#slightly possessive
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neongalaxiie · 4 months ago
TW: Blood, Description of Injury (not in detail)
"This is the last straw."
The villain stood over the hero's battered form, all bloodied and bruised. The hero raised their head, not without difficulty, and saw the scowl plastered on the villain's face. The hero shuddered. "W-what do you mea—" Their sentence ended in a violent coughing fit, hacking up more blood in their palm. The villain crouched down in front of them as they settled, grabbing both the hero's wrists.
"I'm not letting you do this, going out there and risking your life. This little charade we had going on was fun, but it's gone too far." The villain's gaze dropped to the hero's hands, then down their arms, their suit. Where their body wasn't decorated by a series of cuts, a blossoming bruise lay just beneath the unbroken skin. The villain's face betrayed their concern and, the hero noticed, a hint of pity.
The villain locked eyes with the hero, and their expression hardened again. The hero gave them a sad smile, straining their split lip. "It's fine, Villain. This is my job. I chose this life, so I guess I have to deal with the bad stuff, too."
"It's not fine!" The villain almost roared, throwing their hands up to their head. They were up in the hero's face the next moment. "You could've died! And I'm the one who has to suffer for it! You... you..." The villain stared into the hero's eyes, pained. Their eyebrows drew close, first in sympathy, then with a resolve.
The villain sighed and dropped their head, standing up. They turned their back on the hero. The hero said nothing, only cocking their head in response. The villain turned their head back to the hero, and their voice took a low and dangerous quality. "You could've died. I'm not taking that chance anymore. From this day onward, your career as a hero is over."
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nightlyrayne · 1 year ago
Something I haven't seen yet, but can't stop thinking about. Yandere Halsin
Side note: I know it's most likely not around because our sweetheart has a heart of gold and is poly, but still 😩👏
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inkskinned · 3 months ago
i have a fever. let's imagine pokemon world dash discourse together. (sorry i do not have darkmode.)
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🤳🏻 pokestopit reblogged team-sprocket
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👻 gengaydar Follow
For the last fucking time owning a gengar is NOT graverobbing. what is actually wrong with you people
#gengar #why am i even still on this site #i don't have a gengar but like. what's even going on over there #is marowak graverobbing now too??
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💅 deerlinguist reblogged givemeyourstrongestpotion
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👩‍❤️‍👩 lightscreend Follow
farfetch'd is like the most edible pokemon just because he comes with his own aromatics. pop that bad boy in the oven with some oran berries.... don't mind if i do
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⚧ feministforcepalm Follow
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@dyketraining tags pass peer review
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🚣🏼‍♂️ magicarpaltunnel reblogged haxorsus
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🐦‍⬛ corvikite Follow
I love to hate things and people. And when I turn out to be RIGHT and that person is a DICK? All parasocial relationships are bad and evil unless I am right about hating someone and then parasocial relationships are good actually
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🪐waterbubbil Follow
We all thought about the same person let's just be honest here....
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🎀 contest-winrar Follow
For me it's always going to be people who keep Pokémon without any thought as to their enrichment and needs. You do not need a fucking Arcanine, you live in a studio apartment and don't walk more than a block a day. You think you want a Gardevoir but are you okay with having an unknowable creature reading your thoughts every waking moment of the day? Even while you do... the nasty?
It drives me crazy because people see a Champion and think they have the time, energy, money, and space necessary to raise a Dragon type. Unless you have generational wealth, let me spell it out for you: you do not have the funds for a Dragon type. And yes! Charizard is on that list, guys! You can't even afford to feed yourself!
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📯 jessiejustlickme Follow
local tumblr user declares the poors only get rat pokemon. maybe a bug pokémon if we are very good. we must grovel in the streets amen
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🎀 contest-winrar Follow
Laugh all you want but I'm serious. I have heard of someone who is living with a MR. MIME like it's her HUSBAND!!!! That's fucking GROSS. These are creatures that TRUST us and NEED us.
Did you know that most Ponyta prefer to be in a herd? Are you going to have the space for that? Did you know that if you don't properly care for certain fire species their flame goes out? Sure, they're cute when they're small: but unless you're a rancher or a Gym Leader... I'm sorry. You're gross to me if you think otherwise. I hate people like that.
