#what if Jax starts locking himself in his room so she can’t get to him as everyone gets more concerned & gangle gets even more exited?
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heyyyyyy if u didn’t notice I’ve been thinking about the tadc puppeteer au a lot haaaaaaaa
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romanstheory · 3 years
A smut request where Roman gets upset with Y/n because her and his cousin, either Nia Jax or Tamina, fight at a family function because they can’t stand each other.
Of couurrsseeee!!!
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Word Count : 957
Edited!!! i read the request wrong
18 +
Today is Roman's family function, they have them throughout the year but they have one big one in the summer. Sort of like a family reunion but not really. It's no secret that Roman's cousin Nia Jax makes my blood boil, we're both pretty vocal about it. I promised Roman I would bite my tongue as long as she kept her mouth shut. "Look I swear I won't start any issues as long as she doesn't" I saw as I slip my shorts on. "That's not good enough babe, I need you to be on your best behavior even if she isn't on hers" Roman says putting his hair up into a bun. "If she can't give me respect, she's not getting any. End of story! Talk to her about it not me!" I say firmly. Roman breathes loudly through his nose and continues to get dressed
Roman already knows how I am when disrespected, but we've been together for a while now and there's no way I can avoid Nia at these events. She's obnoxious and makes sure everyone is aware she's there anyway. "Are you ready?" Roman asks me, grabbing his keys. I nod and we head out the door. I'm pretty quiet the entire ride "You okay?" Roman asks me. "Yeah, just trying to prepare myself for Nia's bullshit. I am excited to see the rest of your family though" I say. "I'm sure they're all looking forward to seeing you too" Roman says with a smile. We arrive at the park, and I can immediately hear Nia being loud and I swear my eye started to twitch. Roman looks over at me "Just try please" He says to me.
I shrug and we walk over to the family. I'm greeted by hugs and kisses from the entire family........ except Nia. She glares over at me and I shoot her a sharp eye roll. This bitch is so lucky I can't smash her face in right now! Everyone is ready to eat, and I offer to help serve. "She's not touching my food!" Nia says loudly. "Serve yourself then" I say sharply. "How about you don't give me orders bitch! You don't even belong here" Nia says even louder walking up to me this time. "How about you stay in your place BITCH and back up before I knock you the fuck out" I say screaming. All eyes are on us at this point, Roman and I lock eyes from across the park and he knows I'm going to snap. I see him rushing over when Nia pushes me, and everything goes black. I come to and Roman is prying me off of her while I have a handful of her hair swinging wildly. "Babe stop!!" Roman yells. "No whoop her ass uce! Fuck her up!" Jey screams. "Hit her for me too!" I hear Naomi's voice echo.
Roman finally gets me off of her and carries me to the car. "What the fuck was that?" Roman says loudly. "That bitch pushed me!" I say loudly back. "I asked you to keep it together and then you spazz on Nia and slam her head into the ground?" Roman says trying to calm himself "It doesn't make it any better that you were being encouraged. You two can't fucking get along for two hours while we get together with family". I sit silently in a rage "Tell that bitch not to try me and she won't have to worry about getting her head smashed in" I say in a calm yet angry tone. Roman rubs his head roughly as he watches Nia get into her car and leave. "Let's try this again..... but if she comes back we are LEAVING" Roman says firmly
We spend another few hours there while Roman mingles with his family before going home. Roman sits in silence the entire car ride. "When we get home, I want you undressed, waiting on me in the room" Roman demands. I nod, saying nothing as I know what's about to happen and it excites me. I love angry sex with him, it's always my favorite kind. We get to the house and I listen to his orders, going into the room and laying on the bed naked, with my ass in the air. He enters the room, and I begin to wiggle and sway my ass in the sir as i hear his belt buckle jingle and his pants go down. He walks up behind me, slowly putting his finger into me and pulling it out "Sweet and soaking wet" He says licking my juices off of his finger.
"Teach me a lesson" I say seductively. Roman wastes no time putting his length into me and beginning to crash out bodies into each other, his full balls smacking against my body with force. He uses his hand put push my back down, arching it even more. I moan and whine in pleasure as he groans and grunts "You will listen to me and fucking act right" Roman says slamming into me, filling the room with claps and noises from my wet throbbing vagina. Roman pulls on my hair tightly, causing me to moan and whine louder. "Take all of me" Roman grumbles "Take that shit!" Roman continues slamming his length into me as my legs begin to get weak with pleasure and I feel my body tensing.
I reach my climax and Roman keeps stroking, making my climax more intense. Soon he pulls out of me, releasing his seed onto my back and ass before he gets off of the bed and pulls himself up "Clean up, and don't ever fucking embarrass me again" Roman roars as he walks out of the room
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mayans-sauce · 3 years
Gemma’s Daughter (1/?)
Pairing: Angel Reyes x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: Cursing, angst, yelling, cheating, heartbreak, physical fight
Request by anon which you can find HERE
A/N: thank you for the request! Sorry it’s a little late. I changed it up a bit by having Jax and Gemma still be alive as well as some other things. I’m really happy with how this turned out so I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it <3
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Gif Credit: @pedropcl
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This was the third time Angel’s phone went straight to voicemail. It was the middle of the night, and he said he would be home 3 hours ago for his and your movie night which at the end of it, you would share some thrilling life-changing news. You were worried sick about him not returning your calls, worried that something serious had happened. What if he was hurt? Or worse, dead? You decided to shoot him a text; maybe he was doing something important, making it so he couldn’t pick up right now.
📲 Angel😇
Baby, where are you? I’m worried! Please just let me know if you’re safe ok? I have something exciting to tell you. Love you❤️
You texted some of the other guys. None of them had heard anything from him. They told you not to worry. He was probably caught up with something and would turn up eventually. Luckily your brother Jax picked up when you called. You asked him for some guidance on if you should sound the alarm or wait until Angel gave off noise. Since he was in the same life as your husband, you figured he would know what’s best. He told you better to wait. That he was most likely dealing with something that had taken his full attention. If he didn’t turn up tomorrow, Jackson said he would take the drive over to help you look for him. You were so thankful for your big brother. He was always there to help you whenever he could. To protect and love you.
You refused to go to sleep before he came home or before he called you, so you knew he was safe and sound. Some movie was playing on the TV that you didn’t pay much attention to. The battle between you and your eyelids was still going strong. All of a sudden, you were woken up from your zombie state by the front door opening and closing. Footsteps that belonged to no other than Angel made their way into the dim-lit living room.
“Angel!” His movements were sort of clumsy. A sign that he had been drinking. You came to stand at his side. Holding him up by his forearm as it looked like he was going to faint face down ass up on the floor any second. Your nose scrunched up at the strong smell of the alcohol on him. “Angel, I was worried sick! Where were you?” “I was out with my brother.” His words had a pinch of sluggishness in them as he spoke. “We were supposed to have our movie night! We haven’t seen each other all week, and this was going to be our evening together.”
“Ugh,” he tugged himself out of your grasp, which took you by surprise. “Why are you so bossy all the time? I’m a grown man. I can take care of myself.” His words started to sting a little, but you didn’t think that much of it. He was shitfaced drunk, and he wasn’t his usual self. “Angel I-“ “No, you listen here, I’m sick and tired of you always going; oh Angel this oh Angel that,” he tried to mimic your voice but failed miserably, “like shut up. Shut the fuck up for one goddamn second in your life and stop being so fucking clingy.” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing from him. The tears in your eyes started to build up as you held two protective hands over your stomach. Your mouth was slightly agape in disbelief. “A-Angel ple-please-“ “No, I don’t fucking care right now. I’m leaving.” And just like that, he turned around and walked out. The force of the door slamming shut shook the whole house as you were left with an emptiness inside you.
The tears ran down your cheeks like it was pouring rain outside. Your body trembled at the anxiety and stress you were feeling at what just happened. You looked down at where your hands were laid over your stomach. “I-I’m so sorry li-little bean. I’m so so-sorry, my sweetheart.”
In the morning, you woke up in the worst state you have ever been in. The same clothes as yesterday were still on you. The pounding in your head wouldn’t seem to stop. Your eyes raw from crying, and your throat felt like rough sandpaper. Wrapping the blanket around yourself, you padded down to the kitchen to get a glass of water. As you stared out the kitchen window, you saw your neighbor playing with their kids, which started the production of tears again.
A gasp left you of the sound from the front door opening and Angel’s voice calling for you. You met him in the living room—both of you staring at each other without saying a word. You should be mad at him, shouldn’t you? To scream at him for saying those hurtful things? But for some reason, your heart wouldn’t allow you to do so. You were just relieved that he had come home.
Angel was the first one to break the awkward silence. “Please… sit,” he pointed towards the sofa. You sat at one end while he took his place at the other. His face was in his hands. It looked like he had something to share with you. “Angel… what is it?” Your voice was nothing but a whisper. His eyes locked with yours and his heart broke when he saw what mess he had left you in. “I’m sorry for how I acted. Yelling at you like that…saying things that aren’t true… it’s not what you deserve. I don’t know what came over me and… I have something I need to tell you.” He looked up to you as tears welled up in his eyes. You gave him a slight nod, a sign that he could go ahead with whatever it was.
“When I left in the night, I was supposed to go over to pop's house to sleep. I didn’t take the bike because I was too shitfaced to drive, so I went on foot hoping that it would sober me up… and... I just kept walking and walking until I found myself… not at Felipe’s.” He peeked up to you from where he was looking down at the floor just a moment ago. His heart broke into microscopic pieces when he saw on your face that you knew where his story was most likely going. As much as he didn’t want to finish, he had to. He had to come clean and straight with you. You deserved that much.
“I found myself at Adelita’s place… and… we hooked up.” The silence after he said that was hefty and long. Once again, he was the one to break it. “Querida… it’s the biggest fucking mistake I have ever made in my fucking life. I don’t know what the fuck came over me to do something like that to you… to us.”
He tried to get a hold of your hand, but you pulled away in disgust. You didn’t want him to touch you after he had been feeling all up on her in the night while you were home alone crying yourself to sleep. You had no words, none. Your mouth was opening and closing, but nothing seemed to escape it. “Please say something.” “Where is she?” “I don’t see ho-“ “Goddammit Angel, just tell me where the fuck she is!” The scream you let out startled him. “Sh-she’s at the clubhouse… there was some emergency that needed to be taken care of, and it couldn’t wait till later.”
At lightning speed, you had grabbed the car keys and were out the door. Angel registered what the fuck was going on when he heard the engine's roar from the car. He was quick to his feet and on his bike to try and catch up before you did anything stupid.
Not thinking straight, you barge through the Templo doors to be met with Adelita and the rest of the MC standing over a map planning something. “Sweetheart, you aren’t supposed to be here,” Bishop said with a stern manner. You didn’t hear him. You didn’t care that you weren’t supposed to be in the room. All you could think about was the rage filling you up as she stood there gloating at you. A smug look on her face that you knew where your man had been last night, all cozy and tangled up together in her sheets.
She didn’t expect you to jump her and start beating the shit out of her; she knew you weren’t that type of girl, so it startled her when you did. That’s when Angel walked in out of breath and saw the scene in front of him that had him stand dead in his tracks as he watched. Your hands punched and scratched as you screamed, "I'm the mother of his child, not you bitch! Don’t ever touch him again!” You didn’t register what you said, and now everyone knew. She tried to fight back, but you were much more powerful than her.
It took the guys a few moments to pull you off as they were in sheer shock at what was going on in front of them. You were usually a shy and sweet girl that wouldn’t even hurt a fly. They were surprised that you so quickly took her down. Once pulled off, Taza escorted Adelita out since it was time for her to leave. “How in the fuck did you do that?” They almost said in unison. "Jax may be my brother, but my mother is Gemma, and you definitely don’t want to fuck with us.” You knew your mother would be proud of you for standing up for yourself and for putting that bitch in her place.
“Wait… you’re pregnant.” “Yes, Angel, I’m fucking pregnant, and you’ve just fucked up our whole relationship, our future.” The tears that were threatening to spill were managed to be put under control by your choice of not showing any of them how you truly felt, sad, empty, alone, and betrayed by Angel’s choices of thinking with his dick and not his fucking brain.
You were about to storm out when he grabbed you by the forearm. “Wait, please… we can fix this! Please let me fix this dulce.” “No, Angel,” you twisted your arm to get loose of his grip; the touch of him made you cringe, “the damage has already been done. I can’t fucking stand to look at you. Not now. I’m going home… I’m going home to Charming for a while.” And with that, you left Angel there to mend his broken pieces at losing the two of you…
To Be Continued
Thank you for reading❤️ A quick reblog and feedback would be so appreciated❤️ Let me know if you want to be added/removed from the taglist.
MAYANS MC TAGLIST: @blessedboo @60shannon @bellisperennis0 @capnsaveahoe @diaryofkali @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @xvvalx @missswritings @theocatkov @pinguinstudiert @chibsytelford @encounterthepast @rawrlittlepanda-95 @beeroses @siriussnape07 @adaydreamaway08 @miss-nori85 @oldstuffnewstuff @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @jatriciaaa @browneyes912 @cole-winchester @blackksunflower12 @phoenixhalliwell @cant-decide-at-this-moment @love-mesome-me @holl2712 @jennisdirtyimagines @balladbloodwrites @lilacyennefer @smallflower16 @marvelmaree @brwnlikefoxy @kaylaygrace @stupiddsapphicc @violet624 @boomclapxox @mijop @macgruberrr @queen-under-the-shire @missihart23 @vixemi @heeeeeres-saint @paintballkid711 @x-goddess-of-nature-x @angelreyesisdaddy04 @mrsmarvelous1995
ANGEL REYES TAGLIST: @spnaquakindgdom @Negansnympho89
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Stay Put
Juice Ortiz x F!Reader
Combining 2 Anonymous requests for this: Juice x female reader, where they are in Belfast - and when the barn explodes, reader was one of the ones inside, and got hit a bit in the explosion outside - getting flung a bit, and Juice comes running back because it's her. And she's fighting to get up despite her injury to check he's alright; and there's this small cute moment, before her adrenaline wears off and her injuries prevent her from standing. Maybe a, "well, that was cute", from Happy in his deadpan way & Juice x femreader, possibly a Teller, where, mother like daughter, she insisted going to Belfast with the sons. But, in her case, instead of staying at Ashby's with the girls, she snags a ride to the barn with the boys. She acquires a minor injury in the explosion (maybe pulling Paddy ((Chib's nephew)) of the truck to try and save some folks, and Juice get's really panicky - and it is revealed they're in a relationship
Warnings: language, angst, mentions of blood/injuries
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: I didn’t explicitly made the reader a Teller because I didn’t really feel like it would’ve added to the plot of this fic. But pretty much all of this other stuff is in here. Hope you enjoy! xo
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SOA Taglist: @garbinge @masterlistforimagines @adela-topaz-caelon @chibsytelford @mijop @mayans-sauce @shadow-of-wonder @i-just-read-stuff @unicornucopia-fuckers @multiyfandomgirl40 @toni9 @kkim120 @xladymacbethx​ (If you want to be added to my taglist just let me know!)
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You’d spent most of the morning going tit-for-tat with the guys. It was a minor miracle that you had gotten to Belfast in the first place. It was all a blur at this point—between the chaos and the jetlag everything was starting to blur together. They hadn’t been happy about you managing to come along with them, but there was nothing to be done about it now.
However, insisting to come along with them on their run that day was pushing it, and you were meeting resistance at every turn. Things had already gotten heated between you and Jax and you really weren’t looking to get into another blowout if you could help it. However, none of the guys wanted to disagree with Jax at this point, and truthfully, they all wanted you safe back at the house with everyone else.
You stormed into the room that you were temporarily sharing with Juice, slamming the door behind you as you did. A few moments later you heard the quiet creaking of it slowly opening again. You stopped your pacing, turning to see who it was even though you already had a pretty good idea.
“Hey,” Juice softly shut the door behind him and walked towards you. He wanted to reach out and wrap you in a hug, but he stopped himself, “I’m sorry.”
“Why is it so different?” you shook your head, “You guys could all use the extra fucking backup, to be honest.”
Juice paused for a moment as he tried to carefully construct his answer. He didn’t want to upset you more, but he couldn’t deny that he’d rather have you out of harm’s way, “It’s club business. We…we don’t want you getting hurt in the middle of all this shit.”
“I’m already here, Juan!” you threw your hands up, “It’s a little late for that argument, isn’t it?”
“Hey,” he was so good at keeping his voice soft and gentle, especially with you, “I hear you, alright? I do,” he rested one hand on each of your arms, “But you gotta look at this from the other side of it. We don’t…we don’t trust them. We can’t take you with us when we don’t know how things are gonna go down.”
You shook your head, “I don’t need to be protected,” you waited for Juice to meet your eyes, “I don’t need you to protect me.”
You didn’t say it with the intention of hurting him, but you knew that it did. He tried so hard to keep you safe and happy. And normally he did that with no issue, which was impressive since the two of you were keeping things under wraps. You were surprised that the two of you got roomed together, but you figured that was because they assumed that Juice was the most harmless out of all the guys. In a lot of ways they were right. You saw it in his eyes that he hated the entire situation that you were in.
“I’m sorry,” you sighed, “I didn’t…I didn’t mean it to come out like that.”
He pulled you against his chest, “I know.”
You let yourself lean into him a little bit as you took a deep breath, “I know you don’t want me there, but—”
“It’s not that I don’t want—”
“Hear me out,” you ran your hands up and down his back, “I know you don’t want me there, but I can’t just sit back here and feel useless. There’s gotta be something I can do.”
He pressed a kiss to the edge of your forehead, “You’re not going to let it go, are you?”
You chuckled, “Does that sound like me at all?”
His chest vibrated with laughter but neither of you said anything else. You could feel him soaking up the contact with you, his hands carefully tracing along your sides and back like he was trying to memorize everything that he could. You reveled in his body heat, wishing that those moments didn’t have to be stolen.
You weren’t sure what exactly Juice said to the guys, but whatever it was must’ve been convincing because next thing you knew, you were going on the run with them. The two of you exchanged a brief look as you all got ready to head out. You mouthed a silent thank you and he nodded in response, but you could tell that he was conflicted about what he had done. There would be another conversation about it later, you were sure of it.
When you got to the barn, you could tell that things felt off. And if you could tell that things felt off, it must’ve been pretty obvious. You could feel the tension radiating off of Jax and the other guys in the MC. No one was saying anything, but they didn’t have to. The longer that you were all standing around waiting, the thicker the tension got.
You saw Juice get assigned to keep an eye on O’Neill and your stomach twisted into a knot. Everything felt wrong but there wasn’t anything that you could do about it at this point. Before you could think about it too much, you heard Juice’s voice cut through the air, “Hap,” he turned to you, “Y/N,” he nodded for the two of you to follow him.
