#hongseok fluff
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jae-bummer · 2 years ago
My Idol 3: Part Three
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My Idol From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My Idol is a South Korean competitive reality dating game show. It currently airs on Saturday nights on Jae-bummer’s blog. First broadcast in 2016, the show offers the opportunity for a lucky fan to go on seven blind dates with seven idols. The idol plans the date with the show throwing in a specific mission to complete during the day. At the end of the initial dates, the show opens up an audience vote to decide what four idols will move on to the second date.
My Idol 3: The Series
You nuzzled your face into Jungkook's neck and sighed. Adjusting your arms so they were wrapped more tightly around him, you heard his quiet purr of approval. He pressed a light kiss to your forehead before resting his cheek there.
"Did you sleep well?" he asked groggily.
A shiver ran down your spine at the gravelly tone he used when still half asleep. That was something you could get used to.
"Better than I have in days," you rasped.
"Wonder why that is?" he chuckled, running a calloused finger down your bare thigh. Your skin sprung to life with the simple motion, a trail of flame coursing in it's wake.
You giggled as well, looking down at your body. Dressed in nothing but Jungkook's shirt, you felt more beautiful than you had in your entire life. He just had that effect on you.
"Y/N," he sighed grumpily, beginning to untangle his body from yours. "We have to wake up."
"Who says?" you croaked, looking up at him in mock annoyance. You didn't want this small moment to break. You didn't know when the next one would be.
"The good people of My Idol," he muttered with a side eye. "You have to get ready for another date."
"Another date," you repeated quietly, trying to make it make sense. There were no other dates. All that existed was him, his warm bed, and your bodies curled around one another.
"Mmm," he sighed. "Go handle things and come back to me, okay?"
Just as you were about to argue, the microwave from the 7-Eleven began to beep loudly in your ear. No, not the microwave, something much worse: your alarm.
Slapping irritably at your phone screen, you rolled over to what was a shockingly cold sheet. You dug your palms into your eyes and tried to shake off the dream. How could your brain run completely wild with the idea of a guy you had only met for a few hours?
He wasn't just any guy though, said the little voice in the back of your head. He was Jeon Jungkook and he was absolutely lovely.
And there were still six other men to meet, you countered to yourself. You could not simply call it quits after going through one date. That would be completely counterintuitive to both yourself and this experiment. You recognized how terrifying and insane this whole concept was, but part of you was so incredibly excited by the possibilities that you weren't going to deprive yourself of the process. Sure, it would be nice to end up with someone you had forged a connection with, but more than anything, you wanted to prove to yourself that you could do it (even when you didn't think you could).
Since you had been casted, you had found yourself wondering if you were really the right person for this. Were you someone even capable of becoming Korea's sweetheart? Dating idols wasn't going to make you a likable person in any fan base, but were you at least strong enough to win over people that you otherwise would have no reason to? You wanted to see how resilient you were and you wanted to prove that you were the one who was lovely, damnit. These men should be privileged to date you!
Yeah, that was your affirmation for the day.
Trying to phase back in to reality, you let out a big yawn, and eased up from bed. Your door buzzer going off sprung you into an even more heightened state of awareness as you glanced to your phone, panicked. The crew shouldn't be here for a pickup already.
Sliding into your slippers, you shuffled across your apartment, and hit the button near your door. "Yes?"
"Delivery," a deep voice grunted.
"Come on up," you sighed, hitting a separate button to allow them into the building. That was odd. You didn't recall ordering anything in, but maybe the My Idol staff was sending something ahead.
After about five minutes of waiting, you stuck your head out of your apartment door and looked from one end of the hallway to the other. No one appeared to be heading up or had dropped anything off. Weird.
Shaking your head, you tried not to think too much into it. Maybe whoever it was had gotten the wrong apartment number. Either way, you made a mental note to ask the staff about it later, just in case.
You had more important things to handle. Obsessing over the delivery person wasn't going to help you get ready for the day.
"Where is this place?" the driver grumbled, circling the block for what had to have been the fifth time.
"Does your GPS not work?" one of the camera man shot back, pointing out of the window. "I see the sign right there."
"I see the sign too!" the driver gasped. "But do you see the actual building or are we letting our contestant out into alleyways now?"
"I mean," the other camera man muttered, glancing to his cohort. "That could make for good TV."
Your jaw dropped as you looked back and forth between them. "No."
"It was just a thought," the second camera man answered moodily before looking away. These two seemed to be the ones who were assigned to you at all times, while the rest of the crew were in different vehicles. Glancing wearily between them, you sighed.
"Jangwu," you said, trying to remind yourself. "And Woosik was it?"
"Wu," the first one corrected. Followed by the other one muttering "Woo."
"Great," you hissed, glancing up at the ceiling of the SUV in a silent prayer for patience. "Wu and Woo. I know you have set directions from the producers, but something I noticed on my first date...inadvertently or not, things can be made more difficult for me on these dates."
"What is she talking about?" Wu muttered, dabbing at the ever present sweat on his forehead.
"The basket thing with the snacks," Woo nodded, sweat stains already appearing near the arm holes of his shirt. "That could have been great TV."
"Great TV aside," you grumbled. "Can we maybe, at the very least, care about my general well being and...not drop me off in darkened alleys?"
"I feel like we're being pigeonholed into an impossible agreement here," Woo grunted.
"I agreed to no death and serious injuries," Wu agreed. "They said nothing about creepy and less than ideal locations."
"Wonderful," you sighed, setting your focus back onto the window of the vehicle. "I feel so reassured."
"What's the guy supposed to look like?" the driver called over his shoulder. "I think I see him."
This immediately peaked your interest, causing you to once again concentrate on your surroundings. There did appear to be someone standing a few yards away.
"I don't know," Wu sighed, ticking off his fingers. "Tall? Good looking? Generally sunshiny disposition?"
"Well," you gasped, your tone thick with sarcasm. "You could be describing any of the three of you in the car now."
Wu smirked. "Compliments aren't going to get you anywhere, sweetheart."
"I wasn't-" you started, but already recognized your joke had been disregarded. "Okay."
"Here we are," the driver said, finally pulling the SUV to a slow stop. Looking out of the window again, you realized your date had stepped inconspicuously behind a cafe sign. Of course you couldn't have any information as big as his identity before even stepping foot from the car.
Taking a deep breath, you placed your fingers against the door. You could do this. You had already gone on one date, what was another?
Another personality to learn. Another situation that was completely unknown to you. Another ending where you wouldn't be sure what would happen next.
All of the terrifying possibilities aside, you thought back to your date with Jungkook again. You promised yourself you wouldn't fixate on the magical, little time capsule that your brain had created, but it was difficult. That one date had set a standard and an example of things to come. Even though the two of you hadn't done anything that you would deem too exciting (aside from the overarching show as a whole) you had seemed to carve out a genuine connection. While not all of these guys were going to be as giving and open as Jungkook, the idea of forming another bond had butterflies unfurling all over again.
At least they weren't the vomiting kind. One vomiting incident per season was more than enough.
You shook out your hands before grabbing the handle again. Giving it a gentle pull, then push, the door creaked slowly open. Before you could even make your way out, Wu and Woo shouldered their way around you and out onto the pavement.
"Anytime you're ready!" one of them called.
Trying to wipe the annoyance from your face, you gave yourself a gentle nod. This would be fine. You would be fine.
Stepping down from the SUV, you looked up only to find your date's face covered by his advancing cell phone.
The shuttering sound of the phone's camera going off caused you to blink in surprise. Shuffling backwards again, your unidentified date smiled down at his screen.
"New memory," he said softly before looking up, a small smile painting his plush lips.
"I'm sorry," you managed, narrowing your eyes at him. "What?"
His soft smirk quickly melted into something more attune with embarrassment. "Sorry, I just - uh, sorry."
"No, no," you chuckled, trying to backtrack on your previous judgement. "New memory?"
"My members," he continued quietly, a fondness in his eyes as he looked away from you. "They call me the memory collector...in new situations, I get a bit scared to miss a moment. And I knew I didn't want to forget this one..."
He paused before he looked up at you with wide eyes. "In hindsight, memory collector totally sounds like the name for a serial killer and I am so sorry for not realizing that earlier."
You let out a surprised huff of a laugh. You knew that in the wrong context this would immediately be considered a bit creepy, but his initial sentiment was very sweet.
Plus, you had dated weirder.
"That's kind of adorable," you grinned. "Not the serial killer part. I'm choosing to forget that comment."
Remembering your manners, you gave a small bow. "I'm Y/N."
"Hongseok," he said, bowing in return. "I promise I don't have plans to wear your skin or anything. Have I made this awkward enough already or should I continue?
"Oh, please continue," you smirked. "I'm having a blast."
"Perfect," he chuckled. "I love when my date sugarcoats how bad things are going."
"Makes it much more palatable when I'm already picturing the true crime documentary about my disappearance," you teased. "I hope all of this footage will be used."
"I'll make sure to tell them that you lit up every room you walked into," he nodded, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
"Your penchant for murder aside," you continued. "It's very nice to meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too," he said, this time opening up with a full and genuine smile. "Do you want to head inside?"
You nodded, taking Hongseok's elbow when he offered it. While he looked vaguely familiar to you, it was hard to nail down exactly which idol group he was a part of. With your career, most of your life circulated around the entertainment industry, so it was hard to keep up with who was who.
You did know, however, that he was incredibly attractive. The camera men were correct in their general assumption of tall, handsome, and sunshiny. The man beside you was absolutely gorgeous. Dressed simply in a grey hoodie and corresponding grey shorts, he was the picture of comfy casual, and damn, did he pull it off.
As he eased you up the stairs, you couldn't help but notice the light hammering and drilling sounds trickling down from wherever he was leading you.
"I have to say," you whispered. "After the conversation we just had, the sound effects are not comforting."
This cause Hongseok to laugh loudly as he patted the hand still placed in the crook of his elbow. "I promise I'm not going to let anything happen to you, okay?"
While you recognized he was still a stranger, his words made your heart tug just a tiny bit. It was a completely silly comment you made in an environment where you knew nothing would really harm you, but his small solace was appreciated.
Finally stepping onto the platform housing the shop, you looked around in wonder. "What is this place?"
"It's a jewelry cafe," he hummed. His expression was pleased as he looked around as well. "I hope you don't think it's too forward, but I thought we could make each other rings."
Your mouth parted slightly as you reassessed the room with this new information. Various couples were crowded at small work stations, pounding at small pieces of metal and leather, giggling happily to themselves. It was a heartwarming scene, even more so when you realized you could soon take part in it.
You were never really one for couple's items, but as the warmth spread across your chest, you couldn't help but get excited. This was an incredibly sweet idea.
"We don't have to make them match if you don't want to," Hongseok said quickly. "I just...well, admittedly wanted to show your future dates that I was here and I have no plan of going elsewhere."
This caused you to chuckle as you looked up at him. "Staking your claim then?"
"In a way," he smiled. "But that sounds a bit barbaric, don't you think? I like to call it, establishing what's mine...or what's ours, rather."
"What's ours," you hummed. "I like it."
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To Be Continued.
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kcake555 · 1 month ago
Hongseok cake 🍰
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multiphandomunnies · 1 year ago
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accidentally seeing their gf naked
found out the wrong way social media au intros
found out the wrong way part one
found out the wrong way part two
found out the wrong way part three
found out the front way part four
s.o getting shy when they kiss
365 so stress
how cute
yeo one
too much effort
something special (*M*)
technology free
lovers night
give it a rest
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adachicuto · 2 years ago
last date before wedding with ptg
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warning(s): food and wine mentions
↳ jinho: helping him with a cover of a song for youtube and it’d be a pretty romantic song maybe ed sheeran thinking out loud or john legend or maybe something else like eyes, nose, lips and you wouldn’t realize that he got you singing. i don't think he'd post it and just want to save it for the two of you to rewatch. it wouldn’t matter to him if you were an amazing singer or not, just being able to share that moment with you would be enough for him. so, it would probably become a tradition where you'd rewatch the cover for every wedding anniversary, and maybe you would cover more songs together each time as a little segment on his youtube channel and the members would text him and tease him about it every time lol
↳ hui: i get the feeling that he would bring you to a really nice yet underrated restaurant where smooth jazz is played and people are allowed to go onstage and perform a song. both of you would have the biggest smiles on your faces because the date would be reminiscent of your first one. you'd end the date off with really good wine and of course, hui would go onstage and sing (he'd claim it as practice for your big day) and would leave the audience stunned by his amazing vocals. on the drive home, his hand would never leave yours and he'd probably fidget with your engagement ring with a huge smile on his face.
↳ hongseok: your "date" would be so sweet and domestic because hongseok just gives me homey vibes. like, you'd both go to the grocery store to get ingredients for dinner and a dessert you both like. idk it would be the cutest thing and then you'd head back home and he'd start cooking while you worked on the dessert and you'd definitely catch him staring at you every few minutes with a goofy smile on his face and he'd wiggle his eyebrows playfully. you'd step away for a second to back-hug him and hongseok would smile to himself before he'd turn around to kiss you and he'd pull away to say something really cheesy but it would still put a smile on your face.
