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Here be Monsters - A Bangel and Buffy & Faith and Angel & Faith Fanfic
Summary: When Faith tells Buffy she's been assaulted by a supernatural being--someone that Faith at first believes is an Incubus--and Giles then sends Buffy and Angel on a quest to destroy the Rugarus in town, it puts them on the path of a mystery that no one could have expected. Slight mystery. Canon compliant. Post-Helpless. Bangel. Buffy and Faith. Angel and Faith. Slight Fuffy.
For @bisexualblckcanary
Here be Monsters
Angel’s PoV
Angel didn't know what he was doing helping the Scoobies carve stakes, exactly. He wasn't a people person: that was a fact. And ever since he had lost his soul and terrorized the Scooby Gang, he knew they hated him: something he couldn't blame them for that at all. He hated himself.
So why hadn't he made one of his usual quick exits, like always, when he found that Buffy wasn't in the library yet, to save everyone the awkwardness here?
"…and anyway, I'm really starting to wonder if maybe we should start looking into buying stakes on Ebay, so we don't have to do this," Willow was rambling, in trying to fill the otherwise strange silence, Angel thought. Bless her. "Surely it would be more cost effective, like if we need to make stakes and research at the same time or something. But hey: this is just a crazy idea this wacky girl has had. Don't listen to m-"
"I think it's a good idea," Angel cut off her self-loathing thoughts, though he may have partially been lying here. He wasn't entirely sure he felt this way. Though maybe Willow had a point. And Lord knew the sweet girl could use some confidence. "I mean, you can find about anything on the Internet these days… or so I've heard. And if anyone thinks it's weird you guys are buying a lot of stakes, they'll probably just think you're vampire movie fanatics."
Angel threw the last bit in, figuring that Harris would be longing to say something about the FBI--or someone--thinking their actions were strange (as if they'd ever even look into them. Actually, they'd surely think the Watcher's Council, who Giles would get to flip the bill for this if they did do it, were gardeners), so he'd thrown that in there before Xander could say anything. He didn’t want to give the boy any more reason to speak, after all.
"Thanks, Angel!" Willow beamed.
"No, problem," Angel allowed, giving her a small smile.
"Yeah," Xander moaned, sarcasm clearly in every inch of his words. "Thanks, angel eyes." Well, it seemed Xander had talked, and—as always—was annoyed with him. Oh, well. It couldn't have been helped, Angel supposed. The boy just loved to run his mouth, didn’t he?
Out of the corner of his eye, Angel saw that Giles was also irritated, maybe in thinking that Angel would warm Willow up to him again, only to turn evil again and then try to murder her once more.
Resisting the urge to sigh—since his soul wasn't going anywhere any time soon, if he could help it—Angel reminded himself that these reactions were only natural.
It was just when he was thinking of leaving after all, when his pile of fifteen stakes were complete, that Buffy arrived on the scene.
And just like that, Angel had to remind himself he was a fool to doubt that his soul might not be going anywhere: Buffy was far too tempting: she wore a sparkly, yellow tank top, black dance pants, and orange flip-flops.
And while lately Buffy seemed to be wearing her hair up all the time—almost to contrast with Faith, who always seemed to have her locks loose—at the moment she seemed to have found a compromise: at the top of her head she had part of her tresses in a bun, while the rest of it hung down in curls.
As always, she was Angel’s stolen sun. And also, temptation incarnate. As she walked over to him, Angel spied chandelier earrings in his girl's ears that were somewhere between her shirt and shoe color. Tangerine?
"Angel," Buffy whispered breathlessly the moment she saw him.
And he, keeping up their game, smirked at her and said, "Buffy."
Giles cleared his throat then, tearing the former lovers apart from each other—to Angel's relief and chagrin—and Buffy seemed to remember where she was and what she was doing, as she jumped atop their favored library table and began working on a stake herself. "Sorry I'm late for patrol, guys. There was this whole thing with Faith. Would you believe that there was actually a guy she didn't want to sleep with, but somehow, he still manipulated her in to doing so? Anyway, she thought he was an Incubus, so I was being Research Girl for her. But an Incubus hasn’t shown up in Sunnydale in more than a thousand years, so… Now Faith is even more upset. I tried to convince her to come patrol with us tonight, that we'd be there for her, but she said no…"
A pen could have dropped in that moment and everyone would have heard it. That whole thing was rough. At lest the way that Buffy had described it, It didn't exactly sound like rape to Angel—and if it was, he would find down this man who had done this to the second Slayer and kill him. He and the demon, of course, were tempted to do so, anyway—but who could say for sure? And Angel winced, knowing that Liam and Angelus had used similar tactics with girls in the past, and he once again despised himself.
He also knew that part of the reason Faith wasn't here was because of him… the new Slayer had lost some of her trust in Buffy when she'd learned his girlfriend had lied to protect him, or so Buffy had told him.
"That's- that's horrible. Poor Faith!" Willow exclaimed. "Is there anything we can do?" And even though Angel knew that Willow had her problems with Faith, he knew that right now she would give the girl the shirt off her back to make her feel better if she could.
"You know how Faith is with emotions, Will. I imagine anything we say might make it worse. But if I think of anything, I'll let you know. Thanks.
"But right now, I definitely want to kill something. Giles, please give me something to kill!"
"I second that," Xander said, with a certain fury on his face, looking as though he were mere seconds away from punching the table or all the stakes they'd just worked on.
"Oh, umm, yes," Giles said, fixing his glasses—though Angel also noted the concern (as well as calculating) look in the Watcher's eyes. "Buffy, how do you feel about fighting Rugurus?"
"As long as I can hit them, I'm there."
And as the answer to that seemed to be a resounding “yes” for the most part, it looked like they had their itinerary for the night.
"Do you have any ideas on how I can help Faith, Angel?" his Slayer asked him, as the two of them went out patrolling looking for said Rugurus.
In the end, not everyone had ended up going with the duo, since there was a chance Rugurus might not be a group that Buffy "could kill" as much as she might have liked—for the most part, one turned into a Ruguru when they were bitten by one, similar to how a vampire or werewolf were created. But where they differed, was while the bite would give the newly bitten an unbelievable craving for raw meat—to tempt them to sink their teeth into human flesh: their real desire—if they could resist that urge, they wouldn't fully turn. So there was a chance that some (or all) they would meet tonight could might only be in the process of transformation, and could return to normal if they refrained from their craving.
A.K.A. some they faced tonight might be innocent... And with tempers flaring after what they'd learned about Faith, Giles had decided not to send everyone on the warpath, just his Slayer and reluctantly Angel, since theoretically he should be able to sniff out a Ruguru and a half-turned.
"I wish I could give you better advice than giving her presents to distract her right now," Angel said, wincing, thinking of how often since he'd regained the soul, he'd sometimes used distraction as his own means of coping. Often with alcohol. "But… Oz had band practice tonight, right? And Faith likes music. What are the chances that Oz would be kind enough to write Faith her own song now?"
"I think that that's mainly a romantic thing he does for Willow—when he's not just trying to come up with songs for the band to hopefully make moola with someday--but I don't know, Angel, maybe," Buffy replied hopefully.
Really, Angel had known that. He'd been grasping at straws with his statement, and he knew it well… but what could he say? He wanted to help the other Slayer in some way. Whether it was because he still felt guilt over what happened with Kendra, or because he hated that Buffy had somewhat lost her friend because of him, he wasn't sure.
But before he could think it over much more, they were upon the nest. "Buffy," the vampire whispered in his Slayer's ear, not wanting to give their prey a head's up by his voice carrying. "Ruguru at twelve o'clock."
And they were, indeed, Ruguru they needed to be hunting, because they were currently tearing two girls apart. The one girl, unfortunately, was already dead. And while the other wasn't far behind her, Angel could still detect a faint heartbeat within her.
"Buffy… the blonde is still alive. If we can get her out of their clutches, one of us can run her to the hospital."
It was seeming like the best option here would be to split up, of course, even though Angel was loath to leave Buffy fighting Rugurus by herself for the first time, he thought he could make it to the hospital faster than she could…
There was a cave behind these three where un-turned could have been located, and Angel knew it wouldn't be fair if Buffy came across them and fought them, if they truly were un-turned and she thought they fully were. But what was the best choice here?
"Take her to the hospital then, Angel! I can handle a few monsters, who are just a bit hungrier than vampires!"
And if to demonstrate her point, Buffy had already charged into battle and had driven her stake along one of the Ruguru's arms, almost separating the lower part of said arm from the upper with her movement (the Ruguru howled out in pain with her action). Angel knew if she made said motion again, she probably would manage to do just that, and then that one wouldn't be much of a fighter at that point, at least…
He still hated to leave her like this, for a few reasons—one of them of course being that his demon was tempted to drink this already bleeding girl instead of seeing her to safety, but he knew he could fight that urge—but he wasn't really seeing any other options here.
Without any more preamble, Angel lifted this other blonde into his arms and wished his own golden goddess good luck—a scene that was somehow better and worse than the first time he'd said that to her. Then, he disappeared into the night.
Truth be told, Angel hated hospitals almost as much as Buffy did. He despised the illnesses that he could smell in the patients, and the hopelessness that he could detect in their family and friends.
He, perhaps, even moreso despised some of the games he'd played at hospitals before he'd gained his soul: letting some of his victims think they'd escaped him as they ended up at one, only for him to drag them away from their only hope…
He also recalled how just last year, he'd been responsible for Buffy, Willow, and Gile coming here. So, yes: if he never saw another hospital, it would be too soon. So he was glad that his business with the girl—Saya Baker, it turned out—didn't take long, and it seemed she would be okay.
Angel was just about to leave the building and see how Buffy had fared with the Rugurus, when he noticed Faith of all people in his peripheral vision.
Angel quite honestly couldn't believe that Faith was at the hospital. She didn't look injured enough to need any medical assistance that her Slayer healing wouldn't take care of (and Angel thought that if that insipid Watcher Wesley [who was sick right now] got word that Faith had come here for the doctors to look at some of her scrapes—if that was why she was here—he wouldn't be too happy about it… which was just ridiculous). He also didn't smell anything deeper in her, like cancer, thankfully. Hmm… could she be here because she had friends or family who were ill?
Truthfully, Angel really didn't know what to do with the other Slayer. And while his heart went out to her for what she was going through, according to Buffy, Angel knew that anything he said or did would just prove to set her off: he was her enemy. And furthermore, the one who was responsible for her decision to leave the Scoobies. Yes, it might have been best if he still decided to risk it all and talk to her, even with all of that. But despite everything Buffy had said and thought she had realized on Christmas, Angel of course knew he was a far cry from a good person.
So he'd decided to try and sneak past her, and hope that her Slayer senses hadn’t developed enough for her to sense him, when he noticed that his first assessment of her has been wrong as he sped past the girl: it looked like a rather strong creature had clawed her arm. And knowing that Faith wasn't the type to take that laying down—or at all—Angel had to stop and ask, "Faith, what happened to you?"
The new Slayer seemed to wake up from a trance, and with a vengeance, at Angel's line of questioning. And he felt that if they hadn't been in a hospital with people all around them, Faith would have thrown herself at him to stake him then and there. "I don't need your nose in my business, Angelus!"
