never mentioned once about it raining today!”
He didn’t say anything and turned around on his heels. “Now, what?” He was talking to himself. “We should call someone to get us.” Megumi turned around to look at you. He paused, you were soaking wet. Your clothes were sticking to your skin and your hair was messy.
What’s with that appearance?
“I’m going to call Kugisaki and tell her where we are. She can come here with umbrellas so we can leave.” Megumi turned back around and patted on his jacket’s pockets to find his phone. Once he found it, he called her.
Kugisaki said she would be there as soon as she could but Megumi knew it would take a minimum of half an hour for her to even step out of the campus. That’s why he chose to call her.
“What did she say?” you asked when he hung up.
“She’ll be here but it might take a while.”
You sneezed, rubbing your nose gently. “We’re both going to catch a cold by the time she comes to get us. You should’ve called Yuuji.”
“You can’t even stop talking about him when you’re with me." His eyes widened after he said it, he had apparently said it unbidden.
“Nothing.” He tried to move around you but stopped when you quickly laid a hand against his chest.
He couldn’t help shuddering at the contact. He had been trying to hold back all day but now that he had you here, alone with him. All he wanted to do was to press you against the tree, get in between your legs and-
“Are you alright, Megumi?” You looked concerned, completely unaware of his thoughts.
“I’m,” he started, trying to make his tone rational, serious. Stoic, like normal, as always. “I’m f-fine.”
He failed.
You frowned. “Are you sure?” Your hand pressed a little harder on his chest. “Your heart is beating really fast.”
Megumi pinched his eyes shut, taking a slow breath through his mouth. He was focusing on his own control. “Being stuck together like this… I can’t help being conscious of it.” His face was red as he admitted this. “I can’t really keep myself from focusing on you.”
“T-that’s kinda weird to say to a friend.” You took your trembling hand away from his chest, unable to say anything else.
He took a deep breath in and out before speaking. “I don’t see you as a friend.” His voice was devoid of any emotion. He was silent for a while, thinking. His eyes were serious, gazing down at you with desperation. “You’re beautiful,” he finally said. “I’ve liked you since we first met.”
“I… I like someone else, you know that… Fushiguro.”
He will die sooner or later.
He wanted to say it but resisted the urge.
“He doesn’t like you,” he said, his voice threatening to break. “Am I not good enough?”
You froze, seeing Megumi this vulnerable in front of you was too much. He wasn’t like this, he didn’t let his guard down in front of anyone. Yet-
“I just… I know we aren’t meant to be but I like him. It’s hard to give up on the one you like.”
“What about me?” he asked, “What about my feelings?”
At that moment, you got a glimpse of how much Megumi was hurting. Hurting and hurting. You had been acting selfishly, you had even told him your feelings about Yuuji all those years ago. If it weren’t for his warning, you would’ve been in his place right now. Being rejected by the person you liked.
Yuuji would have been gentler, he would have used all the words he knew that wouldn’t hurt you as he told you how he liked Nobara.
You weren’t all that considerate. This was all your fault.
“I-I will try to give up on him and give you an answer.”
“You need to be honest with yourself. How much more time do you need until you realize that he’ll never love you like me?”
His willpower and composure vanished. Everything that was holding him back, whether it be his thoughts or the consequences that might come after he acted without thinking was pushed back to the furthest back on his mind.
All he could think about was you.
“I can’t wait any longer.”
You watched him get closer to your face but didn’t move away from shock. Immediately, you closed your eyes shut. Although you couldn’t see him kissing you, the pressure of his lips was more than enough to let you know. Your pulse went berserk as his rough lips pressed against yours, eager and hard. He was firm, a little too forceful.
He placed his hands on your waist, feeling you up while his tongue pressed into your mouth, frenziedly trying to savor your taste.
A sound closer to a moan escaped you when he bit down on your bottom lip before leaning down and kissing your neck, forcing another lewd sound to leave your soft lips. He took a second to press a light kiss against your neck and pressed his hips against you experimentally. Slowly, just testing the waters, he grinded himself against you more firmly and let out a ragged sigh. Though he had already been hard, you felt him growing harder by the second.
“(name),” he whispered, full of passion. “Say my name.”
“Megumi,” he corrected. His skin was burning up and it felt like he was under direct sunlight, which given the weather, might have been far off. “Say my name.”
He pressed his forehead against yours. You were his and nobody else could touch you. He had to make sure of it.
“I like you,” Megumi uttered, he let out a soft sigh, letting his hand reach up to touch your face. He wanted to feel your skin, how soft it was but he stopped himself mid-way when he realized you had been crying.
Ah, so this was a failure.
He should have waited.
However before he could get any more anxious over anything, you got on your tiptoes and then your lips pressed against his.
You tasted sweet, your lips were soft and welcoming, urging him to do whatever he wanted to you, giving him your answer regarding his feelings.
His lips moved slowly against yours and his hands settled, hesitantly on your hips again.
A soft, wanton noise escaped you.
Megumi tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear with his shaking hand as your lips danced in harmony and he tugged you closer. He couldn’t stop himself from pulling you closer and closer. You pressed your chest flush onto him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
He could smell your sweet scent, that scent he had been dying to know what it smelled like in person rather than your dirty laundry. He grinded into you frantically, making you moan into his mouth and allow him to snake his tongue further down your throat.
Your hips bucked against him, you were lost in lust to care about being in public. His eyes widened as another moan forced its way out of your throat. You tugged at his hair, pulling him closer to yourself desperately.
His face was flushed completely red as you kept letting out cute, sweet noises for him. He had to give himself a minute longer, cherishing the moment before withdrawing himself, unable to stop the grin that crawled up his face while a long strand of drool dripped from his lips and another small strand of drool connecting your lips together broke apart.
A soft gasp emerged from your lips as you looked at him dreamily. You were both blushing furiously, lips completely swollen and wet from the kiss and you couldn’t stop smiling at each other.
“You’re finally mine.” He pressed his forehead against yours, his hand on your cheek rubbed circles on the skin with his thumb. You stayed quiet, letting your arms around him stay there as both of you cherished the small moment of silence together.
Both of your smiles disappeared and the two of you let go of each other as if you were burned.
There stood Yuuji, holding his umbrella and another spare umbrella. “Kugisaki told me to bring you an umbrella,” His cheeks were flushed bright red because of embarrassment. “I didn’t want to interfere with you two.”
“Itadori!” Megumi took a step forward, his tone was frustrated. “This!-” He stopped, what was this? What was he going to say? Yuuji had most certainly seen you kiss or maybe more. Megumi had no idea of how long his friend stood there and watched you for.
“Even you should be able to fool around with a girl, Fushiguro!” Yuuji forced a laugh and glanced at you. “Are you two, well… going out?”
You glanced at Megumi, he was already looking at you.
His words from earlier came back to your mind. You had to move on, this was for the best.
“Kinda,” you answered.
“Oh, that explains a lot.” Yuuji’s stare found Megumi but then he quickly looked away.
There was a moment of silence.
“Could we just go home now?” you asked, realizing nobody was going to move unless you said something.
“That’s why I am here,” Yuuji beckoned the two of you to follow him.
You followed him to the campus. The two of you shared an umbrella together in silence and once you arrived at the entrance, Megumi hesitantly grabbed your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours.
“I’ll make you happy.”
It was a promise.
Passing days were normal, nothing out of ordinary.
You started dating Megumi and forgot about Yuuji.
“Short hair would look better on you,” Yuuji said, overhearing your conversation with Nobara.
“Nooo, her hair is fine as it is!” Nobara argued, walking over to the couch to hit Yuuji’s head. “You just like girls with short hair.”
While the two argued about it, Megumi slowly lifted his gaze up from the book he was reading to watch you blush.
“Don’t do that,” you whispered, trying to hold back your moan. “Nobara will hear.”
“It makes you feel good.” Megumi pushed his fingers inside your slick heat, lips pressing on your clit, “She knows we’re dating.”
“I-it’s embarrassing,” you stuttered.
“Is it embarrassing to date me?” He pulled back his lips but continued scissoring his fingers in and out of you.
“Noo,” you stretched the word out, biting back a moan. “Y-you know what I mean.”
“Hmm?” He lolled his tongue out and licked between your folds slow enough to make you squirm.
Your hands went to grab his hair out of instinct, trying to pull him back from your pussy. “M-Megumi, please… It’s embarrassing if she hears me do that sorta noise...”
Your words didn’t match your tone. He ignored your empty pleads and lapped at your cunt, his hands pressing on your inner thighs to keep them in place.
Instantly, you arched your back. Megumi’s tongue was hot against your sensitive pussy. It was nothing like when you touched yourself, it made your toes curl in pleasure no matter what he did.
