#so this is both an informative call to action and a vent
kaurwreck · 2 months
The average American's ignorance of federalism and the separation of powers is going to fuck us on child online protection legislation if the same energy that is going towards KOSA isn't dedicated towards state legislatures too.
The federal efforts towards KOSA have moved much more slowly than state efforts, and Section 301 of KOSA is drafted with language that permits much more restrictive state legislation because Congress is trying to avoid preempting the 23+ child online protection bills already passed by states, and the many more being considered by states.
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justcallmecj · 4 months
Y/N Being An Older Sibling To The Boys
Here, this will just be random spews of information about some examples of how Y/N acts in this manner with each boy. (This will be with everyone)(Also, platonic all around)
Also, if it's with a student who has Overblotted, It will take place sometime after their OB. I haven't researched lore beyond the Pomefiore book so anything after that I don't know about, sorry.
   Riddle Rosehearts
After Riddle's OB, it was hard for you to see him as anything but a child who had it tough in his childhood.
Ever since, you've sorta just had a soft spot him.
You often find yourself checking on him, especially when you know that Heartslabyul has had events going on that could possibly lead to stress for him.
Riddle is short, everyone know that. And you being a dragon, you're taller than most people. Because of these factors, head pats are a common occurrence for Riddle when you're nearby.
You've found yourself quite good at calming Riddle when he starts to blow his lid. You've saved quite a few Heartslabyul students from getting collard (they thank you greatly for it).
You think he is extremely cute!
You don't tease him like you do your actual sibling, but that's just because you know how sensitive he is.
Riddle won't say it because he's too embarrassed, but he absolutely loves the affection he gets from you because he is an only child and has never been treated like this.
Hugs. Plenty of them. He melts all the time from your sibling affections.
Trey absolutely loves you because of what you do for Riddle.
Trey Clover
Now, we all know Trey is the oldest sibling, so he and you are actually very alike in personality and your mannerisms.
But, with how close you two are, you both have your moments of being the older sibling to the other.
You two kinda are like those twins that actually get along. Y'know, who have similar interests so you do a lot of things together.
You and him bake for the Heartslabyul parties and unbirthdays together all the time. Even for dorm dinners where you get invited by both him and Riddle as a 'thank you' for help cooking.
When you get to be the older sibling: There are times where Trey gets stressed and you happen to catch him. All it takes is a good 20 minute talk and he feels better than ever because he's actually really good at detecting his emotions and knowing what needs to be done to feel better. You are one of those things.
For a moment when you get to be the younger sibling: Sometimes, the whispers you hear and the looks you get from the boys at school get to you. They get you feeling down. And for some reason beyond your knowledge, Trey always manages to find you. He's prepared with your favorite treat and listening ears for you to vent about it all. When you start to feel better, you both decide to go do something to have a little fun.
Unbeknownst to you both (but you both kinda do know), some kids in Heartslabyul have started calling you two 'The Dorm Twins'. It's a strange title but they still use it for whenever the both of you are together. (Cater uses it the most out of anyone, sometimes you can find pictures of you and Trey baking on Cater's Magicam with captions like #TheDormTwinsAreAtItAgain).
Also, Trey is a sucker for the big hugs you give him with your wings. For some reason, he find the action a comfort.
Cater Diamond
Now, Cater has made it quite clear that his sisters annoy him and that he rather not be near them.(He does love them tho)
You on the other hand, your affection is no where near as over bearing and annoying to him as his sisters is.
You're aware of how his actual sisters get to him, so you made sure you didn't do the same thing.
You often find yourself indulging in his Magicam shenanigans. You know it makes him happy and his wide smile makes you feel warm inside.
He actually loves when you two are hanging out and you start styling his hair! It makes him feel loved.
Cater is very physically affectionate, so when you two are together, he's almost always touching you in some way. You both love it.
On particularly hot days when he's working with the rose bushes, he invites you over so your natural cold can help keep him cool. You don't mind much anymore these days.
You sometimes like to mess with him by using the light that reflects off your scales and make a glare on the screen of his phone that makes it so he can't see anything. It annoys him so much but you stop before he actually gets upset.
Ace Trappola
The relationship between you two is 'annoying little brother with responsible/teasing older sibling'.
While Ace has his teasing streak with people, he can never seem to get under your skin, but you definitely can get under his.
You get him out of trouble (especially with Riddle) all the time. He'll never thank you for it, but you can see the silent words in his eyes.
You tease him. All. The. Time.
You also know when to reprimand him. When he's doing something you know will get him in trouble, you wack him in the back of the head with your tail to stop him. He immediately knows to back down before you try again, harder next time.
Ruffling his hair makes him so embarrassed, do it and he's frozen for a good while. It's kinda your secret weapon against him.
Of course, as all siblings do, they have their moments of getting along. When you both decide to do something, there's no doubt that it's gonna happen. Once, you both decided to play a prank on Deuce, and it worked out beautifully!
In the end, Deuce was drenched in water, and freezing cold after you sprayed the softest mist of your ice breath on him. (No harm done in the long shot tho, he was just grumpy with you two. You made it up to him by baking a treat during you and Trey's recent bake session)
You also attend most of his basketball games and are his biggest supporter in the stands.
Deuce Spade
'Delinquent brother and responsible sibling' vibes all the way with you two.
You were the first person to know about his delinquent days, and you were sympathetic with him (which he appreciated)
In times where his delinquent side shows, you know exactly how to snap him back to reality.
You bring his balled fists together and rest both hands on top of his. The firm grab of your hands is enough to ground him and remind him of his goals for this year.
 He always comes to you when he feels he needs to speak or vent about something, and you're always there to listen.
He really appreciates how you indulge him in athletic hobbies.
He loves to be able to see you cheering him on when he's at a track meet/competition, cheering him on from the audience. It always makes him even more hyped up to compete!
He's another person you should head pat. He gets silently flustered and embarrassed every time. He's not that used to positive physical affection so he doesn't know how to react.
You can't help but giggle every time you see his state after a hug or head pat, this only makes the embarrassment worse for him.
Leona Kingscholar
Now, Leona is a tricky one. While yes he is the younger sibling in his family, he's one of the older people at NRC so there's no real "being on older sibling" with him.
More, it's taking care of him when he neglects to do it himself.
Ruggie thanks you for taking some of his load from Leona off his back.
You easily hunt Leona down when it's time for his next class or when lunch time rolls around.
He reminds you of an oversized cat honestly (in an endearing way).
Sitting next to him when he naps is oddly comforting, and he doesn't seem to get too grumpy when he wakes up to find you watching him in his sleep.
You bring him food when he makes it clear to you that he's not getting up.
Sometimes, his insistence to not get up becomes so annoying that you straight up just pick him up by the waist and sling him over you shoulder while walking off to where ever he needs to be.
At this point, he's defenseless against your forced removal from his napping place.
The cold you produce is strange to him. He's so used to the hot of Savanaclaw and Afterglow Savannah that cold sets him into some kind of awestruck, shock state. (This makes moving him easier)
Once, when he was eating after you brought him lunch in the botanical garden, the sun caught on your scales and created a small circle of light on the ground in front of him. He didn't react, but you saw that for a solid 2 minutes, his eyes were glued to wherever the circle went.
He'll never tell you that he really likes the attention you give him.
You knew due to his OB that he had bad relationships with his family, especially with his brother, Farena.
You started paying more attention to him after that to try and give his some more stable relationships on his life.
Ruggie Bucchi
Ruggie is someone who isn't used to being taken care of.
He has so many younger siblings that he takes care of that, that treatment being uno reversed on him by you is the strangest thing to him.
And it's exactly that reason that you do it.
His clueless reactions and lack of knowing what to do spark a sense of playfulness in you that you just need to give into.
You do have your moments of being helpful instead of playful though.
You help him with his chores around Savanaclaw whenever you can.
Although, Ruggie does get back at you for playing with him eventually. And he strikes back harder than what you start the war with.
Sometimes, a full out prank war breaks out between you two.
The other members of Savanaclaw find it to be the most amusing thing ever, but Leona doesn't.
But you two purposefully rope him in and he ends up being the victim to a lot of the pranks you throw at each other. It's your guys' revenge for him making Ruggie do so many chores.
Scratch behind his ears. He makes the cutest face of peaceful contempt, one you don't get to see that often.
He has definitely introduced you to his family and they were quick to except you into the family, even if you are a dragon.
His siblings LOVE you. (You also let them hide under your wings, hang on your tail and look at your horns. You got some extra brownie points from them for that.)
Jack Howl
From others pov, it's hard for them to see you being the older sibling type when next to Jack. The way he looks, big and with a grumpy look constantly on his face, makes others think he doesn't get close to anyone. Even you.
You on the other hand, have found your way into his heart.
Jack's still young, and while you aren't actually much older, you definitely act the part. He's more immature and brash while you're the one who gets him to stay out of trouble.
He's a bit of a muscle head, and sometimes his strength gets to his head. You're strong yourself, but not in a meathead manner.
For sweet moments between you both, here: You are an absolute sucker for his wolf form.
Seeing a giant wolf is adorable enough, but knowing that it's actually Jack, the boy you've come to care for like a brother, makes it 10x better.
Whether it's his wolf or beast man form, ear scratches are a common must have with you both. He melts at the feeling of them and seeing his happy face and wagging tail makes you feel so freaking giddy inside!
Sometimes when you and him are standing next to each other(for whatever reason), your wings instinctively wrap around him. He doesn't mind and people have stopped questioning it.
Azul Ashengrotto
You and him get along oddly well.
He's a tricky man, but that behavior never seems to be pointed or shot at you.
When y'all first met, he was actually very nervous around you and found you intimidating. That was until he and you actually started interacting with each other.
You helped him a great deal after his OB. Now that you knew the truth of his childhood, your instincts of an older sibling kicked in with him.
You always encourage him with his self image and self esteem. He's actually gotten better because of you.
Its gotten to the point where he trusts you to commonly see his octopus form.
You think he is just the most adorable thing when he's like this! You can see where Floyd gets the urge to poke Azul(but you don't for fear of making him question his looks again)
You actually like to hang out at Octavinelle with him. He knows all the ways to access the giant fish tanks, meaning you get the chance to play with the fish and other creatures swimming around in there.
When you're there, sometimes Azul will take you to a secret tank that only him and the Twins know of. The cold of the water in Octavinelle is a comfort to you and you like swimming in the water. You and Azul swim together until one of you has stuff that needs your attention.
You being a dragon is extremely fascinating to him. You're nothing like the mer-folk he's used to seeing in The Coral Sea. You often catch him staring at your wings or horns even if he tried to turn away before you can see him. You're eyes are too perceptive though.
The Twins love to tease him about finally making another friend besides them. They also have come to like you because of how much you help Azul and they see that you genuinely care for him.
Jade Leech
Jade can also be tough to be an 'older sibling' to. He is the more mature of the Leech Twins and supervises both Floyd and Azul in some manner.
You appreciate his calm nature. You spend so much of your time with the other first years that chaos has become part of your daily routine.
His calm demeanor is like a breath of fresh air.
Despite this, you know that there's a more malevolent side that he has yet to truly show. But honestly, you don't care because that fact hasn't caused you any harm, nor your friends.
He didn't act any different with you than anyone else at first, but you soon saw his normal behavior change towards you.
When it's just you and him, or you, him and Floyd, he drops his formal way of speech when comfortable. Sometimes even ranting about his sorta strange passions.
One day, you, him and Floyd were hanging out in their room and Jade went on a small rant about his terrarium. You leaned over to Floyd and asked if he often does it. Floyd answered with-
"Only when he feels comfortable. I mean, yeah he does talk about them with people, but not with so much passion. Usually only with me. Don't you feel special, Umitsubame-kun?"
Now Jade considers you to be a sibling, or at least close to one.
He's also very glad that you and Floyd get along just as much as you and he. He'd be upset if you didn't
Floyd Leech
He was real quick to give you a nickname, just as he does with everyone. The name was 'Umitsubame-kun.'
In turn, you gave him one for the hell of it. You ended up calling him 'kaishi-san'
The return of his nickname games at himself shocked Floyd, but he was quick to accept it and tease you about it as well.
You've grown used to his mood swings. You also have found ways to get him interested in something, even if only for a short while.
He actually likes how easily you can handle him.
He's come to realize that there's no real getting under your skin. When teasing doesn't work, he jokes how "your skin stays true to a dragon, hard scales that don't break even with stabbing." He then sulks if he really wanted the teasing to work.
He's tried squeezing you in the past, but your scales are hard and made it ineffective. Once they even cut him a little because he tried to hard. You then spent some time bandaging the cut and spending the day with him to make up for it. He quickly accepted the apology.
Jade trusts you to watch over Floyd if he's ever not around, and you gladly take on the challenge and have fun doing it.
He took you to that secret tank I mentioned earlier simply to show off his eel form and show you some tricks in the water.
He and Jade are a packaged deal. One is typically not with the other. Only when Jade has a duty he needs to attend to or when Floyd gets bored of something Jade's doing and leaves. His first destination is typically, you.
He's clingy with you, but you don't mind. He touches your horns and pokes at you wings all the time. He stays away from your tail though unless given permission. He has a tail too and doesn't like it being randomly touched out of no where.
Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim gives the biggest 'little brother' vibes of anyone at NRC.
Yes he's the oldest of his family, but his attitude, demeanor and behavior shows quite the opposite.
You take care of him all the time, and he welcomes it with open arms!
Kalim is extremely physically affectionate. And while he was a lot to handle at first, you were quick to adjust and welcome the affection.
When ever you too are together he's touching you some way. Eventually, he's clinging to your side as if he were glued there.
Hugs and cuddles are a must have, multiple times a day kinda thing for him. It makes him shine just a bit brighter than before (if that was even possible)
Jamil also gets some benefits from this. He doesn't have Kalim up his ass as much as he used to be. Now Jamil can get a little bit more work done with less stress.
You are always the first person Kalim goes to when Scarabia is hosting a party. He wants to make sure you know so that you come (if you want to, he won't force you).
When he hugs you, you instinctively wrap your wings around him. It creates a dark space around him and sends a chill down his back but he always laughs at it. It doesn't matter what it feels like to him, he's getting hugs and that's what he wanted.
He was never truly intimidated with your dragon features, maybe a little nervous but not scared or anything. You thank him for that a lot.
Your horns fascinate him. They're pointy, like icicles, and cold to the touch. He pokes them when you let him and despite the cold prick he feels every time, he still does because curiosity overcomes any pain. Sometimes, you have to stop him because he's been poking to long for your liking.
He loves flying on the Magic Carpet, but to him, nothing beats flying with you. He discovered this when once you offered to carry him through the air while flying. Your powerful wings kept both of you in the air and you went faster than the Magic Carpet typically does.
