#OC: Yunia
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goddevouringserpent · 7 months ago
thinking about them... (Yunia AUs)
not-a-Tarnished AU: remains a knight of the House of Caria, earning their respect and something resembling affection thanks to years upon years of loyal service. her competence and dedication lead her to climb in the ranks, so to speak, and earn a closeness with the Carians that she could've only ever dreamed of—with time, she even becomes Ranni's confidante, after a fashion. not quite Blaidd-level, but Ranni trusts in them as someone who is thoroughly and relentlessly dedicated to her, and who unlike Blaidd is not "programmed" to turn against her should she betray the Two Fingers; if Blaidd is Ranni's right hand, Yunia is her left hand. (or like. hands. there's four arms in there after all. or there will be.) worth mentioning that Yunia's hopeless puppy-love-crush on Ranni is still every bit as present as it is in their canon. girl is down bad, and in this AU it's even more hopeless unfortunately.
anyway, fast forward to Ranni's Night of the Black Knives scheme. this time around, as her Loyal Knight, Yunia is in on it—or as "in on it" as Ranni lets anyone be, anyway—even if, more likely than not, they didn't play any part in it. still, after the deed is done and Ranni's gone dollmode, Yunia gets to join the Caria Manor Inner Circle & continues to work for Ranni, towards the goal of the Age of Stars, alongside Blaidd and Iji (and allegedly Seluvis but we know how that goes, don't we). she'd be there when the Tarnished arrives, and... honestly I'm not sure she'd have a questline of her own because Yunia's quest is, ultimately, Ranni's questline. but they would be available as a summon for Radahn's fight if—and only if—the player has pledged their service to Ranni, then somewhere down the line they would also be available as a NPC summon for... Astel, Naturalborn of the Void, maybe? still have to figure that one out.
non-Tarnished Yunia's endings are always tragic. girlie does not get a break. if the player goes through with Ranni's questline to the point where they become her consort / give her the ring at Manus Celes, Yunia pretty much dies of heartbreak. the next time the player goes to Ranni's Rise, they'll find Yunia standing near the place where Ranni used to sit, as though keeping watch, and if spoken to she'll say:
"And thus, my service, my duty, my purpose... it all comes to an end, and I am left hollow. A severed sword-arm. No worth in me." "Ah, Tarnished... I did not think I would see you again. You have fought bravely. More than I could." "If I may be so bold, be good to lady Ranni, please. Take care of each other." "I know her moon will rise, brighter than star and sky. If only I could witness it one last time... but I have not earned the privilege. My silence is my oath, unto eternity."
then if you rest at a Grace/port out and come back/etc etc, you'll find Yunia's lifeless body leaning against Ranni's chair, and you'll be able to loot her armour (an unique variant of the Carian Knight armour) & her signature weapon.
on the other hand, if you reach the Mountaintops of the Giants and burn the Erdtree without having pledged your service to Ranni / unlocked Age of Stars as a potential ending, Yunia will invade you in Leyndell. killing her this way also lets you claim her armour and weapon.
Lord of Frenzied Flame AU: less meat in this one, but the gist of it is that I asked myself "what ending would Yunia go for if Age of Stars wasn't an option?" and the answer was that she would succumb to the temptation of the Frenzied Flame lol. or... to the grief of it, more like. the hopelessness.
because, like, in the Frenzyflame AU, Yunia loses all her loved ones, all she has ever worked for, the only sense of purpose she's ever had, and gains nothing. she has to see the way in which the House of Caria—which she had devoted her entire pre-exile life to—has fallen into disgrace and disrepair, and there's absolutely jack shit she can do about it. & in her canon, working alongside Ranni makes up for that at least, but in the Frenzyflame AU they don't have that (I'm picturing it's some sort of domino effect of things going very wrong, where they don't go all the way up towards Caria Manor because they're terrified of the state it'll be in & it's not as if anyone would be there, anyway, and therefore they never encounter Ranni; Rogier's quest would bypass that so I feel like he would die before he could decipher the whole deal behind the Cursemark of Death and therefore give Yunia any hope, no matter how small, of Ranni being alive and active).
and, man. Yunia would be left purposeless and adrift and THIS close to just saying "whatever, fuck everything". a sensation that would only increase as people around her—people she's grown to respect and, in certain cases, genuinely like—keep dropping like flies. so yeah, she goes off the deep end. may chaos take the fucking world. (also slightly motivated by the fact that she feels a world without Ranni in it is a world that deserves to be purged and started anew but shhh let's not mention that. let's pretend Yunia is well-adjusted and not at all an obsessive clingy individual with a crush so devoted it wraps around to being toxic. leal hound of the Dark Moon Princess my beloved.)