↳ yeo one: i think changgu would plan the cutest little picnic in the park for both of you. he'd pack some of your favorite foods and snacks and would even get you flowers or something. it would be the cutest thing and he'd take a flower and put it behind your ear and you'd do the same to him and then you'd go back and forth about who's the prettiest lol then the two of you would lie down and cloud gaze. idk i can see a really adorable dog running over to the two of you and it would really like changgu and it would be such a cute moment that would lead you to discuss the possibility of adopting a dog after the wedding. once the sun would start to settle below the horizon, you'd head home and would probably spend the rest of the day watching a show or movie.
↳ shinwon: both of you would agree on going to a spa and maybe a little shopping. i could definitely see him goofing around with you while in the sauna by making weird faces and telling you funny stories. then, he'd have you rest your head on his shoulder and he'd smile to himself. then, he'd tell you about how he was so nervous to propose to you. after a few minutes he'd realize that you weren't talking only to find you asleep. so, he'd make sure that you would be comfortable and would relax too. i think he'd love to spoil his s/o so he'd really enjoy going to the spa with you and it'd be a nice break from all of the wedding prep. on the way home, you'd both decide on ordering in bc neither of you would want to cook after being at the spa.
↳ yanan: he'd wake up extra early to get your favorite breakfast foods and coffee. when he'd make it back to your apartment he'd be met with you half asleep on the couch and would quickly put everything down to cuddle with you for a few minutes and then you'd eat breakfast together. afterward, the two of you would get ready to go and yanan wouldn't tell you but it would all make sense later. so, the two of you would go to multiple places throughout the city and you were thankful that they wouldn't be too far and at each stop, you and yanan would talk about what happened at each, like, one place was where he took you for your first date and another would be where you both said you loved each other for the first time. looking back on all of the memories would make both of your hearts feel so full.
↳ yuto: i think you'd go to an aquarium or botanical garden and it would be on a day when it wouldn't be so busy and the two of you could goof around and take funny pictures of each other imitating the animals. throughout the date, you'd both feel like little kids on a field trip again. both of you would stop every few minutes to stare at something you'd find interesting and the look on your faces at that moment would be so adorable and you'd have to capture the moments. after that, you would go get something to eat and then walk back to your apartment. on the walk, you'd both reminisce about how you met, your first date, and how he proposed to you.
↳ kino: i feel like hyunggu would go all out but it would still be a pretty laid-back date idk if that makes sense but he'd sign you up for a couples' dancing class where you'd learn how to tango and it would be so romantic and fun, even if you're not much of a dancer. after that, you'd go back home to shower and then he'd take you out to a really nice restaurant for dinner. the two of you would be so impressed with your meals but the highlight of your would be getting ice cream or your favorite dessert from your favorite place but then on your way back home it'd start raining and you'd have to wait it out inside a nearby cafe with steaming cups of tea. the whole situation would be pretty funny to both of you and it'd make for a nice moment to look back on.
↳ wooseok: being the youngest, i don't think he'd plan everything out and would just go with the flow. so, i think wooseok would also enjoy a night in with you as your date, especially if it would be a rainy day. he'd go and get your favorite snacks and drinks the day before and would surprise you with everything. the two of you would spend the day watching movies, playing video games, and just enjoying the calm before your wedding day. somehow, you'd end up talking about some of your embarrassing moments early on in your relationship and neither of you would be able to stop laughing and maybe you'd each go through your camera roll and it'd be a really cute moment for both of you.
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unifox · 2 years ago
If you're still doing the little prompt game maybe Hongseok or Jaeyoon and baking cookies? 🍪
“Cookie Monster”
~Pairing: Hongseok x gn!reader
~Genre: Rotten Fluff. Established relationship
~Words: 0,8K
~Warnings: mention of food, pet names, one little (and very subtle) suggestive thought- Sorry if there are any mistakes!!
a/n: Hi Anon! Thank you so much for the request! Sorry for the wait, I hope you like it. I ended up writing about Hongseok because of his love for Cookie Monster lol. Plus, I missed writing about Pentagon!!
>Request your scenario here<
Hongseok likes your cookies. 
Ok, maybe 'like' was an understatement. He LOVES your cookies. 
He loves them so much, that even on a strict diet, he'd ask you to bake him the most diet-like cookies you've ever seen. You weren't sure if oats and bananas mixed together counted as a cookie. 
He would brag to the other members that your cookies were the best in the world, but at the same time, he wanted to gatekeep, eating all of them before the members could get a taste. This was why you called him your cookie monster.
y/n 💕- Hey cookie, could you pick up a bag of chocolate chips on your way home pls?
hong 🍪- Sure honey. I'm on my way
y/n 💕- Thanks, you're the best 🫶 
When Hongseok reached home, you had already put all the ingredients in a bowl and had the oven on for preheating. Coming from behind and wrapping his arms around your waist he announced "I'm home. With your choco chips"
You spun around and wrapped your arms around his neck, pecking him on the lips. "You're a lifesaver, thanks babe. Now put those muscular arms for good use and help me hand mix these, please." You both chuckled as he moved to the toilet to wash his hands.
This wasn't the first time you baked together, but for Hongseok it always felt like it was. The domestic scene of you preparing trays with a baking sheet while he hand-mixed the cookies made his heart swell. He hoped that things would stay like this in the future.
When he was done you moved to get two ice cream scoopers so you both could scoop the dough into balls. Looking at the dough it was tempting to eat a little, but Hong refrained from it, remembering about the flour and raw eggs. When one of the trays was full, you moved it to the oven, while Hong kept on scooping the rest into the other tray until the dough ended.
With all the cookies in the oven, you're able to finally give attention to your boyfriend
"How was your day handsome?" You said handing him a cup of lemonade and sitting by his side on the sofa
"It was good. Went to the gym, had a shower there, and then I went to my mom's house. She wanted help with building a new cupboard she bought. The manual was really confusing..." You let him ramble about how his day went, but couldn't help but daydream about him. He was the perfect boyfriend. Caring and sweet, he liked pets, he helped his mom a lot... He even helped elderly people! You once saw him helping the old lady from the floor above you, by carrying her groceries from her car to the elevator. 
"You're not listening to me"
"I am baby" you responded quickly
"Yeah sure, what was I talking about?" he smirked
"Oh well! let me check the cookies!!"
He laughed at your antics as you sprinted to the kitchen.
When the cookies were done he helped you put them over a grid to cool down. You pulled out a pretty paper box and covered the bottom with a cute paper towel.
Hong extended his hand to grab a cookie but you were faster, grabbing his wrist 
"Babe, these are not for you" You said while trying to contain your smile
"What!? Are you kidding me, sweetie?" He said incredulous
"These," You began sorting them out while checking if any of them were damaged "are for Shinwon! You bragged so much about my cookies that he asked a box of them for his birthday!" You said with enthusiasm even though your boyfriend glared at you.
"Really? Shinwon? Can't believe my baby tricked me into baking cookies for Shinwon" he said sulking
"Oh come on Hong! We made them together! I bet they taste amazing with all the love we poured into it!"
"Whatever... You're lucky I love you. Tricking me like this..."
"Let me make it up to you" You said wrapping your arms around his waist, which he quickly reciprocated by wrapping his own arms around your shoulders. 
"Yeah? What will you do about it?" he said smirking, which received a light smack from you
"You dirty. Let me cook for you. Dinner's on me tonight"
"Ok sweetie, I'll be expecting a full-course meal! And cookies"
"Don't worry my sweet cookie monster, It'll be the best you've ever had!"
And even though you promised to make dinner, as the sweet gentleman he is, helped you prepare the food. Indeed the best thing that ever happened to you was Hongseok.
Extra: Shinwon liked the cookies so much that he talked about them for a whole two weeks, making all the Pentagon members crave them. All of them asked you to bake them some cookies (without Hongseok knowing since he would steal them), and even Yanan made you promise to bake him some when he came back to Korea
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imnotshua · 12 days ago
joke me something awful - jww
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٠࣪⭑ pairing: jeon wonwoo x fem reader ٠࣪⭑ summary: it's 2002 and you ask wonwoo to take you home. later, he wonders why you haven't been doing this the whole time. ٠࣪⭑ genre: childhood friends to lovers, smut, fluff, angst, college au ٠࣪⭑ rating: explicit. minors do not interact with me, i'll block you. ٠࣪⭑ warnings: swearing, drinking, undefined relationships. not really a situationship tho, it’s very much mutual pining. reader and wonwoo are just stupid regular people who say and do stupid things, it is intentional, please love them anyway. wonwoo is down bad i'm so sorry friends, he is just!!!!!! occasional use of pet names (baby & angel from wonwoo. darling/sweetheart from others), no use of y/n or other variations, porn with plot mostly, ambiguous ending (sorry my beloveds). wonwoo could do with some more confidence ig. a bitter ex (oc) is mentioned and important for the plot! mentions of previous hook ups between wonwoo and reader. toxicity from the ex, but i don’t particularly think reader and wonu are! they just :(((((( feel free to correct me tho. ٠࣪⭑ smut contents: gendered terms, kisses, fingering (pussy + mouths), oral (f receiving), unprotected sex (it's 2002 college students were stupid then ok), dry humping lmao, cum eating, wonwoo on top, cum in pants, sloppy kinda, wet patches <3, soooo much hand holding, morning sex, neediness <333333, all in all they are quite soft and disgustingly into each other. if you think i've forgotten anything please let me know so i can fix my post! ٠࣪⭑ wc: 5.4k - complete ٠࣪⭑ a/n: i listened to fob's from under the cork tree on repeat for like 2 weeks straight and needed to do something with the feelings in my chest. this universe started in a different work that i'll post another time, this is the before. it is complete on its own, can be read without the others, but please note that future fics for this couple will be non-linear and feature different stages of their lives. the title comes from Fall Out Boys I've Got A Dark Alley–. Please consider listening to Air - Yeji, it's the feeling this couple gives me. ٠࣪⭑ thank yous: to my loves, @100vern and @starlightkyeom– thank you for putting up with my screaming over wonwoo, thank u for reading this over and telling me it wasn't gross. to jewel again, thank you for the banner. i appreciate u both so much. to everyone else, thank you for coming to my little corner, i hope you enjoy this one.
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Wonwoo didn’t apply for the fellowship program, despite all your insistence that if you got in he’d be sure to, that he’s smarter than you’ll ever be. At the time he said it felt like too much work, but later he realised he couldn’t take the fear of rejection. This would’ve just been another failed start. Deep down he wondered if he’d even deserve it.
The celebratory dinner for new scholars is supposedly an elitist, snobby, and frankly, horrid affair so naturally you’re going. If only to foster those connections you’re making for your future career. Wonwoo turns his nose up but he agrees to be your date nonetheless. You don’t have to beg, just ask the question and say he wouldn’t embarrass you like the man you’ve been dating for four months, and that fills him with some strange sense of achievement. 
Of course, once that guy hears you’re taking Wonwoo instead of him, he dumps you without ceremony. And now Wonwoo sits on your bed in a rented suit far too expensive for him to feel entirely comfortable in, watching your reflection choose which earrings to wear, and he wonders if you’re even bothered. He doesn’t know how to talk to you about this. Partners are off limits, usually, but since he had some involvement in the break up, in some roundabout way, he thinks maybe he should at least check. He wets his lips.
“How are you feeling?” he asks. “Since Hongseok?”
You meet his eyes in the mirror. “Fine,” you say. “I don’t think it was going anywhere. He wanted something more traditional. I started to get the impression he was setting up to cheat on me, actually.”
Wonwoo is unsurprised, sounds like you are too. “You’re better off without him,” he says, picking at bits of fluff from your blanket clinging to his trousers. It’s one his mother knitted for your sixteenth birthday. “You’ll meet someone new in no time.”
“Yeah, I don’t know,” you start. “I think I’ll stay single for a while.” 
Wonwoo lifts his eyebrows in surprise and you catch him in the mirror. With a laugh you say, “Don’t look at me like that.”
“You’ve been a serial dater since we moved to this city and you’re stopping now?” Wonwoo’s lips twist into a grin. Teasing is easier than edging too close to real. “Just when you’ve hit your prime?”
You scoff. “Rude. I’ll hit my prime in my thirties. Just watch.”
Wonwoo watches as you apply your usual lipstick and thinks about the time you didn’t wear any. You were just kids but it didn’t seem so long ago. You’re almost the same. Eighteen years of your starkly different lives intertwined and somehow still as close as you ever were. Still the sharpest person he’s ever known, still the sweetest if only in private. Still his parents' favourite person, still his. (His stomach twists). 
You’re giving yourself a final appraisal in the mirror before turning to Wonwoo and asking how you look. 
“Good,” he says, with a nod. Breathtaking, really. “Pretty.” 
“Thanks,” you say, smiling relieved, moving to sit next to him on the bed and linking his arm. “We scrub up well, don’t we?”
“Mm,” he agrees, following your gaze into the mirror, pinpricks creeping over his skin. You look like you’re together, he thinks, as he notices you’ve chosen earrings that go with his tie. Anyone could make that assumption. 
“You look sad, Wonwoo,” you say, quiet and soft. “Are you sad?”
“No,” he says, throat tight and feeling like his back is pressed against the wall. “What would I have to be sad about?” He lets you slip your hand into his, lets you lean your head on his shoulder for a moment, because this is how you make him feel better. Because you know that he can’t be pushed to talk about things he hardly understands. Barely a minute goes by before he sucks in a breath and says, “Shall I call us a taxi?” 
“Sure, number’s in the book next to the telephone,” you say. “Want a drink? I need one for this.”
