#snupin love
sacredsnape · 2 years
Very self indulgent moonprince/snupin oneshot below <3
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In which Severus has a bad day and Remus comforts him
Genre: fluff/angst
Warnings: mentions of stress
"Rem, I'm fine."
"No you're not, Sev. You haven't had anything to eat all day."
Severus turned over to look at his boyfriend, who was sitting at the edge of the bed with a deep frown.
"I don't need your help, Lupin," Severus grumbled, looking away and burying his face into his pillow.
Remus sighed and scooted closer to Severus, laying down behind him. He snaked his arms around his waist and Severus stiffened in his hold.
"We've been dating for months and you still refer to me as Lupin," Remus murmured, pressing a light kiss to the back of Severus's neck.
"I'm sorry," Severus said, his heart dropping with guilt. "I'm sorry, I'm just stressed and cranky and-"
Remus silenced Severus with a kiss, turning his head towards him. Remus slid a large hand under Severus's jumper and caressed his cold skin, humming lowly in his throat.
"It's fine, love. Don't apologize. I just want to make you feel better," Remus assured Severus, sitting up, "I'm going to grab you something to eat from the kitchen whether you like it or not."
Severus smiled timidly and watched his boyfriend leave the bedroom. He sat up in bed and propped himself up on the pillows, curling his knees up to his chest. He felt bad for being so cranky and taking it out on Remus; work was stressing him out beyond words and he was reaching his wit's end.
Remus returned minutes later with a cup of warm tea and a plate holding a thick slice of lasagna from last night's dinner, courtesy of his cooking.
"Tea and lasagna?" Severus questioned, his stomach growling loudly at the sight of the food. "That's an interesting combination."
"The tea will keep you warm because it's freezing and the lasagna will keep your tummy full," Remus explained lightly as he set the plate and cup on the nightstand. "Eat, darling."
Severus grumbled out a "thank you" and Remus smiled adoringly at him. No matter how grumpy Severus was, Remus would always find him adorable.
Remus slid into the space next to Severus and pulled him close, resting his head on his shoulder.
"You're cozy," Remus observed as Severus drank his tea, the liquid warming his insides pleasantly.
Severus felt a smile twitch at his lips. "I am?"
Remus nodded and lazily pressed a kiss to his boyfriend's neck. "The coziest."
Severus looked over so that the tip of his nose brushed against Remus's. His smile widened and he leaned forward slightly to kiss Remus, his lips tasting of vanilla lip balm.
"I'm proud of you for getting through this week," Remus said against his lips, stroking his cheekbone. "You've done so well, sweetheart."
Severus blushed deeply, averting the other male's gaze. "Rem, you're going to make me shy."
Remus smirked playfully and then laughed. "You're cute when you're shy."
Severus suppressed an eye roll and began to eat his lasagna. It was so good that Severus sighed contenty and shoved a forkful of it into his mouth.
"God, you're an amazing cook," Severus told Remus through a mouthful of cheesy lasagna. "You should create a cookbook and publish it."
Remus wiped a bit of sauce from Severus's bottom lip and shrugged. "I don't think so. These recipes are for my prince and my prince only."
Severus felt a frenzy of butterflies swarm his stomach; whenever Remus said things like that, it always left Severus feeling flustered.
"I want to make you something in return. You do most of the cooking," Severus offered, drinking more of his tea.
"You don't have to do anything. You already do enough by working with those...insufferable students of yours," Remus grinned cheekily. "I just want to take care of you in every way possible."
Severus grinned, wondering how in the world he got so lucky.
"You're lovely, you know that?" Severus said, looking down at Remus. Any other day, especially before he started dating Remus, he wouldn't have been so soft with his words.
"Not as lovely as you," Remus quipped, dotting tender kisses all over his sweetheart's face. "I love you."
"Not as much as I love you, Lupin," Severus retorted, a teasing tone to his voice.
Remus pressed one last kiss to his lips and smiled broadly, the corners of his eyes creasing, his heart bursting with nothing but love for Severus.
"Fine, I'll let you win this time, Snape."
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messrsrobyn · 2 months
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which could mean nothing
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poitionsprince · 29 days
Harry's third year, March 9th, it's Trelawney's birthday.
Remus comes into the teacher's lounge, celebrating with everyone.
The day after all the decorations are still up, he firstly thinks that they just didn't want to take them off yet - but then the teachers start singing to him with a new cake.
March 10th, his birthday.
He didn't expect them to know, nor did he want to tell them and feel like a bother for them to celebrate day after day.
At the side of the room he turns to get a drink from the table Severus is next to.
