#so much for the 14th Doctor not being the 10th Doctor
13thdoctorposts · 9 months
I do think it’s pretty funny that the core point of the 60th Anniversary specials was… give the 10th Doctor a happy ending.
But he can’t be the 10th because the 10th is gone so we’ll make him the 14th but he’s really still the 10th because he has the same companion and seems to revert straight back to the man he was a 1000 years ago regardless, now it makes it so his face is in the Doctor line up twice for the rest of time, then we’ll add a couple classic villains, talk about the death of a few recent companions that will celebrate the other 59 years of Who and the core idea to celebrate 60 years of Doctor Who will be to give a Doctor from 3 Doctors ago a happy ending that doesn’t at all make sense for the 3 most recent Incarnations. Oh and brake regeneration and throw the previous 60 years into chaos that no longer makes sence cos why not?
This was the incredibly ingenious and inspiring idea from a god tier Doctor Who writer to celebrate 60 years Doctor Who.
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rank every dr who on how likely they are to eat rocks
Hm which number should I go by? Let's go from least to most. I'll rank the TV Doctors and then reblog to give you general opinions on the others.
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16th place - 3rd Doctor
You may disagree with this because his scientific mind might conceive of a situation where eating rocks could possibly be an option. However Liz would hit him on the nose with a newspaper like a dog if he got anywhere near her rocks. She would at length scold him and tell him that most rocks are bad for you and you shouldn't eat them.
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15th place - War Doctor
He would definitely eat rocks but not for pleasure. When you are stranded on a planet because of woke war you may have to eat some rocks. But he would hate it the whole time.
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14th place - 9th Doctor
Similar to War Doctor but you know what he kinda sees it. He kinda gets the appeal. I think he ate one (1) rock during his life and Rose was like Why and he was just nodding to himself like "Yeah this has a certain something".
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13th place - 12th Doctor
He would eat some rocks on occaission but it would be like his guilty pleasure and he would hide it from Clara.
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12th place - 7th Doctor
If there was ever a way he could incorporate eating some rocks into one of his 5D chess plans he would do it. Afterwards Ace would give him the side eye and be like "Professor this could have all worked out without you eating any of those rocks" and he would boop her on the nose and say nothing.
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11th place - 6th Doctor
He would NOT eat rocks you are being RIDICULOUS. And then he finds a new rock on some planet and it smells so good and then he would take a nibble and get absolutely addicted to eating them. He would spend the next 40 years always having pebbles in his pocket to snack on and all regenerations after him would lowkey barf when someone offered them one of those rocks because of how much he used to eat them.
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10th place - 13.5th Doctor
He would eat rocks just to fuck with Yaz and be quirky but his heart wouldn't be in it.
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9th place - 10th Doctor
Someone would offer him something suspiciously rock shaped and he would eat it and be like "This is amazing, what is it?" and they would be like it's a rock and 10 would be like huh.
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8th place - 14th Doctor
Same as above but he knows now he likes the taste of rocks. However his recent experiences made him less privy to them. He had too many.
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7th place - 2nd Doctor
He would eat rocks in a heartbeat but he doesn't really like them. Like he will do it but his heart doesn't yearn for rocks. He would just do it to be silly and/or make people think hes not a threat and just some weird guy who eats rocks.
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6th place - 5th Doctor
Sometimes he will pick up a rock and say what type of rock it is and eat it. And then Nyssa has to hold Tegan back lest she hit him.
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5th place - 1st Doctor
Ian sees him eat a rock and is dumbfounded. He asks "Doctor, what are you doing?" and the Doctor will try to gaslight him into thinking HE is the weird one for thinking that him eating a rock is strange. And then he would laugh his old man laugh. He also sometimes eats rock flavoured food cubes from the food machine. Just cause.
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4th place - 15th Doctor
He would see a rock, pick it up, laugh and jump with joy and enthusiastically ask Ruby "Do you know what this is?" and she would be like "Uh-" and he would cut her off to say "This is a rock!" and eat it.
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3rd place - 8th/11th Doctor
They would both eat rocks and others who see them would be like "Yeah ok checks out". Like no one is surprised they just accept it.
(Both pics = them when they see an uneaten rock)
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2nd place - 4th Doctor
Those teeth were made for rock chompin'. If 4 had to defeat an alien monster made of rock he would just eat it, and no matter which companion would be there to witness it they would all be changed forever. He would just carry on like it didn't happen.
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1st place - 13th Doctor
She will see a rock and be like "is anyone gonna eat this" and not wait for an answer.
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avocado-writing · 9 months
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pairing: 14th doctor x reader & 10th doctor x reader
rating: E
notes: no gender or age given for reader, just that you last saw the doctor fifteen years ago. thank you to @mcganns for being my beta!!
This too shall pass.
It was a sentiment that you had to cling onto when he left, because fuck knows it was the most painful thing you’d ever felt. And you’d run away from actual explosions before. Big ones, in space! Supernovas which could eat entire planets while you hung onto the side of a little blue box. 
And yet none of it even begins to compare to when he fucking left you. 
He said it wouldn’t be forever. Well, he shouted it at you as you fell out of the TARDIS. There was a time explosion, and you got rocketed back to your little flat in the middle of Hackney, on Earth only a few days from when he’d picked you up — but in your reality months of adventure had passed. 
You’d not really settled back in, certain that he was going to come and rescue you. But then days turned into weeks into months and you finally accepted that the Doctor had abandoned you. 
So you went back to it all. Your mundane little existence before a mad, brilliant man had whisked you away. Your boss was a bit miffed that you’d gone AWOL but you were their best employee so they couldn’t afford to let you go, all you got was a slap on the wrist and a command not to let it happen again. The people you loved didn’t really seem to notice your absence that much, which stung; you couldn’t blame them though. You’d probably not miss you much either. 
The Doctor. He made you feel special in a way nobody had before. Like you were the centre of a whole, giant, fantastic universe, and he adored you for it. 
No point mulling that over again, is there?
Fifteen years. Things did get better. You moved on eventually. But you still find your thoughts drifting back to him every once in a while, and that fragment of time you spent totally utterly in love with each other. When you think about the way he kissed you, without realising it you end up touching your lips.
No. No. Stop. 
The singing of the kettle snaps you back into reality, and you pour yourself a hot cuppa. Ah, tea. The antidote to everything. You go to turn the radio on for some company as you shift into your morning routine when you hear a knock at the door. 
Probably the postie. He’s a bit early today, you think, but make no more of it as you undo the latch and open the door. 
Your heart stops. 
Because there he is, of course. 
Older. Weathered. Not the young man you once knew but a grownup version of him, as exhausted by life as you are. 
You drop your mug. Quick as a flash the Doctor grabs it out of midair. The tea sloshes onto the floor but at least nothing gets shattered. 
He goes to look up at you, but his attention is drawn back to his hand. 
“I bought you this mug years ago,” he says, utterly amazed. 
You shut the door in his face. 
Well, you try to, anyway. But he sticks a foot in between the door and the frame, with one of those stupid Converse he always wears.
“I know you’re angry, I know. But please let me come in.”
It’s such an absurd statement you find yourself laughing, a high and desperate noise. 
“Absolutely not!” Actually, no. That’s not enough. “How dare you. Why are you even here?!”
“Because I wanted— I needed to see you.”
You still want to slam the door on him, but there’s a desperation to his voice that gives you pause. And when he looks at you with those sad, puppy-dog eyes? Those eyes as lined with age as you are?
Fuck. You’re so weak. 
So that’s how you find the Doctor sitting at your kitchen table with a cup of tea in front of him. You lean against the counter, defences still up, eyeing him from over the top of your mug. He drums his fingers against the tablecloth. 
“I like your house. Your calendar is nice, I enjoy the kitten motif.”
“Don’t,” you spit, slamming the mug down and sloshing tea onto the floor, “don’t you dare. You don’t get to waltz back here and start telling me ‘oh, I enjoy your furnishings, haven’t you made a nice little life for yourself since I abandoned you!’ I let you in to speak your piece, though god knows why. Say it and be done.”
The Doctor looks deflated. His shoulders sag, mouth falls. You take a moment to properly look at him. He seems… tired. Tired in a way you never knew him to be when you went on your adventures. Part of you wants to offer comfort, but the other part of you wants to withhold it maliciously. Anything to make him feel the way you felt. 
“I looked for you,” is what he settles on, heavily. You didn’t expect that, and it knocks you. 
“I did. After the explosion, I tried searching all over the galaxy for you. I didn’t know where - when - you’d ended up. I scanned and scanned but something stopped you from appearing on the TARDIS’s sensors. I think… the amount of artron energy emitted during the blast somehow cloaked you.”
You say nothing, your silence an invitation for him to continue his explanation. 
“It took years. Literal years, for me. Every spare moment I had, I dedicated to looking for you. Head buried in the circuitry of the TARDIS, trying to fix whatever was hiding you, gave myself a couple of nasty shocks too. And, when I finally tracked you down, I’d regenerated.”
You blink. Right. Yes. He’d explained that, but you’d never seen it with your own eyes. The same person, a different face. 