His lips curled up into a smile when a moan escaped you, it was loud enough for Nobara in the next room to hear. He knew she wouldn’t stay quiet about it, running her mouth and telling Yuuji about how loud you were last night.
He sucked on your clit, drawing small circles over the delicate nub with his tongue and using the entire strength of his arm to fuck you with his digits. Your legs shook as your thighs pressed on between each side of his head, you were pulling his hair and moaning but Megumi didn’t stop until the pleasure building in your gut spread and took over all of your senses.
When your high came, it was euphoric, left you panting and exhausted.
Megumi threw himself next to you on your bed, one hand wrapped around his cock, “Turn to your side,” he whispered. Complying, you sluggishly turned to your side, your back against his chest.
Using his hand, he lifted your leg and guided his cock between your thighs. He let your leg fall back to instead use the same hand to cup your naked breast. “Press your thighs together.”
You followed his instructions with a hum. As soon as he felt the supple flesh of your thighs around his cock, he started moving his hips. Although he would have wanted to be inside you right now, he had time. He wanted to take all of your firsts one by one like collecting stamps and make sure to treasure each single first.
His lips pressed against your neck, he groaned softly as he came between your thighs. Turning around, you kissed him sloppily before burying your face on his neck.
It took him a while to catch his breath, he carded his fingers through your hair. “I like it like this.” He pressed a kiss against your hair.
The next day, Megumi was in the common room with Yuuji when you came back from hanging out with Nobara downtown.
He heard you mumbling and your girlfriend angrily scolding you through the halls.
“It’s definitely lipstick,” Yuuji said.
“Last time was lipstick, it’s probably because they bought the same dress or something.” Megumi shook his head with a faint smile on his lips, he was looking forward to listening to you complain about your day as you cuddled on his bed as usual.
“Wanna bet over it?” Yuuji smirked. “The loser has to clean the toilets.”
“It’s gonna be you.”
“I took my eyes off of you for one second!” Nobara was laughing but her tone was still upset as she entered the common room. “I can’t believe you!”
The boys were waiting for the reveal if it was a lipstick or a clothing item you two were fighting over but as soon as you walked in, they realized it was none of them.
“I think it looks good,” you mumbled, hesitantly moving your hand up to feel your haircut. “It was time for a change.”
The smile Megumi had on his face dropped, his eyes were on Yuuji who was smiling. “I think it looks gorgeous,” he complimented. It was a fairly innocent compliment but Megumi thought of it as something else.
“Thanks,” you said, cheeks blushing slightly. You walked over to your boyfriend, twirling around excitedly, “What do you think?”
“It’s shorter.” Megumi couldn’t find the words to describe how jealous he was but he made sure to not show it on his face. “Cute.”
“Aww, thank you!” You leaned and took his hand, pulling him up to his feet. “Now, help me carry the stuff I bought back to my room.”
You dragged him to the entrance hall, omitting the way he was frowning. He grabbed your shopping bags and followed you into your room without saying anything.
“I bought you something as well, it’s an early graduation gift!” You crouched next to the bags as soon as he put them down to look for his present. “I heard you’re going to have an internship in Kyoto and I also applied there so we can go there together.”
“Why did you cut your hair?”
Your shoulders tensed. “What?”
“Are you still in love with him?” Megumi’s tone was upset, he couldn’t hide it. “Is that it?”
Standing up, you turned to face him. “It’s just hair… I wanted to cut it so I did.”
“Don’t lie to me.”
“I’m not lying, Megumi. I don’t like him anymore. You’re making a big-”
He pushed you towards your bed, your body slammed against the soft sheets and a surprised yelp left your lips but Megumi’s lips stifled the sound. He was being too rough, his lips were moving as if to devour you whole but it didn’t stop you from wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him back.
His hand went to pull down his sweatpants. Ahh, sweatpants, the great invention of mankind, saving him from the hassle of unbuckling a belt and undoing the zipper to free his aching cock.
“Wait,” you said into the kiss but he shut you up with his lips, his free hand going under your skirt to pull your panties to the side. Using the same hand, he grabbed the back of your knee to make room for himself between your legs.
Megumi broke the kiss slowly so he could gaze down at you. “You’re mine.”
Wanting to assure him, you nodded rapidly.
“You’re in love with me.” He positioned himself between your thighs and rubbed the tip of his cock across your slit.
You made a small noise to confirm.
Megumi pushed himself inside you. The feeling of your walls stretching and a sudden pain made a yelp left your lips. He pulled his hips back to confirm if he was your first or not, a sickening smile spread across his face when he saw the proof. Thrusting back inside, he made sure to push himself deep inside your cunt until you could feel the heat and shape of his cock.
As he was trying to find a pace, he hit a spot that made you squirm. With a smug smile, he angled his hips just right to find your sweet spot once again to turn your mind into mush.
With each thrust of his hips stroking your sweet spot, you felt... overwhelmed, that was the only word that could describe how you felt.
Eventually, his steady pace slackened and he planted his hands on each side of your head to start humping you like a desperate dog in heat.
Your toes curled and the pain from your hymen being torn became a faint memory. All you could feel was Megumi’s desperation.
The desperation he felt and his inexperience combining was too much. He put all of that frenzy into his hips. Your bed frame started banging on the wall from the force he put behind each thrust.
Mind going completely numb, your eyes rolled up from pleasure, hips moving to meet Megumi’s brutal thrusts. He growled when your gummy walls clenched around his cock, he stopped moving for a moment as his hands hastily went to the back of your knees to push them towards your chest. Mounting you completely, he started fucking you almost frantically.
In this position his cock went deeper and stroked the gummy flesh of your walls enticingly.
The tip of his cock pressed against your cervix, causing your body to start spasming, legs shaking and mouth drooling. “M-M-Megumi-”
Megumi was too busy chasing after his own release and he continued fucking you through your orgasm. He put his entire weight behind his thrusts, growling each time his balls slapped against your ass.
He leaned forward and buried his face in your neck, his lips parted and his teeth sank on the sensitive skin. Squirming, you moaned as you wrapped your arms around his neck to keep him there.
Your pussy clenched around him one last time, squeezing his cock to milk it dry. He managed to steal a few more thrusts before his cock twitched inside your belly. His thick seed filled your womb until it overflowed.
Continuing to fuck his seed deep inside you, Megumi barely managed to pull himself back. He stopped biting your neck, withdrawing himself to stare at how deep he had bitten you. The pain of being bitten wasn’t there or at least it wasn’t there for this moment, you couldn’t feel anything but his cum slowly seeping out from your hole. The warmth in your tummy was leaving your body and spilling onto your sheets instead.
“You’re so cute when you’re jealous,” you giggled, an eerie smile on your lips. “So easy to provoke.”
Thus Megumi became aware of something. You weren’t dumb, you were always calculating whenever you spoke to him, always watching and always doing things that would spur him on.
You didn’t actually belong to him.
He belonged to you.
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simluvbot · 3 years
Enhypen as dates they would take you on <3
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tags: gn!reader, established relationship au, fluff, bf! enha
members: all members !!
wc: 400-800ish for each member ?? this is very long uh I’m sorry I got carried away
a/n: hi, welcome to my first piece of writing on this blog 😁😁 I tried to write so that these matched the members and their personalities the most! Also as this is my first post any interaction is so cherished 🥺 but anyways,, I hope you enjoy :D
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he would take you to so many fun places!!
Your dates would consist of going bowling together, theme parks, a walk in the park — you can count on having a fun time with heeseung!
He would just want to impress you );
He’s be always so attentive to you and remember even the littlest of details about you
You’d be in a shop together looking around and he’ll tap your shoulder, showing you a lace shirt that you instantly fall in love with
It’s just your style!
You’d ask him how he knew you would like it, to which he would simply mumble  with, “you told me a few months ago that you like shirts like this.”
You’d just stand in shock like :ooo
Not even you remember telling him that ):
Please he loves you so much, if it’s something that you tell him you like or don’t like, he’ll immediately store it in his memory! He wants to know so much more about you 🥺
Your dates are definitely what you look forward to whenever you see him!!
As much as you love fun day outs with him, you also love your chiller night dates at him <3
Meeting each other late at night after practice? A must!! No way can you let your hee go home alone when he’s the last leaving the practice room after a long day ):<
You would often surprise him by showing up at belift at ungodly hours, and as much as he would scold you with a light frown for coming to see him when it’s already half past midnight,,
You still always catch that small little smile he has whenever you do surprise him hehe
to be aware of just the fact that youre there? is enough for him. you ground him and its especially those spontaneous dates youll throw upon him and inevitably show him without the words uttered that you care for him and you love him? 
those are secretley his fave (: but he doesnt have to tell you that - youve already guessed :D
But at the same time on those late night after-practice dates he just wants to make sure that you’re not staying up too late all the time just to make sure he’s doing okay after practice, his y/nnie needs their sleep too ):
And what you’ll do together? Eat ramen of course!!
