#sister tv night
fangirleaconmigo · 1 year
I had tv night with my three sisters, and it was my turn to pick, so I chose Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves.
I don’t normally rewatch movies but it’s such an instantly rewatchable one and I wanted them to see it.
They all loved it too. They loved Jarnathan. They loved the chonky dragon. Even though it was gonna eat our hero, they all went neerrrrrrrr when Xenk stabbed it and WHEWWW when you find out it wasn’t dead. 😂
They all loved Edgin and Holga’s friendship as well as his dynamic with Xenk. They loved watching Hugh Grant have the time of his life. Also, we’re all Shadow and Bone fans (i got them into the books and then we all watched the show) so we were happy to see Daisy Head too.
So I guess you could say that I got a good grade in sister tv night, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve.
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arkham-prisoner · 1 year
Every dude with a podcast or YouTube channel thinking about Marrok’s identity:
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end0r4 · 4 months
You know that I like, like you a lot
Don’t let it stop
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happygirl2oo2 · 9 months
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Elementary 2.24 (left) .vs. Elementary 4.24 (right)
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vertigoartgore · 3 months
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HBO Watchmen's Sister Night commission by Ben Harvey (2020).
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jacnaylor · 21 days
"how can you ship that? it's so toxic!" bro i watched british soaps in the mid 2000s. you don't know the meaning of toxic.
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bookofmac · 2 months
Evil 🤝 The Locked Tomb
Catholic Bullshit
permeability of the soul
horrible teens
Nuns who see things no one else does
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bunnywithablog · 7 months
fun idea of my interpretation of an animatronic lolbit who's programming is...not quite right. >:) inspiration and voice claim comes from listening to this! i believe the vocals are by theniftytable. :)
requests | rules | masterlist
pairing: FNAF:SL - lolbit x technician!gn!reader - possessive lolbit scenario
warnings: creep ogling reader, stalker-ish lolbit, threats of violence, brief mention of sexual harassment
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the security office is filled with the soft hum of electricity, a rhythmic static click sounding every so often as the different monitors flick through the camera feed of the pizzeria. it's uneventful, a regular day. baby is serving ice-cream to the kids, freddy's doing his usual routine with bon, ballora's dancing up on her stage, and technicians are prepping foxy for his show in an hour. a usual workday. the monitors carry on their idle scrolling.
a screen tilted at an angle clicks onto a view of the dining hall, it lingers on the feed longer than the others.
there you are! it's you in the crowd! donned in your circus baby's rental uniform and chatting to a customer.
it looks innocent enough, but something's off...
the camera zooms in, focusing on the scene.
you're smiling and laughing at whatever the man is saying, but the jovial behavior doesn't quite meet your eyes. shoulders tensed and smile strained, hands fiddling together when not gesturing during speech. you're uncomfortable. he's practically leering at you, propped up on his elbows as he leans across the table with a sleazy smirk, something unpleasant behind his stare.
this just won't do.
one by one, the different monitors flick to settle onto the image of your predicament, some displaying it from multiple angles of the dining hall, some from the same. the initial monitor shifts upright with a metallic shuffling noise before just the buzz of electricity can be heard once again in the small room. it feels louder now, deeper. all the different feeds stick to this singular scene playing out.
it drags on for a moment before you look to the side, attention turning away. a co-worker has come to your rescue. the man at the table seemingly a little annoyed, his smile dropping as you briefly converse with them. you nod and say something to your fellow technician before they walk off, turning back to the man to awkwardly excuse yourself.
his smile only returns when you look back to him, but it's less genuine now, nodding as you tell him you have to go. when you take your leave, his lips reform into a lazy smirk, gaze dropping down along your body as you walk off, that look back in his eye again...
several fans kick to life within the different monitors, loud mechanical whirring filling the security office. every single viewpoint on the screens zooms to the max capacity, zooming in on this man, this pest, capturing several still frames of his face. the buzzing rises to an almost soft crackle.
this won't do at all...
some of the displays distort, beginning to glitch.
