#sidekick prompts
seaside-writings · 6 months
Prompt #1,254
"Told you I was smarter than you all gave me credit for,"
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skylersprompts · 9 months
DC x DP Prompt *24*
Something has changed. Everyone in the hero community could feel it, even the ones outside of the Justice League.
Over night it seemed like all of them got stronger, faster and more resilient when they were trying to protect someone.
On the other hand, if one of them tried to use their skills to do something unheroic, it was harder to use them and other heros seemed to be able to sense their betrayal easier.
It took some time for Zatanna and the rest of the Justice League Dark to figure out what was going on. Mostly because they didn't think of this specific thing.
A new god had ascended. Something that happened rarely, especially nowadays. But the magic users were sure. Every hero they had checked, had a divine blessing from a new patron god. And every former hero who had fallen to villainy in the last few month had a curse put on them.
The god of super heros had ascended and was watching over them. While some heros got paranoid, others felt some sense of pride and relief.
And maybe it wasn't a bad thing, if something else was making sure that evil wouldn't take hold of them. As soon as they knew their name, they could properly worship them.
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 336
Danny might’ve maybe gone into reincarnation. Y’know, for fun! As a treat! In another world so he can return to his after this vacation with no consequences! It’ll be fun! It’ll… Oh. This… isn’t ideal. 
He’s not supposed to have most (or any) of his memories back, but apparently a clone with downloaded information does something when mixed with reincarnation. Enough that he’s curled up because his head hurts. There’s too much information for his brain, even if his Core is trying to take the edge off. 
Everything is loud, and this body hasn’t breathed before and he’s struggling to do so and- And there’s a hand on his shoulder, voices unintelligible amidst the many other sounds even with his own hands over his ears. His face is wet- tears? And he wants to go back in the tube now- 
He’s getting picked up- has he gotten picked up before? Maybe? It’s hard to untangle what he remembers from Before and what he remembers from this life. It hurts to remember things he shouldn’t be able to, so he buries his face against the bright colors and cloth that muffles the noises and tries not to cry more. 
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whatthehellami · 9 months
"Can we like, reschedule today's fight? I have an exam?"
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So sidekick is like the protective younger sibling (or younger sibling figure) of hero and they find out their older sibling is having a thing with the villain so they go and confront the villain and is all like “you don’t deserve to date my big sibling you sick, nasty villain”
But then villain pulls out the reverse uno card and is all like “oh please as if i don’t know you’re secretly seeing my henchman at the club every Friday night 🤨” then sidekick is like “😦😦they’re your HENCHMAN?-“
“I swear, if you touch them—”
“Oh please, they beg me for it.” They took a sip of their drink and leaned back, satisfied by the entertainment the sidekick gave them.
They were a lot like the hero, the villain realised. An angrier and smaller version of their nemesis.
“Ugh. Ew. Argh— I mean it, if you hurt them, you’re done.” The sidekick raised their finger but the villain couldn’t help but smile.
“What are you gonna do? Uninvite me to your birthday party?”
In a sense, it put the villain’s mind at ease. To know that someone was there who was just as worried, just as protective over the hero was comforting. The hero needed to be protected with all their hot-headedness and impulsive decisions.
They could get into a lot of trouble, into a lot of fights. The villain had seen the scars.
“Listen, kid. You’re worried. But I promise, I don’t have any ill intentions.” They tapped their fingers against their glass.
The villain couldn’t get their mind off the hero. It was an actual problem at this point. It was more than a crush, more than dating. The villain was so helplessly devoted they found themselves pathetic.
A few months prior, they would’ve loathed this. But it was easy to forget everything when the hero’s hand was on their arm. When their fingers intertwined. When the hero held onto them when they got scared.
“Sorry, but I don’t exactly trust a villain. Do you think I’m dumb?”
“No. You’re clever and that’s why you’re going to believe me,” the villain said. “If I wanted them dead, they would be. Instead, I am stitching them back together.”
“That’s my job.”
“It shouldn’t be. You’re a kid.”
“I’ve been taking care of them my entire life.”
The villain tilted their head, smiling sadly.
“And that’s rather sad, don’t you think? The amounts of blood you’ve seen, the variety of wounds someone can endure — no child should see something like that.”
This time, the sidekick didn’t say anything, they just stared at the villain’s desk rather angrily. It was frustrating, the villain was fully aware of that.
It must’ve been difficult for the sidekick to realise something was changing, that their role as a caretaker was shifting. It must’ve been difficult not to feel replaced.
“I know you don’t agree with my methods. Neither does my lover. But I can promise you to take care of them, whatever it takes. You don’t have to carry this burden anymore.”