You walked with the two of them, waiting for some kind of instruction as to what to do next. Juice leaned in close to you so no one else could hear, “Keep an eye on SAMBEL, alright? Anything seems off come and get me.”
You nodded and separated yourself from Juice and Happy. You laid low but kept yourself close enough to everyone outside to be able to hear what was being said for the most part. Every now and then you would look around, making sure that you could always see Juice and Happy regardless of where any of you were.
Within what felt like a split second, absolute chaos broke out. The barn doors were slammed shut and locked, guys taking off in every direction. Juice grabbed you roughly by the arm and pulled you along with him and Happy, desperate to make sure that the three of you stuck together. He let you go as he pulled out his gun, shooting at the lock on the door.
Over the sounds of everyone screaming, you heard the truck start inside the barn. Happy grabbed both you and Juice and yanked you to the side, out of the main line of fire when the truck came barreling through the side of the barn. You stumbled but managed to catch yourself just in time before completely wiping out.
As everyone was running and shouting and scrambling, all you could think of was when Chibs nearly got blown to pieces at T-M. Fear shot through you as you realized what was going on. You started shouting, telling everyone to get off and away from the truck. Everyone who heard knew exactly what you were thinking and like a hivemind everyone started to book it.
You didn’t know if it was bravery or a complete lapse in judgment, but you ran towards the truck, desperate to save anyone that you could. “Get off the fucking truck,” you jumped and tackled Chibs’ nephew to the ground. In no time at all you were back on your feet, practically dragging him by his kutte to get him as far away from the mess as you could.
You were fast, but not quite fast enough. The explosion was deafening and it propelled both you and Paddy forward, throwing you to the ground. Your head smacked into the ground and all your body could register was the ringing in your ears—you couldn’t even force your eyes open for a moment.
Adrenaline kicked in and you were able to open your eyes and push yourself up slightly, looking around to try and take in the damage. It was too much to process all at once, though. There was blood and bodies everywhere. You looked to your left and saw Paddy sprawled out in much the same position that you were. You reached over, slapping his back aggressively and were rewarded with a grunt. He was alive and that was all that you cared about.
“Y/N,” Juice was running over to you as you stood up, “Jesus fucking Christ.” You stumbled a few steps, eventually having to lean onto Juice for support. You winced and Juice looked you over, eyes getting wide when he saw the shrapnel sticking out of your calf, “Shit, your leg.”
You looked down and groaned, “Fuck me,” you peeled yourself off of him, determined to stand on your own, “It’s not an artery, I’ll be fine. Are our guys alright?”
“Y/N, fucking sit down, please,” Juice never spoke to you like that but you could feel the worry emanating from him.
“Juan,” you never called him that in front of everyone else, it felt too intimate to do in front of the club, “I’m fine. I promise.”
You went to take another step when both of your legs turned to complete jello underneath you. Juice quickly stepped in and caught you, keeping you from smacking your head off the ground a second time. Without thinking better of it he pressed a kiss to the side of your head as he helped you slowly sit down on the ground, being extra mindful of your leg.
“You’ve scared me enough today, alright? Just please do this one thing for me.”
You wanted to argue but you didn’t have the energy. Before you could come up with a half-assed attempt, you heard Happy let out a chuckle. Both you and Juice turned and looked at him, and despite the laugh that had come out of him only moments before, his face was as neutral as it ever was.
His eyes darted back and forth between the two of you, “Cute.”
That was all he said before walking away and continuing triage on the entire situation. Despite the pain, and the exhaustion, and the fear, you let out a laugh, “They blew up the barn and you blew our fucking cover, huh?”
Juice looked at you and shook his head, “Now is not the time for your commentary.”
“It’s always time for my commentary. I just saved that kid’s ass I get to have that much.”
He could see the dazed look in your eyes and he knew that you could be more than content to keep debating the point with him. He let it drop, just wanting you to sit still and not injure yourself further. Despite the fact that your brain felt scrambled, you could see it in his face that he was torn between staying with you, and going to help the rest of the guys.
“Go. I’ll stay put,” you patted his leg, “Promise.”
“I don’t believe you,” he shook his head.
Before the discussion could turn into an argument, Jax interrupted, “Get her to the van, Loverboy. Don’t break her other leg.”
“It’s not broken!” you shouted after him as Juice scooped you up off the ground.
“Why are you trying to start fights right now?” he mumbled as he carried you towards the car.
“She’s gotta balance out the good deeds,” Chibs chimed in with a laugh as he helped his nephew limp away from the wreckage, “We should bring her more often, lad.”
“Absolutely fucking no—”
“Yes!” you patted Juice’s chest, “Yes.”
He shook his head as he climbed into the back of the van with you, “You’re going to be the death of me if we make it back to Charming.”
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justjuiceyboy · 4 years
in which Juice’s best friend goes to him for help after an abusive relationship
word count: 1,397
warnings: blood, swearing, abuse, toxic relationship
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Wincing, you grazed two fingers along your forehead, each collecting some blood that had stained the side of your face. You huffed, knowing what was about to go down as soon as your best friend saw this. Juice was always getting himself into trouble and almost bleeding out like the mad man he is but as soon as anything happens to you - its the end of the world as we all know it.
You and Juice had been best friends for as long as you can remember. When your parents passed, he was there for you and became your rock. You had upped and left Queens with him, which was a good decision, but on your first day here you had met someone. That someone turned out to be Matthew, your future boyfriend. He was lovely in the beginning, everything anyone could want: sweet, funny, helpful. But now, three years later he was mean-spirited, angry and explosive. Anything that you did incorrectly in his eyes was seen as an issue. An issue that violence was the answer to. You hadn’t told Juice about it and made up stories, “Oh I tripped and took a tumble on the stairs” you laughed, or, “I was trying to put a book back on the shelf but instead it came back down and hit me in the eye!” Juice never really bought the excuses.
But now you had nowhere else to go so you found yourself speed walking towards the clubhouse. Matthew had made it awfully clear that he didn’t want you in the house and the open wounds on your face could back up that statement. You didn’t want to leave him, when he had good days he was great, often bringing home flowers with some sort of cheesy note attached. However you knew in your heart that the bad days were now outnumbering the good and no matter how clean the house was, how much laundry you did or how little noise you made, it was never enough. You were always afraid of what Juice would do if he found out. You knew he would be hurt by you lying to him swell as what you were lying about.
The cold air hit your flushed skin, which provided a sense of relief on one hand but pain on the other as blood was still oozing from the cut above your eyebrow. The walk was short and you were glad that you didn’t run into anyone on the way, not feeling the urge to discuss your war wounds with anyone other than your best friend, and even then discuss was a loose term. You just wanted somewhere to stay that you wouldn’t be thrown out of the bed and be in fear of a man towering over your frame.
It looked worse than it felt. You had one gash above your eyebrow that no matter how much pressure you applied, wouldn’t stop bleeding. Your eye socket was in immense pain, definitely going to bruise up in a nice purple colour tomorrow. Your other cheek was bright red, probably having the imprint of a man’s hand on it, except you really didn’t have time to check in the mirror before you left your own home. The dried blood made it look like you were in some sort of street fight, which probably would’ve been a nicer explanation than the one you’d have to give now.
The gate was open, not many bikes parked outside the clubhouse. You recognised Juice’s, along with Jax and Chibs. You pushed on the door and were met with a warm gust of inviting air. You shuffled into the room, keeping your eyes at a low level. You barely had a chance to even look around the room until Juice spoke first, “what the fuck?” He got up quickly, coming over to you and placing his hands on either side of your face, “who did this to you?” Suddenly your eyes filled with tears as he examined your bloody form. The other two boys rose from their seats with concern, fearing this was some sort of club retaliation.
“It doesn’t matter. Can y’fix me up?” You hiccuped as you talked, now the tears freely flowing down your face, expecting him to lose the plot and start going mental. But he didn’t. He looked into your eyes, his soft brown eyes making you melt and cry harder as you could see that he was hurt. He led you over to a bar stool and sat you up on it to examine you further.
He reached around and rustled under the bar, pulling out a mini first aid kit. He kneeled down in front of you, grabbed an antiseptic wipe and warning you, “will sting a little”, he held it onto your gash, finally stopping the blood but still making you jump slightly. He wiped all the dried blood off your face and he applied a white plaster to the area. You all let silence fill the air, him wanting answers but you not being willing to give them to him. 
He finally spoke, “was it him?” The last word was almost spat with venom. The two boys in your life had no problem with each other in person, but Matthew often taunted you about Juice, saying he was “good for nothing, will never amount to anything”. What you didn’t know is that behind closed doors, Juice wasn’t overly fond of Matthew either, hating that he got the chance with you when it should be him. But he could admit it before now, being too afraid of both rejection from you but also due to his line of work, being close to someone never really worked out well. It still didn't stop him from loving you.
You nodded, not being able to keep up with the lie anymore. Your tears were still falling down your face. He put his arms around you without saying anything and leaned your head into his shoulder. You choked out an “I’m sorry” to which he shushed you. He picked you up and brought you back to his dorm, careful not to bump into anything or make your injuries worse. Once he lay you on the bed, he took off your boots and helped you change into a pair of his sweatpants and a shirt, discarding yours that were stained. 
He lay down next to you, slowly reaching for your hand to hold it with his own. “You can’t go back, not after this” he stated, as more of a fact rather than a suggestion. You knew he was right so you gave his hand a squeeze. He let out a sigh before posing the question, “why didn’t you tell me?”
“He told me no one would ever want me, that I was lucky to have him” you breathed softly, letting out a quiet yawn along with a few more tears. Juice was furious with rage but wasn’t about to take it out on you. He leaned in and pressed a kiss to the top of your hair, making sure not to go near any hurt areas. “Get some sleep” he advised, but he could tell you had already drifted off, tired from the events of the day, “I’ll be back soon.”
Juice left the room, now in the presence of the two boys once again. “What d’ye want t’do about this Juicey?” Chibs asked, trying to figure out what the plan of action was without putting any ideas in his head. But he already knew what Juice was thinking purely by the look on his face.
“I’m gonna fucking kill him” Juice seethed, “scumbag”.
The three boys grabbed their kuttes and made their way out of the clubhouse, locking the door so you’d be safe when they were gone.
“It’s her isn’t it?” Jax smiled slightly as he threw his leg over his Harley.
Juice looked at him confused, not knowing what his question meant. 
“She’s the girl you’re in love with. It’s so fucking obvious Jesus Christ, how did we not realise that!“
Juice paused, finally ready to let go of the secret he held tightly for so many years, but he wanted the first person he told it to to be you so he simply stated “Nobody hurts my girl” as he kicked started his bike, ready to serve justice.
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band--psycho · 4 years
Jax Teller x Reader-The Last Time
So, whilst scrolling through my Pinterest board, I came across this gif (Credit to the gif owner) and it sparked this entire story; hope you all enjoy!  💛
Sons Of Anarchy Masterlist
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“What’s wrong?” Y/n asked, breaking the awkward silence that was filling the room; her eyes locking onto Jax, who was still not meeting her eye. She’d known that something was going on, she’d known as soon as he entered the door. Y/n just thought it would be like any other time Jax was in a mood like this, normally after a few hours he’d tell her what was wrong, but this time was different. He’d barely even looked at her since he’d come back from his meeting with the club. Not even Abel and Thomas were able to brighten his mood. She’d been staying with Jax and the boys for about half a year now, he invited her to stay after her place burnt down. It was only meant to be a temporary thing but she just ended up staying. 
“Nothing,” Jax replied, brushing off the question, his eyes still fixed on the tv.
“Y/n/n, drop it,” Jax snapped, the harshness in his voice would normally deter anyone from continuing to question him. But Y/n had known Jax since she was a child, the two grew up together so she was very much used to him doing this and that only made her want to push harder, because now she knew that something was wrong. 
“Jax, I just wanna know what’s wrong so I can help,” She replied calmly, desperate to help him, watching as the pain flashed in his eyes as she continued. 
“And like I told you before, nothings wrong,” Jax retorted, getting more and more frustrated with her questioning. 
Refusing to back down Y/n moved slightly now sitting on the edge of her seat, a bit of anger slightly lacing her voice, the frustration of Jaxs’ secrecy annoying her more than she ever really thought possible, as she said “I know you, Jackson Teller, I know when something’s wrong.” 
“You don’t know shit,” Jax whispered lowly, his bloodshot eyes locking onto hers. He looked broken. And that broke her heart. 
“Jax-” She began, her voice back to it’s original calmness as she walked over to him, but before she could reach him or say anything else, Jax snapped again, this time leaving the comfort of his chair and shooting upright, “Just stop Y/n! Stop acting like this concerns you at all!” Rage dancing in his sapphire blue eyes, only making his glare at Y/n more intense. 
“If it doesn’t concern me then why the fuck are you here and not at the clubhouse, you could’ve stayed there,” She shouted back, knowing full well that whenever Jax had a problem that effected him like this he stayed there. 
“Because I needed to do this-” before Y/n could question what the hell he meant by that, she felt his hands on her face, cupping her cheeks as he pulled her towards him, pulling her in for a kiss. It was all happening too fast for Y/ns mind to catch up and before she knew it she was kissing him back. And it was everything both of them had ever dreamed of, all the years of wondering spilling out into the kiss. Then the whirlwind around them seemed to stop and Y/ns senses returned to her, she pulled away from the kiss. The confusion and anger racing through Y/n coming out in a harsh slap that landed on Jaxs’ face. 
“What the fuck, Jax?” She muttered, still trying to process all of what just happened and despite the bright red mark growing and Jaxs’ face, he looked unfazed. In fact, if anything, his eyes were softer now than they had been all night. 
“I just...I just needed to do it..just once,” He whispered softly, his eyes locked on Y/n.  Before a few seconds ago, nothing had ever happened between Y/n and Jax. Sure, the thought had entered her mind more than a few times in the years that they’d known each other but she never acted on it. Just like Y/n, Jax had also caught himself thinking about being more than ‘just friends’ but timing between them was never great. But now, with everything else going to shit...with everything that was going to happen tomorrow..he just needed to know. And now he did. And he instantly regretted it because he couldn’t deny the fireworks that exploded between them when he kissed her. He knew he couldn’t stay here, if he did, he’d never go through with the plan that had been decided with the club...he’d end up telling Y/n everything and she would stop him and that in itself would endanger her even more than she already was. He needed to do this...and he couldn’t let her stop him. 
“Jax? Jax where are you going?” Y/n called after him as he walked out of the door, his eyes now fixed on his bike, not daring to look back at Y/n.
“I need to sort some shit out,” He bluntly explained, sitting himself on his bike.
“Jax you can’t just kiss me and then leave,” Y/n said, catching hold of his left hand; the very touch of her hand on his made his heart beat ten times faster than what it should’ve been.
“I’m sorry,” 
“Jax,” she cooed, rubbing small circles into the back of his hand,“Tell me what’s going on,” her voice soft and calming. The tears brimmed in Jaxs’ eyes as he fought with himself. He wanted to stay here with her, with the future they could have….but it was all just a dream...the life they could’ve had was all just a dream and that crushed him more than anything else in the world. A few moments passed before Jax took a deep breath, shaking his head slightly.
“Thank you, for all the times you’ve saved my ass over the years,” He said, painting a small fake smile onto this face as he lightly picked her hand up, planting a delicate kiss onto it. 
“Jax, you’re worrying me,” 
“It’s all gonna be okay, darlin’, I’m gonna sort everything out,” And with that, he rode off into the distance, leaving Y/n/n there. He hated it. He hated not telling her anything. He hated that he’d never told her how he felt about her. He hated that he was leaving her . He had so many regrets but he knew he couldn't change them now. He also knew that that was the last time he was ever going to see her, even though everything he planned didn’t start until tomorrow, there was no way he could go back there. He knew Nero would take care of Y/n, Wendy and the boys and Chibs and the others would look after the club and keep it running how he wanted it to. Tomorrow was the end and maybe that’s why he’d waited until now to kiss Y/n, because this way it would be easier for her to move on with her life once he was gone.
@rebelwrites @little-diable @hotdamnhunnam @skyofficialxx @coldlilheart  @05supernatural20 @rosieposie0624​ @I-just-read-stuff @heyitskat101 
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lorirwritesfanfic · 3 years
The Secret Room
Author's note: When I was planning the fanworks I could post for @choicesnovchallenge2021​, I remembered one the first scenes on book three when MC realizes she's no longer human. That’s why I decided to write this. [Original characters are creations of this author. The others are owned by Pixelberry Studios] Book: Bloodbound III Pairing: Jax Matsuo x Vampire!MC (Samantha) Rating: T Word count: 796 Reading time: ~3min Summary: While appreciating her powers she gained when she was Turned, Samantha realizes life as a vampire means giving up thing she didn't know she would miss. Based on the prompts: Choices November Challenge - day seven: bittersweet / sunlight
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Adrenaline pulses through Samantha's veins as she jumps from one building to another. When her friends mentioned she should get trained to master her skills as a vampire, she didn't know what to expect. But if someone had told her she'd have to work on her strength and agility by running around New York in the middle and watching the beauty of the city that never sleeps without getting caught, she wouldn't believe it.
Yet, there she is in a playful race with her boyfriend, so far ahead of him. As she picks up speed and jumps again, Samantha breathes in and opens her arms. The feeling of almost flying is exhilarating. And the truth is, even being undead, she never felt more alive. She can't barely believe the irony of the situation and laughs the moment she lands on the rooftop. But to her surprise, Jax passes by, plays with a lock of her hair and takes the lead on the race.
"Wha— Hey!"
"You snooze, you lose, beautiful!" Jax yells.
Samantha does her best to keep and gets so close to him, but it seems like he was saving up energy to give himself a boost for the last minute. On the other hand, she was getting tired and her body decelerates slowly. Damn... Why didn't I think of that?
Once she finally reaches the final building, Jax is already leaning against the concrete railing of the rooftop and smirks at her as she approaches.
"Sam! I'm so glad you could make it," he jokes.
"Hey, I was winning in the beginning," she protests.
"You were so not. I was just giving you a head start to admire your ass."
She slaps his arm playfully, then rises one her toes to kiss him.
"You did great though."
"Did I?"
"For someone who was Turned days ago and is still adjusting to new powers? Yeah! You'll get faster in no time."
"Good to know. But I wouldn't mind if I had to practice for a longer period. That felt amazing."
"I knew you'd enjoy the feeling of running and jumping around the city."
"That's one word for it."
He chuckles, glances at his wrist watch and offers his hand to her. "Come on, adrenaline junkie. Let's go back inside."
She takes his hand and let her him guide her inside the building. It still bothers her that there are some things she can no longer do like staying out until the sun rises. Sometimes, she can't even believe she would miss something so small. Something she often ignored when she was human. Perhaps this is a lesson she had to learn.
