#some rude ass Jack Frost
1driedpersimmon · 11 months
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Rare ess emm tee vee Scribblies
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mynameisjag · 1 month
For @ace-in-disgrace and their prompt: Danny gets mistaken as the love child of the disasters known as Wolverine and Deadpool.
Okay, it was not Danny's fault, he swears!
He was just experimenting with his ice, playing around with some of the younger yetis in the Far Frozen for fun. So shaping his ice to cover his hands to copy the paws of the others and seeing how well he could cut through solid hard frozen ice was just a game. The rough housing was to be expected, everyone tossing each other to see how far they could be thrown was fun.
Being picked up and tossed at the right exact moment a portal opened up was not fun or expected and he blamed Clockwork. The entity had to be responsible somehow for him not being able to enjoy a day of hanging out with Frostbite and the others.
Landing right in the middle of a what looked like a swat happening in an abandoned warehouse, armored people instantly aiming their rifles at him as he stood up wasn’t even surprising given his luck.
Fair though, he was currently looking more on the feral side to match his playmates then his normal ghost form.
“Hey, what’s with hostility? Can’t someone just pop in somewhere without-“, and he was shot in the shoulder, cutting his sentence off, “rude.”
It was just a regular bullet, so it was easy for his form to just…push it out and heal the hole up.
One of the men reached up to touch a device attached on his ear, “Unknown possible mutant has breached the facilities, age around 12-15, regeneration showed, animal like features-“
“You know it’s really rude to talk about someone like that to their face, no manners at all.”
“Unfortunately satirical.”
There was a crash from above as red and yellow forms busted through the glass, the guns swinging their aim at the two men landed.
“Sassiness is always welcomed!”, the red man had his own guns out and was already firing as he talked.
Danny had decided to dodge over to a pile of crates as all the attention was on the new intruders, eyes wide as an arc blood barely missed him as the one in yellow unsheathed long blades from his knuckles.
He glanced at his own hands, he couldn’t make a working gun from ice but…concentrating…he slowly watched as ice built up into copies, looking very much like it was growing from his skin.
An armored body was flung his way and he instinctual reacted…there were now two halves of a one man and he was covered in the viscera.
He froze…did he…oh…oh no…he had to go, he had to go now.
“Ope, looks like someone's first kill! Look at you Jack Frost,” the red guy with guns was now standing above him on a bigger crate, waving down at the teen, “awe, tiny puppy claws!”
Danny took a swing at the crate, watching as it collapsed and the man fell, laughing the entire time he went down.
He quickly turned to run, only to run into a wide chest where he promptly bounced off and landed ass first on the floor, “What in the-I have literally ran into steel walls softer then you.”
Claw man snorted as he reached down and picked Danny up by the scruff, “You alright kid?”
Said kid just hissed at him.
Claws was chuckling, “Cute, now put back your claws, I think it’s time for a chat.”
“Is it finally our turn for the found family and misunderstandings trope,” the red man was back and had swaggered up to the other two, an arm being thrown over his partners shoulders, “Hi, there and welcome, I’m Deadpool and this is Wolverine and we’re your new dads.”
Danny smiled, all sharp teeth, “No,” and promptly went invisible and intangible, escaping out of the warehouse while he could, leaving the other two behind.
He had to find a portal home.
Wade went limp, using Logan as a brace, “But I wanted to pull a ‘Batman’…”
The response was a snort and Wolverine sniffing his own hand, growling as he took the child’s scent in, “Don’t know what your talking about but, I can track him down, we probably need to before more of these fucks show up and get their hands on him.”
Hope you enjoyed it!
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guardian-of-fun-times · 4 months
❄️Toxic Cosplayers: Frostplay❄️
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This is going to be a long-ass post, so get comfortable with your favorite drink and a snack. As for me, the tea is hot and I'm ready to spill.
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If you don't already know, this is Juliette, better known as Jacoby or Frostplay online. A band enthusiast, cosplayer, influencer, public figure, suicide prevention advocate, and YouTuber hailing from Southern California.
When I first saw Juliette, I assumed they were either Genderfluid or Trans in which they never stated until they made the post: "I'm a Girl!" after an Instagram account "exposed" her for wearing a binder. The account no longer exists because it was reported and deactivated.
I met Juliette at Anime Los Angeles years ago and she was very standoffish and rude to me seeing that I was also cosplaying the same character. I saw her again at ALA as Jack Frost and she asked me what happened to my leg noticing that I was in a knee brace and carried a crutch to lean on while I had my staff in my other hand.
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She wasn’t well-liked in the Jelsa community circa 2013-2015 because she used to fail to credit artists. I never really paid attention to their work because of that, and some things she did… she came across at times as if she thought she was actually Jack Frost, and therefore the authority. It was just a different vibe to others who can have fun but, end of the day you know they know they aren't Jack Frost or any other character.
Her YouTube seemed to have some blurred lines where they thought they were THE Jack Frost. There’s a difference between playing the part at a cosplay convention, or for kids, but end of the day, even the Disney face characters know they aren’t actually Cinderella or something.
Another thing that disappointed me. How can you cosplay Jack Frost and ignore children? That’s such a big part of him. He’s the one who gets the Guardians to reconnect with the kids. Jackson was entertaining the kids. Jack was there for the kids well before he was a guardian.
You might know, that Frostplay went to Disney and dressed as Jack to get those photos and videos with the Elsa face character. Disney face characters have to feign ignorance of things outside of their Disney universe, so putting her in a rough position and potentially causing issues for her at work -- all for internet clout.
So, the stuff about Juliette and the Elsa cosplayers is the tip of the iceberg. She went full Q Anon. She "came out" as cisgender and straight in an emotional video. She was pretending to be in love with them for about five years, so it's a whole fucked up thing.
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For a while, it was clear that her whole thing with Jack was some sort of coping mechanism for insecurity about who she was. She threw herself into the character so much that she dated two people at the time, both were Elsa cosplayers. So, it wasn't just one. She broke hearts and pushed people away.
There was a girl named Sofie before Alison. Sofie was from Florida and flew out here a time or two. I still think Juliette will one day accept that she's gender fluid or trans. Plus I know someone who told me that she once used a pseudo penis as a vessel to urinate through, sometimes. So, that adds to it. She's from a conservative area and that definitely influenced her. As for her being rude: she seemed to start gatekeeping the character.
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She got awfully jealous and upset that GuardianFrosty on Instagram had taken inspiration from her Royal Jack Frost cosplay. He was literally was driven off Instagram and deactivated his account a few years ago for months because of Frostplay and their friends/followers since they kept sending hate, and death threats if he ever showed up at any California convention.
Claiming a character is childish behavior. Cosplay who you want, when you want. If other people have issues, let that trash take itself out.
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frostcorpsclub · 1 year
jules brings jason to the frost house for the first time to meet his family. what goes down?
Jack and Suzy definitely wouldn't be the best about it but not in a bigoted way, I think considering he's their son in law that Jack would at least have the sense to keep any "Why does he look like that" questions to Jules in private.
Suzy however does kind of have that "seven year old seeing a person with a disability in public" stare. Her facial expressions aren't very telling though since she's had to practice having most of them anyway. And then Jack ruins it even further by saying some shit like
"Suzy don't be fucking rude don't make him talk about his chemical burns"
At the very least they would have the older kids do a picnic with the young ones outside so dinner could just be the four of them.
They'd ask Jason all the questions that they'd ask any of their kids partners.
"How do you plan on supporting and providing for our son?" (They know Jules' twink ass well enough lol)
"Where do you live? How much space do you have?"
"Do you plan on having children you need lots and lots of space for that you know!"
They would also probably ask Jason about his parents, since you know it's two families joining to one, making Jason the MOST uncomfortable.
All of this on top of the fucked up shit Jules tells Jason about his family like it's totally normal (the way the kids treat each other, the way Jack talks to Suzy, etc.) he probably wouldn't have that great of an opinion about them.