Angel may have been crazy—actually, he knew that he was—but he was starting to put some things together here that he really didn't like. And he truly didn’t want to bring it up: he knew it would go over about as well as his telling Buffy that their dating could get out of hand had… But knowing that all that it took for evil to prosper was for good men to do nothing, he couldn't just leave it alone. He wouldn't.
Speaking softly and gently, the way he might have to a wounded animal—and maybe, just maybe, unintentionally the way he had when he'd attempted to thrall people in the past (which wouldn't work on a Slayer, since he’d never been great at thralling, so it was just so great that that was his voice for this)—Angel found himself pointing at Faith's arm. "I know you're not that reckless, Faith. I'm also aware that no one, in bed, can force a Slayer to do something they don't want to do…"
Faith was looking at him with eyes that said she positively wanted to dust him, and Angel thought she just might, but like a fool he swallowed and pressed on, anyway. "Has some abuser sweet-talked you into thinking he's not an abuser, and that… well, the things he's doing to you aren't abuse? Are you here hoping to talk to someone, because you know deep down that you’ve gotten in too deep?"
Angel was willing to bet the farm that whoever it was who had hurt Faith wasn't human, to be able to injure a Slayer the way they clearly had Faith here--maybe the demon had some type of compulsion, which could have explained a lot; if it was a vampire with thrall, it would be only too ironic. Though it was the slightest bit possible that they were human. However, that would make it all the worse. Because the amount of force they would have had to purposely put into their touch to be able to harm a Slayer… Angel didn't want to think about it.
At once, Faith exploded on Angel--pulling on his ear the way a mother might their misbehaving child. And with her strength—and his lack of it, since returning from Hell—he knew she was likely to pull it off. He thought she probably wanted to.
In the back of his mind—while Angel fought the urge to scream, as he already saw a few flecks of blood falling to the linoleum floor--he was somehow reminded of Buffy's one motion she’d done earlier tonight with the Rugaru…
"Nothing happened to me, Deputy Do-Right! Now how about you do me a favor and keep your inane observations about me to yourself, before I have to remind B that she was crazy to think that she couldn't make it through life without you? Capisce?"
"Hey, you two! Take it outside!"
"I'm leaving," Angel assured the nurse, pulling away from Faith with all of his strength. But not before the Slayer older than Buffy gave him a loo that clearly said, "you've picked the wrong battle," but what exactly she was trying to tell him with that, he wasn’t sure.
Visiting Buffy's house in the evenings was pure Hell now. In a sense, Angel supposed it always had been like that… being in close quarters with Buffy—especially in her bedroom, with her scent closing in all around him—made the man in him rise up and want to take her (it also made the demon go crazy for her blood, but he was thankfully good at forcing that back… even if it would be delicious Slayer blood).
Before her seventeenth birthday, her stuffed animals had seemed to look at him accusingly when he felt this way (her mother's thundering heartbeat just a floor below also reminded him that he was wrong to feel what he did for someone so young and full of life like Buffy). But that was nothing compared with now: when he knew he could never once lose control and act on his desires, or it would mean the cruelest vampire the world had ever seen back in action once more.
So, yes: being with Buffy in her room now was Hell—and Angel knew a thing or two about Hell—but sometimes he just couldn't avoid it.
Like right now: when he wanted to make certain that she was alright after her fight with the Rugurus—and apologize that he had had to leave her—and tell her some of his suspicions about Faith.
Thus he climbed up her tree and quietly slept into her window, perhaps expecting to find her sleeping, relaxing, doing her homework, or maybe even exercising… he hadn't expected to find a tired looking Buffy lying in bed—wearing a lovely pair of navy-blue pajamas, he might add—reading one of his favorite books: The Phantom of the Opera.
Her name was out of his mouth in question before he could stop it (wondering if he should go, because he didn't want to disturb her). "Buffy?"
"Oh, Angel!" she started, clapping a hand over her heart.
"Way to go, Buffy," the blonde Slayer admonished herself in a whisper then, with a shake of her head. "Wake up Mom, why don't you?" But then, with her attention back on Angel—a place he always wanted to be, even though he knew it shouldn't be there these days—Buffy got out of her bed and crept over to where Angel was still standing beside her window. "What are you doing here, Angel?" And the moment she was beside him, her left hand was instantly seeking out his own hand to hold. Angel couldn't help marveling at how natural it all felt.
"I just wanted to make sure that you were alright after I left you tonight," Angel wanted to add that leaving her was the last thing he’d wanted to do when she was still hurt by Giles' betrayal of her during her recent Cruciamentum—even if she was over it—and of course there was his becoming her enemy a year ago to think about… but knowing that saying either thing would just hurt Buffy more, Angel left his thought where it was and pulled Buffy into the safety of his arms, kissing the top of her head.
"Yep. Buffy is of the good and still the Little Engine that could. It was Buffy two, Rugurus zero. I kind of don't get why you and Giles were wigging about them earlier. They were no big. But knowing that my Watcher and my Angel care about me is certainly a treat I'll take any day. Mmm," Buffy voiced the last thing right as she stood up on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his exposed collarbone. And Angel would be lying if he said he wasn't affected. But he tried to keep his mind on business.
"It was more because we know you don't want to accidentally hurt an innocent, Buffy… And speaking of innocents… I ran across Faith while I was at the hospital… And, well, I think you were definitely right in saying more of her innocence has been stolen from her recently."
Buffy looked at Angel with concern in her eyes then. And as she disentangled herself from him, he saw her gently put her book back down on her bedside table before she sat down on her bed, in order to better regard him. "Tell me everything," Buffy said tiredly.
And Angel did, hating that he had to make Buffy's impossible load even more thus. But was there anything else for it? Especially since Buffy might be one of the few who might be able to help the dark Slayer. And Angel knew how his girl longed to aid anyone that she could.
"Buffy… I saw Faith at the hospital, and she was really hurt. And you know how hard it is to harm a Slayer. And sure, she could have gotten the injury during patrol, but she hasn't been patrolling lately, has she?
"I think this ties in with what you were telling me earlier. And I think that Faith has fallen into an abusive relationship. But even then, it would be hard to bring physical harm to a Slayer. But abusers can be manipulative." And how Angel loathed his own manipulative past as Angelus. If he could go back and stop himself from being sired, so it would never happen—or keep himself from even being born—he would. "This manipulator also is not human, I’d guess."
Buffy nodded. And though it was simple action, the storm going on in her eyes was anything but. Angel was starting to see this from her more and more lately since her Cruciamentum, and he wondered if the tasks she had already had to face were too much for her to bear. It was unfair what the fates expected any one Slayer face, which was why he would lighten her load as much as he possibly could.
"Right…" Buffy muttered, running a hand under her chin, "because no Joe Schmoe could hope to leave marks on a Slayer…"
"Angel, did you happen to catch the scent of the culprit when you were around Faith?" Buffy questioned, completely catching Angel off-guard and interrupting the train of thought he’d had. He honestly hadn't thought that she would think to ask him that. Not because she forgot the abilities of the vampire, of course, but because he knew that thinking about what he could and couldn't smell from her had to make her uncomfortable.
"No, Buffy," Angel said, sitting beside her on her bed now—a risk, to be sure, but he hoped that the subject matter would keep both of their heads in the game. "Either I was too wrapped up in rescuing Saya,” ‘and not killing her,’ he thought but didn’t say. “Or the culprit could be a warlock who is masking their scent."
"Okay. Then we'll see if Will or Giles can do a locator spell on this person tomorrow. Either that, or I guess I'll be Research Girl again." Buffy sounded satisfied with her plan, and Angel found he couldn't blame her for that. It was, after all, a rather sound one.
He also knew that this should have been the end of their conversation here, and one of them really ought to have been finding an excuse for him to go, while they were still treading water… but that wasn't happening.
Instead, Angel crossed over and picked up Buffy's "Phantom of the Opera" book and gave it a once-over. He was relieved to see that she had the David Coward translation, even though he wasn't a fan of this cover for the novel.
"Interesting choice for a light read," Angel couldn't help remarking, a slight smile lighting up his face. "Where are you at in it?"
"'Poor, unhappy Erik,'" Buffy answered, her eyes having taken on a tragic look. And Angel knew why, of course. That was certainly one of the saddest parts of the story.
"You've gotten really far into the novel, then! That's great, Buffy! In a college interview, you might get asked about recent books that you've read, and this would be a good one to list. So, do you think Erik is redeemable?"
Only after the words had left Angel's mouth did he regret them. He'd honestly meant what he'd said: that this could be a great stepping stone for Buffy's future, and a part of him had wanted to help with that.
And, maybe, just maybe he'd been excited at the possibility of talking great literature with the love of his life.
But now he saw his mistake, of course. Because Buffy would say that Erik was irredeemable in the story: there was no way she couldn't. And he had done so much worse than the Opera Ghost. So what did that say about them? Why, something that Angel had known all along.
"I think, Angel, he wasn't irredeemable. He did regret his actions and let Christine go in the end. Though I do think that she should have ended up with Raoul. If things had been somewhat different with Erik, then maybe… but Erik frightened Christine and he started their relationship out with a lie." And Buffy looked Angel deeply in the eyes then, letting him know that that's what the difference was—Angel thought –since she, after all, had never been afraid of him and he'd never outright lied to her.
"I also agree with the author,” Buffy continued on, “that if people had just been nice to Erik, he wouldn't have become what he did. Instead, they could have benefited from his genius. But they weren't nice… I may have accidentally skipped ahead and read the part where Leroux said all of that," Buffy laughed.
Now it was Angel's turn to chortle. "More like: you jumped to the last pages early on, because you wanted to know the ending, right?"
Buffy rolled her eyes, no doubt for the fact that he thought that she would still do something so childish. But Angel noted that she didn't, however, deny the claim.
The vampire was about to say more: maybe something about how he loved Buffy’s heart and that she should never change, but then she yawned.
"I'm keeping you awake. You should get some sleep."
"No!" Buffy protested, grabbing onto Angel's arm the moment he got up from the bed that he’d only recently rejoined her on. "I'm awake. I'm Wakey-McFlakey. I could get up and do jumping jacks right now. I could-"
"Buffy." Angel gave his girl a look, before setting her favored book at the moment back on the table where she'd had it.
"…I guess I could probably appreciate this one night where I'm in bed early, yeah."
"That's what I thought. I'll see you tomorrow night." And Angel dropped a kiss to the crown of her head again, trying not to breathe in her sweet vanilla scent before he headed back towards her window.
“Angel?” Buffy asked, just as Angel’s knees were on the window frame.
“Yes?” he asked, curious about what Buffy could possibly have to say to him now when he could already tell that she was half-asleep. He wondered if she would be coherent. He was somewhat amused to find out.
“Don’t forget that you’re also the Raoul of the story.”
Angel did a double-take at that. He might have said more to Buffy’s kind words, but she was already asleep.
Raoul, huh? He wanted to believe he was Christine’s hero—though she herself was the hero of the story—and her great love, but he wasn’t sure he could. Though it was still a nice thought.
Smiling once more, Angel jumped first into his favorite tree and then leapt down from it. Then, it was back to the mansion for the rest of the night and day.
Angel had a feeling of déjà vu walking into the library to greet the Scoobies the next evening, and most importantly Buffy.
He supposed he shouldn't have, since tonight was starting off somewhat differently than the previous night—after all, he was here after Buffy, like he usually was—so perhaps what he was feeling was a sense of things returning to normal. Their normal, anyway.