After they climbed down the stairs and reached the floor of Jax's apartment, he opens the door and takes her to a room she hasn't seen before. Unlike the other rooms, there's no furniture, no drapes, no home decorations. Only a large tinted window with a breathtaking view of New York City.
"Did you forget decorating this room or were you waiting for me to wake from the dead to do it?"
He smiles ruefully. "No... It's unfurnished because we can't stay here for too long. We're in the last floor and this room gets too much sunlight exposure. It can be dangerous for us, even during cloudy days."
"Oh..." She nods. "So why are we here?"
"Because there's moment of the day the sun doesn't hurt that much."
"Sunrise..." She concludes, her voice merely a whisper as she realizes she's about to see something she missed so much.
"It's time," he nods towards the window.
Her eyes sparkle as she gazes out the window. In the horizon, shades of purple, orange, pink and yellow paint the blue sky and the sun slowly emerges. Has it always been this majestic? It's hard to say. Before she could control it, tears run down her cheeks.
"Sam?" Jax squeezes her hand gently. "You okay?"
"Yeah. I just..." She brushes away her tears as she gathers strength to speak. "I just didn't know how much I'd miss this."
"I get the feeling..." Jax nods and looks down at his hands. "I know I didn't give you much choice when I turned you and I knew the risks when I did it. But, Sam, I—"
"I know." She smiles softly. "I probably would've done the same. It's okay."
He pulls her close and wraps his arms around her as she presses her back to his chest. In silence, they watch the sun rises in the sky, its light making that cold morning a little warmer. After a few minutes, his wrist watch beeps.
"We have to go now, don't we?"
"Can we do it again some other time?"
As the sun begins to brighten up the room, Jax and Samantha walk away, shutting the door behind them.
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rebelwrites · 4 years
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I’m Going Go Commit Murder Soon
Chibs Telford x Reader
Summary: Chibs watches from a far as the reader gets hit on and catches a glimpse of her lockscreen and realises a few things
Requested by: Anon // 9 and 3 with Chibs? Thank youu!
Prompts: “Please get me away from him. He hasn’t left me alone all night and I am this close to committing a murder.” And “Am I your lockscreen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.”
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“You are going to break that bottle soon if you don’t calm down” Jax smirked, nudging Chibs.
“Can ye blame me though” Chibs sighed “she is flirting with that douchebag right in front of me”
“Oh trust me I don’t like watching my little sister flirt with that prick either but in her defence you haven’t actually made it clear on your feelings” Jax shrugged.
“Not helping here” Chibs glared, tearing his gaze from you and douchebag.
The night went on and this guy wouldn’t leave you alone, no matter what you tried so you gave up, put a fake smile on and pretend to laugh at his really shitty jokes.
“I’m just going for a piss” douche face smiled standing up.
“Nice to know” you nodded sipping your beer.
You finally got a moment to yourself to breathe as you placed a smoke between your lips, as you routed around your pockets for your zippo your brother's hand appeared with his zippo lit.
“Ta” you smiled at him.
“So I’m surprised you haven’t punched douchebag in the face yet” Jax chuckled nudging your shoulder.
“Trust me I’m holding back” you laughed “giving my knuckles a rest”
“You are such a Teller” Jax winked “now you do know you are pissing a certain scott off right”
“Meh his problem” you shrugged “of he doesn’t have the balls to come clean then why should I try”
“Yeah I guess you have a point but sometimes you got to shoot your shot” Jax laughed as the guy made his way back to you, your dork of a brother placed his arm around your shoulder and whispered in your ear “if you are gonna start a fight then promise you will let me throw a couple of punches I can’t let my little sister have all the fun”
“Promise” you laughed as he kissed your head.
Another hour went by and you had zoned out on what the guy was saying until he started bad mouthing Chibs just as the man in question appeared at the bar. Squeezing your eyes closed as you balled your fist under the bar you rested your head on Chibs shoulder.
“Ye doing alright lass?” Chibs smiled looking down at you.
“Nope. Please get me away from him. He hasn’t left me alone all night and I am this close to committing a murder.” You mumbled
“Say no more love” Chibs smirked, pushing you off him and grabbing the dude who you couldn’t remember the name of by the collar. “Ye have been annoying the wee lass all night now fuck off and find someone else”
You were pretty sure the douche face pissed himself there and then, and you tried to hide your laughter.
“Thanks Chibsy” you giggled fiddling with your smokes.
What you didn’t realise you accidentally knocked your phone causing the screen to light up revealing a certain person on your Lock Screen. In that moment you wanted the ground to swallow you up.
“Soooooo” Chibs grinned with a playful tone in his voice “Am I your lockscreen?”
“You weren’t supposed to see that.” You groaned hiding your face in embarrassment.
“Wanna know a secret lass?” Chibs smirked pulling his phone out, making his phone light up “your mine”
“What?” You asked in disbelief.
Before you could say anything else his hand was on your cheek and his lips were pressed against yours. You reacted instantly, wrapping your arms around his neck kissing him back, only pulling away when the whole room started whistling.
“Shall we take this outside away from prying eyes” you whispered against his lips.
“Sounds like a plan lass”
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
Promise: Izzy Gallagher
CW: Neglectful/abusive parent, minor whump (emotional/neglect, nothing physical happens here), referenced implied shock collar (on adult), whumpee’s child, intimate whumper, sadistic whumper, isolation as punishment, referenced food control
@eatyourdamnpears, you asked for this, remember that. Also, I promise I’m going somewhere with this, she’s gonna get her crowning moment of badass.
Jax Gallagher belongs to @comfy-whumpee and is used with their permission, his dialogue is theirs
“Your daughter has such lovely hair.”
The little girl sits tall in her mother’s lap, hands folded, breathing in silent shallow inhales and holding perfectly still as her mother’s cold hand turns her head to the side by a grip on her chin, to show off the style that had taken what felt like forever and ever to finish.
“Doesn’t she just? I mean, it’s clear where she gets it, don’t you think?” Her mother’s voice is bright and slightly brittle, a little less than thrilled with the compliment aimed at the girl and not the mother whose genetics provided the curl, the texture, the thickness.
“Oh, definitely. You made such beautiful children with your husband, Sav, and Isabella is such a lovely example.”
Savvie relaxes a little, but the little girl knows her mother’s mood isn’t entirely placated, her fingernails still press just a little too harshly into the little girl’s softly rounded face, still losing her toddler puppyfat, just starting to narrow to show an edge of her father’s looks married to her mother’s.
She keeps herself sitting straight, tries to pretend there is a metal stick up her back to hold her like this, and waits for the anger, the snapping words. Not until this woman leaves, though. Only when it’s just Savvie and Jax and the little girl and her brother that the worst parts happen.
Maybe the woman will stay a long time. They never do, but maybe this time.
“Was your hair like this when you were young?”
“Oh, yes.” Savvie twines one of the little girl’s curls around her finger, with pastel purple nail polish that glints in the light, and the little girl presses her top teeth down into the soft skin of her lower lip to keep it from trembling.
Her hair spills in a waterfall of lush dark brown, the kind of hair that overwhelms a child, her mother's hair. It's already long enough to reach the middle of her back, carefully styled with the front and sides pulled back and twisted into a floral clip. My mother - your grandmother, darling, you never met her - brought this back from Italy when I was your age, her mother had said with sparkling eyes as she fixed the little girl's hair into place.
It hurts, the way her mother pulls on her hair when she styles it. Her scalp aches from the brushing with hard bristles, the scratch of nails at her scalp, the pulling and twisting and bobby pins and the clip. Her mother is impatient, unhappy with how she wriggles when she has to sit so long.
Her father, banished to the corner of the room while Savvie works, had jerked forwards when Savvie snapped at her for moving and said, Savvie, please, she can’t help it, she’s four-
Then Savvie had fixed him with a glare, and her father had gone still and made himself sit down, and the little girl had apologized so that he wouldn’t be disciplined because of her, and she had held so so still and kept her eyes locked on her father’s hands, curled into fists over his knees, the only sign of the anger he wasn’t allowed to feel.
The little girl is four years old, and already knows better than to let her mother see that anything she does hurts - except for discipline, which is supposed to. 
When Savvie and her guest keep chatting about the little girl’s waves of curly brown hair, she doesn’t wriggle, or shift, or move at all. She only allows her head to be turned, sitting perfectly still in her lap, a slight, faint smile fixed on her face.
She has learned how her smile should look from her father, who knows just how to keep them as safe as he can.
When her chin is moved to the left, so that the woman might admire the beautiful floral clip that looks like stained-glass against a creamy white background, set off by the dark of her hair, she is made to look right at her father.
He’s busy getting the tiny cakes and sandwiches ready for her mother and her mother's friend to eat, pouring their champagne and orange juice into fancy tall glasses, settling a small orange slice just so along the rim. His hair is styled, too, with some kind of product in it to fall a little bit over his forehead and one eye, and he wears a dark blue turtleneck sweater - they call them jumpers where her dad is from, he tells her that during their times alone when they can share secrets, in the single room in the house where her mother never follows - and pressed slacks. Her mother picks their clothes for when people come, for her, and her father.
Her mother chooses everything, overwhelms her, is the terrifying center of all of her fears. Her mother is the storm that knocks down tree branches and the snow that makes the house creak as it piles up. She's the wind that sounds like ghosts whistling through the attic. Her mother is the sharp fangs and claws that reach out from her dark closet, from the space under her bed, while she is left alone all night with no one but her teddy bear to hold onto.
It’s only in her father that the little girl finds hope. And even he can't give her anything until Savvie's storms have passed. 
She watches his hands move, scarred and roughly calloused hands that have laid gentle against her forehead to check for fevers and held her tight when she has bad dreams, to set each small bite-sized morsel just how Savvie will like it. He’s not really looking, though. His eyes are on her, on the little girl, and not her mother, or her mother’s fancy cakes. 
Save me, the little girl tries to beg with just her eyes alone, without losing the small smile, but she knows he can’t do anything, not really. If he tries, especially in front of guests, her mother will demand he get down on his knees for discipline.
He’ll try to hide how much the big black necklace he has to wear hurts him when she presses the button to the remote she always wears around her wrist.
He won’t be able to hide how it hurts for long. 
It’ll be her fault, too. If her mother has to punish him for wanting to help. The little girl is always told that it’s her fault after he is shaking on the ground, made to say she’s sorry. She dreams about her father in trouble, getting disciplined, because of her.
Because it happens all the time.
So she folds her hands together even more tightly, until it hurts, and keeps her smile perfectly in place, watching her father look back at her, both of them utterly helpless.
All he does is swallow beneath the big black necklace, and keep moving the little cakes onto the special fine china plates, scalloped edges with pretty gold paint flowers in their middles. 
The little girl loves the way the fancy plates look, but she is not allowed to touch them. When her father sets the plates down, one in front of her mother and one in front of her mother’s guest, she knows better than to reach for a tiny cake herself. 
"Bella, you should tell Miss Gladia thank you for saying such nice things, sweetheart." Her mother’s voice is sickly-sweet, fake with love she doesn’t really feel, and the little girl turns back to the guest who sits across the table and wonders what she said that was so nice.
She can’t let her mother find out she wasn’t listening, or she will be disciplined again, or her father will, and both of those possibilities are terrifying and bad and she has to be a better child, make it better, be perfect, be good. She has to be perfect all the time, forever, she can never ever stop or he will be hurt, because of her.
Her fingers tremble and she forces them to go still by closing them into tiny fists where they can’t be seen, just like her father does. Be perfect be perfect be perfect be perfect be-
“Thank you, Miss Gladia, that’s very kind,” She says in her high piping voice, widening her smile a little to show how grateful she is, pretending she has any idea what either of them said with all her hope and heart. Praying her mother believes that she means it.
She watches her father place the guest’s plate down across the little circular table, how he doesn’t look at her. It’s too dangerous, she knows that, for him to show that he loves her in front of her mother. Too dangerous, at least, when her mother is pretending to love her, too. 
He can’t help, but he’s here, and that makes it a little bit better.
She can smell, just a little, the cologne her father has to wear when her mother says so, blending with her mother’s overwhelming perfume, making her head spin and her stomach flip. She doesn’t want to eat, but her mother rewards her for saying the right thing by finger-feeding her a bite of one of the tiny cakes.
She can’t say she doesn’t want them, she doesn’t dare. Instead, she opens her mouth and bites down, feeling the burst of sugar-sweet and slight press of teeth through thick frosting layered over in pastel pinks and creams, little sugar flower on top crunching between top and bottom teeth.
She tries to enjoy it, but everything just tastes like being afraid.
“Thank you, Mommy,” She says, and Savvie laughs like it’s so ridiculous that she’s so polite, but if she doesn’t say it now she’ll be in trouble later.
“Bella, what good manners you have,” Miss Gladia says, and the girl smiles like she’s embarrassed and looks down, shy, as she is fed another bite. Her hands hurt in her palms from her fingernails digging in. “You’re doing such a good job with her, Sav.”
“Oh, I hardly have to do a thing,” Savvie says brightly. “Bella really just came out like this, she hardly ever cried even as a baby.”
The little girl doesn’t tell them that she hates being called Bella, it doesn’t feel like her name at all. When she and her father are alone, he calls her Izzy, and she likes that best. Izzy is a safe name, Izzy is a girl who is safe in the bright room with her father telling her their secret stories about the life he lived before, a whole big world the little girl will never be allowed to see, making promises the little girl already knows he can’t keep. 
Izzy is the safe girl - Bella is the girl who must walk on ice that cracks beneath her feet, knowing if it breaks she won’t be the one who falls in. Her father will. 
“Oh, you must be so proud of her,” Miss Gladia says, and takes a drink of the fizzy orange juice that the little girl can’t have because it has champagne in it, which is a grown-up drink that spark and fizzes and pops when her father opens it in the kitchen, the cork bouncing off the ceiling or wall, and she and her father sometimes feel safe enough to laugh, there. 
Sometimes. If her mother is far enough away in the house that she won’t hear them.
“Well, I am, of course,” Savvie says, waving one hand to dismiss the thought. She takes a drink of her own special grown-up orange juice and neither of them offers the little girl anything. Her plastic sippycup is somewhere else in the house. It ruins the look of the table, Savvie said earlier. She will be thirsty until she’s allowed to leave the room.
Her tongue sticks thick to the roof of her mouth from the sugar and dense cake. She feels the need to wriggle, to shift, growing inside of her and has to quash it down, breathing a little bit faster, trying to keep it so silent that her mother will be too distracted to notice. She tries to focus on her hands, the only part of her that is free to move, squeezing them tight and relaxing and then squeezing again. 
“... or I would be,” Savvie corrects, one hand on the little girl’s back. It looks like affection - it’s a promise, a threat, a danger. The little girl straightens her spine even more, until her back hurts, and she doesn’t say a thing. “If she didn’t have the worst tin ear.”
“Oh, really?” Miss Gladia sighs and shakes her head. “That is disappointing, coming from such a musical family.”
“Must have gotten it from her father,” Savvie says, long-suffering, and the little girl feels the tiniest bloom of warmth inside of her, that there is any part of her that is her father’s, and not her mother’s. Any part at all. “When I was four I was already able to play anything easy, really, and practicing five days a week. My daughter can’t even do a scale. Believe me, I have tried. She’s honestly been a bit of a disappointment from day one. No amount of encouragement has helped.”
The little girl thinks of her mother screaming at her to try harder, her tiny fingers fumbling and dropping the violin, wailing with fear at the rage in her mother’s face.
“I mean, you’d think she is choosing to be bad at music on purpose, some days.”
She’s scared of music, now. She is choosing to be bad at it on purpose. 
The little girl remembers the discipline after she dropped the violin (it was an accident, she didn’t mean to, only she was just scared). She’s too scared to even touch the violin now, or the big piano in another room, she shakes and cries and her mother finally stopped trying.
She can’t make herself safe - but she can hide this one small thing, and that’s a little bit safer, even if it’s not very much.
Remembering, she has to blink back the threat of tears. Tears are even worse than being ungrateful. She can’t let the guest see them, she can’t.
"Oh, sweetie, are you all right?"
The little girl's stomach drops, and she tries to will the tears in her eyes away, but it’s no use - her mother’s finger and thumb grip her chin tight enough to pinch as her head is turned for Savvie’s inspection, her bright eyes roaming over her daughter’s face, seeing the glimmer, the flush, the way she is biting on her lip to hide how they tremble. 
“Are you crying, Bella?” Savvie asks, and her voice is mild, but the little girl can hear the threat there, anyway, the coldness underneath. So can her father - she can see him, in the corner of her eye, go suddenly still where he was moving to clear the serving trays away and back to the kitchen. “Why would you be crying, lovie?”
Love in all its forms is a bad word. Lovie is the name for when the little girl is bad, I love you is what her mother says before she makes her father scream his apologies and what she says while petting his hair afterward and making him let her hold him until his shaking stops. You’re so loved is what she whispers when her hands close tight around Izzy in what she thinks is a hug.
Now that the tears are here, they won’t be stopped, and she shudders as they run down still-chubby cheeks and drip to leave watermarks on her pretty silk dress. Her breath hitches in her desperate attempt to hold them back, and her hands are fisted into the silk until her palms burn with pain from her fingernails and still she can’t stop. 
“I-I don’t know, M-Mommy, I thought-... ab-about something sc-scary is all, is-... I’m s-sorry, I thought about a movie, scar-... scary movie-”
She and her father have talked about what to say, practiced it - make it my fault, keep yourself safe - and the words fall off her tongue like she means them and for a second she thinks her mother will calm. The press of her hand on the little girl’s back lightens, and she smiles, and her eyes twinkle, so big and bright, and the black parts in the center are so small. 
“Well, Daddy shouldn’t be letting you watch those, should he?” She asks, playfully teasing, and looks up to her friend. “Honestly, what was he thinking?”
“Who knows?” Miss Gladia laughs, and her voice is kind, but the little girl hates her for seeing her tears, for making her have to tell the lie.
Then her mother’s eyes fall to the spots on her dress caused by her tears, and the hand on her back is suddenly pressing hard again. “Bella, what did you do?” Savvie keeps her voice light, airy, hardly bothered, but it’s a trick and the little girl’s eyes go wide to her father, who stands silent, watching them. She wants to see that he will save her.
She knows already that he can’t.
“I’m sorry,” She tries again, sometimes if she can apologize fast enough the danger passes, like a cloud moving away from the sun. This time, though, her mother’s smile stays brittle and she is bundled into Savvie’s arms as she stands. 
“I’ll just take her to change and have some time elsewhere while we finish our visit. Do you mind waiting here for just a second, Gladia?”
“Of course not, Sav. I’ve plenty of mimosas and I have a phone, I’ll be fine.” Miss Gladia laughs and waves them away, and Savvie holds the little girl so tightly she aches as she carries her out of the room. 