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we-are-inevitable · 3 years
fire & ice au - javid
i have an au concept. and it's,, very convoluted. and more serious than my typical fics. but, i present to you, something i came up with during my TGS days:
a little thing i like to call the "fire & ice au", for lack of a better title at the moment.
so, in this universe, you have your 'normal people', but you also have... not necessarily mutants, but a different variation of people. they look like typical humans, but these people are born with powers and/or abilities.
because i am gay, these powers and/or abilities are elemental and connected to the natural world.
ANYWAY, those born with powers are respected in varying ways, and the powers are separated by 'classes'- so, within this group, there's a hierarchy between powers based on perceived purity/'importance'.
more, plus Javid content, under the cut!!!!
Born of Ice; upper class
Born of Water; upper-middle class
Born of Earth; middle class
Born of Fire; lower class
Born of Ice: these people are seen as 'pure' and 'regal'; people Born of Ice are not as common as others, which is what makes them more 'desirable'. they tend to be more respected, and are stoic, cold, and calculated. though they're highly respected, they're still very dangerous.
Born of Water: they're much less rigid than those Born of Ice, and are more common, but they're still respected a reasonable amount by the general population. they're kind, but tempermental; unforgiving but loyal to those who treat them right.
Born of Earth: those Born of Earth are laid back and caring; they have other's best interests at heart and are the natural caregivers of the population. they're often very bright and bubbly; these people are the middle ground between 'Normal People' and those born with powers.
Born of Fire: these people are the least desirable in the eyes of society. they're seen as dangerous and destructive; however, they're very warm, and faithful toward those they love. they're treated unfairly, but make up most of the population amongst those with powers.
Born of Ice: their skin is very cool-toned. they have what looks like frost on certain parts of their body; fingertips, cheekbones, shoulders. all of them have striking blue eyes, no matter what their family history is. also, their body temperature is naturally lower than a regular human's; they can't be in extreme heat without feeling deathly ill, and are easily burnt.
POWERS INCLUDE: creating frost and ice; snow is also common, but not really? also all of them suck at emotional regulation, so stressful situations create more violent destructive outbursts.
Born of Water: their physical attributes aren't as extreme or rigid: most, but not all, have blue eyes, and most have curly/wavy hair. those Born of Water are easily masked in crowds! however, they do have distinct scents, like saltwater or rain. not many weaknesses.
POWERS INCLUDE: water manipulation/rain creation
Born of Earth: they basically look like regular humans, but they have brighter green eyes, and- in some Very powerful individuals- they'll have vines wrapping around their upper arms/ankles. not many weaknesses.
POWERS INCLUDE: floral manipulation/minimal healing
Born of Fire: HERE we get extreme again. those Born of Fire have warmer skin tones; they also have brown/orange/red eyes. their fingertips, cheekbones, and chest oftentimes appear charred. they're also prone to scarring. extreme cold is highly uncomfortable for them; they have a naturally high body temperature, but cold makes them feel drained and tired much faster.
POWERS INCLUDE: flame manipulation, heat manipulation. emotional outbursts are common, as their tempers aren't the best.
those Born of Elements are typically respected ONLY if they're of an Elemental family.
so, say someone is Born of Ice, but they're the only one in their family who has the power.
they would be an outcast, and would be treated very unfairly, because even though Ice is the most acceptable by a societal standpoint, it's STILL different from being 'normal'.
the same goes for everyone Born of Elements, no matter the class. if they're the only one in their immediate family, they're automatically the lowest on the totem pole.
i say ALL OF THAT to say:
Javid au with Jack as someone Born of Fire, and Davey as someone Born of Ice, and exploring that relationship along with societal pressure.
i don't necessarily have a reason for davey being Born of Ice other than he would be SO pretty with the unnaturally blue eyes/frosty attributes
and jack, a working boy, with charred skin and fiery eyes, who radiates warmth and comfort despite being told every day that all he brings is danger and destruction....... GOD...........
and the juxtaposition between fire and ice would make for SUCH an interesting relationship dynamic?
because, well, davey is cold- figuratively and literally. he's not rude, but he's calculated and quiet and and not exactly the most outgoing person.
meanwhile, jack is passionate and loud and loyal to a fault; he's the embodiment of the sun, in terms of personality, and that sometimes comes back to bite him in the ass.
but together, they'd be unstoppable.
jack warms davey up; he teaches him that there is no weakness in being open, he laughs with him, he makes sure that davey is always happy and safe.
meanwhile, davey cools jack down; he helps him think before he acts, he teaches him to only fight when it's worth it, and he helps Jack keep his hot-headed nature under control.
and it's really interesting, seeing how the PHYSICAL side of things could play out ?? bc like. even holding hands would be weird, bc jack is naturally warmer and davey is naturally cooler, and it's a fine line of keeping themselves in check so not to accidentally hurt each other. jack could easily burn davey, or davey could make jack ill by lowering his body temp too much; it's dangerous, but they make it work.
they always make it work.
i imagine it being in canon era; most of the newsies are Born of Elements, cast aside from their families for having their specific abilities.
SIDE NOTE: abilities usually show up around the age of,, ten??
anyway, the newsies have their elemental attributes, and most of them were the sole elementals in their family.
jack has been a newsie since he was eleven; his father didn't exactly take the news too well that his only son was Born of Fire. it actually jack a long time to climb the ranks amongst the newsies, because he was seen as the 'lowest' on the elemental hierarchy. but once he's seen as the 'leader' of the newsies, things change; all boys are treated the same, no matter what abilities they have, and jack makes sure of it.
now, enter davey jacobs.
davey- and his younger brother- join the newsies after their father is injured.
les fits in well; many of the newsies also have no elemental abilities, so he's easily taken in, but... davey is a different story.
because davey is Born of Ice.
and, well, people Born of Ice are rare. there aren't many in the general population, which means that davey is the only manhattan newsie Born of Ice.
when he shows up, most of the newsies are very taken aback; they have a lot of questions, like why davey still has his family and why davey wasn't outcasted and why davey, who SHOULD be at the top of the hierarchy, has to be a newsie to support his family.
please send asks if u guys like this ahhh!!!
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giveemhales · 4 years
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Moodboards for Sterek AUs: 20/?
For @averysterekwinter day 3 (Theme: snow/ice)
Snow Day
(Plus here’s a fluffy ficlet, the rest under the cut because it got a bit long)
The first thing Stiles noticed when he woke up was that outside was white.
It was snowing, and not the drizzle of snowflakes that would melt upon hitting ground that was more usual for the area. No, there was a thick layer of white over everything in sight.
The second thing he noticed was the thing that woke him up: a text on his phone. He didn’t want to call it hypervigilance, because that implied a whole host of other issues he didn’t want to address, but even just the vibration of his phone from a single text was enough to rouse him.
It was an inconvenient habit (it was winter break and he wanted to sleep in, dammit), but he was grateful he had been roused when he read the text.
The text was from Derek and simply said Come to pack house ASAP.
Rest of fic under the cut!
He considered calling or texting to ask what was wrong, but he had gotten enough texts like that to know he wouldn’t get a response. If he wanted any answers, he would have to go to the pack house.
Stiles and Derek had been dating for around a year now, but they rarely texted. Well, Derek rarely texted. Stiles texted and Derek sometimes reluctantly replied. He wasn’t a big fan of technology. Kind of annoying considering Stiles was usually away at his campus, but Derek’s almost weekly visits more than made up for it.
So seeing this text immediately concerned Stiles. Pair that with the unusual snow, and he assumed the worst.
His mind whirred with different possibilities. Did a witch cast a spell? Was Jack Frost making a visit? Was some new dark Druid coming to fuck with nature?
He knew he was being a bit irrational, but he had learned to assume the worst when it came to Beacon Hills, and he could count on one hand the number of times he’d seen actual snow at home in his lifetime. His past experiences didn’t allow him the luxury of excitement about novelties.
Overall, the combination of the unusual weather and the text from Derek calling for an emergency meeting had Stiles on edge and falling out of his bed in his haste to head out.
He didn’t have a good snow jacket so he just put on as many layers as was comfortable and a coat. He grabbed some gloves, and mourned for his converse which would surely not do well in the snow.
Stiles rushed out to his car, noting his dad had already left for the station. He was grateful to note the roads had already been cleared, as he wasn’t sure if his jeep could handle snow and ice.