And for the record, rat and bug Pokémon are very valuable from an ecological standpoint. They hold an extremely important niche. People like you would rather they be hunted to extinction because they're pests, not pretty. It's disgusting.
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🐦‍⬛ corvikite Follow
anybody in this thread smoke weed
#NOT THE RATS FOR THE POOR PEOPLE... GIRLLLLLL #the thing is they're not like... wrong.... #like i agree with the sentiment #my friend tried to get a slyveon just by like. playing catch a few times #.... like you do need to try.... #also fyi i have a large species so i'm biased #grovyle my baby . my man. u are costing me like so much in pokepuffs per month
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👁‍🗨 badsol
why are we all talking about what pokemon to eat tonight lmafo
#.... obviously jigglypuff. homegirl is 90% cotton candy
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🪅 feebassguitar reblogged metrognome
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🫖 sinisteacher Follow
Like okay I got into science because I love to learn but the more I find out about how we've classified Pokémon types the more insane I feel. What do you mean there's no singular true indicator? What do you mean that there are several conditions which completely alter their base type?
Literally today my lab partner and I got into a very serious discussion about Luxray. That thing is a fuckking dark type!!!!! I'm sorry!!! I don't care what Bulbapedia says!!!! anyway i threw a pokeball at him and it swallowed him whole and now i'm going to jail for unlawful imprisonment of a TA
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🍙 thesandwichking Follow
there's something, like, very dystopian about the idea that if u put an ugly hat on ur favorite little creature it changes like. the DNA. like. do other pokemon look at what you've done and cower? that's their friend... similar but changed... forever having known a life that is entirely alien to them...
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🐳 wailordsupreme Follow
.... Are we going to ignore that OP swallowed a human into a ball???
#yes we are. #my friend loves those hats but I think they're so ugly #and stupid #if i wanted a specific type imma get that type..... #typesetting #show james
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🧗‍♀️ backpacksandcavesnacks reblogged eevee-lotion
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👑 lemmegrabmyballs Follow
ROUND 5 of 6 (see blog for more)
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✍️ dreepydrabbles reblogged ash-hole
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☠️ marrowhackoff Follow
just saw someone say writing omegaverse fanfic of your pokemon is bestiality. ma'am this is the monster fucking site. you should be grateful that it's only omegaverse.
#the things i've seen would melt your eyebrows clean off your face #..... typhlosion they could never make me hate you baby #i know that's not what's in your heart
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🪽 honey-tree-skies reblogged gymcrawler
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🐛 youngstirjoey Follow
Okay say what you will. But shorts really are comfy and easy to wear
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🛀🏽 intimidatecutsyourattack Follow
Sorry bud. But. Investing at 3 notes
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🐛 youngstirjoey Follow
don't do this to me. i h avue a wife . and chi ld
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yearninflowers · 2 months ago
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Alhaitham as a 'snow leopard'.
Unlike their initial appearances, snow leopards will not attack a human if one ever disturbs their peace. They would rather run away, shielding themselves from the unfamiliar presence. It is widely known that those big cats are quite shy creatures. You noticed the same pattern of behavior from your friend, Alhaitham.
Well, one fact is wrong, though. Alhaitham avoided people because it proved to be a hassle to be involved with one rather than being shy, as opposed to your thought of him as a snow leopard. Somehow, throughout your childhood with him, he would prove to you again and again how easy it was to avoid the eyes of adults and children altogether while holding your hands as you both ran away to hide from everyone.
It was a little weird how often he would tell you how annoying other people are despite you being one of those 'other people' in his point of view. Nonetheless, you stuck by his side. Through all the times in his life, yours was always intertwined with his. His birthdays, his grandmother's passing day, his… alone days, somehow. You were there through it all.
Aren't snow leopards solitary animals, though? Why does he always invite you to join his activities?
Maybe he isn't a snow leopard like you initially thought. Maybe he's a… never mind, you can't think of another animal when picturing your friend now. He's a new variant, perhaps. A weird, somewhat autistic snow leopard.
"Snow leopard, huh? Is that what you think of me?" Alhaitham silently mumbled under his breath, carefully reading the content of the small diary book you had left open somewhere.
Alhaitham would suddenly slip out a small smile whenever he remembered what you were picturing him as. Such a uselessly cute thought inside that head of yours. In contrast to what you thought of him, Alhaitham thought of you as a place he would call 'home'. Warm, steady, and welcoming were all your characteristics in his eyes.
