#hongseok drabble
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thru-the-grapevine · 3 years ago
[4:52 PM] You were prepared for a lot of things on your walks home from work, but being clotheslined by a seven-year-old learning to bike with no training wheels wasn’t one of them.
“Sorry!” The little girl screeched as her bike continued to careen haphazardly down the sidewalk. “Daddy, how do I stop?!”
“Use the brakes! We’ve talked about this!”
The girl squealed and tumbled purposefully into the grass next to the sidewalk about ten feet away from you. “I did it! Come get me!”
“Just a second, honey!”
You sat up slowly, taking quick inventory. You could still feel all your limbs, although you were going to have the mother of all bruises on your right hip and thigh.
A set of running footsteps pounded towards you. “Shoot, I am so, so sorry. Are you hurt?”
“I’m fi…” You paused, blinking up at what had to be the prettiest pair of eyes you’d ever seen. Belonging to the prettiest man you’d ever seen.
You cleared your throat and finished your sentence. “Fine. I’m fine.”
The man didn’t look convinced, but knelt and began scooping up items from your bag that you hadn’t realized had scattered. “I’m seriously so sorry. I try to make sure we’re practicing bike-riding on quiet streets so there aren’t any casualties.”
“I usually take a different route, so,” you said, taking the items the man picked up and putting them back into your bag. “No harm done.”
“Are you sure you’re okay? She took you out pretty hard.”
The man’s sweet look of concern made a cloud of butterflies take off in your stomach. “I promise I’m fine. I’m sturdier than I look.”
“I hope so,” the man said, smiling as he offered a hand to help you to your feet. You took his hand and stood back up slowly.
“Daddy, Daddy, let’s try again!”
The little cyclist came bounding up to the two of you, grinning.
“Just a moment, love,” the man said, giving the little girl a stern look. “What do we say when we knock someone over?”
“Oh, yeah,” the little girl said, turning to look up at you with nearly-identical eyes. “I’m really sorry I hit you. I’m not good at steering yet. Or stopping. Just going. Going’s my best thing.”
You bit back a smile. “I can tell.”
“How can I make it up to you?” The man asked, and you realized he still had a hold of your hand.
You shrugged, letting go and pulling your bag up your shoulder. “No need. No harm done, promise.”
“Please, I insist,” the man said, smiling, and you felt that cloud of butterflies in your stomach again. He had a very nice smile. “Doesn’t have to be today, but I feel bad just letting you go your merry way when my daughter nearly killed you.”
“She didn’t nearly kill me,” you said just as the little girl said “I didn’t kill anyone, Daddy!”
He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “Then maybe just…for my own benefit? Let me?”
You must have been looking at how pretty he was for too long, because you heard yourself say, “Sure.”
His smile really did light up his whole face in a way you really admired. “Excellent. Yang Hongseok.”
You gave him your name, taking his offered hand and shaking it. “So how do you want to do this?”
“Wanna, like–I mean, if you’re not busy…we could get lunch? Or even just coffee if you don’t have a lot of time?”
“Maybe this Friday?”
“Great.” Hongseok pulled his phone from his pocket. “Let me get your number and it’s a date. A time, I mean! Not a…unless you…no, just a time.”
“Why’s your face all funny, Daddy?” The little girl giggled.
“It isn’t,” Hongseok insisted, face flushed as he handed you his phone with a contact page pulled up.
If you were unprepared to be bowled over by a kid on a bike, you were even less prepared for someone who looked like Yang Hongseok to ask you on a date on your walk home from work. But you thought it might not be so bad, every once in a while, for the unexpected to happen.
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blu-joons · 4 years ago
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Being so tall, Hongseok was always able to make you feel safe and protected in his hold. He towered over you whenever he hugged you, making sure that you were as tight against him as possible so he could look down at you.
The two of you met abroad when you were both travelling and exploring. You ended up spending the day together at a sightseeing event, exploring a part of the city before exchanging numbers, sharing your stories and where you came from, vowing to adventure in each other’s homes one day when you could.
When the time came for you to visit Hongseok in Korea, he knew that he had to confess to you and tell you how he felt. He’d waited for the moment to see you in person again for so long, and the fact you’d chosen to head to Korea just to see him meant a great deal to him. The night you landed, he took you out to dinner, excited to show you his home, telling you how he felt, so that you could enjoy the rest of your trip as a couple.
The two of you would often go on late night drives together for your dates, basking in the quiet streets and the beautiful landscapes that the night sky showed off. Hongseok would always make sure he had plenty of food in the back of the car for the two of you to enjoy, often driving up to the mountains so that the two of you could overlook the city. The escape was something that you both enjoyed, and the adventure that came with it was the icing on top of the cake, with plenty of memories made.
He’d noticed his name pop up in rumoured articles before, and so Hongseok was incredibly careful with you. He knew the attention a foreign girlfriend would get him, and the last thing he wanted was for you to get caught in the crossfire of it all. He was always incredibly conscious of being seen out with you, and whilst he never denied knowing you and being close to you, Hongseok was always careful with his words, knowing the wrong thing could land him, and you, in plenty of hot water with several people.
The two of you never tended to argue, learning to be pretty understanding of each other. When you were apart, calls were too busy spent with telling stories and checking in on each other that you had no time to argue with one another, and when you were together, you were too focused on making the most of the time that you had together to even let the smallest of disagreements bubble up into something that it didn’t need to be. Time with each other was far too precious to ever argue, learning to talk things through was one of the biggest skills you had in your relationship which definitely worked to your advantage.
As soon as he came home from his travels, Hongseok couldn’t wait to tell his family about the girl he’d met exploring, and so as soon as they heard you were making the trip to Korea to see him, they were desperate to be a stop on your tour of Korea and meet the person that they’d heard so much about.
Once you finally settled and decided to call Korea home for at least a little while, Hongseok moved you straight in with him. There was no way that he was going to let you go anywhere else, he was the one that was going to take care of you, and that started by making sure you had a roof over your head.
Hongseok was the first of the two of you to say those three special words on a call one evening. It had been a while since your time zones matched, and Hongseok was desperate to talk to you. Although he wanted to say it in person initially, he couldn’t wait any longer to tell you how he felt about you.
He would always go a little bit quieter whenever he was feeling jealous, Hongseok was incredibly protective of you, especially knowing that you were living in a foreign country, and so he was always very observant of any situation that you found yourselves in. Whilst he appreciated that many people were interested in finding out about where you came from, he couldn’t help but get jealous when someone got a little too invested, drifting out of conversation until you pulled him straight back in again.
Before either of you could think about starting a family, you truly had to sit down and discuss where you’d end up calling home. Whilst you loved being in Korea, a small part of you always thought about whether it was where you saw yourself forever, but with Hongseok’s career, you doubted that you’d ever be able to make anywhere else in the world work, especially if kids were something you were going to have.
