#so to everyone who made my day today great:
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Entry 17: The One About All the Hot Air
Oh, hey, hey, hey – what is that over there?
No, not that –
Ah, fuck.
Is that what I think it is?
Yeah, yeah, it looks like some sort of hot air balloon.
Ugh, it’s that fucking wannabe Wizard! Get that manipulative shit-fuck outta here!
Seriously, don’t let it set foot on land. It’s not welcome on this side of Oz.
Someone release the flying monkeys! Like, now. Knock it out of the sky.
Wait, I thought the Wizard liked green. This weirdo has a red balloon.
Bitch, I didn’t say it was the Wizard; I said it was a wannabe Wizard.
Oh, no wonder it’s steering that balloon like a fucking clown.
Hell, I don’t even think we need the monkeys. That idiot is going to crash and burn itself straight into the glass walls of the Emerald Palace.
Well, you know what they say when you start throwing stones in a glass house…
It is slightly amusing (and a tad concerning) to me that children are always led to believe that the villain of “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” is that bitch of a Witch of the West when the worst character traits are actually portrayed by the Wizard himself. And, by “worst character traits,” I mean that he was a master manipulator who conned an entire city into believing he held some form of great power.
Did you know that in the original story the Emerald City wasn’t really that green? Sure, it was made from green glass and emeralds, but the Wizard required everyone to wear green-colored glasses so that everything appeared greener than it actually was. Weird, that. And, even more weird, people bought it! “Here, put these glasses on and you’ll see everything exactly the way I want you to see it.”
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m fully aware “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” is a work of fiction, but the idea that people can be easily manipulated – especially by someone with “power” – is not fiction.
That’s what today’s piece of “hot air” is about – fandom manipulation and the power of suggestion. And who better than to manipulate an entire fandom than the media? It’s unfortunate that I have to give the media power in this story – and even more unfortunate that I have to give it to rag-mags and social media – but the reality is information is power, regardless of whether it’s misinformation. In fact, MIT Sloan did a study in 2018 demonstrating how false information spreads through social media, namely, Twitter, six times faster than true information. Disturbing, right? I don’t even want to know what the going rate for misinformation is in 2025.
And, of course, since I opened today’s story with a visit to the Land of Oz, we may as well take a day trip over to Australia. Remember how I told you Australia deserved an entry of its own? Well, this is it. No, not really. I did say this was a day trip, not a sleep-over, so it’s not going to be chucked full of shiny bracelets or ways to “keep a good girl down.” It’s just our starting point today.
In my first entry, I briefly described what brought me into this fandom. It was something Luke said – and not really what he said, but how he said it – that left me intrigued. He was being interviewed on the Bowral red carpet by “Gretchen from the Philippines.” Yes, that’s literally how she introduced herself! Could I instead refer to the nice lady by her real name (Gretchen Fullido)? Sure, but “Gretchen from the Philippines” is far more fun. Plus, it sounds kind of whimsical. Any ways, Gretchen (from the Philippines) asked Luke if, “in real life,” he’d support friends-to-lovers. Luke’s response was, well, a bit jumbled, which was what sparked my curiosity because his previous answers that day were, for the most part, articulate: “I would – I would support friends – I feel like it’s not something that – that I have in my li – that I resonate with – that I’ve experienced. But, you know, if my – if my friends wanted to explore a relationship with one their friends, go for it. I’ll support it.”
Something in the way Luke answered that question was like suddenly being able to see the forest for the trees. At that moment, I was convinced Luke had always been in love with Nicola, and everything else that went on during that particular red-carpet event (and thereafter) simply christened the USS Lukola. However, that comment by Luke – and a subsequent one he made in New York – would result in the addition of a lot of trees to our enchanted forest.
Now – I apologize – we need to borrow a hot air balloon, preferably one that can travel through time, and jump forward to November 5, London-time. I promise, we will return to Oz momentarily.
Oh, fuck.
What now?
That ridiculous faux Wizard is right behind us. I thought I told you to send in the monkeys!
Dammit, you said we didn’t need them! I left those fuckers back in Oz.
Well, umm, I think we might need them now.
Uhh, do you see those four-legged beasts on the ground chasing our balloon?
Oh, you mean those coyote-like creatures?
Yeah, but we’re not in the Americas – and those ain’t coyotes…
Ah, here we are: November 5, Claridge’s, London. This was the evening Nicola attended the Harper’s Bazaar Women of the Year awards. We’re only stopping in real quick to steal a piece of the speech Nicola gave that evening. Okay, got it! Let’s get the fuck out of here!
The part of the speech I wanted to share was this: “I did a six-month press tour for Bridgerton, the show which I love, and I’m so proud of. The amount of inappropriate questions I got asked about my appearance, about my relationship…”
Hold up. Relationship? What relationship?
Did she say “relationship” or “relationships?”
Does it fucking matter?
Well, I guess not. But what does it mean?
I could tell you what I think it means… Wait a hot-air-balloon-minute – where the fuck have you taken us? I told you we needed to go back to April 21, Aussie-time. This looks like Soho in January.
Shit, sorry. Let me fix that. Here we go…
Umm, hey, where’s that weird little red Wizard? I swear it was just behind us…
Eh, probably got stuck in Soho, hahaha. Guess it missed its exit.
Do you think that’s a good idea?
Yeah, sure. It’ll be fine…
We’ve returned to April 21, Bowral, Australia. Now, at this point in the timeline, World Tour interviews were already well underway. In fact, the first two parts of EmEdits on YouTube are entirely pre-Australia interviews, making up roughly 6 ½ hours of screen time. I’m not the least bit surprised that “Gretchen from the Philippines” asked Luke what his thoughts were on “real life” friends-to-lovers. The chemistry between Luke and Nicola was hard to ignore.
The Australian red carpet also introduced the hand holding, which – if we took another magical mystery tour over to May 9, Italy – Nicola and Luke agreed was a sign of “love.” I suppose I could buy the excuse that one or both had so much anxiety they needed the other’s hand to remain calm on the red carpet. But, nah, I wouldn’t buy that at all – for one very specific reason. When Luke and Nicola were seen leaving (I believe) the Milton Park Country House on April 23, Luke instinctively reached for Nicola’s hand as they were descending the steps. Why? This reflex by Cool Hand Luke was as natural as a pregnant woman touching her stomach. I ask again – why?
There’s only one answer.
It’s the answer that fits with the Claddagh ring. It’s the answer that fits with the side jaunt to Galway. It’s the answer that fits with their natural chemistry, the hand holding, the canned “shared experience” and “unique relationship” responses, the playful sexual innuendos. It’s the answer that fits with Luke’s “the best foundation for love is friendship” bracelet. It’s the answer that fits with Nicola’s remark about “[t]he amount of inappropriate questions I got asked…about my relationship…” It’s the only fucking answer that makes sense.
But, the real kicker is, why don’t people believe that is the answer?
Why is it so hard to believe that Luke and Nicola could be in a real-life relationship?
That’s easy – because the Man Behind the Curtain told us so.
Who is the Man Behind the Curtain? Well, that’s also easy. It’s collectively the rag-mags and the social media creators on the prowl for a following. It’s the spread of misinformation at its worst and it’s so incredibly easy to do with, say, a pair of green-colored glasses.
Like I said, “…put these glasses on and you’ll see everything exactly the way I want you to see it.”
There was one major plot twist that came out of the World Tour, and you already know what that is. The seed was planted with a New Year’s Eve kiss, fertilized with blurry pictures, a compulsory hallway hug, and copycat photos, and encouraged to grow with a bit of junk news and a lot of social media innuendo. Now, I’m not saying the video and photographic evidence that was presented was fabricated; I’m simply suggesting the narrative that came out that evidence was skewed. The media, namely, social media creators, pushed us to plant Lutonia trees while Luke’s actions (i.e., not acknowledging the existence of Lutonia) told us to “pay no attention to the Man Behind the Curtain.”
Uh, so, what you’re saying is we shouldn’t have left that wannabe Wizard in Soho?
Ah, shit! I forgot about that fucker!
The unfortunate thing about the Lutonia narrative was that it was bolstered by insinuation that Luke would never be interested in Nicola. Now, whether these remarks were deliberately planted, or they were simply seedpods carried away by a storm, they were not overlooked by Lukolas – or Nicola. In fact, Nicola herself brushed upon it in her Harper’s Bazaar speech: “The amount of inappropriate questions I got asked about my appearance…” Yes, I’m referring to the suggestion that Luke preferred “brunettes” over “blondes.” Somehow this narrative was conveniently supported by the existence of – lo and behold! – the brunette “friend of a friend” Antonia, who happened to be slender. Again, whether it was intentional or not, the push by, initially, social media creators (and later gossip rags) to link Luke to Antonia inadvertently called the blonde in our story – Nicola – fat. I refuse to dance around that word because it is exactly what this disgusting narrative implied when it chose to compare Antonia to Nicola. Regardless of whether these gossipmongers “corrected” themselves by replacing “thin” with “brunette” and “fat” with “blonde,” the implication was that Luke would never be interested in Nicola because she had thick blonde hair. This was incredibly upsetting and confusing to many Lukolas because it was contrary to Luke’s behavior towards Nicola throughout the World Tour (and in Bridgerton behind-the-scenes clips).
I decided months ago that Luke was incredibly transparent. And, by that, I mean he’s terrible at keeping secrets. Luke himself admitted his “tell” to this was pulling at his ear – now go watch the World Tour with that information in mind. It’ll give you something to do, at the very least. Luke’s sincerity is also why the blonde versus brunette nonsense just doesn’t take flight for me. Any ways, as I hinted at earlier, Luke’s comments on the Bowral red carpet and his later comments in New York City about friends-to-lovers would – again, unfortunately – give the Man Behind the Curtain ammunition to debunk any real-life relationship between Luke and Nicola. Luke was quickly labeled as being “…dismissive of something ever happening between him and Nicola…” Those are literally the words The Tab used in an article dated May 22 to explain Luke and Nicola’s differing commentary about real-life friends-to-lovers. In fact, the article is titled, “Luke Newton has revealed the reason he’d never date Bridgerton co-star Nicola Coughlan.” Oddly – but not really given the source – Luke never actually said he would never date Nicola. But that fact didn’t stop it from becoming a theme of the World Tour – Luke didn’t believe in friends-to-lovers therefore he would never date Nicola – even though, by the end of the tour, Luke’s stance on this had seemingly changed. That’s not to say the rag-mags misquoted Luke – they didn’t – but the narrative they coiled around his words attempted to shut down the idea that Luke and Nicola would ever date in real life because Luke wasn’t interested. But what Luke was saying was that he believed in love-at-first sight. “I actually don’t think friends-to-lovers is something that happens in my life. If I meet someone, I know immediately.” Now, take that statement with the fact that Luke has repeatedly stated he remembers everything about the moment he met Nicola.
The above examples of gossip and innuendo are simply par for the course. The media manipulates facts all the time – whether it be through social media chatter or rag-mags putting their own spin on ordinary commentary – but this type of manipulation is not what puts the fandom in danger of itself. In fact, most of the gossip and innuendo that took root during the World Tour would have dissipated almost immediately after it ended – if it hadn’t been for Papsmear.
Yeah. That was disastrous.
Come to think of it, it was awfully convenient, too, don’t you think?
Absolutely. And you know what else was convenient? That little wannabe Wizard was –
Oh, yeah, I heard that, too! That clown has been trying to hand out green-colored glasses ever since!
Yep. Tried to give me a pair and I told it to go fuck itself and its little glass cat, too. I mean, they weren’t even name brand glasses. Fake ass, bitch.
All jesting aside, if you haven’t noticed already, I do, on occasion, use my writing to call out the fandom, usually as a whole. I mean, we are in this together, right? Actually, no; we ceased being Collectively Delulu after a few unsavory characters were bitten by the Hunter’s Moon and followed Nicola through the streets of New York and London. There was a major – and rather unexpected – shift in the fandom when the rabid Jakolas appeared from the dark corners of our enchanted forest. And I’m sure you’ve realized at this point in my story that I have one particular – oh, shit, I just realized I don’t even know to which fandom our wannabe Wizard belongs. Ruh-roh. Regardless, that motherfucker is in my peep sight because it is a perfect example of how fandom manipulation has reached a new level of toxicity.
Typically, I don’t care what part of the fandom you’re on. My general attitude is, to each their own. If you’re a Jakola and you find yourself spending an average of 15 minutes each week reading my Lukola blog, I applaud you for peeking outside of the den hole. Best not let Alpha find out, though. It’s all in good fun, right? I often find myself getting a good laugh from Jakola stories, especially when they theorize on the Woman Behind the Curtain. Question, though – did you find her? In all seriousness, if I didn’t consider Jakola and Lutonia perspectives, I would be borderline Conscientiously Stupid, now, wouldn’t I? After all, the desire for knowledge is what ultimately gave our Scarecrow his brain.
However, what I don’t find “in good fun” is when social media creators prey on more than one side of the fandom under phony pretense, namely, that they “just want Nicola to be happy.” Oh, these Cowardly Lions may argue that they’re simply being “neutral” – and, yes, I’m sure some instances of this do exist – however, neutrality does not embrace openly ridiculing one fandom over another, especially on a platform that is touted by its owners as being a “safe space” for everyone. The problem with these so-called “neutral creators” is that they’re only here for social media engagement – the clicks and the giggles – and they defect to the other side when the going gets tough. If you, too, take issue with this kind of creator, be soothed in knowing that when you play two sides, you find yourself with two-times the number of enemies.
What makes these so-called “neutral creators” – actually, let’s just call them the “Defectors” – so poisonous to the fandom is that they are made from the grease drippings found at the bottom of the barrel of the Conscientiously Stupid. The Conscientiously Stupid are one thing – they are the ones using their platforms to spread misinformation because they choose to ignore exculpatory evidence (i.e., they’re headstrong in their beliefs) – but the Defectors are typically the ones creating the misinformation and feeding it to the Conscientiously Stupid and then hanging them out to dry when the information proves to be false. The Conscientiously Stupid who refuse to “lose the battle” then resort to bullying (more so than usual) the Sincerely Ignorant of an opposing fandom. And in defense of their Sincerely Ignorant comrades (or simply because they’re sick and tired of the Conscientiously Stupid preventing anyone from having nice things), the Fact Finders – unceremoniously, I might add – have taken their own place on the battlefield (oh, yes, they are absolutely your tactical commanders). Now, the entire fandom is at war with each other – all because some wannabe Wizard – a Defector – convinced people to look through a pair of shiny, green-colored glasses. More than once.
Is it appropriate – or perhaps a bit catty – to put “ceasefire” here?
Ah, yes, well, uh, we have found ourselves a bit far from Oz at this point, haven’t we?
I suppose – but we are trying to help Dorothy find her way back home, and at least we now have an idea as to how she got lost.
Maybe one day we will get her back to Kansas.
Yeah, maybe.
Oh, silly me! I forgot to sneak in a sly reference to Dorothy’s third companion – the Tin Man! He’s perfect for the end of our story. You know, in the book, the Wizard was just an ordinary man who stumbled into his Ozian existence on a magnificent hot air balloon and took advantage of the power that Emerald citizens bestowed upon him. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the Wizard preyed on the naïve using deception and the power of suggestion and invoked fear in anyone who dared to question his authority –
Uh, where are you going with this?
Give me a minute!
Like I said – shit, where was I? – Oh, yes, the Wizard was just an ordinary man, and ordinary people are flawed. We all make mistakes. This is where our Tin Man comes in as he represents love and empathy. Yes, empathy; the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, to understand and forgive, to take into consideration someone’s redeeming qualities –
You know that Wizard defected in his hot air balloon before taking Dorothy home, right?
Wait, what?
Okay, okay. It was Toto’s fault but the Wizard sure as shit didn’t come back for her!
Hmm, you’d almost think Toto knew the Wizard’s true colors all along…
“Au revoir, Wiz.”
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Alllright, final thing to close off today, and what better than with a great big THANK YOU to everyone for sticking with me for a whole year! Regardless of if you’ve been around since I first joined or if you only just followed me today, thank you so much for your support of me and my work. Knowing there are so many fantastic and wonderful individuals who all enjoy what I make is just indescribable, I get to wake up and enjoy creating things I love for the series I love so dearly all while so many amazing people enjoy what I make too. I really can’t put into words how thankful I am for everyone who follows me but genuinely from the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you all for an amazing year and here’s hoping for many more to come!
