#so honestly it's a coin flip
sir-adamus · 4 months
I wonder if Miles and Kerry just happened to "suggest" to BlazBlue's devs (IIRC one was a big fan of RWBY) to include a costume referencing the Cheshire Cat.
yeah Mori, the creative lead on Blazblue is a fan of the show (he'd already included references to RWBY in the final game of the series, Central Fiction, with Es, Izayoi, Taokaka and Bullet getting Team RWBY's palettes, which carried over into Es and Izayoi's palettes for BBTAG), and likewise Monty was a fan of BlazBlue (the way Penny fights, while a carryover from Monty's Dead Fantasy with how he was going to have Naminé fight, is a reference to the way the Prime Field Devices, Nu, Mu and Lambda, fight. Nu also got Penny as one of her palettes in BBTAG)
from what i remember, Neo's presence in the 2.0 update (because of how long it took to develop the moveset and sprites for each character, only two characters in that update didn't have pre-existing kit and had to be made from scratch, which is why RWBY only got five representatives overall) was suggested specifically because of her existing popularity, her illusion-based kit offering interesting gameplay options and that she was being reintroduced in the show at the time they were working on the update (so it was before volume 6 was released, even though we didn't get her in the game until midway through volume 7 because of how long that development cycle was - it's also why her Beacon arc attire is implied to be an illusion given one of her outros has her drop it for her current look). given that time scale, it is possible that the CRWBY made the suggestion for the Cheshire Cat to be a reference palette once Miles, Kerry, Eddy and Kiersi had a better idea of how the Atlas arc was gonna shake out and who was going to end up in the Ever After, however it's also equally likely it was just a massive coincidence because the Cheshire Cat was a regular fan-suggestion as her allusion at the time
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yuurionviktor · 11 months
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Back to my meme redraws
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themetalvirus · 4 months
the "i just love latinas sonic" jehtt video makes me uncomfortable. ive seen other latino folks think its funny but like. as a latina. euuugh eugha euagugh
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sysig · 1 year
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Working on some designs for one of my oldest OCs, “Cure” (Patreon)
I also managed to track down some of her initial concept sketches from 2018 - why 2018 considering I called her one of my oldest OCs?
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Well, her design has always been rather elusive, even more so since she spent so much time in my head without being brought to paper - even these sketches make mention of it!
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Pretty sure she got “Cure” in 2018 too - starting to take form!
#Doodles#Original#The quotes are very intentional lol#As stated under the cut I started designing her in 2018 but she's existed since around 2007-ish? Latest would be 2010#Part of her having such a range of uncertainty is that it took me many many years to consider putting her to paper!#She might've existed in 2007 but there's no record! She might've existed in 2010 but no record! I don't think I even wrote about her#She was a completely mentally-extant OC for many many many years#Partially because at the time I had just started drawing and knew I wouldn't be able to put down what was in my head to physicality#And then the longer she stayed in my head the more she became that kind of mental kaleidoscope ever-shifting impossible-to-draw design#But screw that! I have a few years of doodling under my belt now! Even if I can't get her quite right I can at least make an attempt!#It's especially funny because outwardly she is meant to be a pretty generic teddy bear lol - not Exactly but more like the vibe of one#Round and plush and innocent - innocuous#And really she's not like Nefarious or anything lol - she's not what she seems but she also is?? It's hard to explain lol#A lot of it does still come down to subtleties so it actually is still hard to capture but it'll only keep getting harder the longer I wait!#So at least pinning down Some things about her design that I'm happy with and can refer to helps the me down the line haha#The first one is actually pretty close! It's always a coin flip on whether the first one is a disaster or nails it haha#The heart ears and straight body are pretty good tho I gotta say#And honestly it was the little lace-ribbon bracelet that was the deciding factor for me to try drawing her again haha#I had an idea I thought was silly but to do it I needed a design to work with!#Getting there getting there - every little bit closer
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inkrabbit · 2 years
you know what, no. you bastards can have this fucking piece of shit fic. it's not even finished. it'll never be finished, but it's being put here as like... a first draft. a beta version, if you will. so enjoy this glimpse of Ares
blood and death tw. you guys know the whole song and dance by now
It was supposed to be fun. It was supposed to be a fun night with your friends and now… well, now you were two friends short.