“Water for me, someone’s got to get you home.”
“Aw, come on. Don’t make me drink alone.” You laugh when Wonwoo rolls his eyes. “I’ll be on my best behaviour, I promise. My reputation’s on the line.”
“One beer,” he offers. You pout and he can’t stop his smile.
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It went like this:
Both of you had no less than three drinks before the taxi showed up.
Your peers kept thinking that he was your “elusive boyfriend” and upon correction that he was ‘just Wonwoo’ their eyes lit up and exclaimed “oh we’ve heard so much about you!” 
The way he blushed made you want to kiss him silly (you had another drink instead).
Drink five? Four? Everyone here is obliterated, no one notices you and Wonwoo readying to leave.
He looks so pretty like this, tie undone, glasses slipping down his nose, pulling off his jacket and draping it over your shoulders, watching your lips as you talk.
The taxi you pre booked won’t be here for another ten minutes but the room was so stuffy (in both the literal and figurative sense) that as soon as you tell Wonwoo you need to get out of there, he’s nodding and pulling you out into the street. It’s so busy– of course, it’s OT week– that you struggle to find a spot where you won’t be bumped into for a while, eventually settling against the wall of the building opposite, in good view of the road. The noise around you is hectic, and you’re desperate for something less bothersome. Wonwoo looks drunk, looks fucked out. Cheeks flushed and lips parted. Eyes closed, he tips his head back against the brick and exposes the column of his throat. Pretty.
“Hey,” you say, slipping your arms around his waist. “Thanks for coming with me.”
Wonwoo hums. “Yeah, ‘course.” A pause– he wraps his arms around your shoulders. He’s so heavy but you like how it feels. “Anything for you.”
There’s a saccharine sweetness stirring in your stomach. You ask him to tell you the story of Baucis and Philemon again, press your body against his and hope he can still read you like he used to. It’s been years. Maybe he won’t want to.
“Why do you like that one so much?” he asks. You take in the smell of his soap. You know you shouldn’t want to go down this road again. “It’s hardly even a love story.”
“They’re the ultimate love story,” you insist, looking up at your friend to find him already watching you. “They’re precious to each other. I want that kind of love.”
It’s more than that. Baucis and Philemon have a timeless love. Their lightness oozes out of them, their love is both infectious and tender. So devoted they choose to die together. Never without the other even after they’re gone– turned to trees, and their branches and roots weave together so tightly that you can’t tell where either one of them starts and they stay like that, as relics of a lost ancient world. 
There is something ancient about Wonwoo, too. For as long as you can remember he has been older than his years, telling stories of places long buried, of deities forgotten about. You think maybe he was meant for then and not now, the cusp of the twenty-first century. He keeps echoes within him. Carries heavy stones to turn over in his hands and spend time memorising the marks. He is deliberate in the way he moves, no ill-perceived rush, and Wonwoo’s silence carries more weight than his words. 
So when his eyes flicker to your lips again, and he still doesn’t move, you know it’s on you. You know you’re going to have to be the one to shift the sands, change the direction of the tide. You’ve been lovers before. Neither of you have ever said never. 
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
He’d been thinking about it all night but you were the one to press your lips against the corner of his mouth, eyes on his and holding the proximity. Are you thinking about it like he is? Is your heart thrumming in your chest like his? 
“I can feel you thinking.” 
“Uh huh.” His mouth goes dry. He can’t kiss you with a sandpaper tongue. 
You run a finger between two buttons on his shirt, eyes up, watching his reaction. “Can I stay at your place tonight? Hansol’s at his parents' house this weekend, right?” 
Wonwoo’s mind goes blank and he can feel the pink creep over his cheeks. “Did you squeeze your Pompompurin pyjamas in that little bag?”
Your lips twitch in an almost smile, lean in to ghost a kiss against his bottom lip. Wait to see if he pulls back– he doesn’t. His hands just slip down your back, touching the skin under the strap of your dress. Didn’t imagine when he helped you zip up earlier that he’d be the one invited to pull it off you. Has he hidden his desire so poorly? “Do you wanna fuck me in those pyjamas, Wonwoo?”
The street noise is drowned out when you kiss him properly, and it’s embarrassing the way he’s breathless, gripping at your waist and pulling your body closer. Humiliating that this is in full view of strangers, doesn’t want them to see how you lick into his mouth, doesn’t want them to hear your sharp gasp as his teeth drag over your bottom lip. He spins you on the spot, crowds you against the brick and blocks out the world with his shoulders. You pull on a button and slip your hand through the gap. The touch burns. Your kisses are suffocating, loves the way you smile into it, the way you make him chase your lips, run your fingers along the waistband of his trousers an– fuck– he’s gonna get hard in the middle of the street. 
Desperate, he pulls off you and whips his head around to look for the taxi, you’re already complaining. “Not here–,” he says, words rasped, catching in his throat. He can see the taxi rounding the corner, and in a beat he’s pushing off the wall and dragging you toward it by the hand. 
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
He doesn’t touch you in the taxi. Hopes you know it’s not because he didn’t want to, he just doesn’t want to lose himself. His fingers flex eager on the leather seats, wanting something he won’t take. As the driver fiddles with the radio, you lean over to lay your hand across his, to whisper in his ear, “do you still lick your fingers after you’ve made someone come on them?” Wonwoo doesn’t answer, but he can feel the way you watch him swallow– thick– and stare hard out the window at the passing lights. He never did that with anyone but you.
Now you’re paying for it. He’s more confident in the privacy of his bedroom, in the dark. Cages you in his bed, doesn’t bother to turn on the lights before smothering you with his body. Your mouth on his– wet, and eager, and bruising. His hands move to your face, in your hair, angling your head to give his lips access to the tender spot behind your ear. He’s got your dress bunched up around your waist. Takes up all the space between your legs, still too much fabric separating you. One of Wonwoo’s hands cast over the swell of your breast, his thumb tracing circles over your nipple through the thin fabric. You melt into the touch, rolling your hips against him, he sighs into your skin. “Can feel how hard you are,” you gasp, hands pulling at his hair. Makes his skin electric. 
He moves faster, desperate, and you trap his body between your legs, angle your hips so his cock can rub against your clothed cunt just right. “Gonna ruin your trousers,” you whisper. Yeah yeah yeah, fuck it, he’ll pay for dry cleaning for once. The warmth, the wet, seeping through makes him insane. Needs it more than ever, needs you just like this, breath ragged and pupils blown. Needs you needing him so bad you can’t even get out of your clothes before you come. Needs you whining, needs you telling him how badly you want it. Won’t ask for anything, but you know what he likes. It’s always been easy with you. 
“Feels good,” you say. Wonwoo nods into your neck, the pressure building so fast it’s blinding. Hips thrusting rough, rutting like an animal against your clit, desperate for you to get off before he falls apart but he’s so cl–”Missed you so much, Wonwoo.”
“Ah, fu- fuck–” You’re sucking a mark into his neck and Wonwoo can’t stop. Comes hard, breath catching and his rhythm is all fucked up, so fucking embarrased that he couldn’t draw this out. You’re talking him through it– sounds like heaven whispering how good he is, how good this feels, how you love how he sounds when he forgets himself. Didn’t realise he was groaning. A mess of a person reflected in the cum staining through the fabric of this horribly expensive rental. 
Needs to get out of this fucking suit. Needs to press his face into your cunt. Wants to ruin you for everyone else. Four years– you wasted four years with other people when you could’ve been doing this. Pushes away thoughts of you being someone else's not even a week ago. Some sick, possessive slice of him wants to reclaim you, mark you up and present you as his to the world. Wants to take the cum in his underwear and push it into your body. Look, see, she’s mine mine mine. Wonwoo’s chest aches.
Your clothes shed in silence. You lay him back against the pillows, kneeling next to him with spread legs, he loves when you let him see. You take one of his hands in yours and work circles into his palm as you pull two of his fingers into your mouth. Get them slick with spit, work your tongue over the tips of his fingers. He can hardly breathe watching you manoeuvre his hand down your body against your cunt, using him like a toy, until his remaining brain cells start to work and he takes over the movement. He’s half hard again already. 
“Shit, you’re so wet,” he rasps. Crooks his fingers and you whine. Wants to eat the sounds spilling from your lips. Needs to do something with his mouth so he doesn’t say something stupid. “Sit on my face?” he asks, obvious urgency in his voice. 
“N-no, like this first,” you say, almost like you’re begging. “Missed your hands so much.”
You look at him through hazy eyes as he works you quickly to the edge, pulling whimpers from your throat every time he plays with your clit. Feels you get impossibly wet when he slips his fingers in deep and moans unashamed along with you. You buck into his palm, head tipping forward to watch his soaked long fingers fucking into you agonisingly slow. Your breath stutters in your throat as he uses his other hand to tease your skin, trailing gently over the meat of your thigh, your ribs, cupping your breast and then dragging you over him to take a nipple in his mouth. Flicks his wet tongue over until it pebbles between his teeth, and you gasp. 
“M’close already,” you whisper. “Gonna come, Wonwoo.” He ruts his hard cock into the air, chasing heat that isn’t there. Fucking loser. You don’t even notice with the way he’s got your breaths coming in fragments. You come undone like lightning, cunt soaking and pulsing around his fingers, your body collapses on top of him, your forehead pressed into his chest. Wonwoo wants a taste but wants to work you through the aftershocks first. He teases slow circles over your clit until you fall apart with a sob, and have to drag his hand out from between your legs.
He waits until you sag to your side– catches sight of your cheeks, flushed and sweat sticking to your skin, your pupils blown out and breathing shallow, more beautiful than he’s ever seen you– before he brings his fingers to his mouth to taste you on them. 
“You’re indecent,” you laugh in disbelief. He almost feels gross until you’re babbling about how hot he is. How he makes you insane. You laugh again when he rolls you onto your back and settles between your legs. It’s been so long he needs to do this right. Starts by pressing a gentle kiss to your clit, ghosts more over your centre, waits for the sound of your gentle sigh before laving a thick stripe over you. Knows just the way to make you molten. He laps at your core until you’re almost sobbing. You jolt whenever his nose slips over your clit, and you’re begging for him to stop the tease. He’ll never deny you what you want. His tongue flicks fast over your clit, his face wet with you now. His moans sound muffled against your cunt when his name falls from your lips in staccato breaths. 
Things have hardly changed. Four years and now, it’s just the fucking same. Your fingers still find purchase in his hair the same way. Mouths at your inner thighs to give your cunt a break. Shit, you’re so hot. You’re clenching around fucking nothing. Pulls the skin between his teeth and you’re writhing, trying to get his tongue back where you need it. Love when you get desperate like this. 
Your nails drag over the nape of his neck and he’s close to losing control– fucks his cock against the mattress and almost cries at the pressure. You grind against his face, Wonwoo knows you’re close. Blacks out as he eats you like he’s been starving, his face so slick with spit and you it drips down his chin to the sheets. Doesn’t dare stop to breathe as he feels your legs begin to shudder over his shoulders. He watches the way you look down at him, brows pinched pleasure, waits for your lips to fall apart with a broken sob before licking into you so deep. He can’t tell who comes first, can’t tell who the enormous wet patch on the mattress belongs to, doesn’t fucking care, just wants to keep you. 
He moves over you when you’re done, pressing chaste kisses to the corner of your mouth, to your cheeks, to your temple, before you’re giggling and pulling his body next to yours. 
“Shift over,” he says, tapping at your hip. “Don’t wanna sleep in the wet patch.”
“Did you come again?” you ask, moving to the side to give him space.
Wonwoo nods, cheeks instantly flushing with heat. But there’s no need for embarrassment because you’re sucking in a breath. Seriously, you say “You have no idea how much I like that.”
He doesn’t reply, just fits his body against yours and presses a kiss to your shoulder. Lets your words wash over him. Sleep comes for him quicker than he wants it, but not before he slides his hand into yours, not before telling you he missed you too. 
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Mascara stains Wonwoo’s pillowcase but right now he doesn’t care. It’s still too early, still dark outside, but this room is hot, his breath is hot, your leg thrown over his waist is hot, and he’s considering just how monumental this is. It’s been almost four years since you touched him like this. In school it started with a ‘one kiss won’t ruin us’ and ended just before university with a ‘are we still friends?’ Way back then you both swore blind that you could just go back to your regular scheduled programming and nothing had to change. An agreement that those brief months you had (not quite) together in high school were just two best friends helping each other out. A mutual understanding that the love you share is completely and utterly platonic, and platonic friends can totally kiss/touch/fuck for a few months without it ruining something more special than sex. Except he didn’t really mean it. The trouble was that Wonwoo knew even then that he wanted something all consuming. Felt it with you. Wasn’t sure if you wanted the same.
Wonwoo is absolutely not spiralling. 
You’re still sound asleep (always are after nights like the last), and his arm is trapped. Back then he’d use this time to bask in you. With you wrapped up in him it was easy to feel like you were completely his. He used to feel like he could do anything to you, and you’d let him. You’d want it, even. Didn’t actually want to take you over but knowing that he could– the intensity of that scared him. Now that feeling doesn’t come, maybe because you’ve had the separation of time and different lovers, he doesn’t know really. He still doesn’t understand what happened before university. Doesn’t get why you stopped coming over when he was so close to unbottling the feelings in his chest. Just knows that the conversation took him by surprise even after a week of distance. Just knows how his chest ached even as he agreed that it’d be sensible to put it all to bed before leaving your sleepy town for the big city. Knows how his gut twisted sharp when you said that just because you were going together didn’t mean you should go together. Maybe he should’ve protested then, showed you how much he needed you. Impossibilities stretch out before him– if it went that way, last night wouldn’t have happened, he wouldn’t be tracing tiny figures of eight on the small of your back right now. If you’d been together then, young and stupid, would you have stood the test of time?
