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m1kuluvrr · 3 days ago
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my tablet broke since my last post LOL
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is-this-a-sideblog · 3 days ago
If you're cold, they're cold.
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Let them in the main timelines batfamily.
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queenofghost · 3 days ago
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Incorrect DC quotes part 14
Part 13
Part 12
Part 11
Part 10
Part 9
Part 8
Part 7
Part 6 (Gotham Sirens)
Part 5
Part 4
Part 3
Part 2
Part 1
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dchuntress · 3 days ago
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diabolus fecit ut id facerum.
† helena bertinelli is the huntress in huntress: year one. quote by tucker max. psd colouring by @supersources. graphics by yours truly. reblogs are always appreciated.
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splooosh · 3 days ago
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George Perez
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themotherofthehouse · 3 days ago
I just wanted to post my rant on how Wonder Woman would beat Superman in a fight without being doxxed, tumblr seems nicer than TikTok and other apps. So I’ll voice my opinion here.
Now, the main argument I see when it comes to this is that she’s weaker and slower than him. Well, you know who’s also weaker and slower than Superman? Batman. So by that logic Batman being human would lose all fights against him since Superman is just a god. But he doesn’t.
Because when compared to people like Batman and Wonder Woman, Superman is like a kid with a yellow belt. WW and Batman are some of the best, if not the best fighters in the DCU (Batman said WW was the best melee himself). It does not matter if you’re the strongest on the team, as goes my favorite Wonder Woman line “What’s power if you don’t know how to use it.”
To put it bluntly, Superman doesn’t know how to do anything but throw punches, while Diana has been trained royally and has thousands of years of experience over him. And I’ve had someone say, “But Batman’s trained Superman a bit!” Not for 5000 years though.
Superman has too many weaknesses to win against Diana. Not just kryptonite, red suns, plot, or magic, but his lack of training and experience. Not to mention Diana isn’t that much weaker or slower than Superman. As said by Batman himself, his raw speed is faster, but her combat speed is faster. Her reflexes/reactions are so good she’s literally knocked out flash (lol)
Bringing up one of the other points of magic. Kryptonians are very vulnerable to magic, and guess what? Diana is magical. Her lasso is magic, her outfit is magical, her very creation is magical. Doesn’t matter what origin you use, magic is used. That is something that can be used to turn the tides of the battle toward her.
Another thing I’d like to address. Someone saying “But Diana is vulnerable to bullets!” And what is something she does in most of her media? Block bullets. She’s blocked bullets blind and entered the speed force. Not to mention had deflected an infinite mass punch from Zoom. And I don’t think Superman is going to be shooting at her mid-fight.
To sum this rant. Wonder Woman wins against Superman even though he’s barely stronger and faster since she’s a better fighter and is able to use his weaknesses against him.
(I forgot to add, with her ability to talk to animals she could just convert Krypto to fight Clark.)
Evidence and cites.
JLA 13 (2006)
Justice league of America 27 (2006)
Wonder Woman 212 and 214 (1987)
Wonder Woman Plus Jesse Quick #1
I couldn’t find the WW and flash comic name but it’s prob a Justice League 2000s comic 😭
Please leave more fights 💗💗
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the-sinful-voice-witch · 3 days ago
Something about the last chapter I read of Wayne family adventures kind of... Bugs me like Batman only wants the "adults" to handle the most possibly traumatic missions so that burden isn't on the "kids" shoulders... And... So... I understand Barbara stayed crippled in this webtoon so obviously she isn't on the field anyway but... NIGHTWING IS LIKE 25? does he has to be 30 or 40 to be in the adults team or what??? And Huntress is in the adult team! How many years apart are Huntress and Nightwing??? Like wtf is this reasoning?
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glowinthedarkjellyfish · 2 days ago
So this is going to be part of a reader x dick series.
I’m using fem pronouns and will write as if reader were a girl but please feel free to imagine reader with whatever pronouns you like.
Petty crime
Growing up in Gotham sucked. Literally anywhere in Gotham sucks but Crime Alley. That was a new low. It was hell.
But Jason Todd my best friend helped, a lot. One day he decided to steal batmans wheels. He said the guys probably loaded if he can just spend his life fighting crime all night, every night and even being part of the Justice League. And I agree. How do you balance all that and a job? At least à job that pays for your vigilante lifestyle and extremely cool car? So we decided you know what, he probably won’t miss a couple of car wheels.