The party you had been dragged to was actually fun. Just a little Halloween party in a club with bumping music. You and one of your friends, Mark, had been at the bar, waiting to get drinks when Stephanie had happily walked over to you, her arm linked with a man.
“Hey! I want you guys to meet someone!” The first thing you notice are those eyes of his: a gorgeous shade of blue-violet that you could swear must’ve been contacts. His brown hair is slicked back, a charming smile on his face. You’d admit, he was handsome, but he’s so warm when you shake his hand. Maybe it was just the leather jacket and black turtleneck he was wearing.
“Everyone calls me Ares,” he says, introducing himself to you and your friend. You two tell him your names, inviting him to join you three. Stephanie orders a drink for him, slipping herself into his lap as he loosely holds onto her waist.
“So, Ares,” you call out over the music, catching his attention. “Are you here with anyone else?”
“Just me,” he laughs. “My brothers decided to stay home tonight, but I got bored.”
“How many brothers do you have?”
“Just three. We’re all musicians.”
“Oooh, talented and cute!” your friend remarks. Ares just lets out another laugh. “You got an accent, though. Where are you from?”
“Ah… here, there, everywhere!” He shrugs, but that smile never leaves his face. “When you travel, you don’t really have a set home. But, I did spend a lot of time in Italy.”
“Is it as pretty as everyone says?”
“Oh, it’s gorgeous. But I love being able to see the world.”
The four of you sip on your drinks, Ares indulging you in little stories about his life. He was the second oldest out of the four brothers, but had admitted to being the shortest. Sil, the oldest and tallest, had told him about an old cemetery nearby the party, but none of his brothers wanted to go out on Halloween night. Something about not wanting to be bothered by everyone else and not wanting to put on any sort of costume. When asked why Ares wasn’t wearing a costume, he had just laughed and told you that his outfit was his costume.
“Why’d you wanna go check out some old cemetery?” Stephanie asks. She pulls her head back from his shoulder, cocking it at him.
“History’s fun to look at,” he responds nonchalantly. “You get to learn a lot in ‘em.”
“Oh yeah? Like what?” There’s something about his smile this time that makes you uneasy. Like that’s just the question he had been waiting to hear.
“Ah, that’s kinda hard to explain.” Another shrug as his gaze sweeps over all of you. “I guess it’s more of an interest in knowing someone’s life. A little glimpse into the past, you know?”
“That’s interesting to you?” Mark asks.
“Sure. You miss out on a lot when you don’t pay attention.” He lets a moment of silence pass, brows raising. “So? You guys wanna check it out with me?”
You go to decline the offer, but Stephanie speaks up before you. “It’d be fun for Halloween, right? We can go have a spooky little time in a cemetery.”
“How far is it, anyway?” Mark asks. How far was your house? Could you happily make the walk home without your friends?
“Should be up the street. Maybe a few minutes?”
“You guys wanna go?” No.
“Sure! Everyone should have one little scare on Halloween, right?” No.
But here you were, walking down the dark street and following Ares. You hung back with Mark, asking him if he really thought any of this was a good idea.
“We don’t have to stay long,” he promises you. “We’ll go in, look around and then leave. With or without Steph.”
“What do you make of this guy?”
“He seems nice enough. Real warm, though. You felt it, too, right?”
“Yeah. Thought maybe he was just hot in that outfit.”
And really, it’s longer than a few minute walk to get to this cemetery. You four had walked to the edge of town, and the once swarm of people walking with their groups had thinned out considerably. The old metal gate creaks as Ares opens it, standing to the side as he takes a bow, like he’s welcoming you three in. You note how overgrown everything looks, most of the tombstones covered in moss and some of the stone having been chipped away from time. You make your way over to one of the graves, the stone jagged at the top, along with a large crack down the middle of it. You take your phone out, turning on its flashlight and looking at the engraved details. Here lies the body of Mary… You bring a hand up, trying to trace the last name, but it’s already too far gone for you to make out. Even the year has faded up a considerable amount, but you manage to make out an 18 at the beginning. You supposed Ares was right. When you look at these, you start to wonder their lives. Who they really were and what they had been through.
