#chaos reigns
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sonnet-of-skalitz · 3 days ago
The Whole World Turns Around Henry (Part IV)
(Henry and women, through Hans Capon's eyes. Just what is it about that blacksmith’s son that drives the noblewomen mad with lust...?)
Hans found Henry in the Ruthard manor courtyard, where he’d expected, feeding that grey mare of his an apple and crooning sweetly at her with his free hand in her mane. She looked freshly groomed, no doubt by Henry’s own hand—didn’t the poor fool know he could browbeat any servant in the palace into doing that kind of dirty work for him now?
The sight made Hans inexplicably sour. When was someone going to feed him an apple and sing him a sweet song while they ran their fingers through his hair? Fuck, it had been too long since he’d visited a bathhouse—a real one, with actual walls, and pretty wenches who’d do anything for a flattering word from the future Lord of Rattay.
“So!” Hans clapped his hands, startling the horse and drawing a disapproving frown from Henry—which he handily ignored. “I hear you and the fair Lady Rosa had quite the adventure. To hear her tell it, the two of you laid siege to this place, fighting back-to-back against the occupying horde.”
“Well, I did have to kill some looters.” Henry responded to his ribbing with a simple sincerity. “Hardly a horde.”
“Ah, well, there you go,” Hans spread his arms. “Perhaps sweet Rosa has been reading too many of those adventurous books of hers and fancied herself the hero. Poor thing.”
“Oh, no, she did help me,” Henry said. “She shot one of them with a crossbow all the way from the window. It was quite impressive.”
“Hm.” Hans’s teasing smile fell away for a moment before lifting right back up. “And then the two of you spent the night together—Henry, you devil.”
Apple all gone, Henry gave the old nag one last pat on the neck and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Nothing happened,” he said.
“Oh, come now.” Hans waved him off. “I understand protecting a lady’s honour from the likes of Dry Devil and those other louts—but you can be honest with your liege lord.”
“Radzig’s my liege lord,” Henry reminded him.
“Well, if you’re going to be all proper about it.” Hans scoffed, though he felt a little chastened. It was so easy to forget that Henry had never officially sworn himself into Hans’s service—more that he had been badgered into it by circumstance and the unstoppable force that was Hans’s uncle.
Was it… Had Hans been naïve all this time, to believe that Henry would choose to remain thus, when given the opportunity to leave? Why had he never given a thought to that?
Feeling sourer than ever, Hans returned to the matter at hand and pressed, “Come on, Hal—the two of you, all alone in this big, lonely castle. You, the gallant protector. Her, the grateful maiden. One bed in a cold room. We both know how this bawdy tale goes.”
“You’re wrong.” Henry shook his head, taking some oil and applying it to his saddle. “I slept in the servants’ quarters.”
Hans peered in close. Bloody hell, but the poor bastard wasn’t lying—truly, nothing had happened.
Feeling suddenly light as a feather, Hans let out a giddy laugh and clapped him on the shoulder. “Oh, well—chin up, my good fellow. It can’t be the first time you’ve met a woman impervious to your rustic charms.”
“Oh, no—I got the feeling she would’ve gone for it, had I kissed her,” Henry said simply—and from anyone else it would be the most boorish of boasts. From him, though, it sounded frustratingly earnest. “But I didn’t, and she didn’t. So, we didn’t.”
He topped it with a little shrug. Hans wanted to strangle him.
“Christ, that sea monster between your legs is wasted on you,” he said, instead. “Might as well be a eunuch.”
Henry scoffed, though he did so through a smile, and kept working the leather. Hans lingered.
Chewing on a thought, he eventually ventured, “You know that you could trust me, to keep your confidence—if you had bedded a noble lady, no matter how high above your station. Even should the matter produce… consequences. I would not betray you—I’d only hope you’d trust me enough to tell me the truth.”
Hands ceasing their work, Henry looked at him. “What are you getting at?”
“Word is Lady Stephanie of Talmberg is with child,” Hans said.
“Aye.” Henry squinted at him, crossing his arms. “So I’d heard.”
“Anyone with half the sense they were born with—including Divish, himself—knows her husband can’t possibly be the father.” Hans watched him closely.
Henry shrugged. “I don’t see why he couldn’t be.”
“Oh, come off it!” Hans sputtered. “The man’s 8,000 years old!”
 “Stranger things have happened.”
“Why so stiff, hm?” Hans needled him. “Does the topic make you uncomfortable?”
“It does, if you must know.” Henry was frowning now—a real frown, not just the way his face always looked. “Sir Divish has been very kind to me. I don’t enjoy talking about him in this way.”
“His wife was very kind to you too, as I heard it.” Hans refused to let it go. “Gave you lots of… personal attention.”
“I was an injured lad who’d just lost his home,” Henry said through gritted teeth. “She felt pity for me. And, aye, she was lonely.”
“Lonely, eh?” Hans smirked, though there was a roiling in his gut. Well, if that didn’t cinch it. “Look, you might as well know—I’m not the only one talking about this. You’re at the top of a lot of people’s list of suspects.”
“Look, maybe she—” Henry stopped himself and rethought whatever he was about to say. “Whatever Lady Stephanie felt, or wanted, or any of that—it doesn’t matter. I am telling you, the child isn’t mine.”
Hans’s reply was cut off as Henry faced him squarely and took his shoulders in those strong blacksmith’s hands of his.