“I didn’t know if you’d want to see me if I didn’t look like me. But I had to try anyway, didn’t I? So I came here. To your house. I got myself all ready for it, knocked on your door… and found that you were married.”
Your fingers grip the counter. 
“He seemed nice. Loved you a lot, as you deserved. And I couldn’t tell you I was back, could I? I saw you pottering around in the kitchen, making the tea - you were always the best at making tea - and you were happy. How could I ask you to leave that all, uproot the life you’d made for yourself, just to jump back in the TARDIS with me? How could I be so cruel? I couldn’t, could I. So I left again. Tried to move on. Like you did.”
You’re crying now. You can feel hot tears slide down your face and soak into your jumper. 
“Oh, Doctor,” you manage. You want to tell him so much. It feels like it might burst out of you. But instead you settle on:
“Why now?”
He smiles thinly. 
“Because somehow I got this face back, and I wanted to see you. I wanted to be selfish for once.”
You find yourself at the table, on the wonky chair opposite him, sliding your hand over to cover his. It’s rough and warm. Just like you remember. He says your name with reverence, but like it pains him. 
“I never stopped loving you. Ever. Through it all, every adventure, I knew it wasn’t complete because you weren’t there. It just wasn’t the same without wonderful, brilliant you,” he admits. He sounds defeated. It breaks your heart — or, actually, it might just put it back together again. 
A beat passes. His confession lingers in the air, heavy, thick and choking like smoke from an untameable fire. 
“His name was Simon. He was a baker. He was lovely, actually… and we got divorced two years ago.”
The Doctor’s brow furrows. 
“You… what… why?”
“Because he knew there was someone else I never really let go of. Someone else who, despite everything, I still loved.”
He looks you in the eyes, and you see something glimmer there that you long since gave up on. 
And then, suddenly, you’re kissing. 
It’s like nothing has changed. His lips are still rough and searching on yours, a hint of tongue giving away into more the deeper you entangle. He sits you up on the table and steps into the space left by your spread legs, and between each kiss he says your name. It’s full of adoration but lined with desperation, too. 
Like the kisses he gave you the first night you laid together, on a bed in his spaceship floating across the galaxy. When he buried himself inside you and you felt his two hearts beat in rhythm with your own. 
“Doctor…” you manage. 
Fuck. You need him. You didn’t realise how badly you needed him. You didn’t realise a piece of your soul has been missing this whole time, fucking torn out of you and leaving a jagged hole in its wake. And him, back, telling you he loves you and always has? You’re patched together like kintsugi. 
Your Doctor is the molten gold you need. 
“Please. I need to…” he’s so desperate he can barely get the words out, but you nod; he’s undoing the belt buckle of your jeans and pulling them off like they’re silk. When his thin waist meets yours you cross your ankles behind him and lock him into place, and his hands - a little fumbling, a little nervous to be mapping out the plain of you again - begin to trace your chest. You lean into his touch to let him know yes. This is okay. I want this. Make me whole again. 
His warm, rough palms slide under the hem of your shirt and lift it easily over your head, the only break in a while you take from your kiss. You let yourself grab his tie to bring him closer. He’s fully dressed still and you’re almost naked; you remember how he used to like that, enjoy feeling a bit more put together than you. Cheeky blighter. Still though, as his suit scratches your skin, you can’t say you don’t agree. 
However. In this instance he has far too many clothes. 
You tug at his jacket and he knows what you need, letting it fall to the floor with his tie and waistcoat following it. He ruts against you as he unbuttons his shirt a bit, not the whole way, but just enough for you to feel the warmth of his chest. He’s so skinny. You’ve always been a bit worried that, on one of your rougher days, you might snap him in half. You still are now, actually. 
Cupping his face in your hands you let your thumbs caress his cheekbones. Your Doctor. Older but the same. Just like you. 
You can feel him more than half-hard against your leg. No more time wasting. You need him. You need him, you need him, you need him. 
It doesn’t take long to undo his fly and have him in your hand. You’ll always be glad he chose this human anatomy. Though you’d love him no matter how he looks, there’s something wonderful about his cock as it is here. He lets his head fall forward onto your shoulder with a moan if your name. 
“Oh… you’re…”
“Mmm hmm,” you agree, a genuine smile passing your face for the first time in god knows how long. He’s just the right length and on the thick side, and you know what a delicious stretch he is when he pushes inside of you. You can’t wait to feel it again. A couple of pumps and he’s ready, dripping precome and a ruddy red. Another time you’d bend down and taste him, remind yourself what a Time Lord’s cock is like. But now today. Well, not now. 
You lay back, readjusting yourself so he can push your underwear to the side and find your entrance. A couple of fingers - those long, delicate, clever and cunning fingers - press inside you and test you out. You’re ready for him. He makes a choked noise in the back of his throat as he realises and you laugh, properly, throwing your head back. 
“Come on, Doctor. Show me that you’ve missed me.”
He used to never shut up. And now he’s stunned into a desperate silence, lining up with you and pushing in as he does his best to make you feel what he’s been feeling too. 
A loneliness is fixed. He slides home inside you and your hips meet, the both of you letting out a long and ragged breath. You sit there for a moment, locked in the most intimate embrace, and just feel each other. You fist your hands in his shirt. He’s here. He’s real. You feel him trace his palm up your back as if you assure himself of the same thing. 
Slowly he begins to move. It is a long and lovely drag, his cock hitting all the points you missed being touched, and when he feels you gasp he goes harder. The Doctor nuzzles into the skin of your neck, nestling to the warmth of you there, and you hear him repeat a mantra both of your name and “I love you”.
Over and over. As if the two phrases are inextricably linked. 
You’re so full. You’re so light. Everything feels perfect in this moment. And when he reaches between your bodies to touch your sex, push you to the edge, you know you’ll climax for him embarrassingly fast. 
When you come you see stars light up behind your eyes. The sky, the unfiltered and untamed sky takes you over. The Doctor says your name one final fine and releases inside you, his hips riding it out as if to savour every second in the sweet grip of you. 
He can’t look at your face when he asks you. He says it from the safety of your shoulder where his face is buried, because if you say no you know his heart will shatter. 
“Come with me, in the TARDIS again. I know I shouldn’t ask you to leave your home but… you complete me, you know. Always have.”
“Leave my home?! Doctor, don’t be daft. This is just a house in bloody Hackney. You’re my home.”
You pull back to meet his gaze. He’s tired, but bright. His eyes twinkle. And there’s the Doctor you know. 
“And of course,” you continue. And, as the smile engulfs his face and he lights up, “it’s not like I’m doing anything else, am I?”
This time, when you go AWOL from your job, you never come back. 
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littlespacereader · 3 months
It’s my Birthday!!🥳🎂🎉🎈🎁
It’s official I’m 3 years old today😂😂 Big year for me!😂😂 I’m really 24 and let me tell you, I’m still tired😂😂😂
Thank you to everyone who voted on the Birthday poll! I really really hope you enjoy this fic as much as I did writing it! The idea came to me while I was working and I couldn’t stop writing it after it won the poll! (Also I know the gif is the 14th Doctor but I like his smile in it😄)
Please enjoy and have a great weekend!!🥳🎂🎈🎁
A Birthday Wish💫🎂
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Caregiver! 10th Doctor & GN Little! Reader (SFW!)
Tags - cupcakes, stuffies, surprises, happy tears, hugs, forehead kisses, the birthday you deserve!, presents, party games, the Doctor being the best cg ever, bops on the nose.
I closed the door and locked it on my way out of my apartment. Even as I walked up the stairs of my building I could hear my loud roommates and their friends yelling and shouting about some stupid ball game.
I shook my head and continued up. If there’s one thing I was going to have on my birthday, it was peace.
Once I reached the top of the building, I pushed the door open and walked onto the rooftop. Here, I got the best view of London and all the stars above.
I would come up here often, after a long day at work or to escape my loud roommates. It was nice, my own little hideaway. Just me, the stars and all of London.
I walked over to the little plastic table I had set up for night like these. I put my backpack into one chair and took a seat in the other.
Then I carefully pullout out the cupcake from my backpack and put it on the table. The icing was a bit messed up from its journey up to the roof, but it didn’t matter to me, a cupcake was a cupcake. I grabbed the candles and put the numbers onto the cake.
Then I just sat there, and stared at the number for a second. I hate getting older, the little side of me hates seeing the age I was actually turning when I felt much younger than I actually was…
I felt like screaming out loud, “I’m not older! I’m just a kid!” But who would listen? Who would care?
The sad answer is no one. My regression was kept hidden from everyone. It was just between me and my stuffies. Speaking of…
I grabbed my stuffed animal elephant out of my bag and and held her in my arms. She’s, of course, is invited to the party! Wouldn’t be one without her.
Then I grabbed my sippy cup and placed it on the table along with some plastic silverware for the cupcake. Once settled I looked back at the stupid numbers.
I mean, who needed a reminder of how old they’re turning? I picked the candles off the cupcake and threw them off to the side. I dug through my bag and found only one last candle left, one regular candle for my birthday wish.
