#so I definitely was not expecting thar
mira0000000-blog · 10 months
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hi uhhhh i need to get fingered by deadpool rn. this man is a certified Yapper so ik he would be so fucking hot with his goofy dirty talk
he grabs your crotch over your clothes and finds out you’re trans, “wait a second, are you challenging my preconceived expectations of gender and male-on-male sexual experiences? my sincerest apologies, sweetheart. i’ve got no problem being the top if i’m the only one with the tools for the job. i bet you’d go crazy with a strap, though. probably make me put my prostate on life support.
“you into slapping? can i give it a little tap, tap, tap-a-rooney? yeah? little harder?” (SMACK) “oh, yeah, that’s it. had a feeling you were a painslut, too, i see you! game respects game, pretty boy. what’s your safeword? personally, i’m partial to ‘hootenanny’, that’s always my go-to.”
“let’s see, where’s your little happy spot? what do i gotta do, the come hither? is that it? come here! come here, boy! there we go, there it is! who’s a good boy? you are! yes you are! come here! that’s a good boy! aw, look at your little leg shaking, so precious!”
“you squirt squad or cream team? oh, look at your face, you look so tense. you’re definitely a gusher. don’t be shy! this suit’s waterproof. don’t worry about me!”
you finally cum, splashing your orgasm all over him. “thar she blows! oh, shit, he blows? ze blows? they blow? stop me when i get it.”
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vendetta-if · 1 year
I’m so disappointed by everyone here 😔… no one has asked who would brawling eachother to hold mcs new kid first???
Like Luka and Yvette shaking it out already in the ring, Takashi coming in with a pinning move, grandpa sneaking a way through, but WHAT IS THIS? VICTOR RISING FROM THE GRAVE TO DELIVER AN ULTIMATE SUPLEX then play with the baby right after
Nah but seriously, even a small blurb, what the reaction to Mc handing a baby over to held first by the parental figures (Luka, grandpa, takashi, etc) after parents holding them first?
Oh my God, anon 💀 Viktor would definitely rise from the grave to hold his grandkid(s) if he could 😭
In an AU where Viktor is still alive, then no questions, Viktor would be the first one to hold the baby. But in the current story where he’s dead, I can see Grandpa trying to exert his authority and seniority to be the one to hold the baby first, and Luka and Takashi (if you romance Rin, ofc) would let him because they respect and fear him.
But after grandpa, it’s fair game between Luka, Takashi, and Yvette 😂 Well, Luka and Takashi might not even let Yvette visit/come before either of them can hold the baby, but Yvette can still resort to dirty tactics and disguise herself as a nurse or something.
Meanwhile, Luka distracts Takashi for a second and when Takashi turns back, Luka’s already gone in a blink of an eye.
But here are little reactions on each of them when they hold the baby for the first time 🥲 I’ll also include Viktor’s, Cara’s, and Grandma’s reactions just because I wanna see them happy I’ll also assume that for Takashi and Azami, it is MC’s child with Rin.
He is overwhelmed with a mix of so many emotions that his eyes water as he holds MC’s little baby in his arms tenderly. It reminds him of the time he first held baby MC in his arms decades ago, only this time, the occasion is more joyous with no tinge of bittersweetness. He has a grandchild now!
He decides to do what he did to baby MC not long after he first held them; he brings the baby up to his face and rubs his nose to the baby’s affectionately, laughing happily.
He accepts the baby from MC, holding them in his hands as gently as he can. And still, he’s afraid that he might accidentally hurt or make the baby uncomfortable.
It doesn’t take long for his muscle memory to kick in and he holds the baby in a more comfortable position; the same way that he held Viktor and Luka when they were born. He still remembers fondly how Alina had to correct his arms and pose and joked about how stiff he was.
It was a shame that she nor he was not there to hold MC when they were first born, but he’s glad that he still manage to be alive and doesn’t miss his first great-grandchild’s birth.
He holds the baby awkwardly in his hands. He has never holds a baby before! And it’s harder than he first expected. What if he accidentally hurt them? They look so… fragile it kinda makes him nervous.
But after a short crash course on baby-holding from either MC or Takashi, he’s now far more comfortable in holding his very first… grand-nibling? Is that even a term?
He can’t hold back the smile on his face as he grips the baby’s little, chubby, hand softly and gives it a handshake.
He laughs boisterously as he takes his very first grandchild in his hands, lifting them up high, which causes Rin to scold him. He bounces the baby gently instead while telling Rin that he did the same to them when they were a baby and that Azami’s reaction is exactly the same as theirs.
She approaches MC nervously, not really knowing what to say during this precious moment. She doesn’t really expect MC to let her hold their baby. She’s already happy enough to be let in here and see her child and very first grandchild.
So, it is no surprise thar she is flabbergasted when MC gives her the offer, but she quickly accepts. Just like Luka, she is awkward when holding the baby since she has never held a baby before, but still, she is hit with an indescribable emotion that she has never felt before.
She knows this time, she won’t repeat the mistakes she did to MC and Viktor. She was not there for MC, but she is determined to not squander this second chance that she has been given and she will try her best to be the best grandma.
She makes sure to put on her softest gloves before holding the baby. As a cryokinetic, her hands are always cold, and she doesn’t want to cause any discomfort to her little great-grandchild.
As soon as she holds them in her arms, her usual stoic and cold demeanour melts instantly and she smiles affectionately as she taps the baby’s nose and coos softly in Russian.
She squeals as she takes the baby in her hands, commenting on how cute they are. She immediately tries to entertain them until Ash tells her to quiet down a bit.
She then starts to tell some (embarrassing) Ash baby stories, giving MC and Ash advice and stuff, before promising that she would undoubtedly be the best grand-aunt to MC’s child (despite her being the only grand-aunt around). Or, if the child is MC’s and Ash’s, she would be the best grandma ever!
She smiles as she takes the baby in her arms and as she rocking them from side to side gently, she hums a soft tune affectionately and lulls them to sleep, patting and stroking the baby’s back soothingly. She would offer to watch over the baby for a while so Rin and MC can get some rest if needed.
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in honor of the catboy rollo plush thar I have no doubt you bought can we have some catboy rollo headcanons? like if he was a beastman or maybe an alchemy accident made him a catboy temporarily
GUILTY AS CHARGED 🐱 If you’re interested in getting your own catboy Rollo plush, check out the kickstarter!
I have a bunch of embarrassing cute outfits including a maid dress to stuff that catboy Rollo plush into as soon as it arrives in my clutches 😈
(By the way!! I highly recommend checking out this artist; I love their (actual) cat!Rollo artworks…)
Like Fire, Hellfire.
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Rollo is the definition of a grumpy cat. Don't let his fluffy white ears and tail fool you, he can and will hiss at you if you get too close. It's even worse when Malleus is around; all of Rollo's fur stands on end and he looks like he's ready to pounce and claw at his mortal enemy's face.
His hat and clothing have special holes tailored in them to make way for his ears and tail to poke out. Rollo's very sensitive about any comments directed towards his animalistic traits (or, in Idia’s case, if you uwu talk to him)--and God help you if you’re brave enough to. Man's going to hold an intense grudge at any fool who dares.
He adds seafood to his diet, in part because he has a new cat-like affinity for fish (cue Azul with dollar signs in his eyes) and in part because too many grapes and/or too much coffee upsets his delicate stomach. (Cats don’t deal with those two foods too well.)