Now, I do have a few special dedications to a few certain individuals, if I didn’t get the chance to include you PLEASE don’t think that I don’t value you in any way! There were so many cool and talented people that I wanted to thank but I simply didn’t have time to do so! You are all so important to me and it does kill me a little that I can’t thank everyone, but I am just one guy at the end of the day so again please don’t take it personally, I am still so thankful for everyone and I want you to know this. <3
So, in no order in particular
@lizaluvsthis @shygirl4991 @b-r-i-n-g-x - I’m putting you all together as one because I always see you guys working as a group so it feels wrong to split you guys up lol. You were all some of the first people I ever saw in the SMG4 fandom and your contributions inspired me so much to make my own stuff too! Everything you guys make always has so much heart and soul put into it, Brewing Romance, Split into 3’s, Gay Ogres, they’re all some of the first projects I remember seeing and for that I wanna thank you guys for motivating me to make and create my own things within this fandom! Even if you guys aren’t as active now or have moved on from those projects, I still hold them dear to me so keep making and creating because you guys are all so amazing at it! <3
@mothsbakery - Moth my beloved friend, I don’t know where to start, when I first got into SMG4, I was so worried about sharing it with my friends because I was worried it would somehow get turned against me in some way (blame that damn trauma lol), so having you take a passing interest in it was such a major relief to me. I’m so glad I’ve been able to sit down with you and watch the few episodes that we have because they’ve been so much fun! I’m so glad that we’re friends even after all these years. I know I’m not always the best at keeping in touch but I do genuinely appreciate your friendship and all that we’ve done together. Please keep making and creating and enjoying what you love, seeing you come to my DM’s with your newest musical piece is always such a joy to listen to and it’s been so wonderful to watch you improve over the years! Keep being amazing Moth, I’ll chat to you soon I promise! <3
@strange0-0storm - STOOOORM!!! (POINTING AT YOU POINTING AT YOU) FREAK!!!!/J I’m kidding lol, Storm I am so glad I’ve gotten the chance to talk with you, even if it's brief, you are so fun to talk to that I can’t wait to get the chance to chat with you again about OC’s or just anything really! Your work is always so yummy, whether it's SMG4, Gravity Falls, Popee The Performer, and more, your art is always just so full of character and it just makes me wanna keep doing what I’m doing and it helps me not worry about branching out at some point to something else. No matter what I will always come back to your work because it's so amazing and it’s even better knowing it’s made but such an equally amazing person, stay awesome Storm! (also RhythmDoctor 4 life they should kiss and make out more JHBBSGHBSGH) <3
@bluesbox - Blue! Dude you are so freaking cool I cannot put it into words, not only is your work fantastic and such a joy to interact with, but you’re also so dedicated to characters lore and interactions that I can’t help but wanna be just like that! I’ll never forget when you first dropped the TSB lore presentation that shit was SO WILD, knowing there's someone who's so invested in other peoples OC’s (including my own!) to such an extent is honestly so amazing, and it really pushes me to invest more time into my own work! Knowing there’s someone out there who genuinely takes so much interest in it is so uplifting, so thank you for always wanting to know more about what I make as well as everyone else, we need more amazing people like you Blue, keep being you! (also PS, the way you give Mango glasses is probably my favourite thing someone has given him, it makes me so happy to see every time, don’t tell anyone shhhhh) <3
@libbytwq - LIBBY, LIBBY OMG I don’t think I’ve ever met another SMG4 fan who just gets the same sense of humor as me so well, I love being terminally on Tumblr and having someone else who is also terminally on Tumblr, it’s so refreshing lmao! Lore not only are you an amazing person to talk to, you are also so insanely talented to match, all of your work has so much charm and passion put into it that I can just sense it with every piece, I always want to know more with your characters like I NEED the full SMGL:E lore or else I will explode and die, that’s how good you are at getting people invested in your work! You’re so great at creating interesting and engaging characters/stories that it motivates me so much with my own work. You have so much love for what you do it’s so wonderful to see, please keep creating forever and always because your work is such an absolute joy to see. I love getting the chance to chat with you so much and I can’t wait to chat with you again, thank you for being such an amazing friend Libby! <3
@hamlos - Hamlos, your work is truly incredible. I really can’t express it enough, it’s so dynamic and flexible in such a beautiful way, everything you make is just so amazing and that's just talking about your art itself, the characters you have are so interesting I always want to know more about them, especially Cardiac I seriously love him so much and having him paired with Mango is so wonderful, they really go together so well! I’ve never had anyone go so crazy (positive) over my characters before and It’s so amazing to see, every time you come to me with your amazing work it’s always such a nice thing to see! I know I am not always the best at responding but I do always see and read everything you send me and it always leaves me with a big smile on my face. Even if you’re not super into SMG4 right now, thank you for all that you’ve done and all that you’ve made for me, HeartBeet will always have a special place in my heart and I hope it does for you too, they are gay after all lol. <3
@neo91502 @hexsie @aquaproductions - Grouping you all together even though you all couldn’t be more unique and individual, every single one of you is so special and amazing to talk to, I legit get so excited any time one of you joins a VC with me because all of you are so fun to hang out with for so many reasons! Neo omg you are honestly such a nice person to chat to and be around, you’re always so fun to hang out with and you’ve convinced me to sit down one day and listen to Epic the Musical because every time you go crazy over the word Epic, I can’t help but find it so cute lol. Nova your obsession with Hex3 is so sweet and I’m genuinely glad you’re having so much fun with it, seeing you go on rambling about your OC’s will always be such a joy to see and you know what yes one day I will draw Hex3 just for you, gimme a second though (dies first /j). And Aqua, I had no idea how much of a sweetheart you were to talk to, you are honestly so cool and I’m so glad to have you in my DM’s sending me amazing fanart that you know I’ll like, thank you so much for being so awesome and I’m giving you platonic smooches right back at ya so watch out!!! All of you are again so amazing and I can’t wait to keep chatting with all of you! <3
MY BELOVED WHO SHAN’T BE NAMED BUT I KNOW YOU’RE READING THIS!!! - Hai babe, listen, I can’t believe the whole time you’ve been dating me I’ve been an SMG4 fan, that must be so embarrassing to you lol /j but thank you so much forever and always for sticking with me. You are truly the light of my life, I treasure every moment we spend together and I am waiting for the future to come so that I can spend it with you forever and always. Thank you for not only indulging in my interests with me, but for enjoying me for who I am, everytime you call me cute for getting giddy over SMG4 it honestly makes my heart flutter and it reminds me of why I love you so much, I wouldn’t be who I am without you and I hope you can say the same thing for me. I cannot wait to get the chance to see you again in person, I need to kiss you sloppy style soooooo bad it's making me bark and growl grrr grrr bARK BARK BARK anyway I love you so much and I always will. (I will forever kiss you for getting me Smug I can’t believe you got him, he’s like a fucked up and evil son to me) <3
@ominus-potato @theartistisme43 @coralalala64 - Grouping you all together even though I have different things to say about all of you, but regardless, all of you are such amazingly talented people that I’d love to get to chat with you all properly one day, even if I’ve talked with you guys a bit it’s not enough! I’d love to get to know you guys better at some point lol. Ominus your work is just so good I can’t help but feel happy anytime I see it. I promise one day we will meet at a convention, I’m so mad I missed you once I won’t let it happen again! Cantro, your work is incredible!!! Every time I see it I’m so amazed with what you’ve made that it just gets me excited to see what else you can create, I am manifesting with all my strength that if you do ever decide to apply as a SMG4 machinima artist, that you get it because god damn you deserve it! And Coral, THE CREATURE CREATOR!!! I love your lil creatures so much, and OMG you have to teach me how to do such amazing pencil work, your work always inspires me so much and I’m so glad I’ve gotten the chance to chat with you a lil, your gif collection is truly frightening but in the best way possible. Again all of you are so amazing so please keep doing what you’re best at! <3
@tiredsmashbros - Tomm, Mr Tiredsmashbros, holy shit where do I even start with you. First of all, I would probably not be thanking half the people in this piece if not for you, I know how scary setting up a server was for you but I will forever be so thankful that you did. Finally getting the chance to chat with not only you, but so many amazing people in the SMG4 fandom has been an absolute joy and I am forever thankful for you for creating such an open and accepting space, you and Radiant are seriously so awesome for all the work you’ve put into that place. It’s from your server that i’ve learnt how wonderful and generous you are as a person, I really cannot think of anyone kinder than you Tomm, the way you always have an essay planned for every piece of fanart you get, from just your overall positive attitude, I am so glad I’ve finally gotten the chance to meet you after just being a fan of your work for so long. Your work has been such an inspiration to me and you’ve always been someone I wanted to chat with and the fact that I am now is!!! Crazy!!! I can’t believe you were scared of me at one point lol. Anyway thank you Tomm for being such a fantastic friend overall, I need to know TSB’s lore right now, can you whisper it to me I promise I’ll keep it a secret, regardless stay awesome dude, you deserve nothing but joy and happiness forever and always. Qwah Tuh (also Burgerfruit beloved, they should get weirder /j) <3
@doodledev1l - Doodle!!!!! Okay I know this sounds weird but genuinely finding another British SMG4 fan has been so refreshing, not only that but you’re super fun to talk to and be around so it’s even better! Getting the chance to hang out and chat with you is always so fun, I love getting to hear what you’re working on for uni and I always hope that it goes well for you, I know how stressful it can be lol. Regardless, I know you’ll do amazing because I’ve seen how dedicated and talented you are when it comes to your work, again I hope the rest of uni goes well for you because you deserve it, we gotta end your bad luck streak somehow lol. Thank you for being such an amazing person to chat and hang out with, keep up the amazing work dude, I’ll get you a tescos meal deal one day I promise. <3
PHEW, THAT’S EVERYONE, again thank you all so much for sticking by my side for a year! Doesn’t matter what time you showed up, I will always be thankful to know all of you, keep being awesome I love you all. I die now
Mango <3
#smg4#mango art#smg4oc: mango#im... not tagging everyone lol#thank you all for everything. this year has been so amazing and I cannot wait for what comes next#I'm still in love with SMG4 i'm not quitting anytime soon lol
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The Prophecy (SMAU ft. Lando Norris) Part II
pairing: lando norris x singer!reader (y/n)
summary: what happens after the break-up that noone saw coming? as Y/N L/N gears up to release her next album, each song reveals a little bit of the past, present and future of her relationship with Lando Norris. Inspired by a curated playlist built around "The Prophecy".
note: this is RPF and is obviously in no way, shape, or form reflective of real persons.
genre: social media au, angst, exes to lovers, happy ending
part i
♥・*:.。 。.:*・゚♡・*:.。 。.:*・゚♥
September, 2026
[Excerpt from Kelly Clarkson interview with Y/N]
“We’re so excited to have y/n l/n with us today, I can’t get your latest song out of my head. It’s really such a great revival of the sultry pop ballads,” Kelly says joyously, and y/n can’t help but smile.
“Thank you! That means a lot coming from you – I grew up watching you on American Idol, I can’t believe I’m even sitting across from you now.”
“Oh my god, stop! You’re gonna make me feel real old. Congratulations again on your Grammy for your sophomore album, All I Ever Needed. How did it feel going into your new project with that in the back of your mind?”
Y/N shuffles uncomfortably on the couch. “Hmm thank you. I – well, it was really different. The songs I wrote on there were coming from this feeling of bliss which was fading fast by the time the Grammy’s rolled around. I had to figure out what kind of artist I am if I’m not in love, or writing about happiness. It felt embarrassing. I don’t like being vulnerable, but I love sharing love. So it was hard for me, not gonna lie. But I’m happy that we got there in the end.”
“Wow, well I was able to listen to a few other songs on this record. I gotta say, I think it’s by far your best record yet. And did you write on all of the songs this time around again?”
Y/N nods her head, a small smile creeping back up on her face. “Yeah, I did. It turns out that writing about sad things can be really cathartic. But I really want people to know that it doesn’t mean this isn’t an album about love. At the end of the day, each of these songs are love letters to every single moment or person that made me feel something – for better or worse.”
early October, 2026
[Transcription of Capital FM segment with Y/N]
“We’ve got Y/N L/N with us here on Capital FM, and we’re about to play a quick round of Never Have I Ever! Are you ready?”
Y/N smiles, holding a paddle with “I Have” and “I Have Never”. “Sure, as ready as I’ll ever be.”
“Great! Now first one: Never have I ever… regifted a gift someone bought me.”
“Ooooh, not a gift someone bought me. But things I have been sent or given in goodie bags I’ve definitely regifted,” Y/N says, and raises the “I Have Never” paddle.
“That’s alright! I think that’s not too bad. In fact, I’d volunteer to get something regifted from you,” the host laughs. “I usually donate it, but next time I’ll keep you in mind!”
“Perfect. Next one: Never have I ever slid into someone’s DMs”
Y/N rolls her eyes and raises the “I Have” paddle. “Who hasn’t? If people say they haven’t, they’re just lying to you.”
“Who’s the most famous person who’s ever been in your DMs?” The host asks, and Y/N laughs. “Hmm Taylor Swift, maybe?”
“You’re good friends, aren’t you?” Y/N nods. “Yeah, I actually wrote ‘how did it end?’ during a studio session with her.”
“Hmm that brings me to the next question – never have I ever written a song about an ex.”
Again, Y/N raises the “I Have” paddle, but then twists it so it’s halfway. “I think sometimes, no scratch that, I think almost always songs work way better when they’re open for interpretation. Isn’t it nice how everyone can take something else from it, that way?”
“Have you ever gotten back together with an ex?” The host asks, and Y/N makes a ‘tsk’ noise. “Never! First rule in the book, or so my friends tell me all the time.”
"Even when the heart wants what it wants?"
"Even then."
mid October, 2026
[Excerpt from Call Her Daddy episode with Y/N]
“I think in many ways this album is the most naked I’ve ever felt in my emotions. But maybe that’s actually a good thing,” Y/N grins.
“They do say that sex sells,” Alex (Cooper) responds, and Y/N chuckles. “You’ll find hardly any of that on this album.”
“That’s not entirely true, there’s a song on there with some explicit lyrics,” she adds.
“Undrunk? Funnily enough, that one was probably one of the easier ones to write because it actually felt the furthest removed from myself? It’s inspired by, but not based on my own experiences. I’d say it’s my unlived life,” Y/N tries to explain.
“Talk to me about that. People are always quite eager to pinpoint all experiences of a celebrity. They know who you’ve dated, look for clues and dissect every lyric. How do you decide what to share and what not to share?”
“I think it’s sort of why I wanted to share ‘how did it end?’. Even the title track is me addressing the fact that everyone feels entitled to determine my love story. Including me, I think everyone tries to engineer or hack happiness at one point in their life. But it doesn’t work like that. And at the same time, it’s important for me to try and have some semblance of control over my own narrative, my feelings, my sense of self. And that also goes for the people whose presence in my life inspired me to write these songs. For better or worse, I’m grateful for it.”
Alex smirks. “Look, we can’t avoid the topic here. We all know that one of those people is Formula One driver Lando Norris. He’s also got a lot of very dedicated fans, who’ve been clamoring under every post of yours to leave him alone ever since you started dating. How did, and do you deal with that? It would have been easy to erase him from your social media, once the relationship ended, but you chose not to do that. Was that a conscious decision on your end, or something you ever discussed?”
Y/N takes a sip of water, and purses her lips. “I kinda feel like it’s just not really my place to expand on that – it’s between Lando and his fans. Like, it actually has nothing to do with me, I feel. If people are surprised I didn’t delete like three photos, it’s just because I like them – it’s not that deep. I can still cherish good moments, even when they’re in the past. I’m not embarrassed or ashamed of the fact that my ex was part of my life. But it’s not for me to comment on it beyond that. He’s well within his rights to want to delete them, and he doesn’t need to explain to anyone – not to me, not to his fans, anyone why he did it.”
“But it’s more than that. It does seem to imply he doesn’t like the association. And yet you referenced him in the video for “Jaded”. It’s caused some controversy,” she prods a little more.
Y/N snorts. “I was just paying homage to my co-writer, and her iconic 7 Things video. But it’s also partly me taking that ownership. A video is one of the few spaces where you can set the scene. If I wanted to expand on it, I’d have done it through art. People will be mad either way, and the props don’t add anything you can’t already infer from the lyrics.”
“Has he listened to it?”
“Have you?” Y/N counters. Alex smiles, then moves on.
end of October, 2026
[The Independent excerpt]
Y/N L/N reveals tracklist to her third album as anticipation grows!
An obvious contender for the BRITs, is what the first reviews are saying about L/N's latest record “Jaded”. The LP will arrive in just two weeks, but up until today we did not know the exact runtime of the highly anticipated album. After posting to her Instagram, Y/N L/N revealed that the regular version of The Prophecy will count 12 tracks, with the deluxe edition raising that to a comfortable 16. Fans will surely be delighted to know that they can purchase various versions, all contributing to what is looking to be a very easy chart victory.
Talking to Jimmy Fallon earlier this week, L/N stated that she hopes her fans will listen to the album in its running order. “I know it’s really tempting to skip straight to your favourite, but I spent ages ruminating over how to tell my story in the best way – so I hope that translates.”
So far, all official singles of “The Prophecy” have charted both in the Official Top 20 as well as the Billboard Top 40, with The Heart Want What It Wants peaking on top, and Jaded just outside the top 10 at #11.
♥・*:.。 。.:*・゚♡・*:.。 。.:*・゚♥ I was soooooo happily surprised by the response to the previous part that I hurried up to post this :) Any comments, likes, reblogs, asks are super appreciated. ♥ Part III will follow shortly, it'll be four parts in total. for those interested, official tracklist songs
how did it end? - Taylor Swift / The Heart Wants What It Wants - Selena Gomez / Jaded - Miley Cyrus / Lie to Girls - Sabrina Carpenter / Breakeven - The Script / The Prophecy - Taylor Swift / Stay - Gracie Abrams / Science + Faith - The Script / Moral of the Story ft. Niall Horan - Ashe / Undrunk - Fletcher / Vertigo - Griff / No More Sad Songs - Little Mix / Paper Hearts - Tori Kelly / Into You - Julia Michaels / Supercut - Lorde / Genesis - Dua Lipa
#lando norris x reader#lando norris fanfic#f1 x reader#f1 fanfic#f1 rpf#ln4 x reader#ln4 x you#lando norris x you#the prophecy smau
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paige x azzi
word count: 5.5k
A/N: I don’t know how I feel about this chapter, today felt fake and life can’t be real😭. I just need to have a lil crash out and I’ll work on making the next chapter better lol. Let me know what you think please and I hope everyone has/had a great day :)
January 2023
The library wasn’t their usual hangout spot, and for good reason. The last time they’d been here, a fan had spilled Paige’s Shirley Temple all over her book in an overly enthusiastic attempt to get a picture Paige had agreed to. But Paige and Azzi had no other choice today. They’ve been “catching up” with each other quite often— in Paige’s room, in Azzi’s, and even the living room a few times—and they realized they weren’t getting anything productive done and they had a lot to do. So the library was their last resort: a public space where they really had no choice but to not touch each other.
Azzi sat across from Paige, grumbling at her math homework. "Why do I need to do math for a communications degree?" she muttered, glaring at the numbers on her paper as if they’d personally wronged her.
Paige laughed softly, reaching over to take the paper from her. “Lemme see baby.” She skimmed it, already recognizing the concepts—it was the same class she’d taken last semester. Without a word, Paige grabbed her pencil and jotted down some notes in the margins, showing Azzi an easier way to solve the problems.
Handing the paper back, Paige teased, “You’re lucky I love you or I’d charge a pretty penny.”
Azzi grinned, a soft "Thank you, baby," slipping out as she leaned back in her chair. Paige just winked, the corner of her mouth lifting in a smirk before returning her focus to her paper.
The two worked in silence, the scratch of Azzi’s pen and Paige’s typing mixed with the distant hum of whispered conversations were the only sounds between them. Azzi, always needing some kind of contact, lightly tapped her foot against Paige’s under the table. Paige didn’t look up, but a small smile tugged at her lips as she nudged Azzi’s foot back, indulging her.
They were so engrossed in their work that neither noticed someone approaching until a voice broke the quiet.
“Hi, Azzi!”
Paige looked up, her brows knitting in mild confusion at the sight of a girl she didn’t recognize. Azzi, however, smiled in recognition.
“Oh my God, hey! It’s nice to see you outside of class,” Azzi said warmly. She gestured between them. “Paige, this is Elle—she’s in a couple of my classes. Elle, this is Paige.”
Before Paige could say a polite “Nice to meet you,” Elle let out a laugh, shaking her head. “I know who she is, Az. It’s kind of hard not to know who Paige Bueckers is on this campus.”
Paige chuckled, though the comment made her cringe a little inside. She always hated when people did that. Meeting someone and knowing of them were completely different in her mind. Still, she managed a smile, keeping it light. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you.”
Azzi quickly looked between them, having heard Paige ramble about people doing that to her more than once before. Once she realized Paige was fine she turned her attention back to Elle who was chatting about their class. Paige shifted her focus back to her paper, letting Azzi carry the conversation, her foot still brushing against Paige’s under the table as she worked.
At some point, Elle had slid into the seat next to Azzi, the two of them catching up on class and tossing around ideas for a project they had agreed to work on together after Elle asked. Paige stayed quiet, her focus seemingly glued to her laptop as she worked on her paper. But she couldn’t help noticing the way Elle leaned in a little too much, her gaze lingering on Azzi when she thought no one was looking.
Paige didn’t say anything—she wasn’t worried in the slightest. Azzi was hers, and she knew it. Still, she made a mental note of Elle’s overly enthusiastic demeanor, keeping it there for later just in case.
Eventually, their conversation faded, and the table fell into a quiet rhythm. Elle was scribbling in a notebook, Azzi flipping through her math notes, and Paige’s fingers tapped steadily on her keyboard. The library’s soft hum of whispers filled the silence between them, broken only by the occasional shuffle of papers.