Severus decided to be civil and asks how does he like the party, and Remus confessed that he didn't expect anyone to know his birthday.
Severus just shrugs away in a statement of "if I need to go through the embarrassment each year - so do you" and walks away, living a very shocked werewolf to realize exactly who told everyone.
And even more - who was the one to remember.
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seleneprince · 6 months
Unpopular opinion:
Remus Lupin was as capable of cruelty and arrogance as the rest of the Marauders. There are plenty of hints of this in canon. The only reason we don't see this side of him as often is because of his heavy reluctante to be considered a "bad guy".
And he low-key enjoyed going against Snape just as much, he just had some conscience aftewards.
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dufferpuffer · 1 month
Hello, I've just read loads of your posts/metas/HCs and I love them - especially your character analysis! I have to confess my favourite has always been Tonks and after reading your post about her and Snape and how they relate to each other, I can't get out of my head how good Tonks/Snape/Lupin relationship might be! Do you have any HCs or thoughts about what a relationship for them might look like?
Please don't feel like you need to answer if this is a topic that doesn't interest you - but if it is, I'd love to know your take!
Severus and Remus both push people away from them. - Severus is a grumpy sod that pushes down emotion. He pushes people away so they can't become problems. - Remus has his grumpy sod moments - but mainly pushes people away so he can't become a problem and hurt them.
Neither of them can trust other people not to hurt them, so they close off their hearts.
Tonks is a magnet that draws people in. She is a worm, a parasite, an expert in squirming into the most protected hearts and softens them. A grumpy-sod whisperer.
- She drags the emotion out of Snape effortlessly. She is someone he knows he can (mostly) trust to be competent. - She is strong enough to resist Remus' pushing and to soothe his worries of being a burden: she can handle him. - She can adapt herself to what people need, she cares about how they feel and she won't easily fold.
Remus 🤝 Dora 🤝 Severus
Normally Severus and Remus repel eachother - but as they are softened by Tonks… they soften to eachother, too. Because deep down they have alot in common, their flaws compliment eachother - once they get past that first hurdle of actually getting to know eachother.
The one thing Tonks cant do for Severus is know what he has been through. Know what his life has been like, what he has had to do, what being naturally despised and a double-agent abandoned by everyone you love is like. What it's like to be alone. To hit rock bottom and scrape against it… and always fear losing everything and falling down there again. Remus knows that… and he loves soothing people. He loves being soft, wise, gentle - and useful.
The one thing Tonks can't do for Remus is convince him he is needed. He thinks she is biased. Capable, strong, intelligent - too good, he is dragging her down. Their whole relationship has been her trying, insisting, pleading - with small spurts of what he would call 'being weak' where he folds. But SHE can't convince him that isn't 'being weak'. Other people need to - it has to come from outside, someone he can't pass off by saying 'they don't understand the reality of his condition and situation.' His depression, anxiety and trauma makes him a little delusional. He can't just be brought to water, he needs to be FORCED to drink. (Harry did a good job of this.) Tonks can't do that. She is in the wrong position for it - and she is just a little too soft to handle him so roughly. Severus wouldn't struggle to grab him by the scruff of the neck and hold his head under. To drag him home.
- Remus is weak willed - supported by Tonks, but kept in line by Severus. Remus can't give Tonks stability in their relationship. Severus not only can - but he can enforce it. - Severus can't give Tonks an open heart, not without her working hard for it. But Remus can. - And they can draw it out of eachother - if not for themselves, then FOR HER.
Like I've always liked Snupin but struggle to see it as particularly 'domestic'. They're both standoffish. In a relationship would be interesting: finding being alone together a comfort. But with a third? With Tonks as their anchor? The foundation? Not only could they both orbit around her - I think it would bring them together better, too.
Going from bickering and only withstanding eachother in the same room for Tonks sake… ...to them both cuddled on the couch, watching a documentary or something, waiting for her to get home. They go from teasing her "What do you even see in that guy…?" To having their own slow-burn romance right infront of her.
Going from: Remus 🤝 Dora 🤝 Severus to: Dora 🤝 🤝 Remus 🤝 Severus
...and like imagine the sex
Anyway I really like poly ships for Remus - because he is such a fucking handful. He needs a whole support structure to just stay with Tonks in canon - so slipping a third, fourth, whatever into their structure just... makes sense. He is a complex guy with many issues that aren't easily supported. He can't just have a mate. He needs a pack.
