#snupin fanfiction
sacredsnape · 2 years
Very self indulgent moonprince/snupin oneshot below <3
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In which Severus has a bad day and Remus comforts him
Genre: fluff/angst
Warnings: mentions of stress
"Rem, I'm fine."
"No you're not, Sev. You haven't had anything to eat all day."
Severus turned over to look at his boyfriend, who was sitting at the edge of the bed with a deep frown.
"I don't need your help, Lupin," Severus grumbled, looking away and burying his face into his pillow.
Remus sighed and scooted closer to Severus, laying down behind him. He snaked his arms around his waist and Severus stiffened in his hold.
"We've been dating for months and you still refer to me as Lupin," Remus murmured, pressing a light kiss to the back of Severus's neck.
"I'm sorry," Severus said, his heart dropping with guilt. "I'm sorry, I'm just stressed and cranky and-"
Remus silenced Severus with a kiss, turning his head towards him. Remus slid a large hand under Severus's jumper and caressed his cold skin, humming lowly in his throat.
"It's fine, love. Don't apologize. I just want to make you feel better," Remus assured Severus, sitting up, "I'm going to grab you something to eat from the kitchen whether you like it or not."
Severus smiled timidly and watched his boyfriend leave the bedroom. He sat up in bed and propped himself up on the pillows, curling his knees up to his chest. He felt bad for being so cranky and taking it out on Remus; work was stressing him out beyond words and he was reaching his wit's end.
Remus returned minutes later with a cup of warm tea and a plate holding a thick slice of lasagna from last night's dinner, courtesy of his cooking.
"Tea and lasagna?" Severus questioned, his stomach growling loudly at the sight of the food. "That's an interesting combination."
"The tea will keep you warm because it's freezing and the lasagna will keep your tummy full," Remus explained lightly as he set the plate and cup on the nightstand. "Eat, darling."
Severus grumbled out a "thank you" and Remus smiled adoringly at him. No matter how grumpy Severus was, Remus would always find him adorable.
Remus slid into the space next to Severus and pulled him close, resting his head on his shoulder.
"You're cozy," Remus observed as Severus drank his tea, the liquid warming his insides pleasantly.
Severus felt a smile twitch at his lips. "I am?"
Remus nodded and lazily pressed a kiss to his boyfriend's neck. "The coziest."
Severus looked over so that the tip of his nose brushed against Remus's. His smile widened and he leaned forward slightly to kiss Remus, his lips tasting of vanilla lip balm.
"I'm proud of you for getting through this week," Remus said against his lips, stroking his cheekbone. "You've done so well, sweetheart."
Severus blushed deeply, averting the other male's gaze. "Rem, you're going to make me shy."
Remus smirked playfully and then laughed. "You're cute when you're shy."
Severus suppressed an eye roll and began to eat his lasagna. It was so good that Severus sighed contenty and shoved a forkful of it into his mouth.
"God, you're an amazing cook," Severus told Remus through a mouthful of cheesy lasagna. "You should create a cookbook and publish it."
Remus wiped a bit of sauce from Severus's bottom lip and shrugged. "I don't think so. These recipes are for my prince and my prince only."
Severus felt a frenzy of butterflies swarm his stomach; whenever Remus said things like that, it always left Severus feeling flustered.
"I want to make you something in return. You do most of the cooking," Severus offered, drinking more of his tea.
"You don't have to do anything. You already do enough by working with those...insufferable students of yours," Remus grinned cheekily. "I just want to take care of you in every way possible."
Severus grinned, wondering how in the world he got so lucky.
"You're lovely, you know that?" Severus said, looking down at Remus. Any other day, especially before he started dating Remus, he wouldn't have been so soft with his words.
"Not as lovely as you," Remus quipped, dotting tender kisses all over his sweetheart's face. "I love you."
"Not as much as I love you, Lupin," Severus retorted, a teasing tone to his voice.
Remus pressed one last kiss to his lips and smiled broadly, the corners of his eyes creasing, his heart bursting with nothing but love for Severus.
"Fine, I'll let you win this time, Snape."
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divinityin-motion · 2 years
Guess who just updated Fuel The Pure Of Your Enemies for the first time in almost a year!! Go check it out here
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wisteria-lodge · 2 months
I LOVE the version of Lucius in your fic Prison of the Phoenix. He's different from a lot of portrayals I've seen. Why did you decide to write him how you did?