Although these little late night dates with him usually dont last no longer than an hour, he still treasures them so dearly in his heart ):
Hee sometimes needs a lot of love and assurance, even if he doesn’t mention it
And you’re the best at making him feel better instantly 🥺
but we seriously cant forget about your daytime dates too! each date of yours is always filled with so so many jokes and giggles that your hearts burn with longing for the other whenever you part ways ):
i can see that he’ll even store the memory of your dates even weeks after they’ve happened - he’ll store those memories of you; all in his heart (and the polaroid he took of you in the back of his phonecase 😳) and tucked close.
as for dates, to me he seems the type to be into really spontaneous and random things!! He’d love going somewhere fun or just simply randomly travelling with you without a destination!
He especially loves to sneak out of the dorm late at night and meet you at you and his favourite park.
It’s located at the top of a really tall hill, and you’ll both spend hours sitting on the swings, chatting away with little care for the rest of the world or the time as you both simply giggle at each other’s jokes and contentedly talk about anything and everything; watching the city lights glow from hundreds of metres below you
He’d offer you his jacket when the temperature drops by a few degrees suddenly
You’d be like no!! It’s okay you should also stay warm, I’m okay 🥺
But then because he is such a sweetheart he’d huff and sit next to you on the swing, making the single-seater far too cramped as he tries to supply you with his body heat if that’s the only way that you’ll accept not freezing to death 😠
But then you’ll both slip due to there not being enough space for both of you on the wing, and your both fall flat down on your butts lmao
You’d both freeze, staring at each other blankly on the floor
but then you’d both crack up and laugh for the longest time — hushing each other in-between giggles from the fear of maybe you were being a bit too loud and could wake some people up?
But then you’d both fall into giggling messes once again as you blame each other for causing the other to fall down ):
You’d eventually sit together huddled on a bench, sitting in silence and simply staring out at seoul’s twinkling night lights as you share his leather jacket: heavy and warm as it drapes across you and his’ shoulders
But eventually you’d both finally head home! — your eyelids soon growing too heavy and both of you afraid of accidentally falling asleep at a park at 1am lmfao
idk why but i can just see a lot of late-night dates with jake,, such as
baking cookies together at 1am???? probably has happened twice already in your relationship aha 😁
honestly you both spend so much time together casually that you end up arguing on whether that time where he randomly showed up at your house wanting to make relationship bracelets together was really a date or not lmao
he is also so <3 so incredibly sweet too though uGH. he is a sweetheart and like heeseung he will remember every little detail of you which will be useful for when he comes up with more date ideas in the future (
on dates such as eating at a restaurant together he will always bring you flowers like the gentleman he is.
it’s kinda funny because when youre both on a date together alone with no other people around you both become complete crackheads
but when meeting in front of others he acts so mature and serious suddenly lmao ?? 
but honestly he just trusts and loves you so so much that he doesnt even feel like he needs to act a certain way or try to become someone complteley different on a date just to impress you
but its okay because you love the duality of jake sim <3
someone get me him pls. i want one </3
With jay, shopping dates ??? yes of course (;
he’d simply love taking you out either down a road with many well-known clothing brands or maybe even the mall, entering several clothing stores with you
he never mentions it, but its obvious how much he simply adores seeing you wear the clothes he picks out for you :D
oh and matching couple outfits are obviously always chosen whenever you go out on these fashion dates!!
he will pick out a selection of items he thinks will look good on you, and - to admit it to himself: he does a pretty good damn job
tell me why this boy will get so flustered whenever he sees you walk out of the changing room,, looking so pretty in what he chose for you ??
he’d also one day surprise you on a date with matching couple bracelets :D
you’ll get so excited and he’ll get so shy and try to hide his smile as you compliment how good his sense of style is !! and as much as he denies the fact that he’s blushing you luckily do manage to snap some pics as evidence of the rosy colour in his cheeks hehe
and especially earlier on in the relationship, he’ll always try his best and prepare cute little dates for you both )): and the members would tease him to DEATH for how unbelievably soft and considerate he is when doing things for you when he is so cranky towards them lmfao
chill dates (:
walking in the park together, getting ice cream, going for late night drives and listening to music together </3 with jay it never has to be complicated
Just as long as he gets to be with you, talk with you and touch you then that’s more than enough for him (: he just likes to be in your company
and Idk why I can just see this but he wILL have playground dates with you. dont question it
Because like ?? hanging out on the swings or climbing frame of a kids park at 11PM when there’s no one else there but you both?? Talking and swinging quietly next to each other? very romantic to me hmm
Yes <3 
he will stare at you as he silently swings a back and forth a little; brushing the hair out of your face and looking at you with so so much love in his eyes it’s unbelievable
he especially loves just relaxing with you. watching a show on the tv together while cuddling and staying close to each other is something he loves
hearing your giggles and listening to you talk while engaging in teasing banter where he’ll pretend to think the things you say are stupid by scoffing and rolling his eyes when in reality his heart is swelling and he’s trying so hard not to laugh at how cute you are? 
shut UP
those are definitely one of his favourite types of dates with you
he’ll constantly try to impress you and will be willing to try so many different things with you
i can see him as either being openly interested about going on typical couple dates together such as painting or eating at romantic restaurants,, or every time you mention something of the sort he’ll be groaning at yet another mention of the ‘couple bucket list’ you had created lol
but actually he’s secretly really excited for that couple mug-painting session you booked for you both. but he will never tell you that 😳
in conclusion, with jay it really never has to be something complex for you both to enjoy your dates <3 he just loves being in your company, even if its one of those nights where you both share no words between the cuddling and content sighs and various little soft kisses he presses to your forehead.
with sunghoon gOSH
whatever you two get up to, it’d be so so soft and gentle and perfect and just ):
he would always ask the members what to take you out on as a date and you bet his naver search history would consist of questions like ‘what does my s/o like’ and ‘where should i take out my partner on a date’ lmao
he just wants to make you happy and comfy ):
dates with him are usually really cute!! Like going to cafes, going ice skating etc!
But you’d also love those dates at home with him, giggling shyly as you both sit together and watch a film 🥺
he LOVES those dates! he always gets so shy whenever he comes over and it takes him a little while to get comfortable enough with you to even hold your hand pls
So when he one day pulls you in closer from where you’re sitting side by side on the couch,, bringing you closer and tucking you under his arm ??
You’re so so surprised, and you feel your heart clench a little at how gentle he is with you and how he’s finally opening up ):
And from then on,, he only will become more and more comfortable with you!!! To the point where he’ll start pouting a lil when you don’t snuggle up next to him on the sofa like you usually do );
So cuddle dates with hoon? Yes you bet they’re his fave!!
and then when its quickly approaching your 100 days anniversary, he’ll be wracking his brains for so long trying to decide what to do for you
but then it will hit him like a light bulb switching on!
he’ll suddenly remember you mentioning this specific thing that you really liked and would want to do one day, and guess what he would plan for u both!!
he’d prepare 💔💔 a picnic 💔💔 for you 💔💔
ugh youre so lucky
he’d text you the day before your anniversary telling you to expect to go on a date with him the day after and to dress up prettily :D
he’d wake up super early on the day of the date, preparing all of your favourite foods and meals into a cute lil basket ):
and when you finally both meet at a really rEALLY pretty secluded area that you somehow had no idea existed despite you living in the area for so long - you’d maybe start tearing up?? 
because your boyfriend is so so sweet and you never saw this coming from him at all ): 
and he’d just stand there shyly in front of the picnic he set up, hand at the back of his head and looking down; cute lil blush tainting his cheeks from how nervous he is!
but then you’d run over and give him a big, big hug, exxclaiming how much you appreciate what he did for you and how youre so so incredibly sorry for not bringing him something as well to celebrate your anniversary (you were dying inside fo guilt please!! how could u forget to get him something when he went out of his way like this for you )):  )
but he’d simply shake his head, smiling and not minding at all
because if he gets to see you happy, gets to see those twinkling eyes of yours that just stare up at him with so so much love before bringing him in for a sweet kiss - then he simply doesnt mind at all.
r u crying at this like i am lol
sunoo absoloutely adores you.
and he cant stay away from you !! lmao
you’ll leave after a date and ten minutes after youve arrived you’ll get a text from him saying how much he already misses you and wants to see his bun again ):
but its okay!! because y’all would meet up again really soon again :D
sunoo really doesnt mind what you both do together, he just loves being in your company !! if he’s doing something with you, its certain that he will have so much fun and be so so comfy!
