#so of course the gay ships are gonna be more popular
yeyayeya · 6 months
I don’t see enough Feng Xin x Jian Lan content and it makes me sad
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allastoredeer · 3 months
manlyman al/uwu lucifer, buff al/skinny lucifer, lucifer in a drag with al dressed in a suit - all the same crap, it's also very noticeable how much of luci in dress with al in a suit there is and how little the other way around or when they both in dresses and also luci in dress? 10000+ likes, while rare alastor in dress? well, barely 1000 or 2000. Same with any reverse of usual fandom versions of them. Very telling if you ask me. Blond, short, goofy, did a sad face few times? Of course it's the one who's we gonna make a girly girl here and there's can be only one in our mlm ship 🙄 People want fanon charlastor but without charlie in it because she's actually a female
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Damn, you came in swinging.
But, like...I see no lies here. It is kind of funny that people put Lucifer in dresses more than Alastor when Alastor literally wore a nun outfit in the show. It's such a shame too because with Al's long legs and slim waist, DAMN he'd look so good in dresses.
It is very telling that in every fandom space, with at least one pairing - usually a very popular one - one of two becomes a girly girl and the other a darker, menacing, and more intimidating manly man. There's nothing wrong with feminine male characters, nor them being in mlm relationship, but when it happens to every. Single. Ship. where the characters are stripped down to basic archetypes.... ಠ_ಠ
It really is funny, because going by what we've seen in the show, Alastor is so much more of a girly pop than Lucifer is. Him and all his little wrist flicks and sassy remarks.
I mean
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Look at this guy
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Look at him
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How can people see this man as a super serious big bad muscle daddy? I don't understand. He's so unserious. So full of whimsy. He's a clowning troll. And I'm telling you, look at that thin waist and those long legs. He'd look amazing in a dress.
This actually reminds me of a previous ask I got a while back. The topic was centered around some fans saying that Alastor would never bottom and the over all characterizations of him and Lucifer, and this line here sums it up perfectly:
"shows such a patriarchal-ly drenched heterosexual view of sex, that they then apply to a MLM ship that drives me INSANE."
Particularly, the drenched in a patriarchally heterosexual view. Having one man in a mlm relationship be more feminine than the other is totally okay, there is nothing wrong with that, and there are a lot gay relationships like that.
But the way a lot of radioapple is depicted feels weirdly heterosexual, and it's because of the behaviors and archetypes that get assigned to them. Lucifer becomes this teeny tiny, wide-eyed, awkward little waif and Alastor this big dark possessive boyfriend who's always looming over his shoulder and glaring at anyone who looks at Lucifer. It reads like every other cringy straight romance I've read. Add in the trope of Alastor drinking Lucifer's blood and it's basically "Twilight" set in Hell.
Okay, not to derail, but there was this one AU that I was obsessed with. It's a Hades/Peresphone AU for radioapple, and it sounded amazing, but there were so many depictions of Alastor as Hades and Lucifer as Persephone and I was just...
I was flabbergasted.
You have Lucifer, the king of Hell, the DEVIL himself, be the goddess of spring instead of the Lord of the Underworld. I'm....whut?!!?!?! Alastor is literally a deer, he would be perfect to play Persephone. That guy would be hunting down all the people poaching and harming his domain and making them suffer, and I can totally see Niffty as a psycho little nymph that tags along on his "hunting trips."
I've seen one or two au's where Alastor is Persephone and Lucifer is Hades, and they are glorious, but every time I see the opposite I feel like I'm taking psychic damage. A year of my life gets taken away. I fear I'll be on my death bed soon.
Also this line "People want fanon charlastor but without charlie in it because she's actually a female" it's so true to fandom it hurts, but it's so fucking funny, I'm wheezing
You ate with this ask 🤌
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
I'm sorry but why do you ship them so hard? They just have 1 episode together.. I watched the sandman expecting destiel and it was literally almost nothing there. 1 episode. Idk how you guys got so much ship content out of that.
Ah nonny, I'm sorry but if you go into anything expecting Destiel you are gonna be dissappointed. Destiel is a behemouth of 12 years worth of gradually escalating gay subtext, queer coding, and romantic tropes. Destiel is the ship that people go into expecting that Tumblr exaggerated only to be blown away by how ridiculously gay it is even when it tries so hard not to be.
But remember, once upon a time people shipped Destiel after only a few moments of interaction. The first Destiel fic was written 30 minutes after Lazarus Rising aired...everything has its time.
When I joked that Dreamling was the "Destiel of Sandman fandom" I meant in terms of popularity compared to everything else about the show. The ships share some similar traits when compared on a grand scale - think ancient cosmic entity that has very strict rules slowly changes and starts to become more "human" thanks to their friendship with one dude who just so happens to be a hedonistic stubborn ass who refuses to die - but are otherwise very different.
But if you are wondering why people ship Dream and Hob so hard, well, this post goes some ways to explaining it.
But basically, look this may only be a half hour of television, but it doesn't equate in universe to half an hour of interaction. This half hour of television spans the course of 6 centuries for these two characters. There is a totally untapped potential hidden in the gaps between centuries to explore, and on top of that, the final meeting is left completely up to the imagination of the audience. Its a sandbox ship. Its a dozen fanfiction gaps laid on top of each other. It's at least 20 different prompts for fans to sink their teeth into. Its the potential. It's the what if.
Then on top of that, if you follow the comics, you know that the future Dream x Hob meetings also have a hell of a lot of potential to turn romantic. Dream going out of his way to hunt down a specific bottle of wine that doesn't exist on Earth anymore to gift it to Hob in his dreams, the very fact that he visits Hob in his dreams (hello common Destiel trope right there). They don't meet too many more times in the comics, but each time the tension is palpable. The meeting in the Kindly Ones is heartbreaking, because you can tell desperately how much they need each other at that moment, but they are both too distracted or consumed by grief and depression to truly reach out to one another. The comics never reveal why Dream sought Hob out at that point, but given everything happening to him at the time, its not hard to assume that Dream was seeking comfort from his friend - the only person he could really turn to for comfort at that point.
Then we have Hob's dream. One of the final stories in The Sandman original comic run. After everything else has happened, after the climax and all that takes place, after the smoke has cleared and you think everyone else has moved on and you are certain the ending is set in stone, you get to Hob's dream, and your mind is once again blown, and suddenly you have a thousand more questions. So many fans hopes and dreams rely on Hob's dream right now I can't even begin to express how important that particular comic issue is to me.
It's all about the potential. There is so much potential.