Jamil Viper
Jamil is so used to being the adult of Scarabia, that your treatment towards him was hard to get used to.
It got even stranger to him after his OB.
While you already did these things, they became more frequent. You helped with his chores whenever you stopped by the dorm, constantly checked up on him, took Kalim off his hands (which you were fine with) and helped cook some of the dorm dinners. (Your time with Trey helped you prepare for this moment!)
He's so used to doing things on his own and being alone in most endeavors.
He was reluctant in the beginning, but he came to love long, deep hugs from you. Your natural cold body was calming, a break from the hot of Scarabia. (The hot was terrible to you but you did what you could to regulate yourself)
He appreciates the quiet time you give him and how you don't push him to talk about what may be troubling him. You wait for him to be comfortable.
He actually really likes listening to you talk. He showed a lot of interest once when you talked about your Unique Magic. He wanted to see what it was like (This stems from his interest in ancient incantations). You warned him of what the effects were but he still offered for you to try it on him. (He tried to use Snake Whisper on you during his OB, but your eyes are meant for blinding snow. It didn't work on you. He still feels sorry.)
Never. Again. He grew up in The Land Of Scalding Sands. He only saw snow for the first time when he came to NRC. He was definitely not ready for being actually frozen.
Vil Schoenheit
This is clearly long after chapter 1 and 2 that I wrote. You've gotten close with Vil and Rook now.
Vil doesn't like being doted on in a 'little brother' type manner. He's an only child who is constantly praised and loved by his millions of fans.
Because of this, you've decided to take a different path with him.
You began to tease him.
This was the biggest of surprises to him. Never before has someone tried to tease him. He's only ever received praise and respect from people. At first, he thought you just had far to much audacity.
It didn't take long for him to realize though, that you were being affectionate with him.
Your words were never harmful, hateful or condescending. They were their own strange, sweet encouragements hidden under the tone of teases.
"Oh come on Vil, why not do something different with how you look? I'm sure someone as talented as you could pull anything off."
One day he confronted you about it all. He expected a bit of a fight about it though. With zero hesitation, you admitted to messing around with him. But you also explained why you acted the way you did.
He then told you that he was fine with whatever affections you wanted to shower him in. Over time after realizing your true intentions, he came to enjoy the attention he got from you.
He really like gentle, firm squeezes on his shoulders or thighs because they're a feeling of grounding for him.
He's learned how to better mind his mental state after his OB and you've helped him with it.
You two being in the same dorm means you're easy to find, and same goes for the reciprocal.
He also likes to use you as a makeup dummy and a model for clothes meant to fix people with animalistic features
Rook Hunt
Rook is an interesting character.
Even as you two have gotten closer, he's still so freaking mysterious.
Your dynamic with him is more 'acceptance of the strange' (if that makes any sense).
Neither of you are an 'older' or 'younger' sibling with the other, you just kinda have a comfortable acceptance with everything about each other that has lead to a sibling-like bond.
He sneaks up on you. All. The. Time. And while you almost always hear him coming, (your hearing is even better than a beast-man) his fast movement always manages to spook you a bit from the shear speed.
He 'hunts' you like he does the other non-human students of NRC, but unlike others, you don't mind it a bit. In fact, you kinda find it fun. You can't hide from him but you can manage to escape.
He is always staring at you dragon features, but he's even managed to notice the less noticeable ones. He sees how in the sun, your eyes have a type of glaze over them, protecting them from the blinding light. Your pointed fae ears have small white points on them, a scale like spike. Sometimes your white scales have a blue tint to them in certain lighting.
He praises the beauty of all these things, always earning a small look of embarrassment from you as no one has ever noticed these things.
Once, he convinced you to go on a 'hunt' with him. You and him just spent a day watching Ruggie, Leona, Sebek and Floyd as they went about their day. But you heard as everyone of them whispered about having the feeling of eyes on them. You quietly giggled every time.
Epel Felmier
He hates it, but he is such a little brother.
He wants to be seen as big, strong and the protector.
But with you, he doesn't need to protect, you can do that on your own. You're bigger and stronger too.
You do all those things to him, but you know what he wants. Because of that, you let him.
You've let others mess with you a bit so that he has the chance to stick up for you. His accent thickens and he gets threatening.
You let him have his moments, but he's too cute for you not to baby him a bit.
Ever since the first day of school, wrapping your wings around him has become normal. And he's no longer nervous about it.
He comes to your room to vent to you about how Vil's been breathing down his neck all week and he is getting tired of it. You think it's amusing when he slips from normal speech into his natural, thick southern one.
He invites you to come with him when he's training for Magift. He uses you as a means to see how far he can push himself, using your inhuman capabilities as a test. How far and fast he can run, how flexible he is, his aim with the disc and some other things. Ruggie and Leona don't mind you helping him out.
When he needs time to unwind from the stress of Pomefiore, you know exactly what to do. You sneak him under Vil and Rook's radars and take him to a quiet place you've found in the forest behind the school. A peaceful grove of trees that creates a perfect atmosphere.
He also loves cuddles where he can be the big spoon (but he can be small spoon when he just needs the most hugging)
Idia Shroud
Idia was extremely hard to get anything like being close.
His anti-social behavior and social anxiety means that for a while, you didn't even know who he was.
You actually met him through Ortho. You were at Sam's shop while Ortho was buying some snacks for his brother to eat. You two got to talking and Ortho for some reason thought you'd be the perfect friend for Idia. So he invited you over and convinced you to talk to Idia.
It was extremely awkward at first, and rightfully so. Neither of you talked, that is, until you made a comment on one of the games you spotted on his computer.
He was shocked to know that you played it yourself. This new knowledge sparked some random burst of confidence to just talk on and on about the game.
What's your playing style? Who's your favorite? How much lore do you know? How often do you play?
You two only got closer because you started playing that game with him, speaking to him online where he's more comfortable.
Eventually, he started inviting you over more often to his dorm to play games and watch stuff.
Once he got comfortable with you, he grew used to have forms of physical affection. Your cold body was strange to him, but he found it a comfort from the usual hot temperatures of his room. Your tail was fun to watch swing and flop around when you weren't paying attention.
You were hesitant, but happy in the end to learn that his hair wasn't harmful to touch, just warm to feel.
When he, you and Ortho go out (the only times he leaves his dorm), you've learned to recognize his anxious tell-tales. When you see him start to freak out, you wrap and wing around him to block his few of people, which are the things making him anxious. It calms him down since all he can see is you and Ortho.
 Ortho Shroud
He. Is. So. Freaking. Adorable!
The 'little brother' behavior of this boy is through the fucking roof.
You met him at Sam's shop and you two hit it off right away.
He found you extremely fascinating because he's never met a fae like you. He's spotted Malleus a few times but that's it. And you're a dragon completely opposite of him.
You found him equally fascinating. Not everyday you meet a robot as intelligent and well functioning as Ortho. He seems just as human-like as anyone really.
Just like with Idia, you were hesitant around his fire features. You weren't scared after knowing they were just as harmless as his brother's hair.
He loves to give you hugs, and since he's a robot, the cold doesn't bother him.
He helps you with homework (idk, I just can see him doing this)
The thing that makes Ortho most happy is that you get along with his brother.
He takes you with him every time he goes to Sam's shop to buy something.
Malleus Draconia
You are his absolute favorite person in the world.
I mean, he does still love being with Lilia, Silver and Sebek, but you are a different story.
You being a dragon type fae makes him like you even more!
He's never met someone so like him, sure you're an ice dragon, but a dragon nonetheless. You have the same attributes he does.
He was actually really nervous to talk to you. He ended up asking Lilia talk to you first and invite you over to Diasomnia.
Lilia left you and Malleus to talk (keeping Sebek away) and you two surprisingly hit it off well.
As you got to know each other, you both were quick to learn what the other was like. And over time, you found him to be an adorable, socially awkward boy who really just wants a friend to talk to. And you were happy to fill that role.
Eventually, you came to treat him like you do your own little brother. You didn't baby him, but treated him as if he were younger (he's not but that didn't stop you, and he doesn't seem to mind.)
Trips to ice cream shops are common with you two. Your tails intertwine at times and your wings tend to brush together (when he has them out that is.)
Late night flight sessions as well. He flies over to Pomefiore and knocks on your window to get your attention. Vil found out that you were sneaking out once and got so upset about it because you were supposed to be sleeping. Them Malleus came up to you and Vil and explained to your dear dormleader that you two were just having fun. Vil didn't get onto you again after that.
He makes sure not to breath fire near you. Once he did to light a fireplace and you panicked, he hasn't done it without warning you first since.
Lilia Vanrouge
There is absolutely no way to be an 'older sibling' with this man.
He's an grown man who has raised a prince and a child of his own. Nothing but father vibes from him.
There are times though that he reminds you of a little kid due to his playful nature and short stature.
Sometimes you forget how old he actually is and just out of no where ruffle the hair on his head or rest your hand on his shoulder.
His first thought when meeting you was to introduce you to Malleus but eventually you and him got closer as well.
He gets ahead of himself sometimes and he randomly just messes with your wings or horns. After awhile of him doing this, you've just grown used to the sudden feeling of him suddenly touching you.
He tells you stories of when Malleus and Silver were babies and in turn you tell him stories of when your siblings were babies. (He begs you to introduce him to your brother and sister one day)
He treats you like another one of his kids honestly. He always invites you over to Diasomnia and cooks cookies. (Don't worry, they're simple pre made cookies that just need to be baked in the oven. He's not trying to kill you, he only does that with his actual kids.)
You take care of this sucker all the time. (Lilia thanks you for this)
Whenever he falls asleep in a less than conventional place, you're always there to scoop him and move him or watch him until he wakes up.
Silver attracts all sorts of woodland animals, meaning you get to play with them when he falls asleep.
Seeing someone with dragon features like Malleus is weird to him. He did grow up in the world of fae but the only ones he's met are those of the Draconia family. He didn't even think there were other dragon type fae.
You're a breath of fresh air for him. He's so used to being with Sebek, your more calm nature compared to the loud, verbose Sebek is nice and refreshing.
You like to set his head down in your lap when he falls asleep. But you make sure to place a cloth between you two so your cold body doesn't bother him.
He's invited you to training sessions many times. (Sebek complains but whatever) He like when you sit off to the side and cheer him on. You do sometimes like to spar against him. It's mostly just to mess with him though, you use your tail or wings to block all his attacks and he can't do anything against it, your scales are to tough to do any damage to. (Almost like ice ;) )
Sebek Zigvolt
(Through wiki searches I've discovered Sebek has two older siblings) Sebek is the youngest kid of three children! You can fit in as the perfect 3rd older sibling.
At first, he didn't show much like for you, but that's because he had only heard of you, not met you. Then you two met.
He gave you respect because you were a fae, not a human like he assumed you were through Lilia talking about you. (Of course he still held Malleus above you)
Actually, you being a dragon was very off putting for him. He felt extremely conflicted for some reason.
Even with how stubborn he was, you were determined to break through him. You mean, you've manged to get close with all the other boys, why not him too?
You did. You got to him. He grew affectionate towards you (but he'll never admit it).
Kinda giving 'reluctant and stubborn brother, but really like being taken care of' vibes.
Sebek prefers warm environments, so you being naturally freezing is strange. And you know that so you tend to refrain from touching him more than he's comfortable with but sometimes you can't help yourself. And surprisingly enough, he didn't seem to mind it too much.
(Floyd calls you 'Umitsubame-kun'. Umitsubame means Sea Swallow. It's a beautiful little sea creature. You should google it to see what it looks like. You call Floyd 'Kaishi-san'. I researched and Kaishi is a name that means 'Ocean Child', you thought it'd fit for him. Rook also called you a nickname in chapter 2. He called you Dragon de glace, which translates to Ice Dragon.)
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matixv · 2 years
Domme Wanda Maximoff x Sub girl reader
Summary: Wanda isn’t used to her powers, she is still learning how to use them. Her lack of knowledge leads her to make more victims than expected, forcing the avenger team to leave her at home on their next mission. All the News on television are calling her a Monster, someone dangerous, not to be trusted. Once at home, Wanda uses you as a way to take the anger off and shows you how much of a Monster she can be. You aren’t used to seeing her going so rough on you, but in some ways, you like it, and not only a little.
Warnings: smut, kinda dark Wanda, kinda cnc but still safe?, pain, anal sex, strap ons, spanking, belt spankings, spitting, hair pulling, worshipping, aftercare, Wanda is mad at the world, bdsm, restraints, big strap on, mention of blood, scratching, degrading names, pain play, praise.
Words: 3.3 k
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Ok! So this was a request, and I hope I satisfied what you were looking for. I couldn’t write REALLY dark Wanda just because I want to keep my page safe for littles or really sensitive subs, but I still tried my best.
You comfortably sat on the couch, the tv sharing loud and annoying information about useless things you didn’t even care about. You were waiting for news about Wanda and the other Avengers, news about their accomplished mission without any victim, news about another city being saved by your wonderful girlfriend. She had warned you about the possibility of not hearing about her for days, even weeks, but you trusted her to keep you up to date about the occurring events.
You melted into the cozy red couch you and Wanda chose back then, when you bought your first house together. Red was your color: the furniture was mostly red, Wanda’s powers were red, your safe word was red. You soon discovered that a normal relationship wasn’t suited for the both of you, you wanted more, a dynamic possibly? A Dom/Sub one. It didn’t take long to discover who was who, you submitted to her since the first day.
As you were thinking about the past, Wanda’s name appeared on the huge screen, but not in the way you were expecting. The reporter had a deadly serious face, not a inch of positivity in his facial expression: “Avenger Wanda Maximoff wasn’t more than a obstacle to the dream team! The Scarlett Witch killed an entire building of innocent people trying to defeat the enemy with her powers. Her teammates immediately jumped into action, leading her away from the scene before her powers could get out of control. Luckily many of the people were saved, but we are not expecting to see the red head any time soon, as the Avengers decided to bench her”
The cup of tea you were holding crashed onto the floor, tea spilling everywhere on your carpet. You couldn’t believe that; you were sure Wanda was more than capable to control her powers, to use them for good. Something must have happened. You slowly got up, cleaning the mess you made, waiting for anything: a text, a phone call… anything.
As you knelt on the cold floor, your phone rang. It was Natasha. Why was she calling you? Did something happened to Wanda? You knew how easily your girlfriend could slip into a dark headspace, a bothered one, where flashbacks and Memories tried to eat her alive. You definitely couldn’t control or read her mind, but it wasn’t hard to understand, she was an open book for you.
