#snw are you listening to me
2063april5 · 1 month
Every time snw producers say they're gonna do something completely new that has never been done in trek before I think "like address the Tarsus thing?" and I remain hopeful to this day
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dadbodbensisko-moved · 9 months
[through tears] i need jim kirk in a cowboy hat and cowboy boots and i need it now
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grissomesque · 1 year
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What was she hiding?
Una's Trial Begins [x]
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
SNW Christine has the vibes of someone who pours a glass of wine, hands it to Uhura, then starts drinking from the bottle. SNW Christine says she’s going to have “one glass of Romulan ale” and then pulls out a comedically large glass as a goof. Christine wore white converse with her thrift store dress to space prom. I can see this all clearly. She is this to me:
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weepylucifer · 2 years
Oh yeah btw i am mad that they’re cancelling Discovery just as it was really getting good. Was it perfect? No. But at least it was trying to do something new during the last 2 seasons and actually moving the Star Trek universe forward in time instead of endlessly dwelling in the nostalgia zone. I like Lower Decks and SNW but you have to admit that all ongoing Trek shows now are endless nostalgia bait and “omg are they going to have a cameo by a legacy character”. It’s just yet another huge symptom of an entertainment industry no longer having the courage to try something even the littlest bit new and weird
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vulcandyke · 8 days
attention new country artists online: you cannot say you're bringing back "that good old country sound" if you're exclusively posting blake shelton and toby keith covers. good lord
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secretstartrekblog · 2 years
i mean yeah you could be a crabby purist about media you claim to love but it’s actually much more fun to just admit that new trek (AOS, discovery, strange new worlds, etc) does in fact go hard as fuck <3
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pinazee · 1 year
Fully on board wesley kirk now! I loved this episode so much! Classic time travel episode, classic Kirk gets-the-girl! Another iteration of Khan! This is the first ep i think ever rewatched immediately after.
P.S A+ marketing for having the going-in-the-past episode released two days early
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acatwithstockings · 2 years
One of my favorite things to do is to talk to fellow Trekkies on the english side of the internet and just sprinkle in some agressive german pronouciation of names .
It's not that i like the german pronouciation quite far from it, i just find it hilarious.
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ETA they let her say "Are you kidding me?!" I'm living
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fxoye · 14 days
Here’s another idea for you -
Spock and Jim getting married.
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spirk wedding <3.
i finally finished this !!!!! oh my god i am not joking i think this took me a solid 10 hours in the span of like 3 days.
i’ll be honest i listened to snw uhura’s song (keep us connected) like 238 times while i drew this. definitely my fave song from the musical episode. WHAT A VOICE !!!
so you said wedding and at first i thought okay spirk in suits. but THEN i thought you know what it should be more futuristic ??? so that’s what i tried with kirk’s outfit. and then spock i was like… idk a vulcan robe or something (he does not look like a priest SHUT UP.)
and then i was thinking okay black bc men. but ???? i really had a vision of kirk in white and im glad i took that route bc he looks mfing ETHEREAL. and yes i gave them earrings because i CAN.
anyway enjoy <3
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spirkme915 · 1 year
spirk fics i've read in the last two-ish months and loved
I will have you (if you let me) by ros3bud009 @roseymoseyberry (TOS) - starting out this list with a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ fic. i loved everything about this fic - the premise (k&s know they're t'hy'la from the second they meet), the yearning, the journey, the love. i could live in this fic
Spock 🖖 by vaksur, WerewolvesAreReal (TOS) - need a laugh? this one is it. spock decides to use emojis in his comms. shenanigans ensue
A Friend Like You by kierawrites (TAS, yes you read that right an animated series fic!) - pre-slash, a glimpse into their lives after the episode "mudd's passion." this one is short and yet is packed with *them*
A Different Perspective by Maeko (AOS, SNW) - transporter malfunction fic, and this time it brings AOS Spirk to SNW verse. loved this one for the AOS Spirk dynamics, but mostly the SNW Spock and AOS Spock interactions and Maeko's perspective of Vulcan telepathy. it's a fascinating character study!