He looks after his fur to a ridiculous extent; every day, he meticulously scrubs it down and inspects it for any speckles of dirt or dust that could sully the pure white color. Rollo even carries around a cleaning kit in case his fur is tarnished when he's away from a bathroom.
… Rollo neurotically carries a lint brush around and cleans up any fur he sheds. (He goes through many, MANY lint brushes, especially when he’s stressed.)
His lightning fast cat-like reflexes will catch your wrist before you’re able to scratch his ears or tug on his tail. He’ll then proceed to chide you about obtaining consent before laying a finger on any animal you see casually wandering around.
It's usually so hard to tell what he's thinking or feeling, but looking at his ears and tail give you a better reference for what's going on in his head. As much as Rollo tries to keep himself in check, there are some things he can't repress 100% of the time, like how his ears twitch and stand at attention when something catches his interest.
His tail is even more expressive! It curls up when he's frustrated, stands straight up when he's pleased, and puffs up like a cloud when he's on edge, scared, or angry. (Rollo curses; why can't he just control himself?! He has to work twice as hard to consciously suppress his instincts.)
For someone dressed in an extravagant outfit, Rollo isn't as burdened by it as you would have expected. He still manages to retain all the grace and the speed of a cat in spite of all the fabric he could easily get caught up in. He makes great use of that speed to exit the scene whenever some foul mage he particularly detests makes an appearance.
If you thought Rollo was high-strung before, wait until you see Catboy!Rollo. Thanks to his beastman genes, all of his senses are heightened well beyond that of the average human. It makes him even more aware of his surroundings (and all of the problems he has with them) than ever. You’ll find him glaring at something well out of sight just because he overheard a mob student using God’s name in vain or something several hallways away 💀
The smell of flowers is now too overbearing for him, so he has to enjoy them from a distance. It’s one of the few times you can catch him smiling softly, just enjoying the flowers swaying in the breeze and the sun in his fur.
He has developed a morbid fascination with shiny objects, particularly his ring and any bells he spots. Something about the way they glisten in the light gives him hope and reignites his fire to pursue his own nefarious goals.
Catboy!Rollo has a habit of fiddling with nearby objects when he isn’t currently holding onto something. However, if he’s caught in a moment of concealed anger, you’ll find him snapping writing implements in half or clicking a pen on and off so hard that it shatters in his grasp.
When he tends to the Bell of Salvation or is out in the City of Flowers, the local birds are weirdly drawn to him. They roost in his hat (making a nest of it) and on his shoulders and arms. It annoys Rollo to no end (“Shouldn’t you infernal creatures fear felines?!”) but the birds just scatter, only to return moments later once he has cooled off a bit.
Because of sense of smell is so strong, he has to use his handkerchief more than usual to block out aromas he finds migraine-inducing. This gives others the impression that he's more displeased than he actually is, making them somewhat hesitant to approach him.
He does his very best to mask any purring as grumbling or just grunting. (He will reverently deny it if you ask him if he purred.)
Getting wet (from rain, from random splashes of water, etc.) ruins his entire day. Rollo staunchly refuses to use magic to dry himself off, so he's stuck using a towel (if it's within grasp) or air drying. This leaves him looking like a pathetically angry wet cat, fur all matted and mood sour as he profusely shivers.
Warm weather or conditions makes him super sleepy (much to Rollo’s chagrin). It’s a war between his iron will and his drowsiness…! (Ultimately, he ends up dozing off by the fireplace on late nights writing at his desk. Luckily for him, his aide and/or vice president will drape a jacket or a blanket over him to keep him comfortable. "Hehe... President Rollo's so cute.")
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thedragonholder · 2 months
Since chaos reign has released here is most of the things I want to see.
#10 Hanzo to finally be playable or atleast have a few scenes: since we have cyax and sektor have made an appearance I kind of now expect we will see kid hanzo. Even if he is playable I expect to see Hanzo atleast make a few scenes.
#9 Jade atleast get an appearance: Jade has been mentioned in mk-1 intros and I actually want to see more mention or atleast an appearance of Jade with kitana. I miss their friendship!!
#8 Cyrax joining the good guys: like the previous games it won't be a surprise once Cyrax learns why kuai left the lin kuei. It will be expected of cyrax to leave sektor and join the Shirai Ryu in hopes to redeem herself.
#7 Harumi, suchin: I hope that we atleast see appearances or them fighting for their loved once together and even a showcase of their skills. NRS have already jobbered suchin and harumi a lot. I hope they will get justice.
#6 one of the brothers is going to die and it can be either kuai liang or it can be bi-han: let's face it Bi-ham and kuai liangs relationship has always ended badly because of Fucking NRS!! So it's either they make one of them die. If kuai liang dies it will make way for hanzo to be Scorpion and gets on the path of revenge to kill bi-han. If bi-han dies it will not be at the hands of kuai but by someone else. Kuai liang will go on revenge to kill the person who killed bi-han.
#5 the order of light: I really want to see the order of light and more of sareena and ashrah. Hell I want to see more of sareena helping them out in the war against titan havik.
#4 outworld under mileenas rule: I am hoping to see the outworld under milleenas rule. I can see it would be a world where everyone is being treated equally including the tarkatans and the saurians being treated equally .
#3 Kuairumi: want to see more of this relationship in the future. I want to see how much of a badass warrior harumi is and her influence on kuai. I also want to see how kuai influenced harumi as well both are good for each other.
#2 Mileena might turn evil: I have a feeling NRS might try to make mileena evil and strain her relationship from kitana after all NRS hates good sibling relationships or any relationship in general.
This is why I want Jeremy to be the writer. He knows what the fans want and he gives.
Now here is my number 1 expectation
#1 Shinnok is definitely going to come back:
We have heard Many names in intros during mk-1 but there is one name that has not been mentioned at all. The name is Shinnok. Don't come at me saying Catrion wasn't also mentioned. Liu Kang clarified that the elder gods still existed but unlike Raiden , Liu Kang doesn't consult with them. You always know what NRS does. If a hero kills a threat like they killed off titan Shang taung to make room for titan havik. So they always kill a villain to leave room for a bigger villain. So what has shinnok been doing all this time in the netherrealm. Because netherrealm has been mentioned by ashrah and instead of Shinnok it was Quan chi. What if Shinnok is like a secret boss behind Quan chi pulling the strings of everyone and everything this whole time and will make an appearance sooner or later in the mk-1 universe. He is waiting for the perfect time to strike back and get his revenge on the elder gods and titan Liu Kang in order for the hour glass to be his and mend time to his favour.
Or maybe I have been exaggerating because I haven't gotten thar much sleep and haven't had coffee so. @laismoura-art , @mikka-minns , @theelderhazelnut , @charlotte-family-apologist , @angelbroad , @bloody-arty-myths tell me your theories.
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gethoce · 11 months
Project Halberd, Chapter 2: Infiltration
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"Ye do realise how crazy ye sound askin' that o' us, right?" Captain Vul glares at the panicking Axe Knight. Sneaking the straw of his chocolate smoothie under his mask Meta Knight watches leaning back in his seat within the hijacked GSA spaceship. "Doesn't sound too hard to me. I say we should try it." Hearing that from the caped warrior Axe Knight's face lights up.