From childhood until now, you've always been there for him. You always feel like the books he would love to read—the library he would love to lounge about—the home he would love to stay in. He loves everything about you, but especially the warmer side of yours. It felt like time would stop and he could live in such a serene place whenever he was beside you.
But sometimes, you are just too accommodating. You will let people in, welcoming them just like you welcomed him. Alhaitham would watch as you converse with other people as if they were all worth your time.
Don't you know that snow leopards are territorial animals no matter how less aggressive they are than other species?
He is never an aggressive person. Never at all. However, that would be another case for the people who would shamelessly rob your time together with him. After all, he needs his home, just like you need your snow leopard, right? You often said that your life is always intertwined with his alone. How about proving those exact words right now?
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serotonin-dose · 15 days ago
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AsaDen x Metaphor Re:Fantazio
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clownsuu · 2 years ago
Wait do you ship Wally and howdy too? Or are they platonic?
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I ship em pretty hard ngl, but it’s safe for anyone to assume my arts stuff of them is platonic/just spooki banter (specially since it’s canon for Wally to smooch his homies- or at least air smooch JDDHD)
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returntosunder · 6 months ago
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When I first saw Passion sans I absolutely LOVED his design and I had to draw him. He’s so pretty and the colors make me so happy I love him!
Passion Sans belongs to @vantriloquist
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callme-aprilroseisha04 · 9 months ago
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heyyyyyy if u didn’t notice I’ve been thinking about the tadc puppeteer au a lot haaaaaaaa
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mitsundere · 2 months ago
gepard letting his partner wear his coat because they're cold but then it backfires on him because he can't think about anything else other than them wearing it
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meownotgood · 10 months ago
more mermaid reader x sailor aki. part 2 of this. ignore how long this is... my... brain worms...
aki returns to sailing a few days later. granted, it's in a much smaller boat: one of his spare fishing boats he used before he saved up enough to purchase a proper one. the ocean can never keep him away for long, no matter what it chooses to throw at him. the familiar sun warms his skin, his lungs filled with breath after breath of the sea. rays shimmer off of clear, cool water. it's hard to believe, almost, that this sea was once rocky and wild. that pelting rain, strong winds, and salty depths almost claimed him.
the water is clear enough, in fact, to allow aki to easily spot a glimmer of green scales and a long, damaged tail.
you've been swimming not far from the shore for a few days now. aki figures you can't head back into the deeper parts of the ocean; you're weak, after all. he can spot you for brief moments amongst the rocks and seaweed, but each time he brings his boat in your direction, you disappear as quick as he noticed you.
aki is beginning to question if he's even capable of helping you in the first place. he doesn't fault you for being scared, for not trusting him. he can hardly think of a reason why you'd choose to save him, really. but if he doesn't get you out of this cove, someone is going to notice. someone with much worse intentions.
so aki throws himself back into his boat and sails into the water, again and again. to little success, of course. after days of trying, the closest he ever gets to you is a few feet away; you hover close to the surface of the water, your hair flowing around you, stray nets of fishing line caught in the mess of your tail. your eyes meet his. aki remains still, wonderment in his gaze. but when he reaches out, fingertips hesitantly skimming the surface of the water, you twist and dive deeper, vanishing into the distance.
he's almost ready to give up. to accept you don't trust him, and leave you to your own whims. until, when he's taking a break from searching, lying back on his boat and watching puffy white clouds pass, he manages to spot a shimmer in the very corner of his vision — aki turns, to see you're already staring at him. head tilted, soft eyes on his, your fingers delicately holding the edge of his boat. you let go as he sits up, but for once, you don't disappear. you swim back a bit, and you eye him up and down, the same pinch in your brows he remembers seeing before. but for once, you stay.
aki feels like he's just struck gold. his heart pounds, and he holds as still as possible, trying to think of something to say, something to do. he has his hair half-up, shell-shaped earrings glitter on his lobes. you notice he has nothing in his small boat, save for a brown pack in a far corner. you examine him cautiously, anyways.
