#so glad Caleb didn't kill him
rebelcaptain4life · 2 years
Wow Day of Death has wrecked me
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vulnonapix1234 · 11 months
Caleb and his foundling
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Or the worst emotional roller-coaster that Depa Billabas Battalion was ever on.
This is for my "Star Wars fix it au", where order 66 doesn't happen, but Padme and Anakin still die (Rip Padme, you deserved better)
The first hours after General Obi-wan had given them the message were the worst.
The men who were made for them, fought side by side, died for them where a gun pointed at their chests.
All of them had chips in their brains that would strip them of their humanity their personhood, and their identity.
It was no wonder that the camp was in panic, no matter how much General Depa tried to calm her men down.
They were scared. Scared of hurting her and her Padawan. Scared of losing themselves.
Some of them tried to run, to be as far away from them as possible when those horrible chips activated.
Others tried to take their own life as long as they still were themselves.
It was a horrible time.
Then Caleb disappeared because the force was calling him, which made the troops only more panicked.
They were torn between wanting to go with him and being glad that he wasn't around. Both reasons were because they were worried for their little commanders' safety.
Then, a few hours later, everything was over.
Or at least, it seemed that way for all the men who only knew war.
The chancellor was the sith and created this war. He was killed by Mace and his close supporters were imprisoned for betraying the republic.
Master Anakin Skywalker fell and betrayed them. He was killed by Master Obi-Wan after murdering Senator Amidala.
The technicians in the Jedi temple created a way to block the signal of the chips, saving them from mind control till they could get it taken out.
So effectively, the war was over, they won and the clones lost most of their usefulness.
Even if they still had their personhood, they still weren't safe. Not when most of the republic saw them as nothing more than meat droids.
It was at this time that Caleb returned with a newborn and no one knew where the little guy could have possibly come from.
They were in the middle of a battlefield and the padawan couldn't have walked so far in the few hours he was gone.
The teen himself didn't know how long he walked or where he went.
He had trusted the force and the force brought him to the little baby and the corpses of his parents, who appeared to be reporters of some kind.
Cue panicked clones who just went through the 5 stages of grief and are now fearing for the wellbeing of a little thing that was barely bigger than their hands.
They just pushed away the fear of their post-war existence because none of them were trained in child care.
To be fair, the only one who knows how to carry and feed a baby is Depa, who is glad that her padawan came back without any injury.
Even if the baby (a possible grand padawan?) was a suprise.
A nice surprise that brought her men out of their fear clouded minds, but a suprise nonetheless.
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vikkirosko · 7 days
Headcanons Survivalist
🐰 Huntress x Reader 🪓
Many of the survivors Huntress hunted were ordinary people who had never encountered anything dangerous in their lives. It was obvious from their behavior, from the way they could start to panic and get completely lost, even though their survival depended on their actions. But when she met you, she saw that spark. You wanted to survive and were ready to fight for your life. In some ways, you reminded her of herself before she entered this realm of mist
You were ready, it would seem, for any situation, and Huntress watched with curiosity as you used a large number of things that you carried with you. All your things were meant to survive in an extreme situation and protect yourself from threats, and this time it was she who was the threat. Anna was eager to face you one-on-one to finally find out which of you was the hunter and which was the prey
Sometimes you've encountered her outside of the trials. You explored different places hidden by the fog and her forest seemed to attract you especially strongly. She couldn't hurt you at that time, so all you had to do was walk around each other. You didn't come close to her hut, studying her with your eyes from a distance, and Anna studied you with her eyes. She was wondering if you could survive with her if you had met not here but in the world where you both came from, if you had lived at the same time. She couldn't deny that she felt lonely, and that's why she tried to make sure that she had a daughter, but maybe if you were with her too, she wouldn't be as lonely as she used to be
Huntress couldn't deny that you were a worthy opponent. She would have liked you to stay by her side, but there was no such opportunity. You were less afraid of her because you were watching her, just as she was watching you, but you knew that as soon as the time came, she would try to kill you again. That's why you stayed alert, but Anna wanted to show you that you didn't have to worry, at least until you were on the trials
🏜 Deathslinger x Reader 🔧
Deathslinger watched each of the new survivors to understand what he should expect from them. It was because of this that he saw you and realized that you could be a lot of trouble. You might seem like the same as the rest of the survivors, but you were much better when it came to surviving in such extreme conditions. You always carried with you first aid supplies and tools with which you could better fix the generators. You were always on guard, expecting an attack from anywhere, and he respected your skills, watching with a grin how you kept your cool even in such a frightening place
You quickly realized where you were, what could be used to distract his attention, what could be used as a weapon, where you could hide and how quickly you could escape from him. Sometimes he noticed that you were looking at his weapon with interest, but you didn't have the opportunity to take a closer look, except for those moments when he still caught you. He liked chasing you, because it wasn't as boring as when he was chasing the others. You were really a worthy opponent
Caleb didn't expect you to come to his realm outside of the trial. You wanted to explore this place more, which looked like it was the setting for a movie that combined horror and western. You met in an empty saloon where he was calibrating his weapon and you froze, ready to run if anything happened, but he reassured you, saying that outside of the tests he would not harm you. You were glad to hear that, but you remained alert, ready to run away or defend yourself at any moment. You were finally able to get a closer look at his weapon, studying with interest how he calibrated it. You've never seen anything like this before. The device that caused the deaths of your comrades many times was frightening and fascinating at the same time, but his voice brought you out of your thoughts when Caleb asked you to lend him some of your tools, which, as he guessed, you always carried with you
You visited him more and more often, glad that there was someone you could talk to besides your comrades. You knew you were risking a lot by being alone with Deathslinger, but you wanted to believe that he hadn't lied to you. You both survived in your own way and in your own time. Your ways of survival and the eras you came from were completely different, but that didn't mean he wasn't interested in listening to what you could tell him
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sergeantsporks · 1 year
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Witch Switch: All of Part 1
Part 2
Transcript Under the Cut
[Caleb is driving while Phillip sits grumpily next to him]
Caleb: So... are we going to talk about it, or...
Phillip: Oh, my god, Caleb, they made such a big deal about it when they called, it was NOT that bad! Some of the guys just bet me I couldn't climb to the top of the Noceda statue, and--
C: The guys? Your friends? Did they get in trouble, too?
P: No, of course not. I'm not a snitch, Caleb, but the point is, Principal Hal COMPLETELY overreacted. I was FINE. No one knows that museum and Statue like I do.
C: Hey. I'm proud you've made friends in high school I never had that. So I'm glad you've found a group to call your own. With that being said... promise me you'll be careful?
C: I know you want to impress your friends, but you don't have to do everything they dare or bet you to do. If you know it's dangerous, or wrong, then you need to stand up and say "no, I don't feel comfortable with that." If they're really your friends, then they'll understand. And if not... then you're better off without them, and I want you to get out of there. Stay safe.
P: Yeah, okay.