you often like to go to cinemas together, watching a film
film/drama marathons are also something that you both do very very often as a date! he loves it when you hug him tight and throw a leg over his as you both lie down in his dorm bed/your bed, watching something on your laptop
he is very very cuddly and whenever you both do have cuddle dates/sessions (which is all the time btw) he’ll like it when you absentmindedly play with his fingers or stroke your hands through his hair soothingly
and then he’ll complain and whine when you stop lmao
seriously though, without a question if either of you meet at either his dorm or your house - its always:  ‘so what are we gonna watch?’
he also likes doing very very cute couple-y activities with you! of course he does,, youre his baby ): 
(he’s more YOUR baby actually - but he doesnt need to know about that shh hehe)
funfair dates where you will go on a ferris wheels and eat cotton candy together? sharing a kiss when you reach the top? yes! and so is going to those sets designed for couples to take cute photos together as a lil photoshoot!
he is so so sweet with you ): 
and has it been mentioned yet that you’ll go on food dates? this is a very obvious date you both do very often !! 
going to food markets and trying out different street foods from different vendors? yes.
having mini dates at the korean convinience store late at night where you’ll both sit by the window and eat tteokbokki & ramen together? yes.
its all honestly really really chill, but he also knows when to be serious when he needs to (:
he’ll take you out to the your favourite restaurants often!
and whenever youre celebrating something he’ll take you to a really good and famous restaurant with mouth-watering food, and you’ll be left wondering for the longest time how on earth he managed to get a seat in since its always so booked
or ordering take-out is good too :D
in conclusion (because i just realised how long this is help 😭): dates with sunoo are always a variety of fun activities which always leave you feeling tired yet so, so happy and content at the end of the day !!
he loves you so much <3
Since you both go to the same school, a lot of your little dates are actually spent there
He’s pretty shy with you at times,, but when you’re both alone it’s then that dates with him are usually so so goofy and silly; days filled with his teasing and your eye rolls and giggles.
Meeting at the rooftop before school to simply talk and giggle and drink chocolate milk? Yes.
Staying after school for small study sessions in the library? Yes.
With jungwon, you’re not able to see him as much between school and him being an idol, so every little moment together means so much to both of you ):
To me jungwon also seems like a cuddler!!! cause like?? Have you seen him ?? Tell me he doesn’t look so soft 
So, dates at home when he’s free where you can both cuddle together in your bed while eating and doing homework? They’re so so cosy,, and definitely your favourite kinda dates!! not to mention that your parents absolutely adore him too
With jungwon, lots of lil spontaneous dates are definitely his and yours trademark (‘:
He’ll turn up at your house randomly with a grin and dimple poking at his cheek, holding a bag of convenience store food and asking you if you want to go on a date with him even if it’s 10pm and dark outside lmfao
And then he’ll take you to an arcade!
You’ll be the only ones there and he’s keep flexing about how he’s going to win you this cat plush from the claw machine because he says it looks like him
He’d try several times and end up spending almost 8,000 won on the machine trying to win you this plush and at this point he’s already making up several excuses about how oh, ‘it’s rigged’ or ‘give me one more chance I will get it this time!!’
You’d giggle at how he grows flustered, gently asking him if you could have a go for fun, sighing and with him and agreeing on the fact that the claw machine is definitely rigged
You’d complain together; scolding the machine and asking it to please be nice and stop ruining your date when it’s then that the claw actually picks up a plush and you’re both like ;oo
You’d both stay stood in shock as the cat plush is dropped into the receiving box, before laughing loudly
He’d stand there flustered, blush tainting his cheek before he just walks away 🚶🏻‍♂️
You’d quickly pick up the cat plush and chase after him, giggles tumbling out your lips
and uhm after that you beTTER go check up on your boy and see if his ego wasnt too damaged by that 😤
so of course you’d wrap your arms around him from behind, tucking your face into the back of his neck ): and pressing gentle kisses where you know he’s ticklish until he finally relents, a small grin and dimple lighting up his face
and phEW because you thought he was upset ): but he laughs and says youre better at the claw machine than he is so,, all good dont worry !! 🥺
It’d end up being him taking the cat plush home, which you both name ‘jungwon-two’ because of how much it actually looks like him 😭
Expect many references and inside jokes to that date and jungwon-two in the future
and tbh you love dates with won so so much. theyre so fun plus they’re always secret.
and whenever you’re out doing whatever the hell you both get up to,
It’s like there is no one else in the world. It’s just you, and him, and the blooming you both feel in your chests.
I don’t know but I can just see niki as being so romantic
You’re both young, and although niki is the biggest dork and always likes to play around and make jokes 24/7 - he’s also so mature compared to the other boys your age
So would he take you out to a date where he’d set up classically romantic candles and rose petals for you both to eat at for your 1 month anniversary? Yes ):
And you’d be so speechless and shocked as you blush quietly and thank him before he‘s accidentally knocking over his glass of water all over the table cloth and you’re laughing out loud
But expect every other date with him to be filled with so so much food and comfort!
He’d feel so comfy around you, and really the only word he thinks is perfectly able to describe you is home. He thinks you feel like home to him.
So he’d show you all of this favourite things, the things closest to his heart and you can’t help but feel your own heart clench at how much you adore this boy
He’d take you out to traditional Japanese restaurants and show you his favourite foods from back home and teach you the customs of how to eat sushi
You’d 100% be so so interested and excited whenever he reveals to you a vulnerable part of him, and he’d stare at you so lovingly as he kisses your cheek, blushing and smiling like the 15 year old he is
Ugh ): niki ):
Dance dates!!
You claim you can’t dance to save your life LMFAO (or maybe you can 😳?) but he only grins shyly instead as he takes you to a small dance studio he rented (he didn’t want to take you the belift building where there would be other people - he’d want you to feel completely comfortable).
You’d simply stand there with your mouth dropped open as you watch him freestyle to a random song he put on like it’s nothing
You’d spend the day getting taught some moves by him and although you’re sure you look like a cat getting electrocuted, he still smiles and  nods and even claps, giving you compliments and teasing remarks
Overall, dates with niki are so so fun and goofy and perfect. You feel your heart swell every time he takes you out on another little adventure, feeling so complete and carefree between his warm hugs, jokes and words that he has to say to you
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sword-brainrot · 3 years
I’m super glad to see you back and that requests are open. ^^ If it isn’t to much to ask, could I maybe get some relationship headcanons for Kogi and Kuwana (separately)? Welcome back and remember to take as much time as you need with requests! Lord knows life can get hectic and creators block can act up. So just be kind to yourself and go with the flow. ^^ 💜
I’m so glad to be back! It’s been a lot of fun writing since coming back. It’s also been super nice to have such kind people, like yourself, rooting for me and letting me it’s okay to take breaks! So thank you so much for the request and such kind words! ❤️
I hope these headcanons makes you smile!
Kogitsunemaru and Kuwana Gou Relationship Headcanons (GN Reader)!
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♡  Kogitsunemaru is a very affectionate and loyal fox. Even before the two of you date and become a thing. He doesn't shy away from physical touch and actually really prefers it. It is the easiest way for him to get across his truest feelings. Every touch is gently and full of love. He does have a bad temper deep inside that he hides away but they would never come out towards you or grab you harshly. He would never be able to forgive himself if he accidentally hurt you.
♡  Kogitsunemaru does have a special spot that just makes him automatically relax, and that's his hair. If you play with his hair or brush it, he is putty in your hands. His eyes will close and he will lean back in your gentle, soothing motions. All his worries slipping away from him as the world begins to just shape around the two of you.
♡  He will also love to do anything with your hair! If you wish to him to wash, brush, or style it! He will feel so honored that you trust him so much to take care of your hair. Kogitsunemaru treasures hair very much. Not just his own. He will often comment how silky his fur is and how he often needs to groom it. In his mind, if you keep your fur(hair) clean and well kempt, you are a very good person in his mind. Also means he often shys away from those that do not take proper care of their fur(hair). 
♡  He enjoys laying on your lap as you softly stroke his fur. That is his favorite spot in the whole world. It's probably the fox part of him that transferred over in his human sword form. Affection like that just fills his heart with joy and he does not care who sees. Kogi will be overjoyed to have your attention and a permanent smile on his face as he enjoys your touch.
♡  The last thing he really enjoys, other than you, is fried tofu. You can very easily have him on the fence about something and wave some fried tofu in front of his face and his brain waves suddenly just stops. He will agree to almost anything as long as you have that in your possession. It is a double edge sword, however. He will be so happy that you made/got that for him and follow anything you say... but it also doesn't last long. He will sneak into the kitchen when no one is looking and start to munch on all the fried tofu in the citadel. It does not last long as long as Kogitsunemaru and Nakigitsune are around. The foxes are ferocious about fried tofu.
♡  It is very easy to tease this poor fox as well. He leaves his heart on his sleeve. The swords will often use it against him. They will mention how someone has the most beautiful eyes in the citadel and just wait until Kogitsunemaru suddenly sighs and goes, "Ah, Nushi-sama."