You stir, half roused, and Wonwoo swallows the lump in his throat, choosing to be grateful for the now. He pulls your waist closer, runs his hand under your thigh to gently adjust the weight. Your eyes are still closed but you make a soft sound of surprise. 
“What time is it?” you ask, voice thick with sleep.
“Too early,” he whispers back. “Go back to sleep.” 
“I was dreaming,” you murmur. 
“What about?” 
Your smile is lazy against his skin. “Can’t tell you,” you say. “You’d run away.”
Wonwoo thinks hard about this. “I don’t run away,” he says, quiet and serious. 
You blink open soft eyes to look at him, and Wonwoo feels too much. “Your face is all frozen, Wonwoo,” you say, gentle. “Are you okay?”
“Kiss me. Wish me good morning.” Wonwoo’s voice comes out with more edge than he intends. Doesn’t sound like his own. Feels cheap, something sleazy. Feels tragically guilty about it until he sees the look on your face. Like you want to eat him.
Your gaze is dark when you lock eyes with him. Push up with your hands, straddling his hips, his cock against your rear. You take his hands, larger than yours, place them on your ribcage, push them down down down, making goosebumps pebble along in his wake, until he’s using his thumbs to spread you apart. A little wet already, leaves a slick mark on his skin. He sighs at the sight of it. Your breath comes harder when he plays with your clit. You lean over, say– “Good morning, Wonwoo.” Press a delicate kiss to his top lip. “You’re gonna come inside me this time, okay?”
Wonwoo isn’t religious, but he feels like angels made you for him. Tells you so, and you gasp against his mouth. The way you kiss him this time is anything but angelic. Wet. Messy. Sharp teeth leaving imprints on his lips. It hurts. Nice in a way it shouldn’t be. A relief– the way the hurt makes his mind stop. You roll your hips against him and he makes a desperate sort of noise. Keeps his eyes focused on his fingers drawing circles on your clit. Your hands reach behind you to stroke his hardening cock and he arches into your touch. “Needy,” you chastise. Wonwoo nods. 
Doesn’t want it like this. Wants you under him, wants to fuck you slow. Tells you so, the words come anguished, almost– and you nod dumbly. You don’t drag out the build up. Lay on your back, open your legs for him, spread them wide and line his cock up with your wet heat so quick he doesn’t have time to overthink. He makes a strangled sound when he pushes inside. The slide is agonisingly slow. He’s being so careful, as if you’d crack like china - fragile beneath him. You clench around his cock, thick and scalding- God, it’s sweet torture. Wants more of it. 
You pull, desperate, at his waist, rolling your hips against him but he’s pulling out. This time he just slides the head in, hisses, teases, and back out. He does it again, and again, doesn’t know who this teasing is for. He’s licking into your mouth, pressing hungry kisses on your open lips, eating up all your noises, your whines, your soft moans. Things are still the same. He likes going so so deep into you, bottoming out and grinding his skin against your clit, likes when your moan comes muffled in his open wet mouth. It’s the same. Likes when your hands find purchase in the sheets, fist them in desperation, likes when you feel it’s not enough so you grab at his, intertwine your fingers and let him fuck you like this. Like you’re in love. It’s still the same.
“How do you feel, angel?” 
“Uh–” A pause to suck in a fractured breath.
“Tell me how you feel,” he says. Almost begging. Would be mortifying if he whispered that against anyone else’s cheek. Can feel the wetness there too. 
“Homesick,” you gasp. “I feel homesick.”
He fucks you harder then, driving into you so deep he could be part of you. Melt in, blend together, blur the lines, weave the fucking branches. You’re full of spells, he thinks. Made of magic. Doesn’t realise until after that he’s said it aloud. Wet starshine eyes on his as you come apart, pussy pulsing around his cock, impossibly wet, telling him come with me baby, babbling nonsense about how you want it inside, how you need it so bad, how he makes you feel so good. 
Wonwoo really looks at you before he comes. Takes a moment to commit your face to memory. Any time could be the last and he needs this– needs you– to stay with him. Doesn’t know if he’ll ever be the same. 
“Like that, Wonwoo” you’re saying, all breathy and high-pitched as he spills into you with a choked whine. “Like when you–” Cum slips out around his cock and he gathers it up on his fingers. Pushes them into your mouth to stop you talking. Can’t bear it. Can’t bear the way your pupils blow out and you lick the cum from his fingers. Can’t stand how his name sounds in your mouth, sweeter, more precious, because there’s something like love coating it. God, he wants to be yours. 
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Wonwoo likes your apartment better. Likes the way your sheets start to smell like him too. You’ve always carved out space for him but this time it’s deeper. Likes showering with you here, not to fuck, just to wash away the mess you make of each other. Likes holding you in his arms under the stream, running the lather across your skin, loving kisses pressed against your forehead. Lately he stays here more often than he goes home.
You haven’t said the words yet, neither has he. Doesn’t want to push too much too soon. 
It’s just after nine on Sunday morning, and you’re out of– well, pretty much everything. He offers to go but you insist he stays in bed, hair messed up, sheets pooling in his bare lap, glasses slipping down his nose while he rereads Kafka on the Shore. “Stay just like that,” you say it like a demand, but you’re smiling, pulling a scarf around your neck to run down the street to the shop, maybe stop at the deli for breakfast. “Back in a bit, don’t move an inch.”
A few minutes go by when the shrill of the telephone in the living room punctuates the silence. Wonwoo doesn’t get up to answer, it’d be improper, what if it was your mother? So he lets it ring through to answerphone, and when it clicks on it takes him a moment to recognise the voice calling your name. 
“Are you there? Pick up, darling, pick up.” Wonwoo knows Hongseok has been trying to get back together with you. You’d mentioned it a few weeks ago, how he’d sent flowers. You don’t even like roses.
“I saw you by the river yesterday,” he says. Wonwoo looks up, stares at the wall. You’d insisted on getting out of the apartment, pulled your bodies from soft sheets and into soft sweaters, and Wonwoo only complained a little bit. In truth he loved walking with you. That he can hold your hand in public and no one bats an eye. Loves that you can be his here, that you claim him too. “You’re with him now? How long, darling? Does he fuck you like I do? ” 
Wonwoo scoffs. Hongseok is just jealous. Wonwoo gets it. He does. Even if he’d never dream of saying it.
Hongseok’s voice turns nasty now. “Do you think he’ll stay this time? Does he know you’ve been in love with him this whole time? Everyone else knows. He won’t love you properly, you know. He’s just using you like last time, is he still keeping you a secret? You don’t deserve that, darling. You don’t deserve to be hidden–”
 Is that what you thought? That he hid you? Bile swirls in Wonwoo’s stomach. Does he do that? Did he hurt you?
“–he’s just gonna fuck you up again and you’re gonna be miserable. But he won’t let you be happy with anyone, will he? Selfish fucking prick, he’s so cruel to you. You don’t see it, do you? It’s pathetic how fucking dumb you are for him–”
Wonwoo didn’t think he was cruel. There is spit pooling in his mouth, his stomach churns. Is he cruel to you?
The line clicks off as Hongseok spits out every name under the sun, but Wonwoo doesn’t hear the rest as he retches into your bathroom sink. 
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Forty minutes later, you’re calling out to Wonwoo that you’re home as you kick off your shoes. “I got us bagels, do you want the salmon cream cheese or the egg and ba- oh! You’re up.”
Wonwoo sits on your sofa in soft sweats and a baggy white t-shirt. His skin and hair are damp from the shower. The whites of his eyes are bloodshot. “You okay?” you ask, tentatively. 
“Hmm,” he says. “Didn’t feel too good earlier.”
“Poor you,” you say. “Will breakfast make you feel better?”
“No, sorry,” he says, his voice uncharacteristically stiff. “I think I should head home. Don’t wanna give you a bug.”
You laugh softly, unpacking the groceries from the bags. “You spat in my mouth last night, if you’ve got something then I’ll have it in no time,” you say. “C’mon, stay. I’ll look after you. I’ll make soup.”
But Wonwoo is already standing, pulls a little money from his wallet and leaves it on the table. “What’s that for?”
“Breakfast,” he says. “Feel bad you bought all this and I need to go.”
You frown. “Stop being strange, I don’t care about the food, just get the next one.”
Wonwoo sighs. He’s annoyed, you realise. This is weird.
In the end you let him leave without drama, but not without a kiss to his cheek. He leans into it a little longer than usual. Closes his eyes as he hugs you goodbye. 
You eat breakfast alone. TV on, sound off, wondering what the fuck even happened before you notice the light of your answerphone flickering. 
New message, left 09:21: 
Hi Sweetheart! It’s your aunt’s birthday next week, just calling to remind you to send a card. Call me back, okay, love you, bye!
End of messages.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
sorry about the ending there :( if it helps, it does get better for them. thank you so much for reading! if you enjoyed, please consider reblogging so my fic can get seen outside my own little space <3 i love seeing your feedback. if you'd prefer to scream at me directly, feel free to send me a message <3 ily, goodnight!
611 notes · View notes
baby-iloveyou · 2 years ago
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< Masterlist >
. . . genre S smut SUG suggestive FL fluff A angst . . . reader GN genderneutral F afab M amab
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. . . jo jinho
[S][F] Busted. - Jinho has always claimed he doesn’t like oral. But seeing you taste your own cum makes it difficult for him to keep disliking it.
. . . yang hongseok
[S,FL][F] just me and you - Whenever you and your best friend want to have a sleepover, it would always be at your place, since his place was small and would be uncomfortable for two people to stay at. He recently moved however, and to celebrate that, you are staying over at his place for the first time. But you didn’t expect it to be THAT different.
. . . yeo changgu
[FL][GN] A cover model, only for your eyes to see - Your relationship with Changgu has been nothing but lovey dovey so far, and when Changgu asks you to visit him at his Men’s Health photoshoot, you can’t say no. But this would mean you would see him shirtless for the first time, and you didn’t expect the view to affect you that much. [SUG] PART 1 [S] PART 2
. . . kang hyunggu
[S][GN] A private afterparty - Kang Hyunggu was one of the members of your project group, and he’s also one of the most loved people in your year. You’re good friends with him, and after this party you decide to hang out just a bit longer. It just isn’t a very common way of hanging out when you’re friends…
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Tomorrow X Together
. . . choi yeonjun
[S,SUG][GN] Carpe Diem - Seize the day, why not have some fun with each other?
[SUG][GN] thought #1- bf!yeonjun is proud of you for passing your course, and thinks you deserve a reward
[SUG, S?][GN] thought #2 - teasing yeonjun is fun until he punishes you for it (or is that part of the fun?)
. . . choi beomgyu
[SUG][GN] Lyric prank - Beomgyu was feeling nostalgic and watched some old YouTube videos, revisited some old trends. One of them was the ‘lyric pranks’, which were a huge thing, and a joke he used to pull quite often on his friends. But since he’s now in a relationship, he knows exactly on who to pull the prank. And he knows exactly which song.
. . . kang taehyun
[S][F] goodnight, you're so tight sleep tight - after a long day, all you just wanted was to snuggle up with your boyfriend in bed and drift to sleep. he wanted something else.
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Stray Kids
. . . bang chan
[S][GN] A picture for a picture - Chan is on tour with the rest of the group, and you as his significant other obviously miss him a lot. And he misses you too. He just misses you a bit more today than other days…
. . . lee minho
[S][GN] thought #1 - pathetic minho, and that on christmas…
. . . han jisung
[F][GN] i like the view right now - Late night talks made you discover that you both love stars. And Jisung knows the perfect place in his hometown to go stargazing.
. . . lee felix
[A][GN] Deep End - Sometimes, one fight can break a person entirely. And unfortunately, this was the case in your relationship.
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. . . choi seungcheol
[S][GN] thought #1 - texting one of your friends while seungcheol fucks you
. . . boo seungkwan
[SUG, S?][GN] thought #1 - just seungkwan pinning you up against a wall, choking you, and calling you his slutty toy
[S][F] you could be a hand model - sometimes you need a break from studying. and sometimes you suddenly notice that seungkwan has very nice hands. and sometimes you really want those hands to touch you.
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. . . group
[F][GN] A.C.E comforting you when you’re afraid of failing your exams
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Other groups/idols
. . . BTOB lee minhyuk
[S][GN] Whiskey - You’ve been single for a while and were looking for a casual hookup. And let there be one guy who wants to order whiskey for you.
22 notes · View notes
thru-the-grapevine · 3 years ago
[4:52 PM] You were prepared for a lot of things on your walks home from work, but being clotheslined by a seven-year-old learning to bike with no training wheels wasn’t one of them.
“Sorry!” The little girl screeched as her bike continued to careen haphazardly down the sidewalk. “Daddy, how do I stop?!”
“Use the brakes! We’ve talked about this!”
The girl squealed and tumbled purposefully into the grass next to the sidewalk about ten feet away from you. “I did it! Come get me!”
“Just a second, honey!”