C: Good. Now that's discussed... I've got a late shift tonight. Evelyn will be coming over--
C: --with dinner, so don't worry about food. Be good. Don't climb any more statues while I'm gone
P: No promises
C: Pip.
P: I won't.
[Cut to a Silent door]
[Repeated knocking]
[Silent door]
[More Knocking]
Unknown [muffled]: Phillip, I know you're in there! Let me in!
[Silent door]
U: Oh, for...
[Click as the door is unlocked]
[Panel is on Phillip, who is lying on the floor with headphones on]
Evelyn: Phillip, I know you can hear me
[Panel is Evelyn with her arms crossed, Phillip's face (smug) in a bubble next to it]
Phillip: Oh, hi, Evelyn. Sorry, can't hear you
E: Okay, cool. Guess that means you don't want dinner
P: [sitting up quickly] I didn't say that
[Evelyn's face is in a small panel next to him, smiling smugly/evilly]
[Phillip and Evelyn are sitting at table, Phillip with a fast food soda cup in his hands]
E: What are you listening to, anyway?
P: Podcast
E: 'bout what?
P: Kids who got away with killing their siblings' partners
E: Har-dee-har. What is it actually?
P: Gravesfield witch hunts
E: Ah
Evelyn: Heard about what happened today
Phillip: I'm sure you did
E: Pretty awesome that you got to the top.. [realization that she's supposed to be a responsible adult] Uh-- but-- you know-- don't do it again? And all that.
P: [Skeptical] Are you trying to be "the cool one?"
E: [half sarcastic] Oh, no, I could never be cooler than Caleb
P: Damn straight. Anyway, no one has to worry about it happening again. It was just a one time bet from my friends.
E: [with venom] Oh. Your "friends."
P: Yes, "friends." A novel concept to you, I'm sure
E: Oh, very mature.
[Cut: Phillip is now at the door, which is open]
Phillip: [gesturing towards the open door] Okay, thanks for dinner. Bye.
Evelyn: [arms crossed] No can do, Phil. I promised Caleb I'd keep an eye on you while he's--
P: [interrupting, frustrated, throwing his arms in the air] He's just at work! I don't need a babysitter!
E: [surprised and guilty] Yeah... work...
[Cut to a view of a street featuring the Robin's Roast Cafe]
E: [disembodied voice] I'm sure he's just... worried about you
[Panel features Caleb, wearing Robin's Roast apron/hat with a manager bage, twisting his hands nervously]
Caleb: Hey, uh. Thanks for meeting me here
[Panel features Principal Hal sitting grumpily at a table. Next to him, smiling and waving friendly, is Manny Noceda]
C: [disembodied voice over Hal and Manny] You... wanted to talk about Phillip?
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continue being a little mean to toh fans please it is really irritating how some act like its got the best writing of any modern cartoon
Daawwwww I don't have it in me. TOH fans love it for a reason, and there are legitimately good moments! It's just not the most complex or well-written show out there—which it doesn't need to be—but I also totally get your exhaustion. It gets tiring seeing people praise it so highly over and over again when it's just like...fine. It didn't do nothing but it also didn't do something, you know? It's main couple is cute and queer, but that's pretty much all there is to them. It has a fun cast of characters, but they all tend to fall into archetypes. Luz is a sweet main character, but she doesn't have any real flaws and kinda takes a back seat to Hunter and Eda (the white people lol). Her foil with Philip was interesting...but then they kinda backed off and went the "you and Belos are nothing alike" direction.
((I'm also going to answer this anon with another: ))
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And It's not that an unsympathetic villian is bad, or that Belos would even be sympathetic with added backstory, it's just that...there were a lot of interesting things to explore with his character that were left hanging.
Like, while he's definitely not at all a good person, it's intriguing that he would bother to recreate his brother over and over again knowing that each time the grimwalker was going to betray him. It's intriguing that he was even willing to kill his brother to begin with (though Caleb was super underutilized in general). Like, you can give a villain depth without justifying or victimizing them (hi Finnegran from tdp, I'll also add Spider Queen & LBD here). So it just feels like a missed opportunity all across the board. It's still surprising to me that we got a confirmation on the Wittebane backstory through an unrelated background character, rather than Philip himself (who had literally possessed a main character, and mindscapes had already been well-established....the pieces were all there me thinks).
And obviously it's like, people can love something despite it's flaws, and they can cherish it for the good it has, but they still don't need to praise it as an ultimate form of media, you know? We don't need to pretend toh was this dark and complex story—it was just a story a lot of people liked and resonated with. Which I'm glad it's there for those people, and I'm glad there are options when it comes to queer pieces of media!
That said the show with the best writing of any modern cartoon is The Dragon Prince (streaming on Netflix).
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
"Do you know that your eyes actually have three different colours?" "You're very close." just screams Empire Siblings to me
14. "Do you know that your eyes actually have three different colours?" "You're very close."
Caleb is going to kill Veth. What was supposed to be a relaxing Mighty Nein vacation on the shores of Rumblecusp has turned into Fjord and Caleb babysitting the rest of their friends, who are, in Jester's parlance, tripping balls. Fjord keeps apologizing—it was his crew, namely Jester and Kingsley, who brought the strange powder ashore—but Caleb can't blame him when Veth was the one who stole it and dumped half the bag of unknown narcotics into the group punch. She even had to slip it into Caduceus's iced tea.
Caduceus, at least, is easy to take care of. He's been sitting with his back to a palm tree for two hours now, murmuring gently to the giant beetle in his hand—or, rather, murmuring to where the giant beetle was, because Caleb watched it fly away over an hour and a half ago. Caleb just reminds him to drink water every once in a while, to which Caduceus drawls, "Yes sir, Mr. Cat Man."
Jester and Yasha seem convinced that tonight is the night they're going to write the greatest erotic thriller Exandria has ever known. Caleb already surrendered all of the parchment in his possession to quell their incessant begging, and now they're sliding through the sand in pursuit of a terrified Fjord. "Let me see your ABS!" Jester shouts, lunging for the hem of her boyfriend's shirt. "I have to describe them perfectly!"
Caleb's just glad Fjord's handling those two. He peers at their manic scribbles and wonders if Yasha even knows that Jester has been writing everything in Infernal.
He gave up on getting Veth down from the tree she's in. Every attempt to do so was met with some variation of "The OCEAN can HEAR YOU, you ginger BASTARD!" followed by a wobbly crossbow bolt being fired into the gently lapping waves. Caleb just hopes she doesn't fall from the branches in her sleep. Well, if she does, he supposes that would be just desserts for all the chaos she's wrought.
Kingsley keeps getting booed off of the stage originally erected for Travelercon, but he keeps sneaking back on, each time with a new talent. Singing, sword-juggling, tap dancing, poetry, shadow puppets—from what Caleb's been able to catch from the Nein's slice of the beach, he might not be half-bad if he were sober. Tonight, though, he's an absolute mess, but he's not the absolute mess Caleb is concerned with.