♡  They all give him a teasing smile and just look at him as he realizes what he just said and blushes. He doesn't talk to them after and avoids them. It's normally Mikazuki...
♡  Your relationship would never be able to keep in secret because Kogitsunemaru is way too much in love with you and lets it slip any chance there is. He is complimenting you to your face and behind your back. He can't help it! You are just perfect to him!
♡  Big fan of petnames! He loves to call you sir, dear, miss, sweetheart, or my beloved.
♡  If you are ever upset/have things on your mind, Kogitsunemaru will offer to dance for you. He will do a traditional dance and may even tell a story through it. Anything to take your mind off whatever is bothering you. He may even tell you the story of how the fox spirit found the sword smith and he came to be since it was a popular folk story told through dance and plays.
♡  If you prefer to be held instead, he would have no problem with that at all. He will often times open his arms to you while he is sitting just in case you want to sit in his lap instead. His arms naturally wrap around you in a very protective manner, no matter where you two are.
♡  At night he enjoys when you lay your head on his chest so he can stroke your hair as the two of you slowly drift off to sleep but if you want to be held more, he will have you sleep on top of him and just hug you tightly to him as you sleep. He won't let any bad thoughts get to you! His name might mean small but there is a reason they gave him a strong body as a human, and that is to protect the one he loves the most.
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♡  Kuwana is a very quirky person, to say the least. He will say things that will not exactly make sense to you and he will not explain what he means by it. You will have to be very understanding and accepting towards him. He is a very gentle person who thinks everything he says makes total sense. So when he tells you that the soil/earth told him something, you will just have to roll with it.
♡  Unlike Kogitsunemaru, who praises cleanliness, Kuwana is the total opposite of that. It isn't like he wishes to everyone to be covered in dirt (maybe) but you will see him all dirty often. The only time you will see him completely clean will be after a bath and right in the early morning before he goes outside. That will be the only time. Sometimes he will forget to take a bath, so please remind him!
♡  He is a very big workaholic. Mostly with farming. You will not see him most days due to him being so invested in his craft and working hours on end. If you wish to spend time with him, you will have to go find him instead of the other way around. Honestly, even when you get out there, he may not notice you right away. He is constantly tending to the field and talking to the soil. If you offer to help, he will gladly accept your help and teach you everything he knows.
♡  Kuwana is someone who keeps to himself often and doesn't talk much unless talked to first but you will see him overzealous when he begins to explain everything about agriculture and tells you every little detail about any plant or flower you may take interest in. A smile on his face and he will ramble hours on end. He is just so excited that someone is taking interest in his hobby. This is what really gets him to start to open up to you.
♡  As the two of you start to get close, he will make groundless threats towards you if you tease him too much. If you happen to poke him too much to get his attention, he may say something along the lines of; "Ugh... if you happen to wake up tomorrow morning buried up to your neck in the dirt, don't blame me". He would never actually do it but it is just to throw you off your guard. Sometimes small things just happen to get under his skin a little and he jokes it off with a small threat. Don't be scared, he really is like a big teddy bear and would never harm you.
♡  Sometimes, Kuwana will not show up for dinner. If you go searching for him, you will always find him in the field under a tree, fast asleep. Sometimes the sun gets to him too much and he ends up taking a nap after he finishes most of his work. He is a pretty heavy sleeper when he is totally relaxed in nature. Be sure to wake him up gently. He will either wake up rather easily to you and tell you good morning, not even noticing the moon now in the sky. Or, if he is still very tired, might pull you down with him and cuddle with you. Congrats, you are now cuddling with a very tall teddy bear... and also covered in dirt!
♡  Kuwana doesn't mind physical affection that much. He doesn't initiate affection too often but isn't opposite to it either. Most likely he will take you out on a picnic date and hold your hand as the two of you adventure off into the forest.
♡  He is a great cook! Especially with fruits and vegetables. He will learn anything you like to eat and prepare it for you to show that he listens to you even if he doesn't say too much. He will make sure to get it just as you like it so he can see you smile.
♡  If you don't know how to make flower crowns, he will teach you! He will make you a flower crown of all your favorite flowers (or the flowers he thinks match you the most if you don't have a favorite), and he will proudly wear the crown you make, even if you may not think it is the best.
♡  He will show all his brothers after the date with a smile. "Look at what Y/N made me". He will wear it as long as he can because he treasures it a lot.
♡  It is not a surprise that Kuwana is very strong physically but he will not act it. Every touch will be gentle. However, he will easily lift you with ease. Often times putting you on his shoulders when the two of you are alone and hanging out.
♡  He isn't just gentle with you but also with other creatures. He loves animals and will feed them when he has alone time. He also really likes insects. If you are scared of them, he will quickly take them outside so you don't even see them. He doesn't want them to scare you!
♡  Kuwana might not know exactly how to express his feelings towards you because he doesn't give too much verbal affection towards anyone but will subtly compliment you. "The soil says that you are very pretty and the soil would never lie."
♡  He also eats soil, please stop him if you see him trying to eat the dirt.
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blu-joons · 3 years
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Being so tall, Hongseok was always able to make you feel safe and protected in his hold. He towered over you whenever he hugged you, making sure that you were as tight against him as possible so he could look down at you.
The two of you met abroad when you were both travelling and exploring. You ended up spending the day together at a sightseeing event, exploring a part of the city before exchanging numbers, sharing your stories and where you came from, vowing to adventure in each other’s homes one day when you could.
When the time came for you to visit Hongseok in Korea, he knew that he had to confess to you and tell you how he felt. He’d waited for the moment to see you in person again for so long, and the fact you’d chosen to head to Korea just to see him meant a great deal to him. The night you landed, he took you out to dinner, excited to show you his home, telling you how he felt, so that you could enjoy the rest of your trip as a couple.
The two of you would often go on late night drives together for your dates, basking in the quiet streets and the beautiful landscapes that the night sky showed off. Hongseok would always make sure he had plenty of food in the back of the car for the two of you to enjoy, often driving up to the mountains so that the two of you could overlook the city. The escape was something that you both enjoyed, and the adventure that came with it was the icing on top of the cake, with plenty of memories made.
He’d noticed his name pop up in rumoured articles before, and so Hongseok was incredibly careful with you. He knew the attention a foreign girlfriend would get him, and the last thing he wanted was for you to get caught in the crossfire of it all. He was always incredibly conscious of being seen out with you, and whilst he never denied knowing you and being close to you, Hongseok was always careful with his words, knowing the wrong thing could land him, and you, in plenty of hot water with several people.
The two of you never tended to argue, learning to be pretty understanding of each other. When you were apart, calls were too busy spent with telling stories and checking in on each other that you had no time to argue with one another, and when you were together, you were too focused on making the most of the time that you had together to even let the smallest of disagreements bubble up into something that it didn’t need to be. Time with each other was far too precious to ever argue, learning to talk things through was one of the biggest skills you had in your relationship which definitely worked to your advantage.
As soon as he came home from his travels, Hongseok couldn’t wait to tell his family about the girl he’d met exploring, and so as soon as they heard you were making the trip to Korea to see him, they were desperate to be a stop on your tour of Korea and meet the person that they’d heard so much about.
Once you finally settled and decided to call Korea home for at least a little while, Hongseok moved you straight in with him. There was no way that he was going to let you go anywhere else, he was the one that was going to take care of you, and that started by making sure you had a roof over your head.
Hongseok was the first of the two of you to say those three special words on a call one evening. It had been a while since your time zones matched, and Hongseok was desperate to talk to you. Although he wanted to say it in person initially, he couldn’t wait any longer to tell you how he felt about you.
He would always go a little bit quieter whenever he was feeling jealous, Hongseok was incredibly protective of you, especially knowing that you were living in a foreign country, and so he was always very observant of any situation that you found yourselves in. Whilst he appreciated that many people were interested in finding out about where you came from, he couldn’t help but get jealous when someone got a little too invested, drifting out of conversation until you pulled him straight back in again.
Before either of you could think about starting a family, you truly had to sit down and discuss where you’d end up calling home. Whilst you loved being in Korea, a small part of you always thought about whether it was where you saw yourself forever, but with Hongseok’s career, you doubted that you’d ever be able to make anywhere else in the world work, especially if kids were something you were going to have.
Hongseok always managed to make you laugh, that was by far one of the highlights of being in his company, but best, or perhaps worst of all, the dad jokes that he had always had you doubled over in stitches. For the most part, they were terrible, but it was the cheesiness in them that somehow had you laughing most of the time. Whilst he knew he wasn’t the funniest member in the group, Hongseok knew exactly the kind of humour that you liked, and always knew exactly what he needed to do to get you laughing if you’d had a bad day or if you were feeling a little homesick, he’d always cheer you up.
