#so my annoyance could be at that or also be in combination w
Sometimes I get mad at stupid stuff but really it’s usually something deeper that I haven’t always processed as being the actual thing I’m mad at. My brain focuses on the smaller more manageable grievance than the bigger one and ends up making me look like a whiny bitch
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anything4mymoony · 9 months
~That you weren't mine~
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One bed trope- enemies to lovers- forced proximity? 
Anyways- lesbian smut-fingering- reader is in charge for my domming w/w out there
Also- don't come at me, I haven't written smut in a PHAT minute so ya'll 🫣
You and Kit had practically been enemies since you were five. You loathed each other for some reason that now, as you grew older couldn’t remember. You would have gotten over it if kit weren’t the cockiest princess known to mankind. 
She was a great swordsman which only added onto her giant list of reason why she believed she was the best-person-ever-who-literally-had-soooo-much-talent. You hated every time your parents forced you to go visit her kingdom for “diplomatic appearances” to prove that both kingdoms were friends. 
And every time you were with Kit, she somehow managed to send you back home in a fury, fists clenched with the annoyance and frustration of her remarks. 
So it wasn’t really all that different when you went to visit for the who knows now many time. You both however, managed to get through dinner without a single squabble that both sets of parents had begun to believe that your childish antics were finally coming to an end. 
Their wishes had lasted for only so long, that as when you both exited the dining hall, the spell of your silence had broken. Kit managed to start it this time, asking with a snarky tone how your search for a suitor was going, somehow managing to add in that you were a intolerbable troll and oh- who would ever want to marry you? 
You bit back saying that her head was so far up her ass that her ego was so much larger an all of the men’s egos combined from both yours nd her kingdoms. Jade howeverr, finally had enough od the arguing between you both- a migraine that always seemed to return every time you two got together. So- Jade came up with an idea- one that she believed to be great. 
That night, when you were getting ready for bed, Kit opened your door, slightly confused to find you already in there. 
“What do you want?” You sighed, rolling your eyes. 
“I-um,” Kit began “um- Jade told me one of the maids accidentally set my bed on fire and that this room would be available for me to sleep in,” 
She couldn’t concetrate on her words, her eyes falling towards your slightly unbuttoned shirt that you were clearly in the middle of putting on. 
“Well this is my room. I'm staying here for the night. You can go find another room,” you spat. 
Kit made a face before turning to open the door to leave, only to find that it was locked. “Well shit” 
“Well shit what?” You asked, joining her side as you tried the door only to find that it was locked. You frowned “the door must have gotten stuck. I call the bed, you can sleep on the floor for all I care.” 
Kit gasped at your words “no way am I sleeping on the floor. You can!” 
You turned around before poking a finger at her chest “Kit, I am your guest here. I sleep in the damn bed,” 
You went to lay down on the bed, proving your point. Kit watched you for a moment, as you snuggled yourself in the middle of the bed, a smirk on your face. Kit only rolled her eyes and laid down next to you, her small spot on the edge of the bed. You frowned in disgust. 
“What are you doing?” You snapped. 
“I’m laying down,” Kit replied before digging her elbow into your ribs for you to move over “move over, I wont be able to sleep with such little room.” 
“This is my bed, im not moving,” you crossed your arms 
“Technically- I own this bed, I own everything in this castle. Move over or I’ll have to sleep on top of you.” 
“I’m not moving, Kit.” you frowned “You were the one who decided to bother me in my room and now you are stuck in here. Whose fault is that?” 
Kit didn’t respond. Instead, she rolled over to where she was onto of you. Her legs were straddling the sides of your body while her face hovered over yours. For a moment, you could have sworn you saw her eyes drift down to your lips before bouncing back up to your eyes. She gave you a lazy smile. 
“I guess this is going to have to do since you wont move over.” 
“Get off of me!” you tried to shove her off, but her hands were planted on either side of your head, keeping her upright. you felt your heart race at how close kit was to you, how she was practically onto of you. Your skin warmed at the feeling and you tried to move your legs. 
“You may hate me,” Kit leaned down, whispering in your ear as her warm breath brushed against your neck “but I believe your body thinks differently.” 
You parted your lips trying to form a sentence but your body was too overwhelmed. The warmth of her breath on your neck seemed to have made your brain short circuit. The only thing that came out of your mouth was a shuddering breath. 
You felt Kit smirk against your ear before she leaned down and kissed your neck. there was nothing that you could do with her body onto of yours- not that you wanted to do anything. Your body was filled with a warmth from where her lips had touched your skin. Kit continued to make her way down your neck, stopping to leave a little mark above your collar bone. 
A involuntary groan left your lips, body falling limp in the bed as you eyes fluttered for a moment. In that moment, you couldn’t remember why you had hated her so much, you could only think about how good her lips felt on you. 
“Kit,” you panted, hesitantly reaching up to grasp at her hair. 
“Are you sure you still hate me?’ Kit mumbled against your skin. 
“I…I dont think I ever did,” you responded as you pushed her off of you and rolled onto of her. 
Being on top of kit was a sight that you even thought you’d see. But you spent a few seconds marveling at how her flushed face looked against the pillow, her short locks splayed around her head. You shifted yourself on her, trying to fix your legs when your hips brushed against hers. Kit let out a sigh, eyelids almost drooping shut from the feeling. 
You cupped the sides of her face and kissed her gently, only for kit to grasp at your hips and kiss you back more passioanlty. It seemed as if she had been wanting to kiss you for such a long time- all of her thoughts and feelings had been conveyed into the kiss, groaning as you ran your teeth along her bottom lip. 
You quickly moved to kiss her neck as kit bit down on her lip, noises threatening to spill past her lips. A loud sigh left her as you found the sensitive spot on her neck. You stayed in that spot, running your teeth over the area before licking it to soothe the pain. While you did that, you slowly traced your fingers up kit’s arm. She shuddered from your touch. 
“Do you like that?” You whispered against her skin. 
Kit could only nod, biting down on her lip before a whimper escaped. You smiled at the mess that you had managed to reduce her to. You moved your hand up to her face before you looked up at her. 
“I need to hear you say it, Kit.” 
She nodded, trying to summon the willpower to speak. Her body was too overwhelmed from your touch and she felt like she was dreaming again. Ever since you had arrived to her kingdom after years of being apart, kits eyes had never left you. 
You can come back stronger and more dignified than you were the last time she had seen you but then you both had only been kids. Now, not had you only grown to be more breath taking- but there was something about your maturing personality that drew her in and kept her hooked. 
“Yes,” she whispered. 
I kissed at her lips as my fingers hovered over her waistband “is this okay?” 
“Ye-yeah, yes, please” 
You shuddered at how desperate she became, the begging in her voice forced a soft moan out of you. you moved yourself off of her. With her permission, you ran your fingers down her pants and between her thighs, teasingly touching her. Kit bit her lip as her head fell back against the pillows. Her breathing was becoming short and messy with the desperation to feel you. 
Her hips chased your touch, a moan rolling past her lips. You giggled from the sound she made before pressing a finger too her lips. 
“Shh,” you breathed against her mouth “can’t have anyone hearing us.” 
You slid a hand over her mouth, using that as a shield from the sounds you so deseralty wanted o hear. But something turned you on with the risk of being heard, with the forcefulness of having her moan into your hand sent something stirring inside of you. 
You dragged your pointer finger along her cunt. Kit arched her back, eyes practically rolling to the back of her head when you slowly inserted them into her wet pussy, half finished moans being spat into your hand. you moved your thumb along the top of her clit, seeking to create a wave of pleasure rolling through her. While you covered her mouth with one hand and the other in her pants, you leaned over to kiss at her neck, finding the same sensitive spot as before, running your teeth over it. 
She withered underneath you, bucking her hips to create the friction that you were teasingly building up with a slow pace. Kit whined your name into your hand, practically begging for you to speed up. 
Once you did, she let out a shuddering moan. Her hands were in your hair, pulling softly at the roots in an attempt to ground herself from the stinging pleasure building up inside of her. 
“You’re doing so good,” you praised, eyes rolling over her body and the messy state she was in as you pulled away from her. Your fingers sped up, kit’s hips rolling to meet the same pace and you could tell by the rapid breathing and frequent noises that she was getting close. 
Kit said something against your hand and you moved it away from her mouth. 
“I-i think I’m-“ she gasped, cut off by a groan. 
You could feel her clench around your fingers as you leaned in to kiss her lips once more before whispering “come for me, baby” 
You forgot to put your hand back over her mouth, letting kit moan loudly as she came, her body sagging with relief as you kissed her forehead. 
“You did so good,” you whispered giants her neck. 
Her breathing slowly came back to a normal pace, her hair wild and clung to the sides of her face damp with sweat. Kit reached up to kiss you, lips warm and swollen. 
“I never hated you” kit whispered “I hated how I couldn’t have you.” 
“Well now you do,” you whispered back, stroking back a strand of her hair. 
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oiladgivememoney99 · 3 months
Newscapepro SCP Rewrite, Too Spooky 4 You
“Wow, Johnny, this is such a romantic night!” A woman giggled as she sat in a car with her leather jacket clad boyfriend overlooking a hill; it was like a scene out of a mediocre romance movie from the 60s.
The man nodded as he laid back in the car. “Yeah Stacy, this took a whole five minutes to set up, baby.”
“Yeah, I feel nothing could ruin this night...” She laid on Johnny’s chest, stars in her eyes as- 
“Oh, but you’d be wroooooong!” An old timey voice called out.
“Eek! Who said that?”
“Yeah, baby, you better come out or I’ll beat your ass, baby,”
“You’ll be too busy cowering in fear!” The creature walked up to the car, it looked like a poorly made Gorilla costume wearing a spaceman’s helmet. “Fear me! I am the Ro-Man!”
“Oh that’s... you were scarier when I couldn’t see you,”
“The what? I didn’t pay attention in history class, baby,” Johnny stood up from his car and punched the thing in the chest. “Ow!” He recoiled in pain.
“You... don’t fear me? I will make you scream in terror!” The Ro-Man easily picked up Johnny, Stacy screeched in terror and immediately turned tail to run, her heels clicking against the road as she ran.
“The hell are you doing, baby?” The greasy haired guy kicked around as he was carried by the Monster.
“I will make this world feel true fear!”
“Alright guys, we’re handling a Keter today,” Triana announced, most of the team looked at her in a combination of fear, Nikole looked with annoyance instead.
Triana cleared her throat at the spooked reactions. “Remember, Keter means hard to contain, not dangerous; what we’re re-containing today is SCP 2006,”
“That’s the guy that tries to scare people, right?” Hooper asked.
“Yeah, but he’s like… super shit at it like: ‘I’m the scary Ro-Man ooooOOOOoooo!’” Lara waved her hands around as she chuckled.
The rest of the team chuckled too, even Triana who quickly cleared her throat. “Do not mock the SCP on the mission. It may not be great at actually scaring people, but it’s still a powerful shape shifter,”
“True, true,” Hooper stopped himself from chuckling any further. “We heading off to it now?”
A silence ensued as the MTF entered the elevator, which Scott quickly broke “So uh… we gonna need to be amnesticising these people?” Scott asked as the MTF flew through the air. “Cause like, that’s gonna take awhile,”
“If we need to someone else will do it,” Triana reassured. “Out job is just to convince the Skip to return to his containment,”
Nikole rolled her eyes. “Negotiations… cause we’re great at those,”
“Oh c’mon, at least try to have a positive outlook, Nik,” Cory chastised. “At least it’s not dangerous,”
Nikole sighed and crossed her arms, grumbling to herself as the Helicopter finally landed in the small, currently desolate town. Specifically what seemed to be a market area of the town, with restaurants, shops and other businesses lining the streets; there was also a strange noise coming from further within despite the lack of anyone else in the street.
A dishevelled woman suddenly ran towards the team at full force, nearly managing to bump into Triana.
“Oh my God, oh my God!” Stacy ran flailing towards the MTF as they landed, mascara streaming down her face. “Who are you? Are you here to help us?”
“Yes, ma’am we’re here to help,” Triana put her hand on the woman’s shoulder, which quickly calmed her down. “Did you witness some kind of monster in this town?”
“Y-Yes, it took my Johnny!” She sniffled, and then suddenly stopped crying. “I-It wasn’t really that scary looking at first to be honest,”
“At first?” Hooper quirked an eyebrow, which no one could see cause of the helmet.
“Yeah, but then he started taking scarier and scarier forms-”
Nikole interrupted by clearing her throat. “Couldja just tell us where it is?” This got her a dirty look from Triana, probably not the first of today.
“W-Well he headed into the theatre with my Johnny and…” She started sniffling again. “Oh, I can’t take it, please save my boyfriend from that monster!” Stacy crying developed into even worse screech crying, making Nikole cover her ears and whisper something in Polish.
Triana cleared her throat. “I promise, we will save your boyfriend, and remove that creature from this town,”
“Oh thank you so much!” The woman smiled as the MTF moved.
“Bluejay, where’s the theatre in this town?”
“To your left, should only take like… five minutes tops,” Lara reassured as she smacked her lips.
Cory turned to Nikole. “Y’know, you could’ve been nicer about that…”
The woman shrugged. “It was the quickest way to do it, I coulda gone way worse,”
“I hate to agree with her, but she’s right; we needed to find out where the Skip was as quick as possible,” Triana said.
Cory pouted as Nikole took a swig from her flask. Scott quickly patted Cory on the back.
“Hey man, just try to think about somethin’ else. Nikole ain’t that bad,”
“True…” Cory used one of his two braincells to think about a different topic, “Do you think I have a chance with that girl back there?”
“Ya dirty dog!” Scott chuckled as he slapped Cory on the back.
Hooper chuckled a little too. “She has a boyfriend, Cory,”
“Oh…” Cory looked down for a minute. “Do you think I have a chance with him then?”
Scott and Hooper both chuckled, in fact, Hooper seemed particularly happy about this joke for whatever reason.
“I think he has a girlfriend, dude,”
“Oh yeah, right…”
“Quiet down boys, we’re here,” Triana said as the MTF stood outside of the rather small, desolate movie theatre. The signs for whatever movies were showing hadn’t even put up yet.
“You’re there, the Skip should be on the inside,” Lara said.
“Welp, one of us is gonna have to go in there,” Nikole crossed her arms as literally everyone turned their head to look at Cory.
“Nothing…” Triana cleared her throat. “Private go in there,”
“B-By myself?” Cory stuttered.
“What are you too scared?” Lara chuckled a little as Cory began to blush.
“N-NO!” Cory screeched just a little too loudly. “I just uh… it’s not scary enough for me to take it seriously!”
Scott and Nikole chuckled a little.
“I think it’d be a good idea for ya to go in, Cory seems to have a way with Skips,” Hooper said.
Triana nodded “Yeah, move into the theatre, Cory; that’s an order,”
“Fine…” Cory pouted as he tiptoed into the theatre, painfully slowly… in fact so slowly that.
“Now, Cory!” Triana shouted which made Cory instantly bolt inside of the building.
Cory tiptoed sneakily around the incredibly small movie theatre, slowly searching for where this damn SCP was.
“Agh, help me, baby!” Johnny yelled from the first room.
“Muahahahaha, cower in fear!” A very ‘spooky’ voice ordered from the same room. Cory instantly felt all the fear that had built up dissipate as he heard the creature talk.
He casually walked into the theatre to see the Gorilla-esque creature forcing Johnny to watch what looked like the absolute worst horror movie of all time.
“Oh, another person, are you here to scream in fear, or scream in… laughter?” The Skip’s spherical head looked downwards in a combination of shame and depression as Cory slowly approached it.
“Oh, of course not I’m terrified right now-”
“You do not need to pretend, I need to take drastic measure to make even the most cowardly afraid of me,” The creature sighed. “This Ro-Man form is one of my favourites, and yet no one seems to so much as shiver at it!”
“That’s… pretty sad actually,” Cory puffed his cheeks. “Well uh, if you’d go back into containment I could try to cut a deal with my employers; let them let you watch some scarier movies,”
“Y-You mean it?” Despite the lack of a face on the Ro-Man’s form, Cory could tell he was smiling. “Then, I suppose I could come back, I tire of hearing this man’s screams,”
Johnny quickly ran out of the theatre. “Finally, baby,”
“Great! Now, you just need to-”
“Freeze!” Triana ordered as Hooper and Her ran into the room, armed and ready to fire. “SCP 2006, you need to return to your containmen-”
Hooper suddenly started laughing, causing Cory and Triana to turn their heads to look at him with the biggest ‘dude, stop’ look they could muster. “I-I’m sorry, he’s just too stupid lookin’ to take seriously,”
“You dare call the Ro-Man stupid!?”
“Hoop, I’d uh… maybe stop laughing,”
“I’ll show the both of you true fear!”
Cory quickly turned his head as the monster began to transform, growing rapidly in size.
Hooper realised his mistake and bolted out of the theatre, nearly dropping his gun as Triana fainted, falling to the ground with a thump.