“It’s not a burden,” the sidekick snapped and the villain realised that the sidekick could’ve become a villain easily. They were angry and didn’t know how to handle that anger. They were frustrated and didn’t know how to express it. If they had been around the wrong people at the wrong time, they would’ve made a perfect victim of manipulation.
The villain wasn’t going to let that happen.
“They talk about you all the time,” the villain said. “Brag about your grades and awards.”
The sidekick looked up, eyes wide.
“Oh, yeah. You play the violin, don’t you? And you’ve been obsessed with this new video game, aren’t you?”
The sidekick nodded. Suddenly, they seemed a little embarrassed.
“But you also get into a lot of trouble at school. Can’t stand bullies?”
The sidekick shook their head.
“They couldn’t be more proud,” the villain said. For a second, all was quiet. The villain was reminded of a lost childhood, of tears and fear. Of feeling alone, of losing everything. “Listen. They love you more than anything and I cannot change that, even if I wanted to. And I don’t. I guess I am trying to say that there’s two people now who can protect them. Plus, they’re not completely helpless.”
Now, the sidekick smiled softly.
“They’re stupid, though.”
“Oh, totally,” the villain agreed.
“They need me.”
“You need them just as much. They can’t give you that when they’re exhausted and need stitches all the time.”
“…I guess you have a point.” The sidekick let out a big sigh and rubbed their face with their hands. And that was the moment the villain knew they had changed their mind. It wasn’t easy to let go of habits and the villain was fully aware that this wasn’t over, that the sidekick would try to slip back into their role every now and then.
But this was a great start. That kid needed more free time.
“I always do.” The villain grinned. “They’re in good hands, don’t worry. I’ll take over the bloody parts and the tears, you do the video games and laundry fights, alright?”
“Ugh. Fine. That doesn’t mean I like you,” the sidekick said. They stood up, false annoyance all over them.
“Mmm, don’t worry. That’ll kick in later. Now get lost, don’t you have a science project or something to take care of?”
“You’re so annoying.” They were heading for the door but the villain had one last sideswipe. They couldn’t help themselves.
“Oh, tell my henchman to do their work on time when you see them tomorrow, will you?” They tried not to smile when the sidekick turned around.
“Excuse me?” The villain stood up, walked around the table.
“Tomorrow at the club, I mean. I’ve heard you’re quite the wildcards together.”
“Hey, what do you mean, your henchman?”
“Just try not to devour each other in front of other people, I don’t want to hear anything about that.”
The villain gave them a smile and pushed them gently out of the room.
“Woah, wait, hey—”
“Bye bye.” They closed the door of their office with a cheery demeanour. They’d always been a sucker for a little drama.
pt. 2
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avvail · 6 months
prompt #101
The villain’s fingers closed around the sidekick’s throat, digging so hard into the skin, it was already blooming with red marks. They gasped, choking and grappling uselessly at their wrist, but nothing was working. The hero shakily lifted themselves onto their knees, tongue spitting out words before they could stop themselves.
“Stop!” They blurted, their voice shaking. The sidekick’s eyes were wide with terror. “Stop it, just–just let them go. Let go of them. I’ll give you whatever you want.”
The villain calmly turned their head towards them. The sidekick squeaked when their grip tightened in a cruel, almost mocking gesture. “And what would that be?”
The hero released a shuddering breath. Their pleading eyes met the villain’s, relaxed and unbothered. Their lips quivered.
“Me?” They breathed.
With the way the villain’s lip twitched into a knowing smirk, the hero knew they had given the right answer.
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Short Prompt #1123
“Your abilities are simply incredible!” The villain exclaimed, ranting as they walked in a circle. “How in the world did Hero ever manage to get you on their side?!”
The sidekick paused lockpicking their cuffs. “...You think my powers are incredible?”
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unboundprompts · 11 months
Random Prompt #80
"The plan," he sighed, "did not go as planned."
She looked at him in disbelief. "You dumb fuck."
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finemealprompt · 4 months
DP x DC Prompt #50
When Danny came to Gotham, he hadn't been planning on being a vigilante, he swears! And, technically, he wasn't a vigilante. He was a villain. Sort of. He was Catwoman's sidekick. Her partner in crime, quite literally.
But hey, it hadn't taken a lot of convincing from Catwoman to start stealing things from a bunch of rich dudes. Danny hates rich fruit loops.
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hypewinter · 1 year
After Jason's death, Bruce spiraled hard. Tim decided something needed to be done and went to Dick for help. However when the man refused to go back to being Robin, Tim resolved to become Robin instead. It turns out he didn't need to though as by time he makes his way back to Gotham, there's already a new Robin swinging through the streets.