I placed the candle into my cupcake and lit a match, lighting the candle up. A small glow from the fire illuminated me.
Truth was…I didn’t really know what to wish for at first. I didn’t really know, or believe anything would actually come true.
Looking up at the stars again, I took a deep breath and sighed. I guess it didn’t hurt to just wish for anything right? Even the impossible.
So with my eyes casted to the stars above me, I made my wish, “I wish I wasn’t alone, that someone knew and understood my regression and accepted me for it. I just don’t want to be alone anymore.”
With big breath in, I blew out the candle.
And nothing happened. As I expected. Just same old me, another year older.
I began peeling the small paper from around the cupcake, and began digging into the sweetness. That cupcake tasted amazing! But something caught my eyes from above.
I looked back up to the stars, back up to the one I had my eyes on when I wish. And it…moved?
I stood up, stuffie in my hand as I walked closer to get a better look at the star. It looked as though…it was spinning. Is that possible?!
For a moment I looked away, thinking maybe I was just seeing things, but then I looked back and sure enough that star was spinning. How is that happening?
Then I realized something else…that star was getting closer and closer. I couldn’t help but watch in wonder as the star spun and moved closer and closer earth, then to London, then…
That Star was coming straight for me! I snapped out of my wonder and ran! Dodging off to the side as the star slid onto the rooftop, coming to a stop on the other side.
I cautiously walked out of my hiding spot and looked over at the star…which I realize now isn’t a star…it’s a…box?!
A blue police box flew onto the roof and slid across it? How’s that-.
I slowly approach the box, looking at it with wonder. But just when I was about 2 feet away from it, the door flung open.
A man stepped out. Big smile on his face and a party hat on his head. All at once I realized something…
I’ve seen this man before.
**Flashback to this morning**
I stood and stared at the tall shelves of stuffed animals infront of me. The toy store wasn’t that busy in the morning hours which made it a nice peaceful visit as I chose my first ever birthday stuffie.
Of course I have plenty of stuffies at home, but this one would be special, it would be a birthday stuffie!
Problem was…there’s a lot of options. Every animal you could think of sat on the shelves infront of me. The choices were endless.
“Hard to pick huh?”
I turned around and saw a stranger walk up to me. He wore a long brown coat and a blue suit, and on his feet converse. He had a friendly smile as the walked over and admired the shelf with me.
“Yeah definitely hard to pick.” I replied, looking back to the shelves.
“Grabbing a gift for someone?” He asked.
“No, for myself actually.” I thought about it then added, “it’s umm, my birthday.”
“It’s your birthday?!! Happy birthday!!” The man lit up hearing me say.
“Thank you.” I couldn’t help but chuckle at the man’s enthusiasm.
“Then this is going to have to be a very important plush after all.” He focused back on the shelf. “Which one are you thinking?”
“I think I’ll get….this one!” I grabbed the elephant off the shelf and held her in my arms. She was perfect! Soft and a little weighted in her feet.
“Now that is a great choice!” He smiled back at me, the praise making my little side scream on the inside.
“What are you going to name it?” He asked.
I looked down at her and thought long and hard about it, “Lucky! Since elephants are lucky.”
“Lucky is a great name! Good thinking.” He praised again.
“Any other one you thinking of getting?” He liked back to the shelf.
I looked back too, my eyes settling on a particular lion stuffie. But then I realized I didn’t have enough money. I looked away and back at the man. “Not today, just her for now.” I smiled sadly.
“Well she will do fine! A nice strong elephant to keep you company.” He smiled back, shaking the elephants hand in my arms.
He looked at his watch before saying, “Oh, I’ve gotta run. I hope you have a great birthday!” He smiled before walking towards the front of the store.
“Wait,” I called back to him, stopping him in his tracks. “Thank you for the help picking a stuffed animal Mr…”
“Oh no Mr. It’s just The Doctor.” He replied with a smile. “And it was no problem at all. I rather enjoyed helping. You and Lucky have a great day and a happy birthday again to you kiddo.” And with that he turns and walk towards the cashier.
I stared back at him for a moment before turning back to the shelf. Did he call me kiddo?
He did…didn’t he….why? Maybe cause I’m younger than him? Or maybe…no. No. There was no way he could’ve known….
As I continued walking around the toy store I heard him talk briefly to the cashier before the bell at the door ding meaning he left. I looked around for a moment more, before I went to the cashier to pay for my elephant.
“Just this please.” I said, putting my elephant up on the counter and grabbing my wallet.
“No need, that gentleman in the long coat bought it for you.”
I stared at the cashier in shock. “What?”
“The man that was in here before. He paid for your elephant already. You’re good to go.”
The cashier turns to go do something else while I stand there frozen with shock. I took the elephant off the counter and walked out of the store.
I looked around for the kind man but didn’t see him anywhere. That was so nice of him to pay for my gift. I hadn’t even realized he went to go do that. What a Lucky Elephant my stuffie is!
I smile and give her a hug before I walk away, off to the next stop.
The next stop happens to be a bakery. I browse through the cake window at all the different cupcake selections they had on display. All of them looks sooooooo good.
“Order for Y/N.” The bakery woman called.
I stopped and lifted my head. That’s strange….maybe someone has the same name as me?
“Order for Y/N.” The woman calls again. “Birthday cupcake.”
I froze again in utterly shock. I raise my hand awkwardly. “I…I think that’s for me.”
I walked over to the counter and the baker read the description. “It says, Order for Y/N’s birthday. They should be wearing a red cardigan.”
I looked at myself as if I forgot I was wearing a red cardigan…because I did forget. “Oh…that’s me.”
She wraps the cupcake up and hands it to me. “Happy birthday!”
“Thank you, just one thing.” I stop the baker. “I didn’t order this.” I say honestly.
“A man came in here just a minute or two before you and he ordered it for you.” She explained.
“Did he have a brown coat and spiky kind of hair?” I ask again.
“Yeah, yeah he did. And he wore converse. Crazy looking dude.” The woman joked, “Enjoy your cupcake dear.” And with that she walked away.
I walked out of the bakery and took a deep breath. First the stuffie and now the cupcake. Who was this mystery man? And why was he being so extra kind to me? Most people just wished me a happy birthday but him? He went above and beyond.
The cupcake came with a note that read simply,
Make a good wish tonight!
- The Doctor
The Doctor? Was that seriously his name? I thought he was joking.
There was also something different about him. As I walked back to my apartment the man played on my mind. He felt like how a Caregiver should feel. Compassionate, gentle, patient and kind, amount other things, He called me kiddo and bought me a stuffie and a cupcake.
But now it was over…there was no way I was ever going to see him again after this…
Until now.
I stared back at the man in utter shock of the today’s events. But more so because a giant flying box almost hit me as it landed on the roof.
He leaned against the box and smiled back at me. “Y/N!! Happy Birthday!!”
“It’s you!” Was all I was able to say at the moment.
“It’s me!” He smiled back.
“You-You’re from the toy store…and the bakery…” My mind keeps racing through the thoughts. “And now…the sky?”
I could help but smile at everything. It was so impossibly crazy! There was no was any of this was real, yet here he stood in front of me. “How did you come from the sky? How doesn’t your box fly? How is any of this possible?!”
The Doctor smiled, slowly walking over to me. “Well when I realized a certain someone was celebrating their birthday alone. I couldn’t stand to see it. So I thought I’d come and visit.”
“I guess you could say I’m someone’s birthday wish.” He added with a smirk and a wink.
Birthday wish? I thought back to it: “I wish I wasn’t alone, that someone knew and understood my regression and accepted me for it.” The realization hit me.
“You’re a Caregiver too?”
“Yup.” He said popping the P at the end. “Isn’t that what you wish for? Not to be alone and for someone to take care of a certain little one?”
“Yeah… I just…I never believed it would actually happen.” I say back to him honestly.
“Well now, if you like it to happened, it can.” He starts to say. He takes his hands in mine and looks into my eyes, “I know we are still learning about each other but, I’d be happy to take care of you. Especially on a day like today.”
I stare back at him at first in complete disbelief, “You want to me my Caregiver?”
“I’d be honored to.” He smiles back.
I squeeze his hands in mine and nod, “I love that too.”
I let go of his hands for a moment and give him a hug. He immediately reciprocates, hugging me back with a tight protective hug. And all at once it feels as though all my issues and problems start to melt away as my regression takes the wheels.
The Doctor immediately sees the slight shift, his careful Caregiver eye catches it. “There you are sweet one. It’s time for you to relax and have the best birthday ever.”
He grabs a party hat from his pocket and leans forward putting it on my head. “There we are! Perfect for the party!”
“Party?” I ask confused. What party?
“I have everything set up already. All I need to do is bring Lucky of course and the most important person of all you!”
I stared up at him in disbelief, “You’re throwing me a birthday party?”
He took my hand in mine again, bring it up to place a kiss onto. “I’m so sorry you’ve had to celebrate any one of your birthday’s alone, but never again. Never while I’m here.”
“From now, you get the birthday you deserve.” He looked into my eyes and lead me by the hand to the blue box.