“You can look now, kind, camera faced human,”
“Oh, thank God,” Cory huffed. “Sorry about my friends there, they-”
“It’s all good, I will return to containment soon; there’s so many people to scare back there anyway!”
“That’s the spirit, buddy,”
“Ack! What the hell just happened?” Triana shouted as she flew up from the ground.
Triana walked out of the theatre, gritting her teeth from embarrassment fueled anger alongside Cory, who had only recently stopped chuckling.
“You seem happy,” Nikole teased the Lieutenant as she sauntered over to the group of two. “How’d the mission go?”
Cory proudly cleared his throat. “I manage to negotiate it back into containment!”
“How?” Triana raised an eyebrow at the Private.
“Well, I’m gonna try to get the higher ups to let him see scarier movies,”
“Cory!” Triana went from embarrassed anger to regular old anger. “Are you insane? If this Skip sees actually scary movies it could be impossible to contain!”
“Give him a break, Tri, he actually figured out a decent solution,” Lara said over the intercom
“Yeah!” Cory cheered.
Triana sighed. “Fine, you did a good job, Private,”
An awkward silence ensued, broken by Scott clearing his throat, smiling and opening his arms widely.
“Well in other news, I heard that Johnny guy talk about breaking up with his girlfriend; seems like you do have a chance with him!” Scott chuckled, Hooper seemed to get just a touch grumpy at this comment before going back to his usual, neutral look.
“Nah, I’m over him,” Cory said.
“Ahh… it’s good to be back at the base, I’m tired,” Cory yawned as he sat on a couch next to Hooper in the common area of his barracks.
“Cory, that mission barely took an hour,”
The aforementioned Cory pouted a little. “Well, I can still be tired,”
“Yo yo, you two,” Lara pointed as she walked up to the two MTF, then seemed to zone out for a minute as she thought of what she wanted to say. “Oh uh… would you be up for a… shitty horror movie thingy I wanna set up with our team?”
“Oh, sure! That sounds like fun!” Cory beamed.
“Sounds good to me,”
“Phew… okay that’s everyone, even Nikki,” Lara said. “I’ll go get the popcorn, try not to die of fear, you two,”
“Yeah Cory, I think you’re the only person to ever be scared of SCP-2006,”
“What about Triana?”
“What about me,” Triana gave Cory the biggest death stare as she walked into the common room and sat on a couch to the left. Scott and Nikole sat on a couch to the right soon after as they both chuckled a little at this.
“What I thought,”
The first movie wasn’t particularly eventful, the team (but mostly Lara) found fun in tearing it apart. Lara would insult the special affects any chance she got in any way she could.
“You ain’t scared?” Hooper asked the camera faced man, shocked.
“Well duh, this stuff looks like it was made in the 60s,”
“It… was made in the 60s,” Hooper threw a kernel of popcorn at Cory’s arm, who retalliated by throwing one at Hooper’s arm; this evolved into both of the grown men throwing popcorn at each other as they chuckled.
At around the 2nd movie, both Triana and Lara fell asleep with the latter leaning against the former’s shoulder. This drew the focus of everyone else in the commons room.
“So, everyone can tell that they’re dating right?” Nikole asked, everyone answered yep or some southern accented yep equivalent.
Nikole chuckled. “Alright, nice, I’ll tell them that so they’ll finally woman up and tell everyone,”
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So I (finally!) bought a pair of really good noise cancelling headphones, and it has changed my life! It's the fanciest thing I've bought in years, so to recoup some of the cost, I’ve researched & written a little essay based on my experiences with extreme noise sensitivity.
Hypersensitivity to sound is something I’ve dealt with all of my life, but I only recently found out it's medically known a Hyperacusis. (Please note this is a separate condition from Misophonia.) If you consistently struggle to cope with noise, the info below could be helpful! I’m including a link to my ko-fi, and I will be answering questions in the notes.
(skip to the bottom to read fun facts about my tax return and/or street organs vendettas!)
DISCLAIMER: I am not a professional, this is based solely on my experiences as a patient, and on what I have read and been told by professionals. Please notify me if you have corrections or concerns about accuracy!
BACKGROUND: Sensitivity to sound is a common type of sensory issue. While anyone can experience such issues (most people, for example, might be bothered by loud music in a crowded restaurant), some people are more sensitive than others, to the point it becomes a quality-of-life aka a medical issue.
If you consistently struggle with environmental stimuli that other people aren’t bothered by (background noises, bright lights, certain textures and tastes, etc), to the point it causes daily discomfort or limits the environments you can be in, I recommend reading about Sensory Processing Disorder.
SPD and sound sensitivity are both super common in autistic folks (like me!), but allistic (non-autistic) people can experience them too. Weep, ye prisoners of mortal coil, for none are safe, nothing sacred, not in this thy most accursed tomb of human flesh!
SOUND SENSITIVITY or HYPERACUSIS: Noise issues are particularly difficult to navigate in a world that is increasingly...noisy. The relatively new phenomenon of constant overhead music in restaurants, grocery stores, shopping malls etc—all of this means that public spaces are increasingly inaccessible to people with auditory issues.*
As a kid, nothing quite triggered sensory overload/meltdowns for me like the constant exposure to noise I couldn’t control—the background chatter of other kids in the lunchroom, the constant noise in public spaces, being trapped in the car with the radio on.... I had so many fights with my siblings about the car radio, and who got to choose the music.**
But it’s not just loud sounds that are the problem. As an adult who lives alone and works from home***, I’m lucky enough to be able to avoid loud environments most of the time. This does wonders for my general levels of anxiety and discomfort. But even in a mostly controlled environment, I still experience problems. Because part of sound sensitivity is that even normal or quiet sounds can feel loud and intrusive. Here are some “normal” sounds that can cause me discomfort (ranging from annoyance to outright pain, depending on the day):
refrigerator/AC/ceiling lights humming
dishwasher/washing machine noises
ceiling fan making that damn ceiling fan noise
faint sounds of traffic
riding in a car
other people having a normal conversation in the background
someone talking to me in a perfectly normal inside voice
Unfortunately, even in a “controlled” environment, many triggering noises can’t be controlled. And many parts of life can’t be lived in a controlled environment. This presents...some incredibly freaking annoying problems. Luckily there are solutions!
There are sorta some solutions.
They are imperfect, but they help.
TREATMENT: And now I have something rather shame-faced to admit. In all the years of managing my symptoms, it never once occurred to me to see a hearing specialist for my issues with sound. I wasn’t even aware that treatment options exist, because none of my other doctors mentioned it. Instead, I’ve spent years finding my own coping mechanisms and tools, with help from therapists and psychiatrists, but without ever consulting an audiologist/ENT. It was only while researching this post that I found out that was even an option, holy shit.
So it turns out I am going to be making an appointment with my local ENT practice. shit.
Apparently treatment options include sound/acoustic therapy, systematic desensitization/exposure therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, sound machines, and other options that I had no idea even existed, goddammit.
MANAGEMENT: In the meantime, here are my current coping mechanisms. I’ve relied rather heavily on hearing protection, which is very useful when used in moderation. Unfortunately, it can cause its own problems: it’s important not to overuse hearing protection, because in the long-term this can increase your sensitivity. So again: a useful tool, but be careful not to overdo it.
With that in mind, here are some of the coping strategies I’ve used over the last decade to manage my symptoms. This is not a perfect system and you should contact your local ENT clinic for better, long-term solutions, but in the meantime here are some tips I use to just get myself through the damn day:
Regularly spending time in a quiet controlled environment, to allow my nervous system to decompress.
Wearing earplugs, (I use two different grade, depending on the level of noise prevention I need), and always carrying an extra pair in case I need them unexpectedly. I bought a 50 pack for $7 and put spares in all my bags and jacket pockets.
(I mostly use Mack’s Ultra Soft, but there are so many types and materials and brands, including foam, silicone, wax, custom moldable etc. Even if you have trouble wearing things in your ears, you might be able to find something comfortable.)
Similarly: hearing protection earmuffs, the kind used in gun ranges and on construction sites. I bought mine online for $10. they look like normal wireless headphones, so I've never gotten comments when wearing mine in public (other than “cool heaphones” bc i added skull glitter stickers).
Sometimes I wear the earmuffs on top of earplugs, when life is just too damn LOUD.
Listening to music w/ earbuds or headphones is a great way to balance out background noises, especially if you can find soothing playlists that help you concentrate. Also useful to put in just one earbud when you need to pay attention in class/at work.
Pro tip: if your hair is long enough you can wear wireless earbuds without anyone knowing.
White noise, rain noises, ocean noises etc can be helpful! Some people like whale songs although personally this activates my primal fear response
Active noise cancelling headphones: the reason I wrote this post to begin with—I finally bought a pair! As in, a really good pair! As in, a depressingly expensive pair with noise cancelling technology that actually WORKS, holy shit. I probably need to wear them a little less at home (bc overprotection causes problems in the longterm) but they have absolutely transformed my ability to go out in public and i never ever want to take these suckers off again please take a power screwdriver and nail these to my head, bury me in the sweet sweet shroud of silence. holy canoli and cream puffs I want to marry form a civil partnership with these headphones. Plus they have a bunch of features, like being able to control the level of noise cancellation, so I can hold a conversation or be aware of some ambient noise for safety reasons.
Oh, and also they play music I guess?
Sorry sorry I promise this post wasn’t supposed to be me shilling for Big Electronics. I’m just excited, I’m an excited flabby little ball of expired flubber. ANC headphones aren’t a perfect solution, and I still sometimes wear earplugs underneath, and I will always be uncomfortable some of the time, but for me it’s been a big step.
Unfortunately the cost of good quality ANC technology means this isn’t an option for everyone, and the (much cheaper) gunshot protection earmuffs I mentioned earlier still provide an impressive amount of protection and bang-for-your buck (maybe even an equal amount of protection, if you can find ones that fit well). But if noise consistently prevents you from enjoying public space and life in general, and you’ve already tried earmuffs & earplugs and find they don’t offer enough comfort/convenience/protection, and if you’re in a position to save up for a one time non-necessity purchase of $150+, noise cancelling headphones are an option to be aware of. (Please always check the return policy so you can try before you buy. I ended up buying and returning 2 pairs before finding what worked best for me. And please look for a retailer that offers an extended warranty. You want those motherforkers to last).
There are cheaper options available, including some under $50. The ones I tried didn't work as well as my hearing protection earmuffs, but some people report good experiences, so that is something to consider. it's always good to know your options! Passive noise canceling is another affordable alternative.
Medication: A final tool in my toolbox, which for me personally has helped as much as every other method combined. Like, a lot, it’s helped a lot. It turns out some anti-anxiety medications can also help sensory issues. There’s not much research on this, and I only discovered it firsthand when a medication my doctor prescribed for anxiety ended up significantly helping my sensory issues. I no longer need medication for anxiety, but my psychiatrist still prescribes that same medication off-label for my sensory stuff. Ask your psychiatrist to research your options (they will probably have to do some digging to find relevant research, but you deserve to know all your options, even the obscure ones). Fyi, the medication I use is in the benzodiazepines class, but there are other options for those concerned about dependency or side effects.
(I'm also told anti-anxiety supplements may be helpful, though I haven't tried this yet. If you're on prescription meds, always talk to your doctor about contraindications before taking anything over-the-counter.)
So there you have it, my main coping strategies for sound sensitivity! They are not a replacement for medical treatment (except that last one which is in fact...medical treatment), but I find them helpful and I hope some of you will too! I’ve struggled for a long time, and I’m very pleased to have reached the point where I can just do things in public. Eating out in loud restaurants? I can do that now, and even enjoy it, holy shit! I can comfortably travel in cars for hours at a time, and walk around shopping malls and grocery stores with overhead music, and, and —and just exist. It is so so freeing, to feel like maybe, after everything, you are actually allowed to just exist in a world that wasn’t really designed for you.
Again, be careful not to overuse hearing protection—the goal is to allow you to be less uncomfortable and to function better, but if you find you are becoming more sensitive to noise, it is time to dial it back a notch. Or maybe consider listening to music (at a reasonable volume) to block out background noise instead.
*(This also includes people with hearing loss and related issues, btw. While that’s not my area of knowledge, I would welcome it if any of my HoH followers want to share their experiences.)
**A sign of sensory issues that parents often miss is when a child complains about music being too loud—but has no problem listening to their own music at high volume. This is because music that is already familiar to the listener (and that the listener enjoys) is much easier for the brain to process, since it knows what pattern of sounds to expect. Loud music that they get to control can be soothing for people with sound issues, especially when it blocks out background noise and sensations. This is why repetitively playing the same songs can be a helpful form of stimming.
***(working on this blog, actually. since it’s my only source of income, my 2020 income tax return literally lists my occupation as ‘Tumblr Blogger.’ Oddly, my parent didn’t feel this achievement was worth including in the holiday family newsletter.)
bonus fun fact: Charles Babbage aka “father of the computer” may have been autistic and hypersensitive to sound. He definitely had a huge problem with public noise pollution, and spent his later year waging a war on street musicians (and organ grinders in particular).
(bc like, yeah. screw organ grinders.)
Sometimes when I’m out in public and the overhead music is particularly unbearable, I’ll take a moment to look up to the sky and scream out: “HE TRIED TO WARN US! THE FATHER OF COMPUTERS TRIED TO WARN US!!! we should have listened, sweet heaven we should have listened!”
except i don’t scream it, i say it very quietly under my breath
(i have issues with noise)
so yeah that is my short essay. and here is the ko-fi goal
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k ciao i gotta go pick out glitter stickers for my headphones
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ptergwen · 3 years
you know that one scene in ffh when people keep knocking on the door while fury is trying to speak to peter? could you maybe do something like that but instead it’s peter and stark reader wanting some alone time (you can make it smut or fluff idm!) also, i am so in love with your work it’s amazing :)❣️
knock before you enter
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w/c: 1.3k
warnings: implied smut, dirty jokes, swearing
a/n: i went a lil overboard because i was having too much fun :,) and i kinda combined the two i hope that’s okay!
you let out a breath of relief as peter finally presses his lips to yours. he grins at that, his hands continuing to roam your body while you kiss. it’s a needy kiss, one you’ve been waiting the whole day to share.
you’d thought europe of all places would give you the opportunity to explore each other more. you’re away from your overbearing father, you don’t have team responsibilities. there was one mishap with a water monster nearly destroying the city. you both managed to fight it off together. tony was right to make you bring your suit, and may encouraged her nephew to do the same. the stark’s and parker’s think alike.
most of the pestering you’ve faced this trip has come from your teachers and fellow classmates. whether it’s mr. dell assigning work or flash trying to film you two for a livestream, you and peter can’t get a moment alone. that’s about to change. you’re in peter’s hotel room after a fun yet highly supervised day in venice.
most kids are getting ready for bed, at mr. harrington’s request. he’s adamant on everyone having a good night sleep before the walking tour you’re taking tomorrow. you and peter plan to do everything but sleep, however.
“you taste like toothpaste,” peter mumbles against your mouth, arms winding around your back. “is that a good or bad thing?” you giggle and tug at his undone curls. that elicits a high pitched whine from him. “depends on who you ask. me personally, i think it’s sexy.” he’s laying over you on his bed, your fingers tangling in his locks. “open up, then,” you practically purr. peter happily obliges and resumes his kissing.
right when his tongue glides over your lower lip, there’s a knock on the wall.
“i thought you said ned wouldn’t be back…” your words trail off when peter starts to kiss down your neck. “for a while,” you add, softer. “he won’t. last time i checked, he was with betty,” peter replies and effortlessly finds your sweet spot. he nudges it with his nose, making a smile spread across your face. “ok, keep going,” you pull on the roots of his hair gently. peter pecks at your lips. “gotcha, baby.”
he’s kissing his way back to your sweet spot when there’s more knocking, this time much louder. with quirked eyebrows, peter detaches his lips from your skin. “um… hello?” he hesitantly answers. “finally. i was ready to come kick down your door, you idiot,” mj speaks through the thin wall. you squeeze your eyes shut in annoyance, not saying anything. “what do you want, mj? it’s late,” peter sighs back.
“so what? i know you’re not sleeping,” mj insists, leaning against the wall. “i can hear everything. hey, y/n.” peter’s face tints a light shade of pink. you make wide eyes up at him. “hi, i guess. you good over there?” her lips form a line. “i was until the horrendous sounds of parker clapping your cheeks disturbed my reading.” peter grips at your waist with a pout.
“what? we weren’t- i- i didn’t-“ “spare me the details,” mj sharply cuts in, opening whatever mystery novel she recently bought. “i don’t care what you do, as long as you do it quietly. deal?” seeing as peter is too flustered to speak, you take over again. “yeah, sorry. we’ll tone it down. goodnight, em.” “ciao,” she says before returning to her book.
peter shakes his head, fully burying his face in your neck. “that was embarrassing. she’s so…” “nosy,” you finish for him. your fingers brush back some hair that flopped over his forehead. “at least she’s not telling on us or whatever.” he puffs air out of his cheeks, placing a kiss under your chin. “true. you wanna pick up where we left off?” “ugh, yes,” you instantly groan.
your lips are colliding with peter’s again, just like that. it isn’t for too long. his hands settle on your stomach and under your shorts, then you hear someone banging on the door. they talk before either you or peter can tell them to fuck off.