"hello," aki manages. he cringes at how nervous he sounds. can you even understand him? he's known sirens to be able to imitate human speech, but mermaids are completely different. they have their own manner of speaking, and they try to stray away from humans whenever possible. your expression changes slightly when you hear him speak. he can't tell if you have any idea what he's said or not. you look annoyed, almost, the fins on your ears pulled back like a cat about to hiss.
raising out of the water a bit more, you give him his first clear view of your face. parts of your shoulders and chest are textured with the same layer of scales as your tail. you raise your hands above water, and you sign.
aki wishes he paid more attention when he was a kid, to the sign language lessons his parents tried to teach him, because then, maybe, he would be able to speak to you freely. his parents were fishers too. they spent every sunlit day on the ocean, up until when they passed away. there's no use in communicating with mermaids, aki thought — he doesn't care to understand them when they have no interest in people.
and yet, you are different. you're here. you saved him. the storm on that fateful night could have taken him, just as it had once taken his parents. when his brother went out to look for them, only to never been seen again, aki prayed for the cruel ocean to have mercy. he hated it. hated the smell of the sea and the whisper of calm waves, but it was all he had left.
it would drown him some day. he knew it would have him in the end, grasping him in dark watery clutches, like how it took everything he once cared about. when the water was choking him, invading his lungs and promising to be his coffin, until his vision was fading into frothy nothingness, he wasn't afraid of death. the ocean is a home for those with nothing left to lose. still, you saved him from that fate.
why, why was his family left to die, while he was made to live?
he's not sure. there probably isn't a reason. no god is taking pity on him, nor the universe, nor the ocean itself — even though its fierce waves should be punishing him. this is his fault. he's the one who toys with death, who doesn't give a damn towards his own well-being. he's the one who got his brother killed.
all he knows now, is that if he gave up here, if he let you die, he'd only be allowing another sacrifice to be in vain. mermaid or not, it doesn't matter. he wouldn't forgive himself.
your mouth presses into a line. your tail sways, while you gesture to him, to yourself. aki takes a moment or so to grasp what you're trying to say. I know who you are.
blinking, he stares at you with slight confusion. your palms cup together, and they imitate the bob of a vessel on waves. boat. your fingers splay and cross over, matching the crosshatch pattern of mesh, before you reach out and imitate a large shape. net. you make a gripping, stabbing motion. harpoon.
"oh," aki swallows, gaze darkening. "I... I get it."
he tries to formulate a response as quick as possible. you watch, wide-eyed, as he clumsily — endearingly, somewhat — attempts to recall what signs he knows. safe, he demonstrates, with a swift movement of hands clenched, arms crossed over. and then, help, followed by an awkward point to himself. he swears under his breath sharply, stalling, struggling to remember. until finally, he signs hastily: sorry.
your gaze scans him, unreadable. he begins to move slowly, his eyes kept on yours. he reaches back, he grabs the strap of his bag. abruptly, you flinch, dipping below the water slightly.
"no, no, it's okay," aki reassures, holding up his palms. you freeze, and perhaps you can understand him, or maybe it's just his smooth voice reassuring you — but still, again, you don't run. thankfully. aki places his bag in his lap and fiddles with the zipper, shaky, nervous hands struggling to do it right.
"I brought supplies. to help you," he says; he digs around his bag once he has it open, he grasps a roll of gauze and takes it out to show you. "see? don't know how well this'll work, but-" he shows you a small bottle, "I brought disinfectant," another bottle, this one is clear, with liquid sloshing inside, "fresh water." then, he pulls out a large hunting knife, the blade sheathed in leather. still, you know exactly what it is. "to cut the fishing line."
your eyes are wide. you tense, you retreat into the water on instinct, leaving just the top of your head visable.
"it's okay, don't run- no knife? alright, okay. that's fine."
aki stands, the boat wobbling slightly from the shift in his weight. you lift up again, just in time to watch him chuck the knife as far as he can into the ocean. it hits the water with a slight plip, only to sink down until it's gone from view.