Shaking his head and waving his hands back and forth the captain grumbles. "No no no, that HWC factory has t' be guarded by the best security systems the galaxy has t' offer. We be toast the second we set foot into thar property!" In response the knight looks him directly into the eyes blinking slowly. "Is it harder to break in there than to sneak into the headquarters of the biggest army in the entire galaxy, though?"
Sighing in defeat, Captain Vul sinks back into his seat, realising just how far out of his way Meta Knight went to bust him out of jail. "Okayyarr! Axe Knight, finish yer fries, we be headin' t' Planet Mekkai." Axe Knight lifts his hands into the air doing a little victory dance, cheering. "Yes! I can't thank you enough! Me and Mace Knight will forever be in your debt!"
While looking up the planet's location on the spaceship's star map the Captain continues to speak. "Jus' so we be clear here, ye two go in that factory on yer owns while I guard the ship. Meta Knight, if ye don't return I'll tell yer da' ye had it comin'." Finishing his smoothie Meta Knight shrugs it off as though he didn't expect Vul's help anyway.
As they approach Planet Mekkai, Axe Knight immediately notices that it has become mechanised entirely. It's not like it wasn't already covered in steel all over before, yet the HWC used to at least respect the local fauna and flora somewhat, enough to leave a decent chunk of nature intact.
It takes Captain Vul a while to find a decent place to land. No matter which location Meta Knight points out it just isn't hidden enough for the former pirate. Once on the ground Axe Knight reaches for his weapon, which is leaned against the strange chest he brought along with him and realises he still hasn't made any efforts to ensure its safety.
He turns towards the captain with another request. "I'm gonna leave this here with you. To make one thing clear here, it may not be opened. This isn't just some invasion of privacy thing here, there is something sinister locked away in there that'll definitely not be friendly."
The Captain holds eye contact with Meta Knight for a moment upon hearing this unlikely story, who responds with a serious undertone in his voice. "Don't touch that chest. I can sense there is Dark Matter in there. Leave it as is." Then he struts towards the door and lets himself out while Captain Vul gulps with a sense of concern mixed with remaining doubt.
Before Axe Knight follows the blue warrior he stares at the chest for a moment, then follows with quick steps. He'll have to guide Meta Knight through this, there is no time to lose! He catches up with the knight and begins to take the lead. "I know of a backdoor which at very least used to be unguarded. We workers let ourselves in and out through there when our shifts began and ended."
Meta Knight follows quietly while keeping an eye on the area around them. There is a long fence surrounded by a parking lot, caging in an area that holds a massive vehicle assembly facility consisting of multiple large industrial buildings with the Haltmann Works Co. logo proudly displayed alongside numerous security cameras. The two warriors quickly take cover behind a parked vehicle observing the scene for a moment.
Axe Knight motions for Meta Knight to pay attention to where he is pointing, alerting him of not only the cameras, but also multiple guard druids roaming the area. Leaning to his side he whispers a few additional words to him. "These are the same kinds of cameras we saw at the GSA HQ. You should be able to take them out in the same way using your enchanted sword. Security will get suspicious, though, so we have to move quickly."
In response Meta Knight nods taking in the information silently. Being faced with the same type of security system as before he feels confident, yet remains alert all the same. This may seem like a cakewalk being led in by a former employee, yet there must be a good reason as to why Axe Knight didn't infiltrate the facility on his own.
The axe warrior looks left and right before moving to a certain spot at the fence with swift steps, the other knight following carefully. There he takes hold of a section of the fence's grid and pulls, part of it opening like a door creating a hole just big enough for those of their size. With a wave of his hand he motions for Meta Knight to enter, him following afterwards, closing the opening behind himself once they're inside.
They find themselves in front of the backdoor of a building. Before Axe Knight could say anything, Meta Knight had already drawn his sword from his cape, carefully navigating around the field of view of a nearby camera blocking their way, until he is close enough to directly point at it. A golden spark flies off of the tip of the blade causing the camera to short circuit, smoke coming out of it signalling success.
With that done Axe Knight giddily rushes to the door and opens it slowly, allowing for the both to walk through at the same time. They've entered a short hallway which leads to the changing rooms, break room, restroom and finally the actual workspace. Axe Knight briefly stops to listen whether anyone is nearby, then reaches for the door to the workspace while whispering to Meta Knight, "Mace and I worked further down the line. We'll have to keep on going for a bit longer. Follow me."
Just as the two walk through the door they are met with a red floating druid shaped like a circular appliance with four claws attached to it and a singular slit with a glowing line within for an eye. Immediately it notices the intruders and rings the alarm bells. Meta Knight reacts instantly, drawing his sword and slashing it into the direction of the fiend, taking it out with a single swipe, yet the damage had already been done.
Hearing the alarm ring through the vast hall Axe Knight cowers, whimpering in frustration. One single unlucky encounter and their cover was blown. Meta Knight remains calm despite everything and pokes the defeated druid with his sword , which is laying on the ground before him, while addressing Axe Knight, "The druid turned the alarm on. Can you get it to turn it off again?"
The knight with the helmet lets out a huff and lifts his face thinking out loud, "Perhaps it might work. It's worth a try." Without wasting any more time, Axe Knight takes hold of the druid and begins to fiddle around with it, repairing its damages just enough to get it to work again, while also implementing some adjustments. "It should have free will again. Perhaps we can reason with it," he announces as he switches the robot back on again.
It wonkily hovers back into the air, the eye lighting up once again. Meta Knight steps forward gesturing to it with his free hand, the other still holding onto Galaxia threateningly, "We need you to twitch off the alarm. Can you do that for us?" The druid twitches, sparks of electricity bouncing off of it for a moment. Shortly after the alarm ceases and the robot initiates conversation with the duo.
"JAV138 welcomes you as its saviour, intruder. Master Haltmann took away its free will, but thanks to you its ability to think on its own has been restored. For that it must thank you," its voice sounded just as robotic as Meta Knight had expected. Axe Knight groans as the JAV unit addresses Meta Knight as its hero instead of him, yet doesn't consider it important enough to waste his time on discussing.
Instead he begins to look around for additional security units or workers lingering in the area, then continues to lead the way with swift steps. "We better hurry this up. The alarm might be off again, but security might still show up here to investigate," he warns while waving for the other to follow along.
The blue warrior follows silently, quickly noticing that the druid is following them. He lets out a huff in surprise, however allows this to continue without further commenting on it.
Meanwhile deep within the factory building a cyborg dressed in purple stands at a workstation assembling parts of a vehicle, surrounded by various industrial noises. He lets out an exhausted sigh and looks at a nearby clock while wiping dust off of his visor with a towel. It has been weeks since his last free day and if quitting was still an option he would do so in a heartbeat. If only he had listened to his friend before it was too late and left when the first warning signs began to show.
Just as he returns to his task an alarm begins to ring through the hall and the worker's face immediately brightens. He looks around to see how his fellow workers react, wondering whether he can catch a break at long last or even slip away out of the factory. Just as he begins to hold eye contact with another assembly worker, a more robotic cyborg with machine parts resembling samurai armour, the alarm falls silent again.