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iminkandpaper · 7 months
"Villain killed over twenty people in the last two days," Hero slammed the file down on the table. "He must be stopped."
Sidekick opened the file. Her hometown. Her knuckles turned white.
"Villain did this?"
"Yes. Over the weekend."
Hands in her hair, stroking, petting gently. His mouth against her ear, crooning softly that she's so beautiful, so lovely, such a pretty little thing all for him. She gasps. His hands run up the insides of her thighs.
Sidekick frowned. "Are you sure it was Villain?"
A vein bulged in Hero's forehead, and his pupils seemed to dilate. "Who else could it be? Villain is evil. He must be stopped."
I wouldn't call him evil, she didn't say.
His fingers traced the line of her jaw, the curve of her neck. She let out a breath against his chest, inhaling the smell of his dusky cologne.
"I'm just... do we have any proof?" Sidekick rubbed her knucke against her palm, studying the photos carefully. "I somehow doubt this was Villain."
Hero gripped the edge of the table, manic. "Excuse me?"
His lips on hers.
"It couldn't have been."
Her hands tangled in his hair.
"And how would you know?"
Because I was with him the whole weekend, she didn't say.
Sidekick closed the files, shaking her head. "It just doesn't match his MO, that's all."
"Twenty five people," Hero snarled. He jabbed his finger into the file, denting it with his enhanced strength. The table creaked. "He went in there with his minions and set fire to three houses. Did you read the file, Sidekick, did you? Because if you did you wouldn't even be questioning me."
Sidekick leaned away from Hero, nodding slowly to appease him. "Okay. Okay, I believe you."
"Good." Hero backed off. He tried to smile, but it came off rather unsettling.
"Have you seen the crime scene yet?"
"No. I was waiting for you."
Sidekick nodded. "We should get to it. Stop him as soon as possible."
Hero shook hos head, turning on his laptop, muttering to himself about forgotten passwords which Sidekick dutifully repeated back to him.
"Who knows what he'll destroy next - maybe that little food truck on 6th next."
"Mm." She flicked through her texts absently, nit fully hearing him. She read the newest text with a faint smile. Then- "How do you know about the truck?"
"How do you know about the truck. The food truck. It's only there on Saturdays, and even then, Mary's schedule is..." Sidekick's eyes widened in realisation. "It was you."
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thepenultimateword · 7 months
Prompt #273
"My eyes sting," Sidekick grumbled, rubbing their palms into their sockets.
Hero passed them a bottle of eyedrops from the glove compartment. "That is the way of stakeouts. It’ll all pay off once we catch Villain."
Sidekick rolled the bottle in their hands. "I have to pee."
Hero sighed. "Now?"
"Well, if you want me to go here--"
"Just be quick. We can't afford to let anyone see you.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Sidekick slipped out the passenger door, distancing themselves a good few hundred feet from the car before looking up and down the street for a gas station or convenience store or whatever else might have a restroom they could use. They pulled out their phone and began typing into the maps app. “Gas stations…near…”
A large hand wrapped around the screen, pushing it down to Sidekick’s side. The hero’s head shot up, and their insides froze.
“I really don’t feel like dealing with Hero today,” the criminal said, working the phone out Sidekick’s hand, while the other arm wrapped—to and outsiders view, affectionately—around the back of their neck. “So I’d appreciate it if you didn’t scream.”
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 205
Now let it be said that not a single one of their team (“Does it count as a team if it’s just the three of us?” “Um, what about the Superman clone here??” “Four was the same number of the original League, so yeah we’re a team!”) were expecting to stumble across much of anything deeper in the Cadmus Labs. 
They’d already discovered- and released- the super secret super-boy clone after all, so that was the big thing discovered and taken care of! Only they had uh, found something else, another tube even deeper with the room practically frozen, while trying to find the way out. 
Now normally, opening the big tube would be a bad idea! But they had a bunch of creatures and security and whoever else on their tails, and hey, why not fight fire with fire and escape while everything was distracted? 
Only when things start to defrost they- the sidekicks who are not sidekicks thanks- are really alarmed and starting to worry about what the fuck is inside. Because the cryogenic-liquid-whatever tube is way bigger than they thought, and the files that Robin hacked refers to whatever is inside as a quote, potentially world-ending dangerous entity. 
And it’s not even fully defrosted before it starts to break free. One clawed hand- and then another, and another and another- grip onto the broken material, green dripping from where tubes were shrugged free. Its hair shifts and weaves in the air as though underwater, opalescent and each strand shimmering a different color. 
