#social-emotional development
kids-worldfun · 8 months
Trends That Are Transforming Early Childhood Education
Educating the child in his formative years is no longer about telling him to grab a notebook and a pencil. The society is evolving and children no longer want to learn in a boring environment. The credit goes to the technology. Technological advancements have brought about various innovative changes in promoting the holistic development of children. Even teachers are adopting new ways to…
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Early Childhood - Caring for Animals
This student is intently watching on of our chickens eating the feed she spread on the ground. Having animals to care for helps teach responsibility, compassion, empathy, and an understanding and respect for other living things. Animals teach children to value life other than their own, in addition to teaching them about the natural growth and life cycles of many different species which they can observe on a daily basis. Another benefit is the stress reduction that occurs as a result of observing and interacting with the animals, from which both the children and the animals can benefit.
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edorazzi · 7 months
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Page 3 of my Miraculous Mentor AU comic A Matter of Trust! In which Felix adjusts to life in Paris and grows up to be a perfectly normal, emotionally healthy teenager! 😬
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Weekly updates each Sunday! You can also read ahead early on Patreon, and/or buy me a Ko-fi if you'd like to support my work! 💖
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submitting this to brad as evidence for why he needs to add more leaflings to the team
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aftgficrec · 3 months
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Ok, that fic sounds REALLY interesting, friend, thanks for the rec! - S
we carry our own weight by wyverning [Rated M, 32279 words, incomplete, last updated June 2024]
Jeremy accidentally texts Jean instead of Kevin. Little does he know he's essentially thrown a life preserver to a drowning, freshly-abandoned Jean Moreau in the Nest.
tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: emotional/psychological abuse, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: panic attacks, tw: injuries
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storytellerslense · 3 months
JJ Maybank character analysis
How parentification shaped JJ‘s personality
Part 1
Parentified children face multiple challenges. They often experience stigmatization, feeling judged or isolated due to their family dynamics. Additionally, they carry the burden of family secrets, keeping quiet about the true nature of their responsibilities and the issues within their home. These children are forced to grow up too quickly, dealing with adult responsibilities and emotional burdens, which can lead to psychological stress, anxiety, and role confusion. This dual pressure impacts their social development and mental health, often leaving them feeling overwhelmed and unsupported.
JJ referring to his difficult and abusive home life after taking the fall for Pope. (Season 1, Episode 4)
JJ's behavioral patterns and anxiety caused by the stress of his family life are often misunderstood by others. Additionally, he is viewed by his environment as the son of an irresponsible and criminal father, which likely causes him not only shame but also increases the pressure on him to disprove the negative prejudices.
Stigmatization can also lead to stereotype threat by making individuals acutely aware of negative stereotypes and increasing the pressure to avoid confirming them. This heightened awareness and anxiety can impair performance and behavior, resulting in a self-fulfilling prophecy:
"He's just like his father. He's a liar and a thief." (Kiara's father Mike Carrera, Season 3, Episode 5)
In Season 3, Episode 5, JJ overhears Kiara's father saying, "He's just like his father. He's a liar and a thief", labelling him based on negative stereotypes associated with his family background. The words visibly hurt and demoralize JJ. They also increase JJ's anxiety and pressure to avoid confirming these stereotypes. He notices Kiara's father's wallet and the stress of his comments then triggers the impulsive reaction to steal it before leaving the house.
"You'll be back here one day. It's in your blood." (Deputy Plump, Season 2 Episode 5)
In another scene, Deputy Plumb is in the Sheriff's Department when JJ arrives to see John B. After allowing JJ to see his friend, she intentionally leads him to see his imprisoned father. She tells JJ that he is destined to end up in jail because it's in his blood. Plumb's actions and words reinforce negative stereotypes and social stigma, contributing to his internal conflict and feelings of inadequacy, potentially having a significantly impact on JJ's behavior and self-perception.
Impulsiveness and the tendency to make solo decisions 
Having grown up in a high-stress environment where he frequently had to handle crises on his own, JJ has developed a habit of making quick, decisive actions independently.