Plus the 30 minute scene we got was loaded full of subtext, romantic tropes, and queer coding. I dunno if you picked up on it, but I have an extremely long meta essay still in the works that goes through everything that 30 minute sequence gives us in terms of shipping fodder (I really need to finish that). Its not just the romantic tropes, the break up and make up, its the acting choices, the eye fucking, the freaking song choices in 1989 holy fuck could they be more on the nose.
Also, consider this thought experiment: Crowley and Aziraphale in Good Omens are a hugely popular ship, where their creator Neil Gaiman has confirmed that theirs is a love story. Whatever else you may believe about Crowley and Aziraphale, their story is a love story. Creator confirmed love story.
Now, Crowley and Aziraphale are the leads of Good Omens and interact throughout the entire 6 episode show. But consider the first half of episode 3. Imagine a version of Good Omens where Crowley and Aziraphale don't really interact outside of that 30 minute opening sequence. That the story was much more focused on the Them, the Horsemen, and the other characters. Imagine then seeing that 30 minute sequence which shows Crowley and Aziraphale slowly warming to each other and becoming friends over the centuries, shows them getting to know each other, do each other favours, come to each others defence, get into fights and break up with each other, only to make up later...
Would you still ship them? Even if that 30 minute sequence was all you got? I guarantee if I asked any Ineffable Husbands fan that question they would say yes. Because THAT 30 minute sequence is what solidifies the importance of their relationship and its what MAKES IT a love story.
Guess where Neil Gaiman got the idea for that 30 minute sequence in Good Omens from? Ah Neil, plagiarising his own work all these years later!
If Neil Gaiman thought that Men of Good Fortune would work well for a canonical love story in Good Omens, I wonder what he was thinking when he then adapted Men of Good Fortune for television?
I ship Dreamling that hard because it has more potential than any other ship I have come across. It has 6 centuries and all the future of the Sandman show for me to explore, to tweak, to play with. Besides they just suit each other ya know? Like Dream is notoriously bad at relationships, but Hob is literally perfect for him. The more my mind dwells on how perfect Hob is for Dream the more I want to scream about it. Give the sad wet cat man a boyfriend who is literally his opposite in every way. Dream is a character looking for a reason to keep living, and Hob is a character who refuses to die. Dream is a pessimist, Hob is an optimist. Dream is afraid of change, Hob literally changes constantly with the times. Dream is desperate for love and someone to stay by his side, Hob just wants to love someone he doesn't have to eventually leave.
Let them meet in the middle.
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
The most memorable "youtuber reads fanfic" incident I remember is when one I subscribed to decided to do fic readings for a fandoms they were in. They weren't a BL fan but chose to read 2 fics featuring gay ships and of course, they found the thing funny and cringe especially at the sex scenes (they could've also picked any sfw fic but they chose explicit ones). The youtuber had a million subscribers at the time so a ton of people who didn't like fics and thought they're weird saw the videos and it's like it validated their criticisms about fanfics. It was awful to watch, not gonna lie. Reading the comments hurt a lot, too.
The youtuber didn't mention the authors if I remember correctly and didn't link to them either but knowing the fandom and the fic title was enough to find the sources. The two fics weren't popular and didn't get a lot of comments before the videos went up. There were a few bad comments but not a lot. After the videos went up, they got a lot more comments and many weren't nice. Some people told them they should be ashamed and there were also comments telling the authors never to write again. It was awful. One of the fics got orphaned afterwards. I have unsubbed from this youtuber, by the way so I'm not sure if they're changed after all these years.
Not all youtubers are like this. I've seen some that read fics of themselves and is supportive towards fans making more (and even providing shipping fuel if they could). But still, there's more of those who like making cringe content using fics. Locking fics could definitely help reduce the chance of terrible fans getting their hands on works especially if they're nsfw it seems.
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yuttikkele · 2 months
ok so I saw that anon giving very persuasive reasons to be a zukaang shipper, and I like was writing a bunch of tags on the reblog so I just decided to make my own post 😭😭 it was way too many tags. I have a lot to say about zukaang guys.
Everything’s under the cut, but this gets very chatty very ramble-y fair warning.
anyways the part I was mostly talking about was how zukaang has a lot of what mainline ships have to offer. but like, more. and like no offense to the ships mentioned, I think they’re cool banger ships! I'm just biased towards zukaang. ofc I'm gonna think it has everything those ships have to offer and more.
though I do like these ships, there might be a little negativity towards them in this post, but I assure you, I do not mean it in any mean-spirited way.
zkka for example. I liked it a lot at first, but then I got into zukaang, and, it's just no comparison. zkka is still amazing tho it's a really silly and heartwarming ship, and sokka deserves a popular gay ship as a treat. I like them 💙❤️
but text wise?? zkka went on a two part prisonbreaking journey. zukaang spent the whole show revolving around each other with multiple key episodes exploring their dynamic. zkka can't compete with that.
and sorry to bring ztara and ktng into this as well but I gotta.
Listen, ktng is great. I think they’re really cute! Though there’s tons of discourse about which ship should’ve been canon, I think the creators made the right choice making this one canon (it was set up from the beginning, and I do think it’s the more popular ship. I think they would’ve gotten MORE backlash had they not made it canon). BUT, they’re literally middle schoolers. Of course they DO end up together, but the chances of that actually happening are off the walls! They only stayed together because of bryke, fan popularity, and what the show ended on (it would be really awkward if it ended with them getting together, and then bryke saying they broke up later. I get that. I don’t think they made a bad decision there). It’s just a liiiiiiiittle unrealistic (and I don’t wanna hear nothin bout “this is a fantasy world everything’s unrealistic.” You know what I mean go smart off somewhere else). Zuko and Aang, on the other hand, are bound by fate. They’re best friends, and they stay best friends for like, ever. Platonic soulmates, ying yang, does that not ring a bell? They’re not separating, it’s in the code. Though Katara and Aang don’t break up, I still think, realistically, it’s possible that they’d last a couple years then grow apart. Meanwhile, Aang and Zuko get closer and closer and then boom: just as much gay tension as roku and sozin. But not doomed this time.
ztara I can’t see happening based on the text. they have a lot of sweet moments from them talking about their respective moms' death (kinda sorta death) to like zuko accompanying her for "revenge" (not really revenge) to katara fighting azula with zuko. and their dynamics are cute like rivals to lovers and stuff. but, I just can’t see it. Plus, zukaang has that.