He parked when he reached the edge of the preserve. They had cleared a dirt road so that they would be able to drive to the pack house, but it wasn’t an official street so the city had no reason to clear it of snow. 
Stiles understood why it wasn’t cleared of snow, but he was still annoyed. Fortunately, the snow wasn’t slushy, so at least his feet weren’t soaked. Still, his converse and jeans did little to protect him from the cold, and he walked as quickly as he could, while also watching out for any possible ice patches. 
By the time the pack house was in sight, Stiles was shivering, and ready to yell at Derek for making him come all this way when phones were a thing. 
Derek was standing in front of the pack house, and Stiles had no qualms about yelling and walking at the same time.
“Hey, jerk, there better be a good reason you called me out here, like dead bodies good reason. I am just a human without all the werewolf heat mojo, and I’m on break, so there are not a whole lot of reasons I should be anywhere except in bed sleeping right now.”
Stiles couldn’t really make out Derek’s face, but he knew it wasn’t as remorseful as it should have been.
Stiles sighed loudly and continued marching toward the house, looking down again to make sure he didn’t step in anything which would make him even more uncomfortable.
It was as soon as he looked down that he felt it, the cold becoming even colder, ice running through his veins.
He was under attack!
He looked up with a gasp, eyes searching for the assailant, for what cruel monster had thrown a snowball right at him. 
He was surprised to see that all of the pack had appeared in front of the house (damn werewolf speed), all wearing smirks of varying deviousness. 
Derek had his arm still raised, and Stiles knew he was the perpetrator (he wasn’t even wearing gloves but already had another snowball in his other hand, he clearly had an unfair advantage). 
In fact, everyone had a snowball prepared, and they were all staring right at Stiles with an evil gleam.
“Whoa! Who decided everyone would team up against me? This seems totally unfair.”
“It’s not everyone against you,” Scott said.
“It’s every man for himself,” Isaac finished for him, and threw a snowball right at Derek’s face.
And then it was chaos.
Stiles made as many snowballs as he could while the werewolves were distracted amongst themselves, thanking god he had thought to put on gloves. 
When Stiles was pretty sure he had a good amount of ammo stockpiled, he called to Scott. “Scotty, it’s snow time!”
Ever since they were young, when they had any sort of battle, whether it be nerf guns or water balloons, “It’s show time,” was their codeword to create an alliance. They would join forces and blindside their opposite.
(Stiles may or may not have been waiting his whole life to get to use that snow time pun).
Stiles began constructing a kick ass fortress as Scott ran over and began throwing Stiles’ snowballs at a pace only werewolves were capable of. 
When he popped up to check how Scott was doing, he was blindsided by three rapid succession snowballs right to the face. 
All from his boyfriend.
“Rude! And totally unwarranted!” Stiles shouted.
Derek glared at him. “It was revenge for that awful pun.”
Stiles gaped. “Oh you have snow idea what you’ve just started.”
He ducked before Derek had even thrown the next snowball.
The battle lasted close to another hour (Stiles cursed werewolf endurance), hundreds of snowballs and a handful of puns thrown.
It was at the time that his gloves were soaked through and he thought his fingers might fall off if he made one more snowball that he decided to call it quits.
He turned to look at Scott who was hiding with him behind the fortress and gave one nod. They stood up in unison, shouting their surrender with their hands up.
They were immediately pelted with a flurry of balls.
Stiles’ arms fell to his side. “Really? When we were surrendering? Do you snow snow bounds?”
The rest of the pack stared at him with blank stares.
“Fine, whatever, clearly nobody appreciates me nor understands my genius. Sorry my puns are too advanced for you all.” Stiles shook his head in disappointment and began to head to the house.
And promptly fell on his ass.
The rest of the pack burst into laughter (including Scott, the traitor, who was quick to abandon him), and Stiles glared at the sky from where he lay, cursing the world for this injustice.
Derek walked over, a smirk clear on his face while he looked down at Stiles. “You good?”
Stiles grumbled. “Yes. I meant to do that.”
Derek looked even more amused. “Oh really? And why is that?” Derek asked even as he offered a hand to help Stiles up.
“So I could do this!” Stiles shouted as he pulled down Derek with all his might with the offered hand. He knew Derek must not have been expecting it, because he actually managed to pull him down with an exclamation.
His victory was short lived, as he realized the consequences of his actions. He groaned. “God, you’re so heavy.”
“And you’re so dumb.” Derek got up on his elbows so he was slightly above Stiles. 
Stiles stared dreamily up at his boyfriend, deciding to ignore the insult. “Hey, did it hurt?”
Derek raised an eyebrow. “You mean when you pulled me down? Not really, I had a squishy human to cushion my fall.”
Stiles rolled his eyes. “No, when you fell from heaven,” Stiles smiled widely, “Because you’re a snow angel.” He rolled them so he was above Derek.
Derek sighed heavily but remained limp as Stiles grabbed his arms, sliding them up and down through the snow in the classic snow angel motion.
Stiles rolled away from Derek when he got as close to an angel as he could and made his own, laughing the whole time. 
Derek sat up from where he had been manhandled. “Why do I put up with you?”
“It’s because you glove me!” Stiles shouted, removing one of his gloves (which at this point had become so soaked from snow that it was just making him more cold) and tossing it at Derek.
“Don’t take off your gloves, you dumbass!” Derek said, looking scandalized. Stiles couldn’t really blame him for his concern. Stiles was a human, and therefore susceptible to pesky things like hypothermia, but Derek should have thought of that before he started a snowball battle. 
Derek stood up and lifted Stiles up, hauling him over his shoulder.
Stiles didn’t really mind, since it got him out of the snow and gave him a great view of Derek’s ass.
“Just admit you’re s-mitten!” He took off his other glove and slapped Derek’s ass with it.
An hour later, Stiles was wearing multiple layers of Derek’s (dry) clothes, wrapped in a blanket, cuddling against his furnace boyfriend, surrounded by the pack.
“Well, I don’t know about you guys, but even if some people were needlessly cruel to me today, I had an ice time.”
The pack groaned, except Scott, who added, “Icy what you did there!”
Stiles leaned over to high five Scott.
“I will kick out the next person to make a pun,” Derek interjected.
Stiles rolled his eyes, even as he cuddled back into Derek’s side. “Ugh, whatever you say, Frosty.”
Derek glared down at Stiles, looking prepared to retaliate.
Stiles put his hands up in mock surrender. “That wasn’t a pun, that was a reference.”
“Well it wasn’t a very good one, since Frosty was a holly jolly soul.”
Stiles beamed. “Oh my god, my boyfriend knows his Christmas classics. I think I’m in love.”
“We know,” the rest of the pack responded in unison, but Stiles was too busy staring up at his boyfriend in adoration to care.
Later that night, when they laid together in bed, Stiles looked up at Derek, and his fondness shined bright. “I love you.”
Derek looked back at him, equally fond, and smirked and said, “I know.”
Stiles wasn’t sure if he wanted to hit him for ruining the moment, or kiss him senseless for quoting Star Wars. He did neither, because he couldn’t let this opportunity pass.
“You mean, you snow?”
The ensuing slap on the back of his head was well worth it.
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
May i request for Fem reader taking a contemporary dance class, and gets paired up with her long time crush, Suga for a sexy duet routine! Maybe they were having some trouble expressing the sexual/sensual chemistry, if ya know what i mean haha. Nsfw pls! 👀 (idk why but Suga kind of looks like someone who could dance lol)
Sugawara Koshi x You, His Irresistible Dance Partner (NSFW) 🎥
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A/N: You may lovely💞💞💞
I hope you like it:
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“And one, two......three, four.....five, si— No! Wrong again, Koshi!“
Hades Liv, the world reknowned contemporary dance instructor at Miyagi’s School of Dance pinched the bridge of her nose as she halted counts. The surrounding male and female dancers stopped abruptly once the counts did.
A sweating, tight tank top wearing, Sugawara Koshi stopped dancing too, obviously irritated. “Hades. Why are you calling my name when it’s Y/N who is messing up—“
“Excuse me!” You pinched your silver-haired dance partner on the bicep.