It wasn’t until Paige felt a familiar brush of Azzi’s leg against hers under the table that she glanced up. Azzi was already looking at her, a faint smile tugging at her lips. Paige couldn’t help but grin back, warmth spreading through her chest.
Lifting her hand from the keyboard, Paige tapped her finger on the table three times—a silent “I love you.”
Azzi’s cheeks flushed pink, her eyes darting back down to her notes as she quickly gathered herself. She stole a glance at Elle, who seemed oblivious to the exchange, and let out a quiet breath.
Paige, clearly amused, went back to her paper, a satisfied smirk playing on her lips at getting the reaction from Azzi.
As the clock crept closer to the library’s closing time, Paige closed her laptop with a soft thud, stretching her arms over her head. “Alright,” she said, glancing at Azzi. “Az you almost ready, I’m done for the night.”
Azzi nodded, letting out a quiet sigh as she began organizing her notes. “Yeah, same. My brain’s fried.”
Elle looked up from her notebook, her gaze flicking between them. “Heading out already?” she asked, her tone light but with a hint of disappointment.
“Yeah,” Paige replied, sliding her notebooks into her bag. “We have an early morning practice tomorrow.”
Azzi added, “And I’m pretty sure I’ve maxed out my tolerance for math tonight.” She gestured to her notes with a dramatic groan.
Elle chuckled. “If you ever need help with it, Azzi, let me know. I know he can be tough—I’d be happy to go over things with you so we can figure it out together. Maybe make it less painful.”
Azzi shook her head, laughing softly. “Thanks, but I’m good for now. Paige already helped me out. She’s like my personal mini Isaac Newton.”
Paige laughed at the comparison, adjusting the strap of her bag. Elle’s eyes flicked toward her, curious. “Wait, you understand this professor? How?”
Paige gave a polite smile. “I took him last semester. He’s not as bad once you figure out his style.”
Elle tilted her head, intrigued. “Ah ok. Are you in communications too?”
Paige shook her head. “Nah, human development and family sciences.”
Elle blinked, her eyebrows lifting slightly. “Oh wow. I wouldn’t have guessed that. I mean… you’re so busy with basketball, I didn’t think you’d have time for something so... strenuous.”
There was a pause at her tone, but Paige’s smile didn’t drop. “I make it work,” she said simply, her tone even but firm.
Azzi, noticing the subtle tension, broke in with a grin. “She’s being modest.”
Paige gave her a look, but her lips twitched with amusement. “Don’t start big head.”
Elle laughed lightly, though her attention lingered on Paige a moment longer. “Well, that’s impressive,” she said, her tone softer now. “Good for you.”
Paige nodded. “Thanks.”
As the conversation ebbed, Elle turned her attention back to Azzi, her tone a little more animated. “By the way, I meant to tell you—your presentation last week? It was really good. Like, you made everything sound so clear and relatable. I was kind of jealous.”
Azzi laughed, shaking her head. “Thanks, but I’m pretty sure I stumbled through half of it.”
“No way,” Elle insisted. “You were amazing. Honestly, I wish I had even half your confidence when I’m up there.”
Paige watched the exchange quietly, her expression unreadable as she scrolled on her phone waiting for Azzi.
Azzi shrugged modestly. “Appreciate it, but it’s all practice. I’m a little lucky with getting the extra practice from interviews. You’ll get there though.”
As they gathered the last of their things, Elle leaned slightly toward Azzi, her voice dropping just enough to seem more personal. “Seriously, though, if you ever want to practice a presentation or go over the project, just text me. I’d love to help out—or just hang out, you know.”
Paige’s brow twitched, but she remained silent, slinging her bag over her shoulder.
Azzi smiled, brushing it off with her usual ease. “Will do. Thanks, Elle.”
As they started walking toward the exit, Elle called after them with a warm smile, her gaze lingering on Azzi. “Goodnight! Azzi, don’t forget—I’m just a text away.”
Azzi turned, waving casually. “Got it. See you in class.”
About a week later they found themselves back in the library. This time because Azzi needed to work on her project with Elle and the team made it a point to not have people they didn’t know that well know where their rooms were. Paige had begrudgingly agreed to tag along after Azzi made her turn off the game. Ice, who had been playing the game with Paige and someone who was always up for people-watching and a chance to bother Paige, came along too, settling next to Paige at the table.
Azzi and Elle sat on the opposite side, laptops open and papers spread out between them as they hashed out the finer details of their project. Paige had her own laptop propped up, supposedly working on a presentation, but her focus wavered as her attention drifted to the other pair.
It didn’t escape Paige how Elle seemed to hang on to every word Azzi said, nodding eagerly, her expression animated. And while Paige tried to ignore it, she couldn’t help but notice how Elle’s chair seemed to have mysteriously scooted a couple of inches closer to Azzi since they’d sat down.
A buzz from her phone interrupted her thoughts. Picking it up, Paige saw a text from Ice, who was smirking faintly next to her.
Icy ❄️: She’s eager.
Paige but back a laugh as she typed a reply.
P Boogers ⛹🏼♀️: So I’m not crazy?
Her phone buzzed almost immediately.
Icy ❄️: If she leans in any closer, she’s falling in Azzi’s lap
Paige let out a quiet snort, her shoulders shaking slightly as she glanced up at Ice. The two exchanged amused looks before Ice added another text.
Icy ❄️: Lowkey feel like we intruding on her plans
That one made Paige laugh under her breath, though she quickly covered it with a cough, glancing down at her screen to hide her amusement.
Azzi, picking up on the movement and muffled sounds, glanced up from her notes. Her brow furrowed in curiosity as she looked between Paige and Ice. “What’s so funny?” she asked, tilting her head.
Paige gave her an innocent look, raising an eyebrow. “Nothing,” she said smoothly, but the slight twitch of her lips betrayed her.
Azzi narrowed her eyes, clearly unconvinced. “Mhm. Sure.”
Paige just shot her a knowing look that said, I’ll tell you later, before going back to typing on her laptop.
Meanwhile, Elle, seemingly oblivious to the exchange, leaned a little closer to Azzi, pointing at something on the screen. “So, for this part, we could either expand on the point or keep it short. What do you think?”
Azzi considered it for a moment before responding, her tone thoughtful. “I think we should keep it short. Too much detail might make it confusing.”
Elle nodded enthusiastically. “That makes sense. You’re really good at simplifying things. Honestly, I’d be lost without you right now.”
Ice and Paige exchanged another glance, Ice raising an eyebrow as if to say, See what I mean? Paige’s lips twitched in amusement, but she said nothing, focusing instead on her work.
As the day wore on, the dynamic remained the same—Elle constantly seeking Azzi’s input, Paige silently observing, and Ice sneaking occasional texts that kept Paige entertained.
The library was quieter than usual today. Paige had her glasses, that Azzi thankfully grabbed for her, perched on her nose as she typed away on her laptop with her iPad propped up silently playing an NBA game. Next to her Ice scrolled through her phone, occasionally tapping away at her own work. Azzi and Elle, were still engrossed in their project, their heads bent close together over Azzi’s laptop.
The steady rhythm of their work was interrupted when a young woman approached the table nervously. “I’m so sorry to bother you while you’re working,” she said timidly, her eyes flicking to Paige. “But could I get a picture with you?”
Paige looked up, blinking behind her glasses before offering a warm smile. “No, it’s okay. Of course.” She took off her glasses, setting them on the table, and pushed her chair back slightly to make room.
The girl quickly leaned in, snapping a selfie with Paige, her excitement clear. “Thank you so much,” she said breathlessly, clutching her phone like a treasure. “And I’m sorry for bothering you!”
“Don’t worry about it,” Paige replied easily, giving her a quick smile. “Have a good day.”
As the girl walked away, Paige casually slipped her glasses back on and resumed typing as if nothing had happened. Ice didn’t look up from her phone, and Azzi returned her attention to her laptop. Elle, however, was looking at Paige with thinly veiled curiosity.
“Isn’t that a little weird?” Elle finally asked, breaking the silence.
Paige raised an eyebrow, looking at her. “What’s weird?”
“People just… walking up to you like that,” Elle said, gesturing vaguely. “Doesn’t it bother you?”
Paige shrugged, a small smile tugging at her lips. “Not really. I’ll always make time for people who support me.”
Elle tilted her head, her curiosity not quite satisfied. “Your girlfriend doesn’t get jealous?”
At this, Paige froze, her fingers hovering over the keyboard. Ice’s head snapped up, and Azzi’s shoulders stiffened slightly. A brief silence fell over the table as Paige stared at Elle, confused.
“What?” Paige asked, her tone guarded.
Elle pointed at Paige’s neck, her lips quirking into a faint smile. “Your neck. There’s, um… a lot going on there.”
Realization dawned on Paige, and hand’s moving to adjust her hoodie to cover the faint marks Azzi had left a little too high this time around. Her cheeks tinged pink, but she quickly covered it with a chuckle. “Oh. Guess she got a little overzealous,” as she shoots a brief glare at Azzi.
Azzi’s lips twitched, clearly amused, while Ice smirked knowingly, leaning back in her chair to watch the interaction unfold.
Paige cleared her throat, still adjusting her hoodie. “Why’d you assume it’s a girl?” she asked, glancing at Elle with a curious expression.
Elle shrugged, a faint grin tugging at her lips. “I don’t know. You just… give off those vibes.”
Ice snickered at this, covering her mouth with her hand as Paige shot her a quick glare. Azzi raised an eyebrow, looking more entertained than anything.
Paige chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of her neck. “Uh, thanks, I guess?” she muttered before clearing her throat. “But, um, no, to answer your question... she doesn’t mind.”
Elle looked surprised at Paige’s admission, but her curiosity only deepened. “Really? She’s cool with random people coming up to you all the time? A lot of them probably have crushes.”
Paige’s expression softened slightly, a small smile playing at her lips. “Yeah,” she said, her voice quieter now. “She understands what it’s like.”
The words hung in the air for a moment, carrying a weight that Elle didn’t fully grasp. Azzi glanced at Paige, her features relaxing into a fond smile that she quickly masked by looking down at her notebook.
Ice, however, noticed and smirked again, biting her lip to keep from laughing. “Yeah, I bet she really understands,” Ice muttered under her breath, just loud enough for Paige to hear.
Paige shot her another quick glare but couldn’t fight the grin tugging at her lips. “Mind your business,” she mumbled, turning her focus back to her laptop.
Elle smirked slightly but didn’t press further, turning her attention to Azzi instead. “So, Azzi, are you single?”
Azzi, caught off guard, coughed slightly, shifting in her seat and simultaneously adjusting her hoodie just in case. “No, I’m not,” she said, her voice calm.
Elle blinked, visibly surprised. “Oh, wow. Really? You’ve never mentioned him before.”
Azzi’s lips quirked in a subtle smile as she corrected, “Her.” She glanced at Paige briefly before adding, “And we’re just private people.”
Paige couldn’t stop the small snicker that escaped her lips, amused by Azzi’s excuse. Without missing a beat, Azzi’s foot shot out under the table, connecting lightly with Paige’s shin. Paige bit the inside of her cheek to keep her reaction in check, keeping her gaze fixed on her laptop as if nothing had happened.
Elle tilted her head, her surprise growing at Azzi’s correction. “Oh, I didn’t know you were gay.”
Paige’s jaw immediately tightened at the comment, her fingers pausing over her keyboard. She glanced at Elle, a faint glare flickering in her eyes, but she bit her tongue, waiting to see how Azzi would respond considering Elle was her friend.
Azzi, however, remained composed, her expression calm. “Yeah, I am,” she replied simply, the edge of a confident smile playing on her lips.
Paige’s tension eased slightly at Azzi’s response, but she couldn’t resist shooting Elle one more look before returning her attention to her laptop. Under the table, Azzi’s foot lightly nudged Paige’s again, softer this time, a silent reminder to let it go. Paige exhaled, her irritation fading as she refocused on her screen knowing Azzi was fine.
Elle hesitated, clearly trying to mask her disappointment at Azzi having a girlfriend before nodding. “Oh, that’s cool. But yeah private is good. I totally get it.”
Ice barely suppressed a grin as she glanced between them, but Paige remained focused on her work, her expression unreadable. Azzi, meanwhile, busied herself with her screen, though Paige caught the faint pink tint on her ears, a detail that made her smile to herself.
The group settled back into a rhythm of quiet productivity, but Paige couldn’t help stealing occasional glances at Azzi and Elle. Azzi seemed fully absorbed in her project, her brow furrowed in that cute way Paige loves, as she scrolled through a document while Elle leaned closer than necessary, pointing something out on the screen.
She stole another glance at Azzi, who was now leaning back in her chair, looking at Elle with a little bewilderment.
“You’re sure this part makes sense?” Elle asked, her tone unusually sweet. “I feel like I’m overthinking it.”
Azzi shrugged. “It looks fine to me.”
“But what if—”
“It’s fine, Elle,” Azzi cut her off with a light laugh, leaning forward to tap the screen. “Seriously, stop stressing. This part’s solid.”
Elle relaxed a little, her shoulders dropping as she smiled back. “Thanks. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Paige’s grip on her pen tightened slightly now, growing a little tired of Elle throwing herself at her girlfriend. She exchanged another look with Ice, who snorted quietly at Paige’s irritation.
Before the tension could linger, Ice leaned forward, tapping the table with her knuckle. “Hey, Azzi, you about done? Paige and I were thinking of grabbing food after this.”
Azzi glanced at Paige, who was still focused on her laptop. “Yeah, I’m almost ready. Give me a sec.”
Elle looked between them, her smile faltering slightly. “Oh, you’re all going together?”
Azzi nodded. “Yeah. we probably don’t have an ounce of food in our rooms right now.”
“Sounds fun,” Elle said, her tone light but her eyes lingering on Azzi a moment too long.
About five minutes later Azzi zipped up her bag, organizing the last of her notes as Paige stood up from her seat. Paige’s eyes landed on Azzi’s phone sitting on the table. Remembering something the younger girl was hiding, she reached for it, her fingers unlocking it with practiced ease.
Elle looked up from her own computer, eyebrows raising slightly. She expected some sort of protest from Azzi, but none came. Azzi didn’t even glance up, completely unfazed as Paige casually scrolled through her phone.
“Hmm,” Paige muttered to herself, tilting the phone slightly away from wandering eyes before walking around the table to Azzi’s side. She stopped just behind her, holding the screen in front of Azzi. “What’s this for?”
Azzi glanced at the phone, her lips curving into a faint smile. “You weren’t supposed to see that yet.”
Paige leaned down slightly, her voice dropping into a soft whisper, just low enough that Elle couldn’t hear. “Too late now. I like it a lot, though.”
Azzi’s body instinctively leaned back into Paige as she whispered something back to her. Her movement wasn’t much—just the smallest shift—but it was enough to make her posture relax, as if her body naturally sought Paige’s presence.
Elle’s eyes flicked between the two of them watching the subtle exchange, her brows furrowing slightly. She tried to keep her expression neutral, but the way her jaw tightened didn’t go unnoticed by Ice, who stifled a laugh behind her hand.
Paige chuckled softly, straightening up and handing the phone back to Azzi. “I look forward to it.”
Azzi tilted her head, giving Paige a small smile. “Mm I’m sure you do.”
Elle cleared her throat, the sound making both Paige and Azzi glance her way.
“You guys are close,” Elle said, her tone light but tinged with something else.
Ice coughed, failing to hide her snicker.
Paige smiled politely, tucking her hands into her pockets. “Yeah, she’s like my best friend.”
Azzi didn’t add anything, instead focusing on grabbing her bag.
After bidding goodbye, the three of them headed toward the door, leaving Elle at the table as she worked on something else.
Later that night, Paige and Azzi were tangled together on Paige’s bed, the room dimly lit by her led lights. Paige hovered over Azzi, her lips brushing against hers before she nipped playfully at Azzi’s bottom lip.
“Ow,” Azzi laughed softly, pulling back just enough to pout at her. “That one actually hurt.”
Paige smirked, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “Oh, come on, you’re fine.” She leaned down to kiss her softly, the pout on Azzi’s face melting away almost immediately.
Azzi deepened the kiss, her hands sliding up Paige’s sides, drawing a quiet sigh from her. Paige pulled away slightly, her lips brushing against Azzi’s as she murmured with a chuckle, “You’re such a hornball.”
Azzi grinned, her fingers tugging lightly at the hem of Paige’s shirt. “Can you blame me?”
Paige laughed, sitting back and pulling her shirt off in one smooth motion. Azzi’s eyes immediately landed on the marks she’d left across Paige’s collarbone and shoulders earlier.
“You got me caught up earlier” Paige teased, leaning back down to kiss Azzi again.
Azzi didn’t respond with words, just a satisfied hum as her hands slid into Paige’s hair, undoing her bun.
The soft buzz of Azzi’s phone on the nightstand interrupted them. Azzi ignored it, her focus entirely on Paige, until the buzzing sounded again, twice in quick succession.
“Popular tonight,” Paige muttered against her lips, but Azzi just shook her head, pulling her closer.
Then the phone started ringing.
Paige sighed and pulled back, reaching over to grab the phone from the nightstand. Azzi groaned, her head falling back against the pillow.
“What?” she grumbled, not even bothering to look as Paige’s fingers swiped across the screen looking at the three messages prior to the call .
Paige raised an eyebrow at all the messages and the call. “Elle,” she said, turning the screen toward Azzi.
Azzi’s eyes opened, her brows furrowing slightly. “Seriously?” she muttered, reaching out for the phone, but Paige pulled it back out of her reach.
“Should I answer it?” Paige asked, a teasing smile on her face, already knowing the answer.
“No, give it to me,” Azzi said, sitting up slightly and reaching for it again, but Paige held firm, her grin widening.
Without waiting for a response, Paige answered the call, putting it on speaker. “Hello?”
There was a brief pause on the other end before Elle’s voice came through, hesitant but upbeat. “Um… Azzi?”
Paige smirked, holding the phone just out of Azzi’s reach for a moment. “Yeah she’s right here one sec,” she said into the receiver, handing it off to Azzi with an innocent smile that Azzi didn’t trust for a second.
Azzi sighed, taking the phone and pressing it to her ear. “Hey, Elle. What’s up?” she asked, forcing her voice to sound casual.
“Oh hey! I just wanted to check if you’ve had a chance to go over the notes I sent over after you left,” Elle said brightly.
“Uh… not yet,” Azzi replied, her voice steady, though her gaze flickered to Paige, who was leaning closer with a grin. “I’ve been… busy.”
Paige leaned back on her elbow for a moment, watching her, but then she leaned forward again, her lips brushing softly against the curve of Azzi’s neck. Azzi’s shoulders tensed as she sent Paige a sharp look, mouthing, Don’t start.
“Oh, no worries,” Elle said cheerfully. “I just thought it might help if we went through them together? Maybe tomorrow after class?”
“Yeah, um… that could work,” Azzi said, her voice faltering slightly as Paige pressed a kiss to her neck, this time lingering. Azzi’s free hand pushed weakly at her shoulder, but Paige didn’t budge, her lips curling into a smirk against Azzi’s skin.
“Great!” Elle continued, completely unaware. “Do you want to meet at the library again? Or maybe somewhere quieter where we won’t get distracted? There’s this pretty private coffee shop I know about.”
