strangersinwinter · 2 years
have you ever just been going about your day minding your business and your brain randomly goes “damn i love snape so much” like idk what that has to with washing lettuce but okay yeah love that guy
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sn4pe · 11 months
i am so tired of the louis garrell snape fancast. he looks like he snuck onto earth
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la-amarga-lizard · 1 year
For all of you Severitus fans (myself included), has anyone considered writing a The Last of Us inspired fanfic?
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seriousbrat · 9 months
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snapeysister · 2 years
The first association I had when seeing this shop in Camden (London) 😬🤓 so I made it 'real'
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I shared this photo once but why not share it again it's how it should be innit
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thestephanieflora · 1 year
If Snape was using Occlumency to shield his mind from Voldemort, why didn’t Voldemort become suspicious that Snape was hiding something since he couldn’t penetrate his mind with Legilimency?
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It’s because Snape did something far cleverer than merely “shielding his mind” from Lord Voldemort.
As one can make out from their interactions, Snape seemed to be the only Death Eater whom Voldemort ever had any modicum of respect for. You don’t merit Lord Voldemort’s esteem by being incompetent or stupid. Snape clearly earned his spot as Voldemort’s most revered servant by proving himself and being the asset that he was.
See, Snape never lied to Voldemort. Snape knew that Voldemort’s skill in Legillemency would immediately alert him to duplicity, so instead, Snape only told Voldemort the truth.
When Voldemort first returned, Snape justified his initial absconding from the Death Eaters by saying that he thought Voldemort had been vanquished in Godric’s Hollow. In The Prince’s Tale, we learn that this is actually true. Snape thought Voldemort had gone, and it was only Dumbledore who insisted that he would one day return. Later, he told Bellatrix that Voldemort forgave him for impeding him in his plot to purloin the Philosopher’s Stone because he did not know Voldemort was the mastermind behind the enterprise, and only thought that “unworthy” Professor Quirrell (whom Snape hated for getting the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher position) was trying to take the Stone for himself. Again, this turns out to be completely true.
Snape then spent 2 years “spying” on Dumbledore, and relayed what little he knew of the Headmaster’s activities to Voldemort. Dumbledore chose to keep Snape in the dark on most of his plots, which was actually (justifiably I might add) a source of great frustration for Snape. Then he killed Dumbledore just as Voldemort wanted.
Before the Battle of the Seven Potters, Snape gave Voldemort the correct date of Harry’s departure from Little Whinging. He correctly pointed out that Yaxley had been given a false trail, and truthfully divulged that the Order of the Phoenix distrusted the Ministry and the Auror office and wanted nothing to do with the institution. Re-read the scene from The Dark Lord Ascending in the books and pay close attention to the description of Voldemort’s body language. He hangs on to every word Snape says with great interest, and invites Snape to sit by his side. Meanwhile he ignores and then silences Yaxley (whom he shunts beside Dolohov), and expresses contempt for the Malfoys and Bellatrix by humiliating them. But Snape he holds in far higher regard, arguably valuing him more than anyone save for his beloved Nagini.
Voldemort was quite correct in recognizing Snape as an impressively talented and exceptionally intelligent wizard. He just never calculated that Snape’s cunning could be used against him. Even if Voldemort had decided to raid Snape’s mind, he would’ve found little of interest. Snape’s love for Lily Potter was already known to Voldemort (and he foolishly underestimated it, just as he did with Lily’s love for Harry), and the fact that he spent a great deal of time scheming with Dumbledore would not have perturbed Voldemort, but would’ve pleased him. That was literally the job that Snape was given; to earn Dumbledore’s trust and spy on him, and then relay his plans to Voldemort.
Snape’s deception of Voldemort is honestly one of the most underrated feats in the entire series, not necessarily because it was magically impressive (although it was), but because it was carried out so cleverly. As was made clear by his potion riddle all the way back in Philosopher’s Stone, Snape’s greatest talent was his cleverness, which so many wizards seem to lack. Hermione was quite right in recognizing Snape’s genius.
Snape fooled Voldemort with the truth, not with lies. That’s how he got away with it for so long.
Our Snapey has the brightest mind in the entire series, period. 🖤
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adhdduckie · 6 months
felix felices, or liquid luck f.w. x fem! reader.