A little different to the ask: but If you want a cute poly fic between Remus, Tonks, Sirius and a cute OC @black-occamy has a really sweet one on AO3 :) (I hope they don't mind me sharing it)
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ifoundaflamingsword · 2 months
@poitionsprince posted a TikTok today that vaguely inspired me and then I wrote nearly 6k of Snupin…. yay🖤
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irie-kun306 · 10 months
Here the furry versions of our "the marauders" and our dear Severus Snape, maybe some drawing will follow, the furry versions are based on their patronus or animagus forms, what I want to draw will surely be a line where Remus has a love interest in Severus, and maybe Severus is not so reluctant to realize it, although who knows, maybe there is more than one interested in Severus, and maybe Sirius and James are not very happy with Remus' decisions.
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nightingale2004 · 5 months
Question: How would Severus's life turn out if he was friends with Remus first instead of Lily?
I need to know
Would his life still be different? Would his friendship with Remus be similar to Lily? Would Remus still be friends with the marauders? Would Remus tell Severus he's a werewolf? Would Severus still be a death eater spy?
I need to know these things
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atlasdoe · 8 months
i've been watching bojack horsemen for the first time and i have the urge to write a snape centric fic inspired by the show
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roblogging · 11 days
Robynnn, I started writing a jegulus ff for a collection and because of you Snupin as a side pairing doesn't leave the back of my head. I guess i will just make Regulus ship them to piss of Sirius but this is how much you raised the Snupin nation.
let snupin be here omg omg omg
snupin revolution frfr
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sacredsnape · 2 years
A oneshot about Severus losing his mind because he can't find his daughter in the whole school, but the girl happens to be with Remus playing with a family of Nifflers in the Forbidden Forest :D
(Perhaps Luna tells Severus that she saw her daughter and Professor Lupine playing in the Forbidden Forest ;3)
This is so adorable! I love Dad!Sev and Remus being soft with kids 🥹
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
Sev's daughter is in her third year so this takes place during POA. Sev had her with his ex wife and later on married Remus during her second year.
Severus was about to have a fucking heart attack if he didn't find his daughter within the next thirty seconds.
His daughter, Willow, was very curious and wandered around the castle a lot, but she would always return to her common room or to her father's private chambers afterwards.
Today, however, she did not return.
Severus didn't even know where his husband was - it was another Hogsmeade trip weekend and Severus knew that Remus hadn't volunteered to chaperone the trip, so where in the world was he?
"Are you okay, Professor Snape? You seem a little stressed."
Severus jumped when he heard Luna Lovegood's voice behind him, stopping his frantic search for his daughter and husband.
He turned around to face Luna, his eyebrows creasing in a disgruntled manner. A little stressed was a major understatement.
"I'm fine, Miss Lovegood," Severus replied as calmly as possible, his fingers twitching anxiously. "Why aren't you in Hogsmeade with the other students?"
Luna shrugged. "Well, Willow was supposed to go with me, but she flaked out," she said, sounding a little hurt. "She never flakes out on me."
Severus let out an exasperated noise, more panic rising inside of him. His chest tightened and he wheezed, about to pass out in the middle of the corridor--
"But I did see her with Professor Lupin earlier," Luna added. Severus stared at her, his mouth falling open in surprise. His body flooded with numb relief as he shakily asked her, "Where exactly did you see them?"
"By the Forbidden Forest. I saw them on my way back inside after looking for nargles," Luna answered promptly, fiddling with the butterbeer cork necklace around her neck.
"Fucking Remus," Severus mumbled under his breath, shaking his head. He hastily thanked Luna and ran from the corridor, nearly tripping over his own feet in his mad dash towards the Forbidden Forest.
"Ooo, look at this one! It's so cute!" Severus heard Willow giggle as he quickly approached the forest, running around Hagrid's hut to find his husband and daughter crouched down by the edge of the forest, playing with a bunch of Nifflers.
"Isn't he so silly? Look at him, he keeps digging around for gold when there's nothing here," Remus laughed, gently tickling the Niffler's belly. He turned around to grab another Niffler and almost dropped it when he saw Severus standing there.
"Severus!" Remus exclaimed, the Nffler wiggling free from his grasp and running off. "I- I didn't see you standing there!"
"Hi, dad!" Willow happily greeted her father as she scooped two baby Nifflers into her arms. "Pa came to show me these Nifflers that Hagrid told him about!"
Severus exhaled impatiently through his nose and curtly said, "That's lovely, sweetheart, but why did neither of you tell me where you ran off to?"
Remus smiled sheepishly at Severus, scratching the back of his neck. "I'm truly sorry about that, darling, but Willow was just so excited to come look at the Nifflers and you were busy with your potions-"
"Even if I was busy, I still expect you to tell me where you are," Severus interjected coldly. He pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing deeply as he shook his head. "The two of you nearly gave me a bloody heart attack."