Azzi’s grip tightened on the phone as Paige began trailing kisses down her neck, her warm breath sending shivers down Azzi’s spine. “Uh… the library’s fine,” Azzi managed to get out, her voice strained.
“Okay, cool that’s fine! Oh, and by the way,” Elle added, her tone turning slightly sheepish, “I actually wanted to ask you about that third slide. I’m not sure I totally understood the point you were making.”
Azzi groaned softly—not at Elle’s question, but at Paige’s lips finding a particularly sensitive spot. She tried to compose herself. “The third slide?” she repeated, her voice higher than normal.
“Yeah, the one about media convergence. Like, how does that tie back to our overall thesis?” Elle asked, her enthusiasm completely at odds with Azzi’s internal panic.
“Um… well,” Azzi started, her words fumbling as Paige smiled against her skin at her struggling. Paige leaned back just enough to whisper, “You’re doing great,” before moving to another spot, this time lightly nipping. Azzi let out a sharp breath and had to clamp her mouth shut to stop any further noise from slipping out.
“I, uh…” Azzi struggled to focus. “It’s about… the integration of different media platforms. Like—um—it shows how, uh, traditional and digital media can…”
Paige’s quiet laugh at Azzi’s stumbling didn’t help. Azzi sent her a pleading look, but Paige just raised her eyebrows as if to say, Don’t mind me.
“That makes sense!” Elle said, completely oblivious. “But do you think we should include more recent examples, like TikTok trends or streaming platforms? Or is that too specific?”
“Sure,” Azzi said quickly, squeezing her eyes shut as Paige sucked hard above her collarbone, barely registering the question. “Whatever you think works is fine.”
“Okay, cool! I’ll jot that down,” Elle replied. “So, do you think we could finalize that section tomorrow? I feel like if we can tighten it up, the rest of the presentation will fall into place.”
“Uh-huh,” Azzi said, nodding absentmindedly, her resolve crumbling as Paige continued to suck gently on her neck, making her breath hitch time and time again. She bit her lip hard, trying to keep her composure as Paige started trailing further down her chest.
“Oh! And about the intro slide—” Elle started, but Azzi couldn’t take it anymore as Paige tilted her head to the side for more access.
“Elle,” she interrupted, her tone a little sharper than intended. “Let’s… uh… finalize everything tomorrow, okay? I’ll take a look at the notes before we meet, I promise.”
There was a brief pause. “Oh, yeah, of course! Sorry if I’m keeping you from something you sound busy,” Elle said, her tone apologetic now.
Azzi huffed softly, glancing at Paige, who was smirking triumphantly. “It’s fine,” Azzi said quickly. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Okay, sounds good! Have a good night!” Elle chirped.
“You too,” Azzi replied before ending the call and tossing the phone onto the bed.
Azzi turned to Paige, her cheeks flushed. “You’re on timeout,” she said firmly, though the hint of her smile betrayed her.
Paige leaned back on her elbows, completely unrepentant. “What? I was just keeping myself entertained while my girl was busy,” she said, her grin widening.
Azzi groaned, running a hand through her hair. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
Paige raised an eyebrow. “Elle seems to think you are too.”
Azzi’s head snapped toward Paige, frowning. “What? No, she doesn’t,” she said, crossing her arms defensively.
Paige snorted, sitting up straighter. “Yeah, okay. She’s just super friendly, right? Sure.”
“She is just friendly,” Azzi said, rolling her eyes. “That’s just her personality.”
Paige tilted her head, a smile tugging at her lips. “Mmm. I don’t think so. I’m pretty sure she has a little crush on you.”
Azzi huffed, but the faintest hint of pink crept up her neck at herself, possibly being oblivious. “You’re imagining things.”
“Oh, I’m imagining things?” Paige asked. “She doesn’t light up every time you talk? Or scoot her chair closer? Practically trip over herself to help you?”
Azzi hesitated, and Paige continued. “See? You know I’m right.”
“She’s just… enthusiastic,” Azzi muttered, though her tone wasn’t as confident as before.
Paige chuckled, shaking her head. “Okay, how about this then? Let’s make a bet.”
Azzi narrowed her eyes. “A bet? About what?”
Paige leaned back against the headboard, her smirk growing. “Simple. I bet Elle tries something tomorrow when you meet up.”
Azzi groaned, grabbing a pillow. “Paige, she’s not going to try anything. I told her I have a girlfriend.”
Paige raised an eyebrow, her expression skeptical. “Yeah, because that always stops people who are already crushing hard.”
Azzi let out a laugh, tossing the pillow at Paige. “You’re so full of it. Fine. What are we betting?”
Paige smirked, leaning forward slightly. “Alright, if I’m right, you gotta let me put her in her place.”
Azzi groaned, dropping her head into her hands. “Paige, no.”
“What?” Paige said, laughing. “I’m not saying I’ll be mean. Just, you know, a little something to make it clear who you belong to.”
Azzi shook her head, though she couldn’t fight the small smile tugging at her lips. “You’re annoying.”
“I’m hilarious,” Paige corrected, leaning back smugly. “Come on, it’ll be harmless. I swear I won’t be over the top.”
Azzi sighed, shaking her head in disbelief. “You’re ridiculous. Fine. But what happens if I win?”
Paige shrugged casually. “I don’t know. You can pick.”
Azzi’s gaze shifted toward the closet, her expression turning mischievous.
Paige immediately sat up, narrowing her eyes. “Hell no.”
Azzi pouted dramatically, clasping her hands together like she was begging. “You’re no fun.”
“That’s never happening Az and you know it,” Paige said firmly, crossing her arms.
“Fine,” Azzi said, sighing as though greatly inconvenienced. “If I win, you’re doing the dishes for a week. And laundry.”
Paige groaned, throwing herself back onto the bed. “Why do your bets always come with chores?”
“Because I’m practical,” Azzi said, grinning as she lay down beside her. “And because I know you’ll lose.”
Paige turned her head, giving Azzi a playful glare. “We’ll see about that.”
Azzi laughed softly, shaking her head. “Alright, deal.”
Paige held out her pinky. “Pinky swear?”
Azzi rolled her eyes but hooked her pinky with Paige’s anyway. “You’re so weird.”
“I love you too,” Paige said, her grin widening.
Azzi rolled her eyes, though the fond smile on her lips betrayed her. “I don’t want to talk about her anymore,” she said, her voice softening as she moved to climb onto Paige’s lap, straddling her with ease.
Paige’s breath hitched slightly, her hands instinctively finding Azzi’s hips. She tilted her head back, her lips curving into a smirk. “Mmm,” she murmured, her thumbs brushing lightly over Azzi’s sides. “What do you wanna talk about then?”
Azzi leaned down, her hands bracing on either side of Paige’s head as her lips hovered just above hers. Her eyes gleamed with mischief as she whispered, “I don’t really want to talk.”
Paige’s smirk deepened, her grip on Azzi’s hips tightening slightly. “Good,” she said, her voice dropping to a low, teasing murmur. “Talking’s overrated.”
Azzi chuckled softly before closing the gap between them, her lips pressing against Paige’s with a slow, deliberate intensity. Paige responded immediately, her hands sliding up Azzi’s sides and pulling her closer, deepening the kiss.
167 notes
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A/N: Posting the long-ass thing I gifted to @ticklygiggles during the holidays with her fav pairings!
Summary: Mondstadt's Winter Festival has arrived, and Aether has made it his job to make sure everyone is having fun… among other things! (Also on AO3)
Word Count: 10K
Winter season was here, and this time again, it seemed that Mondstadt was all for exceeding the previous year’s traditions and festivities.
A spectacular festival, with musical performances, special treats just for the season, attracting friends from all over Teyvat to spend the cold days right here in the City of Freedom.
With the start of the event just around the corner, Aether and Paimon were helping out a lot. Aether assisted with the decorations with his practical use of all elements, and his Serenitea Pot could offer additional lodgings when all hotels and inns were fully booked. Paimon especially helped a lot at the food stalls, and no, hehe, not only by eating everything. Although, pre-tasting food was definitely part of her joyful duties.
Most of all… Aether was here to help out Albedo who was experimenting at home for the first festive alchemy show of Mondstadt. Inspired by Lyney’s magic show and Gaming’s dance, Aether had made the suggestion that Mondstadt could add some exciting entertainment as well, apart from the musical performances, especially for the enjoyment of the youth.
He did not expect this would become the task of his very own boyfriend, Albedo, and although the sweet alchemist was reluctant at first, he had been enjoying some new types of experiments recently. Sometimes these went well, and sometimes they didn’t. And well, today….
“I’m home,” Aether announced as he entered Albedo’s chambers. He then gasped when confronted with the mess inside.
Today’s experiments didn’t seem to be going well!
Albedo x Aether
Albedo didn’t appear very worried about his predicament, however the moment he saw Aether, his face brightened.
“Welcome home,” he greeted casually. Aether snorted. There was a strange sticky slime all over the place, and apparently Albedo found himself stuck underneath the substance as well.
“What happened?” Aether asked, carefully stepping around the slimy disaster. Albedo hummed.
“I am not sure. When I tried another trick for the alchemy show, this happened. Please don’t tell Paimon about this.”
Pffft hehe. Paimon would’ve made an even bigger scene of this. Panic, maybe even hysterical laughter. Aether wasn’t sure. But Albedo was so calm. He wasn’t even squirming.
“Are you… Are you stuck?” Aether asked, finally reaching Albedo. He lay in a funny position on the floor, covered with the bright green slime. His legs and head were sticking out, and that was about all that was visible of him.
“I am. It would be great if you could help me get out.”
He was the cutest. Aether had no idea for how long he’d been like this, but Albedo looked so at ease. He probably trusted that Aether would be here to help him.
Chuckling, Aether grabbed Albedo’s notepad that was on the table. With only a few splashes of slime on it, the notes were safe from harm, and Aether checked them out.
“Uhuh. So, how do I get you out?” he asked when he didn’t understand the notes. Albedo shrugged.
“Maybe you can use some water? Or cut away the slime,” Albedo suggested. Looking at him again, Aether couldn’t help but giggle.
“Is it me or do you seem rather comfortable over there?” he asked. The lack of concern coming from Albedo was kind of hilarious. He was just lying there and not being very helpful.
“Well, I can’t move after all,” Albedo said. Walking back towards him, Aether kneeled by his legs and poked them.
“What about these? They are still pretty slimeless,” he said. Albedo kicked.
“What can my legs do, then?” he asked. Aether shrugged.
“I’m not sure. It’s just funny to see you’re so relaxed.”
“Well, apart from the fact that we have to clean all this, there’s not much to be concerned ab-OH!” Albedo let out a funny yelp.
“We have to clean? I think it’s you who made this mess, Bedo. Not me,” Aether said, tickling the back of Albedo’s knee with one finger. The trapped alchemist now did start to squirm a little. His relaxed attitude changed.
“The shohow was your ideahehe, w-we cahan clean togetheher ahah!”
Aether tickled him more now and smirked. “I didn’t know you’d be getting yourself into trouble like this,” he teased, now tickling Albedo’s knees with both hands. Albedo started to kick and struggle, but his arms really seemed to be stuck to his torso underneath the slime.
While his relaxed attitude had Aether doubt it before, he was now pretty sure he was as helpless as he claimed. And that…. Well. That gave him only more desire to make his precious boyfriend laugh until he couldn’t breathe.
“AHahaether! Dohohon’t! R-relehease me fihihirst!” Albedo kicked his legs weakly, but Aether sat on his calves and used all fingers to scribble behind his knees and all over those sweet sensitive thighs.
“If I’m going to tickle your pretty legs, I’m obviously doing it when you still can’t move, Bedo.”
“Juhust because you cahahan doesn’t mehean you should! Nahaha!” Albedo threw his head back, and Aether felt enchanted by how cute and charming he looked. Despite his predicament, covered with sticky slime and tickled to death, Albedo was as dazzling as ever.
“Ahaether! Nohhoho! Thihis is so chihildish- stohohop!”
After tickling and teasing him for as long as he pleased, Aether finally gave his breathless lover a break and looked for a way to free him from the slime. Water didn’t seem to work, so in the end he indeed had to use a knife and carefully cut through the thick substance until it freed Albedo. Not without an ‘accidental’ tickle with his finger here, and a little ticklish scratch there, of course.
“That was about time,” Albedo said when he was finally free.
“Pardon?” Aether poked him, making him jump, and Albedo caught his hand and pouted.
“The tickling part was rather unnecessary,” he said with a cute blush. Aether giggled and hugged him. Even though Albedo was still sticky and had a strange chemical smell on him, he was still his lovely huggable boyfriend.
“Was it that unnecessary? Trust me, anyone would’ve used the opportunity to use some tickling to make you laugh when you were that helplessly stuck.”
“Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should,” Albedo lectured.
“You already said that. I’m serious, when presented with the opportunity, anyone would tickle their partner. It’s that simple.”
“No. I think it’s just you. Tickling is for the youth. Not everyone is so immature,” Albedo said with a playful smile.
“Wanna bet?” Aether suggested.
“.....I don’t see the point.”
“There is none. I’ll just prove it to you.”
“No need.”
“Still, I’ll do it.”
“You’re being so silly.”
“Yup. Your silly.”
While they cleaned up the room, they argued back and forth, and meanwhile Aether came up with his little plan. Not only was it going to prove to Albedo he was right. It was also going to make this festive week so much more fun!
Wanderer x Sethos
“....... How convenient.”
While Wanderer didn’t seem too delighted, Sethos was dying from happiness. Thank you, Traveler! Thank you!
Due to the crowded hotels and inns, Aether had added his Serenitea Realm as an additional place for many guests to stay during Mondstadt’s Winter Festival, and Sethos was lucky to share a room with Wanderer. And not by accident, he assumed.
Pretty much everyone, including Aether and Wanderer himself, knew about Sethos and his schoolboy-crush on the mysterious scholar. He knew Wanderer didn’t necessarily dislike him, but he had never really responded to his advances so far. They were just friends, and nothing more.
So now that they were roommates for the week, Sethos was so excited.
“He even left us this,” Wanderer sighed as if it was a problem. On both their beds, a gift was wrapped to celebrate the festive season.
“That’s so kind!” Sethos chirped. Before he opened his gift, Wanderer already opened his own and read the card to go along with it.
“To Wanderer: A festive hat to wear this week. Be sure to wear it, or I will make you. From Aether,” he read, and he looked at the red and green colored hat.
“Well, how nice,” he sighed, but Sethos already rushed towards him and grabbed the hat.
“That looks lovely! Put it on, please!”
Wanderer rolled his eyes but did take his hat off so that Sethos could put the new one on. He looked really adorable like this.
“You look great,” he whispered. Wanderer blushed a little and shrugged.
“So, what’s in yours? Don’t tell me we’ll be wearing matching hats,” he said. Sethos turned around and quickly returned to his gift.
“That’s right! Let’s see…” He excitedly tore away the paper and revealed…
“A book?” Both he and Wanderer said at the same time. Sethos studied the cover.
“A special book of treasures for my dear friend Sethos…. From the Traveler…” he read out loud.
“Treasures? What’s that supposed to mean,” Wanderer asked. Sethos wondered too and opened it. His eyes then widened.
“T-this…” He blushed. They were very detailed research notes and observations, about something very specific.
“W-Wanderer’s tickle spots,” he whispered.
“Hm? Pardon?” Wanderer stood by his side and tried to peek at the book, but Sethos quickly stepped away with a blush.
“What is it? Let me see,” Wanderer demanded impatiently, but Sethos quickly held the book in front of his face and scanned the pages quickly.
This was indeed valuable information. Out of nowhere! What a mischievous thing to do! Sethos hadn’t tickled Wanderer before. Sure he had some tickle fights with Cyno and with Aether before, but the thought of tickling his one and only crush just flustered him greatly.
To think Aether would give him such a major push in that direction. His eyes found the first notes:
Always tell him you will tickle him. He’ll get flustered and deny he’s ticklish, making for the perfect build-up towards his demise. Try to catch him from behind, it will make him more vulnerable. Start with his sides.
So detailed… Sethos kept stepping away to avoid Wanderer’s curious grabby hands, and then suddenly he stopped and looked at him. He smirked.
“Wanderer. I’m going to tickle you,” he announced as was instructed.
“H-huh?!” He indeed got flustered immediately. “What are you s-suddenly…?!”
“I’m going to tickle you,” Sethos repeated, pressing the notebook between his elbow and side so he had both hands to use.
“That’s ridiculous! I’m not ticklish, you’ll be wasting your time,” Wanderer claimed as was expected. Sethos giggled.
“Oh, well if you’re not ticklish, you surely wouldn’t mind~!”
He had hoped Wanderer would turn around and run as soon as Sethos wiggled his fingers at him, but it wasn’t going to be that easy. He raised his hands defiantly and was ready for a struggle, but luckily Sethos had sparred a little too much lately with Cyno and was proud to have gained some skill and agility.
So he grabbed one of Wanderer’s arms and spun him around, pulling his arm behind his back. Then with his free hand he began to tickle his side with gentle squeezes and slow finger-wiggles. It proved to be effective immediately.
“Gahah! D-don’t you dahare!” Wanderer howled, squirming slightly while Sethos continued to tickle.
“I thought you weren’t ticklish? Then why are you laughing?” he asked. He realized it might’ve been better if he read the full notebook first before immediately attacking. He had gotten a little too excited. Now with his hands occupied it was a little hard to take out the notebook again and read the next steps. So he was going to have to take gambles for his next attacks.
“Ahahaa you -! I’ll gehehet you for thihis!” Wanderer laughed. Sethos blushed a little. He wouldn’t mind getting got by his crush. But still, he was now tickling him for the first time and hearing that unique laugh. He would love to hear more.
“Maybe heeere…” He moved his wiggling fingers from his sides to his stomach and dug in. Wanderer bucked wildly and threw his head back, causing his hat to fall off.
“Look what you’re doing now. It doesn’t tickle and yet you’re making a mess!” Sethos teased. He managed to push Wanderer in the direction of his bed and tried to push him down, but that wasn’t as simple as he had hoped. Before he could succeed, the roles had suddenly reversed and he ended up on his back with Wanderer pinning him down.
“Now why would you play with fire like that, huh?” Wanderer said, and he grabbed the book that was still squeezed between Sethos’ arm and side so he could take a look. With one hand he pinned Sethos’ wrists together above his head, and he used his free hand to peek into the notebook.
“That wicked….” he mumbled with a blush.
“Please - it was Traveler’s gift to me! I didn’t even go further than the first step!” he whined. Wanderer chuckled and put away the book.
“Oh really now? Well guess what? I wouldn’t need any research notes to kill you. I’ll just follow my instincts.”
Well, using the term ‘killing’ seemed rather dark, but Sethos could confirm that he was indeed dying of many things very soon. Laughter, that was for sure. And also from the butterflies that swarmed inside his lovesick stomach. What was also killing was the thought that after all this, his romantic feelings towards Wanderer may have doubled, making him explode, while remaining unrequited!
“WHaahaha-Wandeheheer plehehease! Aaahahaha!”
“Geez, you’re so easy, Sethos~”
Then again… It was only the first day of a festive week together in Mondstadt. Who knows what might happen after today’s tickly exchange….