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my masterlist
irl mutuals dni (你没有看到我)
music choice; yo bro wtf
t.w.: swearing. (sorry i couldnt help myself)
word count: 3.5k
synopsis; strangers (hallway crushes) to lovers, with the help of felix felicis potion, or the liquid luck potion!!
here you go anon! hope you enjoy <3 sorry i took so long.
im so sunburnt help
(slightly inspired from my own events but let me tell you i died inside. i hate chemistry oh my lord, potions reminds me too much of it lol)
warnings; not proof read. 3 (?) mentions of y/n, a really stupid misunderstanding. reader is described with hair that can get blown into their face.
everybody knew fred weasley. it was impossible not to, as they were hogwart's most well known pranksters since the era of the marauders.
of course, you did not happen to know him well enough yourself. you had a couple of lessons with him, such as; potions, herbology, and arithmetics.
His brother and he never really contributed anything to class discussion, only ever helpfully supplying mischief and jokes, and whatever they deemed interesting to themselves.
however, you noticed him wherever you went. It seemed as if it was almost impossible not to, he just happened to pop up randomly everywhere. In hogsmeade, in the hallways between classes, and in your dreams. (not in a weird way you weirdos).
Maybe the first time you ever really started thinking about him was when he appeared in your dream…you weren't too sure. But soon enough, you began thinking about him way too much, counting down the lessons till you could see him again in a next lesson.
you began searching for him in the hallways, the common room, the dining hall. even in places you know he would never be, but it just seems like you were always looking for him.
in lessons, everything he did, you were drawn to. you knew what he had, knew what he liked, and you spoke to him only every once in a while.
'this sucks.' you'd tell your friends. they'd laugh, telling you you should just talk to him more.
which isn't really helpful. you would think.
through some miracle ( or horror, you really couldn't decide.) you ended up sitting with fred in potions. Technically it wasn't a miracle, you had just been goofing off with your friends, being too loud for dear old snapey, you'd been moved next to him.
'oh god oh god oh god oh god' was the only thing going through your head as you packed up your desk to move next to him. your friend could barely hold in her laughter, having to slap her own hand over her mouth to muffle it.
'oh shit oh shit oh shit what have i done to deserve this oh my god' is what you were thinking as you walked towards the back, brushing past george as you walked towards fred.
You sat down at his desk, and he turned his face to you, giving you a soft smile. you pray internally that your face does not erupt into flames.
professor snape, once satisfied that you are suffering, turns back to the board, tapping his wand impatiently on the board.
"today," he drawls, "we will be attempting the felix felicis potion. failure to produce a functioning potion will result in a fourteen inch parchment describing every step you made and what you did wrong." he finishes, piercing his gaze into every one of his students.
you wince. fourteen inches for a mistake? seems costly. Potions has never been your strong point. (for the purpose of this, we're gonna pretend fred is excellent at potions.) You pray to the gods above that you don't mess this up for fred.
as snape sits down on his desk, working through marking some paper. as you get up to go get the ingredients as fred sets up the cauldron. you come back, setting down the ashwinder egg, squid bulb, murtlap growth, thyme occamy eggshell, and powdered common rue on the desk.
fred smiles again, thanking you for your help.
"so we have to set in the ashwinder egg first. you wanna do it?" fred asks, as you tie up your hair. he watches as you do so, and you nod, trying to fight off any embarrassment.
he steps back from the cauldron, letting you do so. your hands are shaking and you are doing everything in your power to stop it. in your haste, you knock over the murtlap growth, but before it falls, fred's hand flashes out, catching it in his hand.
"sorry!" you apologise frantically, and he laughs. It's the nicest laugh you've ever heard, deep and infectious, a laugh you'd be able to hear across the room and still recall years later.
"don't worry. i caught it." he says, setting it back on the table.
you smile, avoiding eye contact. you manage to finish the task, and with his help with mixing, the felix felicis is done. while he was mixing, you tried to pretend not to notice his hands. they're nice, to say the least. his hands are rough and calloused from years of being on the quidditch team, as a beater. he's got small white scars littered across his hands from years of experimenting with george over their joke shop products. you have to drag your eyes away.