Willow glanced wearily at Remus, who shrugged, before standing to approach Severus with the baby Nifflers in her arms.
"Dad," she spoke quietly, nudging his side. Severus looked up, his gaze softening as he met his daughter's eyes; they were the same color as his and she looked so much like him, like a mini Severus.
"I'm sorry," she continued, averting her father's gaze. "Pa and I should have told you where we ran off to."
One of the Nifflers escaped her arms and jumped onto Severus's robes, eagerly sniffing them. Severus couldn't help but smile at the little creature, some of his disappointment and annoyance fading away.
"It's okay, my little songbird. I'm not mad at you," Severus assured Willow, pressing a chaste kiss to the top of her head. He looked past her at Remus, who was visibly embarrassed for not telling his husband about their whereabouts.
"I'm not mad at you either, Rem," Severus told his husband. Remus relaxed, sighing in relief. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to relax after this. I don't ever want to lose you two, figuratively and literally."
"I understand, my dear," Remus said softly as he joined Severus at his side, sliding his hand into his and intertwining their fingers. "We won't let it happen again."
Severus smiled up at Remus, pecking his lips appreciatively. The Niffler on his robes crawled further up his body, settling itself into the crook of his neck.
"I think that Niffler likes your neck as much as I do," Remus smirked. Severus playfully swatted his shoulder, blushing crimson. Willow stared in confusion at her fathers before shrugging, returning to her spot on the grass with her Nifflers.
"Would you like to tell me about these Nifflers?" Severus asked Remus, changing the subject before he became too emotional. Remus nodded and led Severus towards the little creatures, sitting down with him across from Willow.
Severus listened to his husband and daughter passionately talk about the Nifflers with a smile on his face. He loved his little family so much and having lost them for just a few minutes nearly sent him into cardiac arrest.
Remus squeezed Severus's hand, smiling reassuringly at him. His smile was one that Severus had seen many times before; it meant that he and Willow weren't going anywhere and that they would stick by Severus through everything.
Severus was very grateful for them, even after they half scared him to death. He had his brave wolf and his little willow tree, and that's all he needed.
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dreamofrose · 15 days
So, I've been thinking about this since last month. Let me write this here.
Let's imagine (well, I amused myself). What if Severus and Remus didn't go to Hogwarts. I mean, the letter did reach them, but since they were both halfbloods, their parents preferred to send them to a muggle school.
They are in a muggle school, in the same class; no gryffindor, no slytherin. Their school is not a boarding school, so they go to and from school by bicycle. I imagined Remus riding a bike and taking Severus home on his bike.
When they were 14 or 15, Severus tried to learn to ride Remus's bike. So every time they came home from school, Remus—sitting on the backseat—taught Severus how to pedal.
One day, when Severus was learning to ride a bicycle—for the third time—he fell. His knee bled. He didn't cry (of course he didn't), but falling off the bike still hurt him.
Remus panicked, he tried to help Severus. When the wound was healed, Remus kissed Severus on the forehead. Severus was shocked and asked "what did you do that for, Lupin?!". Remus, with a blushing face, replied that his Mum once kissed his forehead when he fell off his bicycle. It helped take away the pain.
Severus pouted, his cheeks slightly red, his heart racing, but he "angrily" told Remus to take him home.
The next day Severus still learnt to ride a bicycle. If he fell again, he wasn't worried because he had Remus. Remus's kisses, I mean, Remus's magic could help him get rid of the pain.
The end.
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onlysevvs · 27 days
Severus “Am I really worth it?” Snape
Remus “You are the love that came without warning; You had my heart before I could say no.” Lupin
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seleneprince · 5 months
I'm looking for a severitus fanfic that I read a while ago but I can't find it again
It was about Severus adopting Harry by Dumbledore's orders, as he realised the abuse of the Dursleys. And Sirius kept sending him the most unhinged letters from Azkaban. There was also some hint of Snupin there and Charlie Weasley having some cute crush on Severus as a student, but it's only mentioned by Bill.
And in the end, Sirius told Rita Skeeter that Harry was his and Severus' child so Severus had a vis a vis with him.
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warpedpuppeteer · 1 year
There are 3 kinds of snupin fics. One where they talk about their past and it's super angsty, they work through it and date. One where they wave off the past, get angsty about other stuff and date. And then the third; bestiality.
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maidyblues21-blog · 10 months
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I'm the moon that need your darkness
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