And yet… Angel found he almost preferred making it to the library before Buffy did. Not because he much valued the time with any of her friends (except for perhaps Willow. And maybe Oz a little bit, even though they were both too laconic to speak to each other), but because he knew he was spending every second with Buffy that he could when he beat her here (for instance, if she was caught up with that Principal Snyder who seemed to abuse her, keeping her from the library so that she got here after him). But if he arrived late, he might have missed some precious moment of her time that he could have been a part of, if he'd been but a moment sooner, but would now never get back.
Angel was just about to try and explain some of these thoughts to Buffy, who was looking at him with a raised eyebrow, but he was interrupted from doing so by Cordelia's loud complaint of, "Giles, I'm not putting were-pumas into the file! The odds of Miss Slays-a-Lot facing them again has to be googolplex-in-one, compared to the trillion-in -one chance she had when she faced them the first time!"
Angel blinked. "You faced were-pumas, Buffy?" He wondered where he'd been during this scenario. Had it been the time Giles had sent him away to deal with one of his favorite cousins (read: one of the last followers of the Master) in Florida?
"It was at the same time that I had to deal with the Muses here in Sunnydale," Buffy explained, waving away his concern. "No big."
Except at the time, it had been a big deal. Angel hadn't been there for it—as that had been his trip to Florida, he knew now—but he remembered well how Buffy had fallen into his arms with relief the moment he returned to Sunnydale, and the tales she had told him. The fact she could laugh about it all now said so much about his Buffy's strength. How he loved her.
"So, about those were-pumas," Oz continued the inane comment Cordelia had made as she worked to recreate the Slayer database that Willow and Giles had once made, but had since been destroyed. "Do we think one of them could be what hurt Faith?"
"I just said-" Cordelia started, appalled, continuing to tap on the computer keyboard one key at a time, as she sat behind everyone else who was at the library table now. "Oh, whatever. You losers never listen to me, anyway. Fine. Think it's were-pumas, even when the chances of that are-"
"I doubt it," Angel cut in, breaking up this fight before it could really start, since he knew that both camps were probably completely off base. "I would have smelt it on her. I think-"
"Yeah, because we all know how reliable your nose is, Dead Boy—and how gross it not is to talk about that—and that we can trust you."
"Xander!" Giles admonished the boy, honestly surprising Angel. He knew what it must have cost the Watcher, of all people, to defend him. "Angel has come to our aid numerous- numerous times now, every time that he has his soul. So I will advise you not to take such a harsh tone with him. And as it is, his abilities are very much of aid to us when it comes to finding out what's going on with Faith."
"Thank you, Giles," Angel said earnestly, looking the older man directly in the eye for a moment, so he would hopefully know how much stock he was putting into the words "Xander does have one point, however. If it's a warlock, he could be messing with my sense of smell."
"Are we thinkin' it's a human who hurt Faith, then?" Willow ventured nervously, a crestfallen look on her face. And it didn't take a genius to figure out why. She'd figured out just as he and Buffy had how near impossible it would be for a human to hurt a Slayer, and that they'd really have to try to do it.
"I doubt it, Will," Buffy promised her friend, reaching across the table to where she sat beside Oz and patting her hand once. "They'd really have to be cooking with oil to manage that. And there's no law saying only we mere mortals get to play with magic, right? …Even though there should. Because a demon doing so, even when they're already overpowered, is just not fair."
What Buffy didn't say, of course, was a Slayer could also be a witch. Not that anyone suspected that Buffy had harmed Faith or that she was a witch, of course (nor should they), Angel knew. Or that Faith was a witch who had done this to herself. But Angel did know for a fact that there had been at least one Slayer witch… or one who had been suspected of being a witch, at least. He supposed the question was whether or not the Watcher's Journals did…
"So what you're all really saying here, is you have no clue what's going on with Faith and you're wasting time distracting me with your pointless theories. Gee! Why am I not surprised?" Cordelia piped up, while looking at one of the Watcher's Journals herself now.
"I hate to admit it… but Cordy may have a point here, Buff. I know we all ruled out talking to Faith. But you’re her Sister Slayer. That has to get you some street cred, right, and maybe get you in the door. Do you think you could try it?" Xander asked sympathetically, laying a gentle hand on Buffy's shoulder now.
And though Angel knew this was done in friendship—it was—and surely was what was needed to get them all where they needed to be now, he couldn't help a moment of jealousy, as he once again remembered that Xander could see Buffy in sunlight and he couldn't… and that Xander could go all the places he couldn't with Buffy. Thankfully, the jealousy passed quickly.
Buffy buried her face in her hands for just a moment, seeming helpless—and how it pained Angel to see it—but she was at once herself again. "Yeah. I can try shooting the breeze with Faith. I mean, what's the worst that can happen?"
Angel hated that the smile she painted on her face now for everyone to see, and how it broke at the last moment.
And he promised himself that no matter what, that somehow, he would be there for Buffy when she confronted her fellow Slayer… whether she knew it or not.
Buffy's PoV
Buffy wasn't exactly thrilled about the idea of trying to meet with Faith. She knew she should have been: she should have been chomping at the bit to be there for her sister-in-arms, the way that Buffy often times wished that her friends could constantly be there for her. And she did feel that way. Truly.
…But it was just so hard with Faith. There had been a strange tension between them ever since Faith had found out that Buffy had lied to her about Angel—something that had never gone away.
But even before that, things hadn't always been easy between them. Buffy could never get over the sense that Faith was trying to steal what was hers—ridiculous, she knew—and she had to wonder if there would ever be a feeling of ease between them.
But Faith deserved someone in her corner. Especially now. So Buffy was putting on her big girl panties and doing what needed to be done… but the moment she walked into Faith's apartment—seeing her deal a killing blow to a Ruguru herself, with tears streaming down her face—Buffy wondered if she'd made the right choice.
"…Faith?" Buffy choked out her companion's name.
Faith whirled on Buffy then. And if Buffy had actually caught it (and she wasn't entirely sure she had), she thought that Faith might have looked some sort of mix of embarrassed and traumatized before settling on angry.
Scrubbing at her eyes, seemingly to stop her tears, Faith snapped, "Well, I guess you figured it out now, huh? Figures."
"Figured… what out?" Buffy echoed back, feeling at a complete loss. She thought she was getting pretty good at figuring out mysteries, but what Faith was talking about was completely beyond her. They slayed Rugurus, as they did all kinds of Hell beasties. And it was traumatizing that they were once human, yes, like a lot of their job was, but Buffy couldn't fathom why Faith was getting so bent out of shape over this.
…Wait a second. Wasn't that the girl that Buffy had had Angel take to the hospital? Had she been bitten without either of them knowing it, after all… and had then fed and fully turned? Was it possible that Angel couldn't smell half-turned Rugurus to have known she'd been bitten?
"That I lied to you, of course, Pollyanna. And was never assaulted. And man, do I just love that I had to get to a place where I would lie about something like that when I hate liars," Faith snarled, with a faraway look in her eyes. Was she remembering what had happened before and what had caused her to lie?
"Faith… I don't understand," Buffy admitted, feeling very small and vulnerable, as she crossed her arms over her chest now. But she already didn't like where this was going. It, after all, could only end in heartache for Faith.
Faith sighed. And that, at least, made Buffy feel somewhat better, because it was closer to the sadness she should have been feeling here, in having lost someone she cared about, if Buffy was guessing things correctly. Faith trying to hide it in being livid couldn't possibly be a good thing.
"I don't know why I'm going to tell you this now, B. Me not wanting to tell you before is the whole reason I probably fell into this mess. But I didn't want to be compared to you and Angel—and your shipwreck of a story—and I knew that's what everyone would say-"
Faith was clearly getting going off the deep end again. And she backed away from Buffy—to try and get a handle on her temper, the blonde Slayer guessed—before she continued with, "It all started when I stole a car. A real great choice, I know. But I was capable of doing that, but somehow not smart enough to know how to put gas into the clunker. That's how I met Saya. She saw me struggling and helped me out.
"We talked a little bit then—and she liked me right away and wanted to hang sometime—but I wasn't that trusting. Knowing she used that gas station to get groceries, I decided to go out of my way to another one to get my goods. But one day, wouldn't you know it? She happened to be there. Shopping for a nice card for her sister's birthday, or some shit.
“At that point—even though I'm really no romantic, B, I'm thinkin' maybe there's something to this. So, we go out. And then we go out a few times. We watch the ‘Clue’ movie at my crappy apartment, ‘Fight Club’… and the whole time, Saya doesn't even pressure me for sex. It's kind of nice. I should have known it was too good to last, because she-"
"She got bitten by a Ruguru," Buffy figured out. Of course. And she had come to Faith, probably freaking out (maybe Faith had even told Saya she was the Slayer so she knew she could confide in her). The two of them would have been convinced they could make it work, as long as Saya didn't feed. But even a semi-Ruguru must have had some strength, which explained the marks Buffy had seen on Faith's shoulders.
And when Buffy had asked her about them, Faith had said she'd been assaulted because, in so many ways, she didn't want to be told her and Saya's story was like Buffy and Angel's. Would Faith have been afraid she'd have to face the fact they were doomed if she told the Scoobies the truth, the way everyone seemed to think she and Angel were? Did Faith think she might have told Giles on her if she knew the truth, and then he might have pressured her to slay Saya even if she hadn't gone full Ruguru?
The night Angel had seen Faith in the hospital… had Faith been seeing about getting a psychologist for Saya, in hoping that would help her fight her urges and the change?
In the end, despite their best efforts, it seemed Saya had given in and fed and now Faith had been forced to slay someone she'd started to love.
"Faith, I'm so so-"
"Save it and get out, Buffy. I don't want your pity!"
Of course Faith would see it as pity, Buffy thought—tears starting to sting her eyes now—when she still had Angel.
"At least let me help you bury he-"
"I said leave! This is something I have to do, and me alone. And I swear to God, Buffy, if you get in my way. I will kill you."
"Faith," Buffy started, walking towards Faith because she knew her sister Slayer couldn't mean that. She just couldn't.
But suddenly Angel was there, standing behind the threshold of Faith’s room, and imploring of Buffy the same thing that Faith was.
“Buffy, let Faith have her wish. We can check on her later, when she’s feeling better.” That was the last thing Buffy wanted to do now. She knew that Faith needed her; Faith was raising up her castle walls even higher to protect herself. Pretty soon, no one would be able to reach her within them. Not even Faith herself.
But there was a certain urgency in Angel’s tone that Buffy didn’t understand, but trusted all the same. So, despite herself, Buffy joined Angel outside the small apartment and let him begin leading her away.
“Faith, if you need anything-” Buffy begged, but Faith was already cutting her off with, “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. You’ll ever be the perfect little girl scout and help me out. I can handle this, like I handle everything. Including your Boy Toy, if you don’t get out of here, Buffy!”
Buffy hated to admit it, but Faith threatening Angel was the last straw. Threatening her was one thing, but alluding to making an attempt on Angel—when he was still weak from Hell—terrified her. Buffy didn’t know if Angel would at all survive a fight with the other Slayer, if Faith really put her mind to it. And in her grief, Buffy thought that Faith might actually attack him, if she thought that it was unfair that Buffy got to keep the one that she loved and she didn’t.