So so wrong.
We were just so wrong.
Of course batman had to sneak up on us last minute. I mean we had gotten 2 of his tires off, I was sure that if we had another 7 minutes we could take the last 2 aswell.
But alas our plans were ruined.
That was 4 years and I haven’t seen him since and that worried me a lot but that’s life in Gotham for you. He could be lying dead somewhere and I would never know. It’s stupid to hope he’s not dead, especially living in gotham but I’ll always have hope that one day he comes home. If ever.
And I hate to say it but that’s not my number one worry right now, he’s number 2 my number one worry is I’m getting adopted.
Apparently my orphanage had found family of mine through the “system” I don’t know what the system is but yeah.
So after a good 17 years in a rundown orphanage I get adopted by à biological family member, or they want to meet me at least.
So I was here, eating outside a coffee shop for a girl Helena, her name was.
We could be twins. Apparently.
That would be cool. I think.
I’m not sure, most of the kids at the orphanage were little shits and after Jason I’ve never been close to anyone really.
Also because don’t think she’d like having a thief for a sister.
Id love to be able to say I’m not proud of what I do but I really can’t. I don’t kill or rob grocery stores.
I like heists. And you may be thinking how can a 17 year old pull of heists.
My answer, Red Hood. He’s a new vigilante that’s been around my neighborhood recently. Quite chill. And his gang of… misfits? Or outlaws I’m not too sure what he said he was but he fits the misfit description to me, anyways, he has a super cool space chick a guy with a metal arm who calls himself Arsenal. I don’t know why he’s trying to be an edge lord. And best part, à shit ton if guns and somehow immunity from batman.
He obviously doesn’t know who I am and my sister won’t either but if I get to move in with her it’d be hard keeping my nightlife hidden from her.
Anyways I was brought out of my thought when a girl say in front of my and ok yeah we’re definitely twins.
Before she could ask me for my name I asked.
“Are you Helena?” I mean she didnt need to answer that, I’ve only seen her for like 5 seconds and I can tell we’re twins.
“Yeah, it’s nice to meet you, I guess we don’t need to worry about dna tests being wrong or anything” I mean no shit Sherlock were identical girlies.
“Yeah, this is almost freaky”
It wasn’t just “almost” freaky it was very freaky, the more we talked the more we learnt about the other and we have a lot in common, she likes shiny stuff me too, I mean I track down and steal some of the most valuable gems that pass through Gotham so that’s a given. But she didn’t need to know that, yet at least.
We both like purple, and cats, she grew up in a nicer area of Gotham but was trying to find out who her birth mum and dad were, she had been adopted but her parents had died recently(for the plot gang, sorry helena you were happy 😔) and when she was sent to an orphanage they said she had a family in the system wich is how we were able to meet.
Thank you Helena’s dead parents I guess.
I had spent most of my life alone so I wasn’t really bothered finding out parents but when I try and think who I’ll be in 20 years, I want to be able to picture my parents next to me. So I told her I’d help her.
This is where my life got interesting.
After our coffee hop meeting we kept in touch and decided once we’d turn 18 we’d move in together and start looking for our parents.
There is this really cool and freaky DNA collection system that you can submit some dna into and if any relatives, distant or close have also been put into the system you can contact them.
The company that runs the whole gig does it for you though so that people can still have some privacy, it’s cool but can take ages for analysis to find a match.
And that is why we’d still do our own investigating. Helena had gotten a job at the Gotham City Police Department to learn how to be a proper investigator and also to see if the GCPD had any files that could be of use. Pretty smart if you ask me.
I ended up getting an internship at Lex Corps. I am well aware that LexCorp is shady I mean I’ve broken in like 3 times this year alone but, they are one of the leading companies in biochemical research and LexCorp is the company that does the DNA ‘find your family if you have any’ tests so I thought it’d be useful to keep track of mine and Helena’s results while she investigates any files that have leads.
One night she hasn’t gotten back from work yet and guess fucking what.
Nightwing swings through and lands on the fire escape, he hands over the Huntress who turns out to be Helena.
Fucking Nightwing.
That was crazy.
