#yang hongseok imagine
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blu-joons · 4 years ago
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Being so tall, Hongseok was always able to make you feel safe and protected in his hold. He towered over you whenever he hugged you, making sure that you were as tight against him as possible so he could look down at you.
The two of you met abroad when you were both travelling and exploring. You ended up spending the day together at a sightseeing event, exploring a part of the city before exchanging numbers, sharing your stories and where you came from, vowing to adventure in each other’s homes one day when you could.
When the time came for you to visit Hongseok in Korea, he knew that he had to confess to you and tell you how he felt. He’d waited for the moment to see you in person again for so long, and the fact you’d chosen to head to Korea just to see him meant a great deal to him. The night you landed, he took you out to dinner, excited to show you his home, telling you how he felt, so that you could enjoy the rest of your trip as a couple.
The two of you would often go on late night drives together for your dates, basking in the quiet streets and the beautiful landscapes that the night sky showed off. Hongseok would always make sure he had plenty of food in the back of the car for the two of you to enjoy, often driving up to the mountains so that the two of you could overlook the city. The escape was something that you both enjoyed, and the adventure that came with it was the icing on top of the cake, with plenty of memories made.
He’d noticed his name pop up in rumoured articles before, and so Hongseok was incredibly careful with you. He knew the attention a foreign girlfriend would get him, and the last thing he wanted was for you to get caught in the crossfire of it all. He was always incredibly conscious of being seen out with you, and whilst he never denied knowing you and being close to you, Hongseok was always careful with his words, knowing the wrong thing could land him, and you, in plenty of hot water with several people.
The two of you never tended to argue, learning to be pretty understanding of each other. When you were apart, calls were too busy spent with telling stories and checking in on each other that you had no time to argue with one another, and when you were together, you were too focused on making the most of the time that you had together to even let the smallest of disagreements bubble up into something that it didn’t need to be. Time with each other was far too precious to ever argue, learning to talk things through was one of the biggest skills you had in your relationship which definitely worked to your advantage.
As soon as he came home from his travels, Hongseok couldn’t wait to tell his family about the girl he’d met exploring, and so as soon as they heard you were making the trip to Korea to see him, they were desperate to be a stop on your tour of Korea and meet the person that they’d heard so much about.
Once you finally settled and decided to call Korea home for at least a little while, Hongseok moved you straight in with him. There was no way that he was going to let you go anywhere else, he was the one that was going to take care of you, and that started by making sure you had a roof over your head.
Hongseok was the first of the two of you to say those three special words on a call one evening. It had been a while since your time zones matched, and Hongseok was desperate to talk to you. Although he wanted to say it in person initially, he couldn’t wait any longer to tell you how he felt about you.
He would always go a little bit quieter whenever he was feeling jealous, Hongseok was incredibly protective of you, especially knowing that you were living in a foreign country, and so he was always very observant of any situation that you found yourselves in. Whilst he appreciated that many people were interested in finding out about where you came from, he couldn’t help but get jealous when someone got a little too invested, drifting out of conversation until you pulled him straight back in again.
Before either of you could think about starting a family, you truly had to sit down and discuss where you’d end up calling home. Whilst you loved being in Korea, a small part of you always thought about whether it was where you saw yourself forever, but with Hongseok’s career, you doubted that you’d ever be able to make anywhere else in the world work, especially if kids were something you were going to have.
Hongseok always managed to make you laugh, that was by far one of the highlights of being in his company, but best, or perhaps worst of all, the dad jokes that he had always had you doubled over in stitches. For the most part, they were terrible, but it was the cheesiness in them that somehow had you laughing most of the time. Whilst he knew he wasn’t the funniest member in the group, Hongseok knew exactly the kind of humour that you liked, and always knew exactly what he needed to do to get you laughing if you’d had a bad day or if you were feeling a little homesick, he’d always cheer you up.
The two of you had very quickly gotten used to missing one another with the long distance you found between you both. It was a feeling that never got easier for either of you, but it was definitely something that you learnt to live with. Although when Hongseok went on tour, and you were in Korea, it felt strange to begin with, it oddly made things easier for you knowing that at least you were at his home, and that you wouldn’t have to wait so long to see him because of that. You both always celebrated little milestones, like you always had done, to get you through time that was spent apart.
He loved to give you nicknames that were in your language that he’d learnt, very few other people would understand them at home, making them personal, and private, which Hongseok absolutely adored.
Hongseok was obsessed with your voice, for a while it was the only contact that he had with you, and so he always made sure to treasure it, no matter whether he was near or far.
He would always make sure to take care of you more than anything else whenever the two of you were out in public. Hongseok was well known for how soft he was when it came to being with you, and the gentle touch in which he always made sure to hold you with when you were out and about definitely showed that.
Hongseok loved learning about your home, and your language especially, and so he’d often ask you questions about new snippets of information that he’d learnt, or a question that he wanted an answer to.
The two of you were always taking photographs wherever you were in the world. Hongseok particularly loved to take selcas at all the different places you visited, making up album after album with photos from the numerous countries the two of you went to. They were the perfect things to look back on and remember the many adventures you’d had and the numerous memories that had been made too.
Intimacy with Hongseok always focused around one thing, love. He always made the mood one filled with a lot of love and passion, taking care of you, especially if he’d gone a long time without seeing you. Your hands would almost always be resting against his abs, his body never failed to make you speechless, you couldn’t help but get lost staring at it most of the time, leaving Hongseok feeling very shy too.
For a long time, texts were your best way of communicating, and so even after you moved across to Korea, you’d always find yourselves texting each other, sometimes forgetting that you could actually see each other in person.
You were everything to Hongseok, there had been difficult times for you both, but neither of you ever wanted to give up on the other, knowing a time would come when you could be with each other properly.
The first time Hongseok had the chance to go on holiday, he invited you with all of his other members so that you could really get to know them all. The others had heard plenty of stories about you, they were just as keen as Hongseok to meet you and find out as much as they possibly could about you.
He was always understanding that not all of your time could be spent with him, and so Hongseok was someone who would very rarely whine at you.
You’d often feel Hongseok kissing you, forgetting sometimes that you were sticking around and that he didn’t have to let you go. A small part of him would always worry that a kiss would be your goodbye kiss, just like it had been for so many months before you visited Korea. Sometimes he had to pinch himself that he was even able to kiss you properly and not having to blow a kiss into the camera of his phone.
You were the most important thing to him, Hongseok had worked so hard for you.
He’d always hold on tightly to you at night, having to remind himself that you really were there with him. Just like when he kissed you, Hongseok would always worry that time with you was far too good to actually be true.
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milkybonya · 4 years ago
i didn’t forget!!
Pairing: Hongseok from Journey through the flower universe x gn reader
[Valentine’s day special! Happy Valentine’s day~]
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At 5pm, you still haven’t heard anything from Hongseok. Are you deeply hurt? Yes. Offended? Yes. Today is Valentine’s day and your boyfriend is completely ignoring you. You’ve called him, texted him, but there’s been no response. You’re worried that something bad has happened, but his friends told you that he was at the gym!
“Don’t be upset, [y/n]. There’s no way he’s forgotten,” Hyunggu, your roommate, tells you while rubbing your back as you mope around on the couch.
“Clearly he has!” you whine.
Suddenly, your phone vibrates next to you. Speak of the devil.
“Where in the world have you been?!” you ask Hongseok.
“Come to the trail behind campus,” Hongseok says, the sneer on his face somehow evident even through the phone.
��It’s dark now,” you say.
“Don’t worry” is all he says before hanging up. You scoff, but still get up to head towards campus. You explain to Hyunggu and he tells you to call if you’re ever scared or anything bad happens.
Once you reach campus though, there’s no need for you to be scared. A string of heart-shaped fairy lights lead the way from the outskirts of campus to the back, where the trail that Hongseok mentioned is. As you walk under the lights, you notice little notes and goodies waiting for you each step of the way.
“Just a little closer, [y/n]!”
“You’re almost there~”
Until finally, there he is. Dressed up all fancy in a suit with a huge heart-shaped wreath of flowers hanging behind him. He’s trying to stay composed, but he can’t help but smile at you.
“Hongseok... what’s going on?” you ask.