Alhaitham x Kaveh
The streets were decorated beautifully. The lights on the buildings were even more impressive. So this was Mondstadt at the start of its Winter Festival.
Together with Alhaitham, Kaveh arrived in their room. It seemed they were lucky to get a room at the inn. With so many guests visiting, all lodgings had been fully booked, and Aether even had to use his Serenitea Pot to offer additional space.
Over time it seemed that Mondstadt’s Winter Festival had become even more popular than its famous Windblume Festival, which was rather impressive. But seeing it up close like this, Kaveh could understand why.
“Oh, what is this?” They noticed two gifts on their bed with their ‘Alhaitham and Kaveh’ on it. There was a little card as well, and Alhaitham opened it and read it out loud:
“Dear Alhaitham an Kaveh, welcome to Mondstadt. You must be tired after the long trip. Enjoy a nice hot drink and a meal first, you can find my recommendations at the bottom of this card. Then when you’re back at the inn, enjoy a relaxing night together with these gifts I got for you. Enjoy your week in Mondstadt and thank you for coming here to celebrate the Winter Festival.”
Kaveh had to chuckle a bit since Aether’s words were so kind and warm, and yet Alhaitham read them in such a dry voice.
“That’s so kind of him,” Kaveh said and he opened his gift. “Ooooh!” He revealed a set of very soft and warm pajamas, in the color red. Alhaitham opened his own and had a matching one, in green color.
“I suppose he figured we would not bring fitting clothing for these temperatures,” he said fondly. Kaveh chuckled.
“This will definitely keep me warm tonight.”
“Well then, let’s eat something first.” They studied Aether’s recommendations and enjoyed a lovely meal at a restaurant nearby. When they were outside they could already enjoy some more of the festivities which would officially start with the Winter Festival’s opening ceremony tomorrow.
After a good meal and a stroll around the city, they were back at their inn. While Alhaitham sat down in one of the comfy chairs to read his book, Kaveh went to change into the warm pajamas in advance. Feeling the fluffy fabric he just couldn’t wait.
“Suits you.”
Kaveh looked up and saw that Alhaitham didn’t even look away from his book, but he surely had checked him out when he didn’t notice. He blushed slightly and sighed.
“I’m not sure if I should take that as a compliment, coming from you. You should wear yours too. It’s really nice and warm,” he said, walking over towards Alhaitham and handing him the PJ’s.
“Hm - wait,” Alhaitham said just as Kaveh turned away from him.
“What?” Kaveh asked and turned back again to face him. Alhaitham put away his book and got out of his chair. He approached Kaveh until he stood pretty close, making Kaveh hold his breath.
“Turn around,” Alhaitham said. Rather than a request, it was almost a firm command. What was he so serious about?
“I-is there something on me? Are the PJ’s torn? Is something wrong?” he asked. Alhaitham didn’t say a single word while Kaveh turned his back towards him.
“Alhaitham?” Kaveh asked, feeling curious and impatient. Then… without warning…
“AYah!” Kaveh jolted when he suddenly felt two pairs of hands on his sides, with fingers digging in slightly, enough for it to tickle.
Kaveh immediately tried to grab Alhaitham’s hands, but he failed to pull them off as those fingers continued to dig in, wiggling and dancing playfully.
“Ahhahalhaitham wha-what are you dohoing! Wahaha!” he laughed. They would tickle each other from time to time, it wasn’t that uncommon in their relationship, no matter how odd it may seem. But usually there would be at least a little bit of a reason. This time it was so random Kaveh got completely overwhelmed.
“Dohohon’t!” He stumbled forward, trying to escape Alhaitham’s clutches, but he was followed all the way through the small room, and they ended up on bed; Kaveh pinned underneath Alhaitham’s heavy weight, laughing and squealing for his life.
“AHAHA nooooo dohohon’t!” He blushed like crazy - he wasn’t sure how thin these walls were. This was humiliating, what if other guests would hear this noise!
Without saying a word, Alhaitham looked at Kaveh’s face while he tickled the hell out of him. Kaveh squirmed and struggled, kicked and flailed, but in the end there wasn’t much he could do except laugh until he was out of breath.
Then, Alhaitham gave him a short, gentle kiss on his lips and got up again, returning to his seat to continue reading.
“W-w-what was… that… for,” Kaveh said breathlessly. He was all shaky as he got up again. The warm pajamas were now more like an obstacle rather than his savior. He felt too warm after getting tickled mercilessly like that. He took off the top and folded it while he caught his breath. But then…
“Hmm?” He turned the shirt around and saw what was on the back.
Tickle me ♡
….. Kaveh stared at the text. It was subtle, not too big. But yes, these PJ’s definitely invited the other to tickle them. He watched Alhaitham in shock. He couldn’t believe Alhaitham would get tempted by something so silly.
“That Traveler, really….” Kaveh mumbled. He was too tired and flustered to say more to Alhaitham about this, but there was still one thing on his mind: if this text was on his shirt, then maybe it was also on Alhaitham’s. Not that he could just carelessly tickle Alhaitham whenever, without risking a similar treatment like just now. But still….
“Challenge accepted,” he whispered softly. Somewhere this week, he would get his well-earned revenge!
Zhongli x Diluc
“It was great!”
“It was so amazing. Did you see, did you see?”
“Even better than last year!”
Diluc didn’t care much that everyone was talking about the Winter Festival’s opening ceremony which he had missed. Instead of feeling disappointed that he missed it, he felt embarrassed. He had gotten so carried away cleaning up his tavern’s storage that he completely lost track of time and missed it unintentionally…
“Yo~” Diluc looked up to see Kaeya enter.
“We didn’t see you at the ceremony. Traveler asked me to give this to you,” he said, and he handed him a gift.
“Oh…?” Diluc accepted it and studied the wrapped package.
“Where were you anyway?” Kaeya asked.
“I was…. busy,” Diluc said. It was obviously a lie, it wasn’t crowded yet at all because everyone was enjoying the start of the festival with so many things to do. Skating at the ice rink, buying food and drinks at the various stalls, having fun with workshops, games, performances, shopping. Most people would come to the Angel’s Share later that day.
Luckily Kaeya didn’t say anything else. “Well then. Enjoy the festival too when you can~!”
He left the tavern, and Diluc finally opened the gift and revealed a small bottle. On the card was written:
Dear Diluc,
You’re probably going to be very busy during this festival. I wanted to give you this special gift. It’s the result of a little experiment Albedo did the other day. With a few drips of this magical potion, you will feel very happy. So happy it will make you laugh. You can drink it yourself, or present it to grumpy customers. No worries: it’s completely harmless. If you want the effect to wear off sooner, there is one way to do it: more laughter! If someone’s there to give a little tickle, that’ll work best.
Warm regards,Aether
“Hrmph…” Diluc studied the bottle. Why would he give him this thing. He had no need for ‘feeling happy’ and even though he indeed complained about some irritating customers once in a while, he doubted whether he should give them something of this, uh…. He studied the label. Happiness potion? Pfft.
But the gesture was nice. He studied the bottle some more. Then he took a glass and poured some wine in it, and added a few drips, just to experiment if it was anything visible at all. It wasn’t visible.
He just wondered about the taste of it, what the effect would really be like and if it would be best to throw this away wine-tester instead of trying to drink it when he heard a sudden noise from the storage. Huh? He went inside and to his horror found a sneaky bard attempting to raid his storage.
“When did you get here, hey!”
“Surpriiiise noooo!” Venti wailed as Diluc caught him and tried to drag him out. He changed his mind. If anyone would be his test subject for that mysterious potion, it should be Venti. If it was harmless, Diluc needed to see what would happen if- eh?
“Hello.” Entering the tavern again while dragging Venti by his collar, Diluc stared at a polite looking customer who was sitting at the bar.
“Zhongli! Good to see you! So you love Diluc’s drinks too huh!” Venti chirped, struggling in Diluc’s grip.
“You know him?” Diluc meant to ask Zhongli about knowing the little thief Venti, but the merry bard already gave an unwelcome response: “Of course I know him! He’s a very old friend of mine! Zhongli, so good to see you here all the way from Liyue! Are you enjoying the Winter Festival?”
Zhongli only smiled at them and chuckled. “Hello. Hehehe…” Diluc may have heard about this Zhongli person from Aether, but it was actually his first time meeting him. He seemed rather… What was the word… Goofy? And that while Diluc had the impression from Aether’s stories that he was a rather serious person.
“I am ehenjoying myself, indeed. The wihine is so good, too hehe.”
Diluc’s eyes widened and he quickly looked for the happiness-tester he had poured just now. Gone. Instead, Zhongli had a glass in his hand that looked a lot like it, and aaaah he took another sip!
“Ahah yes, I apologize. It wahas here ahalready, and it looked so g-good hehe. Of course I will pay for it, one mohoment.”
Zhongli’s giggly words were laughed at by Venti who threw his head back and cackled. “What’s the matter with you? Never seen you so giggly before!”
Diluc sighed. At this moment people should be enjoying the many parts of the Winter Festival, and instead he was dealing with this remarkable pair of guests, and one of them had sipped from Aether’s stupid happiness potion unknowingly!
“I am just feeling hehe, very good,” Zhongli said as he leaned some more over the bar so he could slide some mora Diluc’s way. He was sitting in such a strange position while laughing like that.
“Thanks pal! And thanks for the drinks!” Venti the little thief took the mora and two bottles from the bar before bolting out.
“I’ll pay you back soon!” he promised. Geez… That little shit. Besides the mora, Venti was now on the loose with: 1) the happiness potion and 2) the bottle of wine Diluc had used to make his tester with, which had been consumed by the man before him.
Zhongli smiled at him. “Very eheh pleheased to meet you.” Diluc sighed and decided to worry less about Venti and more about the charming man in front of him. And since the Traveler was the culprit of all this and also was their mutual friend, maybe Diluc should be honest with him.
“I am sorry if the way you are feeling right now is a bit strange. Here, this might explain,” Diluc said, and he gave Zhongli the card. Zhongli read Aether’s handwriting while giggling, and then he let out a deep sigh.
“T-that trahaveler. I wonder h-how long this will tahake,” he laughed. Diluc nodded.
“Diluc, was it, yehes?” Zhongli asked. Diluc straightened himself and nodded again.
“Yes?” he said. Zhongli’s random giggles were a bit awkward to him too.
“P-please hehe. Please tickle me.”
Diluc’s eyes widened. He remembered the last part of Aether’s card and he groaned.
“W-what did you say?” he asked.
Zhongli merely giggled some more before repeating: “Tickle me, plehease. I would lihike to hahave a proper c-conversation wihith you, b-buhut I cahan’t when I’m like thihis,” Zhongli giggled. Poor Zhongli. Diluc felt already tired just by watching him. Ugh it was to be expected of the mischievous Traveler and his alchemist boyfriend to come up with something like this.
Diluc sighed and awkwardly stepped from behind the bar and circled around Zhongli’s giggling figure. He felt weird to do it, but maybe it was even worse to do nothing and let him sit here and suffer from endless giggles for who knew how long?
“Then please excuse me,” Diluc said as he stiffly put both his hands on Zhongli’s sides.
“Are you ticklish here?” he asked first to make sure he wouldn’t touch an inappropriate place if it wasn’t even going to work.
Zhongli nodded. “Yehes, it will tickle,” he confirmed. Oof, that was kind of cute. Diluc shook the thought out of his head and dug his fingers into Zhongli’s sides. The man jumped slightly and his soft monotonous giggles got their first little pitch.
“HEeheh!” Diluc almost stopped promptly, but he had a feeling it wouldn’t be enough. So he tickled Zhongli’s sides until the giggles turned into laughter.
“D-dohoon’t mind me struggling-heheh! Y-you mahay continuehehehe!” Zhongli laughed. Diluc didn’t know Zhongli very well and wasn’t sure how much of this funny personality was influenced by the happiness potion. But he started to feel rather fond towards it.
The handsome, strict-looking man in his neat uniform was giggling and laughing while Diluc tickled him, and he could only pray that no one would enter the tavern and disturb this moment. For eh, you know, privacy sake, and not to humiliate them. Not to humiliate poor Zhongli in particular, of course. Yes.
“M-more…?” Diluc asked, wondering if the potion’s effect was wearing off. He wouldn’t know if he kept tickling him, but Zhongli was pretty clear:
“Yehehes! Plehehease!”
Well, that was very clear. Diluc wondered if Zhongli would get used to the tickles on his sides. Remembering his embarrassing tickle fights with Kaeya, of which many he shamefully lost, he recalled a spot that would make Diluc himself lose his mind. He let his fingers climb up and clawed gently at Zhongli’s ribs.
“Ahhhahahaha!” The gentle bubbly laughter changed pitch again. Lower, but louder. Diluc moved his fingers up even higher until he reached the spot right below Zhongli’s underarms.
“I apologize,” Diluc said before tickling that well-known killer spot with everything he had. Zhongi’s laughter definitely got more hysterical and he almost fell back. Diluc caught him, and while Zhongli squirmed and laughed in his arms, Diluc felt himself heat up at the close proximity.
“Plehehease!” Zhongli laughed. Not sure whether he meant please tickle more, or at last, please stop, Diluc settled with the second one and finally stopped tickling. Zhongli continued to rest against him and gasped for air. Although he was breathing heavily, Diluc was pretty sure he had stopped giggling,
“Did it…. Did it work?” he asked. Zhongli smiled and nodded.
“I-it worked. I apologize for that,” he said. Diluc helped him back in a proper sitting position and returned to his spot behind the bar.
“N-no I should be the one to apologize. It was Aether’s gift, I left it here carelessly and…” To his surprise, Zhongli reached over the bar and grabbed his hand to make him stop sputtering.
“Let’s not apologize. Could I please order a glass of your finest wine? I’ll pay you double, since a certain someone stole my previous payment.”
With that humble smile and his cheeks still colored slightly, Zhongli smoothly ordered his drink, making Diluc blush even more.
“Y-yes sure… and don’t worry about t-the eh, about the money…” He wasn’t sure if it was because of the silly situation because of Aether’s potion, but the mood was definitely a little weird in here, and he found himself wishing for Zhongli to hang around at the tavern for a little while longer.
Ningguang x Beidou
Luxurious. Aether definitely saved his best room for them. Beidou was secretly relieved that Mondstadt couldn’t provide more rooms to stay. Thanks to that, she and Ningguang had the honor of staying at one of the spacious mansions in Aether’s Serenitea Pot realm, and although it wasn’t winter over there and it wasn’t like the true festive atmosphere as in Mondstadt City, they got such a beautiful and fancy room. It was amazing and magical.
“Feeling like royalty here,” Beidou chimed. Ningguang giggled.
“Oh my queen,” she sang. Beidou playfully stuck her tongue out at her girlfriend and headed towards the bed to try out how soft it was.
“Are you going to skip this part?” Ningguang asked. Beidou turned around and saw that she had missed an important detail. There was a beautiful coffee table made from glass, with on top of it a neatly wrapped gift.
“Dear Ningguang and Beidou, I hope you will enjoy the Winter Festival in Mondstadt. Please accept this humble gift. May it fill you with love and warmth at all times, whether you’re together or apart. Always. Warm regards, Aether,” Ningguang read out loud.
“Aw, that’s so sweet,” she said. She opened the gift while Beidou relaxed on top of the comfy bed.
“Tell me what’s in it!” she chirped.
“It’s…. oh. It’s… us?” Ningguang wondered. Beidou got up and joined her girlfriend, wrapping her arms around her middle and leaning her chin on her shoulder. She noted the dolls in Ningguang’s hand. One resembled Ningguang, and one resembled Beidou. But there was one remarkable thing. On both dolls there was a little text: tickle doll.
Beidou and Ningguang looked at each other in confusion, then back at the dolls. “You mean, they’re like voodoo dolls? If I tickle this one, will you feel it?” Beidou took the Ningguang doll and tickled it playfully. Ningguang gave no reaction.
“I’m not feeling anything.”
She lifted Beidou’s doll and tickled it. “That’s… disappointing,” Beidou said when she didn’t feel anything either.
“I think the text is just for show. Don’t be mean towards the generous Traveler. The dolls are cute, right? Especially yours,” Ningguang teased. Beidou pouted and turned the Ningguang doll around and tried to tickle it in various places. The doll was definitely cute, but there was no effect to tickling it. Ningguang didn’t even smile or giggle. She just walked away and put the Beidou-doll aside.
“So, how soft was that bed, hm?” she sang as she approached the bed. Beidou put the Ningguang-doll down and wiggled her fingers. The damage was done. The doll had tempted her, and didn’t give her what she wanted. Well then, she had to solve this herself, hmm?
“Ah, that does feel pretty soft and- Beidou wah!” Ningguang squeaked when Beidou suddenly pounced on top of her. Ningguang stared up at her with those beautiful eyes. She then seemed to relax, obviously thinking of different things as she was pinned down on their comfortable bed.
“You couldn’t wait?” she asked. Beidou chuckled.
“Definitely couldn’t.” Then without warning she tickled Ningguang, playing her ribs like a musical instrument, and oh, she definitely made music. The best music in the world.
“Hohold on, nohoho!” Ningguang giggled in the cutest way.
“See it as a belated effect of the tickle doll, sweetie. Does it feel any ticklish now? Well?” Beidou taunted. Her fingers moved expertly all over her lover’s soft and sensitive areas. Ningguang squirmed and laughed charmingly. She didn’t even struggle much, indicating only how much she actually enjoyed it. Beidou smiled fondly. Tickling Ningguang and watching those beautiful reactions would never get old.
“Hehehe ohohoh you- hehehe!” Ningguang giggled when Beidou tickled her neck. Charmed and intoxicated by her beauty, Beidou found herself leaning closer and closer until she could kiss those smiley lips and drink those melodious giggles. What she didn’t expect however was that a very animal-like sound of her own interrupted Ningguang’s beautiful sounds - caused by the sudden tickle she felt under her arms.
“HNGHHah!” Beidou pulled away and immediately crumbled when Ningguang tickled her more.
“You always let your guard down, don’t you sweetie?” Ningguang teased. She always seemed so calm and radiant, but those fingers with their gentle touches were absolutely killing. Beidou collapsed on top of Ningguang and howled, much less charmingly than her gorgeous girlfriend.
“Nihihing ahahaha not thahahat!” she cackled. Ningguang managed to move from under her and switched their positions. She took one of Beidou’s arms and pinned it above her head, and with her free hand she tickled her underarm in a way that made her screech.
“NIHIHING Ahhahah dohohon’t!” Beidou shrieked. She kicked her legs wildly and shook her head from side to side, but Ning was as strong as ever.
“What’s the matter, my precious tickle doll? Don’t tell me you can’t handle this?”
Most of the time, Beidou was the one to tickle first. When she wanted to tease Ningguang, when she wanted to flirt with her, when she wanted to get her attention. And after hearing those pretty angelic giggles, she’d always forget the villain-traits Ning would show whenever she turned the tables and got into absolute sexy revenge mode. They were the best actually.
With only five fingers she tickled Beidou’s underarm until she thought she’d pass out, all while smirking down at her.