Why doesn’t anyone ever notice that she’s scared of her mother? If they notice, why don’t they care? Her cousins aren’t scared of their parents, they fight and throw fits while the little girl sits silent, watching them.
The difference is only that her father has the big black necklace, and none of theirs do. It’s the difference between being safe to have feelings and having to watch each and every one to make sure it’s only ever perfect. 
The little girl is good; she doesn’t start to cry again until they reach the second floor, where the bedrooms are, and she realizes what her punishment will be.
“Savvie-” She raises her head, eyes streaming tears, to see her father following on her mother’s heels, his eyes locked on her even as he says her mother’s name. “Savvie, don’t, it’s not her fault, I can-... I know how to f-fix it-”
“You can’t get a water stain out of silk. Honestly, crying in front of guests, Bella, what is wrong with you?” Savvie’s voice is sharp, now that Miss Gladia is out of earshot. “Jax, get something for her to wear when she comes out of time-out.”
The little girl panics, then, wriggling to try and escape her mother’s arms, only to feel them tighten around her until it feels like metal closing around over her ribs. Her voice goes even higher-pitched, airy and breathless. “No, no, don’t put me in time out, I’m sorry, I’m sorry I’m sorry, I’m sorry, don’t do it please!”
“Every single word you say will only make me put you in time out for longer, Bella,” Savvie snaps, and the little girl falls into a wail she muffles by burying her face in her mother’s neck, solid as stone, no comfort to be found. “Jax, I said get her a change of clothes ready.”
“Yes, Savvie, but-... another dress for company, or-”
“No.” Savvie stops in front of a door, and it’s not the little girl’s bedroom door. She raises her teary head to blink, confused. It’s painted pale blue gray instead of the pastel pink of her own door, and Savvie pulls an old-fashioned key from her pocket and unlocks it, swinging it open.
“No,” The little girl whimpers. “Please, no.”
It’s the monster room - a huge old room full of furniture covered in big draping canvas cloth that looks like each is hiding something terrible underneath, the room the little girl is most afraid of. Heavy drapes keep out all the light but the tiniest sliver that cuts across the floor, and dust floats through the air.
The monster room is the worst room in the whole house, and it’s the only room she’s too scared of to go in there herself, and her mother knows it. She knows it, but the little girl wasn’t perfect this time, and she has to be disciplined if she isn’t perfect.
The little girl feels a new fresh burst of tears, lower lip trembling, and pulls in a breath just as Savvie says, “If you start crying again, Bella, I’ll leave you here all night.”
The little girl’s sob catches in the middle of her throat and she fights to swallow it, snapping her mouth closed and forcing her hands over it to press so hard her teeth ache, trying to tell herself she has to be brave. Brave and strong and not make much noise while she is hurting, like her father does. She sniffs hard, audibly hard, and slowly nods to show she’s listening, she’s trying, she can be good. “Yes, Mommy,” She whispers, an echo of her father’s eternal Yes, Savvie, which sometimes stops the violence.
“Savvie,” her father says from behind her, a new urgency in his voice. “Savvie, she can’t be left alone, n-not all night, she needs to eat.”
“There’s a bathroom in there and she’s potty-trained. If she cared so much about eating, she wouldn’t have embarrassed me in front of a guest.” Savvie carries her inside and the little girl is tense in her arms, clinging tightly to her terrifying mother and staring with giant desperate panicked eyes over the woman’s shoulder at her father, who wants to but cannot help her. “She should know better than to cry in front of guests. She can cry in here all she wants, nobody will hear it.”
“I will.”
“I’m not worried about that, you have work to do.” She pries the little girl’s arms off of her and drops her, unceremoniously, onto the dusty off-white cloth pulled over the bed. The girl whimpers as she hits the rough canvas and pulls herself up to curl into the tiniest ball she can manage, feeling horribly small, afraid, and alone, even before they’re gone.
“Pl-please don’t leave me,” She tries, in her smallest voice. “Mommy, please.”
Her mother’s eyes are cold and unfeeling when she spares the little girl a single final glance. “Don’t get tears on silk and I won’t,” Savvie says, and then points back out the door. “Go, Jax. I’ll let you know when you can come get her back out. Have her clothes ready.”
Her father looks at her, at the frightened child with her knees pulled up to her chin and ruffled ankle socks and patent leather shoes showing under the hem of her dress, tears making her face ruddy and shining, the wide eyes that beg him for some kind of saving, and then back at the woman who calls herself his wife. “Savvie, please, does she - does she have to be alone in here?”
“That’s the whole entire point, Jax. I said go.” Her mother’s voice switches from the cold hard edges to a sudden sweet softness, turning to slide arms around her father’s waist, leaning into him and nuzzling against his face, seeking a kiss. The genuine affection the girl is denied, her father receives, but he doesn’t relax. He allows it, that’s all. “She’ll be fine, sweetie. Besides, James’ll be up from his nap soon, don’t you want someone around to take care of him?”
The little girl isn’t old enough yet to understand that her mother is laying a new threat, to treat her little brother the same way she is treated. But she sees her father’s tension rise. 
She can’t understand the unbearable, awful calculation he has to do, deciding which of them can handle her cruelty the best. It will be years before she can grasp how it must have felt for him, having to choose the infant who is utterly helpless over the daughter who has already learned to live in constant fear. She can’t understand, in this moment, that the torture that cuts deepest is how Savvie forces him to leave one to save the other, over and over again.
All she knows, then, is that he never seems to choose her. She can’t see that it’s not really a choice at all.
She only sees her father’s jaw set, his eyes lower, before he turns to her and says, gently, “I’ll be back as soon as I can, Isabella,” and leaves, her mother right behind him. The key turns in the lock.
She is locked in the monster room, one tiny little girl, all alone.
She starts to cry in earnest once they are gone, wailing her fear and some small slim spark of anger that has yet to be extinguished. She screams and begs them to come back, promises to be so good, but no one comes back for her, and the shadows in the room have eyes.
This isn’t fair. She tried her hardest but she can’t be expected to never cry, and she leans over and smooths her skirt out and lets all her tears fall on the silk, ruining and ruining it.
She hates all her dresses, anyway. Dresses are stupid, another bad word she isn’t supposed to say, dresses are stupid and she hates them. They suck. They’re crap. They look stupid and she hopes all her dresses will get water stained and dirt-stained and gross.
The anger grows, a comforting flame to hold back the teeth and claws she is terrified of, and it takes over her tiny body. 
She yanks the clip that holds her hair out and throws it as hard as she can, watches it bounce off the wall, throws her stupid shiny black shoes and balls up her socks to throw those and then she says every single curse word she’s ever heard her father say under his breath when her mother isn’t listening, and all the words he’s said in front of her, too. 
She screams the words, until her throat aches, until her voice rasps, until her muscles are all standing out pressing on her bones, until she can’t hear her heart anymore, because the anger is bigger than her body, and her mother can’t hear her to punish her for feeling it.
Then, the anger is gone and she is still here, and she starts to cry again. The cloth sways like there are bodies underneath, whispering voices she can’t quite understand, and she is too scared to get down and feel the claws of something under the bed reaching out to pull her in.
Something creaks, like monster-steps, and she half-screams, but no one is coming. No one ever comes to help her, not until her mother thinks she’s sorry enough for whatever she’s done.
The little girl lays down on her side and makes herself very small and prays and prays and prays that she won’t be eaten by the monsters before time-out is over. Her body shakes with sobs and the canvas underneath her head grows damp with her tears.
Somewhere in her praying, she falls asleep.
The next thing she knows is drifting awake to find her father’s warm arms already holding her, her cheek resting on his shoulder, her forehead just touching the black nylon on the side of his neck. The sliver of light through the big dark drapes has gone golden and weak, as the sun starts to set. Her stomach feels empty and sick, and she sniffs as he walks back out into the hallway. “D-Dad-”
“It’s all right, Izzy,” He whispers, and she relaxes into the safe nickname. If he’s using it, it means Savvie isn’t here, or she’s far enough that she won’t overhear them. “It’s all right, it’s over.”
He doesn’t smell like cologne anymore. He must have scrubbed it off. He just smells like him, now, and the little girl, still half-asleep, smiles. She likes the way he smells, all on his own, just shampoo and laundry detergent and the only kind of love that’s safe. 
“Sorry I was bad,” She mumbles, voice still slurred with sleepiness, and nuzzles into the big black necklace he wears around his neck, the one her mother uses to hurt him. She has never, in her whole life, seen him not wearing it. “I’m sorry, Dad. S-sorry I wasn’t good-”
“You’re perfect.”
Her father’s voice suddenly has an edge to it, a fierce insistence. His body shakes, muscles going tight and then relaxing. He must have made her mother mad, after she was locked in time out. Or maybe she had just wanted to hurt him for no reason - she does that sometimes, too. “D’you hear me, Izzy? You’re absolutely fucking perfect. She just can’t see it. She can’t-... see it. You did nothing wrong. I’ve got some-... some dinner for you, in your room, and James is in there with his blocks. Do you want to eat, play for a while before bed?”
Her stomach growls, answering for her, and she nods a little, sliding her arms up and around his neck. “Is-... is Mom gone?”
“She’s in her room. She won’t come and see you tonight.”
The little girl breathes a sigh of relief. She can just be Izzy, now, for the whole rest of the night until bedtime. If her mother doesn’t come see her, she can be safe, for just a little while, with her father and little brother, and she can pretend that’s all the family she has.
“I’ll be better next time, Dad, I promise.” 
His voice is heavy with an emotion she isn’t old enough to understand as he answers, “You shouldn’t have to be, Izzy.”
“But I do have to be.” She sniffs a little, and flinches with instinctive fear at hearing herself make a sound her mother hates. Her father’s arms only tighten around her in response, and she reminds herself, heart pounding, that she’s safe, for now. “I try, Dad, I try to be a good kid, I do. I try so hard.”
“I know you do.” He kisses the top of her head, briefly coming to a standstill, his body still giving the occasional all-over shiver, what her mother calls ‘aftershocks’. “You try your hardest. But even if you didn’t, it wouldn’t matter, not to me. You’re good all the time.”
“I’m good?”
“Yeah, Izzy. You’re…” Her father sighs, and holds her so tight she almost can’t breathe, but unlike when her mother does it, when her father does she feels, for just a second, like nothing in the whole world can hurt her at all. 
Her smile, hidden still against his neck, is wider than it ever is with anyone else. 
“You’re the best. And I’m going to get you and your brother out of here. I promise.”
She doesn’t hear how carefully he promises to save her and her brother, but never promises to save himself, too.
@astrobly @finder-of-rings @burtlederp @wildfaewhump @whumpiary @whump-tr0pes @moose-teeth @orchidscript @sableflynn @pretty-face-breaker @raigash @vickytokio @eatyourdamnpears
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shewillreadyou · 3 years
Me before you: Chapter 5: Love on the Brain
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A/N: This is a TRR AU. Liam is already married, but see’s Riley and wants his cake. Drake takes an interview and surprises Riley. Enjoy!
Disclaimers: Most characters are property of Pixelberry
Warnings: Language, adult content, sexual content, IF YOU ARE NOT 18 JUST DON’T. 🍋🍋🍋
Word Count: 4849
Catch up: 
Haven’t met you Yet  
For Real 
Excuse me Miss
It’s Getting Late
Prompts: None
Pairings: Drake & Riley
Song inspiration: Love on the Brain- Rihanna
Be Kind: Hit the heart button, leave a comment or reblog. It makes a writer so so happy.
There was a knock on his door as he moved around his room to pack for his weekend trip. “Come in,” he said with a raspy voice. It was one of the things she liked most about him. She wanted to hurt Liam, she wanted him to feel the way he had made her feel everyday for years, like she wasn’t enough.. When she stepped inside his room she closed and locked the door. She sauntered over to his bedpost where he looked to be packing a bag. “Carsyn, what’s up?”
She felt her nerves gather in the pit of her stomach. She needed to just say it before she lost her nerve. “Drake, you know that I have always had a thing for you.” He stopped what he was doing and looked at her incredulously. “Yeah right, you’re the queen of Cordonia. Why would you ever give me a second glance?” 
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She moved around the post and let her baby blue robe slip off of one of her shoulders. “Why wouldn’t I? You are strong, loyal, brave, smart, and sexy. You seem like a man who has it all figured out.” He laughed humorlessly. “Carsyn, what can I do for you?” he asked. “Right, straight to the point,” she cleared her throat. “Drake, I just want to feel good, desired, like a woman. If you know what I mean.” He didn’t. “What does that have to do with me?” He was oblivious. She let the robe fall to the floor as she stood uncomfortably close to him. She ran her finger down his lips. “Fuck me, Drake.” 
He swallowed thickly as he took a step back. “Carsyn, that will never happen. You are my best friend's wife.” She pulled the ribbon that unlaced the front of her lace teddy exposing her breast. “Come on Drake, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. Besides, Liam is a big boy.” She moved closer to him and he rolled over the top of the bed to put some space in between them. “Listen, Car, this is all very flattering. But really, I can’t. I have a girlfriend. I think you should go.” She rounded the bed grasping his strong arms. “All that proves is that you like sistas. What does she have that I don’t?” He couldn’t believe this was happening. He was sure he was being pranked. “Uh, my heart. I’m a one woman man Carsyn.” She pouted. He passed her robe to her and walked over to open his door. “Bye Carsyn.” With an exasperated huff she made her exit. 
     Drake put his ear buds in and closed his eyes. The 747 took off smoothly and before he knew it he was in the air. He was on the way home, to the States, to her. It had only been a few days but he missed her like crazy. He wasn’t ready to show his hand to Liam quite so soon. He had thoroughly impressed Robert from DHS. They called him back the next day. They wanted a second in person interview with him on Friday. After a conversation with Bianca, he agreed to come back under the guise of Bianca being sick. He only packed casual clothes and planned to shop for something to wear to the interview when he arrived. He had told her about the video interview but didn’t mention the in person interview. He wanted to surprise her. They had spoken on the phone, texted, or video call everyday since he’d left. He took a redeye, timing it perfectly so that he could text her to say goodnight right before she laid down. He hoped she wouldn’t get suspicious when he didn’t text her first thing in the morning. 
When he landed he noticed that he had several missed texts from her. 
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He responded while he waited for his Mom. He only ever packs a carry on. He figured he’d be back on a plane for Cordonia by Sunday night. He rolled his luggage to the curb when he saw her blue Chevy Silverado approaching. She would take him back to the ranch and then he would be able to drive into the city to surprise Riley. He was happy to see his Mom. Their relationship had grown so much closer the older he got. She was still the same ole Bianca though, she wanted to know when he would settle down, get married and give her some grandbabies. 
“Mom, you have Bartie. Besides, if Riley and I get married she might not want kids right away. So you are just going to have to be patient.” 
Riley started her day listening to voicemails and checking emails after grabbing her coffee from the coffee shop in the lobby of her office building. She had a couple of conference calls and a marketing meeting about the  new handbag account she was leading. Her morning was routine by all accounts until she returned from the restroom to find an edible arrangement on her desk. 
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She pulled a note from the pick and it read:
But probably not as much as you miss me. I’m pretty fucking amazing.
She smiled from ear to ear as she plucked a pineapple flower from the arrangement. She picked up her phone as she settled into her plush desk chair to text her thanks. This time he responded immediately.  Maybe she was really in her head. Maybe her friends were right. She was really trying to convince herself that they were moving too fast and maybe subconsciously trying to create some space in between them. It would be easier to push him away. It was her most toxic trait. But it was different this time. Being with him felt different. It just felt right. 
He roamed the aisles of Jos A. Banks. It’s where Riley had suggested when he said he needed a new suit. They looked at the website before he had left for Cordonia and she thought that he would look great in a blue suit, so blue it was. Maurice, a clearly fashion forward gentleman helped him and he was able to get rushed alterations. He left the store with a Kenneth Cole navy blue herringbone slim fit suit, white dress shirt and several ties. He knew that the tie could make or break his look. He wasn’t big into image but he knew that it mattered in this circumstance. For some reason he felt lucky around Riley and he thought she should be the one to make the decision about which tie he wore.
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He glanced at the gunmetal fossil watch on his wrist and noticed that he had just enough time to swing by the florist and make it over to her office. He had never gotten her flowers before and wanted these to be special. Maybe moving forward flowers from the supermarket would be acceptable, but not today. She got his edible arrangement earlier today and had sent him a text to say thanks. She didn’t suspect a thing. He’d hoped that she would be as happy to see him as he was to see her. He’d left in such a haste before that it had been constantly on his mind. 
“That will be $124.83,” the bubbly blond squeaked from behind the counter. 
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He quickly paid before retreating to his Jeep. His Mom would have a fit if she knew how much he spent on the same flowers he probably could have gotten for $40 down at the Kroger. He shrugged off the thought as he pulled into traffic. His phone rang and he sent it to voicemail when he saw Bastien’s number. He was off the clock and did not want to concern himself with the crown at the moment. He had 28 minutes before she would be off work. He drove through an automatic car wash before taking a couple minutes to dry him off. Jax. It’s what he called his Jeep. It made him feel connected to his late father. When it was all clean and shiny he hopped in and headed to her office. He had driven by earlier and noticed that her car was parked in front of the building instead of inside the parking structure. This meant that she was running late this morning. He smirked as he maneuvered into the parking space directly in front of the door. He ran his fingers through his chocolate mane, used breath spray and the cologne he stashed in the glove box. He rolled down the window and played Bruno Mar’s, “Just the way you are” on repeat. He walked around to the passenger door to retrieve the roses from the front seat before leaning against the vehicle and waiting for her to appear. 
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He saw her before she saw him. She looked like a goddess. She was wearing a pink 2 piece suit with pink pumps. She was talking to her assistant, Lexi when Lexi spotted Drake. He held the roses up to conceal his face before he thought to himself, “what am I doing? She is going to recognize the Jeep.” Lexi touched Riley’s arm before she motioned to Drake. She froze. He would give anything to know what she was thinking at that moment. He wanted to run to her and gather her in his arms but he decided to play it cool. When she gathered herself she hurried out the revolving doors before pausing. “Couldn’t stay away, huh?” Clearly, she was trying to play it cool too. They both burst out into a fit of laughter. “What can I say? Maybe I missed my girlfriend.” He handed her the roses. Before she could say thank you he tugged her close and took her mouth in a desperate kiss. The roses laid securely in the crook of her arm, her free hand found its way under his shirt. When he broke the kiss she was breathless. When she could speak again she simply said, “my place.”
He walked her to her car and opened the door for her. Once she was inside she rolled the window down. “I’ll beat you there,” he challenged. “You sure?” she smirked and he leaned inside to sweetly kiss her lips. He was sure that the route she took home added a few minutes to her commute. He got to her place before she did. He was waiting at her door when she approached. She bit her bottom lip and looked at him with hooded eyes as she undid the button on her blazer. His length stiffened and his eyes went wide when he realized that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. “You know I let you win, right?” He looked around and made sure no one else was watching before he pulled her close attempting to cover her nakedness before he took her keys from her hand and fumbled through opening the door. 