“Happy Valentine’s day to the gym buddy of my past, s/o of my present and maybe... something even better in the future?” he says, stretching out his arms to hug you.
“Are you not cold?” you ask him, snuggling into his frame.
“No. When you’re here, why would I be cold?” he chuckles.
“Happy Valentine’s day,” you mumble into his shoulder. Hongseok gently pats the top of your head.
“Do you want to share some coffee with me under these pretty lights that I’ve set up?” he asks, already handing you a cup without waiting for your answer.
“Seriously, how did you do this?” you ask, admiring how beautiful everything is.
“Honestly... it was a mess at first and I needed a lot of help, but clearly I can do anything for you,” Hongseok says, taking a sip of his drink and throwing a peace sign your way.
“You’re even cheesier today than normal,” you observe, taking a sip of your warm drink.
“But that’s why you love me,” Hongseok says, winking at you.
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pocket-scenarios · 7 years ago
Shy - Hongseok
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(Admin: Byeul, I’m writing this for my sister because Hongseok is her bias)
“Introduce me to your friend,” Hongseok asks your close friend Shinwon softly, leaning closer to Shinwon’s ears in the hopes that you won’t be able to hear him, Shinwon nods softly in response letting out a small sigh.
“Y’N,” Shinwon says stepping over to you and putting one of his hands on the top of your head turning you in the direction of the man you had never met before, “this is my friend Hongseok, he’s awkward, just like you,” Shinwon teases before straightening his posture.
“I’m Y’N,” you say barely above a whisper feeling insecure in front of the adorable yet handsome man in front of you, but you couldn’t make yourself look away from his eyes no matter how badly you wanted to.
“Don’t stare at him too much,” Shinwon says pushing your head down with his hand, “I’m going out for a minute, I’ll be back,” Shinwon says looking between the two of you, you look down at your lap unsure of what to say or do.
You hear the chair next to your own pull out: “What are you studying?” Hongseok asks leaning his head on the palm of his hand, his elbow resting on the edge of the table.
“Shinwon asked me to help him with his Chinese,” you say softly turning to the side to face him, “I studied in China for a few years,” you say with a small nod which catches Hongseok’s attention.
“Really, me too,” he says with a small laugh, “I wonder why he didn’t just ask me,” Hongseok mutters more to himself than to you which makes you let out a small laugh.
“He said I was more reliable, but as you can see he just left,” you say with a sigh leaning back against the chair, “how come he never introduced me to you before?” You ask cocking your head to the side Hongseok shrugs.
“I stay in my room a lot, so he probably never thought about it,” Hongseok says with a small laugh, “it has been nice meeting you though,” he says brightly.
“Yeah, when I hang out with Shinwon I stay in here and try to avoid meeting the others,” you admit, “I’m awkward and I feel bad for it,” you mutter and Hongseok nods in agreement.
“I’m like that too with new people, maybe that’s why we get along,” he says with a laugh covering his eyes with his hand you laugh as well letting out a sigh.
“We should hang out again,” you say with a nod, Hongseok uncovers his eyes smiling softly at you, taking out his phone and passing it to you.
“Give me your number so that we don’t have to meet through Shinwon next time,” he says with a small laugh.
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kyswoo · 4 years ago
Pentagon reaction
having a kid with them
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pairing: yandere!pentagon x reader
genre: yandere au, fluff(?), some angst idk???
request: "can you do a yandere pentagon reaction to having a kid with their s/o?"
masterlist 🌸
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the kid is like the physical representation of your love, so he will cherish them as much as he cherish you, the kid basically shows everyone that you are his
usually he treats your child really well and gives them everything they want, so they might become a little spoiled
but if the kid do something that annoys him he might yell and ground them
you have to tell him to not be so harsh on them since they're just a kid
since he doesn't want the kid to be afraid of him or something, he will give them something to make them happy
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you know he can get violent sometimes so you are afraid he might do something to your kid, so you are always around them
he gets jealous you give your child so much attention so he just ignores the kid whenever they come to him
your child might ask you something like "does dad hates me?", hearing it makes you feel so bad, so you try to make Hui pay more attention to them, he might give them some gifts from time to time but that's it
your kid ends up getting scared everytime you two argue because he can be really loud, so eventually they get afraid of bothering him and try to stay away from him
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he doesn't hates neither loves your child,
if they ask him something, like if they want to eat something or buy something he will gladly do it
but if they try to make a fuss he will just say something to scare them making your kid run to you crying
when you tell him to not say such things to your child he will just say he didn't said anything like that and tell you to control your kid better
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just like Jinho, he thinks the child is like a extension of you
so he will actually take good care of your kid, showering them with love
he would be like a very overproctive dad, not letting them out very often and controlling everything they do and every step they make
he will do everything he can to make them happy as well, because he knows you care about them a lot so if they are happy you will also be happy
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°•Yeo One
he will try to take good care of your kid, but he does get jealous whenever you give more attention to your child than him
he would get all pouty and you have to give him a lot of attention later
or else he would think it's all your kids fault and ignore or say something mean to them
besides that he would spoil your kid a lot so you think he is a good dad, but if you are not around he would just ignore them as well
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he won't pay a lot of attention to your kid too, if he is in a good humor he might buy them a gift or something
but he doesn't likes seeing you give them so much attention and leaving him aside
so if the kid does anything that annoys him he would take it out on you
"if you didn't spoil them so much I wouldn't have to do this" your kid starts being afraid of him doing something to you, so they are always quiet when he is around
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he is always taking care of your kid so you wouldn't give them too much attention and forget about him
so this way he can get more your attention than your child
if your child misbehave is all your fault because he treats them well, so you are the one that have to be punished
but he still tries to make you stay away from them as much as he can
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he actually likes the idea because it's one more excuse for you to stay with him
"I mean it's our kid, they need both their parents right?" he keeps saying this so you won't even think of leaving him
he is always close to your kid because that makes you stay close to him too
he tells your kid about how everything changed once he met you, so they might think it's a normal behavior to do what he does
(I wouldn't be surprised if your child became a yandere too)
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he doesn't really know how to take care of them so he usually just do what you ask him to do
he knows you would be upset if he didn't treat them well so he tries to spoil them as much as he can
if the kid throws a tantrum or something he will just ignore them and leave it for you
but whenever the kid needs something he will do everything he can to satisfy them
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 4 years ago
Camp North Star - June 12th
AFAB!Reader x Yang Hongseok
Word Count: 2708
Contents: massage, oral (reader giving and receiving), fingering
“Oh god, you’re still in here?” You had expected the pool office to be empty by this time on a Saturday night but as you entered the room you found a very tired Hongseok still at his desk, going through paperwork.
“Yep,” he sighed, sitting back and running his fingers through his hair. “The counselors get here tomorrow and as much as I want to be down on the beach enjoying the evening, I really need to get through a few more bits of scheduling before I call it a night. I think I have it mostly done but things needed to move around from last year.”
You moved towards his desk.
“Well I have my and Wonwoo’s lesson plans,” you said, placing them on an empty spot on the desk.
“I’m gonna guess they’re already good,” he said, glancing at you. “But I’ll look them over before showing Cheol. I’m lucky that you’re all competent.”
You hummed in response as you moved around the desk, standing behind him and staring down at the array of papers on his desk. Your hands landed on the back of his chair as you leaned over his shoulder.
“Is there like, anything I could help with?” You asked, chewing on your lip.
“I don’t think so,” he sighed, sitting up a little straighter. “But I appreciate the offer. It’s just a lot of schedules and double checking to get through.”
You glanced over the papers, leaning forwards on the balls of your feet and bringing your hands to Hongseok’s shoulders.
“Woah, dude you are so tense.”
“Yeah that doesn’t surprise me,” he sighed. “I wanna say it’ll be better once we get into next week but I know starting Monday we have a bunch of safety and swim tests to run.”
“Hmm,” you pondered, wondering if you could do anything. Your and Wonwoo’s work was pretty close to done with all of your lesson plans still kicking around from last summer. Your fingers dug into his shoulders as you thought and Hongseok let out a groan.
“Okay that actually feels good,” he hummed.
“I’m not surprised,” you snickered. “Have you been sitting here all day?”