“Nat? Hey, is everything okay? Please tell me she is fine! Is she hurt anywhere? Do you need any help? Because you know I can be there in a few hours, I don’t even need the Jet, I just need to pack a bag and-“ you started venting before she could talk.
“Y/n, she is fine, she is driving home to you”.
“Oh”. You froze on your spot, giving yourself time to take in what she just said. Wanda usually gave herself a few days after her Missions to recover from the stress and the tiredness the use of her powers led to. She would spend those days in the Avengers cave, in her room. “Are you sure she is okay? She… she never comes home right after her missions, it isn’t something she would normally do. D-Did you check on her before she started driving?”
“She looked fine, she just wanted to be home with you. I bet she wants your comfort” Natasha smiled on the other side of the phone. No, you thought, she didn’t want your comfort. You were just a way to seek comfort. Natasha and Clint were the only two people to know about your dynamic, but it was still a sore spot for them. “Please, be safe, and don’t hesitate to call back”
“Yes, Nat. Thank you for everything” you thanked her ending the phone call.
Wanda would be here soon, and you had no idea how to prepare for her arrival. Once she walked through the door, she used to hug you and hold you tight, but what would happen if she didn't? What would have happened if she needed anything else?
You decided not to overthink and went to tale a hot shower, the water pouring on your head, you melting under the soft jet. You instantly felt relaxed, your muscles loosened, your mind felt almost empty from anxiety. If Wanda needed something, you were there to give her what she wanted.
You took your time, washing your hair throughly. You shaved and covered your body in lotion, carefully massaging your legs and arms. Once out of the shower, you dried your hair and wore some comfortable clothes: a black crop top, a pair of grey sweatpants and some cozy home underwear. You weren't there to impress anyone after all.
As you peered into the kitchen, you noticed a faint noise of someone moving things around, but no one was standing there. You walked into the room and saw the reason of the noise: Wanda was sat at the table, moving things around with her powers. From the table to the living room, from the living room to the library, from the library to the counters, and from the counters to the table again.
You tried to catch the book she was controlling, but the item was moving too fast. You touched it with the pad of your fingers, breaking Wanda's hex and making the book fall on the floor. You searched for her eyes. Red.
"Hands behind your back!" She yelled, getting up from her chair. You immediately assumed the position, without her having to tell you twice. "See, that's what happens when people ruin everything, when people don't trust my powers". She walked up to you, her face only a couple inches away from yours. Suddenly, you felt her hand gripping the back of your neck and forcing you to look down at the book.
Her hand was obviously leaving a mark on your skin, it burned and her nails were deeply scratching your scalp. "I-I'm sorry, Wanda" you apologized, taken aback at the roughness of her actions. "It won't happen again"
"Address me properly, you fucking useless slut" she hissed leaning closer to your ear, her red aurea making you fall deeply in your sub space. "Try again" she ordered.
"I'm sorry Mistress, it won't happen again". With that, she released the back of your neck, making you fall on the ground on your knees. You looked up at her, searching for a little compassion in her piercing scarlet eyes, finding nothing more than her will to prove herself that she was indeed a monster, a sinful one.
You perfectly knew what her lustful glance was asking for, she was ready for you to praise her for her work, to appreciate her for whatever reason could come up to mind. You slowly crawled near her legs, leaning into them and hugging her from your place on the floor. 
Her face softened, giving you a hint or sweetness. Her hand slowly rested on your previously abused scalp, moving your hair delicately, giving you the opportunity to rest and breathe. Your Wanda was home with you, and it didn't matter if she wanted to be a Monster or herself.
"Praise me, tell me I'm a monster" she whispered.
You clung more to her legs, taking in the scent of her skin. "Mistress, I'm so proud of you for her work, you did amazing. You showed yourself for who you are, for the monster you are, it was wonderful to watch even from home. Your powers are the strongest ones, the Avengers wouldn't have done it without you and your wizardry"
Her hand subtly grabbed a fistful of your hair, yanking them backwards until your mouth was forced open, eyes fixed on the ceiling. She lowered until her mouth was just in front of yours, and spitted in it, yanking your hair forward once you swallowed obediently. "On your feet, bend over the table". She was pretending to be a monster, but the helping hand she gave you to stand up said otherwise.
"Y-Yes Mistress, thank you" You whimpered, bending over the table as quickly as you could, not wanting her to wait any longer. You heard some familiar clicking, it was unmistakable, it was her belt. You tried to stay still, not wanting to make the things worst, but it was not enough.
"Stop squirming!" She yelled. You felt the sound of the leather item on your sweatpants before you even felt the stinging pain that came with it. "Control your fucking body or I'll do it for you, and trust me, it won't be pleasant"
"Yes Mistress"
When she said she would have controlled your body, she didn’t mean tying you down or handcuffing you, that was too easy for Wanda. She meant using her powers to force your hands behind your back or behind your head, forcing your legs open so you couldn’t close them.
You decided to obey before any similar thought crossed her mind. Your palms were touching the cold wooden table, your nipples were poking through your shirt and your eyes were concentrated on what was in front of you.
“Ouch” you whispered, laying your forehead on the cool surface as you felt another stinging swat coming down on your rear. Another one hit you and another one again.
You felt her mumble something to herself while she was abusing your backside with her belt: “they want to see the monster uh? They will see the monster then. That’s what happens when you try to help! You think the other Avengers haven’t killed anyone during their careers? Natasha was literally a trained assassin! For fuck sakes”
Each word was interrupted by the belt landing on your bottom, with you trying not to cry at the pain.
After a minute of pause, you thought it was over, but you were wrong. She grabbed you by your hair, pushing you throughout the house. Your eyes were blurred by the tears and you just let her guide you to the place she wanted you the most: your bed. When she released the grip she had on you, you immediately fell on the soft mattress, a great contrast to the hard table you were bent on.
She was looking at you expectantly from above, her eyes glancing between your neck and your face. “You look so pathetic, as everyone else” she almost barked. “And to think that I came home for you. You are good only at being used, at being my toy, a fucking object”
“You are a Monster, Wanda” you whispered.
Her glance turned from hate to rage. You didn’t even notice her raised hand before it made contact with your right cheek, sending you pain through your nerves. You didn’t have time to recover that she was already ripping your clothes from your body, until you laid naked on the bed.
“How dare you?” She whispered, leaning over your body to reach your ear. “The audacity, the disrespect, after everything I’ve done for you?”
She roughly kissed your lips, biting your lower lip with her teeth. Grabbing your chin with her hand, she tilted your head to the side to have better access to your neck, biting and sucking your pulse point quickly after. “Mistress, please, I need more, I need you” you pleaded.
You glanced at her when she was removing her clothes, her red jacket and her black jeans quickly landed on the floor, and now she was standing just in her bra and panties, giving full dominant vibes.
“That’s right, you need me, everyone needs me”
Her movements were quick and planned, maybe she thought about doing this since the mission was over?
As you laid on the bed, her knee reached in between your legs, sending shivers down your spine. You tried to grind on her to get more pleasure, but the result was far away from your plans. You felt something around your hands, but it wasn’t physical: her powers were forcing you still on the bed, you had no control on your body anymore.
“No, No, please Mistress, I beg you”
All your attempts to convince her to give you what you needed had been in vain, Wanda was not doing it for your pleasure, but for her own. While one of her hands was focused on holding you down, the other was traveling lower and lower on your body. First she took a nipple of yours between her fingers, squeezing it until it left a purple mark around the areola, then she headed towards your pussy, where instead she immediately reached your clitoris, slapping it violently.
“Miss!” You yelled, snapping your head up from the bed.
The one in front of you wasn’t your usual Wanda, it was like a real monster had taken over her empathy. Yes, you both liked to cause and receive pain, but this was another kind of scene. She liked the idea of causing you pain so you wouldn’t enjoy it, just for the pleasure of seeing you suffer. It was like being in bed with Scarlet Witch, the one who had everything taken from her and had nothing but pain.
Furthermore, she didn’t let you touch her, and it was really odd from Wanda, she loved your touch.
Suddenly you felt your hands become freer, almost light. You realized that Wanda had freed you from her powers. But before you could move, your body was picked up and turned around, so that you were on all fours. With your eyes you noticed the last drawer of the bedside table opening, and the strap with attached the biggest dildo of your property attached. Your eyes sparkled at that promise, soon Wanda would have taken you the way you craved the most.
Despite her rush, she took her time with your cunt. You felt two fingers deep into your pussy, angled towards your g point. “Fuck!” You screamed at the sudden intrusion.
“As much as I would have liked to split you in half with my strap, I’m good enough to use my fingers beforehand” she added, spanking your ass with the other hand.
When she removed her fingers, your hands squeezed the comforter that covered the bed, and after a second, you were penetrated by the strap. The dildo was huge, everything was burning and you felt like your body couldn’t stand such an intrusion. "I can’t do it Miss, it’s too big, it’ll split me in two"
She laughed at your cries, only pounding harder into your aching pussy. She leaned forward after a particular hard thrust, and scratched your back with her nails, almost brining your skin to bleed. “If you think THIS will break you in half, just wait for what’s coming after”
Everything was amplifying: your screams, her grunts of pleasure, the wet sound of the strap that came in and out violently. You were being catapulted into a world where all you could feel was what was happening from your waist down. “Miss please, let me cum” You cried, fisting the sheets harder as your knuckles almost turned white.
“Cum, give me what’s mine!” She ordered. And you did as she said, your orgasm came crashing and you couldn’t do nothing more than scream and cry. “That’s it, you are my cum slut, that’s what you are good for!”
Your body fell weak on the bed, your cheeks wet with your tears. She almost collapsed on you, but avoided the crash by holding herself up with her hands. Her breathing was fast, her hair messy and her forehead sweaty. Her voice was guttural, coming from the back of her throat. “Am I a monster?” She asked, never meeting your eyes.
You just nodded, turning your head so your forehead could rest on the softness. If I agree, she would be satisfied, you thought. But you were wrong.
“Maybe I wasn’t hard enough to you? Yeah, you need something more, don’t you?”
When she turned you to lay on your stomach again, you were just preparing yourself for another round. It wouldn’t have been the first time you came more than once in one session, the contrary would have been unusual.
But it only took you a few seconds and a excruciating pain to realize that her plans were very different. Wanda would never do something like that without telling you, right? She would have prepared you carefully, and she would have made the event a special occasion to get even closer and bond with you . Your hopes faded when the pain reached the rest of your body, making you realize what was happening.
Your girlfriend, your beautiful, red-haired, blue-eyed girlfriend, had just penetrated your butthole.
You never talked about anal sex, you haven’t even tried with anyone of your past lovers. It was such an intimate place and you didn’t trust anyone with it; but you trusted Wanda, it just wasn’t the way you expected your first time to be.
“WANDA!” You screamed. “OUT! NOW!”
When you felt your stretched hole being empty again, you let out a relieved cry, feeling the pain spreading around your legs and stomach. You just brought your legs to your chest, sobbing loudly into your knees. “You are a Monster” you cried, hoping you satisfied her enough.
She unbuckled her strap, making it fall to the ground. Her expression was numb, it was like she wasn’t feeling anything at all.
You ignored her as she walked inside your bathroom, hearing the water of the shower hitting the floor. She was getting a shower and washing the day off of her. You were glad she decided to let you by yourself after what just happened, you needed your time to understand.
Your head was making you overthink your entire relationship. Was she the right woman for you? Was she the domme you chose at the beginning of your story? Were you enough to satisfy her needs? Maybe she need a stronger woman like Nat or Yelena to be happy. Now you were just waiting for her to lecture and leave you.
As you heard the bathroom door opening, you hid your head in your pillow, hoping for everything to end soon.
You felt a fresh cloth touching your skin, a delicate sensation, almost frightened by physical contact. When you opened your eyes, Wanda’s silhouette was kneeling beside the bed, and she was cleaning you of the sweat and blood on your body. Her eyes were glossy, her lips chewed.
When she stood up, you flinched back, but her expression at your scared frame, was beyond sorrowful. “I’m sorry” she whispered, sitting next to you. She carefully cleaned your most intimate areas, but it only resulted in you hissing and scrunching in pain at any attempt or reaching your backside or your pussy. “Shh, it’s okay, everything will be okay” Wanda kept speaking softly, giving you the time to relax.
“I’m sorry for your mission” you cried, reaching for her hand. You needed soft physical contact, you missed her.
“It’s okay, I was mad at myself and… at the world, but now I’m not mad anymore. My heart was hurting because I wanted to be helpful and save people, but I only made a mess and now tue world hates me”. That almost made you cry, her poor eyes glistening under the sunlight were a evident proof of her pain.
“Lay next to me”. Your hand reached for her chin, tilting it up so you could look into her eyes, her beautiful and sweet eyes. “You need to rest, we both need to rest”
She silently agreed, lying next to you and hugging you tightly, like if she was afraid you would disappear at any point. “I won’t go away, Wanda, I’m here” you whispered.
“I’m sorry, stay, please”
“I will, rest now”
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Aita for making my friends drop another friend completely?
Warning: There is mention of suicidal thoughts. Also I swear a lot, I apologize.
This is some dumb discord drama but I feel like an utter asshole for this despite multiple people say I wasn't in the wrong and others saying that the friend group shouldn't had known about the situation and I shouldn't had forced this onto them.
And I been around here a lot, please don't excuse any behavior taken here as "You guys are young" or "You guys are kids." You will understand later as why but a lot of things that happened shouldn't be excused and that involves some of my behavior. And no, I am not doing a TL;DR.
There is a lot of pre-context so I will bold where the situation I'm talking about starts.
So me (17, he/they) and a few friends had created a server to get away from people in another server. We had really 1 rule which was "what happens in the server, stays in the server". This hangout server became a vent server very soon as a lot of us have issues that we just can't see a therapist for and use each other.
We had an issue with this one friend, let's name him Owl (14, M). Owl had been way to relaxed and some of the stuff he had said began to lead to fights within the friend group. He and another Jojo (15, M) were making jokes about each other, which were taken too far. Owl could had stopped it way before by stating that the jokes were too far but despite he had started it. He texted Jojo about their biggest insecurity in the form of "imagine having [insecurity]" and then hell broke lose. Owl knew Jojo was insecure about this because they talked and vented to each other privately, so for Owl to do that was shitty and a red flag that we didn't catch at the time, mainly because Jojo didn't tell any of us what was said till after the dropping. This was only one out of seven conflicts we would have with him before we got fed up. I will not go through all 7 but I will go through the ones that led to us removing him from the group.