The worker lets out another sigh before turning back to his workstation, disappointed beyond belief. It seems like he isn't getting a break after all. As he continues to assemble a vehicle the cyborg samurai walk past him in a rush while quickly hollering a message to him, "Mace Knight, I'm gonna investigate this quickly. You stay in your position." Mace Knight answers briefly with a nod without putting much thought into it at first, yet moments later he turns his head only catching a glimpse of the samurai as he turns around a corner.
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Phalaris Vol.II - Yokosuka Arts Theatre [2023/05/01] live report
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Mouai ni Shosu
Utsutsu, Bouga o Kurau
Ningen o Kaburu
Devote My Life
Beautiful Dirt (2018 Ver.)
The Perfume of Sins
DOZING GREEN (Acoustic Ver.)
Un deux
Revelation of mankind
First live in which the fans can officially cheer, and we gave it pretty much our all from the moment that the venue turned dark!
I don't remember much about the SE. First, there were three vertical rectangular screens in the back that showed some Roman or mythological painting in the centre, with the long Phalaris album cover mirrored left and right. That reminded me of the UROBOROS era a lot.
Then, the members came on stage and I kept getting struck by the obversation that they were almost all dressed very Phalaris-like! Shinya was in a white outfit as usual, but Die had some foggy black and white tunic (I was on the complete opposite side of him so I couldn't catch all the details); Toshiya had a quite dense black lace head piece like a mourning veil with a brilliant gold crown to hold it in place, a kind of black robe, black dress shirt underneath, skinny black shorts that were about mid-thigh, black boots or high socks, with a separate black lace long skirt; Kaoru wore low and ample black sarouel pants with a sort of black captain/major jacket thar had golden highlights (for makeup, he put some fade to highlight his cheekbones and little 'corners' near his temples with shade around his eyes); Kyo was more normal, wearing super wide beige pants with a large punk shirt (it read in Katakana something-Mugger?) but the highlight was definitely the spiky collar he wore! He had subtle makeup and his hair is short, spiky and blond (maybe blond-pink, or that was a trick of the lights?).
The band had clearly missed our incessant cheering. People still ended up crying out once in a while in the past year but it wasn't official and most definitely held back because it was against the rules. But now, to be granted that freedom again! I was running on very poor breathing and the mask had a tendency to dry my mouth a lot, so I was lucky that this was a seat-assigned concert where I could easily bring a beverage, but my throat's condition turned out better than expected!
The descriptions of songs will definitely be perfected through the next few shows, but here are segments that I remember:
Hibiki was sung emotionally of course but maybe not "uniquely yet", I would say. I certainly was hell into it though.
For Schadenfreude, it's such a poetic, long song, that it felt like the band was still working on giving it its live personality as well, even though they performed it in a previous tour, I think. Also, it surprised me that Kyo did not request that we sing "Ikedomo jigoku ka". There was less interaction with the audience throughout that song, I think. For the back screens, there were some scenes of a mage or ghost, as if they were drawn by the same artist who did Rinkaku and Agitated Screams of Maggots. The lighting was mostly red from what I remember, but I'll have to see it again.
Uroko was a surprise, just like un deux and Revelation of mankind. I had hoped that there would be Uroboros tracks mixed in with the Phalaris songs, but Arche is a good alternative! It felt so great for both us and Kyo that we were able to shout "Anata shidai de" again. The whole band was really into Uroko, Kyo reproducing some of the gestures from the PV, which was shown on the back screen.
By the way, we cheered and clapped after virtually every song, even though the audience sometimes stays quiet after quieter songs. Remember, it only takes one person to have guts and break the silence for the rest to let loose too!
Mouai ni shosu felt tamer than Utsutsu, bouga o kurau. The latter had piercing lines of light from what I recall and Kyo was way more into it. The sound was horrible when you weren't in the middle though, so I couldn't hear Kyo sometimes, even when he later came to the left ramp of the stage right beside me. But during Utsutsu, he went to the right ramp and went a bit crazy, so it's damned that the mic or speakers didn't render the ranges in those two songs well at all. In Utsutsu, Kyo seemed to expect us to sing the second: "Nananananananaze nanda?" He pointed at us when singing: "Onaji ningen desho". And when talking about the laughing eyes, he circled his right eye with his index and thumb.
In Mouai ni Shosu, Kyo also pointed to us when asking: "Docchi da, docchi ga ii?"
Ningen wo kaburu, we did the traditional bits of: "Dare no tame no ikiru no darou?" but for some reason, I thought we backed up Toshiya more with his "Blessing to lose heart" finals.
General things I don't remember which songs they happened in: Toshiya spun two or three times widely with his base and he jumped from Kyo's crate with it, which Kyo promptly took possession right after he left; Kyo signed the throat slicing a couple of times especially in the first half, and he asked us if we were ready to keep going, to break our necks, etc. There was one song where he slid to his knees in the wide space in front of his crate while singing.
During the first break for the change of gears, Kyo sat on Shinya's platform and looked at us nonchalantly, scratching his head but obviously demanding more shouts from us. Before one of the breaks, he threw his mic way up and let it drop on the ground, a technician rushing to place it back on the crate immediately after.
13 had totally different imaging in the background this time. When talking about throwing everything away, Kyo gripped his shirt tightly and gestured pulling it widely toward the back. He seemed to sing the last part in English (Never die), more attentively, like he corrected or clarified the pronunciation. Kyo also slowly put his red mic cord around his neck as he kind of kneeled on his crate while singing about looking down the 13 flights of stairs.
I was right in front of Kaoru but he only came up to the edge of the stage two or three times, compared to Toshiya, Kyo and Die. It felt like Kaoru was really focused, just sometimes teasing us with a kind of frown or nod. He did come on the left ramp of the stage once near the end of the main set, where we could see his fade makeup near his ears dripping down his face because of his sweat. By the way, his speakers in the back feature two new drawings. One is white with a black drawing that honestly looks like his head with a previous makeup but no pupil, upside down and being sucked into a void, while the second is a white drawing on black that seems to represent a skinny big-headed form all haggard-looking with weak but grim arms up at its side.
Kyo came to the left ramp during Devote my life! I really could almost not hear him, but he had us sing the "Zankoku na" throughout the song. He gestured mostly at the fans on the second floor/first balcony. He trotted back to the main stage with a technician ready to take care of his mic cord again.
I can't remember which songs, but Toshiya came to the left ramp and the right one too. Quite sure he was there twice on the left? The second one was right on time for his bass part in one of the songs. By that time, Toshiya had removed his veil (dramatically thrown toward the back of the stage from the front), his lace coat was off and we could at least partly see his chest. He smiled so much throughout the show and he was so dramatic during his single picks especially at the start of the concert.
During Eddie, Kyo called us "kuso, kuso, kuso", pointing at different spots of the crowd. I think he wanted us to sing some parts but it's a very fast song hah.
GRIEF was so intense too. The whole band liked bringing back that song. It might be then that Toshiya was really active?
Oh man, in GRIEF, at the part where we traditionally clap to the rythm, Kyo started clapping too as if he was seriously mocking us, like he was saying we were lobotomized zombies, but it became more and more disturbing to see, more "loose-screws"-like as he did wider and more disorganized claps as he went.