zuko’s mom was taken away from him, and aang’s father figure was threatened to be taken away from him. but it doesn’t stop there. no, shortly after these events, zuko was banished from his nation while aang fled from his. (MIRRORING CHECK DO I GET A MIRRORING CHECK???) zuko might’ve gone with katara to tie up loose ends of her past, but zuko went with aang to learn from the past for the future. and not to mention, on that journey, zuko and aang met mirroring red and blue dragons that formed a heart around them then proceeded to shroud them in rainbow flames while they learned firebending from the first firebenders not unlike oma and shu who were lovers from opposing sides of a war. (DO I HEAR SYMBOLISM AND STORY COMPARISON???) and zuko? he said “it’s my destiny for me to help the avatar.” and he DID. Yeah fighting azula was a culminating moment of his character arc and was imperative to taking down the imperial fire nation, but do you think zuko would just go attack his sister if she wasn’t a threat to Aang and peace? No, he would not. And you may be saying “uh yeah you said ‘and peace,’ zuko’s doing this because he believes it’s the right thing, and to take down his corrupt family, and for peace, not Aang.” BUT DO YOU SEE IT. AANG AND PEACE ARE LIKE SYNONYMS TO ZUKO. THEY COINCIDE. THEY’RE THE SAME THING. And in that Azula fight Zuko was given a MIRRORING scar with Aang. Aang’s back scar and his chest scar. (DO I HEAR DEVOTION???)
also headcanon-wise, I just really think Zuko is gay, so the ztara thing also kinda falls apart at that for me. Zuko just doesn’t?? Treat women very well??? Sorry, it IS kinda true tho. For so much of his life being spent with his main friends being only girls, he does not treat the women he dates very well. He actually treats Katara the best out of the girls he interacted with in my opinion even though he totally crushed her trust first try. (Some ships are about to get stray shots here while I explain this so sorry 🙏🙏)
Alright now here’s Zuko just not being the best with girls in general with romantic and platonic relationships. Not saying he hasn’t had his good moments, but, if I knew him irl I’d be trashing him for how he treats girls. Him and Mai always had continual problems on both ends. Zuko never really seemed interested in her genuinely, but on top of me just not really feeling the chemistry, Zuko was unhealthily distrusting and jealous of her like an object, he broke up with her through a note, and she risked her life for him and he didn’t even think about busting her out of jail. he really didn’t think about Mai much at all when he was with team avatar, and when he did, it was usually with weariness. he never really seemed upset that he was away from her. Now there was the “that’s rough buddy” conversation, but that’s when Zuko said “oh yeah leaving the Fire Nation was EASY” to which Sokka brought up leaving behind loved ones and Zuko went “Oh yeah, I had a girlfriend. Bummer I had to leave her to go FOLLOW THE AVATAR. AGAIN.” I was never convinced either of them actually liked each other romantically. The best thing I can say about their relationship is that Mai didn’t want Zuko to die, and the hardest part about Zuko’s easy decision to leave the fire nation was leaving Mai. For Katara, obviously, he severed things with her pretty early on, but was able to regain her trust so kudos to him. I guess he and Suki’s minimal interactions were positive I don’t really remember them sorry. Zuko DIABOLICALLY denied Toph her field trip. And Jin from Ba Sing Sei. j1nko is actually the Zuko het ship I like the most and that’s just cause I think they’re cute, and also this is like one of the times Zuko does something romantic that the girl actually likes. And he just never saw her again. Like I understand he was in a bit of a complex situation, but he could’ve gone to visit her or give condolences once everything settled down?? imagine you go on a date with this guy and the next day he’s ghosted you so hard he’s not even in the same city anymore? Jin was probably so heartbroken and then she sees HE’S THE FIRE LORD?? Nah I’d be so mad. Zuko has issues with girls. Men tho? I don’t see this problem arising. He just really reads as a gay dude to me.
Switching topics abruptly here, angsty zukaang has its place, but me personally, zukaang is not one of my angsty ships 😭😭 they worked so hard to be together y’all let them have it. There’s multiple solutions to the kid problem in my opinion, some more ideal than others but yknow. they could find out they loved each other after they already had kids and got a divorce? They could get surrogate mothers? They could say “screw you” to having to have bio kids and just adopt (and probably not announce it publicly cause how would the people know? Just keep them believing.). My personal favorite, they could avatar magic it and bring in some storks ectobiology and poof! magic bio baby they’re both blood related to. Hey, crazier things have happened. And zukkang has made a world where they can both be together and it’s beautiful and lovely and sweet ❤️🧡
and like, I don’t think it’s an all-out solution to the ship war. I think zutaraang is the all-out solution to the ship war. BUT, zukaang is a solution. It’s that one Thomas Sanders Prince vine where he goes “you’ll never have her! because I want you…”
uhhh anyways thank for comin to my tedtalk ramble about zukaang. Enjoy the rest of your day, and God loves you :DD
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ilexdiapason · 4 months
can i ask about the aro fabric fake dating au please?
sorry anon im late to ur ask i had a completely normal usual day 👍 ANYWAY
so if you are in the fantasy high fandom you may be aware that fabriz, fabian x riz, is the most popular ship in the tag (even more popular than all of the canon wlw ships but we aint getting into that tonight). you are probably also aware that riz gukgak was declared by word of brennan to be aspec and is commonly understood as aroace. this has of course led to Discourse over whether it's okay to ship riz with anyone.
i have decided to take the side that will piss the most people off and write a fabriz fake dating au where they aren't going to end up in a relationship, but they're damn sure gonna look like it.
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so now im 3.9k words into this piece its very fun ive made up so many ocs to populate this gay little world and im so ready to have fabian catch feelings for riz while riz is completely oblivious and in fact has no concept of said feelings nor ability to return them <3
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chiisana-sukima · 2 months
Hello, I love your blog and your thoughts on supernatural. Could you explain what you meant when you said it's "barely disguised kink." This sounds intriguing but I don't really understand.
So you know how you'll be reading along in, say, an AU longfic where Character A gets turned into a vampire, so you know there's gonna be some biting in it? And the first chapter where Character A bites the neck of their beloved Character B, you're like mm yes good.
But then there's another big, lovingly described biting scene, and then another one and another one, and they all go on for many paragraphs with much loving description of how sensual, hot, and/or angsty it all is. And then you're like still yes good, but also "Oh! I get it now! The vampire plot is an excuse; the author has a biting kink!"
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In a stunning show of 'start as you mean to go on', here's the first time we see adult Sam. He's shrouded in shadow behind a bright, idyllic picture of his military father and his dead mother, asking a loved one--who will soon die in an act that both is and is not his fault--if he has to do something he doesn't want to. It's spn, so of course the answer is yes, he has to.