You look up and around, not surprised when you see Stephanie leaning against a tombstone, her hand gripping at Ares’ leather jacket as he sucks on her neck. Okay. You should’ve seen that coming. You get up from your crouched position, moving away from them and towards the old mausoleum. It’s still standing proudly, though it is caked in dirt and chipped in multiple places. You reach out, gently stroking your thumb against the old stone.
“You’ve seen better days, haven’t you, friend?” The old gate that leads inside is rusted shut. You wonder, just for a moment, what secrets lie behind it. What story was from this person.
You hear someone scream your name. It sounds like Mark and you call back with a simple “yeah?” but there’s no response. You step back from the mausoleum, calling out again.
“What do you want?!” You’re getting tired of this. But the only response you get is a scream that’s soon cut off.
“Mark?!” you call out. You try again, making your in the direction you had heard his voice, but there’s no answer. “Hey, look, this isn’t funny! Are you okay?” You let out a small huff. “I promise I won’t laugh too hard.”
You’re still using your phone’s light to make your way through the cemetery, calling out for anyone. Your paranoia is starting to spike, but you’re sure it’s all just some stupid prank. In any moment, one of them is going to jump out from behind one of these tombstones and scream their head off to scare you. And you’re already hyping yourself up to clock whoever it is in the jaw.
But that’s when you finally find Stephanie. She’s sitting against the tombstone, though she’s hunched over.
“Steph?” You shine your light on her, feeling your heart drop when you notice her white shirt soaked in red. You fall to your knees, grabbing her shoulder and pushing her limp body up. Her throat is nothing more than an empty hole, her eyes lidded and glazed over. The shriek you let out is unholy as it tears through you. You trip a few times in your panic as you stand up, looking around.
“Mark!” It’s not a game. You’re sure of it. You start running through the cemetery, tears blinding you as you try to keep your balance, your shoes catching the little rocks and torn up markers. You don’t know where he is. You don’t even know where Ares is. But had it not been for the fact that you knew Mark never would’ve left you in this situation, you would’ve ran right out of that gate and never looked back.
Your foot catches something, sending you falling to the ground. You groan softly, but you hear someone in front of you, their tongue clicking against the roof of their mouth.
“Aww. Did someone fall?” It’s Ares. Or you think it is. When you look, you’re caught in the gaze of those stunning eyes, but everything else is different. His ash-gray skin; the black sclera; those two, black horns that protruded from his head, though both had the ends broken off. Even the hand he offers you is adorned with sharp, black claws, and you finally notice a spade-tipped tail moving back and forth behind him.
“Look at you, doll,” he coos. “You know you should be careful walkin’ through here. Unless you wanna end up like him.”
You already had that sinking feeling in your gut when you tripped, but seeing Mark laying on the ground in a pool of his own blood doesn’t help.
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dravidious · 11 months
You're more amazing than collars
Wrote a quick little doodle that had been floating around in my head lately, featuring Genders
The Serperior family is having a perfectly normal dinner, a few brief conversations here and there, until Breeze speaks up. "Oh yeah! Hey mom, dad, I'm transgender!"
"... What?" Pen says.
"Yeah, it's this thing I learned about today! Like, I'm a girl, but I don't really feel like a girl, so I can be something else instead!"
Quill sighs and shakes their head (I don't wanna decide which one is the mom and which is the dad because that would have Implications). "Sweetie, you're not a boy-"
"Of course not. I'm nonbinary!"
"... What?" both parents say.
"It means I'm not a girl, but I'm not a boy either. I'm something else!"
Pen rolls their eyes. "Like what, a dragon?"
Pen opens their mouth, pauses, closes it, then opens it again. "Breeze, don't be ridiculous. You're our daughter, and one day you're going to be a mother so you can give us grandchildren."
"I don't wanna be a mom, I wanna be a dragon!"
Pen sighs. "Where did we go wrong..?"
"It's just a phase, dear," Quill says, "it'll pass."
Blue speaks up. "Me being bisexual wasn't a phase."
The parents snap their gazes toward him. Quill says, "But you, you had a girlfriend for six months!"
"... Yeah. You do know what 'bisexual' means, right?"
"Oh... S-so, you'll give us grandchildren, right?"
"I dunno, maybe. Either way I think I'd rather adopt."
The parents gape. Pen's head hangs. "Well, I suppose we'll have to count on Red for grandkids."
Red, who had been eating silently, looks up. They turn to Breeze, then Blue, then the parents. "I'm gay."
