#so american au
bbrissonn · 2 months
𝐬𝐨 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 - 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏
✩°。⋆˚⁺ this the girl?
✩°。⋆˚⁺ social media au
✩°。⋆˚⁺ gabe perreault x camila yanez
✩°。⋆˚⁺ au masterlist
✩°。⋆˚⁺ all of cami’s friends have private instagrams !!
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‎‧₊˚✧[ AUGUST 21, 2023 ]✧˚₊‧
➻❥ camila_yanez has posted on instagram !
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liked by gabeperreault44, nolesoccer and others
camila_yanez dream come true ❤️💛
little 5 year old cami would be freaking out rn
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nolesoccer our star 🌟
camila_yanez @/nolesoccer cant wait to be back !!!
_willsmith2 this the girl @/gabeperreault44???
gabeperreault44 @/_willsmith2 DUDE
mimivanzanten can't wait for you to come back
camila_yanez @/mimivanzanten me too !!!! seriously do not understand we've survived this long without seeing each other mimivantanzen @/camila_yanez fr fr i miss my training buddy
user821 future of spain right here 🙌🏼🙌🏼
val_guerrero SO PROUD OMG
val_guerrero THATS MY GIRL
camila_yanez @/val_guerrero CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU
ryan.leno4 @/gabeperreault
zeevbuium28 @/gabeperreault
jacob_fowler24 @/gabeperreault
user7102 why are all these hockey guys here--
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―┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆―
➻❥ val_guerrero has posted on instagram !
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liked by camila_yanez, danielerida and others
val_guerrero my best friend is a world champion???
and has a bunch of americans spamming her comments???
what is going on???
tagged camila_yanez
view all 71 comments
camila_yanez AHHH I LOVE YOU
camila_yanez IDK WHAT GOING ON VAL
camila_yanez wait
camila_yanez WHAT AMERICANS???
val_guerrero @/camila_yanez THOSE HOCKEY BOYS WHO KEEP TAGGING THE SAME DUDE camila_yanez @/val_guerrero what on earth is a perreault val_guerrero @/camila_yanez he's kinda cute rebeca.peralta @/val_guerrero HE TOTALLY IS OMG camila_yanez @/rebeca.peralta GET OUT OF HERE
danielerida so proud of our girl omg
camila_yanez @/danielerida i miss you guys so much danielerida @/camila_yanez btw i agree with the girls, he's cute camila_yanez @/danielerida SHUT UP
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wrongcaitlyn · 2 months
do you have a playlist for the so american au??
yes! i have two, actually!
Enchanted is will's second studio album in this au, the first thirteen tracks (state of grace - long live) are part of the standard edition, and then i can see you, so american, and timeless are on the deluxe edition, so this playlist is technically the deluxe edition
i considered naming it treacherous instead of enchanted but after writing that first scene of the au it led into something else which made me decide on enchanted! but also keep in mind that i do adjust my playlists frequently so this may not be the final version :)
and then here is a playlist that includes his entire discography! the first seven tracks (jump then fall - our song) are from his debut ep, Fearless; tracks 8 - 22 (i'm only me when i'm with you - change) are from his debut self-titled album, Will Solace.
if y'all want me to make individual playlists for the ep and the debut album let me know! and yes, they're all taylor swift songs, because i want him to be mainly a country artist (prob with just some hints of pop/other alt genres bc naomi in toa was said to be an alt country artist even though she isn't one in this au), and i don't know any other country songs😭 (also, bc these are playlists i made for myself and if you do listen to country music feel free to make your own - this is just what i threw together when originally planning the fic)
i may end up making another playlist that's just based on vibes, but i haven't done that yet - will update this if i do! thank you for the ask <33
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officialspec · 5 months
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modern au but set in brisbane. is this anything
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yupekosi · 1 month
it's been a while but here's another DP/DC plot bunny that won't leave me alone; a Demon Twins/Danyal al Ghul AU, but Danny is trans.
...hear me out okay?