You sat up slowly, taking quick inventory. You could still feel all your limbs, although you were going to have the mother of all bruises on your right hip and thigh.
A set of running footsteps pounded towards you. “Shoot, I am so, so sorry. Are you hurt?”
“I’m fi…” You paused, blinking up at what had to be the prettiest pair of eyes you’d ever seen. Belonging to the prettiest man you’d ever seen.
You cleared your throat and finished your sentence. “Fine. I’m fine.”
The man didn’t look convinced, but knelt and began scooping up items from your bag that you hadn’t realized had scattered. “I’m seriously so sorry. I try to make sure we’re practicing bike-riding on quiet streets so there aren’t any casualties.”
“I usually take a different route, so,” you said, taking the items the man picked up and putting them back into your bag. “No harm done.”
“Are you sure you’re okay? She took you out pretty hard.”
The man’s sweet look of concern made a cloud of butterflies take off in your stomach. “I promise I’m fine. I’m sturdier than I look.”
“I hope so,” the man said, smiling as he offered a hand to help you to your feet. You took his hand and stood back up slowly.
“Daddy, Daddy, let’s try again!”
The little cyclist came bounding up to the two of you, grinning.
“Just a moment, love,” the man said, giving the little girl a stern look. “What do we say when we knock someone over?”
“Oh, yeah,” the little girl said, turning to look up at you with nearly-identical eyes. “I’m really sorry I hit you. I’m not good at steering yet. Or stopping. Just going. Going’s my best thing.”
You bit back a smile. “I can tell.”
“How can I make it up to you?” The man asked, and you realized he still had a hold of your hand.
You shrugged, letting go and pulling your bag up your shoulder. “No need. No harm done, promise.”
“Please, I insist,” the man said, smiling, and you felt that cloud of butterflies in your stomach again. He had a very nice smile. “Doesn’t have to be today, but I feel bad just letting you go your merry way when my daughter nearly killed you.”
“She didn’t nearly kill me,” you said just as the little girl said “I didn’t kill anyone, Daddy!”
He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “Then maybe just…for my own benefit? Let me?”
You must have been looking at how pretty he was for too long, because you heard yourself say, “Sure.”
His smile really did light up his whole face in a way you really admired. “Excellent. Yang Hongseok.”
You gave him your name, taking his offered hand and shaking it. “So how do you want to do this?”
“Wanna, like–I mean, if you’re not busy…we could get lunch? Or even just coffee if you don’t have a lot of time?”
“Maybe this Friday?”
“Great.” Hongseok pulled his phone from his pocket. “Let me get your number and it’s a date. A time, I mean! Not a…unless you…no, just a time.”
“Why’s your face all funny, Daddy?” The little girl giggled.
“It isn’t,” Hongseok insisted, face flushed as he handed you his phone with a contact page pulled up.
If you were unprepared to be bowled over by a kid on a bike, you were even less prepared for someone who looked like Yang Hongseok to ask you on a date on your walk home from work. But you thought it might not be so bad, every once in a while, for the unexpected to happen.
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faes-land · 3 years ago
Early Mornings~ Hongseok
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Pentagon quickly became a major obsession....and this new album???PHEW QUALITY. Anyway, here’s a fluffy smut I wrote for the wonderful Hongseok. My best friend is in love with him, so I had to write this for her lol
Pairings: Hongseok X Female Reader
Genre: Fluffy smut
Word count: 2,442
Warnings: Oral (slight female, male receiving), soft sex, it’s just sweet cuz he’s really sweet
Good love is so hard to find, and yet, Hongseok seemed to find it with you. If this was love; he wasn't quite sure what it was, but he wasn't going to question how he felt about you. He hadn't been with you for very long, but it was long enough to know that this wasn't a feeling he'd had with anyone else before.
The clock read 3:00 AM as Hongseok held you close to him. He had randomly woken up to go get some water, but he didn't want to wake you by moving. At this point, all Hongseok could think about was how perfectly you fit in his arms. You were like the perfect puzzle piece for him; your bodies fit so well together. He kissed your forehead before falling back asleep.
The next morning, Hongseok woke up alone. He heard music coming from the kitchen as he gathered his senses. Were you attempting to cook? He chuckled to himself thinking about the time you tried to make him pancakes. They ended up eating cereal because you burned the pancakes.
Hongseok got up from the bed and headed towards the kitchen. He found you bobbing your head to the beat of your favorite song to listen to in the morning. He smiled even though he knew you couldn't see him.
He cleared his throat and you jumped. "Oh, Hongseok! Good morning! I was going to try to cook, but I didn't want to burn anything again so there are waffles in the toaster." You smiled at your man, holding back a slight laugh as you took in his sleepy appearance. His long hair was a mess and his cheeks were flushed. He looked so cute to you. The toaster popped and the smell of waffles took over your small kitchen. "Oh, they're ready. Do you want syrup?"
Hongseok nodded before he walked towards you and hugged you. He gave you a quick kiss. "Thanks for making breakfast, baby."
You put your arms around his big shoulders and smiled up at him. "Of course; anything for my man." Hongseok felt himself blushing, so he kissed you again.
You reluctantly wriggled out of his arms so you could finish "making" the waffles. You told him to take a seat as you grabbed a plate and poured syrup on top of the hot waffles. Hongseok couldn’t help but think to himself how lucky he was to have a girl like you. No, you weren't the best cook, but you at least tried.
He smiled at you as you brought the plate to him. He happily ate the food you gave him, while you made some for yourself. Hongseok waited for you to sit in front of him when you were done making your own. He watched you silently as you ate and checked your phone, completely oblivious to the fact that his eyes had never left you. You were beautiful. 
You looked up at him and he smiled at you. "What? Is there something on my face?" 
He chuckled and shook his head. "No, no. You're good; you look so beautiful." 
You put your fork and knife down and looked at him. "Hongseok, what are you talking about?" 
The smile never left his perfectly plump lips. "I love you so much. More than anything. How did I get so lucky to have you? You're so wonderful and kind. I'm so happy to call you mine and be yours. I love you, Y/N." 
You smiled back at him and stared at him in disbelief. Did he really just say all of that to you? Did your man who doesn't really express his feelings just pour his heart out to you? He did and you felt like the luckiest girl in the world. 
You got up from your chair and went straight into his arms, and held him close. You kissed his soft lips. "I love you, too, Hongseok." 
Hongseok wrapped his strong arms around you and picked you up, taking you back into the bedroom where he wanted to show you just how much he loved you.
As Hongseok carried you to the bedroom, his lips never left yours. His soft lips felt like pillows and you couldn’t get enough of his kisses. Once you two reached the bedroom, he gently placed you on the bed and hovered his large frame over you. 
He began to pepper light kisses all over your skin and you giggled at the sensation. You loved how gentle his kisses were. You put your hands in his dark hair and he raised his head back to kiss your lips. Each kiss sent electricity through your whole body and you couldn’t wait to be with your man. How you got so lucky to have him was beyond you, but you weren’t going to question it. 
His hands found themselves under your shirt, and since you were just in your pajamas, you didn’t have a bra on. You moaned into your kiss when you felt his fingers brush over your nipple. He smiled into the kiss at your reaction, then he pulled away from you to lift your shirt off your body. 
Once the flimsy fabric was discarded, Hongseok smiled seeing your body. You were so beautiful and he loved that you were all his. His lips were back on your neck, leaving sweet little love bites. He lowered his kisses to the top of your breasts and his lips tickled your skin. You giggled until his tongue flicked over your nipple, hardening the sensitive nub. You gasped and your fingers found their way into his soft hair. 
You let out soft moans as his tongue and fingers worked on your nipples, making you become more aroused by the second. You opened your legs a little more so that he could settle between them. You felt his bulge against your center and you moaned a little louder. He was already pretty hard, but you knew he wasn’t fully there yet. 
His lips began to travel lower down your body and you started to become wetter with each kiss from him. He kissed your hips before he started to take your shorts off. You raised your hips to help him and he smirked; you were such a good girl. Once your shorts were off, he was able to see just how wet you had become. He looked up at you before planting a soft kiss to your core through your panties. You moaned and your legs almost trapped his head, but he had one hand on your thigh. 
He moved your leg and put the other around his shoulder. He kissed your inner thighs, and right above your underwear before moving your panties to the side to kiss your clit. You moaned and he soon started to give your clit little licks. You pulled on his hair, causing him to moan himself. He loved it when you pulled his long, curly hair. 
As much as you loved what he was doing to you, you had another idea in mind. “Hongseok, st-stop.” You stumbled out. 
He looked up at you, worry on his face. “What’s wrong? I thought you liked teasing.” 
You loved it when he went down on you or teased you, but you wanted him to feel as good as you did. You looked down at him, lips glossy with your essence. “I do! I just want to give you as much as you give me.”
He cocked his eyebrow. “Are you sure? I don’t mind.” 
You smiled at him as he started to remove himself from between your legs. “Yes, Hongseok. I love you, and I want you to feel good.” He returned the smile to you before kissing you softly. 
You put your hands on his broad shoulders and moved so that you were on top of him. You straddled his waist, grinding your hips into his as you put soft kisses on his neck and collarbones. Your hands went to the hemline of his shirt and you took it off of him, revealing his beautifully sculpted body. Even though you’d seen his body many times, it always impressed you how built he was. 
Your hands traced his abs and he chuckled; it tickled him. Your lips went down his body, kissing his chest, abs, right under his belly button at the top of his pants. You smiled to yourself as the tent in his pants became bigger; he wasn’t wearing any underwear. 
You started to pull his pants down and Hongseok watched you closely, excited to see what you were going to do next. Once his erection was free from its fabric prison, it stood tall and proud.
You placed a soft kiss to his tip and he hissed. After a few more experimental kisses you put your mouth around the head and he moaned. Music to your ears. You began to bob your head as your tongue coated his dick with your saliva. 
His breathing was starting to become heavy as you wrapped your fingers around his length, pumping him in time with your sucks. You concentrated on pleasing him, and his hips jerked forward, but he was careful not to choke you. 
You moaned onto his cock and he threw his head back. The vibrations of your voice sending him over the edge. This wasn’t the first time you gave him a blowjob, but it wasn’t very often that you did. Hongseok was more of a giver than a receiver, but he’d never turn down a blowjob. He couldn’t believe how good you were making him feel. 
You took more of him in your mouth and his tip reached your throat. His large hands were in your hair, guiding you down his cock. You did your best not to gag on his length as his hands pushed you further onto him. You released him with a pop before going back to give his throbbing tip more attention. 
He began to squirm underneath you as the pleasure became more intense. The way your lips felt around him was enough for him to come, but he was pretty good at holding off his own orgasm. “B-Baby..oh my god.” He muttered out as you deep throated him one more time. 
You looked up at your man; hair sticking to his forehead, his breathing labored, eyes shut and mouth slightly open. You were proud of yourself to see him in this state; usually, it was you. 
Hongseok was getting very close to cumming, but he didn’t want to do that in your mouth. He wanted to be inside you instead. As amazing as you were making him feel, he had to stop you. “Y/N…” He whined, and your ears perked up. You’ve never heard him say your name like that. “I..I don’t want to cum yet. I want to be connected to you when I do.” How could you say no to that? 
You gave his tip one more light kiss before pulling away from him. He groaned as you crawled back on top of him. You connected your lips back to his and he flipped you over so that he was on top now. As much as he loved watching you ride him, today wasn’t about that. 
He looked at your naked body and smiled to himself; you were beautiful. He reached over to the nightstand next to the bed and grabbed a condom. Once the rubber was on his shaft, he teased your opening with his tip. He slid the head in and you gasped at the new feeling. He pulled out and teased you again.
“Hongseok!” You moaned when he slowly eased into you fully. Hongseok couldn’t hold back his own groans as he felt you around him. You felt so good. He was still sensitive from the blowjob you just gave him, so he wanted to go slow this time. His hands were on your hips as he slowly rocked his hips into you. 
He started with a slow and gentle pace, wanting you to feel every inch of him. He had barely gotten started and you were already a mess under him. He grabbed one of your legs and wrapped it around his slim waist, making him go deeper. 
He moved his hips a little faster in you as he leaned down to kiss you. Hongseok’s plan was to make love to you instead of just fucking you. He wanted you to know how much he loved and cared for you. This was all about you and your pleasure. It was also his way of thanking you for going down on him. 
He took both of your hands in his and intertwined your fingers as his he rolled his hips, hitting your spot. You moaned his name and his lips went to your neck. He left hot, loving kisses and nips. He tried to not leave too many marks on your skin, but he couldn’t help himself. 
You wrapped your other leg around him and your grip on his hands became tighter as he quickened his pace again. He was getting closer, but he wanted to make sure you were satisfied first. There was no way he was gonna cum before you. 
He moved his lips back to yours and kissed you with the same urgency as his hips. His thrusts became a little rougher as he came closer to his orgasm. He removed one of his hands from yours and started to rub your clit in circles. You almost screamed at the new waves of pleasure hitting your entire body. He was making you feel too good. 
“Hongseok, I-I’m s-so close!” You cried out. He had you feeling like the only woman in the world and you were so happy. He always knew how to please you properly. 
“Me too, baby. Come for me,” and with that, you let loose. Your toes curled, your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you held onto him with everything you had. Each time he made you cum it was like a new experience; he knew just how to get you. 