Beau will not shut up. She has been talking non-stop for nearly an hour and forty-five minutes, her sentences long and her syllables unintelligible. She's been following Caleb around as he checks on Caduceus and Veth, mouth moving a mile a minute. Caleb cannot believe she hasn't lost her voice. From what he's been able to gather, her topics of obsession are:
the moons
ghosts on the moons
building an airship to deliver a payload of anti-ghost gas to the moons
Yasha's tits
Caleb and Fjord moving in slow motion
proof that the Cerberus Assembly has a secret volcano lair
the beetle that Caduceus was talking to being a spy for King Dwendal
Exhausted, Caleb splays out on the beach, staring up at the stars. Beau keeps rambling beside him about the firmness of her wife's breasts until she cuts herself off mid-word, and for a moment, Caleb knows peace. Then a face appears upside-down above his. "Do you know that your eyes actually have three different colors?"
He sighs. "You're very close."
"Why are you so slow? Did you cast a spell on yourself? The rest of us are so fast, even Caduceus. I'm watching him fly around the tree but he's going so fast even he can't see it."
"I told you, Fjord and I didn't drink the punch. That's why we're stuck keeping the rest of you chucklefucks alive."
"Do you think the stars are alive?"
"What if they are, though?"
"Then each and every one of them would be telling you to shut the fuck up and go to sleep."
"Okay." The face disappears, and a moment later, much to Caleb's surprise and awe, he hears snoring. He turns his head to see Beau curled up like a cat in the sand, passed out cold. Relieved, Caleb lets his own eyes drift shut.
Only for them to snap open a minute later when a familiar voice echoes across the beach. "CALEB! WHAT IS THE ZEMNIAN WORD FOR 'THROBBING PENIS'?"
Caleb is going to kill Veth.
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hughjidiot · 11 months
Thoughts on the TDI Reboot Season Two, Episodes 5 and 6
Okay the next two episodes of the reboot have premiered, and here are my collective thoughts on the characters and what's been happening. Spoilers below the cut, obviously.
Nichelle is out 5th and quit on top of that thanks to a fake movie contract planted by Julia. Honestly that kind of surprised me; my prediction was that Nichelle would make it to the merge where she'd get voted off because her improved athleticism made her a threat. I thought it would be ironic: in season one she was eliminated for being weak, and in season two she'd be eliminated for being too strong. Well at least Julia got some villain cred, even if it was a bit contrived and felt like Nichelle needed to lose some IQ points to make it possible. I'm not too broken up, but I can see why others might take issue with it.
(You know what would be hilarious though? If when the eliminated campers return for the finale, Nichelle reveals that people in Hollywood saw her improved performance in season two and actually did give her a movie deal.)
Instead, it was Bowie eliminated first after the merge. Now this makes much more sense: after MK's cheating was exposed, Julia convinced team Rat Face that it was Bowie's idea. Priya and Caleb were both victims of Bowie's schemes at some point, Zee is easy to fool, and Axel and Damien wouldn't know Bowie and MK well enough to know for sure but they do know Bowie placed second last season so they know he's a threat. In any case I really enjoyed Bowie this season: I loved the drama of him being torn between wanting to play dirty while not wanting to upset Raj. And he and Raj are adorable together, so I'm glad the cheating didn't lead to any major problems in their relationship.
Speaking of which, I loved Wayne and Raj standing up for their principles in episode five and refusing to go along with MK and Julia's schemes. And they continue to be hilarious on top of that. If I'm being honest though I kind of hope one of them goes soon, so we can finally see how the other gets along without his bro.
Then there's Zee, who continues to be absolutely hilarious. "I killed Priya's pillow boyfriend!" had me rolling. And he's actually involved with a plotline now! He knows about Priya's crush on Caleb and that Caleb is only looking for an alliance. Or at least, he was...
Caleb appears to be actually falling for Priya. Very interesting development. And Priya continues to be head over heels for Caleb, but at least she recognizes that she can't let it affect her game. Very interested to see where things go with them as a potential ship.
As for our other ship, Ripper and Axel seem to be getting along very well. I've seen some people comparing them to how Geoff and Bridgette were in TDA, but I think that's unfair. Sure they're into each other but not to the point where they can't focus on the game. (Axel getting distracted by Bowie's claim that Ripper was making out with a raccoon not withstanding.) Now that the teams have merged I hope we can see them spending time together and bonding in a way that involves more than making out. I'm surprisingly invested in this ship.
Well look at that, Damien actually won a challenge! I was hoping he'd start being more proactive in season two, and now we might finally be getting that. Especially since he's said he wants to find the immunity idol that's now in play, which Priya and Caleb are also hunting for...
Last but certainly not least, Julia and MK. Julia got some major villain cred these episodes, getting Nichelle and her arch enemy Bowie eliminated. Meanwhile MK's intern scheme was exposed, so that plotline's over. (I love how Chris had no problem with her cheating, but her stealing his hairdryer crossed the line.) They continue to be great together as a bad guy duo, and I can't wait to see more of it. (Especially if it evolves into romance, as I and many others are hoping for.)
Also, here's a bit of irony I noticed: in season one, Julia got eliminated in episode 6, and in season two Julia saved MK from elimination in episode 6.
And that's everyone. Aside from a few minor complaints, I'm still loving this season! The characters are all great, the plotlines are engaging, and the jokes are absolutely hilarious. And best of all I have no idea who could be going home next, so I'm very excited for the next episodes.
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sparkanonymous · 10 months
I didn't see! But episodes 7 and 8 got uploaded! YES!! Time for some more notes!
⚠️ Total Drama Reboot Season 2 Spoilers Below ⚠️
Episode 7
Damn, Priya has some muscle to catch Caleb.
Why did Zee sound different? Am I going crazy? Also, why was he watching them?
I'm... I'm sorry? JULIA, MK, your gay. Is. Showing! Holy fuck.
Damien teaching a squirrel how to finger gun.
Chris did not hesitate to traumatize the campers. Fake killing his husband? No.
Why did they bring back the "is it real or is it cake" thing? I thought that trend ended years ago.
Look, I understand we need more interactions from the campers, but I always hated when the teacher would pick who we would work with.
Julia and MK just... they won't stop flirting.
Ah, so we have Zeemien and Priyaleb as a team. Perfect! (This is not sarcasm. I actually quite like it.)
So, for Chris to choose the teams, that just means that he's picking all the characters that have already interacted? That's pretty fucking lame. We needed some new interactions. I'm assuming that they did this just because there would've been practically nothing to work off of, though.
Wait, so when did Wayne and Raj figure out that Julia was behind Bowie's elimination? Did I miss something?
I like how Raj and Wayne just immediately accepted that Julia was just a part of their team and then immediately started torturing her by ping pong-ing her between their chests. Their dynamic is everything.
I'm so glad to see him, but he really should've gotten a different design. Also, I thought that these were two separate realities?
Oh, who fucking cares? IT'S OWEN!
I'm so happy to see Priya's knowledge on the show get used again, but why would she have studied Owen's moves in particular? Maybe she means his personality? Like, they're both pretty friendly. He was kind of a dumbass, though, as evident by the next scene.