"there. I won't hurt you, I promise." his gaze meets yours again, and you seem to breathe deeply, relaxing. your expression carries a hint of understanding. aki kneels down, close to the boat's edge. "it's alright if you don't trust me. but please, at least let me repay you. come here, I'll pull you up."
he extends a hand out towards you, and you give him one more quick once over. carefully, hesitantly, you swim closer. aki admires the way sunlight shimmers in the scales on your cheeks, the way your finned ears twitch in interest. you reach up, your delicate fingers brush his — warm, you are warmer than he thought you'd be. delightfully warm. you take his hand, your palm is soft, yet slippery. aki grasps back, and he pulls.
you're dragged up, as aki heaves you onto the boat, making the whole thing sway and his brows knot from the effort. he grasps both your forearms to make it easier. when the weight of your large tail finally rests down in the boat, he's stumbling back. the entire boat is shifting, and you're falling forward as he's losing his footing.
aki tumbles onto his back with a huff, you settle on his chest — oh, how your poor heart races, pattering to a rapid rhythm between your ribs. your hair drips with water, echoing a steady noise when droplets hit the wooden deck of his boat. his palm idly presses to the small of your back as he sits up.
his touch, the reserved sailor you saved that night, with long dark hair, and handsome features you found unforgettable. he was alone when you decided to follow him. sailing alone, late at night with only the light of the moon and the lanterns on his ship to guide him, while thunder rolled overhead and promised sleeplessness to come. he was either a reckless idiot, a self-sabotaging fool, or both. the dark water hid you from view as you followed in the wake left by his ship. you weren't intending to meddle, but when lightning struck down and his boat crumbled, when he went plummeting into the deep, were you just supposed to leave him to the waves?
should you have just let him die?
you pondered it, while hiding in the rocks of the cove, busying yourself with trying to pull splinters of driftwood from the gash in your tail. you have no allegiance to humans, especially senseless ones. you could have left him so easily and never once turned back. but —
aki glances up at you, lightly catching his breath. and he smiles. his eyes crinkle, his lips tip upward. the way he looks at you is the softest, most genuine thing you've ever known.
you've been hiding all your life. you have never been familiar with anything but the depths, and the occasional ships that drift past. you know humans are dangerous. you haven't spoken with your own kind since you were a child, but you've witnessed what they can do, you've been told they'll hunt you if they see you. for your tail and your scales and the glory; you shouldn't have saved him, that much is obvious. everything was telling you that you shouldn't have.
but aki is the first human you've ever met, and the first person to ever smile at you. in a singular moment, all of your regrets disappear, to be replaced by tender, heart-pounding warmth.
"hello," he repeats, breathing a slight sigh in satisfaction. god, he did it, you trust him. adrenaline runs thick in his veins. he has a damn mermaid in his lap, of all ridiculous things.
he allows his gaze to trail over you. he examines your tail, delicate fins tangled up in fishing line. most of your tail looks salvageable. with the missing section of your end fins, you'll likely never swim the same. but once the wound is given a chance to properly heal, he thinks you could definitely be able to leave the cove.
your arms have scales, your wrists and waist are adorned with pearls and shells tied to form makeshift jewelry. around your neck, you're wearing a familiar, rusted silver pendant.
aki reaches towards you, gazing at you gently. your eyes narrowing, he notices when you flinch, and he stops, but you don't move. instead, you allow him to reach close enough to carefully grasp the pendant around your neck.
his thumb runs over the engraved surface. he knew what he saw glinting around your neck wasn't just his imagination. "my locket. you found it."
you eye him silently, for a moment. then, you push away from his chest. you sit up, curling your tail around yourself. aki props up along with you, and you begin to reach back, searching for the clasp on the necklace. you sign one-handed, by pointing to your forehead, then to him. for you. you hold out the necklace, aki's palm outstretched to take it.
for you. his heart skips a few beats at that, somehow.
although, first, you're carefully prying the locket open. you place it into his palm, facing him. your fingertip points to the small picture on the inside. a black and white photo, torn and faded, of a young smiling boy with short, black hair.
you point towards aki next, brows raised. you?
"oh, no," aki shakes his head. he closes the locket, and he puts the necklace into his back pocket.
brother, he signs with both hands. he takes a steady, shuddering breath. then, he glances away for a second. his next sign is done much slower. almost as if every word is formed in earnest. thank you.
you hesitate. a part of you wants to tell him you're welcome, another part of you is set on just staring at his pretty face until he notices. in the end, as aki's dumb, soft smile makes your heart race faster, your lips are left to purse into a pout.
you, you're pointing. foolish, you gesture hastily, almost angrily, with your thumb and your pinkie finger. your temple is knotted, droplets of water shimmer over your skin. then, you sign something he doesn't recognize. some form of movement that certainly carries a hint of disdain, pointing to him first, before two of your fingers press to your palm.
you demonstrate the sign again when he has no response, no reaction besides a small smirk — moving faster, hastier this time. he only shrugs. you breathe a frustrated exhale, and decide to spell the word instead. recalling what you've read from dropped books and drifting bottles, you picture the letters, and you let your hand carefully sign each one.
h- u- m- a- n.
aki shakes his head. he points to himself, he signs instead: a- k- i.
aki. you've never heard such a thing before. his name, perhaps? in that case, you don't think you'll be able to forget it.