“Okay, we’re leaving.” And with that, Buffy led Angel out into the night, almost wishing that she’d never come to Faith’s to be confronted with this tragedy in the first place. For so many reasons did she wish this.
She felt numb now—not unlike how Faith herself was now, which Buffy hated—and she didn’t know how long she’d been walking, or even where she was going, until Angel grabbed her hand to halt her. “Want to go to the park?” he asked with a shrug, far too innocently for someone who had surely witnessed everything that she just had. She should have known that he’d been spying with her.
And really, Buffy was glad Angel had been watching out for her in this situation, because she didn’t need to get into a fight with Faith (something he had saved her from)—and she knew she’d been getting close to that with Faith’s temper—but part of Buffy couldn’t help feeling that it made everything worse, because now instead of there being even more bad blood between her and Faith (something she wanted to believe she could have handled), it was now between all three of them. And so someone else had even moreseo joined the “Let’s Hate Angel” club.
“I want to kill something, Angel!” Buffy argued, finally noticing that her popping hot anger had subconsciously led her to Restfield Cemetery where she could get some action.
Buffy pulled out Mr. Pointy from her pocket, and was about to run towards the vampire that she thought she could feel pinging on her radar aways away, but Angel had wrapped his arms around her waist to stop her before she could move an inch.
“No, Buffy,” he whispered into her ear. And if she shivered at all, it was because of the chilly night air, not because she felt any of the things for Angel that she wasn’t supposed to. Not at all. “Your anger is making you see red, so you going after vamps tonight would just be asking for trouble.”
Buffy wanted to argue that she’d used this to aid her in slaying vampires and other nasties many a time, thank you very much, but deep down she knew that Angel was right. She was too distracted to do any serious damage.
Slumping in his arms irritably, because she felt a bit like a kid being told they couldn’t have dessert until they ate their veggies (and whoa. Since when had she enjoyed slaying so much?), Buffy relented with, “Fine. The park, you said?”
Angel nodded without a word, but he did take Buffy’s hand into his own. She’d appreciate that little wonder, at least. Then, as if they’d been walking hand-in-hand together their whole lives—if only they could, Buffy thought with a broken heart—he began leading her towards their intended destination.
Idly, Buffy wondered why he didn’t suggest going back to the mansion for this discussion they were inevitably going to have, but Buffy supposed he must have had something up his sleeve.
Before much time had seemed to pass it all (Sunnydale really was too small. Didn’t it know she needed any excuse she could get to be with Angel? Especially right now?), the two had reached Hammersmith Park.
Angel untangled his hand from Buffy’s, which was definitely a disappointment, but only to hop on the first swing that he saw before him and begin swinging: something that was so bizarre and hilarious to Buffy, that she could almost forgive not being in his arms any longer. Almost.
He indicated with a head motion that Buffy should take the swing next to him; and who was Buffy to deny this strange whim of Angel’s?
Once the two of them had swung together for a few minutes, and Buffy had amused herself by trying to catch Angel’s hand a few times while they did so, they both came to a stop and finally began discussing the Heavy.
“It was my fault, Buffy. I should have known that—Saya, was it?—had been bitten. Twice, it sounds like. I’d never faced Rugurus before, but I’d read about them a lot and I assumed I knew everything there was to know. But I should have guessed that those half-turned would be different… that maybe they wouldn’t have a smell to them. If I had, I could have pieced this all together. Maybe I could have stopped her from changing and Faith could have avoided this whole awful story. You sent me to take care of Saya that night, and I should have done a better job at it.”
Right in front of them, a mother was tying a balloon onto one child’s hand while handing another one of her children a snow cone. It was a cute sight. Buffy figured that this had to be the reason that Angel had wanted to go somewhere, rather than just going to the mansion: so that they would hopefully see people out and about and remember there was still good in the world, even if right now it didn’t seem like it.
“It’s not fair to blame yourself like that, Angel. I mean, who would have ever guessed that. Everything else has a scent, like full-fledged Rugurus. So who would have thought those first bitten wouldn’t? Life just sucks.”
Angel had nothing to say to that, as he seemed to suddenly find his shoes very interesting, and Buffy hoped that he had taken her words to heart and believed her. But knowing him, he had found a new thing to forever beat himself up about.
“What are we going to do about Faith?” Buffy finally asked the dreaded question, tightly grabbing the chains of her swing and—for whatever reason—refusing not to look at Angel right now. Was it because she thought that Faith’s story ending so badly was further proof that she and Angel were destined to forever be Romeo and Juliet themselves? “Should we tell the others that we found out what was going on with he-”
“I wouldn’t,” Angel answered right away, with what almost sounded like a scoff to Buffy. “At least not right now. She won’t thank you if you do. Maybe later… If you tell anyone, I’d tell Giles and try to get him to talk to her. Though I don’t have much love for the Watchers’ Council—and you certainly wouldn’t know it from anyone else but Giles—they’re somewhat trained in psychology. Maybe, once she’s healed a little, he could talk to Faith. But for now, I think the best thing to do is to try and let this whole thing blow over…”
There was something in Angel’s tone at the end there that hinted to Buffy that there was more than what he was telling her—she wondered if it had to do with his past—but she had the feeling he wouldn’t tell her if she asked. And she really didn’t feel like digging up more skeletons tonight, so she let it go. For the moment.
“You think everyone will be satisfied that I couldn’t crack Faith, and to just leave the ‘mystery’ unsolved?”
“On the Hellmouth? Yes, unfortunately.” Again, it seemed like there was more Angel wanted to say here, but whatever it was, it seemed his lips were sealed for the night.
Later, when Buffy was feeling more on her game and like her punning self, she’d really have to do something about that.
Buffy had suffered a few losses since becoming the Slayer, but until tonight, she’d never found one where she’d have to be quiet about something. She wasn’t a fan of it. At all. And if Faith wasn’t so unreasonable, she knew she wouldn’t be taking to such a thing, and rather be charging in like a bull in a china cabinet.
“Well, I hate this,” Buffy tried to laugh, attempting to get closer to her usual self. But it might have sounded more like a cry. She wasn’t sure.
“Ditto,” Angel agreed, seeming to try for a strained smile himself, as it appeared that he was in complete accordance with her.
“Angel… do you have anything to make this night better?” Buffy wailed, swinging closer to him so that their legs brushed. She knew that she was begging and probably sounded like a child—even after Angel had gone to the trouble of bringing her to the park here, in order to improve things a little bit—but right now, she just didn’t care.
Buffy’s favorite vampire didn’t seem to have an answer for a long time. Buffy was even about to mention that maybe he should give up on trying to think of anything to improve this night and just walk her home, but finally he seemed to have come up with something and he offered her a small smile. “Well, in the musical adaptation of Phantom of the Opera, Christine comes back while the Phantom is alive to give him back his ring. It sort of serves as an extended goodbye for them. And in some versions, depending on the actress, she might kiss his hand.”
Huh. In the novel, there was something similar to that: Erik had asked Christine to come back and bury him when he eventually died, and she did. And she buried him with said ring. Truthfully, Buffy liked Christine being kind enough to return in both endings, but maybe she did prefer this musical one. Perhaps she’d have to check this musical out sometime.
“That is a nice little epilogue. Thanks, Angel,” And Buffy blushed, despite herself, before she kissed her boyfriend on the cheek, for she knew too well what he’d been trying to get at with his explanation, after all.
Maybe there was a bit of hope for those who loved monsters, after all.
Author's Note: Rugarus were a monster from the TV show “Supernatural” that I used here.
I tried not to use any references to the Buffy novels for this fic, and I succeeded for the most part except for in two places: The first is that Buffy does fight the muses in the book “Power of Persuasion” and Angel is gone until the end of the book, for he was a mission Giles gave him (and Buffy is very much relieved to see him at the end, resting her head on his shoulder). Though we don’t know what that mission was. I made one up here.
The other is that in the novels, Willow and Giles do create a Slayer database to try and better figure out stuff that Buffy might face on the Hellmouth: A.K.A. they give it all of the stuff Buffy’s faced, and they hope it’ll spit out data for them, like, “It is likely that Buffy will face X on this date.” At one point, Cordelia ends up working on it, after her dad gets caught cheating on his taxes (because Willow is too busy to at the moment) and Giles offers to pay her to, which is why she does it (though I forget if this is before or after the database is destroyed—yes, it gets destroyed—like if she’s adding to a working one or trying to rebuild it). I have Cordelia working on it in this story, as it’s a good reason for her to be there after she and Xander have broken up and she’s left the Scoobies. Yep.
#bangel#buffy and faith#angel and faith#buffy summers#angel#faith lehane#fanfiction#fanfic#fic#season 3#series 3#season 3/series 3#canon#canon compliant#mystery#slight mystery#angst#romance#fluff#friendship#set after helpless#missing moment#kind of#filling in the blanks#btvs#buffy#buffy the vampire slayer#mine#my work#shanna writes
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Random Thoughts on the Arcane Fandom about Jayce

this is gonna be a mess but I have nowhere else to talk about this.
I've recently noticed how Jayce Talis has been subjected to all kinds of sexualization since the drop of Act 2 of the second season. People have mentioned many times how trauma has made him "hot". A good and well-known example of this is Danny Motta's reaction to episode 5, where he said, "Holy shit, they made Jayce hot! [...] My dude went from looking like a Muppet to the king of Rohan, and all it took was a little bit of trauma."
This isn't entirely new for him? If people didn't hate Jayce back in S1, they ogled him in the scene where he works on the Forge shirtless, which IS kinda the point because the animators are making him very obviously attractive. But most importantly, he as a character has been reduced to his sexual or romantic relationships since the beginning of time.
It seems that S2 is a response to this in a way. His arc from the ending of S1, where he took responsibility of his actions out of guilt for the child he killed, was slightly set aside for Viktor. Well, ALL of his life, dreams, decisions, everything about him was eclipsed by Viktor's shadow because of the whole "all times, all possibilities" twist. He wasn't expected to show up as a Councilor in any of the meetings, and we must assume he quits at some point, but he surely hasn't resigned from his position by the time Viktor wakes up. Apart from that much needed scene between him and Cait, and the one where he attends the memorial (and is attacked by a vengeful mother), we don't see many of his decisions or what leads him to make them, other than Viktor. This is beautiful in a way because we can SEE how it is a trauma response to losing him. He is obsessive by nature, and he clings to what keeps him and his loved ones safe excessively, but I still had to do a bit of mental gymnastics as to why he went back on the second promise: to not build Hextech weapons again. (Hint: it has to do with the fact that VI saved him with HIS weapon, but it went so fast it's hard to process in the first watch.)
Now back to the sexualization problem. Every time I look up his name and trauma, or PTSD, 95% of the results are thirst edits on Tiktok about how hot he is. No joke. One of the more serious results is my own edit. Of course, a lot of people connect with his suffering without naming it as trauma, and that is great. My concern is that there has been so much focus on Jinx's trauma, Viktor's trauma, even Silco's trauma (which are all valid and fascinating to explore), but there's less attention for other characters who clearly show how their own traumatic experiences has shaped them. Vi, Caitlyn, and Jayce are some of the clearest examples of this, and they've experienced some truly heinous things in the show. Trauma cannot be compared, ever. But why is it that Jayce, who lived through an apocalypse that HE knows HE caused, and lives in complete isolation except the "company" of metal watchers, to the point that he loses touch with reality, and is changed so irrevocably that he loses the naivety and starry-eyed optimism that has always defined him...is seen as hot? And more importantly, why is it that there is very little attention to his experiences on that cave? Every scene between him and Viktor is uploaded in 1080 HD quality, but the scenes of him alone? Fighting to survive? Showing remarkable resilience in the face of his suffering? No, that's not as fun. Not a single one of those scenes is uploaded fully, and I have checked many times. (Some people have actually skipped those scenes to focus on Timebomb. I'm...)