A lot of the fun of writing a book-accurate fix-it fic comes from taking the events of the book, and removing JKRs (simplistic, misleading, sometimes just weird) narrative framing. Slytherins = baddies, Gryffindors = goodies, you know. 
This is especially fun with Lucius Malfoy, who just like… isn’t very evil? Chamber of Secrets is his most villainous book, and I’ll get to that, but otherwise? He tries (unsuccessfully) to get the animal that attacked his kid killed. He donates to hospitals (but in like, an evil way.) He is a hilariously incompetent Death Eater, and then he's Voldemort’s punching bag. 
That’s kind of the point of Lucius. He looks the part. He commits to the aesthetics of the thing, with the hair and the peacocks and the snake-wand-cane. He likes the mystique of walking into a room and knowing that you know (but can’t prove) he’s a dark wizard. It allows him to be… kinda lazy. He can coast on his family name, money, reputation, privilege. I really think that if you sat Lucius Malfoy down and asked him to walk you through all the wizard-supremacy talking points he wouldn’t be able to do it. He’ll toss around words like “mudblood” and “mudblood-lover” no problem, but in the end he doesn’t really care. Lucius is not a true believer. The way the world is set up benefits him tremendously and he doesn’t want Voldemort back. That’s just text:
“Use your brains, Ron,” said Bill. “If they really were Death Eaters… I bet they’d be even more frightened than the rest of us to see him come back. They denied they’d ever been involved with him when he lost his powers, and went back to their daily lives… I don’t reckon he’d be over-pleased with them, do you?”
Lucius and friends had too much to drink at a sporting event, put on the old outfits (again with the aesthetics) and started levitating muggles. Which obviously isn’t GOOD, but they’re not killing or torturing, or furthering any kind of agenda. It’s important that Barty is so insulted and pissed off by the way they’re basically playing Dark Wizard that he casts the Dark Mark to “show [them] what loyalty to the Dark Lord meant, and to punish them for their lack of it.” Which kicks off most of the events of the book. 
Prison of the Phoenix is going to have a companion, parallel fic told from Harry’s POV (tentatively titled Harry Potter and Malfoy’s Suspicious Interest in Werewolves.) Lucius does show up in that one, and I was honestly surprised by how much more frightening and intimidating he is when filtered through Harry’s perspective. Because with a Severus POV… when Severus is used to spending time around Voldemort, Greyback, Bellatrix, honestly Dumbledore and Sirius Black…. Lucius is not scary. Lucius wants to buy presents for his son, go to high-profile events with his beautiful wife, and wear a variety of snake-themed accessories and extravagant hats. 
I wanted a kind of college-roommates-who-stayed-friends feel for the Severus + Lucius relationship, because they are friends. Sirius calls Severus Lucius’ “lapdog,” and Narcissa calls him Lucius’ “oldest friend.” Lucius is also part of the welcoming committee when Severus is first sorted into Slytherin. He’s five years older (I think Jason Isaacs is the only Harry Potter adult the same age as the character he plays), which would have affected the dynamic between him and Severus a lot in school. Personally, I think it makes sense for Lucius to be a little protective of this brilliant half-blood kid with no money. And as an adult, there’s some guilt mixed in there as well. Severus probably would not have been sucked into the Voldemort thing nearly as deep or nearly as fast if it hadn’t been for Lucius, and the war kind of destroyed him. Lucius remembers a younger Severus who was modding potions, inventing spells, coming up with cheeky nicknames for himself, and that person is gone. That’s a big part of the reason he’s so invested in the Severus/Remus relationship in Prison of the Phoenix. Something about Remus has managed to wake up parts of that younger Severus, and Lucius thinks that’s fantastic.
I also think Lucius might be the character who knows Voldemort the best. He’s one of the only Death Eaters who Voldemort calls by their first name (Bellatrix, Severus, and Draco are the others) and he’s weirdly familiar with his “slippery friend” Lucius, addressing the whole speech about how/why he returned to him, for some reason? Anything that helps Voldemort make sense as a person I’ll take, and to me it makes sense that young Tom Riddle charmed Abraxas Malfoy, Lucius’ father, first. The dates are right, and he’s exactly Tom’s type - rich, pureblood, probably easily flattered (let’s be honest) and sitting on a pile of magical artifacts. It’s very Hepzibah Smith vibes, is what I’m saying. And rich, posh, popular seventeen year olds don’t join cults. But if Lucius’ father was already in a cult… 
It also makes sense to me that Tom Riddle got sort of stuck when he killed Marvolo Gaunt, and made his first horcrux at sixteen. He has this fascination with sixteen year old pureblood wizards (so Barty, Draco, and Lucius would have fit this profile.) He sort of wants to be them, but also sort of wants to break them? It’s messy, and complicated. It’s creepy and compelling, that Lucius is aging but this spectre that’s dominated his life isn’t. 