I, Owl and a few others of us were playing a game on. I was very stressed and stated that beforehand and wanted to game to cool off. This was around the time that the Supreme Court made their decisions which added to my stress. I cannot remember what comment he made but my stress hit a peak and I blew up at him, possibly a joke about rights (trans rights) which is a touchy subject for me (it isn't out of his character). At this point I was having a breakdown on call and he didn't realize despite the fact it was clear through abnormal behaviors. Owl had also been around be in a breakdown beforehand, so I don't know how he didn't know. During breakdowns my voice becomes shaky and cracks, I speak very fast and make irrational decisions. Our other friends picked up on that and tried to deescalate the situations but Owl kept going and adding conflict until I removed him from the call (because both of us had admin powers). After a while I had gotten Jojo involved out of sheer panic and trying to get out of a conflict while not thinking rationally. After a while I rejoined call, Owl was gaming like nothing happened and I cried on mute due to the breakdown. Why I rejoined call? I don't know. Jojo pulled us to the side and talked about how he didn't want any more conflicts and that we would have our perms removed, Owl was informed that the breakdown happened and what he did made it worse, he didn't apologize for it at all.
The final situation we had with him before we dropped him was between Me, Owl, Jojo and Ark (Doesn't want age to be stated, M). Owl had lost all ways to communicate on call because of a dumb action he did that caused panic to another member (reading a classified document that another person found on Bing after being told to stop). He was clearly upset and during the mix Jojo had gotten a suicidal thought but Owl had encouraged his thoughts saying shit like "Why wait? Your life of pointless". Ark stepped in and bashed Owl for this behavior and the two got into a fight before we banned Owl.
Owl let the situation drag for 5 days as he didn't try to fix what had happened or apologized for any action he done up to that point unless the entire group was against him. The some of us got together and decided a last resort plan, we would stage an intervention and give him 3-5 days (which is being nice) to fix his shit or he would be dropped. We invited him to another server and we have the intervention there. He took a while to join, nearly 40 minutes. He was informed how important it was 20 minutes in and took another 20 to join. After that he refused to join call, which I understand but it was more so, he didn't want to because he saw no reason. I told him why, he got upset at the fact we were timing him. We had the mentality that he was on our time as he did waste 5 days not doing anything but letting the situation just hang. Me and him got into it and he said he didn't care about any of our friendships (even those not there) and he wouldn't mind being dropped if we were going to pressure him to apologize for things that here his faults and try to make amends.
We dropped him however I made the choice of informing others who weren't in on the plan and told them to drop Owl. This also meant Owl could not come to America to get his dream job which requires 11 years of training because he was dropped but not only Me, who would bring him to the states and house him, but also the person who was help pitch in for his college payments and student debt. I feel bad about informing everyone about what he had said and how he acted, which included people who had no idea what was going in the background. There were people coming back who hadn't been online this entire time and being told to get rid of him. I just feel like I shouldn't had forced that decision on them, especially as a person who had been dropped by an entire friend group like that. But we been doing a lot better without him and we try not mention the situation but as time has gone on, I feel more and more terrible at the fact I put other people involved and had them remove all contact to him instead of letting them decide.
Am I the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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edenfenixblogs · 9 months
What are you doing to help black people?
Several things! (A Note on My Personal Limitations: I am not black. I am unable to protest for health reasons. I do not have much money at all)
I elevate black voices whenever I can
I joined an anti-racism book club where I can learn how to be a better ally and unlearn as much systemic prejudice as I can
I do not tolerate anti-black racism from anyone in my life for any reason. I call it out every time, publicly.
I donate (when financially possible) to several causes devoted to both long term and immediate aid to to black people including: various bail funds in my current state and my home state, the southern poverty law center, the Homeless Black Trans Women gofundme, the ACLU, and others.
I consistently educate people in my life about the goals of BLM — including defunding the police — in order to reduce their knee jerk reactions and foster better understanding.
I shut the eff up unless I can help. I’m no savior; I know this. I don’t break into conversations that don’t involve me. I just listen. Most of my public advocacy is amplifying black voices on issues that affect the black community without adding my irrelevant opinions as white-passing person.
Privately, I have and continue to reach out to the several black people in my life to let them know I support them and that I am listening. I listen to them vent to me about their pain and suffering. I let them tell me if I’ve fucked up somehow without getting defensive. Then I apologize sincerely and onboard the new information and don’t do whatever the offending action was again. I have not had anyone tell me I’ve fucked up in that way in over a decade, though. I did, however, realize (during my continuing journey of learning how to be anti-racist) that I’d held problematic opinions as a teenager (nothing crazy. Just ignorant teen bullshit borne from growing up as a liberal in a red state and thinking I was more progressive than I actually was at the time) and proactively reached out to the black friend I’ve known since my teenage years to say that I know I was an idiot back then and I’ve learned a lot since then and I will continue to learn and to apologize.
My work involves public communications. In my role, I continually advocate for anti-racist, black-affirming language in our company guidelines and publicly disseminated materials, even when that means confronting my boss—who is a white man.
I vote in every election in which I am able, researching every politician and bill thoroughly from multiple sources and voting as leftist as possible and educating people in my life about these bills details and the politicians platforms and records.
I am not perfect and don’t claim to be. I only claim to try my best to continually improve.
I don’t make a habit of sharing private communique and am only doing so now because this post asks for receipts. Here are some excerpts from conversations had during 2020 when tensions were a little higher. I decline to share receipts from more recently, as those conversations include more private and more identifying information. The pictured conversations involve friends I’ve had since pre-school, high school, and college. Again, this is not something I would normally share, because saying “I have black friends” is tacky and gross. But I am trying to respect your request for my commitment to the black community, which does of course include my friends. It feels wrong not to mention them in this context, even though I feel awkward saying it at all. Im also sharing only the start of longer conversations, as my friends’ pain and concerns are not for public consumption.
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Idk if replying to your question alerts you, so tagging you just in case. @phantomdiebe
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angelbambifemme · 5 months
The "femcels" and "female manipulator" people are completely insane to me. Babe, it is not a flex to proudly admit that you're abusive and manipulative lol
I often find too that "femcel" is synonymous with "terf"
Funny how that works huh.
I may be a lesbian, but I don't *hate* men. I actually have quite a few male friends. Hell, even a few straight ones alongside bisexual ones. I genuinely enjoy the presence of my male friends and I'm not on the constant thought that they're going to assault me at any minute, nor do I even think for a second that they have a crush on me secretly. Even the single ones.
By the way, dismissing sexual assault or rape by saying "Eugh, it's just men being pigs like always!" just makes it completely impossible for that individual man to take responsibility for his actions, cause it's apparently just "the norm" and therefore should just be disregarded as "boys being boys" and not "this man is a rapist"
Sure, I understand being a woman or just general feminine person that fears men because statistics show that man on woman rape is more common, but this doesn't automatically render *every* man a rapist, nor does it make them responsible for another man's predatory actions. It also frustrates me how much women raping men gets invalidated and disregarded because "he probably wanted it" because she is a woman. This is not fucking true. Just because he's a man, doesn't mean that he necessarily craves the attention of women every second of his life. This goes the same for women abusing men; whether it be emotionally, mentally, or even physically. They're called "girlbosses" when they're really just being an abusive piece of shit for no good reason.
The way that women breeching their boyfriends privacy is such a normalized thing is honestly disgusting, too. If a man simply doesn't wish for his girlfriend to check his phone and go through his messages, it's automatically assumed that he's cheating or having an affair. If it was the opposite way around and a man did this to his girlfriend, he'd be shamed and called a red flag. BOTH are red flags. If you're so insecure that you feel the need to violate your partners privacy because you're so worried about them cheating on you, then that just goes to show that you do not trust your partner and therefore don't love them that much. Relationships require TRUST, and if you cannot trust your partner; you should never be in a relationship.
I don't allow my girlfriend to go through my phone without permission. She doesn't allow me to, either. No, it's not because we have anything to hide or we're cheating; we just have boundaries and respect for each other's privacy. I personally have extreme trauma with my privacy being violated as a child in the name of "protecting" me and "monitoring" me. Now I don't feel safe to leave my phone or any devices on in the same room as someone because it makes me stressed out to think that they may look through my photos, messages, etc and see things that weren't meant for them. I.e private conversations between friends where they may be venting or spilling private information that they intended for only you to see.
My partners are both completely understanding of this and don't look at nor go through my devices without explicit permission from me.
Anti-man rhetoric is so highschooler-core and I wish it'd stop. Grow the fuck up. You're not cute for being an abusive, manipulative dickhead. The women who say "all men are rapists and and abusers" I just wanna ask, how come all of my straight, single male friends haven't raped, abused or assaulted me? 🤔 How come they're very normal human beings whose only thoughts aren't constantly about having sex? How come some of them are asexual? 🤔 Gee, really makes you think...maybe you should just try having male friends who aren't abusers. Problem solved.
Misandry is just as disgusting as misogyny. Both are equally bad. Period. Fuck femcels.
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jordan-the-pious · 8 months
Hello again! I have an update about my sister.
I think trying to hold a sincere conversation uh... Frightened her somehow? She didn't take to it well. She always did get nervous about uh. Real feelings...
Extremely recently, she filmed an indecent video showing off her undergarments and posted it online, specifically asking that it be spread around so she could get lots of attention. Then when she inevitably got disgusting messages from a dangerous seeming person, I had to hide said undergarments so she wouldn't sell them to this person!
Also recently I saw her sending a different dangerous seeming person a weird message revealing her real name and address, calling them a "walking red flag" and herself something like a "helpless deer with red-green colour blindness"????
Sydney is usually able to mellow her out without doing much, which is reassuring, but in no possible universe could I even consider just... Walking up to them and saying "Hello Sydney! Lovely weather we are having! Please babysit my younger twin sister for me. She is very self destructive and I am worthless! Thank you!" For uh... Many reasons! At least she's peaceful and harmless and not being harmed when she's asleep haha...
Oh gosh, I went completely off the rails here... I'm so sorry. I only meant to give you an update like you asked, but I think I got a little worked up...
~ @poorsadorphanposting
Hello there young Edin! Thank you very much for the update, I was rather worried about both of you.
I am sorry to hear that things did not work out well between you and your sister Esmee. I had hoped my advice would have served you well, and I am sad to hear that it seems to have made things worse. Please know that was never my intention.
In terms of Esmee's behaviour, this is all very concerning, I am tempted to say that she may be possessed by something malevolent, but I am worried that making an incorrect call in that area may cause more harm than good.
You mentioned that young Sydney seemed to have a positive effect on her, yes? But that you feel bad asking them to watch over her, which is understandable. You do not want to appear incapable of caring for someone who you care for and who should be relying on you. Perhaps I shall assign young Sydney to take watch over her, and inform me if more direct action is needed.
That way you would not lose face with anyone, and Esmee can maybe achieve the help she needs.
I do worry about you in all of this, young Edin. It cannot be easy seeing one so dear to you change and struggle like this. Know that if you ever need me, even if just to vent your frustrations, I am always here for you. And I know that this decision may be a long ways off, but if you ever become more comfortable with your relationship with your sister, know that there is always room for the both of you here. We would love to have you be a member of the church.
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dearest-painter · 11 days
Hey there! I don't know if you remember me, but I was the anon who sent you a thing a few months ago to warn you and others about the more abhorrent actions of the artist Namy Gaga (https://www.tumblr.com/dearest-painter/747620174237138944/so-sorry-to-bother-you-but-i-saw-someone-in-a?source=share).
In light of recent events, I felt like doing a follow-up was one of the best things to do since:
I discovered some new information that I wasn't aware of at the time.
Certain events have happened which completely caught me off guard.
Content warning for discussions of victim-blaming, harassment, inappropriate/illegal NSFW artwork, and toxic behaviour (including but not limited to queerphobia).
I discovered a Tumblr account Namy or a fan made in July last year (coincidentally around the time of the victim's lawsuit). I initially theorised it was created to mock any critics Namy had on that platform. As of me writing this, the blog has changed. BUT it has the same username as before (which you can easily find while searching "Namy Gaga" or "Namy G" on here), CONFIRMING THAT SHE DID IN FACT MAKE THAT ACCOUNT TO INITIALLY HARASS PEOPLE.
Originally, I talked about a comic she made in 2018 where she was gatekeeping LGBTQ+ experiences. As of me writing this, she still has not taken it off her Deviantart (I have the link to prove this - please avoid the comments for your mental health as a lot of them are either argumentative, gross or blatantly transphobic: https://www.deviantart.com/namyg/art/LGBT-Correct-answer-Meme-757868018). I did see someone speculate that Namy may have had internalised queerphobia at the time (due to how some people with internalised queerphobia tend to police other people's queerness), but I am also aware that someone who is LGBTQ+ can police other people's queerness and NOT have internalised queerphobia (perhaps there are other reasons OR they're just a you-know-what). That's just my opinion tho and I'm open to hear yours (if you want ofc).
As of me writing this, she has opened up about being genderfluid and still identifies as sapphic/queer (not specifically lesbian tho). While a part of me wants to believe that Namy has grown from her past queerphobic actions and opinions, I am of the firm belief that just because someone is LGBTQ+ (regardless of their experiences or the terms they use) doesn’t excuse/dismiss bad behaviour. - from a bisexual person with multiple LGBTQ+ friends
Remember when I talked about a Google Drive that Namy made to paint one of her victims as a liar - using actual screenshot evidence (of text conversations, etc.) that could definitely look incriminating in a court of law (if the victim's initial lawsuit were to progress any further, which I haven't found any updates about as of me writing this). TURNS OUT THERE WAS A CRUCIAL DETAIL I DIDN'T MENTION WITHIN THAT GOOGLE DRIVE. Specifically, a recorded call (video format) between Namy and one of the voice actors for her FNAF AU project, which she put up in March 2024. While I cannot understand Spanish and there were not English subtitles, what I could understand was that Namy was trying to confront the voice actor about the victim "cheating on her with them” when the victim was most likely trying to confide in the voice actor and tell them what Namy was doing to her.
Speaking of which, as of July this year, Namy has privated the Google Drive that she released in December 2023 (probably to cover her backside legally, bc of backlash from her critics, reasons which I've detailed below, or all three).