in the dying of the light by scar_a_mouche (zanni_scaramouche) @zanniscaramouche (AOS) - i'm not sure how to categorize this one, other than to say that i had this *ache* in my chest through every sentence and it just felt so AOS Spirk that i wanted to drown in it. one of my faves over the last few months
Personal Personnel Protocol by dothedeux (TOS) - another comedy entry for the list. this time it's not just the bridge crew that knows what's up, it's the computer. such a fun read and so sweet too
Professor Kirk by TonightNoPoetryWillServe (AOS) - cadet spock, professor kirk, and all kinds of fluff with only a touch of angst. perfect bedtime reading
Let Forever Be by gunstreet @gunstreet (TOS) - listen. i need everyone to drop what they're doing and read this fic. it's a city on the edge of forever fic that is mostly a jim character study but pulls in queer history. it breathes compassion and humanity, and is stocked with OCs you'll fall in love with. another ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ read
Shall We? by Jenna Hilary Sinclair (JennaHilary) (TOS) - yet another comedy entry? what has the world come to? i love my angst just as much as the next spirk truther, but when comedic spirk is done right it hits perfectly and this one is definitely done right
And When the Bond Breaks by LadyRa (TOS) - finishing this spirk list with a final ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ read. this became easily one of my favorite TOS fics of all time. it's from 2003 and deserves WAY MORE hits, kudos, and comments than it has!
for the non-spirk entries this time around:
StarDate.org by Exxact (TOS/AOS fusion) - christine/t'pring and online dating. fluff and friendship. perfect
The Time of Neither by gunstreet (SNW) - spoimler nation rise! your definitive fic has arrived!
My World Is No Longer Hollow by existentialcrisistime @existentialcrisistime (TOS) - a mcspirk fic about finding where you belong. so beautiful
and two recs for WIPs for you to read and subscribe to:
Place Your Hand In Mine by remylebae @twinkboimler (AOS) - a super sweet mckirk fic about leonard having a secret admirer (who could it possibly be??)
It's Not An Illusion by Borealisblue @thetimetostrikeislater (AOS) - gorgeous story about healing and gorgeous artwork? i'm sold!
please do send me recs, and don't be afraid to self-promo! you can find all my recs here
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flippyspoon · 11 months
NOTE: Lil SNW Spirk drabble.
Spock was just about to dig into a steaming bowl of plomeek soup when Lieutenant Kirk of the Farragut sat down across from him, grinning in his friendly manner.
Spock blinked at him and said, "May I help you, Lieutenant?"
"Don't let me interrupt your dinner-"
"Only I was wondering if you could give me the basics on how that ion storm disrupted our ops systems? I'm sure it's something I'm going to see again."
Spock started to speak, frowned, and said, "Have you never encountered an ion storm?"
"Well, yes. But I could use a better understanding of how they work."
Spock forgot about his dinner and fixed Jim Kirk with a wary gaze.
"Lieutenant, this is the sixth question you've asked me today concerning a subject about which I'm sure you are already knowledgable. You have already asked me about diplomatic relations with Andoria-"
"Your thoughts on it were invaluable!"
"And about experiments in the use of neutronium-"
"Well, yes, I've read about that. But I thought a science officer like yourself might have new insights."
"Lieutenant, is there a reason you continually ask me questions to which you already possess answers? Are you testing my knowledge?"
"Not at all, Mr. Spock! I ...suppose I just enjoy listening to Vulcans explain things to me."
Spock raised an eyebrow, perking up slightly. "Do you know many Vulcans?"
"No," Kirk said, resting his chin on his hands. "You're the only one."
"I...do not understand."
"I'm sure you'll figure it out," Kirk said. "You're the best mind in the fleet after all."
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sincosma · 10 months
So. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. I need to sing this show’s praises (no plot spoilers!) and if you’re a Trek fan, you need to watch it ASAP.
LISTEN. This show is on another fucking level. I know a lot of trekkies have been complaining about “New Trek” (even though a lot of their complaints are curiously similar to the complaints about VOY and DS9 back in the day), but SNW is genuinely one of the best Trek shows PERIOD. Say whatever you wanna say about the missteps of early Discovery or the massive stumbles of ALL of Picard, but SNW came out the gate FINE-TUNED and honed in on the show’s message, identity, and place within the canon. And it SHINES. No weak pilot or cumbersome first seasons; SNW knows what it is and goes for it without hesitation. Love the irony that a show about the captain from the TOS pilot (which had very strange circumstances) and yet his own show knocks it out of the park. Delicious. At last, justice for Jeffery Hunter’s Pike!