Dawg, it's obviously cake. You of all characters would be the first to figure that out.
Owen's voice sounds kind of different. Like... it sounds younger. Did he change VAs? I'm going crazy, aren't I?
Ripper doggy paddling.
Both Wayne and Raj do not hesitate to beat up other contestants. Wayne might not understand what a battle cry is, but he charged at Priya and smacked her pretty good. Raj's kick could have probably broken MK's jaw if he had kicked just a tiny bit harder.
Holy shit, Damien could've killed Wayne had he not aimed correctly. He didn't even seem hesitant, either. That was a trident, dude!
Oh my god... a "This is Sparta" reference in 2023?
Julia kicking Raj and Wayne off the boat because of their dumbassery.
Damn, raw ingredients?
Raj and Wayne
Poor Chef.
"Very good, Owen; that IS the sound a doggy makes!" LMAO
Raj and Wayne... is it gonna be another double elimination with these two? They're basically asking to get voted off at this point, my god.
Yeah. I like Wayne and Raj. But yell at them, Julia!
Owen listening to the confessionals.
Chef showing his cooking knowledge. Look, he might make disgusting food, but he still knows something about cooking.
I like how MK and Julia are both suffering on separate teams, especially after that fruity ass scene at the beginning of the episode.
Wayne apparently knowing something about chickens. Interesting!
More bird trauma for the hockey bros.
The sad way Julia said MK when she sicked Owen on her.
Poor Raj and Wayne.
Axel, Ripper, wtf
Chef was so excited to help MK, and then he doesn't even help.
Actually, I hope Axel and Ripper are the double elimination. This is disturbing.
I'm sorry, MK did WHAT to fix her brother's posture? That was a fucking STICK in a CAKE.
Julia is such a kiss ass.
Caleb being smart.
"I don't know which Chris to eat!"
Damn, Damien is good at cake sculpting. He's still a kiss ass, but considering he's probably never sculpted a cake before...
MK foreshadowing killing Chris.
Owen taking cake Chef home with him... it's just canon.
"I biffed it good today." "Well, as long as you know."
Wait, Axel got eliminated? Not Ripper? After the whole sweat thing.
No, Axel and Ripper break up? Ripper sounded so fucking genuinely upset.
Episode 8
Poor Damien. So desparate to keep the idol.
Caleb... running his fingers through her.
MK, why were you looking for Julia all morning? And why do you look so sad to think that Julia might be avoiding you?
What the hell, Zee? I want the girlfriends to talk, and you're back there eating your pants. :(
Zee, you really did say too much. MK and Julia are going to destroy you, and then the rest of the camp.
What the hell? Julia and MK trying to scare the secret out of him.
"Zee, I need to tell you something." "Please don't." "It's about Caleb!" "No, I don't wanna know-" The delivery from Zee, LMAO
Priya is so cute. But Zee is clearly struggling, girl. Poor Zee.
Zee, at least grab another pair of pants to put on your ass.
Julia able to carry the giant coin, but MK not being able to. MK is so unathletic. I'm actually kinda glad to see that diversity.
Priya obsessively brushing her teeth just to prepare for a possible kiss from Caleb...
Wayne and Raj unintentionally making the game so much more difficult.
Caleb catching the rock to save Priya. The timing to move for the kiss was a little too quick, though. And then she gets crushed by rocks. If they treated this like Raj and Wayne's injuries from last season, she'd be going home with a concussion and casts, but I know they won't.
Zee, don't fall for Julia's fake concern!
The fucking glare he sent Julia after stuffing a squirrel in his mouth. He knew what she was trying to get out of him.
Raj, you would've heard him falling.
"Why does it feel like something terrible is about to happen?" "Yeah, Chris's face gives everyone that feeling." LMAO Caleb serving something here.
"That looks... not safe." Caleb, nothing in Total Drama is safe.
"Relax, rabbits are supposed to jump." "... not that high."
Raj, just put your coin in the slot. "If you want me to go ahead without you, say nothing!" Well... at least that was resolved lol
Wayne, where are you going? Also, surfer Wayne. Canon.
Caleb calling Priya his girl. Possessive? Yes. Is it still cute? Also yes.
Zee using a fucking tire to block his mouth.
Julia's fucking evil face when Zee ran past.
Raj landing on the table in front of Chef and Chris.
"Did I win?" "No! And where is Wayne?!" He sounded so genuinely concerned.
I really don't like the music that keeps getting played when Caleb and Priya are about to kiss. What happened to the original romance que from Total Drama Island? That was WAY better.
Duncan and Courtney posters? They're REALLY trying to bring the nostalgia back. "The OG power couple." Yeah, maybe in the first season. After that, they were the absolute worst. (I'm kind of a Duncney hater.)
Poor Damien. They're playing on his trauma with Scary Girl :(
"Would that be good or bad?" "It can be both! That's what makes this show so magical!" He knows.
Also, why would Chef allow Chris to add the jackhammer bit? That is obviously dangerous, and he wouldn't have allowed these campers to go through that last season...
"Thanks for the ride!" "Reeeeal fresh this week." I'm loving this episode.
MK's a gamer girl? Does that mean she'll be Julia's gamer girlfriend?
MK lunging forward to bit Caleb's calf... I'm sorry, who did you say was an animal, MK?
Poor Wayne.
The overdramatic kissing scene... ugh, I hate it.
Damien celebrating Priya and Caleb finally kissing. He wasn't paying attention that much throughout the season, nor has he really interacted with either of them, but he's still such a sweetheart.
Asexual MK?
Zeemien break up.
ZEE SHUT THE FUCK UP. Okay, he's getting eliminated.
Wait, why is Raj a hockey bag sniffer? ... We just gonna skip by that? ... Okay...
Damien, you're the neat freak. What the hell.
Why did anyone tell Zee their secrets? Most of them don't even hang out, nor would have told a soul those things. What?
All of them glaring at Caleb. That's awesome.
Caleb, you ran after Priya. You had plenty of time to explain yourself, especially since it was still day, and the campfire doesn't happen until night.
Julia, you're no better.
They put more marshmallows on the platter just to throw more at Priya.
Okay, at least Caleb is still here. At least for another episode. More drama.
Aight, that's it. I really hope the next episodes have fewer problems coming out next week.
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eldritchaccident · 4 months
@vanoincidence replied to your post “[pm] So when you were like, in Canada and all that...”:
[pm] Why would a demon be less than another demon??? That's kind of weird, but um [...] I don't know. I don't know anything about them. They said they came out of the ground when I did some stuff. What? What kind? Like, a helmet? No??? It happened near the beginning of April. It happened after like, [...] the banshees got all mad and stuff and tried to kill me and somebody else. Yeah, I'm totally safe. I melted the ground and he fell and then I ran away and messaged you. His name is Caleb [user links the account] but um. [....] He seemed like, super angry and he called me stupid and told me I needed to tell him how I did it.