And so when Lucius gives Ginny the diary in Book 2… it makes sense that he’s just trying to get rid of it. He was just at Borgin and Burkes selling dark artifacts, but knows that the diary is worse. He needs to make sure it can’t possibly be traced back to him. So he gives it to the daughter of the head of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office. (It is an enchanted muggle artifact, after all.) If Arthur Weasley finds it and deals with it, fine. If Ginny is discovered with it in a way that blows up in Arthur’s face, also fine. If it does get to Hogwarts and does open the Chamber of Secrets - well Draco is going to be fine, and it might undermine Dumbledore. If it was really important to Lucius that the diary rid the school of muggleborns… he would have given it to Draco had him use it. Or given it to Draco, and told him to leave it somewhere for an enemy to find. But Lucius doesn’t do that, because he doesn’t want Voldemort back and his politics just aren’t that important to him. 
The one trait I did give Lucius that doesn’t go back to the books is just being madly in love with Narcissa. Lucius is an unrepentant wife guy. (And I mean… it doesn’t contradict anything. There isn’t anything in the books to suggest that he isn’t a wife guy.)  I honestly did that for structural reasons. I’m writing a romance with Severus, who has the emotional awareness of a stack of roofing tiles. He just really, really needed a friend he could ask for relationship advice. 
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poitionsprince · 18 days
Missed opportunity in the Harry Potter universe: Snape, Lupin, Sirius and Harry all lost somewhere together. Sirius and Snape are bickering while Lupin is trying to get them stop, meanwhile Harry is getting into trouble and is about to be kidnapped or hurt by something. They don't realize untill they here Harry cry put and as one turn to him as panic and chase after him. Meanwhile a flash in heaven of Lily and James going this is the people we picked to watch over our son.
The way I would read an entire book surrounding just this setting.
Sirius then blaming Severus saying it's his little friend's who took Harry which Severus would responds with "if they're 'my *little* friends' I'm sure you can rescue him by yourself then"
Which then Remus finally gets them to get a move on with getting Harry - but yet they still don't stop bickering for one God forsaken second.
Some times Remus will stand by Severus' side, some times by Sirius' side, and when he decides that both of them are in the wrong - they just go "what do YOU even know 🙄"
Remus is just there babysitting two grown men while trying to get the-boy-who-lived-to-get-kidnapped just so he can catch a moment of break.
Could even be more fun applying the rules of a known game to the whole thing and get a pattern for them on how to get to Harry, but that might just be me cus I love riddles and solving stuff.
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The Rat and The Snake
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Look at this amazing artwork by @ari-leah-arts!!!
Commissioned to celebrate my fic reaching 500 kudos (which seems like a lot to me 😅)
The Rat and The Snake is the first part of my series Artemisia Absinthium in which Severus Snape discovers the traitor Peter Pettigrew during the first wizarding war, and before the Potters are murdered.
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hprecfest · 9 months
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HP Rec Fest 2023 - Roundup
It has been a wonderful event!
This is the roundup post in which all the recs are organized by prompts.