“y/n, is that you?” brad questions, your face twisting in confusion. “uh, yeah. how’d you know?” peter bites the inside of his cheek while brad converses. “i stopped by your room. betty said you might be here… with him.” the him in question is peter, who chuckles bitterly. “what’s up, buddy? we’re kind of in the middle of something. i’m sure you knew that, too.”
“i didn’t, but thanks for sharing,” brad sarcastically responds. “y/n said she’d give me her notes on one of the da vinci exhibits.” peter cocks his head to the side. “she did?” he wonders, looking over at you. “you did?” “it was either that or help him myself,” you explain and drag your fingers along the back of his neck soothingly. “the kid doesn’t leave me alone.”
peter nods, wrapping a protective arm around your middle. “she’ll give you them tomorrow, brad. isn’t it past your bedtime?” “point taken,” brad scoffs and heads back to his room. you draw peter in closer to you. “thanks, pete. hopefully, that’ll be our last guest for the night.” he kisses both your cheeks with a grin. “where were we, mio amore?”
“ooh, i love it when you speak italian,” you giggle, peter cupping your face in his hands.“grazie, bellissima.” he winks and earns a puzzled face from you. “bellissima?” “that means beautiful.” instead of responding with words, you use your mouth to move on his. peter happily kisses back and lets your tongues intertwine. things quickly heat up, peter slipping your shorts down your legs and you lifting his pajama shirt.
you’re both only half undressed and running off broken up kisses, but so desperate. you part your legs for peter, his fingers hooking in the waistband of your panties. “think you can keep your oath of silence?” he teases and nips at your covered collarbone. “the real question is, can you?” you challenge. peter doesn’t get the chance to answer because the door suddenly flies open.
there stands ned, his mouth agape at the sight of a shirtless peter undressing you. you’re the first to notice. you see over peter’s shoulder and gasp. concern covers his features. “what is it, baby? do you want-“ “ned!” you whisper yell. his concern becomes shock. “you want ned?” “no, peter! he’s right there!” teeth sinking into your lip, you point behind him. peter looks and surely enough, there’s his best friend rendered speechless in the doorway.
“dude, what the hell are you doing here?” peter squeaks, you grabbing your shorts from next to you. he turns around to shield you while you put them back on. “aren’t you supposed to be with betty?” “we, um, finished,” ned gulps in response. “finished what- oh.” peter scratches the back of his neck as it hits him. “yuck, ned. a gentleman never tells.” “says you! this is my room too, you know,” he defends himself, you moving out from behind peter.
“and betty’s room is also mine. consider us even,” you hand peter his t-shirt with a satisfied smirk. he murmurs a thank you and throws it back on. ned uncomfortably shifts from foot to foot in the doorway. “that’s fair… are you leaving now?” “i should before mr. harrington makes his rounds,” you reluctantly decide. “i liked it better when people actually knocked,” peter says under his breath, standing to give you a goodnight hug.
“it’s not even this bad at home. i’ll take my dad and friday spying on us over a walk of shame any day,” you exhale as peter pulls you into his chest. hugging back by his torso, you give him an innocent kiss on the cheek. his lips brush your forehead. “maybe we’ll have better luck tomorrow. should we try again, same time?” a familiar and irritated voice yells through the wall. mj.
“please god, no!”
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tokyyovie · 3 years
hi!! could i request the feral boys + wilbur with a younger sister headcanons?? sorry i just rlly think platonic stuff like this is cute :D
younger sister headcanons
A/N: i wrote this b4 bed so it’s a little half-assed but yea, also i’m so sorry this took ages😭 i only found this now ??? this took me way longer than it should've bye- count on me to announce fics but delay them for a week
warnings: swearing, she/her prns for sister
(feral boys + wilbur)
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(okay so i went with a younger sister thats around 4-6 with these hcs!! sorry if it’s not exactly what you wanted)
- i feel like he’d keep it more private ofc
- BUT when she would be on stream it would be super wholesome
- "my little sister’s here, do you guys wanna see?"
- he’d carry her on his lap and make her say hi to chat
- i imagine her being super close to tommy too (like showing up on vlogs n stuff)
- ooooh tommy would be all like "will, i'm not the youngest child no more"
- wilbur would let her sit on his shoulders, and they’d be a combined, like, 8 or 9 feet. wow.
- also im bad at explaining,, but hear me out okay
- wilbur would be standing and carry her, like, on his hip? and let her play with his beanie while he talks casually to people
- WOULD ALSO LET HER WEAR HIS GLASSES but they’d be way too big for her and fall off his face and he’d do that thing he does in adoration
- you know, when he pouts and has a big smile on his face, "AWWW, YOU’RE SO CUTE!" would def pinch her cheeks
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- okok so listen, this might be weird but he’d treat her like how he treats patches, y’know?
- would totally get her the most extra things that she doesn’t need, and also would NOT be able to say no to her
- "clay? can we eat ice cream for dinner with sapnap?"
- he’d raise an eyebrow at her, biting his lip in thought before a smile spread across his lips
- "i dunno, mom would kill me for thaaaat,"
- she would stick her bottom lip out, pouting and pulling out the puppy eyes that he couldn’t ever resist
- "fine! as long as you don’t tell mom, okay?." dream would say with a mischievous grin that grew even wider when she smiled at him and nodded excitedly
- would teach her minecraft n be her number 1 supporter n hype her up (not only in minecraft,) even if she dies every 5 minutes
- would also be super protective (like excessively protective)
- meeting him would be scarier than meeting their parents in the future
- would spoil the HELL out of her
- she wants toys at the mall? he’s already handing his card to the cashier
- i don’t imagine him letting his little sister on stream (bc privacy, duh) BUT let’s say he did
- they'd def be farming "aww's"
- i imagine her to be a lil shy
- ok so my younger brother around this age had trouble saying the letter r and would use the letter w instead
- "clay? dweamwastaken?" reading out his twitch name
- george would maybe be on the other side dying of laughter, just like dream who was wheezing as he held her in his lap
- "dweam? dweamie-poo" george would say in mockery
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- would be SO chaotic
- i feel like she would be super clingy to him and he’d be fake annoyed but in reality he’d enjoy it lots
- yk that thing where you sit on someone's shoe while they’re walking and like, cling on to their leg? yea this would definitely happen and george would have to strangle her off (and have to hear her high pitched whines)
- would HATE showing affection, so even if he found her the cutest thing in the world as she pouted at him while they watched a movie, he’d fake annoyance, of course.
- would bully her (jokefully, ofc) n his excuse would be "i’m just helping her develop thick skin, duh."
- HE WOULD DEFINITELY TRY TO TEACH HER MINECRAFT and then fail bc they’d both end up dead
- for christmas, he would definitely get matching sweaters (custom made if he had to)
- she would help him identify colors n it would be SO CUTE OH MY GOD
- "__, is this green? or yellow?"
- "geeeorge, it’s yellow!" she’d say in a ‘duh’ tone
- he’d smile, blabbering in his defense. "i’m colorblind’ you forget that!"
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- would get scolded by dream BECAUSE he’d so definitely teach her swear words
- so now this little girl with brownish ginger hair would be running around, screaming "shit! shit! shit!"
- sapnap would stand like a proud dad, that was until dream swatted his chest and started going off
- "sapnap you absolute moron! she’s like 5!"
- "so? you gotta teach them early, clay."
- they’d be arguing with each other, not realizing she had gone off somewhere without them noticing
- "that’s not appro- wait, where is she?" dream would realize
- "dream! this is your fault!" sapnap would scream, putting the blame on his best friend
- "i was being a good uncle, wait- is that even what i am?"
- “no, fucking dumbass!" they’d still be arguing as they hurriedly searched for his little sister. "__! come here! where’d you run off to?"
- "excuse me, you’re the fucking dumbass." dream says, checking on the sofa for the little girl.
- "fucking dumbass! dumbass!" a high pitched voice came from the backyard, where she was sat, playing with patches.
- "dude! why’d you just start teaching her to say dumbass!" clay groaned.
- "nuh-uh, that was YOU she was mimicking, dream."
- sapnap would not know how to tend to his little sister, so dream would be a babysitter basically (to both of the siblings, actually)
- if he wasn't living with dream, and instead was with his parents
- he would get scolded even more, for being a bad influence and always arguing with a small child
- "HEY! give me the remote! we're gonna watch anime, not some cocomelon shit!"
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- like sapnap, he'd be a super bad influence
- but also would be hELLA protective. like. if u ever laid a finger on his little sister you'd be dead
- would def teach her swear words as well BUT ON ACCIDENT
- like it'd be all on accident because he does it so much that she just picks up on it
- LMAO he'd trick her and be all like "hey sis, did you know dad's name is actually shithead?"
- they'd be chaotic asf
- he'd so use her for 'clout,' if he didn't keep it completely off the internet
- this is super random but hear me out,, painting stream with little sister where they followed a bob ross tutorial
- would just be an absolute mess.
- it'd end up somewhat looking like if a 2 year old made it. (keep in mind the sister is around 4-6 and quackity is. well.)
- if she ever got paint on her hand she'd instinctively go "shit!" and it would catch alex off guard
- "who taught you that?"
- "you, alex!" his sister would giggle
- "WHAT? NO! okay, guys, i'm not a bad brother i swear-"
- sometimes he'd just be playing minecraft on the dsmp with her just sitting in his lap occasionally point out things and talking n it'd be super cute
- would get ugly matching clothes that say shit like "best grandma ever" and "best granddaughter ever" (he'd wear the granddaughter one)
- if he was caught being 'nice' to his sister, i feel like he'd try to toughen up and pretend like he he doesn't care (but in reality ofc he'd give up the world for her)
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- karl
- would be whoooooolesomee as HEEELLLL
- i feel like he'd definitely love to bond with her more off stream (as the other boys would too)
- always ready to drop anything for her
- him and his little sister would both just be two bundles of joy
- would have movie nights with her n quackity / sapnap and the pair would be asleep in minutes with the little girl peacefully resting on his lap or chest
- i think it'd be super casual if she was on stream
- like maybe she'd be staying over at his place and she'd just walk in while he's streaming
- 3 soft knocks on his door would just barely be picked up by the mic
- karl gets up n opens the door, his face lighting up when he realized it was his little sister
- "oh! hi lovely," he'd pick her up gently and bring her to see the stream
- sitting on his lap, he'd make her say hi to the chat and his friends if he was on vc with anyone
- chat. would. be. flooded. with 'AWW'S"
- "guy's she's the cutest, isn't she?"
- "karl? can we pleaaase get ice cream with mom? me hungry."
- "if you give me a kiss, yes." karl smiles, pointing to his cheek.
- "hmph, no no. come get ice cream." she'd tug on his arm.
- he would give in, after a while, of course.
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fictional-scenarios · 3 years
hello! can i request an angsty fic with aizawa and f! reader where they break up? thank you!
i hope you enjoy this! i did it from his perspective, hope thats okay! also i know he probably wouldn’t actually be like this in a relationship, but for the fic, this is the only way i could see him being at fault :3
always appreciate reblogs and comments! if you’d lie to support me, here’s my ko-fi!
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In the worst of the aftermath, Aizawa was not angry. He was never angry, not truly. Not even when he’d snap at his friends for bringing up her name, or when he’d feel rage churning in his stomach at the thought of her being with another. He was never angry. 
He was sad. So devastatingly, core achingly sad, that it kept him bed ridden for days at a time. Work, come home, eat and sleep. It wouldn't end. 
He’d always considered his quant home a safe haven, but lately it’d been feeling like a prison. It felt like a haunting museum, little bits of her as far as the eye could see. The memories were so vivid, he could still almost see the figure of her standing in his doorway. He could see her leaning on the window sill peering outside. He could see her shoes by the front door, her toothbrush in a cup upon his sink. He could see her under the covers with him, hushed laughter and soft snoring into the early morning.
Even now, he see’s her beside him in bed. He see’s the indent of where she should be, now terribly empty. It makes him feel cold, alone. 
But, being alone had never been a huge issue to him before all this. In fact, he knows it was the downfall of him. 
She’d just wanted him to go out with her now and then. She just wanted to take photos with him, hold his hand out in public without feeling like she’d been forcing him. 
Aizawa buries his face in his hands, his back leaning against the cold wall, blanket curled around his waist like a weight. 
All she had wanted was just a little more life. Just a few more kisses, a few more hugs. A few more signs that he truly cared for her, but he wouldn’t hear of it. She knew he loved her, why couldn’t that be enough? 
He refused public dates that weren’t anniversaries or events. He hated photos. He hated when she’d clasp fingers around his own, hated it because all it brought was attention. Paparazzi's scavenging and ruining every affectionate and tender moment they’d shared together in public. 
He never understood why it had to be public. He couldn’t wrap his mind around why she would insist they get out and so something together. Why couldn't hanging out in the seclusion of his home be enough?
Always so stubborn, especially when it would have been the correct time to give in. His annoyance and unwillingness to be anything other than slow moving and low maintenance drove her away from him. He was just fine being on his own, so why couldn't she?
‘I feel like you’re embarrassed of me,’ She’d cried, having hit her breaking point. ‘I feel like you don’t even really care about me.”
Aizawa’s jaw tightens. Of course I care about you. Why else would I want you here?
He should have said that. But, he didn’t. Just silently witnessed the destruction unsure of what to do next. Unsure of whether to argue, or remain dormant and quiet. Not quite apathetic, but he was never one for a shouting match. 
Unfortunately, he chose to remain still in the face of a crumbling heart. 
‘Even now, you won’t say a word. You don’t ever talk to me, Shota. You never ask how my day was, or if I want to go do anything. Why do I feel like I’m just here so you’re not lonely?’ She’d had fat tears welling in the pits of her eyes. She looked drained, broken. ‘I need more,’ Voice cracking, a terrible realization she’d stumbled upon. ‘I need more than that.’ 
It was a tense moment of silence. She shook her head and choked back a harsh sob.
‘Then that’s it.’ Lip trembling, feeling unwanted. ‘I can’t do this with you anymore. I’m leaving.’
At the lucid memory, Aizawa wish's he could go back and punch himself in the head. Say something, you idiot, he’d scream. Tell her to stay.
She’d passed him by, and the door slammed shut before he even turned to watch her go. 
It’s been weeks now, and he can’t seem to get his head right. It’d taken days before she came to collect her things, something he hoped would never come to be. A stupid part of him believed that she’d come around for some reason. It’d happened before- her storming out, him never changing, her missing him enough to just... Get over it. This time, however, was much different. 
Sinking in the memories, Aizawa feels his throat tighten at everything she’d said, and even worse, everything he didn’t say. His phone lights up beside him. 
yamada: are you still moping in there???? come out w us tonight! you need to get outta bed at some point
yamada: its been weeeeeeks!!!!!!! come on!!!!!!!
Aizawa knows he does. He knows his friend has been trying to get him to leave since it happened, but it’s hard.  He answered his friend, deciding that tonight he would in fact go out for a few hours just to clear his mind- anything is starting to become better than seeing a home empty of her. He sends the message, and his heart grows heavy.
He said yes to his friends when he was feeling sorry for himself, but never for her. He knew he deserved it, but it hurt not having her anymore. Especially when all he had to do was say yes sometimes. 
What stung the most was that he didn’t get to see her when she came to collect all her items, cram them into a box and leave for the last time. He’d hoped at that point, if it ever came to that, he could convince her to stay. But.. She hadn’t told him she was coming. Perhaps because she knew she was bound to give in. 
He came from from U.A., hoping that she’d be there, sleeping soundly or sitting terse on the couch ready for an argument ending conversation. 
But, she wasn’t there. In fact, nothing of her was. All her things vacated. Everything but the memory of her stripped away. 
Aizawa had stood stunned in the doorway. Then, it all came crashing down. She was serious this time. It was set in stone.
She’d really left him.
He didn’t think she’d actually leave him. Arguments were always so easy for Aizawa. He was a firm believer in ‘take me as a I am, or don’t take me at all.’ But, he’d never realized just how much changing she’d done for him. 
When he’d first met her at a group outing, she was full of life. She was bouncy and energetic. She had a sea of friends, a world of opportunities. But with him, with Aizawa’s stubbornness combined with her need and want to spend time with him, she went out less and less. Contacts in her phone dwindled from a vast ocean to merely puddles. 
Seldom she went out, and on the rare occasions she was able to get Aizawa to go, she’d dress in her best just for him to chastise her. ‘We’re not going anywhere that fancy,’ he’d remark, not noticing how her eyes fell. ‘Aren’t you a little over dressed?’