“Dude you need like, a few minutes to relax. You’re gonna overwork yourself before the summer even begins.”
He mumbled something in response that you couldn’t make out as he relaxed back into your touch, fingers massaging the knots out of his shoulders as best you could.
“And here I thought you were too busy to take a break,” you chuckled.
“I’m making an expectation,” he sighed. “I need this.”
“You do,” you agreed. “Otherwise you’re going to jump into the water and seize up.”
A lazy grin tugged at the corner of his lips while he let out a small laugh. You did your best to loosen up his muscles from all of the office work that you knew he wasn’t used to and did your best to ignore the way he was groaning. You weren’t expecting anything in particular, then again you weren’t even expecting him to still be working so late.
The warm breeze carried the din of voices and laughter from the beach into the dim office. You watched as Hongseok rolled out his neck, the sounds coming from him unabashedly and making you happy the beach was far enough away no one would hear him.
“You know if anyone walks by they’re gonna think we’re having sex,” you chuckled.
“Trust me, I sound even better when I have sex.”
You couldn’t help the snort that you let out at his words and he opened one eye to look at you. “I mean it you know,” he said, cheeky grin tugging at his lips.
“I’m sure you do,” you laughed. “But I didn’t come in here looking for sex or your moaning.”
“That’s fine,” he said. “But I’d be down.”
The movements of your fingers slowed as you processed. “Don’t you have work to do?”
“You said yourself I need a break,” he grinned.
You thought to yourself for a moment before pulling his chair back and swinging your leg over his lap, straddling him.
“Alright, bet,” you grinned, feeling a little more smug at the look of surprise on his face. “Show me these real moans then.”
“I-I-” He sputtered, quickly trying to process.
“Or I can just leave you to your work.”
“No no,” he grabbed your hips and you snickered. “No, I’m definitely taking you up on this offer.”
His lips found yours as he recovered from his shock. His hands squeezed your hips, pulling you a little closer as your fingertips ran along his neck and then started down his chest. You could tell he was tired through just his kisses. He was a little bit lazy, a little slow in his movements as he settled into a rhythm with you.
You let your hands trail over his chest, taking your time with slow movements. He relaxed more and more under your touch. You felt his hand move from your hip and he leaned forwards a bit before the light from the lamp on his desk went out.
“Hopefully no one will bother us,” he mumbled against your lips.
“Good idea,” you hummed.
“I’ve been known to have a few of those,” he chuckled.
You smiled against his lips as your hands slipped further down his chest. You shifted your hips back just a bit as your fingertips found the waist of his shorts. Hongseok let out a sigh against your lips as you started to palm him through his shorts. His hands moved to grab at you ass.
He easily let your tongue past his lips as you moved your hand, quiet groans slipping past his lips. You pressed your hips back into his hands as you felt him growing hard under your touch, legs spreading just a little more under you.
“I really needed this,” he murmured between kisses.
“Not like it couldn’t use it either,” you hummed.
A warm breeze blew through the door, cracked open. It carried the quiet din of those left on the beach. Even with the rest of the counselors showing up tomorrow the coaches were still enjoying their evening, staying up late. At the very least your absence from the cabins wouldn’t be immediately noticed.
You let your fingers undo his shorts slowly, meeting him in slow kisses as you did. His hands moved over your ass and along your thighs, squeezing at your skin ever so slightly impatient. Your fingers found the waist of his shorts and you pushed them down just a little.
Hongseok let your slip back off his lap, sinking onto your knees on the floor. He lifted his hips easily, letting you pull down his shorts and boxers. Even in the darkness of the room, from halfway under his desk, you could see the heat in his gaze as he looked down at you, his bottom lip caught between his teeth.
He let out a quiet groan as you wrapped your hand around his cock, pressing a few stray kisses to his thighs and gazing up at him. You started to move your hand slowly, pumping his cock, and grinning to yourself at the way he sighed and relaxed even further back into his chair.
“You’re going to melt into that chair,” you hummed, pressing kisses along his cock.
“Mhm,” he mumbled, eyes barely open. “I could become one with this chair. I could live in this moment for a long time.” He slowly threaded his fingers into your hair.
You hummed to yourself before running your tongue along the underside of his cock, listening to his quiet, breathy groans. Arousal curled through you, lighting a fire in your core that had you shifting from your spot on the floor and pressing your thighs together, rocking your hips for a little bit of sensation. Were you a little more patient you might really tease him but more and more your mind was wrapped up in the idea of getting off.
“Oh fuck,” the curse fell off his lips as you wrapped yours around the head of his cock, running your tongue around it slowly. Your hand moved around the base, still pumping him. His grip tightened just a little in your hair as you let out a quiet moan in response.
You moved slowly, taking a little more of him into your mouth with each movement. Each time you pulled back, hollowing your cheeks and sucking as you moved back to the tip. Your gaze stayed trained on his face in the dark office. His mouth started to hang open and his eyes slipped closed.
His hand gripped your hair just a little more firmly and you felt him urging you to move a little faster, legs spreading a little wider. You obliged, picking up a steady pace and matching it with your hand around the base of his cock, squeezing your hand just a little tighter.
A light breeze blew in through the crack in the door, tickling your skin that was heating more and more by the moment. Hongseok’s moans were starting to fill the room, pouring from his lips, sometimes muffled as he bit down on his lip to hold them in. You moaned around his cock, feeling him rut into your mouth in response and bringing a hand to his hip to hold him down.
“You were right,” you hummed between taking a breath and taking him back into your mouth.
“About?” His voice was breathy and unfocused and the word came out half moaning.
“Your real moans do sound better.”
He let out a chuckle. “I told-” 
Hongseok’s words fell off into a string of curses as you started pumping his cock quickly in your hand. Your lips teased his tip before taking him into your mouth again and moving faster, savouring the way his moans grew louder. Each one that fell off his lips curled through your body, heating your core and making you wetter by the second.
“Fuck, don’t stop,” his voice was almost a whine, hips working against your hand as you brought him closer to his edge. Pants and moans fell unabashedly from his lips and his fingers curled tightly into your hair, urging you to take him deeper and faster. You obliged, working him as quickly as you could and keeping your hand moving quickly.
A loud moan fell off his lips as he came, hips bucking up and cum pouring down your throat with each pulse of his cock. You sucked down all that could, working him through his high until he fully relaxed back into the chair again, catching his breath as you sat back on your heels, licking your lips.
“Fuck, get up here,” he pulled at your arms, urging you back onto his lap and lips crashing against yours. He pressed you back until you felt the edge of the desk against your back, one of his hands hasty undoing your shorts and fingers pushing in, searching for your clit.
“Hongseok,” you barely got his name out between kisses.
“Mhm,” he didn’t break away from you in his answer, nearly whining when you moved back a little.
“Do you have a condom?”
Hongseok took a breath and then paused, brows knitting together in thought. He wrapped an arm around the small of your back, holding you on his lap while he opened the top drawer of his desk. You watched, hands traveling over his chest and a pout forming on your lips as he found his wallet and rummaged through it.
You sighed. “It’s fine. I heard there’s some somewhere so if I can get-” your words cut off into a squeal as he pushed you back up to sit on the desk. His hands grabbed at your shorts, pulling them off swiftly. “You do realize no condom means no sex, right?”
Hongseok sunk to his knees, hands pressing your thighs apart. “Who said anything about using my dick?” He grinned.
“I- oh-” you let out a moan as his tongue ran through your folds.
“It’s cute that sucking me off got you so wet,” he murmured against your core.
“I- ah- your moans s-sounded good,” you stumbled over your words as his tongue ran over your clit, easily figuring out which movements had you rolling your hips and moaning a little louder. A cool breeze blew across your hot skin but you were no longer listening for voices in the distance, quickly wrapped up in the pleasure instead.
Hongseok’s fingers dug into your thighs as he pressed his face between your legs more. Each hazy gaze down at him caught the heat in his eyes as he gazed at you. He let out quiet moans against your core as his tongue moved, sending shocks of pleasure through your body with each low vibration.
Your hand found his hair as pleasure curled tightly inside of you, a spark growing hotter with each passing movement of his tongue over you clit. He held your hips down, keeping them from rolling against his face as he ate you out.