I followed along, holding onto his hand tightly as he lead the way to the flying blue box. “The party is in there?” There’s no way we’re fitting in there.
“You’ll see.” He winked before unlocking the door and pushing it open. He guided me to go first.
The moment I stepped inside my breath was taken away. “It’s-….I mean how is it? It’s smaller on the outside than inside!” I smiled, looking around the place on pure wonder.
“That’s…” The Doctor started to say, “I haven’t heard that one yet.” He chuckled.
Inside the main Tardis area had balloons and streamers all about. I turned and looked at The Doctor. “This is all for me?”
“This all for you!”. He smiled seeing my enjoyment.
I looked at the center console with wonder. “Does that fly the box?”
“Well it’s not actually a box. Think of that as a disguise. This is actually a space ship and Time Machine.” He explains on.
I looked at him baffled. “No it isn’t. Really?! That’s insane!!” I scream look back at the Tardis interior with wonder.
“It is a lot to take in isn’t it?” He jokes, walking back over.
A small wrapped box catches his eyes, “Oh I almost forgot!” He runs over and grabs the box.
“This, is for you darling.” He hands the blue wrapped box over to me.
“You got me a gift?”
“Of course I got you a gift! Why wouldn’t I?”
“But you bought me my elephant and the cupcake and this, this is enough of a gift in itself.” I gesture to the Tardis. “You didn’t have to...”
He caressed my face, holding my face in his hands, “Y/N, I wanted to. You deserve the universe and more.” He makes a point of saying before placing a kiss on my forehead.
“Now what are you waiting for?! Open it up!” He smiles.
I look back at him with tears in my eyes, before I go to unwrapping this gift, and its…..
“It’s the lion from the toy store.” I hop the stuffie up and look at the Doctor in disbelief.
“We couldn’t have Lucky go on without his friend now could we?” He wraps an arm around my shoulder and looks down at the lion. “Do you like it?”
“I love it!! Thank you!” I turn and give him another big hug, tears falling from my eyes.
“Awwww! You’re so welcome Y/N.” He hugs back, gently rubbing my back.
But the tears don’t stop coming, the day full of surprises starting to catch up with me. Immediately he looks worries and silently ask to pick me up, which I give a nod yes in reply.
He picked me up and holds me on his hip as if I weight nothing. “It’s a lot all at once isn’t it?”
I immediately rest my head on his shoulder, nodding and wiping my tears away.
“A lot of big things and a lot of new things. So why don’t we take a moment to just take a breath before we go on with the rest of the party?” He offers and I immediately nod to. That sounds nice.
The Doctor starts to walk around the Tardis console room holding me in his arms, lightly bouncing and rubbing my back. The gentle movements start to relax me more and more. It’s been a long day and now? I think I just had too many shocks at once.
But it was amazing that he right away recognized that and went to help me. He’s a great Caregiver. And he’s also my Caregiver. But I had to ask…
“Why me?” I asked softly.
“What’s that sweetheart?”
“Why me?” I lift my head and look into his eyes. “You said this is a spaceship right?”
“That’s right.”
“So in all of the Galaxy and all of earth and all of London you chose me. To not just be my friend but my Caregiver? Why me?”
“Why not you?” He smiled back. But he could tell I wanted more of an explanation.
“Alright, you want the truth? The truth is, I was back in London after traveling a while by myself and that’s when I stumbled upon you in the toy store. Seeing you so happy just picking out a stuffie made me forget for a moment all the loneliness I had. And hearing it was your birthday was just icing on the cake.” He ends with a wink, happy with his cleaver pun.
“The truth is, I’ve also never had anyone to celebrate my birthday with. I’ve always been a lone too. And I didn’t want you to have to go through that feeling, that pain.”
“So as I started to run around making a happy birthday for you, I realized something. This wasn’t just my normal self taking over, I could feel a side of myself that I haven’t felt in a while come out, my Caregiver side.”
“I haven’t seeing a little rascal like you in a long time.” He boops my nose, “So I knew I had to make it extra special. And by the end of it, I couldn’t think of my life without having you in it, to take care of, to joke with, to do anything with!”
“So that’s why, out of all the people in the galaxy, I chose Y.O.U.” We both smile.
“Now, the party has just begun! Are you ready?” He looks me in the eyes and I nod my head excitedly.
“Good! Let’s gooo!” He runs down the hallways with me in his arms. I giggle the whole way.
There’s a room in this Tardis that’s decorated to the T with party supplies and decorations. There we spend the rest of the night together. First we play party games, then we eat more cake, then we play even more games, all while I start to learn more about him and he learns about me.
He’s an alien….but he doesn’t look it. And he’s from another planet. He’s always known about age regression because on their planet it was something people did without judgement…unlike earth.
He’s always been a Caregiver and he’s used to have Littles who were his companions but they sadly left. And now he has me!
The night slowly starts to settle down. His long coat and jacket are off as he sit on the couch with me in his arms. I cuddle up close to him, half asleep with both stuffies in my arms.
“I don’t want it to end.” I whine, trying to fight off sleeping.
“Well this is a Time Machine…tomorrow we can go to your next birthday.” He suggest chuckling.
I smile to the idea but shake my head, “Maybe tomorrow we celebrate your birthday!”
“My birthday?”
“Yeah! That way you’re not alone.”
The thought brings a sad yet happy smile to the Doctor’s face. “I would absolutely love that Y/N. Thank you.” I swear I could see a tear or two in his eyes.
Together we stayed like that. Me relaxing in his lap, head pressed against his chest, stuffies in hand. While he held onto me tightly in his arms, as if he was going to lose me. But I was going nowhere, and nether was he.
The Caregiver and the Little. Or maybe a better name for us, the birthday Little and soon Birthday Caregiver. Together at least and for as long as time itself.
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stargazerlily7210 · 9 months
Hello, and welcome to my TED Talk.
In this essay, I will demonstrate why I think Mrs. Flood is Susan Foreman (aka The Doctor's Granddaughter, aka The Unearthly Child, aka The Boss, aka The One Who Waits).
I know, I know. Not exactly the hottest take out there.
But buckle in, cause this goes deep.
Getting this out of the way first: I know this season has been billed as a bit of a fresh start (what with calling it Season 1, and all) and thus people are wary about assuming Mrs. Flood is a returning character. But let's be real. Just look at the 60th anniversary specials. Ya know, the massive 3 parter whose plot has set everything in motion for this next season.
They feature The 14th Doctor (aka The 10th Doctor revamped) with Donna Noble and her family (from the 2000's), Kate Lethbridge-Stewart (from the 2010's) who is both the current leader of UNIT (from Classic Who) and the daughter of The Brigadier: original leader of UNIT (throughout all of Classic Who), The Meep (from a Classic Who comic strip of all things) The Toymaker (Classic Who) and Mel (Classic Who).
And that's just the characters. Never mind the near constant references to both New and Classic Who.
They made it appealing and approachable to new viewers, sure. But they've already proven they're not actually interested in distancing themselves from the show's past.
So why do I think she's Susan, specifically?
Well, for starters, although the age of an actress doesn't really mean much in a 60 yr old time-travel show that's already had (MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THOSE WHO HAVENT SEEN THE 11TH DOCTOR'S EPISODES!!) a parent-child dynamic where the daughter is not just played by an actress who's noticably older than the parents, but also canonically met the doctor first, despite her parents being the primary companions, (and each of them are played by both adult and child actors). But Anita Dobson is 74. Which would have made her 14/15 when the show started in 1963. Around the same age Susan Foreman is supposed to be/appear.
But again, that doesn't really mean anything in this show. So why else would I think she's Susan? And why do I think this means she's also The Boss mentioned by the Meep, AND The One Who Waits mentioned by The Toymaker?
Well, because I think it all falls into place with some of the big themes they've been pushing in the episodes so far, if she's Susan.
I mean, from what I know of Susan, she was a refugee from Galifrey, with her grandfather, The Doctor. As far as we know, he's her only family. He'd basically been raising her until she caught feelings for a human guy, so The Doctor decided she'd be better off staying on Earth. Effectively abandoning his very traumatized teenage granddaughter in 1960's London. It wasn't malicious, he was trying to do what's best for her. But he still left her there against her will and never came back for her.
So she's an orphaned teenage refugee, raised in a high-tech alien culture, stuck in the 1960's, with her first major crush as her primary confidant and caregiver. Let's be real. She'd have been deemed a mentally unstable minor, and at best institutionalized, at worst dissected/studied, in a heartbeat (or rather, two heartbeats (a surprise tool that'll help us later)).
So here we have a woman who's likely been drugged and tortured ("psychotherapy" in the 1960s, am I right?), gaslit, and desperately isolated for a significant portion of her life. With a massive list of reasons to both deeply resent and have seriously dissociated from The Doctor and the TARDIS.
And now we finally get to the new episodes:
The Meep says that creatures with two hearts are so rare that it can't wait to tell The Boss about The Doctor. So we have The Meep, who just happened to pick Earth to "crash land" on, answering to a nameless Boss who's on the lookout for 2 hearted creatures. Thus, we're looking for someone with both a connection to Earth and intimate knowledge of Timelord biology.