Thanks again to everyone who participated! ❄️❄️❄️
Day 1 - A favorite fic under 5k
Day 2 - A comfort fic
Day 3 - A podfic
Day 4 - A fic with art
Day 5 - A non-AO3 fic
Day 6 - An unreliable narrator fic
Day 7 - A canon-compliant fic
Day 8 - A canon-divergence fic
Day 9 - A rare pair fic (less than 2000 fics on AO3)
Day 10 - A fest fic
Day 11 - A dark fic
Day 12 - A WIP you’re following
Day 13 - A fic with over 100k words
Day 14 - A favorite series
Day 15 - The most recent fic you bookmarked
Day 16 - A fic that made you laugh
Day 17 - A fic that made you cry
Day 18 - A fairy-tale inspired fic
Day 19 - Fic with the hottest smut
Day 20 - A fic rated G
Day 21 - A thought-provoking fic
Day 22 - An unfinished fic (hasn’t updated in 10 years or author stated it been abandoned)
Day 23 - A soulmate fic
Day 24 - A holiday fic
Day 25 - A fic rated T
Day 26 - A fic with an ending you can’t stop thinking about
Day 27 - A Muggle-AU fic
Day 28 - An under-rated fic
Day 29 - A post-canon fic
Day 30 - A pre-canon fic
Day 31 - A fav amongst favs
Bonus tag index ❄️
All posts are cross-tagged for character and ship. While we would like to provide a full index of these, it may take a while to compile given the extensive number of these. In the meantime, we would like to offer this much-abridged character and ship tag index, ordered alphabetically by first name.
Albus Dumbledore Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley Harry Potter Hermione Granger James Potter James Sirius Potter Lily Evans Potter Minerva McGonagall Pansy Parkinson Regulus Black Remus Lupin Ron Weasley Severus Snape Sirius Black Teddy Lupin Tom Riddle
Draco/Harry Harry/Severus Harry/Tom Riddle Hermione/Draco James/Lily No ship (gen fic) Sirius/Remus
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neilbicha · 26 days
What was the best Severus fanfic you've ever read?
(i accept snirius, snupin, snames/jeverus and severitus)
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dewitty1 · 8 months
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Fic Recs Wrap Up January 2024♡(੭ˊ͈ ꒵ˋ͈)੭*・:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*☆
The Wake-up Kiss by Justlikewriting
This time, when Harry found himself without a date for the Ministry Yule Ball, Parvati Patil was unable to step in. So, he was left with the only other viable option: to ask Draco Malfoy. Which would be fine, of course: it had been twelve years since the war after all. And they saw each other regularly now, meeting up with the same group of friends almost every Friday night. Harry, however, obviously hadn’t taken into account just how insufferable Zacharias Smith could be. Rec Post
The Binding and the Loosing by TheGoblinMatriarch @thegoblinmatriarch
Draco Malfoy is a reclusive academic who works on layered generational magic under the pseudonym Scholar Griseo. When he is contacted by a ‘James Black’ for help with a tricky situation with a magical House, he can’t help but notice the similarities between his potential client and Harry Potter. Since he can’t exactly refuse to help the Saviour of the magical world, Draco girds his loins and visits Grimmauld Place, where he ends up involved in what he must presume is one of those classic Harry Potter misadventures. Bonding, sentient Houses, domesticity ahoy! Rec Post
A True Entanglement by Booktopus @thebooktopus
One moment, Harry was minding his own business, going about his workday, and the next, he found himself being dragged across the Ministry by a red string that had somehow curled up in a pretty little bow around his wrist. A story of fate, smut, falling in love, and a string named Harold. Rec Post
Fire Meet Gasoline by lettersbyelise @lettersbyelise
When Draco’s anger management issues land him in St Mungo’s, he thinks his Quidditch career is over. But Harry, A&E Healer and notorious workaholic, is faced with a similar predicament. To save their jobs, the two of them decide to fake a relationship. All they have to do is convince their friends and employers… and not fall in love in the process. Simple, right? Rec Post
Everything is Relative to You by honeybeet @thehoneybeet
Potter was supposed to have lived. Draco is certain of this. That Potter would no longer walk the earth was tantamount to the sun moving west to east across the sky. If only he could have stopped this from happening, if he’d have known… It comes to him as ideas often did: too late. Or, Harry dreams of his past lives, and Draco is in every one. Rec Post
we’ll keep the king by BlueSundayCake  @bluesundaycake
On a cold December morning, Remus Lupin shows up on Severus Snape’s doorstep with a child with very familiar eyes. Rec Post
Evitative by Vichan  @k-vichan
In the summer before his fifth year at Hogwarts, Harry is drawn to a room in Grimmauld Place. Like the Gryffindor he is, he enters the room without fear. The room is a library, and Harry is surprised to find that he’s eager to learn.