“Fuck that’s good,” You let you head fall back against the desk as your legs wrapped around his head, pulling him closer. He only moaned against you in response, and you were sure you could hear his chuckle when your hips tried to buck up from the sensation.
He let one hand move away from your hip and moments later you felt two fingers pressing slowly into your core. A moan fell from your lips as you clenched around them, feeling the way he curled them into you, searching for the best spot while his tongue lapped over your clit.
“Close already?” He hummed, teasingly.
“I-I was- I got w-work up- w-when-” you could barely form your sentence, your brain hazy and fully entwined in pleasure and the building tightness in your core as your orgasm built nearer and nearer.
“You can barely speak just from this,” he hummed, between movements of his tongue.
You let out breathy curses as your grip in his hair tightened and your back arched off the desk. Your thighs started to squeeze in around his head.
“Now I really do need to fuck you,” his lips wrapped around your clit, sucking harshly and drawing a loud moan from your lips. Your free hand gripped the edge of the desk for purchase as the coil in your core curled impossibly tight.
“I want to see you come undone on my cock.”
His lips wrapped around your clit again, sucking harshly and your orgasm fully crashed over you in a wave. Pleasure rushed through your body as your back arched off the desk and a moan poured from your lips, thighs squeezed tight around his head as you rode through your high on his tongue, core clenching around his fingers.
You fell back to the desk, pants escaping your lips and you heard Hongseok move back into his chair before he was pulling on your hips. He helped you slip off the desk and back onto his lap and you rested your head against his chest as you caught your breath.
“I really need to find out where those condoms are stashed.” You hummed.
“There’s a condom stash?” He asked.
“Wonwoo said there’s a condom stash.”
“Wonwoo said that?!” You felt him shift and look at you but you were far too comfy with your head resting on his chest to move.
“He did,” you said. “He said he knows someone who has a bunch.”
“Do you think if I asked where they are he would guess I was gonna use them with you?” 
“Oh definitely,” you laughed. “Don’t worry, I’ll get my hands on some.”
Hongseok settled back into his chair, hands squeezing your thighs before shifting a bit.
“Are you also feeling kinda sweaty?”
You peeked at him. “You wanna go shower?”
“I mean, no one else will be in there this time of night.”
You grinned at him before climbing off his lap and grabbing your shorts. Quickly, the two of you took off to the showers.
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adachicuto · 3 years ago
fall with hongseok
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warning: food mentions
going jogging with him with on cool mornings and he’s want to wrap you up in so many layers. so, you’d have to convince him that you’re warm enough bc the second that he’d seen that you were even the slightest bit cold, he’d rush both of you home so he could wrap you up in a pile of blankets
he’d make sure that his steps would be slow enough for you to keep up with him but after a few minutes he’d decide that a nice walk would be better bc he wouldn’t want you to overwork yourself bc he’s a sweetheart
whether or not the morning walks/jogs became part of a routine, that would mean hongseok would do all that he could to make sure you don’t get sick but sometimes it just happens
and when you’d end up sick, he’d do everything he could to take care of you and would make homemade soups and your favorites to make you feel a little better. when it’d work he’d have the proudest smile of on his face and would probably forget that you’re sick for a second and would kiss you
then you’d have to take care of him when he’d get sick and he’d be a little clingy and dramatic but it’s not like you’d be able to resist his pouts
i feel like hongseok would very much be into baking so he’d try to bake so many fall inspired sweets and he’d always make sure to get you to taste test them. even if every one wasn’t perfect (but close enough), you’d still enjoy them and you’d both offer the rest of ptg the extras
little weekend drives around the city to see all of the pretty leaves and maybe you’d stop a café to get coffee/tea and snacks
staying inside on the rainy days and the the two of you would drink something warm while talking about any and everything and that would lead to you watching a series that you’d both wanted to watch but never had the time to
also, just lazing in your shared bed whenever it’d get a little too cold out. hongseok would make sure you’d be warm enough and would have an arm and wrapped around you while your face would be flush against his chest. he’d place soft kisses here and there and would gently rub your back
cooking together 99% of the time and somehow one of you would always get a little distracted by the other. especially when you’d be in the middle of stirring the food and he’d sneak up behind you to place the softest of kisses at the nape of your neck and would whisper how much he loves you
ending almost every night with a nice, warm drink in front of the fireplace. the moment would only be serious for a second before he’d say something that would have both of you giggling like little kids
fall with hongseok would be warm and safe. it would be like drinking your favorite warm drink at the end of the day. the warmth would help you relax and make your shoulders feel a little lighter
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pen1ag0n · 3 years ago
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211213 cube_ptg twitter update:
[Hongseok] Sweet little kitty~ 🐱
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cyncialwoo · 3 years ago
fluff=✿ smut=✦ agnst=❄ All: If They Saw You Again After A Break-up jo jinho (jinho): still writing...💌 lee huitaek (hui): Lies Dipped in Rococo ❄✦ ft.hyunggu yang hongseok (hongseok): Hot Sugar ✦❄ ko shinwon (shinwon): still writing...💌 yeo changgu (yeoone): 4:58 pm ✿ yan an (yanan): Little Things ✿(❄?) adachi yuto (yuto): Rain ✿ kang hyunggu (kino): 1:39 am ✿ Lies Dipped in Rococo ❄✦ ft.huitaek jung wooseok (wooseok): Pull Up ✦❄ ft.changgu Fourth Period ✿
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babysubinnie · 4 years ago
boys make up faster than girls // yang hongseok - requested
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🌍 pairing:: yang hongseok x reader 🌍 genre:: angst, fluff 🌍 based on this anon ::  May I have a scenario of Y/N is dating Hongseok but Hongseok knew one of his band members still like Y/N, what would Hongseok do? 🌍 summary:: it’s easy for boys to make up, especially after a heartbreak, but the problem is how do they do it? i won’t be able to explain it to you but i can give you a summary of exactly how kino and hongseok’s friendship broke and repaired after just two hours.
a/n:: i finally finished this,, it took me a while cuz i had no motivation but i did it  ——————————————————————————
“do you still like her?” yuto asked kino just as i was about to turn the corner into the recording room. kino then tried to change the subject to avoid answering the question. they were talking about their song cerberus but yuto kept wanting to know about this girl that kino liked. 
“fine. if you want to know so bad i do. of course i fucking do. she walks around all the time helping us produce the song of our dreams, and then when we go back to the dorms she fucking sleeps in hongseok’s bed. i just wish it was my bed.” i peeked into the room to look at kino and he was on his monitor looking down at his keyboard then back up to the monitor. before i knew it, hongseok put his arm around my waist kissing the top of my head. 
“you know that if hongseok finds out you like her, you’re so fucked.” yuto laughed then put his hand on kino’s shoulder patting his back. hongseok snapped his head over to me and his eyes were wide. i nodded and pointed to myself biting my lip. but hongseok already knew. he was trying to hide the fact that he already knew that kino liked me. 
“you know?” i whispered under my breath and hongseok shook his head pretending that he didn’t know about any of this. i was standing there rolling my eyes laughing. 
“i liked her first so he’s the one that should have been fucked not me.” 
“what’d you just say you asshole?” hongseok ran into the recording room and pulled kino up by the collar. kino was standing there staring at hongseok in shock that he heard everything that kino just said. 
“look hyung, we all know that i liked y/n first. you knew but you fucking took her right in front of me. it’s not my fucking fault.” he scoffed at hongseok laughing then turned to look at the door when he heard me trip over my own feet trying to get a better look at the fight my boyfriend was about to start. 
“i can’t fucking believe you. you brought your girl here just to rub it in my face? come fucking on hongseok.” he scoffed rolling his eyes when he made eye contact with me. i looked away and walked into the room rubbing my neck nervously. 
“seok let him go. that’s enough.” i pulled hongseok away by the back of his shirt and looked kino straight in the eye. kino looked down and looking down biting my lip looking up at hongseok. i looked over at the kino and yuto telling them to get out of the room.
“sit your fucking ass down hongseok.” i scoffed standing in front of him crossing my arms in front of me. he held out his arms pouting to try to change the fact that i was going to scream at him but i shook my head. he put his hands on my hips and pulled me close to stand in the middle of his legs. i pushed his hands off then backed away.