“Hans,” he said, squeezing, looking him in the eye. “I never touched her.”
Hans found himself swallowing, throat strangely dry. With a nod, he acquiesced, “Alright, Henry. I believe you.”
Slumping a little in relief, Henry gave Hans’s shoulders a pat before releasing them. He smiled, and Hans found himself smiling, too. Business concluded, there was really no reason to dawdle in the courtyard. Hans unhurriedly began to peel himself away.
“Can I really trust you?” Henry’s words stopped him just as he had turned his back. “Would you keep my confidence?”
“Of course,” Hans said, spinning back to face him with sincerity. “Always.”
Henry, who had himself turned back to oiling tack, spoke with his expression hidden from Hans. “There was someone. A noble lady I took to bed. Shagged her good and proper, I did. We went all night.”
“Who was it?” Hans asked, breath caught in his throat.
Slowly, Henry turned his face so Hans could see the serious set of his brow and jaw as he confessed, “Your mum.”
There was a beat of silence. Henry’s lips quirked up just the tiniest bit as Hans let out a howl and grabbed him by the hair.
“You impudent little arsehole!” They both laughed as Hans tugged his head. “You’re so revolting, Henry! I should have you stripped naked and flogged!”
“Like mother like son, eh?” Henry only brayed harder as Hans sputtered and pulled him rougher. “Oof! Ow, you’re not as tender as your mother, that’s for sure.”
“Shut the fuck up!” Hans managed through breathless laughter. “Jesus fucking Christ, you’re a madman. What if I said I’d had your mother, hm? You’d cry!”
“Ah, what would my mother want with that skinny noble arse?” Henry tried to pry Hans’s fingers loose, then gave up. “She likes beef, not chicken—agh!”
It felt good—Hans knew Henry felt it, too. To laugh. To use the present tense. To smile around the word ‘mother’ once again.
When they both eventually came in from the courtyard, no one even bothered to ask why Henry’s hair had been half pulled out and Hans was wearing a grin that simply wouldn’t shift. Lady Rosa was the only one to spare them more than a glance, her gaze lingering on the ruddy cheer on Henry’s cheeks.
There, you see? She missed the smug look Hans sent her in turn. I suppose you weren’t that good a shot, after all.
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littlekingbergara · 2 years ago
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i just can't get over the wildflower embroidery on shane's suit with the fact that he designed sara's engagement ring based off of wildflowers... like the thoughtfulness and pure love that went into every detail of this day starting from almost two years ago!!! their love is so so beautiful. 🥹🫶
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lunaspidermanson · 2 months ago
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Sry but not so sry
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fsfghgee · 8 months ago
The transformation of Bi-Han into Noob Saibot MK1
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onejellyfishplease · 1 year ago
Part 24
(Prev) (First)
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... we should come back later...
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subzero-simp · 5 months ago
Funny fact that Sektor doesn’t give a helping hand to anyone:
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But she does to Bi-Han:
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appendingfic · 2 months ago
I like the idea of Wade awkwardly introducing Knuckles as his mom's grandson
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mortalgirlie · 6 months ago
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I prefer Sareena
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artbyheadstatic · 1 year ago
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I truly adore pixel art, I should really make more
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junkienoir · 11 months ago
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littlekingbergara · 2 years ago
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are you guys seeing these...
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rin-rin-comics · 6 months ago
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”where’s Chaos Reigns?”
(For those who have been around since the first panel I ever posted) it’s coming. Who knew researching something that doesn’t have tons of info is hard but I’m starting to make a full cohesive story. I’m doing my homework and I’ve improved in my writing I think.
about the next panel, yea expect it tonight🤭🤭😚😚
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fsfghgee · 6 months ago
Imagine these people on a double date with Liu Kang as the mediator trying to reconcile them..
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At some table in Madam Bo's restaurant...
Harumi:ㅤHow can you kill and risk your life for a man like that?
Sektor:ㅤWouldn't you do the same for Kuai Liang?
Harumi:ㅤOf course I would. But he isn't Bi-Han.
Sektor:ㅤExactly. I know his heart. You don't.
Harumi:ㅤWhat heart? That guy let his own father die. He has no honor, no heart. As you must not have to…
Sektor:ㅤYou know nothing about us. You...
Liu Kang:ㅤKuai Liang. Can you say something to your brother?
Kuai Liang:ㅤI'll never forgive you.
Bi-Han:ㅤDid I ask for your forgiveness?
Harumi:ㅤThis guy…
Sektor:ㅤThis is pointless. You're wasting our time.
Kuai Liang:ㅤWasn't it nice to see the mother you dishonor again?
Bi-Han:ㅤMind your place, Kuai Liang! Or I...
Kuai Liang:ㅤOr you what?!
Liu Kang:ㅤBy the elder gods…
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magicalmysteryperson · 1 year ago
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What if order won, and chaos lost?
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subzero-simp · 5 months ago
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Sektor: I couldn’t leave you locked away in the Temple.
Noob Saibot: You were right to be impatient.
Credit - lulia Crimson. In Reddit.
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appendingfic · 22 days ago
"How do Shadow and Knuckles plan to drive from Montana to Washington without anyone noticing two aliens driving a pickup truck?" I think it's important to remind the reader occasionally that for all they are super-powered aliens they are also teenagers and thus every idea they have has at least one fatal flaw which dooms the entire enterprise.
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