lolbit pushes themself up out of their seat, cables connecting the monitor that sits atop their shoulders to the rest of the security system moving with them as they stand to their full height. the screen flickers from the camera feed to a terminal window and strings of code immediately run down along it at a rapid pace, stopping occasionally to process before they execute new lines.
a voice hums out pensively through lolbit's voicebox, leaning forward with robotic hands splaying across the top of the desk. their head tilts a little, code pausing after several paragraphs of text.
the display once again flickers, this time from the terminal to a simple screen showing a slowly rising percentage. above it, an animated fox bearing a strikingly similar colour palette to the attached animatronic runs between two folder icons on all fours, a small group of papers held in it's mouth.
this should be everything required.
an amused laugh sounds from them, the number just shy of clocking 100%, but the sound of approaching footsteps causes lolbit to stiffen, an exclamation point appearing on their face. in a flash, all the screens cut off from the cameras, instead showing the familiar 'please stand by!' message.
lolbit straightens up from the desk, clearing their throat - despite not having one to clear - through the voicebox as their own monitor reverts to a 2D rendition of the animatronic face model, style reminiscent of the old 'freddy & friends' cartoons.
they hurriedly seat themself back into the office chair as the other monitors end the transmission and click back to their pre-programmed scrolling. adjusting their tie, they put on a smile just as you round your way into the office.
"hey bitty!" a chipper lilt in your tone as you wave over to the animatronic, "how's it going in here?"
"[name], buttercup! you almost gave me a fright!" they perk up at your appearance.
"it's the usual, just soooo boring all by myself!" lolbit dramatically leans back in the chair, holding their hand up to their forehead and another to their chest to sell the performance, "maybe it's an error in my programming! i might just need the best technician in the world to stay and make sure i don't have some kind of bug?"
they peek an eye open at you, drawing displaying a cartoony grin complete with a row of flashy pointed teeth. the sound of your laugh only makes it grow wider, little squiggles of pink appearing on their animated cheeks.
"i'm sure you'll live. just came in to get the chip with funtime foxy's routine." you explain, smiling as you crouch down to rummage through one of the company crates.
the animatronic shifts back upright in the chair, crossing their legs and resting their elbow on the chairs armrest, face taking on a little pout as the corner of the monitor comes to rest in their palm, observing you.
"fine, fineeee." their eyes wander over to the other screens, lingering on one of the hallway cameras as their brows furrow a bit, mouth pulling into a stern line, "but you gotta to promise to come right back after he's all set up, you're my technician, after all!" lolbit bargains, keeping up their usual cheery voice despite their expression, gaze lingering a little longer before trailing back to you. you're still hunched over the crate, humming in deliberation.
"if they don't need me on the floor anymore, then sure. i still need to make sure that your software is taking to the new body well, in any case. aha- there it is!"
you triumphantly pull the case with foxy's different routines out, grinning over your shoulder at lolbit as you shake the little box. they smile back, more at your agreement than your successful find.
"good job, buttercup!" they cheer, robotic hands clapping together, "now run along! the faster you get it done, the faster you can be back here to get all up in my hardware."
you snort out a laugh as you stand, stepping over to flick the top of their monitor as they shoot you another cheesy grin, laughing with you. to be honest, lolbit would much prefer that you stayed, rather than going out and risking running into that creep again. but if you didn't, someone would be bound to come looking for you and drag you off anyway, so this was the best compromise.
"in your dreams, tin can!" you chuckle, giving another wave as you step back out of the office, calling over your shoulder, "see you in a bit!"
lolbit waves you off, bright smile only dropping back to the earlier frown once they're sure your gone, casting a glance back over to the monitor that stayed unchanging from the hallway. a little text popped up in the corner of lolbit's screen, narrowed stare glitching slightly.
'download complete...'
lolbit lingered outside the door to the men's bathroom, several devices in different parts of their body whirring in an attempt to keep them from blowing a circuit in their rage.
they'd kept watch on that hallway camera for a while after seeing the man from earlier heading this way, counting heads, making sure nobody else would be down here when they decided to make their move. with foxy's show starting soon, they doubted the traffic coming down this hall would be bustling for a while anyway...
the door swung open and there he was. it was him.