Guilt tore up his heart, now. She was always so beautiful dressed up like that, how could he ever say those things? Too late did he notice how she’d changed everything for him. Lost friends, missed outings, just so she could remain by his side. He did everything wrong and wasn't even willing to see it. He felt like a neglectful, stubborn, ass. 
Forcing himself up from bed, it takes all his strength to get up and wander into the bathroom. He’d need to start getting ready then if he was to go later. He was a slow moving creature, after all. Lazily, mentally drained and exhausted, he opens the mirror and pulls his toothbrush from the little shelves inside. The mirror swings shut and he’s met with his dreadful reflection. 
His eyes are even darker, redder, than they ever were with his quirk. Even he could tell he looked worse for wear. Drained, emotionally vacant yet so powerfully overrun with them at the same time. He looked dead. He brings the toothbrush to his teeth, but can’t bring himself to find the motivation to actually begin cleaning up. 
So tired. 
He just wants to sleep again. 
He wants to text her. But he doesn’t.
Tossing the toothbrush into the sink, resting his elbows on the edges and allowing his head to hang in sorrow, he wonders what she’s doing right now. It’s a warm Friday evening, the blue sky wide and clear. He’s sure she’s going out tonight, finally allowing herself the freedom to make up for all the time she’d missed with her friends. Friday’s were always Aizawa’s least favorite day. He just knew she’d want to go out, and he’d always combat it with a movie she’d been wanting to see, coming up with some random excuse as to why it wouldn’t be an ideal idea to go out. 
Then, he’d ignore how she sadly watched her friends social media stories about the night, and ignored their texts asking why she’s never around anymore.
God, what he would give for one more Friday night with her. He’d dress up, he’d take her somewhere so nice even he would be afraid he couldn’t afford the food. Her and all her friends. Whoever she wants, the whole world if need be. He’d do anything she wanted, strut her to a party on a red-carpet. Anything just for another Friday night. 
Aizawa’s eyes cast back up to his reflection. A lump forms in his throat, he watches his eyes glisten with tears. He wants to fall into the floor and forget about everything. 
Pushing himself away from the sink, he shake his head and gags on how tight his threat feels. Without even a moments hesitation, he finds himself right back in his room, pulls the covers aside, and drowns in them all over again. It’s dark, it’s cold. His own rooms uninviting without her. 
Yet, he can’t seem to bring himself to leave it.
His phone sits on his pillow. Aizawa opens his friends message. 
‘im going to stay in tonight. thank you for inviting me. im tired’
Aizawa doesn’t even want to see the messages his friend instantly starts blowing his phone up with. Instead, seconds after the text sends, he holds the power button until the entire screen goes black. He rolls over to face the wall, and he feels like he’s made of led. He swallows hard and gives into sleep all over again. His arm slings around a pillow, and he clutches it to his chest. 
A forever inanimate reminder of where she once laid. 
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Forever (Tsukishima Kei x Reader)
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Anonymous said:
idk if anyone has done this but, can i request for kei tsukishima. where the reader and him are about to graduate, and she’s scarred that since everything’s gonna change she thought that he’ll lose interest and break up w her. but the ironic part is that they actually end up getting married and having kids lmaoo, pretty pls 🥺
Anonymous said:
Can you write sometimes where reader is pregnant and she’s hesitant to tell tsukki but he finds out anyways and it’s all angsty but ends on a fluffy note! (can this be when they’re in college?) also i LOVED your tsukki stories okay they’re my favorite!
Word Count: 2,787
Summary: You and Tsukishima have been together since you were kids, after you had given birth to your guys’ first child Tsukishima revisits the past.
I decided to combine these requests! I hope you guys don’t mind! This gave me all the fucking feels so I hope you guys like it! Again, I’m still shuffling through my inbox, I’m sorry that it took so long for me to write this one anons! Please enjoy and let me know what you think:)
“I c-can’t! I c-can’t do this without Kei!” You cried, tightening your grip on Yamaguchi’s hand.
 The rising hysteria could no longer be beaten down, genuine fear overtook your body. It overshadowed the overwhelming feeling of pain, the urge to push being bitten down as your eyes scanned around the hospital room frantically.
 He still wasn’t here.
 Could you have a panic attack in the middle of giving birth? You thought so.
 “Y/n-chan.” Yamaguchi soothed, gently smoothing your sweaty hair away from your face. “He’s on his way, there was an accident a couple miles out from the hospital. The roads are blocked, traffic is at a standstill. But Tsukki will be here, I promise. But you need to start pushing now, it’s not safe for you or the baby to keep holding this off.”
 You whimpered softly as you gazed up at your childhood friend, his freckled face was calm and reassuring.
 At least… at least Yamaguchi was here right? You weren’t doing this entirely alone.
 But sadness still gripped at your heart, Tsukishima was going to miss the birth of his first child. He wasn’t here.
 “Mrs. Tsukishima. You have to start pushing now or we will have to do a C-section instead.” The doctor stated firmly.
 Yamaguchi squeezed your hand gently.
 “O-Okay.” You whispered out.
 You started pushing.
 Hours later, you were asleep in the hospital bed, completely knocked out from pure exhaustion.
 Beside you, your husband cradled your newborn close to his chest, gazing down at the small baby boy with the softest expression.
 Tsukishima had barely made it in time, right before the final push. The fear and guilt that Tsukishima felt was still present in his heart, but… love and complete joy was there as well.
 You and the baby were safe and healthy. That’s all that mattered to him. His eyes glanced over at Yamaguchi, he was asleep in one of the other chairs in the room. He would have to take him out for dinner in thanks for being with you when he couldn’t.
 God, he felt like a terrible husband. 
 The meeting at the museum had run late, and while the both of you knew that the baby was going to be due any day now… he didn’t think that it was going to happen tonight.
 “Mind if I take him?” a nurse asked quietly, Tsukishima looked up at her in surprise and nodded, carefully handing his boy over so they could finish doing their checkups.
 “Get some rest.” She said pointedly before leaving the room.
 Tsukishima sighed softly, removing his glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose. He was tired. But not like you.
 He reached for your hand, the one that was curled close to your face, carefully lifting it up and pressing a soft kiss to your knuckles. 
 His expression was soft as he stared at your sleeping face. Tsukishima had never felt luckier in his entire life.
 The fact that you were still his after all these years, the fact that you brought his beautiful son into the world… he was truly blessed.
 Tsukishima’s lips twitched into a small smile as he thought back to the past.
 You sat on the gym floor, rolling the volleyball around absentmindedly. It was just you and Tsukishima, the silence between the two of you was comfortable. Tomorrow was graduation day, tomorrow was going to be the start to a new journey.
 Your eyes glanced over at the tall blonde, he was finishing up some last-minute stuff for the volleyball team.
 Biting your lip softly, you turned your attention back to the volleyball that was in front of you.
 The feeling that you had beaten down since the beginning of the year could no longer be buried.
 You had to ask.
 “Kei?” you called out softly.
 “Are we… do you… do you like me?” 
 He looked over at you, a dumbfounded expression covering his handsome face. “You’re joking right?”
 You huffed at him in annoyance, a soft pout taking over your features.
 He sighed, closing the notebook he was currently writing in, facing you directly. “We’ve liked each other since we were kids Y/n. We started dating in middle school. Why are you asking me something so stupid?”
 “Well do you love me?” you tried again.
 Oh. You looked away from the blonde male, doubt and unease still clouding your heart. This was stupid. Asking him those questions wasn’t truly going to give you the answer you really wanted.
 You heard Tsukishima sighed loudly, hearing the soft squeak of shoes against the floors, and then he was pulling your chin up, forcing you to stare at him.
 He was squatted down in front of you, his lips turned down in a frown. “What is it?”
 “Nothing.” You mumbled, attempting to avert your eyes from his own.
 “Don’t lie. Something is obviously bothering you. Tell me.” he demanded, his grip on your chin tightening only slightly.
 You weren’t sure what it was in his face, but you felt tears begin to cascade down your cheeks. Much to his surprise and yours.
 “Y/n -” 
 “You’re going to break up with me!” you wailed, all of your feelings bursting from you like a broken dam. “You’re not going to want me anymore once you go to college… you’ll find someone better, prettier, more athletic than me! Everything is going to be different after tomorrow, you’re not going to love me the same way and -”
 His hand covered your mouth, stopping the flood of words that were rapidly escaping your quivering lips.
 “Are you stupid?” he asked incredulously, his eyes holding a fiery passion as he stared at you intensely. “Why would you say such ridiculous things? I thought you were smarter than that. You’re acting like Hinata.” he scowled, stretching and pulling at your cheeks.
 “That hurts Kei.” You whimpered out, but at this point you had stopped crying. 
 “Good. It’s punishment.” he said bluntly, pinching your cheeks harder.
 “Ow, ow, ow!”
 He finally released his grips on your cheeks, sitting down in front of you as you rubbed at your sore face, sniffling slightly.
 “Have you calmed down now?” He asked, reaching up to wipe the remaining tears from your eyes.
 You nodded wordlessly.
 “Good. Now listen closely.” he said seriously. “You seriously think that after all the years we’ve been together I’m not going to want you anymore just because we’re going to different colleges? Have you forgotten that I deliberately chose a college that was close to yours so that I could still see you every day?”
 You didn’t say anything, so he continued on. “Do you really think that I would be unfaithful to you, and look at other girls just because you won’t be by my side as often?”
 Again, you were silent.
 “You really think that I’m going to want someone smarter, prettier, more athletic than you? I’m going to be too busy worrying about your stupid ass the entire time that I won’t even have time to think about my classes, much less try to find someone else.” You started getting more nervous as Tsukishima’s voice gradually began increasing.
 “Of course, things are going to be different after tomorrow.” He said, tone sharp and biting. “That’s to be expected, we’re graduating high school Y/n. Nothing can stay the same forever.”
 He was right. Tsukishima was always right.
 “But…” his hand cupped your face, urging you to look at him. You felt your breath catch in your throat, his expression was full of adoration, his gold eyes burning into yours.
 “One thing will never change, and that’s how I feel about you. I love you. I want only you. Don’t you ever question that again dumbass.” he murmured, leaning forward and capturing your lips in a passionate kiss.
 Tsukishima’s lips twitched at the memory; you were truly a crybaby back then. While it had gotten better over the years, you still cried about everything.
 Tsukishima felt his stomach twist as he thought about when he had truly made you cry. He still felt guilty about that.
 It wasn’t even that long ago when it had happened.
 “You need to go to the doctors Y/n.” Tsukishima said, frowning as he watched you rinse your mouth at the bathroom sink.
 You had just finished puking your brains out for the third time that day. This has been going on the past couple of days, both of you under the impression that you were coming down with a stomach bug.
 “I made an appointment for later today.” you mumbled, drying your face against the hand towel.
 “Do you want me to take off of work to take you?” he asked, gently wrapping his arms around your waist.
 You shook your head. “The museum needs you Kei. I’ll be fine.” you said quietly, leaning back into your husband’s strong chest.
 He hummed softly, pressing a gentle kiss to the side of your neck. “If you say so… I’ll be leaving first then.” 
 You waved goodbye to him at the door, watching him drive off.
 You sighed softly, heading into your office to finish up some last-minute work. It had been three years since you guys had graduated college, both of you finally getting to work at your dream jobs, Tsukishima at the museum, and you, working at a design firm.
 Things were finally falling into place it seemed. You guys had only gotten married last year, and it was just a couple of months ago that you guys had finally bought your first house.
 Life was good. Really fucking good. 
 The ring on your finger caught your attention as you typed, pausing for a moment to appreciate its beauty.
 Tsukishima had kept his promise. He’s continued to love you unconditionally. He even married your dumbass, something that you hadn’t imagined at all.
 Yes, life was really good.
 Nothing could go wrong at this point.
 Fuck you were so wrong. 
 You inhaled shakily, wringing your hands together nervously as you stared at the doctor in shock.
 “You’re… are you sure? Can we take it again?” you asked, voice shaking.
 “I’m very sure. But we definitely can do the test again.” The doctor said.
 You nodded. Maybe it was defective? Maybe the second time it would…
 It was still the same.
 It was still positive.
 You were pregnant. You were definitely pregnant.
 It wasn’t a stomach bug. It was morning sickness. You were already six weeks along.
 You were too busy in your life to even realize that your period was late, you had thought it was from the stress of work and moving.
 The rest of the day you were on edge, you couldn’t even focus on your work. 
 What did this mean for you?
 No… what did this mean for your relationship with Tsukishima.
 You guys had never talked about having children, it something that was never brought up. 
 What if… 
 What if Tsukishima didn’t want kids?
 The tears flowed easily down your cheeks at the thought, your hand resting on your stomach unconsciously.
 But this was… this was Tsukishima’s baby. The man you loved the most. You already knew deep in your heart that you loved this baby.
 The thought that Tsukishima wouldn’t, the thought that Tsukishima might not want anything to do with you or baby caused more tears to fall down your cheeks.
 You didn’t say anything to him for three weeks.
 The fear you held ate away at you, you wanted to tell him, but each opportunity that came up, you backed out.
 Until one day when you had come home from the grocery store, Tsukishima was staring blankly at the tv. His hands folded in front of his face; his expression unreadable.
 “Kei are you ok-”
 “How long?” he interrupted you, his eyes holding so many different emotions as he stared at you.
 You frowned in confusion at his statement. “I don’t -” “How long have you been pregnant Y/n?” he cut you off, rising from the couch at full height. He glared down at you.
 You could feel your lips tremble. “You have to understand -”
 “How long?” he repeated again.
 “I’m nine weeks.” You whispered, tears stinging your eyes as you stared at the carpet beneath your feet. 
 You heard his sharp intake of breath, your body flinching hard at the noise.
 “When did you find out?” he asked.
 “Three weeks ago.” You whispered.
 “Why… why didn’t you say anything? Why didn’t you tell me the minute you knew!? Why did I have to find out that my wife is pregnant from a voicemail the doctor left on our phone!?” 
 He’s… Tsukishima has never yelled at you like this. Your head snapped up to see his furious expression as he stared you down with an icy glare.
 “Kei you have to understand I was scared! I didn’t know if you -” you were reaching for him, only for him to jerk his arm back at your touch, stepping further away from you. 
 “Don’t touch me.” he said coldly. “I can’t believe you. I’m leaving.” he walked past your trembling form, grabbing his jacket and his car keys, the door slamming behind him.
 Your heart broke, you collapsed onto the floor. Loud sobs escaping your lips as you hugged yourself. One of your hands clapped tight over your mouth as you desperately tried to quiet the despair that was coming from your lips. 
 By the time he had gotten home it was incredibly late, Tsukishima had never felt more exhausted in his entire life.
 He quietly closed the door behind him, discarding his coat and keys onto the kitchen table.
 He fucked up.
 He shouldn’t have overreacted like that. He shouldn’t have left you like that.
 He just… he didn’t know how to handle it. He was angry because you kept such an important secret from him. He was shocked because - well - because you were pregnant, something that wasn’t planned at all. He was scared because… what if he wasn’t a good dad?
 He definitely didn’t feel like a good husband right now.
 His heart broke as he took in your form. You had cried yourself to sleep, curled up tightly on the bed, your hand clutching at your stomach protectively.
 He had hurt you so much, he had left you when you needed him the most… you dealt with a large burden on your own, all because you were fearful of how he was going to take it.
 He fucked up.
 He hated himself. 
 Tsukishima had to make it right now. The thought of losing you forever. The thought of losing his child forever, he couldn’t stand it. Carefully he slipped under the blankets, his long arms wrapping protectively around your body as he pulled you tightly against his chest.
 He buried his face into your hair, his grip tight on you. His hand gently pushed yours away, his fingers rubbing carefully against your belly.
 A baby.
 You were carrying a baby in there. You were carrying his baby. 
 He’s never loved you more than this moment.
 “Kei?” you whispered; you woke up when you felt your body being tugged into a familiar chest.
 “I’m so sorry.” he whispered back, kissing the skin behind your ear. “I shouldn’t have acted that way… I just… I’m sorry. I love you. I’ll love you forever Y/n. I’ll love our baby forever. They will want for nothing. I’ll take care of you. I’ll take care of both of you. Don’t leave me.”
 You felt tears sting your eyes once more, your hand gently rested on top of his. “I won’t leave Kei. I love you.”
 He squeezed you tightly to his chest, his fingers tracing patterns into your stomach as you both began to drift off into sleep.
 “Mmm… Kei?” you mumbled sleepily, eyes gazing at your husband. He was staring off into space, his hand still holding your softly.
 Your soft voice snapped him out of his thoughts, his eyes finding yours immediately.
 “You did so well.” he praised, gently pushing your hair away from your face. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be here sooner.”
 You shook your head, leaning into his touch. “You’re here now. That’s all that matters.”
 He didn’t say anything as he continued staring at you, gently touching your face with soft fingers.
 “He’s beautiful.” he finally said.