“you knew. you knew he liked me before we started dating but you fucking betrayed him. hongseok, before we dated, the ten of us were best friends. we were friends before we were anything else. come on yang hongseok.” i looked up at the ceiling then back at him. he shook his head putting his hands back on my hips. 
“do not baby me. hongseok-” he pulled me down to sit in his lap with both legs on one side of his legs putting my arms in my lap refusing to hug him. he put his arms around my waist locking me in.
“baby, i know we were friends first. i know that and i’m sorry.” he pressed a long kiss to my cheek and i couldn’t not just ignore that. when hongseok did these small little moments of pda, i fell in even deeper in love with him. i stood up putting my hands on my hips laughing with hongseok because he knew i was going to lecture him. 
“you shouldn’t be apologizing to me. the one you should apologize to is outside.” i shook my head correcting myself realizing that i had to apologize to kino too. i didn’t know how he felt but i felt like i had the need to do it too. 
“kino?” i called out the door to see that kino was at the end of the hallway pacing back and forth. i told him to come over which then he slowly walked over to me. i bit my lip walking back into the recording room where hongseok was listening to their song.
“what?” he scoffed crossing his arms in front of him and i walked up at him putting my arm on his shoulder. i bit my lip looking down at my feet refusing to look up at him. 
“i’m sorry kino. i’m really sorry. seriously.” i put my arms around his shoulders pulling him into a hug when he was trying to look away from the two of us. i bit my lip pulling away from him. he nodded his head and i turned over my shoulder to look at hongseok. he glared at me which then i took as a signal to leave the room so the two of them could make up.
so i stood outside and let them talk about whatever they wanted. at this point i didn’t care, if they fought, if they made out, whatever. i just needed them to get along. these two are the bestest of friends but i knew something happened the minute hongseok and i started dating. after about an hour or two, the two of them came out smiling leaning on the door frame when i returned. they were laughing with each other just like before everything blew up. 
“so i guess you two made up?” i stood in the hallway leaning against the wall across from the door of the room they were standing in front of. 
“yes. obviously baby.” he threw his arm around kino’s shoulder before blowing a kiss to me. i smiled rolling my eyes at the two of them. 
“you’re going to leave me for kino now right?” 
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julyarchives · 4 years ago
Reuniting || (M)
Coming back home and meeting with your best friend, you weren’t expecting the night to take such a surprising turn.
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→ Pairing: Hongseok x Reader
→ Genre: smut
→ Words:  1.4K
→ Contains: Oral Sex; Fingering; Smut.
→ A/n: Thank you so much to the sweet anon that requested this story, we hope that you enjoy it! We had a lot of fun writing it :)
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A movie night with your friend was nothing new to you. Every friday you'd meet with him and choose a new movie to watch together, order some food and have a late night playing games. 
Tonight felt different though. You and Hongseok spend almost a year away from each other, barely even texting because you decided to take on an opportunity to study abroad, having to leave him behind.
All the days you've spent away from Hongseok only managed to show you how much you were used to his presence, his embrace, his jokes and big smile. It didn't help that everytime you two spoke, he only seemed to look more handsome.
The doorbell rang and you jumped up to get the door, nervous about meeting him but also very excited to see him after so long. Hongseok was leaning against the wall, a backpack on his shoulder. The t-shirt he was wearing showed his tone arms and- 
"You should stop staring, Y/N, or I'll get the wrong idea", Hongseok said with a chuckle. 
"I was just checking how much you've changed. Not my fault that you've grown bigger in the time I was gone", you answered with a blush, thanking whatever gods that you didn't stutter.
How could he get even hotter? He was always your best friend but deep down you always had a crush on him, always admiring his good looks and easy humor. But it was something you always pushed in the back of your mind, not daring to indulge on that. 
He pulled you into a hug and you felt his arms squeezing your waist, your own arms  tight around his neck. You mumbled a low "I miss you", to whichever he replied, hugging you tighter. 
When you pulled away, Hongseok stepped inside your home like it was his, placing the backpack down and heading to the kitchen. Closing the door with a smile, you followed him. 
"I brought take out, did you choose the movie?", he was rummaging through your cabinets for plates and you stepped in to help him find everything. 
"Sort of. Saw a list of the best adventure movies of all times and chose one by random", by now you were getting the stuff to go sit in the living room.
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Half an hour passed when you took the plates and cups back to the kitchen and was starting to regret your movie choice. It was so boring that you couldn't stand but Hongseok seemed focused on it so you didn't have the heart to change it.
You started shifting on the couch, finding it hard to keep focused or simply standing still. Every 5 minutes you caught yourself staring at your friend, mainly to check if he was that much into the movie, but you would be lying if you said you weren't checking him out.
“Are you enjoying the view or are you just that bored?” Hongseok asked, eyes leaving the screen briefly, just to shoot you a confident smug grin.
Your stomach flipped for being caught in the act, but since there was no point denying you decided to play along.
You turned your upper body towards him and sat on your knees to scoot closer, hugging him so your chest was pressed against his shoulder.
“How much would you judge me if I say that I hate this movie?” You bated your eyelashes, trying to convince him into not watching it anymore.
“Took you long enough” he chuckled, and snaked one arm around your waist, gently pulling you closer.
You had to ignore the fact that that made you flustered.
“You noticed that I didn't like it, yet you made me sit through this nightmare all this time?” You said dramatically “how could you?”
He laughed wholeheartedly, and the way you felt was definitely a huge red flag. You could tell he noticed you acting differently for the way he longed his gaze at you.
“Fine” he finally said “choose something else for us to do, then.”
“Really?!” You celebrate hugging him tighter and kissing his cheek “you’re the best!”
It was only after it was done that you realized that that could have been a little too much.
“Yeah, the movie was a little boring anyway, I was only paying attention to you staring at me” he grinned and shrugged.
“I was not!” You felt your cheeks getting red.
“It's ok” he slowly planted a kiss on the corner of your lips, then proceeded to whisper in your ear “it was hard for me to not stare back.”
The little "oh" sound you made caused a chuckle to leave Hongseok, his arms surrounding your waist quickly. He fully turned to you and moved slowly, making sure you had time to pull away if you wanted.
Little did he know that your mind was racing with anticipation, meeting him halfway in a tentative kiss that lasted a few seconds before you pulled away. Your hands found the front of his shirt, holding on to try and make sense of what was happening.
"You're thinking too much", Hongseok whispered to you, his mouth almost touching yours again. "Just let go", and suddenly you were kissing again, no answers needed. One of his hands held your face, the other squeezing your waist tighter.
You two kissed like you were starving for it, a need both of you suppressed for years coming to surface. Your own fingers found his neck, pulling his hair lightly, earning a groan from him. 
"Don't start something you can't finish, Y/N", he said, pulling back. All your confusion and hesitation fled away, your mind clouded with the feeling of his body on yours.
"Who says I can't?", you answered him before kissing the corner of his mouth, just like he did to you before. Hongseok groaned once again, kissing you again with need, leaning your body backwards on the couch, his hand squeezing your tight. 
The dress you wore rolled up on your body, his jeans rough on your exposed skin, the friction making you whimper lowly. That drew Hongseok's attention to your lower bodies, biting his lip before sitting back and squeezing both your tights before looking up to your face. 
"Can I…?", he asked, fingers already going up to expose your panties. You nodded, the heat pooling on your belly, opening your legs wider to him, cheeks warming up. 
"Wait!", you said, making Hongseok freeze above you, "if you're gonna see me, it's fair I see you too. You gotta lose the shirt", you smiled sweetly at him, making him laugh and shake his head in amusement.
He took off his shirt and raised an eyebrow at you. "Better?". 
"Much better", you motioned for him to lower back on you, your hands exploring his firm chest, nails dragging down his upper body. He hissed at your actions, pulling one of your legs up to his waist, moving his lower body slowly to tease you. 
It was your turn to moan, gripping his arms and leaving nail marks on it. He smirked at you and sat back again, toying with the hem of your panties. He looked at you expectantly, moving only after you nodded at him, taking the clothing off your body slowly. 