He rubbed his arm but paid no attention to you, widening his eyes at his sensei. “See how she acts?! Juvenile! She’s the one who cannot pirouette to the right—“
You scoffed in disbelief, turning to defend yourself to your instructor. “Me?! I’m the problem?! Oh coming from Mr. Ex Volleyball Player here, that’s rich! He wouldn’t know the difference between a spike and a Seconde Spin if you shoved it up his ass—“
“ENOUGH!” Liv stopped pinching the bridge of her nose to point at you two. “I put the two of you as centre partner routine because in my opinion you are the two most TALENTED dancers in my class. But look how you are acting! In front of the new dancers, no less! I am ashamed! All you two have done since I paired you is let your personal differences get in the way of your counts! This is DANCE. A dance that should portray inseparable lovers, but INSTEAD you two are giving me........FRENEMY! No, no, no! Leave the drama and issues outside of the STUDIO! Go get some water, both of you. And when you return we will discuss your future at this company.”
“With all due respect, Hades, he—“ you started to defend yourself after being chewed out by one of the most proficient dance instructors in Japan, but Suga grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of the room with him. He knew better than to talk back to sensei Hades when she was so obviously upset. He was very annoyed that you didn’t know the difference.
Once in the vacant dance studio hallway, Suga didn’t let go of your wrist, he only backed you up harshly against the cold wall, you just barely dodged the bulletin board of awards. He pressed his sweaty front against yours, hovering over you as he spoke darkly.
“Look.” Koshi took a deep breath as his eyes bored into yours. “I don’t know how or why they moved you up to this class....but you need to get it together. I do think you have the talent as a dancer but your professionalism? Forget it.”
You challenged him with your eyes, ignoring the way his minty breath fanning your face was making you wet in your panties.
“You’re rude. I was told Mr. Ex volleyball player was sweet as candy.”
“It’s true, I’m very sweet. Until you piss me off, congratulations.”
“I’m shaking.” You respond sarcastically.
“You will be if you make me mad enough. I will not lose my spot as point partner dance because of you.” He glared down at you heatedly.
“Right back at you.” A mad Suga meant a horny you, so maybe you spun incorrectly, maybe you toyed with him on purpose.
Just then, the door to the studio swung open and all the dancers filed out with their bags, signalling the end of the dance rehearsal.
“Koshi. New girl. Liv wants to see you two once everyone leaves. She’s waiting in there.”
Sugawara nodded, still trapping your warm body between him and the flat wall. You analyzed his brilliant neck. There were droplets of sweat dripping down from his Adam’s apple disappearing under his wifebeater. Damn did he look good in his wifebeater. You wanted to be that drop of sweat so baaad.
You pushed Suga off of you so that he couldn’t feel the way your heart sped up by having him so close when you weren’t dancing.
Yes, you had a major crush on the Jack Frost look alike a.k.a ex-volleyball player turned dancer. Look at him.
No, you would not admit it to anyone but yourself.
“After you.” Suga smirked as he opened the door for you to re-enter the studio. You gave him a sickly sweet sarcastic grin and waltzed in.
Upon arrival, Hades was pacing around the room, staring only at the floor. She was a beautiful elderly woman, lean figure with a big grey afro and dark skin that hasn’t aged a decade.
“I have a plan.” She announced as you and Koshi stood next to each other in front of her. “You two are only lacking one thing: fire. I’m getting ice. The dance moves are there but I need to FEEL the heated chemistry.” She stopped pacing, looking at the two of you with hopeful eyes. “My plan is quite theatrical, but the show is in 3 days. You leave me no choice. I have no other two dancers good enough that I could replace you with, and I refuse to let my dance company be embarrassed.”
“What will you have us do?” Koshi asked: scared-like. You looked up at him and saw that there was slight fear in his handsome face.
It made you apprehensive because Suga knew Hades Liv much better than you did having danced with her for years. For you, it’s only been 4 months. You gulped.
Hades sauntered over to her floral bag that she kept by the mirror. The bag no one was allowed to touch.
Beside you, Suga froze. “Don’t do it, Hades.............” He whispered under his breath and you nudged him.
“Don’t do what??” You whispered back in a panic. “Koshi what are you afraid of—oh.”
The lean dance mogul had retrieved what she wanted from the bag, holding it up for the two of you to see.
You gasped.
Suga looked away in anger.
They were a pair of handcuffs. ⛓
“If you two want to be a part of my show this Friday, then I want you two handcuffed for 8 hours a day, everyday, until the show.”
“But—“ you started, as to which Suga just shushed you rapidly.
“Got it.” He said.
“Good.” Liv replied, with a smile for her favourite student. “I’m glad there are no issues, Suga.” She threw the handcuffs over and Suga caught them. Hades glared at you. “And Y/N. I hope there are no issues on your part. I would hate for a new dance career to be over before it even started, because other companies heard that a certain new dancer couldn’t get her first big role together.”
You gulped again before letting your head fall in defeat.
and that’s how you ended up handcuffed to your silver haired crush for 8-hours a day, for 3 days
It was.....interesting
Mainly because.....
....About 3 of those hours each day were spent getting your back blown out since Suga couldn’t keep his eyes closed like he promised to when you had to undress
The truth is, Suga had a major crush on you, too, ever since the first day you walked into class and Liv had announced you’d be his partner
Just like you, he tried to disguise his strong attraction by putting up a metaphorical wall as to not let you see how fucking horny you made him every time you danced together
That means you two had double the walls stopping you from connecting through dance
Hades Liv could see the walls. And that’s why she handcuffed the two of you
The sexual tension between you two adults was through the roof and it was getting in the way of the success of her dance company? Oh hell no.
Handcuff tf up, she said
You weren’t complaining though,
Not anymore.
Not when it was the day before the show and Suga had pulled you into one of the many empty studios in Hades’ building.
He locked the doors and slipped his finger down the front of your leggings, using his skilled setter hand (that wasn’t handcuffed) to finger you to ecstasy.
You moaned loudly as he skimmed your sweet spot within.
Using his mouth to shut your moans up in a searing hot kiss, he pushed you over the edge to your orgasm.
“Fuck. You’re so hot, Y/N.” Suga ground his erection into your side as he pulled his finger out of your heat and proceeded to tug down your leggings fully. The hands that were handcuffed he held above your head like he did before when he grabbed your wrist. It mystified you how amazing this man was at sex with only one freaking free hand, but like I said—you weren’t complaining:
You were moaning.
Once he got your leggings down to your ankles and you stepped out of them, using his working hand to hitch one of your legs around his hips before he pushed his hard dick into your dripping heat.
You cried out in pleasure as Suga roughly pounded into you, kissing you at the same time. He was a phenomenal kisser.
Once you got a hold of your moans Suga pulled away from the kiss.
“I’ve wanted to fuck the shit out of you for months.” he fanned his minty breath on your face again as he drilled into you. You whimpered.
“I have to stop fucking you or else you won’t be able to dance anymore.” He grunted as he got deeper.
“No!” You pleaded. “Please d-don’t ever, stop—Koshi!”
Koshi smiled his sweetheart smile that made everyone think he was an angel.
Yeah right. He wasn’t an angel to you when it came to giving you unrelenting orgasms.
Suga pulled out his cock swiftly, using his handcuffed hand to spin you around much like one of the elegant dance moves in your routine. He pressed his cuffed hand on the mirror over yours and moved your other hand to do the same so he was behind you. Seeing you in the mirror as he started fucking you from behind.
“You’re gorgeous.” He moaned, watching your erotic expressions through the mirror as he thrusted into the pussy that he could only describe as magical. He held onto your hips to steady you as he drilled in from behind.
Watching you made him hornier and hornier in the process.
“I love to see all your expressions in the mirror like this, Y/N. You are gorgeous when you dance and you are gorgeous when you are taking my dick.” He slapped your ass making you clench around his dick. “You feel so good inside, my dear partner. Better than I ever imagined. Can you open those pretty eyes for me?”
You listened to your dance partner, looking at him through the mirror with drowsy eyes. Suga thought you looked so sexy.