They absolutely perfected the episodic-mini-serialized-arc style that DS9 pioneered. Pike is hands down the best all-around captain in the entire series, with the friendliness and openness of Archer, the daring and charisma of Kirk, and the principles and empathy of Sisko all rolled into one. There’s even a little bit of our beloved Janeway’s questionable decision-making and stalwart loyalty in his character!
The way they’ve highlighted each crew member with barely a single character arc fumbled is supremely impressive. Special mentions to the character arcs so far for M’Benga, Chapel, Uhura, and La’An. Ethan Peck’s Spock goes places that truly delight and shock me. The fan service has been subtle and tasteful (e.g. incorporating young Jim Kirk, references to future TOS show/movie villains, etc.). The deep lore cuts have had me shouting incoherently at the TV in excitement. Watching Lower Decks crew nerding out over TOS-era characters while SNW crew geek out about Archer, Hoshi, and Travis from Enterprise NX-01. These moments are so skillfully handled and feel so natural. It reminded me fondly of the incredible DS9 episode where Dax and Sisko end up on Kirk’s Enterprise.
Side note, I have to specifically mention episode “Subspace Rhapsody”…man, THIS is how a musical episode is DONE. Fucking BRAVO.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
I’m truly impressed with the topics they’ve been unabashedly tackling with true Star Trek earnestness, optimism, and reverence. The challenging ethics of prejudice, eugenics, racism, sexism, fascism, war crimes. It’s all here, man. Yes, it’s not perfect and SNW of course has some issues, but this show hits the bullseye overall. Its flaws are completely overshadowed by its triumphs.
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sophiaforevs · 11 months
Between the early cancellation of Discovery, Seven/Raffi and Mariner/Jenn being erased in their respective shows, and SNW having queer coded characters but not confirming anything on screen, I'm really afraid that we're entering another "No Gays in Trek" era.
For those who don't know, 90s era star trek featured so few queer characters b/c Rick Berman largely held a policy of not wanting any homosexuality in his shows. And yes, we all remember the handful of episodes that slipped through that addressed it but the fact remains that there were no canonically queer main cast members before Into Darkness in 2016 gave us a five second shot that could be cut when whoever was showing the movie found the idea of two men in a loving relationship disgusting.
Then we got Discovery with multiple queer characters that allowed people to feel seen. And people never stopped bitching about them. The amount of times that I've had to listen to people complain that Adira's only character trait is that they're non-binary despite that literally being a single thirty second scene and never brought up again makes me understand that they very likely don't want to like the queer characters in that show. And it's not that there aren't criticisms to be made about the queer representation in Disco: Discovery Buries it's Gays before the end of the first season. Making your trans characters aliens who already have a history of gender fuckery is problematic b/c it somewhat plays into the idea that queerness is unnatural for human beings. But I never hear those complaints. Only the pronouns. Only the "We get it you're gay but don't shove it down our throats." But I don't want to get too off topic.
Now Discovery is being canceled early. And by early I mean, the writers weren't given proper notice that their show was ending. They were halfway through production and allowed to adjust the end episodes of the season to try to give a satisfying ending.
In Picard and Lower Decks, we got two sapphic relationships ("sapphic" meaning a romantic or sexual relationship between two women who aren't necessarily strictly lesbians) and they were pretty good. People had been asking for Seven to be queer and Jeri Ryan had been playing her as such since her introduction (see again: Rick Berman) and to see her finally get to express that was really healing. Mariner got off to rocky feet when the creators tried to pull a "Dumbledore is gay" where they said she was bi but didn't commit to it, but they she actually got a fairly satisfying relationship in season 3.
But in their most recent seasons, both were completely written out. Seven/Raffi gave us no explanation beyond that they "broke up." They went out of their way to keep them from being on screen together for most of the season. Mattis said in a Reddit AMA that he wanted Seven to be captain and Raffi to be first officer at the end of the season and that Starfleet would have regulations against relationships between the two despite the biggest reason Seven was promoted to captain was that she was a rule breaker. We didn't even get that much for Mariner/Jennifer. Jenn just wasn't in this season except for two background appearances.
And in Strange New Worlds there's just… nothing. SNW is the most recent new show and there's no queer representation. They code Ortegas as gay but don't actually confirm it on screen. There's just… nothing.
And this is how you loose the culture war. The bigots make enough noise that the show that is supposed to be a beacon of diversity doesn't necessarily side with them but they just kinda bow out of the conversation. They decide that it's easier to not bother than to take a stand. And so I and many many queer star trek fans are left wondering:
Does the franchise even want us any more?