The felix felicis potion is finished, and it's the most beautiful shade of gold you've ever seen. You would describe it akin to what you would imagine liquid gold to be, and it fits perfectly into a little vial the size of your middle finger. all that work for a little vial no bigger than your middle finger.
it's still the most valuable potion in the world, though.
the potion has large drops of gold leaping across the surface like goldfish, but it never seems to spill out of the vial. you put the stopper over it, and you hand it to fred, your fingers brushing against his warm ones in the process.
"thanks." he seems to whisper, even though he speaks at normal volume.
"we work well together, i think. usually i can't even get a basic potion done." you tell him, laughing a little.
"i bet that's not true." he responds, the corner of his lips upturned.
"it is." you laugh.
you both return to your seats after setting all the equipment away, and as the first group finished, it means you get to present it first.
snape looks at it approvingly, the first time he's ever regarded something you've done, as done well. you can't help but smile, and snape speaks. "i'm glad that you were able to work well once i removed you from your friends. mr. weasley will now be your partner."
you stare at him in slight disbelief, before shrugging and saying, "yes professor snape."
"as the first students done, and the best potion made, you may keep it. decide amongst yourselves which of you gets it." snape finishes, before shooing you away from his desk.
you both stare at each other, your eyes meeting his hazel brown ones. "you have it-" "i don't want-" you both say, before he tries to hand it to you.
you push his hand away, shaking your head, "it's alright, you can keep it."
"no, i think you should keep it. after all, you need it for potions, right?" he jokes, pushing it into your hands.
you gape at him in mock shock. "how could you say that! We only did so well because of me!" you respond, in mock indignation.
he laughs, as he closes your palm over the small vial, and you realise you've lost. however, you decide, you will sneak it into his bag when he's not paying attention.
the end of the lesson has never come so fast. And for the first time in your life, you're slightly disappointed to leave potions. before leaving you levitate the felix felicis potion into his bag with your wand, and you grin wickedly. you'll just have to see him in your other classes later.
Fred Weasley thinks he is absolutely screwed. After a year of having a crush on a girl who he does not talk to often, despite sharing three lessons with her, he is now partners in potions with her for an indefinite period of time.
He doesn't know when he first noticed you, but god, is he glad he did. he thinks you may be the prettiest girl he's ever seen, with the brightest smile, and the sweetest personality.
so imagine his surprise, that this sweet girl, has gotten in trouble for talking so much (he doesn't care, he liked listening to your voice)
while you were freaking out and chanting 'oh shit' in your head, something similar was going through fred's. george coughs, unsuccessfully hiding his laugh behind it. fred elbows george to get him to shut up as you approach the table, and george gathers his things, to leave. he winks at fred, before walking to your previous seat next to your friend, flashing a quick and easy smile.
fred wishes he could talk to you so easily, and he tries his best not to show his nervousness, flashing you what he thinks is an awkward smile. (it isnt, it looks natural as hell, not to mention hot as hell)
while you make the potion, he watches you with fervour, as if he's scared he'll miss a single movement you'll make, hungrily soaking up your smiles like a man starved.
every touch feels like something he's been missing, like a hot cup of chocolate after a walk in winter, and he's scared he's going to get addicted.
he wants to give you the felix felicis, and is happy when you finally give up. after potions, in herbology, he reaches into his bag, to find the felix felicis. he laughs, before searching across the classroom for you.
when he makes eye contact, he raises an eyebrow, holding it in his palm to show you, his heart fluttering in his chest. he looks as composed and calm as ever to you, but he knows differently.
it becomes a game, the felix felicis. it takes over several months, and you start to get creative with it, hiding it in his mail, he hid it in your textbooks somehow, you hid it in his hair, etc etc.
it became a competition, who could come up with the craziest spots. after you hid it a couple months later in what you hope was his jacket pocket.
it's been awhile since you had first sat with fred in potions because of professor snape, and you're so happy to say that you've grown closer over the months, even spending time together out of lessons at cafes to study, or in the library together.
after hiding the felix felicis in his jacket pocket while on a walk with him in the winter months, you wait for his turn.
one day passes. nothing happens. another day, and another. four days later, and it still hasn't turned up yet. where is it? you wonder. you check for it everywhere you go, turning your entire dorm upside down searching for it.
he couldn't have lost it, right? it was in his jacket pocket. could it be that he's bored of this game, and he just decided to keep it? must be.
you're disappointed, of course, it was very enjoyable. but there's nothing you can really do.
imagine your surprise, when you walk into the dining hall, to see fred standing with his brother, and what- what's that in his hand? none other than the felix felicis.
you watch as he takes a swig of it, setting the rest of the vial in his pocket. his brother pats him on the back in what seems to be encouragement, and he walks over to your friend.
he smiles at her, and she smiles back. they talk and for some reason your heart starts to get a bit heavy.