I went online and looked up "why do people sexualize traumatized characters" because let's face it, it's real, it's interesting, and I cannot judge or else I am a hypocrite. Bucky Barnes, Loki, Ellie Williams, Dean Winchester, Vi herself, the list goes on much longer but I can't think of others off the top of my head. We connect with their suffering, and we are pulled by their experiences.
However, Jayce is such a complicated case because he is usually thought of as the greedy himbo that fumbled two baddies, or the confused bisexual, or the guy who lost it because of a situationship (much like Vi, who DID NOT lose it because of a failed romantic endeavor bfr). And then the plot goes and tells us, "Actually, yeah, his life outside of Viktor doesn't matter, he's not even supposed to be alive, because Viktor saved him. All of time is completely inextricable from Viktor." People hate meljay because she manipulated him and "trapped" him in a relationship or something, only to celebrate it when something suspiciously similar happens with the male romantic interest? I initially thought it was beautiful too, bc Soulmates, but man. Mage!Viktor really left the man he loved to rot in complete isolation, eating raw reptiles until throwing up, losing his mind. Say what you want about the allegory for Viktor's life, at least Viktor's isolation was metaphorical up until the Glorious Evolution.
Despite us being shown this, people make thirst edits of him in his black fit, and fighting with sexual tension with Viktor. I fear...that I am the only one who finds this tragic. The man forced to create a larger than life persona to sell his work and be seen as an attractive pawn of the system, has become the attractive pawn of the narrative. Viktor's narrative.
Perhaps Viktor was forgotten by the world. But Jayce's kind heart, and brave soul, were forgotten by us.
Just some thoughts to chew about my favorite character and my wish that more people focused on his arc with me
#jayce talis#arcane#arcane meta#arcane spoilers#arcane season 2#viktor arcane#slight arcane criticism#arcane critical#jayce has ptsd#trauma in media#the mysterious sexualization of jayce talis
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Family Dinner - Shaggy Rogers X Female Reader
Title: Family Dinner
Shaggy Rogers X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Reader's mother, Reader's father, Scooby, and Mystery Inc. (Mentioned)
WC: 3,281
Warnings: Reader's parents are rude, judgy, and overbearing, italics, arguments, nicknames, slight angst, and fluff
You were out of your mind with stress. You had been cleaning your apartment for the last five hours, making sure everything was spotless and perfect. Why? Your parents had decided to invite themselves to a holiday dinner at your place. You were not expecting this, oh no. There was a reason why you moved all the way to Coolsville. A good two hours away from your old hometown.
The both of them, they never seemed to stop asking you about your life in Coolsville and always wanted to hear all about how you and your friends spent your lives there. It might've seemed nice, them checking up on you, but it wasn't. If you told them that you graduated, at the top of your class, your mother would say that she wished you had gone to Harvard. You get a well-paying job, doing something you love... Your mother would say how she wished you were a doctor like her and your father. Nothing was good enough for her. And now here they were, showing up unannounced to your home. Overall, your parents - your mother especially - were a bit overbearing, to say the least.
Running a hand through your hair, you tugged at the roots, letting out a deep sigh through your nose. Your eyes frantically scanned the apartment for anything out of order before you hurried to your bedroom. There, you found Shaggy, wearing his typical favorite green shirt and brown pants. He turned, giving you his signature grin, only for you to shake your head and rush to the closet. Digging through, Shaggy stayed back, his grin fading slightly in confusion as you pulled out a plain, blue button-up and a plain, dark green button-up.
"Alright, put either of these on," You spoke, handing both hooks to him with the hanging articles.
Shaggy hesitantly took the shirts from you, giving you a small frown. "But, like, these shirts make me itch."
You sighed. "Please, wear one of them," You pleaded, your tone pleading with Shaggy to comply. His brows furrowed together, his mouth opening to argue more when you continued. "Please. Just for tonight? For me?" You begged, holding your hand out.. Shaggy's eyes softened, his frown becoming even deeper as he nodded, taking your hand in his. "Thank you." You smiled softly, stepping forward and kissing Shaggy's cheek gently. "I promise, after this, I'll make you and Scooby my lasagna that you both like, alright?"
Shaggy hated the shirts, but he knew that this was really important to you, "Anything for you, babe," He answered softly, a small smile forming on his face.
You returned the smile, "I love you," You whispered, leaning up to peck his lips before stepping into the closet to grab your dress.
"Like, love you more, babe!" Shaggy called to you before you entered the bathroom to get ready. Pausing at the door, you turned, looking over your shoulder, giving Shaggy a playful wink.
Scooby sauntered into the room, jumping up on the bed, and taking a seat. "Rike, Rhaggy, do I Rave to Rwear this?" He asked his best friend, raising a paw to poke at the clip-on bowtie that was clipped onto his collar.
"Like, man, I think you do," Shaggy answered, turning to the full-length mirror, moving one shirt over his chest, and then the other. "Like, what shirt should I do, man? I like the green, but, like, the blue brings out my eyes." He explained, tilting his head side to side as he inspected each option. Bringing the green button-up back over to his chest, he looked back at Scooby, "Green?" Scooby nodded eagerly, making Shaggy grin, "Then green it is, man!"
Standing at your small dining room table, you turned a plate a degree, worrying that it wasn't exactly aligned with the other plate across from it. You brought out your most expensive set of plates, cups, and silverware that you got at Home Goods, and even bought a fancy white wine. The plates were nice, and so was the silverware, but you had run out of wine glasses. Hopefully, your mom wouldn't notice the two coffee mugs among the few wine glasses. Looking down at the table, you frowned, eyes staring holes into the polished wooden surface. This table used to be your family's favorite dining table before your mother gave it to you as a graduation present. Your father just gave you a couple hundred bucks, which you were thankful for. Having moved into a new apartment at the time with your boyfriend and his talking dog, the money went straight into getting more furniture and food.
As two arms wrapped around your waist, you jumped a little in surprise. "Hey," Shaggy whispered, resting his chin atop your head. "You got this."
You let out a deep breath, shutting your eyes before turning around in his grasp, your hands subconsciously looping around his neck, fiddling with the collar of his green button-down. "I can't help but worry."
Unlooping his arms from your waist, Shaggy brought his hands up to cup your cheeks. Gently, he ran his thumbs against your skin, causing goosebumps to rise up on your arms and neck; you couldn’t help but nuzzle your cheek into the palm of one of his hands. Looking down at you, Shaggy grinned, his gaze softening. "No worries, man," He spoke, "Like, this dinner is going to be groovy, babe. And, you know that Scooby and I will be here the whole time."
"I’m just so worried," You muttered, your eyes searching his, "I want them to love you, and Scooby. But what if she doesn't like you? I can't have that! I'm not worried about my dad, but my mom wants everything in my life to be perfect. Not that you're not perfect, I think you are very perfect. But she still, even now, expects me to have a house, be a doctor-" Shaggy didn't let you finish, swooping down and capturing your lips with his. You melted against him, sighing happily as he kissed you deeply, your hands coming up to cradle his face. "Zoinks..." You muttered as Shaggy pulled back, giving you a confidant grin.
"We'll be fine, babe," He promised. "I mean, like, I'm kind of nervous, too. This will be my first time, like, meeting your folks," Pulling back, he held you at a little less than an arm's length, admiring you as he added. "Like, we got each other's backs. Right, Scoob?" He then asked, looking down at his furry friend, who was tossing marshmallows in his mouth on the couch.
"Right!" He agreed, popping his tongue out to grab a marshmallow that he threw in the air.
"You are right," You looked back up at Shaggy with a grin, growing more and more confident as you felt your heart warm from his words. "We'll be just fine."
Shaggy's smile grew bigger, pulling you back into his chest, his arms wrapping tightly around you and he quickly swayed the both of you side to side, "Like, babe, this is going to be so much fun!"
As soon as you heard the knock on the front door, you felt like your heart had just gone from zero to one hundred. Shaggy stood beside you, his arm wrapped around your waist as you opened the door, your mother's bright smile greeting you as she stepped inside with your father in tow. She was dressed to the nines; dark purple cocktail dress, with a small slit on the side, sheer tights, her favorite black heels, and her hair and makeup done. Your father, on the other hand, was wearing a simple polo and jeans.
Immediately, your mother enveloped you into a hug, pressing a kiss onto your cheek, before glancing between you and Shaggy. "And who is this lovely gentleman?" She asked sweetly, though you knew that tone well. She used that tone of voice when she was attending social events, that sort of fake kindness; it made your worry grow.
Pulling out of the hug, you reached over and looped your arm through Shaggy’s; your free hand pressing against his upper arm, "Mom, this is my boyfriend, Shaggy," You glanced up at Shaggy, unable to stop a genuine smile from forming on your face, despite your overwhelming nerves.
His gaze met yours, his own smile widening, before his attention shifted back towards your mom, "It's, like, so nice to meet you, Mrs. L/N," He greeted politely.
"Call me Betty," She replied. "’Shaggy?’ Is that a family name, or..?" Your mother trailed off, as she raised an eyebrow.
Shaggy felt his face heat up slightly, “Well, like, my name is actually Norville. But, like, everybody calls me ‘Shaggy’.” He answered, actually becoming slightly nervous.
Your mother hummed, nodding her head slowly before speaking, “She hasn’t told me much about you when she calls…”
"Well," You began, clearing your throat, "I’ve told Dad about Shaggy. Right, Dad?" You asked, bringing your attention to your father, who hadn't even said a word.
Your father simply nodded, looking away from Shaggy. "Yeah," He stated.
Frowning slightly, you gestured for them to come in, "Well, I have dinner ready, let's eat, yeah?"
"Yeah, like, I'm starved." Shaggy clapped his hands together once, rubbing them as Scooby ran into the room, skidding slightly against the hardwood floor.
"Rinner!" Scooby cheered, shocking both your mother and father.
Your mother stared at Scooby, taking a surprised step back, as he followed Shaggy to the dining room, "You- Your dog... He talks?" She asked, bewildered by his sudden appearance.
You chuckled lightly, "He does, yes."
"Does he have a name?" Your father then asked, finally speaking up.
"His name is Scoobert Doo, but you can call him ‘Scooby’ or ‘Scoob’." You answered, petting Scooby’s head before he scampered off to the dining room. You gave your parents a smile before leading your mother and father into the dining room where both Shaggy and Scooby were sitting in their seats, napkins tucked into their collars, holding a fork and knife in each hand - and paw. Your mother and father took their seats across from you and Shaggy, Scooby sitting at the head of the table. Your mother gave Scooby a glance, eyeing the large canine who sat in a chair, like a human. "Well, uh, who's ready for dinner?" You then asked, breaking the awkward silence. Once you came back from the kitchen, placing the dinner on the table for all to eat, you noticed how our father was staring at the table, your mother was fiddling with her napkin - probably inspecting it, and Shaggy was pulling at his collar. You could tell that everyone was extremely uncomfortable, so, figuring that something must be wrong, you took a deep breath and cleared your throat before saying anything. "So," You said as you took a seat next to Shaggy, "Dinner’s served."