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And here's the first tasty vampire bite. The ghost is exacting punishment on men who have been unfaithful. Sam never has, so she sexually assaults him, and now, on a technicality, he can be punished because he's guilty of something he never did.
There's no way to make logical sense of this. On it's face, it's just plain stupid. Even on a thematic level, it struggles. She's afraid to go home, so is she Sam? She murdered her two children because of grief and anger. Is she John? She's wearing a white nightgown or slip or whatever. Is she Mary?
Is Sam thematically vulnerable because by going to Stanford, he's been unfaithful to John and Dean? Because by going back to monster hunting, he's being unfaithful to his commitment to have a normal life with Jess? Or is there nothing under the technicality that the monster about to kill him is able to do so because she kissed him against his will first? There's no real answer ever given. The justification for the inclusion of the sexualized violence seems to be merely that it's hot. In either the DVD commentary or on Supernatural Then and Now, I forget which, someone even comments that while they were filming the scene, everyone was jealous of Jared because he "got to" have the hot actor playing the ghost on his lap nuzzling up to him. And if I had a nickle for every iteration of this kind of weirdness over the following 15 years, I'd have way, way, way more than two nickles.
I don't want to make it about ships here, because I think the ship aspect is peripheral. It's not, I think, about kink between any two specific characters but between the creators and the viewers. The creators find a bunch of kinky power play hot or compelling or idek what, and expect us all to feel the same about it too. There are a bazillion kinds of kink of course, but a very popular one involves two or more people engaging in a stylized roleplay of transgression and punishment for the purpose of getting them off, and spn enacts that specific roleplay so many times it's just not credible to me that they are doing it purely for plot reasons.
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Kind of gay to transgress so badly two men have to lock you in the basement to be pretend crucified, handcuffed to a cot, and then pretend tortured by yet another different man.
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Kind of gay to have something so wrong with you that a man has to tie you up and order a third man to stick a belt between your teeth to muffle your screams while he fists you.
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Kind of gay to have something so wrong with you, you have to be locked in a basement, handcuffed to a cot, have a man direct another man to presumably fist you while a third man watches and you scream and beg for--wait a minute haven't we done this all before??
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Kind of gay to have something so wrong with you, you have to get double penetrated by two men at the direction of a third man with the assistance of a fourth man while-- Anyway, y'all get the point. This is way too much BDSM to be just about the plot.
And it's not just Sam. Dean gets forced to be the reluctant punisher even more often than Sam gets forced to be the punish-ee. And Cas may get tortured less often than Sam does but I think he probably gets humiliated more.
Despite the overlay of sexualized violence--and oh holy hell is there ever a lot of that overlay--I don't mean to imply that by "kink" or "getting off" I necessarily mean sexually though. There are a lot of nonsexual elements to kink that are equally, or sometimes more, important than just getting laid in a complicated, ritualized fashion. Often it's about comfort, safety, surrender, catharsis, intimacy, or other intense emotions that are too frightening, taboo, or embarrassing to experience in everyday life.
The term "Final Girl" has taken on a lot of other nuances since Carol Clover coined it in 1992, but originally it was used as an analysis of how men use the female protagonist in slasher flicks to experience emotions like fear and vulnerability that--because of toxic masculinity--they can't allow themselves to experience either in real life or even at the remove of a male hero in fiction. Spn, I think, is a very Men Who are Final Girls who are Still Men kind of show. There's so much crying, so much vulnerability, so much terror and loss of power, and so many heartfelt conversations about topics that most men will never broach IRL unless they're lucky enough to have a woman partner who will pull it out of them or maybe a sufficiently sympathetic nurse at their bedside while they're literally dying. It's this that I mean when I say it's about kink rather than whatever bullshit ethical dilemmas tptb are claiming they're concentrating on that season.
The sastiel-directed-by-Dean example above is my favorite for being the most overtly and unnecessarily sexualized (why does detecting the presence of a soul involve fisting?? what is the belt for; they usually just go ahead and grunt or moan or scream?? why the detail that Sam could've got up and left the whole time??), but here, straight from the pen of eventual showrunner Andrew Dabb, is my favorite for total divorce from making a lick of sense.
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Kinda gay to shoot your load at another man during a fight over who gets to eat the foot long wiener.
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dekusleftsock · 1 year
(Along with some other things bouncing around, implications of togachako because of this chapter, maybe even a prediction? This is my FINAL THOUGJTS POST, unless ofc I notice something and I say it BUT HOPEFULLY THIS IS THE LAST AND ITS JUST GONNA BE ME BEING SILLY AND POSTING FANART)
1, i find it funny that Caleb said lickitung than Pikachu since that… totally doesn’t make sense nor was why Twice suggested the name. IDK IM A POKÉMON NERD AND AN MHA FAN SO I JUST FIND IT A LITTLE SILLY.
Like I think Horikoshi chose Pikachu bc it’s the most recognizable Pokémon, along with Himiko’s “chu-chu” noises she makes when she drinks blood ofc, but it was also probably suggested bc… Pikachu has the same blushies that Ochako has…
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Not to mention the fact that Pikachu is also representative of Toga’s colors, those of course being red and yellow.
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Lickitung makes no sense other than the fact that it paralyzes people/Pokémon by licking them and making them uncomfortable. It’s such a… random gen 1 Pokémon idfk. I can see WHY he chose it, because lickitung is supposed to be a friendly Pokémon that accidentally makes people uncomfortable, but I think Pikachu being said instead just makes far more sense; Pikachu is supposed to be a cute Pokémon. It’s origins in gen 1 were, “I want you to make the cutest Pokémon you can” and the artist Atsuko Nisida had to go through 3-5 iterations of pixel art (bc they would make the pixelated version for the game first AND THEN draw the Pokémon from that) before finally settling on what people call “fat Pikachu” which looked like this
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Lickitung works ig by being a Pokémon that ultimately is harmless to people but just accidentally freaks people out and makes them off-put by them, but Pikachu fits much better in a chapter where Ochako calls Himiko’s smile, something we’re supposed to see as creepy, perfect/pretty/beautiful. Comparing her and her cuteness to something like Pikachu just seems like something twice would do anything bc he’s a sweetie like that.
ALSO ANOTHER THING FOR PEOPLE WHO KNOW NOTHING ABOUT POKÉMON: reguri is I think the most popular ship? That might be beat by Selena/ash and misty/ash, but regardless it’s super popular and also is EXTREMELY SIMILAR to bkdk.