When he felt you tighten around him from your orgasm, that triggered his own and he spilled his seed in the condom. He thrust sloppily into you as he milked out both of your highs. With heavy breaths, he looked into your eyes and smiled at you. 
“I love you,” He said before pulling out and getting rid of the soiled condom. 
He crashed down next to you and you kissed him one more time. “I love you more.”
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jae-bummer · 2 years ago
My Idol 3: Part Twelve
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My Idol from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My Idol is a South Korean competitive reality dating game show. It currently airs on Saturday nights on Jae-bummer’s blog. First broadcast in 2016, the show offers the opportunity for a lucky fan to go on seven blind dates with seven idols. The idol plans the date with the show throwing in a specific mission to complete during the day. At the end of the initial dates, the show opens up an audience vote to decide what four idols will move on to the second date.
My Idol 3: The Series
"This is only temporary, little friend," Chan cooed, eye level with the small vase that housekeeping managed to scrounge up. "It's Papa Chris's fault for not thinking ahead."
"Papa Chris?" you mused as you watched the man crouching in front of you.
Glancing over his shoulder, he shot you a smile. "We're co-parenting."
"Are we?"
"Mhm," he nodded, pulling himself to his feet. "And we're doing very well with it."
Your eyes trailed from your date to the goldfish doing laps in his small space. When San had originally replaced your laptop, you weren't expecting for any of the guys to buy you anything you had lost. While it would be a kind gesture, you didn't know them. They shouldn't feel obligated to give you anything. This, though, came so far out of left field, you were unsure how to process the situation.
"Does that mean we've brought a child into a divorced household?" you hummed. "Since we're co-parenting and all?"
Chan's handsome face broke into a wide grin, dimples and all. "No, no, we're just separated. We have things to figure out first."
Returning the smile, you jumped as a PD bustled into the room. Looking from you, to Chan, and then back to Chan's bodyguard, she groaned. "What are you doing?"
"Visiting," Chan said, his smile more of a cringe.
"You're supposed to meet on camera!" the PD said, exasperated.
"Sorry," Chan grimaced. Whispering, he leaned toward you. "I have a tendency to apologize after I do something instead of asking for permission first."
"Come on," the PD sighed, motioning for Chan to follow her. "We have to get you on location.
And you!" she said, spinning around to point a finger in your direction. "Act surprised when you see him."
"Got it," you nodded.
You were at a loss as you glanced toward the last remaining stranger in your room. Chan's security guard gave you a small frown before he followed the other two out.
Plopping back down on your bed, you stared blankly at the door. You felt like a sitcom character at this point. The situational whiplash was exhausting.
"I didn't ask for him to come to my room," you challenged, looking moodily out the window.
"I left for a few minutes to go over security plans, and you were in your room with a contestant!" your bodyguard, Hyuk, squawked from the seat in front of you. As the older of the two bodyguards, he definitely took more of an older brother/uncle role in your life.
"We were supervised!" you reminded him after stating the fact nearly five times now.
"Not by me," he grumbled.
Rolling your eyes, you tried to remain patient with him. You knew he cared about your safety first and foremost, especially considering how your date with Hyungwon had ended. It was not on your to do list to get hit by eggs again.
Looking back on your morning, your initial meeting with Chan had been abrupt, but pleasant. Ever since Insu had left your room the night before, you had been trapped in the endless rotation of your thoughts. It was nice to have a surprise come in and distract you from your own brain.
As you were on the way to your next date location, you couldn't help but have your mind begin to wander again. Aside from wondering what fresh hell the day would provide, against your better judgement, you still held out a little bit of hope. All of your dates, whether they were sabotaged by fans or not, were so, so lovely. Barring the eggs and bum-rushes, you looked back on each one fondly. More than anything though, you were constantly overwhelmed by the feeling of getting so close to so many interesting men. They had been open and raw with their thoughts and opinions, and even after being sequestered in a hotel, they still wanted to stick it out.
You shouldn’t go about putting them on a pedestal, you reminded yourself. They were ordinary people, just like you. Their jobs were just extraordinary. You were all on the same playing field, trying to figure things out.
“Are you even listening?” Hyuk sighed, turning around to send a glare in your direction.
You felt your face grow hot. “Totally,” you lied. “But just for clarity, would you mind repeating it again?”
“It’s okay to have your head in the clouds,” he muttered. “But please keep at least one foot on the ground.”
“Did Confucius say that?" you asked sarcastically, tilting your head.
“No,” he deadpanned, not even humoring you. “We’re going to have a lot more security today. You may not see me much. I’m responsible for coordinating a lot of people, but I just want you to know that you’re safe. Okay?”
“Okay,” you said quietly, looking out of the window again. After the egg incident, Insu’s reaction had rattled you more than you would like to admit. You had never considered that a fan would go to more violent measures, but the behavior did seem to be escalating.
As the My Idol SUV pulled up outside your next location, you tried to swallow down all of the emotions careening in your chest. A mixture of fear, anxiousness, hope, and excitement danced together, none of them in step.
Sliding out of the vehicle, you remembered at the last second that you were meant to be meeting Chan for the first time. Luckily, your nerves seemed to have you prepared.
"Hi," you squeaked, staring at the already familiar face. He had changed since you last saw him, opting to wear a baseball cap and all black. The color suited him, but then again, likely every color did. That's just how it worked when you were devastatingly attractive.
Chan smiled coyly before bowing. "Hello, I'm Stray Kid's Bang Chan."
"I'm Y/N," you managed, giving a small bow back. This was going to look so awkward on screen. "It's nice to meet you."
"Much nicer for me, really," he hummed, bouncing on the balls of his feet. "You look absolutely adorable."
If a human could turn red, you would have been scarlet from head to toe. "You think I'm adorable now? You should see me covered in rotten eggs."
You weren't sure why you said it, but could chalk it up to inappropriate coping mechanisms. When in doubt, make light of your misfortune.
"Really takes it up a notch?" he chuckled. "I heard about that. I'm so sorry that viewers took it that far."
"Fans will be fans, I guess," you sighed, glancing up to the building you were standing in front of. "Where-"
"No," Chan cut you off, shaking his head. "I don't know what your opinion is of our fans, but anyone who would put you through those things is absolutely no fan of mine."
"Oh," you breathed, not expecting him to respond to your statement. "I-I mean, I'm sure they just want the best for you guys."
"The best thing for me is to not worry about my personal life so intensely," he nodded. "They should focus on there's. I'm positive it's much more interesting than anything I'm doing."
It seemed like you had hit a nerve. This conversation would likely be best off camera.
"Speaking of things you're doing," you attempted to segue. "Where are we?"
Chan gave you a half-hearted smirk. He knew what you were doing and was not amused. "Why don't I take you in so you can see for yourself?"
Offering his palm, you hesitantly took it. It was difficult to describe the way that Chan was making you feel, but you were leaning toward liking it. Even though you felt like you were being pretty guarded, he had no issue reading you. Whether that was just from him being perceptive or the two of you meshing well, you weren't sure.
His narrow fingers fit well between yours, and you couldn't help looking down to appreciate his vascular arms and hands. How could something so simple be so hot?
"How's our boy?" he said quietly, eying the crew behind you.
"Adapting," you whispered. "I made one of the PD's promise to get him a better living situation by the time we got back."
"Great," he smiled. "I watched Youtube videos all the way here on how to set up the tank and-"
Notably getting more excited, you placed your free hand lightly on his forearm before motioning behind the two of you with your eyes.
"Right," he said, clearing his throat. "So our date today...it may seem a little childish, but..."
Chan had guided you into what appeared to be a small shopping center with individual stores renting out spaces inside. The one he was referencing in particular was not a Build-a-Bear (they hadn't made it to Korea yet) but was very Build-a-Bear adjacent.
"I thought maybe we could make plushies," he said, his expression nervous. "I'm not sure if you're into that kind of thing, but I've kind of always daydreamed about doing this with a partner."
You blinked in surprise, not at all expecting how vulnerable he looked. He was clearly uncomfortable not knowing if you thought this was lame or not and was looking to jump ship as soon as you showed any sign of disappointment.
"It's kind of silly, isn't it?" he coughed, growing more anxious the longer you were quiet. "There's another place a few stores over-"
"It's perfect," you said finitely. Something about the idea of creating a plushie with Chan was incredibly appealing to your inner child. "And not silly at all."
"Really?" he grinned before shaking his had. "I mean, yeah! If it makes you happy, who cares what anyone else thinks, right?"
"Right," you hummed. "Do you know what to do?"
"Oh yeah," he hummed. "I'm an old pro at this."
"Excuse me," a worker interrupted, wandering over from the counter. "Can I help you two?"
"Please," he winced. "I have no idea what we're doing."
You let out a burst of laughter. "An old pro, huh?"
"I may have embellished," he chuckled.
You shook your head, unsure if you'd be able to pin down Chan's personality on the first date. He was hilarious, presented as confident, but it also seemed to be a bit of a front. He was very cognizant of your reactions. He didn't want to make you uncomfortable, but was more than willing to do it to himself. An undercurrent of self consciousness flowed behind your interactions, and you were a bit surprised to see it.
"First, you'll need to find which friend is right for you," the worker instructed. "After that, meet me by the fluff machine."
"Fluff machine," Chan nodded, glancing around the shop. "Totally know what that is and will definitely find you by it."
"Come on," you laughed, pulling him toward the wall of plushie corpses.
You both assessed the choices in front of you before Chan spoke up. "You can totally say no, but why don't we pick out each others?"
"Why would I say no?" you hummed, giving him an encouraging smile. "That just makes it infinitely more special."
"I agree!" he said. "I just wanted to make sure I wasn't overstepping."
"Probably for the best," you sighed dramatically. "I take my plushies very seriously."
"You seemed like the type," he nodded sternly before dissolving into a laugh. Regrettably unwinding his arm from yours, he began to shuffle down the row, picking up several options and testing how soft they were.
You focused on the task at hand as well. What would be the best choice for Chan's bear? Should you make it to your preference or to his? A kangaroo seemed like too obvious of an option if you were making it in his likeness. Maybe it was safer to pick something that represented you. He'd have something to remember you by.
"A frog, huh?" he chuckled, finally meeting you by what you assumed to be the fluff filler.
"I wanted to get you something that reminded you of me," you grinned.
"Yes, when I see you, I definitely think "frog,"" he frowned, shaking his head. Holding up his own choice, it turned into a smile. "I picked a wolf."
"On brand," you nodded.
Chan lifted his brows, but you only grinned wider. "Skzoo is much too popular for me not to know about it, Chris."
"And for a second, I thought you may have been a Stay," he clucked. "Pity."
Rolling your eyes, you pushed your shoulder into his. "I'll up my game, I promise."
"You better," he teased, shouldering you back. "If you don't get your act together, I'll take the fish and run."
It wasn't long until the two of you had stuffed your respective animals and decided to put recordings in their hands. Stepping as far away from your date as you could, the words came to you easily.
"You have an amazing heart," you said into the small recording device. "Thank you for being you."
Wandering back over to Chan, you both finished up by selecting outfits. Chan was much pickier than you anticipated, but after discussing, you settled on an adorable onesie while he picked an all black ensemble.
After a small argument about who would pay (Chan won rock, paper, scissors), he pulled you over to an ice cream shop across the way. "Why don't we finish up with something sweet?"
"I'm not sweet enough for you?" you joked, sticking your tongue out at him.
"That was a good one," he laughed. "But I haven't tasted you yet."
"Whoa!" you gasped, pressing a hand to your chest. "Sir!"
Chan grinned sheepishly before ducking his head. "Sometimes the impulsive thoughts win. I'm sorry!"
Your stomach did a few flips as you replayed what he had said. He had nothing to apologize for, but you wouldn't be telling him that. You hoped your brain didn't make interesting use of his comment in your dreams.
After carefully selecting your flavors (you may have filled up on samples alone), the two of you sat down at a cafe table. Just as you were about to take the first lick, one of the PD's cleared their throat.
"Shame on me for almost forgetting," you muttered, eying the sudden appearance of the dastardly red envelope.
"I got it," Chan sighed, leaning forward to grab the challenge. Opening it swiftly, he read the words aloud.
"Could this be a sticky situation? Take ten laps around the shopping center without letting your ice cream drip on the floor. Make a mess and incur the penalty."
You glanced from Chan to your ice cream. "How are we supposed to stop ice cream from melting?"
"By moving fast!" he gasped, yanking your hand. Pulling you out of your seat, you stumbled forward into the main area of the shopping center. The set up seemed to be a large square, so the circuit wasn't too difficult to figure out.
"Can we stop the drips?" you called over to the crew now chasing after you.
"You just can't lick the ice cream!" a PD called, already finding the running to be difficult.
Chan dropped your hand and opted to keep his floating under the cone. If anything spilled, in theory, his fingers would catch it.
Digging around in your pockets, you were pleased to find the napkins you had grabbed after you had made your order. Wrapping them haphazardly around your cone as you ran, you offered a few to your date.
"Thanks!" he gasped. "This is ridiculous."
"It's meant to be," you groaned, now holding your hand underneath your ice cream. It was already starting to melt.
Tearing your way across the linoleum flooring, you dodged and ducked around shoppers and workers alike. It wasn't until the final lap that you dared to have any hope.
"We're going to make it!" you insisted, seeing your starting point in the distance. "I don't think I've spilled anything!"
"Me either!" Chan said through deep breaths. "Also this counts as my cardio for the day."