'did he just drink the felix felicis just to talk to her?' you ask yourself. unable to stand there and watch, you turn around and walk out of the dining hall, threading your fingers through your hair, brushing it away from your face.
something dark, sick and familiar is brewing in the pit of your stomach, it's pulling, pushing your heart strings.
fred weasley is going to ask you out. he toys with the felix felicis vial in his pocket as he waits for you to enter the dining hall, turning it over and over again in his pocket as he leans against one of the columns with george.
you don't show up for awhile, and fred's wondering where you are.
"go ask her friend." george states, pushing him forward, giving him a reassuring pat on the back.
fred hypes himself up, and he takes the vial out of his pocket, swigging a sip as he stalks towards your friend. the liquid is thick but light in his mouth, tasting of golden hawthorn berries and honey.
he taps her on the shoulder and smiles at her nervously.
"hey. where's y/n?" he asks your friend
"she's still upstairs i believe." she responds with a smile.
she turns around to see you walking out of the hall, and her smile drops.
"what?" fred asks.
"i think she may have misunderstood what's going on." she sighs, and gives fred a slightly strained smile. "you couldn't have waited till after you spoke to me to drink it, could you?"
fred flashes a confused look. "whatever do you mean?"
"hasn't the entire potion been a game? who could hide it the best?" your friend asks him.
"i mean, yeah, it has. but i don't see the problem…?" he scratches the back of his neck.
she rolls her eyes, muttering something about 'boys…' freds eyes narrow, and she lets out a soft laugh.
"right. think of it this way. imagine you've had a crush on this guy for ages. you're not exactly close, but you talk. you have one 'special' thing you do together. for example, hiding the potion….and then you see them keeping it for themselves….you got me?" Your friend finishes, raising her eyebrows at him.
he stares, before realisation finally dawns on him.
"oh shit." he mutters, hand threading through his ginger locks.
"well?" your friend asks, somewhat impatient. "go after her."
fred nods, sprinting across the dining hall, after you. praying to himself that he can fix this, and george throws him a thumbs up as he sprints past.
'fuck.' you think as you sit down on the edge of the astronomy tower. you can't help but replay the moment of fred drinking the felix felicis before he speaks to your friend. he looked so nervous but so hyped.
you're not about to jump off the astronomy tower, but it's a nice place to be where you need some time alone, to think. you need that now.
that sick, familiar and painful thing pulling at your gut earlier, its back. theres nothing you can do now, but just sit back and let it happen, you suppose.
She's your friend, and so is fred. you have to be okay with it. it's not worth losing friends over.
the wind picks up, ruffling your hair into your face, tangling it into knots. the rain starts pouring down, dropleta cascading down your face.
turning your face up to the sky, you let out a deep sigh, feeling tears prickling at your waterline, fighting the tears back. 'no. you don't have a right to be upset.' you chatise.
'he's not yours. he never was.' you need to remind yourself. this isn't fair to either of them, they had no control over their feelings.
despite that, the tears continue to fall. you can't compete, this isn't fair. she knew you liked him. she knew how you felt. you literally spoke to her about it.
There is nothing. nothing you can do about this. you are just going to have to wait for the feelings to go away. it wouldn't be fair to like your best friend's boyfriend. (getting ahead of yourself, aren't we?)
fred weasley is freaking out. he can't find you. you're not in the common room, in any of your lessons for the day (yes, he knows your schedule), you're not in any of the bathrooms (he didn't go in, he just asked the girls who came out of the bathrooms), and you're not near the black lake.
in his haste, he almost runs in to someone. "shit." he grunts
"watch where you're going!" someone says. he looks up and realises it's harry.
"oh it's you. you alright there, fred?" harry says, pulling fred up to his feet.
"harry!" fred basically shouts. "where's the marauders map?" he practically begs, and harry raises a brow in response.
"not the time. i need it." harry nods, pulling it out of his pocket, before handing it over to fred.