This does depend on which version of them you’re talking about, but personally when I read pokespe (the most popular official Pokémon manga, there’s others but that’s just the most well known one) I always thought bkdk were so similar to red/blue to the point it was uncanny. At the time I thought “eh that’s just gay rival tropes there’s tons of other characters in other anime/manga/tv that are similar to them too” but after the mention OF Pikachu and Toga’s purposeful similarities I do wonder if horikoshi was a Pokémon fan in the 90’s during his childhood. That wouldn’t surprise me seeing as the games were such a booming success in Japan (literally it’s the most sold Pokémon games ever nothing has beat it since), so it would make sense if horikoshi was a secret Pokémon fan.
I mean, blues hair is even similar to bakugous but idk, maybe it’s a stretch.
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They’re not childhood friends in pokespe, but they are childhood friends in the games, blue bullying him as they got older and pushing red away, red goes and has an emo arc on mount silver by himself without telling anyone, eventually comes down from that mountain in black and white 2 where red and blue are starting to be friends again, and I don’t think they’re seen again until sun and moon where they’re on vacation together in alola. There’s other outside game content that has just… progressively gotten more gay.
AGAIN, IM NOT SURE IF HORIKOSHI HAS READ THE POKESPE MANGA OR IF HE PUT THIS MUCH THOUGHT INTO IT! However I WILL say that if you enjoy bkdk you will probably enjoy reguri and the pokespe manga, especially since it has a more interesting plot than the anime or games, along with being less corny. It’s a lot more… I don’t wanna say graphic but honest? It wasn’t really made in mind that it would be targeted overseas like all the other Pokémon stuff, so it’s just more honest about environmental issues and pet abuse and things like that. Red and blues character arcs and friendship, along with Leaf’s character arc is very interesting just by itself, highly recommend.
MOVING ON… my Pokémon nerdiness aside, I love Himiko’s defiance to conform to hero society especially as a villain. Will she go against this vow because she sees herself as a full fledged villain? I wasn’t really sure.
She didn’t, which is great, but I also think those themes of pity and feeling like Ochako is still looking down on her… remind me exactly of Katsuki.
I also find this page and what toga says quite interesting.
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Saying that she KNEW ochako was sad too, that’s a VERY interesting observation to make when thinking of someone you “hate”.
And I like the distinction that Ochako wasn’t afraid of Toga because of her smile being creepy, or that she was trying to harm her or tsu, but because she couldn’t understand why she was smiling during a fight.
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More bakugou vibes/lines
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If/when they ARE canon, explicitly and completely and all that, then that would make mha a, and idk if it’s the first, shonen GL + BL. That would be fucking crazy.
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It’s a couple of things: Ochako is not explicitly saying how she wishes she could talk about her love with Izuku, instead it seems to be more framed as talking ABOUT Izuku.
He’s not even looking at her, and she’s not looking at him; no, instead Ochako and Himiko are looking at each other, and talking about the importance to talk about your feelings openly, how she admires that quality to Himiko.
In a way this is Ochako saying “No, don’t become like him, this is why I admire you. That trait makes you admirable, it’s a trait I love in you.”
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And lastly, that marriage proposal. Is it REALLY a marriage proposal? How romantic or platonic is this this scene?
Well, I went back and read chapter 348 to find out, and a little detail disregarded, not only by me but everyone else, was the line, “If you ask me, being a couple means being one and the same. Makes sense right? Nothing else… would fulfill my desires.”
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And then ochako in 393, purposely bearing her feelings to Himiko and offering her blood to her? Even with this knowledge? The knowledge that Himiko would see this as a confession? Fucking crazy.
For all her flaws, I can perfectly picture why Ochako would prefer someone who sees romance like she does, openly unapologetic about her feelings like she is, over someone who can’t even see a teenage girls confession as an actual confession of love. Way to be selfish Izuku.
(God he would be SO offended at all the shit talking I’ve been doing to him recently HAHA! BUT HE NEEDS TO HEAR IT BC HES AN IDIOT WHO SHOULD BE TAKING HIS FEELINGS SERIOUSLY. How are you going to let the hot headed blonde kid that bullied you be better at this. HOW.)
So yes, I think this is so explicitly romantic, I literally thought this scene would never fucking happen because I KNEW how gay it was, how gay everyone KNEW it was—but god damn. Horikoshi you mad man.
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meraki-yao · 9 months
That question was super serious im trying to figure out what's going on, love that taylor got all that exposure but it was a bit surprising, Im from a super homophobic country (illegal/death penalty type homophobic) and china is probably more progressive from where i stand but by western standards its still a lot conservative. So it was odd that an actor who's only popular in certain groups for playing a queer character is getting hyped up there.
Heads up, I went on a rant lmao
I agree. And I was really freaking anxious the whole time he was there because of it.
Okay, for those who don't know, here's the thing about LGBT+ in China. And I'm only gonna talk about the sexuality aspect because the gender aspect is a whole other topic and a lot less progressive than the sexuality side (that being said trans lives matter)
The official stance promoted by the government, ergo the public, is condemning it. Thankfully not in an illegal/death penalty type, but more in a "if we ignore it and don't talk about it, it will go away" type.
There were a couple of years I think in the mid-2010s where significant progress was being made in terms of both representation (see shows like Guardian, the Untamed, Word of Honor) and pride organizations and support (see Shanghai Pride)
But starting in mid-2021 the government suddenly cracked down on queer representation. "Effeminate" men were publicly condemned and called "sissy" BY THE OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT NOTICE (I was fucking fuming when I read it). Dangai (BL, or simply, adapted from gay novels) shows were banned. Multiple LGBT+ organizations were shut down without explanation. And just this year, when a singer with a famous song about being an LGBT ally supporting the community held a concert in Beijing, anyone with anything remotely resembling a rainbow was banned from entry and had to hand in the rainbow object, even if it was their clothing. And those stuff were never returned. The older generation, such as my parents' generation, condemn it. It's not an optimistic sight.
But here's the fucking truth: queer people, have always existed, and always will. So actually, younger people, I'd say 30 years old and younger, the vast majority accept queerness. Gay couples are sharing their lives on Bilibili. Danmei (explicitly gay) radio dramas, novels, and comics are still being produced and consumed. There are so many people watching Western gay shows and movies such as RWRB as well as producing gay fan content. And honestly, part of it is due to the shipping culture here (which is a whole other topic I can write a dissertation on).
Either way, what I'm trying to say is regardless of whatever the "official stance" is, the demographic that's active on social media is accepting of it. Which is why RWRB could gain such popularity in China.