Hongseok always managed to make you laugh, that was by far one of the highlights of being in his company, but best, or perhaps worst of all, the dad jokes that he had always had you doubled over in stitches. For the most part, they were terrible, but it was the cheesiness in them that somehow had you laughing most of the time. Whilst he knew he wasn’t the funniest member in the group, Hongseok knew exactly the kind of humour that you liked, and always knew exactly what he needed to do to get you laughing if you’d had a bad day or if you were feeling a little homesick, he’d always cheer you up.
The two of you had very quickly gotten used to missing one another with the long distance you found between you both. It was a feeling that never got easier for either of you, but it was definitely something that you learnt to live with. Although when Hongseok went on tour, and you were in Korea, it felt strange to begin with, it oddly made things easier for you knowing that at least you were at his home, and that you wouldn’t have to wait so long to see him because of that. You both always celebrated little milestones, like you always had done, to get you through time that was spent apart.
He loved to give you nicknames that were in your language that he’d learnt, very few other people would understand them at home, making them personal, and private, which Hongseok absolutely adored.
Hongseok was obsessed with your voice, for a while it was the only contact that he had with you, and so he always made sure to treasure it, no matter whether he was near or far.
He would always make sure to take care of you more than anything else whenever the two of you were out in public. Hongseok was well known for how soft he was when it came to being with you, and the gentle touch in which he always made sure to hold you with when you were out and about definitely showed that.
Hongseok loved learning about your home, and your language especially, and so he’d often ask you questions about new snippets of information that he’d learnt, or a question that he wanted an answer to.
The two of you were always taking photographs wherever you were in the world. Hongseok particularly loved to take selcas at all the different places you visited, making up album after album with photos from the numerous countries the two of you went to. They were the perfect things to look back on and remember the many adventures you’d had and the numerous memories that had been made too.
Intimacy with Hongseok always focused around one thing, love. He always made the mood one filled with a lot of love and passion, taking care of you, especially if he’d gone a long time without seeing you. Your hands would almost always be resting against his abs, his body never failed to make you speechless, you couldn’t help but get lost staring at it most of the time, leaving Hongseok feeling very shy too.
For a long time, texts were your best way of communicating, and so even after you moved across to Korea, you’d always find yourselves texting each other, sometimes forgetting that you could actually see each other in person.
You were everything to Hongseok, there had been difficult times for you both, but neither of you ever wanted to give up on the other, knowing a time would come when you could be with each other properly.
The first time Hongseok had the chance to go on holiday, he invited you with all of his other members so that you could really get to know them all. The others had heard plenty of stories about you, they were just as keen as Hongseok to meet you and find out as much as they possibly could about you.
He was always understanding that not all of your time could be spent with him, and so Hongseok was someone who would very rarely whine at you.
You’d often feel Hongseok kissing you, forgetting sometimes that you were sticking around and that he didn’t have to let you go. A small part of him would always worry that a kiss would be your goodbye kiss, just like it had been for so many months before you visited Korea. Sometimes he had to pinch himself that he was even able to kiss you properly and not having to blow a kiss into the camera of his phone.
You were the most important thing to him, Hongseok had worked so hard for you.
He’d always hold on tightly to you at night, having to remind himself that you really were there with him. Just like when he kissed you, Hongseok would always worry that time with you was far too good to actually be true.
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peachybun-bun · 3 years ago
omg omg um .... hongseok and shinwon w praise and size kink!!! (mlm inclusion is ok! threesomes r gr8 ✌) -shinwanon
Shinwon grins at you as Hongseok lifts you up wrapping your leg around his waist. A hand moving your hair from your face and neck, Shinwon's lips press to your ear before he looks to Hongseok as he speaks. "You are being so good for us baby. Relax...I'll help you. You can take him." You whine feeling Shinwon's fingers slide along your folds parting them before he slides two fingers into you slowly.
Hongseok smirks at Shinwon before meeting your eyes as he lines himself up at your entrance as Shinwon slides his fingers out only to run them along Hongseok's length spreading your wetness over the older man making him groan. "Go slow Hyung...don't break our tiny baby."
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ultadachi · 5 years ago
[4:02am] you didn’t always stay up late when hongseok didn’t come home. he typically was out anywhere from 10pm to 7am, but that night, you just couldn’t sleep. maybe it had something to do with the energy drinks you had out of pure boredom, but you were still awake and sitting on the couch watching TV when the front door opened and slammed shut, followed by heavy footsteps dragging on the hardwood down the hall.
your boyfriend was home.
“babe?” you called out.
the footsteps paused before you heard hongseok sigh, “why are you still up?”
“couldn’t sl--” you stopped your sentence as you took in his disheveled appearance -- notably the way he was holding his arm with red soaking around the bicep of his white button-up shirt. “so...who patches up the medic when he gets hurt?”
despite your playful smirk, hongseok could see the worry in your eyes. he rarely ever came home injured, but he was also rarely ever sent out since he was their go-to to get fixed up when they were injured.
“his beautiful, wonderful, caring significant other,” he smiled his perfect smile at you despite the pain he was in.
you laughed softly, shaking your head. you knew if he was sent home, it wasn’t too serious. otherwise hui would’ve kept him at headquarters and sent someone over to the house to update you and keep you calm.
“come on,” you told him as you led the way to the bathroom down the hallway.
hongseok followed behind you. he seemed to have just bruised his knee which was why he was walking the way he was, but the biggest issue was the cut on his left bicep. he leaned against the sink while you got the first-aid kit and laid it out on the counter beside him.
“alright, first you have to clean the wound,” he instructed as he began to unbutton his shirt.
“i can clean around the fabric, y’know,” you pointed out.
he shrugged with a slight smirk, “yeah but where’s the fun in that?”
you were convinced that if hongseok were on the verge of death, he’d make his final words some way of flirting with you.
as he dropped his shirt to the floor, you grabbed a cotton pad and let your eyes scan over the supplies. for someone who was dating the medic of a mob, you really had no idea what anything was for.
“this,” he pointed to the bottle of distilled water, “is to clean wounds.”
"i thought peroxide was--”
“that’ll make it worse. plus it stings like a bitch.”
“aren’t you supposed to be a manly man who laughs in the face of pain?” you teased as you dampened the cotton pad with the water.
hongseok pouted, “don’t tease me when i’m hurt.”
“sorry, you big baby,” you giggled as you cleaned the wound. “i don’t have to stitch anything, do i? i don’t like needles.”
“ah, who’s the big baby now?” he chuckled, brushing your hair out of your face with his other hand before pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “no, just a big bandage should be fine.”
after his cut was clean, you wrapped a bandage around his bicep a few times, though you huffed in annoyance on your third time around, “can you stop flexing, you weirdo?”