And for the next ten or so minutes, you ate in silence. Not a word out of anyone, even Scooby and Shaggy, which surprised you. But before you could do anything to save the dinner, your mother spoke up.
"Uh, darling, your ham is a bit dry." She pointed out as she wiped some stray sauce off of her lips, "Perhaps it would be better if you poured the gravy over it instead." She suggested, watching you curiously.
"Oh, right," You muttered, feeling a pang in your chest. "I must've forgotten. I had a lot to do today to prepare for dinner..." You continued, "Upon hearing about your sudden visit." Your voice trailed off, hoping they would drop the topic.
Luckily for you, they did. "Is that so?" Your father asked, his voice calm, almost emotionless.
You nodded slowly. "Yes, I had to go to the store to get a few things, as well as some groceries. Tidy up and whatnot."
"And you didn't offer to help?" Your mother suddenly - with an eyebrow raised - turned to look at Shaggy, who's eyes widened.
"Uh, like, I did, Scoob and I carried in all the food, dude." He answered, grinning as Scooby nodded in agreement.
You broke into a smile, "Yeah, didn't need to go out for a second trip with these two." You giggled, earning a slight glare from your mother.
"So, Shaggy, what are you studying in college?" Your mother then changed the subject, lightly picking at her food with her fork; eyeing your boyfriend with an intimidating stare.
"Ah, um," Shaggy looked towards you as if you might know what he should answer with; his hesitance made your mother's frown deepen, and your father looked up from his food; before you could even butt in to help, your mother spoke up again.
"You must be studying something," Her tone was icy, though not hostile, "You must have a job at least. Something that is paying the bills to this..." She paused, in slight disgust, gesturing to the apartment, "... Place."
You reached out and grabbed Shaggy's hand, holding it in yours on his thigh, you spoke up, "He and his friends run a business together," You answered proudly, glancing at Shaggy before looking back at your mother.
She paused her chewing, staring at you, before swallowing, "Ah, so self-employed." She commented dryly.
Shaggy frowned, poking at his own food - which was not usual for him, unless he was incredibly unhappy; which was rare. Your mother reminded him of his father. His father had wanted him to get a ‘real’ job, go to school, and be just like him. But Shaggy knew that he never wanted to be his father. Shaggy's stomach rolled uncomfortably - no matter how hard he tried to ignore it. The dinner continued very slowly, and awkwardly. Shaggy kept shifting in his seat, occasionally throwing glances your way, though mostly his focus remained on his food. Scooby was also uncharacteristically quiet, which was unnerving to say the least. And you just wanted the world to open up and swallow you whole.
"So," You cleared your throat, giving your mother an awkward smile as you stabbed your fork into the meat on your plate. "How have things been with you and dad?" You asked, as politely as you could, despite your uneasiness.
"Quite pleasant lately." Your mother responded, seemingly uninterested.
You nodded, "That's good," You mumbled under your breath, causing Shaggy to glance at you with a questioning look - though his expression quickly softened upon seeing you looking so tense and nervous; he squeezed your hand gently, letting his thumb rub soothing circles onto your knuckles. This was more than enough to put your mind at ease. You smiled slightly at him, glad that he was there beside you, helping you cope with the tension that seemed to permeate every part of the house. "How are you liking Coolsville so far?"
Your mother scoffed, rolling her eyes, "I don't know why you hadn't just stayed in Charleston, but this... This place is nothing like what I imagined it would be." Your mother's face twisted in disgust as she took a deep breath, clearly ready to unleash her pent-up frustrations. “I don’t know why you have to be so ungrateful, Y/N. You had all the potential to become a doctor but look at you now, living in this tiny apartment with that... That-" She couldn't even finish, blindly gesturing to Shaggy with a wave of her hand. "He doesn't even have a real job! What on earth were you thinking?" She then gestured to Scooby, "And a dog at the dinner table? Are you out of your mind? So unsanitary."
The words stung, but something inside you snapped as you glanced over to Shaggy and Scooby. The crestfallen look on their faces, it felt as if your heart shattered. You couldn't take it anymore. With a sudden surge of determination and protectiveness, you pushed your chair back, the sound echoing throughout the room. No one spoke about your boyfriend and your best friend in that way. No one.
"Zoinks, Mom, I am tired of your constant disapproval.” You huffed, “I love my life the way it is. I am happy with my choices, with my apartment, and with Shaggy," You declared, your voice steady and strong, surprising even yourself. "Shaggy is beyond amazing! I love how much he loves food - and whatever I cook - how laid-back he is, and I love how good he is at ventriloquism." You glared daggers at your mothers, palms pressed down against the table as you continued, "He may not have a conventional job, catching ghosts and everything-''
"Ghosts?" You mother voiced, but she was ignored as you continued.
"But, he is kind, loving, and makes me happy." You sighed, sitting back down in your chair, a small smile on your face as you looked over at Shaggy, your hand going back into his awaiting one - who looked at you with such admiration in his eyes - "I love Shaggy. I love him more than words can allow me to express. I also love Scooby, he’s my best friend." You looked back over at your mother, your smile dropping, "And if you don't like that, then you can leave."
Your mother's eyes widened in shock, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. The room fell into a heavy silence as your words hung in the air, a declaration of love. You felt a rush of empowerment wash over you, knowing that you had finally stood up against her.
Shaggy squeezed your hand, that adoring, love-sick smile of his melting your heart as you looked back over at his, your frown immediately turning back into a grin; Scooby began clapping a moment later.
Finally recovering from the shock and embarrassment, your mother cleared her throat - "Excuse me," She whispered, as she stood, "I believe that it would be best that your father and I leave." Your father nodded his head in agreement before standing up as well. Your mother held onto her husband's arm before they both left, leaving Shaggy alone with you.
You sighed once more as the front door shut, your eyes shutting briefly before you began to laugh. “Well, Shaggy, you were right. That was fun.”
Shaggy stood from his seat, pulling you into his side, his grin bright as he gently squeezed you, “You did, like, amazing, babe.” He pulled back slightly, “I’m really, like, really proud of you.”
Your smile widened, your cheeks and chest feeling incredibly warm as you wrapped your arms around his neck, “Thanks, honey.” You reached up on your tip-toes to softly rub the tip of your nose against his, “I couldn’t have done this without you,” You paused, looking over at Scooby, “Or you, Scoob.”
The Great Dane grinned, giving you a paw-thumbs up, “Rou’re Relcome!”
“And, like, thank you,” Shaggy brought your attention back to him, his eyes softening, “You didn’t have to do that.”
“But, I did.” You reached up to brush the sandy blonde stands from his forehead, your fingers caressing his cheek before cupping it, “I hate when people are so quick to judge you… I mean, I just… I just hate it. She shouldn’t have said those things about you, especially right in front of your face like that.”
Shaggy said nothing for a moment, a deep, longing sigh escaping him as he stared down lovingly at you, “Like, I love you.”
“Awe,” You gushed, “I love you too.” You muttered, leaning up to press a soft kiss to his lips before slipping out of his grasp, “Now, how about you both get some more comfy clothes on, and I’ll make some lasagna and vanilla ice cream for dessert.”
Main Masterlist | Mystery Incorporated Masterlist
#cute#fluff#x reader#slight angst#fanfiction#fanfic#x female reader#x you#x y/n#scooby doo#shaggy#shaggy rogers#fred jones#mystery inc#scooby doo where are you#scooby gang#scooby doo movie#scooby doo movies#shaggy x reader#shaggy x female reader#shaggy x you#shaggy x y/n#shaggy rogers x reader#shaggy rogers x female reader#shaggy rogers x you#shaggy rogers x y/n
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*drops this and runs* Time loop Ody becoming increasingly more demigod and stockpiling experience and power with each loop which catches the gods’ attention because what the heck. Athena looked away for a couple months and now her ex-champion- ex friend?? is a Demi god. The crew and Eurylochus become very worried, and the second in command can’t help but think, ‘Did the gods do this? Did that wind god do this? Was it the bag?’. Guilt racks him every loop he came to that conclusion. Every loop, they noticed how distant Odysseus is, like a dead man playing with toys just to see what happens. Some loops they grow scared of him and Odysseus pushed down the sparks of guilt in favour of mischievous amusement.
Things sort of are consistent depending on the actions Odysseus takes and some are consistent regardless of his actions. It’s gotten to the point where he can safely predict what’s going to happen next and could only experiment until the day he drop dead for real.
Yet during a loop, something changes. It’s subtle at first; haunted looks, headaches from others, things Odysseus sort of shrugged off but then it becomes a pattern spanning across time. Eurylochus sometimes collapses from horror, unable to look at Odysseus in the eyes. Athena rushes in, frantic and panicked like she saw her champion die. Odysseus would have questioned the changes but he’s too apathetic and more curious than anything to see changes he never created, in the end though it wouldn’t matter. Then Poseidon and Zeus happened and both of them have unreadable expressions on their faces.
Slips of the past flicker in, love, hatred manipulation all unveiling slowly, leaving only the gaps for them to peer in. Odysseus is connected to him, he has to be.
Why else would they sense the titan of time’s power in the fallen king?
ohoho— Kronos is a very obvious but still great candidate to be involved w/ all this bullshit haha yessss, get Luke P.J.O-ed King of Ithaca >:]]]].
mmmmmm- u hammered in exactly how I view Odysseus’s current mind-state in this A.U hryyjiijnhg God(s), the crew becoming scared / seeing their cap’ all of a sudden (both in personality and in appearance—) alienate from them, Athena’s confusion & horror at her Champion’s whiplash of a gene! transformation, the Sky n Sea Bro’s (im assuming dis is wha ur talking about idk htgfdd-) previous Loop memories slowly dawning on them & the dull dread of Father the Titan of the Harvest being involved in it all, EURY’S HAVING GULIT ABOUT THE SITUATION BC OF LACK OF CONTEXT⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
AUGGGGGG— there’s always so much angst n fucked up character moment potential w/ not only timloop! A.U’s. But w/ this fandom in general QTYIJHDDSNKKIJBGFFFF
ghuuuygf generally, ty SO MUCH 4 the contribution, It means a lot to see ppl wanna interact with my weird A.U! stuff 🥹☺️🫶
#*ø.’— oh shitz an ask(affectionate) —‘.ø*#bullshit to keep me going ♾️✨#epic the musical#epic fandom#epic odysseus#odysseus in the blender (suffer :)) aka timeloop a.u#epic athena#tw implied death#Eldritch demigods#We need more of that in other fandoms other than pjo gals :7#epic zeus#epic poseidon#epic eurylochus#Epic kronos#Yes I will b spelling their name w/ a ‘k’ shut#tw greek gods#slight eldritch horror#I means. The titans r VERY old n mysterious so—#tw implied torture#its very squinty tho#feral odysseus#feral! Odysseus#Very minor but#thunderclap#salty#odysseus x zeus#odysseus x poseidon#greek myth retellings#greek tumblr#greek gods
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Originally, I was just going to do a few doodles of my pikachu PMD hero Ryan, but things got out of hand... again...
(*Ali is fine... probably...)