I am so so glad he didn’t recognize me because I’ve had quite a few run ins with him, with my mask and everything but still.
Anyways, Helena turned out to be a vigilante so out of the (totally not) goodness in my heart I revealed to her my identity but I asked her to never interfere with my night life and I’d never interfere with hers.
She agreed!!
And for a while, life was great.
Turns out there was a case of a woman, Silena Kyle who 18 years ago had twins and then died. Okay kinda morbid but, at Lexcorp there have been cases in wich Silenas DNA could be found at crime scenes as recent as last night, so either someone is using her dna to frame her and she is actually dead or she faked her death, gave up her twins and is still a thief at large.
Now, I don’t have that high of clearance at LexCorp but I am qualified to run dna analysis and then choose dna in the system to see if they match wich is what I did.
I didn’t want to risk being found out at work so during after hours I broke in to LexCorp. Wich wasn’t hard since I had a keycard and knew my way around but still. I broke in and made my way to one of the many labs, I uploaded some of mine and Helena’s dna and searched for Selina Kyle, there were 2 Selinas, or à Selena Kyle and a Selina Kyle. I couldnt, for the life of me remember how her name was supposed to be spelt so I ran an analysis on both of them to compare them to mine and Helena’s dna and see if we had a match.
This was honestly a fool proof plan and would’ve worked if Nightwing didn’t show up.
He didn’t know I was here but I had Helena watching from a couple of rooftops over and she told me.
This could end badly for me. Helena couldnt come and help without alerting Nightwing of someone entering the building after him so I was on my own.
And I was curious, sue me.
What was Nightwing doing at LexCorp.
Actually they are pretty shady so I don’t blame him at all.
I looked to the machine and what the heck!!! It’s only 45 percent done!! Okay that’s not that bad it should only take maybe 10 more minutes but with Nightwing in here I probably didn’t have 10 more minutes.
I just had to sit quietly wait for the analysis to be complete, take the results, maybe one of the computers, I need a new one, and then leave.
As I have already said this plan would’ve been amazing if not for Nightwing.
And I am really regretting only wearing my hoodie over my suit instead of my mask. Why would I do that, oh it was really dirty and wet sk my hoodie had to do.
If he sees me then he knows that huntress’s sister is a thief, then he’ll be able to find out her secret identity.
Shit shit shit shit
Yeah and then he opened the door.
I was stood there, next to the dna analyser and he just looked at me.
Wait. I have my keycard, I can pretend to just be a random civilian worker who stayed overtime.
Sometimes my genius, it’s frightening.
He started at me but full on stared and he seemed kind of freaked out, yes I’m gorgeous. But staring is rude, before I could tell him that the machine had finished. Finally.
Now I was pretty nervous, I mean he was just staring at me, like he COULDVE entered the room at least but no. He stood at the door like a weirdo. A weirdo with a really nice jawline holy shit.
And I didn’t want to startle him so I slowly reached for the papers holding my answers. Is my mum dead.
Silena Kyle was a 100% match for a mother….
“Hey H, I’m going to need the spelling for the Silena Kyle who died?”
That was enough to shock Nightwing out of his one sided staring contest and then he looked… I don’t know really he looked like he had just found out the worlds biggest secret, had gotten a promotion and it weirded me out.
Did he know Silena Kyle?
“Do you know her?”
Maybe he did maybe he didn’t.
“Yeah, she’s an old friend I’m doing her à favour right now”
I wanted to know what that favor was but I also really needed to leave so I turned around and
“You’re not going anywhere.”
“Er- yeah I am.” Who does he think he is I can go wherever I want .
“No I need those papers in you hands”okay is he on drugs?
“This is actually private medical information that I can’t Han over to you” if he fights me for this I might not win but I do have a backup plan. An insanely good one.
“How is Silena Kyle’s info your private medical info? Hm are you stealing from dna banks now?” First of all rude and what does be mean now? I’ve had run ins with him but never whilst robbing and he’s never caught me either, unless he’s been watching me…
Okay and I’m better than this but I panicked
“She’s my mum.”
Still silence
I made a run for it.
I mean he was being really quiet so what else do I do.
“H I’ve been compromised I can try and make it to the streets but prioritise the results, you can bail me out tomorrow”
I hope Helena was ready to take the papers and run.