“i’m not!” he insisted with a laugh. “i just have big arms, okay?”
“hongseok, i know the difference.”
“fine, fine. sorry.”
you finished wrapping up his arm, so you cut the bandage and taped it securely so it wouldn’t unravel. hongseok examined your work before smiling proudly at you.
“you’re a natural, baby! you get it from me.”
“considering you literally coached me through it,” you snorted, rolling your eyes. then you reached out for his hand and began leading him out of the bathroom. “okay, bedtime. that’ll help you heal faster or something.”
he laughed softly as he followed along with you, “yeah, something like that.”
the two of you made it to your shared bedroom, not bothering to turn the lights on as you made the straight shot from the door to your bed. you climbed in with hongseok getting in after you, both of you crawling under the covers.
“y’know, _____,” your boyfriend began, “cuddling speeds up the healing process.”
“no it doesn’t,” you scoffed. “i’m not dumb.”
“who’s the medic here?” he asked as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest.
“yeah, alright, doc,” you yawned, suddenly feeling much sleepier than you did a minute ago, “whatever you say.”
(kinda sorta for @dreamjunhui and @neverknewgrey2016)
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milkybonya · 5 years ago
How have you been? Hope you're taking care of yourself, so can I request number 23 with Hongseok? Yeah I just love him thats why i keep requesting things with him~🐼
i’ve been good :D i hope you’re taking care of yourself too !! and i completely get it, it’s so hard to not love Hongseok T_T
prompt list
#23 - “Did you just... wink at me?”
warnings: food mentions
Ever since you started to become a regular at this niche café, a certain barista caught your eye. There was something about his caramel skin and his cute eyes that made you stare at him for a little too long...
As the bell rang overhead when you entered the small, sunlit café, Hongseok (which you had learned his name was by looking closely at his name tag one day) looked up from where he was preparing coffee for a customer. Recognizing you, he flashed a bright smile and waved.
Shyly waving back, you took your place in line. With only two people in front of you, it didn’t take long until you were able to place your order.
“The usual?” Hongseok asked you, already typing your order into the modern cash register.
“I think I’ll change it up this time,” you responded, crossing your arms. “Recommend me something and I’ll have that.”
“Alright,” Hongseok said, looking you square into the eyes before he winked at you.
“Did you just... wink at me?” you asked, a little too loudly.
Hongseok laughed in response as he went to prepare your order, humming as he did so.
When you finally left the café with your food and drink in hand, you noticed some writing on the cup of your drink.
It was a phone number - with a lot of small hearts drawn around it.
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kpophours · 5 years ago
Oh you want Pentagon requests? How about 68 with Hongseok?
A relaxed weekend away, that’s what your roommate and best friend Alexis had promised. Just the two of you, plus her boyfriend Hwitaek - lovingly called Hui by pretty much everyone - and a friend of his.
You’d been sceptic at first, and maybe a bit suspicious. Alexis often tried to set you up with one of Hui’s seemingly countless friends, so this time, you had made her promise - pinky promise, even - that she wouldn’t try anything. Only then had you finally agreed to spend three days in the infamous lake house belonging to Alexis’ family. 
It was a beautiful little cottage and you immediately felt at home when you stepped over the threshold for the first time. Before you were able to have a look around though, you heard a sudden yell, followed by a splash and a heartfelt laugh. Alexis grinned when she saw you jump at the noise. “That must be Hui and his friend. They arrived a bit early, it seems.” And with that, she simply left you behind, almost running out the door to greet her boyfriend.
You just sighed and followed her at a much slower pace. The sun was blindingly bright when you stepped outside and you immediately lifted one hand to block at least some of the light. Alexis was already in the arms of a half-naked Hui, only clad in neon green swimming trunks, but his friend was nowhere to be seen. You awkwardly waved at Hui and smiled, but before he could greet you back, a man climbed over edge of the wooden dock leading directly from the house into the lake. Without meaning to, your gaze traveled over his nicely defined abs and chest until finally landing on his face.
You gasped and took a step back. “H- Hongseok?!”, you said, tone of voice incredulous and almost exasperated. He grinned and brushed his dark, wet hair out of his face. “Hey there, Y/N. Long time no see.”
“Wait, do you two know each other?” Alexis raised both eyebrows in confusion.
Hongseok grinned and grabbed his towel, beginning to dry his hair. “Oh yeah, we actually do - I’m her childhood crush and probably the man of her dreams.”
You rolled your eyes and made a face at him. “Yeah, you wish.”, you just said and crossed both arms in front of your chest. 
His smile got even bigger - and then, he winked at you.
Well… it seemed you were in for a rather interesting weekend, to say the least. 
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pocket-scenarios · 5 years ago
Just - Hongseok
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(Admin: Sxng)
“I’m just going to say what I want to, okay?” Hongseok says sightly shakily, you not waiting for him to continue, “I like you, go on a date with me,” he rushes.
Your eyes widen at the suddenness of his confession a smile finding its way onto your features. You hum nodding your head.
“Yes, I would love that,” you expect, “text me, we can find out when’s best,” you laugh.
Hongseok hums nodding his head turning his phone in his hand: “Do you want me to walk you to your apartment?” 
He gestures down the street in the direction of your building. You hum starting to walk him following along beside you. The two of you talk mindlessly amongst yourself about lectures and things that have happened in your lessons.
“Where do you want to go, on a date?” Hongseok mutters softly, you hum pondering the question.
“An at-home movie date could be fun,” you suggest, “I like the idea of just sitting under blankets, watching movies, eating whatever we decide to order,” you laugh, “I don’t want to do anything that’s too much like a drama,” you attempt to explain.
“What do you mean?” He asks stopping to turn towards you.
“You know, dramas always have those fancy extravagant date scenes, my friends always talk about how they want to go on dates like those,” you pause, “some of them are nice though, like I wouldn’t mind just going on a walk through a park and eating lunch, if I’m with you, it’ll be fun,” you trail off your voice getting softer, starting to walk again.
Hongseok lets out a laugh taking quick steps to catch up to you.
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foruniversesfthrs · 6 years ago
[9:55pm] Hongseok brings you home feeling proud of himself for asking you on a date and had the best time with you. You look at him with the brightest smile indicating that you had fun as much as him maybe even more... Taking the last steps to your door step he pulls you closer and kisses your forehead. You look at him and cup his cheeks to kiss his lips. He did not hold back and kiss you back.
“Thanks for tonight”, you said as you walked inside your house.
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ppaltagon · 6 years ago
10 Minutes in Heaven ✰ Hongseok
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“Hongseok, wanna give it go?” E’Dawn asked, moving the box filled with names to him.
“Yeah, sure,” Hongseok shrugged and reached into the box.