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transmiqote · 1 year
really do love that bg3 has genital options for your character like im going to canonically get to show astarion the wonders of tiefling boypussy
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charlythelee · 2 years
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🍷 The Third Answer (✒︎ on Ao3) (Preview)
Gilgamesh study | Fate/ Zero & Babylonia | Canon compliant | Rated: T | 2.3k words
The king of Uruk was many things, but from the day of his greatest loss, he was never alone, for there was always a queen that matched him in ferocity and golden dress, curled up at his side as if someone had asked the noble beasts to watch over him.
I had the absolute honor to contribute to the @gilgazine, not only as mod but also as writer and I'd like to thank all the people involved for their fantastic work 💕
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sp-brawlpinions · 1 year
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My 11-year-old couldn't decide what flavor of ramen to make, so I told her to flip a coin. Heads for spicy chicken, tails for beef.
Taking my advice, she flipped a penny, and when it landed on tails she said "Wait! Wait! I did it wrong!"
I told her that she did it right, because the real reason for flipping a coin isn't to let fate decide for you, but because when the coin is in the air, you will suddenly realize what you wanted in the first place.
I'm sure there's a life lesson there somewhere…
But honestly, I have never known her to pass up spicy chicken.
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trident-dragion · 10 months
Sometimes I get tempted to buy empty Yugioh tins on eBay
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chisatowo · 2 years
The worst thing that wolf Shiho did was make ppl think that a Shiho wolfism cover should exist. Pls don't let it in sekai for no other reason than itd only sound good as a saki solo but itd never get solos and the group cover would sound bad and I actually don't like the original that much so I'd just be sad </3
#rat rambles#sekai posting#like ok. a shiho solo could sound good but I donttttt trust them#my main thing is that shiho is alergic to not mumbling in covers fndnfjfjd#like sometimes it works in their favor but this isnt one of them I think#and for saki after her tera tera solo I think she might honestly just work with edgy songs pretty well and plus shes the best at yelling#her voice has a crisp to it that I think would work with wolfism#if done right ofc#the real thing is just that my favorite version of wolfism is very inhuman sounding so Im just not thar interested in any human covers#but Ill admittedly happily take shiho over any of the guys <3#Im sorry theyd all just be. kind of ok at best and Itd be dissapointing#especially if rui and tsukasa sung it rui would drag it down so bad#touya would also struggle with it I think but not as bad since his voice is a bit more flexible#his voice is still very smooth though so I doubt itd fit wolfism very well at all#and akito would pitch cap a LOT and itd sound awkward and eh#and wether tsukasa sounds good is a heavily weighed coin flip#so all in all; saki or death#oh how Ive fallen from being the number one saki vocals hater (not actually I just thought she had the most unremarkable voice)#she still hasnt rly had any absolute bangers in my opinion but Im much more interested in her vocals now they have an appeal#I think her voice suffers a lot from being in l/n for a variety of reasond#song choice the fact that she usually acts as one of the lower vocals the others just not rly meshing with her excetera#she has a lot of potential I just think shes kind of trapped in l/n song choices rn#rat rants#ig fhdjgdkdy
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bxynjolf · 2 years
You literally were born and then invented mischief. Like, you were a newborn and you immediately invented thievery and then lying. Go you. You are the living embodiment of chaotic neutral. Yes, people are so annoyed by you sometimes, but you are so unbelievably charming that you get away with everything. Who doesn't love a charming rogue?
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calcifiedunderland · 7 months
Spare Change
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Azul x GN Reader (they/them)
—In which you win Azul’s friendship with the loose change in your pocket.
Notes: I tried to keep the coin description vague so it could be from any currency!! I had this idea for a little while now. Enjoy shrimpies~
You were going to buy Azul’s friendship at the cost of a gumball.
Well, maybe that was an exaggeration. By all accounts, it would’ve been impossible to do that, even with a large sum of money. You didn’t think that you’d ever be back in his office making a deal with the merman who almost turned you out of your dusty dorm. But this time, it hopefully would go in your favor.
Earlier that week, you’d been cleaning out your knickknacks, and came across some loose change you’d had in your pockets when you arrived to NRC. Honestly, you forgot about it - it wasn’t like you could really use it here.