The personality I have for Ryan is somewhat vague, but I imagine him to be someone who is confident in himself and isn't shy about saying what's on his mind, but who also has the tendency to be rash and let his anger get the best of him (can be easily goaded into a fight and overestimate his abilities). Although, having amnesia doesn't seem to bother him as much as one might expect.
Ryan is more likely to do dumb or goofy stuff when he and Ali are together and he and Ali become a little chaotic duo (Ryan has more restraint of the two. Ali tends to let her curiosity get the better of her common sense).
Thats... all I have right now :P
#pokemon#pmd#pokemon mystery dungeon#pmd the ancient mark#ryan the pikachu#ali the zorua#Max the riolu#pmd oc#It has been a while since I've last drawn this man#His personality and appearance has undergone a slight change#I'll need to rename the team though#Cause it was originally “team viridescent” because they all had green scarves#but I couldn't make the green work with their color pallets so I had to change it#my art
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quest gang
cupbros heads arent long enough i think lol
especially mugs rip
#02c art#inky mystery#babqftim#qftim#the inky mystery#babitim#tried to give them slightly different body types while staying in line with the originals/whats in inky mystery#art#digital art#very slight redesigns :P
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I’ll admit it, I’ve been a bit obsessed with these ladies lately lol

Please Do Not Repost!
Reblogging is appreciated but not necessary ^^
#hyde’s hair is so fun to draw heheh#i mean all their hair is fun to draw#but i especially love to draw hyde’s#jekyll and hyde#the mysterious case of dr. jekyll and mr. hyde#dr henry jekyll#dr henrietta jekyll#gabriel utterson#gabriella utterson#edward hyde#evelyn hyde#my au#my art#my designs#my character designs#slight angst#tw angst#angst#just slightly#the girls are fightingggg
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my (mostly) final Edwardian Mystery Gang designs!
i promise Shaggy and Scooby will be added later my homework schedule just can’t handle that rn LOL
#daphne will be getting slight edits bc her hair and skin are too similar#scooby gang#scooby doo#daphne blake#velma dinkley#fred jones#mystery gang#edwardian fashion#fanart#art#digitalart#my art
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Here's another one of my aus! So everyone remembers the puppet episode where Bill took over Dipper's body. And everyone, I think, also knows that Bill's "doctor" tried to blind him so he couldn't see into the third dimension anymore. And when Bill was possessing Dipper, he poured soda in his eyes. So I have an idea, and here's how I think it would go.
Bill, right after pouring soda in his eyes: Why... Why is everything black? Why can't I see?
Dipper, annoyed: Maybe because I don't drink out of my eyes!
Bill, has begun to panic and not listening: Why can't I see?
Dipper seeing Bill begin to have a panic attack: Hey, just, wash my eyes out with water, and you'll be fine. Oh... You know what, I'll lead you to the sink ok?
Bill nods and lets Dipper lead him to the sink and wash his eyes out. After he's finished, he goes back up to Dipper's room and curls up on his bed. Dipper is still annoyed that he doesn't have his body back, but is more sympathetic after seeing Bill panic.
Dipper: Why did you panic when you couldn't see? You don't have a mouth, do you drink out of your eye? Is that why you poured the soda into my eyes? How do you eat? Do you even need to eat?
Bill immediately has a flashback of Ford asking him a million questions, and being so gentle with him, just like Dipper's being.
Bill: My eye turns into my mouth when I eat. And... Being blind brings back... Bad memories.
Dipper pauses, and realizes that Bill isn't just evil, something must have happened to make him like this. Something must have hurt him so badly to be like this now.
Dipper: If you wanna talk about it, I'm here... You don't have to do this alone. I don't know why you're not acting evil right now, but since you're not... You can always talk to me. As long as you don't try to hurt me or my family again.
Bill leaves after that, and Dipper gets his body back. Mabel's a bit mad at him for missing the show, but forgives him when he explains. They don't tell anyone else about it till later.
Bill visits Dipper in his dreams and they talk about stuff. Dipper always tells Mabel about it, but it's kinda annoying cause he does it every night. Mabel thinks that it's because he can't possess anything at daytime, and figures since Bill said he wanted a puppet, he could possess inanimate objects, and makes a tiny Bill plushie. This works, and Dipper carries the plush everywhere, but he has to be alone when he's talking to Bill, because they don't want anyone else to know. Until Ford comes back.
So Ford comes back, and plush Bill is just clinging onto Dipper. Dipper connects the dots and forgets that there are other people here, takes out plush Bill, and asks;
Dipper: Bill, do you talk to me so much because I remind you of him?
Bill, answering because he also forgot the others are there: Maybe...
And Ford freaks out, but then they have to get rid of the FBI. So here's what happens after.
Ford: Why do you have that? Why do you talk to him, and why do you trust him!?
Dipper: I-
Bill, cutting in: He's my therapist. As you know, I have issues, and he's helping me with them.
Ford: What are you planning, Bill?
Mabel: I think he's just sad because he missed you. He won't stop talking about you.
Ford: What!?
Bill: Wait a minute... The portal is still open... Can I come through it, so I can stop being a plushie?
Ford: No!- Wait... Why did you ask? You could have come through already. Why ask?
Bill: Cause Dipper and Mabel say it's polite to ask for things instead of just taking them, or doing things...
Dipper and Mabel nod.
Ford: ...I'll turn the portal back on, and you can come through, but if you hurt anyone, just once, I'm kicking you out.
Bill: Okay!
So now Bill lives with them, and protects Mabel and Dipper. Ford eventually warms up to him and they get together. Stan and Bill have a friendly rivalry about who takes care of Dipper and Mabel better. And when Bill meets Fiddleford, he gives him all his memories back, except the really really traumatic ones, and fixes his brain. He does this of his own free will, it was his idea, and he does it knowing that Fiddleford will hate him afterwards, and Ford might leave his for Fiddleford because they did have feelings for each other. Fiddleford tolerates him, but doesn't forgive him. Not fully.
Since Bill sees Dipper's dreams, he knows about his parents divorce. Bill simply gives his parents the idea of letting them stay in gravity falls, since they seem happier than ever in their letters. Bill just gives them the idea, with Mabel and Dipper's permission. Mabel suggested it, actually. The parents visit, and decide to let them stay on their own.
And that's the au. I'm calling it the Big brother au,since Bill takes that role with Dipper and Mabel.
#billford#ford pines#gravity falls#stanford pines#bill cipher#dipper pines#mabel pines#pines twins#gravity falls au#stan pines#stanley pines#mystery twins#the book of bill#bill is not having a good time#slight billford#bill x ford#the portal#bill cipher redemption#fiddleford mcgucket
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#insect#wasp#eye#green#photographers on tumblr#textless#amadee ricketts#arizona#macro#slight blurriness aside#summer#july#Crabronidae#maybe Tachysphex?#less of a mystery but still cute
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PMD Sky where everything’s the same except Pip is live tweeting while she and Chimchar are stuck in the future. Somehow these tweets are crossing the boundaries of time and space to end up on the guild members’ feed and it’s just shit like this with no context
#Pokemon#PMD#Pip#Piplup#Grovyle#Dusknoir#Celebi#PMD Sky#Pokemon Mystery Dungeon#PMD Grovyle#Chimchar#I don't use the t word I don't know if this is how hashtags work over there. Whatever#Shima speaks#JUST IMAGINE. The guild is in a total uproar bc their top two apprentices vanished into a portal#The next day. Sunflora screams bc she's still getting updates from Pip on her feed.#Pip is tweeting with barely any context and everyone is SO confused#Also slight hints to Pip catching Honey Nut Feelios for Grovy.#LMAO
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Sunkern's Fitness Journey (1/?)
#the beginning of a new saga#this time it will be in separate posts lol#pokemon npcs#sunkern#pmd#sunkern's fitness journey#psmd#pokémon super mystery dungeon#slight chance I will have missed some parts of this saga unfortunately
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God, he’s just so baby here. 😭 Chris Samnee never misses in giving me some of the most adorable baby Dick Grayson drawings ever.

Ha ha I love it when little Dick sasses his guardian/Bruce so much.

Bi disaster guardian/surrogate father and his little surrogate Ace/Demisexual son.
#I know I know I’m not funny really.#In all seriousness this week comic books for both Batman and Robin and Nightwing have been fire.#Yes I have been reading Nightwing on the side and has finally got me hooked and fully interested. I just hope it can keep up that momentum.#Please don’t fail me Dan. 🙏 I love the horror vibes going on with the circus villains and the mystery around them is so compelling to me.#Batman and Robin issue 4 was really good as well. The main villain and his father and the slight parallels to Dick and Bruce so good.#God can I say the year for some father/son moment with these two is off to a fabulous start. I feel slightly spoiled by it.#batman#dick grayson robin#dick grayson#bruce wanye#alfred pennyworth#dc comics#batman and robin#batman and robin year one#mark waid#chris samnee#mat lopes#comic book spoilers#hit the books.#comic book rambles#The familial duo#Only in my heart and soul they’re actually a bi disaster dad and his demi son. Canon is them just being mostly straight father/son pair.
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Bumblebee knew he was different from the cycle he first began to comprehend the world around him. Where others of his age would play, he observed in silence. Where they screamed, Bumblebee merely allowed a hint of discomfort to emanate in his posture and his Sire would soon come to him. Too quiet, too composed, too quick to learn. But Bumblebee never doubted, nor did he question his Sire.
The others looked at him in concern, but Bumblebee saw no reason to worry about his situation. Why should he? They simply did not understand.
━━━━━━ ⊙ ❖ ⊙ ━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⊙ ❖ ⊙
Bumblebee's earliest memory was one of a place of darkness and gloom, with many blue optics gazing down on him. He recalled arms and raptorial legs running over him, tending to him from where he resided in a cradle of primordial developmental fluid. It was comforting, peaceful even. The form that loomed above him was safety, it was love, and it was protection. Often he heard songs that resonated with his very core, usually accompanied by those many optics shining through the casing that contained him. That time of his life was hazy and distant, but he never forgot the blue of the optics that observed him.
He recalled his chamber of warmth being cut open and the chill of the cavernous space assaulting him. His first cries echoed in the damp air before he was soothed by servos that were familiar and yet so different from the appendages he was used to touching his place of gestation. He could not see, he could not hear, however he could feel the steady thrum of the powerful being that held him as he was taken from the gloom and to where the wind blew harshly and the air grew dry.
Distant memories, echoes of something that felt right.
The one who held him became a constant in Bumblebee's existence. He was small, weak, and underdeveloped. Instinctually he knew this as his tender cradled him and marched through what he could only assume was dead land. There was no smell of life, no scent of anything moving or mechanical. The sting of what he would come to know as plasma miasma was everywhere, but aside from that, it was simply him and his strangely familiar caretaker. This lasted for a time, but his memories were not very clear regarding all that occurred during that time. All he could say for certain was that when his optics finally achieved full functionality, he knew immediately that his situation was precarious at best.
He was brought to the Autobots in the arms of the one and only Optimus Prime, and for that reason, Bumblebee was quick to learn his place. Instincts told him to act, to do... something violent. But Optimus always knew, and when Bumblebee reached to activate coding hidden within his subsystems on instinct, the Prime would stare down at him with frigid optics, calculating and demanding. Very rarely did he need to say a word, but when Bumblebee was handed off to other mecha to be tended to for a time, Optimus always spoke to him first. Over and over the mantra was repeated whenever he was given to Ratchet for examination or to Jazz to be watched over during Optimus's absence.