"what the fu-"
the words were cut short, lolbit slamming their hand against the man's throat
a low growl crackled through their voicebox. they'd planned on just making this a quick chat, at first. give this guy a lecture, throw in a threat or two, then take their leave...
but their emotions were completely overwriting their logic.
he struggled, clawing fruitlessly at the metallic hand holding him steadfast as the much larger animatronic ushered the man back into the vacant bathroom, shoving him up against a wall.
they leaned in, monitor so close to his face he could feel the static buzzing around the screen. sneering up at him, lolbit's usual friendly visage was instead traded out for a hyper-realistic rendition of the 3D head, hollowed out eyes with pinprick pupils boring right into the man's rotten soul, glitches bouncing around the corners of the image.
"think you can just roam around being a fuckin' scumbag and nobody would put you in your place?" they hissed out in a whisper.
their screen flickered to a clip of his gross staring earlier, static warping across it every few seconds, "thought running around being a scumbag wouldn't come with any repercussions? huh?!"
they were practically seeing red...
still whirring, several clicks sounded off inside lolbit, a caution warning popping into their code causing them to reel their anger back in and reluctantly release their iron grip. the man crumpled to the floor in a heap, sputtering and gasping for air as the robot regained their composure, taking a pause.
"now, the way i see it, you only have one choice..." they began slowly, voice warbled as they spoke.
"you're gonna go out there, apologize to anybody you creeped on today, and get the fuck outta here. or, i could take these..."
the video flicks from yours to a different instance with another person, and then another, and another. either other rental company employees or employees of the hosting establishment.
"and i could send them off to your lovely wife!" a woman's ID pops up on screen and his eyes go wide with recognition.
lolbit tuts, shaking their head, "a shame, really, she seems like such a lovely woman, helping out every weekend at the community center. i wonder if she knows about your workplace discrepancies..."
multiple documents of hr write-ups piled up across the screen; misconduct, harassment, inappropriate touching, sexual language... he scrambled up to his feet, desperately lunging forward to grab onto lolbit's shoulders in a panic.
"you- you can't! who... what the fuck are you? why are you doing this??"
the monitor flickered back to the 3D head, irritation clear as they brushed the frenzied man away as if he was little more than just a fly. lolbit swiped imaginary filth off their shoulders and adjusted the purple tie before clasping their hands behind their back, staring down at him.
"just a concerned citizen, nothing more." they replied plainly.
the vile creature even daring to touch them almost made them blow a gasket.
"think carefully before you leave, and don't forget our conditions." lolbit leaned in close, streetview of an idyllic home coming onto the screen, voice distorting with a crackle.
"i'll be watching."
without another word, they straighten up and turn on their heel, exiting the bathroom before any more words - or possible blows - could be exchanged.
barging back into the hall, a worrying rattle arose from within lolbit's torso, 'uh oh, system error!' flashing onto their face. running a quick system diagnostic showed the main cooling unit had given out, several vital components beginning to overheat, the whole ordeal having been too demanding on the new body.
a small beeping alert began to sound off, body trembling, fingers jerking and visual processor failing, unable to maintain control anymore.
a gasp could be heard off to the left.
shit, shit, shit... they couldn't move.
"lolbit! what're you doing out here?!"
thank the stars! it's you. it's just you...
"bu— -uttercu—..."
your hands were on either side of their head in a flash, turning the monitor in order to read the error details. lolbit couldn't see, but they were sure a worried frown would be pulling down your usual pretty smile.
"central unit overheating..." your voice mumbled, a hand dropping to press against their uncomfortably warm chestplate.
"not good... you should've stayed put if you had a problem instead of coming to find me."
of course that would be the most probable reasoning in your mind. the sweet lolbit would never violate protocol otherwise, right?
"i h— -had t—t— -to."
you hushed them, fishing a walkie talkie from your belt and putting in a request for a trolley to transport the unfortunate robot back to the security room, also inquiring if there were any spare cooling units brought along by any of your colleagues.
signing off after the confirmation that it might be in one of the crates, you brought your attention back to your fidgeting friend, popping open a panel on the monitor's side.