"oh shit." fred whispers, seeing your name pop up at the astronomy tower. how could he forget it? you told him weeks ago that it was your favourite place in the school.
shoving the marauders map back into harry's arms, fred yells his thanks to harry as he speeds through the hall, skipping steps three at a time to get to you, he stumbles a couple of times, not hitting the floor, but catching himself just in time.
your back is to the door, and the combination of the rain and the wind prevents you from hearing it open.
"y/n? are you alright?" fred asks quietly, taking a deep breath and sitting besides you.
you turn your face away, wiping away the marks of tears before turning back to him.
"yeah. just enjoying the rain. it's nice, isn't it?" you tell him, trying to change the topic, giving him a soft smile.
you both stare off into the distance, slowly watching all the dark rain clouds move away from the astronomy tower.
he notices that you're drenched, and he sighs. he pulls his jumper over his head, pulling his wand out from his pocket as he does so. "exaresco" he whispers as you dry off.
he passes you his jacket, which you accept without a word. it's still warm with his body heat, and smells faintly of the quidditch pitch and cinnamon, tinged with a scent of something burnt.
"so. you and (friend's name), huh?" you say to attempt to lighten the mood. turning your face to him, you send him a (fake) sly smile, nudging him in the arm.
he stares at you, furrowing his eyebrows. since he finally knows how you feel about him, why are you acting like this?
"no." his reply is short, straight to the point.
you gape at him, mouth falling open and he lets out a deep chuckle, his index finger reaching out and pushing your jaw back up.
"what do you mean no?? I saw you going up to her, drinking the felix felicis." you say, pushing his hand away from your face with a confused frown.
"it wasn't for her." He states simply, hoping his answer is enough for you to finally understand his feelings.
you stare blankly at him.
"you're one of the smartest people i know, but you're so oblivious." he states, sighing playfully.
"then who's the lucky girl?" you ask him, not really wanting to hear the answer anyway. your stomach's already feeling heavy, and he's not even said anything yet. is it katie bell? angelina johnson? who else has he spoken to that he might like?
fred lets out a groan. how can you be so oblivious.
"what?" You laugh, nudging him and trying to get out an answer from him. your hands are getting cold, so you put them in your (fred's) jacket pockets. there's something cold inside, and you pull out a familiar vial.
"why would you think there's anyone else?" fred asks, eyes trained on you as you turn the vial over and over again in your hands.
that catches your attention and your eyes turn to him. "what do you mean?"
fred laughs, his hand combs through his ginger locks as he pushes them back nervously.
"I'm trying, and failing apparently, to tell you i like you." he finally says, laughing nervously again, avoiding eye contact with you.
you gape, for the umpteenth time tonight, before realising he must be joking. you force out a laugh, slightly (super) disappointed. "you're so funny." you deadpan.
"i'm not joking."
"you must be." You respond, slightly hurt that he finds something like this funny. you're facing away again, so you don't notice him look at you. something steels inside of him, and he's confident this will end in his favour.
he reaches up, his hand finding your jaw, and he pulls your face back to him.
something in his eyes is dark, and you realise for the first time, that he's not joking. there's something similar to adoration in his eyes, and it's everything you do in your power to stop from gasping.
"i'm not joking." he repeats.
you can feel his breath on you, fanning across your skin like a warm embrace.
"are you sure?" you whisper, trying to contain the butterflies in the pit of your stomach.
"yes." his response is short, sure and straight to the point. "i am"
the next thing you know, his lips are on yours, breaths mingling together. he pulls you closer, and you feel yourself melt into his embrace.
you pull back from the kiss, and he lets out a unhappy groan.
"does this mean…you like me?" you ask him.
he glares at you, and you laugh. "i'm only joking." is your response. he grins, his forehead resting against yours.
you lie your head on his shoulder, and the both of you enjoy each other's company. this all happened because of felix felics. you can't help but feel so grateful. maybe you should stop hating potions now.
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snucius · 2 years
Bellatrix: And then Snapey Smarty Pants said "Put it down, Bella. We mustn't touch what isn't ours".
Bellatrix: Like how dare he?! I'm so done. Fuck that halfblood, right?
Lucius: Yeah, right. Fuck him, fuck him hard. Fuck him until he is writhing, whimpering and begging to com-
Bellatrix: OK, mate stop. I feel like we aren't on the same page anymore.