The Toymaker says even he didn't dare face The One Who Waits. Which says a lot, considering the importance and prevalence of people described as Waiting with a capitol W.
(MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE 10TH and 11TH DOCTOR'S EPISODES!!) Off the top of my head, I can think of Jack Harkness aka The Face of Boe who waited billions of years to see The Doctor again. We have Amy Pond aka The Girl Who Waited, and Rory Williams aka The Boy Who Waited. We even have Sara Jane Smith, who's first real conversation with the The Doctor after finding him again had her admitting she'd spent her whole adult life waiting for him to come back. So to be The One Who Waited, above and beyond all others? You'd have to have somehow waited more than the rest. And when you're already talking about Waiting upwards of 5 Billion years, that's tough to do. Unless you're looking at it from The Doctor's perspective. And the Granddaughter he'd abandoned 15 lifetimes ago would absolutely fit that bill.
So we have an individual who is intelligent/knowledgeable enough to be called The Boss by an alien kapable of mind control and space flight, who's searching for creatures with 2 hearts. Who's earned the title of The One Who Waits, above so many other candidates.
And we just so happen to meet a character who's being played by an actress the same age Susan should be.
Speaking of, we can finally look at Mrs. Flood herself. When I first watched the episode, it struck me just how angry she was at seeing the TARDIS. When it's far more normal to see people ignoring the thing. So her reaction is weird, both in general, and for a character the actress herself described as a friendly neighbor lady.
It's only after she's utterly shocked by the TARDIS disappearing in front of her that she starts acting different. As if seeing that unlocked her memories. From there on out, she's a different person who knows exactly what's going on. She even addresses the audience at the end and knows to call it a TARDIS. Which Susan of all people would know, as Susan claimed to have come up with the acronym herself, during her time with the 1st Doctor (whether that's technically canon or not, idk).
It's also worthy to note, that if you look at the houses during the scene where she's complaining about the TARDIS, you'll see that on the outside, her house, while the most extravagantly decorated outside, is noticably stark and empty inside, unlike each of the other houses where you can clearly see decorations through the windows. Not to mention, her door is the only one that looks like the TARDIS. The other doors are either the wrong shade, or style, or both. And her's is the only one that doesn't have stairs going to the second level. I don't know how much of this is just working within the confines of the location, and how much is intentional, or what it would mean, but we see enough wide shots of the house fronts, it seems potentially relevant.
So if Mrs. Flood is, in fact, Susan Foreman, she's exactly the right age, she'd have had more than enough reason to be triggered by the sight of the TARDIS, more than enough intelligence/knowledge to reach Boss status in her search for a rare two-hearted creature and being The Doctor's Granddaughter, could absolutely intimidate The Toymaker, and have more than enough claim to the title of The One Who Waited.
And if she turned out to be a future Big Bad, she would have the trauma, reasoning, skillset, and intelligence to truly challenge The Doctor and force him to deal with the repercussions of his habit of never stopping or looking back at his actions or mistakes.
We've never seen if Susan can regenerate as far as I'm aware, but we know she's a Timelord and significantly younger than The Doctor. So if she can, the actress has already suggested that Mrs. Flood will go through quite a transformation throughout future episodes. We might be seeing the birth of a new antagonist for a new generation of the show.
Honorable Mention: I feel like The Boss is right up there with The Doctor and The Master. And RTD would absolutely make The Boss a bada** boss babe.
Phew. That was a whole essay. If you've made it this far, congrats!! I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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levikra · 1 year
I have Acute Lymphoblastic Leukosis aka Blood Cancer
buckle up :D
This post should've been here for sometime now cuz I prefer keeping everyone updated across all the platforms that I use as an artist.
So - Hi! My name is Evein, on 1st of May 2023 I turned 21 and since then, from 5th of May my health decided to pull a quick one on me, propelling the events that currently make me reside at the hospital with an oncology.
It all started with a tonsillitis-like fever, accompanied by furunclosis in three places on my body, a high fever that lasted for 5 days in the first half of May itself and other unpleasant symptoms. It felt weird, I've never had such an intense streak of sicknesses kick my ass like that, but of course - I went to doctors to get checked, the classic blood testings and general examinations and stuff.
That's when on 10th of May my blood test was checked by a dermatologist regarding my furuncle problem and - after some brief moments of her talking with the main doctor at the clinic - I was rushed to the governmential hospital due to the fact that my blood results had... no white blood cells. Literally 1.83 at the accepted range being much higher than that.
Needless to say I was fucking shocked, I've never dealt with the severity of the situation and let alone while being completely on my own as a human person (working, living, providing for myself, you call it).
At the hospital, after several examinations and another blood test came the recommendation paper that doctors signed with urgency, first and foremost I needed to get to an appointment at the hematologist's. That I did on 14th of May and since that point of time, till 19th, I'd been monitored, given antibiotics for my tonsillitis-like symptoms, along with my furunclosis and after 19th we ruled out the condition to be leukosis, became my white blood cells started coming back to normal with the antibiotics aiding my immunity, but despite that - thr condition still seemed as something more reminiscent of mononucleosis (which, however, in another blood test was disproven).
After exactly a week of feeling better, albeit dealing with leftover anemia, I started developing the same symptoms back and even worse, to the point of losing consciousness and thrwoing up in an elevator on 29th of May after going out for the second pack of antibiotics my hematologist had then already approved of to use to help out.
That's when I was rushed to the hospital again and - the next day - my hematologist arranged an appointment at the big clinic that has an oncology ward specifically for my situation. On 1st of June I was officially admitted with Acute Leukosis (the diagnosis doc attached is in Russian).
Since 1st of June the treatment has been ongoing, I've received three rounds of chemo along with supporting hormonal abd antibiotic therapy. Me is balding too, ofc. :D
And thus, this story leads to a logical question - what's now?
It's day 24 of my treatment, out of 4-6 weeks of inital induction period of leukosis' treatment (the overall chemotherapy to destroy tumor cells down to <5% in my bone marrow). After the induction period, if it's proven to lead to remissions - I'm then admitted out to certain periods of time in between infusions + need to take supporting medicine by myself (hence buying it too).
As an independent freelance artist who's existence is tied to being able to do creative work out of, well, any circumstances, I was sadly forced into situation of asking for monetary support, simply because it's stupid to expect to break your own back trying to work harder when you're body is collapsing on itself.
I have a goal on Boosty open for donations and I deeply appreciate ANY and I mean ANY traction of this post. I made a similar thread on Twitter covering the situation and have recieved a lotnof incredible support that has helped me a LOT so far, but my treatment is ongoing, or to be precise - will last in its entirety for 2-3 years. With the momentary help I was able to secure my living situation and get my pet cat to live for the current time period at my friend's, but you understand how that is just a temporary measure and, of course, I don't plan on stall myself - I simply just can't afford that even while hospitalised.
BOOSTY is very sus when it comes to singular donations higher than 120$ but if you happen to donate below that or in several different ones to bypass their antifraud system (only if you wish to) - the link to a goal is here -
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the1gayteen · 3 months
Doctor Who and the 188
Quick rant that may turn into a PowerPoint.... 
A stupid crossover between my two current hyperfixation shows. What new-who and classic-who era doctor who companions the 118 and friends would be (aka what I feel like they would act like as companions to the doctor): 
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Ben Jackson; Companion of the 1st and 2nd Doctor 
We all know Bobby’s the one in dire situations to take charge and help wherever he can. Finding clever ways to fix situations or how to stop things. He would be the same as being a companion. Even if he has a hard time believing and conceptualizing the fact of aliens and other dimensions. He will make it his duty to help those on the planets he finds himself on, leading and guiding where he can. He also will definitely have a tendency to take people under his wing, while also being under the doctor's wing, trusting him (the doctor) but going against his orders at the times he knows he has to. Matching that same energy from one of my favorite early companions Ben. 
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Donna Noble; Companion to the 10th and 14th Doctor 
Listen, Hen and Donnie absolutely would match each other's energies. Snarky, takes no shits from strange aspects. Hunt down answers from hunches and let's not forget stylish as hell. I see Hen having a similar start to traveling with the doctor like Donna. Being placed in the TARDIS randomly and arguably freaking out, but also helping the doctor when he needs it the same day (I also head cannon that she would insist on finding out how he is a ‘doctor’). Her humor and antics would match perfectly with the doctor, as well as her quick wit and thinking that would help them get out of situations. If Hen was a companion she would also be like Donna, a potentially short lived one who became the viewers absolute favorite because of how well she can push and pull, as well as meld with the dynamic of the doctor.  
Chimney & Maddie:
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Amy Pond & Rory Williams; Companions to the 11th Doctor
I fully believe the Chimney would go nowhere without Maddie, and vise versa, especially travelling the universe and time. I see Chim and Maddie as married Amy and Rory, less of the pining for the doctor and more just a great throuple situation. I fully believe that chim would wait centuries for Maddie, and that they both of them would be perfect matches for the doctor. Also seeing Maddie as emotional as Amy and how perfect that would work for the drama is *chefs kisses*.