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evilyunia · 2 years ago
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An old OC of mine. Haven't draw him in like... Five years or so, and it was really exciting to make this artwork! (redraw from may 2022 didn’t count)
I remember i tried to make this character kinda tolkien-ish looking elf but always struggled with the design because 17yo Yunia didn’t knew a thing how costumes work. Gladly it’s not a problem anymore.
I may post old artworks of him just because this character was everything to me and i still can’t let him go even if i (sadly) couldn’t place him anywhere.
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goddevouringserpent · 10 months ago
tagged by @miseryscrowned to take the "Which D&D class suits your personality?" (or, in this case, your OC's personality) quiz. took me ages because I have been so busy & stressed out I am starting to lose track of time, but wat ever we stay silly and take things as best as we can take them~
putting it under a cut because I chose not one, but two OCs for this, and as is often the case with me I started rambling and this got long as hell, lol.
in light of the DLC release date announcement, I'm back in WOTR mode and rotating my beloved wrathful girlie at washing machine speed, so!
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Kaija (she/they), my most developed Knight Commander. who, yes, has a canon class, or... sort of canon? IDK, she's a Sword Saint/Vivisectionist, but I've been contemplating a different build for the run I'll do once the DLC comes out—probably will still be martial heavy, but we'll see... anyway, I just wanted to see what class she got assigned based on her personality LOL
and the result was:
You’re a practical and unusually resourceful person with big dreams that may or may not involve copious amounts of money or treasure. You’re ambitious, you know what you want, and you’ll do whatever you can to get it. Some people might think you’re selfish, but you know it’s important to take care of yourself first. You thrive under pressure and you might have a bit of a mischievous or chaotic side.
Arcane Trickster subclass
Some rogues enhance their fine-honed skills of stealth and agility with magic, learning tricks of enchantment and illusion. You’re an adaptable person who likes to cultivate a range of skills and interests. Once you decide to pick up a new skill or hobby, you’re more than willing to put in a little time and effort to learn how to do it well. You like to feel competent and powerful. You’re not always the most direct person and you may sometimes hide your true thoughts and feelings behind lies or misdirection. Some people might not know what to expect of you, or you might be a bit misunderstood, but you’re capable of a lot more than some people give you credit for.
and I'll admit the result really surprised me at first because I've never seen them as the roguish type—she is quite literally built like a wrestler, roughly 190cm tall, contains multitudes of rage & does not have a single subtle bone in her—but upon reflection I can definitely see it, especially considering how the test openly states that it assigns a class based on personality, not mechanics. the descriptions given match really well, too; INSANELY resourceful, ambitious, materialistic, selfish, chaotic, adaptable, hates feeling powerless/needs to feel like the strongest and most powerful person in the room at any given time, rarely if ever shows her true feelings, often underestimated or not taken seriously despite being more than competent enough to deserve a different treatment... so yeah, fair, she would make a really good rogue! might keep that in mind for the aforementioned new build plans hehe
also: fun result considering one of the characters I ship Kai with—and who is essentially her "endgame" pairing in terms of being a healthy, loving, long-term relationship—is Woljif... who is an Eldritch Scoundrel 🤭 meant for each other~
then, because I am equally as excited about Shadow of the Erdtree releasing soon (June release dates for both DLCs, in fact... I'm gonna eat GOOD this winter break 😌), my Tarnished Yunia! aka the other she/they I have been spinning in the vortex of my thoughts 24/7, and who hilariously enough could not be more different from Kaija if they tried lol
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art credit (and also sick as hell modern fit design credit)
Yunia got:
You’re dedicated, caring, and probably a sucker for happy endings. You spend so much time helping other people that you might forget to take care of yourself. You’re very idealistic and have a strong sense of faith in your beliefs, which may be actual religious beliefs or just your personal moral code. You like to be prepared for a variety of situations and you may have a bit of a protective side.