You were watching him from the other side of the room and as an uneasy feeling started to burn in your stomach, the chant in your head grew louder and louder: please don’t be me, please don’t be me, please don’t be me...
“Oh, it’s Y/N,” he exclaimed, looking in your direction, smirking.
You buried your face in agony, internally screaming. However, Hongseok wasn’t wasting his time, he took your hand and lead you to the closet despite every kind of resistance you showed. The closet door closed shut and your back was pressed against it instantly, his arms trapping you with no way to escape.
“So...” he started, the self-satisfied smirk still present on his face.
“...So?” you gulped, avoiding his eyes.
“I heard you like chocolate, wanna see mine?” he said moving to lift his shirt up but you grabbed his hand, stopping him.
“Is this the best you got?”
“The best I could get would be you.”
“Then I guess you’re stuck without a best.”
“Come on, Y/N. Admit you have a thing for me and we can be a thing.”
“No?” he leaned closer, whispering into your ear. “Then I guess I just have to make you.”
A shiver went through your whole body and you let out a loud gasp as he kissed down your neck. You felt him smile against your skin and determined not to show any more reactions, you bit your lip. Hongseok continued to press kisses along your neck, up to your jawline. Some of them were light as a feather, leaving a tingling sensation behind, some were strong and powerful and no matter how much it hurt admitting, every move he made left you with wanting more.  
He stopped for a moment, looking at you. He was sure he had a great effect on you and he was just a bit impressed by your stubbornness for denying your own feelings.
“You know, all you have to do is say the word and it’ll be over,” he told you, caressing the spots he kissed on your neck.  
“We both know it won’t be over even if I do.”
“Maybe, but do you want it to be over?”
When you didn’t answer, he went back to kissing your neck and it didn’t take him a lot to find your weak spot, lingering there for a while. You took a sharp breath, repressing a moan but you were aware that it’s over for you now.
“Yeah?” he hummed, lips hovering over yours, dangerously close. You could feel his breath mixing together with your own, and you could see how his playful gaze has turned rather impatient now.
“Kiss me-” His lips were on yours the second you started speaking and you were completely blown away by the passion he was showing you. Him, grabbing you by the waist, pulling you as close as possible, and you, clutching his shirt for support, kissing him back with the same passion, keeping up with his pace. He was kissing you like nothing else mattered in the world except you and it made you think that maybe he really cares about you. 
After all that, you couldn’t help but feel like the need for breathing came way too early.
“I love you,” he said after pulling away and you have finally found it in you to believe him now.
You reached up to his head running your fingers through his hair then pulling him into a hug. “I love you too,” you said softly, finding it hard to say the words but feeling necessary to do so.
“So, am I your boyfriend now?” he asked, smiling as if he won an artist of the year award.
“I... guess... you are.”
“And as your boyfriend I’m allowed to kiss you whenever I want to, right?”
“Don’t push it.”
The door of the closet opened, and you continued to argue about his rights as a boyfriend not minding the others in the room.  
- Admin Anna
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gamerwoo · 6 years ago
77 with hongseok pleaseeee
77: “Are you jealous?”
Admittedly, you weren’t good at hiding your feelings. Anybody could tell you liked Hongseok -- including Hongseok -- and while everybody except you knew that he liked you back, he refused to admit it until you broke first.
Today, that involved flirting with the waitress while you were out to lunch with him.
After Hongseok sent the waitress that had just taken your orders off with a wink, you were a big sulky ball, pouting across the table from him. He obviously noticed and smirked.
“What’s that look for, _____?” he asked.
“Nothing,” you grumbled.
“What? Are you jealous?” he teased, reaching over to poke your arms that were crossed on the table.
“No!” you huffed, looking away from him.
“So...yes?” he chuckled.
You frowned at him, but it only made him laugh more. But it was also that cute little frown with your lower lip jutting out that made him cave first.
Reaching across the table and taking one of your hands, he playfully rolled his eyes, “C’mon, _____, it’s obviously that you’re the only person I’m interested in.”
drabble requests closed
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kweebtrash · 4 years ago
Kinktober #3: Face Sitting (M)
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Pairing: Hongseok x 2nd Person Reader
Summary:  Some kinda realer scenarios where not everyone can cum easily or have those magic orgasms but face sitting/riding may do the trick. Also Honk is excited for his victory
Word Count: 2k
A/N: I know kinktober is supposed to be S p i c y TM but idk, sometimes i just want some sugar, spice, and everything nice.
Kinktober Prompts by @immabiteyou​
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You always had a problem with cumming. You had no idea what it was but nothing, no matter how hard you tried, took you over that edge. There may have been some small tremors here and there and you definitely werent asking for an over the top bone rattling orgasm at this point. Just ANYTHING would be fine. It always weighed on the back of your mind, especially knowing that Hongseok tried his absolute fucking damndest to make sure you felt good.
And you did. The way his strong hands roamed over your body, spreading fire throughout your skin, always made shivers zip throughout. His kisses were full of healing magic; those soft, sweet plump lips could cure any bad day but also ignite the dirtiest of feelings to where you ended up clawing at each other. His body-well that was a given- the boy woke up and looked at his abs first thing in the morning, every morning. He was obsessed with being fit (sometimes too obsessed) and there was a prying thought of self consciousness that popped into your head every once in awhile. Comparing the way you looked on his arm to his being in general sometimes made you feel like you werent good enough for him. But that surely couldnt have be part of the problem.
Because here he was, once again devoted to your body and full of determination. He knew you enjoyed fucking, the act of being close to him in of itself was always special and exciting. It was just your stupid body that wouldnt react. It was like your brain was screaming in pleasure but your body was just like ‘meh, gonna take the one thing you desire the most and just not do it’.
Maybe there were a few traumatic things that had to be worked through, sure, but Hongsi was the only man you had every fully trusted to never let you down. He knew almost immediately the first few times you had faked it, and it offended him, but you explained the annoyance at yourself-which was a bit hard to say the least.
“I loved it. I felt great, seriously i did. The only part that was faked was…"the end.”
And why? Because you were used to it. Because it was ingrained in you to do it; always making the man feel like he had done an amazing job-except this time Hongseok actually had. From the first time to the most recent. He never failed but you did.
He wanted honesty from that point on. He wanted to work on things, try everything under the sun; from restraints, to wax, to toys, and positions that were sometimes almost impossible. But it remained a puzzle the two of you couldnt solve. Tonight didnt seem to be any different save for the fact that you had taken up residence on his face like it was a goddamn throne. His tongue was diving so deep inside you, filling you with a nice warm, wet, thickness that made the pit of your stomach clench. He had eaten you out before, that was one of the first things he tried in an attempt to make you cum, but it had never occurred to either of you to actually try face sitting. Why? Who knows. Sometimes the simplest of things slip the mind and perhaps the whole time the two of you had been overthinking it.