Didn't take long before he was kissing your inner thighs, making you tremble. Suddenly he was kissing your core, you felt a shiver run through you. Your hands gripped his hair, pulling him closer with a gasp. 
"Wanted to do this for so long", Hongseok mumbled before diving in, lapping at your folds with so much want that you struggled to not shout. He flicked his tongue masterly on your bud, making your whole body shake. 
The little whines you let out only seemed to spur him on, his hands gripping your ass cheeks, hard enough to leave finger marks. Your hips started to move on it's on, grinding against Hongseok's face, the movement making him let out a low sound that edged you even closer. 
Your legs were on his shoulders and his movements never stopped, alternating between licking you up and sucking, your wetness making the most delicious sounds. 
When you felt a gentle nudge of his finger on your entrance, feeling him starting to finger you slowly, you couldn't hold back, you came with a shout, your orgasm making your legs tremble around him. 
Hongseok moved along with you and only pulled back when you came back from your high, flinching a little from sensitivity. He smirked at you again, reaching down to kiss you slowly and sensuously. 
"That was something else", you chuckled, still breathless.
"Oh but, Y/N, that was only the beginning", he briefly kissed you, "I'm not near done with you yet". 
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ppaltagon · 5 years ago
I love you guys so much thank you for all youre writings 💝 i was wondering if i could request a scenario of how the boys would react to you looking after them when theyre sick 💝
He's a grumpy old man when sick.
Says you don’t have to look after him but he would be so salty if you didn’t take care of him while he’s sick.
Otherwise he listens to you well, stays put and takes his medicines.
It’s difficult to communicate with him because the sickness makes him grumpy so it’s better to just let him rest it out.
Only God can tell for how long he has been sick by the time you noticed it.
Still insists that he isn’t sick even though he can’t stop sneezing and coughing.
You have to physically drag him to bed or bait him with something or else he just won’t take a break.
Feels a bit uneasy from just laying down and doing nothing but if you hold his hand, he will eventually fall asleep and sleep for 20 hours straight.
Is perfectly capable of taking care of himself but if he has you, he’s going to take advantage of that.
Gives you clear instructions on what he needs and where you can find what.
Pretends that he feels worse than he actually does so you take pity on him.
Very thankful because he has fun even while sick instead of being alone.
Cannot accept that he’s sick, he’s never ever sick!
Coughs once and acts like he’s on his deathbed.
Lies down and keeps complaining about pain and gets angry about his traitorous immune system.
Begs you not to leave him alone while he’s suffering.
Yeo One:
Smiles through the fever.
Keeps asking how you are and how your day was instead.
Worries that you will catch the cold if you’re around him too much.
It’s the only reason he tries to reject you taking care of him but otherwise, he quite likes that you’re there for him.
Sleeps a lot.  
Basically sleeps through most of the time when he’s sick which is probably for the best.
His general mood is not too good and he doesn’t feel like doing anything or talking at all.
May or may not fights you when it’s time to take medicine but doesn’t have much energy to resist.
Takes his medicines and goes back to work.
Actually listens to you when you scold him and goes to bed.
Offers to help you cook soup (for himself) and you have to tuck him in again.
Has an internal struggle because he wants you there but also doesn’t want you to catch his cold.
Says a cold is not a big deal until it gets worse.
Sensitive™ very whiny and fusses about everything.
He doesn’t care, he WILL cuddle you or else he can’t fall asleep peacefully.
Will apologize the next day when you start coughing, though.
Hates the feeling of having a runny nose.
Loves it that you’re there to take care of him and let’s you know.
Hates taking medicine but will take them for you.
Says that you don’t have to stay with him but mutters your name in his sleep.
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milkybonya · 5 years ago
goodbye for now
Warnings: angsty mcangst - arguments
Pairing: boyfriend!Hongseok x (gender neutral)reader!
Summary: Hongseok and you have to take a break from dating because of a few mistakes the two of you made, but you promise to meet again after two years. *inspired by goodbye for now by Kyuhyun
[a/n]: this has been in my drafts since May !! now since i was low on ideas, i decided to flesh it out :D
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“Okay, let’s calm down-” Hongseok said, his voice cracking from a throat stripped dry because of all of the shouted words that left it.
“No, Hongseok! I will not just calm down! I’ve been holding things in for too long, always avoiding arguments because I want our relationship to be perfect, but nothing is perfect, Hongseok.”
Hongseok’s eyes were filled with tears, not only because of this argument and seeing you hurt, but hearing you call him ‘Hongseok’ instead of ‘Hong’ broke his heart. It meant that you were truly upset.
“I know that, sweetie-”
“I know you want to hide our relationship because you don’t want to ruin your ‘smart and unbothered’ image at college, but did you really have to yell and blame me when people found out?”
“I know-”
“I did nothing wrong! No you know what, it’s my fault. It’s my fault for deciding to date you in secret-”
“Would you please let me speak!” Hongseok yelled, raising his arms in anger.
“[y/n], I was surprised, okay? I was surprised and shocked and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you-”
“But you did, Hongseok.”
“You’re interrupting, [y/n],” Hongseok said, sternly. His eyes were glaring, his face dotted with sweat.
“I’ve been so obedient to you. So what if I interrupt? I’m tired, Hongseok. I’m leaving.”
You grabbed your coat from where it lay on Hongseok’s beige, fabric couch, ready to storm off just like you’d seen in the movies.
Hongseok was one step ahead. He grabbed your arm, also like in the movies.
“Let’s just take a break. I can’t risk losing you forever. Let’s take a break and meet again later,” he said. Your back was facing him, but you could tell his eyes were on you.
“Two years. Two years and I’ll meet you in the café we frequent. We’ll decide on things then.”
Now, you stormed off, slamming the door of his apartment behind you. Your heart was racing, full of adrenaline. Yet you felt unsatisfied. Why did I agree to take a break instead of ending things completely? Am I still so attached to him?
I did look badass walking away like that, though. I’ll forgive myself this time.
You buried your heartbreak with your temporary boost in self-esteem, and you went out to walk through the streets and feel yourself in all your glory. Every step was one of power, freedom. Every breath felt holy and every move felt important.
Unknowingly, many glances were directed your way. You were beautiful, walking confidently like that.
But it wouldn’t last long.
Back home, your apartment was full of Hongseok. 
His clothes, a toothbrush, small pieces of himself that took hours of searching around to find. You put them all in a black plastic bag and kicked it towards the door of your apartment.
You planned to return them to Hongseok, but never did.
The rest of the school year, you’d walk the other way when you saw Hongseok coming. You blocked his number and never spoke about him, changing the subject when your friends asked. Everyone eventually found out that the two of you were taking a break, but never because you told them.
You made sure to never give a reason for Hongseok to yell at you like that again.
The memory made you shudder.
The feeling of everyone staring in the Student Centre as Hongseok yelled, blaming everything on you. You felt helpless, wondering why someone you loved would ridicule you like that. No one came to save you, you had to save yourself.
That’s what the two years of being away from Hongseok were all about. Learning to save yourself. For too long, you had wanted to please Hongseok, make him happy.
It was time you learned how to make yourself happy.
You had no idea how Hongseok was faring during his time away from you.
Well, a lot of crying happened.
He cried for a long time, for many days and weeks. He was a mess and if he wasn’t force-fed by his friends, he wouldn’t have survived. All he did was blame himself.
Then, he decided he was going to be a better man. For you and for himself. No longer caring about his image so much, he took a break from school to discover himself. Who he was and what he enjoyed doing.
The two of you became stronger separately before reuniting in a café you had once loved.
Now it was dingy, old, falling apart. Yet it held many memories and was special to you for that reason.
Pulling out a chair, you let your coat fall back behind you as you took a seat. Of course Hongseok is late. I always arrived before him.
“[y/n]? I’m over here?” a familiar voice called. You looked to your right and found him, Hongseok, completely changed.
His hair scattered with red highlights and a ring around his lip that made it look more plump than ever... you had never known Hongseok to look like this. He was also taken aback by your more fanciful clothes. 
“So, Hongseok. When did you get here?” you asked him, propping your elbow on your knee and placing your chin in your palm.