“Plehehease I gihihive! You win ahahahah!” Beidou begged. As evil as she was, the tickling was always unbearable very very soon, and even then Ningguang did tickle her for a little bit longer after that. After some more hysterical pleas for mercy, they finally ended up cuddling comfortably while they both recovered from that… sort-of tickle fight.
“Maybe the Traveler wanted us to have fun like this. Why else would he give us tickle dolls that don’t work?” Beidou said breathlessly.
Ningguang shrugged. “Who knows. No one ever knows what he is really thinking. He’s a mystery.”
“Not as mysterious as you are,” Beidou teased. When Ningguang turned her head and smirked, Beidou immediately squeaked and tried to move away.
“I didn’t mean that as an insult dehehear no wahahait this isn’t fahahair!” she cried when Ningguang tickled her once again. Well no matter what Aether really meant with those gifts, Beidou was actually thankful for them!
Cyno x Tighnari
Mondstadt’s Winter Festival was absolutely amazing. So many fantastic decorations, performances, the most delicious food, many fun games and activities. Cyno felt overwhelmed. No offense, but he felt that returning to Sumeru was going to be such a bummer after having so much fun.
“How about we finally make use of Aether’s gift, hmm?” Tighnari asked. Upon arrival they both received a voucher for free drinks and a surprise activity at The Cat’s Tail.
“You’re right. Let’s see if they’ve got a table for us,” Cyno said. They had been wandering around the festival all day. Tighnari had participated in a fun archery game, and they even tried a round at the ice rink together. To relax and have a drink somewhere sounded good.
“I wonder what the surprise activity is.”
The moment they entered the Cat’s Tail, they were embraced by warmth and pleasant scents of food and hot drinks, and engulfed by the noise of loud chatter and laughter.
“Is that… a cat?” Tighnari asked when they saw the black cat at the counter.
“Hello Mr. Cat. We are here to exchange these vouchers,” Cyno said, and he held up Aether’s gifts. Right at that moment they heard a “hey!” and a small girl came running towards them. A cat girl!
“Traveler’s vouchers, is that right?” she said. Tighnari and Cyno nodded.
“Uh, yes.”
“Great! We’ve been expecting you. I’m Diona, follow me to your table!” She ripped the vouchers from Cyno’s hand and pranced into the tavern. It seemed pretty crowded, all tables were occupied, but she guided them into a private room behind closed doors. Wow.
The moment the doors closed the noise surrounding them was much less. The room was festively decorated, and there was a side table with a collection of pretty hourglasses. Interesting.
“Wow, this room is for us?” Cyno asked when Diona gestured towards the sofa.
“Yes it is. Special request from your friend, the Traveler. I’ll be getting you our Winter Festival special drink for free.”
Before Cyno and Tighnari could say anything, she left already, and they both sat down in awkward silence. It was so quiet all of a sudden.
“Such luxury,” Cyno said.
“Very generous of the Traveler,” Tighnari said with a nod.
“What about the surprise activity?” Cyno wondered, and Tighnari shrugged.
“I’m sure we’ll hear it later.”
Diona came back with the delicious-looking drinks and she put them on the table.
“Two specials for you! Don’t ask what’s in it, secret Cat’s Tail recipe,” she said with a cheeky smile. “As for your surprise activity, here.” Diona put a little box on the table.
“Genius Invokation TCG, the limited Winter Festival edition. These are special cards for you to play, specially arranged by the Traveler. The winner of the game wins a second free drink. After your game, just come back to the bar. Alright? Good luck!”
She left again and they were all alone in their quiet private room with their fancy drinks and special cards.
“That’s amazing.” Tighnari opened the books and read the rules.
“For this game, you can only use these cards. Shuffle them and divide them between the two of you. May the best player win. Aether,” he read, and he gave it to Cyno so he could read as well.
“P.S. You may keep these cards after the game. That’s what it says, Nari. You’re missing the most important part,” he said.
Tighnari giggled. “Well, let’s see what kind of cards they are then.” He shuffled the deck and handed each a few cards.
“It’s Mondstadt themed. Of course,” Cyno said as soon as he gave his cards a first glance, noticing some familiar faces, meals and locations.
“Yes- and….” Tighnari paused and made a face.
“What?” Cyno asked. He didn’t notice anything strange in his cards yet, except that they were all related to Mondstadt somehow.
“Never mind. Let’s play.”
They played like they normally would. That was until Tighnari suddenly played a card. He looked very smug about it.
“The feather. Roll the elemental dice. Each anemo die counts as one minute. You may tickle the opponent for the total amount of minutes.”
Cyno’s eyes widened and he grabbed the card to read it. It was exactly that. “Wait, what? N-no way!” he cried. Tighnari chuckled and wiggled his fingers.
“I can now understand what’s so special about this game. That’s so typical of Aether,” he said, and he rolled the dice.
“T-that’s three times anemo…” Cyno said with a pout. Tighnari clapped his hands and got up.
“Yep! Three precious minutes to tickle you.” They noted that’s why there were hourglasses for them to use. Tighnari took the one of three minutes and put it down in the middle of the table.
“Gotta follow the rules, Cyno. Are you ready?”
Despite Cyno’s answer, Tighnari did start to playfully tickle him. He started by aiming for his stomach with one hand while his other hand went to his side. Cyno immediately tensed up and giggled uncontrollably.
“You dohohon’t hahave to do thihihis!” he laughed. Tighnari hummed.
“I may do it, so I will. We have to play the game as Aether intended for us to do, right?”
“Yehehes buhuhut- ahhahah!” Cyno squirmed and wriggled around. Tighnari really wasn’t going easy on him. Luckily three minutes went by fast when you were having fun and- eh, well yes. Cyno felt flustered when he realized he was indeed having fun getting tickled, and then Tighnari finally stopped.
“O-oof. Well, that definitely shook me. B-but don’t think you’ll win now,” Cyno said, grabbing his cards. They played a few more turns until Cyno pulled a ‘special’ card as well. His eyes widened with wonder. Even though there was another card he could play right now in his advantage, this special card was the one he wanted to play instead, because:
“Tickle Monster!” He proudly put the card down and then read: “Deal 5 minutes of Tickle DMG to the opponent.” He pointed at Tighnari.
“You’re in for it now.”
Tighnari smiled. “That isn’t really fair, but alright. Let’s go.” He quickly surrendered and took one of the 5-minute hourglasses.
“Ready?” he asked.
“That should be my question to you, Nari,” Cyno said, wiggling his fingers eagerly. The five minutes of tickling Tighnari for this game were a pure delight. Tighnari was as ticklish as ever, giggling and squirming while Cyno tickled all of those lovely spots.
“Just one more minute I think,” Cyno sang when he was busy tickling Tighnari’s thigh. He held his leg trapped with one hand and danced five fingers all over his thigh, making the cute Tighnari squeal.
“Heehehehe ahahalright!” he laughed adorably. Tighnari took the 5-minute tickle monster attack like a champ, and a little bit more of that since they both got carried away and lost track of time.
“That was all you got hm?” was Tighnari’s cocky remark when the tickle attack ended. Cyno smirked. He would’ve loved to make him pay for that attitude with some more tickles, but he was curious to see what the rest of the game would bring them.
“I’m saving your breath for later,” Cyno said with confidence. Meanwhile they almost forgot to drink their delicious specials which had already gotten cold. They were that much invested in the card game.
With both of them flustered as well as determined to beat the other, they were now doing all they could to draw more cards. Rather than defeating each other’s characters, they kept playing cards that would allow them to obtain new cards. More tickle cards to be specific.
During the game, Tighnari got another shot at Cyno with the so called ‘Flower of Laughter’ card which specifically gave him an X amount of minutes to tickle Cyno’s feet. He rolled the dice and ended up with only one minute, but he didn’t make it an easy minute for Cyno.
Cyno was the luckier one with at least 3 more tickle cards in his hand until the game ended. Before he finally beat Tighnari, he got to use the Winner’s Weakness card which allowed him to tickle one single spot of Tighnari’s own choice for 1 minute. Flustered as hell, Tighnari chose his tummy, thinking he could handle that best, but with Cyno focusing all of his attention on that lovely tummy, Tighnari was squealing helplessly pretty soon.
Another tickle card Cyno got to use on him was the ‘Tickler’s Meal’ which allowed him to tickle Tighnari for the full round, even during Tighnari’s turn. Watching him giggle and squirm while he rolled the dice and made his move was the cutest thing.
And then his favorite card was the ‘TICKLE FREEZE’ card which made Tighnari hold his arms up while Cyno tickled him for 2 lovely minutes.
This was the best game ever. Now finally out of breath, 200% flustered and no longer determined to win, Tighnari’s final character lost its life and Cyno turned out to be the winner.
“I’m the winner,” he said proudly. Tighnari was almost too tired to congratulate him, but he smiled and gave a thumbs up.
“G-good for you,” he panted. Cyno grinned and leaned closer.
“Do I get my prize?”
“Y-yeah. At the bar - hmph!” Tighnari squeaked when Cyno pulled him closer for a kiss. As far as he knew, Aether didn’t even know they were romantically involved, and even if they weren’t, he surely would’ve fallen in love with him after tickling him so much in this playful match.
“Shall we share the prize together?” he asked after kissing Tighnari’s lips again. Tighnari blushed sweetly and nodded.
Cyno nodded and grabbed his hand, and as much as he would’ve loved to stay alone here with him, he did want to reward Tighnari as well for sharing so much of his sweet laughter all because the rules of a game said so. He really was the cutest boyfriend ever!
Xiao x Venti
Xiao wasn’t much of a people person. So naturally, he wasn’t too thrilled when Aether invited him to visit Mondstadt’s Winter Festival. However, rather than convincing, Aether had been a little annoying about it. Enough to make Xiao curious.
Especially curious to see this ‘special Winter Alchemy Show’ which was prepared by Mondstadt’s alchemists with Aether’s partner Albedo in the lead.
Aether was mean enough to give him the wrong information about the show, causing Xiao to arrive in Mondstadt too early. It appeared the alchemy show was also part of the closing ceremony. Last day, at the end of the festival.
Although he could’ve simply teleported the hell out of here, there was something that made him linger around. He had wandered around the busy streets of the city, watched some activities from afar and tasted a snack or two.
Aether and Paimon were so busy helping Mondstadt by organizing this festival that they hardly had time to hang around, but Xiao did run into Hu Tao, of all people, who was enjoying the festivities together with her good friend Yoimiya from Inazuma. Also something-something about a fabulous fireworks show which Xiao had missed.
Xiao even saw Zhongli among the crowds and followed him around sometimes.
But most of the time he chose to hide himself and enjoy the festival quietly, and once in a while when it got too much, he wandered around the surrounding areas outside Mondstadt and traveled to places such as Springvale, the Whispering Woods and Wolvendom.
Tonight he found himself sitting on the hands of the Anemo Archon statue, admiring all the Winter Festival festivities from a safe distance.
He could hear some music from here too, and all in all, it wasn’t too bad to be here. He felt the warmth and joy even from such a distance. Xiao smiled. Mondstadt really was the City of Freedom, hmm.
“Oi! Xiao, it’s you!”
Xiao sighed when he heard a familiar voice, belonging to someone he had also definitely seen a few times in the crowds. Someone he avoided for… vague reasons, even to himself.
“That’s my spot, you know!”
It was Venti, of course, and now he was sitting right beside him. He carried a funky bag with him and he looked pretty cute- eh, pretty…. different, in his wintery outfit. He was wearing a red scarf and a winter hat to keep his head warm. His cheeks were rosy from the cold and Xiao could clearly see his breath when he spoke.
“Is it?” Xiao asked. Yeah… For some reason the Anemo Archon’s presence always made him feel funny. He wasn’t sure why, but also not too eager to find out more about it.
“Want something tasty? Look at my stash,” Venti said, opening his bag and showing some things. A bottle of wine. A couple of waffles wrapped in napkins. Some cute souvenirs.
“Look, isn’t this nice?” Venti took out a reusable drinking bottle. “Aether gave it to me as a gift. It’s the best. I can just refill this at the tavern if I want. Well, with the bartender’s permission of course. Aether has a gift for you too, you know. You gotta find him later,” he rambled. Xiao took note of his last comment and nodded.
“I will.” It wasn’t like he hadn’t tried to see Aether before, but that was beside the point.
“This wine is from Diluc’s tavern. You know Diluc, right? Of Dawn Winery. Want some?” Venti asked.
“No, thank you.”
“Maybe some of this? Some sort of juice or something, also from Angel’s Share. Pretty sure there’s no alcohol,” Venti said, holding out a smaller bottle. Xiao rolled his eyes and to make sure the archon wouldn’t annoy him more with that stupid wine bottle or any other unwelcome liquor, he accepted the smaller juice bottle and took a sip. And another.
“It doesn’t really have a taste.”
“Is that so?” Venti also took it and tasted it as well. He took a big sip, and another, and another. He shrugged and studied the label. There were very tiny handwritten letters on it. He squinted his eyes.
“Can you read this?” He gave it to Xiao. While feeling a little distracted because of the sudden urge to laugh (?) Xiao studied the label on the bottle.
“H….Happiness potion?” he read. Meanwhile he was having a harder time holding back his giggles. What was happening?
“H-hehe, hold on, is this…? Nohoho…” Xiao tried to fight back the giggles. Since Venti drank it later, it seemed he was still safe from its effect and he quickly grabbed the bottle from Xiao’s hand and tried to read it again.
“Happiness potion, experiment by Chief Alchemist Albedo. Dose: a few drips, mix in drink. Effect: laughter. Cure: laughter + tickling.”
A few drips? Mixed?! No way, they both drank it straight, and not just a little sip! And what about that cure - that didn’t make any sense!!!
“Whahahat hahahave you dohohone!” Xiao asked angrily through hysterical giggles. This was tiring already, he couldn’t stop!
“I dohohon’t knohohow! I’m sohohorry! It wahahas at Dihihiluc’s tahahavern!”
This was ridiculous. The label didn’t say how long it would last.
“Shahahall I tihihickle you theheen?” Venti asked.
Xiao shook his head, but the bard moved closer and grabbed him. “Wehehe’re going to lahahaugh ahahanyway!”
Oof, it wasn’t the same. Xiao didn’t feel like being tickled, but he also didn’t feel like laughing forever.
“Ahahalright thehen!”
Venti curled his fingers against his lower sides and started to tickle. Xiao jumped because of the electrifying sensations. He’d occasionally forget how ticklish he actually was.
“AHh!” Although he was already laughing because of the potion, he felt a different sort of laugh getting through as soon as Venti tickled him.
“Wahahait, not thehehere!” Xiao whined when Venti tickled his ribs. He squirmed weakly and tried to gasp for air. He hadn’t experienced such a tough challenge in a while.
“Thehehen whehehere?” Venti giggled. Xiao had no idea where he could get tickled and make it bearable. Without getting his answer, the cheeky Archon moved his fingers down and squeezed his hips. Xiao squeaked and jerked heavily, but Venti pulled him closer and had to hold him tightly to prevent him from tumbling off the statue.
“D-don’t wohorrehehe, I’ve got you hehehe,” Venti laughed. Xiao wasn’t sure if he did well by agreeing to this. Venti’s tickling only made him laugh more than he already was. Obviously.
“H-how aahahabout hehere?” Venti reached up and wiggled his fingers under Xiao’s arms. Xiao’s eyes widened and he suddenly bolted to the side, but Venti followed him and managed to tackle him. Now straddling Xiao, Venti wiggled his fingers eagerly and smirked - or well, tried to, he was still laughing pretty much.
“Hehehere I cohohome,” Venti laughed smugly. He tickled Xiao like he hadn’t been tickled in ages.
“HAAHhh Vehehenti- nohoho ahaha wahahait!” Xiao felt miserable. It was embarrassing to be overpowered by laughter from two sides. The potion, and the tickling.
Was the tickling really going to work? Venti only made him laugh more and more. He laughed until his stomach ached and was about to just force Venti to stop when he finally felt a noticeable difference.
“Stohohop hehehe- STAHap!” Xiao warned abruptly, and Venti actually did so. Xiao waited for more laughter to come, but he was done.
“I-it worked,” he huffed. Venti giggled.
“I’m glahahad. Then nohow you tihickle mehehe~”
Xiao frowned. “Tickle you?” Oh. Of course. They were both suffering from this condition. It was just that with Venti it seemed more… natural. The giggles did suit him after all.
“Yehehes!” Venti sat before him and raised his arms. “Do it plehease!”
Xiao blinked. He thought laughing uncontrollably for a mysterious amount of time was exhausting. But he wondered if Venti really minded it that much. It did seem that he was excited about getting tickled, and even though Xiao didn’t want to indulge him, he also didn’t want to be too harsh.
“AAahahha!” Venti almost fell backwards and Xiao immediately stopped right after tickling him just briefly.
“Moooore ahahah!” Venti begged. Xiao blushed. This was so embarrassing…
He awkwardly ran his fingers up and down Venti’s outstretched underarms. Venti threw his head back and squealed.
“AHhh!” He sounded like he was having the time of his life. But still, Xiao continued to tickle him. He felt the blush on his own face grow and tried to focus on the wiggling movements of his fingers and the considerations about adding more pressure, like digging his fingers in or pinching and squeezing lightly.
For an archon, Venti’s body was surprisingly delicate. The slightest touch could tickle him and make him squeak loudly.
In the end it didn’t matter where and how Xiao tickled him. Venti reacted to the tickles in almost the same cute, hysterical way. No wait, not cute. Weird. Yes.
“What,” Xiao hissed, almost exploding because of the embarrassment and strange tingly feelings that surged inside his chest.
“Dohohon’t stohohop! Aahahaha!”
That’s it, enough. Xiao stopped tickling him, it was too much.
Even when he was the one who was already cured and not suffering from the potion and tickling, he was the one who couldn’t deal with this anymore.
“You know what, you’ll be fine. You’re laughing in any case,” Xiao growled.
“Noooooo not fahahair! Xiao pleheeease tickle me moooore!”
Xiao felt like teleporting out of here. But he found himself staying by Venti’s side, just in case, like, yeah, just in case he’d be laughing too much after all. If he would be getting out of breath, if it would get harmful, too painful and too uncomfortable, Xiao might try to help him out some more…
But he didn’t need to. In the end after a while longer, Venti stopped laughing on his own. “Phew!” He fell on his back and sighed.
“That’s what you get for stealing unknown drinks,” Xiao lectured.
“Stealing? No no, I borrowed it from the Angel’s Share, I was there when…” Venti made a face. “Wait, actually I think Zhongli drank it too. I now remember he was laughing. So unlike him, hehehe.”
Xiao hummed. Zhongli did….? He snorted. “Pfft. I can’t imagine it.”
“Riiight?” They both giggled at the thought. As they both stopped giggling, their eyes found each other’s, and Xiao noticed he once again felt so funny, as if his insides felt ticklish, except he wasn’t sure about the cause.
“Sorry I….” Xiao paused before he finished talking. What was he about to say? He wasn’t sure.
“Sorry you didn’t tickle me more? Apology accepted. I’m too cute when I’m tickled, I’m told often,” Venti said cockily. Pffft.
Xiao rolled his eyes fondly.
“You’re even cuter though. You should laugh more, Xiao~” Venti sang.
Right, enough of this.
“I have somewhere to be.”
