#so we had ryan
lover-of-mine · 2 months
Another day, another actor notice for the @buddie2024rewatch
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jay-wasstuff · 2 months
So no one was going to tell me Logan calls Wade daddy instead of bub/ba in the spanish dub?
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themeraldee · 22 days
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The Boys | 2.08 What I Know
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katabay · 2 months
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if you peel him back far enough, there's nothing but a pile of theater masks
like, it's really fun how fontaine starts spiralling out the closer jack gets to him in the final arc of the game and returns to appropriating the image of family (the fake family in the beginning, the flawed father position later) to try and appeal to jack in some way but it's like. buddy. baby. you already took off your mask. anything you try and put on after this is going to come across as cheap and desperate. the magic is gone! and personally? I'm hooting and hollering
⭐ places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app / insta
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deus-sema · 2 months
Aegon and Visenya after they unofficially filed for divorce and split Aenys and Maegor's custodies between each other:
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stagefoureddiediaz · 10 days
Obessed with Ryan’s referencing Mayan culture in his interview in connection with Catholicism and Latino culture.
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Because Mayan culture and much of pre colonisation South American culture had a much more open and accepting view on homosexuality (that is not to say homophobia didn’t exist).
Indeed homosexual acts often formed part of Mayan religious rituals and public sexual ceremonies were commonplace which included queer eroticism and sexual display. And Mayan Shaman often performed homosexual acts as part of their communing with the spirit world and the healing treatments they provided people.
It isn’t until the Spanish conquest and the imposing of catholic values that we see things change - sodomy was used as justification for the enslaving, subjugation and slaughter of indigenous peoples.
So yeah - Ryan choosing to bring up the Mayan culture (specifically as other SA cultures such as the Mexica were less tolerant) and the as a part of discovering one’s roots and who you are is so very interesting! It’s just adding another layer to the likelyhood of Eddie’s unrepression and gay awakening being a big part of his arc in season 8.
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ratatatastic · 2 months
"Funny enough I—like, if street hockey, ministicks, I always wanted to be a goalie too! Like, for some reason I always wanted to go in net. You know, probably because of [my Dad] and then, um, you know, once you get dinged a couple times and the shots get too hard you realise—then it's not so much fun after all so... Yeah, it was great he'd always—" "You probably wanted to be goalie 'cuz you're fucking crazy, man! Those guys are bananas! I actually went as a goalie in morning skate one time when I was suspended in the coast, and it was the scariest thing ever, bro. It's nothing like blocking a shot because you're literally just standing there, and these guys are shooting right at you. It's unbelievable!" "Yeah! You gotta get in the way of the stuff to save it! That's crazy! I know, and like obviously gear is like great and they don't really feel—but there is, like, that psychological thing going on where, like, you know, you wanna move out of the way 'cuz it's gonna hurt! I get—I mean, it must not hurt that much, like, 'cuz Bob's crazy, man! Bob loves taking—Well, I wouldn't say loves taking it off the head, but he doesn't hate it, like he—" "Feels good?" "You know, every once in a while—they hit him in the head and you go up and say sorry he's like, 'No, no! It's all good! I love it, I love it!!' and like, kind-of shoos you away so."
The Buzz Pod | 8.7.24 (x)
so speaking of banking pucks off bobbys head and how much he loves it flashback to that day in october of 23 where bobby was doing that for practise and managed to rope in matthew to the shenanigans to the utter confusion of everyone involved (x)(x)(x)(x)
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realchemistry · 3 months
The fact that it could only be Eddie crashing Buck's date for Buck to react the way he did is something to think about. If it had been literally any other person, Buck would've been fine. Maybe he wouldn't have said it was a date, but he wouldn't have been nervous, overcompensating and lying about it the way he was with Eddie.
His freakout and visit to Maddie after only happened because it was Eddie that saw him. Buck wasn't there to come out to his sister, he didn't care if she found out and, when she figured it out, he had no trouble discussing the matter. The Eddie part of it all, though, that had Buck worried, needing advice and going a bit crazy for some reason...
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supemaeve · 7 months
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crispycreambacon · 10 months
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[Image Description in the Alt Text]
Ever wondered what happened to the puppets stuck in the Wondrium Arena?