Still, you recalled some offhanded comment Jade made - something about Azul’s coin collection, and his fascination with human trinkets. Once, when you’d visited Azul’s dorm room while he was recovering from his overblot, the framed coin showcase on his wall had caught your eye. The coins shimmered, and despite some wear and tear, you could tell they were now kept in meticulous, pristine condition.
This went through your mind as you stride into Octavinelle, feeling the coins in your pocket thump against your skin.
You sucked in a deep breath and knocked on his office door, and, not waiting for a response, you opened it. If you waited, you’d lose your courage. Azul looked up irritably, adjusting his glasses. “Please wait a moment, I’ll be wi-” he stopped mid-sentence, mouth hanging open when he saw you. “Well- Hello, Prefect,” he clasped his hands over his desk, discreetly shoving a contract into a drawer, “what brings you here today?” He coughed slightly, clearing his throat.
Wordlessly you sat down in front of him, change jangling in your pockets. You looked at him intently, searching his eyes and thumbing a coin in your pocket. This could go really well or really not well. Still, you’d made unlikely friends with Riddle and annoying acquaintances with Leona. Besides, you thought as you rubbed the coin, what you wanted wasn’t anything material. Rather, it was genuine and immeasurable - less to you, but more to him.
Azul was pensive, looking at you carefully. You unsettled him. After what happened before winter break, when he overblotted, he’d had a hard time making heads or fins about you. You were a walking paradox - a magicless human who somehow had so much power over strong housewardens. By all accounts, you shouldn’t have been able to one-up his contract to gain Ramshackle. And yet you somehow did, with Leona and your friends.
In all honesty, you had every reason to be upset with him. So why were you in his office now? His eyes zeroed in on yours. What was your angle? What did you have to gain? He hated this feeling of being indebted to you after his overblot. Like he had to make it up to you, somehow. Would you hold it against him?
You fidgeted slightly under his gaze, feeling a little unnerved. Wordlessly, you fished into your pocket and pulled out one of the larger coins from your currency. You put it on the desk between the two of you, the tether between you and him. And if all went well, a symbol.
He looked down at it, curiousity getting the better of him. He picked it up carefully in his gloved fingers, holding it up and turning it around. He rubbed his fingers over the dips and engravings, analyzing the text on it. He held it up to the light, admiring it. Strange, he thought to himself. A childish fascination grew in him, and he carefully flipped the coin around in his fingers, admiring the way it glinted and reflected the light. You smiled, watching the awe in Azul’s eyes grow.
At last, he spoke, not taking his eyes off it, “I’ve never seen anything like it. I’d have to look into it’s origins if you’d want me to appraise it.” He couldn’t think of any other reason you’d be here, giving this to him. Was this your way of getting him to repay you? Have him auction off this coin? His mind halted, why did you show this coin to him? To lure him in and then take it away?
You shook your head, “you won’t find any information on it.” He rose an eyebrow at you, and you continued, “this is a coin from my world. Where I’m from.” He glanced back at the coin with new interest, enraptured. A one-of-a-kind, limited commodity? A coin that only you would have? His heart skipped a beat.
He’d be lying if his businessmer side wasn’t salivating, but a part of him didn’t want to sell it. Deep down, he knew he wanted to keep it for his collection - after all, it wasn’t often that he came across rare coins.
Still, Azul knew better than others that you couldn’t get something without payment. “…what would you like for it?” He asked so quietly, you would’ve thought you’d imagined it if he wasn’t looking at you. He braced for the worst, thinking you’d demand something wild as revenge for his overblot.
You took a deep breath, “Nothing.”
Weeks ago, you would’ve disbelieved the idea of befriending the same person who almost ousted you from Ramshackle. Especially offering him your friendship in the form of spare coins you’d found in your pocket.
Being in his office, trying to offer your friendship to him in the form of a coin of a lost world, was the last thing you thought you’d be doing. But here you were, the subject of scrutiny, sitting in the lavish armchair in front of his desk, trying to show him that you weren’t as ill-intentioned as he thought others may be. That you genuinely did want to connect with him.
Which was hard to do when he was looking at you intently, hands clasped under his nose, presumably staring at you uncomfortably. The look on his face was unreadable. Nothing? They want… nothing? Azul was no fool. All his clients wanted something, no one would ever do something nice for nothing in exchange. You had to have some ulterior motive. Right?