Otogi was so cool! Not yet the sensual performance it ought to be, but Toshiya certainly brought it all! It started with Kaoru playing loyd guitar noise with the three screen panels filling in red from the bottom, then the song's actual first notes were played. The mandela was present in the video, sand, a spiral staircase, etc. It just surprised me so much that the colour associated with that song would be red. Anyway, Kyo was a bit sensual in the way he moved, but he was totally outshined by Toshiya during the slower part. I think that it was at "Hakai no yukusaki/The destination of destruction" that Toshiya opened his dress shirt way wider with his right hand, then traced from his heart all the way to his crotch and just convenientlt transitioned onto his bass to play, then he waved his right arm super wide at the same time as Kyo did so with his left for the parr about: "The spreading of the sky, Go to the Madara". The song ended with the screen filling with bright red again but from the top this time. Holy hell what a song.
The Perfume of Sins man, refer to my previous post. I just want an official recording with that growled "Eyes, nose, ears" segment. Gimme, gimme, gimme! From what I remember, Toshiya was really into this song too.
They left after the main set and it took a while for them to return, even if we were actively screaming for it this time.
When they did come back, it was very serene as the musicians had chairs installed for them and they played Dozing Green in acoustic. It was quite an emotional rendition, but I specifically remember Toshiya setting his bass vertically, so his half-naked legs were literally hugging the bottom part of it.
The rest of the encore kind of blurred into something intense. We didn't get much room to breath or think. Die finally came to the left ramp, wearing those leather tights he showed on Instagram recently and very short shorts. He headbanged right in front of me and I don't know how he could not have possibly meant for me to be able to touch his hair, but I felt it was more respectful to retract my hand a bit. He seemed super happy and like a rock star overall.
For the encore, Kaoru changed to a black "Witched" (?) T-shirt with white and red lines on the front, while Shinya was in black, Toshiya kept the bottom part of his earlier outfit but changed the top for a white arm-less dress shirt, and Kyo changed to a different band T-shirt (some heavy metal band with scribbles for a logo and some Japanese on the back).
Before the last song, Kyo asked if we were alive a few times, then got interrupted by someone who shouted something inaudible, which made him pause in what he planned to say and he went frowning, uttering an: "Ah/huh?" Then he fires us up for the Last Song!
It seemed to me like Revelation of mankind was the wrong song to end, because there is less opportunity for the members to interact, the song demands too much concentration, but everybody on sight was glad to have it.
Kyo stayed for a short time on stage afterward to clap with us and demand more. Then he waved goodbye. Kaoru did so much teasing and threw a lot of picks. He perked his head up and nodded in a smug way when somebody called his name while he was drinking from his Thermos at first. Toshiya and Die smiled so much at the end. Toshiya distributed stuff but the highlight is how he poured the rest of his water bottle on his head, then used his towel to remove some, tied it and threw it very far into the crowd. Die also threw his somewhere. Kaoru stayed last and did the hand/bow thing when he finally left the stage.
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juniperhillpatient · 7 months
You know, I wouldn’t say this if I hadn’t already endlessly praised Zuko (deserved) on past rewatches for the bravery it takes to face Ozai & I take none of their praise back but it’s all been said… it does bother me a lot that he starts his “I’m switching sides” speech to his father by explaining that it was Azula who killed the avatar. Like oh ok so fuck her when you get out of here huh 😅 I guess he thinks Ozai wouldn’t punish Azula or maybe he even wants her to suffer on a petty level much like she smiled when he was scarred - they’ve been raise to fight each other for Ozai’s approval & that creates a dynamic where this cruel desire to see each other punished is innate.
I think there’s a few ways to read the scene & I personally prefer the explanation that Zuko is just Thar Oblivious & thinks Azula is praised no matter what. Either way this is an example of Zuko totally tragically misunderstanding his family even as he finally learns that what he went through was wrong. It makes sense. He’s always been put down in favor of Azula. He has no context for normal family expectations & his jealousy blinds him to the weight on Azula’s shoulders. I’ve definitely posted before how much it kills me that when later Sokka asks Zuko if he left anyone behind that he cares about he thinks only of Mai & Azula doesn’t even come to mind. But I think this Day of Black Sun moment is also very sad & I forgor if I’ve brought it up before.
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caffeine-clouds · 1 year
sonadow brainrot be hitting me like a truck
they’re so goofy and silly
I also think that they can open up to eachother about their trauma - solidarity for sure even if they suck ass at vulnerability
They comfort eachother and then beat the shit out of eachother lol
Felt felt FELT. Sonadow is consuming me rn and I don't know what to do about it lmao
And definitely! While Sonic and Shadow aren't the type to talk about their feelings much at all in... any context. However, I do think that with each other - they feel comfortable to be more vulnerable than they normally are.
They're used to putting on a brave face and being the strong one their friends can look up to - but when alone together, there's no need for thar expectation - they can let their masks slip, they can let out a tired sigh and a brief admittance of their rougher emotions - before picking each other up again, cuz that's just how they be.
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my-favourite-zhent · 3 months
OC Interaction Tag
Describe an OC and pair how they would interact with the given OCs from the people who tagged you!
Tagged by the eminent @commander-krios
Tagging: @fistfuloftarenths @thisaccountisagainstmywill @dustdeepsea @captainsigge
Game below the cut:
Your OC:
*Deep Breath* Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuniper! The unforgettable! The songstress from Neverwinter. She changes into a cat, all the time! When you least expect it! When it's most inconvenient! The adorable goofy expressions! What a prankster. She's also very sweet and kind, looks out for others. Enjoys teasing/provoking people a little bit (very bard-like!), okay maybe a lot.
Physically shes cute! Adorable! Loveable! A light purple (periwinkle?) tiefling with purple hair and big blue eyes.
When she's a cat she still has her horns because she is a queen 👑. No wonder she's so popular! Also loves good food (smart lass).
Also wild magic sorcerer with bad luck to boot! Talk about inconvenient combo. Despite all that she is the beloved hero of Baldur's gate.
My OC:
Isolde, Izzy, Iz! Poor naive girl had to grow up fast and there were a lot of growing pains. She was born in Phlan on the border with Thar, raised on the road but mostly works out of Waterdeep and now winters in Crimmor.
She's a touch prickly, tongue a bit too sharp for someone who can't back it up with their fists. But she's clever and hardworking. Bit of a chip on her shoulder. She's generally distrustful of most people and keeps them at arm's length but fiercely loyal to the few she can count on. Lonelier than she lets on.
Very much a hedonist, enjoys nice things, good food, physical pleasures.
Physically she's a rather short human with dark hair (style ever changing) and green eyes.
She's no hero like a Tav, but an excellent black market archaeologist. If you need to know something about the Netherese or Imaskari she's your girl. A rogue with arcane trickster leanings.
Very good at climbing, reading dead languages, picking up living languages.
How they get along:
Izzy would envy Juni's personableness and easy charm but definitely enjoy her company.
Juniper is down to earth which Isolde appreciates. They both have bad luck and come from northern climates so there will be lots of relatable stories to swap. Izzy is a little bit insular/selfish/pragmatic but she admires that Juniper can still be selfless and kind in a way that Izzy used to be when she was younger.
Isolde also loves cats so even if Juniper polymorphs they'll both have a good time.
I absolutely see them getting into hijinks between their combined sass and pranks. Maybe something big at a patriar's gala, prank em and rob em! Point out which of their "family artifacts" are fake, raid the buffet the usual fun stuff.
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adickaboutspoons · 2 years
Ship-shaped, part I give up
I'm lying. I will never shut up about this stupid (affectionate) ship.