Growing up in a stressful environment where he had to manage crises regularly, JJ has learned to make quick, decisive actions without seeking input. This habit translates into JJ often making impulsive decisions and acting alone without considering his friends' opinions. Parentification can lead to a strong desire for control and independence, as the child feels the need to manage everything themselves to ensure stability and safety.
JJ’s need to regain control over his life and situations manifests in making solo decisions, even if they are risky.
In Season 1, Episode 7, JJ gets into a heated argument with his friends about stealing money from Barry. The group votes against it, but JJ, driven by his own determination, decides to go his own way and separates from his friends. Possibly JJ is accustomed to make quick decisions under pressure due to his chaotic home life. In stressful situations, he tends to seek immediate solutions to regain control (over his life) without fully considering the consequences, exemplified by his decision to steal from Barry despite his friends' objections. It's also hard for him to trust their decisions. His separation from the group reflects his believe that he alone must handle crises, disregarding his friends' vote.
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grison-in-space · 5 months
Since the dental Tribble has been on a strict no kibble, no crunchy, no chewing diet. (In a week or so she'll be allowed to use her teeth again a bit more, but no one wants to see a dog get dry socket.) Spouse feels that canned dog food (perpetually on hand to make into pupsickles) is not experienced as filling enough, and we do know that Tribble has done better on grain inclusive foods for the past decade, so... the rice cooker has been simmering with chicken stock rice too bulk out the canned food all week, and Matilda and Benton have both gotten a fair bit of overflow rice as a treat.
Unconnectedly, tonight happens to be my first night alone as the sole human all evening in quite a few months. Matilda has been doing her job of enforcing bed, of course, but I can also rely on other humans to help make routine happen if she's too tired to be on it.
If I was worried that Tilly hadn't worked out her evening routine enforcement functions before now, I shouldn't have been. I don't think I've ever seen a dog so excited to move the evening along towards the part where dinner and the good cookies are.
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gurorori · 7 months
if you say shit like 'autism is not a disability' i hope you actually have really bad things happen to you and you are banned from the autism community for the foreseeable future. get another fun weird club if you so badly need one
so profoundly tired of people trying to make autism into this whimsical quirkiness when it's for most people a serious and debilitating life altering disorder
#im not even that high on the needs spectrum at all. i definitely need a lot of support but it doesn't nearly compare to hsn autistics for ex#but our autism have never been masked and it's always been apparent in obvious ways that stunted our social and personal development#we can't mask at all it's not an option to us. we are disturbing in person. we talk weirdly. we are monotone with very rare exceptions.#we do not understand the overwhelming majority of very important social cues and we can't pretend or mask that#we've always been singled out and our impairment has ostracized us from peers our entire life#especially with the struggle of getting daily tasks done. we are JUST a little more independent with things than we were as a kid#i always talk about not feeling like an adult and being stuck in kid (teen at best!) like mindset and abilities and understanding of things#that is autism too. we are stunted and disabled developmentally in many ways as a result and we were never on par with others of our age#and we will never be.#i hate this sentiment so much and i hate the 'disabilities wouldn't exist if society was perfect at accomodating us all to a T'#like yeah surely our violent outbursts and shutdowns and intense stimming wouldn't exist? our need to regulate stimuli#our Inability to regulate emotion or response to overstimulation?#like holy shit if you're autism lite jsut say that. some of us are actually significantly impaired and very much DISABLED and require#support to function. and surprise surprise some autistics need help with every step in their daily life. are they not disabled? fucker
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gem-femmes · 18 days
7 Subtle Ways People Try to Sabotage Young Women
In my teens and twenties, people often told me I'd look great with short hair or suggested I buy clothing that didn't suit my figure, age, or personal style.
Their unsolicited "advice" confused me. For the longest time, I thought, why would you suggest this? Don't you have eyes in your head?
Oh, how young and naive I was.
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Now, in my thirties, I know what all that poor unsolicited advice people dumped on me was about.