"my name is aki," he murmurs. the breeze from the sea rustles his dark hair. it brushes over your cool skin, and you blame your resounding shiver on that, instead of his voice. finally, he points to you, this time. "and you?"
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triangular-static · 6 months ago
congrats to bill cipher on managing to be both sides of the "it's me boy i'm the ps5" meme
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infpfandomgremlin · 5 months ago
Okay so I had this idea the other day
Hongjoong is your boyfriend and he’s fucking you in your guys room, calling you his good slut, little whore, mine, etc.
But then he stops and tells you to continue getting yourself off
So you’re continuing touch yourself for him and then you notice San standing in the doorway watching you
The three of you had talked about this beforehand, so you all knew what was going to happen
While you’re normally a sub in most situations atm the small Dom part of you comes out
You start talking to Sannie, asking him if he likes watching you touching yourself, if it gets his little dick off, calling him a good boy, your breathy voice clearly affecting him
All the while Hongjoong is just sitting there slowly jerking himself, intently watching the whole thing. He knows he’s still completely in control of you
Sannie starts pouting and then you tell him to come over to you and get his dick out
You and Hongjoong both encourage him to start touching himself and jerking himself off over your face
You start teasing him about coming on your face
“Aww does Sannie wanna come on my face?” “Is Sannie getting off to me touching myself?” “So pretty for me Sannie. Such a pretty little dick”
And the he’d whine about having his dick called little. He’s be so pathetic. Pre cum dripping from his dick the more you tease him. He’s just a little babyboy
But then Hongjoong would start teasing you again, calling you disgusting and a whore for letting another man come on your face, to which you would start whining and whimpering
You’d keep encouraging San though, and then he’d come on your face, all sweaty and groaning softly
Then Hongjoong would take over touching you, but much more rough than you were. He’d start degrading you worse than before
“Did you like that disgusting whore? Huh? Another man coming on your face?” “Fucking worthless, letting any man come on you” “you’re a fucking slut, idk why I even bother with you”
You’re whining and moaning and starting to cry, just making Hongjoong harder. He then finally pushes into you again, fucking you roughly, rougher than he ever has before.
He’s grunting and degrading you still
“Oh and now you’re crying? Fucking pathetic”
All the while San is just standing there, quietly whining and jerking himself off, watching you two intently
You start whining louder and Hongjoong tells you to shut up then he looks up to Sannie whike still fucking you roughly
“Did you like getting off on my toy, huh? You’re disgusting, both of you” “this is MY toy, yes?” Hongjoong points at you “you don’t ever come near my toy again”
Hongjoong thrusts a few more times then comes inside you, groaning, grunting out “mine”
You both see Sannie starting to cry as he finally gets himself off a second time
Then you all make sure each other are all cared for
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not-equippedforthis · 5 months ago
getting to episode 8 of malevolent like. oh so hes slightly insane
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silverhalla · 5 months ago
Back at it again with another theory: What if Lucanis’ betrayal wasn’t a betrayal at all?
(obviously, spoilers below the cut)
During The Wigmaker Job, we have some dialogue between Illario and Lucanis about their position within both the Crows and the Dellamorte family. Illario wants Caterina to step down so he can take the coveted First Talon spot. Lucanis reassures him that his time is coming, to which Illario makes a snide comment about whether his cousin would ever go against their grandmother’s wishes. When they continue the conversation after the job, Illario states that Lucanis is the potential heir, that he’s her favorite, and that he’s unlikely to say no to her. Lucanis doesn’t argue, only insists that he doesn’t want to be First Talon, and that he hopes she’ll see reason before that. It’s mentioned again in Eight Little Talons - Caterina favors Lucanis. It’s well-known enough among the Crows that Viago and Teia discuss it in front of her (not on purpose, but she doesn’t deny it). He’s her prodigy through and through.