But with all the gadgets and gizmos and positions that made you feel like you were in a yoga class thrown out the window, you found your nails digging into the wall that you had been supporting yourself on. The scratching forced chips of paint to crumble from the wall though it was nothing compared to how fast the headboard was thumping against it. Your thighs were burning but you continued rolling your hips like it was your job. Hongseok spurred you on as he seemed to enjoy this just as much as you were. Perhaps he was enjoying it much more.
He was growling, sometimes snarling, as he paired flickers of his tongue with hot open mouth kisses to your heat and nibbles to any sensitive area he could reach, especially the junction of your inner thighs. While your fingers dug into the wall, his dug into your hips, your ass, your back, marring you with the blunt indentations of his short nails and leaving streaks of red in their wake. You were sure he had barely come up for air and the one second you pulled away to make sure he was okay he forced you right back down to his lips with his nose brushing against the bundle of nerves that had awakened with desire. You were feeling all of your lower muscles tighten to the point where your legs almost felt numb but it was all worth it.
Hongseok slid his tongue through your folds once more, the tip of it teasing your hole that you though he had finally given a break to. The slow and lazy drags, however, were making you shudder just as much as the fast ones and covered your frame with everlasting tingles. Your free hand gripped onto his sweat soaked hair as you tried to level yourself. Holy shit, was this really it? Was this really the time were it would happen? Oh god, you werent ready. Well you were- in the sense that you had been waiting for this for YEARS with him-but also you werent exactly sure what it would feel like. Would this be one of those tiny ones that just felt like a relaxing exhale or one of those wild porn ones that were so ridiculous? Were you really going to scream in ecstasy and feel like you were going insane? Hell yes you were.
“H-Hong,” you choked out as he suctioned his lips around your clit while his thumbs spread your lower lips wide apart. “I think it-it’s happening.”
His eyes flung open, wide and flickering with undertones of amber within the dim beside lamp’s light. “Whats happening?” The words came out in muffled jumbles as he refused to pull away.
“You know…it. The…the thing.”
He finally pulled away as bewilderment spread across his face. “You mean like you feel like youre gonna cum?”
“I-i think so? I mean…im assuming that’s why everything feels so tense, like im gonna explode. That’s what happens right?”
“I think its different for everyone. I get tense too, but then i feel all warm and get kinda snuggly and hold onto you tighter.” He did and it was the cutest fucking thing ever.
“Well im hoping this is it.” You sighed.
“Dont start thinking about it now or you’ll lose focus. Just concentrate on me, babe. Just like before, yeah? Can you ride my face some more?”
“You really like this dont you?” You peered down at him and giggled.
“Baby, you were literally born to sit on my face, i swear it. It sounds stupid and fuckboy-ish, I know, but Ive never wanted this so bad until i felt you grind against my lips.”
Red flushed your cheeks and you looked away in an effort to hide your sudden shyness. Hongsi just chucked and placed the gentlest of kisses to your clit. “On me. Focus.” He reminded you again and you exhaled deeply, letting your mind go as much as it had before. Through the painful numbness in your bent legs that surrounded his head, you pushed on, wiggling your hips in a teasing way that earned a small smack to your ass. The sting made you jump but feel ever so much naughtier. It kick started your chaotic grinds again which welcomed the harsh thrusts and lewd slurping. It was almost embarrassing to hear how wet your were from both your cum and his tongue but in a weird way it gave you a sense of pride and reassurance that this felt amazing.
More pressure built up within your system and you found yourself short of breath now. You swallowed hard and tried to recoup but it was all for naught as your heart thundered so loud you could hear it in your ears. You had managed to make the headboard slam harder against the wall, the top of the filigreed wood leaving its own mark in the paint much like your nails had. Your thighs tightened and you could feel him smile into your skin. He fucking loved the way you seemed so close to crushing his skull if you actually could. The yanking of his hair to shove him closer, as if it were possible at this point, also had him lifting his head as your hips dipped and the very tip of his tongue hit something inside you just as it curled.
And then you let go. Almost so fast from everything that Hongseok had to press his hands into your lower back to prevent you from tossing yourself back completely. You were shaking, your knees digging into the pillow beneath his head. Your hands that had found safety in the wall and his hair now flailed and searched for something to hold onto but it was like they couldnt. You had lost all control. Your brain was fuzzy. Your body was fuzzy. But best of all you felt wave after wave of clench and release with your first full orgasm.
He finally let you go and you collapsed to the wayside instantly curling against his side. He pulled you into his arms and speckled your head with kisses as he squeezed you tight. He was patient and waited for you to come down though he was absolutely beaming with pride. “That was…not how i imagined it would feel like but holy shit.” You managed to finally say.
“Fuck yeah!!” He said victoriously and he raised his hand for a high five. You couldnt help but laugh at his dorkiness and return the gesture. The excitement and happiness between you two was unfathomable. You didnt want to say that this was the best night with him just because you finally came. There had been plenty of other times where he made you feel so perfect and precious and completely in love with him that you almost cherished that more. But tonight was definitely like top five material.
“Im happy i could finally do this for you…” He returned to seriousness and you sighed as you began to wipe away traces of your cum from his face.
“Im sorry if you felt like i put pressure on you. I never meant-”
“Nah, it wasnt you. It was me. You know how i can sometimes be a perfectionist and i know its not like the end all be all of our relationship but…i dont know. I always felt like you deserved to feel good and happy. Like you just deserved…everything.” He shrugged and pretended to take more interest in plucking away a stray hair from your shoulder.
The guilt you had accumulated over the years suddenly lessened and you realized that it wasnt just about making you feel good sexually. It was actually, as cliche as it sounded, about bringing you two closer together in devotion and fulfilling a fantasy. The warmth in your body returned but for a different and cheesy romance movie kinda reason and you snuggled closer to his chiseled chest.
“Thank you…” You whispered. “For not being annoyed or giving up on me and helping me work through whatever was holding me back.”
“It’s what im here for, right? I think i’d be a shitty boyfriend if i wasnt.”
“Well you got that right.” You tilted your head up and kissed him gently, tasting the aftermath on his lips. “You better go wash your face before it gets all sticky.”
“That can wait. Besides i was kinda wondering if….” The both of you looked down at his cock, knocking your heads in the process. It never failed for the two of you to have an idiotic moment but he definitely needed to be rewarded after this.
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prettywordsyouleft · 3 years ago
Thank you in advance! I try not to get to emotional…. But hongseok and autumn…… (already crying) you’re the best!
This is based off of his recent IG story.