Once inside she jumped into his arms wrapping her legs around his waist. Riley kissed his neck as he panted,”slow down il mio amore. You have me all night. Let me take care of you,” he said as he lifted her petite frame onto her quartz countertop. She shivered, head lolled back with her eyes clenched tightly. Her body quaked when he ran his hands down her legs to remove her strappy heels. He peppered her with kisses from her feet to the inside of her thighs. White heat pooled in her center as she twitched with anticipation. His strong hands flanked her hips, sliding her thong off. He pecked her thigh and looked up at her with a teasing smirk knowing exactly what she wanted him to do. He could feel the heat radiating from her center. He stopped and her eyes sprung open. It was unbelievable how ready she was. They had an undeniable connection. Her body was responding to him like it never had to anyone else.
He slipped her blazer off and tossed it over his shoulder before Riley reached for him pulling his white t-shirt over his head. She drank in his chiseled chest with hooded eyes and began to blush furiously. “What?” Drake said in a low raspy tone. “This is happening.” He smiled at her, “Oh, hell yeah, this is definitely happening,” he said as he kissed from her tummy up to her breast. She ran her fingers through his hair watching for a reaction when he saw the stretch marks on her waist hips and tummy. He didn’t seem to care. He took her stiffened nipple into his mouth. Noticing the apprehension on her face. “What’s up?” he asked before he went back to sucking the other breast. “Nothing, everything is perfect.” He moved back down her stomach as he threw her leg over his shoulder. “Good.”
He spread her thighs and plunged his tongue into her center. “Drake!” she screamed, caught off guard by the sudden movement. “Oh my God!” she belted as his tongue and fingers worked in tandem. “I’m gonna..ohhh shit Drake!” Her voice echoed in the large apartment. “Do it!” He encouraged her. He used his free hand to unbuckle his belt and pants, freeing himself. He stroked himself as his pants slipped around his ankles. He kicked them off as he pulled her to the edge of the counter. “What are you--” she quickly figured it out. He rubbed the head against her entrance and she gasped. “Fuck, go slow,” her suspicions were correct. Not only was it not small but it was easily the biggest she had encountered. 
“Relax, you’re definitely ready.” He wrapped his arms around her waist lifting her before slowly impaling her. He grunted as she stretched around him. He thrust several times before pinning her against the wall. “Raye, we have to change positions. You’re so fucking tight, I’m not going to last.” He walked her over to the living room draping her over the arm of the couch on her side. “I told you it’s been a while.” Drake rested her leg on his torso as he entered her again. She noticed that he was going even deeper in this position and moved up a bit. “Are you scared?” She was. “No,” she lied. “Then, stop running from me,” Drake said gravelly as he picked up speed. “You could have told me you know,” she whimpered as she whined her hips. “Oh, you knew,” he quipped.
He pulled out, “what are you doing?” He easily lifted her body and re-positioned her on the couch. “On your knees,” he demanded. “No, you sit.” He liked that idea even better. He sat on her couch stroking himself as she straddled him. She slowly settled on top, guiding him into her. He hissed when they connected. She began to bounce on his lap and his eyes sparkled as he watched her perfectly perky breast slap against her torso. He took her breast into his mouth as pure pleasure coursed through her body. Their bodies were sticky with sweat and she screeched every time he thrusted roughly into her. They heard a loud thumping on the wall before he placed his hand over her mouth to muffle the screams. She bit his hand, and he pulled it away. “I can be quiet,” she said as electric pleasure shot through her body. “Sure you can.” She began to contract around him as he grabbed her waist to slow the tempo. “Shit, Raye. I’m close.” They finished together with one final scream. They cuddled for a while in silence before Riley spoke. 
“That was...well damn. I’m famished.” She rose, going to the kitchen before tossing him a cold water from the fridge. I took out some chicken but only one breast. Drake joined her approaching from behind opening the freezer to check out their options. “I have shrimp. That thaws quickly.” He snaked his arm around her waist, kissing her neck. “Let me cook. Relax, you worked all day.” She turned to him, noticing that he was erect again. “Are you sure you can cook like this?”  He smirked. She stroked him, he twitched and hardened in her hand before she fell to her knees and took him into her mouth.  
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Drake prepared a decadent pasta dish with shrimp and chicken before they showered and headed to bed. As her head lay upon his chest he ran his fingers through her hair. She listened to his heartbeat and felt comforted by his breathing. “What was that look about earlier?” he asked quietly. She lifted her head to look at him. “What do you mean?” He shifted to look her in the eyes. “You looked nervous. You said everything was perfect but your eyes said something else.” She closed her hazel eyes and took a deep breath. “Yeah, that. So, I know it’s a little late for this, but I forgot to eat my birth control this morning.” He went pale as a ghost. “Jesus fucking Christ, Raye!” She started cackling at his response. “I was joking, I have an IUD. I’m sorry babe, I was trying to lighten the mood.” He exhaled. “You are trying to give me a fucking heart attack.” “Oh, no kids, noted. I looked like that because I used to be a bit bigger than I am now and when I lost the weight… well, I have stretch marks you know. I didn’t know how you would respond.”
 “Il mio amore, I don’t care about that. You are breathtaking. Don’t worry about that. A real man wouldn’t worry about stretch marks, and I absolutely want kids, but after I’m married.” A soft smile spread across her face. “He wants to be married and have kids. Check and check,” she thought to herself. She wanted to ask him about that before but didn’t want to scare him off. She also didn’t want to get into a committed relationship with someone who didn’t want to have children.
“But Raye, while we are communicating there was something I needed to talk to you about. Something happened and I want to be upfront about it.” Her blood ran cold. She leaned back to look him in his eyes. “I’m listening,” she said in a brittle voice. 
He could see the tears forming in her eyes. “Carsyn came to my room to seduce me before I left.” She felt instantly nauseous. Was this all a mistake? Did she just give him her precious gift for him to turn out to be the very thing that made her cautious in the first place? Did he wait until after so that he could score before breaking her heart? Her thoughts raced. She was not even sure she heard the rest of what he said. When she was able to focus again she uttered, “did you sleep with her?” in a defeated voice. “What? Fuck no! Absolutely not. I wouldn’t do that to you. I couldn’t do that to Liam. She’s hurt and lonely and confused.” Riley gasped for air. She didn’t even realize that she was holding her breath. Drake wrapped his strong arms around her, reassuring her that she was safe with him. That he would handle her heart with care. She was relieved. She felt like she could breathe again. 
When she thought about it logically and took the emotions out, she couldn’t imagine that he returned Carsyn’s affections. He didn’t have to tell her. He is not her past. He could be trusted. She quickly went to the kitchen. He sprung from bed following, to find her in the  liquor cabinet where she poured a tumbler full of bourbon. She swallowed it in one gulp. “You ok Raye?” She looked at him thoughtfully, “yes, I just need a moment. But tell me this, is it the first time this has happened? Like has she made a pass at you before?” 
He moved to the couch pulling her into his lap. “No, it’s the one and only time that it’s happened. I shut her down and put her out of my room.” She was quiet for a moment as she twirled his hair around her fingers. “Wait, then why are you here? You never said, did you quit?” her eyes lit up with hope. 
“No, I didn’t quit.” She deflated.  “I have an interview with the Department of Homeland Security in the morning. Actually, I need you to pick my tie. “Drake!!! That’s awesome. Her voice boomed excitedly. There was another thump on the wall. “Fuck off!” Riley yelled. “That’s my girl,” Drake laughed. “What time is your interview?” He stood and pulled his shirt back over his head. “11 am.” He looked around the room. “What are you doing?” Riley asked. “Where are my shoes?”
She lowered her head and bit her bottom lip. “Raye? Do you know where my shoes are?” he asked in a husky tone. She didn’t answer; she smiled at him and nodded her head. He tackled her, pinning her to the couch. “Drake!” she squealed. He nipped at her neck before kissing her sweetly under her ear. “What have you done with my shoes?” he growled.
“Don’t laugh at me. I’m emotional right now. But I hid them. I figured you couldn’t leave me again if you didn’t have shoes.” 
“Il mio amore, you know I have to leave eventually, right? But, also know that I don’t want to leave.”
She pointed to his shoes, they were on the balcony. “I know, but do you have to go right now?” 
“Raye, I was just going down to my truck to get my bag. I’ll stay here with you all weekend if you want.” He untangled himself from her and moved towards the balcony to retrieve his shoes. 
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“Yes please,” she could hardly believe she’d have him all weekend. “I called into work on Monday. So, I have to go in tomorrow. I pushed my Monday meetings until tomorrow. But I can wrap up early. “You don’t have to do that. I am sure I can keep myself busy, I will go see my Mom and maybe take my favorite girl to lunch,” he smirked as he headed out the door. 
She closed her hazel eyes and tilted her head backward and took several cleansing breaths. She’d say a prayer that Drake got the job. She was still getting to know him but she was pretty sure he was it for her. She only hoped he felt the same way. She would have never thought that she would fall so hard and so quickly. But there she was, sitting on the verge of a panic attack at the thought of him leaving again.
He let himself back into the apartment rescuing her from getting lost in her own thoughts. He had his rolling bag, a garment bag and a shopping bag. “There is room in my guest room closet,” she took his rolling bag into her bedroom. “You, uh have a lot of clothes. When I move in you’ll have to make space for me,” he joked. Her heart warmed at the thought and for a moment she wondered how it would be to have him there all the time. “Do I need to try on the whole suit for you to pick the tie?” he yelled from the guest room. She entered the room to find him standing with his belt unbuckled, his jeans hanging low on his waist. She leaned against the door frame admiring him. He turned to her, holding up 5 different ties. “Navy with white diagonal stripes.” she could picture him confidently entering the interview. 
“Wait!” She disappeared into her bedroom. When she returned she was holding a small black box. “Here, these are for you. I was going to wait until you formally accepted the position, but they would be the perfect finishing touch tomorrow. He opened the box to find a set of Gold Christian Dior cufflinks.
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 “Gee, thanks Raye. But these look expensive.” She smirked, “of course they were. I can’t have my man walking around in cheap ass cufflinks.” They both laughed before she admitted to getting a deal on them.     
After laying out his suit, shirt, tie, socks and shoes, they headed back to her bedroom where she watched him strip down to only his boxer briefs. She bit her bottom lip as he pulled his shirt over his head noticing the deep V that disappeared into his jeans. 
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She thought to herself, if she took away the clear physical attraction, would they have enough to make a go and a real long lasting committed relationship? She thought that now was as good of time as any to bring it up. “Drake?” she said innocently. “Yeah Raye?” He settled into bed next to her, his Sauvage by Dior cologne wafting in the air. “You smell great,” she smiled shyly. “Thanks, but that’s not why you called my name, I know it.” She smiled thinking of how well he seemed to know her already. She also couldn’t think of the last time she had smiled this much. 
“You’re right. I didn’t want to bring it up so soon, but do you think you’d be up for talking about where you see this relationship going, or at least your hopes, desires?” she asked as she nuzzled into his side. He cleared his throat. “Well, I honestly was waiting on you to ask. I didn’t want to scare you off. I think since Liam got hitched, my family, our friends have been expecting me to settle down. I always thought I’d settle down when I met the right person. I thought it would be in the future, like years from now. I never thought that I would meet my person in the States. I assumed I’d be in Cordonia forever.” 
“And now…” 
“Now, I can’t really imagine life without you. I want to be where you are. Raye, tell me, honestly, if I get this position, I mean my Mom is here and my business is mostly here. I could personally check on my investment properties, but that is all a bonus. The biggest part of why I’d take it would be so that I can be here with you. Is that what you want? Should I move back to the States?”
“Drake, I would like nothing more. I had Wyatt put in a good word for you. I have to be honest. I want to get married, and start a family. Like soon. Does that scare you?”
“No, well how soon were you thinking?” he asked as he gently stroked her bare arm.
“I don’t know. I never thought I would meet anyone who would be worth giving myself to for the rest of my life. You have been a breath of fresh air. But, I am getting older. Maybe married in the next year or two, kids almost immediately after. How many kids do you want, Drake?”
“Uh maybe 3 or 4.” 
Her eyes widened in shock. She choked on her saliva and started to cough.
“Are you ok?” 
“Yeah, that’s a big family.”
“I know. It’s always just been Sav and I and I always thought it would be fun if we had a couple more siblings.”
She was floored. She knew that she wanted to be with Drake and if it meant a big family she was sure that she would get used to the idea. She only ever considered 2 children because she never wanted to struggle to take care of them. She never considered that her partner would be wealthy in his own right.   
“I mean, I guess. So, back to you taking this job as DHS? Where would you live? On the ranch with your Mom?”
“That would probably make sense financially, but it would be an hour of driving everyday.”
“You could move in with me,” she blurted. She immediately regretted her words. “He is going to think I am rushing him,” she thought.
“Well, I was going to say I could start looking for places nearby, but if you don’t feel like it would be too much… I mean I don’t want to impose. I would cover the rent and utilities.”
“I don’t need you to do that. But thank you.” 
“I know that you are an independent woman and that’s hot and everything, but if we are talking about marriage, you are going to have to let me lead. We can make decisions together, but I won’t have you taking care of me financially.” His voice was calm and low but authoritative. She had never been with a man who wanted to take care of her. It turned her on. She straddled him and sweetly kissed his lips. “Is this happening? Am I dreaming? Are we talking about moving in together and getting married?” He smiled against her lips. “This is happening.” 
They made love again and she fell asleep in his arms for the first time and she couldn’t wait until it was her reality every night.
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TRR: @twinkleallnight​​​  @bebepac​​​ @mainstreetreader​​​ @romereadingshop​​​ @romewritingshop​​​ @lem-20​​​​ @texaskitten30​​​
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Tower: Family - 22
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 2411
Warnings:  Pregnancy, smut (MF, Vaginal fingering, vaginal sex)
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 22: The Baby Shower
I decided that I wanted to dress up for the baby shower - all of our friends were coming tonight as there were no major missions and I couldn’t remember the last time that had ever happened.  I wasn’t sure if it had ever happened.  Normally at least one person was missing, usually, it was more.  This time because it was just a couple of hours on the weekend, it would be all of them.  Clarke and Jax, Sam’s siblings and their kids, Phil, May, and the rest of the SHIELD team, Fury and Hill, Rhodey and Happy, Vision, Carol, Scott, Hope, and Cassie, were all coming.  T’Challa was even coming from Wakanda and Loki, Angela, Sif, and the Warriors Three were all coming down from Asgard.
After my shower, I called Clint up and so I could ask him to do my hair, and while I waited for him I fixed my makeup.  He arrived just as I was doing the finishing touches on my lips and I was sitting at the vanity in my bra and panties.
“Didn’t you already get laid today?” Clint asked, coming over to me.
“Yes,” I answered.  He leaned down and ran his hands over my stomach as he kissed my neck.  “I didn’t ask you up here for that.”
“Aww, man,” he whined, though he didn’t pull back.  His hands continued on their journey down and caressed over my hips and up the insides of my thighs as he sucked softly on my throat.  I broke out in goosebumps and shivered a little, instantly responding to his advances.  “But you look so sexy and inviting.”
“I was going to ask you to do my hair,” I said.  “The party is soon.”
“We can do both,” Clint reasoned.  “I can be super quick, and you come so easy when you’re pregnant.”
I snorted.  “I guess I’ll take that as a compliment.”
Clint tilted my head back and looked down into my eyes.  “It was meant as one,” he said and brought his lips to mine.
That was all it took.  There was no fighting it.  I wanted this as much as he did.  He slowly palmed my cunt as we kissed and I moaned softly as my pussy flooded.  I hummed as my panties started to soak up the fluids that were dripping from me and his hand slipped under the elastic and his fingers stroked up my folds.
A warm buzz spread out through me as he started running his finger in circles over my clit.  He countered the pleasant sensation in my cunt by squeezing and massaging my breast with his other hand.  I moaned into his lip and reached back, cradling his jaw, keeping him in place.
I felt warm and soft and fuzzy on the edges as Clint fingered me.  He pulled back with a gasp and took his hand away and patted my thighs.  “Get up,” he said.
I stood and he pushed me forward and pulled my panties down to my knees.   I groaned and braced my hands on the vanity, watching Clint’s reflection in the mirror.  He smirked at me, his blue eyes glittering, and unfastened his pants.  He pulled out his cock and pumped it a few times, resting his other hand on my ass.  “Ready for it, princess?”
“Yes, Clint,” I hummed.  “Give me that dick.”
He chuckled and lined himself up and thrust hard in.  I had to brace myself on the vanity to stop myself from falling forward.
“Fuck, look at you,” Clint hummed, kissing my shoulder and running his hands up my spine.
“What?  You’re the hot one,” I argued.  “All muscles and nice arms.  I’m a beached whale.”
“Guess I have a thing for whales then,” Clint teased.  “‘Cause I think you’re hot.”
“Clint!” I squawked, but my protests were soon cut short as Clint started to thrust.  I kept my eyes on him, watching his face set in concentration as he fucked me.  He looked so good, his muscles tensed, and his jaw set.  He had one hand braced on my shoulder and I could see the tendons and veins standing out as he held me in place.  “Oh, fuck, Clint…” I moaned loudly.
“That’s it, princess,” Clint hummed.  “You see it yet?”
I nodded my head because I did.  Not so much that I found myself attractive now that I was pregnant with my third child, but I could see why he did.  I saw the same thing when I looked at Natasha and Wanda.  I could see it in the way he looked at me now.
He leaned forward, pressing against me.  “Say it, princess.  I wanna hear it.”
“I see it, Clint,” I moaned.
He wrapped his arm around my waist and began to rub my clit.  My legs started to tremble and my hands gripped fruitlessly at the smooth countertop.  “Fuck… fuck, Clint!” I cried out and my orgasm hit, shuddering through me and making my cunt spasm and clench around Clint’s cock.
He groaned and picked up his pace, holding me in place as he fucked me.  “Such a pretty orgasm face,” he growled as his hips pistoned in and out.  I pulsed my cunt around his cock, trying to milk him.  “Fuck,” he grunted, and jerked into me, coming deep into my pussy.
I hummed and leaned back and kissed him as he remained inside me, his cock pulsing.  He ran his hands over my stomach and paused on a spot where Edwin was kicking.  “Feels like Eddie liked that too,” he teased.
“Eddie is as hyper as Tony,” I answered as Clint slipped out of me.  “The kid never gives me a break.”
“Go clean up and I’ll do your hair,” he chuckled, spanking my ass.
I giggled and pulled off my now ruined panties, throwing them in the laundry hamper as I went to the bathroom.  When I came back out again Clint was redressed and laying back on the bed waiting for me.  I grabbed a fresh pair of panties and slipped them on, before taking a seat at the vanity again.