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miminmimikyu · 3 months
Episode 7-8: so, one day after drinking that coffee + espresso abomination Dal thinks diving into a Borg transwarp conduit to save travel time is a good idea. And later starts admitting that he has a tendency to forget about everything else when there’s an important mission to focus on. Who does that remind me of?
So the death racing episode that disabled Zero is simultaneously a breather episode lmao
Of course the Kazon Maje wasn’t the big bad in this episode, that would ask for some unprecedented competence from them :’D love how so far they’ve been relegated to “child abductors for a despotic slaver” and now “doing kidnapping for a rogue ai that’s channeling world’s worst tutor”. Not even that really, this Maje pretty much is forced into an “NPC who makes you do a racing sidequest on pain of death” role.
Ohh I really love the personality swaps in the holograms! The voice acting is so good! Brett Gray’s version of Zero was so spot I had to go back a bit just to listen if it wasn’t actually Angus Imrie imitating Brett Gray’s voice @_@ Same for Angus Imrie’s Dal!! Rylee Alazraqui’s Jankom shouting at the Doc and Jason Mantzoukas’ Rok Takh being so sweet and innocent are so funny! Also, taking the Gwyn hologram out is such a convenient way to prevent Murf’s personality from talking
only just realising the Maj’el - Majel Barett name connection!!
Ovidia IV is so pretty and the designs of the corporeal non-corporeal aliens are so cool but it’s a trap it’s a trap it’s a trap, it’s giving me Star Trek TOS vibes of “Faustian bargain aliens” or “planet with a death ritual masquerading as a incredible party”.
After watching the whole episode, setting aside the scenes on Voyager-A, episode 8 really really felt so much like a TOS episode with a modern twist to me! It had the uncanny idyllic planet, the race of telepaths enthralled by their senses, the weird euphoric call to death, culty death festival, the inability to leave once you’ve made The Choice.. but then it has the emotional arc you see in NuTrek and also includes a beautiful, thrilling scene flying on top of the Nazamon (very Discovery). And obviously without the gruesome deaths and madness that would have accompanied a TOS episode. (Ok maybe TOS deaths aren’t that gruesome compared to Disco/Pic//SNw but when I was 9-10 and watching TOS repeats with my dad on Sunday afternoons against my will it was terrifying so that’s what in my brain now). And despite the weird vibes they weren’t actually bad people, just dangerously secretive.
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Zero’s arc is also so interesting. Their desire to obtain corporeal body is such a contrast from S1 Zero, who waxed lyrical about life with other Medusans, how they miss it and how it’s like nothing the others can imagine. It figures that now they’re liberated from being a living torture device and have had time to spend so much time enjoying freedom with their corporeal friends, they are able to put into words something might be missing. The joy on their face and in their voice after the transfiguration was so sweet! Also I like these shots through Zero’s cracked visor
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I think it’s also an interesting juxtaposition that the previous episode, which ended in Zero performing a self-sacrificial, disabling manoeuvre, started with the gang diving into a Borg transwarp conduit and Zero voicing discomfort (fear) at that. Zero did stop talking less about their Medusan physiology post-Borg encounter (also after injuring Gwyn?) iirc. There was that fear of hurting others just by being Medusan. But this episode talks about fear being an essential aspect of life (ok. corporeal life i guess). Also interesting that Prodigy is framing the corporeal/non-corporeal thing as a binary. I hope it's going to delve a little deeper into that and go a little more complex. I can't wait to see if Zero’s new body lasts and what its possible deterioration will mean for Zero and their feelings about living as a Medusan among humanoids.
Another thing that I like about this episode is that the gang only cares that Zero was properly informed about what choice they were making and that they were safe during the process. They are sure that Zero knows what’s best for Zero.
Poor Gwyn can't catch a break, even her hologram is traumatised now.
Can’t believe how strong this first half of the season is already. If season 1 is anything to go by it’s going to be a hell of a two parter for the midseason finale!!!!!
(I’m still in doubt about the Entity being a time-displaced Chakotay, because in the second message it called Janeway “Janeway” and not “Kathryn” or “Captain” or “Admiral”. Even if he was trying to hide his identity for timey wimey reasons I can’t imagine he’d call her just Janeway and not “vice admiral Kathryn Janeway” or some other more businesslike title.)
Oh no these posts are getting so long OTL
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