The point was to try to nerf my natural attractiveness and personality. That way, others who felt like they operated with less would look better in comparison.
Sabotage, especially subtle sabotage, can come in many forms. It's often disguised as advice or concern.
These are the most common ways people, intentionally or not, try to undermine young women.
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Take the following "advice" with a grain of salt, even if coming from a close person.
🔪1. Appearance-Based Sabotage
Hair and makeup: Telling you to cut your hair shorter or wear less makeup, implying that you should be "less high-maintenance" or that natural looks are "more professional," when in reality, they may be trying to diminish your confidence or attractiveness.
Clothing: Suggesting you wear baggy or unflattering clothes under the guise of being "more comfortable" or "modest," which could be a way to make you appear less confident or attractive. Also suggesting clothing that ages you unnecessarily.
Body shaming: Making comments that subtly criticize your body, such as implying you should lose or gain weight, which can undermine your self-esteem.
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🔪2. Career and Ambition Sabotage
Downplaying achievements: Minimizing your successes or implying they are due to luck rather than your skills, which can erode your confidence in your abilities.
Discouraging ambition: Telling you to be "realistic" or not aim too high, suggesting that you should settle for less in your career or personal goals.
"Nice girl" syndrome: Advising you to be more agreeable or not to assert yourself too much, as it might make you "unlikable" or "bossy," which can inhibit your leadership potential.
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🔪3. Relationship Sabotage
Undermining relationships: Suggesting that you are "too picky" or should settle in your relationships, which can lead to accepting less from a partner than you deserve.
Toxic advice on boundaries: Encouraging you to ignore red flags or be more accommodating in relationships, which can lead to unhealthy dynamics.
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🔪4. Emotional and Mental Sabotage
Gaslighting: Making you question your reality or decisions, leading to self-doubt.
Playing the victim: Acting hurt or upset when you succeed or make decisions for yourself, making you feel guilty for your achievements.
Competitive undermining: Subtly competing with you in a way that makes you feel less than, such as constantly comparing themselves to you or highlighting your flaws.
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🔪5. Social and Networking Sabotage
Isolation: Encouraging you to distance yourself from certain people or networks that could be beneficial to you, under the guise of protecting you from "bad influences." When in reality these very people or networks could help you succeed in your career/school or lead to other opportunities to advance.
Gatekeeping: Withholding information, contacts, or opportunities that could help you advance, while pretending to be supportive.
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🔪6. Critiquing Your Personality
Labeling assertiveness as aggression: Calling you "aggressive" or "too much" when you stand up for yourself, which can push you to be more passive.
Mocking your passions: Dismissing your hobbies or interests as childish or unimportant, which can make you doubt your own preferences and values.
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🔪7. Advice to Conform
Encouraging compliance: Advising you to fit in or conform to certain norms, especially if those norms are limiting or don't align with your true self. (This is different from fitting in in environments where a certain level of professionalism is needed)
Discouraging uniqueness: Telling you that certain behaviors or styles are "too out there" or "not ladylike," pushing you to suppress your individuality.
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Recognizing these behaviors is important so that you can protect yourself on time, i.e. before others manipulate you into making a choice that does you no favors.
Trusting your instincts, maintaining a strong sense of self, and surrounding yourself with genuinely supportive people can help you nip these negative influences in the bud.