Nature domain
Gods of nature are as varied as the natural world itself; from inscrutable gods of the deep to friendly deities associated with particular springs and groves. You feel comforted by nature and you’re drawn to the outdoors. You want to do as much as you can to take care of our world and you wish other people would take environmental concerns more seriously. You might come across as a calm and easygoing person most of the time, but you can have a surprisingly vicious side when someone violates your principles. You’re not afraid to confront harsh truths and you generally have a practical and realistic outlook on life.
Cleric tracks, it's a ridiculously good fit for her thematically—their entire Character Thing is passionate devotion towards the House of Caria (and later, to Ranni & her ideal for the Age of Stars) which overrides even their most basic self-preservation instinct at times and is pretty much, like, the core of their identity. so in a D&D AU, Yunia being a cleric of the Moon goddess Ranni would work out extremely well: following her dogma to a letter, doing everything in Ranni's name and to serve her earthly purposes, drawing from that very faith and dedication to find their own power and way in life, hopelessly in love with Ranni but shh don't tell anyone
Nature domain, on the other hand, I did not see coming, but the description works... ish? like, I'm not sure Yunia is particularly concerned about environmental issues in their source material LOL (even if there is quite a lot of shit to be concerned about, but that's probably on account of the Lands Between being an absolute shithole at the best of times <3), but in a modern AU I could definitely see her going for something like Environmental Sciences, yeah. being a protector-type with very firm beliefs is, again, a core part of their personality, & it's more likely they'd find themself working with flora or fauna because she is just Not good with people at all lol
(the part about having a "surprisingly vicious side" is 100% true though and I hope one day I can write any of the fics involving her I have planned, because that would be SO much fun to delve into :3)
tagging @hate-not-wanting-a-name (Zimka and/or Fixer? Zimka and/or Fixer maybe? my beloved little guys perhaps? 👀), @takers-flames, and UUHHH whoever else wants to do this, feel free to say I tagged you / mention me in your post so I can see! I'd tag more but I'm pretty sure that most of my mutuals' OCs already have assigned classes lmao 😭
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goddevouringserpent · 1 year ago
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need these here for no reason other than I love them and I love her. thank you DD2 character creator for letting me play around with dramatic lighting like this
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goddevouringserpent · 2 years ago
1 and 9 for Yunia and Kaija, from the Edgy Ask :3
What memory would your OC rather just forget?
OOOH this is a fun one because the answers are so different :3
Kaija does not want to forget anything. She's been through some tough shit in her life, but she takes all of it as a lesson—she's very much the "what doesn't kill me makes me stronger" type, and that involves remembering everything that hurt her so she can carefully examine it, be it to make sure it never happens again or to be prepared to deal with it if she can't avoid it. (She may not look like it, given her personality, but she's actually quite shrewd and clever.) Moreover, and WATCH OUT HEAVY SPOILERS FOR WOTR AHEAD, Kaija knows forgetting. Worse than that, she knows what it's like to forget crucial parts of yourself, something that makes you you; even worse, she knows what it's like to be forced to forget. As a result, even if she was inclined to lean towards oblivion as a respite, she would lean away out of spite.