Xiao got up and teleported right when Venti cried out: “No wa-!” But Xiao was already gone. Pfffft, his cheeks were burning. He should’ve left sooner!
That crazy Venti. Why did the most ridiculous things always happen when he was around, and why did it set Xiao’s entire body on fire? At least, that was what it felt like! Wah! He teleported himself outside Mondstadt’s gates so he could cool down in peace and quiet.
Xiao knew he would definitely be back by tomorrow night for the closing ceremony and the alchemy show.
Until then, he needed some time off, away from Mondstadt and most importantly, away from that whirlwind of an Anemo Archon, the crazy bard, the silliest guy he knew - far away from Venti!
The applause was so loud Aether thought his ears were going to burst. Albedo had a huge, adorable smile on his face. Sucrose was beaming while she bowed multiple times. Timaeus stood in the middle of the other alchemists and trainees and they all held hands as they made a final bow together.
The alchemy show to conclude the Winter Festival was truly amazing. Epic. A unique spectacle. The crowd loved it, not only the children but also the adults.
“Amazing!” they all yelled.
Although he and Paimon had been stage assistants, they didn’t bow with the performers since Aether felt like this should really be Mondstadt’s celebration, and Albedo’s moment. Still, he clapped as loud as he could from the side.
He felt that Albedo was made for this, more than he would think. Albedo had always been smart and artistic, and to use this trait to make crowds happy like this… He wondered if he should introduce him to Lyney. They could collaborate to give a Magic x Alchemy show in Fontaine. It’d be even more of a success if they combined their strengths. But anyway, eh, Aether was getting ahead of himself. One step at a time.
“You were great!” Aether kissed Albedo when they finally met backstage.
“Thanks.” Albedo seemed a little overwhelmed, but he was definitely smiling and still feeling the thrill. Aether grinned.
“And?” he said.
Albedo cocked his head. “And what?”
“Was I right?” Aether asked. He could see the realization on Albedo’s face.
“A-ah, that…” Yes. That.
As a part of his show, Aether had requested him to include a question to the audience: whether anyone had felt ticklish lately. More specifically, if they were tickled by anyone during this Winter Festival. Albedo could smoothly relate it to the closing ceremony and put the spotlight on the audience, and Aether had glanced at the front rows where his friends were seated.
To his surprise, more people than those he’d expected raised their hands.
Sethos proudly raised his hand and probed Wanderer with his elbow that he should too. Hehe, cute.
Kaveh and Alhaitham both didn’t raise their hand but Kaveh was blushing and Alhaitham had a funny expression. Even when they didn’t raise their hand, Aether thought they were so obvious.
Ningguang and Beidou charmingly raised a hand, both looking rather smug.
Cyno and Tighnari both did too, with Cyno looking more proud and Tighnari more embarrassed.
Zhongli held up a finger, and to Aether’s surprise, Venti shamelessly raised both hands. He waved his arms excitedly, and Xiao next to him held his arms crossed, and judging from the way Venti mumbled in his direction, Aether had the idea that maybe Xiao got tickled too.
That was even more than what he intended with his little gifts, or well, pranks! And aside from his friends, quite some people in the audience raised their hands.
“There were a lot. But you can’t prove it was because of what you did,” Albedo argued.
Aether remembered his own words and repeated: “No I can’t. But see? When presented with the opportunity, anyone would tickle their partner. Or friend! Or family. It’s not just me.”
When Albedo was too speechless, Aether imitated him: “Just because you can doesn’t mean you should! Well, if it concerns tickling, I think most people will, because they enjoy it. It’s not just childish. It’s fun, uplifting, and it connects,” he spoke proudly.
His boyfriend finally chuckled. “Alright, alright! I get it now. I get it. Oh wise tickle-know-it-all.” He then smirked. “If you wanted it that badly, you could’ve just asked, instead of putting up that whole show.”
“What do you mean I-AHH!” Aether yelped when Albedo suddenly grabbed him. The flustered traveler tried to spin around and flee, but he couldn’t stop his clever alchemist boyfriend from digging his little claws into his sides to tickle him mercilessly.
“HWHAAHAH!” Aether wasn’t as charming as Albedo about it. He flailed his arms and exaggerated a little about it, but he was also just very very ticklish.
“Everything alright there?” Sucrose asked as she came passing by. Albedo nodded.
“All good, thank you Sucrose. And good work today,” Albedo said. Sucrose smiled sweetly.
“You too! Have a good night! You too, Traveler!” She didn’t seem too awkward about leaving Aether to get tickled to death.
“Nohohoo wahahait hehehelp me, ahahah!”
Maybe Aether deserved that a little. Maybe he had put too much effort in his tickly pranks for his friends. But hey? It worked! He successfully helped by spreading joy and most people got to laugh a little, which made this Winter Festival even more special!
#genshin impact#tickling#tickle fic#albether#sethoscara#zhongluc#beiguang#cynonari#xiaoven#otomiya!writes
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Little cocksucker
I am not sure how it grew but it started when I moved to Pennsylvania. My parents moved us out to a small town 30 minutes from even a gas station. I was 17 and hoped to be away at school in a next year. I had grown up in New York and the culture shock was insane. It had been months and I had no friends. Then I met Jack
Jack and I couldn't be different he had lived in this small town his whole life. His family owned a farm. And he looked like he worked his whole life on a farm. 6 ft tall and huge I swear he could of flipped a car if he wanted to. While I was 5' 3" damn most of the girls where bigger then me even my little sister. So when Jack invited me to go horseback riding I told him I didn't know how.
"Don't worry I will teach you" he assured me. He drove me in his pickup truck. I didn't even know how to drive and he had been driving since he was 14. Jack walked me thru how to ride. Giving me an older horse to ride.
"He is not going to go hard" he told me. Helping on to the horse. He watched as I rode around the field before he joined me. He then led me thru the fields into the woods. Before we came upon an old house in the woods. He stopped and helped me down. Grabbing my ass as he did. I was shocked but thought it just an accident.
"There aren't many girls our age around" he commented as he showed me around the old abandoned house.
"So I noticed" I told him.
"Have you ever been in a circle jerk?" He asked plainly.
"What, no" I told him.
"There are some of us who help each other" He told me pressing me against a wall. His hand cupping my crotch.
"Go ahead" he told me. Leaning in closer.
"I'm not" I told him
"Non of us are. Animals often do things when there is a shortage of females" he told me. I reached down and felt his hard cock thru his jeans. Holy shit was that all him? He unzipped his pants he wore no underwear his cock sprug free. I stroked him. He just held his hand against my crotch. His hand was able to hold not only my hard dick but my balls as well, while I needed two hands to hold him.
"You can be the female today" he told me as I stroked his cock. It was odd but excited me at the same time.
"There are a few of us, but no one speaks of it" he told me. I shook my head.
"I understand"
"Would you like to lick it?" He asked. I shook my head no but knelt and kissed his cock.
"No one says anything?" I asked.
"Top secret" he smiled as I took the head in my mouth. He kissed and licked but made him cum on the floor. He helped me back up his rough hands rubbed my nipples.
"We are going to have lots of fun together" he told me. He fixed his pants and helped back on the horse. This time not hiding his grab on my ass. I was worried and ashamed as we rode back to the barn. I couldn't even look Jack in the face. But caught myself thinking about his muscles.
The next day in gym class everyone seemed to be behaving different towards me. I wasn't the little funt outcast. Several guys "helped me"
"Hold the ball like this. Or stand with your feet apart " they showed me standing very close I thought.
When we went to change, Bill came up behind me.
"Jack says you joined our little circle" He smiled as he pulled off his shorts and boxers. His cock swinging free. I quickly looked away as he laughed softly. Jack started driving me home everyday. It was a week before he pulled down a dirt road. He stopped and pulled out his cock.
"I can't stop thinking about what a great job you did" he told me. I blushed and took his cock in my mouth. He was more forceful this time. Pushing my head. Gaging me encouraging me to take more. He finished in my mouth but I spit it out.
"It's time you met the rest of the group" he told me.
"Are you going to?" I asked looking down at the bulge ini my jeans
"Not my turn to be the female" Jack smiled not giving me anymore explanation. I rinsed out my mouth. Wondering if they expected more from the "female" . Jack drove me home.
"I am glad you are making friends paul "my mother smiled. she was folding clothes. I blushed a bit as I saw her fold her panties.
I was 17 never even kissed a girl but had sucked Jack's cock twice. I started to obsess over who the other guys where, what they would expect, where they all big like Jack? Was I just really small? I searched the internet. And found myself watching bisexual porn. I came across one with a man wearing panties sucking cock. I would catch glimpses of the guys changing at gym. I found myself looking at their assessment. And not the few girls in class. Was I gay?
"Should I pick you up around 7" Jack said as he came up behind me in the hallway. His hand cupped my ass. I blushed
"Sure"i said a bit higher pitch then I had meant too. I obsessed over what to wear. My hair and how I smelled. Should they want me to Smell like a girl? I grabbed a bag. And thru in a spare tee. Incase Jack came on me again. Should I wear panties? I had never wanted to but now? I decided against it and Jack was right on time. He drove to an old factory on the edge of town the place was huge. He walked me thru.
"No reason to be nervous" he told me. He lit a joint and gave me some. I had only smoked weed once. I got high on just two hits. I heard music as we got close. I saw Bill and Roger they handed me a beer. As Jack led me into a room. Pete was there. Sitting on a chair naked.
"You know what to do" Jack told me swatting my ass. I went to him. Jack left, Pete pulled me onto his lap. His cock now rubbing against my bulge. He kissed me. Long and hard his tounge darting around my mouth. I loved it. And relaxed in his arms. My hand reached down and stroked his cock. He stole the kiss and I slid to the floor and sucked his cock. It was smaller then Jack but bigger then mine for sure. Pete also came quicker then Jack. I didn't try and move I let him cum in my mouth.
Pete calmly got up and dressed as I took a swig of beer to cleat the taste. As soon as Pete left Roger came in. He was the tallest of them. Roger wasted no time he grabbed me and pulled me to his crotch he held my hair as he tried to face fuck me. But I kept gagging. And he would stop. He pulled out and came all over my face. I took off my shirt and wipped it off. No sooner had I done that when Bill presented his cock to me. Bill let me do whatever I wanted. I tried to do things I had seen in pornos I licked his balls. And cupped his ass as I sucked his dick. Almost taking all of him. He asked me wear I wanted it, I just sucked him harder and he came in my mouth. I swallowed it all down. Proud of myself that I was able too.
Jack came in offered me more pot. I was really stoned now. He stripped me naked. And pushed me to the floor, I sucked his cock my jaw aching. But the pot made me not care. As I sucked his cock he rubbed my ass. Then his fingers spread my cheeks I didn't stop. As his finger probed my ass. I moaned as he did. I don't remember much after that.
I must of passed out. I woke the music still playing. I got dressed and went back out. Pete handed me a beer. And another hit off a joint. I watched as they just drank beer and wrestled each other. Jack Sat down and pulled me to his lap.
"You are definitely the girl of the group" he told me his hand cupping my ass.
"What does that mean" I asked softly.
"You will do what girls do for us" he told me. Then kissed me. I was shaking as he then led me his truck and drove me home. As he dropped me off I hesitated. How did I look before I went inside. I was still pretty stoned. My mom was still up looked at me and smiled.
"You have fun honey" she asked
"Yeah" I laughed. I went to bed and passed out. Jake showed up at my house the next morning at 10. I was still asleep. My mother sent him into my room to wake me up. I woke to him sitting on my bed. His hand down my boxers rubbing my ass.
"Wake up sleepy head. I got a surprise for you" he told me. I came to and freaked jumping up.
"Shh, Jake whispered" he pulled down my boxers and stroked me a few times. He stopped
"Better get a move on" he told me and left. I jumped in the shower. As I rushed back to my room. I heard My mom talking to Jake. I couldn't find any clean jeans and rushed to the laundry room. I grabbed my jeans but next to them was a pile of my mother's things. I stopped I flipped thru and grabbed a pair of her panties and rushed back to my room. I slid the panties on they where simple cotton white panties but they felt so sexy. I finished getting dressed and headed out with Jake. Mom handing me an egg sandwich. On the way out the door. As soon as we where out of the driveway Jake handed me a joint. I took a hit and handed it back.
"You enjoyed last night didn't you?" He asked. I blushed and took another hit. Then laid across the old bench seat in his truck my head on his lap. I felt his hand slid down the back of my pants. He pulled over quickly.
"What are you wearing?" He asked surprised. I sat up and undid my jeans showing him my mother panties.
"You can" I fell silent I wasn't sure. But I wanted him.
"The guys will eat this up, they will rape you all day long" he told me. I was scared and excited.
"Can't it just be you" I asked in a meek voice. Sliding close to him my hand rubbing his hard cock thru his jeans. He started to drive again.
"Roger just wants to get off. Bill just goes along with everyone but Pete he wants the whol domination experience" Jack was telling me I pulled his cock out and stroked him.
"What do you want" I said softly.
"I you can never tell" he said. "I like girlie boys" he said now he was blushing. I went down and started to suck his cock. He pulled into a secluded spot. He finished in my mouth. I licked him clean.
"I don't know if I am gay or what. But I know I am attracted to you" I told him. He showed me some of the stuff he liked to watch on his phone. It was alot of twink porn. He didn't want a girl he wanted a little gay sissy to fuck. It turned me on as well. He had me pull down my jeans and he rubbed my ass thru my mother's panties. I was rock hard and throbbing. He had sent the guys a text saying we weren't going to make it. I wanted him to touch my dick but he was careful not to. He pulled me close and kissed me. I was going to explode.
"I want to fuck your plump little ass" he told me. I nodded. But we had no lube. He stopped and drove me to his house. I tried to act all non crazy with lust for him as he led me into a barn. He grabbed a tube of something off the shelf and led me up to a loft. The barn smelled so bad. But he grabbed me and practically tore my pants and panties off. Bent me over and smeared the tube all over my ass. I moment later he shoved his cock in my ass. I yelled. He didn't stop. Fucking me. I tried to be quiet as he tore my ass in two. He didn't stop until he had filled my ass with his cum. He half collapsed on top of me. His cock growing soft inside me.
He let me up.
"Did I hurt you?" He asked concerned. I smiled and kissed him my erection gone. My ass sore. I pulled my clothes back on. As we climbed out of the loft, A woman stood waiting.
"Dad not going to like this" she said. I timidly hid behing Jack. She then turned to me.
"Hi I'm Mary this idiot big sister" she told me. Offering me her hand. Her hands where rough and big. "Take your friend home and get back here we got work to do" Mary told him.
"I can help" I crackled. Still holding on to jack.
"Take him home" Mary told Jack. He led me to his truck and drove me home. He stopped and kissed me before we turned down my road. He dropped me off at the end of the driveway and I went inside to take a shower. Cum, lube and even a little blood was soaked into my mother's panties. I felt my asshole it felt huge. Nobody was home so I took a long shower. I noticed my mother's razor in the shower and shaved my ass. But I kept going I shaved off all my pubic hair as well and jerked off thinking about Jake. I went into my parents room after. I searched thru my mother's drawers. I felt so naughty as I looked thru her things. I opened a drawer full of very sexy lingerie. I was amazed my mother owned such sexy things. But also wondered if Jack would love to see me wear them. I took a black pair of lacy panties and ran back to my room. I put them on under my clothes. They rode up giving me a wedgie whenever I moved. I became accustomed to them rubbing against my sore asshole.
Jake would pick me up everyday and drive me to school. I tried to act like we were just friends. But I so wanted to kiss him in the hall between classes like the girls did to thier boyfriends. The guys left me be. I wasn't sure what Jack had told them. But everyday on the way home we would stop and I would suck his cock. And swallow his load. When I got home I would jerk off. It had been only a week and I couldn't take it anymore. I found myself sneaking into my mother's things again. Trying on bras and stockings. I loved the feel of all the soft fabrics. I shaved my legs and instantly regretted it. Knowing someone would notice.
Saturday night Jake picked me up. I wore little red panties under my jeans. As we drove off.
"I want you so bad" I told him almost climbing in his lap. He pulled over and grabbed the tube of lube. They used it to insemination cows. Shoving there hands inside them. I pulled off my pants. Showing him the pretty panties and shaved legs. He kissed me and bent me over the hood of his truck. He fucked me so good. Coming inside me again.
"You are mine now" he told me. I got dressed but he grabbed my shirt and cut it with his knife. I put it on and my belly showed. Then he yanked up my panties so the waist band showed over my jeans, I felt exposed as he drove to the party. Once there I didn't want to go. He dragged me put of the truck. Terrified I held his arm and his shyly behind him. I got alot of laughed and strange looks. Pete even smacked my ass. But one look from Jack and he backed off. We walked up to the keg to get a drink. And ran right into my little sister Terry.
"Holy shit" she spit out the beer she was sipping. Jake introduced himself when night was suddenly unable to speak.
"Jake, Paulie's boyfriend" he told her. She just smiled and introduced her date. Some kid Jake already knew. Terry walked up to me and pulled the waist band of my panties.
"Are those mom's she giggled. As he date walked her away with his hand on her ass. I spent the whole party clinging to Jake afraid to be away from him. It was after midnight when we left. Jake fucked me again on some little dirt side road before he took me home. I heard My parents in their room when I came in bit just went to bed.
I woke late to yelling.
"I don't care you where way past your curfew" my mother told Terry. I stumbled into the kitchen to grab something to eat.
"Why isn't Paul grounded then" Terry yelled.
"Your brother is older then you" my father said quietly from the table.
"You came home late, drunk with some boy we don't know" my mother continued. I wanted to stay out of this and went to leave with my orange juice.
"Paul's boyfriend knows him" Terry spit out. I almost swallowed my tounge. As my mother and father both stooped and stared at me.
"Terry you are excused" my father said. Terry stormed off.
"Paul we support you in whatever you choose" my father said softly.
"Jake is a very nice boy" my mother smiled.
"Jake?" My father said surprised.
"Of course it's Jake isn't it?" My mother said running her hand thru my hair.
"Yes, I don't know maybe it's just" my words drifted away.
"He should come for dinner either way" my father announced. I went and showered. Terry was in my room waiting
"Sorry I didn't mean I was just mad" she said
"I know it's okay" I told her. She hugged me and headed back to her room. A moment later my mother knocked I was still in my robe. She closed the door.
"You been in my things?" She asked.
"Yes, I am sorry" I told her.
"You can't go into my things" she told me. "Get dressed we will go out and talk" she told me. I got dressed. My mom drove for a long time. As we talked. We talked about being safe, and predators. Seemed like a dating talk like my dad had given me years ago. Just a girls point of view. Then she asked.
"Do you want to be a girl?"
"I don't know" I muttered.
"I liked wearing your underwear and I love how Jake makes me feel" I confessed.
"You too have had sex?" She asked. I blushed unable to answer. Just as we pulled into a shopping center.
"Your father gave us a budget but you can get anything you fancy" my mother told me. She led me straight towards woman's intimates. I was suddenly surrounded by pastel colors, lace and satin. I grew very shy.and my mother let me shop with my eyes, she watched and if I saw something I liked she would find it in my size and put it in the cart.
"You don't need one but do you want one" she whispered on my ear looking at bras. I blushed and my mother went and picked some out.