“Oh, yes....” He moaned and drilled harder. He stared at your bare dancer legs that he always secretly stared at while you stretched. You started to moan too loud and there were classes going on so Suga clasped his free hand over pretty mouth.
“Shhhhhhh. If we get caught, I won’t make you cum.”
“Zefyestfbiujxrbjdnislxapdwjdu...” You tried saying ‘I promise, Suga, please...’ under his hand.
Suga slowed his pounding to a slow thump, knowing from this mornings fuck that you liked it nice and slow when you were on the edge.
You reached your second climax, screaming into his hand.
Suga followed soon after you.
“I’m going to miss not being handcuffed to you after we perform, my beautiful partner,” He sighed.
on the night of the performance, Hades had cried happy tears because she had never received a standing ovation so long
The amount of raving reviews from Japanese critics about Hades’ dancers’ astonishing chemistry and heat retention about all performers but namely Suga and you, was unprecedented!
It skyrocketed your dance careers
And brought so much money to Hades’ Dance company and studio
The next evening after cool down and before the wrap party, you and Suga approached Hades in her office to return the handcuffs she leant you...
The beautiful Afro’d dance instructor just studied Suga in his entirety, then you— with an eyebrow raise. She did this for one whole minute.
“Keep it.” Hades insisted finally, before spinning her office desktop screen around so you and Koshi could see.
On her computer screen, were several small boxes showing the real-time camera footage of every single studio room in her building. Currently vacant. Both yours and Koshi’s heart dropped when you noticed that the 5th camera box demonstrated the same studio Koshi gave you several orgasms in in yesterday. Feeling like throwing up, you looked away from your instructor’s screen... back up into the dancing pupils of Hades Liv. “Please, keep it.”
She smiled at both of you before proceeding to walk out of her office.
“You two might get way more use out of it than I will.”
116 notes · View notes
bunnimew · 3 years
Not the Junk Yard!
Fandom: Rise of the Guardians Relationship: Jack Frost/Pitch Black, Jamie/Cupcake Tags: Modern AU, Ghost AU, Jack and Pitch are ghostie boyz, Is it major character death if they start out dead and don't die harder during the fic?, Cupcake is only in one scene Rating: Teen Words: 2,954 Summary: Jamie stiffly looked forward and pointedly ignored Jack, even when his phone started playing Candy Crush on its own.
He would be fine.
His car was haunted.
He would be fine.
Or Jack and Pitch are obnoxious ghosts with nothing else to do but terrorize Jamie.
For @rotg-hope-week 2021 Prompt: Free Day! On AO3 here!
“Get off our ass, dickwad!”
“Use your turn signal, asshole!”
“Hey Idiot! That’s not how you make a U-turn!”
This was Jamie’s life now.
If he turned his head, he wouldn’t see them. Sometimes he forgot, when he opened the door and climbed inside, that just because his backseat looked empty didn’t mean it actually was.
If Jamie looked up into the rear-view mirror, they would be there.
Jack and Pitch, they told him the first week he owned this car. They had passed in a horrible accident and their spirits got stuck here. Jamie never asked if this was the car they died in, because he didn’t really want to know that.
He asked a million other questions though. He couldn’t help it! Ghosts! Real ghosts! In his car!
It was an absolute, utter, horrible, terrible pain in the ass.
But Jamie would have been so jealous if this car belonged to anyone else.
“I think it’s a day for fucking with the radio,” Jack nodded sagely. He turned his head to Pitch. “What’re you feeling?”
Pitch straightened his back and adopted a posture of confidence and poise. “I’m thinking Queen.”
“Solid choice,” Jack approved. He gestured grandly at the front of the car. “Would you like to do the honors?”
Pitch nodded once. “I would.” It took barely two seconds of static for the catchy pop song topping the charts this week to transform into Freddie crying, ‘Bicycle! Bicycle!’ and Jamie didn’t even glance over. He already knew.
His head connected with the steering wheel. “So it’s gonna be a day like that, huh?”
Jack shrugged and waved flat hands at the front seat. “I don’t know what his problem is. This song is amazing.”
“It might be that I played it last week, too,” Pitch suggested. Then grinned. “Or the inevitable hours of repeat he’s anticipating.”
“I still count that as a blessing,” Jack said, shaking his head. “Few things are more angelic than Freddie Mercury’s voice.”
Pitch took Jack’s hand and lifted the knuckles to his lips. “I could not have died and had my soul entangled to a better man.”
Jack rotated their hands and returned the sentiment with a smile. “Nor I, Pitch my love,” he dramatically declared. “Nor I!”
“In two-hundred feet, turn right on–”
“Why’s it telling you to turn here?” Jack asked. Jamie only knew he was poking Jamie’s phone because suddenly Google didn’t know which way was up and had backed all the way out of Navigation and was trying to find him fast food to eat.
“Damn it, Jack! Stop touching it!” Jamie flapped one hand at his phone, occasionally passing through what felt like weirdly cold pockets of air. He had to re-search his destination and re-enter navigation and pray he was turning right where he was supposed to, all at the same time. “You’re gonna break it! Or drain the battery, whichever comes first.”
“It’s faster to go straight and turn on 182nd. Trust me, we used to go this way all the time.”
“I kind of trust you,” Jamie tentatively said. It wasn’t a lie, if there wasn’t any GPS, Jamie would totally follow Jack’s instructions. But there was GPS, and it was telling him to turn here. “But there might be traffic or something that isn’t usually on that road, so it wants me to go around.”
“But it’s telling you to take Harding. Harding is way slower than Orange. You should turn around and go back.”
Jamie rolled his eyes. “If I turn around, I lose the, like, one minute advantage of taking this route.”
“One minute? You’re taking a slower route to save one minute?”
“It’s one minute faster!”
“It’s slower!”
“That’s literally not how that works, Jack!”
Pitch’s chuckle, borderline giggle, cut through Jamie’s screeching. “You may want to keep better control of yourself. You’re looking a bit…”
Jamie turned his head, dread and embarrassment taking hold even before he saw the man one lane over staring back at him in alarm. The man looked away quickly and started talking to the driver, but it was too late. Jamie knew they knew that he was talking to himself. It was every driver’s worst nightmare. That someone else on the road would notice what they were doing.
Jamie stiffly looked forward again and pointedly ignored Jack, even when his phone started playing Candy Crush on its own. He… mostly knew the route.
He would be fine.
His car was haunted.
He would be fine.
“Yes, Jack?”
Jack tapped his foot against the door of the car, legs propped in Pitch’s lap. He was staring at the ceiling, noting the wear in the roof lining around the dome light. “How long do you think we’ll be stuck in this car?”
Pitch shook his head. He was resting a hand on Jack’s shin, fingers pleasantly scratching back and forth. Jack was happy that being dead didn’t mean he couldn’t feel anything. “I couldn’t say. I’ve never been dead before. We could be here forever. We could move on tomorrow.”
Jack bit his lip and shifted in the seat so he sank further down, nearly lying on his back now. “What if we are stuck forever? This car’s not going to last forever. Where will we go?”
Pitch’s fingers pressed a little harder into his skin. “Wherever this broken down car goes, I suppose. A landfill? A junk yard?”
Jack closed his eyes and whined. “I don’t wanna go to a junk yard.”
Pitch rubbed soothingly into Jack’s leg. “Isn’t the whole point of this line of questioning that we may not have a choice?”
Jack covered his face with his hands. “That just means I’m gonna whine harder, Pitch.”
“Of course you are.”
“It’ll be so boring. And so lonely. We can’t, Pitch!”
Pitch sighed and leaned down to press a kiss to Jack’s thigh, just above his knee. “At least we’ll be together?”
Jack pressed his hands up into his hair so that he could look at Pitch through the frame of his wrists. That was something. He wouldn’t be completely alone, but still.
“I love you, Pitch. And I’m glad that if I’m stuck forever with someone, it’s with you. But.”
Pitch folded his hands over Jack’s knees. Of course there was a but. “But?”
“But we absolutely can not go to the junk yard!”
“This is highly rude, I just want you to know.”
Jamie knew, but it wasn’t like he could do anything about it. There was nowhere else in the car his new, new to him anyway, tv would fit. The screen was just too big. It had to go in the back seat. Besides, what was Jamie supposed to do if he wanted to give his friends a ride sometime? Make them crawl in the trunk instead of use the perfectly functioning back seat?