Pairing: Yang Hongseok x female reader
Word count: 399
Staring down at your feet instead of looking where you were going, you smiled. There was nothing more in life that you loved than Autumn. The fresh scent in the air, the saturation of warm-toned colours, layering up your clothes, and delicious autumnal flavoured treats.
But the best part?
Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Each step you took, you could hear the fallen leaves beneath your feet, your mood now childlike and carefree. There was almost a skip to your step, as if you were a dancing woodland fairy making your way across the park instead of just on your daily commute to work. You treasured the fifteen-minute trek at this time of the year.
Finally looking up where you were going, you allowed your contented gaze to lazily take in your surroundings. You were now in sight of the road that went parallel to the pathway you were walking along. And across the road, you watched as a tall man marvelled at the sound beneath his feet too.
A small grin was visible from where you watched him, his steps varying in tempo. He took long strides, then short ones, almost slowing down to a pace of a snail just so he could crunch the leaves in different ways. You couldn't help but giggle.
And that's when he turned to see you. Instead of being embarrassed of being caught watching him play in the leaves as you were, you noted a sense of togetherness in his quick evaluation. His smile grew, and you matched his, both of you walking along the fallen leaves to the upcoming intersection.
Before you could wave goodbye, he quickly jogged across the street, stepping in beside you. "A lot of leaves have fallen," he mentioned, and you nodded.
"Much more than yesterday too."
"Perhaps there will be more later on?" He turned it into a question, and you seemed to understand what was unspoken.
"I will be out here again at four."
"Well, it's a good thing I too will be available then." Holding out his hand, the man smiled when you slipped yours into it. "Yang Hongseok."
"Shall we meet here again later to play?"
Instead of pointing out how you were both grown adults, and complete strangers at that, you felt a level of excitement enter your otherwise typically adult daily routine. Nodding, you shook his hand once more.
"Let's do it."
You can submit asks for the next Chelle Chats to my inbox.
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escape-from-reality-fics · 4 years ago
Staying The Night ❋ Yang Hongseok
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↳ Pairing: Yang Hongseok/Reader
↳ Word Count: 2,784 
⁙ Summary: Hongseok gets locked out of his house while his family is gone, so he spends the night at Y/N’s place, trying to keep his crush on her a secret
⚠️ Warnings: Contains minor cursing and minor adult themes. Please do not read if you are triggered by any of these!
"Are you kidding me right now?" Hongseok growled to himself as he rattled the handle on his front door. Of course, today would be the day he forgot his key, the one day where his parents were out of town, and his older brother was away with friends. He sighed again after trying to open the door for the nth time. He pulled out his phone, looking at his contact list briefly and running through a list of friends in his head. He figured he could crash at one of their places for the night.
"Well, I can't stay at Hyunggu's, his family doesn't have the room with their renovations. Hui and Hyojong are out of town too. Shit!" Hongseok slumped against his door with his head in his hands, mentally cursing his bad luck. He had been sitting there for a couple of minutes now, trying his best not just to break down his front door when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"Hongseok? Are you okay?"
Looking up quickly, Hongseok reddened in embarrassment. In front of him stood his next-door neighbor and crush (Y/N), dressed in black dress pants and a white blouse, probably on your way home from your part time job. Hongseok promptly stood up, brushing off his jeans. You looked at him quizzically, a small furrow in your brow.
"U-uh yeah, sorry. I forgot my keys, and now I'm locked out," Hongseok admitted, sheepishly scratching the back of his head. You nodded, understanding his predicament. You approached and grabbed Hongseok's hand, giving it a small pat.
"You don't have anywhere to stay, do you?" You ask, a small smile stretching across your lips. Hongseok flushed, surprised by your touch, but shook his head. Your fingers slip away from his as you turn to leave. Hongseok's shoulders slump in disappointment, watching you recede with a frown.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go, silly!" You giggle cheerfully, waving Hongseok towards you with a well-manicured hand. Hongseok stares at you in confused bewilderment, not moving an inch. You sigh, firmly placing both of your hands on your hips, delivering Hongseok an exasperated look.
"Hongseok, I'm offering to let you stay the night at my place," You explain slowly, your face changing to a patient smile. Hongseok still couldn't process your words, but he grabbed his fallen backpack anyway. You grasp his sleeve and start pulling him towards your house, just a few meters away. Hongseok feels like he is in a daze, letting you lead him along.
Hongseok had always liked you, his feelings for you never wavering. He loved the way your hair shone in the sunlight, always looking glossy and full. How your lips never seemed to lose their pink pigment. Your eyes were like diamonds, deep and sparkling. He could list a million reasons why he liked you. You were a caring, loving, selfless person, and his heartbeat a million miles a minute whenever he laid eyes on you. He never dared to confess, however. You were a beautiful girl, and he was Hongseok. He could never compare to you. He would keep his feelings silent for now.
"So here we are! Home sweet home, I guess?" You giggle as you unlock your front door, your Kumamon key chain jingling musically. You swung the door open, gesturing for Hongseok to go inside first. Hongseok stepped inside the foyer nervously, like he was expecting something to jump out at him. He looked around, noting that your house had a similar layout to his own. You strolled in after him, closing and locking the front door behind you.
"Mom? Are you home?" You yell into the foyer, slipping off your sneakers and padding further into the house. Hongseok silently did the same, quietly pardoning his intrusion. As he wandered further into the house, he noticed it's decorated with small ornaments, knick-knacks, and family pictures. Hongseok stopped in front of a wall adorned with images, dozens of frames hung up. He inspected them closely, noticing some were of you as a baby and smiled.
"So my mom isn't home. Guess she got called in for the night shift at the hospital, but she left us money to get pizza, so that's a plus!" You comment, walking out of the kitchen, a piece of paper in one hand and a wad of cash in the other. Hongseok internally screamed, placing an awkward smile on his face, and he felt as if his cheeks were set on fire. Now he was alone, with his crush, in her house. Today should feel like the best day in the world for him, but instead, he felt overwhelmed and panicked.
"So what do you want to do? We could watch a movie? I have all the Marvel movies on Blu-Ray," you announce proudly, smiling at Hongseok and gesturing for him to sit down on the couch. He did so, albeit a bit helplessly. 
"Um, that's okay with me. I-if you want to, of course!" He responded, watching as you bent down in front of the entertainment center to search for said movies. He couldn't help but stare at you, your image fixated in his line of sight. You rustle around for a split second more before letting out a triumphant "A-ha!", holding in your hands the movies you had been searching for. Standing, you spun and showed Hongseok the Blu-Ray cases of the first couple of Marvel movies. You set them gently on the coffee table before looking back to Hongseok. 
"Hey, Hongseok, do you mind if I go change? I need to get into some comfy clothes, my work uniform is killing me!" You ask sheepishly, pulling at the collar of your button-down shirt in annoyance. 