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Sarah Jane Smith; Companion of the 3rd , 4th, and 10th Doctor 
He is Sarah Jane to me on both ends of her time within the Doctor Who universe. From her standalone TV series with her son. Eddie would absolutely love and cherish his alien son. Protecting him and helping out other species like his son on earth, protecting the world from home. As an actual travelling companion, he would fit in so well. Able to follow orders, but also able to break away when he knows how to help or what needs to be done. Headstrong but sweet overall. Helping others without the worry of self-sacrifice. Managing to save the Doctor and his self-sacrificing friends time and time again. Just like Sarah Jane he would just mix so well and push the doctor to what he needs to do and who he needs to be. Also, would absolutely travel with Buck.  
Evan 'Buck':
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Adric; Companion of the 4th and 5th Doctor 
Adric is my favorite companion and is arguably (for classic who) one of the most impactful companions. There is so much overlap between Adric and Buck (I like to imagine the doctor finding him after the lightning strike with his new math abilities, mimicking Adric's superior mathematical skills). Adric starts out like Buck 1.0. Both stubborn and thinking that they are better than what they actually are. But after being taken under the wing of someone, learn to care for others and become self-sacrificing in order to help and protect others, especially those closest to them. Both have a fear of being enough and abandonment. Buck absolutely as a companion would still be self-sacrificing, but kindhearted. I could possibly see him doing something like Adric as sacrificing himself, leaving a lasting impact on the doctor for life (but like buck always does manages to come back). Overall Buck would have a blast as a companion, most likely shooting off random facts with the doctor back and forth while being reprimanded for another stupid stunt.  
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A mix of Both Martha Jones (Companion to the 10th Doctor) and Ace (Companion to the 7th Doctor) 
Athena would be the most efficient and badass companion, but I also feel like that would absolutely lead her into a unique position with the doctor. She had Aces self determination. Wanting to fight and protect everyone around her, but also Maratha’s badass and rule following methods (as apposed to aces anarchy). Athena would be a great side hand to the doctor, if not just being able to handle herself in situations. But I can see similar issues to ace and Maratha. With the doctor (like ace) being upset about her straight to aggressive tactics. As well as Martha's headstrong determination to help everyone while staying in line with expectations. I think Athena would not be a volunteered companion either. Probably snuck on the TARDIS to investigate or find wherever someone disappeared to and quickly the doctor and her learn to respect each other. I could also see her being a secret part of UNIT.  
... Thank you for reading my thoughts, please tell me I'm not alone in this lol!
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darklinaforever · 9 months
Let's be clear.
The 14th Doctor is not the 10th. He certainly resembles him in many aspects, notably his bodily and verbal expressions, but he does not have the same biology / DNA / blood. He has new cells. He is also much less arrogant and very open emotionally speaking. He also doesn't seem to particularly want to be human, unlike the 10th Doctor who had this desire. His identity this time does not revolve around Rose either, and he is obviously no longer in love with her. Also, he has simply lived for centuries since the end of the 4th season. He can no longer be the same as 10th, because the Doctor had a whole new journey that followed before the 14th incarnation, and that it is precisely the memories that make a person who they are in the universe of Doctor Who.
This Doctor is the 14th. Not the 10th. Both are still the Doctor obviously. Just not the same incarnation. I honestly can't see it any other way for my mental health.
Tentoo was Ten in terms of biology. The majority of him at least. And his being was always intrinsically linked to Rose. He was born for her. Like Ten was born for Rose. Not to mention that it is the perfect conclusion to Nine and Ten's initial desires / arcs. By becoming human, Tentoo echoes all those times when the Doctor was full of his long life during the first 4 seasons of the series.
Either way, Tentoo is the same man as Nine and Ten. While other incarnations of the Doctor are not the same man as Nine and Ten. Ten is dead for good as a Time Lord and the only thing left of him and everything he was is Tentoo. Ten survived through Tentoo. But from Eleven onwards, Ten completely disappeared. So no, Fourteen is not Ten and never will be.
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jupiter049 · 10 months
Theory about why The 14th Doctor has the same face as The 10th Doctor
Ok, this was something I really had no explanation for at first but after Wild Blue Yonder I think I have a strong case for it.
I don't think there's a 'special' reason as to why The Doctor got an old face again, this happened as a natural regeneration. I think just like with The 12th Doctor, this is regeneration giving The Doctor an old familiar face as a message.
The 14th Doctor despite having a previous face, is very clearly a continuation of The 13th Doctor. A Doctor who tried to hid information about herself and her past all the time, trying to escape from it. A goodbye to "The Doctor Of War" as referred to in Twice Upon A Time. full blown restart as a completely new Doctor.
The last words of The 12th Doctor are what would go to define The 13th Doctor's entire life.
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Sadly, this was something she would never be able to do. From The Master, to the Daleks, to the Cybermen, to enemies from a regeneration she can't even remember, to even old companions. The past would always catch up to her. No one can escape their past of course, but someone who has done so much for so long like The Doctor could not even dream in doing so.
This face is a message for The Doctor so he can finally comes to term with this. Just like The Moment made him come to terms with being The War Doctor, this regeneration is making him come to terms with being The 10th-13th Doctors (maybe even ALL his incarnations in general).
Ok, it makes for a cool story, but how is it possible from a lore sense? Well, it's because it IS a new face in a way.
The 14th Doctor looks older, dresses differently, acts differently, expresses differently, etc. He is clearly not The 10th Doctor. Just like the ship of theseus, is this really the same face when so much has been changed? When so much is affected by The Doctor's new memories?
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This loophole allows The 14th Doctor to be a "natural" regeneration. A never before seen phenomenon of regeneration that only a Time Lord as emotional and messy as The Doctor can cause.
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crystal-lillies · 11 months
A few Doctor Who thoughts before Critical Role consumes my consciousness this evening
I've made some peace in the year that's passed since Power of the Doctor, though I still dearly miss 13 and I will always be some measure of bitter that Jodie and 13 did not see the same level of love that 10 and 11 (and even 12) did before her. I know COVID was a huge factor, but cutting the series down to 10 episodes (and then only 6 for her third season) was criminal to her story, and both 10th and 11th doctors were supplemented with bonus episodes during and in between their seasons that elevated their characters so much.
My favorite bits of 11's run continue to have the Pond Life and Space/Time shorts high up on the list because of how hilarious and iconic they are and still extremely in-character for the Doctor and the Ponds. Jodie and her fam never got any of that, on top of a shortened run.
Now, also putting aside the bullshit of David not having Jodie's clothes when she regenerated--which I'm still also a measure of bitter over because let's be real Ncuti is going to have David's clothes and NO ONE will get Jodie's (except Dhawan!Master, go off king)-- I'm not going to think of David as the 14th Doctor. I'm not sorry about it either.
All the promotional material and I'm sure the story will also have his characteristics of the 10th doctor. He's just literally 10 again. But older. There is no difference in his being a New Doctor besides being Older Looking and having the experiences of 11-13 now.
I'm not sorry RTD, nothing you say will make me see or refer to David as 14. I love him and his Doctor don't get me wrong. And I am genuinely excited to see Donna and Wilf again (RIP Bernard Cribbins, you beautiful legend). It just baffles me how they're trying so hard to say HE IS ACTUALLY A NEW DOCTOR HE IS 14 GUYS and then all they show is David being Literally 10 But Older.
He's just gonna be 10Again in my head during this time and then Ncuti is the Actual 14th Doctor since he will Actually be a new Doctor.
And I swear to fuck RTD if you try another Mickey or Martha again and shaft them like you did I'll fly across the Atlantic to the BBC and kick down your office door
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cianmars · 8 months
wip wednesday
here some of the very angsty chapter for my fic Four Doctors which im currently working on (and loooove working on) currently the Meta-crisis Doctor, the 10th Doctor, and the 14th Doctor are all locked in a
10 let out a snort, “Apologise to you? Why?” “Because you two are the ones who started arguing with me in the first place!”  “No I didn’t! I didn’t start any of this!” 14 yelled loud enough to make Meta wince “It was him who picked a fight with me! And then you were being a dick and acting like it was my fault just like him! You started it with me.” “Because he started with me!” Meta defended, “and you were acting freaky, like you didn’t give a shit about anything! And 15’s fuckin’ gone and hasn’t come back- you were the last one to see him.” “It wasn’t my fault! I didn’t do anything!” “You obviously did!” 10 was glaring fully at 14, “I didn’t start shit with you, Meta’s right you were acting like a freak-” “-I said freak-y-” “- and being a dick to Donna, so yeah I got a little bit annoyed at you, and all you would say was that 15 left, and that he might not even come back.” “He’ll come back.” “You don’t know that.” 14 bit their lip looking at Meta, but quickly tore their eyes away when he started to look sad, instead they focused on 10 who was still so angry at them, it fed into their own anger. “And like you care about him coming back.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” 10 shot to their feet. 14 copied them, the coffee table between them, the only thing stopping them from physically fighting. “I’ve been you, I know that you’re terrified, you’re running from dying, and while doing so you decided to become the Time Lord Victorious, choosing who lives and dies based on your own hubris. You’re a coward.” 10’s voice turned cold, his anger ice instead of fire, “Says the one of us who’s living with Donna, who everyone has to treat like glass because you just keep breaking again and again and again, who has to be babied by our best friend and our future self, and even then you manage to push them both away.”
lovin' writing this angst so much plus the comfort which comes after
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akajustmerry · 10 months
sorry if you’ve been asked this already but out of the doctor who’s you’ve watched how would you rate them best to worst?
hello!! purely subjective based on which doctors I enjoy the most from best to worst:
Eleventh/Twelfth Doctors - honestly these guys are just My Doctors™. I watched them at very formative times in my life and borrowed bits and pieces of them for my personality and gender
Ninth Doctor - Christopher Eccleston is owed for Doctor Who being EVERYTHING it is now. No exaggeration!