In the opening scene for the Lucanis quest in Veilguard, Caterina is poised, as you’d expect of the First Talon. She’s certain that the body they buried wasn’t her grandson, that it had been altered with blood magic. She doesn’t pose it as a theory, though: she poses it as a fact. It could, of course, merely be her confidence, but there’s another very unusual aspect to the scene – everyone else discusses how Lucanis was clearly betrayed, that someone must have sold him out in order for the Venatori to capture him. Caterina is the only one in that room who never speaks on it. She doesn’t ask for justice, doesn’t mention vengeance, never acknowledges that her grandson was sold out by someone he trusted – perhaps because he wasn’t. 
What if, when Caterina comes to him with a plan, with an impossible request, he’s still her favorite prodigal grandchild, and he still does whatever she asks? She’s had him tortured before as a child, has tortured and starved and beaten him herself before, because it makes him stronger and more resistant to it in the future. He says in The Wigmaker Job that he used to hate her for it, but now he understands. He justifies it. All Crows justify it, because they have to - if they don’t, then the cruelty wasn’t for survival’s sake, and their suffering meant nothing. Perhaps he doesn’t even question it. When Caterina tells him that she has a job for him, he takes it. 
What if the contract has a caveat? Sure, Calivan must die by his hand by the end of it, a little treat for a job well done, but what if his primary mission is reconnaissance, is discovery? The Venatori are using blood magic to torture and corrupt prisoners. It would behoove the Crows to find out what it entails and how to resist it, before it’s turned back on them. It would have to be someone so deeply, unabashedly loyal to her that when she asked them to infiltrate a Venatori prison, expecting torture at best, their own death at worst, they’d take the job anyway, no questions asked - someone Caterina can trust, certainly, but also someone who has never once said no to her.
And Lucanis has always been a loyal grandson. 
#lucanis dellamorte#dragon age: the veilguard#datv#datv spoilers#veilguard spoilers#da posting#maybe it’s also just because she thinks it would make him stronger and that’s how she always justifies it to herself because she’s evil!!!!#she’s MICRODOSING her GRANDSON with BLOOD TORTURE and DEMONS to fashion him into A BETTER WEAPON#I keep hearing people be like ‘oh there’s a moment in the lucanis storyline where I GASPED’#and other than like ‘he was dead the entire time’ I’m like…… what would be that shocking#and you know what would be that shocking??#if he put himself through it on purpose#envisioning a line where he’s like ‘when Caterina told me to go I didn’t ask questions because I’m a good crow!!!!!’#(also I think that would REALLY give a good bite to his demon being SPITE of all things)#also also I still think that Illario kills caterina (if she’s actually dead) but y’know what?#if he does GOOD FOR HIM#also lucanis just happening to be bursting out of his cell when you get there…. SUSPECT#was he just ready to break out at any time? if so why did he stay and get tortured for a YEAR?#why were the guards so afraid of him?? what was he capable of???#‘you’re a crow’ or ‘but you’re not a crow’ ohhhh so you were expecting a rescue?#oh I am CONNECTING the DOTS (I haven’t connected shit) I’VE CONNECTED THEM#voelene#your caterina + illario post started these wheels turning and I am eternally grateful#also tho did update this slightly because I forgot about their conversation at the end of TWJ#also got so wrapped up in my hatred of caterina that I failed to consider another emotionally devastating option:#that lucanis was the one who wanted to go and caterina covered for him#now THAT’S got some bite to it too#and maybe Lucanis volunteering to take on a demon is why it doesn’t possess him fully#it’s like a wynne/anders thing it’s symbiotic
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secriden · 5 months ago
excuse me i just stumbled on this photoshoot (?) on Twitter and
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wtf why does peat have that rich 太太 (tai tai) energy?? (ie. a wealthy, spoiled, pampered trophy housewife)
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why does fort look like his assigned bodyguard who is officially just there to make sure no one gets to his boss through his 'wife' but he's also totally fucking his boss' wife on the down low
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they totally plot to murder peat's rich husband and have him inherit his fortune and afterwards fort stays as his kept man bodyguard and peat rules his financial empire with an iron fist.
why do i need a fic about this like i need to breathe.
Edit: so i wrote a thing (its mahasamut/tongrak and its way more intense then i even anticipated)
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isjasz · 2 years ago
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[Day 47]
Closing note (A ship is very burnable)
Part 1
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