"Y-yeah, of course! Go ahead, I'll just wait here," Hongseok stuttered, nervously patting the couch. You gave him a relieved smile, leaving the room. He could only stare after you, his eyes unconsciously tracing your swaying hips as you left. Feeling a vibration come from his pocket, he pulled out his phone, staring at the notifications he had received. Some were from social media, but most of them were from the group chat he had with his friends. 
He quickly scrolled through the messages he had received, responding to his friends, and telling them about his current situation. They all responded with varying degrees of shock and surprise; however, Yuto and Wooseok decided to be little shits.
'Be safe, Hyung! Don't forget to use protection! ;)' 
Hongseok flushed in embarrassment and sent a very crudely worded message back before locking his phone and placing it on the coffee table. He looked around the room again, about to get up when you returned to the room. Hongseok froze, taking in your new outfit change. He almost passed out when he realized what she was wearing. 
You had changed from your button-up shirt and dress pants into a pair of shockingly tight high waisted jean shorts, barely covering your bottom and a cropped yellow tank top. Hongseok choked on his saliva, realizing he was staring (and maybe drooling). Putting in the first Marvel movie, you plopped yourself down next to him on the plush sofa, your body just a smidge too close to his own. You crossed one leg over the other, and Hongseok could have passed out right then and there.
"You still like (Y/F/P), right? I hope so because I ordered for us when I was changing," You inform, glancing at Hongseok as you started the movie. Hongseok tensed as your leg lightly brushed against his own, feeling the warmth radiating from your smooth skin. 
"U-uh yeah, that's fine, thanks!" He squeaked out, sitting rigidly in his spot. You, on the other hand, had squirmed around to find a comfortable position. Eventually, you settled into place, legs tucked underneath yourself, slightly leaning your weight on Hongseok. You gently set your head on his shoulder, and Hongseok continued to feel light-headed. 
The two of you sat together, immersed in the movie, and Hongseok struggled to not combust. He was so focused on your body next to him that he forgot about the incoming pizza delivery. You both jumped when the doorbell rang, Hongseok from surprise and you from Hongseok. He had let out quite a shrill shriek, jumping and knocking you off of him and onto the floor. 
"Ow! Hongseok!" You complain, rubbing your sore arm from where you had hit it off of the coffee table. Hongseok quietly mutters an apology as you stand up and dart towards the front door, money in hand. Hongseok quietly excused himself, finding the bathroom and locking the door behind him. 
"Come on, Hongseok! You got this, act normal!" Hongseok hissed at his reflection, splashing his crimson face with cold water. It had only been a fraction of time since he had arrived, and he was already so close to imploding. He splashed his face one last time, glancing at himself in the mirror before exiting the washroom and slowly creeping back into the living room. 
"Ah, I was wondering where you went! I got you some cola and dished you up some pizza, so enjoy!" You say, waving a hand at the plate and glass sitting side by side on the coffee table. Hongseok sat down once again, digging into his pizza after realizing how hungry he was. He finished his two slices in record time and reached to grab some more. You stopped him with a gentle touch to his arm, and Hongseok froze, looking up at you with surprise.
"Hongseok, you have sauce all over your face!" You laugh teasingly, grabbing a napkin and leaning towards him. You stop about an inch from his face, gently wiping the spot of sauce on his chin. Hongseok inhaled sharply as you peered at him through your long lashes, deep pools of (E/C) gazing at him. Hongseok leaned forward, nose gently brushing yours, eyes flicking down to your lips. Your lips were almost touching when Hongseok realized what he was doing, jerking himself away from you instantly. 
He gulped down breaths of air, his chest heaving, feeling as if he had just run a marathon. Hongseok could feel his face aflame with blush and fanned himself with his hands. However, he stopped when he heard a huff come from your direction. You sat with your arms crossed, cheeks blushing, and lips pouted in what seemed to be either anger or disappointment. 
"Hongseok… Do you not like me? Did I do something wrong?" You ask timidly, your eyebrows furrowing together in sadness as you fumbled with your hands. Hongseok stared at you, bewildered. You glanced up at him, tears building in your waterline, bottom lip slightly trembling. 
"No! No, of course not, (Y/N)! I'm sorry if I reacted badly, I was just really shocked and overwhelmed!" Hongseok tried to explain, gently grasping your hand in his own and scooting closer to her. You sniffled a bit and wiped at a tear that had managed to begin its descent down your flushed cheeks. 
Hongseok could feel himself panic more, not wanting to make you upset. So he decided to do something drastic. He flung himself forward, his lips crashing onto your own, and kissed you. For a couple of seconds, nothing happened. The silence in the room was stifling. Hongseok was about to pull away when you hesitantly kissed him back, your small hands clenching onto the fabric of his t-shirt to pull him closer.
It felt like time had stopped. All Hongseok could feel was your lips slowly moving against his own, his heart hammering away in his chest. After what felt like years, both of you separated, pupils blown wide and panting out breaths of air. 
"Wow, that was something else," You airly laughed, still trying to catch your breath. Hongseok laughed with you, his heart a bit lighter. You scooted yourself a bit closer to him, giving him a small glance as if testing the waters. Hongseok opened his arms, allowing you to cuddle yourself into them, breathing a sigh of relief. 
"So, I take it that you don't hate me then?" You jokingly asked Hongseok, peering up at him from where you were curled into his side. Hongseok laughed and shook his head no, kissing the top of your head. You both sat in silence, listening to the movie slowly finish. Hongseok could feel his eyes get heavier and heavier as he fought a losing battle with sleep. He decided to just rest his eyes for a moment, slipping away into the darkness of slumber. 
Hongseok jolted awake, a gasp caught in his throat. His head whipped back and forth, looking around the room. Sunlight was streaming in through the curtains of the living room, indicating that a new day had started. You were nowhere to be seen, however, making Hongseok worry. He slowly rose from the couch, his back protesting his horrid sleeping position as it popped. His first stop was the bathroom, relieving himself and washing his face. As he stepped out of the bathroom, he could hear your sweet melodic voice softly singing from the kitchen. 
He stepped into the kitchen silently, creeping up behind you. You let out a soft squeal of surprise as he wrapped his arms around your waist, nuzzling his face into the junction of your neck. Hongseok pressed a sweet kiss on your cheek, releasing you from his arms to let you face him. 
"Good morning, Hongseok! Did you sleep okay?" You asked with a bright dazzling smile, your eyes sparkling in the morning sun. Hongseok could feel himself melt. 
"I slept okay, yeah. Did I fall asleep before you? I remember shutting my eyes for a moment, and then I woke up," Hongseok explains, watching you bustle around the kitchen making breakfast, which from observation was probably pancakes. 
"Hm, I think you did. I fell asleep shortly after, however. You were so warm and comfy I just couldn't help it" You smirked at Hongseok, serving up some freshly cooked pancakes drizzled with maple syrup and topped with juicy strawberries. 