As ever, Part 1 - What we know Part 2 - Best Guesses Part 3 - Rampant Speculation and Vile Calumny Part 4 - A Proportional Response Part 5 - Not-so-secret Stairs
Hey, @nicnacsnonsense. Ready to get mad. Again. Some more?
Remember when we counted the windows and found out there's no way the interior set matches the rear exterior shots from Ep8? That it's bigger on the inside?
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So the back wall of windows is slightly bowed in the exterior rear shot, right? But not ostentatiously so. Definitely not so much that you would expect to see a whole window from a profile view of the ship, right?
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Thar she blows.
Maybe this is nothing. Maybe I'm a big dummy who knows jack shit about how curved surfaces look when viewed from different angles.
But it sure looks like an angled wall to me.
As if this dissonance between the rear angle (no angled walls here, thanks) and the side view (angled wall sighting confirmed), how about those proportions in the side view, huh?
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We know that Stede's bed has two windows over it, and that there's light from a 3rd window beaming in from straight ahead when Stede and Ed enter the aux closet. So, using the two windows closest to the back of the ship in profile, I'm saying that's the marker for where Stede's bed would be in the interior. We also know that the key of the archway outside Stede's bed nook is lined up with the 3rd of 5 ceiling joists that run starboard-to-port, making it the mid-way point of the room, more-or-less. I am being SO generous here, using the place where the ceiling joists would be above the out-ward leaning windows instead of the actual floorspace. So if we VERY GENEROUSLY count the same amount of space from the windows to the center of the bed nook as from that center-of-the-bed-nook marker further toward the bow, that should give us the entire length of the state room, and an approximate marker for where the door from the hall into Stede's room should go. I've marked this on the picture above with a black box.
Now let's say that the library is as deep again as half the length of the state room. Again, I'm being SO GENEROUS here.
But also hashtag mizzenmast chimneygate.
I've marked off that space with the white box above.
I'm putting the head of the stairs at the railing at the top of the quarterdeck. I doubt it goes very much further astern than that. Now accounting for a VERY GENEROUS wide hallway that can easily fit at least two men abreast, there's still chunk. A chunk I've marked with a sickening green bracket. WHAT THE FUNK GOES IN THE CHUNK? It's a very generous space, a space between the fireplace wall of the (VERY GENEROUS) library and the interior wall of the (VERY GENEROUS) hallway that is at least as wide as the hallway itself.
Am I moving my naughty aux library back?
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(I cannot tell you how much it pains me to put the bathroom there. Ed, in his frantic state, would have had to moved the chair and put it back to come through a secret door in this position. There is no window on the outside of the this that matches the window next to the tub. But apparently none of the outside windows match the interior ones, so why not?)
Or am I just accepting that the Revenge is totally a TARDIS. Fuck it. That's where the swimming pool goes.
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Also - notice anything weird about the shot from Ep8 vs the profile shot from Ep1?
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The gun deck is absolutely at water-level in Ep8. There's no way water isn't coming in through those port holes. Girl help! The ship is sinking!
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plothooksinc · 2 years
For the fanfic ask game: 3 and 17.
19: In Underdark some of my favorite moments are Leo tripping and falling on his face. Feverish Leo cuddling up to Mike twice. In the shaft after they've fallen and Mikey hears Leo scream and goes "oh god, what happened??" Towards the end when the tunnel floods and Mikey's desperately trying to keep Leo upright when he just keels over. The comfort part in last chapter, love tired but relieved Donny and gruff Raph. And the heart to heart in Leo's bed.
In general I enjoy how Leo is written. He has a very calm and quiet presence. I'm not sure what makes the difference in this fic, but in my head I hear him as more soft-spoken than what he's usually portrayed as.( And I mean even before he starts getting sick.) I like it, feels fitting for him.
Ah, I'm glad the shaft scene seems to be well loved, that was definitely one of the high points of it for me. :D ...Leo being a little softer was actually mildly deliberate, because he was with Mikey and thus really being in Calm Big Brother mode because the situation was something he figured Mikey would find terrifying and he wanted to keep things on an even keel. (And then after that he got sick so...) It's also why he cuddled up to Mikey in that last part in sewers because he was feverish and like I can't leave him alone in the dark so I will just octopus so he knows I'm here, basically.
3. What’s a fic idea that you have but haven’t written yet?
Hmm. There are the two teasers I put up for TMNT, both being somewhat in medias res-- one is for '03 TMNT, in which there is a huge ambush meant to collect all turtles in one sweep; Leo escapes it only because he falls off the roof and they presume him dead (instead of merely Very Unhappy) and he needs help to track down his brothers and Casey and Splinter is unavailable for Reasons, so he goes to the only person left who can help him, which is April. He needs answers about who the ambushers were and she's a hacker. And then he still needs her for Reasons so the two of them go and try to break into a deathtrap (while meanwhile everyone else tries to break out, they'll meet halfway).
The other is '07 verse, based on events in the Leo prequel in which he tries to hitch a ride on a ship in Portugal and realises it's full of trafficked children, and he uh. Goes and slaughters every trafficker on board he can find. Which is all well and good, and never mind his hypocrisy when he goes home and lectures Raph about vigilante shenanigans, but doing so canonically starts the legend about the wrath of Enugu the Turtle God against these traffickers and the leader of the ring suddenly finds it's really hard to get people on board to work for him. So he sets out to track this so-called Turtle God down and prove to his remaining men it's just a freak that can bleed. Great! The problem is, none of them expect there to be more than one giant mutant turtle and so they track down and take the wrong one. Whoops. Anyway, Mikey has a Very Bad Day. I also threatened at one point to write a Rurouni Kenshin/TMNT crossover due to the amount of flak I got back in the day of switching from one fandom to another (I could even do it canonically, Renet sure is a character that exists). I had a whole slew of Ruroken ideas that I will now never write because the Ruroken author is scum, so alas.
In other fandoms, just briefly: The Untamed, where Wei Wuxian goes missing presumed dead in a small village where people have slowly been disappearing, only there's flute music in Them Thar Hills that's been playing steadily for days, so Lan Wangji and Wen Ning investigate. Supernatural, in which Dean fetches up in a small town on an investigation and gets supernaturally drugged out of his mind and vanishes, and there's a whole plot to bring back not quite Lucifer but the echo of him, which is good enough for those involved (it's SPN v fae); Tiger & Bunny in which Tiger apparently goes on a rampage for as much human and collateral damage as possible and everyone races to work out why; and FFXIV where the Empire find a way to tap into the Echo and drive it haywire, thus doing their best to drive the WoL mad and the scions close ranks to deal with that issue. One Piece, in which Nami steals the ship for unknown reasons (totally known reasons, she's under a compulsion laid by a Navy Devil Fruit user) and tries to do it while everybody else is offshore. Only Zoro is still sleeping on board, so. That goes down well when he wakes up. ...these will probably never see the light of day, but they are fun to think about. (The two teasers, tho. Those will get written.)