"i'm gonna reboot you into safe mode, okay? don't worry, bitty, i'll get you fixed up in no time." you assured, fiddling with the buttons within.
lolbit didn't doubt your capabilities, you were 'the best technician in the world', after all. you took care of them, and, as programmed, they took care of you. besides, at least now when that weasel would finally show his face again, you'd be waiting right outside and be the first to get your owed apology.
and safe mode or not, lolbit would very much still be watching, security camera in the corner subtly shifting for a better frame right as they clicked off to reboot...
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enjoy what i write? consider helping with my transition! 💕
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wishing-you-would · 8 months
i'd lie BELONGS to early penelope and colin
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neechees · 9 months
My sister ruined the ps4 that me & my brother bought together not even last year. LITERALLY cannot have shit in this house when she's here
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starswallowingsea · 1 year
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fangirleaconmigo · 2 years
I finally started watching The Boys.
It’s been on my “to watch” list for years but I was just standing on the precipice wondering…is it actual satire? Is is intelligent? Or is it try-hard-edgy-bois using a flimsy excuse to create the thing it’s satirizing? It’s peoples’ responses to it and some of the marketing that had me wondering.
But my sister and my son started watching it and told me I’d love it so I did.
And it’s really really good.
I got through S1 in a matter of days. I just finished the season premiere of S2. Here are my spoiler ridden thoughts:
Wow it is addictive and bingeable and the characters are all flawed and infuriating in such REAL and HUMAN ways that you are like psychoanalyzing them and super super into all of their lives and dramas. It’s good ass food and compelling storytelling.
The themes of private companies involved in national defense and criminal justice are appropriately fucking dystopian.
Yes. Ok. There are many disturbing bits. I almost didn’t keep watching because of what happened to Annie. I just don’t trust people to write that shit well. But it has surprised me that it has. It has focused it all on her growth and what that means for her. It’s not reveling in her pain or sensationalizing it. But she’s very human and it focuses on her growth in a way that feels authentic. I was raised by fundamentalist baptist (a much more hardcore version of how she was raised) so I feel it every time she is disillusioned. It’s so real.
And as for the gore and violence it is just campy enough to be fine (you can’t take it too seriously when Butcher is using an infant to shoot at people 😂)
And as for the anti-supe crew (I am sure the fandom has a name for them):
Was there ever a more precious crew of violent murderers and criminals?
Frenchy is just unbelievable and sweet. They get busted and gassed and there are armed men pouring in to fuck them up and he runs to the door where the immortal supe is setting up camp (Kimiko is like, you’ll get the bathroom back when I’m done looking adorable and she was so right for that) and puts a towel under the door so the gas doesn’t get to her. Just stuff like that. Unbelievable. Perfect. No notes.
MM, (i can’t call him mothers milk after seeing Homelander chug the breast milk) is SO FUCKING GORGEOUS AND HUGGABLE and loves his family and helps struggling kids as his job. He is firm but kind with Hughie. I’m obsessed. I just stare at him with my little heart eyes.
And speaking of Hughie
Oh god I usually could not give a shit less about the romances but Hughie and Annie are so precious. It’s because it was not initially based on romance or attraction at all. Hughie was grieving but he was attracted to how honest and vulnerable and good she was. He palpably admires her and respects her as a human being and it’s so touching. And when she got her moment to rescue him and the sparks were going from the ceiling a la Castiel in Lazarus Rising I was like Ahhhhh Bahahhahaha 😍😍 I’m rooting hard for those kids.
Ok shorter thoughts
I love the kind of bastard Butcher is. The kind of character that has an understandable obsession but who loses himself in it to the detriment of others.
I love how many compelling, hardcore, older women there are in it. One role I notice people have a hard time envisioning women in, is the older, flinty, world weary advisor, so I loved Mallory.
I’m sad the MILFs are dropping like flies (Jennifer Esposito I am free on Wednesday but also Thursday and Friday and really any day just call me pls) but it is what it is.
Holy shit the guy the plays Homelander is so good and creepy and terrifying and he makes my skin crawl.