 “Takes after his daddy.” you cooed, eyes fluttering back shut in exhaustion. You felt a gentle pressure of cool lips press against the top of your head. 
 “Sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.” Tsukishima breathed out.
 So you did.
 Tsukishima’s heart has never been more full. 
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me1ancho1y-b1iss · 3 years
Her Robin and His Little Ladybug Ch. 6
As soon as Jason’s exclamation was let out. Tikki zipped out of Marinette’s bag and flew up to Damian. “Hello Tikki” Damian nodded
“Hello little Cat!” Tikki said “what’s your name this time around?” 
“Ok, ok, ok. We get it. Big ‘ol happy family reunion. Big whoop. Can someone tell us what just happened!” Jason yelled exasperated
“Jason!” Dick exclaimed hitting Jason on the back of the head 
Tikki floated up in front of the Batfamily saying, “Hi! I’m Tikki, kwamii of Creation.” Tikki turned back around to face Marinette and Damian. “I’m going to go get Plagg, he should be able to help explain what's happening.” Tikki soon left with Kalkii through a portal 
“Ok. what the fuck. Demon spawn you got some explaining to do.” Jason said 
“Tt. Just wait until Plagg and Tikki get back.” Damian said leveling his family with a glare that silenced all of them. 
After a few minutes a baby blue portal opened and Tikki, Plagg and Kalkii all popped out. 
When Damian saw Plagg he got tears in his eyes for the second time that day. 
“Plagg!” He yelled 
“KIT!” Plagg yelled back and rushed to Damians cheek to hug him. Damian responded positively and hugged the little Kwamii back. 
After the happy reunion all the people present in the back batcave were ushered to the table. Everyone was seated with the three Kwamiis hovering above it. 
Bruce, still dressed as Batman spoke first addressing the Kwamii and the two youngest, “Let’s start at the beginning.” 
“Well father, this is Tikki and Plagg, the God and Goddess of creation and destruction, essentially” Damian stated 
Bruce hummed, he’d seen wieder things but his youngest hugging a stranger was definitely among weirdest and he needed to know the reason behind it. 
“In the very beginning just me and Plagg were created, out of what we don't know,” Tikki started. “We created the heavens and eventually other kwamis were created, at the time the kwamis didn’t have a physical shape. All the kwamis represent a concept, for example me and Plagg represent Creation, order and good luck and destruction, chaos and bad luck, respectively. There are other Kwamis that represent other concepts such as protection and transformation, to name a few. Over time my creation powers overflowed and created a multitude of universes, to counteract this Plagg’s power created what you humans have named as black holes, they are just essentially just small pockets of Plagg’s power. Plagg also destroyed planets and stars and whole galaxies. All of this was done for balance, everything requires balance, without creation you have destruction and without destruction, creation runs rampant.” 
“When Earth was created, along with the humans, all the Kwamis were interested. It wasn't till a human mage reached us that we were able to interact with humans. The original 19 kwami decided to go down to earth and interact with more humans thus the miraculous were born.” Tikki continued. “Plagg and I created two souls that are 100% in tune with us. While any person could wield the ladybug and cat miraculous, Damian’s and Marinette’s souls will be more in tune. Some people who have wielded my miraculous and was still a good fit are a few people you might recognize such as Fa Mulan, Hippolyta and Joan of Arc.”  
“Each soul is reborn when the universe is in a great time of need and they are never reborn without each other.” Tikki said  
The room was quiet for a moment then absolute chaos. 
When the brothers finally realized that their questions, ahem demands, weren’t being answered they started to quiet down, though they were still somewhat tense. Hey, it wasn’t everyday that one discovered that their hellspawn of a little brother had a magical girlfriend that he apparently had throughout time. Yeah, maybe that was still processing a little. 
“Quiet, you imbeciles. If you want your questions answered I suggest that you be silent.” Damian said a little exasperated. “I apologise for my idotic brothers, priya. They are still learning their manners and have yet to know how to behave in front of a guest.” Damian continued, glaring at the annoyances of his life that he sometimes considers his brothers to drive his point home. They just shrugged in response. 
Marinette beckoned Tikki over while Damian was staring down his siblings into silence. “Hey Tikki,” she whispered. “Is there any way to get rid of the Lazarus Pits effects? I noticed hood had some remnants on him? And I want to help, Damian has definitely been dipped into the pit, but we both know that the pits don’t affect him much.” Marinette finished. She really hoped that they could red hood could be helped in some way. 
“Oh Marinette,” Tikki sighed sadly. Her bug was always trying to help people. “I think I might be able to cut back on some of the effects, but we both know that he will never be truly healed.” Marinette only nodded sadly. 
At that point Damian looked back over at Marinette and decided to broach the topic of what was bothering her, none of the conversation topics had been too heavy, so Damian had no clue on what could've been bothering her. “What is it?” he asked 
“I think I might be able to help your brother out.” Marinette responded 
Damian raised an eyebrow at this, his brothers needed a lot of help. “With what exactly?” Damian questioned. 
Marinette took a deep breath before looking up straight at Red Hood saying,
“The Lazarus Pits”
At her words Damians eyes went comically wide as he was hit with a load of repressed memories. Jason promptly started choking while the rest of the family was looking at Marinette with a new found wariness. 
“W-what?” Jason choked out. 
Marinette sighed looking at Damian for a confirmation. Once he nodded she continued. “The reason Hawkmoth is even active is because when you combine the miraculous of the ladybug and the miraculous of the black cat the wielder is able to make a wish. The wish is able to bend reality, it’s life altering. Hawkmoth wants the miraculi to fulfill his wish, however no matter the wish, it would cause severe unbalance. As Tikki stated earlier everything requires balance, for example if he wished to bring someone back to life, someone else would have to die in their place.” 
All the bats took this in becoming very aware of what could possibly happen if Hawkmoth were to win. 
Damian sighed heavily before continuing where Marinette left off. “During one of our former lives, we were in an intense battle. At the end I noticed E- well now Marinette lying unconscious. I ran to her hoping she would heal herself, but I was there too late.” Damian let out a shuddering breath. “She was gone and I was desperate to get her back. I knew I would eventually see her again, but the fact that she was gone was still fresh in my mind. So I combined the ladybug miraculous and the black cat miraculous. I knew the consequences, but at the moment I just needed her back in my arms. Alive. So I made a wish. The wish formed what are now known as The Lazarus Pits. However, as life requires balance, the pit would cause madness for anyone who descends into its waters while still giving a person new life. There were no such consequences on Marinette due to the fact that she wielded the ladybug miraculous, but I know it was still the wrong decision to make.” As Damian finished speaking, Marinette gently squeezed his hand offering her silent support, while Damian’s father and brothers stared at him; they’ve never seen him express so much emotion before. 
“I was asking Tikki if there was a way to somewhat reverse the effects of the pits.” Marinette spoke staring directly at Red Hood for a second time that day. “It won't reverse everything but it will hopefully take the edge off so to speak, if it does work.” 
“So what do you say, Red Hood?” Marinette smirked 
A/N: I finally posted chapter 6. we also finally get more background. Hopefully my explanations make sense, every fic I’ve read where they explain the miraculous origin is different so I hope mine is understandable. There will definitely be more past life stories in later chapters but the lazarus story leads us into the next chapter and I couldn’t get the idea that damian saved marinette by combining the miraculous out of my head so... you have this 
Taglist: @bumblebeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee @toodaloo-kangaroo @aespades @mochegato @daminette5074 @yannowhatigiveup @sekhmet5 @alyssadeliv @kking13 @callmewhatyouwant00 @henie04 @buginetye        (if you to want be added, ask and I’ll add you)
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wrienne · 3 years
My Cheating, Amnesic Fiancé
Chapter 11: Another Threat
You stared at the tiny sliver of gold balancing between Yoongi’s fingers. You couldn’t believe what was happening. How the heck had Jungkook’s ring gotten into his possession?
“It was a simple question.” He stopped you before you could reply. “And don’t try to lie to me. I can see through shit like that.”
“How did you find out?” you asked as your grip tightened around the handle of the duffel bag and the computer bag. “Did he tell you?”
“Not exactly,” he answered. “I overheard an argument he had with his parents some time ago, talking about wanting to cancel ‘the marriage’. Although I wasn’t sure who he was supposed to marry against his will…” Yoongi looked pointedly at your currently naked finger. “I saw the ring on your finger yesterday. It makes too much sense considering your strange relationship and the time of the accident for all to be a mere coincidence. So tell me: when were you telling us about you and Jungkook’s engagement?”
“Where did you get that?” you asked instead, pointing at the band. “Did you steal it from him?”
“I would never steal,” he said sharply, reacting for the first time since you had met him. “I was in charge of washing our clothes once when I discovered it in his pocket. It was before he had met Park Yi-Jae, so don’t try to give me that explanation.”
You swallowed your words. You didn’t know what to say.
“Does she know?”
You shook your head.
“Did you know about her?”
You felt your jaw clench instinctively in anger. Yoongi raised a brow. “You didn’t. Huh. So that’s the private subject you couldn’t disclose and what you and Jungkook fought about yesterday.”
“Move aside,” you demanded as you tried to assume a neutral expression. You couldn’t believe he was reading through you as easily as that. “I have to get back to Jungkook.”
“Not yet,” he told you. “You haven’t answered my questions.”
“You have no right to any of the answers,” you said coolly. “And you have to promise me that you won’t tell anyone.”
“Do you know why he stayed with you?”
“No,” you said instantly. “There’s not a minute that goes by without me asking myself: Why would that bastard decide to deceive both of our parents and me? Why remain engaged to me when he loves another girl?” You narrowed your eyes. “Why ask? Isn’t this an obvious frame of mind?”
“Who am I to presume what you might or might not consider,” he said simply, then took a step closer to you. He lowered his voice. “Now, the rest of them might believe your tear-jerker, but I think it’s shit. There is something you want from Jungkook, isn’t it? That’s why you’re helping him.”
“No,” you began, “as I just explained--”
“People aren’t like that,” interrupted Yoongi. He wore an expressionless guise, and even his eyes and tone were inscrutable. “They don’t help someone purely at the goodness of their hearts and childhood cotton clouds. As for the reason why Jungkook chose to stay with you even when he has a girlfriend…” He snorted. “Are you really so naive you cannot see the blatant answer?”
You inhaled sharply but didn’t respond. You were doing your best not to drop the duffel bag and the computer and just swing at him.
Min Yoongi’s gaze hardened. “It’s for your name and money, Einstein.”
“Never,” you said venomously. “Do you really have so little trust in your own group member? In Jungkook? Don’t you know at least how proud he is? He would never stoop to that level.”
“Perhaps not. But he doesn’t really have a say in the marriage, does he? Think (Y/N), you attend a SKY university, so you ought to have at least some brain capacity. Who else would be able to have access to your family vault?”
“His parents,” you realized breathlessly. “His father, to be more exact.”
You couldn’t deny the truth of his words. Jungkook’s father had never been good with money and was far too fond of the bottle for someone who often ran into major economic predicaments. But why would your parents allow it to happen? What would they gain from you marrying Jungkook?
And perhaps the most important question: How and what did Min Yoongi know about Jungkook’s parents? Jungkook wasn’t the personal, talkative type. He wouldn’t have shared such delicate details of his upbringing with anyone. Right?
“Solved the mystery, did we?” He brushed some invisible dirt off his shoulders. “You can thank me after you’ve answered the rest of my questions.”
“Get out of my way.” You had too many thoughts fuddling your mind to be polite or try to be diplomatic. “I will scream if you don’t.”
Yoongi held your eyes for a moment before he tsked in annoyance and allowed you to step past. You were practically running out of the room, and only barely caught the last of a sarcastic: “--nice evening.”
Jimin stood in the kitchen washing dishes together with Taehyung, while Namjoon and Hoseok sat at the table reading off the master list. Seokjin was nowhere to be seen, and you guessed he probably was in one of the bathrooms. Music played in the background, only slightly louder than the sound of running water and the clinking and clanking of pots, plates and cutlery. It was like stepping into a whole different world compared to the unfriendly tension you had experienced with Yoongi.
Hoseok had lighted up when he spotted you, but his eyes rounded when he saw your face. Fortunately, you managed to speak first.
“I really need to get to the hospital,” you said, hoping you didn’t sound half as furious as you were.
“Here’s the list,” said Namjoon hesitantly, since he also saw your expression.
“Thanks. And thank you again for the food.”
You took the paper and folded it into your back pocket. Jimin’s initial smile fell when he met your gaze, though Taehyung simply furrowed his brows in confusion and glanced toward the room you frankly had escaped.
“I’ll leave now,” you said hurriedly before anyone could comment on your obviously upsetting conversation with Yoongi. “Goodbye.”
Their united farewell followed you as you ambled down the hallway. You did your best not to look behind you, but you felt his dark, knowing eyes drilling into your back.
This wasn’t the last you had seen of Min Yoongi.
You were putting on your shoes when a door almost swung into your face. It was becoming a bad habit, but as you skittered out of the way, you couldn’t help but yelp in surprise. Stepping out of the bathroom was Seokjin, who strangely wore a jacket and gave you a curious look.
“I figured I could help carry down the stuff,” he told you, then pointed at a few canvas bags slumped against the shelves. “Those are Jungkook’s favorite shoes. You should probably take them with you as well, if only because he bought all himself.”
You and Seokjin stood in the descending elevator when you texted Jong-Yeol to come and pick you up. But as the two of you waddled out of the building carrying Jungkook’s belongings - Seokjin having offered to carry significantly more, an offer which you gracefully refused - you found that Jong-Yeol was already directly outside.
“Thank you for the help,” you said after Seokjin and Jong-Yeol had filled up the trunk. “I didn’t realize how much I had stolen from Namjoon until I tried lifting the bag up, and by then, all of his clothes were buried underneath Jungkook’s.”
“Typical,” said Seokjin with a laugh. “It’s really no effort, though.”
“Still, thanks,” you said as you opened the car door. “Let’s buy some takeaway first,” you told Jong-Yeol. “Jungkook’s probably starving.”
Jong-Yeol hurried around the side of the car to get into the driving seat. “Chinese?”
“Hmm, no. Fried chicken.”
“Before you leave, (Y/N)...”
Halfway into the car, you stopped and glanced over your shoulder. “Yeah?”
“Take care of Jeon Jungkook on behalf of all six members,” said Seokjin solemnly, his gaze trailing the ground. “And feel free to contact us whenever you need help or whatever. I’ll message Sejin-manager and tell him he should give you our numbers at the hospital.”
“He’s already given me all of your numbers,” you said with a smile. “I can send my KakaoTalk ID to you later tonight if you want, since it’s cheaper that way.”
Kim Seokjin smiled, too. “That would be convenient. Bye, (Y/N).”
He helped you with the car door, and then you were off. As much as you still boiled inside due to Min Yoongi and the situation he both had established and stirred up, you knew you couldn’t show distress in the face of Jungkook. He needed you strong, dependable, now more than ever.
Besides, it wasn’t as if you could ask him about the reason and dynamic of the engagement on his part. He was amnesic.
And perhaps that was for the better.
It was a fifteen-minute drive to the nearest fried chicken shop due to traffic. It took another fifteen for you to get to Asan Medical Center, which on the other hand was fortunate considering the number of cars filling the streets. You managed to get your emotions under control, even though the question kept brewing in the back of your mind.
What was the reason your parents wanted you to marry Jungkook so direly?
After checking the time on your phone and saying bye to Jong-Yeol, you jogged through the hospital toward Jungkook’s room. In your purse were a pair of fresh jeans and a t-shirt you had picked out at random from the duffel bag, and in your left hand, you held the chicken that was surprisingly yet warm. You knew he was the combination of brave, proud and stupid to never go back on his words. And since he so foolishly had proclaimed that he wouldn’t let himself be fed, you had decided upon fried chicken, which didn’t really need cutlery of any sort.
You were a bit anxious, not knowing what state he could possibly be in, but as you opened the door to his room and spotted him in his bed, surrounded by Kim Sejin, a woman in doctor’s robe and--
Park Yi-Jae. She was sitting quietly in a chair pulled up next to Jungkook’s bed, watching him. Her eyes narrowed when you burst through the door.
“(Y/N)! Finally!”
Jungkook blatantly pointed at you. “She’s the one,” he told the doctor eagerly. “I cannot remember anyone but her."
You noticed Yi-Jae and Sejin cringe, though both out of different reasons. Sejin looked hurt, while Yi-Jae stared pleadingly at Jungkook. He ignored both.
He only saw you.
You tried not to flush with embarrassment as the female doctor scrutinized you from head to toe. She was in her mid-thirties, short and had cut her black hair to shoulder-length, though it was loosely tied just above her neck currently. The doctor readjusted her glasses then held up a blue plastic clipboard slightly.
“Then perhaps you might be more helpful handling him,” she said. Her voice reminded you a bit of your mother’s, sharp and quick, though lower and more pleasant to the ears.