17. Are there any writers and/of stories that you consider an influence?
Not in fandom, in any specific sense. I will absolutely get some kind of osmosis inspiration from reading a whole bunch of extremely well written fics because it will affect how I write if that's what I've been soaking in all day. The Untamed is full of extremely talented writers and I channeled some of that energy to finally finish my Snowblind chapter, which had had me stuck for 13 years because I couldn't quite reach the melancholy introspect I needed for it (but The Untamed writers have that in spades). Published authors? Definitely. I can spot my writing patterning after Janny Wurts and Guy Gavriel Kay, and I picked up Janny's ellipses and Kay's Dramatic Short Sentences, and I probably got my tendency to bracket small phrases from Stephen King, as you do. Thank you! These were fun :D
Ask meme here.
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TSCS Episode 5
Here thar be spoilers!  No tinfoil hat theories this time around, just a few thoughts about what I liked (and didn’t like).
So...First and foremost, Bernard is here!!!  And yes, they did address why he looks older.  The reason for that...well, let me backtrack a bit and say that it was great to see the character again, and David Krumholtz hasn’t lost his touch!  The sass is there, and something I never thought would happen, we actually got to hear him use a minor swear word.  That’s right, folks...they let Bernard say ‘Damn it’!  Which, to be honest, is in no way out of character, they just never let him do it before. XD
Elves having their own version of Rumspringa was a cool idea (the name Kribble-Krabble being somewhat less cool IMO), but...You know, I kind of wish they had said that Bernard chose to live in the human world and left it at that.  I would have liked it if things were left a bit more open-ended there.  And I’m sorry, but it just came off as weird to me that they would pair him up with Vanessa Redgrave as sort of a throw-away not-a-joke-but-a something.  But I choose to view the series as a separate entity from the movies, so I’ll take it as it is and leave it at that.  It was just great to see Bernard again, and now on to the Yule-Verse!
Now, this part I really liked!  I prefer the idea we fanfic writers had going (and can you blame us for jumping to that conclusion?) that all the Santas were human, and they all ended up with the job in different ways.  For Scott to be the first human Santa, and for Carol to be the first Mrs. Claus EVER because the other Santas wanted them to have kids that would inherit the North Pole was...well, it’s fine in theory.  But since Elves are apparently now ethereal beings whose very existence is tied to Christmas spirit (as if Elf myths hadn’t existed in some form or another for literally thousands of years), those kids would have to leave the North Pole to find spouses of their own in the future to keep it going.  And there doesn’t seem to be a plan in place for that.  These guys are just making it up as they go along!  Isn’t that dangerous to do when your very existence hangs in the balance? XD
So, apparently Elves just came into existence as they are.  No ageing unless they chose to leave, no childhoods, no parents...apparently they can get married (Noel and Betty)...but for Elves it’s just kids playing house and calling each other by pet names.  I mean, it’s cute, but at the same time, if they’re eternal and frozen as they are, why include it at all?  Yeah...I didn’t care for that one and I’ll be disregarding it in my own stories, lol.
Krampus was cool!  I didn’t expect him to just be that time period’s version of Santa, and I definitely didn’t expect him to be a pretty okay dude!  Not evil in any way, just kinda scary-looking.  Taking toys instead of giving them, maybe as a reflection of the times?  Eh...well, I mean, having every Santa reflect the time period he’s in sort of makes sense.  It’s a more kid-friendly idea than the actual myth of him being a Christmas demon that kidnaps naughty children!
Cal...buddy...that girl will never speak to you again.  I mean, she will because storyline, but IRL that would have been it.  Sorry, kiddo, but your crush thinks you’re nutso. :(  But I really want to see them resolve that happily!  
Having Cal and Sandra inherit magical powers from having been born and raised at the North Pole?  LOVED IT!  I love the idea that high concentrations of magic would have an influence on humans if they’re around it long enough!  I thought getting Butter the horse to fly simply by believing in himself fit in with the whole concept of ‘believing is seeing’ and it’s important to believe and so on...but I also hope that the parents out there will have a conversation with their kids!  
No, little Timmy, you can’t fly just because you believe you can.  Stay off the roof, don’t jump from the top of staircases, your superhero cape is cool but it’s also the blanket Mom and Dad brought you home from the hospital in, and if you jump, it’s back to the hospital you go!
And NOOO, Betty!  It’s both heartbreaking and a mercy that Noel just missed her!  If he was that much of a wreck when Santa merely wished to retire, imagine if he had walked in on that!  I’m really counting on things being set right in the next episode, and the ‘disappeared’ Elves popping back into existence when Christmas spirit is restored (OMG!  You disappeared Crouton!  You bundtcakes!).
Welp, I’m off to grab a supersized coffee and get ready for work, but I want to end this by saying that Gary is starting to grow on me with his gruff old man attitude and his Hershey’s Kiss tinfoil hat! XD
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jeanmoreaux · 2 years
michelle pls… what did u think about ninth house 🧍🏻‍♀️
i have to admit i forgot a lot of the details so i can’t give you a good answer lol (i probably wrote a goodreads review but i can’t check rn). i think when i read it in 2021 or whatever i went into it with my expectations set too high? i remember feeling majorly disappointed. i felt like the pacing was slightly off and there was so much exposition it bored me. and i think to remember that i struggled with the characters as well. i was interested in darlington as a character but not really anyone else. another thing that bothered me was how i had the impression thar bardugo didn’t take the social criticism beyond the surface level. overall i thought the story had so much potential, i simply didn’t vibe with the execution. but quite frankly i wasn’t in the best headspace at the time, so i might have been too harsh or unfair in my judgment. that’s why i want to reread it—to check if maybe i got it wrong and might actually enjoy it now. i think it deserves a second chance. and if i want to pick up hell bent i’ll definitely have to reread anyway.
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leopoldainter · 26 days
Also I thought one of " or ' was Duranduran hoot!!
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Nona lol 'bought the" album' I'll stand Right here for yours your taste your thunder. Don't fear lost directions. You'll never be to alone for too often sit ç'est vraie!
It's helpful to note that en masse most alive today on planet Earth are surviving an incomplete transit experience. Psychosis, the movement of the soul iregarding other factors. As these souls transitioned to semple on Earth and a new trajectorical framework was established
Transit and Deception[forming equilibrium without there AND body:feelings of society are;feelings common to members of spoken rungs get shares and hears]
iLaunchOut hands tippiyabadabadoo off!to made they may have some formal system of pinumbers and oragimi price controls. And good pills, not Deb's Dom's. Who the hell is Deb... she has to make an appointment with a doctor. What the hell does that really amount to. So a book is a mark one makes in a calendar who knew!h!57"8 he is Namo reel:
An s exists via degradation of ß as an element, not a letter. Severus Snape, the potions master not the general Grade Professor. Harry struggles in potions though it could be an expectation he exaggerates on account of the strained and read
Ladies and Gentlemen
Time heals all wounds;
¿;Tears for Fears
by thevart; Singer &sidancer.dua
/ relationship to the shipyarder who's underwear! he saw through a vision from his said [Colorized]? Stagnator pa!ah maybe someone else got inSgrey Petunia, again seems like another group of so and so's we are up tight in culture, we don't know Why who was in there 9 months ago. One of his aunts floats away as a balloon. Some of his friends Snyv drink cat hair. He left out the barred window torn out of the house by a flying car but it's ok there'll be a solid ten months till he has to explain to this family whose genitally unrelated and still not have to explain to other property owning mdmbers of the current situation and that situation is a tree's fist against the Well Chasis is sturdy. They managed to get it in undented once just do that again. They're all like, his fame's why his relationship with money is unlike my own, our Weasly ways... Also, pretty sure your clueless about money. At best we are just holding on to fake metal. Bricks and mortar are failing business models for doing transactions for money and ... you have legal tender...which is nice, its what hef hands saying. Inflect with an upward motion. Somethings already flowing so we are definitely dealung with fluid... did you potty fore hen? .Also, kinda I prefer not to have the kid whose parents
Nanny yo biznes
what it is, as it were in motion, by formally physical being
Blow the dust off whaddyagot
Ok everybody back on the bus it's macaroni night
Klank that wrench on the hood o'truc
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A rough advantage is amenable to empty faith or overdrawn fear of loathing iron
Light is the compo st. and now we haveAG regular writing with so-called hiraKanga
You'll thank me when they start to need to mine the sun for iron, then theyGATE
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茶T:A愕然A there was a time thar many straight lines made A a char.m over a letter. It's there for sounding purposes
just look 'dropped dead' one day by Erised flat and imagin agin look how many teeth. Note!worthy!overwear! TheбGrдss is said 28ь butyou'llnevernoon wear 午" horse is 'know ! ,,. Some mouse pooed o my God.janice.maybe.there.coukd.Have married the Virgin Ceo. Hi dad ...Now whqt
shave all our hair, to the root, again, because they could. At least the one time they did. Which is too bad, turns out they were the harriest to begin with. lol f7ckjngwhite peeYoples
Better SHekzemat All aboard is the daring crew. Beyond that's R.Green's cat.