Maeve baby leave him. You are tired I get that but pls go to your girlfriend. I want to hug this woman so badly.
I hope Kimiko gets a bigger role soon. Her character has so much potential and deserves to take up more of the narrative.
Ok that’s it. On to S2.
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cuteniaarts · 1 month
@katkastrofa, circa 40-ish hours ago: Hey, what if our newest bunch of OCs adopted a baby from one of the other brothel girls who knew she couldn’t afford to raise one? That would make for some fun shenanigans :D
Me, with a notoriously non existent sleep schedule, instinct of self preservation or concern for my poor wrist: Alright, bet. Watch how fast I can make you fall in love with this hypothetical baby >:)
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Daneli as a gentle and loving caretaker-turned-adoptive-mother is something that can be So Personal, actually, and originally I was going to leave it at this quick sketch, but then I got carried away thinking about what this child will grow up to be like raised by this little gang of misfits, so…
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Here she is!! A little older and so, so beautiful, I need more of her in my life immediately, she’s way too precious
And, because I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t also add a sapphic element to this absolute cinnamon roll, a small crack ship that I’m only half serious about for when she’s a little older still:
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All in all, we may be getting impossibly far from canon, but I for one already cannot get enough of sweet darling Kumisai <3
(I fully drew three pieces from scratch in 9 hours I cannot feel my brain or my hands anymore send help)
#my art#artists on tumblr#the legend of korra#original characters#jinora#wow. nia drew a canon character? what is this?? who was I replaced by???#but joking aside. a small explanation for this crack ship#originally it was me editing my timeline and realising that Kumisai would be around 14/15 during book 4. the same age as Jinora#so my mind immediately went 👀👀👀 and I decided to go for it#since in sotrl I sorta implied Jinora had a gay awakening by watching Suiren. so.. why not go all out and make her another baby queer?#no offence to Kai. what they had was rather cute tbh. but it felt kinda out of nowhere and just added for the sake of parental drama#plus she was a young girl meeting someone her age for the first time. of course she got a crush#doesn’t mean she has to stick with it you know?#anyway. as for how they would meet. Midori could introduce them :D#Kumisai is Daneli’s daughter. who’s a friend of Summiya’s. who’s Zaheer’s sister. who’s Midori’s uncle. who’s friends with Jinora#and spirits know Jinora deserves to act her age a little more often. she has way too many responsibilities on her shoulders#so maybe Midori would think that a friend her age would do her some good#and don’t even try to tell me these two wouldn’t be absolutely adorable puppy crushing on each other. look how cute Jinora turned out here#might be the first time I’ve drawn her? not sure. maybe I did before but it was A LONG time ago. 2019 ish#but okay. enough rambling about Jinora. back to Kumisai#I don’t really have too many headcanons about her yet. but she’s probably rather happy and carefree#having a large support system as a result of being raised communally#I think she considers Daneli her mom and the others are her aunties. auntie Shezan in particular is a notoriously bad influence :)#and maybe one day she’d get to meet her bio mom. but only if that’s something both of them want. not sure yet#I feel like she’s rather disconnected from her water tribe heritage since everyone around her is Earth Kingdom. save Phailin who’s half FN#but she still has small hints of blue in her clothing. the colour matching her beautiful eyes. maybe she is curious about her bio dad a bit#since unlike with her bio mom no one knew him and can’t tell her anything. that’s bound to come as a natural curiosity at some point right?#maybe that can be part of her story when she’s an adult. trying to find her bio dad. but ultimately it doesn’t matter that much#because Daneli is her mom and the only parent she needs <3 I’m really just throwing out suggestions here to fill the tag space#kaaatttt come discuss all this stuff with me I waited all night for you to wake up >:) distract me from my grandma’s tv watching
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raycatz · 11 months
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I'm going to start eating glass
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daily-lightbulbii · 4 months
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(//i don't normally do text but cw in the tags erm. i went a little off track)
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jedikali · 10 months
What if the reason that the Jedi burn their dead is to prevent their bodies from being used as an army of the dead?
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