“Twenty minutes ago. I got your favourite drink,” he said, pushing a glass towards you.
You took a sip of it, closing your eyes and letting the taste take you back in time.
“Can I have some of it too?” Hongseok asked. You nodded and he took a sip, smiling.
“I remember your lips would always taste like this when I kissed you,” Hongseok said.
There it was. The Hongseok you first fell in love with. The flirty, cheeky idiot who made your heart beat ten times faster than it should.
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itsnotworkinguys · 4 years ago
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Chemistry Professor Yang Hongseok
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yuthoe · 4 years ago
Morning Moods (PENTAGON: Yang Hongseok)
FINALLY FINISHED THIS ONE! it’s the last request in my inbox that asked for numbers from this prompt list:
2. “yeah? gonna look into my pretty eyes when you cum?”
45. “let me see you, honeybee.”
i have no idea why it took me this long, cuz this ask has been sitting there for AGES, but i blame my lack of drive to write smut these few months. as usual, this turned out way longer than i intended it to be, but i really wanted to sneak in more banter in it. hope y’all like it!
PAIRING: Hongseok x reader. GENRE: fic, smut. WARNINGS: 18+ ONLY, depictions of vaginal fingering, probably poorly written. WORD COUNT: 1503.
Master List of Master Lists
Light from the mid-morning sun slips through the sheer white curtains of your bedroom. It’s hot today, and the thin blankets catch on the light sheen of sweat on your skin. Still, you and Hongseok are sprawled on top of each other, limbs strewn about the expanse of the mattress or tucked underneath the pillows.
It takes you a while to wake, taking advantage of the day off and lack of an alarm to naturally come to consciousness. The sun hits your eyes as you try to open them, and you bury your head back into the pillows with a groan. A sleep-rough chuckle blooms on your right, followed by a kiss to your temple.
“Good morning, baby,” Hongseok greets, voice husky from a good night’s rest. It sends a slight shiver down your spine. Oh, how you love that sound.
You reply with a grunt of your own, keeping your face away from the harsh light of the sun. You feel Hongseok’s arm over your back move back and forth, shaking you, coaxing you to turn your head.
“Babyyyyy,” your boyfriend whines. “Come ooooon, let me see you, honeybee.”
The pet names he calls you always bring a smile to your face, and you turn your head, just enough to crack an eye open and pull up a corner of your mouth into a soft smile.
Hongseok’s grin brightens. “There’s my baby,” he whispers, leans in for a kiss on your exposed lips. Soft pecks litter your lips, your cheek, your forehead, as Hongseok scooches closer, crowding you against the soft sheets. He nudges your face with his nose, trying to get you to kiss him back. His arm wraps around your back, shifting you to your side--a simple matter to someone who regularly works out and has the muscles to show for it. Laughter falls out of your mouth as he lifts you slightly to position you how he wants.
Your face finally in full view, Hongseok leans in quickly, pulling a giggly kiss from your lips before burying his face in your neck and pressing more kisses there and up your ear. You shudder and hum, whispering a good morning of your own as Hongseok continues peppering his affections on your skin.
One of his thighs slots between yours, pressing himself even closer, an arm slithering underneath your body to wind around your back, and you have no choice but to run your hand up his arm that’s still over you, and into his fluffy hair. He looks really good with long hair, you think, and you hope he’ll keep it that length for a while. You twirl a lock of soft black hair around your fingers as you lean in for another kiss.
A content hum escapes your lips as you part, resting your forehead against his. You stay like that for a while, Hongseok’s hands running up and down your back, fingers catching on the fabric of his shirt that you stole god knows when that he knows he’s not gonna get back. You trace abstract pictures on his bare shoulders and back, basking in the comfortable warmth of the day.
Until one of Hongseok’s hands trails lower on your side to slide up under your shirt--up and up and stops at your ribs, thumb stroking the skin dangerously close to your breast. You smile, amused, and kiss him again, pretty lips plush against yours, tongue diving into your mouth, morning breath be damned.
His hand finally curves around your breast, light and curious. Taking his time because you have all the time in the world to take it slow today. Hongseok buries his face between yours and the pillow, pressing light kisses on your cheek, nipping at your ear as his thumb circles your nipple. Your breath hitches, clutching at the muscle of his back for a moment before relaxing again.
“What do you want to do today?” he murmurs suddenly against the skin of your neck. His thumb continues laving attention on your breast, while the other hand smooths away the goosebumps that erupt on your back.
You release a breathy giggle and trail your free hand down his side. “I don’t know,” you sigh, grinning. “Maybe coffee later? Breakfast for lunch? I can make waffles.”
Your boyfriend snorts, remembering the failed waffle escapade from a week ago, and lowers the hand he’s been teasing you with to trace the elastic of your underwear. “And for that, I’m gonna tease you more than I originally planned.”
You roll your eyes. “You wouldn’t. You can’t resist me,” you say, palming his exposed chest and licking the shell of his ear. “We both know that.”
“Well you’re right about that,” Hongseok replies, sliding his hand under your panties and pressing a finger against your wet heat. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t take my time with you. We have all day, after all.”
You release a shuddering breath at the contact, balling your hand on his chest into a fist. The slide of his finger into your core has you moaning, and you snake your hand up to his neck and pull him into a rough kiss.
It’s muscle memory at this point, the way you reposition your leg to fit over this hips, giving him more room to work your nerves into a frenzy. The angle gives Hongseok space to work and he gently inserts another long digit into you and curls them just right that you release a moan into his mouth that he eagerly swallows down.
Hongseok retracts the hand that was on your back to cup your face as his fingers thrust into you--in. Out. In. Out.--a maddening pace that’s at the same time too much and not enough. You roll your hips in time with his thrusts, pressing him even deeper into you.
“H--... Hongseok,” you whine, fingers curling into his locks. “Please, I need--...”
“Yeah, baby?” he replies, lips at your neck again and nipping at the skin, sucking the tender flesh under your ear. “What do you need?”
You can’t answer--his fingers feel way too good, and with him being so busy lately you’d forgotten how he can turn you into putty in his hands, perfectly pliable into however shape he wants you to be. You think it’s the sweetest torture and you need more.
The heel of his palm grinds against your clit with every stroke, and you jerk at the stimulation. You swallow, voice threatening to break at the slightest attempt at speaking. “I need more, I need to come, please.”
Hongseok lifts his head, lips curled into a sly grin. “Open your eyes, baby,” he says, picking up the pace of his fingers.
You didn’t even realize you’d closed them. “Come on, let me see you,” he says again and you obey, just as he hits that spot inside you that just lights you up, and you dissolve into a mess of moans. “There we go, there she is.” Hongseok leans in to drop a light kiss on your forehead. 
The coil in your belly that’s been slowly tightening from Hongseok’s attentions is close to snapping--you can feel it ready to snap. “Oh god,” you moan. “Hongseok--I’m--... oh, I’m coming--,”
“Yeah?” he says, keeping pace as he watches you crumble. “You gonna look into my pretty eyes when you come?”
You’re nodding before he’s even finished talking. “Yeah, yes, ah, you feel so good, babe, I love your eyes, I love your lips, your hands--oh, I love you so much--ah!”
You shudder into your orgasm, fighting to keep your eyes open and trained on him, even as the pleasure overwhelms you and threatens your eyes to shut. Hongseok helps you ride it out, fingers pressing against your walls, deliciously prolonging your climax.
Heavy breathing echoes around the room as you try to catch your breath. You press your foreheads together and kiss his nose as thanks. Hongseok’s hand, still wet with your essence is resting over your panties, his thumb rubbing circles on your hip.
“God, what a way to spend the morning,” you say, stroking his cheekbone with a finger.
“Great start to the day, I’d say,” your boyfriend replies. “Let’s relax a little longer and then we can go get lunch, hm?”
You immediately raise your head from its place at the crook of his neck. “What? No, nuh-uh, we’re not done yet,” you say, redistributing your weight to the side until Hongseok is flat on his back and you’re sitting on top of him, straddling his hips. He’s smiling like getting you on top of him was his plan all along, but you don’t care. You have the whole day to yourselves, and by god, you are going to make the most of it.