Damian al Ghul had a twin sister, just as brilliant and deadly as him. they were the terrors of the League, working expertly in tandem to take down their foes before they knew what hit them. but there could only be one heir to the Demon's Head, and Ra's, being the old, sexist bastard he is, arranged for the 'spare' to be taken care of- and Talia insisted it be by her own hand.
Damian's last memories of Aishah al Ghul are of her packing her bags for her first and last solo mission. she knew what was coming, he thinks. the smile she gave him as she said goodbye was bitter and sharp.
of course, what really happened was that Talia -whether out of sentimentality or simply wanting to keep her other trained weapon-child alive- faked her daughter's death and left Aishah in the American adoption system, where she was taken in by the Fentons; and, when he was a teen, transitioned.
years later, Damian al Ghul, now Damian Wayne, sees an identical boy staring at him from across the batcave. He has his sister's sword and his sister's eyes, and the smile he gives him is bitter and sharp.
and Aishah al Ghul, now Danyal Fenton, says "Hello, ahki."
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DDVAU by @kitsuneisi and @xmaruu11 got me feeling a certain type of way <3
Alt + closeups under the cut :D
If you reblog i kiss you passionately on the mouth /platonic
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finsterwalds · 4 months
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Thinking about better call saul if the action took place in france just because I wanted to see them in cunty robes lmao. More thoughts under the cut!
Obviously the action and the whole premise of bcs/brba wouldn't work in france (legal system aside, the whole cartel and walter white storyline would have to suffer major changes due to social security and the mexican cartel well. not existing here stricto sensu). But let's talk about the real Important Stuff : their names
I think Howard Hamlin would work well as Edouard Hamelin. He looses the cool HH initials yes, but it works really well as a genuine french name imo, and Howard/Edouard are pretty close phonetically
Chuck could still be called Charles without any realism issue, but he'd be nicknamed Charlie rather than Chuck because that's what a french person would go for... nicknames don't work the same, yeah
Kimberly Wexler and James McGill, I have no idea lmao. James when translated becomes Jacques, but it's such a boomerish uncool name that I cannot resolve myself to call my boy like that. It's also one generation too old. Jimmy being born in '60 could technically be called Jacques, but it'd be old-fashioned, as it's a name mostly given to the kids of the decade that came before him. McGill is an irish name, so something funny could be making Jimmy a breton with a funky last name like Gall/LeGall ? That's hilarious to me. But who knows.
Saul Goodman is a pun, so this is even harder for me to conceptualize. Saul's marketing would definitely not work in france at all, as no one would realistically hire a lawyer with a puny name and such chaotic displays (+ I think ads for legal démarchage are illegal mind you). However, let's have a crack at it. It would have to be a pun based off an expression similar to "it's all good man", or implying something positive and familiar... I need to think on that one.
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 6 months
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Some Extras from HoM AU Act 1: What was Left Behind.
Character Sheet references of the Boys (+extra about height lol) I made, to help myself draw the comic and some pages/panels without effects/unobscured because I am proud of them ;)
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kevinsdsy · 29 days
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the trojans social media au (pt. 17): i’m surprised we’re at part 17 and i’m still going omg anyways i included some jealous jeremy for y’all and tried including some more members of the team <333
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iamred-iamyellow · 1 month
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ Aussie Athletes
♥ pairing: oscar piastri x fem!sargeant!ballerina!reader
♥ smau - fluff
♥ notes: I said I'd write some ballet fics so here's one lol. I'm going to write some ship fic ballet au's (drivers as ballet dancers) after I finish my folklore and Romeo and Juliet series'. Also! I'm performing a don quixote variation this weekend so wish me luck lol :) (none of the pictures are mine)
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liked by logansargeant and 32,406 more
First Day @ ausballet
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logansargeant congrats sis
yourusername <3
user14 she's in Australia now 🫢
user3 PLEASE let that mean she'll be at more races now
yourusername 👀
user5 💗💗💗
oscarpiastri welcome to Australia
landonorris trying to get a date on main?
logansargeant don't even think about it piastri
oscarpiastri ???
2023 British GP
You walked into the paddock bright and early to find your brother before he was busy with qualifying. You ended up running into a different, yet familiar face instead. 