​[pm] Oh that's a long and complicated question kiddo, but the to long didn't read of it all is that some demons are so ancient and powerful that they exist in a sort of class above smaller demons. It's like, lowercase d demon, and uppercase Demon. The greater demons are the ones who can do like WORLD SHAKING changes.
Like wards and talismans. But hmm. Coming out of the ground, no summoning circle, no ritual? Just... instinct? Van that's incredibly powerful magic. This is a bad time to say go you, but I'm gonna cause I'm proud of my fellow student in magic. It might also be why Mr. Demon is so peeved about it. Usually to summon something you have to....
It's like setting up a call, yeah? The ritual in and of itself is like a contract. Usually long and precise, establishing a connection between dimensions, that the demon (depending on how powerful they are) can either decide to answer if the sacrifice is enough, or if they are less powerful it's like immediate unwanted facetime.
You somehow reached into an unknown dimension, grabbed a random dude with no pomp and circumstance, and yanked him from his house to this plane of existence. Which... isn't always great for demons. Not suited specifically for their comfort, y'know?
I'm glad you are okay Junebug. You aren't stupid. It's a new expression of magic you are still learning about, that's not your fault, Demons are just very cranky, especially if they feel they haven't been summoned "correctly".
You should.......... carry some consecrated things on you maybe. Come by the house or something, I'll make Emilio teach you some stuff and give you some holy water and oil. That stuff burns. Like a lot. So, should at least buy you time if Oscar the Grouch comes a knocking.
Actually, is your apartment safe? You could stay here for a bit, if you wanted. You could help with the egg and I could protect you bett-- and talk to them if--
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queeniecook · 11 months
June 11
Some may say I'm nuts for hosting a party so close to my due date - I thought it was brilliant. If I went into labor, everyone I need - minus Annalise - would be there already. I was tempting my child into being born but he or she wouldn't go for it. They're stubborn just like their parents.
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In invited pretty much everyone but some couldn't make it. Aubree had a work meeting she couldn't miss. Joey is away in San Sequoia helping Jillian with the situation going on with her Dad. Naya had to work. Rahmi's youngest kids are spending time with their Father.
It was still great to see those who did show up, I've been missing some of them to be honest. Even Caleb and Dakota were talking to each other without scowling - they've come along ways from trying to kill each other. 
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I got to see my nephew! I'm always happy to see him. He looked especially adorable with in his outfit today.
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I took time to introduce Rahmi to Ukupanipo. I may have some matchmaking motives in that introduction - time will tell. I know it's a bit soon but having a new friend never hurts things. Is it bad I want to see everyone happy? I don't think so. I just can't be pushy about it.
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I spent time with my brother. He may drive me crazy at times but I'm so glad I have him. Lucky was trying to get him to give her a tofu taco that someone made and brought.
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I caught up with Dakota and Lilith, though she seemed sad about something. It may be her situation with Jackson. She excused herself to go find her brother as I chowed down on the tacos and listened to Dakota talk about his upcoming deployment in Hidden Springs.
"It's almost like going to another world there. It sucks I can't go and be with Jillian during the intervention with her Dad...at least Joey will be there." Dakota told me, I could tell he was worried about Jillian and her family, so am I. "And he does have more experience with this type of situation than I do..."
I nodded my head "Just stay in touch with her, she understands."
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It was a good day. We stuffed ourselves and caught up with one another. Even though baby Vatore didn't make their appearance like I hoped, I'm glad we hosted this party.
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idk im glad they didn't give us any actual details about caleb and evelyn beyond belos's memories and like. fifty-sixth-hand information from masha's story so audience members not paying attention would at least know who they are.
whatever nitty gritty details the audience comes up with on their own for what happened to these two would be infinitely more satisfying to them than what the show would have been able to depict in a flashback. especially working within what's appropriate for children's television.
caleb the person isn't important to the story anymore. the MEMORY of caleb, which belos has never let himself get over in 400 years, is the important thing. and you don't need to know much about caleb for that to work. and while i loved the parallels between the wittebanes and hunter and luz, as well as the clawthornes being a descendent of evelyn, i'm glad they never confirmed it, and it remains situational irony purely for the audience.
hunter's only connection with caleb is his DNA, which also ties back to belos's feelings. him befriending luz is something they did of their own volition. it's not because hunter is fated to play out every beat of caleb's life by virtue of being his clone. similarly, while i love a good hunter clawthorne, dell taking hunter as an apprentice and eda showing care towards him in s2 are because eda is kind to children and hunter independently had passion for palisman carving. it's not because they found out they were related, because the whole show is about found family.
having flashbacks to the real caleb and evelyn wouldn't have contributed anything to the story aside from fanservice. what matters is how belos feels about them. belos's ego and the desperation to be acknowledged by his puritan community and God aside, the idea of caleb haunts his every action. not the actual ghost of caleb-i've already discussed here why the idea of caleb's ghost literally haunting belos would be a poor writing decision. belos knew the person his brother actually was, killed him, and imagined a perfect version of him that he chased after for the next 350 years.
the tragedy is that the perfect version of caleb is unattainable, and now belos can never get the real caleb back. he refuses to acknowledge that caleb may have been flawed before the influence of evelyn. to phillip, everything he thinks is wrong about caleb is because he was corrupted by the boiling isles, and that's part of the reason he starts on a quest to kill all the witches. it's also why he makes so many grimwalkers. he desperately misses that ideal version of caleb, so he makes copies of caleb and plays family with them.
and belos loathes the grimwalkers. he kills them because he hates the magic they were made with. because he hates being reminded of his brother and what happened to him. and of course, he hates the grimwalkers for not meeting his expectations of what his "ideal" caleb would have been like. it's a fluid expectation that belos, subconsciously or not, changes as he goes, all in order to take out his anger on innocent children. he seems to recognize his enjoyment of harming the grimwalkers, though it's unknown if he understands the reason-which is that the "perfect" caleb will never exist, and likely never did. phillip's brother is gone forever, and it's all his fault.
and idk maybe in the writers minds caleb was a perfect brother and baby phillip was just a possessive little shit. or maybe it's the opposite and caleb messed up a lot in communicating with phillip on his relationship with evelyn. maybe evelyn was a perfectly nice girl who was perfectly supportive of caleb and phillip's choices or maybe she hated phillip and the other humans and did convince caleb to leave it all behind. it's a fascinating piece of backstory and i love seeing fanworks that talk about it! but anything more about caleb and evelyn that the creators add in canon would give actual context to their situation that we don't need! their story has been over for 350 years and dont affect any of the other characters beyond how it affects phillip!
nothing more about these two can be said that will contribute more to belos's character that isn't already conveyed with the barebones material we got in the show. this story isn't about "forbidden love," this is about how phillip was confronted with the fact that his brother found happiness outside of him, and that someone he's been taught since childhood to hate may not be all bad. it's about how he plugged his fingers in his ears in response to this and went on a 350 year long killing spree to prove to himself that he can never be in the wrong.
basically, i wouldn't go so far as to call caleb and evelyn's backstory "purposefully unexplained," but i definitely think the story is a lot stronger as it is than it would be if they did explain it all. not every detail of a story needs to have a word of god answer as to how it all went down. sometimes adding in unnecessary detail for completionism's sake just distracts from the point you're actually trying to convey. while there are a lot of things that i wished the show could have explored in more detail had it not been shortened, caleb and evelyn's story is not one of them.