You lean down and kiss him, lick right across his lips and into his open mouth. His moan is delicious against your lips. You trail kisses across his face and to his ear. “Your turn for a good morning greeting, babe.”
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mlm-writer · 5 years ago
Flip-Flop (Hongseok x M!Reader)
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Pairing: Yang Hongseok x Male!Reader (NOT trans-friendly) Rating: Explicit Words: 1168 Summary: First time gay sex for Hongseok, so you two are just figuring it out and taking it slow.  Note: This is a repost. It was originally posted on @lgbt-kpopimagines​, but that blog died. Reposting to get everything properly in my masterlist. Tags: anal sex, rimming, handjobs, making out, first time, anal fingering, protected sex (AS YOU SHOULD), joking during sex (which you also should) and fluff
With tongue and lips I worshipped the well-defined abs of my boyfriend. He seemed so relaxed, aside from the hand in my hair, guiding my head around. He mewled, as I assaulted a nipple with my mouth, working it with wet, heated passion. None of this was planned out. It was another night at my place, watching a movie and cuddling. We made out like we usually did and now we were here, with him sprawled over my couch and me on my knees, devouring him.
Hongseok pulled at my hair, forcing me towards his face. Our tongues invented a new kind of tango, after he mashed our lips together. I couldn’t breathe. He helped me back onto the couch, letting me lie on top of him. I couldn’t stop my hips from grinding down on him. I felt we were both excited and okay with where this was going. Like a starving man, Hongseok separated our lips and latched down onto my neck. The sensation was weird at first, but it took little for me to whine in pleasure. “Ouch!”
As if burned, Hongseok let go, when I cried out. “I’m sorry!” He exclaimed, looking at me with big eyes, as if he just accidentally stabbed me, instead of just biting my neck. I chuckled and bent my head down to give him a less harsh bite on his shoulder. The moan from his lips spurred me on to bite him more. After I switched to the other shoulder, he started trying to stop me. My teeth sunk into his flesh for the sixth time, when he used every muscle fibre in his abdomen to lift off the couch and pick me up. He twirled me around as he stood up from the couch. I giggled and held onto him for dear life. We ended up tangled on my bed, kissing and undressing each other. Our hands naturally wrapped around each other’s lengths. My mouth was slightly ajar, as I rested with my chin on his shoulder. “What do you want?” I sighed out, pleasure and warmth filling me.
Hongseok leaned back a little, making eye-contact with me. “I want to have sex with you, of course”, he chuckled, giving my cock another playful tug. I wanted to laugh, but it came out as an odd mixture of a moan and a giggle. “What do you want, honey?” I got my hand off his manhood and cupped his face with the other. “That was not what I was getting at,” I pecked his lips before continuing, “I meant… you know… Do you want to top? I know you haven’t been with a guy before, so…” I swore he was turning red. He probably wouldn’t admit it though. Hongseok shrugged, looking a little embarrassed. “Hey don’t get shy on me. My dick is still in your hand.”
Hongseok meekly removed his hand and put the both of them on his lap. “You have been with guys before, right? What do you usually do?”
“Usually they either have their fingers in my ass by now or are on all fours in front of me,'' I joked, but in hindsight it only made things worse. I patted a hand on his lap. “Hey, think about it. I am gonna look for condoms.”
I left him on the bed to look through my drawers. I was sure I had at least three lying somewhere. It was a real mood killer, but I eventually found a package of unexpired ones. I grabbed the lube I kept and crawled back onto the bed. “And what have you decided?” I kissed his full lips. Hongseok didn’t say anything and took the supplies from my hands. He looked at me like he had already told me what to do. Somehow, I got the hint and lied down, spreading my legs for him. He poured lube onto his fingers. He seemed more confident now, playing with me with skilled fingers. I was on cloud nine, demanding his cock inside me.
Hongseok wasn’t a tease for once. Perhaps he was just as turned on as I was. My eyes were trained on his face as he pushed his covered and lubed tip against my hole, pushing until he slipped inside. It had been a while since I had bottomed. No dildo did justice to the way Hongseok moved shallowly inside, slipping in more and more with each thrust. I was panting and moaning under him. He looked so pretty with that concentrated frown covered in raw please. He seemed shocked as his balls hit my ass.
Neither of us was much of a talker in bed. He just rested there, deep inside me and watching me for the green for go. I relaxed and nodded, trying to keep my eyes open as his hips moved languidly. I felt every inch of his veiny cock rubbing against my walls. My nails naturally dug into his shoulders. He didn’t last long, pulling out suddenly and catching his breath. I could tell he was embarrassed. “Hey, you didn’t come, right?” He shook his head and I smiled. “Then don’t look at me like you just gave me one pump chump sex.”
I pushed myself up and gently kissed him. “Sorry, it’s just… much tighter.” I smiled and nodded. My hand found its way to his hair, running through the soft strands.
“It’s okay; it felt really good. Want to try out for yourself?” He didn’t hesitate, nodding eagerly. We switched places. He almost came when I rimmed him. He almost came when I fingered him, while sucking him off. He literally sobbed and cried from pleasure when I finally pushed inside him.
I had him on his hands and knees for easier access, but the moment I pushed in, his arms collapsed. I let him stay like that, while I agonisingly slow pulled out and pushed back in. All the self-control in my body was working hard. I needed to hold back; I did not want to hurt him. While he had been fairly quiet while fucking me, he was anything but quiet now. He demanded more, not quite asking, but I felt how tight he was around my cock. I put a hand on his back, stroking lovingly. “You need to relax Seokkie,” I whispered, bending down to pepper his back with kisses. My soft touches seemed to help. His muscles unclenched and his moans were looser, less strained. I wrapped an arm around his torso and pulled his back against my chest, before going to town with him. His sounds were everything I needed in life. Hongseok was always taking care of others, but not now. Now he just had to relax, let go and take it. He turned to putty in my arms, coming without warning over the pillows. When his hole clenched around my length again, I lost control. A few uncontrolled, deep thrusts later I was filling the condom, while I was still inside him.
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 4 years ago
Canoe Trip 1 - July 17th
“Man, that was a good sandwich,” you sighed, leaning back against the tree as you surveyed all the kids eating lunch.
“Are you still hungry?” Wonwoo asked between bites of his.
You eyed his bag quickly. “Why do you ask?”
Wonwoo gave you a small grin before reaching into his bag and pulling out another half a sandwich. He tossed it into your lap.
“I thought you might get hungry for more so I packed extra.”
“Dude!” You said excitedly unwrapping the sandwich. “You are seriously the best.”
“Damn, maybe I should have been your canoeing partner this year,” Hongseok chuckled. “They’re getting all the best treatment.” You chuckled but Wonwoo seemed to get flustered.
“Ah, I-I just know them well enough now. That’s all.”
You nudged him with your elbow. “This whole friendship thing is working out well for you.”
Wonwoo rolled his eyes. “I feel like it’s working out better for you.”
You grinned at him. “I can make it up to you.”
Hongseok whacked your leg with his hat.
“What?” You whined.
“Keep it appropriate,” he grumbled.
“I didn’t say anything,” you muttered.
“You were thinking it,” he replied. Wonwoo laughed while you stuck out your tongue.
“You’re more and more like Seungcheol every day, I swear.”
“Am not,” he scoffed.
“I don’t know, growing more strict in your old age,” Wonwoo added.
Hongseok opened his mouth to speak but before he could Gahyeon came running up.
“Hey can you come help me? Wonyoung just realized that she has to sleep out in a tent tonight and she’s freaking out.”
“Alright,” Hongseok sighed, getting up and following Gahyeon.
You looked over at Wonwoo as you munched on your sandwich.
“We’re okay, right?”
You cocked your head to the side. “Yeah of course. Have I been acting weird again?”
“No,” he said. “I just, I wanna make sure I guess? I wasn’t sure if something was off the other day and I just want it to be cool between us.”
You felt the ice in the pit of your stomach. You still didn’t want to tell him he was bad at oral. It wasn’t even that big of a deal. You should just be honest about it.
You could save his ego and save yourself the awkwardness and just never bring it up ever and make sure he doesn’t try to eat you out for the rest of the summer.
That sounded like a much better plan.
“Of course,” you said. “Everything is good.”
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