“We’ll leave (Y/N) to it, then. Come,” said Sejin and carefully touched Yi-Jae’s shoulder when she didn’t respond.
“No, I can’t leave him,” she protested, her tone trembling. “Not again. Only a terrible person would leave his or her beloved when they’re in a state such as this. I will rise above anything he might say, because the fact is, he simply doesn’t know better. And maybe I can help, too.”
Yi-Jae reached out and curled her fingers around Jungkook’s. His focus shifted slowly from you to her as she spoke.
“Do you really not feel or remember anything?” she asked him, the desperation making her voice hoarse. You could see tears lining her eyes and almost had to look away. It was too raw, too painful. “It’s me, Jungkook. My name is Park Yi-Jae. We met last year on a music show and you told me on our first date that you had never seen anyone more beautiful than I in your whole life. You have made me laugh every day on KakaoTalk since and we always made time to video chat whenever we were apart. The first time I told you I loved you was on Christmas Eve when you sang that little tune for me while we were out walking late at night. I told you last week I could imagine spending the rest of my life with you. You simply cannot have forgotten all of this, Jungkook, my honey.”
For a long moment, it was quiet in the room. You watched the tears roll down Park Yi-Jae’s slightly rosy cheeks and couldn’t help but think that she was one of the prettiest girls you had ever seen. Even while crying, she was prettier than you thought it fair for anyone to be.
Briefly, you thought Jungkook might have remembered something, that the almost ludicrous way of restoring his memories worked and had started just then and there - through reminding him of his love for Yi-Jae. While talking, she had leaned so close to him they could almost kiss. His brown, familiar large eyes were holding hers, silently observing, and he didn’t move away. But then, and in a tone you prior to then had only ever heard him use with you, Jungkook replied without twitching even an eyebrow.
“Don’t touch me.”
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moodymidnightkitten · 3 years
Fangs and Flowers 1
Pairing: AU Garou x Fem! Reader
W/C: 1.6K+
Genre: Fluff (mostly building the setting)
Warnings!: slight swearing but not all that much
A/N: After 3+ months after my car accident I can confidently say I'm ready to get back into the game and I'm so happy that even over these months I'm blessed with Tumblr users who come to my dash and liked and reblog things, y'all have really kept me going and I love you for that, thank you. And if anyone needs any emotional help in regards to traumatic experiences please give me a shout, I know things can get scary sometimes but I will be here always, to listen whenever you need me.
psst heres my masterlist
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Why is it that when you finally have everything figured out life just switches up on you. Landing yourself in a world you’re not too familiar with. You try not even thinking about how your father is going to feel when he’s learned that you seriously couldn’t control your powers this time. How were you even going to get back?
You’re a combination of powers from your mother and father, healing and universe traveling. A mix that made no sense but blended quite well together. Or so you and everyone you thought.
You looked around, the signs on buildings decorated with flowing symbols, those must be words. You looked at them longer, waiting for them to make sense to you, as it usually happens. A little backstory, your people are considered the be all kinds of people, the people who, in combination could do anything and everything but not one person was capable of doing everything themselves, most people, like yourself in your clan had a max of three, and that really depended on your lineage. Lucky enough for you, your parents and ancestors were the strongest in the clan, every first born naturally developing three abilities. And here you were, the first born waiting on your grandfather's power to radiate to and through you.
It took what felt like forever but it finally came to you, the sign slowly making sense in your mind.
“...C-ci-ty Z?” you squinted a bit. “City Z, interesting, it’s blocked off.” ignoring the other signs littering the way claiming it wasn’t safe, not possibly feeling as though where you are could threaten you, you walked through the gates, your long black cloak swaying as you walk through the quiet streets. You came to the conclusion after walking for five minutes that where you were in a desolate area, abandoned even, whatever happened here must’ve been serious.
“Absolutely wonderful, I should assume I won’t be home for awhile so this will probably be the best place for me to be for the time being, I can settle down here,” you said talking to yourself, pondering over all of your living possibilities, you kept your thoughts to yourself for now, finally coming to a stop in front of a tall grey building. You walk in and settle for the open apartment on the fourth floor, with two bedrooms and a spacious communal area, not that you needed all of the space, it was still nice.
You rummaged through the apartment, it was almost empty of food but the electricity and running water was working, odd but okay you thought to yourself. You came to the decision that you would need to go out and grab more things, get used to your new home for now. Luckily whoever was living here before was also a female of the same size, stature and taste. You pulled out a light beige dress with black lace trimming, it hugged your hips perfectly, you twirled in the mirror and loved how it blew out around you, a bit above the knees, airy but not too short. You also found a cute pair of beige flats that had a glossy overlay to them. No you looked like you really belonged.
You waltzed out of the apartment and back outside, where it was luckily still quiet out. Looking back to make sure to remember the building. You dangled the empty bag you grabbed before leaving by your side before coming up to the least damaged grocery building and restaurants. Everything fresh was still good thanks to the power that was maintained in the area. But you still grabbed as much as you could just in case, it was certainly more weight than you should carry but it wasn’t killing you. Grabbing food and basic first aid supplies as a generic thing, just in case, you didn’t know what kind of diseases or harm this place could do but it seems as though this first aide was something universal. Even though you could heal yourself, it has its limits, like everything does.
You easily got lost in thinking within yourself, taking in your new surroundings and enjoying everything you’re seeing, until you come up to a peculiar building, one intact except one thing, a body shaped hole in the side, weirded out but so highly intrigued you walked up to the building and placed the bags you were carrying by the building. Peering into it you could see the front of the building wasn’t doing as well as the back, You averted your eyes from the tops and to the sides of the building finally looking down to notice there in front of you was a man. Naturally you were startled but grew some confidence to finally submerge yourself into the building to get a closer look. You bent down, laying a hand on his back, he was breathing. That was good you thought, at least he is alive but not conscious, his heartbeat was still going too slow for comfort though.
As you started to channel your healing ability to the palm of your hand your eyes grazed over his body, beaten badly, he was decorated in cuts, scrapes, bruises and what lies beneath you’re more than sure is a couple of broken bones and an illness, everything was more than you could handle healing in one setting. So you took your time, you’re going to wait it out until he’s healed enough to awaken again. After a few minutes more of assessing the person beneath your hands you began to notice his odd features, from his spiked up white hair to the strained and tired but well built muscular figure, he seemed as though a man not to be reckoned with.
And there it was, after sitting with him for ten minutes you felt his heart rate pick up and a small cough, it startled you, causing you to fall back from your knees, your butt now on the ground. The man took a deep breath and pulled himself up onto his elbows, rolling himself over, face up to the ceiling now. You watched in awe, finally seeing the rest of him, the jawline and color of his eyes, how much worse he looked when you saw his face. He put a hand on his chest and fell into another coughing fit. You were just sitting still, unmoving, breathing quietly, waiting for him to notice another presence within the same space as him. He began to sit himself up, legs criss crossed underneath him, taking a deep breath. You noticed how his muscles tugged at the shirt that was tattered, how they flexed so beautifully you could mistake it for water flowing in a stream.
“What are you staring at?” he said quietly, with a tinge of annoyance dancing on every vowel.
“My apologies...I noticed you were hurt badly, where I come from I heal those in need…” You were nervous in the presence of this man, a man with such delicately beautiful looks it could put all the men from your clan in shame. You could hear the man click his tongue against his teeth, trying to stand up he just grunted loudly and sat back down.
“Then heal me dammit instead of just sitting there,” he hissed to you. Your mind racing a mile a minute, even when he’s hurt he’s still as venomous and powerful, his aura eating away at the beautifully crumbled atmosphere.
“I...I can only do so much in a certain period of time, I used up everything I had to even get you awake...but I can help you over to my living establishment and I can continue to help you there, I know I’m rambling but there is a lot wrong with your current state and would also like to heal you to the point of resolving all internal and external injuries.” He sat there in silence peering at you through the corner of his eyes, concentrating on your proposal. A small grin also spreading across his face, your heart jumped, this man was more than a singular force, he was the whole beast, a predator, a blush crept along your face, as new to this world as you are this was about to become an amazing ride and you couldn’t wait.
“Help me up,” his tone shifted from annoyed to less annoyed but welcoming. You scrambled to your feet, crouching alongside him as he lightly draped his arm on your shoulders, using your right arm and put it flat against his back to offer as much support as you could, a blush lacing across your cheekbones. As you two began to stand up you noticed his build in all its glory, he towered over your small and frail frame, putting weight on you, grunting with most motions to get himself onto his feet. He also understood the size difference between you both, he’s either feeling better standing or is holding in the pain in consideration of how much of him and his weight you can handle.
“My name is Garou by the way,” he muttered out softly and in between huffs of air.
“Mine is y/n, nice to meet you Garou...even under these circumstances..” You looked to the ground smiling, even without looking at him it was as if the feeling of him grinning with just boring into you. You two have made it out of the building and you grabbed your bags and threw them over the other shoulder that was free of the damaged and in pain predator Garou and started walking to your new home, the feeling of giddiness feeling like twinkling stars against your skin.
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yayteaberry · 3 years
*SFW* Wildflowers (Bakugou)
He hadn’t shown it, but he was very angry with you. An inordinate amount, yet there wasn’t room to do much about it without looking insane.
Your quirk wasn’t something he didn’t notice, it was manipulative and sneaky. The quirk was certainly notable in that he’d never heard of it before that point, someone producing pheromones to influence the people around them accordingly was a powerful thing to have on your side.
But for someone who was trying to become a hero, you had a seriously sadistic sense of humor. He didn’t notice it at first but now it was becoming a problem.
Obviously, you were toying with him.
The reason? He couldn’t say, there wasn’t any discernible gain beyond embarrassing him. Maybe that was the end goal then - keep him from his top performance by distracting him. In the span of two months he’d gone from refusing to memorize any names, to knowing your schedule like the back of his hand, and that was a major problem. It was an unintentional side effect, he wanted to be sure of wherever you were so he could try to prepare himself for your fuckery.
He spent a lot of time trying to recall if he’d known you in the past, why you would torture him like this. Though he never dredged up anything meaningful, at no point before UA had you even attended the same school as him.
At first it was a light annoyance, something he could dismiss as initial nerves brought on by someone who could have power over him. 
But it was getting unmanageable, he was wasting his time thinking about your dumbass when he was supposed to be focusing on his studies or counting the number of pushups he was doing.
You can’t be worth all this stress and attention, he knows there has to be an outside source.  Why on earth would he feel this way otherwise?  Somehow you’ve managed to become his greatest annoyance but also the one person he never minds being around.
Somehow, pft, it was obvious that you’ve been using your quirk to keep him from being a threat, keep him away from being better than you by softening him up.
The worst part of it all was your own passiveness.  You acted like you didn’t even know him while doing this to him, rarely looking in his direction and never speaking to him unless spoken too.
He was losing control of his own thoughts, getting visibly upset whenever Kaminari said a single thing about you. For his own sake he just chalked that talk up to Kaminaris delusional teenage antics, as if you’d ever give that freak the time of day. Why did he care? Why should he care? He never felt anything in that degree when Kaminari picked anyone else, what makes you so radically different?
Things were getting messy for him, blurry and confusing, too many questions piling up that had only one answer. You were ruining his mind with your stupid quirk. It’s your own fault! You’ve infested his soul at this point, rewiring him to brainwash him into doing whatever you ask.
Today was the last straw, he can’t take this anymore!  Every day he just waits for you to ask him for whatever you’re building up too, knowing in his heart that you’re about to take advantage of what you’ve been planting within him.  He’ll be damned if you turn him into a cowering sidekick.
The moment he knew for sure you’d be in your dorm, he made a plan. 
Well, ‘plan’ being the surge of adrenaline that filled him at the prospect of tiptoeing around you for the rest of his time at UA, potentially even once he became a pro. 
He decided he’d confront you, make you stop, and everything would go back to normal. After this he could finally resume his climb to #1 without your claws pulling him down.
It’s that thought he repeats to himself like a mantra as he speed walks over and kicks the door of your room wide open.
You yelp and nearly jump off your bed, the combination of being scared like that and seeing the boy responsible nearly ejecting your soul out of your body.
“I’m sick and tired of your fuckin’ bullshit!” He stomps inside, kicking the door a second time to close it.
You stifle the urge to scream, scrambling away until your back hits the wall, hands up as you try to defuse the situation. “Wait, wait! Hey now w-whatever you think I did, I swear I didn’t, if you’ll let me-”
“Shut the fuck up! There’s no hypothetical here, you’re fucking with me for fun and if you don’t stop it right now I’m gonna kill you!”, he curls his lip up, sparks lighting up in his palms as he tries to force a confession out of you.
“... What?” You’re completely lost, letting your confusion show as your shoulders drop.
“Don’t you ‘what’ me! Keep playing ignorant and see where that gets you!”, he raises his voice up another notch, taking a step forward. “I’m not an idiot like the rest of those extras, I see what you’re doing! You really think someone as smart as me wouldn’t notice!?”
“I never said you were an idiot! But I swear to god I have no idea what you’re talking about!” You spout anxiously, pulling your knees into your chest, feeling fully cornered.
He just rolls his eyes, closing the gap between him and the edge of your bed. “Oh so now you act all pathetic when I call you out on it to try and get me to feel bad? It isn’t gonna work! I-!”
When he inhales he catches onto the smell in the air, eyebrows knitting together as he feels an instant calming effect from it. “... The fuck?”
“That’s my quirk, that’s what it smells like when I want someone to calm down,” you shakily explain, still holding your hands out like you’re going to have to push him away, sending out as much relaxation pheromones as physically possible.
His shoulders roll back and he stops making his standard ugly expression, face zeroed out in a way you’ve only seen once or twice when he gets invested in something enough to forget he’s around others.
It’s cute, but right now it's more of a sign he’s no longer about to throttle you. “Yeah this is familiar in a way, when we’re in training I think. Guess I never noticed it could be pretty. Usually I’m just pissed that you’re trying to beat me.” For once he’s using an inside voice, which feels oddly personal since you’ve only heard him screaming. It almost seems like whispering in comparison. “So you can choose to make it scented? Masking it so people don’t see it coming is smart. But it’s not so smart now since I know what you’re doing.”
“Mask it? I kinda can’t, the point is that people breathe it in, if they can’t smell it then it doesn’t really work. I really do mean it when I say I have no clue what you think I’m ‘up to’.” You begin to ease off the output, not wanting to knock him out, which you’ve accidentally done before.
“No you have to be, it doesn't make any sense otherwise. You’re doing something or I wouldn’t be feeling this way. Don’t bother lying to me, I’ve already caught you.” He’s still passive but he crosses his arms over his chest, tilting his head. 
You give an exasperated huff, “Feeling what way!”
“It’s so fuckin out there that I’m surprised you don’t use this tactic more in training. It’s totally obvious that you’re doing something to make it so I’m the only one who can smell your stink. You’re manipulating me, otherwise there’s no way in hell I’d be so dopey around you. Why the fuck else would I notice whenever you’re gone? Feel compelled to return your pens that you always drop since you’re such a klutz?”, he speaks as if it’s common fact, rolling his eyes as he continues, “You rope me in daily with these little details that you heighten by using your quirk, and then it’s like you have no idea who I am. Since you’re so comfortable living in my head, you should’ve seen this coming.” 
That's much more than you expected him to say, a light pink dusting across the bridge of your nose at the confession he has unintentionally given you.
“I-I can’t remember a single time you’ve done that,” is all you can think to say.
He clicks his tongue against his teeth, lolling his head from side to side as he formulates a response. “It’s just like when return all the shit you drop but you pretend to not notice, and you’re doing the same thing right now. It was confusing at first but now I’m just getting irritated that you keep playing dumb. Stop working your dumb stinky magic to turn me into your lackey, get someone else to do your dirty work if that’s what you’re looking for.”
“Bakugou I’ve never done that to you, I wouldn’t!”, you stammer for a half second, making a judgement call on how you should handle this, and deciding to come clean. “I actually… I really like you…. I-I respect your work ethic, how strong you are, confident as well, I wanted to gain your attention through the right ways!” You sit up on your knees and make eye contact with him, trying your best to convey how much you mean what you’re saying. “If I wanted you drooling on my shoes then you would be, but everyone around me would be doing the same, my quirk isn’t selective like that. But I wanted to get noticed by you more than I wanted to chance annoying you as a first impression… I really wanted to have a reason to approach someone like you first.”
“Well that’s a stupid way to go about it. I can’t afford to have these kinds of distractions so if anything you put a lot of effort into just, wasting my time.” He’s nearly hesitating on some words. But he pulls himself together, staring you down for a moment. “So I’m done with this. I’m not doing this anymore, I’m done playing games.”
You can’t understand the logic here.
He comes barging into your room, demanding you stop making him like you against his will, and when he finds out it’s organic plus you feel the same way, he somehow manages to reject you? It stings, a lot.
“Yes or no.”, he sternly interrupts your quickly spiraling thoughts.