Then he gets the bad news: he’s been accidentally expelled from Hogwarts, and he needs to be sorted again. Everyone is confident that he’ll go straight back to Gryffindor, but with what he’s been learning, Harry’s not so sure. Rec Post
The White Pawn by Soupy_George @soupy-george
When eighteen-year-old Draco Malfoy finds himself back at Hogwarts on the eve of Voldemort’s infamous return, he is confronted with the most difficult decision he’s ever had to make: Relive the 6th year at school he’s tried so hard to forget, or do the unthinkable and ally himself with Potter’s lot… Rec Post
Howlr by partialtopotter @partialtopotter
Howlr is the new dating application enchanting Witches, Wizards and Everyone in between. Are you looking for the one or a one-night stand; it’s all here folks. Howlr is sponsored by Weasley Wizard Wheezes, the same team that brought us the Spellular just two years ago. Ginny Weasley, famed chaser for the Holyhead Harpies, swears by the app, ‘guaranteed to make sparks fly,’ she says. The magic awaits you! Rec Post
Here are a few more fics I've read recently that y'all might like to check out as well!(ノ゚∀゚)ノ━☆゚・*:.。. .。.:*・.*・。゚*:・゚✧
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Inevitable [Drarry] by violenttulips
After the war, Harry Potter becomes a talented Senior Auror with a penchant for injury in defense of his colleagues. Draco Malfoy leaves the country for five years and becomes an accomplished Specialty Healer. He comes back after he accepts a job at St. Mungo's Hospital. When they meet again, it's clear that Draco has changed significantly in the years since they attended Hogwarts together, and Harry finds himself strangely attracted to his former rival. But things never come easy for the Boy-Who-Lived, and that's not about to change now.
Learn To Fly by Ladderofyears @ladderofyears
January 2004: Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter are two of the finest Seekers in England, deadly rivals and secret lovers. As far as Draco is concerned, that's how it'll stay forever. He is betrothed to beautiful heiress Astoria Greengrass, and they are due to have a big summer wedding. Everything changes during a hotly fought Arrows versus Wimbourne game when Draco falls from his broom. To his huge shock, when Draco awakes in St Mungo's, he discovers he is pregnant. What will Draco do, now everything in his tidily compartmentalised life has to change?
He Comes Like a Thunderstorm by korlaena @korlaena
Draco is doing his best to balance the life he wants to live and the life he’s forced to live. He’s nearing the tail-end of a long, post-war probation when Harry Potter crashes back into his life with all the grace of a charging Erumpent, breaking through his carefully constructed rules and routine. Caught up in a whirlwind of sex and lust, Potter unwittingly shows Draco that his life as an Incubus doesn’t have to be as lonely and unfulfilling as he thought, but how long can it last?
Denouement by the_never_was 
Pale face in paler hands, he is devoid of color. He is only the moonlight. And he wonders if he'll find the sun. A story about Draco entering a period of change that will either shatter him or enfold him into Harry Potter's world.
( •ॢ◡-ॢ)-♡ I hope you enjoy these fics as much as I have! Happy reading, y’all! xoxo Carey  (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*💜💙💚💛❤💗💕💖
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dreamofrose · 7 days
Well... i'm a bit bored now. So i want to read some snupin & snirius fics. Can I have someone recommend me a fic, your favourite maybe, please? There might be some i haven't read yet.
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getfuckedblr · 9 months
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my completed bind of the secret language of plants!
this was one of the hardest fics i’ve bound yet; the small spines really worried me, and didn’t come out perfect, but i’m pretty happy with it! i made mistakes with the wording on the spines, and the guillotine is still very hard to use LMAO so all of the book blocks are different sizes. but i just make sure the cases are the same size bc good enough is good enough u know?
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fresiants · 1 year
One Thousand Galleons by Kala
Thank you @kalainthecanoe for granting me permission to create a physical copy of this fanfic. This is one of my favourite Snupin fanfics and it holds a special place in my heart. I'm so happy to have the opportunity to hold it in my hands whenever I feel like rereading it ❤
You can read it online here
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Art cover by recyclebean
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sorendeimos · 2 months
A Severus Snape-centric Social Media AU
Sick of being single, Severus posts an application for all 6k of his followers to see. Things go sideways when he reviews them on the timeline, live tweets the dates, and more.
Read the SocMed on AO3 here!
Read the SocMed on Twitter/X here > [PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3] [PART 4]
So I originally posted this to Twitter/X and it's been a hit, so I went ahead and also uploaded it to ao3. We are currently about to enter part 4 after voting is done and unfortunately, I will NAWT be cross-posting polls, so if you HAVE a Twitter/X, please do go vote on there when votes come up! That's where polls and updates go live FIRST.