The two of you had very quickly gotten used to missing one another with the long distance you found between you both. It was a feeling that never got easier for either of you, but it was definitely something that you learnt to live with. Although when Hongseok went on tour, and you were in Korea, it felt strange to begin with, it oddly made things easier for you knowing that at least you were at his home, and that you wouldn’t have to wait so long to see him because of that. You both always celebrated little milestones, like you always had done, to get you through time that was spent apart.
He loved to give you nicknames that were in your language that he’d learnt, very few other people would understand them at home, making them personal, and private, which Hongseok absolutely adored.
Hongseok was obsessed with your voice, for a while it was the only contact that he had with you, and so he always made sure to treasure it, no matter whether he was near or far.
He would always make sure to take care of you more than anything else whenever the two of you were out in public. Hongseok was well known for how soft he was when it came to being with you, and the gentle touch in which he always made sure to hold you with when you were out and about definitely showed that.
Hongseok loved learning about your home, and your language especially, and so he’d often ask you questions about new snippets of information that he’d learnt, or a question that he wanted an answer to.
The two of you were always taking photographs wherever you were in the world. Hongseok particularly loved to take selcas at all the different places you visited, making up album after album with photos from the numerous countries the two of you went to. They were the perfect things to look back on and remember the many adventures you’d had and the numerous memories that had been made too.
Intimacy with Hongseok always focused around one thing, love. He always made the mood one filled with a lot of love and passion, taking care of you, especially if he’d gone a long time without seeing you. Your hands would almost always be resting against his abs, his body never failed to make you speechless, you couldn’t help but get lost staring at it most of the time, leaving Hongseok feeling very shy too.
For a long time, texts were your best way of communicating, and so even after you moved across to Korea, you’d always find yourselves texting each other, sometimes forgetting that you could actually see each other in person.
You were everything to Hongseok, there had been difficult times for you both, but neither of you ever wanted to give up on the other, knowing a time would come when you could be with each other properly.
The first time Hongseok had the chance to go on holiday, he invited you with all of his other members so that you could really get to know them all. The others had heard plenty of stories about you, they were just as keen as Hongseok to meet you and find out as much as they possibly could about you.
He was always understanding that not all of your time could be spent with him, and so Hongseok was someone who would very rarely whine at you.
You’d often feel Hongseok kissing you, forgetting sometimes that you were sticking around and that he didn’t have to let you go. A small part of him would always worry that a kiss would be your goodbye kiss, just like it had been for so many months before you visited Korea. Sometimes he had to pinch himself that he was even able to kiss you properly and not having to blow a kiss into the camera of his phone.
You were the most important thing to him, Hongseok had worked so hard for you.
He’d always hold on tightly to you at night, having to remind himself that you really were there with him. Just like when he kissed you, Hongseok would always worry that time with you was far too good to actually be true.
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aminiatureworld · 3 years
In My Dreams IV
Characters: Xiao, fm!reader
Word Count: 3,167
Warnings: Brief depiction of violence, nightmares
Premise: The past is many things. Something to admire, something to learn from, something to hold dear. And yet how unreliable it can be, especially in the hands of ghosts.
In which the reader dreams of the past.
Author’s Note: Translation notes and historical references will come after the fic. This one was a little sketchy/ooc, prolly because I’m tired.
If there was one thing that you appreciated most about your relationship with Xiao it was the fact that he never attempted to cage your independence.
Though the adeptus had a penchant for clinginess – something he’d never actually admit to – the circumstances of both his and your past had set a standard for a level of separation that you greatly appreciated. You were never pressured to tell Xiao about things you weren’t comfortable sharing and in return you never pressed your partner in regards to topics or events that made him somewhat uncomfortable.
And yet there was something very isolating about such a freedom.
It was an ordinary enough commission, laughably so in fact, the kind that you could knock back in ten minutes flat if you put a little effort into it. Treasure Hoarders were once more encroaching on Liyue, this time gathering at the vicinity of Dunyu Ruins, something that would surely be a hazard to the archaeologists who gathered to study the lost jade monument. The act of chasing out the Treasure Hoarders was indeed easy enough, and it was only until you started rifling through their loot that you found yourself uneasy.
The lid was an innocuous enough item. Though the box that it once covered was nowhere to be found it must’ve been a work of art, as the smooth tortoiseshell lid was clearly the result of patience and love. Painted a deep blue it depicted a snowy scene, with a castle or cathedral at the front and center. The building itself was of a unique design; a tall turret stuck out at the top while small onion domes sat a little lower, each painted a more outlandish color than the last. The architecture was completely unlike what one might see in either Liyue or Mondstadt, and really there should’ve been nothing to it except the odd design of the building. Yet the moment you set your eyes upon the building you felt something harden in the pit of your stomach.
You never thought about what you couldn’t remember; after all, what was the point of it? Why mourn something you weren’t even sure was good or bad? Yet in that moment you felt that you would give very little to not remember just a little bit. At least enough to know why the image of a cathedral in the snow made you wish deeply for something you couldn’t remember, and frightened you just as much.
“Something’s wrong with you face.”
“Xiao!” You sputtered, surprised by the sudden bluntness of your partner. “My face is just fine, a little dirt won’t kill me.”
“That’s not it.” Xiao scowled. “Your face is harder than usual. Did something happen?”
“Nothing happened! Sometimes I just don’t smile, okay?” You instinctively moved the corners of your mouth upwards, trying to ignore the sudden jump in your heart rate. “I’m fine.”
Xiao looked supremely unimpressed at your efforts, sighing and flying up to the balcony of the Inn. You sighed, letting your expression once more droop. It was easy sometimes to forget how in tune Xiao was. You wouldn’t expect it from an adeptus who had spent thousands of years mostly secluded from humans, but your partner was impressively good at reading your mood. Usually you didn’t mind the ability of his, even welcoming the fact that he so bluntly brought up the question of your feelings. But today you wished despite yourself that he was a little less aware. After all, how could you explain to your partner what you didn’t even understand yourself?
The rest of the night was oddly tense. Though Xiao said nothing you could tell from the way he stared intently at your face that he hadn’t given up his suspicions. For your part you tried to ignore his gaze, talking about trivial matters such as the question of replacing the Guild roof and the fact that you had managed to gather a few Qingxin during your commissions. All the while you felt the roiling of your heart; and all the while you kept rubbing your fingers along the smooth finish of the lid in your pocket as if in doing so you might suddenly be struck with what you currently missed and currently, desperately, needed.
The next day you walked up to Katherine utterly exhausted. Though you’d made a concerted effort to sleep, knowing that if not you’d just arouse more worry in Xiao, most of the night had been spent tossing and turning, your eyelids feeling paper thin as you attempted to drag yourself down into the depths of sleep. Of course now that the sun was shining you felt like even a stone bench would be a soft enough mattress. Blinking heavily you smiled awkwardly at Katheryne.
“Any commissions today?”
“Two ordinary sweeps and one request.” Katheryne tilted her head slightly. “Are you sure you don’t need rest?”
“I’m perfectly fine Katheryne, thank you for worrying. You said there was a request?”
“Yes. It seems that the citizen who noticed the Treasure Hoarders for us claims to have been robbed by them. He says to meet you at Dunyu Ruins so you can hand over the item.”
“And what item is that?”
“He said it was some sort of box lid. He didn’t give many details I’m sorry. If you’re uncomfortable though of course we could send someone with you.”
“I’ll be fine, thanks for worrying.”
“Of course! Good luck!”
You turned around, trying to stem the ice that flooded your veins. Who was this man to whom the cathedral belonged? How did he come across such an odd item, was he from one of the other nations of Teyvat you hadn’t visited? Most of all you wondered if he held some connection to your past. The idea thrilled you in some way, though dread also lingered. You weren’t entirely sure you wanted to meet this mysterious person. Commissions were commissions however; you wouldn’t betray the Guild. No matter how much you wanted to; you couldn’t.
The Dunyu Ruins were still, no monsters seemed to linger at the gates and no other adventurers peeked out from behind old walls. The air was utterly still, something which worried you greatly. Walking at an increased rate you sought out your mysterious commissioner. The more you thought about it the more you wished the whole thing to be over as soon as possible. Turning the corner you stopped in your tracks, gazing in awe at the person a few meters in front of you.
The first thing you thought was how oddly he was dressed. The second thing was that he was much younger than you had expected. The third thing was that you felt an odd sense of familiarity from him.
“Ah yes, the adventurer who accepted my commission. Have you brought what I asked of you?”
Though a response was certainly in order you found the words stuck in your mouth. Staring at him you felt the ground shift between your feet slightly. He was familiar, this young man in front of you, and yet he was also a perfect stranger. He seemed more like an apparition than anything, a spirit who had yet to cross to the far side. You stepped closer, reaching out your arm slightly. If you went to touch his shoulder, would your fingers go right through him?