“Yes or no..?” Flat out confused for the millionth time, you blink a few times, pulling back the tears that threatened to spill over at his initial rejection.
“I’m not asking again.”, he curtly spits out.
“But what are you asking yes or no for?” You squint at him, unsure and waiting for him to say something along the lines of ‘Yes to dying or no to living’.
“Are we dating or not! Yes or no goddamnit!” He’s blushing brighter than you at this point, eyes pointed to various places in your room where you aren’t, shifting in place uncomfortably.
Suddenly it dawns on you.
Even after hearing your returned confession he doesn’t think you’ll say yes.
“Yes, Bakugou, of course.”, you say with a warm smile, reaching forward to hold his hand. 
His sigh of relief as he relaxes his posture strikes you as intensely adorable, though your heart skips a beat when he shoots you a smirk. “That’s what I thought you’d say.” 
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meltwonu · 4 years
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46. “Were you just masturbating?”
         “U-uh..no, i was just..”
         “Want some help?”
72. “You don’t need to cover up the bruises/hickeys.”
notes; fingering, marking, some science jargon, ive always been an arts student so😗, also idk if yall can tell but i love writing playful fucking/sex for jun bc i think he’s just??? So playful and cute??? Which i LOVE kdjfhsdk 😭😭,  this is only slightly long but for space sake the rest is under the cut! Thank you for requesting! Enjoy! 💕
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Jun as your tutor is a toss up.
Some days he actually helps you understand the material.
And most days he decides eating you out for 45 minutes is enough ‘learning material’.
Last time, he made you cockwarm him while he ‘helped’ you study for your molecular biology exam; the same exam which you had failed miserably.
This time, however, you decide to beat Jun to it; fingers traveling down your own torso and straight into your panties. You figure if you got off before he showed up, then there’s no way he’d be distracted during your tutoring session if you weren’t in the mood to fool around either.
A stuttered moan spills from your lips, eyes fluttering shut when your fingertips graze against your already wet folds. Your legs part even farther as your imagination wanders; thoughts of Jun’s hands on your skin and his saccharine moans next to your ear as he fucks you.
“Hey! Whoa---shit!”
In the blink of an eye, your legs snap shut and you pull your fingers out of your panties, sitting up in bed with a blush on your face as you stare back at Jun. “What the fuck, Jun!? How did--How did you even get into my apartment!?” He immediately ignores your question, stepping into your room and locking the door behind him.
“Were you just masturbating?”
“U-uh… No, I was just…”
“Want some help?” He doesn’t wait for a reply, instead grabbing a book from his things before he settles on the bed in front of you. “Spread your legs.”
“What? W-wait, you’re supposed to help me study! I failed my exam because of you, y’know!” You pout at Jun, arms crossed as he rolls his eyes.
“Exactly, which is why I showed up early. So I could help you actually study. I didn’t think you were gonna be in here getting off in the meantime.” He pauses, flipping the book open before tossing it to your side. “Your roommate let me in by the way, and I heard your professor is letting you retake the exam.”
You nod, biting the inside of your cheek. “I basically cried in front of her. She felt bad so she said I could retake it on Friday. But I really need to study, Jun…”
He nods in reply, eyes glancing towards the textbook. “And we will! But since I’m here early…” Jun places his hands on your knees, prying your legs apart. You can feel the arousal pooling in your body when your eyes meet his; legs spreading to accommodate him between them. “Let’s see how much info you actually retained from last time.”
You can only stare at the ceiling, mind completely blank when Jun finally sinks his fingers into your pussy after torturous minutes of teasing. “O-oh fuh--fuck--”
“I asked you a question.” He comments in mock annoyance, fingers unmoving as you clench around his digits. “W--what was the question again?” You ask breathily, leaning up on your elbows as Jun stares down at you.
“What are the purine bases in DNA?” You can only let out a choked sob, squirming when Jun doesn’t make an effort to move. “I--fuck, I don’t remember… Um, c-cytosine a-and thymine?”
“Nope, those are pyrimidines. C’mon, this is an easy question.” Jun leans down, lips pressed against the column of your neck. He leaves soft kisses, lips ghosting against the shell of your ear. “Don’t you wanna cum?” He whispers; his sweet voice sending thrums of arousal down your spine.
“A-ah, u--um, adenine and--and g-guanine?”
Jun smiles against your skin before he sucks a lovebite onto it, fingers inside your pussy finally moving as he starts thrusting them into you. “Mmh, J-Jun…” Whining, you tangle your fingers in his shirt, eyes fluttering shut at the combination of his lips and fingers making you feel good.
He leaves a few more lovebites on the column of your neck before he start to pull away. “No, no, no, don’t s-stop, please!” You beg; your grip on his shirt only tightening. He licks his lips, eyeing the blossoming marks on your neck. “Answer one more question and then I’ll let you cum. But then we’re really studying afterwards, okay? Can’t have you failing again.” You nod frantically, a sigh of relief on your lips when Jun doesn’t stop thrusting his fingers. He scissors them inside of you; curling them to graze against your g-spot.
“Hm… Give me… the three stages of DNA isolation. But in order.”
Jun slows his pace when you take too long to answer, a small ‘tsk’ falling from his lips. “Guess you don’t wanna cum?” You can only whine; squirming when you feel him slowly easing his fingers out of you.
“No--no I wanna c-cum! Please…” He pauses his movements, waiting on you to answer.
“It’s---It’s… l-lysis, precipitation, and, ah, and p-purification? Right?”
“See, I knew you remembered some stuff.” 
Jun slides his fingers in knuckle deep, smirking as he places his thumb on your clit. He doesn’t say another word as he leans in again, lips at the junction of your neck before he sucks on the skin; soft nibbles making you jolt.
You try to keep quiet knowing the two of you aren’t alone, but Jun’s pace quickens, fingers curling inside of your tight walls when he feels you close to cumming. “Jun--Jun---I’m--I--”
“S’okay, you can cum.” He mumbles against your skin, leaving another blossoming mark on your skin just as you orgasm crests; chest arching up into his as you bite your lip to keep in your noises. Your walls throb around his fingers, a soft groan of his own spilling from your lips when he imagines it’s his cock inside of you instead.
Jun keeps pumping his fingers, thumb on your clit still rubbing circles until he feels you starting to come down from your high. You whimper his name, quietly begging him to stop when the overstimulation starts to bite.
He slowly eases his fingers out, bringing them to his lips as he licks them clean.
“My neck is all… wet…” You mutter, fingertips ghosting across the tender lovebites Jun’s left on your neck. He grins at you from around his fingers, popping the digits out before he leans in again.
“I know you like it when I’m messy. And anyway, you don’t need to cover up the hickeys, y’know. I left them there for a reason.”
You can only quirk a brow at him, waiting for him to continue. “What? D’you think I was just fuckin’ you for fun? I know I’m not exactly the most straightforward guy and I think we might’ve fucked it up a bit but do you wanna go on a date with me after your retake?”
An awkward laugh spills from your lips; cheeks blooming into a pink when you realize he’s being serious.
“I--yeah, um, sure? I’d like that…” You trail off, suddenly shy.
“Okay, well, let’s get to studying then! If you ace your retake, I’ll fuck you however you like too. Deal?”
You grin up at the male, already having a few ideas lined up. “Sure, it’s a deal.”
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unluckyxse7enart · 4 years
MysMarch2021: Heal
Notes: most likely au, intended to be set post-events of “The Future”, where the gang survives, Shiromori’s still gone and presumably they beat off ???. Everyone just sorta falls back into the pattern of being a quartet somehow but also are all dealing with a lot from the incident still. This is primarily a fluffy moment w Mystery and Vivi with some minor thoughts about angstier stuff. Unofficial title:
"Kitsune in a Cone of Shame"
"Mystery, what do you think you're doing?"
He winced, ears flattening to his head so much they almost disappeared entirely into the crest of fur down his neck. Vivi's voice sounded stern. He was definitely in trouble.
"Mystery. Down."
Oh no, there was the Doghouse voice.
An unintentional whine sounded from his throat, and Mystery slowly, deliberately, removed his front paws from the sofa, trying to ease back into where he had them before - he couldn't see where he was putting them, but surely it couldn't be that har-
His left paw slid against nothing, pain flared up in his side, and with a startled yip he was on his way down to the carpeted floor below. He heard Vivi gasp, all traces of anger gone and replaced with an equal measure of distress, but she couldn't move fast enough for the short distance from the coffee table to the floor. Mystery's quick descent ended not with a muffled thud, but a humiliating clunk.
Vivi made a strangled noise, and once more Mystery's ears flattened, this time in annoyance than guilt. He knew that noise anywhere. That was her 'trying not to laugh' noise.
"Mys- Mystery? Are you... *hee!* are you ok?" She asked between poorly restrained snickers, and he let out a belligerent snort, nose mercifully suspended mere centimeters from the floor. At least, it would be merciful, were it not for the fact that he hadn't landed on his face due only to the damning plastic cone around his neck. Mystery sighed in annoyance.
"My side hurts, I have a flimsy plastic cone digging into my shoulderblades, and I do believe any dignity I once had, as a creature filled with more power and wisdom than the three of you combined, has been irrevocably shattered. But otherwise, yes, Vivi, I'm 'fine'," Mystery grumbled, paddling his front legs in a feeble attempt to either find the ground or scratch the menace ruining his honor off of his neck once and for all. Neither happened, and instead all that was achieved was a renewed fit of giggles from his owner as she watched her hapless former pet flail about like a flipped turtle.
"Ok, I- al-alright, just... Just hold still, I'll help you," she managed, still giggling as she got closer. Mystery cocked an eyebrow at her, although he couldn't see her through the opaque material surrounding his head.
"I'm surprised you're not calling Lewis and Arthur in to laugh at my misery, while you're at it," he groused.
"Oh I don't need to, rest assured I've immortalized this moment for all of us - and probably the Internet - to enjoy," she replied, the smirk on her face crystal clear in the tone of her voice. Mystery let out an indignant growl, even as he felt Vivi's cool hands gently positioning themselves around his waist where it was safe to touch. Curse modern cellphone technology. He barely even heard the shutter go off in all the fuss, but he probably shouldn't have been surprised.
"Besides, Lewis's a sap who cries whenever he sees an animal in distress, and I don't think Arthur will appreciate me interrupting his work for this, even if it is objectively the funniest thing on the planet,” Vivi continued, starting to reorient him off of the table. Mystery internally flinched at the mention of Arthur. That wasn't really the reason he wouldn't appreciate it, and they both knew it.
The gang had been doing their best to pull themselves together since what has come to be dubbed, the 'Murder Mystery' incident (Vivi applauded herself for the clever name at the time she suggested it; the boys gave her looks of what she elected to interpret as tired approval). A week and a half had passed by this point and, really, the entire group was still in their own various shambles - Mystery with his severe injuries, the loss of Shiromori, coming off of a malicious possession, and drained magic; Arthur with his destroyed prosthetic and reopened traumas and recalled memories, on top of brand new ones; Lewis as... well, Lewis, except. Not as the rest of them remembered him.
Vivi arguably came out with the most gain from the situation- being able to tap into her ancestral powers, regaining her memories of Lewis, or at least enough to not have her episodes anymore at the mention of him, and while she had been injured as well, it seemed to be healing up nicely, faster than Mystery's own - but he knew she was still putting on a cheerful face to be the glue that kept the gang together. She had to.
Arthur couldn't look at Mystery anymore, and barely left his room, while Lewis alternated between seemingly clingy and aloof with Vivi - most likely a mix of guilt and yearning, although the dog couldn't tell you what went on in the ghost's mind at this point. And Mystery... well, Mystery wasn't even allowed to jump up on the couch for fear of exacerbating his injuries.
Really, everyone stuck together because... that's just how they handled such crises in the past, more than anything. They didn't know what else to do.
In the face of that, Vivi - their headstrong, kind leader Vivi - had stepped up and done her best to make sure to keep things running as smoothly as possible. Even now, as Vivi gently guided Mystery carefully into a more comfortable position on the floor, being vigilant of his injuries while lifting and adjusting him - Mystery knew she was being especially considerate of him, even with her teasing and laughing at him. She almost never handled him so gently, and normally would have called the boys in without a thought regardless.
"Mystery? You doing ok there buddy?"
Mystery was shaken from his reflections as he noticed the worried tone returning to her voice, and he turned his head all the way to look at her, ears pricked.
"Oh, yes- yes, sorry Vivi. I got lost in thought. I'm alright, I don't think anything got too hurt," he said, hoping he anticipated her worries correctly. She snorted, clearly relieved, and gave him a scritch behind the ears.
"I'd hope not. That'd be really embarrassing even by our standards. What were you even trying to do with all that furniture climbing anyways?"
Mystery frowned, eyes darting away in embarrassment.
"Ah, well... I thought, if the problem with jumping up onto the sofa by myself was because a big jump could reopen my stitches, I thought smaller jumps would be safe to do." He was cut off by a squeak of laughter, and frowned more.
"Admittedly not my best moment. But I thought the coffee table would be an adequate stepstool, and I really miss being able to lay on my spot on the sofa on my own," he confessed.
"Aww, Mystery," Vivi sighed, rubbing his back, heeding his side as she did so.
"I know this sorta ruins that need for independence, but would it help if I gave you a lift up this time for your troubles?"
Mystery debated, before giving a tired smile.
"I would like that a lot."
Vivi nodded, getting up with a grunt before cautiously guiding his front paws onto the sofa. Then, once he was in position, she tucked her hands under his back feet, giving him enough lift to scrabble somewhat clumsily up without pulling too much. His short tail began wagging as he felt the comfortable cushioning beneath his paws, and he turned to face Vivi, beaming.
"Thank you, Vivi."
Vivi grinned back, about to speak, but Mystery continued.
"Not just for this, but for everything you've been doing for us all this time. I appreciate it a lot, I know we all do." Vivi's grin melted into a more mushy expression, eyes watery.
"Awww, Mystery that's so sw-"
She was cut off once more as, in an attempt to lick her cheek in thanks, Mystery instead bonked her in the face with the cone. Vivi grunted in surprise as she pulled back, rubbing her nose where the edge collided into her.
“Man, I'm starting to see why you hate your cone so much!” Vivi laughed, ruffling Mystery’s fur on his head as much as she could. Mystery huffed in indignation, leaning into the touch nonetheless.
“I fail to see why I even have it in the first place.”
“Sorry, bud - vet's orders! Wouldn't want you chewing on your injuries while they heal,” she smirked, lightly tugging on his ears to stroke and massage them. Mystery made a disgruntled noise in his throat as he eased himself into laying down.
“I know, I know… But it's not forever. You'll get better, and the cone will come off, and things will go back to normal, you'll see,” she intoned, leaning back against the sofa while she continued to absentmindedly pet him. He could hear the edge in her voice, and knew she was saying it for herself just as much as for him.
Unable to sooth her as he normally would, as previously proven, Mystery settled for wagging his tail in agreement, letting it lightly beat against the back of her head as he rested his chin on his paws. A laugh bubbled out of her, and he smiled.
It would heal.
They all would.
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chubbyreaderchan · 4 years
Self Indulgent | Sesshomaru x chubby!Reader | NSFW
Warnings: Smut for smut sake! She/her pronouns
Kinks: Masterbating, biting, growling, breeding, also slightly inhuman penis cuz shhh
Summary: Sesshomaru catches his mate masterbating because she was much too shy to ask him to play with her. He shows her that he’s willing to take her any time she is in need. Reader-chan is also from Kagome’s time cuz yeah. 
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   They had been walking for ages, it seemed. It was clear now, that even little Rin was exhausted. Luckily, despite his seeming annoyance, Sesshomaru always listened to (Y/n). Even if he’d never admit it, he valued her thoughts and opinions, always listening to her concerns. It was earlier than usual that night when Rin finally fell asleep and (Y/n) praised the gods that she had found a hot spring near their campsite. A perfect part of her own plans that night. A night alone was what she needed.
     It had been a while since she indulged in any self pleasure, so she was needy to say the least and she was simply too shy to even ask Sesshomaru for anything like that. Despite being his mate, she just felt like he’d see it as disrespectful and find her disgusting for asking for such a thing. It was often Sesshomaru who would initiating sex rather than the other way around. This would be the first time she had touched herself since meeting him, as well. He had a high sexual appetite, he was not afraid of taking her as needed but for some reason lately it had been a dry spell. Perhaps because he was so close to finding Naraku. That was okay, however, she didn’t mind one bit. 
“I’m going to bathe before bed, my love” She said softly to Sesshomaru, smiling. She looked him over for one last time to help her with her fantasies in a moment.  “I might soak a while...” Sesshomaru nodded slightly. “Be safe.” He said softly, he would only say such things when Rin and Jaken were asleep like they were now. She smiled and nodded at him. Once she was past the trees she slipped from her clothing and folded them neatly in a pile. Perhaps she would play first and then bathe so she can clean herself off before she cuddled up to Sesshomaru. She smiled as she laid her soft towel down on the ground then she laid herself on top of that.