Laughing through your pained inhales, you focused on your stopping point. Unfortunately, that meant you weren't watching your feet. You hadn't realized that at some point during the run, your shoelace came untied and wouldn't actually notice until your feet began to trip themselves up.
"Agh!" you gasped, your body propelling to the ground at alarming speed. You could picture it already; splayed out on the floor, your ice cream dripping and melting everywhere, maybe a mild concussion.
"No you don't!" Chan shouted, gripping you under your arm and hauling you upwards again. You looked over to your date, shocked that he was able to correct your course without disturbing the treat in his hand.
Now overly aware of your shoe situation, you jogged with more caution. "Thank you!"
"No thanks!" he ground out. "That was entirely selfish. I don't want to do the penalty."
You laughed again, finally coming to a halt in front of the ice cream shop. "You saved the day. If I'm not mistaken, that makes you a hero."
"There may or may not be melted ice cream on your shirt now," Chan winced. "There was a good bit on my hand before I grabbed you."
"Perfect," you sighed. "I love the feeling of being sticky but not knowing where it came from."
Chan grinned at you before looking over to the production crew. "Did we pass?"
After several PD's carefully retraced your steps, they finally agreed. You both had somehow managed not to spill anything.
"Yes!" you shouted, hopping in place. Chan wrapped his free hand around your waist and pulled you in close. If your heartbeat wasn't already thudding in your ears, it would be now.
Letting your body fit into his, you tried to take measured breaths before looking up at him. "I meant what I said earlier. You really are the hero today."
"If I'm a hero in your eyes, my work here is done," he smiled shyly, his eyes tracing across your face. They finally came to rest on your lips, the sudden attention causing your adrenaline to spike again. "Y/N?"
Chan didn't need too say more than that. He spoke your name as a question, the underlying tone making his intent clear. He wanted to kiss you and your brain was screaming at you to allow it. The challenge had left you both on edge and this seemed like an excellent way to dissolve that tension.
"Excuse me?" a raspy voice called from across the room. Both of you hesitated before looking back at the little, old ice cream shop owner sat behind the counter. "Why don't you two throw those out? I can make you fresh ones."
"Oh, you really don't have to," Chan croaked, his voice much more gravelly than it had been. He glanced back to you, biting his lip.
"I insist," the owner smiled. "It'll be up in a moment."
"Right, thanks," Chan managed before taking a step away from you. The loss of his body felt immediate, like a cold bucket of water being poured over your skin. That had gotten dangerous very quickly. It was probably for the best that the worker had stepped in when he did.
"Let me take this," Chan hummed, gingerly pulling your melted ice cream from your hands. After you both wiped off your fingers and applied a generous amount of hand sanitizer, Chan knelt to the floor. "I'll take care of this too."
You were momentarily rendered speechless by the sight of Chan tying your shoe. Pulling it into a secure double knot, he stood again. "You alright?"
You knew your pupils had all but turned into hearts as you tried to choke out a response. "Never Better."
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all-about-kyu · 3 years ago
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ☾
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ➸ 𝐤𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭!𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤 𝐱 𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐲!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 & 𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐬 ➸ 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐚𝐮, 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐲 𝐚𝐮
𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 ➸ 𝐏𝐆
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 ➸ 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐤𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. 𝐇𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐤𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ➸ 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡, 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐞
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤
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➸ comes from a very rural and rustic land that he rules over
➸ comes off as very cold and intimidating
➸ took the place of y/n’s father in the campaign
➸ very intense person in every part of his life but means well
➸ deep down he is very sentimental and gentle
➸ his parents died when he was young which made him lord of his land when he was ten years old
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➸ the oldest daughter of a very well-known wealthy noble family
➸ was never properly trained to be a lady and was never treated kindly by her family or castle staff
➸ very shy and quiet no matter the situation
➸ extremely naive but learns very quickly and enjoys learning
➸ a very gentle soul and is always ready to take care of others no matter the risk
➸ her mother died in childbirth with her younger sister and her father is known to be a very cruel person
𝐀𝐝𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢 𝐘𝐮𝐭𝐨
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➸ Hongseok’s right-hand man
➸ comes from a very foreign land but has been on Hongseok’s land since their childhood
➸ also comes across as a very cold and closed off
➸ he is in charge of training all swordsmen, squires, and knights under Hongseok’s command
➸ also went on the campaign with Hongseok starting as a lower knight
𝐁𝐚𝐞 𝐉𝐮𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧
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➸ head maid in Hongseok’s castle (the only one he trusts to be in charge of the staff)
➸ she was later assigned to be y/n’s personal maid when she arrived
➸ the most gentle human ever, very sweet and easy-going
➸ always ready to give phenomenal advice
➸ grew up with Hongseok and Yuto but she’s a few years older than them
➸ always has the best fashion taste no matter the occasion 
𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐘𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐧 (𝐚𝐤𝐚 𝐇𝐰𝐢𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠)
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➸ one of very few mages that live on Hongseok’s land
➸ primary does medical, earth, and protection magic but he will use attack magic if necessary 
➸ he was in charge of the land when Hongseok and Yuto were on the campaign
➸ very laid back and care-free
➸ always on the lookout for a new apprentice to help lighten the load on himself
➸ didn’t come to live in Hongseok’s castle or on his land until he was already fully trained and an adult
➸ can be very blunt about some things but doesn’t always process how he says things
𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐑𝐲𝐮𝐣𝐢𝐧
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➸ the royal princess and a very gifted mage
➸ she has a very fiery personality and hates being told what to do or being tamed
➸ the only known royal child in the whole kingdom
➸ lead the campaign that Hongseok and Yuto went on
➸ tends to scare everyone around her including the royal staff and the knights who were on the campaign with her
ꕤ ❀ ⚘ ᪥ ❈ ✿ ꕤ ❀ ⚘ ᪥ ❈ ✿ ꕤ ❀ ⚘ ᪥ ❈ ✿
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ➸ 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭
𝐂𝐎𝐏𝐘𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐅𝐋𝐎��𝐄𝐑𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐊𝐔𝐍 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐© 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃 — 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜, 𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐝. 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐝.
ꕤ ❀ ⚘ ᪥ ❈ ✿ ꕤ ❀ ⚘ ᪥ ❈ ✿ ꕤ ❀ ⚘ ᪥ ❈ ✿
𝐍𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 ➸ @kwritersworld​ @k-vanity​ 
𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 ➸
𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐔𝐩 ➸ 𝐆𝐓𝐊𝐘 𑁍ࠬ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥
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blu-joons · 4 years ago
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Being so tall, Hongseok was always able to make you feel safe and protected in his hold. He towered over you whenever he hugged you, making sure that you were as tight against him as possible so he could look down at you.
The two of you met abroad when you were both travelling and exploring. You ended up spending the day together at a sightseeing event, exploring a part of the city before exchanging numbers, sharing your stories and where you came from, vowing to adventure in each other’s homes one day when you could.
When the time came for you to visit Hongseok in Korea, he knew that he had to confess to you and tell you how he felt. He’d waited for the moment to see you in person again for so long, and the fact you’d chosen to head to Korea just to see him meant a great deal to him. The night you landed, he took you out to dinner, excited to show you his home, telling you how he felt, so that you could enjoy the rest of your trip as a couple.
The two of you would often go on late night drives together for your dates, basking in the quiet streets and the beautiful landscapes that the night sky showed off. Hongseok would always make sure he had plenty of food in the back of the car for the two of you to enjoy, often driving up to the mountains so that the two of you could overlook the city. The escape was something that you both enjoyed, and the adventure that came with it was the icing on top of the cake, with plenty of memories made.
He’d noticed his name pop up in rumoured articles before, and so Hongseok was incredibly careful with you. He knew the attention a foreign girlfriend would get him, and the last thing he wanted was for you to get caught in the crossfire of it all. He was always incredibly conscious of being seen out with you, and whilst he never denied knowing you and being close to you, Hongseok was always careful with his words, knowing the wrong thing could land him, and you, in plenty of hot water with several people.
The two of you never tended to argue, learning to be pretty understanding of each other. When you were apart, calls were too busy spent with telling stories and checking in on each other that you had no time to argue with one another, and when you were together, you were too focused on making the most of the time that you had together to even let the smallest of disagreements bubble up into something that it didn’t need to be. Time with each other was far too precious to ever argue, learning to talk things through was one of the biggest skills you had in your relationship which definitely worked to your advantage.
As soon as he came home from his travels, Hongseok couldn’t wait to tell his family about the girl he’d met exploring, and so as soon as they heard you were making the trip to Korea to see him, they were desperate to be a stop on your tour of Korea and meet the person that they’d heard so much about.
Once you finally settled and decided to call Korea home for at least a little while, Hongseok moved you straight in with him. There was no way that he was going to let you go anywhere else, he was the one that was going to take care of you, and that started by making sure you had a roof over your head.
Hongseok was the first of the two of you to say those three special words on a call one evening. It had been a while since your time zones matched, and Hongseok was desperate to talk to you. Although he wanted to say it in person initially, he couldn’t wait any longer to tell you how he felt about you.
He would always go a little bit quieter whenever he was feeling jealous, Hongseok was incredibly protective of you, especially knowing that you were living in a foreign country, and so he was always very observant of any situation that you found yourselves in. Whilst he appreciated that many people were interested in finding out about where you came from, he couldn’t help but get jealous when someone got a little too invested, drifting out of conversation until you pulled him straight back in again.
Before either of you could think about starting a family, you truly had to sit down and discuss where you’d end up calling home. Whilst you loved being in Korea, a small part of you always thought about whether it was where you saw yourself forever, but with Hongseok’s career, you doubted that you’d ever be able to make anywhere else in the world work, especially if kids were something you were going to have.
Hongseok always managed to make you laugh, that was by far one of the highlights of being in his company, but best, or perhaps worst of all, the dad jokes that he had always had you doubled over in stitches. For the most part, they were terrible, but it was the cheesiness in them that somehow had you laughing most of the time. Whilst he knew he wasn’t the funniest member in the group, Hongseok knew exactly the kind of humour that you liked, and always knew exactly what he needed to do to get you laughing if you’d had a bad day or if you were feeling a little homesick, he’d always cheer you up.
The two of you had very quickly gotten used to missing one another with the long distance you found between you both. It was a feeling that never got easier for either of you, but it was definitely something that you learnt to live with. Although when Hongseok went on tour, and you were in Korea, it felt strange to begin with, it oddly made things easier for you knowing that at least you were at his home, and that you wouldn’t have to wait so long to see him because of that. You both always celebrated little milestones, like you always had done, to get you through time that was spent apart.
He loved to give you nicknames that were in your language that he’d learnt, very few other people would understand them at home, making them personal, and private, which Hongseok absolutely adored.
Hongseok was obsessed with your voice, for a while it was the only contact that he had with you, and so he always made sure to treasure it, no matter whether he was near or far.
He would always make sure to take care of you more than anything else whenever the two of you were out in public. Hongseok was well known for how soft he was when it came to being with you, and the gentle touch in which he always made sure to hold you with when you were out and about definitely showed that.
Hongseok loved learning about your home, and your language especially, and so he’d often ask you questions about new snippets of information that he’d learnt, or a question that he wanted an answer to.
The two of you were always taking photographs wherever you were in the world. Hongseok particularly loved to take selcas at all the different places you visited, making up album after album with photos from the numerous countries the two of you went to. They were the perfect things to look back on and remember the many adventures you’d had and the numerous memories that had been made too.
Intimacy with Hongseok always focused around one thing, love. He always made the mood one filled with a lot of love and passion, taking care of you, especially if he’d gone a long time without seeing you. Your hands would almost always be resting against his abs, his body never failed to make you speechless, you couldn’t help but get lost staring at it most of the time, leaving Hongseok feeling very shy too.
For a long time, texts were your best way of communicating, and so even after you moved across to Korea, you’d always find yourselves texting each other, sometimes forgetting that you could actually see each other in person.
You were everything to Hongseok, there had been difficult times for you both, but neither of you ever wanted to give up on the other, knowing a time would come when you could be with each other properly.
The first time Hongseok had the chance to go on holiday, he invited you with all of his other members so that you could really get to know them all. The others had heard plenty of stories about you, they were just as keen as Hongseok to meet you and find out as much as they possibly could about you.
He was always understanding that not all of your time could be spent with him, and so Hongseok was someone who would very rarely whine at you.
You’d often feel Hongseok kissing you, forgetting sometimes that you were sticking around and that he didn’t have to let you go. A small part of him would always worry that a kiss would be your goodbye kiss, just like it had been for so many months before you visited Korea. Sometimes he had to pinch himself that he was even able to kiss you properly and not having to blow a kiss into the camera of his phone.
You were the most important thing to him, Hongseok had worked so hard for you.
He’d always hold on tightly to you at night, having to remind himself that you really were there with him. Just like when he kissed you, Hongseok would always worry that time with you was far too good to actually be true.