“Oh, hey Oscar,” you smiled 
“Didn’t expect you to be here with your new Australian ballet career,” he smirked and took a sip of the water he had in his hand. “You don’t have a busy schedule? 
“I do, but the season wrapped last month. I figured I’d come down here and support Logan, you know? I’ve got a lot of training to do when I get back, though.” you laughed softly. 
Oscar hummed in an understanding response. 
“How’s it been there?” 
“Good,” you paused. “Tough, too.” 
“I’m sure it is. It’s an art and a sport.” 
“People don't really consider what I do “a sport”.”
“They say the same about racing.” 
“I guess we have something to bond over.”  you smiled.
You both heard Lando call Oscar's name, gesturing for him to go to their garage. Oscar gave an awkward, blush-filled goodbye and ran towards the Brit on the other side of the pit lane.
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, and 340,967 more
he says I'm so american
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lilymhe top golf double date
yourusername we are so there
user7 WHO IS HE
user9 y/n x oscar crumbs
user2 crying and writing fics
logansargeant 😐
yourusername ...
user6 @ landonorris please tell us she's with oscar
user8 why would lando know?
landonorris 🤐
user8 @ user6 I'm sorry I wasn't familiar with your game, clearly Lando does know
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liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri, and 305,678 more
opening night 🧡
logansargeant you did amazing 💐
user2 the orange heart...
user5 NOT a coincidence
user8 AND it's f1's winter break meaning Oscar is back home in Australia where it just so happens y/n dances at
user4 the pieces of the puzzle are finally coming together
ausballet our sugar plum fairy
yourusername <3
Time Skip - 2024
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liked by charlesleclerc, oscarpiastri, and 670,895 more
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charlesleclerc welcome to the piastri-leclerc family
yourusername I'm honored, thank you charles
oscarpiastri so when should she meet my brother leo?
user10 someone go get Nicole
user4 y/n l/n-piastri-leclerc
logansargeant don't break her heart
oscarpiastri I won't I swear
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kaiminluu · 1 year
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happy birthday to our most beloved will byers :) here're some byler grease concept sketches
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bbrissonn · 2 months
𝐬𝐨 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 - 𝐠𝐚𝐛𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐭
✩°。⋆˚⁺ social media au
✩°。⋆˚⁺ gabe perreault x camila yanez
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part 1 - this the girl?
part 2 - coming soon
part 3 - coming soon
part 4 - coming soon
part 5 - coming soon
part 6 - coming soon
part 7 - coming soon
part 8 - coming soon
part 9 - coming soon
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penaltyboxboxbox · 9 months
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did somebody order a HIGH SCHOOL AU
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filthyguts · 10 months
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(hi yes this is my crossover au with kira yoshikage x patrick Bateman bc who cares anymore. check other posts under mah tag for more lore :3 I hope u enjoy, more to come)
(Also the time it takes place in ISNT rlly important and is kinda dubious- both 87 and 99 bc I don’t care- just don’t think hard about it lol)
next part here https://www.tumblr.com/filthyguts/726408980581220352/im-izzy
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Gay Cheerleaders AU
Y'all knew it was coming.
I'm thinking Lena would be the... third(?) year veteran, who is a legacy. Her mom Lillian was also a cheerleader, and then became the head honcho in charge of the cheerleading division. Lena grew up with the expectation of eventually joining the organization as a dancer, and naturally becomes a group leader (the youngest 1st group leader in the history of the organization?) through her sense of responsibility, magnetism, and compassion, even if she remains a little distant-- she doesn't share her whole self with the team, as she's constantly aware of needing to present the image of a perfect cheerleader, a perfect leader.
Kara would be the rookie, immediately awed by Lena's performance during tryouts. She's not in Lena's group, but her own group leader faces some... personality challenges, lets say, that have Kara taking on more of a responsibility than would normally be allocated to a first year dancer.
But when Kara and Lena end up bumping into each other in the studio for some solo practice, they agree to share the space and work together. Of course they end up bonding, and those practices lead to coffees, lunches, some movie nights.