All that said, here are a few things to note:
☆ This has different ships including Snily, Snulciber, Jeverus, Snirius, Snupin, Snarity, Snucissa, and Snegulus, if you do not like ANY of those ships, please just move on. I love exploring diff Severus ships and as such, I wanted a way to dip my feet into them all at once.
☆ There will be multiple polls, some with explanations and others with none, to decide what happens with whom!
☆ THERE ARE NSFW PARTS! They are O N L Y posted on Twitter/X on the account @/tenebrisvigemis and they will remain there (unless I decide to lock them on a03, I haven't decided yet)
☆ If you do not vote, do not complain about who progresses! I did not pick the outcomes ON PURPOSE because this is INTERACTIVE.
☆ It takes me time to make each of the parts because a lot of this AU has moving parts ( like Rita's newsletter, the application, etc are all handmade by me and took time to build) not to mention the tweets, scouring the internet for images to use that fit, etc. Updates will likely be slow and/or spread out to make it as clear and perfect as possible, just because they take a while to do.
☆ AO3 WILL SEE THE LEAST FUCKED UP ORDER OF TWEETS. Every single time I have updated, I fucked up something, be it posting a tweet twice, posting the wrong tweet, uncropped whatever. So Ao3 has the version that I have actually been able to make sure everything is perfect and in order properly, whereas Twitter is basically unbeta'd.
☆ This is for fun! Enjoy yourself and lmk your thoughts, your faves, and your hopes! Sometimes your ideas will make it into the socmed! Sometimes they won't if they go a different direction than I have planned, but some little details make it through!
☆ AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST! I issue a challenge. Given I will post polls with NO REASON or explanations sometimes, I challenge you to find all the answers to the polls. Where are they hidden? What chapter? What tweet? Who did it? At the end of the socmed, I will issue a prize (TBD) to the person who finds them all!
So please enjoy, lmk your thoughts! Glad to have you all here!
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wisteria-lodge · 3 months
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Header for the first chapter of my new Snape/Lupin fix-it epic, set right after the end of Book 3.
For context, I am extremely old school Harry Potter fan. I got into the books between 3 and 4, I was Hermione for halloween when I had to explain who Hermione was. I was at a book 4 release party that almost turned into a riot because they didn't have enough copies of the book. I remember when everyone pronounced it SLY-thur-in and her-ME-own. And after JKR had her transphobic mask off, I took a hiatus from Harry Potter completely (and changed the terminology of Sorting Hat Chats accordingly.)
And now I'm back. And let me say, it has been cathartic, it has been necessary, and it has felt so good to and write what elievileye so eloquently calls "Fuck It Fic" in the excellent video "Drarry vs JK Rowling: a Fandom in Crisis." (and I wrote Drarry in this one. I surely did.) I liked revisiting all this with adult eyes, playing with the framing, the worldbuilding, identifying the problems, the things that did work and the things that were were interesting and worthwhile by accident, that the fans took and ran with.
So that's all. This is a thing I've been working on, and I'm hopping on the HP fanfiction train for a second.
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poitionsprince · 3 months
I really need a Snupin coffee-shop AU fics.
Severus needs his coffee to function during the day, Remus being the new batista.
Either memorizing Severus' order easily, or screwing it up many times in the beginning (as we know that he is awful at potions).
Severus drinking it yet hating it but not saying a word, or drinking it and telling him to his face how awful that was and how to fix it (man knows his coffee) - either way he continues to come there every day, the same hour, just to be greeted by a smiling Remus.
Severus as the batista would just be him judging everyone for their taste of coffee, but making the orders to perfection.
Remus being a regular and Severus already knowing his order, Remus smiles as he says it but hears how he judges his taste - so he asks Severus what he would recommend instead.
And it goes like that for days and change of seasons - Remus taking his suggestions and getting to hear a bit more scolding and gossip over other customers since Severus had been there for a long time now.
I need this for my sanity-
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ifoundaflamingsword · 2 months
@poitionsprince posted a TikTok today that vaguely inspired me and then I wrote nearly 6k of Snupin…. yay🖤
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Do I care about Snupin? No, not in the slightest.
Do I like Snape? While I think the Alan Rickman is fine, I don't care about Snape as a character, no.
Do I, currently, find myself writing a Snupin fic right now? Yes, somehow I do.
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