As per my last ask, I think the main reason for inviting Taylor is his willingness to try things the local way. A lot of times Chinese capitalists/executives don't really care where the star got their fame from, they just care that they are famous.
The difference with Taylor is that actors in China of a similar level of status locally to Taylor and who have been in queer productions don't talk about it after the promo period is over. If anything, gaining fame from being in a Dangai is kind of considered shameful. In fact, they actively avoid it. Taylor is of course, more than willing to talk about RWRB. In fact, during the videos, live streams and stuff, I was actively observing if RWRB would be brought up by the Chinese side/host. It wasn't. During the Little Red Book livestream, despite basically everyone in the live chat spamming RWRB comments, Taylor was the one who said "Oh I see talk about RWRB, what do you want to know?" And I understand that there are several potential reasons why RWRB wasn't brought up by the host, including time constraints, pre-set questions, pre-set agendas etc, but latent homophobia is also a potential reason.
Either way, yeah. I don't really know what the conclusion of this ramble is but here you go 😅
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candycharmss · 2 months
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꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷‧₊˚💕 ‧₊˚ I HAD THIS FEELING, AS I WAS FALLING ~ . . .
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Hey hi! My name is Dew!! I’m just a silly guy that’s just here to talk about my silly little f/os!! You know how it is!!! I know my account is empty (mainly bc i am so nervous to be entering this place again ahA...) but I promise you I’m gonna be pretty much active here, just like i was on my main! I figured maybe a side blog would be nicer, plus I can yap way more ehehe. 💕
Oh yea my main is @candycoffinss HE/she pronouns! ʚ♡ɞ Genderfluid ʚ♡ɞ Gay ʚ♡ɞ Adult
I will warn you though, this blog is VERY horror/gore themed, I love spooky stuff! So be cautious pls <3
Please no doubles D: … nothing personal I promise!!! It just kinda makes me feel not so great :( this might change we’ll see :L…
... Since I am an adult, so there might be the occasional suggestive post but I will be tagging it as #suggestive and #suggestive cw so I’d like to politely ask for minors to block it! Or anyone who’s uncomfortable, really. But I promise there won’t be a bunch! Maybe just funny memes. :P!
I have a bunch of f/os… like, a lot.. But my main focuses are these fellas!!
💫 Arthur D4venp0rt from 4rt 0f M0re! I like to say I'm his #1 bf because I'm sure almost nobody else has rlly heard of this show ehehe <33 I just started watching it and I decided he'd be a f/o of mine!!!! He's a cutie <33. The ship name is Chocolate Coins! He has a lot of money so i thought it'd make sense. :3 Aannnddd for tags... |♡|🎨 ~ YOUR SONG ! 🎨 ✎ . . . My sweetheart <3 💫 Sc0tt T1bbs from the S4w franchise! Admittedly I haven’t seen a bunch of love for him but I figured that I could provide that <3 besides, he’s such a cool guy :3 the ship name for him and my s/i or oc is Rockcandy and his tags are |♡|🎸 ~ KILLSHOT ! 🎸 ✎ . . . My rockstar <3 💫 St4nford P1nes from Gr4vity F4lls! Chat… Chat he is so kind… I’ve liked him for FOREVER and now I can be open about it!!! Yay!! The ship name is Dewford or Smarties! Can you tell I like candy themes? His tags are |♡|✋ ~ HE BLINDED ME WITH SCIENCE ! ✋ ✎ . . . My nerd <3
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Sooo yeah! There’s some other ones, but they’re all on my carrd! Yippee!!!
What else do I put… um…
OH! Tags.. Tags!! Let's see here... AHA!
⚰️ ✎ . . . Dew's Coffin - Me talking! Just simply thinking of stuff :3
🦴 ✎ . . . Dew's Bones - Art tag!! Yay!!
🧠 ✎ . . . Dew's Brain - Thoughts!! Maybe F/O imagines!! We'll see!
🫀 ✎ . . . Dew's Heart - F/O gushing :33 ehehehehehhe
🦷 ✎ . . . Dew's Teeth - Fanart/gift tag! Of course I'm not forcing this but just in case it's needed ;P, I've somehow managed to get a bunch of fanart in general so ahA--
🪦 ✎ . . . Dew's Gravestone - Reblog game responses!
🩸 ✎ . . . Dew's Blood - Suggestive posts
👻 ✎ . . . Dew's Hauntings - Asks! Ur all my little ghosts :3
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SINCE THE BOOK OF BILL HAS BECOME MORE POPULAR I FIGURED MAYBE I SHOULD SAY THIS:: DONT TALK AB IT IF YOU SHIP BILLFORD! nothing personal, I just get uncomfortable! You're still good to interact just please don't tag anything I post as billford please! <3 Proshippers don’t talk to me, you’re all stinky as hell smh >:L same with just general dni criteria. Don’t be a freak man, it’s not that hard :( Also DNI if you're like, a comshipper or if you're that kinda freak that likes abusive stuff like girlypop... no.... Also zoophiles, necrophiles, etc. I've had the displeasure of having followers of that so :/ never again, never again... youch... Also if you're anti-lgbtq, homophobic, transphobic, yadda yadda... Yeah no, not on my BLOG >:/
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harperonni · 1 year
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NSR Oc’s!! here we go lads!! I’m gonna put more info about them under read more bc asdfg I just wanna yell about them! might even open up to questions about them bc I just would love love to share more omg, so feel free to ask about them if you like Also all three are trans and very queer
Left to right: Valli Styrene
She/Her, 29, trans, lesbian
Tattoo artist. Farah was one of her first customers, and her popularity rocketed after she did EVE’s thigh tattoo.
Only has one tattoo, as she’s a big perfectionist. She has lots of ideas on what she’d like, but just can’t seem to follow through on them
Often goes to EVE’s art gallaries when she can. She studied Fine art at uni, though dropped out the course on her last year. Took her a lot of retail jobs and apprenticeships before she got to where she is now. 
Fangs run in the family, but she’s not a vampire. 
Her favourite animals are actually snakes. She has a pet Ball python (despite the place where they’re renting having a no pets policy) and her name is Carmilla
Still paints from time to time, likes using gouache the most.
Farah Sol
They/She, 36, Non-binary, Pansexual
Comes from a biiigg family. Two mums, five siblings, and now five nieces/nephews. Is very close to their family, and frequently visits home (Valli and Speckle have been brought into the familly circle too, given how the three live togehter and had been friends since meeting at uni).
