#fabriz aro fake dating au
ilexdiapason 4 months
can i ask about the aro fabric fake dating au please?
sorry anon im late to ur ask i had a completely normal usual day 馃憤 ANYWAY
so if you are in the fantasy high fandom you may be aware that fabriz, fabian x riz, is the most popular ship in the tag (even more popular than all of the canon wlw ships but we aint getting into that tonight). you are probably also aware that riz gukgak was declared by word of brennan to be aspec and is commonly understood as aroace. this has of course led to Discourse over whether it's okay to ship riz with anyone.
i have decided to take the side that will piss the most people off and write a fabriz fake dating au where they aren't going to end up in a relationship, but they're damn sure gonna look like it.
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so now im 3.9k words into this piece its very fun ive made up so many ocs to populate this gay little world and im so ready to have fabian catch feelings for riz while riz is completely oblivious and in fact has no concept of said feelings nor ability to return them <3
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ilexdiapason 4 months
Question about the fake dating AU: Do the other Bad Kids know that they're doing this?
Also, does this take place after junior year?
this takes place after college! riz is now employed full-time at the solesian foreign intelligence bureau, basically doing the same thing as his dad but on the material plane. he's so good at his job that when he makes dumb mistakes like accidentally claiming a non-colleague is his boyfriend while undercover, his boss estelle lets him roll with it instead of assigning someone new to the case. and yes, he did get unreasonably hot in the middle of his college career, just like his father promised.
fabian, in comparison, is doing very little with his life right now. hallariel and gilear came back to seacaster manor for the duration of her pregnancy, but once The Baby was born they elected to move back to fallinel and raise it there, with cathilda and telemine in tow. now he's once again alone in the house and having kind of a quarter-life crisis (as much as a half-elf's life can be a quarter over at 25) as he realises that dance fighting really doesn't offer a lot of future prospects and just sitting on his investments forever is going to get boring fast.
so when riz tells him to come over, of course he's about to be 100% down with literally whatever comes out of the ball's mouth no matter what it is. right?
(the other bad kids are unlikely to appear on screen in this fic. fabian might call ragh for advice at some point or something? it's kind of framed as a oneshot campaign like the one with the bad boys which i haven't watched, with fewer cast members present)
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ilexdiapason 4 months
im obsessed with your fabriz fake dating au I don't even have anything to ask I just love it
thank u bird u can have another sneepet on the house
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ilexdiapason 4 months
'fabriz' fake dating - do any of them have trouble saying the word boyfriend for the first time? i feel like that would be interesting for both fabian who's never considered himself queer before and for riz who knows that's not what he wants - like knowing the weight of the word when saying it ^^
THIS IS THE THING i've decided that in the five or so years since junior year ended fabian realised that he is in fact bisexual and then decided to bury that knowledge as deep at the back of his brain as possible because like, he can still just date girls and be normal, he doesn't need to pay attention to that part, right? WRONG its going to come back and eat him alive the second he's pressed on it by well-meaning outsiders. riz also knows that fabian is queer and ignoring it, but that's only because riz was There when fabian worked this out, in an incident i have not ironed out the particulars of but like it has 3am-at-the-sleepover energy. he's using the word boyfriend very casually in the snippet from the original post but that's only because it hasn't really set in yet, and the fact that he has real romantic feelings for riz Also hasn't set in yet and won't for like at least another two chapters.
whereas in terms of riz he's gonna be consistently uncomfortable with the terminology, which is something murph already brought to the character and i'm just bringing through - refer back to "my romance partner baron" and the way riz always stumbles his way through the word "sex", this man has got better at talking relationships purely by exposure throughout college and at work but he's still not good at it. he rolls disadvantage on all deception checks about this fake relationship the entire time. luckily the npcs are almost all stupid so they dont really clock but we do get a little silly with it <3
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ilexdiapason 4 months
people who liked the aro fabriz fake dating au does anyone with a good sense for Brennan NPCs want to help me workshop a character <3 please <3
edit: dont just like the post talk to me
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