Meanwhile, Sesshomaru’s eyes were on the sky watching the stars. Completely lost in thought that was until the wind shifted. He took in a deep breath and froze. A familiar and intoxicating scent filled his nose. What was she doing? He sniffed again. She was still alone but he could smell her sex in the air and it was intoxicating. Without thought, Sesshomaru stood up and wondered through the woods. There he found his soft and round mate, eyes shut and fingers swiftly rubbing her warm folds. He said nothing for a moment, enjoying the sight of his mate bare and ready for the taking. 
(Y/n) began rubbing her chest and squeezing her nipples between her fingers. Lightly pulling her self into a deeper aroused haze. She shifted her thighs slightly, rubbing her own warm core slightly from the bit of friction. A soft moan escaped her lips as she imagined Sesshomaru doing this to her breasts. Then her fingers slid down her soft body and found her little bundle of nerves between her legs. “Ooh, god” She moaned softly as she rubbed the nub slowly. Her fingers dipping into her hole and she began thrusting her fingers into herself in a slow manner.
“What are you doing?” His voice wasn’t angry or upset. Just a question. Quickly she removed her hands from her warm body flipping and trying to cover up from his golden eyes. “S-Sesshomaru... I was just...” 
“If you wanted to indulge in pleasures why didn’t you say so?” He walked forward to kneel in front of her. His hand went to her cheek, lightly brushing her face in a loving manner. His eyes were soft, despite a deep desire in them. 
“I was scared you’d think less of me...” She felt her cheeks warm up from his touch, still trying hard to hide her body from his gaze. It didn’t matter, the smell of her was driving him mad despite the rigid coldness to his demeanor. 
He growled, vibrating her slightly. That moan wasn’t enough for the demon lord’s ego. His tongue moved from her hole to the nerves at the top. He licked it and then looked up at his woman, her eyes were shut. He growled again and bit the clit gentle, yet sharp enough to cause her to open her eyes and look at him. Sesshomaru sucked on her clit and pulled off with a slight pop. Sesshomaru’s eyes were dark with need and his lips glistened from her wetness. “Look at me.” he demanded. “I wasn’t you to see the pleasure this Sesshomaru can give his mate whenever she is in need.” The only thing she could do was nod, her body was long gone to pleasure and her lower lips tingled from both desire and the slight venom that existed naturally in the demon lord’s saliva. Thank the Gods she was becoming more immune to it. The first time he licked her she was numb for a week. 
Sesshomaru scoffed. “You’re my mate. If you desire me you have to tell me. It’s my responsibility to take care of those desires.” He removed his hand and began removing his kimono. He placed the clothing aside. “It has been a while my mate... forgive me” Her eyes widened. She had never heard him ask for forgiveness from anyone before. But she hardly had time to acknowledge it before Sesshomaru grabbed her thick thigh and spreading her for his view. He pushed her leg practically to her head. His once soft gaze turned into want, he craved her so badly. Her smell was so sweet and drove his hunger. He leaned down and lightly licked up her slit tasting her. He grumbled low in pleasure. His warm tongue pressed against her slit again enjoying her taste. He moved his hand from her thigh, knowing she would hold herself open to him. The clawed hand trailed down his mate’s thigh to her labia so he could pull her open more. His tongue dipped in lapping at her hole. A soft moan finally was drawn from his curvy woman. 
Her eyes were now fixed on his as he went back to licking her clit. His tongue knew her like he knew his swords. It was second nature now to what pleased her. Long slow licked followed by quick ones against the nub. Her moans were much louder and she preyed they weren’t loud enough to wake Rin or Jaken. Then she felt it snap. “Ah!” She moaned and reached her peak, Sesshomaru sucked her clit through the rush of pleasure before his tongue dipped at her hole again to drink some of her up.
Then in a much to quick to register moment, his hand was at her thigh and his shaft was laying against her folds. He hadn’t entered her yet knowing how difficult it is for her to take it quickly. His cock was larger than a humans, big but it wasn’t impossible. It was pale and long, tapering slightly at the end. His cock was human like in some ways while others it reminded one of a dog, even bulging with a knot at the base, it was fairly large in this form but not horrible, of course. However, his dog form she had seen it once but only for a second before he turned back and took her. His dog form was giant and the knot was even bigger than what one would expect, large in a disproportionate way almost. She often wondered if it was a family trait or because of his power or both. 
 “Now,” He said darkly, nails digging into the plush flesh of her thigh. “Let us practice asking your Lord for your desires.” Her eyes widened. He never teased her like this. Why was he being cruel tonight? He rocked slightly, the underside of his cock, the knot bumping her already twitching clit. “W-what?” She was confused, brain foggy still from the orgasm. 
“Ask me. What does my mate want from this Sesshomaru?” His eyes looked her over, with a serious face. He looked just as cold and menacing as he did before ripping an enemy to shreds. He rocked again, pressing harder against her. “You need to learn to ask or you will go without... I will not take the blame next time I find you indulging yourself” 
“Sesshomaru...” She whined. “I want to have you.”
“Have me? You already have me, my little human.” He grumbled out a soft growl. He squeezed tighter to her leg, knowing he would leave bruises on her. He loved marking her as his, despite his own permanent mark and his scent on her was practically enough to keep male demons away from her, the other marks where for his own visual pleasure.. Her face was flustered and she was nervous under his gaze. Sesshomaru made a note to tease her more often. 
“I want you in me... I need pleasure. Please.” She begged. “I want to be full of your seed. I want to give you a baby” What did she just say? Her mind was fuzzy and didn’t realize she had admitted to one of her secrets. Sesshomaru growled in pleasure. “Hm. I’ll give you a child if that’s what you want my mate.” the tip pressed against her wet hole. She relaxed herself knowing that she needed to be really relaxed when he first enters her. He grunted, sliding in nice and slow. Her face crumpled into a slight look of pain. Then he was in as deep as his knot would allow. His hips began shifting back and forth. Stretching her carefully. Her body was so comfortable against him. Soft plush combined with the warm silk of her insides. She was perfect for him, despite being human and even... fat. He grumbled. The last person to insult her like that ended up dead. 
“All you have to do is ask, my mate.” He grunted softly his hips picking up pace. He paused a moment to lift her ass easily off her towel, holding her with ease. He chuckled remembering the first time he did this to her and her panic about her weight. She may as well be a feather to him with his power. His member now drilled down into her, his eyes on hers as she moaned for pleasure. The pained look now gone, relaxing into him. He thrusted into her harder now, her body molding to him once again. She wrapped the leg that wasn’t held around him sighing softly. “Sesshomaru...” She moaned his name, looking into his intense golden eyes. He leaned down capturing her lips against his own. A moan allowed his tongue to dance with hers. His tongue was as sweet as honey and tingled against her lips. He pulled away, letting go of her thigh and letting the leg join the other around his hips. He pressed a kiss along her jaw line, kissing and sucking at the warm flesh. Leaving spots against her skin. “Sesshomaru... I love you” she moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck, her finger tangling into his silky hair. It was so special, only she can touch his hair. Tangle it.... pull it. He growled in delight at the tingling feeling of her fingers pulling the strands. “I love you too” He said softly, a rare admission of feeling from the great demon lord. Her body froze, tightening around him as she came on his member. He growled the tightening pulled him into his own wants. Sesshomaru bucked deep his knot stretching her and pushing in deep as he filled her with his thick seed. It always hurt a bit but after a moment she was fine as he pumped her full. 
It would be a good while before his knot deflated however, so he pulled her close, flipping to his back to hold her close. “I will sire many pups with you, (Y/n)...” His claws gently ran over her back. It caused goosebumps to rise on her skin as she felt comfortably full of him. His face buried into her hair living in her scent. Sweat and sex and just her natural smell. She smelled so sweet. “You don’t have to be shy, my mate.” He said repeating his earlier point. “What’s the point in choosing you as mine if I can not give you what you need?” He pulled her up kissing and squeezing her body against his own. A soft pop and his member finally deflated out of her, a bit of his essence dribbled out of her. 
“I’m sorry, my darling...” She whispered, cuddling the cold demon who to her was so warm. “I think I learned my lesson...” He grunted in soft agreement, kissing her again. “I want to give my seed the best chance. You can bathe in the morning...” he mentioned suddenly. 
She nods, laying her head against him still wanting to cuddle him. “Will you hold me tonight?” she said softly. 
“When have I not?” 
She simply smiled, eyes growing heavy against him. “Let me dress you...” He said helping her into what he knew she called “pajamas” and lifted her b bringing her back to the campsite once both were dressed. He laid her down and pulled her close.
Her eyes fluttered shut and just before she fell asleep she felt Sesshomaru’s hand against her stomach. “You’re going to be beautiful carrying my pups” His lips pressed against her temple as she fell into comfortable sleep.
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
Uh, is there still an angst break? Ignore this ask until your ready if so 👉😎👉
What was the au where Jekylls pushed down the stairs and experiences a skull crackening again? Oh well but I've been thinking of a branch of that where Jekyll doesn't know hes dead like all day. I also cant remember if that was already discussed or not
The lodgers patch him up, he complains of a headache, and goes on his merry way! He's confused why all the lodgers are so nervous and being nice to him all of the sudden, why creature is looking at him with a stange mix of empathy and pity. He was told he fell down the stairs, fell unconscious, and obtained a bit of an injury. He cant fathom why Frankenstein is "The only doctor who can treat him" why he has to constantly go to her for checkups. Why Maijabi is suddenly following him practically everywhere.
Hyde squeezes back control for a moment and tries the potion but it doesn't work. Maybe a bit of pain but certainly no transformation. Jekyll assumes his injury or whatever medication they're giving him to treat it somehow negated the effects
Jekyll complains about "suddenly blacking out" the lodgers know its because his soul is slippery. They tell him it must just be a side effect of the injury and not to worry
How long can they keep it secret from him? When does he find out? Does he? Does it get to be years only for him to realize that he hasn't aged? That he still needs checkups from Frankenstein? Does he learn sooner? Does a lodger crack and say it? Does he rot? Does he notice how so very cold he is. How animals act around him? It's all very interesting,,
I actually did think a bit of Jekyll's kidnappers for the amnesia kidnapping au! When drawing that lil sketch of Henry and O'Leary meeting Robert I had considered making it so O'Leary was suspicious of Lanyon like "Oh theres no news anywhere of someone matching Thomas' description who's missing. But some random people walk up claiming to know him? Begging to take him back with them?" And he'd think they were the kidnappers. But ultimately I decided against it as I felt Lanyon and Rachel were pretty clearly, genuinely concerned for "Thomas" :p
I tried playing assassins creed once, the first(?) one. But the controls were confusing and everything was sorta thrown all at me at once, and I got bored of it quickly
But! I went to the store the other day and just so happened to notice Syndicate was being sold for 15 dollars 👀 So I bought it because funky Victorian assassins and your influence! It's a bit less confusing then the first ac game I tried but why is going down or dropping so hard bdksnks. I'm having quite a bit of fun! If you dont count my rage and annoyance-, the B button refuses to cooperate with me unless I'm looting corpses >:(
The b button being the bane of my existence aside, I AM having fun! I like the funky outfits and I want to play as the girl twin (evie?) forever because her clothes are good and shes better at attacking than jacob(?) For some reason. Probably the stun her weapon has? Oh well! I have not unlocked any new outfits yet, nonetheless I wish there were more.
Also! I was thimking, and my current quests are taking place at 1868? Did I get that right? And Jekyll is like 35 in 1885. So in game he'd be 18! An au like I believe you mentioned sounds very interesting 👀 but I must play more to know what's going on and daydream about it
That would be the resurrection au <3
But god, I really like that branch! Especially combined with the hc that he can't feel pain bc the HJ7 and the transformations made him immune. Frankenstein patched him up and made fleshweaver to heal the crack in his skull but it still has to be bandaged, he surely broke a few bones, yet all he has to do is to be careful because it doesn't even hurt. He doesn't even realize how severe the injuries are because it doesn't hurt, it very well might just have been that he accidentally slipped at the bottom of the staircase and accidentally hit his head on the railing during his fall, rather than getting physically pushed and flying down the stairs, shattering his skull upon impact with the marble floor. Y'know what would be extra fun? If he only starts getting a bit suspicious about how severe the injury was once he realizes his lungs stop breathing for minutes at a time when he gets distracted, or his heartbeat stops dead in his chest. I know that that's not how biology or even creature works but lets say the HJ7 is funky, Zombie Jekyll my beloved. Perhaps he would only fully grasp what had happened once he blacked out too much and 'passed out', but his soul slipped out enough to leave his body unconscious on the floor while his soul/ghost was just... Watching. And it's not until Maijabi (who, as you said, follows him everywhere) immediately calls for more Lodgers saying that Henry's soul is getting unstable and Frankenstein's lousy job is starting to shine through that he fully understands that it was not a mere hit to the head. Or maybe it is when days, weeks, maybe months has passed and the headache never goes away, he only feels how his body starts feeling so much more... Fragile and delicate, that the guilt has eaten Helsby up alive and he corners him and spills everything, knowing he is going directly against what the group agreed to but not being able to keep it a secret much longer-- or maybe Creature would tell him immediately, once Henry is, for once, alone perhaps days after the initial accident. He cannot see Henry struggle to understand what is going on when he already knows what's happening to Henry, his mind, and his body. He doesn't listen to the plan that Frankenstein and the Lodgers has set up and immediately tells Henry the first moment they are alone. That would certainly be horrifying, I can only imagine how the Lodgers would find Henry after that, once he actually knows and manages to process everything. He would be so mad, not only to have been killed in the first place, but also because he was robbed of an afterlife because the Lodgers were selfish and could not accept the consequences of their actions. He would be mad, he would be so pissed and I have no doubt he might actually be mad at Maijabi too for even agreeing to help Frankenstein and the rest of the Lodgers. That anger would not stay long, though. That anger would soon turn into misery and sadness and paranoia so even as Henry has tried to push Maijabi away, Henry still ends up on his doorstep begging him to help him make sure he is not rotting, because no matter what anyone says, he is sure he can see rotten spots and patches on his skin and he is just so scared and jdhfjsdfdsfsfs... <3
Ooooooohhh, I was actually daydreaming about this just this morning! Granted, I woke up at 5 and began to daydream to fall asleep quicker but I still like the thought of O'Leary being suspicious of Robert/Rachel/Jasper/the Lodgers bc he is protective of 'Thomas' and doesn't want anything bad to happen to him and especially with the idea that Henry still has hallucinations and they both think he was abandoned by his family, left to rot at a mental asylum. O'Leary might very well think that it might be Henry's friends and family that dumped him that Henry had 'escaped' the hospital and that's why they knew he was missing since the Asylum itself obviously wouldn't have posted the news... I really liked Jeks idea, okay? Like a lot, I absolutely love it <3
Oh, the oldest AC game I played was Unity bc it was free after the Notre Dame fire, and I can confirm, I played 15 min and could not get through it even if i would have wanted to, it absolutely sucks so i have no doubt the older games are just as frustrating <3
BUT!!!! I'M SO GLAD MY CORRUPTION IS SPREADING AND YOU BOUGHT AND PLAYED IT AND ARE ENJOYING IT SO FAR!!! Trust me, Syndicate truly is an absolutely amazing game and is definitely one of my top 3 games of all time. I sometimes play it w my friend watching me play and trust me, I know that rage of trying to do smt but the character does smt else... or you try to do smt but the game doesn't react and you miss your chance... Oh well, still a wonderful game <3
My friend loves to play as Evie as well but I'm definitely playing Jacob every chance I get and I honestly get a lil pissy when I have to play as Evie bc I always prefer to play male characters, plus, I just like Jacob better bc he is a sweetheart. He is also canonically bisexual as hell!!! Have you met Abberline yet? The police officer? Him and Jacob together is one of my fave ships for the game. I also bought the ultimate/golden/whatever name it was edition so I had a bunch of extra outfits, I love the sherlock holmes outfit for Jacob but my friend keeps bullying me for it </3
Honestly? The time difference is the bane of my entire idea for the au bc if it's during their time Henry hasn't even graduated yet, and definitely not well-known enough for them to actively meet for whatever reason, and if you use the timeline for the jack the ripper dlc (in 1888) a lot of... Less than pleasant things happen so it wouldn't really make a lot of sense for a crossover to happen at that point but maybe it's just bc im a pussy and refuse to play the dlc. Rn, while imagining the au, I just imagine the 1868 timeline to be the same as the TGS timeline. I like to imagine the Frye Twins hearing about Henry and the Society and promptly breaking into his office to ask him to make poison and stuff for them. I also have a feeling that Jacob would flirt wildly with Henry and that Henry would be less-than-amused. It would also be a very fun thing with the fact that there would be two Henrys, with TGS Henry Jekyll and AC Syndicate Henry Green, soo... XD
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