NSR artist - ElectroSwing (Still unsure if they have a district in the future, like if they get that popular. Maybe, only because it would be fun to imagine asdfg) 
They’re also a semi-successful author, though they go by a pseudonym (Sol Bacho) because they want their books to be read becuase they’re good, not because they’re an NSR artist. Some of their best sellers include: Vinyl City, a music foundation, RETDEX: What once was, and  Stars Aline (a romance they honestly hadn’t expected to get popular lol)
Adores cats. If she could have cats in their no pet house they would not hesitate. For now though, she goes to DJ SS’s house and snuggles his cats instead lol
(also kinda shipped them with DJ Subatomic as a joke but now it’s not a joke help)
Speckle Darling
He/Him, 35, Trans, Gay
Architect, has worked outside and in Vinyl city and over saw some of the more lived in areas, (as in, homes where people could live lol) and if I decide Farah’s a charter with their own district, is def the man Farah hires to help design their district.
Arcitecture and DIY is this mans passion! He will talk hours over the differences and imporatnace of specific window panes. 
He also relaxes with simulator games, like the sims (this man would only ever build houses, he never plays with any actual families). He would also unironically enjoy truck simulator too. He’s a simple man with simple pleasures.
He uses a cane to help walk, primarily with his left foot which is robotic. He was born without his left leg, and didn’t really get his first prosthetic until his teens years.
Is a single and divorced dad, too. Maybe a year after Farah becomes a charter, there’s a celebration on one of Farah’s songs being a big hit. Speckle drank too much and woke up in another city, married to a guy he didn’t know. The two enjoyed eachothers company, but decided to divorce. Speckle heads home, vowing to not drink again after all that happened. Three weeks later he finds out hes pregnant, and decides to keep the baby. Then, Sandi Darling was born
He adores his daughter so much, and Farah and Valli are co-godparents to Sandi. They’re reffered to as Aunt Far, and aunt Val
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qu0rky · 3 months
These are such crack ships but I can't help but love them so I'm just gonna throw them out here
Togakure (Byakuya Togami X Yasuhiro Hagakure)
And Soudam (Kazuichi Souda X Gundham Tanaka)
I'm aware I'm lowkey insane, but I am free
Yk what, GOOD. I love me some crack ships.
These are both ships i like, and the only reason they aren’t my faves is because there’s other ships of these characters that i prefer😭 Multishipping is hard when i love my otps that much.
Togakure has been great since the anime ngl, from the game i never focused too much on them (cause i didn’t focus much on anything that wasn’t Naegami) but GAH DAYUM they really do have potential when they’re in the Future Foundation, especially since i don’t think it would even be legal to ship them in THH? I’m pretty sure Byakuya was around 17 and Yasuhiro an adult, unless i played it with my eyes closed, which i wouldn’t doubt.
I always adored the dynamic of the goofy character and the “straight man” character that just balance each other (and high key annoy each other) and that creates a lot of fun content. I will never deny a plate of Togakure, but my main course will always be Naegami
Overall, 7.5/10
For Soudam it’s kind of a reverse situation, it’s such a popular ship but i can’t help but prefer rarepairs for both of them (Kuzusouda and Nekodam) but i do think it’s an overhated ship. It’s just a regular enemies to lovers, straight up censoring its name is very silly imo.
Also i’m biased, since i adore Kazuichi and i just want to see him happy with someone, and i see his backstory as total Trans and Gay subtext. But these two can certainly goof together more than expected, i mean they both have “weird” personalities, and i do expect a nice friendship from them at the very least.
I’ll rate it a 7/10 since i prefer Togakure
Thank you for the ask! You can tell me why you like these ships if you please❤️
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ficretus · 4 months
I decided to have some fun and tried to compile how many Jaune harem fics there are at AO3.
Criteria for what is a harem fic is relatively subjective, here is the one I came up with.
Jaune has to have at least 3 romantic partners in the story
One shot romance chapters within the same fic will count as harem fic even if chapters are not in the same continuity
Intent also counts. Fics that are ongoing or were never finished that are presented as or going in a direction of harem fic
Your criteria for what is a harem fic migth vary, so take this number with grain of salt.
With that out the way, number I came up with is:
so far...
Here is year by year breakdown on AO3
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Here are some observations I made scrolling over almost every Jaune fic on AO3.
First true Jaune harem fic I've noticed (previously it was mostly just JNPR poly fics) was Jaune x His sisters.
Beacon era Jaune harem fics are incredibly anachronistic. It became the most popular setting for Jaune harem fics, yet when Beacon era was current thing, nobody was shipping Jaune with harem. Most popular Jaune ship was of course Arkos, but after that, you were more likely gonna find a fic in which Jaune is with Cardin or Neptune than with Ruby or Weiss.
Rise of Jaune harem fics coincides with Jaune's narrative role getting enlarged post Beacon and death of Pyrrha. Reason why specifically Jaune out of all male characters gets so many harem fics is that he fits the mold, while other major male characters simply do not. Ren is heavily tied to Nora and you'll rarely see him shipped with anyone else, Oscar is tied to Ruby and creeps out lot of people (being both youngest and having immortal wizard in his head) and Qrow is busy being gay with every mature male character.
Most fics that feature Jaune as a character were made in period 2021-2024, however percentage of harem fics among those is on decline. We are currently outside of what can be considered "golden era" of Jaune harem fics. Either people who wrote harem fics got bored of Jaune and moved on, or understanding of Jaune's character beyond making him self insert harem protagonist increased in community. Been seeing lot more of "monogamous" Jaune in recent years.
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browngurl99 · 1 year
I think the biggest reason they tried to make Buddy Daddies as less Homo as possible is definitely because they wanted more people to watch this series. As the VAs said in an interview that "Men should watch this". They probably wanted to attract a larger audience, especially men. If they made Kazuki and Rei's relationship even a bit gay, they would lose so many watchers.
A large audience of Anime in general consists of Cis Heterosexual Men. These men won't watch anything that's even remotely gay. Why do you hear all these anime youtubers people never talk about Yuri on ice or Banana Fish? Both of these anime series are pretty popular. But they don't talk about it cuz they don't watch it. They know it's canonically queer and hence, they are never gonna watch it. They refuse that Ymir and Historia were in love. They hate on people who harmlessly ship characters of same gender. They say gay shippers ruin the fandom. Of course, they won't watch Buddy Daddies if it's even a little Homoerotic.