"Restrain yourself and blend in. Remain in control and maintain this form. Do not succumb to the hunger and do not question. We must not be discovered so soon."
Bumblebee knew the optics that gazed down upon him, he knew the voice that spoke with the same deep hum that comforted him. Optimus was his Sire, and he would obey. He did not know why nor did he feel the need to seek answers. Even as a sparkling, he could follow the orders of his maker. The hunger that burned within him was pushed down and the urge to escape what was quickly feeling like a too-small shell was overcome. He had his orders, and he refused to disobey. Deep in his spark, he knew death would await him if he failed, and another part of him was quick to come to the conclusion that his Sire could easily to replace him. There was no need for communication for that truth to be revealed. Whatever he and his Sire were, they both were well aware of the unspoken rules.
"Obey or perish."
That was their shared command. Bumblebee obeyed his Sire, and Optimus in turn followed orders that he did not see fit to reveal. Whatever the case, it was none of Bumblebee's concern. When he was with Ratchet, he kept still and quiet, watching and adjusting his behavior to match what he saw around him. His coding and mental state changed, no longer controlled by instinct and instead by the growing persona that was taking root in his processors. From Jazz he learned to be energetic and hopeful, from Ratchet he learned seriousness and duty, from Ironhide he gained strength, from Preceptor knowledge, from Ultra Magnus strategic training... the list went on. Vorns passed by and he played his part. Bumblebee did not question, nor did the Autobots around him comment on his eerie levels of maturity at such a young age. There was a war to be won and no room to consider.
With time, Bumblebee learned to think as those around him did, he acted liked them, spoke like them, and carried himself as any other youngling. And yet despite parading himself as if he were a completely normal Cybertronian, there was forever the nagging sense deep within him that he was something other. The death around him did not bother him. While he did grow angry over the lost lives, the carnage itself had no influence over his mind. Combat came to him naturally, and often he found himself inclined to his denta and claw over blade and blaster. He did not fully understand it when the request to activate dormant coding periodically appeared on his HUD, but whenever he so much as looked at is a klik too long, his Sire almost always appeared by his side in short succession.
"Ignore it. The time has not yet come. Continue to live as you have, you will understand when you are required to."
He obeyed.
There were only a few times where he failed to follow the orders given, and he was always put back in his place. The instincts he was carefully told to ignore occasionally made itself known. Sometimes his jaw ached to unhinge, to widen and expand when he gazed upon the dying calling out for aid. Optimus never failed to cuff him in those instances or even harshly pull on his door wings to return him to reality. Occasionally his plating itched and he had the overwhelming urge to shift, to unfold and escape the confines of that which held him. It was worst on the battlefield when the rush of conflict flooded his processors with sheer euphoria. In such situations, Optimus was always there and ready to beat him into the ground should he fail to follow the order to restrain himself. While rare, there were even times when Bumblebee found himself starting to hoard energon, consuming more than he needed to and scouting out potential safe havens. He did not understand why he did so, but Optimus hauling him deep into the underground portion of the base and locking him up for a few cycles got him out of his strange moods quite quickly.
"There cannot be any more of us right now. Too many will draw attention. There can only be two. A hierarch and an heir."
After such treatment, Ratchet tended to tend to him and gently ask if Bumblebee was safe, if he required removal from Optimus's care. Bumblebee always said no. Ratchet did not understand, he never would. He was a good mech, a kind individual with a gentle spark, and thus he could not even come close to comprehending the unspoken connection Bumblebee had to his Sire. Jazz asked sometimes too, usually when he brought Bumblebee additional energon after his lockups. Ironhide slipped him a map with marked routes to a transport leaving Cybertron for a neutral world a handful of times. Even Ultra Magnus pulled him aside and took extra care to send Bumblebee off on missions that kept him from his Sire for extended periods of time.
They thought they were helping. Bumblebee could see why. Compared to the records of regular sparklings that he read and watched, the treatment Optimus subjected him to was straight up abuse. But of course, that was simply because there was a lack of understanding. It was the way of whatever it was Bumblebee and his Sire were. Their kind, whatever they happened to be, were a race that needed no words, needed no excess emotion. They knew their duty, and thus when Optimus struck him down and dragged him back into place, Bumblebee understood and held no ill will toward his maker. He could see Optimus faced similar treatment from whoever his maker was as well.
"Why are you hurting?"
"I am not externally injured young one."
"No, but inside you ache. I can see it, how you contort yourself to match this image of Cybertronian perfection."
"It is required."
"It is for the same reason you too must keep that shell little one. Our time has not yet come... and it may never arrive."
"What do you mean?"
"It is not your place to understand, such is my duty. I am the first, you are the second. I molded you to perform better than me, to overcome the trials that leave me in agony with minimal discomfort instead."
"You suffer in your frame."
"Yes, but I was the first. I was the test. You are better than I am, perfected and altered as much as I could manage to walk among this people without fear... that is so long as you keep yourself in control."
"Then... when will our time come?"
"When all save for us are dead... or when the time is right to spread unimpeded. These fragile creations are so advanced they have forgotten the core truth, the unity of one shared goal. When this war ends in their extinction or their restoration, we shall rise from their ashes or follow in their shadows."
Bumblebee did not understand, but as his Sire said, it was not his place to. Optimus was a comfort, one that Bumblebee relied on greatly. The Prime was his maker, that much he knew. Thus he dared not question when Optimus spoke to him in the humming song that he knew from his development. Ratchet, Jazz, and the others did not see what Bumblebee saw, nor did they ever witness the affection Optimus gave him in a positive light. They did not see the scratches Optimus left on his armor as a mark of affirmation of a job well done, but instead viewed it as abuse. They did not see how Optimus's constant reminders and glares were a kind reminder of their shared orders to remain hidden. Instead they saw only malice where Bumblebee knew there to be stern but true love. They could not witness the subsonic song that Optimus sang and Bumblebee returned at all times. How could they with their unaugmented audials?
Optimus cared for him, although he never said so aloud. Not in the traditional Cybertronian manner at any rate. The one time Bumblebee asked if his Sire did love him earned him a response that those who might have been listening were sure to see as dark.
"Sire... do you love me?"
"Into you I put vorns of my effort, attention, and care. Millennia of accumulated protomatter that I molded with my own limbs with utmost devotion. I spend every waking moment considering and contemplating, thinking of your future. I give my spark to your development and my mind to your rearing. No longer could I dare to create another. You are my one and only heir."
That was all he needed to know for certain. His mind recognized the emotional undertone and his instincts accepted the offered truths. Nothing else mattered. Optimus loved him, and despite the efforts of the ignorant Autobots and their plans to keep him away from his Sire, they always reconnected soon enough. Usually Bumblebee tried not to worry over the reactions of the Autobots to his and his Sire's interactions, but there were times when it was hard. More than once he heard Ratchet cursing Optimus out, yelling about him being a horrible Sire. Several times he noted Jazz working Optimus into a corner and calling him a monster. And while only once, there was a time where even Preceptor pulled his sniper rifle on the Prime, threatening to make him "keel over from and unfortunate accident in the labs" should he fail to improve.
They did not understand. But Optimus was always there to reassure Bumblebee and comfort him after such things. They would not be separated. Optimus was always in control, always so composed and possessed a far greater sense of duty. He never fought with his instincts, at least not that Bumblebee could see. The Prime blended in all but perfectly socially, befriending all and performing as a perfect leader. The only ones who were on his case were those who fought in Bumblebee's "defense". However even they remained amicable to toward him.
The singular time Bumblebee ever saw Optimus lose control was the cycle Megatron tore out his vocalizer. There was no time for his instincts to react or for him to break from his shell, but as he fell to the ground and bathed in his own energon, he saw his Sire enraged for the first time in his life.
He leapt through the air, limbs too long to be proper and his face all but split in half to reveal a maw of fangs and mandibles. Bladed limbs extended from his shoulders and his legs were crooked and out of place as he charged with a scream to make even the dead quake. Wrath and fury never before seen had Optimus charging with wild abandon, his shell transforming away more with ever moment and terrifying all those in the vicinity. All Bumblebee could do as Megatron fled and Optimus came to his side was silently convey the order they were both bound to.
"Blend in, do not be seen. Our time has not yet come."
Bumblebee was taken to the medical ward where he was stabilized. He felt true grief at his lost vocalizer, but it was partially drowned out by the relief that came from seeing his Sire back within his shell, even if he was expressing emotions far more openly than usual. As the Prime tended to him in a more Cybertronian manner during his recovery, Bumblebee heard the stories. A monster of red and blue charging at Megatron, a spark eater or a ghoul, a creature of legend to be eliminated on sight.
As soon as he was able, Bumblebee was quick to silence any witnesses who actually believed that what they saw was Optimus Prime. There could be no one to reveal them. They had their orders. It was not their time. Accidents happened, and while it brought him no joy, cleaning up a few loose ends was better in the long run. The Autobots needed their Prime, and Bumblebee refused to see his Sire exposed for trying to protect him.
"Obey or perish."
Such was their reality, even as they headed for Earth.
#transformers#maccadam#transformers prime#optimus prime#ratchet#bumblebee#eldritch abomination#slight angst#hints toward abuse but not really#jazz#mystery#slight at any rate#this idea has been chillin in my brain for a while#I fully intend to expand on it if there is any interest
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~ Zeng Shunxi sings to you while it rains ~
Wear headphones 🎧
Song: Zeng Shunxi's cover of How Can I Not Think of Her featured in his new drama A Lonely Hero's Journey. Includes: English translation, pinyin, Mandarin Native title: 教我如何不想她 by 赵元任 (1926)
Translation and rain sounds by me.
#cdrama#A Lonely Hero's Journey#zeng shunxi#joseph zeng#gu zhou#zhang songwen#孤舟#kudos to the rain for sounding so lovely that I had to record it#enjoy the slight asmr#I couldn't find this anywhere with translated lyrics#so i took matters into my own hands#this video is the definition of 'if you want something done you have to do it yourself'#you're welcome hehe#okay but zeng shunxi's voice is so lovely like#i could fall asleep 😭#I'm imaging this as every shunxi character singing to me and it's making me cry omg#imagine wu xie singing to you#or fang duobing#AHHHH#ok I'll shut up now#dmbj#daomu biji#盗墓笔记#mysterious lotus casebook#mlc#lianhua lou#fang duobing#fang xiaobao#li lianhua#吉祥纹莲花楼
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stupid dumb headcanon:
medic MOSTLY goes by his surname, to the point where he's had long time friends who think his name is ludwig (since it can be both a first and last name)
i also like to think a few of the mercs (after finding out his name) call him herb (i could also imagine a few still call him doc). herbie is reserved for partners.
#tf2#medic tf2#btw i don't HATE the fact he's called herbert#i think it's funny and i know it's probably a reanimator reference#the headcanon's more of a slight joke about the ''is ludwig his first name or his last name'' debate#side note: i do hope we eventually get heavy's last name#maybe also get spy's name at some point (i'm actually pretty ok with not getting it tho since he's got a whole thing with being mysterious)#and i don't think we should ever get a name for pyro#the gadgeteer’s evil monologue#<<going back and adding my yapping tag#also while i'm here: like ig the email could be a fake like the spy one but i really hope it's not
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