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adachicuto · 3 years ago
fall with hongseok
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warning: food mentions
going jogging with him with on cool mornings and he’s want to wrap you up in so many layers. so, you’d have to convince him that you’re warm enough bc the second that he’d seen that you were even the slightest bit cold, he’d rush both of you home so he could wrap you up in a pile of blankets
he’d make sure that his steps would be slow enough for you to keep up with him but after a few minutes he’d decide that a nice walk would be better bc he wouldn’t want you to overwork yourself bc he’s a sweetheart
whether or not the morning walks/jogs became part of a routine, that would mean hongseok would do all that he could to make sure you don’t get sick but sometimes it just happens
and when you’d end up sick, he’d do everything he could to take care of you and would make homemade soups and your favorites to make you feel a little better. when it’d work he’d have the proudest smile of on his face and would probably forget that you’re sick for a second and would kiss you
then you’d have to take care of him when he’d get sick and he’d be a little clingy and dramatic but it’s not like you’d be able to resist his pouts
i feel like hongseok would very much be into baking so he’d try to bake so many fall inspired sweets and he’d always make sure to get you to taste test them. even if every one wasn’t perfect (but close enough), you’d still enjoy them and you’d both offer the rest of ptg the extras
little weekend drives around the city to see all of the pretty leaves and maybe you’d stop a café to get coffee/tea and snacks
staying inside on the rainy days and the the two of you would drink something warm while talking about any and everything and that would lead to you watching a series that you’d both wanted to watch but never had the time to
also, just lazing in your shared bed whenever it’d get a little too cold out. hongseok would make sure you’d be warm enough and would have an arm and wrapped around you while your face would be flush against his chest. he’d place soft kisses here and there and would gently rub your back
cooking together 99% of the time and somehow one of you would always get a little distracted by the other. especially when you’d be in the middle of stirring the food and he’d sneak up behind you to place the softest of kisses at the nape of your neck and would whisper how much he loves you
ending almost every night with a nice, warm drink in front of the fireplace. the moment would only be serious for a second before he’d say something that would have both of you giggling like little kids
fall with hongseok would be warm and safe. it would be like drinking your favorite warm drink at the end of the day. the warmth would help you relax and make your shoulders feel a little lighter
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unifox · 1 year ago
Pentagon Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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fluff ⛅️ | comfort 🌦️ | angst 🌧️ | suggestive 🌩️ | requested 🫧 | other ☁️
Pentagon as Owl City songs Pt.1 | Pt.2
Busy ⛅️🌦️ ⤷ When you think you're being a terrible girlfriend and Hui is there to comfort you
Morning~ ⛅️ ⤷ Waking up to that sweet smile is the best way to wake up... If it weren't just a dream...
Duet (bestfriend! hong) ⛅️ ⤷ When Hongseok hears you sing for the first time, he's VERY excited Cookie Monster ⛅️🫧 ⤷ Baking cookies with your cookie hog boyfriend
Who is this? (Platonic) ⛅️ ⤷ Besides the nice demo track he received, Shinwon also acquired a best friend with that unknown KakaoTalk number McDelivery (sequel to Who is this) ⛅️ ⤷ Shinwon finds himself questioning that person that came to deliver McDonald’s without him ordering anything
Stress ⛅️🌦️🌧️ ⤷ When stress gets the best of you, you bf is there to help
Daisuki da yo (BestFriends to lovers) ⛅️🫧 ⤷ Studying a different language with your best friend takes an expected turn
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julyarchives · 4 years ago
Meant To Be
You didn't think you would have to deal with past feelings until you meet your ex-boyfriend Hongseok, right after your current boyfriend proposes to you.
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→ Pairing: Hongseok x Female Reader
→ Genre: Angst to fluff.
→ Words:  1.7K
→ Contains: very light angst; low key cheating; Unrequited Love
→ A/N: Thank you so much for the anon who requested this story. The writing process flowed so easily that it was really nice writing it. We hope you like it!
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When the anxiety was too much to handle, you decided it was time to gather with your friend and ask for her advice.
You've been in a steady relationship for two years, and your boyfriend is not a bad person - you like his company and he's always treated you well. But when he proposed to you last night you couldn't bring yourself to say yes.
"It's not a 'no' either," you told him "I just need some  time to think"
He wasn't too happy about your response, you could see his disappointment, but he agreed on giving you space.
And that's how you end up with your best friend in your living room, drinking mimosas made of the champagne that was supposed to be celebratory from last night.
"What?!" She asked when you showed her the wedding ring resting perfectly intact in the little velvet box. "Why didn't you say yes?!
"You  know me since high school, you can take a guess" you said, sipping your drink
"It just doesn't make sense" she shook her head "you seemed happy with him."
"I am, I guess." You bit your lip, struggling to put your feelings into words "but don't you think it's too soon?"
"If you love him and want to keep the relationship, it's not." She shot straight back. "Do you?"
"He's a nice guy, there's no downside to being with him." You wondered out loud.
"Yes, but do you love him?" She insisted, realizing you were dodging her question.
"I like staying with him"
"The way you are avoiding the question says it all, y/n."
You kept quiet, not really sure how to answer that. She was not wrong, the relationship was good and there was nothing bad about it. Except for that little something that is missing. There weren't butterflies on your stomach when you thought of him. You missed that euphoria of being with someone, that good anxiety before a date where you wonder if he will like your new dress. There wasn't that sparkle.
"What if I say no and regret? I don't want to realize too late that I like him, and end up alone with 12 cats"
"Y/N," put her glass down and straightened her back "you are a wonderful woman and you will not be a crazy cat lady, I'm sure of that. But you can not marry someone you don't love."  She took the ring from your hand and placed it on the coffee table.
She was about to say something else when the doorbell rang, interrupting her.
"Did you order food or something?" You asked her, confused.
"I guess this is a bad time to tell you that Hongseok texted me he's in town and I invited him over because I didn't know your love life was in a crisis?" She smiled a little too sweetly
"You what?!" Your eyes widened "why?!"
"I don't know, I missed hanging out with you two, and he's never in town anymore, so I thought it was a good opportunity for a reunion." She babbled nervously. "Surpriise…?"
The doorbell rang again.
"Okay." You took a deep breath "let's do this."
You stood up and fixed yourself, thinking that you would have dressed up a little better if you knew he was coming. You weren't ready for what you saw when you opened the door.
He was looking way more handsome than you remembered, and the gentle smile that lit up on his face when he saw you threw you off guard
"Y/n, hey" he said shyly.
"Hey!" Your voice came out softer than you intended. You two just stared at each other for a while, not really sure how to proceed "y/f/n told me you were coming, come on in."
You stepped aside to make room for him to go through the door. It's been years since you last saw him, and the awkwardness of it showed a little. He entered and received your friend with an enthusiastic hug.
You watched him, not helping but noticing his strong muscles showing through his shirt as he held her tight.
"I missed you, you little devil." he said to her, his eye smile always so charming, then turned towards you again "I hope I'm not intruding."
"No way," you said promptly "it's good to see you, it's been so long."
"Too long." He said, eyes fixed on yours'.
Your breath got caught in your throat, and you felt your heart beating a little too fast. You definitely weren't ready to see him.
The morning was spent catching up. Mostly your friend asking questions about Hongseok's busy idol life and you listening, but it was a good distraction to all of your current problems. The only issue is that seeing him brought back some past problems that you didn't think you would have to confront again.
Eventually, the drinks ended, and you headed to the kitchen to grab some more, but it was really an excuse to catch a breath. You leaned against the counter and checked your phone, noticing there was a lost call and a voice message to it
" Good morning, beautiful. " Your boyfriend was saying " just reassuring that I'll give you as much time as you need. Are we still up for our lunch date tomorrow? Love you! "
"Is that your fiance?" Hongseok's voice startled you, even though he was soft-spoken "sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
"It's fine, I just didn't see you coming in" you turned around and got yourself busy making more drinks, but really just hiding your embarrassment.
"I just came to warn you that y/f/n got a call from work and had to leave. She asked me to tell you."
"Oh. Okay." You said, putting things back in the fridge. "Do you want anything else to drink?"
"Nah, is fine." he stepped into the kitchen and leaned on the counter by your side "and I swear I wasn't prying on you. I saw the ring on the coffee table and assumed…"
He didn't finish the sentence.
"Yeah, that." Was all you managed to say.
The room fell awfully quiet.
"I missed you." He blurted, voice so soft that you almost didn't hear it.
You bit your lip again, dreading the words you've been thinking all morning.
"I missed you too." You confessed.
"I swear I'm not trying to break you and your fiance up, but I haven't stopped wondering what we would be like if we had never broken up."
You took a deep breath, not having the guts to admit out loud you've been thinking the same.
"You would have never gotten to fulfill your dream." You said. "You were born to be an idol, and you did what you had to do."
He turned around and held your waist delicately, silently asking permission to hold you. Your hands automatically fell on his shoulders, and the next thing you knew your foreheads were pressed together, both of you having your eyes closed just feeling each other so close.
"Then why do I still feel like there is something missing?" He whispered. You couldn't bring yourself to answer, nor to hold back a single stubborn tear running down your cheek. "You should've been mine, not his."
You two were so close together that you could feel his warm breath hit your face and all you could think of was how much you missed feeling his soft lips against yours, but you had to stop yourself.
"Is not that simple." You said, stepping back. "I have a whole another life now. You have another life. Everything is different"
You turned around, trying to hide your small sniffle and composing yourself.
"You're right." He took a deep breath. "I don't know what's gotten into me, I'm sorry."
At that moment your phone started ringing, the screen lighting up with a picture of you kissing your boyfriend's cheek, with his name right under it. You saw Hongseok noticing it, and you couldn't deny the clench in your heart at the sad expression on his face.
"Anyway, you should take that call and I should get going. I can show myself out. It was good to see you again, y/n"
You froze in place, torn and frozen at the same time. Everything was clear, yet you were so scared of making a decision, but you knew what you had to do. You turned your phone so the screen was facing down and you couldn't see it anymore, and ran towards the front door.
Hongseok was almost closing it behind himself when you arrived.
"I didn't say yes." You said it loud enough to catch his attention, making him stop on his track.
"What?" He turned to face you, stepping into your house again.
"I'm not engaged, I didn't say yes to him." You exclaimed
"You didn't?" The shy smile peeping on his lips was the most adorable thing you've ever seen.
"I couldn't bring myself to accept the proposal. I told him I needed some time to figure myself out and now…" you stepped closer, and he received you in another hug, holding you close to him, but looking into your eyes this time. "I think now it's clear why."
Hongseok didn't say anything. He pulled you into a passionate kiss, you two pouring all the bottled-up feelings, all the need for each other into it. You held each other close, trying to end any space between you two. All you needed and wanted was to be together.
"How is this going to work?" You tried to bring yourself out of the bubble. "We can not do this like it never ended. Though I…" you gulped, gathering courage "I loved you so much"
"I don't think I ever stopped loving you."
You couldn't find words to respond, choosing instead to put your feelings yet again on another kiss. You felt like you were in the clouds and you could spend the rest of the day just kissing him like this.
"We'll make it work." Hongseok didn't seem to be trying to let you go, still holding you tight.
You finally felt like you found the butterflies you were missing.
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kpoppwriter · 4 years ago
Playing Games - DO or NOT
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❧ Genre: fluff 
❧ Words: 476
❧ Warnings: n/a
❧ Synopsis: Your group was the newest sibling group to Pentagon. Right after debut, there were jokes between your fandoms about the playful rivalry between your groups that was mostly caused by you and Hongseok. Was there something more to your playful banter or was it just for show?
❧ Tag list: @wooya1224​
❧ A/N: hello I am v tired and am at work rn I really just wanna be home playing Animal Crossing and watching Vincenzo...also Happy Mother’s Day!
~※ Love Or Take Masterlist ※~
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You were tired after the long schedule you and your group had today but here you were still trying to get some dance practice in. Your comeback was in a couple weeks and you wanted to get some extra practice in. You were watching some of the programs you had been on recently with another group from your company, Pentagon. The playful chemistry your groups had were just too good to not exploit for reality and variety shows. Most of this chemistry was created by you and Hongseok.
The two of you met when you were still a trainee. There was an immediate connection between you two. You developed a great friendship that was very playful and flirty. Which was a problem for you since you started to catch feelings for the boy. You knew all of his flirting was just a joke to him but it made your heart flutter.   
You heard the door to the practice room open, pulling you back to reality. In walked Hongseok who was now in some more casual clothes instead of an outfit one of the stylists put him in. He raised an eyebrow at you as you contimued to stretch.
“What’re you still doing here?” 
“What does it look like?” you laughed, “I’m trying to get some extra dance practice in.”
You got up off the floor and grabbed your water, taking a hefty chug of the cool liquid. 
“Why are you lurking around? Are you trying to bother me or something?”
“No,” he rolled his eyes, “I wanted to ask you something.” 
“Ok, shoot.”
“Do you like me?” 
The question caught you off guard but you were quick to recover.
“I don’t know, do I?” 
You looked at Hongseok, a smirk playing on your lips. He rolled his eyes and let out an airy laugh. 
“You like playing games, don’t you?”  
“What do you mean? I’m not playing games,” you huffed
“We’ve been dancing around this subject for a long time now, Y/N. I know you have feelings for me.”
“Well, you seem quite confident in that.”
Hongseok took a step closer to you. He was so close now and it was getting hard to not back down from this unspoken challenge. Your face felt hot, your cheeks a bright pink. His eyes bore into yours just waiting to see if you’d fold. But you didn’t waver. 
“You can say all you want but only I know the truth,” you poked his chest with your finger
He lingered in front of you for a second before turning around. He headed towards the practice room door only stopping when his hand was on the handle. 
“Whatever you decide,” he looked up at you, “Whether you like me or not, I’ll be here.” 
And with that, he left you alone in the practice room only your thoughts of him keeping you company. 
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