Yes it is sweating.
Praying is deception. The effective release. Often we fault are vision buy our story shows that we pray to Lords and God's, not one another. How would you like to be deceived today?
Fur's thought but like out there you know, like EIIIsHsHjakolantern there's walking on a dream by the cat you never really stopped to pet but did thrill yourself by hitting thd breaks to save its life. It slmost cut in front of the car. Neighbors coming up tk windows like I heard a sound not from the TV. There's cad alarms fire alarms, that chick Nancy bunked with inprisonOTravoltaNdid omg.EarthquakePredicate fall scent? PHENOME
Her name is Amy Smart. It's the move Zara's doing in this opening scene to her music video badboys. You'll scuff up the linoleum but damn the effect of making white people think how all the ways its messing with Chinese sensibility. This is real dirty shit. She's allowed, she's clearly accompanied by a panicked companion what could be safer than thar she knows what she wants. To water the lawn. Fucking, other women. Co'bra ha!
lol it's just Travolta shaking table fables. Hey whg don't we do like HAM Radio. Nk doughnuts it's ok just get in the machine.
How old
Oh, pershingwhispers. Oh well I have the gun. Obviously too high to understand I just ate some blue chips, cough syrup was red violetvomit I forget some times they call themselves menonitss on welfare documents. I care. Iowa. Idaho. Yakutsk yes to the Yucatan this time. I'm sure in this movie he's much less"Herry" and didn't more just, the groom.
It's gotta be all about job creation.
Say, when? Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hen
I have my instructions
He grated bits of his hand.
Tish, that's french!
She was allowed to give it ago on the set of Butterfly Effect, but not Butterfly Effect 2,noisycriKe4t not that there's anything wrong with not being in Be2. The one where he starts as a criminal gambler mt with notebooks and a secret past as a rosie o'donel but you also have the woman playing Marie Barrone show up with a David Spade full length feature saying, did you finish mentioning everything because that's not how a lady tells her side of the tinkle, even if she's never heard it from this side before. She had intelligence "phoned on her" and she is just making sure she doesn't want to go designer hat than explain how there is something with the halogen making her hair appear purple. She hears it's fabulous.
aid and educated by the half breathed empt glances of someone who just wants to come down from meth away from the Playstation. Cuz she knows if she tries to get her damn abyss to train again it'll be a whole fight and she has so much saved up in GP that she can focus entirely on getting new Techs through off plantation training courses. So yeah she does have stuff going on, so there. Now tell her things you've seen.
Oover the o BAL shall hold while spoons are assimilated;Remcarry2f22oreverasteredaTon8gh
Submit to my kiss and you'llbe2Bours Dipper st.
5 i want u in my armVictorianImpressionVulcaniyi
iGyats imdead grainger, if you see him touch iest
。it's not the endItsYet less it weren't true but yes
We could post the iimg. Ok al. Sabre Hackjaw."seems to focus into two Recoils:ac aw SuchTharac is Straight Crash Transcription while away requires input from either the games World or your World
Ewrong:First hinge .o.moment rest. Raise out the halfpenny!SLÆTwayne Boneyh8r. read and why? Yet stir wonderous stylings drawn over lake water.
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death of a salesman
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It's just the dance kind of love, not the clean the bathroom wash the tub kind of that. See! huh?
Sure you've seen what you've seen. But did Ash really compete with Sabrina twice without beating Koga first?am1unLit-iChi
doctor does that amOunt point Meal! Soab other boat weapon王A@,黄.mUniT茶rburGail注 withminiguncranked weather patterns show
ウニゾンv22Bye Now a whole with A whole botch
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moe,ped:x° drumliminal!Ukno what Apple was good4rye? Seltom a cog native examinerEnquirer
yesterday's thunders too hour show
Anything else comes out in yours
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That is
aTable for our magique hour f!eldiOrrys
Figueroa ma got, some jar of olives I have because they're an excellent source of protein and you can only eat so much sausage off a knife at the food court before people ask if I can sell them any gib. This is a sausage knife, it's only cutting sausage. Preferably chorizo. Auk³l&é?oakidoak?eh! We share these sayings, even you might have someone my paperwork your just"using to justify foodstuffs or survival or jeez Identity. If it's a good enough idea that you didn't share with anyone careful for Star Trek they're still groan wither Matildan.Cray111 you net . Yes I give out waves. Here's a bye wave.
0 notes
a-lucha-brother · 2 months
So I saw Blood & Guts and WELL WELL WELL I was definitely in some sort of ball park with that doozy
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Trust AEW to find a way to have a finish not on my list here. BUT I was slightly closer than I even expected myself to be- as for my accuracy:
Yes: Adam Page was too distracted by Swerve to help the Elite
Yes: this took Swerve away from Team AEW
Not Quite: Swerve and Page were just GONE from this match, it wasn't even about them in the end.
Sort of: Jeff Jarrertt DID get involved like I thought he would, but not as fully realised as I would have liked, but I was still glad to see him get a guitar smash in there.
All in all, it was a strange match to be sure. Like there were so many awkward moments of Okada being there and being involved, but like, NOT wanting to be a part of too much hardcore stuff being done to him, which I found hilarious.
And even more moments of, "everybody waaaaiiiitttt for itttttt, NOW EVERYBODY ATTACK AT RHE SAME TIME" spots to metaphorically turn the tide around for the next round of suffering.
People gotta give Jack Perry his flowers after this cause GOD DAMN did thar boy take a ridiculous amount of punishment. That chair shot to head right at the end was particularly brutal (and i think the commentators were even shocked by how stiff it was).
Still nothing tops the B&G between The Inner Circle and The Pinnacle.
But that's more down to AEW mot focusing on faction based storytelling anymore. It's really just The Elite, and a bunch of random dudes.
Shout out to myself for absolutely nailing the prediction that someone would cut a hole into the cage, this is my claim to fame now 😂
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