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gawaincomic · 9 months
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This is bad: I was totally on point on Instagram, but neglected to post the Snapey Birthday here. *is ashamed*
So - happy belated tumblr birthday, Professor Snape!
(This is my 2023 Hoggywarty submission.)
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lothanbashe · 10 months
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Little Hogwarts Snapey stealing glances at his favourite person.
Because I think we all need to see him smile.
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hdowlpost · 1 month
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August has come and gone and before you know it – THE OWLS ARE BACK!!!! We are announcing the @hdowlpost Winter Fest 2024!
♥ Did not make it into @hd-erised? ♥ Looking for a low-key and fun Harry/Draco winter holiday fest? ♥ Not a writer and not an artist but still would love to give and receive holiday gifts? ♥ Can't wait to meet Erol, Romeo, Hedwig and Snapey again? ♥
Timeline: Choose Your Owl + Post Your Wish List = Sign-ups: Friday, August 30 through Friday, September 13, 2024 Gift Assignments sent out: by September 25 Assignment Reminders sent out: October 27 Submission Date of Gifts to the Owlery: November 22, 2024 Owlpost Gift Delivery | Fest Posting: December 1 until 31; or until we run out of gifts Call for Pinch-hitters: December 1 Late gifts are accepted until: December 22 (all gifts which arrive at the Owlery after this date will be gifted to the pinch-hitters) Reveal of Gift Makers: January 12, 2025
Rules The Basics:
Every participant choses an Owl and creates a Wish List with their wishes and the kind of gifts they are willing to create. *Here is the Wish List Template*.
If you don't have a LiveJournal account, you can sign up with Open ID or by commenting anonymously on the sign-up post. You can also mail your Wish List to the mods at [email protected], and we will post your Sign-up | Wish List for you.
We accept any kind of Drarry themed gift that can be sent by Owl (i.e. posted to AO3). Accepted gifts include fics, drabbles, art works, gif sets, story banners, vids, podfics, manips, beta readings, squeeful and/or in-depth comments, icons, poems, recipes, playlists – in short, whatever somebody offers to create.
The mods assign three gifters for each participant. This is an anon exchange - you will not know who created your gifts until the Reveal. Every participant will receive at least three gifts. They may be small gifts and they may not be exactly what you wished for but they will be made with love and enthusiasm. ♥
Gifts are due November 22, 2024!
In December the Owls are delivered (i.e. posted). Each day of December another participant will be presented with their gifts for as long until the Owlery is empty and all Owls have been sent. Gifts will be revealed on AO3, and linked to from LJ, Discord and tumblr.
The Long and Elaborate Fest Guide: *Fest Guide and Fest Rules*
Your very excited Owl Postmasters - @kittymiaomeow and @vaysh11
and the Owls:
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houseofsnarry · 9 months
Snarry-a-Thon 2024 prompting is open!
On this most Snapey Birthdays of days, prompting for the 2024 Snarry-a-Thon, hosted by the lovely Snape-Potter, is now open.
The prompting page can be found here and prompting is open until 11:59 pm (EST) on January 23. You do not need a DreamWidth account to leave a prompt!
Submitting a prompt does not commit you to claiming or otherwise participating in the fest.
Full rules, FAQ and all other important information can be found here
Submission of prompts: January 9 - 23
Sign-ups and claiming of prompts: Begins January 25
Creations are due: April 15.
Posting starts: May 1, 2024
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superfallingstars · 10 months
marauders era faceclaims/fancasts but it's all musicians from the 60s-80s because i am insane. let's go
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first up is kate bush as lily! this felt so obvious. even though she's not a ginger and her eyes are hazel (i think?) instead of green, there's something so sweet and warm about her that makes her a perfect lily to me. and omg the pics of her as a child are sooo ridiculously cute.