They eventually become the darlings of the team, inseperably so. Young fans try to catch glimpses of them standing together on the sidelines, loving to see Kara acting herself (aka goofy) and seeing Lena laughing in response. Behind the scenes they become romantically and sexually involved, but they keep it hidden because while it's not explicitly forbidden, they do cheer for a very conservative state, and they know it would impact not only their squad but the team overall.
In their day jobs, Lena is a children's dance teacher-- she wants to do more, but Lillian wants it for the community-service image it presents. Kara would be a fitness trainer I think, something lucrative but flexible and reflective of her athletic and exuberant nature whereas Lena is a bit more reserved.
Kara and Lena span multiple seasons/classes, and in the off season Lena pops up on Kara's instagram a little bit here and there, which only fuels the quiet online rumors about them. Like, the people who clock them are also queer in a conservative region of the country, so it's not a mass pop-culture phenomenon-- yet.
That all changes when one night Lena is grabbed inappropriately by a cameraman or other stadium employee, and can't manage to extricate herself despite her obvious and vocal discomfort. Kara sees red. She slugs the man right across the jaw with a proper right hook. The cameras had only just started to pan over to Lena's commotion and catches the exact moment Kara lunges for him and spins Lena out of his reach.
Kara is the champion/brute of the moment, depending on who's talking. Some laud her for both her protectiveness of her teammate and her technique, while others condemn her for unladylike vigilantism. Why didn't she let the security team deal with it, she serves a role model for young girls what is she teaching them the thug life?
Most importantly-- and most dire, perhaps-- is that it clues Lillian into the deeper nature of their relationship. She corners Lena, and interrogates her as Lena tries and tries to deflect. Lillian all but tells her that she'll be watching Lena through a microscope, and terrifies Lena to the point she breaks up with Kara in an attempt to protect her tenure with the organization.
Kara doesn't really care about all that, but when Lena says it's what she wants, she respects that. Until the team goes to the superbowl, and in the height of emotions at the winning touchdown, Lena forgets herself and throws her arms around Kara's neck and kisses her.
She's stunned at herself, horrified even, but before she can even try to apologize Kara recovers and kisses her again, this time long and slow. The cameras not on the players or stadium stands are focused on them, and the next day and weeks they are the only ones anyone can talk about, for better or worse.
Lillian uses Lena's next year, her fifth and final, as leverage. Apologize publicly for her lapse in judgement, confirm it was only ever friendship, condemn Kara for assault-- or she's out.
Lena listens calmly, then smoothly rises.
"Then I'm out."
She walks out without a second glance.
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ricky-mortis · 28 days
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Howdy hello- guess who made a wings au :)
More to come with this eventually- I’m working on my designs for other characters at the moment, but for now we’ve got Red-Tailed Hawk for Curt and Eagle Owl for Owen.
For DMA I had Barn Owl wings because a) Barn Owls are beautiful and I wanted to draw the wings for them, and more importantly, b) Owen would probably want to disguise his wings, and it would make sense if it was as a different type of owl. I just assume he’d dye his feathers in some way or another. Look- just don’t think about it too much.
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
Eddie’s doing some dumb trick with a couple of wooden spoons, clever hands making them move through the air in improbable ways, and Steve’s about to bite his whisk in half. 
He’d thought for sure that Eddie would be going home the first week; Edward Munson, 29, bartender/musician from Brighton with mismatched tattoos and wild hair, seemed like exactly the kind of pretentious asshole who would flame out early with some ill-advised hipster experimentation. If Steve (28, social worker from Indiana, USA) had been a complete asshole, he’d have said that Eddie didn’t have the fundamentals. That he was all sizzle, no steak. 
It’s a good thing Steve’s not a complete asshole, because Eddie’s been blowing the technicals out of the water so consistently it’s actually pretty fucking embarrassing. His signatures and showstoppers are making a very respectable showing too, except for the time he tried to incorporate some fresh pandan extract and fucked up the liquid ratio, leaving him with a dripping mess that Mary’d declined to even try. 
Afterwards, Steve had seen him leaning against a tree and struggling to light a cigarette. Steve went over for no particular reason, flicking on his lighter and holding it out like a peace offering. Eddie looked at him warily, but bent over the offered flame. 