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mummer · 1 year
whats fun about barry as a protagonist vs other Morally Complicated Guy Shows is that he seriously has no ambition lol, his wildest dreams arent like becoming super rich or relishing in holding power over people, like all he wants is simple happiness, maybe career success, normal life stuff, his wildest dreams are like…. being able to have a wedding. having a kid or two. and theres something reasonable about that, it makes him relatable for a while until the show is very clearly like No dude, that is a fucking serial killer, you should not gaf! and you’re like oh right lol. it’s crazy to make such a simple desire seem so malicious but still human
#like the true success of the show is that he feels just as entitled as walter white even though what he wants is so much smaller#L + serial killer + you’re a war criminal + you’re abusive + kys#barry#but i think it threads the line a little where by s5 of brba i had 0 care for walt i did not feel any emotional attachment#and tbh by the end i didnt even find the whole corruption arc interesting because he was just so painfully malignant and annoying#but barry wants sooooo little. and he’s sooooo stupid. and hes soooo arrested development 15 year old boy#that it still manages to be compelling and he still manages to feel like a human being#not a knock on brba which is incredible television obviously just doing different stuff#idk. something about how it’s tragic but also held at an appropriate distance so as to be laughed at too#like: the irremovable mark doing violence leaves on you.. the inescapability of it… IS sad! it’s sad#and most often IS the result of social conditioning and masculinity constructs and your dads friend grooming you etc#but it’s not the prime sadness. which would be of course the victims of that violence#like. duh#walter my reaction is just. Well i wouldnt do that. I would never choose to do that so who cares#but with barry. all he wants is to not be defined by the hurt he has caused. which is something everybody wants!#but the extents of that hurt are so extreme and are teased apart so well in the show. like theres 0 apologia just exploration#anyway if im doing brba comparisons barry is literally todd
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good-to-drive · 1 month
I think we should stop saying Paul was basically a woman and start saying Ringo was basically a woman, not because it's any less stupid but because it's exactly as stupid and much much funnier
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femmefatalevibe · 11 months
Not the same anon but I personally think that having a higher body count could be a red flag because it is harder for them to commit to someone in a serious relationship
It sounds like you've been immersed in a quite conservative culture or are fairly young, honestly, if you believe this.
How many sexual partners someone has had has nothing to do with how seriously they take commitment in a committed relationship. A lot of people can easily separate their casual from their committed partners, no problem.
It's too simple to turn this argument on its head: Why is someone who has very few partners less likely to cheat? They had little experience before, so after some time, they might become more curious about what's out there/what they're not experiencing vs. someone who has "been there, done that" and is at a stage of their life where they want ease and consistency/exclusivity.
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"SMG is the only one acting well in this scene" Angel is completely disoriented after months of not being himself and she stabs him within a minute of 'gaining consciousness'
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Writing Sample: A Small Paper About Kids
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At some point in my college career when I was studying to be an early childhood teacher, I was required to write a paper about infants and toddlers, and talk about their growth, development and
learning. I couldn't tell you how many times I've used all of those words, along with "multiculturalism" and "diversity" and "inclusion." Anyways... While most of my papers were long gone and lost, I did find this one that I still had stored online. I thought I would use it to share my writing style and sample on non-fictional writing, even though fictional writing is where my love pours out the most. I just love writing in general, which is why these blog posts even exist. The small paper is below. I hope you like it!
Infant/Toddler Growth, Development, And Learning ​ By Sharon Forester
Understand The Context Of Infant/Toddler Growth/Development
It is very essential to understand how an infant/toddler grows and develops because when you work the field, you want to do what is best for the child, demonstrating all the right things in front of the child to reach the set of goals that is made for them. We know that children are very honest, curious little things. They are also smarter than people give them credit for. They see everything and they tend to copy any example that is presented in front of them, and we all know that we don’t want all the bad things to stick on them as they grow older. Understanding how growing/development works on children helps caregivers/parents come up with the best ways of approaching the opportunities for learning and seeing the progress that is being made. Some matters about children are supposed to be really obvious in order for them to further grow, such as building relationships and trust with them. We can’t expect a child to follow our lead if they don’t trust or even know us. We also need to let them know that we care about them as individuals and that we are interested in who they are and what they want to do every step of the way. A child is not going to listen to us if we don’t show them kindness or support. The lack of kindness will only tell them that this world is unsafe for them and that there won’t be anyone willing to be there for them. Understanding what we need to do so we can be helpful to children and not be hurtful will allow us to build the proper curriculum for the classroom where we attend children daily. We want to be the kind of people that will cause a positive impact.