Jack and Pitch were being pretty hilarious about it though. They were honestly trying not to touch it, pressed to opposite doors and barely in their seats. Pitch was practically folded against the wall and ceiling of the car, like the tv might burn him or something.
Or maybe he might burn the tv?
Suddenly it was a lot less funny.
“I’m sorry, just don’t break it, please? It was a really good deal and I definitely can’t afford another one,” he pleaded into the rearview.
Jack looked a little panicked himself. “No promises, but it won’t be on purpose.”
That was super not reassuring at all. Jamie pressed the pedal a little harder. Now he kind of felt bad about them trying not to be in the tv. “Can’t you guys, like… sit in the front seat, maybe?”
The ghosts looked at each other, which Jamie had to shift in the seat to see because they were so far apart. Pitch looked back at Jamie. “Maybe?”
Jack, on the passenger side, was gazing deep into the upholstery like a puzzle he was struggling to solve. “We’ve had pretty free rein of the car, right? We just…” Jack’s face contorted into something like concern or discomfort. Jamie got the feeling he didn’t want to say why they hadn’t tried it, yet.
“You don’t have to!” he was quick to say. “I just thought it might be more comfortable.” And also less dangerous for the tv.
Jamie had to take his eyes off of the rearview for a while. He was driving after all, and he could check in on them but he couldn’t watch them the whole time. He heard Pitch saying, “It can’t actually hurt, right?”
“I mean, we’re already dead,” Jack replied.
Which didn’t mean a whole lot. Sure, physical pain wasn’t a consideration, but their souls were still their souls and… Jamie should really do some research on ghosts. He was shocked out of his thoughts by a sudden metaphorical bucket of ice water spilling over his back and into his very being. He nearly slammed on the brakes, but caught it just in time. Getting rear-ended right now would suck for many, many reasons.
“Oh my God, Pitch! You have to warn me when you do that!”
“I did!” Pitch was no longer in the back seat, so Jamie couldn’t see his expression. “It’s not my fault you were too distracted to hear me.”
That was fair.
“Where’s Jack?”
He heard a cough.
“With Pitch.”
Jamie smiled and actually tried looking over at his passenger seat. It was empty, of course. That was a little sad. He knew they were ghosts, but it would be cool to talk to them face to face some day. “So it worked? And you fit?”
There was a snort. Probably from Pitch. “Sort of.”
Jamie… had to shrug it off, because it probably wasn’t anything important and he had to pay attention to the road. If it was working, sort of, that would be good enough for now.
“Sorry about the back seat.”
“It’s fine,” Pitch said, and the tone of his voice said it really was. “We understand this is your car, even if we’re eternally stuck in it.”
Jamie smiled again, but didn’t try to look at them. “Honestly. I’d like this car a lot less if you weren’t stuck in it, so.”
“Aww,” Jack cooed, “I knew you liked us!”
Jamie was almost home. “I could do without the songs on repeat, but… my car is haunted! That makes it the coolest car I could have!”
“Oh, I see, so it’s not about us,” Pitch said.
Jamie pulled into his drive and put the car in park, so he was safe to look over and pretend he could see them. “Of course it’s about you. It wouldn’t be haunted without you.”
“Any ol’ ghosts could be haunting this car, Jamie.”
The pretending was getting to him, so Jamie pressed the buttons on his door to turn the passenger mirror so far in that Jamie could see Pitch and Jack reflected in it. The angle wasn’t great, because it was only one side of them, but it was something.
And it was something.
Jack was sitting sideways in Pitch’s lap, his shoulder pressed to Pitch’s chest and his head resting on Pitch’s shoulder. This meant Jamie could only see the back of his head, but that really didn’t matter, did it? Pitch’s arms were around Jack, and his head was propped against Jack’s. As he watched, Pitch’s eyes caught Jamie’s in the mirror. They were precious.
Jamie’s smile felt like it was splitting his face in two.
“Then I’m glad it’s you.”
Pitch smiled.
It was already awkward, trying to do this across the front seats. Jamie couldn’t really help that though, because if he’d tried to sit in the back with Cupcake, he would have been thinking about Pitch and Jack dodging them the whole time, the way Pitch and Jack sit and lay and stretch in that seat, the way Jamie feels cold every time he reaches back there.
He shouldn’t have bothered. The way he was leaning to reach her lips was a little bit painful and a lotta bit hard to hold, but then there was Jack, talking in his ear, “Is this your girlfriend? I didn’t know you had a girlfriend.” So Jamie was thinking about them anyway, and all of his efforts were for naught.
“I kinda thought you might be gay.”
Jamie’s eyes snapped open to glare at the backseat. Jack wanted to talk about this now? Really?
“I’m just saying. I guess my gaydar is as dead as I am.”
Jamie wanted to laugh, but he also wanted to cry. And then he realized Cupcake wasn’t reacting to Jack at all. Couldn’t she hear him?
“Nope.” His expression must have given away his thoughts. “Only you can hear us. You know, just to make this as awkward as possible for you.”
Jamie definitely wanted to cry now. So he closed his eyes and chose to focus on Cupcake, who did not make him want to cry. She sure made him want a lot of other things, though.
“So…” Oh God, he really wasn’t going to stop, was he? “Should we make out too, or…?”
Jamie fought down a groan and pulled away from Cupcake to the sound of Pitch’s laughter. She wouldn’t understand why he was frustrated (And wasn’t that frustrating?), so he tried to act completely normal when he asked, “Think you might be able to sneak into my room?”
The devilish look she gave him turned Jamie’s mood right around.
“Aww, man…”
Jamie knew it would happen eventually. No car stayed in working condition forever. Something was bound to break, and it wasn’t like Jamie bought this car new or anything.
“What? What is it?” Jack’s voice was alert and panicked. Jamie felt a chill in his right shoulder that told him Jack was leaning forward between the seats.
“The engine’s overheating,” Jamie said. “I’ll have to pull over and, I dunno, try to figure out what’s causing it.”
“We’re breaking down?!”
Jack’s voice was so close that Jamie instinctively leaned away. “Uh, I guess? I hope not. I hope it’s just something easy, like… like the radiator needs coolant or something.”
“I’ll fix it!”
“Wait! No!” Jamie cried. Although he didn’t know what he was objecting to. And also it wasn’t like he could stop Jack. And also he had no idea if Jack actually could help or not, so there was… all of that. “What? Jack! Pitch!” Jamie turned in his seat, stupidly forgetting that wouldn’t help, then turned to the rearview. “What is he doing?”
Pitch looked alarmed and that did not calm Jamie down one bit. “He dove into the engine. I know nothing more than that.”
“I’ll cool it down!”
“How?! Jamie demanded. He was officially looking for any shoulder at all to pull off on. Unfortunately, this road had a curb. Stupid curbs. “How are you going to cool it down?”
“I am literally a cold spot. That has got to be useful for something.”
If Jamie weren’t so panicked about pulling over, he might have marvelled at Jack’s quick thinking. As it stood, he barely thought ‘Fair’ before he was working on the next problem.
“But you don’t even know what’s causing it! That’s not fixing, that’s duct tape! What’re you gonna do? Hang out in the engine every time I drive from now on?” Not to mention, a disembodied voice talking to him from the wrong side of his dashboard was disconcerting as hell. Odd that the disembodied voice talking to him from the backseat was no longer all that weird.
Before Jack could reply, Jamie felt another cold brush pass through his right arm and Pitch’s voice on the move. “I’ll go… see if a fan isn’t turning. Or if a hose is leaking.”
That was legitimately reassuring and Jamie felt adrift in the wake of his panic. Now what?
Right. Jamie pulled into the first parking lot he saw and stopped the car as far away from other humans as he reasonably could. The temperature gauge actually had stayed steady after Jack… yeeted himself into the engine block.
Jamie didn’t turn off the car just yet, in case leaving it on helped Pitch diagnose it. “Do you see anything?”
“The fans are turning, so it’s not that. This could be a leak, though. Might as well try the coolant.”