So did the Professor and his meat shield/bestie westie, Ryan. Instead of waiting for an answer, they planned to get the puppets out of there. They even argued with God over it, or rather the Professor did since Ryan was too mentally out-of-it from the absolute absurdity of this situation.
And what did God give to them in return for winning the argument? A bus. To drive to the Wondrium Arena with. ‘Cause what better way to rescue a bunch of dead puppets than crashing a bus into their purgatory?
— ☆ —
I'm happy to announce the release of my first AO3 fanfic: Seatbelts, Everyone!
As you can see from the blurb above, it's a one-shot crackfic about the Professor and Ryan rescuing the puppets in the Wondrium Arena by crashing a bus into it. 'Cause why not?!
This fic has it all! We got:
Ryan learning how to drive a bus via WikiHow!
God being the absolute worst!
Silly puppet interactions!
Existential crises occuring throughout the fic!
An honestly heart-warming ending?
Y'all the line between silly jesting and sincere genuineness is so blurry in this fic. So if that all sounds like a jam of a time, you can read the fic via clicking here! Or clicking the title. Or searching up "Seatbelts, Everyone!" by crispycreambacon on AO3.
Thank you so much for checking it out! And even if you don't, I hope you enjoyed the comic. May you all have a fantabulous day!
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cyrusthedragon · 3 months
I seriously still think this is 100% one of his honest emotions. Like. He was PLEASANTLY SURPRISED.
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Baby went: 😲😲😲 WILLIAM!!! 😃😃😃
If you are THIS happy to see your enemy, then you're no longer enemies, folks. You are GAY.
Check the tags
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tiger-balm · 6 days
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Sens @ Leafs Preseason Highlights | Sept 22nd 2024
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doccywhomst · 2 years
Ryan Sinclair's travel vlog in a better timeline
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katabay · 3 months
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”—ah. seems like mother goose has been playing around in your egg salad. if you won’t dance to that tune, I got others.”
honestly, the would you kindly scene is whatever to me*, code yellow is the more interesting violation/betrayal of the body because of how beautifully it escalates the Fontaine reveal/betrayal and shows how ugly some of those ‘locks and keys’ that Tenenbaum mentions are. not only have you been a tool in another man’s hand this entire time, it goes deeper. your body is not your own.
*there used to be a meandering thought here about the would you kindly scene, but it was really just talking around the fact that I spent way too many years seeing people discuss it in the most insufferable and reductive ways possible when it’s a combination of three or four other things that make that moment compelling lmao
collage credits: heart one/heart two
⭐ places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app / tip jar!
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black-queen-rising · 3 months
The fundamental problem with House of The Dragon, not even as an adaptation, but as a show, and simply a story, is that none of the characters feel like people. They're cardboard cutout dialogue delivery machines, they do what the story requires of them at any given moment and then evaporate into thin air. Their actions aren't internally consistent to a person with a mind and opinions and emotions of their own, the explanation for why they do the things they do nine times out of ten boils down to "they had to hit X point on the skeleton chart of plots beat that needed to be fulfilled" with all the moments in between being "the writers wanted them to", people aren't always objectively consistent but they are INTERNALLY consistent, and it's why these characters don't feel like people, they're not and the writers aren't interested in making us BELIEVE they are, they're interested in seeing them do what they want when they want it while checking off just enough requirements to still have HBO release it. If there is ever a frustration, an incoherence, a simple why about the choices made and narrative created, nine times out of ten, this is going to be your answer. Not only is looking for something deeper or better going to drive you insane either from frustration or powerlessness (trust me, I’ve been there), the people in charge are relying on us to do so, it’s why this fandom was the perfect place to be so self indulgent and egotistical, we’ve been trained by the creator for twenty-odd years to believe there’s always a bigger scheme and grander plans. Not this time, not here. And when people recognize this is the answer, there’s no wild goose chase protecting the creators anymore, there’s just criticism, and the consequences of their own self indulgence and ego. Don’t drive yourself crazy looking for answers, drive them crazy by demanding explanations.
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formulalfc · 10 months
liverpool football club try not to be the most insanely attractive club on this planet challenge (impossible)
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