It’s absolutely massive, humanoid with long tapered ears and a cacophony of differently shaped horns floating above its head. They’re wary, suddenly remembering every single lecture about dangerous unknowns as it shakes the liquid from a body that appears almost scaled, eight arms easily lifting itself so that it may step out. 
They’re also suddenly reminded of the danger they’re in from other things when there’s a crash against the door, like one of those gynomorph tank things had slammed against it. It also causes the being’s head to snap up from where they were seemingly watching the liquid pool beneath them, nine eyes opening from their previously half-lidded position. 
A deep rumbling noise echoed around the room as it stopped slouching, showing just how tall it was while three tails lashed in what was obviously some sort of agitation. When they speak, it’s not in any language the three of them know, but Superboy’s head snaps from the door towards them, eyes suddenly wide in child-like wonder. 
(“Oh! It’s a baby~”)
Why yes, Even more of Tiamat Class Prompts- but Humanoid!
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whatthehellami · 11 months
"You just saved the world and they didn't increase your salary?" The villain gasped.
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hey, me again!
I raise you: hero/villain where one shows up to the battle already injured and the other one is very offended because how dare you fight anyone else you cheater
“You little cheater,” the villain whispered, eyeing the injury with something close to compassion, yet possessiveness. They moved the hero’s jacket to the side and pushed them a little forward, observing their bleeding back. It wasn’t pretty but the villain had seen them in worse conditions. “Got shot by a coward.”
“Maybe I was the coward for running away.” The villain let out a sigh and tilted their head. The hero looked frustrated in a suspicious way. As if they were hiding something.
“We both know there’s nothing further from the truth than that.” They took a step back and looked around the alley. With astounding annoyance, they realised that it was jealousy they were feeling. Jealousy. Overwhelming abundances of jealousy.
It wasn’t the fact that someone had hurt the hero. That wasn’t the goal, that wasn’t what they were chasing after. It was the fact that they had a deep, fleshy relationship that was complicated and something they usually didn’t acknowledge. Neither of them.
And that someone dared to come close to that, someone dared to hurt the hero. Dared to kill them.
Thankfully, the hero didn’t seem too miserable. But that was to be expected, wasn’t it? That was to be expected from someone who had grown up fighting, someone who didn’t seem to know anything beside that. Both were fools when it came to that. Fighting every single day. No breaks. No family.
The villain let their thumb follow the hero’s cheekbone, smearing blood across their face but the hero grabbed their wrist.
“I don’t need your compassion,” they said coldly. They didn’t move the villain’s hand though.
“No,” the villain agreed. “You want it, though.”
The hero scowled and let go of the villain’s wrist. Disapproval went over their face. And they looked frustrated.
Disoriented. They took a few steps back and their breathing got heavier. They put a hand on the wall to stabilise themselves.
“Fucking hell…” they gasped.
“Some medical attention wouldn’t hurt.”
“Smart-ass.” The villain rolled their eyes.
They grabbed the hero’s jacket and helped them out of it. The hero wasn’t protesting but they were cursing quietly every now and then.
“I can’t believe you’re fighting other people.” It was meant to be sarcastic. Because, obviously, the villain wasn’t supposed to care about that.
“I thought we had an open relationship,” the hero answered. The villain couldn’t help but smile. They hadn’t expected the hero to go along with it.
“We don’t. Put your hands on the wall.”
The hero did.
“Oh. Then I’m really sorry, my love.” The villain stopped for a second, their hands floating over the wound. They were supposed to be the angry one. But the hero, they were…melancholic? The villain didn’t know.
Before the villain could lose themselves fully to this thought spiral, they put their fingers around the wound, trying to find any broken bones underneath the many layers of skin.
Unsurprisingly, the hero hissed.
“You should see one of your medics. Being a hero doesn’t mean you can walk around with a bullet in your back all day.”
“Eh, should be fine. I can still walk,” the hero answered. They turned around.
“You being in emotional distress doesn’t help the situation,” the villain noted. God, poor hero.
“Well, I got shot. I guess that caused it.” The villain stared at them, unimpressed by the dishonesty.
The hero had been shot a million times throughout their career. The villain had seen their reactions to it. They were getting used to it.
Which was horrifying in its own way.
“And who pulled the trigger?” The hero looked at the ground. “A friend?”
“…yeah, best friend,” the hero mumbled.
“Do you want me to take care of the wound?”
“Yes, please.”
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whumppromptoftheday · 4 months
Sidekick scrambles over to Hero and falls to their knees. "I-I need you to tell me what to do. I can't do this on my own."
"You're going to have to be brave for me," Hero says, eyes closing.
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