“So turn the car off?” Jamie asked.
“Turn the car off,” Pitch confirmed.
As the engine quieted down, Jack’s voice filtered through the dash. “So it’s fixable? We’re not going to the junk yard?”
Jamie snorted. “I was more thinking we’d go to the mechanic.”
“We’re not going to the junk yard,” Pitch confirmed again.
“Why are you guys talking about a junk yard?”
Suddenly half of Jamie was swathed in ice and when he looked up, Jack’s determined face took up more than half of the rearview mirror. “I will fix this car with sheer spite and will power if that’s what it takes to keep us out of the junk yard.”
Oh. Jamie didn’t really know what to say. Jamie’s panic over mechanic bills and inconvenience sure seemed inconsequential next to Jack and Pitch’s eternal damnation to a trash pile. Put like that...
“You guys can be a real pain in my ass sometimes, but…” Jamie shook his head and laughed disbelievingly. Repeat music, broken electronics, no making out in his own car, all sucked pretty hard, but moments like this made him realize. Jamie would also do damn near anything to keep them out of the junk yard. “I really hope I get to drive this car forever.”
13 notes · View notes
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Danny Phantom Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dash Baxter/Danny Fenton, Jack Fenton/Maddie Fenton Characters: Dash Baxter, Wesley Weston, OC - Character, Danny Fenton, Tucker Foley, Sam Manson, Ghost Writer (Danny Phantom), Andrew Riter Additional Tags: Soulmates, Reluctant Soulmates, countless headcanons, Not Phantom Planet Compliant, my canon now, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Identity Reveal, will tag with progress, No Betas we die like fools Summary:
Casper High is a school that has several clubs, including the Occult Club, which Dash should've stayed very far away from no matter what Wes said. Now thanks to the conspiracy theorist, Phantom was pissed at him and the jock and hero were soulbound by a spell that Wes had fudged and Dash had mispronounced. How's he gonna make it up to his hero?
The soulmates fic that only my best bro really wanted out of me, which my brain was forced to provide.
Ao3 / Fanfiction.net
In hindsight, Dash should've stayed away from the occult club altogether.  Sure, Wes had said they were gonna use some magick ritual they'd figured out to summon phantom, but people generally wanted to think they could do that and a club at school was the least likely to succeed.   But Weston had been confident and Dash wasn't gonna pass on an opportunity to meet his hero without an attack happening.
So he'd gone along with it, even demanded to be the one to do it when they started.  There was a chalk circle on the floor, candles, and one of em had a fuckin needle to prick themself with for it.  Whatever, Dash wasn't unused to a little pain - he busted his knuckles on nerd's faces sometimes. So he got a drop on the circle, and he said the chant, and the candles turned green instead of reddish-yellow.  But while the room went dark and cold and started looking like the night sky had come down to grab them, Dash may have fucked up a word in the book.  
There he appeared, in a flash of light so bright Dash had to squint.  Sky blue skin, a halo of white hair, freckles that glowed green and that ghost hunting hazmat suit of his.  While Phantom was looking around like he was dizzy, Dash felt something. He Saw it, even, a line of bright silver that came out of his chest and turned toxic green before ending at the DP on Phantom's chest.  Frowning, Dash looked over at the head of the club. "The fuck is this? A cord?"
"Oh no… oh no no no."  The head nerd, a brunette with glasses and a mint green shirt, grabbed the book in Dash's hand and read what he'd said.  Then his head whipped over to Wes and the basketballer backed up, his camera flashing the recording light. "You fucked up the summoning ritual!"
"Austin, I swear I was just-"
"This is a binding ritual, Wes, it binds the spirit to the target object - the circle, it looks like?"
"Pretty shitty binding," Phantom said, turning everyone's attention back to him.  The blue-faced ghost was floating all around the room, soft green inner light casting weird shadows everywhere.   "I'm nowhere near it. What is this thing between me and Dash though?"
"… Fuck."  Wes quickly played back his recording on his camera to listen to what Dash had chanted.  Dash could hear the moment he fumbled the words and Wes paled when he heard it. "That was the wrong subject word-"
"So you've bound Phantom's soul to Dash's soul now, is what I'm translating here.   Cause that, wait lemme.” Austin grabbed the camera and replayed the video a few times while Dash dealt with a sea of complicated emotions.  Confusion, shock, anger, resentment, anxiety. Those last three weren’t new per se but they felt… off. Not his. “Wes this is a permanent binding what the fuck?!”
“It wouldn’t’ve been permanent!  We coulda scuffed the circle and the thing he’s bound to would be gone!”
Phantom reached down and grabbed the ginger by his shirt, lifting him two feet off the ground.   His eyes were blue and gold and red, that dim green aura was now white and yellow and flaring up in arcs.  “So lemme get this straight, Wesley. In your insane attempts to prove me as the still-living son of ghost hunters, you decided you'd bind me to a chalk circle.  Which might bind me to the chalk itself, tearing me apart to keep myself connected to since you're a fucking hack."
"I-I-I hadn't uh thought of that, b-"
"And instead of that you let Dash, a jo- no THE Jock, read off the spell and so now you've bound me, irreversibly, to another person's soul.  Did I get that right?"
Wes nodded the slightest bit, his entire frame shaking and Dash couldn't blame him.   Dash was entirely up for pummeling Wes for fucking up his hairbrained scheme, but Phantom looked like he was about to rip Wes apart.  He had fangs and his hair was turning into a cloud of fire that sucked all the heat out of the room instead of pushing it out into everything.  Wes' shirt was frosting over and Austin and his band of merry freaks were shivering.
"When you get to the afterlife, Wes, I promise you a world of pain.  And if you do something so fucking stupid and dangerous that it risks my safety and the safety of everyone else around you again, I'm tossing you to the police by your Fucking underwear!"  Wes was dropped on his ass and Phantom growled, fading from sight. There was a Pop, all the pressure in the room shifting, and Dash rubbed his head with a groan.
"Wes you fucking idiot!  Now Phantom is pissed at me and it's your fault!"  Phantom may have decided not to give Wes what he had coming to him, Dash didn't have superpowers to worry about getting out of hand.
And so Dash had detention that day for wailing on a fellow school athlete.
“I swear I’m going to shatter his camera into a million tiny pieces and make him eat them,”  Danny growled and struggled with not breaking his locker when he slammed it shut. The lights overhead buzzed louder and shone brighter from the energy pouring out of him, and Danny took several deep breaths.  “Not only was what he wanted to do stupid and dangerous, now I’m fucking - what, Soulmates? With him?”
“Chill, Danny, I’m sure we can fix this.”  Tucker pulled his sash from around his shirt and with a flick, it became a scepter once more.  Holding out the golden rod over Danny, a look of concentration passed over the geek’s face while azure light bathed Danny’s body.  The green thread leading off toward Dash was highlighted, though the silver threads leading to Tucker, Sam and Jazz were also visible and even the blue ones trailing off to his Mom and Dad.  Tucker’s magick wrapped around his green thread and for a moment, Danny was sure that it’d be cut and all of this would be over and dealt with.
Tucker’s scepter was knocked out of his hand and clattered loudly on the tile floor of the school and the green thread shone brighter than before, seeming to have simply soaked up the magick.  Danny’s growl was deep in his chest this time, and one of the lights blew a fuse. “That’s fucking ridiculous! He just read off the spell without even knowing what it did, why would that be stronger than the Pharoah’s command?”
“The language might not be from this world, Danny.  We’ll have to ask Andrew if he knows how to undo it.”  Sam patted Danny on his shoulder and he leaned onto her, embracing the calm of her aura.  The bell rang and Danny pulled his hood over his head, pulling it shut over his face with the drawstrings.  “C’ mon, let’s get you home and we can head over to see him right now.”
Danny grumbled as he was pulled along by Sam and Tucker outside to the parking lot, where all three of them pulled out their hoverboards.  Danny mounted his star and nebulae covered creation and slipped on his helmet. The one he’d made for Tucker was gold and chrome-colored, a techno styled F on the bottom of it, while Sam’s was black with creeping vines appearing to weave all around it.  It had been fun building these boards with Tucker and personalizing them since they made flying to school easier on them all. Magnetic boots locked in place, Danny slipped on the remote control glove and took off, followed closely by his friends into the even sky to the envious stares of their schoolmates.