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dhampiravidi · 1 year
ancient greek/trojan war reincarnation au
After he'd torn his hair, beat his breast, and screamed his voice hoarse, Akhilleus was done living. He was alive, yes, and he would be until someone killed him, but he was done living. Patroklos, his lifelong love and friend, was dead, taken away from him forever. And it was all his fault. So once he could find the strength to stand, he put on the armor his mother commissioned for him and clawed his way through Hektor's people until the prince, Patroklos's killer, showed himself. He avenged his love. Then he took his anger out on those marked as the enemy until Apollo's poisoned arrow granted him the death he so desperately craved.
Once he reached Elysium, he searched for Patroklos, who embraced him. The man was sad to know that Akhilleus had suffered, but happy to see him again. The two were glad to be together. But Akhilleus missed the land of the living. He told Odysseus as much when the man visited the Underworld for answers on his way home to Ithaca. There was no lyre to play, no sunlight to enjoy, and really nothing to look forward to. But there was the River Lethe, the River of Forgetfulness that could wipe a spirit's memories in preparation for their reincarnation. Patroklos proposed that he and Akhilleus be reborn, for another chance at life. Akhilleus agreed to the plan, but he needed to make sure that he'd see his love again--all of them.
September 9th, 2006
"My thanks, Lord Aidoneus. You are most generous," Pogue whispered in Ancient Greek, eyes closed as his body repaired itself and his mind wandered to days past.
"Huh?" Reid and Ty had just come back from the vending machine. With one of their friends off on a suicide mission and the other in a coma, it was hard to simply sit quietly. But what else was there to do, other than take a few minutes to collect their thoughts?
Two Years Later
It was a shy kiss, one much softer than the first he'd shared with Jayn months before and the (technically not-first) one he'd gladly accepted from Caleb. But the moment his lips connected with Cassia's, long-forgotten magic sparked in the minds of the four young lovers. Jayn and Caleb regarded each other, first with curiosity, then with surprise, fondness, and a firm hug.
"Patroklos," Deidamia-Jayn murmured, "It's so good to see you again." She pulled back, and Patroklos-Caleb rested his forehead on hers as he smiled.
"What became of your son?" he asked her, and she frowned.
"Little shit gave me to his slave, Helenus. Not that the man wasn't handsome or kind, but--seriously?" She huffed, then looked over at the man who had fathered her child and joined her spirit with his.
Akhilleus-Pogue held Briseis-Cassia close. She was shaking, crying quietly. "You...y-you died, you both did...left me with them," she sobbed, and he didn't know what to say. He'd never been the best at consoling people. And she was right: he and Patroklos were her lovers, not to mention the only men who cared about her in the Achaean army. Once they died, she had nothing, and could do nothing but leave Troy for an unfamiliar man and his unfamiliar home.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, pressing another kiss to her trembling lips. She looked up at him, holding his face in her hands. Somehow, she managed to smile.
"You raided my city and treated me like your queen in Troy. And then you made sure I'd never be alone again. At least you did that much," Briseis-Cassia said, trying to hide her pain and shock. She glanced over at Patroklos-Caleb right when Akhilleus-Pogue did. With a small gesture, she told Akhilleus-Pogue to go on ahead. He let her go and took in the sight of a living, unharmed Patroklos-Caleb, his Patroklos.
"You're an idiot," Akhilleus-Pogue muttered before he yanked his childhood friend into a passionate kiss. It was so strong, Patroklos-Caleb groaned into it, slipping his hand into the shorter boy's hair to keep him close. They snapped and shifted, movements and sounds becoming more erotic and sensual than angry and mournful by the second. Even when they were both hard, they refused to part, so they didn't notice the girls in their own lust until they had all found release.
"What did you do?" Deidamia-Jayn asked Akhilleus-Pogue, once the four of them had all caught their breath, "They told me to go to the Lethe before I could be judged. I thought I fucked up so badly that I had to start all over." They laughed.
"It was Caleb's idea--"
"You said you didn't like being dead."
"I didn't! But I didn't want to live without you, either," Akhilleus-Pogue pleaded, "Any of you." Deidamia-Jayn squeezed his hand and leaned into him, the way she usually did when either he or she got upset. He kissed the top of her head. "I saw Hermes going by, so I asked him to ask Hades for an audience. I dunno if Hades would've agreed if Persephone wasn't there...He said we'd have to wait, but he'd let us live again, just once. But we wouldn't remember each other until we kissed."
"Good thing Cass wore her sexy lip gloss for you." The four laughed.
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chiconisroc · 1 year
Silas and Philip Questions and Responses Part 2
has Silas gone to the boiling isles?
Answer: He has not : o
2. If Philas did happened in the Owl house lore would it be more popular than Lumity due to the fact it 2 guys instead of girls?
More questions and responses:
Answer: I am not sure, to be honest o.o. I for sure would have loved them for different reasons cause both would be unique and interesting.
3. What would Philip think about people eating horses in certain countries?
Answer: Philip would be horrified, hahaha
4. Do you think Mr. Loverman by Rick Montgomery would fit Philas?
Answer: It would totally fit more for Silas : )
5. What would be Philip and Silas' least favorite food?
Answer: For Philip, he would hate wet bread. Silas would be chicken cause he loved a chicken growing up so much but his dad killed it and without telling Silas, he ate it :'c. And when Silas found out he was eating his pet chicken, well, he got traumatized
6. If Philas was did happened in the original Owl House what things they have to change to keep it somewhat kid-friendly?
Answer: They probably would have, which honestly they shouldn't have since it seems like majority of the peeps who loved owl house were more in the older teenage range and such viewers would benefit to see such complexity and tragic relationship issues
7. what do you think Caleb and Philip where like?
Answer: I think Caleb was a dreamer, hard working, and kind but at the same time kind of naive. Philip was also a dreamer, curious, thirsty for knowlege, but also very scared and stubborn
8. I get the feeling if Philip x Silas would happened in the series conservatives will get more angry at the series because it will kinda paints religion in a bad light weather or not it implied or stated. I can see articles calling owl house anti religious.
Answer: Yeah, you probably right, but at the same time if the show did go with Philip x Silas, then the show should definitely do its best not to paint religion as all bad. Cause not everything relating to religion is terrible. Like, I try to keep a balance in my story, by someone like Father Francis and Sister Margaret be strong believers of their religion and are doing their best to help those in need : )
9. How muscular is Silas compared to Philip?
Answer: Silas is a bit slightly muscular than Philip, but Philip does have lean muscle
10. Is Philip a twink?
Answer: In my story, he isn't a twink : o
11. GRR PHILAS BRAINROT. i just wanted to express that these little creatures won’t get out of my brain and they’re eating away, i need to know more about the silly little otherwise i’ll EXPLODE. they genuinely make me so happy i cannot stress it enough.