Within the same month, Namy posted a vent drawing (her current self punching her "old self") both on her Devianart and Facebook: https://www.deviantart.com/namyg/art/Namy-G-vs-Namy-Gaga-1079871130. Attached was a paragraph explaining that, upon going to see a therapist, she realised that her actions from 2023 and before (some of which I detailed previously - including the inappropriate/illegal NSFW) were unacceptable and that she has since apologised for those behaviours. IF THIS IS TO BE BELIEVED, I HAVE THIS MESSAGE FOR NAMY ON THE OFF-CHANCE SHE READS THIS: I understand that you want to unlearn toxic behaviours, to unlearn transphobic and other queerphobic mindsets, and to unlearn the idea that promoting inappropriate/illegal NSFW on public platforms is normal (since I’m of the belief you may have been desensitised/pressured into thinking it was normal). And I admire/respect that desire to change. But it WILL take a really long time and a lot of effort for people to forgive you, especially the people you hurt (if they're inclined to forgive you at all). I’m not accusing you of being Satan or anything like that, but no amount of learning from the incidents regarding the queerphobia, the narcissism and the NSFW artwork is going to change this fact: YOU STILL BROKE THE LAW IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY TWICE, NO MATTER HOW YOU TRY TO PAINT IT. Even IF it is true your first victim forgave you, you will NOT be immune to the law and someone will eventually report you. And about one of your newest posts on your Tumblr: WHY ARE YOU ACTING SURPRISED WHEN YOUR SECOND VICTIM STILL TELLS HER AUDIENCE THAT YOU HURT HER?! IF her lawsuit does progress and you end up being convicted in court (with the evidence YOU used to paint her as the “bad guy”), don’t be surprised if you get jail time. 
I apologise for my strong wording in that last point, but I felt it was important to address.
Hope you have a good day/evening and thank you for reading this lengthy update. If you have any thoughts on this, I’m open to hearing them as well.
Thank you for informing me and I do not have any thoughts other than I appreciate you making it known and at least making light to it. Also as Anon said, do not harass or contact Namy’s family or her partner as there is no proof any of them have done any of it or participated
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mochibdsm · 3 months
on punishment basics
Most of us can recall a time when we did something wrong as a child and then were punished for it. We were probably made to sit in a corner or take a ‘time out.’
When a slave has done something wrong, as W/we have learned from childhood, sometimes punishments can be effective at correcting the behavior that is if the submissive wants the behavior changed.
The point of the punishment is to link the inappropriate behavior with the feelings of the unpleasant punishment which will occur if the behavior is repeated. This allows people to learn (some learn more effectively from punishment than others) from their mistakes so they will remember to not let it happen again.
To do this, the Master/Mistress can employ a number of mind controls that will cause the slave to rethink their behavior and reconsider their future actions. Before you can include any kind of punishment training into your slave training there are a few necessities:
Punishment training should only be incorporated into a long term Dom/sub or Master – Mistress/slave relationship. Going out and punishing someone who you don’t know, who doesn’t understand your rules is abusive.
A submissive/slave must want/desire a change in their behavior.
Like everything in BDSM, a long discussion must be had of what can and can’t be included in the relationship. Just as a on and off limits list is created for BDSM activities, so must a list be created of punishments that will be allowed and will not be allowed.
All people involved in the relationship must agree to punishments being administered.
A specific and clear set of rules must be established that are understood by both Dominant and submissive. It is important that both Dominant and submissive stick to the agreed upon rules. A Dominant changing rules without informing a submissive is cruel and a sign of a weak Dominant.
If a safeword is called at any time during the administration of a punishment, everything must stop. A safeword is a signal that the submissive is in extreme distress and they can no longer handle what is going on. Ignoring this cry for help is abusive.
Punishments must never ever be administered by the Dominant while angry. It is important punishments come from the Dominant while level-headed with a focus on correction not venting anger upon the submissive.
Never punish without ever explaining why the punishment is being administered. Confusion can lead to resentment.
Nobody can learn from punishment alone. In the end the proper behavior must be shown and/or taught to the submissive, so they can learn from their mistake. A strong Dominant leads by example not solely by punishment.
Proper aftercare, love, support and comfort should always be given after a punishment. As a Dominant, W/we protect and care for O/our submissives. In times when they are down, W/we help to pick them back up to show them their true strength.
When it comes to D/s conversations, most people will immediately think of the punishment part of the equation. With that said, it should be noted that rewarding good behavior tends to work better when it comes influencing most people’s behavior. As it is a natural tendency for most humans to lean towards things they like, enjoy and makes them feel good.
As each slave/sub are unique, so are their desire and needs. For some slaves punishment is a necessity, something that they crave to feel more of a connection to their Dominant’s will. For these subs punishment can be a highly effective form of training. When one of these slaves does something incorrectly or misbehaves they desire to have their Dominant correct their wrongdoing as a reminder of who they have chosen to be in charge of their life and show them how they can grow to be a better submissive/slave.
Before you start dishing out punishments, the most important question to ask in terms of punishment is
Why Is The Punishment Necessary
In the course of training a slave, you will need to correct things that you and your submissive/slave dislike in their behavior and want to change. This might be things like attitude or complaining as an example. If you want a slave to be silent and only speak when spoken to, you will need to give some sort of punishment in order to get that point across if the submissive does speak out of turn.
Some Masters are stricter than others when it comes to naming punishable offenses. What can help is having a clear list of things that the slave needs to do and a clear list of consequences for things that are not done as required.
Of course, this list can be adjusted for the situation.
Here are some other reasons that a slave might be punished:
Not showing proper respect
Not communicating properly
Not asking for permission
Not completing a task
Refusal to do tasks – despite asking for tasks
Incorrect completion of tasks
Leaving an area messy
Not performing a position correctly
Forgetting an errand/request
As with many lists, this could go on.
The point is to have a clear ‘If you don’t do this, this will happen’ system when training a slave. This way, there are clear expectations and clear consequences for missed expectations.
It’s imperative that there are punishments for when things are not done as agreed upon by both partners. There are two key components that need to be addressed when it comes to discipline/punishment.
1) Both the Dominant and submissive must agree on the rules that will be followed in the relationship. These rules are usually outlined in a contract that both partner’s will agree too. 2) Both the Dominant and submissive must agree on the punishments that are allowed to be used when a rule is broken.
Without this agreement and understanding, you can not punish a submissive. Not having clear rules and guidelines can be confusing for a submissive and lead to resentment. Make sure you both understand the rules you have created for the relationship, always stay within the limits set and only utilize the punishments that have been agreed upon.
Punishments to reach their goals
Another important aspect of why punishment can be necessary is to stay focused on a submissive’s goals and desires and ensuring the punishments follows suit. Explaining why you are punishing before each punishment is essential and linking that reason to the sub/slave’s ultimate goal is highly beneficial. It is also a good idea to sit down with the sub/slave on regular intervals outside of the dungeons and discuss their progress review what they have done well, what you are proud of them for, things they need to work on and areas that need improvement that the Dominant has had to revisit with punishments.
Have your submissive write out a list of goals they want to achieve in their submissive/slave training. This could includes things like:
proper slave etiquette and protocols
submissive service training
submissive secretarial duties
learning proper tea service
Once they have created a list of goals, work with your slave and create a list of lessons they will need to learn. Under submissive service training a list might include:
Dinner service procedures
where to stand to serve a dish, where to stand when not serving, etc.
submissive service etiquette
This could include speech training, eye contact, how to properly address Dominant and guests, etc
submissive attire
white gloves, shoes, the kind of clothes worn for serving dinner, the kind of clothes worn for cleaning house, etc.
Have your sub/slave agree to these goals and lessons. Having them sign their name to the list can even help to enforce the importance of abiding to their goals. As training proceeds, when lessons are forgotten, ignored and/or purposeful disobeyed reminding the sub why you are punishing them can be a truly powerful motivator. Hold them responsible to abide to their own desires and goals.
When Should You Punish
The next question is when you should give the punishment. And the best answer is immediately after the wrongdoing has occurred.
For punishments to be effective it is essential they be administered as soon as the infraction occurs. For example many people have learned in childhood not to touch the stove when it is hot. Despite all the warnings W/we heard many still had to touch the stove and when they did they were instantly burned. The brain immediately taught itself that a hot stove and skin lead to a bad situation, so don’t ever do that again. While not a punishment it showcases how fast feedback helps teach people when it comes to negative reinforcements.
If people didn’t feel the pain from the stove until hours or days later, they may not link the two and thus the negative reinforcement connection would be weaker.
However, sometimes this doesn’t always work out in real life. Many times an infraction can occur when the Dominant isn’t around, or when Dom/sub are in public and punishment isn’t possible to administer. Life happens and O/our submissive training must adjust around it.
What you will want to do is try to give the punishment as soon as possible after the actual infraction, in order to maintain the sense of connection between the wrongdoing and the punishment. When the two are too spread apart, the slave may not make a strong connection between the punishment and their wrongdoing.
Sending friendly reminders via text, email or voicemail can help to link a future punishment with an infraction that has already occurred. The reminder can state the offense that was committed and the punishment that will be administered at the earliest time. Or a Dominant can carry a slave training journal, where you can keeps notes and observations. This little black book can also be used to keep track of punishable offenses when out in public. Watch your sub’s eyes widen every time that book comes out and a mark is logged for a punishment. Sometimes giving a submissive time to stew in their own juices can make the punishment even more excruciating.
Let’s start with what might be used as a form of punishment:
Humiliation techniques
Verbal correction
Loss of privileges
Increased rules
Increased serving responsibilities – (cleaning all the silverware, cleaning all the bathrooms, cleaning all the bathrooms with a toothbrush, etc)
How To Punish A Slave
Lecture – For a submissive that wants to do nothing but please their Dominant, sometimes all that is needed is showing them a deep state of disapproval and disappointment in their actions and behaviors.
A stern lecture discussing what they have done wrong, how truly disappointed you are and how you expect them to improve upon their self in the future can be more than enough to put a sub back on the straight and narrow.
Sending the submissive to a certain room and/or to sit in a certain chair can help to reinforce your displeasure. This would be denoted the punishment room or punishment chair. Any time they are sent to their room/chair they will immediately know they’re in trouble. It can help to increase the immensity of disappoint the sub feels from their Dominant.
Corner Time – While this sounds almost trite after remembering that your parents used to make you do this, it’s a highly effective exercise. Not only does it keep the slave in a space where they can not argue, it gives them time to think about what they did wrong and that they are not worthy of being in their Master/Mistress’ presence until they are truly sorry for what they have done.
Have your submissive stand, stand on their tiptoes, kneel, squat in forced position or however else you would like them to be as they face the wall. Many Dominants will have a slave stand in a corner near them, but have them place their nose either close to the wall or have them hold a quarter against the wall with their nose, while remaining silent to show that they are being punished not only by the position but also by the lack of attention from the Dominant.
Give them a specified time where they will wait and think about what they have done wrong to warrant this punishment as you should have explained to them why they are being punished before sending them to the corner. When their time is up or when you allow them out of the corner, ask them if they are sorry and what they are sorry for. If they don’t know why they should be sorry or what they did wrong, you can do one of three things. You can either, end the scene and discuss in more detail outside of the scene why you felt it was important to stop the scene so you could talk about what your submissive has done wrong. You can send them back into the corner to think about why they should be sorry. Or you can proceed to any of the other punishments.
Writing Lines – It sucked having to do them as a kid in school when you did something wrong and it still sucks to do them as an adult. Having your submissive write out how they are sorry for what they have done wrong one hundred times is a painful and arduous process, but also helps to etch the lesson into their mind…For example: “This submissive is sorry for rolling her eyes at Master” Some Dominants find that making slaves write pages of the phrase over and over is most effective. Try to keep the phrase short and easy to recall, as you want this to be in the mind of the slave long after the punishment has been issued.
Write An Apology Letter – Have your submissive sit down and actually write a heartfelt apology letter. Then they can kneel before you as they read this apology letter. If this letter does not meet your satisfaction either have them do it again or proceed with one of the other punishments to give them time to think before rewriting the letter.
The apology letter should include:
What they did wrong
Why they chose to commit this act
Why they are sorry for doing it
What they will do to make sure it never happens again
Loss Of Privileges – Simply put, some slaves get off on punishments, so they act badly in order to feel the pain they enjoy. Instead, use discipline techniques they don’t enjoy. Many people take the day privileges for granted. That is until they no longer have those privileges. Types of privileges that can be revoked:
Access to their favorite body part – For example: If they love their Dominant’s feet don’t allow them to touch your feet for a set period of time. Of course you can continue to tease them by looking at your feet but they are not allowed to touch them. If they continue to misbehave, don’t even allow them to look at the body part they love so much.
Loss of clothing privileges – Forbid the wearing of their favorite clothes, don’t allow them to wear certain items (ie pants, or underwear) when in public. Don’t allow any clothes while at home (in private) for a certain period of time.
Loss of Daily Amenities – Don’t allow them to eat at the table with their Dominant. Don’t allow them to use utensils. Don’t allow them to use any furniture.
Loss of luxuries – Everybody enjoys being pampered from time to time even submissives do after long days of service; a massage, manicure/pedicure, bubble baths, etc. are nice luxuries that can keep a submissive happy and eager to serve. They can also be revoked if they are breaking the rules. This can even include withholding orgasms.
Loss of appearance – Most people care about how they look, even people who say they don’t spend countless hours in the bathroom grooming themselves. Some Dominants have taken away shaving privileges, not allowed hair to be cut or styled and revoked makeup privileges for weeks at a time. This is a painful experience for a submissive that takes great pride in their appearance. It can also be a constant reminder of their wrongdoing.
Collar Punishment
The good thing about using the Submissive Color Collar System is that you can also use it to punish a slave when they misbehave. As a submissive/slave learns and grows into their skills they will graduate to a new colored collar. This shows the submissive, you and everyone else how far they have come.
If a submissive is not behaving up to the standards of their title and collar, you can simply remove the collar and replace it with a collar that you feel they need to retrain in. Essentially, you are demoting them and nobody likes to be demoted.
This is a strict punishment, showing the submissive that they have disappointed you, and that they obviously need to relearn some basic skills that they should have already mastered. Their desire to get their old collar, title and their Dominant’s approval back should snap them into order.
The Physically Straining Punishments
If I’m feeling especially mean or saucy, I might punish a slave by having them do things that are more physical in nature (as long as they are physically healthy and capable of handling it). What this means to me is that I might have a slave hold themselves in an uncomfortable position, one that could not possibly give them any pleasure.
Some examples of this might be:
Sitting with their knees bent and their back against the wall (They should look like a chair) for an extended period of time. To make it worse I might even sit on them as they are straining.
Crouching in forced position while holding a quarter against the wall with their nose
Sitting on a car mat with the poky bits up (a new unused car mat)
Kneeling on small bits of ice or rice on the floor
Lifting heavy rocks or bricks from one pile to another and back again.
Holding up a plate, cup or bucket of sand, water or rocks in an outstretched hand for an extended period of time.
You get the idea. The slave might still get pain as a punishment, but it might not be the kind that brings them any pleasure – nor should it.
Physical discipline – The ��easy answer’ for punishment is generally physical discipline, like spanking or flogging. The number of spankings can be determined by the severity of the infraction or by how many times a rule is broken. If rules are broken when the Dominant is not around or while in public the infractions can also accumulate until the Dominant has the time to inflict them.