The only ghosts that got in their way home were Skulker and the Box Ghost, and while Boxy was easy to take down with a few well-placed shots, Danny had to split off a Phantom copy while still in human form to take down Skulker, which sucked because he didn’t have the energy to make one as strong as he normally was in ghost form.  With a kick to Skulker’s head that removed his helmet, and a swift click of the button on the Thermos, Skulker was dealt with and they headed to Fenton works.
Descending the stairs of the Fenton home to the basement lab and finding it empty was a blessing, mostly available due to Sam and her meddling in the business affairs of Fenton Works.  Getting to the Ghost Writer’s library from there was a cakewalk, and soon they were knocking on his doors.
“Andy, I have a problem and I need your help fixing it!”  Getting no reply for a moment, Danny took a deep superfluous breath and whined loudly against the door.  “Aaandyyyyy!” The door opened inward fast enough that Danny hit the floor, and grumbled something rude about Vidya playing cruel pranks on him.
“Don’t pretend that Vidya doesn’t love you about as much as she does me, Danny, you’ll never get away with a lie that flimsy.”  The baritone laughter of the Ghost Writer, otherwise known to a few as Andrew Riter, met Danny’s ears and a shark-toothed smile greeted Sam and Tucker.  The librarian in grey and purple invited them deeper in to sit on couches and cushions scattered about the shelves of the library and cups of coffee and tea set themselves down on the table before them.  “Alright, what trouble have you gotten yourselves into this time?”
“This time it wasn’t one of us, actually.”  Sam nudged Danny with her boot and he slumped against Tucker, taking a long sip of his tea.  “An idiot, Wes, tried to bind him to a circle during an event that the Occult Club was performing to summon Danny, but they let Dash Baxter read it and when Danny appeared, apparently Dash stuttered the wrong words and now he and Danny are bound by the soul.  As far as we know.”
Andrew adjusted his glasses, eyes narrowed at Danny as a trio of books flew to him and Danny repeated the spell for Andrew to decipher.  “Give me a couple of days to look this one up. Artificially created Soul Bonds like that typically break with the right spell and if both parties agree to sever the link.”  Tucker groaned while Danny buried his face in his hands.
“I have to convince Dash to unlink himself with me?  Wonderful. Fuck me, I guess.”
Tucker patted the ghost boy on his shoulder and Danny whined.
Ao3 / Fanfiction.net
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lycanhood · 7 years
DCTV Crossover: Crisis on Earth-X Part 3 & 4
I just rewatched Part 1 & 2 of the crossover and something I didn’t catch the first time is how little Oliver and Sara are interacting. I’ve always really enjoyed their dynamic and all of the history between them, but they’ve barely spoken to each other in the crossover so far. I know Ollie is preoccupied with Felicity and Sara is dealing with Alex, but still I hope they have at least one convo. Though I suspect Sara is about to be very busy dealing with Snart. Also, I really enjoy Felicity and Iris’s friendship. It’s so obvious to me how much better friends they are the Iris and Caitlin, which is sad.
Anyway, here we go… The Flash 4x08
Stein seems to know alot about this :(
This gay prisoner :(
Aw Sara comforting Alex YASS!
Cisco! Dude, about damn time
Why didn’t the nazis take that ball from Wells?
I swear if this nazi bitch does anything to Kara
I am so not surprised Iris and Felicity have to save everyone. Girl Power indeed
“Because I like men and I like women.” SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE SCUM IN THE BACK!! Well thats not the only reason tho, right?
Omg Sara! My poor bb! I HATE anti-Quentin
Haha that gay prisoner is us to Snart “About time!” Are they in love?
Whoa who is this bright fellow?
“We’re not so different from them.” Kara freakin Danvers
Okay but if I hear the words “aryan perfection” ONE MORE TIME
“What do you care if I take your heart? You’re not using it.” damn
Iris and Felicity are the dream team
WINN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My boy is here! In the same episode as Cisco!!!! And he has a FUCKING BEARD!!!!!
“Fingerless gloves” Haha Sara
Alex, thats not how dopplegangers work! Why does no one understand that?
Alex and Sara bonding over their sisters is everything
Oh the bright guy is The Ray from CWSeed? Gotcha, never seen that tho
I KNEW they were in love!
I kinda like General Schott
Why does she have to be awake? Doesn’t seem medically relevant
I love how Kara’s last threat is “My cousin will find you” when it should be “Lena Luthor will find you”
Terminator reference! ……..aaaaand now there is a robot, damn
An anti-waverider?!?
Haha Felicity has them fucked up
Oliver get on with it, anti-Quentin is suspicious
What’s doppleganger!felicity gonna do with that gun?
Red Tornado? Throwback
Kara Danvers you beautiful self sacrificing angel *wipes away a single tear*
I ship The Ray and Snart so hard
Agent Canary make such a good team
God Red Tornado looks awful  
NOOOOO! Don’t split up! You’re stronger together!
No stein no! Don’t do it! SHIT!! Its happening
Legends of Tomorrow 3x08
Jax yelling for Stein is killing me
Haha Snart, I hate his voice, but I miss his humor
RAY!!! I have honestly never been so happy to see the Atom
Hahaha “How was the wedding?”
An army would have been nice, but legends will do
Felicity protecting Kara! YASS!
“As far as final words go, those aren’t bad.”
Ooo our Oliver has their Kara!
“I love a good pop culture reference in a crisis” Hahahaha Cisco is me
“I just want to be with you.” way to get your priorities straight, Ollie
Oh god, if they make Jax take the firestorm cure and then Stein dies that’s gonna tear Jax up
Mick was a hero on Earth X trying to save cops from a fire? Nice
Caitlin, this outfit is...lovely
I’m gonna need Alex and Caitlin to patch up Stein, stat
Mr. Terrific is still a terrible name, much worse than The Ray
WHY ARENT WE FIXING STEIN?!? Get him into surgery or something!
Don’t you dare let do, Jax! This isn’t the Titanic! There was plenty of room on that door for Jack and there has got to be a way to save Stein now!
Jax: “I can’t do this!”
Me: *crying* bitch, me too
Oh no, we gotta watch his wife and daughter find out? Fuck
There is the Sara & Ollie interaction I was looking for, however brief
Ha Zari finally broke down and got a costume
Caitlin: “Great speech”
Ollie is so pissed
*rousing dramatic music* “Now let’s go kick some ass.”
Call in the National Guard!
This hero walk tho
I’m cool with Mick roasting Nazis
I do so love Cisco Ramon
KillerFrost did a superhero landing!!! Love seeing her working with the team
STOP with the heat vision thing!
“Nailed it!” haha
Please just fucking end it. Kill him just this one time
NOOOOO! Don’t let him go! I’m sick of his ass
Aw Ollie wasn’t gonna shoot the man while he was down, nice
I guess, he is technically a man of steel :/
I’m sure Earth-X will require a lot of punching
Snart’s staying? But...but their love. Why?
“All he wanted was to come home” Holy fucking shit *bursts into tears*
“It’s a hug thing” haha :) I still love Agent Canary, friends, fucking, or fighting
The fist bump
Barry just snatched John up, damn, rude, not cool
Why wasn’t he invited to the wedding to begin with?
Oh so now Felicity is the maid of honor, I see how it is
Haha John is such a buff minister
“Friend, partner, *cough* sister *cough*”
They do have such a beautiful relationship/friendship tho, so I’ll continue to try and overlook the practically siblings thing
Felicity! You’re stealing their moment! Not cool!
Damn, just be married already all of you
Jonas? Wow
So that was actually really good! Despite all the Nazi ugliness, I actually liked this crossover way more than last years. I think, the stakes felt higher somehow, and we had even more heroes, but it somehow felt more organized to me. The dynamics and friendships and dialogue seemed smoother to me and way more fun, yet less cheesy. I of course loved have Alex there, and Killer Frost too. I liked it alot. I think, attention was appropriately split and all the subplots and interaction were given proper attention and care. Overall, well done
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