“You really must think it’s odd that I’ve returned.” The man chuckled. “I assure you I’m completely real. You weren’t the only one to survive sister, though I know that information might be too little too late?”
“Sister?” You snapped out of your trance. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Surely you aren’t pretending not to recognize me? I think that’s beneath even you. Come now, was I such a brat as that?” Reaching out the young man went to grab your hand. Instinctively you pulled away, feeling discomfort shoot through you.
“I don’t know what you mean? And you certainly aren’t my brother! I’ve never had a brother!”
“Then who was the kid you lived with your whole life before the incident?”
“I… I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t know about any incident or any brother. You asked me here to return something so I’m returning it.” Reaching for the lid you thrust the little work of art in front of you. “Here. Take it.”
“So you really don’t know who I am?” The young man reached out to take the lid. “How is that possible? Have they gone so far as to erase me from your memories? Have I been taken out of your family?”
“The gods.” The young man’s eyes seemed incredibly harsh all of a sudden. “Their presumptiveness holds no bounds.”
“Don’t speak of the archons that way.”
“Answer me this,” the young man ignored your protest, “where are you from.”
“Why should I tell you that?”
“Humor me.”
“I…” You stood there for a moment, wondering whether or not you should tell this strange figure the truth. Morbid curiosity floated in your mind, and you took a sharp breath. “I don’t know. I don’t remember.”
“So I really have been erased from your mind.”
“Nothing’s been erased! I just don’t remember, should that surprise you so much?”
“Yes, it does. I see my plans will have to be changed.” The young man took a deep breath. “Very well then, we shall see what we shall see. I have an offer for you.”
“And what is that?” You felt suspicion wash over you.
“Join the Abyss.”
“Over my dead body!” Instinctively stepping away you drew your polearm. So that’s what this was about.
“I figured you might say that. However, let me tell you this. Our family was torn apart by the cruel whims of faraway gods. Teyvat suffered the same fate, still suffers it. You may not remember what happened to us, but I know it is buried in you somewhere. If you wish to avenge our family, then you’ll join us.”
“I have no petty thoughts of revenge against the gods.”
“That may very well change.” The young man smirked. “I’ll be back in a week. I expect your answers then.”
He was gone before you could say anything, carried away by a blanket of purple stars. You stared at the empty ruins, confused and empty, feeling far worse than you had felt when you arrived here.
“You look worse.”
“Thanks Xiao.” You let out a sigh, unsure how to respond.
You’d spent the rest of the walk back to the Wangshu Inn in agony, thoughts darting back and forth as you tried to reason with yourself about the veracity of the young man’s claims. There was no proof he was who he said he was after all, no proof that he wasn’t simply insane, or trying to convince you to join him by lying. Yet there was something about him, his demeanor, his anger, something that spoke to a truth about him. Not that the idea made you any happier. After all truth or not, he was still an Abyss member, or at least an advocate. You could never side with him, even if he was your long lost family. And yet what if he was your family? What then? Would it truly be a betrayal then to simply send him packing?
Xiao’s hand enveloped your own, the soft warmth drawing you out of your confused thoughts. Looking up you found him leaning into you, the tips of his hair lightly brushing your cheeks. His eyes bored into you ask he scanned your face. You stood perfectly still. You knew what Xiao was doing, knew that he was trying to figure out the depths of your discomfort. It was valiant of him, even if you hoped that he turned up empty handed. How could you tell Xiao, an adeptus who served directly under Rex Lapis, about the man who blasphemed the gods.
“You should sleep.” Xiao finally pulled away.
“It’s still early evening.”
“You didn’t sleep well last night, I could tell. You should sleep now; maybe you’ll feel better.”
“Maybe.” You replied, knowing that even if you slept better than you had ever before nothing would change when you woke up.
Still your eyelids were heavy and your feet aching. Sleep beckoned you with open arms, and you were quick to fall into its depths. Pressing a soft kiss on Xiao’s cheek you made your way up the stairs. Collapsing onto your bed you let out a sigh of relief. Sleep was coming on fast, and you quickly found the outside world swirling away. The last thing you were aware of was a dent in your mattress, and a set of familiar eyes staring down at you, filled with affection and worry.
It was dreadfully hot. That was the first thing you were aware of. The second was how loud everything was. There was a terrible sound swirling around you, inhuman shrieks seemed to rise up from the ground beneath you, accompanied with a banging that cracked through the air, echoing oddly in a night that was all too quiet. The third thing was that you had no idea where you were. Looking around you found yourself reeling at the scene that met your eyes. The house in front of you must’ve been nice at some point, but now had fallen into ruin and disrepair. Smoke was drifting up from a door that led into the ground, and bottles lay in pieces on the ground. A wall seemed to separate the house from the outside world, so tall that you had no idea what lay beyond it. Trembling slightly you felt yourself move towards the source of the noise, feet moving despite the rising dread that you felt. Making your way down a set of stairs a few lines came to you all of a sudden.
A ceiling of amber, a pavement of pearl
The smoke was thicker now, filling your lungs, leaving you short of breath. Little bits of orange blurred your vision, wielded by strange men in strange uniforms. They seemed distorted in the smoke, made into ghosts that might haunt a child’s nightmares.
Through the narrow paved streets, where all was still
You didn’t move your head towards the back of the room, somehow you couldn’t. Your very soul fought against it. Instead you closed your eyes, overwhelmed with how hot it was.
“You’ve come so far and you can’t even look?”
The voice was mocking, familiar, full of scorn. Opening your eyes you stared at the men in front of you, the men with fire at the tips of their hands. Why did he want you to look? You knew what you’d see. Somehow you knew.
We climb’d on the graves, on the stone worn with rains
You couldn’t make it out among the smoke. All you knew was that it was red.
You screwed your eyes shut, even as sudden clarity danced before you. Someone was calling your name.
There was a hand on your shoulder.
And alone dwell forever
The smoke cleared, and with it the dream.
The scream ripped through your throat before you could even process it. You knew that you should stop, knew that you were no longer dreaming, knew that the hand on your shoulder belonged to your terrified partner. Still you screamed. You screamed and screamed and screamed.
“Hey. Hey!” Xiao’s voice was frantic. Shifting your gaze towards him you felt yourself begin to tremble.
“It, it was true. It was true, I saw him. I saw him. I saw me. It was true. I, I, they’re dead. They’re dead.”
“It was a dream. No one’s dead.”
“But Xiao, they’re dead. He was right, they’re gone and dead and somehow I forget them.”
The loneliness slammed into you, mixing with the horror that sent your stomach churning. You dug you nails into your palm, desperately trying to stop shaking. Everything seemed distorted, the light emerging through the window just as menacing as the dark.
“Take my hand.”
Xiao pulled one of your hands on his lap, gently opening it and running his fingers over the marks that now rested in your palms. Unfurling your hand you it was flat against his he covered it with his own. Letting his palm rest gently against yours he looked up at you.
“No one is dead. You were having a nightmare.”
“I was remembering, Xiao. I finally remembered something. And now I wish I never had.” You unfurled your other hand, wiping furiously at the tears that pooled in your eyes. “I’m so alone Xiao, I’m so alone.”
“You aren’t alone.”
“My family, my family is gone. The only one left is an Abyss member. I, I’m so utterly alone.”
You felt Xiao drop your hand slightly. The sudden lost connection made your founder for a moment, but soon the feeling was lost as Xiao wrapped his arms around you. Pressing kisses to your forehead his grip was tight and strong, encasing you utterly in soft comfort. Letting yourself collapse slightly you leaned into his embrace.
“You’ll never be alone. I’ll always be here.”
If promises were conveyed in actions then you had no reason to doubt Xiao’s. Though the air around you was sticky with heat you found yourself pressing into your partner’s chest eyes more, soaking up every bit of connection that you could get. Xiao said nothing more, simply keeping you in his embrace, lips brushing against your cheeks as he kissed away your tears.
You knew that he wouldn’t ask about your brother that night, perhaps not even the morning afterwards, or even tomorrow evening. After all your partner wasn’t one for words, and your relationship wasn’t built upon the expectation of painful transparency. If you weren’t ready to talk he wouldn’t push you.
Eventually your tears slowed, though the pain in your chest still burned like a brand. Bringing your hands to your chest you gazed up at the adeptus who was still wrapped around you.
“Can we stay this way a little longer?”
Xiao’s eyes gleamed catlike in the moonlight. Leaning down he brushed his lips against yours, sighing slightly as you met him with exhausted ardor. Pulling back you rested your head on your partner’s chest. The dulled beat seemed almost musical, a reminder that Xiao was alive, a reminder that he was right next to you.