Hongseok sat at the island counter, watching you intently as you fixed your own plate. You sat down opposite him, happily digging into your own pancakes. You both sat silently for a while, the clock on the wall slowly ticking as time passed. Hongseok was the first to speak up, gently clearing his throat. 
"So about last night? Uh w-well, what are we?" He stuttered, flustered under your intense gaze. He could feel himself start to panic, his hands becoming clammy and his heart racing. You purse your lips, glancing away from him momentarily. 
"Well, I would have thought me kissing you back last night was enough of an answer? Hongseok, you idiot, I like you!" You state, giving him an exasperated huff, smiling afterward. Hongseok instantly brightened up at hearing your confession, all of his worries practically flying away. He reached across the table and gently grasped your hand, intertwining their fingers. 
"I was so worried! You know, because you're amazing and so beautiful, and I'm just me. Your next-door neighbor. I thought I didn't have a chance with you," Hongseok confessed, flashing you a sheepish smile when you groaned at him. 
"Hongseok, you're an actual idiot. I've had a crush on you for like 5 years!" You laughed, obviously noticing Hongseok's surprised expression. He put his head on the table and groaned, realizing how stupid he was. He felt a hand gently run through his hair and looked up, watching as you leaned forward to pet him in comfort. 
"Well, to be fair, I guess we are both idiots, huh? I had a crush on you for 5 years, and I didn't confess either," You comforted him, slipping your hand from his grasp and moving around to his side of the counter. You sat down on the seat next to him, taking both of his hands into your own. Your deep (E/C) locked him in your gaze. 
Hongseok decided now was the time. He took a deep breath and leaned forward, giving you a long, sweet kiss. You kissed back, your lips moving together in tandem. You pulled apart a few seconds later, giggling and smiling.
"(Y/N) will you be my girlfriend?" Hongseok asked, cheeks red and heart racing. You leaned forward and wrapped your arms around Hongseok's neck, giving him a quick peck on the lips. 
"Well, of course, I will!" You smiled, letting out a gasp when he picked you up in happiness. He carried you to the living room and plopped you both down on the couch. As you cuddled together, Hongseok couldn't help himself. 
"Maybe I should have gotten locked out of my house sooner?"
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peachybun-bun · 3 years ago
if you're still doing it hongseok overstimilation and breeding kink ? 👀 -shinwanon who is turning slightly into a honganon but still adores shinwon they swear
You whine as Hongseok circles your clit with his thumb, your fingers curling into the sheets below you. You can feel his chest on your back as he leans over you, his free hand gripping your hip. "Hongseok... too much," you gasp out.
You can feel him smile against your shoulder as he lets out a low laugh. "Just a little more. I'm almost there," he grunts as you push your hips back against him.
"I'm gonna fill you up. I can't wait to see you carry our baby," he whispers as you whine again.
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ultadachi · 5 years ago
[10:58pm] hongseok squirmed underneath you, continuously tugging against the binds on his wrist that kept him tied to the bedframe. despite his moans, he was glaring up at you while you held a vibrator to his cock.
“you think you’re so clever, huh?” he panted. he bit his lip as another loud moan tried to escape, closing his eyes.
truthfully, you did think you were pretty clever. you always wanted to try domming your boyfriend, but he never let you despite leading you into it thinking you were in control. he’d let you ‘dom’ just long enough for you to believe he finally submitted to you before he’d flip the roles in the blink of an eye. hongseok was the type who liked being in charge, so you weren’t sure what you expected. between his competitive nature and need to tease you constantly, you knew you had to find a new way to get him to submit.
restraints were the obvious answer. he went into it thinking he was strong enough to just pull out of them or break them when he decided you’d had enough of your fun, but he wasn’t. he did like a challenge, though, so he didn’t tell you to stop. but he would definitely go down fighting.
“what, you don’t?” you smirked as you turned up the intensity of the vibrator.
there were quick moments were hongseok’s face would relax into pure pleasure, the crease between his brows melting away, and his clenched jaw finally relaxing as he’d close his eyes and drop his head back in a moan. increasing the vibrations caused that, but just like every other time, he went straight back to glaring at you and doing his best to hide the moans that wanted to come out.
“you’re so...” he trailed off, trying to fight the need to cum but he was so close that it was hard to ignore. he didn’t want you having the satisfaction of getting him to cum like this, but it was so difficult to hold on. “y-you’re...s-so... fuck--”
his nails dug into his hands as he came in thick, white ropes onto his stomach and on the vibrator. his eyes squeezed shut, his head dropping back as loud groans fell from his lips with a few curse words mixed in. his chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath, keeping his eyes closed as his body relaxed into the bed. you assumed he must’ve tired himself out.
“are you okay?” you asked him as you shut off the vibrator and reached up to undo the ties around his wrist. “i’ll go get a towel to clean you up, and then--”
as soon as he was released, hongseok pinned you onto your back on the mattress. he hovered above you, that fire in his eyes he had when he glared at you back in them and ten times more fierce.
he smirked, his voice low as he told you, “you’re in so much trouble, baby.”
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milkybonya · 5 years ago
Heyo! If you're okay with it, could I request a drabble about Hongseok comforting his s/o when they're going through a tough time mentally? I haven't been feel that great lately and this might give me a lil smile❤️ It's definitely okay if you are not comfortable with it and don't want to write it! Thank you anyways ❤️ -🎃
you are so considerate omg 💞i really hope you take care of yourself and that you can cheer up soon ! i hope this smol drabble is okay :)
Comfort from Afar
Warnings: angst !
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Hongseok had told you to call him whenever, for any reason. He picked up after a few rings and greeted you with a grin, telling you how he was about to work out.
Then he noticed your puffy eyes and flushed face.
When you told him that you weren’t feeling well, his smile disappeared and he became serious as he stopped moving to properly listen to you. He told you to tell him as much as you felt comfortable sharing about how you felt.
“I’m sorry that I can’t be there to hold you,” he said, beginning to tear up a little himself through your phone screen. “But I’m so thankful that you called me, and I know it’s hard. I know when you’re at a low, it feels like you’ll never be able to get back up, but you’ve always gotten up before, and I know you can do it now too.”
You smiled at his sweet words.
“There’s only one way left to go from here, and that’s up! You’re doing so well. It’s okay to have a bad day, or many bad days.”
He paused for a second, thinking.
“Do you wanna do something fun? Do you wanna put some music on and dance with me? You don’t even have to dance-”
“That sounds fun,” you said, agreeing right away. Putting on a song that both of you loved made Hongseok pull out some whacky dance moves. He tried to hit the high notes that were just way too high too, which made you laugh.
What would you do without him?
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