Redefining “Curriculum” For Infants And Toddlers
When looking at the word “curriculum,” the word is associated with topics and strategies that we write down for lessons that we feel is important to teach the children, so they can become mature, well-developed adults. I notice that a lot of people define curriculum in schools as all the paperwork and class tests that they need to do in the classroom so they can get the passing grades they need to pass grade levels and graduate. But that’s just it. Schools lately have not been about learning, it has been about passing, and that’s just getting worse as the years pass by, which is why we need to be caring teachers when working with children by remembering why we entered the position of being a teacher in the first place, and the same goes for parents. We need to let them know that school is important while teaching them that learning can be fun. If we have patience and understanding, then we will be able to function as good teachers and give children the help that they really need throughout their childhood. We need to be especially determined to be the best in the child’s youngest years, because those are the critical ages where we need to feed their minds and show them good examples to follow in life. Many adults don’t reach half the development in specific areas like social emotional development because their past caregivers/parents have not taught them those things before or after they enter school. Schools think that children need to already know how to read when they are first entering the classroom, and that’s not true. First-time schooling is the time period where children are supposed to first learn how to read in the first place. 99% come in not knowing how to read, and then when they have to do testing, they won’t know how to answer questions because they haven’t reached that point yet. The meaning of curriculum is all the important things that we need to be teaching children in a memorable way that will impact them for the good of the future, not fill their desks with paperwork after paperwork. In generalization, people don’t understand that every little thing you do with children is caught as a learning experience. Any little thing you do with a child will make or break a relationship or cause an emotion to stir depending how the teacher is impacting the child when they interact. Caregivers tend to not count passing time (such as getting ready in lines to transition from one activity to another) as a moment of learning as school hours. Of course these transitions are indeed as worth it as any other opportunity for children to learn things during school hours. When teachers create their own strategies for getting children ready to stand in line to go somewhere or transition to another activity, they are learning that there is an order in this world that they are all aware that they need to follow, just like anyone else does. They learn to identify the appropriate times of being silent or loud, in control or all over the place.
Respecting Infants And Toddlers
Respecting toddlers and infants means that we need to be aware that infants and toddlers are not objects and they need to be treated as equal human beings like we treat anyone else in our daily lives. A perfect common example of this is when a caretaker or a parent is taking care of a baby and knows there are going to be times the child is going to need diaper changes or help with potty breaks, but they tend to see it as something that they need to do and get over with instead of seeing it as a moment of bondage to strengthen relationships. The wrong way of taking care of bathroom time is quickly scooping up the child and getting the matter over with in silence as you distract the child with a toy to get the job done. The correct way to approach a diaper-changing session is by talking to the baby, letting them know that you are approaching them and informing them about what you are going to do with them before taking action. This is just one of many, many examples of good/bad behaviors between caregivers/parents and infants/toddlers. What I see the most often is when a child cries for a need or a want and the adult dismisses the behavior forcefully by demanding the child to stop being ridiculous without responding to how he feels and how they can help them feel better, or they just ignore the behavior all together, expecting them to stop crying at some point. A good caregiver/parent will respond to how the child is feeling in the moment, showing that they care about them and their feelings and helping them recognize the emotion they are feeling and guide them to learn how to handle and express them in an appropriate manner, such as encouraging them to use their words and not their bodies meanwhile having them comprehend why a situation has gone the way it has. ​ A short informative article about gaining wisdom on how to educate infants and toddlers to bring awareness to new parents and teachers alike. Link to the article: https://hubpages.com/education/Infant-Toddler-Growth-Development-And-Learning
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yappacadaver · 5 months
he is such a nerddd
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cinephilesadeqi · 9 months
Movie Analysis and Review: "Detachment" (2011)
Synopsis:“Detachment,” directed by Tony Kaye, delves into the life of Henry Barthes (Adrien Brody), a substitute teacher who avoids emotional connections, constantly moving from one district to another. Placed in a public school filled with apathy among students and disinterested parents, Henry inadvertently becomes a role model to his disaffected students and forms a unique bond with a teenage…
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