Answer: Awww :' ), i am sooo glad you like them, like for reals. I love them too v.v. If i could draw well, i would draw them so much, especially in additional scenes that i didn't end up writing up with them :' c
12. How do you think Silas can be incorporated in the Owl house lore like being foreshadowed in a painting or something else?
Answer: I think a good painting would be Silas trowing Philip into the river, hahaha. another would be how Philip is on sitting between Silas's legs, and another would be the way Silas is looking way from Philip while at the same time forcing Philip's hand off of him. Honestly, silas's flashbacks with philip on them would be a good series of paintings in Philip's mind
13. What would Caleb think of Silas?
If it was Caleb before the boiling isles, he would think Silas is just good friends with Philip and would be so happy Philip has a friend finally.
14. Silas will have to earn forgiveness. If he hadn't taken The Titan's Blood, Phillip would have been able to get the kids back to the Boiling Isles long ago.
It looks like the appearance of Silas will rally the children and Belos against him.
Answer: I mean, if Silas wasn't the one to take the Titan's blood, someone would have grabbed it afterwards : o. Wooden floors need to be replaced and someone else would have found Philip's box. Philip didn't really think about that when he went looking for the box in that one scene.
15. Did Pastor Jonathan knew about the relationship between Philip and Silas?
Answer: Oh, you will see in a Philip flashback : )
16. I think Philip needs to learn this: https://www.tumblr.com/positivelypositive/723839295747719168?source=share
Though, if he did, I guess the story would be over.
Answer: Well, Philip definitely has to make tons of amends before he can just move on and forgive himself : o
17 what’s Philip and Silas’s love language?
Answer: Silas' love language would be, to give and receive: physical touch, and quality time. For Philip, it would be him doing acts of service for the person he loves, and loves receiving physical touch and quality time.
18. I feel like religious group would hate the show even more of Philip X Silas were canon since it kinda portrays it in a bad light,
Answer: Maybe, but it would have been still good to show since many people have gone through such similar scenarios and still do :'c...
19. One song that I think it would fit Philas, mostly Silas' point of view after he stopped hanging out w Philip, is "Ainda gosto dela" (Still like her) (I'd suggest you to look for the lyrics translated if u wanna know abt the music, as it's in brazilian portuguese :3
Answer: this is a sad song :' c, even though it was Silas who for sure pushed Philip away, cries
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sergeantsporks · 7 months
This is kinda dark and I’m not sure if anyone has asked this so sorry if they did but how would the gilded fam have reacted if Belos killed himself
Mainly the more revenge driven ones
And Caleb
You asked something similar a while ago
Anyway, technically that last one was about "what if Belos asked them to kill him" so if Belos actually did it himself:
Caleb: As anything involving Belos' death, a lot of guilt and relief and guilt that he feels relief and guilt that he feels guilt about feeling relief
Revenge Squad: Man, that's not fair. What do you mean, he got to end it on his own terms? Rude. They're glad he's dead, but mad they didn't get to do it themselves.
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miss-bluerose · 11 months
TDI23 Season 2 ep 2-4 thoughts and theories. Spoilers ahead.
Ep 2: The slides were awesome and I kept laughing when most of the cast missed the hoop or bounced off. But I did feel like 21 was too low of a target score and it should have been a bit higher. Also the rejected 4 point slide should have been roped off or something jfc.
Ep 3: Getting sprayed with sticky sap and running across the island to the finish line in 30 minutes isn't the most unique challenge ever but it was still entertaining I guess. Olivia Von Trash Panda is absolutely precious and must be protected at all costs. If something bad happens to that raccoon, I'm actually going to cry tears of sadness which I don't think I've done while watching this show before.
Ep 4: Getting across a glass bridge by answering questions correctly was the least interesting of the 3 for me but it's the second challenge reference to Squid Game so that's cool. I hope they do the cookie challenge too just because I would like to see some of the tougher contestants struggle a bit. Some of those questions were really gross but Priya's reaction to if she'd want Chris as her father was hilarious.
He's such a troll, I can't believe he counted the bear towards Team Skunk Butt's total. Him roasting Ripper was funny. There's no way that he doesn't know MK/Team Skunk Butt is cheating, she's so obvious about it. He's probably just waiting for the right time to call them out or something. "Can we show a decapitation or is that going to be a problem?" killed me 100%.
He looked at MK pretty suspiciously during the meeting we saw so I think he knows what she's up to. Speaking of which, why in the world are the meetings held out in the open? Couldn't the other contestants just hide in the nearby trees and listen in? His exchange with Caleb about if he skipped leg day was funny.
I'm glad that the purple haired intern is back and I think it'd be hilarious if she ended up exposing MK's cheating somehow.
More characters are doing the "sparkly eyes" this season and that's pretty funny to me.
Eliminated contestants:
16th: Lauren/Scary Girl - I didn't see her lurking in the background anywhere sad to say but I still have my fingers crossed that she's there on the island somewhere. It was nice to see her in ep 4's challenge though.
15th: Chase - My god was he dumb and annoying throughout ep 2 but I did laugh when he fell off the cliff while recording himself and the last part of his last confessional was funny too. "Chase please, we need you! I'll be like 'ppfffftttt ok'."
14th: Millie - She tried her best during the slide challenge but wasn't the best at it and her tricking Damien into taking the 4 point slide was super wrong even if it gave them the win. Why didn't she try to convince him into taking the 2 point slide instead and why didn't any of her teammates hustle their way back up? Her apology to him the next episode was kinda sweet but I get why most of her team wanted her gone and at least she can learn from her mistakes again.
13th: Emma - I was impressed with how easily she got in Chase's head which led to his elimination in ep 2. She didn't do much in ep 3 except getting covered with feathers and attacked by a cat. I'm not really fond of her but even I felt bad for her in ep 4. She really thought that she was a people person but kept messing up the challenge. Then Priya had a kinda smart idea that worked for a while until Zee messed it up and she responded by pouting about it like a child. I did think that she should have ignored Priya about the last question and just trusted herself. At least she didn't get back with Chase, although her friendship with Bowie seems to be dead for good, they didn't even talk to each other once.
Team Rat Face
I'm not liking her crush on Caleb tbh. It's affecting her leadership skills and she's putting one teammate above the others. For example, when Zee and Caleb smacked into each other and fell in the water, she only showed concern and helped Caleb when Zee also needed help. Easily "falling in love" seems to be part of her social awkwardness/unawareness/naiveness. I do feel a little bad for her but I don't think she'll figure out his plan until he tells her. I really hope this plotline doesn't go on too much longer.