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next up is andy partridge (my beloved) as james. he is in fact blond but i think the glasses are a wonderful coincidence. and he has a great face for james, very british-looking. honorable mention to steve albini who was my original pick but wasn't quite right (not very british-looking, does have black hair tho) – just wanted to mention that because i really only wanted to include him in this post to piss him off
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young chris cornell is literally scary accurate for sirius like his face might as well be directly lifted from my BRAIN. i was really hoping to find a 70s musician for him (these pics are from the late 80s) just for consistency among the marauders, but this was too good not to use
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next is alex chilton as remus. the pic on the left was when he was literally 17, while the middle one (and presumably the right one?) are when he's older. i might just be picking him because he reminds me of andrew garfield, who i don't even like as a fancast for remus, but he's infiltrated my subconscious nonetheless. also look at his little peace signs, isn't he so cute and silly and quirky? ok moving on
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i'll be honest i struggled with peter but i think i'm pretty happy with greg lake here. the hair is a little dated (these pics are probably from the late 60s?) but i like his big round face. and come on i needed SOMEONE from a prog rock band in this post. it just feels right for it to be peter
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alright i really struggled with snape so i'm including a few options and i really want to hear which one people like the best. personally i think the best fit is unfortunately young marilyn manson (first two pics). i was originally going to go with todd rundgren (next two) because of the long face, long hair, bad teeth... why are you booing me i'm right. i like that todd is a 70s guy because it feels more consistent with the other characters, but marilyn's got the goth factor... overall i think they're both DECENT, but i'm not sure if either one has quite the right nose. what do you guys think?
also shoutout to my many rejected snape picks, including steve peregrin took from t rex (not bad but not amazing, i debated including pics but this post is already long enough), rozz williams (too cool-looking), roger waters (meh), and frank zappa (PERFECT nose, but no good pictures without the giant mustache and the rest of his face isn't very snapey to me).
wow ok i can't believe i did this. this is so incredibly stupid but it also took me weeks to do, so i would love to hear what people think of my picks. you're welcome or i'm sorry or whatever
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dufferpuffer · 8 months
headcanon that when the kids grow up a bit like Harry Potter visits hogwarts to teach a DADA lesson or something and they see the headmaster portrait of Snape... like they never talk to eachother about it, its hardly important to mention, but they all separately think 'huh actually he doesn't look as weird as I thought he did, hes kinda normal looking' And then one day Ron actually says something when they hang out along the lines of "You know, ol' Snapey wasn't as freaky as we made him out to be" And everyones like "oh my god you're so RIGHT we were SAVAGE to that man"
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shostakobitchh · 2 months
I’m curious about what type of grandpa Snape would be if Ariel and her love interest ever have kids. A part of me hopes he would be super doting in his own snapey way 😂. And perhaps more lenient with his grandkids than he was with Ariel (as most grandparents are)
I still grapple with Ariel having kids because I dunno if she'd want them? It's strange, she spends so much time yearning for her mother but I don't know if motherhood is something Ariel ultimately would want for herself? I haven't really fleshed that aspect out because I cry when I think of Ariel not being a smol little peanut. I get so emo I don't want her to grow up.
ANYWAY, Snape would be so annoying as a grandparent LOL. Literally a 3rd parent, he'd totally fuck with love interest and undermine everything, so it would be interesting. But I think Snape would see it as an opportunity to be involved since he wasn't in Ariel's childhood. A lot of Ariel being like "who the fuck is this person, if I asked to eat ice cream for dinner I would've been put in detention for a month."
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sxvxrxssnape · 1 year
Snapetober 2023
It's been awhile, my fellow sniends and snovers! While I haven't been active in Snapedom for over a year now (Genshin Impact claimed another one, I fear), I have not lost my love of our problematic fave, Severus Snape yet.
It was an honor to curate Snapetober prompts for you the past three years and I loved seeing all the content it inspired, but it feels a little unfair to hold onto an event for a fandom I no longer engage in and therefore, no longer give it the attention it deserves.
If you are wanting to participate in Snapetober for this year, past years prompts are still available for you to use! Whether you want to try a new approach at a prompt you've already done, or joined Snapedom too late to participate, they are there for you to pick and choose at your leisure! Snapetober has never had rules about what and when to post! I have some old prompts I never finished/uploaded, so perhaps I'll take this opportunity to finally share them! I also noticed that @momo-t-daye has come up with a fun and earthy themed list if you'd like to check it out! And of course, anyone is welcome to come up with and share a list of their own!
As always much snove to you all and thank you for always being a memorable fandom to me/making Snapetober such a fond memory for me :)
Snapetober 2020 Prompts 2021 Prompts 2022 Prompts Momo's 2023 List! my ao3 if you're interested in past snapey fics
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