14th Doctor - this doctor is like "what if the 10th doctor wasn't a cunt and also had all of 11/12's Big Heart Behaviours™?" delightful! way too much nostalgia bait in his eps tho so...
8th Doctor - Paul Mcgann is so underrated honestly. My man set the TONE for modern doctor incarnations. Does he get any flowers for that? No. Also campy as shit.
3rd, 4th, 5th Doctors - I grew up watching these guys on VHS with my dad. I've honestly never revisited but remember them mostly fondly.
1st, 2nd, 6th, 7th Doctors - honestly just haven't had access to enough of their episodes to have an opinion on them!
10th Doctor - I love David Tennant in ways detrimental to multiple social movements, but I've also never encountered a character so Infuriating. I just hated all this Doctor's relationships and emotional immaturity. sure it's an intentional part of the character I still hate it tho lol. the racism, especially.
13th Doctor - I wrote a whole article on why I hated 13's era and meant every word. Whatever the a over Doctor's faults, at least they weren't doing Nazism and character revisionism with zero personality. White feminism in the most offensive way possible.
hope this makes sense <3
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'“What? …What?” were David Tennant’s first words when, to everyone’s surprise, including his, he regenerated out of Jodie Whittaker as the Doctor, and not Ncuti Gatwa, as we all expected. For three episodes the 10th Doctor is back as the 14th, before Gatwa takes over at Christmas, and in his first proper episode – after a neat appearance in a Comic Relief sketch – he has moved onto “Why?”
Allow me to help you there, David: falling ratings.
Oh, you feel bad for Jodie Whittaker, a great Doctor unfortunate to be trapped in a wormhole of so-so episodes and constantly under attack from galactic sized fury-bots, slamming down their GB News mugs (filled with good, white tea, love) and taking to the social medias to cry about the bloody woke mob at the BBC filling our children’s heads with stupid ideas about tolerance and being nice.
But really, the problem, to my mind, was that while showrunner Chris Chibnall threw everything at Whittaker’s Doctor, he didn’t truly hit upon a transcendent stone-cold classic episode, and the whole thing felt like it was trying too hard; it lacked a bit of easy-to-watch magic. Something which is immediately back with “the one in the skinny suit”, under returning showrunner Russell T Davies.
As Dr Who’s 60th anniversary approaches, this should turn into something of a celebration of Davies, the man who kickstarted the new Who back in 2005 with Christopher Ecclestone as the Doctor, before hitting absolute gold with Tennant. While Chibnall was working on multiple meta-levels leaving us all trying to keep up, Davies pitches this first episode as more like E.T. in Eastenders. This sense of bringing things down-to-earth is helped further by the return of Catherine Tate as Donna, easily the funniest of his companions.
Taking place in London – and I do love Davies’ London, he was a pioneer in showing positively, and accurately, a city remarkable for its peaceful diversity (don’t believe the hype) – The Star Beast sees a cute little Furby-like alien called The Meep ‘crash’ into the city, which falls under the protection of Donna’s daughter, Rose, as some other ant-like aliens hunt it down.
The Doctor is back to help, with the catch being that he has to prevent Donna from remembering who he is, otherwise She Will Definitely Die. Without getting too bogged down, the last time we saw Donna, she basically had to have her mind wiped for her own protection, after she took on Time Lord powers that were too strong for her human body – her tragedy, heartbreaking at the time, was that she’d have to live her life without remembering her time with the Doctor.
However, as we all know in post-Marvel entertainment, there’s always a way around She Will Definitely Die – but the particular way this episode plays out is really going to upset the Woke Police. For Donna’s daughter Rose is trans, people – cue GB News mugs smashing against flat screens – and her trans-ness is very much central to the plot as well as the thematic ideas of identity crises and Otherness (not least with regards to the Doctor) and what do we do, attack these people or rally around them. Oh boy, is it going to drive people mad.
It's actually an almost touching move by Davies in the way it backs up the seriously upfront progressive humanism of Chibnall’s tenure, and comes in defiance of those who thought featuring Rosa Parks in an episode was the end of the world. What people seem to forget about Doctor Who, both the Woke Police and those other furrow-browed joy deniers, the Fanboy Police, is that it is a family show, designed to be watched with kids.
Yes it should be clever and mind-bending but it’s not supposed to be careless or cool. You need a bit of Horrible Histories, you need a bit of future thinking around humanity, because, well, this is science fiction – it’s the nature of this game even more than dressing up as Klaatu.
Anyway, the truth is this episode is a little bit thin, the big twist around The Meep pretty obvious (though not to my shocked 8 year old), and the saving of Donna does end up being really quite clunky. But it doesn’t really matter.
It’s about the magic: the chemistry between Tennant and Tate is winning, the laugh out loud moments hit double figures (I particularly like Donna’s repeated disses to the cutesy Meep – “space rat”, “ferret from Mars”), the Tardis has had a rather natty Modern House renovation, and the Disney money now coming into the show is well spent on set-pieces that manage to be Spielberg-ian in uniting the spectacular with the suburban.
It’s a hoot, and as a way to drum up attention and goodwill towards the series in the run-up towards Gatwa taking over, it’s quite irresistible.
Gatwa will certainly have a lot to live up to, mind. For Tennant truly is the best Doctor ever. Yes, yes, I know you liked Tom Baker when you were a kid, but really, you're wrong: Tennant is the best. Like a Tex Avery cartoon trapped inside Camus’ Meursault, he’s an existentialist hero for all the family. Saturday night must-watch TV is back, and it’s Woker than ever, folks...'
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hayleysayshay · 3 months
I think w Doctor Who and RTD, is that RTD struggles with story arcs. The Ninth Doctor has a fairly simple story arc where we find out what bad wolf is. Other than that RTD hasn’t landed a finale that so personally have loved. I remember watching series 3, where the 10th Doctor’s name is changed, and he turns into space Jesus and flies around, and I remember, as a child, not liking it at all. It feels fake deep, like ‘wow, look at this powerful moment’ rather than it being a powerful moment in its own right.
I think RTD is a great character writer, I think he’s great at capturing the mundane. I think he’s also quite cynical, so even though RTD is seen as sillier than Moffat’s run I think RTD IS more cynical. But he wants Doctor who to be fun and dramatic so he forces ‘aren’t we having fun’ moments in some of this episodes.
I think an episode that demonstrates Russell’s weaknesses in writing is ‘The Devils Chord’. I watched it and it felt like it should have been a two parter. Things were rushed and honestly I was just like ‘wut, oh okay then’. At the end it ends with a ‘aren’t we having fun’ musical number which is enjoyable in its own right, doesn’t really feel that fun. I have so much more fun with Russell’s writing when it’s focussed on the mundane. I had more fun with Ruby and her family and her birth mother, but the plot simply did not work in the end.
I can honestly get on board with the Sutekh plot as high concept doctor who trashy fun, but it just doesn’t pay off emotionally in the way the best doctor who stories do. It’s
And then there’s bigeneration, which is meant to be therapy *i guess* and healing for the 14th doctor to be the 15th, but then the 15th doctor describes it as traumatic, so I’m like… was this therapeutic or not. Maybe it’s meant to be nuanced, but it feels like it was a poorly thought through concept and the consequences not fully developed in RTD’s mind.
In many ways I had more fun watching this then I did with the 13th Doctor (never actually had an issue with the first series having no story arc, just issues with poor characterisation and acting), but I think it just showcases RTD’s flaws as a show runner to a great degree. They were always there, but they just landed better in the past.
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ghostartistrandomness · 3 months
I’m getting back into Doctor Who again! And I just gotta scream into the void because I’m so excited for how the new series is going! Be warned, minor spoilers! And also opinions, so please don’t get mad at me for having them. Reply or not, even if this gets not a single note, I just can’t not post this somewhere. It is a loooong audhd-fueled 1am ramble so yeah don’t mind me lol.
I got into Doctor Who about a decade ago. I was in middle school. A friend convinced me to watch it. And WOW, I loved it like the little middle schooler I was. I loved (and still love) those first four seasons. Those are defining parts of my childhood. There’s something magical about them.