"You have to try one on make sure it fits" she told me. I couldn't but she grabbed some jeans and stuffed the bra in between and asked the women for the changing room. I tried on the bra, it fit I had trouble hooking it but got it. Another pair of jeans flipped over the door.
"Try these as well" my mother said. I tried on the jeans they fit odd. I realized they set lower. My mother had given my girls jeans. The first pair was too loose. The second fit better. I got more comfortable and excited to try things on. We left with two huge bags of clothes.
"Terry never let's me help her go shopping." My mother smiled. On the ride home I opened up about Jake exposing me at the party. And how he kissed me. Leaving out the sex parts other then to confirm we had had sex.
"You should go to school tomorrow in your new clothes then. Everyone already knows" my mother assured me. She even helped me pick out the outfit. A pair of tight fitting jeans with flowers on the rear pockets. With a pink tee shirt that had spaghetti straps with a white blouse over it.
"You could even wear one of your bras under it all if you wanted to" my mother told me.
The next morning I sat at the breakfast table wearing exactly what my mother had suggested minus the bra. But I did have a cute pink thong on. As Jake picked me up. I sat up against him as he drove my hand on his thigh the whole way. I walked with my hand wrapped around his arm through the school. He walked me to my first class and kisses me.
"Meet you right here" he told me.
"Paula" I told him and skipped into class. I got teased a little mostly by girls the boys to afraid of Jake. But I didn't care. We dated all year even going to prom together. Mom had gotten me the pretties gown. It was way to girlie but I loved it. I became a girl for the most part. Nails always done, my hair grew out some. Terry started dating a guy named Tom. And we would actually double date. So mom didn't worry. I couldn't get enough of Jack. His father disapproved but did nothing to stop us. We are about to graduate and Jake has still never made me cum. While i make him cum everyday. He will be going off to school it's only an hour away. I can't imagine a day without his cock.
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Was browsing the tags of a mutual’s art today, as I spend way too long doing sometimes, and I had a moment-
Because I saw my own fic recommended by someone in their tags.
(Tbh I straight up forgot the title of my own fic for a moment there. I read that and thought “oh haha I’d better check that out” and then I scrolled back up and thought WAIT THAT’S MINE.)
I’m having trouble putting into words exactly what I’m feeling??? Like??? I wanna scream? I wanna cry? I wanna jump around for joy??? I wanna hug everyone who’s ever read a fic of mine? I specifically want to kiss that person who recommended it??? I wanna hug the mutual who made that art regardless of whether or not they read my fic, because that piece of art scratched my brain to keep writing in the first place after a really hard few weeks at work?
God it’s just. It just made my day really good.
#meet jade#I also got to go out with my friends today and the restaurant gave us a huge plate of fried ice cream for free#so to everyone who made my day today great:#thank you. thank you all so much.
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disco elysium update: i've started day 2, but i'm not particularly enjoying myself at the moment... i don't really know what to do or where to go, i feel like i have painted myself in a corner with failed checks and the only available options are ones i absolutely do not want to do. i find the mechanics confusing and overwhelming and i am feeling very discouraged that maybe if i had understood them better earlier, i would be getting somewhere. i want so badly to enjoy the story but it feels like it's going to take a lot of effort to like, get any of it :(((
HOWEVER i suspect that if i try again on a day i feel less headachey than today, and if i manage to find some kind of breakthrough that doesn't involve becoming a fascist, i will hopefully get back on track and feel a lot better about the game again. hopefully!!!!
#i think pentiment worked for my particular game brain a lot better#having to fiddle with stats stresses me out so much#i did look at the clipboard until i fainted so that was great#i haven't removed the corpse yet. turns out i need to internalize a thought and my thought cabinet was full#because i didn't know what the thought cabinet was and that it could get full and how i could unlock more space and it almost made me cry#BUT i have. unlocked a new thought space now and i will hopefully get to remove that corpse sometime soon and HOPEFULLY that gets me anywhe#so i don't just. run back and forth for hours achieving nothing at all!!!!!!#apologies to everyone who has been very excited for me to enjoy the game. i was enjoying it until i ran out of leads to follow#im a little bit worried it might not like. do for me what it's done for others. but im still early in#and i think. today was just not a good videogame day#i play disco following 2 rules. 1) don't be afraid to be cringe. 2) always listen to kim
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#so my mom's wake thing was today and that was a lot. not in an emotional sense but in a im standing here talking for 3hrs#to ppl i dont kno or barely kno. ya kno? but it was good bc so many ppl showed up to talk abt her#so many people. my mom made a huge impact on the school system. so many ppl relied on her. she encouraged at least 2 ppl to get their#master. for one person to specilize in helping the dyslexic after her experience advocating for 3 dyslexic daughters. she wrote and was#awarded a 10000 dollar grant for special needs and intervention curriculum. which will affect so many lives.#everyone loved her. she's gonna get a track meet named after her and a scholarship created in her honor.#she was an amazing person and she affected a lot of lives and im glad she was my mom. and she raised at least one jem in my littlest#sister who is so sweet and is a great teacher. god but there was some weird stuff too. were pretty sure her old boss was in love with her.#and there were some weird comments abt her being a strong woman or this woman doing so much and its like hm y do i detect a note of sexism#y not say she was an amazing person? y the surprise? weird comments about how pretty i looked. which yes i looked great lol. my funeral fit#was cute. we did bright colors bc it was a celebration not a dower event. and im sure it was ment well but it was a lil weird. and then#everyone was telling my grandma what a great job she did raising my mom and like god fuck off she didn't do jack. my mom was great despite#her terrible mother. ugh. but altogether it was good that everyone was able to express their love for her. it was def a day that was for#them mostly. i mean partly for us but mostly for them. none of us even cried. ay but we have 2 more parties in her honor#bc everyone loved her so much we have to do one in her hometown too. plus a personal friends get together. ugh. im so tired#i wish i wasnt the most awkward. eye contact avoidant person in the room but like ya kno. what can ya do?#unrelated
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ok soim gonna ramble about the wedding in the tags cos this is my diary lol kitty dont read this (she's not been on tumblr in ages it should b fine pfft)
#personal#ok so first of all it was a very overwhelming but amazing day!#the food was INCREDIBLE lol i honestly want the recipe for the chickpea fritters (that were covered in sesame seeds) like asap lol#sad i never got to have an italian pizza#(partly cos i was mainly w/ my mum who cant eat too much wheat rip...)#the venue was also amazing! there were all these animals (it's like a sanctuary thing?)#it was a shame it was cloudy and rainy that day but it wasnt too bad lol#(like look im english i'm used to it being rainy and cloudy 90% of the time pfft)#the actual vows ceremony part was honestly a highlight#i cried lol (it was a mixture of things... i was tired and overwhelmed... also i love my sister a lot ofc lol)#(also didnt help my mum was bawling her eyes out next to me pfft)#(also wasnt the only one cos when we went to say goodbye all my other sister's were crying too pfft...)#her husband's family were a Lot but all super lovely!#what was really funny is that they sat us on tables w/ a mixture of italian and english guests#and on both our table and one of the others everyone was bonding by showing each other pictures of their pets pfft#(mainly cats lol)#the dj wasnt that great pfft (yes i was mainly annoyed that there was no kpop cos i think my sis said she wanted to include some...)#i did get up and dance v awkwardly (mainly forced to by one of his sisters pfft) but it was fun lol#ohh and her dress(es) were seriously stunning!#the one for the main ceremony was like a classic victorian(?) sorta style#with an amazinggg 30s style veil!#her evening dress was shorter and she'd sewn the flowers we'd all been helping make for her on it#and it was honestly just so gorgeous#(i might try posting some of pics of it if i can?)#she also made her husband's waistcoat which matched the colours in her dress :')#struggling writing this rn cos i have a very needy cat trying to demand attentino lol#(we picked them up from the cattery today and i think they had a p tough time :(((( i missed them so much honestly)#anyway so the not so great things were the photographers (which ?? there were two ??? why ??)#they were really invasive and annoying lol#half my family couldnt even see my sis get married cos they were in the way ugh
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there’s something so sacred about sharing what you love with others: whether it be a song or food or clothes, a show or a movie or pictures. it's just... such a deep and personal thing, you know? having someone carve out a little part of their heart and gift it to you with an abundance of joy and excitement and passion... yeah.
#i lowkey had an awful day today lol#and it was my first day taking over as teacher so that's a great way to start it#there are people in seventh period who literally despise me and maybe that's an exaggeration but i looked over their creative writing for#the day and one of those kids literally wrote about how he was having a good day but then it turned into a bad day when i started the#creative writing with them so that was great and other stuff happened idk and one of my tics was really... uh... present today and i was so#aware of it and i feel like everyone was laughing at me because of it even tho ik that was just me being self-conscious but God i wanted to#cry and i shared a piece of my heart with them today for the creative writing exercise and so many of them just. told me how awful it was#like someone straight up started with 'this song is terrible' and then proceeded to write a paragraph about how bad it was#idk. it made me feel like a young kid again - sitting by myself on the playground and reading books. like i was in middle school and#everyone was telling me that the things that i loved were stupid. like i was a kid getting teased just lowkey enough that the teachers#couldn't tell because it wasn't necessarily outright bullying but they were making fun of what i loved which Hurts and then i was in high#school having to defend what i love and then in college hearing 'you ruined this for me because you liked it too much' and it just. idk.#it hurts. i find sharing passions and what i love with others so sacred and important and it Hurts when they just tear it and you down and#ik they're juniors and ik there will always be people like that but it was constant and idk. i'm just sad lol#so anyways even if someone shares something with you that you don't like there is literally No reason to be rude about it. you're allowed#to say you dislike it but it's not okay to just tell them straight up it's stupid or awful or you'd rather get hit by a car than hear the#song again. hm. ig i have some unresolved trauma lol#sorry for the rant y'all i just. needed to rant ig idk
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Ngl I got like, an old unfinished dreamswap fic au ig ??? That's just been sitting there for years and lowkey I'm tempted to actually continue and share it mayhaps if it's not too cringe, it would be good practice for my original stuff since well,,, I'm still fckn tryna write doranverse lmao,,, my perfectionist brain is in editing hell with doranverse rn so idk maybe practice fics would help with that, and also bc it's fun writing dreamswap stuff ngl even if I have no idea how accurate I am with the cast, lots of ppl like my older dreamswap fics to this day on ao3 so ig that's something good
#toasty speaks#I was sorta flip flopping between that fic and doranverse earlier today#the whiplash of writing nightmare in a tense situation#and then switching to writing skizii getting a dirty dish towel flung at him as he's climbing through a window#it's so funny ngl#original doranverse stuff tends to be wacky to write when you literally CHANGE THE MAIN CHARACTER AND WHO THE STORY FOLLOWS#I love changing my mind rlly late on#it's great/sarcasm#also if you're wondering that old dreamswap fics p much nightmare being slowly controlled by some multiple eye corruption thingy I made up#thats like diff from regular ol corruption bc the image in my head of nm being surrounded by floaty cyan glowy eye magic was cool#and like its him fckn fighting with it and everyone else having to deal with that#also it like mirrors his memeyness just in a violent kinda way so theyd be bickering like siblings#idk if thats cringe or not but I just wrote it one day and never rlly posted it#I had like a fuck ton of cringe dreamswap aus back in like 2019 and this aint even the wildest of things tbh#I fr treated dreamswap like a full on dollhouse to mess with before I had my original stories and characters#tag rambles woo
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and with that i do believe that my run with interstellar in imax has come to an end.
#check out the stats: 4 shows in 7 days. two shows within less than 24 hours of each other#one show that made me drive three hours through the city I hate to get to the imax#tbf I didn’t know that it was coming to my town because the original weekend it was not here#so I had to make the drive. then! I found out my local imax was going to show it so I went three more times lol#truthfully I feel good about it. I could go again tomorrow night at 10pm but I think while I was watching it today#idk something just came over me and I thought ya know what? this is it. this is my last time seeing it in imax#I came to peace with it and im okay with it. it was beautiful to witness. it really helped when i had contacts in instead of glasses#I think we worked through a lot of feelings while watching these four shows. I think we learned a lot about myself too#definitely found some answers we were looking for. definitely opened up some other wounds too but that’s okay#I got to enjoy movies again and really be immersed in cinema so that was a great experience#plus all of this with a movie I already loved so now! it’s boosted my life exponentially#idk how to make an interstellar url which is why we went with rust but like. dammit I owe you my life interstellar#god what a beautiful film. I’ve seen so many bad takes about it too and it’s not like im blinded by my love for it#that I think the takes are bad. no it’s genuinely shit like ‘oh what do you mean they couldn’t figure out how to grow more than just corn?’#like homie you obviously were not paying attention! the earth is dying! (real) and corn is quite literally the only thing left!!!#they have to leave if humanity is going to survive!!!!#anyway. like I said. beautiful film really enjoyed this past week of getting to see AND experience it.#watching it on blu ray now will never be the same#thank you everyone who followed along on this journey and thank you mr McConaughey for giving me your accent for the week#okay last two things: a) im gonna go back and tag all my stuff so I can look back on this time with joy and whimsy#second: here’s my definitive ranking of my viewings of the movie:#first had to be the first time i saw it. nothing is topping that absolutely nothing. experiencing that for the first time and road tripping?#like come on that’s dedication to the art right there. second would be today. feeling at peace knowing it was going to be my last show#and really getting to soak it all in. absolutely. plus I had contacts in so I could see everything lol.#third was yesterday bc yeah I finally got to see everything (again. finally had contacts in) but the audience did make it a little tough#usually im game for a big movie with an audience but there were too many distractions really pulling me out of the experience#last was probably Friday. even though I was jazzed to see it again bc that was the first show in my town there was a kid vaping two seats#away from me and that gave me a headache. plus I had glasses on so again. can’t see part of it bc the frames of said glasses.#thank you to everyone who followed along on this journey! apparently there is a 30 tag limit so last tag:#shelby watches interstellar
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My brain's weird it screams just by reflex of me seeing a bug but will take like a day to register a death lol
My mood today be like:
Then after I finish crying:
#vent#im having a really shitty day#i just wanted my fucking cold teriyaki#but nooooooo#fucking cockroach cricjet thing whatever tf crawled out of it#so my apatite is gone for the night#oh ya in other news my uncle died#i haven't seen him in a while#heart attack in his sleep#so now time to see that “your everyones favorite person when your gone” thing play out so that'll be fun#his siblings disowened him or smth to that effect cause he was gay so my moms gonna play nice unless his sister comes crying to her#then my mom may go to jail we'll see#uncle as in my moms cousin btw#so ya i found out when i got home yesterday kinda blacked out the rest of the night cause in retrospect i dont really remember after that#then just cried intermittently today#*horray sound effect from fnaf plays sarcastically*#what broke the tear dam originally was my teacher thought itd be a great idea to play a documentary...#about places w/ high concentrations of 100 year olds & how they stayed sharp by not being lonely 😑#ya its morbidly ironic cause he was in his 60s#fuck life rn man he was cool rip#you know what documentaries at school are always horribly timed in my personal life. the last doc was a murder-rape#& a criminal “family member” came at ~4am & stayed outside the door for hours & waited for us to wake up then ate breakfast with us#(hasnt done that kind of crime- or hasnt been proven to have done that kind of crime)#(but still made me have a panic attack first thing in the morning so thats fun 😁)#(ya who tf plays a murder-rape doc for their 8th grade 1st period???)#(also didnt help that the criminal family member was alone in the house with my elderly grandmother & physically unwell mother 😄)#(at least theyre- socialable- i guess?? completely unrelated aside from the doc part)#YAY TRAUMA DUMPING :D#yay trauma#(clarification: “sociable” as in not on horrible terms with my family
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“Who did this to you?” A deep voice echoes, vibrating around the walls of the throne room. On the opulent throne sits the owner of the baritone voice — Ryomen Sukuna. The king of curses, resting his head on his arm as he looks down at you, too scared to look up from your feet.
“I don’t like repeating myself.” He warns, your body hasn’t ceased shaking. Your uniform is tattered, the rips in the fabric revealing deep purple bruises. Uraume was the one that found you, unconscious in the butlers pantry. After waking you up they brought you to the throne room. So there you were, kneeling at the feet of your king.
You arrived to the estate a year ago, your life as a servant was agreeable. Lord Sukuna treated all his servants well. You were loyal, efficient and pleasant to look at, it was only a matter of time before he started to notice you.
At first he requested you be the one to serve him breakfast. Then it became lunch, and suddenly you tended to all his meals. He demanded you for everything, his bathing, dressing. He could do all of these things himself of course, but he prefered your gentle hands. His personal attendant, not even Uraume, had seen the king of curses at his most vulnerable... but you had bared witness to all of him.
“Fine, if you won’t tell me who. Then why?” Ryomen slowly rises from his throne, his looming figure towering over your kneeling body. He lowers himself to your level, one hand reaches down to lift your chin. Firm yet gentle he forces you to look up at him, your eyes meeting his red ones. Your once flawless skin is covered in bruises. His eyes darken.
“They t-think you favor me.” Is all you can manage to get out.
Word spreads around the estate of course. And plus Sukuna didn’t exactly hide his preference for you. You didn’t sleep with the rest of the help, you were given a room connected to his. ‘In case he requested your presence in the night’ but the reality was he slept better knowing you were near. You didn’t eat the servant food, you dined in the great hall. At a separate table he had made for you. All of these things on full display for the others to see, it wasn’t long before the insults started. At first it was the odd ‘slut’ or ‘whore’ being mumbled in passing. Then an accidental shove into the wall, always followed by a curt “sorry”.
But today? It was your birthday. You had only mentioned it to Ryomen in passing one day at breakfast. He never understood the need for such a useless celebration. You went about your duties for the day, when Uraume found you and handed you a small box. And there on display for everyone to see, a beautiful beaded bracelet made from polished cherry wood. A token of appreciation ‘for your hard work’.
A gift from the king of curses.
“What’s so great about you anyway?”
“Lord Sukuna’s bed-warmer gets everything she wants!”
They punched and kicked, throwing you into the pantry. The group of servants you once thought of as your family. Clouded by jealousy, hatred towards you — the lord’s favorite.
Ryomen Sukuna, the epitome of ruthlessness and malevolence, softens his gaze. He looks upon your trembling form with… pity? His moment of weakness is replaced by an unreadable expression.
“You have been relieved of your servant duties. You will stay here in my quarters from here on out.” It’s a demand, leaving no room for objection. Your eyes well up with tears looking up at your king, his other hand wipes them away. He rises, walking towards the door, his back facing you.
“Get up. Uraume will tend to your injuries. Once you are well, we will visit the servant’s quarters. You will point out those who laid their filthy hands on you, and I will kill them.”
part 2 out now!!
#jjk#jjk fanfic#jjk imagines#sukuna x reader#ryomen sukuna#ryomen x reader#kbwrites#jjk x reader#jujutsu kaisen
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Hello Mr. Gaimen! A few months back I had introduced you to my cow, Bentley. Well, he got a new ear tag today and I thought you and the Bentley Tumblr crew would love to see it. So without further ado here he is all snazzed up.
And here's a close up of the tag with the business card of the talented lady who custom made the tag for me.
I hope you and everyone this reaches has a great day!
Best cowtag ever.
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