Yeah...I don't like him very much. There is no way he doesn't know that Priya is crushing on him unless he's denser than an element on the periodic table. And yet he's continuing to charm her instead of talking to her about becoming an alliance. He's also kinda rude like when he put Zee into the 1 point slide despite him not looking too good at that moment or when he said that he's glad Millie is gone. I did notice that when he was praising Priya for letting Team Skunk Butt go first in the slide challenge, most of the other Rat Faces were looking at him and none of them were smiling. I hope someone calls him out for being such a suck up soon.
Using a blindfold to face your fears is pretty dumb but I'm glad that he still participated in the slide challenge. And then Millie betrayed his trust which left him beat up and very angry. He had every right to be mad at her and I don't blame him at all. I didn't expect him to forgive her that quickly even after she apologized but it was kinda heartwarming. He needs to keep improving himself if he's going to stick around for a while.
I love how much of a team player she's become but she still has an edge to her which is great. She had a few nice moments with Ripper and seemed to feel bad about rejecting him initially. Likes poetry surprisingly. I'm not sure how I feel about the 2 of them dating yet but I'm interested to see more of them especially if she's not just playing him.
I didn't like seeing him get hurt in the slide challenge but I did like how even he was annoyed with Millie. He held Damien back from attacking her and said that she wasn't worth it. That's not the first time he's played peace keeper but I like that part of his personality. His moments with Olivia the raccoon are adorable, especially when he hummed to get her to calm down and I'm disappointed that Chef won't let him keep her. He didn't do much in ep 4 except mess up Priya's plan at the worst possible moment but then he wasn't called out at the elimination ceremony? If he goes home in the next batch of episodes like a lot of people are saying then I'm going to be really upset and probably put a lot less effort into the rest of my episode reviews fyi.
Her athletic abilities and usefulness in challenges is going to her head, just like I said it would. I did laugh at how she wasn't phased when she got dropped from the glass bridge and then kicked/stomped a wolverine. I could see her being the villain in the second half if Julia and MK get eliminated at the merge and if she wants to flex on everyone by winning immunity every challenge.
Team Skunk Butt
He's trying so hard to keep control of his team but the odds are a little stacked against him. It's nice to see that he's a little conflicted about cheating in challenges since Raj is against it and he doesn't want to upset him or break up with him. I can definitely see them going through some angst about this issue but I hope they work it out.
My theory that he helps Emma and Bowie become friends again was totally wrong, he didn't even talk to her or bring her up at all. I laughed when he clogged the toilet with Wayne. He's against cheating and is disappointed that Bowie isn't/likes it. When he finds out about him breaking his promise in ep 4, it'll probably be heartbreaking.
I loved it when he laughed at Julia missing the hoop. He's also against cheating and might try to say something to someone not on his team about it. Which could lead to him getting voted off with Bowie's help that would absolutely crush Raj. I do think that he's going home before him and I'm not ready for those emotions.
Seeing her get hurt in the slide challenge was great. Some of the things that she says to/about MK makes it sound like she's falling for her which is a little odd because I thought a staff member from the show said long ago that there would only be 2 LGBTQ+ contestants in this gen? Idk if that person was lying but we'll just have to wait and see. I still think that she's going to get backstabbed though.
Her going right through the backboard at the end of the slide challenge was really funny. Her intern disguise is so bad, she's still wearing her beanie and didn't put her hair up. The cheating does bother me but I can't wait until she gets found out, it's going to be fantastic to see her try to defend herself and fail at it spectacularly. It also seems like she's falling for Julia a little bit but she'll still probably backstab her.
He's developed a crush on Axel and is trying to impress her anyway he can which leads to the funniest moment in the slide episode. Seeing him butter himself up, then scream going down the trash slide, get his speedo caught on a nail but still stretch out far enough that he could grab the hoop before it snapped back and launched him out of the slide and into the forest naked, makes me laugh every time I see it. Him and Axel accidentally getting stuck butt to butt in ep 3 was funny and of course they got unstuck because of a fart. His poem to her in ep 4 was cute and I'm intrigued to see what he does next in the name of love. I don't think he'll throw challenges for her but I can see him having a problem with his team's cheating and he could tell her about it before he gets eliminated.
All in all, not a bad batch of episodes, I enjoyed most of the humour and I'm excited for the next few. Thanks for reading!
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Caught up on today's episode.
It's much more bearable to watch without the stupid blue tone thoughts and repeated shots of that car rolling. Haha. And no terrible single dramatic music beats.
I do like Caleb and Nicky being included in the Faith stuff. I still don't really understand how he and Cain got on such good terms but I prefer it that way. I like Cain having a relationship with him.
It was nice to see Gabby actually get to acknowledge that she was friends with Liv. Too bad Jacob's stuck in next week's block sleeping with Victoria and couldn't acknowledge his friendship with her too. Haha. Sigh.
I really don't understand what they're trying to do with Amit long term. Like is he going to stick around and be a real presence in the village. Because he didn't actually kill Rishi so I don't feel like he's all of a sudden going to go down the serial killer route or something. I feel like the village could use a good longer term low key villain. Maybe someone who actually could give Kim a run for her money business wise. Maybe he can buy the HOP from Gabby and turn it into something better so that his son isn't working for a 21 year old anymore. And if his wife is dead, maybe Kim can cheat on Will with him. Haha. Sorry, I just really hate Will and Kim together.
The Lydia stuff was fine. I liked Rhona's scenes with her. I still just hate that they're doing yet another rape story. Just...nothing about this feels new or interesting. It feels like they're just going through the motions. It just feels like bits and pieces of all of the other stories stuck together. So even if the scenes are decent, it just feels stale, which this type of story shouldn't feel like. And yet...here we are. Because they've done too many of them over the years.
As for Aaron...well. Haha. Did they always have that couch in the portacabin? Because I don't remember seeing it before. Robert slept on the floor the last time he slept there. I was reading through twitter comments and ds board comments and there's just sooo much hatred for Aaron's attitude and his return in general and like...I didn't really want him to come back either but I haven't really minded his attitude that much. I do kind of enjoy him being terrible to Chas. And stealing money from the pub. I mean he was honest that he was taking it and they did take 30 grand from him so...you know. Kind of fair. As for the Paddy stuff, I mean you can see him calculating how to get rid of him and so he goes for the jugular. I was glad they at least mentioned Aaron's own suicide attempt and didn't ignore that. And I mean Paddy did lock him up too and threw the whole beating him up thing back in his face in front of Liv so...not that he deserved what Aaron said but I do still hold that grudge a bit.
Mostly, I just don't know where they go with him from here. Because it seemed like he was going to be like this for a while from the return interview stuff but you can already see him cracking and it only took a few words from Vinny to make him stay so like...how long is this realistically going to last? And once he does crack and properly grieve and do his inevitable apology tour, then what?
I just need them to give him a life again. So much of his character group has been stripped away, they need to replenish it. He needs a friend or friends. He needs some kind of relationship with his family. He needs a job, preferably one that we see. And he needs a purpose. I don't know, I just don't know that this rehash of everything that happened during the 50th anniversary is really going to cut it for long. So...
This is why Ryan needs to come back. Aaron needs his other half, he needs his story generator. Haha.
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