“What… do you want?” He asked again, straightening. A few weeks ago, you might’ve been a little ruffled at his straightforwardness. Now, you only knew he was trying to compose himself, as he lifted his head and offered a debonair smirk, adjusting his glasses. “I understand that the headmaster has still not given you proper accommodations for you. I’m sure, as a non-magical student, I could offer you assistance in exchange for this rare commodi-“
“I really don’t want anything material,” you cut him off, crossing your arms. You would’ve thought you’d have insulted him, from the way his face contorted. “That- that’s preposterous, Perfect. Surely you’d want something in exchange for this coin!” Otherwise why would you be here? was silently said between the two of you.
“I wanted you to have it. It’s a gift. I’m giving it to you.” That’s what friends do!, you thought exasperatedly.
Azul’s eyes bored into yours, and you noted that his pupils were slightly square rather than round. He said, “nothing is free, now Prefect. Surely there’s something you want?” You sighed through your nose. “I just…” you swallowed, looking at him, “I thought you’d like it.” Your tone was genuine, and you squared your shoulders. Azul’s tone softened, “do you not want to keep it? It’s from your world, after all.” You angled your head in wonder.
A few weeks ago, Azul probably would’ve taken the coin without regard for you, or done something underhanded. You were curious (and maybe a bit hopeful) why he was considerate to you now.
“It wasn’t the only coin I had,” you responded, fishing for an identical coin in your pocket and pulling it out, “I had another. It’s the same thing, see?” Azul glanced at it, indeed it’s the same. He asked, “regardless, wouldn’t you want both?” You shrugged, “I can’t exactly spend it here, and I have no need for two of the same. Besides,” you smiled at him, hoping he’d understand, “I… thought you’d appreciate it.”
A lump rose in Azul’s throat as he turned the coin over in his fingers, noting every small scratch and engraving. “I…” he cleared his throat, composing himself. “Thank you, Prefect. I want to give you something in return,” he looked up. You were about to insist you wanted nothing (even if you did start out wanting something), when you saw the look in his eyes. You supposed old habits died hard - he would keep insisting on compensation for you until you accepted. So, you supposed it couldn’t hurt to be honest.
You smiled at him, holding out your extra coin to him. “How about your friendship?” His eyes widened, and you saw his adams apple bob. “I mean it,” you said softly, “really. Please?”
His eyes searched yours for any foulplay or malice. Feelings surged in him - memories of other merchildren making fun of his tentacles or his ink, times when they’d fooled him into being ‘friends,’ hiding in a crevice from bullies. Still, he found no reason to doubt you, as you smiled at him. How could you forgive him?
A poor, unfortunate soul is he, to refuse redemption.
He held his coin in his fingers, “It’s a deal,” he declared, and tapped it against yours.
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whoistartaglia · 1 year
not necessarily a request but in response to your “i’ll save you a seat” post, i’d like to imagine scenerios where you (reader) gets to the door before xiao and open it and he just—malfuctions—error error!! and he silently closes the door infront of you only to open it again for you!! maybe this even turns into some strange competition where you and xiao fight to open the door for one another lol (xiao will always win because he just closes the door again and then opens it)
spiritual successor to this (i suggest reading first)
as for the rest of them…
wanderer puts his hand over the edge of the table only to accidentally smack you in the head. hey, it’s not his fault! at least, that’s what he tells you when you’re rubbing the welt on your forehead. you bent down so suddently that he had no choice to move quickly. should you mention that he probably did more harm than the table, he’ll grumble that he would have picked whatever you dropped up for you.
diluc double flips over your pillow. you left to get up, he flipped it over as a sleeping diluc does and then he does it. again. maybe he was extra tired or thought you got up again. to be honest, you didn’t really know of this habit of his until the mistake. you come back to a warm pillow and snoring diluc, and turn it over yourself. this may or not may wake up diluc, and he may or may not flip it over onto the warm side yet again.
kaveh reminds you if you have everything but he should honestly save a reminder for himself. once or twice or three times he’s left the house without his keys, his work, his shoes (that was a strange occasion and he still didn’t realize for a solid ten minutes). you’ll have everything you need to get through the day, but kaveh will have to make a pit stop back at the house to pick up his own forgotten items.