Other ideas are to create a tight bondage position that the slave must endure for a certain length of time so they have are constantly reminded of their wrongdoing.
Physical punishment should be the least used punishment if ever used at all. Remember one thing if your slave enjoys physical punishment, then this is not punishment but a reward and encourages their bad behavior.
There are a number of ways that you can use punishment with a slave, but the one that you choose needs to be one they associate with punishment. For example, if a slave enjoys being spanked, but doesn’t enjoy being caned, the caning might be a preferable punishment. That is if the submissive has agreed to allow a cane to be used to administer punishment.
All forms of punishment must be agreed upon by both partners before it can be used as a form of correction. And if a submissive calls out their safeword during the dispensing of a punishment, the punishment must be stopped as a safeword is respected at all times. Even during a punishment. I know I am repeating myself, but that should show you how important of an point this is.
With that said, most of the time physical punishment is not a helpful form of punishment. Physical punishments tends to just teach a masochistic submissive to misbehave so they can be punished, which is the exact opposite of what you want to do.
For slaves that are not masochistic, physical punishment can lead more often to resentment than correction.
If you choose to use physical punishment, clear communication between both partners must be kept at all times to ensure no longer term physically or emotionally harm is committed to the submissive
The one punishment of last resort is stopping all training and give them a set period of time to think about what they have done. Whether this means that you discontinue training for a while or you simply refuse to train them until they begin to follow your rules again, that’s up to the Master or the Mistress. I would simply say at the end of the training session that went badly that I was upset and that I felt that we could not train again until the slave straightened up their thinking.
I might offer one more training session for the slave to prove me wrong, but if that didn’t work, I would stop training together for at least a week. During that time, the slave would need to write down the reasons why they weren’t following commands, why they were being manipulative, and what changes they are going to make to rectify the situation.
Again, this is a punishment of last resort. It is always better to work with a slave to help them see the error of their ways, rather then just pushing them away. However, if you have spent the last 6 months trying different punishments and your sub is still trying to be manipulative or refusing to obey. Then a break might be needed for the slave’s punishment and for the Dominant to re-evaluate what it is they need from this training as well.
New To Punishment Training
Before a punishment is ever administered a Dominant must first ask if the rule was clearly understood. Many times in life, it is not the student who misunderstood, but the teacher who did not clearly explain it.
Drawing up a clear standard of punishments for the slave can be helpful for both Master and slave. This way both partner’s have a clear understanding of rules and consequences. This way nothing is left up to misinterpretation, both Dom and sub are clear about what will happen.
While the punishment should always fit the crime, it can be hard to know what punishment fits a crime when you are just learning who your new submissive is. There is a learning curve with all things BDSM, as each submissive is unique and different in regards to their submission, desires and reactions. When just starting to incorporate punishment into your slave training jumping to the harshest and most serve punishment is never a good way to start out. Not knowing exactly how a submissive will react, anything can happen, emotional pain, fear, physical injury, and/or resentment from the submissive. As Dominants, W/we are meant to protect O/our submissives from such harm.
Instead, increase the severity of the punishment slowly. This gives the Dominant time to learn about their submissive, their needs and how they react to different punishments, and what works best for them. This also removes the chances of introducing something that the submissive is not prepared for that could cause harm.
For some submissives all it takes is one disappointed look and a stern lecture to help them correct their behavior. There is no point introducing any punishment that is more stern or strict if a lecture can correct the behavior. Give yourself and your submissive a chance to learn from different punishments and which punishments prove to be more effective over time for them.
Take your time to learn about your submissive, that is the point of punishment training. Not to just handle out punishments for punishment sake.
Example Of A Progress Infraction/Punishment List
Inappropriate language – Lecture
Inappropriate language second infraction – corner time for 15 minutes
Inappropriate language third infraction – Write out “This slave is sorry and will not swear again” one thousand times.
Inappropriate language fourth infraction – Have the slave write out a degrading statement about their filthy mouth one thousand times
Inappropriate language fifth infraction – sub is no longer allowed to speak with set period of time. All communication must be written.
Inappropriate language sixth infraction – sub is no longer allowed to speak with set period of time. All communication must be written and removal of cell phone privileges.
Inappropriate language seventh infraction – bar of soap (nontoxic, no perfumes) held in mouth for x minute(s)
Forget slave command/action/protocol/etiquette – Lecture, reeducation on lesson
Forget slave command/action/protocol/etiquette second time – corner time for 15 minutes
Forget slave command/action/protocol/etiquette third time – Repeat the correct behavior/action 100 times
etc. etc.
How you set the intervals will depend on where the submissive is in their training. Multiple infractions might happen within the same day when just starting out. It might take weeks for multiple fractions to occur or even months. Keeping a book with a record can be helpful to keep track of infractions and which punishment is needed.
Another good system for keeping your sub on track is to warn them of future punishments. Let them know the next punishment will not be as easy and what they will suffer if they refuse to obey.
The whole point of interval punishments is to learn. If you have repeated the process multiple times within the last few days and the submissive always repeats the same error immediately after say being punished with a lecture than obviously lecturing alone is not an effective punishment. Next interval, incorporate a stern lecture while the submissive sits in corner time. As you progress in your training, work towards eliminating or incorporate punishments to find a punishment style that your submissive responds too. This means a punishment that either eliminates the behavior or extends the reappearance of the behavior for as long as possible.
Never eliminate a stern lecture, as a lecture displays your disappointment which a sub should not be looking to do. A Lecture also allows you to express why you are punishing, what they did wrong and what they can do to correct their behavior. However, if corner time, writing lines, etc are not helping to motivate the sub’s behavioral change, than eliminate it and move on the the next. Pinpoint the punishments that work for your submissive through process of elimination.
As with any BDSM scene you must always provide your submissive with aftercare. A time when you give them support and comfort as they calm down from an intense scene. You can not punish a submissive and leave them. Once a punishment has been administered it is important that you give your submissive the support and comfort that they need.
If you are not willing to take the time to be there after a punishment, you should not administer the punishment in the first place.
Let It Go
Once the punishment has been administered it is extremely important that both participants let go of any negative feelings. I know this sounds strange and can be difficult to do but it truly is an important part of punishment play/training. The point of punishment training is to administer a correction to bad behavior so the submissive can learn and grow from. It is not meant to cause the submissive to beat themselves up for doing something wrong and for the Dominant to continue to resent the submissive for the mistake. That defeats the entire purpose of administering the punishment.
Dominants: Once you have administered the punishment and the submissive has apologized and shown genuine remorse, you must forgive. It is inappropriate and cruel to hold onto any resentment for the wrongdoing/mistake.  Now is time to lead with forgiveness. If the submissive continues to make the mistake, it is the fault of the leader. Do not blame and resent your submissive, instead focus on understanding how your submissive  learns.
submissives/slaves: It is natural to feel resentful towards a person that punishes you. W/we all hated the teacher who used to make U/us write out lines or the parent who sent U/us to O/our room from time to time. However, it is unfair to request your Dominant to dominate you and punish you when you misbehave only for you to resent them for doing it. If this is truly what you want, than you need to take responsibility for your actions.
If you discover this is not what you want or you have a hard time letting go of your negative emotions towards your Dominant, than you need to have a serious discussion with your Dominant.
Also, a punishment means no more beating up on yourself for making the mistake. You have made an amends, now is the time to learn and move forward. Dwelling on your mistake and tearing yourself down is not helpful to you, to your growth and to your Dominant. If your Dominant has forgiven you, than you should learn from their example and forgive yourself. That is the best way to learn.
If either partner finds they are having negative feelings developing because of any kind of punishment play/training, then you both need to sit down outside of training and discuss your feelings. The point of punishment training is to provide the environment that both partner’s desire and need, if it is not creating that things must be changed or removed completely from your relationship. What is important is developing the healthy loving Dominant/submissive relationship, not living a life you think you should be living because that is what you seen in somewhere.
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pisswizrd · 3 months
personal/vent (my dad)
don't know where else i can air my grievances but calling up my dad felt like a cruel joke. i love the man and it was nice to talk to him again and have him run through all the actions he's been taking to better his own health, and it's been good to see the both of us taking strides in parallel (even though he's miles away, as far east as he can be.)
we talked for awhile - and he loves to preach about how well his diet has worked out for him, the progress he's made, and told me that he was proud to see how far I've come as well since I'd hit rock bottom around the holidays. it was a genuine moment, and i'm happy to call him my dad through all the shit that was flung our way over the years.
then he started telling me about the doctor he's been seeing, and broke the news to me that he has a cancerous tumor in one of his kidneys that is more or less leeching off of one of his arteries - he's still in the middle of having tests done trying to properly identify it, and honestly, for a soon-to-be-65 year old diabetic.. as much as it hurts to hear, i'm really not all that surprised given his lifestyle. he was overweight for years, smoked a pack a day, ate terribly prior to the last 5 years. it's something i'd prepared myself to hear one of these days, but today had to be the day. honestly, i'm not worried or anxious about it. i'm confident that he can power through it and come out the other side.
the problem is how he plans to fight it. he's been an herbalist and a supporter of alternative medicine for about a decade now, and i can't say that i'm very convinced that refusing an operation or therapy in exchange for "restoring his blood flow and gut bacteria" as a means of counteracting cancer. my mind's in a bit of a haze today - and it's not my decision to make, as there's still a lot of information to be gathered when he has his tests done, but i'm really fucking hoping that this isn't the end of the road for him anytime soon. so here I am praying for him. praying for his health, his mind, body and spirit. something you wouldn't catch me doing unless i were in dire circumstances. but between him, and the turn my mental health started to take this year, i think it's BEEN time to start looking for guidance through all of this shit. been taking it on the chin for one too many years now, and the tears i shed today helped me breathe a little for once. if you love them, keep them close. happy father's day y'all.
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witchofthesouls · 2 years
Miko and smokescreen?....do you have any hc at the moment?
Oh, I actually wrote a one-shot about these two on AO3. The username is the same. I used to go by TheMidniteOwl on it but decided to synch my Tumblr and AO3 accounts up.
Okay, so these two dumbasses have so much chaotic energy, that they're bound to gravitate to one another. Like calls to like.
They're both virgins.
Miko comes from a very competitive, stringent society, so she has a lot of pressure to do absolutely excellent and thought Jasper would have been a great place to have a summer romance with a foreigner before hitting the entrance exams back home. Too bad Jasper is ridiculously tiny.
Smokescreen was a raw recruit during the last stages of the siege of Iacon before getting assigned to Alpha Trion that's immensely busy shuttling artifacts into deep space. So no action for him.
Miko is far more forward compared to Smokescreen and far more willing to explore and initiate things.
Between her curiosity and his lack of restraint got the mech a handy after some desert racing and some talk about their homes.
It's not that Smokescreen is shy, he's just very aware of the size differences, has no experience with a partner, let alone an organic one, and has some ingrained cultural practices and taboos as well.
Miko is far more perceptive than people think she is. (She figured out Arcee is something else, hunted down an Insecticon, and utilized the Apex Armor against far more experienced foes.) She can tell when Smokescreen is uncertain or confused (waffling his hands over her clothes), has no idea what to do (playing with her belt), or is deadset against (Do NOT tap the middle of his chestplate).
Plus, Bulkhead will kick his aft straight into a volcano to melt him down and use his reforged corpse to slit Megatron's throat.
If she ever finds out about his valve, she will scream and explore every single nook and cranny of his array just to watch him light up and keen.
Smokescreen will return the favor. He's going to be confused with the lack of biolights and nodes, but he's an enthusiastic sort and wants to figure out Miko.
When Miko found out that Cybertronian dicks are called spikes. She had an absolute field day with that information because her foster family has a dog named Spike.
Of course, she takes the dog to the base.
This girl stares straight into these mechs' optics and introduces her Spike.
The Autobot mechs are dying inside. Smokescreen is straight-up terrified. And Arcee is living it up with double entendres and innuendos. Miko knows exactly what she's doing and does the exact thing.
Smokescreen knows he's in trouble when he starts daydreaming of soft, pretty hands, and spends more time in the shower rack since it's loud enough to drown out his vents and vocalizer.
Since he's Praxian, the others don't side-eye his behavior since Seekerkin tend to be very meticulous with their frames.
Vosians are known for their vanity and Praxians dislike dust and gravel in their seams and joints and cables, especially in their sensory panels.
Nevada is purely sand and dust, so it doesn't strike them as odd or out-of-character.
Because Miko is a menace and an absolute fiend, she finds ways to tease her space-boy.
Deliberating eating strawberry icicles and ice cream pops in front of him.
Giving his frame a car wash as she introduces her 'classmate' to her foster family. She finds out that a holomatter can be very realistic, including sweating.
Her crowning achievement, however unintentional it was, is finding a Hot Wheels toy similar enough to him to repaint and show it to him.
"I guess you're my favorite Hot Wheels, space-boy."
Smokescreen slammed his brakes so hard, he gave her a minor concussion over his stuttering fuel pump and spasming spark, vents hiccuping steam as his AC systems are completely shot.
Definitely, in the top ten awkward moments in his life when he drove her to Jasper Hospital and had to explain why...
It competes with the explanation he needs to give at the base when Mrs. Darby fusses over Miko.
'Hot Wheels' is an extremely provocative expression to ground-frames. It's beyond flirtation and has connotations of sinful debauchery and vice: The absolutely filthy things I shall do to you that will set your very tires on fire.
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living-for-fiction · 5 months
Vent incoming; if you thirsty hoes want drama that doesn't affect you then read on. I've been pretty inactive recently because life is life-ing and, well, I was trying to keep my shit together with the single thread of sanity I had.
After a long talk with a trusted confidante about the very recent loss of a 30 year friendship, I have come to an uncomfortable realization. Some of the realization I came to when the friendship ended, and some of it I came to after talking with this confidante for more than an hour. This person is someone I tell everything and whose perspective and advice I greatly appreciate. They have no problem calling me on my bullshit, but they also have no problem telling me when I am being too hard on myself and taking on blame for things that aren't my fault.
The entire time I was friends with this person, they regularly used aversive actions to attempt to correct my behavior. In this case, the friendship ended because they are angry that I am not allowing them to decide who I am allowed to be in a romantic relationship with. It's obvious in retrospect; they disliked my relationships with both my serious exes, strongly encouraged me to end those relationships, and made their disapproval clear when I did not comply. This time, they not only hate my girlfriend (their word - I am not exaggerating, they said they hate her) but they ascribed my girlfriend's autistic behaviors and innate distrust of EVERYONE due to PTSD as evidence that she hated them specifically. Any attempt to explain my girlfriend's behaviors was met with accusations of making excuses for her. Any time I tried to point out that it was uncool to harshly judge an autistic person for being autistic was met with great offense - how DARE I accuse them of ableism for... deciding that an autistic person being autistic was inherently rude and somehow her being autistic AT them.