You had assumed in some way that it meant he didn’t care, or didn’t want to know. Though you would’ve never thought that before, the feeling of loneliness that had threatened to swallow you up had made that perfectly clear. Yet Xiao did care, cared enough not to prod and poke at wounds that were surely bleeding even now. Cared enough to kiss your worries away, cared enough to let you embrace him as long as you needed. Cared enough to show that you weren’t truly alone. 
In a week you’d give the young man who had once been your brother an answer. In a week you’d face the fact of your loneliness, of a family that you’d once been a part of. In a week you would let yourself be truly lonely. But until then you would listen to the familiar beat of Xiao’s heart as you remembered that you weren’t truly alone. That you never would be.
The box lid itself was based off nothing in particular. The building painted on it is a reference to Saint Basil’s Cathedral. 
The poem I used was “The Forsaken Merman” by Matthew Arnold
The scene in the reader’s dream is a reference to the execution of the last Imperial family of Russia. It took place in the basement of the Ipatiev House in Ekaterinburg on July 17th/18th 1918. 
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undead-merman · 4 years
Yo this is the person who asked about Monster Dia and Barb, I just want a monster that suits them best.
Alright, I’ve got Barbatos as a Naga and Diavolo as a Dragon
Obey Me Headcanons (Monster Edition) 🐲Diavolo🐲 and 🐍Barbatos🐍 as Yanderes GN - Reader SFW 
Diavolo is a proud dragon. He stands much taller than most in the Devildom. His large human figure stands at ten feet tall.
His skin is covered in dark maroon and gold scales, most of them centered around his face, chest, and legs. His legs resemble a dragon’s more than a human’s with three wide toes and long black talons.
He has a long prehensile tail as well tipped with a tuff of black fur and lined with large black plates sticking up dangerously.
His horns and teeth are long and fearsome, his fangs always manage to hang out of his mouth and his smile can be just as lovely as they are terrifying. His horns are always adored with gold accessories, usually in the shape of: golden skulls, torn wings, and blood red rubies.
In his True Form he stands taller then any building in the Devildom and with a wingspan capable of casting a whole city in darkness.
Diavolo’s build is much bulkier in this form, mostly seen around the jaw, and wings. His wings contain rougher and sharper scales and contain some of the black plates his tail has.
His Hoard and His Breath
Diavolo’s bed chamber also doubles as the Royal Treasury. Since his draconic nature craves hoarding wealth he has a need to sleep amongst the treasure.
Every morning he spends his first hour of awakening, sitting amongst the hoard, fiddling with gems and Grimm in his clawed hands, immersing himself in the candle lit room of wealth. Afterwards, he gets up to drink tea with breakfast while reading the R.A.D Newspaper.
He gets anxious and grumpy if he can’t be near his hoard for too long. Barbatos has to help make time in Diavolo’s schedule for Hoard Breaks.
Whenever he pleases, he’s able to breath massive plumes of black hot fire and streams of red lighting. Everything in its wide path is reduced to ash. It gets wider the angrier he gets, and it’s believed that if he truly was ever to get enraged, he could destroy the entire Devildom.
Spending Time with You
Diavolo is captivated with you to the point of obsession, needing you by his side at all times, though knows you need some freedom. Despite his instinctual anxiety of you having autonomy, he knows he could easily dispose of anything should it ever threaten his position with you. Anyone who makes you doubt him, or try to lure you to their side, he would make sure there is no trace of them left.
You are often given gifts, his form of courting you even if you’ve already tied the knot. Gifting you outfits and jewelry made from the finest gold and purest gems. He does this because he now considers you the center of his hoard, the paragon of his wealth, treasure and triumph. He wants to coat you in beautiful fine things.
He enjoys you touching the scaly parts of his body. It feels nice to have your soft warm skin on his cool scales. If you're not against it he’d enjoy you grooming him, it's relaxing.
He loves to have paintings of you made in different beautiful outfits in graceful poses amongst fantastical locations. He likes to sit with you as you pose for the artist and just talk. He adores this special time with you.
You’re the one in existence that has the right to join him in his hoard, and he thoroughly enjoys the time he spends with you in his hoard, which feels more complete with you amongst the jewels. If he had it his way, he would forget about everything except you and his treasures.
His Dark Tendencies
He has such a deep infatuation with you that he would do anything to have you. Though he doesn’t want to force the feeling onto you, instead he does it in secret, keeping up the perfect prince image for you as much as possible.
If he sees someone he deems a threat, he’d make sure they’re taken quietly and dealt with far away from you so there's no possibility you could ever see it.
Sometimes if they’ve made him angry, he’ll take the perpetrator to a private hunting ground so he can hunt them down and eat them himself, making sure not even the bones are left.
He had a wing built onto the castle just to house the thousand portraits he had made. He’s slowly overtime made it into a museum dedicated in all of your splendor. Glass encased objects of random things you had given to him, ranging from birthday presents to random cans of vending machine black tea.
He has stolen a few of your clothes, a uniform jacket or tie. He likes to fall asleep with your scent in his nose.
Diavolo doesn’t punish you at all, you can do no wrong in his eyes, only others can mislead you. He wants you yourself to fall in love with him, you have to learn by yourself how much of a perfect match you are.
Misc. Stuff
Despite being a Dragon with such fierce fire, Diavolo loves to fish in a sized down version of true form.
When he gets too excited his tail wags like a dog’s. He’s been known to have knocked over a few things with his tail when you or Lucifer came to a party or ball of his.
His eyes turn reptilian like in his humanoid form when he gets upset, or when he wakes up in the morning and is processing everything. It takes him a few moments of just staring at the ceiling to figure out he’s awake.
He has given the brothers a ride on his back as a dragon a few times, but sometimes he had flown a bit too fast making them fly off.
His body is long and slender, reaching forty feet long. His scales are flat and smooth, black with a teal iridescence to them. If you look at them closely you can see a triangular pattern on his back in different shades of gray and black.
His tail however splits at the end perfectly in two symmetrical pieces.
His tongue is forked and long but he hides it well, however he does have teal coloration on the tip. Barbatos also has a few scale patches on his cheeks and just along his spine to his back hairline.
Barbatos has long perfectly trimmed claws that are sharp as a razor and grown out just far enough to start curving.
Being Cold Blood
Barbatos has to deal with the annoyance of being cold blooded, if he doesn’t heat himself in a nice warm place often enough he becomes lethargic; however no one has ever seen him resting let alone warming himself, people wonder how he always manages to be ten steps ahead of everyone while being cold blooded.
His secret is Diavolo, as he exudes a warm presence simply being near him provides enough heat to keep active for an entire day; and a pot of warm herbal tea to help jump-start his day.
He’s a type of Naga to use constriction against his prey, he has fangs but no actual venom. When he gets angry at the Little Ds you can find him constricting them and giving them a cold smile while scolding them.
Spending time with You
Barbatos just finds you so captivating and pure, he wants you in his arms. He wants to protect something so soft and warm, compared to him.
He loves to wrap his tail around you, around your waist, around your shoulders, he likes it even better if he can wrap it arounds your body completely just feeling the warmth of you on his skin.
He has a habit of spoiling you by bringing you everything you ask for. He always has breakfast in bed for you, he likes to bring you your clothes and always gets the chair or door for you.
He enjoys spending time in the garden with you, sharing a cup of tea and light pastries. Light rainy days are always his favorite just the sight of you in the green glow of the garden, the plump droplets catching the starlight above.
He likes to see you relaxed and happy, it makes his heart feel light and makes him proud to see how content you are. Sometimes he likes to lay with you and place fresh flowers around you and just admire you. He just loves looking at you.
His Dark Tendencies
He gets jealous fairly easily but he tries to not let it show in front of you. Just you smiling in front of someone else is enough to make his scales rise in anger.
He makes sure to find them and threaten them to stay away from you and says it while constricting them so much that they begin turning blue. All of his bottled up anger from everything that has happened, even events that don’t involve the victim, are being let out on them. Harshly and slowly.
He’ll very rarely punish you, if you go out of your way to escape from him he’ll make sure to chain you up and make you beg for him to take care of you, if you don’t you’ll be left alone without food or water.
He has a slightly sadistic want to make you cry. It looks so cute and beautiful to him, like the rain from the garden is dripping from your lovely eyes.
Misc Stuff
Most Nagas aren’t afraid to hunt pests, meat is meat, but Barbatos has a delicate palate and the thought of eating rats makes him ill. He also has a sensitive stomach so he can’t eat too much or anything too hot.
He loves to relax in hot baths but he never has time anymore helping with Diavolo and the Seven Demon Lords.
He likes to wake up early in the morning, put on an apron and start making pastries fresh that morning. Every morning is something new and always delicious.
I take NSFW and SFW check out my pinned post for my rules on requests Take Care - Stay Spooky 
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