“You know what you’re wearing?” Clint asked, coming up behind me.  He grabbed my brush and began brushing out my hair.
“Yeah, that one,” I said pointing to the lilac cocktail dress hanging on the back of the door.
“Pretty,” Clint said.  I grabbed my lipstick and started to reapply it.  “I did Nat and Wanda’s hair today too.”
“Yeah?  Did you do them as well?”  I teased.
“A gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell,” Clint chuckled.  “But yes.”
“Both of them?  Jesus, Clint, how much jizz do you have?”  I said, laughing.
“Princess, you and I both know, it’s basically an endless supply,” he joked.  “Now, what are we thinking?  Loose updo?  Or something like a halo braid or half braid?”
“Loose updo,” I said.  “Halo braid would be for a more floaty dress than that.”
“You got it,” Clint said and started styling it.
“What did you do with Wanda and Tasha’s?” I asked.
“You’re gonna see them in a minute,” Clint laughed.  “You can’t wait?”
“Nope, tell me,” I said.
“Well,” Clint said, putting some bobby pins in my hair.  “Nat is wearing a sort of forties style dress.  So I did her hair in those really smoothed out finger waves she likes.”
“Oh nice,” I said.  “I like that look on her.”
“Yeah, me too,” he agreed.  “That’s how she wore it when we did our first undercover mission together.”
I smiled and looked back at him through the mirror.  “Aww, did you fall in love with her there?”
He chuckled.  “Maybe.”
“And how did you do Wanda’s?”  I asked.
“She has ramped up that Earth mother thing she’s been doing lately,” he said, smiling to himself.  “Wait ‘til you see her, El.  It’ll blow your mind.  Anyway, she’s got one of those… not a crown... You know those head circle things?”
“A diadem?”  I giggled.
“Yeah, that,” he agreed, adding some more pins  “So I just did it in loose curls around it.”
I smiled.  “She’s so cute.”
“Yeah, she is,” Clint hummed.   “Man, it’s gonna be crazy when all the babies are here, isn’t it?”
“You’re telling me,” I laughed.  “But like everyone kept saying to me before I got knocked up, there are ten of us.  And we’re supposed to be hiring some nannies.”
“What is going on with that?  Wanda’s about due to burst, surely we should have them here by now,” Clint mused.
I shrugged.  “I have no idea, honestly.  I think Tony was supposed to narrow down the people and then Wanda was supposed to … you know…”
“Right, yeah… might need to nudge Tones,” Clint said.  He grabbed some product and added it to my hair then stood back and looked at it, adjusting locks here and there.  It was up in a messy, half-braid/half-bun.  “How’s that?”
“Love it, thanks, Clint,” I said, getting up and kissing his cheek.  “Can you help me with my dress?”
“Yes, mistress,” he teased getting it for me.
“Clint, I’m gonna kick your ass,” I laughed as I stepped into it and he pulled it up.
“After I did so many nice things for you?”  Clint said.  “Mean.”
He zipped me up and I straightened myself up.  “Okay, let’s go.”
We headed downstairs.  The party was already underway but only just.  Hill was talking to Nat by the base of the stairs, and there was a small group of people at the circular seated area.  The room was a criss-cross of threads to the people that we all considered family.  It was a little overwhelming having them all so close.  The threads were always there, but it was just the ones that connected me to my partners and children that glowed brightly all the time. The others were fairly faint until they were close by.  So now the threads were everywhere, all different colors and all leading to the people we loved.
We had hired people to run the party.  There were caterers, wait-staff, and bartenders, and someone was greeting people at the elevator and taking their coats.  Jax and Clarke had just arrived and I could see Clarke was holding a gift box.
“El!”  Clarke called, as I descended the stairs.  “Happy baby shower.”
“You didn’t need to bring gifts,” I said, kissing her cheek and taking the present.
“I know, I know but I had this idea and couldn’t help myself,” she said.
We headed over to where Wanda was sitting, Clint peeling away from the group to go speak to Phil who was getting himself a drink.
Wanda was just as Clint had described.  She looked completely ethereal in her red gown.  The layered tulle skirt was spread out around her, the sheer lace bodice just added to the goddess vibes she gave out.  Her hair had been styled to curl down her back, framing her face and the silver diadem that had a crescent moon and five red gems adorning it sitting in the middle of her forehead.
“Hello, beautiful,” I said, taking a seat next to her.  “You soaking up the attention?”
“Mm-hmm…” Wanda hummed.  “You look very pretty.”
“Compared to you?”  I said, resting my hand on her stomach.  “I look like a background character in an anime.”
She giggled.  “I wouldn’t have understood that reference if you didn’t picture it so clearly.  You do not look like that.”
“Where are my kids?”  Clarke asked, sitting on the couch that ran perpendicular to the one we were sitting in.
Wanda tilted her head. “They’re showing Scott, Hope, and Cassie the cinema.”
“I guess they can wait,” she said.  “Open the present.”
I giggled and started to unwrap it.  Inside were what looked like tiny little grey and red school uniforms.  Complete with blazers with A’s on the breast pocket.  There were six in all and each had a number.  Two larger ones that would fit the twins, and four infant-sized ones.
“Avengers Academy,” she teased.  “Because you seem to be creating your own superhero team from scratch.”
I started laughing.  “You massive dork.”
“Oh come on,” she teased.  “You can’t tell me they won’t look adorable in these.”
“Well, that is true,” I said, putting the box down.  “Come here, you huge dork.”
She hugged me tightly before pulling back looking around.  “Alright.  I’m gonna get a drink.  You ladies want anything?”
“Oh yeah, pineapple juice please,” I said.
“I’m fine.  Tony made me a mocktail,” Wanda said.
When Clarke and Jax made their way over to the bar I curled up against Wanda and put my face against her stomach.
“What are you doing?  It’s a party, you can talk to the twins whenever you like,” Wanda asked, as she rubbed the back of my neck.
“Having this much family nearby is a little overwhelming,” I said.  “The closer they are the more I feel.  How do you deal with that?”
“It took me a long time,” she said.  “And it doesn’t always work, but I can try and teach you.”
One of the twins kicked against my face, it made the thread that connected me to her wiggle in front of my eyes like a sheer rainbow scarf.  “Hey little girl,” I whispered to her stomach.
“Here’s the other mamas,” Rhodey said, coming over with Tony.  “You two look beautiful.  Have you had one of those pregnancy photoshoots yet?”
“No,” I said, sitting up again.  “Aren’t they a little -” I rocked my hand back and forth.
“Oh no, let’s do it.  It will be so nice,” Wanda said, excitedly.  “All three of us in pretty dresses.  We can have the puppies and the kids too.  I would love that.”
“See what you did, Rhodey?” I teased.
Rhodey laughed and took a seat.  “Sorry about that, but I bet old sentimental would like that too.”
“Who me?  I’m not sentimental,” Tony said.
“Who are you trying to fool?”  Rhodey teased.
“Can we?  Please, Elise?  I would really love that,” Wanda begged, tugging on my hand.
“Okay, okay,” I said laughing. “But you’re going to have to convince Nat.”
“Oh, I will.  This is going to be so much fun,” Wanda said, clapping.
I smiled and kissed her cheek.  Feeling how happy she was, I knew that even as overwhelming as it was to have everyone here, there were worse things to be overwhelmed by than love.
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Stone Cold Sober
Jax Teller x Reader
REQUESTED BY @everyhowlmarksthedead // OH, HI. WHAT A COINCIDENCE, ISN'T IT? 😏 I was thinking about Jax confesing to reader his feelings for her, being drunk, but she doesn't believe him and he gets angry, feeling like the fucking Hulk and destroying everything on his path. You choose the end, and if reader feels something for him or not ✨😎👌🏻
A/N: AND YOUR GIRL IS BACK 🙌🏼 lyrics are in bold
Glancing up at the clock on the wall, a sigh left Jax’s lips, it was 3pm and he was already 6 beers and 2 glasses of whiskey in.
What started off as a bit of Dutch courage ended up in him deciding to get slaughtered but at least if shit went south he hopefully he wouldn’t remember it come morning. He was going to pour his heart out and confess tonight at the party.
Hearing your laugh fill the room, he took a deep breath downing the rest of his beer he pushed himself off the stool, stumbling into you as he did.
“Whoa there blondy” you laughed helping Jax stand up right “looks like you started the party without me”
“Meh” he shrugged
“Everything okay?” You asked slightly concerned for your friend.
“Just peachy” Jax said with a slight slur before wandering off, swaying side to side as he did.
He never got this drunk at 3pm so you knew something was weighing heavy on his mind, but you knew from years of experience never to push for details off Jax as it just made things worse, he would tell you when he wanted.
The night went on and you currently had a nice buzz as you sat on the bench lighting a smoke.
You had noticed Jax was extremely drunk right now and you were getting worried. Until he stumbled over to you pretty much becoming a dead weight as he laid on you causing you to fall back on the bench.
“There’s my beautiful angel” he slurred placing his hand on your cheek “I love you”
“I love you too jackie” you laughed “but right now you are kinda crushing me”
“No no no no you don’t understand” he said “I love you, as in I want to kiss you so bad, I want to do everything couples do, I want you to be mine”
You instantly stopped moving, his words weighing you down now. Trying not to read too much into it because he was so drunk.
“And you are drunk Jax” you sighed “come morning you will have forgot what you have said and we will go back to being Y/N and Jax, the friends that ignore the tension”
“Right” he mumbled “yeah you are right I’m being stupid, I’m drunk and don’t know what I’m say, don’t worry about it”
Somehow he managed to push his drunken self off you and as quick as he appeared he had disappeared. Leaving you wondering what the hell just happened.
“You know drunken mind but sober heart” Happy said appearing from nowhere.
“Shit Hap what have I told you about sneaking up on me” you breathed placing your hand over your heart.
“Didn’t mean I listened to you” he smirked “but don’t rule out what he said as drunken words”
“Oh eavesdropping now” you winked, punching his chest.
Jax had now locked himself in his dorm room, anger running through his veins, he should have never said anything, he knew he would never be more than friends with you.
He should have stayed quiet.
His feelings just got too much for him as hot tears ran down his cheeks as he threw the bottle of Jim Beam against the wall watching the bottle shatter, just like his heart did moments ago.
Something flipped inside of him as he started smashing his room up. If it wasn’t nailed to the floor it was being launched at the wall. Picking up the photo frame he kept at the side of his bed, he ran his fingers over the picture letting a few tears drop onto the glass. You looked like a couple in the picture, it was from the weekend you fake dated for your cousins wedding. Taking a deep breath he threw the photo at the wall watching it break and fall to the floor.
His fit of rage was too much for him as he laid on his bed before passing out.
I woke up hungover
But still had to call you
'Cause I just realized girl
That maybe it was all true, yeah
As Jax opened his eyes, he realised just how hungover he was. Letting his eyes adjust to the light flooding into his room, he looked around his now trashed room before remembering his fit of rage last night.
He didn’t know what you did after, did you stay and continue drinking? Or did you go home?
Running his hands over his face as he sighed, he needed something to help this hangover so pushed himself off the bed before going on the hunt for coffee.
Happy was the only one up.
“You look rough brother” he nodded as he ate his cereal.
“Feel it as well” Jax sighed “did Y/N get home okay?”
“She’s still here, she’s probably passed out in my room” Happy said.
He saw the cogs turning in Jax brain followed by an angry expression.
“Not like that, look you disappeared at 9pm and I needed to get Opie as didn’t want to leave him alone for the night so we got an Uber and went to pick him up and you know when he is here she passes out curled up to the dog” Happy laughed.
I let the whiskey talk
And baby it said too much
I got the feeling now
It didn't say enough
'Cause I'm waking up alone
Missing that midnight kiss
I can't promise you forever
All I know is I still want you to come over
And I'm stone cold sober
“What’s up Jax?” Happy asked “something’s on your mind”
“I definitely let the whiskey talk last night” he huffed “but now I don’t think it said enough”
“I heard what you said last night and it’s just because you were so drunk Jax” Happy said placing his hand on Jax’s shoulder “just speak to her, now you are sober let her know what you said was true”
“It just sucked waking up alone you know, when she stays here she’s in my bed 95 percent of the time” Jax sighed “I don’t know if i fucked things up, I didn’t plan on being that drunk when I told her”
“Tell her today then” he shrugged “but sober”
Well I can lie about 99 percent of the time
When I've had too much to drink
Yeah I do stupid things
But this time is different
And baby it feels so right
I hope you were listening
To every word I said last night
Jax had scrapped the coffee he just needed to speak to you and clear the air.
Pushing the door open to Happys dorm he could help but smile as you had your body curled around Opie’s, your head resting on his back. He knew how much you loved the dog.
Sitting on the end of the bed, he watched you sleep for a few minutes before he ran his hands through your hair, making you stir from your sleep.
“Hey sleepy” he smiled at you.
“How’s the head?” You mumbled as you sat up stretching.
“Sore” he shrugged “but with how much I drunk I’m not surprised”
You both fell into an awkward silence.
“I let the whiskey talk last night” Jax sighed as he scratched behind Opie’s ear.
“I knew it was just because you were dru-“
“I’m not finished darlin” he half laughed looking up at you “yes at the time it might have said too much but now I don’t think it said enough”
You stayed quiet as Jax placed his hand on your thigh.
“Look I can’t promise you forever with the life I live but baby I hope you were listening to every word I said last night” he whispered keeping his gaze trained on his hand “yeah I know I got bloodshot eyes, but it’s all crystal clear that I don’t need Jim Beam to know I need you here”
“So everything you said last night” you trailed off
“Was true and yes I should have gone about it in a better way but after I disappeared I smashed my room up and passed out” he said looking up at you. “But I couldn’t hold my feelings back any longer, every time you introduce a new boyfriend I just want to kill them, I hate seeing you in the arms of another man”
“Jax” you breathed before confessing “you know I only did that to make you jealous”
“Yeah I didn’t know if you felt the same so why do you think the relationship never lasted that long” you whispered taking his hand in yours “because my heart belongs to a badass blonde biker who is the biggest idiot I know”
“Can I kiss you?” He whispered leaning forward resting his forehead against yours.
“Took you long enough to ask boy” you giggled.
The feeling of his lips on yours was euphoric, your mouths working in sync saying all the words that you couldn’t. The kiss left your whole body tingling and wanting more.
Pulling away when your lungs started burning from the lack of air you rested your forehead against Jax’s, a goofy smile on your face.
“What do you say we bail and go get some breakfast” he breathed “lord knows I need something to soak the alcohol up”
“Sounds like a plan Batman” you giggled before getting off the bed.
“You are such a dork do you know that?” Jax laughed, following you out the room with his hand planted on your lower back.
“Yeah I know” you winked looking at him over your shoulder “but you love it”
“Damn right I do darlin’”
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@chibsytelford @talicat713 @corebore123 @nothingeverdies @teapartydreams @mrspeacem1nusone @khyharah @itmejado @woahitslucyylu @beth-winchester21 @minnicelli @everyhowlmarksthedead @trulysuccubus @haynsey @witching-hour @destynelseclipsa @edonaspanca @abbiesthings @angelreyesgirl @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @jadesamhart @lady-pswrld @ly--canthrope @hennessyauntie @gemini0410 @i-love-scott-mccall @est11 @mystic-shadows42 @sugary-x-sweet @starrynite7114 @skyofficialxx @terminallygenius @sadeyesgf @lauraashley93 @leaalfred @angelreyesgirl89 @sheeshgivemeabreak @marquelapage
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ottosuricatoblog · 4 years
This is a second part to my fic "Is it that obvious?"
First part here
Words: 1300
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"I'm so in love with you, Filip Telford." He smiles and kisses you again.
"That's lucky, darlin', cause I'm in love with ye." He smiles against your mouth.
Your kisses get more and more passionate and Chibs lays you down on the bed and positions himself between your legs. You can't help but moan when his hands feel your body out, your hands exploring his back.
Chibs doesn't want the first time with Y/N to be like this, she deserves much more. God, she deserves the fucking world. But being between her legs, feeling her hips thrusting againt his, it feels too good to stop.
Suddenly, the door opens and Jax bursts in.
"Hey Y/N, do you want me ride you hom...?" Jax stops talking when he sees Chibs on top of you none other than on his bed.
You cover your face with your hands, embarrassed that your best friend has just walked in on you. Usually in your friendship's history, it happens the other way around.
Chibs just laughs, removing himself from on top of you and grabbing a pillow to hide his very clear boner.
"Y/N, I recall telling you to ask him out, not to make a fucking baby with him on my own bed!" He says laughing at your embarrassment.
"Shut up Jackson! And get out!" You say, throwing a pillow at him, starting to find the situation rather amusing.
He leaves the room, cracking up. You look at Chibs, who has an amused look in his eyes and you both start laughing hysterically.
"Ye hungry, love?" He asks when you finally stop laughing.
You look at him with flirtatious eyes, but your stomach roars and gives you away. "Yeah, I am." You say with a big smile.
"C'mon!" He says, standing up and taking your hand in his. "We'll go get some food, and later, if ye feel like it, maybe dessert." He adds with a wink.
You ride with Chibs to a local restaurant. You love spending time with him, really getting to know Filip and not only Chibs. He opens up about his daughter, and you fall a little bit more in love with him.
When dinner is over, he asks if you want him to take you home. You eagerly agree with a smile. You ride behind him, your hands locked around his middle. When you get to your place, he parks his bike at your entrance.
"I had a very good time tonight." You say, putting your arms around his neck.
He responds by surrounding your waist with his, pulling you closer. "Aye, so did I." He smiles. "Ye're so fucking beautiful." He says, doing little circles with his thumbs on your waist.
"Do you wanna come in?" You ask with a flirtatious smile. "Have some dessert?"
"Ye sure, love? Don't misunderstand me, I don't think I've ever wanted anyone so badly in my life, but we can wait if ye want." His voice sounds so honest, his accent thicker than usual.
You peck his lips. "Filip, I'm sure. I want you."
He smiles, kissing you again and taking your hand towards your door.
You look for the keys in your bag, distracted by the trail of wet kisses your favorite Scotsman is leaving on your neck from behind you.
"What's up, darlin'? Can't find yer keys?" He asks and you can feel him smile againt your neck.
You let out a soft moan in response and he laughs against your skin. You finally find the godamn keys and open the door. You take his hand to drag him in and close the door against his back, pushing him against it.
"Eager, are we, love?" He asks with a wicked smile. He wants you as bad as you want him, but he can't help but tease you.
You answer by pushing your hips against his, feeling him starting to harden under his pants. You kiss him roughly, and you feel his hands grabbing your ass. You bite his lip and he lets out a groan that sounds like music to your ears. He turns you both around so your back is now againt the door. He takes your hands in his and moves your arms above your head.
"Keep yer arms there, darlin'." He whispers in your ear, biting your earlobe.