childe makes you too many snacks at once. when he brought over the first one, you thanked him with a genuine smile. the second time, you still had some of the first snack left, but thanked him anyways. the third time you got a little concerned; the fourth… well, you at least finished the first snack by now. you have to tell him that it’s okay! you don’t need a fifth right now! (he already has it ready to go—you’ll find him eating it alone in the kitchen).
zhongli goes into debt. listen, he’s still getting used to this whole mortal thing, and honestly, not having access to infinite mora definitely blows. he’ll find some gift he absolutely must buy for you only to realize he has only one golden coin left on him. later that night, he’ll still give you that gift, and if his smile looks somewhat strained, it’s because he had to get a certain someone to pay for it.
kaeya’s brain kind of short stops when he sees you get to the tavern before him. oh, you’re already sitting down, look at that. that’s fine and all, he wants to be the one to save you a seat. so you’ll look over when kaeya still hasn’t joined you and find him sitting at another table alone. that’s strange, what’s he doing there? you walk over to him and he pulls out the chair for you, and so your seat for the night as once again been saved.
alhaitham will get annoyed if you fall asleep during a good part of the story. like, yeah, that’s point of him reading to you but, really, did you have to fall asleep during the best part? he has two options: gently shake you awake to finish the chapter, or let you sleep like intended. his choice will depend on what book he’s reading, but if he wakes you because it’s a research paper and you just got to the oh-so important findings, feel free to take the paper of his hands, drop it on the floor, and go back to sleep. he can continue in the morning.
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theemporium · 3 months
A dirty flirtini with "Let's flip coins. Head, I'm yours. Tails, you're mine." For Jack Hughes because honestly I feel like this is such a thing for Jack to say. Thanks in advance! 💙
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
17. "Let's flip coins. Head, I'm yours. Tails, you're mine."
“Hey, stranger.”
“Do you not have someone else to bother?”
Jack’s grin widened as he leaned against the bannister, his cheeks flushed from the alcohol buzzing through his system and the light breeze the cold Jersey air brought—a big shift from the cosy warmth of Jonas’ house. 
“Now, why would I go spend time with people who enjoy my company when I can be out here with you?” Jack retorted, head tilted to the side in a way that most people would find endearing. 
But you were not most people. 
“Lucky me,” you deadpanned, turning your gaze away from the amazing view of the sunset you left the party to watch, and instead looked at the boy standing right beside you. “I think I heard Luke calling you. You should head back.” 
“Nah, he’s too busy chasing after Johnny,” Jack waved you off, noting your obvious attempt to try to send him away and instead choosing to take a step closer to you. “You know, think you’re the only person at this party that hasn’t congratulated me.” 
You shot him a look. “Never thought you’d be the kind of person to fish for compliments, Hughes.” 
Jack’s smile widened. “Only from you, sunshine.” 
“I thought I told you to stop calling me that,” you bit back, your eyes narrowed into a glare that shouldn’t have thrilled him as much as it did.
“But I like having a nickname for you,” Jack shot back, emphasising his point by clicking his glass against yours. “Don’t tell me you don’t have one for me.” 
Your glare hardened. “I have a few choice names for you. Don’t think they will do much for your ego.” 
“See, your mouth says one thing but all I’m hearing is that you think about me enough to choose those names for me,” he murmured, looking far too smug for your liking. 
“Do you have no shame?” You blurted out. 
“Why, you offering to put me in my place?” Jack mused, wagging his eyebrows when you let out a scoff. “I’m down for anything, baby, be as kinky as you please.” 
“Oh my god,” you rolled your eyes, ignoring the way your cheeks heated up at his words. You weren’t affected by them. You were not. “You are so—”
“Sexy? Talented? Your dream man?”
“—annoying,” you finished. 
“Hm, don’t think I like that title,” Jack hummed with a shake of his head, taking a long sip of his drink before straightening up. “How about this? Let’s flip coins. Head, I’m yours. Tails, you’re mine. Like the sound of those?” 
“I like the sound of me walking away from you, Jack,” you stated bluntly, giving him one last look before turning to head back into the party, your glass in hand. 
“You can’t keep doing this,” he called out from behind you. “I remember it, you know? New Years. You can keep up this act for now but I know you liked it just as much as I did. I know you—”
“Goodbye, Jack.” 
“This isn’t over, sunshine.”
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