The fact that it's about two men raising a child is already a reason for many people to draw back from watching it. So, if it actually turned out to be a gay, so many of them will refuse to watch it. And that's why Rei and Kazuki acted like "just friends" in the timeskip even after all that happened when they were at The Suwa mansion. It's like that meme where a man uses tape to a fix a hole in a filled water tank. They love each other. They really do. But the creators had to prove that it's purely platonic. But on the other hand one of the producers keeps liking all the KazuRei shipping posts on twitter. Remember the rumor in Haikyuu fandom that one of the ships was going to become canon but due to homophobia, they weren't allowed to make it canon. That might be actually apply to buddy daddies in reality.
So, basically my point is: Miri commenting about Kazuki slipping out to go drinking with a girl and Rei n Kazuki being a little awkard at first when Miri was taking a family picture ; It was nothing more than a marketing strategy. They did it on purpose so the homophobic audience (or audience that just don't want to watch gay content) will still watch the show. They did it to assure that audience that it's not gay. They did it to relieve those "Thank God Buddy Daddies is not gay" kind of people.
Now, What they did was right or wrong, that's subjective. I personally kinda understand why they did this this. And Honestly, us as a fandom shouldn't just let a couple of scenes ruin KazuRei for us. I was actually kinda scared when I came across a time-skip spoiler before watching the episode. I was scared if they will show Kazuki and Rei having wives or something. But THIS is a lot better than that. And gay shippers have had worse than this. But that does not stop us from making all this amazing content about our favorite fictional pairing, does it? So, let's just not overthink it.
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They look very happy in the picture. It's clear that they are comfortable with each other.
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Since you did do an ask on the bigger and more popular Mane 6/Rainboom ships, may as well ask on the lesser known and talked about ones. Thoughts on:
Sunset/Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash/Fluttershy/Pinkie
Sunset/Wallflower Blush
Rarity/Rainbow Dash
Twidash - Absolute jock/nerd energy. Also mad scientist/willing guinea pig energy! Can be fun.
Pinkiedash - absolute bros(genderneutral) who will party hard and cause a large-scale prank war throughout their home. Love them.
Sunset/Rainbow - Somehow both very similar and very different in a way that may butt heads at times but god they'd also vibe so hard.
Sunset/Fluttershy - in my aus I usually make them gay in opposite directions, but I can see this being sweet.
Appleshy - absolute cottagecore energy I love them.
Flutterpie - Okay but remember my rewrite of Pinkie Pride where I switched it to be Flutter's birthday and the Pinkie v Cheese fight was about that and it ended in Pinkie remembering that it's Flutters' party so they sneak off to have their own get together while the epic bash is happening? THAT.
Rainbow/Flutters/Pinkie - Fluttershy is exhausted but she loves them.
Sunset/Trixie - The most dramatic couple oh my god.
Twilight/Trixie - honestly the mid ship in 'Twilight with her other powerful unicorn reflections'. Still good of course! Though I do think this depends on your exact characterization of Trixie.
Rarilight - YES!! YES!! I'm not even gonna elaborate I'm just going to once again recommend The Enchanted Library
Sunset/Rarity - Actually while I rarely focus on this one I actually love them?
Rarity/Rainbow - Another opposites attract but I do adore the dynamic!
Sunset/Applejack - Honestly I rarely consider this but I think it'd be cute
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fandoomrants · 7 months
if they're selling the series on being faithful to the books, the most we can aspire to is some cute scenes between them. i doubt they're gonna make canon a ship that's kinda niche (it's big in the marauders part of the fandom, but it's not as common to see it in golden era fanfics, for example). and to be fair, it's really not as canon as the fandom hypes it up to be haha there aren't THAT many intense scenes between them
I mean, when I say "make them canon" is like, hint there was something, once. I totally don't have high hopes for it but nowadays it's more accepted to have queer characters in media than it was when the books and movies came out. For example, there are some rumours going around that JKR made Tonks and Remus canon just so people would stop shipping him with Sirius and I don't quite believe it but on the other hand, I can see it. It wasn't so accepted and widespread to have queer characters. However, I can also see how it can work for them to had been something at some point too, I'll explain more later.
Also, I made a post a while ago saying that I believe Wolfstar is so popular because we've seen these two interact more and as adults too and maybe they wouldn't have been that popular if we had seen their whole story playing out from the beginning because there would have been other characters and dynamics around but at the same time, as far as we are aware, we don't know about any of them being with anyone while they were still younger so one can imagine.
I know it's popular mainly in the marauders fandom but now if we go by canon, I believe that if they were a thing, it was back then. Like, before Sirius went to Azkaban and all that. Otherwise I can see it only in some aus where everyone lives or sth, or basically Sirius doesn't go to prison. Or generally, aus that are set in another universe where none of this happens. And it's just the whole thing of them not seeing each other for 12 years, also Remus thinking Sirius betrayed James and Lily. And, of course, the fact he gets married to Tonks later. And even without the last, I feel like they would have already be too estranged to actually have something as adults. Even if they could have, unfortunately someone dies.
But at the same time, as I said, we have literally nothing to prove that any of them was with anyone else, we know lots of girls liked Sirius but he ignored them and there's this thing in his room where he had posters of Muggle girls on his walls and Remus gets married but the whole relationship between him and Tonks happens wayyy later (obvious reasons here) so these don't mean anything. As far as we're informed, they weren't dating anyone and people don't have to be strictly only straight or only gay for it to be impossible to marry someone but be with someone from another gender as well at some point in your life.
As for the scenes between them, tbh, I reread PoA and their reunion is kinda hilarious as they're both drama queens and act confusing while explaining what's going on, also they literally hug 0.2 seconds after seeing each other for the first time in 12 years and somewhat make this immediate impression that they're very close. In the movie they somewhat made it even more hilarious as Hermione says something like "You and him" while pointing at them and it landed as an even more queer accusation. And I know this doesn't truly prove anything and especially the movie moment won't have any influence on the series but in both cases the scene gives the vibe of closeness between them.
So, yeah, I'll finish this essay with the conclusion that while we have nothing that really indicates them as canon, we also don't have any proof that they weren't either and I'm pretty sure that the fact they're so shipped to the extend of people believing that the author made one marry in order to cancel the ship is just showing that lots of people could see that there might be something. And if they make this something a fact, I think it'll be taken okay by the public, even if they don't ship them. As long as it's not something that'll actually break canon later.
Oh, and just to add this too, the reason why I said in the first place that I'd be happy if they make them canon is because lately in some adaptations of other books, some ships are made canon because they make sense. And here I think they can also make sense, as a thing from the past. So that's my reasoning. It can't work with other popular ships as the characters are canonly with other people and it won't work for them as adults because it'll break other canon events but while they were young(er)... We just don't have a reason against.
Anyways, thanks for the ask!
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