When this person made it clear to me they did not like my girlfriend, I stopped talking about her much with them. But I shot myself in the foot, because I would still vent when we were having issues as I trusted and cared for this person deeply and wanted their advice/comfort, but in trying to not talk about her much that meant I did not talk about the good times and things. But then they did not want to hear about her at all because they decided they hate her and that she must hate them too - and they made that clear to her in a VILE way that she still has nightmares about. Still, I'm weak enough that I wanted to stay friends with this person, even in a limited capacity. So while our friendship was quite damaged, I stayed their friend, and just never brought up my girlfriend to them or asked them to interact.
And then came last night where they informed me that as long as I am with my girlfriend, we cannot be friends. That hurts. It is a boundary they are allowed to set, but it also came with the clear underlying statement: "You are not allowed to have anyone in your life that I don't get along with. You are only allowed to have relationships with people I like. I decide who you are allowed to date, be friends with, form relationships with."
I will not be breaking up with my girlfriend. I will not be giving in to that kind of ultimatum. And even if, in the future, we were to break up, I don't think it would be healthy to resume a relationship of any kind with this person. They expect an unprecedented level of control over my life. I won't pretend to have been a perfect friend - far from it; I have done things that seriously hurt this person before, and I regret them deeply. They, however, have outright told me before that they don't give a damn if they hurt me and won't apologize for doing so. They expect to have a level of control over who I am allowed to associate with that no one should ever have over another person. Their version of respect is that I should accommodate them wholly over everyone else in my life.
When I was speaking with my confidante, she said something that after some reflection very much seems to be true. "[They like] you best single," she said, "because then [they] can be your main focus, or your only focus. [They] don't want you to have a relationship, because then another person is just as important as [they are] in your life."
Ironically, this is something the person in question said my girlfriend wanted from me. I've long said that the reason they don't get along is because they are too similar in the wrong ways, in their negatives. They can't be wrong, they have a mean streak; apparently, the need to be the most important person in my life is one of them. But only one person has not only demanded that position, but demanded that I kick that other person out of my life. And it's not my girlfriend. In fact, knowing how important this person was to me, my girlfriend asked me if there was anything she could do to repair the damage to my relationship with this person. I told her no, because by then I was scared of trying to do anything, because it seemed anything other than breaking up with my girlfriend would be insufficient.
And it is. That is their boundary. They will not have a relationship with me while I am with my girlfriend.
And I have taken the time to think, and something has become very clear. This person has spent their entire life trying to "correct" my behavior. Scratching me until I bled as a child when I did something they didn't like, hitting me as an adult. One time I went over to their house when I felt suicidal so I could be in a safe place and not alone, and they berated me for daring to be suicidal, then took my phone away from me when I tried to call for help. Then when I left the house they called the cops on me because they were ~so scared I would kill myself~ after they all but chased me out of the house for going there for support. Called the cops on a mentally ill suicidal person, it's damn lucky I'm white because I had a knife on me at the time (not to hurt anyone, for self injuring purposes), if I were a black suicidal person in that situation with a knife - even though I was only using it on myself - do you think I'd be alive to write this right now? They've always tried to "correct" my behavior and parent me. When I was younger it involved hitting and scratching to bring me into submission. At older, take away their means of communication, then call the cops when they leave. (Yes I know they were scared for me it was still a shit thing to do and they are the one who made it a situation by berating me for daring to be suicidal as if that is something someone controls.) Now apparently, in full fledged adulthood, it looks like telling someone who they can and can't have a relationship with.
Oh and as an aside, Former friend - I do know you're reading this; it's shock and moot if you aren't. You've made it clear that when something bad happens between us you read every vent I write, even things that were supposed to be private because you were allegedly done with me, since you like stringing me along, knowing my abandonment issues will send me crawling back to you. I am weak that way and need to work on that. You know exactly who you are, and you can know I am writing this fully sober, lucid, having spoken with a specific person about this to gage what's going on, and am now venting- perhaps not in the best possible way, but in a way that will let me get my feelings out without hurting myself or someone else. There will be no "gotcha, I saw what you wrote about me, what now!" I know your version of cutting someone out of your life involves snooping to see if they vented about you and being pissy when they do, seeking some form of comfort.
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inkyweenus · 1 year
Post 8 edit: This has nothing to do with EP8, but I still stand by it.
I was kinda frustrated at first with how little actual plot information we've been getting each episode, but then I realized that if we got any semblance of a plan from Lu Guang, that would mean that Xiao Li would also probably get that information, and then he'd fuck up everything with sheer incompetence.
I mean... it's pretty much his fault that both of his partners are dead, and if it weren't for Qiao Ling reigning him in, he'd have done a lot more damage already. But she's reigning everyone in this season. Post 8 edit: I stand by this QL statement even more now. Although, because of the shitty subtitles, I'm not 100% sure if Wang Juan is actually dead yet.
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Love that for Qiao Ling. But back to Xiao Li:
I have very little sympathy for him.
As a boss, he never gave his subordinate a day off. Not even to have a proper wedding. Or to care for his pregnant wife and unborn child. And after working Chen Bin several days in a row without even letting the man go home to sleep, XL was too caught up in getting some civilians to do his job that he didn't even notice CB leave the room during a time that he said himself everyone was to be on high alert. And we all know what happened after that.
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And then after seeing his dead partner fall from the sky, XL was knocked out by random extras he knew would probably be afoot, rendering him incapable of doing anything while those civilians and some old people safely (?) apprehended the suspects.
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(Okay, that one isn't fair. He was definitely in shock. But still.)
And then once he was conscious and back to work, he demanded the civilians continue to do his job for him, even though one was literally hooked into a hospital bed, because he's not even competent enough to look into cases that his former colleague-turned-evil and current antagonist was involved with during his downward spiral.
And then, he doesn't even wonder why some random unidentifiable witness only wants to talk to this civilian that shouldn't isn't publicly on the case but is essentially running it. XL just gives said civilian, who minutes before exited the scene of a double homicide while experiencing not only his own emotions but those of the child watching her mother (and almost brother) be beaten to death, a crash course on police interrogation and says, "Go get 'em, Tiger!"
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And then, after losing his first trusted partner to a person who has proved capable of possessing anyone to do anything including kill themself and kill their friends, he established a whole buddy system to avoid people getting possessed and hurt but said his currently assigned partner was fine to go alone because he trusted her and she's "strong." Isn't that even more reason to not want her to potentially get possessed? It literally just happened to a cop you trusted, so it's not like the law makes them immune.
And then when his new partner, this civilian he can't stop traumatizing, and the person that has admitted on mic to be the one possessing people went missing after acting suspicious on camera AND MICROPHONE, he didn't even bother to call and notify the guard posted at the exit, who was also not part of this buddy system apparently. Like... Where did you think they were escaping from, the air vents?! This isn't a spy novel. And you left the one guy who's in charge of people coming in and out of the premise alone and totally out of the loop?? When one of the people involved is a former cop that people around here seem to kinda trust a bit?!
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AND THEN he couldn't even catch the kid he put a tracker on, but this time he didn't even have to ask the civilians to do his job for him. They just heard that CaPtaIn XiAo was on the case and immediately jumped into action--evading police and hijacking vehicles to triangulate their partner's location by land and sea to prevent his capture
(at least for now... things can go south pretty quick and I'm just being dramatic while I wait for this episode to drop) Post 8 edit: Obviously things were going to get worse first. Would love some understandable subtitles to really know how much worse, though.
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He's actually the bad guy and all of this was on purpose. I think I'd be okay with that.
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whatbigotspost · 2 years
God I just feel exhausted today by encountering stuff that's just wrong by people who think they are setting the record straight.
As I've mentioned on and off over the years, I work at a nonprofit that primarily serves girls. We've literally always had the most inclusive approach by what that means, basically, "if you want to be served, we want to work with you."
Lately, our staff has gotten tied up in overly focusing on labels and there's a not insubstantial portion of the group who truly, fully believe that people cannot identify with BOTH being girls and ALSO being nonbinary and it's driving me up the fucking wall. Like, they really are thinking, "there's no longer TWO BOXES for gender there are THREE BOXES" and they're patting themselves on the back, whereas I am begging everyone to just burn the fucking boxes. Abolish boxes. Be box free. Anyway, today I heard it said AGAIN that someone cannot be both a woman AND also be something outside of womanness too, and I want to set my hair on fire in protest because I. am. literally. the. person. they. say. doesn't. exist. But they're apparently more interested in being "right" based of some 101 DEI training they went to than they are listening to people who live outside the binary.
And then there's the Thinx post of mine that blew up.
Literally from the moment I published the first version of the post, I regretted sampling the info from tweets that are inflammatory and scare style in tone. The tweets I chose were where I genuinely for the first time learned of the situation and as I always do, I gave credit to where I learned the thing. Some of the early comments I got rightfully pointed out how the original material implies that people are currently being harmed, physically, by the toxic materials in Thinx, when really the case is about the false advertising claims. I should have better clarified that there are not reports of Thinx damaging anyone's body……….yet, from the get-go. THAT SAID, the original tweets I posted in no way claim that anyone was harmed... but they DO SAY that if you think you may be harmed, don't take the class action settlement money so that you can sue them later if you need to. Which is still good advice, in my view.
What I don't regret at all was raising the alarm that Thinx doesn't have your best interests in mind as much as you may assume from their advertising and brand. I stand firm in my unshakeable belief that people have a right to know what's in the materials they put up close to their fucking genitals and that companies will happily lie to you about that kind of thing if it drives their profits. Now that folks are calling that post "blatant misinformation" I gotta just say for a moment: No. It's not. Read it again. While it is inflammatory, there is not actually ANY false information in that post. The closest it gets is by encouraging people to stop wearing their Thinx, which is an opinion that OP held, based on real information the case reveals. Other than that is says: Thinx has materials in it that are toxic that they previously did not reveal. IF you think you've been harmed, don't take the settlement money.
That's it. So YEAH feeling quite a bit frazzled today by bumping into some self-righteous views of "truth" that are actually false in and of themselves so just had to vent that shit.
Turning off reblogging on this because I only feel like sending this complaint to my followers 😂 But I always appreciate a ❤ as a sign of support for my whiny rants!
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beantothemax · 7 months
Oh my GOD 3000 words, consulting @meme-boys-blog for Dagda dialouge, throwing out half of my outline, wrestling with Tumblrs formatting of the Chat font (Did you know that if you put a colon in there it will make all the shit before the colon bold? now you know!) and a billion rewrites later, its DONE. Major fucking spoilers with SMT Apocalypse, mostly when the Canon Diverges. Honestly this is a MONSTER of a fic, and I put waaaay too much work into it. but you know what, i had to vent my emotions about The Thing that just happened somehow. So here. have this i guess :p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tokyo was in chaos. Well, more than usual. With the hero of the people being abducted by the Divine Powers, and the various sleepers of their faction activating across the city, nobody was truly sitting still. Well, except for one. Nanashi was sleeping again, decidedly more disheveled than last time. He didn't even bother to tuck himself in, just throwing the blanket aside and landing on clean sheets. The child was one of the few to witness the power of the group firsthand. Understandably, he traveled back home in a bit of a haze. Not exactly conscious of his actions, but going through the motions regardless. He left there traumatized, and so did his friend Asahi. When they both went back home, the pair gave hollow goodbyes, and retired to their rooms.
It was here where someone lay troubled in their own mind. Kurokami meditated in Nanashi’s shadow, leaving all her thoughts to the wayside as she mulled over the implications of all the cosmic nonsense that could have occurred. She had experienced the past few iterations going through the motions. There was a structure to all of this. A pattern of events, and when the pattern broke, things would be different. This child’s presence must have been a divergence. After all, it was he that broke the seal upon Krishna, and released the Divine Powers from their dormancy.
A noise.
A familiar one, but not unexpected, Kurokami thought. And this was one that she actually wanted to do something about. She rose out of the boy’s shadow, being careful not to touch him.
Navarre was scared of her, it seemed. It wasn’t surprising, given her domain, general demeanor, and appearance. But his jabbering was easily tuned out as she looked over Nanashi.
She moved over to the child’s bedside to scrutinize his condition. His limbs were twitching wildly and his face was knit into a fearful expression. Two telltale signs of a nightmare. He would surely wake screaming. And he truly did not deserve his own mind betraying him at a time like this.
She hovered a hand over his chest.
Direct Interfacing is what she called it. If she could describe it succinctly, it would be like a sort of command prompt. The soul was the computer, and she the input. It was one of, if not, the best way to gather information without using an outside source. Sending commands and asking for data on the soul was easy, but that is not her purpose this time. She was going to do something far more tame.
Well, before someone else barged into the metaphysical conversation. The unknown person was interfacing with her, but on a far less intrusive scale. Communication was performed by pushing thoughts and feelings toward each other, almost like a primitive messaging system. Far less sophisticated than just talking, but it can work if one knows how to interpret the signs.
[Anger. Query; Purpose?]
She recognized that blazing bright green. Dagda. He must have wanted to know what she was doing, just like last time. Well if he wanted to question her, he can come out here and ask.
[Denied, Request; Exit] [Negative. Anger, Query; Purpose?] [Firm; Denied. URGENT; Request; Exit.] [Resignation, Aggravation]
Dagda appeared in a flash of light next to her, looking quite annoyed. Navarre squeaked at the High King’s sudden appearance. He hid under the bed, as if he could sense the tension in the air. It was probably best this way, Kurokami thought, he would get caught in the crossfire of a no doubt heated discussion.
“Don’t see why I could have stayed in. Seems like you’re perfectly capable of talking there.” Dagda grumbled.
Kurokami crossed one pair of arms, “Just because we can does not mean it is easy. We would rather meet like this,” Her voice this time was of a stern woman, one with silver hair and good judgment. “Now, what did you wish to ask of us?”
Dagda scowled, “As I said before, what do you think you’re doing with the boy? You swore not to take him. And I assume you know what that means.”
“We know full well what we are doing. We are fixing the issue your ward is experiencing at the moment. Which is, at the present, partly your fault.”
“My fault you say? How was the kid sleeping my fault? The brat said he wanted to sleep, and I let him.”
A hand pinched her forehead. “We do not mean the sleep. We meant the nightmare.”
Dagda scoffed and shook his head, “Right. So the kid having a nightmare is my fault.”
“We did not say your fault entirely. You merely played a role in it. Flynn’s abduction seemed to be the breaking point, and your intervention in immobilizing the boy only made it worse.”
Dagda let out a dry laugh, “Keep telling yourself that. He’ll get over it eventually.”