I was running through LexCorp, taking the elevator instead of the stairs then climbing out of said elevator, going over to a different set of stairs and taking them, so that Nightwing couldnt catch me.
Why am I always so wrong.
I exited the building through a set of emergency doors after coming off the stairs and who is waiting for me?
Red Hood.
Oh my fucking gosh yes!!!
I didn’t care if I was about to reveal my identity with these papers I just needed to pass them on to him and either pick them up later or get him to drop them off at my place.
“Okay so, you might not recognize me without the mask but Red it’s me, okay I have my suit so you know I’m not lying”
He interrupted me before I could finish speaking wich was rude by the way.
“[insert name 😝]?”
…… why does je know my name?
“Yeah…?? Okay I’m going to jngore the fact you know me. Right now I need you to take these dna results and take them to your base. Depending on how long my bail is I’ll either pick them up tomorrow or have my sister pick them up”
“Okay… why can’t you do it?”
“Because Nightwing is trying to take them from me but this is proof of my mother’s identity, my sister and I have been searching for her for ages and this will help us reconnect with her. Without it we only have cold leads. So please take this and go”
He turned his helmet away from me, staring of at something on another roof top and then looked back.
“Sure thing, Kori is with me right now so I’ll have her fly these back real quick”
That was all I needed as soon as he said that I ran back into the building and also ran into Nightwing.
I stumbled a bit but he caught me. So he can be rude but also a gentleman. Wow. (Unenthusiastic)
“Slow down there birdie wouldn’t want you to fall for me”
Is he flirting? Actually flirting…. In this situation?! Does he need help…
“I’m not falling for anything and definitely whatever you think y oh have going for you”
“Ouch, you wound me babes, anyways I’ll be taking those papers.”
Yeah fat fucking chance.
“What papers”
“The ones you had earlier before running away?” Might as well play dumb.
“Sorry I don’t have any papers I’m also breaking an entering so you should arrest me”
“Are you asking me to arrest you right now?” Okay plan worked papers forgotten successfully.
“Yeah and I can ask again, go ahead and lock me up arrest me but make it sexy sell me some meth please so I can get arrested by this daddy if a cop”
“Okay okay i get it, you can stop now…. Daddy of a cop though?”
“I mean not you that’s just the lyrics…”
“Ah, -sorry- no it doesn’t matter, you’re under arrest, I’m taking you in”
Okay so this is part one of the petty!thief story I’m thinking of, there will be more parts and this one COULDVE probably been 2 pets but I couldn’t figure out a good time to cut of amd I wanted to include the part from the Rookie.
Is that a batton in your pocket or are you just happy to see me is currently my hyperixation lol this is the song that inspired this btw
also this isn’t proofread and my autocorrect is bugging out so yeah lmk if there’s anything thaf makes no sense whatsoever lol
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carnicer01 · 2 months ago
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How much of what you've done was an actual mistake?
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chloesimaginationthings · 7 months ago
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FNAF Springtrap and Vanny talk to Huntress in DBD..
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clambuoyance · 10 months ago
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Cuntress I mean huntress sketches from a few months ago
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apollo-arts · 5 months ago
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I miss their peak siblingism of the 90’s
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sol-sketchz · 4 months ago
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Joan of Arc
woah I’ve officially reached the bottom of my art files that still needed to be posted.
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mysterycitrus · 1 year ago
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doodling some of the bats as how they exist in my brain
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dchuntress · 2 days ago
barbara joyce playing helena wayne huntress in legends of the superheroes you are EVERYTHING to meeee 🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵
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inamindfarfaraway · 9 months ago
Tim Drake when Batman, who regularly risks his life to save others out of deep compassion for all of humanity and is vehemently against murder and using guns on ideological and emotional levels, to the point of refusing to kill his most hated enemy who murdered his child in cold blood and remains a deadly threat, is framed for killing his civilian ex-girlfriend with a gun: I hate to say it, but he could be guilty. Being a good detective means assessing all the evidence objectively and not letting personal biases blind you to possibilities. We can’t rule it out.
Tim Drake when Huntress, who regularly kills Mafia members with a special crossbow, is framed for killing a Mafia member with her special crossbow: She’s innocent. I know it. This is too sloppy and incompetent, it isn’t like her.
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