He starts a delicious torture. He kisses, sucks and bites from your ear to your collar bone, his hands exploring your breasts. You melt under his touch, arching your back.
"Chibby, please..." You moan.
"Aye, love. What do ye want?" He teases. You can feel him hard against your groin.
"I want more." You reply, your voice needy. "I need you."
"Lead the way." He says, and you perfectly understand what he means. You take his hand across the corridor, getting to your bedroom.
He takes off his kutte, hanging it on your coat hanger. He kisses you again, taking off your shirt. You take off your pants, standing before him in underwear.
"God baby," he says, "ye're fucking gorgeous."
"It's your turn." You answer with a smile.
You undress him as quickly as you can, leaving him just in his boxers. He pushes you against the bed, removing your bra. You lay down and he positions himself between your legs, taking one of your breasts in his mouth and sucking, then the other.
He plays with elastic band of your panties, and finally slides his fingers against your pussy.
"Oh love," he moans, "ye're fucking soaked."
You push your hips up as a response, making him groan again because of the friction on his cock.
He can't tease you much longer or he's going to embarrass himself by coming too soon, so he takes his cock in his hand, removing his boxers, and rubs the head against your clit. That makes you both moan, tilting your head and closing your eyes of pleasure. He moves to your entrance, his eyes focused on your face.
"Look at me." He whispers. "Y/N, look at me."
The moment your eyes meet his, he thrust himself inside you, making you both tremble. He gives you a little time to adjust, and when he feels you move your hips underneath him, he takes his cock almost all the way out, and thrusts again, harder than before. You moan at the feeling.
You wrap your legs around his hips and your arms around his neck, kissing him passionately as he thrusts into you.
"Ye feel so good around my cock, love." He whispers against your mouth.
"Fuck, Filip." You moan.
You ain't gonna last long and judging Chibs' breathing, neither is he.
"Say it, love." Chibs says. "Tell me ye love me." He asks, speeding up his thrusting.
"I love you, baby." You moan. "I fucking love you."
He rewards you by rubbing your clit with his thumb and you think you're gonna explode.
"Oh my god!" You shout. "I'm gonna come, Filip." You say moaning.
"Come for me, darlin'." He says thrusting even harder.
Your orgasm hits you and you scream your lover's name. The Scotsman fucks you through your orgasm, his thrusts becoming erratic at the feeling of your pussy clenching against him.
A few seconds after, he groans and you feel him emptying himself inside you.
"That was amazing." You pant.
"Aye." He says, his breathing returning to normal. He lays down beside you, taking you to him. "I don't know what I did to deserve ye, lass. I love ye so much."
You rest your head on his chest, caressing his tattoos with your fingers.
"I love you too, Filip." You whisper.
Taglist: @everyhowlmarksthedead @chibsytelford @bigcreatorwombatdreamer everyone else wants to be tagged, just let me know💘
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Try Again
Kozik x OFC (Tawnie Trager) (ft. Dad!Tig Trager)
Request by Anon: Kozik x female reader, where reader is Tig's first daughter (bit older than the twins, called Tawnie for lols) and no-one knows they're together, until Kozik overhears Gemma question Tawnie about the hickeys - who is like "I'm not sure whether to be mad that they're there, or mad that they're not that good" and then Kozik is pretty much like, 'challenge accepted', and Tig catches them when Kozik tries to leave better ones...?
Prequel can be found Here
Warnings: language, alcohol, slight steam
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: I changed it to an OFC because the prompt felt almost a little too specific to keep it as a reader-insert lol. Hope you don’t mind! Also, y’all really like seeing Kozik come within an inch of his life with Dad!Tig lmaoooo love it
Join my group-chat here: (X) ​
SOA Taglist: @garbinge​ @masterlistforimagines​ @adela-topaz-caelon​ @mijop​ @chibsytelford​ @xladymacbethx​ @i-just-read-stuff​ @kkim120​ @multiyfandomgirl40​ @toni9​ @unicornucopia-fuckers​ @mayans-sauce​ @shadow-of-wonder​ (If you want to be added to the taglist, just let me know!)
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She walked into the office with a box of files in her hands. Setting it down on Gemma’s desk, she let out a sigh. Rolling and cracking her neck, she pulled her hair back for a moment to help cool down. Normally she wouldn’t be caught dead with her hair down in the middle of summer, but things had gotten a little heated the night before and Kozik had left a scattering of hickeys on the side of her neck. The rule was always to keep it below the collar but they both got a little wrapped up in things. It wasn’t a huge deal when it happened for him—he could blame it on any of the women who hung around the clubhouse. But for her it was a bit of a tougher situation.
Her father had made it clear from the get-go that she and both of her sisters were off-limits to every man in the club. Even men who were friends of the club. No one was to do so much as toss a wink or a potentially flirtatious comment their way. And for as much as she tried to tell her father that he was being ridiculous, that she was a grown woman who could and would make her own decisions, he never budged. After all, Tig had never been known for being a man to compromise.
So it was bad enough that she was sneaking behind her father’s back with someone in the club. What made it even worse was the fact that it was the one person in the MC that he couldn’t stand. She didn’t even remember how her and Kozik fell into the situation that they were in. He was always friendly with her, but he was one of the most cautious around her because he knew that Tig wouldn’t hesitate to put a bullet in him if he so much as thought Kozik was hitting on his daughter. And yet, somehow that flipped completely around and the two of them were sneaking off whenever the situation allowed for it.
The last few months were playing at hyper-speed in her mind as she let herself breathe for a moment in the privacy of Gemma’s office. She was staring blankly down at the box that she had just brought in, too zoned out to notice the fact that Gemma had walked in behind her.
“Well, well, well,” Gemma chuckled as she walked up behind her, “What’d you get yourself into last night, T?”
Fear shot down her spine and she instantly let her hair go, “What?”
Gemma shook her head, “Too late to hide it now, sweetheart,” she brushed her hair out of the way to get a better look at her neck, “Since you’re busted, you gotta tell me,” she leaned back against the desk, “Who done it, Tawnie?”
She rolled her eyes, “You cannot tell my dad.”
Gemma chuckled, “What Tig doesn’t know won’t hurt him. So,” she nudged Tawnie’s shoulder, “spill the beans, sweetheart.”
Kozik was about to walk in to ask Gemma about something when he heard the two of them talking. He stopped himself, lurking right outside the door. He was curious to see how the conversation was going to go—he wanted to know if Tawnie would actually confide in someone about the two of them. He’d been good, he hadn’t told a single soul about the two of them being together. It was too small of a town and word traveled way too fast. His days were numbered as it was and he didn’t want to shorten his lifespan any more than necessary by having Tig find out that he was hooking up with his daughter.
Tawnie sighed, running her hands down her face, “Kozik.”
Gemma’s eyes went wide, “Honey, why do you want him to get the shit kicked out of him?”
She laughed, “I don’t! I don’t. Please, please don’t tell my dad.”
“I won’t,” Gemma shook her head slightly, “How’d that happen, anyway?”
She shrugged, feeling the heat rise slightly in her cheeks, “I don’t really know. It all sorta just…fell together.”
“How long?”
She paused, not wanting to admit how long they’d been hiding it, “Couple months.”
“A couple months?” Gemma chuckled and shook her head, “You’ve been sneaking around for a couple months and the man still can’t leave a proper hickey?”
She laughed, giving her a playful shove, “Gemma!”
“What? I’m just saying,” she glanced at her neck, “I could leave a better one than that. And your father would be much less pissed off about it.”
“You gonna give him a how-to manual, Gemma?”
She shook her head, “That’s something he’s gotta learn on his own, sweetheart.”
She laughed, “Is that something you’d like updates on?”
Gemma smiled as she fixed Tawnie’s hair, covering back up the marks on her neck, “You won’t need to tell me—I’ll see it for myself.”
There were a few beats of silence before she spoke up again, “Thank you for, y’know, not ratting me out to my dad.”
She smiled, “The girls gotta stick together.”
Taking that as her cue to leave, Tawnie made her way towards the office door. Kozik heard the sound of her footsteps and tried to back off enough so that it wouldn’t seem obvious that he was waiting right outside the door for her. Despite the distance, though, his face gave him away. She could tell from his expression that he was trying to cover for himself, which meant that he had most definitely heard her conversation with Gemma. She felt a little bad, but she also wanted to see what he was going to say.
“Oh, hey,” she smiled, tilting her head slightly, “You good?”
He nodded, “Yea, I’m…I’m good. Is, uh, is Gemma in there?”
So he was going to play it off for the time being. Two could play at that game. She nodded, “Yea, just got in.”
“Alright, cool. Thanks. I’ll see you later?”
She nodded, “Yea of course. You gonna be around tonight for the party?”
“Are you?”
She smiled, “I think so.”
A smirk passed over his face for a moment, “Then I think so too.”
The day went by quickly. She kept herself busy with random things around the garage and the clubhouse. Normally she’d be getting her hands dirty working on whatever needed repairs, but if she couldn’t tie her hair back out of the way, she wasn’t even going to bother. It would’ve been more trouble than it was worth.
She was helping bring in a few cases of beer as people started showing up for the party. It was dark out by that point, music and loud conversations already starting to flow out through the walls of the clubhouse. She smiled and shook her head to herself as she bumped the door open with her hip.
“T,” Jax appeared on the other side of the bar from her and gave his most charming smile, “grab me a beer, please?”
She rolled her eyes but did as he asked. She popped the top off of it before handing it to him, “I’m not a bartender, Teller.”
“If you’re on that side of the bar, you’re a bartender. Those are the rules.”
She laughed and shook her head before grabbing a beer for herself, “Guess you can carry your own shit in next time.”
Making her way back to the side of the bar that wouldn’t land her with more responsibilities, she looked around the clubhouse. Everyone was hanging out having a good time. A few of the guys were playing pool, and some of them already had women draped over their laps. She chuckled as she sat herself down on a stool at the bar. Pressing the beer bottle to her lips, she silently looked for Kozik in the midst of the chaos.
They locked eyes from across the room. He was sitting on the sofa, one of the women from Cara Cara tucked underneath his arm. She almost felt herself getting jealous, but when he smiled at her all of those feelings faded away. They both knew that the price of keeping their relationship a secret was having to allow a certain amount of flirtation from the people around them. He never got too close with any of the women who hung around the clubhouse, but he couldn’t be too cold and dismissive without at least one of the guys giving him shit about it.
Tawnie refused to break eye contact as she took a long drink from her beer bottle. She could see it in his eyes that even though the party had barely started, he already wanted to leave with her. She would’ve been up for that, too, if he asked. But she knew that he wouldn’t. She contented herself with keeping an eye on everyone around her.
Tig walked up, throwing a loving arm around his daughter’s shoulders, “How you doin’, doll?”
She chuckled and leaned against him for a moment, giving him a side-hug, “I’m good, Dad. Enjoying the party?”
“Always,” he laughed, “But are you?”
She chuckled, nodding, “You know me—I’m more than happy to just sit back and watch everyone else get into trouble.”
“Good way to stay out of it.”
“Exactly,” she gave him a playful nudge, “Go keep the boys in line, alright?”
He smiled, pressing a brief kiss to the top of her head, “Love you, T.”
“Love you too,” she laughed as he took off into the fray of things.
Once the party had really gotten underway, Kozik made his way over to her. It felt safer to be closer when there was so much else going on around them—they weren’t on anyone’s radar. He leaned in close so that only she could hear him. At first it was just jokes, off-hand comments about what was going on around them. She’d laugh and shake her head, and Kozik could swear that he’d never heard a better sound.
“Think we could sneak out for a bit?” he asked.
She looked at him, eyebrows raised, “Oh?”
He nodded, “Yea,” he pushed her hair back behind her shoulder, “because apparently I have some work to make up for.”
Heat rushed to her face and she wanted to hide behind her hands. Even though she knew that he had heard the conversation with Gemma, talking about it was an entirely different thing. She looked up at him, a nervous smile on her face.
“I didn’t say—”
“Don’t even,” he laughed and shook his head.
She laughed as well, knowing that there was no trying to soften the blow to his ego. He seemed to be handling it just fine, though. They both looked around to see if anyone was paying attention to them before sneaking back towards the dorms.
Once they were in the hall, out of the main cluster of the clubhouse, Kozik instantly had his hands all over her. He walked up behind her, sliding his hands up her sides beneath her top. Without thinking about it, she melted back into him, reaching back with one hand to trail her fingers down the side of his face. His fingers gripped onto her side as he kissed along her shoulder. He spun her around so that her chest was pressed against his, pushing her back against the wall.
He crashed his lips into hers as he pinned her to the wall. She gripped the edges of his kutte and attempted to pull him as close as she possibly could. They knew it was reckless to not even bother waiting to get to his dorm, but she wasn’t in the mood to be telling him to stop. Any and all responsible thoughts left her brain the second he bit down on her bottom lip.
He pulled his lips off of hers, trailing them down along her jaw and peppering her with kisses all along the way. She couldn’t help but to smile as he placed a kiss on her neck, “Gonna give it another shot?”
His laughter vibrated against her skin, “I feel like I have to. Can’t let Gemma disrespect me like that.”
She laughed and was about to make a smart remark when she felt his teeth against the sensitive skin of her neck. Her fingers wound their way into his hair, eyes fluttering shut as his hand slipped up the front of her shirt as he continued to suck a dark mark into the side of her throat. His name was about to fall from her lips in a quiet moan when their moment was interrupted.
“What the fuck is this?” Tig snapped, eyes darting back and forth between the two of them.
Kozik immediately backpedaled, nearly plastering himself against the opposite wall from Tig’s daughter. Tawnie’s face was flushed, hair and shirt a mess as she tried to look anywhere but into the eyes of her dad. She knew it was their own doing, but she still didn’t want to have to have this conversation with him.
“You’re a dead motherfucker,” within a split second Tig was charging at Kozik,
“Dad!” Tawnie jumped in, barely being able to wedge herself between the two men before serious damage was done, “Dad, stop!” she shoved him backwards with all the strength she could muster.
Tig’s chest was heaving as he looked down at his daughter, “What the fuck, T?”
“You don’t get to tell me who I can and can’t see,” she sounded much more confident than she really felt.
“This,” he pointed at Kozik, “is not a good choice, Tawnie.”
“You don’t get to decide that for me!”
Kozik’s eyes were bouncing back and forth between the two Tragers. It wasn’t often that he saw Tawnie get heated and defensive about things. He’d certainly never pictured her speaking like that to her own father. He wanted to step in and say something but he had the feeling that that was only going to make it worse.
“And you,” Tig’s eyes bored into his, “what the fuck are you thinking?!”
It was hard to try and sound tough when Tawnie was the only thing standing between him and getting his ass beat. He still tried, though. He rested his hands protectively on her shoulders and looked directly into Tig’s eyes.
“I’m think that she’s right. That you don’t get to make that decision for us.”
“For us?” Tig stepped in closer, his blood boiling.
“I’m an adult, Dad,” Tawnie was shaking her head, “And for what it’s worth, I don’t think you get to criticize who I’m seeing when you were about to bring some random woman back to your dorm,” she cocked one eyebrow.
That got Tig to recoil a bit. He hooked his thumbs onto his belt-loops, trying to figure out what he wanted his next move to be. After a few moments of incredibly tense silence, he looked back at his daughter, “We aren’t done talking about this.”
Before she could try to give any kind of sass in return, Tig turned around and headed back towards the main part of the clubhouse, the woman he was about to whisk away following suit. Tawnie let out a deep sigh of relief as she leaned back against Kozik, taking comfort in the feeling of his arms draped over her shoulders as he kissed the top of her forehead.
“Did you think you were gonna die?” she laughed.
He chuckled, loosely wrapping his arms around her neck as he pulled her back against him, “For a second, yea.”
“My last resort would’ve been telling him that Gemma told you to do it,” she tilted her head back so she could look up at him.
He smiled down at her, “I kinda wish that you did, just so we could see his reaction.”
“He still might’ve killed you.”
“Maybe,” he sighed as he rested his forehead lightly against the back of her head.
“Does this mean you’re going to bail on your redemption plans?”
He slid his hands down so that they were resting on her hips again. Without a word he turned her and began pushing her down the hall in the direction of his dorm. She laughed as she let herself be guided down the row of doors.
“I don’t give up that easy,” he laughed quietly as he pressed a kiss to her temple.
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imagineredwood · 4 years
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Request: imagine where reader has a threesome with Jax and EZ
Pairing: Jax x reader ft. EZ
Warnings: its a threesome 
Word count: 1.9k
***Obviously this is on the AU side, so it doesn’t really follow the plot of either show. Just a President and prospect sharing a girl they both can’t get enough of. That’s kinda it. Since it’s already an AU, I just went ahead and made Jax OOC and let him share his girl for the night. We’re in a pandemic, lets live a little and say fuck the realism, right? I also didn’t know what specifics you wanted so I just let the story do its own thing. ***
You smiled as Jax’s hand worked its way up your thigh, squeezing every few centimeters. You continued the conversation, more people watching than making small talk and movement caught your eye over at the bar. The Mayans newest prospect, EZ was stocking up the bar, helping Kip out. They both had been working like dogs all night, getting everyone beers and cleaning up and they were both visibly worn out. The party was in full swing though and didn’t seem like it’s be stopping anytime soon. You watched EZ as he placed the heavy box down onto the bar top, arms flexing with the weight. Your eye trailed over the bulging veins that ran up and down the length, his bicep on full display thanks to the sleeves of his shirt being gone. You hadn’t realized how long you had been looking, Jax’s hands squeezing your thigh being the only thing to draw your attention back to your Old Man. When you looked at him, he wore that signature shit-eating grin and you couldn’t help but smile yourself.
“You liking that prospect?”
You glanced at EZ, his shirt riding up some and he reached up to grab a box from on top of the fridge. Looking back at Jax, you gave a flirtatious and playful smile, giggling softly.
“Yeah. Maybe I am.”
Jax nodded and looked at the man himself.
“I’ve caught him eyeing you throughout the night. He was looking at you last time too.”
You didn’t give any further response, not knowing that point he was trying to make. He didn’t sound upset, more like he was confirming that he was watching you as much as you were watching him. You had discussed having a threesome before, but you hadn’t spoken about it in a while. Looking over, you saw Jax motioning to Marcus who was sitting just a little bit to his right. Marcus leaned over at smiled at you both, listening as Jax spoke.
“Your prospect ok to take a little break? I wanted to catch up with him.”
Marcus nodded, motioning around him with his hands.
“He may be our prospect, but it’s your clubhouse. Want me to bring him over?”