Kurokami’s eye twitched in irritation. “Surely he will. But that will come in time. We wish to do something now.”
He smirked. “And you couldn’t do anything before? Don’t you have that nice little slave to-”
“Yes. Yes we do. But you set a dangerous precedent. And with that many Demons around, we did not wish to take our chances.” She cut in.
They could talk in circles all they wanted, but time was running short. Nanashi would most likely wake shortly. And she needed to get a concrete answer now. Kurokami leveled her gaze with the High King.
“So, will you grant us the small mercy of being able to tamper with your Godslayer’s dream? We only wish to remove the problem, and nothing more.”
Dagda held a thoughtful expression for a few moments, then said, “Fine. But you’re going to let me supervise. And If I tell you to stop, you stop. Got it?”
She nodded, “Crystal. Pleasure doing business with you, High King.”
“Don’t wear it out now…” He grumbled.
Dagda wasn’t the first Demon she knew to disregard the finer aspects of humanity, (She was good friends with Lucifer after all,) but if the Divine Powers claimed to wish to provide them salvation while having the same thoughts as Dagda? She shook her head. Now wasn’t the time to think about such things. She went back to work. Interfacing with the child and laying out the framework for the dream. Dagda’s presence was a heavy thing as she wove, tinting the threads with his color of green. Dreams built from memories were always her strong suit, and it was a good thing she had plenty of them. What would she use though…?
As she finished the structure and began deliberating, she was joined by the pudgy ghost, insisting on interrupting her. If a hand just so happened to pass through him while he was muttering, she knew that the little thing wouldn’t argue with the unearthly chill that came over him.
How about… a city that laid in much the same predicament as the Tokyo of now? Of course, the circumstances for their darkness were different, but if she had shown the sky to the child, he surely would have thought of Shesha ripping a hole into the Firmament. Besides, anyone would be able to appreciate the wonder of a rain without clouds.
She sang the refrain of a beloved tune while she placed the songstress. A lovely little melody about power, and how little She had.
А моря до краёв наполнялись по каплям, И срослись по песчинкам камни, Вечность - это, наверно, так долго. Мне бы только мой крошечный вклад внести, За короткую жизнь сплести Хотя бы ниточку шёлка.
She hummed a little more, letting the dream settle amongst the chaos. It was not as good as her last one, but then again, she doubted many could top it. There was some difficulty getting the already wound-up soul to accommodate to the new surroundings, but she helped to smooth the feelings over. She sent a quick message to Dagda when she could finally finish:
[Notice; Finished. Query; Satisfied?] [Bitter, Affirmative.]
Good. She withdrew from the interface and looked at Nanashi’s face. The pinched brow and whimpers were gone now, replaced by the calm expression one should have. She smiled warmly, and pulled the blanket over him.
“Let’s just watch this play out.”
Nanashi was rooted to the floor. He wanted to scream, he wanted to move, he wanted to do something while Odin beat Flynn to a pulp. How could anyone just stand there?! Everyone’s hero was dead and nobody came to assist them? Has Asahi’s notice not reached anyone? What would happen now-
Odin was smiling greedily at him. The spear he had flashed a bright color, and he could feel his hair stand on end. This was it then. He stared at the god. If this was to be his last moments, he would be remembered by this asshole. And he wouldn't go down without a fight.
It appears we arrived just in time.
The world went black. Whatever spell Odin may have cast was gone now. Whatever was happening was done. He could relax. He could move. He could breathe.
And so he did for what seemed like hours.
A low rumble faded into his hearing when he finally stabilized his racing heart. The adrenaline was wearing off, now. All that was left was a sort of placid calmness. Still waters among an endless ocean. He was content to sit along this. But the next dream would arrive with a low rumble.
He thought it was a demon at first, but no. A demon wouldn't growl at him for this long. And it wouldn't be this… calm either. Nanashi opened his eyes, and looked around in pure wonder. Wherever he was, it was beautiful. With not a single fire, demon, or anything unpleasant in sight. It was just water. Water was falling from the sky in an eternal deluge, pouring off of every surface that couldn’t hold it. The liquid struck the roof in droves, and seemed to be the source of the low rumble previously.
It was a different sight from whatever he was dreaming about before. So he was happy with the change of pace. He leaned back on the wrought iron bench and took it all in before he started exploring. Normally you didn’t see these things still intact, so he relished in the novelty before beginning his little adventure.
He seemed to be in an old station of sorts, seeing the general structure of the place. He surmised the multiple floors to the area must have led to different platforms, like the ones in the subways a long time ago. He had to make a bit of a small detour to avoid a small trench filled with water, but soon enough he was out of the drenched station and out into the even more wet outside.
There, he saw tall, tall buildings. Built in a style he didn’t know. More importantly, he remembered the name for when water fell out of the sky like this. Rain. It was called rain. The small little droplets of water fell on his face and clothes, but seemed to be repelled by an outside force. He didn’t care too much, well, outside of the fact he wasn’t getting as damp as this city was. That was a bonus, if anything. He climbed many stairs and walked past a few houses. It only struck him now how dead this place looked. It felt like something was missing, like when he walked the streets of Tokyo with Asahi and Navarre. He wondered how the people who lived here dealt with the rain, maybe some form of spell? Or maybe a relic?
Eventually, he came to a small door with a sign next to it. He couldn’t read the writing below the picture, but he could pretty safely assume it was a sort of relaxation area. Lord knows he needs some relaxation today, so he walked in.
He was met with a painting of a woman with butterfly wings, (a demon?) with more of the squiggly writing beneath it. The boy looked in front of him and saw an elevator. It looked strange. Not even enclosed, with no buttons to denote which floor was being traveled to. All that was there was a lever affixed to the roof, which he flipped. Nanashi felt the entire mechanism groan to life. For a moment, he thought a demon was here with him, but no. Just ancient machinery serving its purpose after years of inactivity. He was used to it, not even the elevators were silent in their aged moaning. The rain made for interesting noise as the lift ascended, a low rumble behind the clicks and clacks of chain pulling him ever higher.
When he finally got to the top, he decided to look outside the window for a moment. He couldn’t help but stare at the view. With the gentle static of the rain, he understood what Nikkari once said about it. It was beautiful in its flow, the way that the water just falls and goes to each area, just knowing where to go. He found himself tracing some of the streams of water on the window. He smiled at the memory. Nikkari deserved to be remembered like that, and not like when Adramelec-
He sighed, dwelling on it wasn’t going to do any favors for him. Think about the happy stuff, and move on. Asahi would love this place. She’d be all over and trying to snap photos while dragging him around by the collar. She’d probably keep saying that this place was cool and tell him to stop moping, then push him into a puddle, getting them both wet.
Fond memories aside, he decided to finally start to look around the place. It was lavishly decorated, unsurprising for the place. Wallpaper with unknown markings decorated the walls while lamps lit everything in a cold glow. There was a set of stairs to his left, but those were disregarded in favor of another sign. The sign had an arrow, some music notes on it, and more of that writing. Music down this way? Maybe that’s what it was saying? Well, whatever it was, it piqued his curiosity enough. So he followed the sign, letting his hand glide across the wallpaper to his left.
As he made his way closer and closer to his destination, he could hear… singing? Yeah, maybe that. He turned the corner and- It was a stage. Covered in withered flowers and sad bouquets, he could only imagine what this place had looked like when they were still alive. The place was beautiful, with some soft sun-like light shining down on an empty spot. There wasn’t any singing anymore, so maybe the person was shy?
No, not shy. He saw the spot shimmer for a moment, before coming into focus.
Blonde hair and red dress, with delicate butterfly wings behind her, she stood just inches off of the ground with an ethereal tilt. She was looking straight at him, with a smile on her face. She didn’t look hostile, but there was a good reason Nanashi kept his bat handy while he approached her.
She looked overjoyed as she greeted him with a soft voice.
“Welcome to my stage little one. I am Marissa, a songstress of some renown, though given the sorry state of this place, you may find it hard to believe.” She glanced at the wilted flowers, and sighed.
“Huge crowds once flocked to hear me sing, then something changed. The audience, once so enrapt, began to leave. I continued to sing yet my voice fell silent upon their ears.”
She looked back at him, a glimmer of hope in her eyes, “Perhaps you'd care to listen to me sing? You'll be the first in an age to hear it.”
Well, he wasn’t exactly one to turn down such a request, and she seemed nice enough. So he sat at the edge of the stage, closed his eyes, and listened.
Nanashi’s eyes weren’t open, but yet he could see when the violin lent a hand. It was a lonely bench, with windows just in front of it. There was a different view of the city from here, this one facing the east and looking down on the ground.
The melody was handed off from Marissa to a violin, and the next sight presented itself to him.. A huge telescope, with a small stool next to it appeared before him. He was higher than earlier, maybe even above the clouds? He looked down and there were none of the puffy things he had heard about. He looked up above, surely he would be able to see the gray skies, right?
A cave roof greeted him. A craggy ceiling with droplets of water leaking from above. His eyes widened at the sight. This couldn’t be happening underground, right? Despite his questions, the roof held firm. And he was left following hundreds of drops down to the city below.
The music swelled, letting the harp finish, while the strings sighed out an end. Leaving him to stand in front of a fountain. It looked almost like a flower, the petals on one layer being elevated on the next. He could see three masked pillars rise up from the second tier, all facing an armored figure in the center. The water streamed through the tiles below his feet and ran down from between the petals. From the angle he was looking up at it, it almost seemed like the statue was crying.
It was calm. The music wasn’t there anymore, but he could still hear it in the back of his mind. The rain provides the perfect amount of noise to think, or not to think. It was still, but not. Calm but strange. Familiar, yet unfamiliar.
This fountain, whatever it stood for in its wiggly text, was the perfect place to take a breather.
And Nanashi really needed one of those.
the funky bracket text dagda and kurokami talk in is very fun… they are puter
and dagda in general is augh!!!! I <3 my dad!!!!!!!!!!!! good dialogue!!!!
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whitewolf2759 · 1 year
First Meeting-Leah Clearwater
Shaking your head you come back to the present as you reach the gated driveway of your new home for the next few years. As the gate opens and you pull in you take a look around.
Gravelled path leading to a garage big enough to fit 3 cars inside, trees lined beside the walls of the house stopping anyone from viewing inside.
You park outside on the gavelled path and head inside the house, as you enter straight ahead is a door leading to the living room to the left of which is the kitchen and dining area.
To the left is a door leading to the garage and to the right is a door leading to the library. To the left and right of the door straight ahead are a pair of stairs leading to the second floor which contains a office , 1 master bedroom and 2 guest bedroom, all with their own bathrooms.
Finally outside at the back of the house is a large garden with an indoor gym and indoor pool with a retractable roof at the back.
As you start to settle in you realise the need to go shopping for essential’s however instead of shopping nearby you decide to go to port Angeles instead as you know in such a small town rumours of your arrival will be spreading, something that you can’t be bothered to deal with right now.
It’s currently 7pm and you had just finished shopping after browsing though the stores available, as you close the boot of you car you hear sounds of movement and muffled yelling from a dark alleyway.
You lock your car and make you way quickly, making sure to use your senses to see if any other member of the supernatural are nearby.
As you enter the entrance of the alleyway you see two men, one holding the arms of a female on the floor as the other sits on top of her trying to remove her clothes.
Not bothering to take look at her you rush towards the second man at human speed and boot him in the face, knocking him back as a loud crunch followed by scream of pain resounded in the alleyway.
The first man starts to get up, however before he can fully get up the female gets up tackling him to the ground and continued to punch him in the face.
You call the police giving her some time to vent her anger so they can collect the men. After the call you wait for the police to arrive and slowly approach the woman leaving some distance between you as she starts to stop.
You take a quick glance at the guys face which was covered in blood before focusing on the beautiful young woman. Dark hair that reaches the middle of back, dark eyes with amber flakes and tanned skin she stood at around 5’7 with a healthy build as well as medium curves.
‘’Thanks for the help, I’m Leah by the way” she said with a small thankful smile after shooting the guys an angry look.
“No problem just glad I could help the police should be here soon” you replied giving her a smile in return.
Before you could continue your conversation however you see the police car park outside the alley.
You both had just spent the last 30 minutes giving the police your statements and contact information before you were allowed to leave.
As you head to your car you see Leah holding her phone which looks to have been smashed in the struggle so decide to ask if she wants a lift.
“If you want I can give you a ride” you told her.
She looks at you and you can see she’s hesitant, which doesn’t surprise you after what happened before she replies.
“Are you sure forks is some distance from here?” she asks hesitant on asking for help after you already helped her once.
“It’s fine I was heading back there anyway after shopping for some essentials” you reply shooting her a surprised look before smiling after you learn you live in the same town.
She gives you a nod and thankful smile before you lead her towards your car. You head towards the passenger side opening it for her so can get in, seeing your action a surprised look crosses her face before she shyly smiles and gets into the car unsuccessfully hiding her small blush.
You close the door after she gets in and head to the driver side a happy smile on your face and fluttery feeling in your stomach at seeing her blush from your actions.
As you start driving Leah starts conversation trying to distract herself from the accident as well as the fact she blushed.
You learn from her that she is 18 and lives in La Push with her parents and little brother. You also learned she just finished school and was unsure what she wanted to do and that she broke up with her boyfriend of 3 years not long ago.
You didn’t dig to deep into the subject as you could see she was still hurting from it so you started telling her about yourself. When you mentioned you just moved in you could see she was happy however when she asked if you were by yourself you had to vaguely tell her about your parents death so you wouldn’t reveal the supernatural.
She comforted you after learning of your mother’s death and asked you about the happy memories together which you was slightly grateful for.
You continue talking back and fourth as she directs you to her house, soon you pull in and park just outside. Both of you were slightly sad at the time together ending so you decide to walk her home.
“I had a lovely time talking to you Leah despite how we met I hope we can hang out again” you said as you arrive at the front door.
“I would love to especially after everything you did” she replied while smiling at you less disturbed about the accident.
“It was not problem I was glad to help a beautiful woman such as yourself” you said before shooting a charming smile.
She blushes before asking for your number so she can call you after replacing her phone. As she turns and unlocks the door after bending slightly to search for her keys a blush grows on your cheeks as you glance at her firm backside that are tightly covered in her skinny jeans.
Before she enters she turns back to and after seeing your blush and working out why a shy smile appears on her face before changing to a thoughtful look.
A second later she gives you a tight hug allowing her scent to reach you as you smell a mix of forest and tropical fruit.
“Thank you and I will call you” she whispers before breaking the hug as well giving you a kiss to the cheek before heading inside closing the door behind her.
You walk back to the car dazed before getting in and closing the door after you can’t help but smile as you rest your hand on were she kissed before heading home with your only thought being on when your next see her.
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