But then… season 5 came along. The writing team changed. I could tell the moment that first episode played that the vibes were off. Something was different. Matt Smith did an excellent job, don’t get me wrong. But just… the vibes, the storylines, they just lost me. I get why most people like them, but the show changed. Season 7 came and I actually do prefer it to 5 and 6. Please, don’t hate me. A bit of the magic came back by then, but that was really cause it lost that really weird vibe the entire early 2010s had. It still wasn’t perfect. I got to Season 8 and it continued improving a bit. By the time I watched it, season 9 was about to come out, and I liked it even more, especially watching it live. Season 9 less so.
I lost it at season 10, and completely stopped season 11. Stopped watching live. Tried catching up later on, but the writing team had changed again. The vibes were all wrong all over again, and even worse this time. I don’t have high standards. The stories themselves don’t have to be perfect, as long as the writing is consistent and keeps the vibes I like. It killed my motivation the first time in season 5, and destroyed it for season 11. I didn’t even get halfway through season 12.
Now, the 10th Doctor has always been my favorite. Back in the day, I’d be called a David Tennant loyalist. And I do love his portrayal of the Doctor, and I always thought that was that. But the thing is, I do also with we got more 9th Doctor in the show. I always thought I just wasn’t a fan of the newer actors. Maybe my disdain for change gave me too much bias against the new actors that played the character. Well… that was part of it. But it had nothing to do with the actors.
I watched the 3-part specials a couple nights ago.
The magic is back. I was struck by my childhood seeing the 10th (well, 14th) Doctor and Donna together again! Literally felt like I was back in season 4! The characters, the story, the emotion and soul of the show was all back. It was as if nothing changed.
It didn’t stop at the specials lol. Besides the ending being so incredible it was the best closure I have ever gotten out of every TV show I have ever watched (a ramble for another longpost), it carried onto the main series, which is now the *new* season 1. I’m only five episodes in… and I feel like I’m back there as a kid watching the first four seasons all over!
I discovered it’s not who is playing the Doctor. I’ll like the show either way. It is the writing that counts. And yes, while the 10th Doctor will still most likely remain my favorite (nostalgia helps with that), as long as the writing fits the *vibes* I’ll be happy with the show. And the vibes are all here! Russel T Davies is the head writer again. I get that way back in the day, the head writers were a topic of debate, and I hope I don’t give out that impression in my text. I genuinely believe it’s his writing direction that really puts those perfect *vibes* into the show, the vibes that I fell in love with, the vibes that really speak to me. IMDB ratings of the show are iffy, so I must reiterate that my storyline standards are low in case the real fans’ consensus is that the show is bad or something like that. It’s the vibes that I took issue with, and the vibes that are bringing me back in.
What are vibes, you ask? Well… I can’t explain. They’re called vibes for a reason lol. They’re the general feel of the show. And it’s back. The vibes are back. The writing of all the characters has the right vibes. The stories have the right vibes. There’s a certain magic in the show again! Aaaaaagh it’s so good! It’s all so good!
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thedorkdionysia · 2 years
alright. I gotta rant about something.
so I'm sure you all probably know by now that David Tennant has made a return as the Doctor in Doctor Who after like 12 years since the end of his run and almost 10 years since the last time he was in the show at all. even if you don't watch the show, you probably know by now on account of how many people are losing their minds over it.
and apparently people are somehow thinking it's racist that this is happening. because Ncuti Gatwa, a black actor, was announced as the casting choice for the next major incarnation of the Doctor a few months before the centenary special Power of the Doctor aired, only for Tennant to show up at the end of POTD after 13 regenerated, leaving many people wondering where the new Doctor was, before we were only treated to a short teaser of the upcoming special that included the briefest glimpse of Ncuti at the end... aaaand then the announcement that the show would be on hiatus again for another 13 months until the 60th anniversary special in November 2023.
now, I understand that it's definitely a bad look for them to sort of bait and switch people like that, I was watching with friends and we were all expecting to see Ncuti after the special and then we were all losing it when we saw David instead. but there are people who are claiming that not just RTD, but also David Tennant himself, are doing this out of intentional, malicious racism against Ncuti and are basically just making things even worse than they were in the chibnall era (somehow).
but that honestly just... makes no fucking sense. literally what would be the reason for RTD and the BBC to cast a black man as the doctor, make a big deal out of it on social media, and then not put him in the show at all just because he's being maliciously racist? I think it would have pretty much the same effect for RTD to cast another white man to play the newest incarnation of the doctor, intentionally turning Ncuti down in the process, and then just rolling with him instead.
so even though I get why it could definitely be taken kind of racist, I don't think that it was intentionally done that way. but then you might be wondering, "well if it wasn't malicious, then why cast DT and announce HIM as the 14th doctor when it should have been Ncuti??" well, it's more complicated than any of how the people angrily ranting about it are explaining it, but I think this video explains it well:
basically the way this video explains it is this: RTD came back to the show at kind of a weird time. the last episode they had written, filmed, and planned to air was POTD, which wrapped production not long after RTD was announced to take the reins again in October 2021. also, coming up on the horizon not long after POTD was supposed to air was the 60th anniversary, which would obviously be a big deal for the show-- as the longest running sci-fi TV series in the world, every major anniversary is a huge milestone.
the only problem is that this kinda left RTD with a logistical nightmare. he didn't have a new doctor yet, and even if he were able to get one the day after taking over the show, there just wasn't enough time to write, film, edit, and air a whole season of the show before the 60th. and RTD wouldn't really want to introduce the new doctor during the anniversary either: the anniversary has brought back older doctors since the show's 10th anniversary, and no matter who he cast, they would most likely get overshadowed by the nostalgic figureheads alongside them even if their performance was absolutely top notch.
and there was also another problem: when RTD DID finally cast Ncuti as the new doctor, he was busy filming the new season of sex education as well as the Barbie movie with Margot Robbie. which left him with another conundrum: should he wait for the actor who really, REALLY won him over in his audition to be available for the show, or should he tell him that he did amazing but they need someone more readily available?
ultimately, RTD chose the former, and I think it was the right decision. but that still left a gap in the anniversary special that RTD had to fill before Ncuti would be able to commit to the show full time. so, in the interest of the nostalgia that comes with anniversary specials and the part of the doctor still needing someone to bridge the gap between Jodie and Ncuti, he turned to a fan favorite: David Tennant. and that's pretty much where we are today. Tennant isn't REPLACING Ncuti, and he's really not replacing Jodie either. he's a placeholder, a way to get things from point A to point B.
and people are saying that DT is overshadowing Ncuti just by... existing and being part of the show again, but the thing is, they are actively trying to give Ncuti the spotlight. RTD and the show's official social media accounts both announced Ncuti's casting a week BEFORE even mentioning the fact that David Tennant and Catherine Tate would be coming back for the 60th. RTD has made numerous posts about Ncuti and how absolutely thrilled they both are for this new upcoming era, and he's barely even mentioned DT since his original announcement. (not because of some kind of estrangement between the two, if that wasn't obvious: he's just acknowledging that this isn't David's era that we're about to see.) even David Tennant himself has spoken in interviews about how legitimately AMAZING Ncuti is as the doctor and now excited he is for him as well. at this point the only ones who are actually focusing more on David and less on Ncuti ARE THE ONES COMPLAINING ABOUT HOW RTD AND DAVID ARE TRYING TO OVERSHADOW NCUTI. (and also all the media outlets trying to bank on David's return to make money selling stories, which is a whole new post.)
by trying to make such a big moral dilemma out of David Tennant being back for no more than three episodes a year from now, people on the internet are basically becoming the exact type of person they're trying to be mad at: they're focusing more on the guy who's coming back temporarily to help things transition forward, and less on the fact that things are going to have such a bright future ahead with the new guy, we just have to actually get there first.
and like I said: I don't know if it was the best choice either, and from what I've seen, POTD was originally supposed to end by cutting off before we actually saw the end result of 13's regeneration, which I would have been okay with, but the point is that RTD was in a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation and ultimately tried to do his best to give Ncuti the chance to shine without getting overpowered by the major event of the 60th anniversary in his first ever appearance on the show, and I think he's doing his best with that. and as far as the numbering issue, I'm not thrilled about tenthree/tenteen/retro-ten or whatever you want to call him being referred to as the "fourteenth doctor" either, but since the numbering system was pretty much meaningless after Moffat's whole "well actually eleven is actually thirteen because something something war doctor something something tentoo something something vanity" thing, and is now even more meaningless thanks to chibnall and the timeless child, I honestly wouldn't split too many hairs over it. most of the official announcements from the show's social media didn't even give Ncuti a number to begin with anyway, and the only primary source I found that actually called him "the fourteenth doctor" right after the announcement was a BBC news article that wasn't even written by someone affiliated with the show anyway, so the whole thing is probably a misunderstanding that's spiralled out of control anyway. either way, it's just a number, it's not like the doctor even refers to themselves by their number in the show anyway.
TL;DR: David Tennant is only playing the Doctor again temporarily to help transition the show into Ncuti's run to help relieve him from the onus of trying to carry the 60th anniversary as the main Doctor in his first appearance as the Doctor, and we should all be focusing less on him and more on what we have to look forward to from Ncuti.
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