Marcus was up then, making his way over to EZ, placing a hand on the back of his neck gently as he spoke to him and pointed over to where you can Jax were sitting. He looked at Jax first but then let his eyes go over to you. You waved and he gave a boyish smile as Marcus walked him over to you. EZ’s eyes flitted back and forth, wanting to stay looking at you, but knowing that out of respect they should stay on the National President of their biggest ally. They were standing in front of you before long and EZ stood still, hands crossed in front of his body, waiting for whatever order he was going to be given. He figured Jax would want him to maybe stock something else, maybe start cleaning the dorms. Jax stayed quiet though and nodded once at Marcus, silently letting him know that he could go. And now EZ stood by himself, looking between the two of you as he waited. Jax reached over and ran his hand up and down your back softly, fingers digging into the skin every so lightly.
“You’ve had your eyes on my Old Lady all night.”
EZ’s face sobered quickly and he opened his mouth to apologize but Jax was already speaking again.
“She’s been watching you all night too.”
EZ’s eyes were back on you then and you gave him a smile while Jax patted your back softly.
“Go take him to the room, baby. I’ll be there in a couple minutes.”
With a nod, you stood and took hold of EZ’s hand and started walking with him back to the dorms. His eyes were wide, but he held onto your hand nonetheless as he walked with you, letting you lead him down the hallway.
“Is this a test?”
His voice sounded unsure and you rubbed his forearm reassuringly.
“It’s not. He’s just letting me indulge in a fantasy.”
Seeing that you were serious, he relaxed some and allowed a small smile to come to his face.
“Yeah, and what fantasy might that be?”
Tossing him a look over your shoulder, you grinned.
“To get to play with two big, strong men at once.”
That sufficed and you led him all the way to the room, closing but not locking the door behind you so that you wouldn’t be interrupted when Jax came. Turning away from the door, you looked at EZ who was standing still waiting for whatever order you may have given next. Walking forward slowly, you placed your hands on his wrists and slowly began to bring them up, feeling up his arms over the curves and ridges until your hands were resting on his broad shoulders. When you looked up, his eyes were fixed on yours, full of lust but his self-control was still intact.
“Touch me.”
EZ looked toward the door for a moment.
“Without your Old Man?”
Shrugging, you pushed your body further into EZ’s.
“He’s coming.”
The prospect hesitated, but the feeling on your hand rubbing against the front of his jeans made up his mind for him and he reached up, running his calloused hands up and down the tops of your arms and shoulders, feeling the softness of your skin. He let out a sigh as you gripped him.
“You’re beautiful.”
His words were unexpected, and you looked up at him.
“So are you.”
You both chuckled and kept getting a feel for each other. You had seen him around a couple of times, both that the SAMCRO clubhouse and whenever you and the MC rode out over to their charter. You’d been attracted to him from the moment you laid eyes on him and your fantasy was now about to become a reality. With perfect timing as always, Jax came through the door then. EZ pulled away slightly, but your whine was enough to get him close to you again. He made eye contact with Jax over your shoulder and the blonde simply grinned, looking over the two of you, your body language already loose and wanton. Jax came up behind you and wrapped his arm around your chest, lips pressed against your ear as your hands kept stroking and gripping the Mayan through his jeans.
“Having fun, baby?”
He laughed as you mumbled, not wanting to be distracted.
“You just gonna touch him through his pants?”
Looking back at him, he left a kiss to your temple.
“He’s here for you babe. We both are. Isn’t that right prospect?”
EZ didn’t miss a beat, nodding his confirmation. That was all the push you needed, and you reluctantly took your hands off of his cock, reaching for his kutte instead. You didn’t take it off yourself, simply tugged at it gently. He understood what you wanted. You slipped out of your clothes and made your way to the bed, watching as the men also undressed. You ran your hands over your own breasts as you waited, squeezing and tweaking until both men were entirely naked. Jax climbed onto the bed as he always did but EZ stood still waiting for the invitation which you gave in the form of a crooked finger. He followed and climbed onto the bed with the two of you. Jax immediately went to kneel between your legs, tracing a finger gently over your lower lips while EZ stood idle. Patting the mattress beside your head, you urged him to come closer to you. He scooted up and kneeled beside your head, looking down at you as you wrapped a hand around him, stroking the shaft and kissing gently along the tip.
Jax was doing his own thing, kissing along your tummy and hips, teasing you and making you wait the way he almost always did. EZ let out a breath through his nose as you took more of him, but he kept his hands to himself. Reaching out, you used your other hand to rake your fingers down his tummy, scratching softly and watching the muscles ripple under the skin. Stopping at his hip, you held your hand there and he reached down, placing his hand over yours. He didn’t move it or guide it anywhere, simply held his hand over yours, offering you a little bit of encouragement. That wasn’t enough for you though. You wanted him clutching and grabbing at you, looking for something to hold onto while you pleasured him.
You took him into your mouth deeper, your lips and cheeks already stretching to accommodate him and you. Jax finally decided to stop teasing and now had his mouth at your center, kissing along your mound and letting his tongue snake out slightly to slip between your lips and nudge at your clit. Using the element of surprise against you, he dove in and pushed his tongue between your lips, hands coming up so he could use his thumbs to keep you open. Your moan wasn’t loud but the vibration around EZ’s cock was enough to force a hiss from him, his brows pulling together in pleasure.
Jax laughed himself, knowing exactly how the prospect was feeling. One of Jax’s favorite places to be was in your mouth. Pulling away, Jax sat back on his knees again, a thin sheen of sweat on EZ’s chest from trying to hold back. Tapping the side of your thigh, Jax playfully scolded you.
“Don’t make him come before we get a chance to have fun, darlin’.”
You pouted and grumbled but relented, both men giving low chuckles. Jax pulled you to sit up on your knees as well and leaned over to press a kiss to your bare shoulder.
“Don’t worry, we’ll take care of you.”
Jax silently made the motion for them to switch and EZ followed. Jax went to sit up at the top of the bed, resting his back against the headboard while EZ moved in behind you. You didn’t take any instructions or prompting, taking it upon yourself to bend over on all fours and crawl closer to Jax. He reached over into the nightstand and grabbed a condom, tossing it back to EZ who rolled it on while Jax took your chin in his hand, stroking himself with the other.
“You ready, baby?”
You nodded and bit your lip, awaiting the stretch you knew EZ was going to bring. Jax grinned himself at the anticipation on your face and pushed his thumb into your mouth, rubbing the pad of it against your tongue. You could hear the crinkling behind you, one of EZ’s hands coming down to grip your hip gently and hold you steady.
“Look at me.”
You listened to Jax and made sure to keep your eyes on his, even as you felt EZ start to probe your entrance. He started to push in slowly and Jax reveled in the view as your mouth fell open, your brows knitting together.
“You ok?”
EZ’s voice was calm and caring from behind you and you smiled, Jax allowing you to look away from him so you could look back at EZ.
“I’m good.”
The prospect nodded continued pushing, watching your face until he was all the way in, buried in you so deep you felt like you couldn’t breathe. He shuddered softly behind you, staying still for a moment. Both to give you time to adjust and so he could work through the wave of pleasure that hit him at the vice-like grip you had. Finally looking back at Jax you grinned and he returned it, taking your face in his hands and bringing you back down to take him in your mouth once more, speaking encouragingly to EZ.
“Go ahead, prospect.”
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ortizobsessed · 4 years
Leave This Town
This one was requested by @xx--day-dreamer--xx.
Reader x Juice where instead of Juice turning himself in, he hides out with you, and you two leave Charming together. As some added tension, you’re also Chibs’ niece. (This is intended to take place between Season 6 and 7, before Juice gave himself up and was sent to prison)
Warnings: A few swears, talk of suicide attempts, and mention of death threats.
Word Count: 2709
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Driving through the clubhouse parking lot, you saw your uncle walking towards his bike. You put your car in park, turned the key, and slammed the door. He had noticed you pulling in and was now walking towards you. Yelling at him from across the parking lot, you asked, clearly distraught, “Have you heard from him?!”
Chibs shook his head, and motioned with his hand for you to keep your voice down. It gave you the feeling that maybe coming here wasn’t a good idea, but you needed to find Juice.
“I’m really worried. I haven’t seen or heard from him in 4 days.”
Chibs let out an airy laugh, “Maybe that’s for the best.”
If you weren’t already worried enough, that sent you over the edge. “What is that supposed to mean? What the fuck is going on? Uncle- please- please I just need someone to tell me what happened!”
“You know what darlin’?” His voice was low and gruff, and the look on his face was one you’d never seen before, at least not when he was talking to you. He was visibly angry. “I told you getting involved with that boy was a bad idea. If you do happen to find him, you should tell him to get the fuck out of town.” As tears started to build in your eyes, Chibs took a deep breath and lowered his voice slightly, but still firm, he added, “Look, I don’t know what happened either, but I do know that he has no place here, in this club, anymore. Jax has made that pretty clear. I’m sorry to be the one who has to tell you that, love, but-” he sighed, and dropped his head, “I don’t want anything to happen to you. And I don’t-” he lowered his voice even more, “I don’t know what Jax would do if he found out you were here today so please, you should go. If you hear from Juice, and if you truly care about him, you get him the hell out of this town. I mean it.”
His words were sharp knives, cutting clean through your chest and straight into your heart. Leave Charming? You couldn’t stand the thought of losing him, but something about this conversation told you that if Juice were to stay, you would never see him again anyway.
You didn’t know how to respond. Tears had finally started flowing, and all you could do was fumble with your keys, unlock your car door, and drive away. You knew you weren’t in the right frame of mind to be driving right now, but your fight or flight response had taken over, and rational thinking wasn’t high on your list of priorities.
You drove straight to Juice’s house, banging your fist on the front door aggressively. No answer. You lost count of how many times you knocked on the door, each time yelling something along the lines of, “Juan, if you’re in there- please- PLEASE let me in. I need to talk to you.”
After what felt like hours, but was really only more like 10 minutes, you gave up. As you walked back to your car, you dialed Juice’s number for about the 12th time in the last couple hours, and hit talk. Once again, no answer, so this time you left a voicemail.
“Juan... Please talk to me-” your voice broke, and you fought to hold back tears. “I just need to hear your voice- I need to know that you’re okay.”
You spent the entire afternoon lying on your couch, dialing Juice’s number every 15 minutes or so, and running every possible scenario through your mind. What happened? Where was he right now? Was he not answering your calls because he didn’t trust you? You just needed answers.
Finally, you heard a loud knock on your apartment door. You jumped up from the couch and were at the door in seconds, opening it. There he was, dressed in all black, with the hood on his sweater up.
“I uh- I got your call,” he teased, holding his phone up.
“Now is not the time to joke around, Juan. I thought something horrible had happened to you!”
Seemingly ignoring your comment, he pushed past you until he was standing in the middle of your living room. Locking the front door, you turned to face him. “It’s not what’s already happened, it’s what might happen.”
“Why is everyone speaking so cryptically?! Why the fuck won’t anyone just tell me what’s going on?!”
Juice sighed heavily, then looked up at you.
“Juan- Just please tell me what’s going on.”
You wouldn’t normally push, especially when you could tell that whatever was going on was weighing on him, because he always came to you when he was ready to talk. But you could feel it in your bones that this time was different, between the way Juice had been ignoring you, and the conversation with your uncle earlier. You needed to know what happened so you could figure out what you could do to help him.
“Gemma is on her way here. She’s going to help us. Everything will be fine.” His voice was clearly broken, and it sounded like he was trying to convince himself as much as you.
But his words only confused you more. “What does Gemma have to do with any of this?”
As if right on cue, you heard a knock at the door, and opened it to find Gemma standing there. You let her in, and moments later truth started to flow. They told you everything; from Jax ordering Juice to kill Darvany, all the way up until just 4 days ago when Jax finally found out that he had nearly overdosed and confessed everything to Nero. Juice had been hiding out at motel since.
“And I owe him a favour, that’s why I’ve been helping him out,” Gemma confessed. “But it’s best if you don’t know about any of that right now.”
Your mind was spinning. There was so much new information to take in that you almost regretted asking, but you had to know all of it. Over the past 2 years that you and Juice have been together, you’d been in such a grey area, knowing about some of the club business, but none of the fine details.
You noticed Juice had been acting different these last few months, but any time you asked him what was wrong, you were always told that it was just “club shit”.
“Oh, Juan-” your eyes were full of tears, thinking about how this club, and all the things that come with it, had pushed him to attempt suicide a second time.
You had learned about his first attempt at the beginning of your relationship. You two got to know each other at a group meeting for survivors of attempted suicide. Though you didn’t learn about the exact details that lead up to his first attempt until farther down the line, you knew it also had something to do with the club.
Taking a few steps towards him, you placed a loving hand under his chin and lifted his head. He couldn’t make eye contact with you, and that broke your heart even more. Through a shaky voice you pleaded, “Look at me, Juan. Please.”
You now had both of your hands on either side of his face, and he reluctantly met your gaze. The disparity in his eyes was obvious, and you lost it, tears beginning to flow down your cheeks. You pulled his face to yours and kissed him tenderly. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you nuzzled your face into his neck and felt his arms loosely wrap around your waist, then pull you close.
Whispering against his skin, your voice trembling, “You should have told me. Maybe I could have helped. I- I... Shit Juan- I could have lost you. I can’t lose you!”
You held him tight and felt his body shake, “I know- I know. I’m so sorry Y/N.”
As the tears slowed, you began to feel rage bubbling up from underneath. “I can’t believe he would put that on you! I thought the club never harmed women and children! Who does he think he is making that kind of decision?!”
You had pulled away from Juice at this point, and was scrambling around trying to find your car keys.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Gemma asked sternly.
You didn’t bother answering her question, you just slammed the door behind you, and made your way to your car.
Pulling up in front of Scoops & Sweets, you shut off your car and walked up to the front door with purpose. Swinging the door open, you saw some of the guys at a table; Tig, Jax, Happy and Bobby. Chibs had seen your car pull up, and was already standing.
“Oh hell no-” Jax was angry, and the second you locked eyes with him, you felt your blood start to boil.
“Jackie Boy, I’ll handle this.” Chibs was trying to defuse the situation before it began, but it was too late.
You raised your voice, “You son of a bitch! How dare you put that on him!”
Jax stood up at this point, and was making his way towards you. “He wants to be a part of this club doesn’t he? Wear that reaper on his back? Well that’s what the patch means! Sometimes you have to do some pretty ugly shit!”
You were seeing red. “You took advantage of him and you know it!”
“That boy needs to be dealt with!” Jax yelled back at you.
“He doesn’t need to be ‘dealth with’!” You repeated, mocking the way Jax had said it. “What he needs is help working through whatever awful shit is going on inside that head of his. Shit that lands on you, too!”
The look on everyone else’s faces made it clear that no one outside of him and Juice was privy to what had happened.
Chibs was standing between you and Jax, holding onto your shoulders and trying to move you towards the door. “Okay, okay, that’s enough of this! Let’s go outside.”
“Yeah you better get her out of my face,” Jax threatened.
“Or what?” you yelled, “You’ll have me killed, too?! We all know you’re not above killing women!”
Jax flashed you that devilish grin of his, and you felt chills run down your spine. You immediately regretting saying it, and quickly realized that the target that was on Juice’s head, was most definitely on yours as well now.
You turned on your heel and made your way to the door, and you heard Chibs yell at Jax, “I don’t know what the fuck is going on here, but you have some explaining to do when I’m done!!”
You stood with your back to the shop, not wanting to look at Jax any longer; you’d had enough.
“What the hell was that about?!” Chibs asked, still angry.
You wasted no time, “Juice is the one who killed Darvany. The price he had to pay to earn Jax’s trust back. It’s been eating away at him for months now, and he just tried to kill himself because of it.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake, that boy. Not again.”
You paused, “Jax is going to kill him, isn’t he?”
Chibs didn’t even have to say anything, the look in his eyes was all you needed. “You’d better listen to what I told you earlier and get that boy out of town.”
You nodded nervously. You were being torn in half by your family, and the love of your life. On one hand, you were facing the decision of turning your back on Chibs. He was the only family you had left, and you’d grown close to most of the guys over the past few years. The thought of leaving that all behind was hard to swallow. But you knew your only other option was to leave Juice and let him fend for himself.
This was the toughest decision you’d ever faced, but one that only took a matter of 2 seconds to make; you were not going to abandon Juice. You were his last resort. If he didn’t have you, he had nothing, and no one. You loved him, and the thought of throwing him to the wolves was something you would never be able to live with.
You hugged your uncle tight, knowing full well this was probably the last time you would ever see him. He held you close and kissed the top of your head gently. “Now go on, get out of here. And don’t look back.”
Nothing in the world could have prepared you to hear those words, but you knew it was the right thing. As you made your way back to your car, you heard Chibs open the front door of Scoops and say, “What the fuck were you thinking, boy?!”
You knew it wouldn’t be long before Jax would have everyone on the club’s payroll looking for you and Juice.
The look on your face when you got back to your apartment was hard to ignore, and Gemma was on you the second you closed the door. “Where the hell did you go? What happened?”
Juice was by your side in no time, pulling you into his arms, “You scared us...”
You wanted to snap back, “yeah, now you know how it feels!” but you knew this wasn’t the time.
You hugged him tight, and confessed, “I went to see Jax.”
“You did what?!” Juice couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“I needed to hear him admit it!” The weight of the situation was clearly taking it’s toll on all of you, but with your words, a collective sigh washed over the room, and you felt a bit of the tension dissipate.
“I’m so sorry Y/N... I didn’t want to drag you into the middle of all this, Chibs being your family and all... but I don’t know what to do anymore. I need you. I came back for you.” Juice pulled you even closer as he apologized.
“Yeah sure, that, but also your boy thought it would be a good idea to shoot the motel manager!”
“You did what?!” You looked up and Juice, shock written all over your face. He was looking at Gemma, clearly annoyed that she had spilled that information.
“What? I thought you wanted her to know everything.” Her comment was snarky; you could see where Jax got it from. “But don’t worry about it, Unser is going to clean it all up, you just need to get yourselves out of this god-forsaken town, now.”
There was so much going on that the fact that Juice had just killed someone, and you were being told not to worry about it, was the least of your troubles. You knew deep down that Juice only did the things he did because he thought it would buy him back his “family”. You made the decision to push that all to the side for now. Shaking your head as you tried to rid your mind of all the insanity, you said breathlessly, “Okay, okay- Juan- you are leaving this town, for good this time, and I’m coming with you.”
He nodded his head in agreement, and kissed you on the forehead. The next half hour was spent packing up all the essentials. Most of your clothing was going to be left behind, you could always buy new stuff wherever you ended up. Juice didn’t have much of value back at his house, so it was a quick 2 minute stop on the way out of town.
“Be careful, you two.” Gemma gave both of you one last hug in the front entrance of Juice’s home, and before you knew it, you were on the road.
You drove for the fist few hours, letting Juice rest. Neither of you had family anywhere, you were each other’s family now. Where you ended up, you didn’t care. The plan was simple, get in the car and drive, as far away from this town, and this life, as you could.
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