Yunia, on the other hand… Yunia is, um. Not in a good spot mentally. So Yunia is deeply, deeply devoted to Ranni—almost obsessively so, in a frankly very funny way because she has designated herself Ranni's Protector, her Knight in Shining Carian Armour, which, let's be honest, Ranni does not need that. Ranni can take care of herself. But Yunia needs to dedicate herself to someone's cause and so she falls at Ranni's feet, runs herself through with her own blade and promises all of me is yours, lady Ranni, my arm and my flesh and my blood and my mind all yours to take. She fights tooth-and-nail for Ranni's vision of an Age of Stars, and ultimately succeeds. But the problem is… in getting there, a lot of people Yunia cared about—people she fought alongside, people she respected, friends of hers—died. And, due to the Way She Is, Yunia holds herself responsible for every single death. There is little truth in that, but she always thinks that there must have been something she could have done to prevent that (even if there wasn't) and so survivor's guilt gnaws at her, with the added pain of knowing that, no matter how much it hurts, she would do it all over again, for Ranni's sake. She would do anything. But the guilt, the teeth on her heart eating her alive, that's harder to deal with. So I feel Yunia, unlike Kaija, would embrace oblivion. She'd want to forget that her friends died. Not about her friends as a whole, mind you—just about their fates. Give her something that'll let her fool herself into thinking everyone's safe and happy back in the Lands Between, and she'll take it without hesitation.
Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
Lyric for Kaija: Either "Drowning madly in deep blue seas / Waves of sadness swallow me / No soul can hear me beneath the weight / No gods or saviors, no hands of fate" (from Only Love Can Save Me Now by the Pretty Reckless) or "My darkest soul unfolds / I embrace this rage / Bad things hurt so good / Bad things dig deep inside you / You still feed the monster / With these endless lies / Gonna crush your empire down / 'Til it fades away" (from Bad Things by Lacuna Coil)
Quote for Kaija: "I often see how you sob over what you destroy, how you want to stop and just worship; and you do stop, and then a moment later you are at it again with a knife, like a surgeon." - Anaïs Nin
Lyric for Yunia: "I feel alone in my body / I feel a silence underneath / In these valleys of blood / In these rivers of rust / Shoulder all the blame again / Mirror locked until the end" and "And I've always been ashamed that I want to / Fall into a dream with my honour desecrated / Blood is jaded" (both from Jaded by Spiritbox)*
*fun fact this song came out very recently, I just found out about it today—despite it being by one of my favourite bands, smh at myself—and I am losing my MIND at how good it is and how much the lyrics fits several of my characters for various reasons
Quote for Yunia: "Sometimes I feel skinless, raw, like I don't have a face. How can I be sure that I have any coherence unless I outline it?" - Kate Zambreno
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goddevouringserpent · 1 year ago
tagged by @dujour13, thank you!!! these are always a lot of fun hehe
Last song: death follows by she who mauls, found through my Release Radar playlist. was not even aware of this artist until now but I'll be keeping an eye out for any other songs she releases
Currently watching: nothing! in-between shows—we're pondering whether to start Severance, Scavenger's Reign or maaaaybe Voyager
Three ships: UHH okay I'm gonna cheat and pull from the ones I have works in progress for lol. let's sayyyy... Kaija/Woljif, Nelvari/Julan, Yunia/Ranni (yes I've already mentioned them in a past tag game but time is fake and yuri is forever). I'll probably think of like 50 more right after I post this but fuck it we ball
Favourite colour: ourple 💜
Currently reading: been having a very hectic time, so unfortunately I haven't really been able to read anything not work-related... still trying to finish Buddha's Little Finger and Tesis sobre una domesticación—both of which I am thoroughly enjoying, so trust me, it's not for lack of wanting that I haven't made much progress. also, technically, the books I am editing for work
Currently consuming: as in eating/drinking? nothing too exciting, I'm afraid, just sipping on water cause I've gotta stay hydrated 😌 but I will say the last thing I ate (dessert) was grapes & some salt and caramel flavoured chocolate. which is really really really good
First ship: UUUUUUH. I might be wrong, but I think it was Lyra/Will, from His Dark Materials? it's the earliest ship I can remember, anyway
Place of birth: real ones know Argentina. no further details given :3
Current location: my bedroom
Relationship status: romantically? single
Last movie: uuuhhhhh it's been so long since I watched a movie, I legitimately cannot remember... come to think of it, I think it might've been Argentina, 1985, back when it first came out?? so uhh. two years ago give or take😭
Currently working on: work + like ten drawings at once + character page + RP stuff + lots of OC stuff honestly. I'm feeling the urge to write fic but I'm not sure what about yet, we'll see 🤔
open-tagging because I'm too lazy to actually tag people, lol. feel free to just yoink this or mention me/say I tagged you~!
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