“Can’t believe I made it through this one,” Eddie said after a moment, white smoke curling out of his mouth.
“Yeah, I feel like that every week.” Steve leaned against the tree next to Eddie. It was a big tree, the kind that’s probably been growing in this field since before England was even England. 
“Nah, but—c’mon, you know what I mean.”
“You had some bad luck with your showstopper. Happens to the best of us, man. Your signature hand pies looked sick as hell.” Steve’s own hand pies had turned out pretty well, so he was feeling generous. It had only been the third week; plenty of time for Steve to snag Star Baker, though even by that point, Steve had been getting the creeping feeling that he was being a little too American about the whole thing. Everyone else seemed to think competitiveness was some kind of deadly sin. It was—actually kind of nice, to get the same kind of nerves he’d always gotten before high school basketball games, but know that he wasn’t really fighting against anyone except himself in the tent.
Anyway, the very next week, Eddie had done some kind of kickass gothic castle with a shiny chocolate dragon and gotten Star Baker for the second time. Steve had clapped him on the back, appropriately manly. Eddie had pulled Steve into a real hug, arms tight around Steve’s shoulders and his whole lean body pressed up close and warm. It had only lasted a moment, and then Eddie had bounded over to Mel and Sue, both of whom he’s been thoroughly charming since the get-go. 
Steve thinks that when this season—or, uh, series—airs, no matter where Eddie places, the entire country is going to be just as charmed. Eddie’s going to get whatever kind of cookbook deal or streaming show he wants. Sponsors will take one look at that handsome face and charismatic grin, and a whole world of possibilities is going to open up for Eddie. 
Steve’s not in it for any of that, of course. He’s here kind of by accident, because Robin pushed him to apply, and it’s a goddamn miracle he’s been holding his own. Hell, it’s a miracle he’s in this country at all. When Robin had started looking at the Cambridge MPhil program in linguistics, she’d said wouldn’t it be great if and he’d snorted, yeah right, like I could ever get whatever job I’d need to move to another freaking country, but then—well. Things had happened the way they’d happened, and now Robin’s almost finished with her degree and Steve is taking time off from the London charity he works at in order to be on Bake Off. 
He’s told all this to the cameras, plus the stuff about how baking started as a way for him to connect with the kids he used to babysit in Indiana, blah blah blah. He thinks it’s probably too boring for them to air, but he gets that they have to try to get a story anyway. 
Eddie Munson, on the other hand, is probably going to be featured in all the series promos. Steve is rabidly curious about what Eddie’s story is, but he hasn’t worked up the nerve to just ask. It should be the easiest thing in the world. They’ve got kind of a camaraderie going, the two of them; a bit of a bromance, as Mel’s put it more than once. 
It’s true they get along pretty well, and the cameras have been picking up on it: on the way Eddie’ll wander over to Steve’s bench like a stray cat whenever they get some downtime, how they wind up horsing around sometimes, working off leftover adrenaline from the frantic rush of caramelization or whatever. There’s the time Eddie had hopped up on a stool to deliver some kind of speech from Macbeth, of all things, and overbalanced right onto Steve, who had barely managed to keep them both from careening into a stand mixer. Sue had patted Eddie on the shoulder and said, “Well, boys, that’ll be going in the episode for sure.”
They both get along with the other contestants just fine, of course, but they’re two guys of about the same age with no wife and kids waiting at home. It’s only natural that they’re gravitating together, becoming something like friends, Steve figures. It’s pretty great that he’s getting at least one real friend out of this whole thing.
It would be even greater if Steve could stop thinking about Eddie’s hands in decidedly non-friendly ways. With all the paperwork he’s signed, he can’t even complain to Robin about how Eddie looks with his sleeves pushed up to show off the tattoos on his forearms, kneading dough and grunting a little under his breath with effort. Steve had almost forgotten to pre-heat his oven that day. 
Two benches away, Eddie fumbles the spoons he’s been juggling with a clatter, and he bursts out laughing, glancing over at Steve like Steve’s in on the joke. Steve grins back, heart twanging painfully in his chest, and thinks: well, fuck. Guess this is happening.
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